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Lesson 23: Fruit

Banana : chuoi
A Pear: le
An Apple: tao
A Grapes: nho
A lemon
A peach : dao
An orange
A watermelon: dua hau
A strawberry: dau
EX: I love fruit

Lesson 24: whats this

Question: Whats this?
Answer: this is ( a/an).
Its/ this is an apple
a pear
lesson 25: ( a/an or the)
did you use up here
youre aking why this is the pair
ex: the banana is on table . So the first time this is a banana, you know I know its
this banana
so first time we say up this is a
ARTICLES = a, an, the we talk about something we use the, the second time we
talk about something

a/an > first time ( 1st time )

> second time ( 2nd time )
= we understand which one the means we understand which one
EX: The woman has an apple and an orange. She looking at the organe
The woman which woman this. We understand which one which woman and
apple and organe. This is the frist time shes looking at the organe. This is the
second time here

This is a melon

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