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Reading and use of english

1. Leer la introduccin para averiguar el tipo de texto y el tema
2. Leer rpidamente el ttulo, el texto principal y las opciones anotando
cualquier enlace entre los temas (topic links)
3. Para cada hueco, buscar los enlaces de gramtica, por ejemplo, palabras de
referencia, linking expressions y su adecuacin a los tiempos verbales.
4. Leer el texto completo para comprobar que tiene sentido

although - mainly used for concession,

with some overlap into contrast.

whereas - mainly for strong contrast, with

some overlap into concession.

while - can usually be used for both

concession and contrast.
Although everyone was tired, they kept
going until it got dark.
(= concession - their action is slightly
surprising given their tiredness)
Although they accepted some of his
recommendations, they rejected others.
(= contrast - between accepting some
recommendation and rejecting others)




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