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ChE/EL! Process Evokuotion & Desig Shek (Rm. Jol /jos) Not o fextbook-based course Fro/1l Sossion No CXAMS, onty PReyfCTS indiviclual’ & 4re in class work in assigned aihufs He amt. of Ame given for a prjec A heel (' Changed Foxfborks nee [ast year Aso vefty pp ferrys q Y lispus § Design - normal I heris sell aftimapie pfns Somofinds foere a, devirol Ges} fejns / 9b, ah IS < /nLortonte 7 froning aor eXoraid yu ofesi' f abkeciSions A wy fowd make a vxormend- apron . “Bost” can fe defined by /ycafon,cosf, wor/d be Pacsiies, a. (Ye Lo Cho es Work Wypxt roa kin 19 / Bro doh nh Moke it fhe “Def 4 Az) o Ay Chi " ODitinds Tag OS® oe 709 tee . a) ALSIQN PYocess design w/ constr onintS —phySicol lows 7 dye reqvlafons con om} constr nes me ConStral i vol ne of Mone Barker rees polth cof ores Lei bye va ly a process fo fulfr] the a porte a privat — Q Commerc; Drier moral org ument’ here U5 DATA Sources “in-house dota Poe urdelines &, sfandards monal, Sate, A ocal oforddard & regalerons DATA fean¢d) ‘main iSSue- MAA LY) iN Tuto guesses resin eshmote Titer ahandbooks aSimulafion dodo ases al tS a Chenvicod Lrvcens Bypeeed recycle 5 a nial Sto (= Reachien |-7 teh product aa slr Le fn matey of i come frm omnether plant AMO Ste of Side si - weeks S, months, ¥ us Markets; Paliics, bal feby Fed, Pregaron > MIAN - Crush “DisSovinn Tias Mies cl emi Product a) ee Laced raw ral Lepurty of Vecovoled Maren of aon ital try och oat) +p goonomics Thea feats eater a cls “Selate ha rodact Sh f “Must parse enovgh stored ty cau’ mavker need Cons eveions AVL Sivmlav to vow Aol Stove m (omstot exnfations in tna deaign eck thot {oat wif be pti ole thot 1 p Flew: Multiple Sohtions N, degrees of freedom N, number of variables AN, aumber of relefionsh ips ZAP pie. : ha. ager Yoriobye; 28 Flow fate (\ (cr4) TE iol a Variables [eens 7, cupy (/) oghpsS Combosthion milePack ont = Sabre 0) = C+4-I5 e+] ; we known or can eshmak J WigeCcompos tin ms ig Wwe nee choose The femperojwed pressure cxomeles Fe Fash une A ING|e ha Mel Three S; pres a ae a Pe oe Seated Bi fl /e 2a, ft ot / we A / “rps! fe heh=T | PHP For. Flash Prum C+ Pro bobly fnow the feed Compasition x Condtrens Te design Variables 7% ag with [recess Fou Sheets r0cedJg Bleck lo Dea ra [free Ele we yen — unrt werafors agpeor as blocks fh ssh incor airecton of 0, : call on 1s ler A 2» nokt Lgl Saks are Sr Tate h Bed aegren. gre shown aro Is boon “Key Spec copons Uses = [uitroding design runner ototue PFD. Faature' main speams, unt ID wumbe ~ diogg roma repre sotto af vehole plant focesd [low onaw) ‘fom ia sees ‘preaton neLdecl yr COM! _ 10 uni nga 2d StonclordSs — all the ma mh ne ment description, (D ee in que Name —all —the he” wit \rone ID numbeys — whl, Stveams ove sh own — basi gi uwentahon kL contro — Stram Toble Problem 4. Utilization of Liquid Methane Refrigeration for Liquefaction of Nitrogen - and Oxygen cols things ben /accepts hea: Management of a natural-gas transmission company is considering using liquid methane as. a ik in producing 210 tons/day of liquid nitrogen and 64 tons/day of liquid oxygen for a neighboring customer. Accordingly, one of the company’s engineers has outlined a scheme for doing this. The process descrip- tion is as follows: Air is eee *Ntmospherie conditions to 20 atm and then purified, The clean dry gas is then chilled by counter-current heat exchange with liquid methane boil-off. The partially liquefied air stream serves as the reboiler stream for a dual-pressure air separation column. Before entering the S-atm igh-pressure lower section of the dual-pressure column, the high-pressure ai stream is bled through a J-T valve, The bottoms of the lower column is enriched to approximately 40 mole % oxygen and is the feed for the 1-atm low-pressure upper column. The condensing vapors in the high-pressure column serve as @ reboiler for the low-pressure column. High-purity N, is withdrawn from the top of the high-pressure column, reduced in pressure, and used as reflux for the low-pressure column. High-purity liquid oxygen is withdrawn as bottoms from the low-pressure column while high-purity nitrogen vapor is withdrawn from the top of this same column, The latter stream is warmed to room temperature, compressed to 20 atm, and then cooled in this same heat exchanger down to a low temperature. This high-pressure pure nitrogen stream is then condensed by counter-current exchange with the liquid methane. After liquefaction, you have been asked to analyze the process and 1 ir complete a flow sheet and material factor. Outline the types Is| Tavog rovgh (Nass Balance Air are-toas No (i) Alay ie Sa anges 7 Mace) 240 ae (j00 7) =76.67 ‘/ Orla)= wee (1007.)=23, 4 (): pte (eo 1," dagired jn the nex tifpreach ‘Temper Tenp. “SN : aie tee wi SS but Glass hile "Distance In the HEX 352 oparotin 19 fag plait So that an a tle of paeiahette a year in B ’ Gear j Spare zs i ies ui ~D Ary), a Aqoray ay Water — Input ) Se Prducty 0000 9/4, hele ie lesses Water 1 wonopar bet mer Losses =| oliimmer Input = fae ; moe (Ge) lo, tot 2 “nd er far ity ide waker, monomer, ech rely Monomer Feed (0101 fi00\ =e? Hy woromer Go hy unreacted monomer =li 22 3-olo! = 22 bike i 0.5 xil22 20.6 ke ee 4000 : Whe Catabyet te x li223 =k ke 1090 For 207 monomer stacey a Tare +1223 oo ei 02° eq eas eed ie = 95 kg/nr water Vass Balances V22 ass La Upoice moy simalify or make Move Complex 5 time. basis 2g. Kohn, Prsday one ba lg stream W nost whom oton F work w)/ 1 oe units L working iw volwmes wW/ gases is eg ‘ont +o Working iw mole hows 4 ident “She Components! Modenol \n— Madero Outr+Generafion — RSUMPTON Hic UM ulep on Swe Seody stote ] ACCumulaon = QO Mass jpalanees based on d aloms, 1.2. Weialt OS ap aq may be. Stoke, Composition basie Wag bass, Wi " Volwme basis, “v /\ v ee cae =oel440 | ba. 1 foe a ete Hes rmewMe Adi System Boundaries - eoch Subsysten\ has ths own mass boalawce “Spoor A vary subsystems Pp mcildate mask balance calc. “Choose Subsystem -p reduce wnknown Streams Choose Subsystems & eliwinate a vecule xt p9—> ErxCegu Reagents ‘promote. Mesived reaction : ure Complete mn 4 meas. ate Aogtion of -O less than \0O7. Conversion = reagent census mt, Supplied “measure. herb ance. ‘(ener ye Pte poe | Srodwced Aactor (eles Ae raat Yield Thain hat re { dL 4 dr seas le v ics on lg Ady ee eet los 84S Reach vie Ba ineludes Chemica) 2 i OS§es Plakréiela= moles ree Ss ion (ns one \ Opeiiiyg factors eroting VC 400 fl st ang 1 330 Lot +400 Ws Go wes Mi - Tsshezamy fempareies FESS ures Tapproximate } basecl b equilrbyum Gelahonshp = reesimote. temp Ay Pressures —> ffl he new fenpperatures & ressupes are ose -fo naenal estimates —Movern —? Offa rw ise Cyc/e cubechg va a — nxt 29 —> Assume oe Vapor mg howd streams have. fdaol’ & Lesbo fn ° al e Sone are @ saptrrofed ol ‘ON ix Biponert moar Mons: MA Component of inpeest “a Mixer Aa IKé Mag w=” x Sune Divides inputsireans (2) info no Zari Wy; kK es Me Bm Sey Tye FLEPCTOR Fixed Conversion dene oo [imitin componerl Aol tyr adh en “YUS2 (se gormalived shichiomebric soe /->wR = KK , bl ee ; Thi Chao oe He ee it Conv mh on >opk produced ° “OKmE Se Oak Yeads =0 7K jn Define Nn chon Converted per tacction per pass yased ow imi ing Covnp onevst~ (“ A\5NQ Se Zest a5 Bollance. /*r ee TS) rnb” exaw Pele: Chat 202-7 CO2* 24.0 oo Cottey BOs? 2COrxr BRD XA C44 limeting Creag fe (\) ay Cott (2 \ vespectvely Contersen Fer cn) 2 60 2, > 1) > Bb%s Oormalize cients Kun Se Hee, M2 to O | 2 (QD O -% -( Q 38 Liven Pr, “Ose ato, hua” (gia 0 0. Suet ZOD AA Cane : Ag. ge P26. ie yaet- E03) Alm ACM fe? + 20.0) hee + 300-2) dina Mar? Mie + 06 Ut #09) ar Unit —s Vv eal. ree Ans LKe Most feudawental iit operation Can be used te Jelermane weushout problem Defue spht fractions &r each Component &, = Ue Wy, ra Meaty a key Component, 1 Vapors jation dh p= conditions Et, 8 are Pressure femperature, & heat ‘suppled fo the! drum. nent Balance Comp: one pe 5 ake . ‘Mine 5 Ue = Kx &, 1) relohonkip 9 V Mee uy «por brewn T = br saturated condbions Pa a pis on guees Than — ae bndance” eae rodted Mditement fe dere fed cont fron 5 fic sottcrtian ee a fe ef = : 5 ce teulate Avhin bE inad guess, is Ghose ‘ Sey a ¢ oe Mee want Pa. le aes he Split facton wn Caskets. Fe Find — Ken valuate dk develep, mass balance. (eSt (fie saterabin BEGSSTEE Aame te Vex amine fy! trata. bal Af a ot as cp . “Cag? . ay roy as PPOW UD yoy a 2. = ) 0) 4 4 Fee ep - oO? — Rei ee » (Ce pee eA PL... Coa 2 P= | bay Te 240% Coun 3 $= 08 Pe \tay . Mae tarps enfin afer | Ohne mrons beers anol ae ay ated Coroh fag Srane a ppiiprte Paes Cb are Coches fvbe Aetmns Fqnaten TSS EES ae Sa ei sa & coi jpn pipe decking e@ ui i ome tac hy tua will ae kn indivtdial mass balance Keep eh ees iach i dire Et | Hssume [deel Pehayior | Goal is to estimate the et | bie ee hess nuch tight oe mack ees a ‘a wtath ai tad Mu Use finske methed fr til “AS Re x. more pp ne Welly LE pLatinge tk Grell beter Sep arrhow Known We, Whe Xe = der & tyuivalent fh stage ™ 8 ‘ali Pek = Kez Ker Ion, 2? Ki, X kek lok © stage N-1 as eye Metal kw Naki SoBe Raleigh: oxic Ea Keep fer t =f oe \ Nn Xnk dD “cupk) = Kee a decctiggaaial for @ tent @ Stead. odie ~ state where refs re He ey ae da lected €Ss Peon den/D 4 6 he fp Pp dé = m bex Keay

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