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x Which one of the following sentence has a partieaple in it? (A) He sw the sunshine and threw open the window (B) Hearn seeing the sunshine through the window (C} Ashe saw the sunshine, he threw open the window QD) Seeing the sunshine, he threw open the window Pind out th meaning for the underlined word A tofnible fatigue and inertia had come over me: L Tiresome 2 Laborious 3. Final 4. Exhaustive 5 Entire 1.25 (Br 24 @ 134 Dy 423 Match the following phrases‘idioms given in Colman Awith their meaning in Colunn B Column a. Columa B (a) Kick the bucket 1. Walk fast in anger (b) Take a look 2. Lose one's emononal balance (c) March off 4% . Tode (a) Mele down {Tried to find something (yh) we) @ a SFEL (Turn over Match the following A Bb fa) Absolute i Union (b) FERAUON 2 Subjugatisa fo) Universal a Peeulsar @) Uniformiey: 4 Disorder a Approximate f) th @) (dd (Ay 8 2 3 a uo) 6 3 3 4 a5 1 4 3 @) 5 2 4 3 Choose the correct antenym for the underbned word from the options ven, I want to pursue roy studies, (aT" discontimue (RB) contiaue {CO} prolong: (D) discomfort Fill m the blunks with statable options, My grandmother -— seventy five years uld when she — ————— Oe was died (B) s5, died (CO) was, will die AD) was, die When you — — ——— my dinner HO wannonrseenene {B) telephoned, am having (C) telephoned, will be hung, (D} were telephoning, sould have SFE1 4 9 10. Fick out the sentence without an adverb, (A) He speaka cheerfully (BY Sankaran received the badge (CQ) He walks fast @) Lget up early Select the incorrect sentence from the followsng. (A) The sun rises in the east (B) Stars shune ut might, (C) India hecume independent on 1947 (DY Akbar rules India well in the 16th evatury Select the correct option te complete the giver: sentence UL were your —— (AY L would doit atonce (B) Twould have done it at once (C) Twill do it at once (D) Leun do tat once Select the correct sentence from the options given below (A) River Mississppt is one of the longer river in the world (B) My dress 1s old than youies MO) Stephen drives as rash ws Itafi (D) Noother road tw inore narvow as this one Find out the correct plural form for the underlined word. ‘The hunter saw sume ten bison near the pond WAY bison (B) bucns {©} bisonse (D) none of these Fill in the blank with corcect ‘Homophane’ If you want to rench God, you have to —__——— — wordy pleasures Q ™_ fore go B) four go MO) forgo. (D) four pass 5 SFEL (Turn over a 15, 16, 7 Which one of the following is a correct sentence? (A) Ifyou pay the bill you will punished. ME) Unless you pay the bill, you will be punished (©) Unless you paid the hill you will he punished (D) Unless you dent pay the bill, you will be punished Which one of the following 18 a correct sentence? (AS! More yobs will be provided for graduates (B) More joba ara providing for graduates (©) More sobs to provided fer graduates (D) More jobs will provide for graduates Match the following words given in Column A with their meanings in Columa B. Column A Coluron B fa) Pante 1 Refused tb) Torrent 2 Chase (2 Pursuit a Anoutpour (a) Domed 4 Fear @) (©) @) Wa 1 4 2 mot 2 38 4 © 3 2 14 or 4 Find ous the part of speech that is not used in the underlined words 1. Has brothor is a diligene man 2 The cavis away 3. Hes very hopeful 4 He shared hs experience with me (A) Noun APY! Verb (CL Adjective (D) Adverb SFEL 6 18 19 20 2h 22 Select che uppropriate active voice for the following sentence When will the bridge be completed? ey Wher can the bridge complete? JOP When will thoy complete the bridge? (8) When shall we complete the bridge? {D) When will the hridge being completed? Choxse the appropriate passive voice for the fallowing sentence ; Lattle strokes fell great oaks. GAY” Great oaks are felled by little strokes ® Groat only ure boing falled by Little strokes (C) Great oaks are being fell by tite strokes iy Croat oaks are felt by Little strokes Select the appropriate active voice for the underlined wortls I may be considered for the promotion by the secretary. “Ay C) We “ ue will consider will be connidered ———— w rain, while we started, had been playing started, were playing, Match Column A with Column B. fa) @ @ (a) «Py ®) Column A Even if it rains He didit He kepton writing After the vote was taken fa) th) a 1 2 4 ce 302 4 2 to o2 3a 4 (PL conadered APY may consider tennis {B) had started, had played (D) starts. were playing Colunn B. 1 As Thad told hum 2 The meeting broke up 4 Tshall come 4. As though he did not hear the bell 4 SFEL [Turn over 23 24 [dentily the sentence. ‘Time fies fast, yer rt sometimes appears to move slowly (A) complex (B) simple <4eT" compound (D> none Identify the sentence. You must either pay the bill at cnee or return the goods. AY. compound (B) complex. (€) simple (D) none Fill in the blank with surtuble article He is ——— honour to the profession Wy an By noarucle a (the Identify the vompound sentence. (A) [thesis at home, I shall see him NB) He may be at hume and in that case I shall see him (C) Inthe ovent uf Ins being at home, | shall sne him (D) In case of his being at home, I shall see hnin Find out the antonyms fyr the underlined word ‘The students confessed that they had loot taste for Mathematics 1. Allowed 2 Repudiate 3. Refused 4 Denied 5 Admit (A) 2,3, and 4 (WB) 1, Qand3 () 2 3ands (D) 1, 90nd 4 SFEL 8 28 Hindu phuoavphy advises equanimity under all circumstances It says, man xhould try to remain calm im tce of both pleasure and pain. success and failure Whatever niay happen he should remaia unperturbed. Find out the relevant aption/options, 1 Man should appreciate success 2 Man should net be disturbed by success or failure 3. Man should react to every inadent 4, Men are rewarded for their right deeds wwyod B+ 3 wr 2 29. Match the following phrases given in Column 'A’ with their meaning in Colvenn "B: Cohamn A. Column B (a) Passon 1 Begin a journey () Put up with 2 Postpone (i Set out 3 Convey fd) Pur off 4 Tolerate @) & © @ Ws 4 1 2 Bye 2 4 1 @ 1 2 3 4 @t it 30. March Column A with Column B to make meaningful sentences by using stutable preposition Column A Column 8 (2) Latha learnt French 1 Aras ) Smitha 2, Between two of us {Q Thisis 3 By Thomas Hardy (d) This book was written 4 Gotoff the bus by) td) (Aol 4 3 2 Bot 3 4 2 «wot 2 4 3 mi 42 4 o 9 SFEI [Turn over 34, Identify the sentence wath the correct question tag Stop adding suger, will you? (B) Stup making nexce, can you? (C) Stop spreading rumours, wouldn't you” (D) Stp adding sugar, won't you? 82. Pick Gut the sentence with the wrong question tag (A) They never give up. do they? (B) They will leave soun, won't they? (©) Your father sinckes a lot, doesn't he? You never listen to what we say, don't you? 33 Match the statements in Column A with their suitable tags in Columa Band select the correct anower from the codes given below Columa A Column B (a) Pass me the ealt 1 Can't you? tb) You can get me some books 2 Hasn't he? fe) It's 0 good film 3 Wall you? fd) Mohan hos 0 dictionary 4 Esn'bin? ) (© fd) 1 4 2 2 301 30204 a1 3 34. Which of these statements take the following question tag? don't they” (A) Hard working people alone must succeed (B) Hard working people ulone don't succeed WON) Hard working people alone succeed (0) Hard working people alone should euccoed SFEL 10 ° 238. a6. Select the rncorrect sentence from the following, (A) Swarna cannot run fast, can sho? (B) The lessons are quire mteresting, aren’t they? MEY You know this stary, didn’t you? (D) He should see a doctor, shouldn't he? Match the following words given in Column A with their meanings 1 C Dolumn A Column [ (a) Take away 1, Retract (by Take agninst 2 Remove fc) Take after 3 Dislike (d) Take back 4 Resemble 5 Make smaller fa) ch) @) 2 4 4 3 Bw 2 3 4 7 (cy 2 4 8 1 M2 4 4 5 Match the followang words given an column A with thou meanings m column B. Column A Colton B fa) Suminoned 1 Plenty &) Endowed 2 Shaking 2 Quiverinz 3 Called (@) Abundance 4 Blessed (a) ) ©) fd) 2 to4 @ B 4 202 2 13 4 Om 3 4 1 2 a SFEL {Turn over 38. Find out the odd 1, Antedate 3. Sedate 9 Update (Ay «4 39 Find out the odd, 1. Amipsthy 3. Anticliman (A) 4 © 40. Match the followang to coin new words, fa) Commu (b} Common ©) Govern (a) Permit @ & © @ (A) A 2 4 3 5 4 2 3 Ws 4 24 OM 5 4 3 8 SFEI iB) ‘By 12 Backdate Consolidate Antibiotic Anti-oxidant 2 inn, tion er ment 41. Match the sentences in Column A with the sentence pattern in Colamn B and select the correct answer from the cades given below iw ib) {c) id) [ay icy wD Column a Conmetics are costly nowadays She became the secretary of Linness club A gas plant was set up He won the prize lust year fa) (by id) 2 o£ 4 4 3.3 4 2 42 Identafy the odd sentence out. iA) © 13, Which sentence pattern is not repeated” 2 3 4 Ue is fen of books He depends on his parents Mother cooks fect daly We relished at for & lung time We shall vasit Delhi next month ‘They are busy nowadays yar” Svc © SVIODO. Column B. L svoc 2 SVOA 38 SVC 4 8V (B) He longs for tue friends AD) He is an honest man (By SVOA (D) SYAA 1B SFEL {Turn over 14, Choose the approprute positive degree for the following sentence Brain surgery 18 the most complicated in medical field No other surgery .s us complicated as brain surgery in medicul Geld {L) Brain surgery 19 highly complicated (©) Brain surgery us more complicated than and surgery in mestieal field (0) Rein suegery 18 more enmnplicated than moat other surgery 45 Find out the superlative degree (A) 2ev0 18 4 fascinating number (H) aero is 4 more fascinatum than most wther numbers (©) zer0)3 called fascinating number PFT seve a the nc anrinatig mimbes 46. Find the sentence m which the underlined word 1s used as an adverb, (A) ‘The wound was skindeep MBS The sooner the better (©) Hes not the man (D) There ws no exeeysion to the rule Identify the degree and choose the correct answer. Hara us inte or to Ramin intelligence, (A) Superlative deeree QY" Comparative degree (©) Postuve degree (Dy Nane of these AS Identefy the degree of the followiny sentence, Singapore is cleaner than most ther countries in the world (A) Superlative (BY Comparative (©) Positive (D) None SFE Ty 19. Identify the complex sentence (A) On seeing my fend, 1 greeted hun MOY" When Lanw my frend, 1 we) «py [saw my fiend and [ greeted him wed him | saw my fixend and so J greeted him 50 Pillan the blank with the correct 'Humophone' He js an Scientist (A) Imminent (By Jmnant 4@) Eminent (dD) Emminent 51. Match the following homophones with their relaved meanings, and select the answer from the coxtes given below Homophones Meanings (a) Farther 1 Alender tb) Pubrer 2 Inaddinion fe) Further 3 Dad (a) Father 4. Ata greater distance a @) mM 1 2 4 4 g «e) Oo Match the following words given in Column A yath che meamnge in Columa B Column A (a) Diligence 1 (6) Exceptional 2 fo) Warped 3 (a) Restrioted 4 @ ©) «d (1 3 2 4 wm 4 1 8 2 wed 1 4 8 1D) zo41 4 15 Column B Unusual Limited Steady effort Bent SFE1 [Turn over Match the «tatements given ia Columa A with the questien tage an Column H and select the correct answer from the eadtes given below : Column A Column B (a) duhn lives in London 1 didn’t they? (Thuy won the mule 2 duesa'r he? 3 need he? fc) He need not edit all the pages (a) Hie needs some fund @ o © we s 1 a 3 M1 2 9 9 gy 2 1 3 2 34 Identify the doyrew unl chouse the eurreet answer Very fow batsmon in the world ars so powerful as Tendulkar (A) Comparative degree 4B) Postive degree (C) Supeclative degree (D) None of these Choose the apprapriate panstvr voice for the following sentence When did they send the telegram? (A) Will che telegram be sent hy them? —(B)_ When will they send the telegram? {0} When was the Lelexrart sent? (D) Was the telegram sent by them? SFE1 16 ° 56. Give che suttable order of artieles in the blanks ef the given paasaye. Choose the correct code sven below — = vear 2002 was declared ™ year of books” by ~ Nationit! Book Trust of luctus. With this note the Natinn’s capital phayod host to World Book Fi (Ad aan, the, the BS the, che, che, the (3) a the, an, the () an, the, the, the Give the suitable order of articles in the blanks of the given passage und choose the eorreet code gwen below James Karkup was ——— —— - English poct, @anslator and taal writer Heo won Adantie Award for ltevature ife worked as — = farm labourer during ———— pennod of the war 1a) a the. the. the (8) an, an. the, the 3 an, the. a, the (D) a. an, che, the Give the suitable order of articlen in the blanks af the given passage and chouse: the correct ende given below — Mettur Dam is ——— large dam in India built in 1954. It was constructed inn gorge where — - - ——Kaveri enters— plains (A) the, the, the, an BY the, a. the, (©) the, an, a. the (D) the, a, Pind out the sentence that has an adjective (A) Hews clever (3) Rama wites well (C) She never comes late BD) Tis a farrdeal Find the sentence in which the underlined word is used as a verb? (A) Watch the sen iy Sign the papers (C) Show me 8 gn (0) A sign was given . " SFEL [Turn over 61 Match the following phreses given in Columa A with their meaning wt Column b Column-A Column-B. ta) On the edge of 1 afeard (b)_ Frightened of 2 At the up of © Burn with 3 Confident (2) Be sure of 4 Overwhelmed @ & © @ ab 2 2 2 4 14 2 14 62, Which one of the fallowsng 1s 4 coreet wentence? (A) The work will be over on evening (B) The work will be over in evening (©) ‘The work will be over at evensng (DY) The work will be aver by this evemng 63. Winch one of the following is a correct sentence? (A) The four brothers shared the property between themselves {B) The four brothers shared the property among themself 4G) The four brothers shared the property among themselves: (D) The four brothers shared the property ip. between themselves 64, Match the following phrasesfidioms given in Column ‘A’ wath uhm Columa A © meaning in Column 'B Jura B (a) Behind bars 1. Finish task a head of the fixed tine ©) Bring ia 2 Interrupt © Curoff $ Barn (4) Beat the clock 4 Inprison @ &) © @ @ 1 4 3 2 @® 4 2 a 4 i Was zi. M+ 1 a Be SFFL Je 56. 68. 69, What I most detnst is (A) to sinoke (B) to be smoked 4 smoking @D) having smoked Filan che blank with suitable gerund We were prevented from ——___—— the prisoner. (A) being seen (By having been seen (©) haying seen APY seving Fillin the blank with suitable participle. fe was a very meeung @Y uring, (B) tiresome (C) tared (D) Udeous ch one of the following has the corrert gerund? 4A) Having hunted deer is nat allowed in this country (B) To hunt deer is not allowed in this country (©) Having been hunted deer is not allowad in this country OP Hunting deer 1s not allowed im this country Find out the passive voice from the options, (A) They ask ailly questions WAY ‘They wore given freedom (C) They found 1 easy (D) They made their pont clear Select the sppmpriaue passive vice form und fll in the blancs The problem — by them. (A) had been solving BY had been solved (C) has been solving: (D) will he solvang: 19 SFRI [Tura over 71. Find ovt the correct tense form and fl! an the blanks | ——_ = the railway station after the train (A) reached, left {B) had reached, had left QO reached, had left (D) has reached, has left 72, Select the correct sequence of prepositions The leader impressed ———__—_ us the value of honesty and we were impressed —$— what he said (A onan (8) on. over OF on. with, iD) on, 00 73. Choose the correct phrase to complete the fulluwing sentence She has great fondness - — WA) for children (B) 1a childeen (0) against childven (D} over children 74 | the bus until the conductor (A) would not get off, apologise WS von't getoff, apologises (©) can’t get off, apologises (D) would not gor off, apologises 75 The farmer ————_-— the wheat which ————__ —- (A) was cutting, has ripened. (BY is cutting, hay opened (©) as cutting, had ripen (D) is cutting. is ping 76 MWentify the sentence He remarked how impudent the boy was (A) compound vomples (©) simple (D) none SFE1 20 a Match the folowing phrases given in Columa A with their meanings in Colunin B Colum: A Column B fa} See ever L Noticeable Turndown, 2 Be criteised Uniter fire 3. Examine carefully Stand out 1 Refused @ & © wrt 4 21 iB) 2 41 (1 3 4 2 m2 1 34 Identify the snzorreel prepnsitional phrase She found a purse (A) Tull of money with geld coins OY onpty and tora of blue eolour Match the following words given in Column A with their antonyms in Column B and select the cornect answor from the codes given below Cohume A. Column B fal Vanish 1 Releace &} Narrow 2 Novice (©) Votoran 3. Appear (@) Retain 4 Wide (1 3 2 4 © a 2 i 4 @M a t 4 2 BL SPEL [Turn over 80, Pick out the sentence with SVA pattern (A) He is cur loader (By Love ham GOD Ae was going te schoo) WW) Roju woke up 81 Find out the set of walunyms for the underined words: Vis reputation inereased Proportionately 1 Desirable entirely 2 Fame, completely é Notorious, entirely 4. Last fame. wholly 5 Name, salety (A) Sond 5 iB) Land? we Banda iD) Qand #2 Without the basie helpful and optimistic approseh und ututudy nf mind one will ind it difficult wo sustain one's efforts, esprenally aver Tong periods, under severe stress aud Atemin én Line face of stuff eppusution and competion Pick our the irrelevant statement 1. Goals are the definite objectives: 2 “Cin cuss to try till the end B— Optimicte approael ae the extent! quality required A negative frame of mind infects courage into one's mad () Qands (By) Lands or 2ands (D) Sands Select the correct sequence of prepositions, We heurd the news - the rurdus yesterday (A) incon (BY on, no preposition (CY with, on DI by, over SFE1 22 ° Ba Cheow the sentence with the covrect question tag SAD Lhad my tea just now. didnt 1? (8) Thad my tou just now, hadn't 1? (©) had been ty my nauve place, haven't 1? (2) Thad been w my native plaee, had 1? 85 Which one of the following has a corcve! gerund? (A) He kes having played cricket (BR) He likes ty play cricket {CV He Lkes playing ereket (D) He bikes having been played cricket 86 Pillin the blanks with suitable phrasul verhs: [thoughl we were gomg to win the match # felt —————__ when we lest. 4A) Int down (a) Tet ap (©) Tetin (WD) let off 87. Match the following Phrasal verbs ‘Mearngs, (a) Get over 1 Reach db) Get through 2 Accessible fc) Geton 3 Pass fd) Getta 4. Recover 5 Manage fa) (by &) Co) 4 8 2 B49 2 5 @a a. 5 4 4 2 1 3 e o a SFEL (Turn over 88 Find out meaning for the underlined word She revruavhed herself 1 Praised 2 Looked J. Questioned 4. Prcturised Coutiersed 3.4 (B) 5,5 3 89 Match the following: (a) Marth, novice 1, Overwhelming, unpleasant smell {b) Insupetable, reek 2 Bright, clear (©) Lurid, lucid 3. Laughuer, »pprentice td) Coax, farce 4. Focus. banquet 5 Persuade, comedy oo) 1 o2 8 A 1 oa 5 18 4301 90 Match the following fa) Veeelance 1 Temporary stay tb) Preak 2 Selfemployed {F) Soywurn 3 Cheating (dy Sneaky 4. Sensible 3 Extraurrlinary (ty te) @) Way 5 8 m 2 a 1 48 © 3 5 8 4 * SFE1 a 91 Match the following Phrasal verbs Meanings @) Getin 1 Acard (b) Get along. 2 Enter © Geteven 3 Ravenge @) Get into 4. Rench 5 Involve fb) © ad wm 2 roa 4 ge to 3 5 m2 5 4b 8 m2 9 4 5 92 Match the following A B (a) Engine 1 some (by) Moderate 2 or (Hand Boer (@) Half 4 em @) ®) © @ 2 3 1 5 ® 5 2 3 4 Ore a 5 m2 a 4a 4 93, Pick out the sentence with SVO pattern, (A) Beis a student (B) We are deve (OY Ram celle tea (D) The cadio is cheap 2 25 SFEL {Turn over o4 96. oT ‘Fhoycsquecsed: part wertated people whocmeved dheie lene (oy wny-and thut-10 mokerapace. The seats of the chairs had to be pulled down. She chmbed on. She wasn’t heavy enough so thr chair folded her into siself hike sendwich stuffing and she warched from between her Fiad out the irrelevant wore for the phrase used in the paysage, WAT Retreated (By Demotisheat (Ci Ascended (D) Squeeze in between Newton returned to Cambridge in order to formulate this simple key to the viddle of the universe As a result of his leisurely observation of Uhe unimportant hue things of lus daily life. he had made one of the most important discoveries af history. Pick out the false staceinent. (A) He always looks at little things: PY Little thangs are not important (Cl Hhs observation of the tavial thing had helped him to discover a thesey (D) The theories are always the outcome of his keen observation Dred pulses are rich in proteins contaiming about 19-24 percent. They are good sources of many Revilamins and minerals, hut are deficwnt in vitamins A.D, Bue and (They supplement cereals effectively. > Pick out the trrelevant option which 1s not used in the passage {AL consist of (B) lack of (OY vone of these (D) substitute Match the following phraxes given in Column A with their meaning in Column [2 Column A Column B (a) Laugh at 1 Emerge (b) Inquire of 2 Muke fua of fo) Conscious of B Ask for (4) Step of 4 Awase of fa) ) (e) td) mol oa 4 2 m2 1 3 4 og $ 4 wy2 os 4 4 st 26 2 48. 99. 100. Match the followings homophones with their relared movnings and select the ancwer from the endes given below Homophones Meomings () Pair 1 Caton tb) Peat 2 Baal value Go) Pree 3M fruit Par 1. Two similar things a wo @ @ ws 4 8 4 B43 21 Wy 4 8 4 8 M1 2 8 4 Fill in the blank with enerwet ‘Homophonet The Docter's attempt ended in (Ay Vain Vein (©) Vine Vane Find out the appropriate positive degree for the following sentence slasmine is ore fragrant than many other Nowers fA) No other flower is as fragrant as Jasmine {B) Jasmine is known for ile fragrance (0) Very few flowers are as fragrant as Jasmine (0) Flowers like Jasmine, lily and rose wre fragrant flowers 27 SFEL (Turn over

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