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Learning priority: Increasing competence and growing control of hand

One day when Sana was wandering around the classroom I asked her, Would you like to do
something with me? What? She asked back. Write something in your blank book. I replied.
Sana was very happy to do that and said, Yes. So she came with me, I got her blank book. We
sat together. First I would like you to practice writing your name and then you may draw a
picture of yourself underneath, I told her. She agreed and waited patiently while I wrote her
name on the top of the page in dotted lines. She was glad to have a turn. Sana sat there, started
to practice writing her name. Sana knows the letters she needed to write her name. She
practised a few times with the dotted lines. Then I asked her to write her name underneath it
without any dotted lines. She tried and tried repeatedly. She finds its hard to write the letter S
correctly every time. MashaAllah Sana worked very hard, she just needs a little bit more
practise, then she will be more confident and wouldnt need any help to write her name on her
art work. Sana was very proud and delighted of her accomplishment.

Written by Teacher Rosy,

September, 2016.

I was amazed watching Sanas enthusiasm of

practice writing her name. Learn writing her
name is also connected to Sanas individual
goal. With this learning experience Sana was
developing fine motor skills, improving her
finger grip, hand -eye co-ordination, literacy
skills and independence.
We will support Sana with plenty of
opportunities to develop her writing skills, and
improve literacy skills.
Te Whariki goal, Children develop familiarity
with print and its uses by exploring and
observing the use of print in activities that
have meaning and purpose for children.

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