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A circular membrane (for example, a drumhead) is attached to a rigid support along its
circumference. Find characteristic vibration frequencies and the corresponding normal modes
of vibration.
Take the (x,y) plane of the circular support and take the origin at its center. Let z(x,y,t)
be the displacement of the membrane from the (x,y) plane. Then z satisfies the wave

2 =


1 z
v 2 t 2


z = F(x,y) T(t)

We separate (6.1) into a space equation (Helmhotz) and a time equation (see problem
3.10 and section 3). We get the two equation


F + k2 F = 0

T + k2v2T = 0


Because the membrane is circular we write

inpolar coordinates (see chapter 10,

section 9) ; then the F equation is

r r r

( )



2 F

+ k2F = 0

When we put

F = R(r)(),

(6.4) becomes (5.5), and the separated equation and their solutions are just (5.6), (5.7), and
(5.8). The time equation in (6.3) is the same as in (4.3) and the solutions for T are the same as
(4.4). The basic solutions for z are then


z = Jn(kr)

sin n sin kvt ,

sin n cos kvt ,
cos n sin kvt ,
cos n cos kvt .

Just as in section 5, n must be an integer. To find possible values of k, we use the fact that the
membrane is attached to a rigid frame at r = 1, so we must have z = 0 at r = 1 for all values of
and t. Thus Jn (k) = 0, and we see that the possible values (eigenvalues) of k for each J n are
kmn, the zeros of Jn. For a given initial displacement or velocity of the membrane, we could

find z as a double series as we found (5.17) in the cylinder temperature problem. However,
here we shall do something different, namely investigate the separate normal modes of
vibration and their frequencies.
Recall that for the vibrating string (section 4), each n gives a different frequency and a
corresponding normal mode of vibration (figure 4.2). the frequency are V n = nv/(2l); all
frequencies are integral multiples of the frequency v 1 = v/(2l) of the fundamental. For the
circular membrane, the frequencies are [from (6.6) or (4.4)]

2 2

The possible values of k are the zeros k mn of the Bessel functions. Each value of k mn gives a
frequency vmn = kmn v/(2), so we have a doubly infinite set of characteristic frequencies and
the corresponding normal modes of vibration. All these frequencies are different, and they are
not entegral multiples of the fundamental as is true for the string. This is why a drum is less
musical than a violin. Using tables you can look up several k mn values (problem 2) and find
the frequencies as (nonintegral) multiples of the fundamental (which corresponds to k 10, the
first zero of J0 ). Let us sketch a few graphs (figure 6.1)of the normal vibration modes
corresponding to those in figure 4.2 for the string, and write the corresponding formulas
(eigenfunctions) for the displacement z given in (6.6). (for simplicity, we have used just the
cos n cos kvt solutions in figure 6.1) in the fundamental mode of vibration corresponding to
k10, the membrane vibrates as a whole. In the k 20 mode, it vibrates in two parts as shown, the
+ part vibrating up while the- part vibrates down, and vice versa, with the circle between
them at rest. We can show that there is such a circle (called a nodal line) and find its radius.
Since k20 > k10, the circle r = k10/k20 is a cricle of radius less than I; hence it is a circle on the
membrane. For this value of r, J0 (k20r) = j0 (k20k10/k20) = j0(k10) = 0, so points on this circle are
not displaced. For the k mode, cos , cos = 0 for 0= /2 and is positive or negative as

shown. Continuing in this way you can sketch any normal mode (problem 1).
It is difficult experimentally to obtain pure normal modes of a vibrating object. However, a
complicated vibration will have nodal lines of some kind and it is easy to observe these. Fine
sand sprinkled on the vibrating object will collect along the nodal lines (where there is no
vibration) so that you can see them clearly. [for experimental work on the vibrating circular
membrane, see American journal of physics, Vol.35(1967),p.1029, and vol. 40 (1972), p. 186.
1. Continue figure 6.1 to show the fundamental modes of vibration of a circular
membrane for n=0,1,2, and m= 1,2,3. As in figure 6.1,write the formula for the
displacement under each sketch.

2. Look up in tables the first three zeros kmn of each of the bessel functions J0, J1, J2, and
J3. Find the first six frequencies of a vibrating circular membrane as multiples of the
fundamental frequency.
3. Separate the wave equation in two-dimensional rectangular coordinates x , y.
Consider a rectangular membrane as shown , rigidly attached to supports along its
sides. Show that its characteristic frequencies are
Vnm = ( V/2 ) (n /a) +(m/b)
Where n and m are positive integers, and sketch the normal modes of vibration
corresponding to the first few frequencies. That is, indicate the nodal lines as we did
for the circular membrane in figure 6.1 and problem 1.
Next suppose the membrane is square. Show that in this case there may be two or
more normal modes of vibration corresponding to a single frequency. (hint for one
example 72 + 12 = 12 + 72 = 52 + 52 ) This is an example of what is called degeneracy ;
we say that there is degeneracy when several different solutions of the equation
correspond to the same frequency . Sketch several normal modes giving rise to the
same frequency.
4. Find the characteristic frequencies for sound vibration in a rectangular box (say a
room) of sides a, b, c. Hint : separate the wave equation in three dimensions in
rectangular coordinates. This problem is like problem 3 but for three dimensions
instead of two. Discuss degeneracy (see problem 3).
5. A square membrane of side l is distorted into the shape
f (x,y) = xy (l - x) (l - x)
and released. Express its shape at subsequent times as an infinite series. Hint : use a
double fourier series as in problem 5.9.


Find the steady-state temperature inside a sphere of radius i when the surface of the upper
half is held at 1000 and the surface of the lower half at 00.
Inside the sphere,the temperature u satisfies laplaces equation. In spherical coordinates this is
(see chapter 10, section 9)

1 2 u
2 u = 2 r r r

1 y y
r sin x x

( )

Separate this equation following our standart procedure. Substituse

u = R(r)()()

Into (7.1) and multiply by r2/(R) to get

2 u
r 2 sin2 2


1 d 2 dR
R dr

( )

1 1 d
sin d

If we multiply (7.3) by sin2 , the last term becomes a function of

1 1 d2
sin2 d 2


only and the other

two terms do not contain . Thus we obtain the equation and its solutions :


1 d2
d 2

= m ,

sin m

The separation constant must be negative and m an integer to make

a periodic function

of [see the discussion after (5.6) ].

Equation (7.3) can now be written as

1 d 2 dR
R dr

( )

1 1 d
sin d



The first term is a function of r and the last two terms are functions of , so we have two


1 d 2 dR
R dr

( )

1 1 d
sin d


+ k = 0

If you compare (7.7) with the equation of problem 10.2 in chapter 12, you will see
that (7.7) is the equation for the associated legendre function if k =l(l+ 1) . Recall that
must be an integer in order for the solution of legendres equation to be finite at
x=cos =1 , that is, at =0 ; the same statement is true for the equation for the
associated legendre functions. The corresponding result for (7.7) is that k must be a product
of two successive integers; it is then convenient to replace k by l=l(l+1) where i is an
integer. The solusitions of (7.7) are then the associated legendre functions (see problem 10.2,
(7.8) .......................

=Pmt (cos )

In (7.6), we put

k =l(l+ 1) ; you can then easily verify (Problem 5.11) that easily

verify (problem 5.11) that the solutions of (7.6) are

R= l l1

(7.9) ........................

Since we are interested in the interior of the sphere, we discard the solutions


Because they become infinite at the origin. If we were discussing a problem (say about water
flow or electrostatic potential) outside the sphere, we would use these solutions and discard
the solutions r because they become infinite at infinity.

u=r l Pml ( cos ) sin m

cos m

(7.10) ........................

[ the functions

Pml ( cos ) sin m

Pml ( cos ) cos m

are called spherical harmonion

also see problems 16 and 17.] if the surface temperature at r = 1 were give as a function or
, we would have a double series (summed on l m) as in section 5. For the given
surface temperatures in our problem (1000 on the top hemisphere and 00 on the lower
hemisphere), the temperature is independent of ; thus in (7.10) we must have
m=0, cos m =1 . The solutions (7.10) then reduce to

r P l (cos ).

We write the

solution of our problem as a series of such solutins :

u= c l r Pl (cos )

(7.11) .................

l 0


We determine the coefficients

by using the temperatures when

must have



100,0< < that is , 0<cos <1,

ur =1= c l Pl ( cos )=

0, << that is ,1< cos <0,

r=1 ;

that is, we

ur 1= c l Pl ( x )=100 f ( x ) ,




f ( x)= 0,1< x <0,

1, 0< x< 1

(note that here

cos and is not the coordinate

just stands for

x ). In section 9 of

chapter 12, we expanded this f (x) in a series of legendre polynomials and obtained :

(7.14) .................

f ( x )= P0 ( x ) + P1 ( x ) P3 ( x ) + P5 ( x ) +

The coefficients in (7.13) are just these coefficients times 100. Substituting the is into
(7.11), we get the final solution :

(7.15) ..........

P 0 ( cos )+ r P1 ( cos ) P3 ( cos ) + P5 ( cos )+

We can do variations of this problem. Notice that we have not even mentioned do far
what temperature scale we are using ( celsius, fahrenheit, absolute, etc). This is a very easy
adjustment to make once we have a solution in any one scale. To see why , observe that if u is
a solution of laplaces equation

u = 0 or of the heat flow equation

( ) t )

2 u=


then u + C and Cu are also solutions for any constant C . If we add, say, 500 to the
solution (7.15), we have the temperatur distribution inside a spere with the top half of the
surface at 1500 and the lower half at 500. If we multiply the solution (7.15) by 2, we find the
temperature distribution with given surface temperatures of 2000 and 00, and so on.
The temperature of the equatorial plane

= cos =0

as given by equations

(7.11) to (7.15) is halfway between the top and bottom surface temperatures, because
legendre series, like fourier series, converge to the midpoint of a jump in the function which
was expannded to get the series. To solve the problem of the temperature in a hemisphere
given the temperature of the spherical surface and of the equatorial plane, we need only
imagine the lower hemisphere in place and at the proper temperatur to give the desired
average on the equatorial plane. When the temperature of the equatorial plane is 00, this
amounts to defining the function f(x) in (7.13) on (1,0) to make it an odd function.

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