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Lexic and Grammar assessment

Name: ______________________________________ Class: ___________ Number: ______
1. Choose the appropriate word to complete the text.
- technology smartboards

ebooks hospitals surgeries

In class we have been talking about _____________________ and the way it has changed
peoples lives. In fact it is everywhere you go, in everything you touch or even do. You can see it in
schools which have ___________________ and students learn from ______________ and you can see it
even in _________________ where doctors and nurses perform __________ using robotic equipment.
Our world has become technological and we cannot run away from this evidence anymore. Big
countries have been preparing their cities so inhabitants can live their lives in an easier way
There is no doubt that ________ has changed the way people live their lives. Before the
invention of _________ and the telephone, people communicated face to face with other people, and
everything had to be done ___________. Writing was quite a challenge for some, but nowadays you
dont even need to know how to _________ because if you are able to identify all the letters of the
alphabet in a computer __________, you can easily write as much as you can or need.
Electricity and technology have improved our lives in many ways, from house life to working
life, not forgetting hobbies and spare time activities. When I was younger, my mother used to spend all
weekend cleaning the house, washing up and even _____, while I spent my time outside playing around
with my mates, reading a book or playing a board game. Those times are all gone now: My mother has
bought all the possible kitchen _______ that exist in the market and that has turned her life easier.
As far as I am concerned, grew up and discovered that I really hate technology and all the
______ related to it!
However, I have to admit that all those gadgets that my dear students adore, like tablets and Isomethings are quite ______ and make our lives much easier. I agree that with my _______ I can
prepare their English lessons much faster and wherever I want. More, with the Internet I spend much
less time looking for the exercises, and using both a _____ and a ______ has become as usual in my life
as brushing my teeth or even changing clothes every day! Nevertheless, I am just an old teacher and I
still love to use ________ and ________ for most worksheets and I cannot live without pens, pencils
and rubbers! Besides, I am too slow when it comes to ______ and __________!

Teenagers are generally good at _______, and they think its cool to have the latest tech
________, but they shouldnt spend too many hours surfing the Net, talking in chat rooms, listening to
music using ________, or even damaging their eyes with endless hours in front of a _____. I think these
attitudes are dangerous not only to their _____ health, but also to their mental health as they become
addicted to technologies and forget what real life is like. They must have a balanced life, and this simply
means organizing their time and defining ________ during the day. Technological gadgets are
______but they will never be able to replace a good ______, or even the sensation of going through the
pages of an old ______! Dont you agree with me?
2. Fill in the blank spaces with: used to / get used to / be used to.
a. Peter __________ ( have ) a desktop but his parents have offered him a laptop for his birthday.
Its an Apple and he __________________ ( work ) with its operative system. However, he has a
friend who is a Tech pro and is going to help him. Ime sure Peter ________________ it in no
b. My mother _____ ( cook ) manually but I have offered her a Bimby . she ______ ( still / work )
with it!
c. When I was younger I ________( get up ) really early during summer holidays to go out and
play with my friends. We _____ ( go ) to the forest and climb trees. We also _____ ( watch ) the
birds singing but we _______ ( not / swim ) in the river by ourselves because it was too
d. Before the invention of the car, people _________ ( travel ) by horse or by carriage. Then , they
_____________ ( travel ) faster and further.
e. When I was born the Iphone had already been created so I __________ ( use ) it in my everyday
3. Complete the text with the suitable tense of the verbs in brackets.
Right now, I ____ ( be ) at Worten because I ____ ( need ) to buy a new computer. Last Sunday I ____
( decide ) to come to Worten because the previous evening my youngest daughter ____ ( have ) the
terrible idea of asking me to use my laptop to watch some funny vdeos on youtube. She really ____
( love ) cats, so whenever she can, she _____ ( watch ) funny videos on the internet, but she always ____
( use ) my husbands pc. That evening my husband _____ ( not / be ) at home because he ____ ( go ) to a
working meeting and she _____ ( decide ) to ask for my pc. When she ____ ( ask ) me, I ____ ( be ) too
busy because I ____ ( prepare ) my other daughters birthday party: I _____ ( bake ) cakes, _____
( make ) some puddings and also ____ ( roast ) chicken. And I guess thats why she _____ ( ask ) me.

Because I _____ ( be ) too busy to pay her any attention. _____ ( you / know ) what happened then ?
While she ______ ( watch ) the funny vdeos, something strange ____ ( happen ) and the screen ____
( go )black. I ______ ( not / can ) explain what hapenned, it just ____ ( go ) black. Thats why right
now I ____ ( be ) at Worten. I am with my husband and we _____ ( try ) to decide for a new laptop.
When I was younger, I ____ ( not / have ) a computer , thats why I never ____ ( get ) in trouble with my
mother, lol!!!

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