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Hi Dear Friends,
This is my turn to write about the Experience on this Placement Drive happened in B.S.A
University, Vandaloor, Chennai.
This was the walk-in through employee Referral. There were 4 rounds.
1. Aptitude Test
2. Group Discussion
3. Technical round
4. HR
Aptitude Round has 3 parts
Matrices(No negative Marks)
Number Series(1/4 negative marks)
Logical Reasoning. (1/4 negative marks)
The first part has 15 questions and 13 mins.(For every part there will be a Sample Question
at first). This matrices like 4*4 matrix. Questions by interchanging the row or column,
replacing the values etc.. this round is easy. Find the small questions and answer.
The second part is number series. Very easy part 20 ques and 4 mins. We need to be fast.
The third part is too complex 12 ques and 15 mins. Find the 2 very easy questions and
answer. That is more than enough.
This has been finished around 12 Oclk and result was put in board at 2.15pm. I am totally
surprised that my name was there.
Group Discussion: very easy round. Attend confidently. Put your points boldly. Dont fight
at there like a market. This also got selected and they informed us to come on next day for
technical and HR
Technical Round: this was also easy. The interviewer was good and asked questions from
all subjects (OOAD, Data structures, C,SQL)
He: Hi Arangarajan
Me: Hi Sir, Good Afternoon.
He: How was the test yesterday..?
Me: I told first 2 parts were good. But last part was tough.
He: any way you have cleared and tell me about yourself..!
Me: told
He: Tell me about triggers..!
He: how do you swap 2 numbers?
Me: with temp variable or without temp variable..?
He: oh..Great. Do without Temp Variable
Me: written and gave
He: three variables..?
Me: I havent tried but I can try. I have tried and gave the logic.
He: tell me about your strengths and weakness
Me: told with examples (Always tell the strengths with examples)
He: Do you know about sorting?
Me: explained about bubble sort, quick sort, Merge sort
He: How does Java works..?
Me: Explained all the OOPS concepts with the example.
He: any Questions..?
Me: I have asked about the extra course training in IBM. He had explained.
For other people they told the result after 5mins, but in my case, He got impressed and
directly he told Be ready for the next round
So happy. Next round is HR. I know that I can clear the HR round easily

HR round: This round is not even 10 minutes. Here he had asked about my family
backround. And some of the same questions as Technical round. In this round I had confused
him. So I was nervous. Finally one lady came and told that I got selected. I was too happy.
Finally I am into the worlds one of the best companies. Totally 500 ppl where there and
around 95 ppl got selected. They felt that this is good number.
So friends. Prepare well. All the best. See you soon in IBM.

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