CUB1 Quiz12

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/ 40 marks

Choose the correct answers.
1 Valerie refuses to wear ___ shoes to work because
theyre uncomfortable.
a expensive
b high-heeled
c baggy
d smart

9 Judy is such a ___ that she buys everything

she likes.
a shoplifter
b shopper
c shop window
d shopaholic

2 I bought some jewellery and other ___ to brighten up

my old outfit.
a fabrics
b leggings
c designs
d accessories

10 The clothes shop is closing at the end of the month

so they have great ____ on everything.
a refunds
b bargains
c purchases
d discounts

3 Susan is very rich and only shops at ____ boutiques.

a exclusive
b ugly
c cheap
d attached

11 If this skirt is too big, I could ___ for you.

a try it on
b put it on
c take it in
d dress it up

4 There were so many people in the shop that it was

difficult to look at the ____ of clothes.
a shop window
b aisle
c catwalk
d range

12 Keep the ___ in case you want to return the dress.

a brochure
b receipt
c catalogue
d label

5 As soon as Justin gets home, he takes ___ his heavy

boots to relax.
a in
b off
c up
d out
6 That colour really doesnt ___ you. In fact, it makes you
look ill.
a fit
b match
c go
d suit
7 Mandy likes to ___ when she goes out on special
a dress up
b wear out
c take off
d do up
8 I prefer to buy good quality trainers that dont ___
too quickly.
a try on
b take up
c put on
d wear out
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granted to photocopy for classroom use.

13 Id recommend Marcos, where they sell clothes for

all occasions at ___ prices.
a affordable
b casual
c glamorous
d ridiculous
14 The model tripped and fell as she was walking
down the ____.
a catalogue
b collection
c catwalk
d label
15 This dress is hard to ___ because the buttons are on
the back.
a take up
b dress up
c take in
d do up
16 My sister offered to let me ___ her skirt for the
a afford
b hire
c collect
d borrow

Close-Up B1+ Teachers Resource Pack

Quiz 12

17 The shop assistant refused to give me a(n) ___ for

the shirt so Im stuck with something I dont like.
a return
b refund
c exchange
d price

19 Kim always buys designer clothes. She loves

being ____.
a affordable
b exclusive
c fashionable
d popular

18 Have you seen his new summer ____? The colours

are wonderful.
a collection
b quantity
c fashion
d brochure

20 These shoes look ridiculous, but Im sure theyll

be popular with some ___ of fashion wholl wear
anything new.
a models
b designers
c followers
d trends

(___ / 20 marks)

Choose the correct answers.
1 My parents are rather strict and under no circumstances
___ me to wear ripped jeans.
a they dont allow
b dont they allow
c do they allow
d they do allow

8 Why dont you get your trousers ___? Theyre far

too long.
a shortening
b shortened
c to shorten
d shorter

2 Its about time you ___ taking care of your appearance.

a started
b start
c should start
d starting

9 Its high time Amy ___ her own clothes.

a to iron
b ironed
c irons
d will iron

3 We dont have a car so we ___.

a get our shopping delivered
b delivered our shopping
c have delivered our shopping
d get delivered our shopping
4 Never in his life ___ such ridiculous clothes.
a he has seen
b he sees
c he had seen
d had he seen
5 Mrs Johnson had her bag ___ while she was trying
on shoes.
a stolen
b stole
c stealing
d to steal
6 Not only ___ her own clothes, but she also sells them
on the Internet.
a she has made
b does she make
c she makes
d making
7 Sophia ___ the flowers picked up for the fashion
show yet.
a is having
b has got
c hasnt had
d doesnt have
Copyright New Editions. Permission
granted to photocopy for classroom use.

10 Nancy wants to redecorate the boutique. Shes

decided ____.
a painted it
b will have it painted
c to have it painted
d is having it painted
11 Where ___ your shoes mended?
a you have got
b have you
c do you get
d you are getting
12 Not only ___ a well-known hairdresser, but he was
also a model.
a did he
b was he
c he was
d has been
13 The shop owner had her whole shop ____ in the fire.
a destroyed
b destroying
c to destroy
d was destroyed
14 By the end of next week, Oliver ___ his suit made
for the show.
a had had
b will have had
c has had
d will he have

Close-Up B1+ Teachers Resource Pack

Quiz 12

15 ___ are you going to wear my jeans again.

a Not only
b Never before
c Its about time
d Under no circumstances
16 Not only ___ the cheapest boots Ive seen, but theyre
also the most comfortable.
a they are
b are being
c are they
d they were
17 Its about time I ___ a haircut.
a had
b having
c have
d will have

18 My mum ___ our clothes ironed before she

started work.
a didnt have to use
b havent got
c didnt use to have
d werent
19 Is she going ___ for the party?
a to have her nails done
b to have done her nails
c having her nails done
d her nails have done
20 Its high time designers ___ more practical styles
of clothing.
a produce
b they produce
c will produce
d produced

(___ / 20 marks)

Copyright New Editions. Permission

granted to photocopy for classroom use.

Close-Up B1+ Teachers Resource Pack

Quiz 12

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