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Integrated Environmental Solutions / Revit 2010

BIM + Building Performance Analysis

Using Revit 2010
and IES <Virtual Environment>





Table of Contents





Workflow Example - Revit to IES<VE>.................................................................



Checklist for Translating Revit 2010 to IES<VE>.................................................



Basic gbXML information......................................................................................



gbXML essential diagram.....................................................................................



New Features in Revit 2010.................................................................................

07 - 08



09 - 10


Project Information...............................................................................................

11 - 13



14 - 16


Zone-Based Modeling
Room-Based Modeling


Shading Surfaces.................................................................................................



Rooms vs Shading Surfaces................................................................................




19 - 26


Curtain Systems
Room Separation Lines
Openings............................................................................................................... 27 - 28


Glass Doors
Elevator Doors


Defining the Upper and Lower Boundary............................................................... 28


Room Volume Computations................................................................................. 28 - 29


Linked RVT Files.................................................................................................... 29


Design Options....................................................................................................... 29


Families.................................................................................................................. 30


Lighting Fixtures
Clean out Existing Revit Model.............................................................................. 30

BIM + Building Performance Analysis Using Revit 2010 and IES <Virtual Environment>
Integrated Environmental Solutions / Revit 2010



Properly utilizing integrated building performance analysis (IBPA) can be a powerful tool to evaluate and inform
the design decisions throughout process, starting at the earliest stages. In order to design a high-performance
building and implement an integrated process, the traditional design process needs to change. No longer
can the design team leave the analysis too late in design development, it needs to start early. By working
holistically from concept stage, the project team has a number of the large impact strategies on the table and
should be able to achieve 50% efficiency and beyond. If waiting till later, there still may be system efficiencies
on the table, but it will be a reduced set, and may be more costly at this later stage.
The <Virtual Environment> (aka VE-Pro) is an integrated analysis platform developed by Integrated
Environmental Solutions (IES). It is a collection of building performance modelling and analysis modules
leveraging a single integrated data model. The intent is to provide the high quality information required to
design, build and operate better performing, more sustainable buildings without having to build a different
model for each type of analysis (ex. energy, daylighting, etc.). The <VE> is linked to Revit Architecture and
Revit MEP through plug-ins that allow users to build their designs in Revit and then analyze them for FREE
using VE-Ware (Tier 1), through the VE-Toolkits (Tier 2) and bring the model into the <VE> to access VEGaia (Tier 3) and VE-Pro (Tier 4). The analysis tools available vary based on the tier of the VE software
that is engaged, but can include annual energy/carbon consumption, building loads, daylighting and electric
lighting, climate, water, airflow, LEED credits and a range of strategies such as natural ventilation, mixed mode
ventilation and night-time flushing. The <Virtual Environment> can be applied from the earliest stages of the
design process, when greatest opportunity often exists for making improvements right through to detailed
design and even into operation of the building.
A key issue to understand is that there are some fundamental differences between an energy model and an
architectural model used to generate construction documents, and the ability to cycle through design options in
a timely manner requires understanding of it. If you take the perspective of the engineer they want to include
the minimum amount of information to answer the question at hand, to reduce the variables and the analysis
time. If you take the perspective of the architect, the visual character of the overall model are important to
convey the design intent as well as the details to express the layering of the idea(s). gbXML (refer to section
1.4 - Basic gbXML information) is used to streamline the data flow from Revit to IES <Virtual Environment>. It
is important to note that gbXML is not perfect and limitations transferring information between BIM and energy
simulation software still exist. An important one to note is that, many BIM elements do not support information
exchange identifying the thermal performance characteristics that are needed to run energy analysis.
Therefore, the users are required to specify these values at the point of translation, so the analysis can be
performed with the appropriate characteristics. Architects tend to want to analyze their specific wall design
with specific layers when at an early stage, identifying the wall as an R-24 (thermal value) may provide enough
information to develop comparative analysis between cases. When doing analysis at different stages of the
process, you want to bring the appropriate level of detail to the analysis, so that you dont get bogged down in
the inputs, when the results are the piece that should be considered.
In order to take advantage of the ability to integrate BIM + Building Performance Analysis between the
platforms, the Revit model needs to be developed with this workflow considered. You may have heard the term
garbage in, garbage out, and like any type of analysis, the usefulness and accuracy of the results depend
greatly on the quality of the inputs. The intent of this white paper is to provide guidance on best practices when
modeling in Revit in order to carry out Building Performance Analysis successfully, and to leverage the ability
to do analysis cycles informing the design and testing ideas as the design evolves. To provide live examples
of these best practices and others, IES has developed the IES/Revit workflow training session, which you can
register online at

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Integrated Environmental Solutions / Revit 2010


Workflow Example - Revit to IES<Virtual Environment>

This diagram illustrates

a typically workflow
using Revit.
1. Design
2. Translate
3. Analyze
4. Carry further

Figure 1 - Workflow from Revit to IES<VE>

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Checklist for Translating Revit 2010 to IES<VE>

The following checklist are items that is necessary in your Revit model before the translation to a design /
building performance model. The following pages of this document will describe in more details regarding
each items.

Rooms (refer to Section 1.9 - Rooms)

Make sure all rooms are place in every space, and adjacency of Rooms are correct.


Room Bounding Elements (refer to Section 1.12.1- Walls)

Check or uncheck room bounding elements that is necessary for design / building
performance model.


Define all Upper and Lower Boundary (refer to Section 1.14 - Defining the Upper & Lower Boundary)
Make sure all the Upper and Lower Limits and Offsets are correct


Project Information (refer to Sectin 1.8 - Project Information)

Make sure the Energy Data parameter in the Project Information is filled out correctly


Room Volume Computations (refer to Section 1.15 - Room Volume Computations)

Make sure Room Volume Computations is checked

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Basic gbXML Information

Green Building XML schema, referred to as gbXML, was developed to facilitate the transfer information
from building information models to integrate with design / energy performance analysis.
One drawback with gbXML is that it is intended specifically for storing data relating to energy analysis,
so it is not a comprehensive list of data that is exporting out. Also, gbXML data that is edited or changed
outside of the model cannot be re-imported to the original model. Even though this technically means
that gbXML is not truly an interoperable method of information exchange, it is still a useful data format for
building simulation.
Since it is not a direct conversion from Revit to IES<Virtual Environment>, there are many areas users
need to note while modelling their Revit model to successfully translate into a design/building performance
Refer to for more detail information regarding gbXML documentation.


gbXML Essential Diagram

A gbXML document organizes information according to the following hierarchy: Location, Building, Space,
Surface and Opening.
Each category in the hierarchy diagram will be describe in more details in the order they are showing.



Section 1.8


Building Type

Section 1.8



Shading Surfaces

Section 1.9 - Rooms

Section 1.10 - Shading Surfaces






Section 1.12





Section 1.13

Figure 2 - Hierarchy Diagram

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New Features in Revit 2010

In Revit 2010, Revit introduced a new interface for the gbXML export. It allows users to preview the
exported model with its corresponding rooms and surfaces. Go to the Application Menu
> Export >
gbXML. It has a similar interface as the IES Set Model Properties dialog. Two tabs are available in this
dialog box, General and Details tab allow for two levels of model information.
General tab requires the same information from Manage > Project Information (refer to section 1.8 Project Information).
Detail tab look into the analytical model by either highlight or isolate the individual analytical surfaces.

Figure 3 - gbXML export dialog - General Tab

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New Features in Revit 2010

Figure 4 - gbXML export dialog - Details Tab

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In order for the building performance model to read if a surface is exterior or interior, placing Rooms (refer
to Section 1.9 - Rooms) accurately will be critical. If there is not a Room placed adjacent to another
space, then the vertical wall on one side is considered as an Exterior. If Rooms are placed on both sides
of walls, then it is considered as Interior. Even if the space is a shaft or an unoccupied space, where you
might typically not place a Room in it, it is important in this case or else the rooms surrounding the shaft or
unoccupied space will consider as exterior spaces.
Refer to the diagrams below which illustrate how gbXML determines surfaces. (Figures 5 - 12 - Adjacency
Roof Horizontal surface that
is not in contact with
any room above

Ground Floor Slab Horizontal surface that

is not in contact with
any room below

Figure 7 - Adjacency Diagram - Roof

Figure 5 - Adjacency Diagram - Ground Floor Slab

Floor Horizontal surface that

is in contact with a
room above and below

Exterior Wall -

Figure 6 - Adjacency Diagram - Floor

Vertical surface that is

not in contact with an
adjacent room on one

Figure 8 - Adjacency Diagram - Exterior Wall

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Adjacencies (cont.)

Interior Windows A window on an interior


Interior Walls -

Figure 9 - Adjacency Diagram - Interior Walls

Vertical surface that is

in contact with adjacent
rooms on both sides
Figure 11 - Adjacency Diagram - Interior Windows

Skylights A window on a roof

Exterior Windows A window on an

exterior wall

Figure 10 - Adjacency Diagram - Exterior Windows

Figure 12 - Adjacency Diagram - Skylights

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Project Information

Defining the location of the project is very important for design / energy performance analysis. Location
and climate dictate the performance of the building.
Manage > Project Information, the Instance Properties dialog opens. Under Energy Analysis Parameter,
Energy Data, Click Edit (Figure 14 - Project Information - Instance Properties)

Figure 13 - Manage - Project Information

Figure 14 - Project Information - Instance Properties

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Project Information (cont.)

In the Energy Analysis Type Properties dialog box (Figure 15 - Project Information - Energy Data - Type
Properties) are the information gbXML will export from Revit file for the use of building performance
NOTE: Under Manage > Location, Place tab (Figure 16 - Manage Place and Locations), it does not
matter the location you choose within this dialog, gbXML will not read the information.

Figure 15 - Project Information - Energy Data -Type Parameters

Figure 16 - Manage Place and Locations

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Project Information (cont.)

Building Type: Specifies the type of building according to the gbXML schema 0.37 and Building Type
spaces similar to ASHRAE.
Postal Code: Location and climate dictate the design/energy performance, it can dramatically affect the
analysis data if the location is incorrect. Postal Code will determines the location of the building.
Ground Plane: Specifies the level that serves as the ground level reference for the building. Spaces
below this level are considered underground. The default level is zero.
Project Phase: Specifies the stage of construction (Existing, New Construction). Make sure the Rooms
that are being placed in the Revit model is in the same phase as the Project Information. If the phase
selected in this dialog is different than the room property has been specify. Figure 17, 18 are showing
when you try to export rooms that are in different phase.

Figure 17 - Project Information - Project Phase - Error Dialog

Figure 18 - Project Information - Project Phase - No Bounded spaces were found

Sliver Space Tolerance: Specifies the tolerance for areas that will be considered sliver spaces. Leave
the default that is defined within the Revit dialog box. Too much sliver space may allow light, solar
radiation, and air flow thermal transfer between zones that in reality do not occur.
Export Complexity: Specifies the complexity of the export. You can choose from Simple to Complex
with Mullions and Shading Surfaces, which means all mullions will be exported as shading devices as well
as all other shading surfaces that are created from the Revit model.

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Revit Architecture 2010

Rooms are the most fundamental element for design/building performance analysis. They are elements
that determine the accuracy of your analysis from your Revit model.
There are two different ways to model and defined rooms within the Revit model. One of them is called
Zone-Based Modeling and the other is called Room-Based Modeling.
NOTE: Within the gbXML schema the Space is the analog for a Room. For the purposes of clarity in this
paper we will refer to these items as Rooms in all cases.


Zone-Based Modeling

Zone-Based modeling is the concept of modeling and defining the Room by the thermal zone.
Thermal zone is an individual space or group of interior spaces that has the same thermal
conditioning requirements.
Zone-Based modeling is especially useful when the project is in early design stage, since the layout
of the plan might not be certain, it is best to simplify elements as much as possible. Given the
translation between Revit and gbXML is not perfect, the greater complexity of the geometry within the
model, the greater risk for errors during translation will occur.
One thing to note, frequently, users attempt to model and translate all interior walls, the results in
most energy simulation software is negligible, since heat transfer between interior spaces with similar
thermal condition is very minimum.
The best way to defined Zone-Based modeling is to group all Rooms that has similar thermal and
space characteristics such as solar orientation, occupancy, lighting, and equipment loads into one
Room. For example, in an office building, perimeter offices that are facing a similar orientation could
be combined into one Room (Figure 20 - Zone-Based Modeling - Floor Plan)

Figure 19 - Zone-Based Modeling - Floor Plan - Perimeter vs Core

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Zone-Based Modeling (cont.)

Figure 20 - Zone-Based Modeling - Floor Plan

Figure 21 - Room-Based Modeling - Floor Plan


Room-Based Modeling

Room-Based Modeling is the concept of modeling and defining each Room as its own thermal zone.
There are cases where this might occur, for example, a hotel, even though the hotel suites might be
all facing similar orientation, but since each room can be thermal controlled separately, it might be
useful to use Room-Based Modeling method rather than Zone-Based modeling.
For Room-Based Modeling, it is very important to place a Room in every space of your model, even
if the room is a shaft or it is not necessary for analysis. In Figure 22 - Rooms, the two rooms that
highlighted in red, in reality, we might not place a Room tags in those areas, but for design/building
performance model, it is essential to place them in there. If all Rooms are not place, IES software
will potentially have difficulty translating the model correctly, which could impact results or run time of
the model (refer to Section 1.6 Adjacencies)
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Room-Based Modeling (cont.)

Room-Based Modeling is best during later phase of the project when the design settled down, since
all the information are in the model, it allows for a more accurate building performance analysis.

Figure 22 - Placing Rooms

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Shading Surfaces

Shading surfaces are necessary to use as shading devices, overhangs of roofs, balconies, or even
surrounding buildings as part of the analysis, etc. These surfaces are generated when Room bounding
elements are not bounded/enclosed by a Room.
Many users might use a generic model template to create a solar shading device family, but that will not
translate into the building energy model. Users will need to create the shading devices as an obstruction
with either wall or roof tools.
With the new gbXML ability, users can use mullions as a way to create Shading surfaces as well (Figure
24 - Curtain Wall Mullions Translation)
NOTE: Within the <Virtual Environment>, Shading surfaces, shading devices, surround buildings are
known as obstructions. For the purpose of clarity here, these items are referred to as shading surfaces

Figure 23 - Shading Surfaces Translation

Figure 24 - Curtain Wall Mullions Translation

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Rooms vs Shading Surfaces

The best way to check if the elements are translating as Rooms or Shading Surfaces is to go to IES Set
Model Properties dialog (Figure 25 - IES Set Model Properties). Elements that are in blue consider as
Rooms (Figure 26 - Set Model Properties - Model Translation - Room), and elements that are in yellow
consider as Shading Surfaces (Figure 27 - iES Set Model Properties - Model Translation - Room with
Shading Surfaces)

Figure 25 - IES Set Model Properties

Figure 26 - Set Model Properties Model Translation - Room

Figure 27 - Set Model Properties Model Translation - Room with Shading Surfaces

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Rooms are defined by the elements that surround them. During the gbXML translation from your Revit
model to building performance model, gbXML will read only room bounding elements.
During the translation of your Revit model, these bounding elements are translated into 2D surfaces
representing their geometry that enclose the 3D spaces (rooms). (See Figure 28 - Revit Model Translation
to <Virtual Environment>)
The following elements are room bounding elements for Room Area and Volume Computations:

Walls (Curtain, standard, in-place, face-based)

Roofs (Standard, in-place, face-based)
Floors (Standard, in-place, face-based)
Ceilings (Standard, in-place, face-based)
Columns (Architectural)
Curtain systems
Room Separation Lines

You can check or uncheck Room bounding instance parameter (Figure 30 - Room Bounding - Instance
Parameters). If a room bounding element is unchecked, it will be excluded from the building performance


<Virtual Environment>
Figure 28 - Revit Model Translation to <Virtual Environment>

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Surfaces (cont.)

Another situation where a Room bounding element is broken up into multiple surfaces is when rooms are
adjacent to each other. In order to allow for situations where one room is conditioned while the other is
unconditioned, the wall is broken into two surfaces in the Revit model.
Walls are split in the middle
during translation if rooms
are adjacent to each other


<Virtual Environment>

Figure 29 - Breaking Wall into Two Surfaces in Building Performance Model

Figure 30 - Room Bounding - Instance Parameter

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Surfaces (cont)

The following sections will describe some of the items to be aware of when modelling. By understanding
each elements, it will help calculate a more accurate analysis model, and this is also where it differentiates
a Revit model for documentation purposes versus a Revit model for an energy analysis purposes.



Revit wall types do not translate directly to the <Virtual Environment>, because they do not contain
the thermal properties needed to conduct dynamic thermal simulations. Therefore at the Set Model
Properties dialog, the user will be prompted to identify these at the building and/or room tab

Figure 31 - IES <VE> Building Construction Dialog

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Revit floor types do not translate directly to the <Virtual Environment>, because they do not contain
the thermal properties needed to conduct dynamic thermal simulations. Therefore at the Set Model
Properties dialogue, the user will be prompted to identify these at the building and/or room tab
(Figure 31 - IES<VE> Building Construction Dialog)
If openings of the floors were drawn as part of the floor sketch, you will need to remove these
openings before exporting to gbXML, it causes polygon lines to appear in the building performance
Even though in typical practice, stairs, elevator shafts or any other spaces that requires an opening
through multiple floors (Figure 32 - Openings through multiple floors), it is best to identified each
room separately from one floor to the next and then creates the openings within IES<Virtual
Environment> (Figure 33 - Floors - Model from one level to next). Many users might notice if the
space is model through multiple floors within Revit, during translation into IES <Virtual Environment>,
it might translate with many polygon lines in the energy analysis model.

Figure 32 - Openings through multiple floors

Figure 33 - Floor - Model from one level to next

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Revit roof types do not translate directly to the <Virtual Environment>, because they do not contain
the thermal properties needed to conduct dynamic thermal simulations. Therefore at the Set Model
Properties dialogue, the user will be prompted to identify these at the building and/or room tab.
(Figure 31 - IES<VE> Building Construction Dialog)
Always specify the Upper Limit above the top of the roof. It is especially important if you have a slope
roof. This will ensure that there are no unnecessary shading surfaces in the building performance
model due to the roof. For slope roof, when Areas and Volumes is checked under Area and Volume
Computations, Room will automatically wraps around the slope roof. (Figure 34 - Room Volume at
Slope Roof)
Room Volume above the
highest point of the room

Check Areas and


Automatically wraps
around the slope roof

Figure 34 - Room Volume at Slope Roof

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Although ceilings are Room bounding elements, but in many cases, ceilings are not used as Room
bounding elements for building performance analysis purposes. Allowing ceilings to be Room
Bounding would result in many voids between ceilings and level above, impacting the accuracy of
analysis results (Figures 5 - 12 - Adjacency Diagrams). Unless the volume between the ceiling and
underside of slab is used as ceiling plenum and need for energy analysis, in many instances, you
would want to uncheck Room bounding for ceilings.

Floor above
(Room bounding check)

Room Volume
shown in blue

Figure 35 - Ceiling Void



Columns as room bounding elements will impact the volume of the building performance model.
The volume of the column itself is subtracted from the total Room Volume, thus reducing the room
It is recommended that you unchecked Room bounding (Refer to Figure 36 - Columns
Translation from Revit to IES<VE>) for all columns before exporting the Revit Model to the <Virtual
Environment>. Since there is no Room defined inside of the columns, and the columns are translate
as surfaces for geometry, the room will mistakenly the adjacent space as exterior. If the columns are
critical elements for the analysis, you can re-created them within <Virtual Environment>.
Figure 36 - Diagram on the left. The Columns has room bounding Checked, during the translation
to <Virtual Environment>, the columns caused the volume inaccuracy.
Diagram on the right - The Columns has room bounding Unchecked, and it translated successfully
into <Virtual Environment>

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Columns (cont.)

Figure 36 - Columns Translation from Revit to IES<VE>


Curtain Walls

Curtain walls are translated into surfaces and openings as it translates to a building performance
model. A curtain wall will be translated as a Wall surface. For every glazing panel in the Curtain wall,
there will be a window opening. If the Curtain wall is curved, it will be faceted to several planar wall
NOTE: If the glazing panel material is less than 3% transparency, it will be translated as a solid panel.

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Curtain Walls (cont.)

<Virtual Environment>

Figure 37 - Curtain Wall Translation


Room Separation Lines

Room separation lines are Room bounding elements. They are useful in building performance
analysis if a large room needs to be calculate for different HVAC loads. For example, 15-0 from the
exterior of the building needs to be calculate differently than the interior of the building.
Note that if you use Room Separation Lines

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Openings are elements such as windows, doors and skylights. They are usually hosted components in the
system families.
Like Room bounding elements and surfaces, openings are represented as 2D surfaces during the
translation from building information model to building performance model. The model will only translate
what is needed to conduct for the analysis. Note that the railings did not translate into <Virtual Environment>
from the Revit model, because they have very little, if any, influences on the analysis.



Figure 38 - Openings Translation



It is very important to use a door template when creating custom doors. If a door template was not
used, it can cause the Room to extend beyond the area expected.

Elevator Doors

It is recommended to use a door template when creating elevator doors. If an elevator is

required, then another template should be used to create that separately.
An elevator door should also be placed at each floor level the elevator crosses.

Glass Doors

If the door contains glass in it, it will not export as a glass door during the gbXML translation.
Once it is export to <Virtual Environment>, you can define the property of the door to show it
contains glass for proper analysis to be calculate.
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When creating custom windows, it is also very important to use a window template. If a window
template was not used. It can affect the analysis calculations by allowing air flow where none is


Defining the Upper and Lower Boundary

Together, the Upper Limit and Limit Offset parameters define the upper boundary of the room. It is
important to make sure the Upper Limit and Limit Offset is set correctly for design/energy performance
analysis. If the Upper Limit and Limit Offset leave a void between the define area and the level above, this
void area will recognized as Exterior in the design/building performance model.
As a general rule, it is a good practice to set the Limit Offset to 0-0, and set the Upper Limit to the next
level, or the height that covers the highest point in the space. The reason for that is for any reasons the
floor to floor height change later in the design phase, the room volume will always be constraint.
Use the Base Offset parameter to indicate the distance between the base level and the lower boundary of
the room. Enter a positive number to move the lower boundary above the base level. Enter a negative
number to move the lower boundary below the base level.

Figure 39 - Upper and Lower Boundary


Room Volume Computations

Compute Room Volumes determines the room volume and room height. Room volume computations
affect Revit performance, it is turned off by default. Before performing analysis, it is critical to go to
Settings > Area and Volume Computations, in the Computations Tab, Areas and Volumes need to be
checked instead of Areas only (faster).
NOTE: Room volumes are computed to the wall finish, regardless of the Room Area Computation setting.

Figure 40 - Room Volume Computations

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Room Volume Computations (cont.)

Figure 41 - Room Volume Computations


Linked RVT Files

In Revit 2009, Rooms recognized Room bounding elements that are placed in linked RVT models. After
linking the Revit model into the project, select the linked model, go to Type Parameters in the Element
Properties and make sure Room Bounding is checked.

Figure 42 - Linked RVT files - Room Bounding


Design Options

If design option is used in Revit, the primary option is typically the preferred design. It is usually displayed
in the project views by default. All others are secondary. During the export to gbXML, primary option is
the option that will be export.
If another option needs to be export for design/energy performance analysis, click tools menu > Design
Options > Design Options or click
on the Design Options toolbar.
In the Design Options dialog, select the secondary design option to promote. Under Option, click Make
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Most of the families does not export during the gbXML translation. Below are a couple of common families


Lighting Fixtures

Currently, lighting fixtures will not be able to export from Revit to IES<Virtual Environment>. Abilities
for lighting fixtures to translate into IES<Virtual Environment> is under development.



Furniture will not export out as part of the building performance model. Components can be placed
separately in IES<Virtual Environment>.


Cleaning Out Existing Revit Models

By reducing the amount of information in the Revit model, it can greatly reduces the file size and the
runtime on building performance analysis.

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Integrated Environmental Solutions / Revit 2010


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