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267 Onwards, Upwards, Outwards, Forward!

One of the reasons we have a new logo, and hopefully soon a new website, is because
we believe we are entering a new season of growth and excitement. We have felt for
a while now that some of the visual elements of what we do have looked a little bit
dated and not reflective of where we believe we are, and indeed going, as a charity. We
have taken some time to think what we are all about and what are the continuing aims
of 267. It is these aims that we want to be expressed and reflected in our website and
all the information we give out to the churches we work with.
We feel there is a real energy in our new logo and that the words RESOURCE-GROWCELEBRATE truly do resonate the very heart of 267.
Thank you all for your support in previous years and we hope that you will continue
to journey with us into this new season. We have the team in place, the energy and
the ideas, and we pray God will grant us all we need to resource, grow and celebrate
youth and childrens ministry across this area.



l We have an intern!! Benjamin has arrived from

Switzerland and will spending time with us at 267
and also at St Helens Wheathampstead, who
have also found him somewhere to live. Ben is
brilliant with under 5s and also plays the organ.
He has already proved amazing and not afraid of
hard work. We thank God for him.
l Excellent start to our year with FUEL Team
and we have had a load of new people joining.
We are thankful for the energy and gifts they
will be bringing to FUEL and other events
l X:site Harpenden is continuing to be drawing loads of
kids in and we thank God for all the joy X:site brings, to kids, to leaders and to
our churches
l We are hugely thankful for Paul, one of our trustees, who has spent loads of
time on our new logo. It looks amazing and really expresses our next phase of
boldness for the ministry
l Mike, Kirstie and Zach had a great time in the Lake District over the summer
and Mike was preaching 6 talks to 40 teenagers on a summer camp
l There are some really exciting bits of ministry this term and we are hugely
thankful for the creative and passionate team that we have. We are also
thankful for the support of the amazing bunch of youth and childrens leaders
that are in this area
l At the beginning of this term we had a wonderful trustees away day. This
was such a great opportunity to take some time to dream bigger dreams and
pray into some of the ministry we do. We have also got a new trustee joining us
next month
l Huge thanks to every who donated on our 267 Day you raised over
1500, thank you so much as this will enable us to continue the growth of the

l It is our Year of Boldness. Pray for us as we begin a journey towards a
mission at home next year. Pray as we plan FUEL sessions to disciple and
prepare us all. Pray that all the resources we need for this event are provided
l We have planted More? Cafe into Welwyn Garden City and the 2nd series
begins on Wednesday 23rd November. Pray for word to spread and for it to be
as significant as the St Albans events
l We are taking some time out with our St Albans More? Cafe, so please pray
for Mike and Claire as we consider the best next step
l Pray for The CORE Youth & Childrens Ministry Conference that we are
running on the 1st October. Pray for those that come to be massively
encouraged and energised
l Pray for Mike as he takes some time in October to focus on writing resources.
Pray that he will find the right space to be creative and that he will also enjoy
the time
l Pray for our fundraising Fish & Chip Quiz Night on 15th October, this event is
always lots of fun and gives us the chance to share with supporters some of the
exciting ministry their gifts enable us to

Saturday 15th Oct

l We are really praying that God will speak to us about where we need to be
with our 267 office. With the growth of our team and in the people that want
to meet us we are finding our current space is not quite fit for purpose and we
would like a home we can grow into

Some scripture that is encouraging us at the moment:

2 Timothy 1:6-7: For this reason I remind you to fan into
flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on
of hands. For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a
spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline

l Sunday 25th September
FUEL in St Albans, Christ Church,
l Friday 30th September
Saturday 1st October The CORE Youth
and Childrens Ministry Conference
l Thursday 6th October
267 Breakfast at Markyate Baptist

Some important dates for next term...

l 30th Dec 2016 2nd Jan 2017
New Years Houseparty for 14+
l Saturday 21st January 2017
Fundraising Wine and Cheese evening at
The Oval, Harpenden
l 10th-12th February 2017
Weekend Away for school years 3,4&5

l Monday 10th October

267 Trustees meet
l Tuesday 11th October
Total Training Session, 7.45pm at High St
Methodist Church, Harpenden
l Saturday 15th October
267 Fundraising Quiz Night with fish and
chips, 7pm at Forest Town Church.
Quiz Tickets:
l Saturday 22nd October
Supporting St Pauls Letchworth as they
interview for a new youthworker
l Sunday 23rd October
FUEL at High St Methodist Church,
Harpenden, 7pm-9pm
l Monday 24th October
FUEL Team time away
l Sunday 30th October
267 Service at St Marks Colney Heath

If you would like to volunteer with

the267project then drop us an email or

A Fundr

Enc our agin

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ciAl Ev
g and equ ippi
ng you r you
thw ork

Quiz Night
with Fish & Ch
In support of

ip Supper!

the local You

the267proje th Charity

Saturday 15th
Forest Town
Lyon way, St urch
7pm for supp
followed by
the Quiz at
Tickets 10.0
0 inc supp
To boo

k a place/tea
m of six
contact Tracy:
or pay online



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