Structure and Function of The United Nations

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Structure and Function of the United Nations Sept.

18th 2016
-The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945. It is currently made up of 193 Member
States. The mission and work of the United Nations are guided by the purposes and principles contained in its
founding Charter
-The UN system, also known unofficially as the "UN family", is made up of the UN itself and many affiliated
programs, funds, and specialized agencies, all with their own membership, leadership, and budget
- The main organs of the UN are the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council,
the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice, and the UN Secretariat. All were established in 1945
when the UN was founded
Functions of the UN
- Maintain international peace and security
- Promote sustainable development
- Protect human rights
- Uphold international law
- Deliver humanitarian aid
The UN and Sustainable Development
-From the start in 1945, one of the main priorities of the United Nations was to achieve international cooperation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character and in
promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as
to race, sex, language, or religion.
- Improving peoples well-being continues to be one of the main focuses of the UN. The global understanding of
development has changed over the years, and countries now have agreed that sustainable development
development that promotes prosperity and economic opportunity, greater social well-being, and protection of
the environment offers the best path forward for improving the lives of people everywhere

UN Security Council

The UN Security Council is composed of 15 members:

o Five Permanent Members: China, France, Russian Federation, The UK and the US.
o Ten non-permanent members, elected for 2-year terms by the General Assembly: Angola (2016),
Egypt (2017), Japan (2017), Malaysia (2016), New Zealand (2016), Senegal (2017), Ukraine
(2017), Uruguay (2017), Venezuela, (2016).
o Future prospects for Canada to join in 2020?

Selection of the next Secretary General of the UN

Previous Secretary-Generals:
Mr. Ban Ki-moon (Republic of Korea), Jan 2007-current)
Kofi A. Annan (Ghana), Jan 1997-Dec 2006
Boutros Boutros-Ghali (Egypt), Jan 1992-Dec 1996
Javier Prez de Cullar (Peru), Jan 1982-Dec 1991
Kurt Waldheim (Austria), Jan 1972-Dec 1981
U Thant (Burma, now Myanmar), Nov 1961-Dec 1971
Dag Hammarskjld (Sweden), Apr 1953-Sep 1961
Trygve Lie (Norway), Feb 1946-Nov 1952
Election Process
-Selection process began end July 2016
-The Secretary-General is appointed by the General Assembly, on the recommendation of the Security Council.
The Secretary-General's selection is therefore subject to the veto of any of the five permanent members of the
Security Council
-Although there is technically no limit to number of five-year terms a Secretary-General may serve,
none so far has held office for more than two terms
UN Secretary-General: candidates

-Twelve candidates, as of July 7, 2016 (half men, half women)

-Candidates include:
-Christiana Figueres, former executive secretary of the UN framework convention on climate change
Helen Clark, former prime minister of New Zealand and head of the UN Development
Antnio Guterres, former prime minister of Portugal and former UN refugee chief
Vesna Pusi, a former Croatian foreign minister

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