MBO Document - 2009 Mid Review

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Web Development Program - 30 %

Maintain the HMBI website with various promotions / offers / Press Releases ,
Etc - 90 % of the time, the promotions are listed on our website.
Ensure monthly cover titles are uploaded on time. Titles are uploaded on time
unless there has been delay in approvals sent to Thomson. Revised timeline has
been formed to avoid the delays.
Increase the traffic on the website to 15000 visitors by September 3rd quarter by
following effective marketing strategy for the website. Barter deals would be
targeted with sites with similar TG in this quarter.
o Website banners promoting various offers/promotions through online
vendors via Barter deals.
o Running various contests on the website.
Ex Contests such as Avid reader of M & B, whats your favorite
M&B novel and why, Why do you think you make best couple.
Questions like these can be asked and the best impromptu answers are be
given M&B attractive coffee mugs with the couples pic on it.
o Referral schemes to increase more traffic
Ex We can have a mechanism in place where every non members who
signs up by referral, the referrer gets bonus points which they can redeem
it for buying books with online partner, who can tie up with us for this
Conducting various cross promotions through similar TG oriented websites like
sunsilkgangofgirls.com and explore more opportunities through them by 3rd
quarter. Talks to be initiated with websites like idiva.com and sitagita.com to
conduct Barter deals for promoting the website.
o Target the contests on their website by giving M & B as prizes
o Target various groups on the websites like sunsilkgangofgirls.com through
referral schemes.

Explore Branding & Marketing opportunities and to attract through

various women community groups via social networking sites like Orkut,
facebook, etc by 3rd quarter. The objective would be to increase the
visibility of the brand and try and make the audience interact with the
brand through the blogs on these social networking sites. Success can be
measured through participation from the audience and the increase in

traffic on the website. Initiated talks with one of the active member on
Orkut and would take it ahead with her in Aug 09, once she returns from
her vacations.
o Banners of new titles released every month
o Referral scheme for members referring to M & B website and subscription
Organize various online campaigns/special discount offers, through other brand
associations and engage the audience visiting on the website through these offers
by 2nd quarter. Done in Feb with CCDay and Aug 09 Friendship Day promotion
Objective To provide add on to the consumer and provide more options to buy
the books with these add on products through cross promotions.
Run Cross promotions with different brands like Tantra, Lakme, VLCC,
with same TG
o Give more mileage to such promotions through collaterals and running
banners on respective websites.

Target various days like Valentines Day, Womens Day, etc and run successful
online campaigns associating online booksellers like a1books, bookcafe, flipkart
and throughout the year Done Valentines Day with CCD and timelines couldnt
be matched for Womens Day. But we are doing Friendship Day this Aug 09
Objective - To increase the reach and the visibility of the product and success can
be measured by the exposure gained by these campaigns, which can ultimately be
related to increase in sales.
Target Web space selling by 4th quarter. After studying the ratecards for the
various other websites, we have concluded the rate card for our website. However
this will be further re investigated based on senior management feedback
o Conducting research for the rate cards of the websites with similar TG
o Contacting various media planning and buying agencies to promote
available web space
o Promoting the available web space through online space selling agencies.
o Negotiate the deal with interested parties.
Uploading & maintaining the content on the website as well as 3rd party websites
like -

Cover images are being uploaded every month on third party websites.
Marketing & Promotions - 40%
Discuss the developed marketing plan with senior management and amend the
necessary changes to execute the plan. Based on the senior management
feedback, marketing plan to be revised to link it with sales.

Develop the marketing plan as per the allotted budget

Plan marketing activities based on the sales input
Plan the activity, well in advance for thorough execution

Take active participation in forming, developing and executing the marketing

strategy and the overall operations for the Subscription offer to be launched in
April 09 with a target sale of 10,000 books in the first year. Options being
worked out to achieve the target as currently we are way beyond target
Review proposals from vendors for the backend support for the subscription
services to be launched and give appropriate feedback and negotiate the terms
with vendors if necessary. Done with Rajiv for the subscription software
Promote subscription offer via web, email and print media in the form of
advertorials. Website promotions are on with Indiatimes,a1books and our
website as well. Emailers have been sent to in house database along with
indiatimes and a1books data but the response has not been that encouraging.
Coordinate with the sales team to create various Marketing Collaterals including
Samplers, Print ads, Pos, etc. Done as in whenever required.
Editorial Production 10%
Liaise with the ISBN office and respond to their enquiries on the ISBN numbers
issued and utilized and requesting to obtain new ones as per the requirement.
Done as in required.
Prepare the publishing schedule for the year 2009 and make necessary changes in
the schedule based on the revised schedule intimidated by the editorial team.
Done on quarterly basis.

Approve the cover titles on priority and request the replacements if necessary or
recommended. Done on monthly basis.

Administration & CRM 10%

Scouting, short listing and negotiating the deal with the concerned for the short
listed office premises within the allotted budget. - Done
Maintain Invoices of the 3rd party and ensure timely payments, based on the bills
approved Done
Maintain the various Utility accounts and payments Not required at the moment
due to virtual office set up
Liaise with 3rd party vendors like internet, telephone, etc to ensure smooth
operations during the working hours. Liaising required only with Regus
Responding customer queries via email, phone, etc within stipulated time period
Being done.
Creating and maintaining in house customer data. Being done
Correspond various promotions/offers/schemes to the customer as per the
available database. Being done.
New Business Development opportunities 10%
Get In-book ads activated by October. Ground level research on with various
Media planning & Buying agencies.
o To get the secondary research for in book ads in terms of pricing,
placement , etc
o To contact various media planning & buying houses and pitch for the
available ad space in our books by the beginning of 3rd quarter.
o Negotiate the rates for available space for in book ads.

Generating new leads to activate new accounts. Being done and leads are
forwarded to the Sales team on timely basis. Activated 5 accounts so far.
Discover opportunities to export return titles by 3rd quarter. Lead generated for
exports (Nepal market) and the contact details have been forwarded to Manish.

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