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Umair Riaz (1452-5612402)

Management| Assignment # 01

Principles Of

Q # 01. Write 10 definitions of Management with reference.

1. "Management is an art of knowing what is to be done and seeing that it is done in the best possible
manner." (planning and controlling)
F.W. Taylor

2. "Management is the process by which co-operative group directs actions towards common goals."
Joseph Massie

3. "Management is that process by which managers create, direct, maintain and operate purposive
organization through systematic, coordinated and cooperative human efforts."

4. "Management is the coordination of all resources through the process of planning, organizing, directing
and controlling in order to attain stated goals."
Henry Sisk

5. "Management is a social and technical process that utilizes resources, influences human action and
facilitates changes in order to accomplish an organization's goals."
Tho Harmann, William Scott

6. "Management is a process of working with and through others to achieve organizational objectives in a
changing environment, central to this purpose is the effective and efficient use of limited resources."
Rovert Kreitner

7. The definition of management is the way something is handled, careful treatment, supervising skills,
or those in charge of a business or group.

8. A vulnerable force, under pressure to achieve results and endowed with the triple power of
constraint, imitation and imagination, operating on subjective, interpersonal, institutional
and environmental levels

Umair Riaz (1452-5612402)

Management| Assignment # 01

Principles Of

9. "Management may be defined as the process by means of which the purpose and
objectives of a particular human group are determined, clarified and effectuated"
Peterson and Plowman

10. Management is the process of reaching organizational goals by working with and through
people and other organizational resources

Umair Riaz (1452-5612402)

Management| Assignment # 01

Principles Of

One Page Introduction

My name is Usman Riaz. I have three sisters and I live in Rawalpindi. I am single and 25years old.
I have done my B.Com from Punjab College Rawalpindi. I have started my job in Atco
Laboratories in June 2015 in Medical devices group. I like book reading. I am trying to improve
myself as good student and struggling to complete my education

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