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A. Scope and limitation

The investigation was conducted to determine the important features of Bayer Business
Service Phil, Inc. as perceived by the manager and employees in the company. The aspect looked
into were the qualification of their manager, their methods and strategies, facilities forms of
supervisory assistance, problems proposed solutions to problems.
General Purpose: To determine the important feature of Bayer Business Service Phil., Inc.
Subject Matter: The performance of the manager and the employee that affect the company.
Topic Studied: Qualification of their manager, their methods and strategies, facilities forms of
supervisory assistance, problems proposed solutions to problems.
Involve: The Company, the manager and the employee.
Location of the study: 10 floor Science Hub Tower 2, Mckinley Hills, Taguig City.
Period of the study: August-September 2016 (Two Months)
The limitation of this research is we dont include any negative information that affects
the companys name.

B. History of Bayer Company

The history of Bayer is a history of innovation. For 153 years, they have been researching
products to make people's lives better. Bayer is more than good or services. It is founded on
generations of expertise and social commitment. Their Bayer Cross is both a trademark and a
seal of quality- for their medicines, their protection products and their high-tech materials.
Passion, adventure, willpower and perseverance are the defining terms of their research
capability. They are working to make their mission reality: "Bayer - Science For A Better Life"
It all starts with a friendship between two men, plenty of natural curiosity and two
kitchen stoves. On August 1, 1863, merchant Friedrich Bayer and master dyer Johann Friedrich
Weskott establish a dyestuffs factory in Barmen, now a district of the city of Wuppertal. On
1865, In their first activity outside Germany, the company founders purchase an interest in coal
tar dye factory in the United States and begin exporting intermediates. On 1873, A relief fund is
established for all company's 35 employees, ten years before Bismarck's first social security law
is passed. On 1876, In a rented basement Moscow, a few employees equipped with a hand mixer
dissolve alizarine presscake. I doesn't deserve to be called a factory but it is a milestone in
Bayer's history because it marks the start of production outside Germany. On 1881, Following
the founder's deaths, the company co-owners decide to place the enterprise on a broader and
sounder footing. They establish a joint stock company names "Farbenfabriken vorm. Friedr
Bayer & Co." with a capital stock of 5.4 million marks. On 1882, The company receives its first

patent, issued by the Imperial Patent Office in Berlin. Meyrinck & Co. in Shanghai become the
permanent agency of the Farbenfabriken Bayer in China. On 1884, The chemist Carl Dutsberg
start his career with Bayer. Under his leadership, the company's scientist make groundbreaking
discoveries. On1888, The manufacture of Phenacetin, one of the first synthetic antipyretics,
marks the establishment of the Pharnaceutical Department. On 1891, Bayer purchases the
alizarine red factory operated by "Ultramarin-Fabrik Dr. Carl Leverkus & Shne" and other land
on the right bank of the Rhine near Wiesdorf, now Leverkusen. On 1897, Bayer scientist Dr.
Felix Hoffmann succeeds in synthesizing a chemecally pure and stable form of acetylsalicylic
acid, the active ingredient of . For many years, Bayer's Kekul Library is the largest private
library of chemical literature in western Europe. On the death of Friendrich August Kekul, his
collection of some 7,000 works is purchased by Carl Duisberg as the cornerstone of the library.
On 1899, AspirinTM is registered trademark and soon achieves worldwide fame as a painkiller.
On July 1, 1904, The company sports club "Turn-und Spielverein der FArbenfabriken vorm.
Friendrich Bayer & Co." was founded. On 1908, The " Erholungshaus" opens in Leverkusen, a
"place for convivial and instructive events" with 1,000 seats. On April 7 1911, Fried Bayer & Co.
Gomei-Kaisha is entered a partnership in the Japanese commercial register with offices in Kobe
and Yokohama. The principal place of business is Kobe. On 1912, The company's headquarters
are transferred to Leverkusen. On 1913, Bayer is the third-largest German chemical company
with 10,600 employees. It holds 8,000 German and foreign patents and has production facilities
and subsidiaries in the United States, Russia, France, the United Kingdom, Austria, the
Netherlands, Poland, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, India, Japan, Argentina, Brazil and China,
as well as 44 of its own sales offices and 123 agencies. Alongside research and development, the
establishment of a global marketing organization is a crucial pillar of the company's growth.
Even in the early years, Bayer delivers dyestuffs to many countries. On 1925, After the world
economy has stabilized in the mid 1920's, it is clear that the German dyestuffs industry cannot
regain its former position on the global market. In order to remain competitive and access new
markets, Germany's leading chemical companies decide on fission in 1925, Bayer transfers its
assets to L.G Farbenindustrie A.G (L.G Farben) and the comapny is deleted from the commercial
register. On 1951, Bayer is re-established as Farbenfabriken Bayer AG, changing its name to
Bayer AG in 1972. On 1962, Bayer Philippine Inc. Established and its holding company for the
businesses of Bayer HealthCare and Bayer Material Science businesses in the Philippines. It has
its main office facilities in Canlubang Industrial Estate, Calamba City, Laguna and a satellite
office in Makati. On 1986, All Bayer' U.S activities are consolidated under the management
holding company Bayer USA Inc., Pittsburgh. On 1999, To mark the 100th birthday of AspirinTM
on March 6, Bayer's former high-rise headquarters building in Leverkusen is wrapped to make it
the world's biggest AspirinTM pack, earning the company three entries in the Guinness Book of
Records. On December 6 2001, the company's management announces plan to establish
independent operating subsidiaries under the umbrella of a management holding company. On
June 2002, Bayer acquires Aventis CropScience, making it a world leader in crop protection. On
January 2004, 100 years of the Bayer Cross: the Bayer Group's world-famous trademark
celebrate its centennial. On January 2005, Bayer completes the acquisition of the Roche
consumer health business, advancing to become one of the world's top three suppliers of nonprescription medicines. Lanxess AG is spun off from the Bayer Group on January 28. This
company continues Bayer's chemical business and parts of polymers business. On March 2006,
Bayer announces a public takeover offer for Schering AG, Berlin Germany. In July, Bayer gains
control of 92.4 percent of the approximately 191 million outstanding shares of Schering AG,

Berlin, Germany. The company activities are now assigned to Bayer HealthCare
Pharmaceuticals. On 2007, Bayer sells the Diagnostics Division of Bayer HealthCare to
Siemens AG. Munich for 4.2 billion. Centennial Celebration: the 100th season of the Bayer
Cultural Affairs Department gets under way in September. November sets the launch of the
integrated, Group-wide Bayer Climate Program, the aims of which include reducing the
company's CO2 emissions. On June 2008, Bayer is presented with the 2008 Environmental Award
in the category "Environmentally Friendly Technologies" by the Federation of German Industries
(BDI). Use of the new oxygen depolarized cathode technology saves energy and reduce CO2
emissions. On November 2009, Bayer implements its zero-emissions building concept for the
first time with the opening of a children's daycare center in Monheim, Germany. Also in
November, Bayer CropScience completes the acquisition of Athenix Corp., A privately held U.S
biotechnology company. On 2011, In February, Bayer stars up the Dream Production pilot plant
in Leverkusen to manufacture high-tech plastic using carbon dioxide. On 2012, With the
acquisition of U.S company AgraQuest, Bayer CropScience enters the growth market for
biologicals. In April 6, 2012, Bayer Business Services Philippines, Inc. (BBSPI) is one of the
centers for the global operations of Shared Services organization that is meant to optimize and
improve the accounting services at Bayer inaugurated its new office on April 16, 2012 at the
Science Tower Hub 2, McKinley Hill in Taguig City. On 2016, Bayer Celebrates its 153th
Innovation, internationalization and adaptability - these three attributes have been the
cornerstone of Bayer's success across the generations. Throughout its history, the company has
always been able to reinvent itself and find answers to the most pressing issues of the time. Says
Marijin Dekkers: "The best is yet to come".

C. Introducing Bayer Business Service, Inc.

When the Bayer Group was reorganized to create a holding company structure, subgroups
were formed for the different parts of the operational business, along with service companies to
provide support functions. In 2002, Bayer combined its IT and business process expertise to form
the service company Bayer Business Services.
The new, legally independent company combined the former central service divisions
for human resources, procurement, enterprise accounting, logistics and IT together with several
Bayer subsidiaries under a single umbrella. In Germany, Bayer Business Services trades as a
GmbH (limited liability Company). It also steers its international activities from its headquarters
in Leverkusen. For example, Bayer Business Services has a shareholding in Bayer Business and
Technology Services LLC in the United States.

As a service company, Bayer Business Services also took over various business processes
for the subgroups and Group companies in the form of shared services for Human Resources and

Finance & Accounting. In addition to Shared Service Centers at the sites in Leverkusen,
Barcelona (Spain), Gdansk (Poland) and Shanghai (China), a further service center for Finance
& Accounting opened in Manila when Bayer Business Services Philippines Inc. was founded in
early 2012. In the other countries where Bayer Business Services operates, units are
organizationally part of the Bayer global service platform but functionally assigned to a global
business unit of Bayer Business Services. One of the major strengths of Bayer Business Services
from the outset has proven to be its international orientation, which provides the best possible
support for the Bayer Groups global activities.
Bayer Business Services supports Bayers administrative, commercial and scientific
business processes. This relieves Bayer Group companies of workflows unrelated to their core
businesses so that they can fully focus on their own products and customers.
In todays constantly changing market environment, Bayer Business Services provides
high-quality services and innovative solutions for the Groups business processes. The service
offering ranges from developing and operating systems solutions through business process
outsourcing and taking charge of complete business processes to management consulting.
As a strategic partner, Bayer Business Services supports Bayer and Group companies
worldwide along the entire value chain. No other provider has such an extensive knowledge of
processes and conditions at Bayer in the area of IT and business services. The cost efficiency of
the services is continuously reviewed. They fit seamlessly into processes in the Bayer Group,
making them simpler, faster and more efficient. In this way, Bayer Business Services creates
competitive advantages and makes a lasting contribution to the Bayer Groups value-added.

D. Core Areas

Bayer Business Services is aligned entirely to Bayers business processes. The range of
services focuses on providing customized support in five core areas:

1. IT Infrastructure and Applications

IT Infrastructure and Applications covers the operation of data centers on three continents
a data network that spans the globe and ensures the reliable operation of all systems and
applications day and night. Based on innovative technologies and systems, Bayer Business
Services provides comprehensive business management applications and specialty solutions.
Furthermore, all Bayer sites worldwide are equipped with workstation hardware and software,
globally connected and technically supported.
2. Procurement and Trade Services

The core area Procurement and Trade Services uses innovative process solutions to
optimize the value chain of Bayer. These include efficient procurement processes, legally reliable
customs processing, strategic procurement of IT and legal services as well as travel services in
collaboration with Bayer companies in some 80 countries. Moreover, this area is responsible for
supplying scientific information, for maintaining the corporate archives and for IT portfolio
3. Personnel Services
Bayer Business Services supports the domestic and international human resources
departments with extensive personnel services. These include recruiting, payroll accounting,
talent management and the processing of pension payments.
4. Finance and Accounting
For Finance and Accounting throughout the Bayer Group, Bayer Business Services
ensures efficient invoicing and accounting processes. Shared Service Centers at international
locations prepare balance sheets and profit and loss statements and process the invoices for all
Bayer companies worldwide.
5. Management Consulting
With Management Consulting, Bayer Business Services resolves strategic, organizational
and operative issues for the Bayer Group companies around the globe and thus actively
participates in shaping the future of Bayer. Moreover, Business Consulting offers external
consulting and management talents optimal entry-level and career opportunities and thus
attractive prospects in an internationally active company.

Definition of Terms:
Adaptability - A feature of a system or of a process. This word has been put to use as a
specialised term in different disciplines and in business operations.
Bayer - A German multinational chemical and pharmaceutical company founded in Barmen
(today a part of Wuppertal), Germany in 1863.
Bayer Business Service, Inc. - Supports Bayers administrative, commercial and scientific
business processes. This relieves Bayer Group companies of workflows unrelated to their core
businesses so that they can fully focus on their own products and customers.
Crop Science Concerned with the observation and classification of knowledge concerning
economically cultivated crops and the establishment of verifiable principles regarding their
growth and development for the purpose of deriving the optimum benefit from them.
Innovation - A new method, idea, product, etc.
Internalization - Describes the psychological outcome of conscious mind reasoning about a
specific subject.
Pharnaceutical - A compound manufactured for use as a medicinal drug.

Schade, Michael etal. "Milestones in the Company's History". The Inventor Company: 150 years
Thousands of Innovation 150 stories. Leverkusen, Germany: Bayer AG,
Communications. 2013, pg 376- 378.
Bayer Business Services. Available at http://www.business-services.bayer.com/en.
February 2015.


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