Views On Capital Punishment

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Capital punishment, in other words the death penalty or execution is the death
sentence for a person who is judged by the authorities.
In this project, my aim is to firstly introduce the definition of capital punishment, then
mention the past use in some countries and their methods, after that the current use
countries and their methods. Following this, controversially the negative and positive
sides of the death penalty are going to be discussed:
* 'is capital punishment an efficient or useful way to protect society?' analysis of the
question will be based on human rights and then my opinion will be given.
The word capital comes from Latin 'capitalis' which means 'regarding the head'.
The ideological means of capital punishment comes from 'a life for a life, an eye for
an eye, and tooth for a tooth.'
Capital punishment is the execution of a person for punishment because of certain
crime after being judged. This execution just can be done by states, when it is done
by non-governmental organization it is murder, not the death penalty.
It is predicted that various methods of punishment were used in the past all over the
world. The death penalty was used in Babylon at approximately 3,700 years ago.
These rules were adopted and also developed to some extents for every crime by
ancient societies.
In the past, the majority of the countries in the world used this punishment, however,
now 58 countries are existing practise. In addition, 95 countries have prohibited it,
except during times of war.
Every countries around the world have their own constitutions to legalize and lead
their citizens to obey the law. In most countries they practice the life imprisonment to
punish the criminal, however, some are still being counted in capital punishment.
Between these two types of punishment, the most popular topic that everyone
always discuss whether capital punishment or life imprisonment should be declared
as the constitution law?. There are three mains reasons to support the capital
punishment could be practice in countries.
First, capital punishment is acted as much of deterrent. According to professor jeff
fagan questions research that supports the long-accepted view of the deterrent effect
of capital punishment says that execution can save lives by deterring murders.
(capital punishment debate in usa) actually, this ideas are absolutely true. Perhaps
because of the laws enforcement, so murders cannot do something illegal or they

cannot kill some innocent people. The number of homicide will be decrease and
someone who wants to commit serious crime in some places also will change his or
her ideas due to this strict law. Moreover, there are many crimes rises during we
practice this kind of strategies. It happened because of the law enforcement; many
securities such as polices are try to reinforce their capacity to do their jobs as the
nets catching fish ( criminals ) that do any illegal activities in societies or in the whole
Second, capital punishment is counted for the serious crimes. Every criminals who
have made any irrevocable mistakes will be put in the jail and they may be hanging,
guillotive, shooting, electrocution, gassing or lethal injection. In addition, the judge
decide to sentence them to death because those criminals are very dangerous and
threaten to the society if they could be escaped form the prison. For example, ayman
al-zawahiri, the top leader and the successor to osama bin laden is the most
dangerous person that reportedly ordered the attacks in paris in january which killed
17 people and this person have been involve in deadly attack in europe, africa , asia,
and the middle east. So, through this type of heinous crime that he did he cannot
receive a life imprisonment instead of capital punishment.
Finally, there is no need to care about the finance in ones country when we choose
a capital punishment. By looking over how government waste much amount of
money on the prisoners every years, prisoner should get death penalty. For example,
in the usa, every jail uses a lot of money in order to make a comfort place for
prisoners such as they do decorating, built a library, serve the food, build the filed for
reactional activities, pay for bills and many services that require land and space. So,
many part of the money that government obtained have been spent on this
unimportant thing. Many people that live in poor country that have faced many
problems such as poverty, drought and famine will be got over if those amount of
money are put into the fund to help people who encounter with problems. As a
matter as fact, if the government keep helping the prison, it is likely to promote
people to commit crimes. They ( prisoners) think that no matters they live in prison,
they even still have a good support from the government. Plus, when the prisons are
full of prisoners, the government must to expand the territory and it is also a problem
that they cannot deal with.
Opponents of mandatory of execution law say that capital punishment process is
more costly than imprisonment and they also think that lifetime sentences are more
likely to develop remorse for their crimes. These points have some merit on the
surface. However, capital punishment must be paid in high cost rather than the life
imprisonment, but it costs just once the prisoners face the court and they will finish;
the governments dont need to care whether to spend the money to help the
criminals or not. In the further, big amount of money is spent on the attorney , but if
we have an enough evidence we can sentence the prisoner to death. To refuse the
phrase said that prisoners will become a nice people again, i strongly believe that
when they decide to kill or murder someone; they know they cannot come back to

the normal life again. As the result, the prisoners are rarely regret about what they
have done.
In conclusion, capital punishment is the best ways to use as the nation law for punish
the prisoners. The government can get benefits from that practice such as
deterrence, eliminating any serious crimes, and saving money.

Research Methodology The study of conducting research is Research Methodology. Research:
The word research is composed of two syllables Re and Search. Re is the prefix
meaning Again or over again or a new and Search is the latter meaning to examine
closely and carefully or to test and try. Together they form, a careful, systematic, patient
study and investigation in some field of knowledge undertaken to establish principles /
policies. Research can also be defined as:
1. Search for knowledge
2. Systematic and scientific search for getting relevant answers on any taken up specific topic.
3. Scientific enquiry into a subject.
4. Research is a movement from the unknown to the known.
5. It is the voyage of discovery According to Bulmer; Research is primarily committed to
establishing systematic, reliable and valid knowledge about the social world.
According To Clifford Woody, Research comprises of:

Defining and redefining problems.

Formulating hypothesis (basic idea)
Evaluating datas
Making decisions
Suggesting solutions
Reaching conclusions
Finally, carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulated


The main objectives of the study were to explore the application. The study is conducted with
the following objectives :1. Capital punishment laws leads to reduction in the crime for which it generally given.
2. Innocent peoples are are also getting victim of capital punishment.


The two types of hypotheses are scientific and working.

A scientific hypothesis is based on experiments and observations from the past that cannot
be explained with current theories.

A working hypothesis is one that is widely accepted and becomes the basis of further

This study is being undertaken with the following hypotheses:

1. To know the working of capital punishment law.
2. To know how the impact on crime (whether it is
increasing/decreasing) with regards to capital
punishment law.
3. To find out the opinions regarding capital punishment
law in the minds of citizen of country.
4. To know the impact on culture, behavior, attitudes
towards the peoples living in society towards the crime.
5. To know the future prospect related with capital


1. Basic research
As we know that basic research is also called as pure or fundamental research. It is
undertaken to develop a theory or a body of knowledge. The main goal of basic research is to
expand mans knowledge. In this study I have done the basic research related to view on
capital punishment
2. Applied research
Applied research is a study designed to solve practical problems, rather than merely acquiring
knowledge. This study also provides to solve the problems which are nothing but opposite to
the benefits received by these research. Means the other side which is opposite to positive
factors. I have tried to find out the solutions to the problems by studying its (capital
punishment) negative impact on the human being
3. Analytical research
Analytical research is undertaken to collects facts or data, or the facts or data may be readily
available. In this researcher attempts to critically evaluate such facts and data to evaluate
conclusion. This also tells us the cause and effect relationships. The data related to the capital
punishment can be divided into the data which shows the positive cause and effect
relationship also the negative cause and effect relationship. By this it will be easy for us to
focus on the greatest positive effects and eliminate negative effects.
4. Empirical research
Empirical research is a way of gaining knowledge by means of direct and indirect observation
and experience. While studying the views on capital punishment some part of the knowledge
have been gained from the self-observation.

Primary data sources
Primary data means data collected by the researcher himself/herself. It refers to the first-hand
information which is collected to solve a specific problem. Out of the various methods I have
used survey method which is part of primary data.
Secondary data sources
If the time or hassle of collecting your own data is too much, or the data collection has
already been done, secondary data may be more appropriate for your research. This type of
data typically comes from other studies done by other institutions or organizations. The
secondary data is readily available data from published or printed sources.
The secondary data includes the data collected from the official website of Wikipedia Articles
published by newspaper in respect of capital punishment.

The sample size which I have used in this study is from 35 respondents which includes the
college students and Adults.



1. The Death Penalty, 2008, Roger Hood and Expanded, Centre for Criminology University
of Oxford

2. The Death Penalty, A debate, 1986, Emest Van Den Haag, John P. Conrad, Plenum Press

3. Victims' Rights, Human Rights and Criminal Justice, 2008, J onathan Doak, Hart






Views on capital punishment
1. Capital punishment should be a sentencing
option in all cases of convicted murderers.
2. Capital punishment does not provide
enough closure for the families of victims.
3. Capital punishment must be an option in
cases where someone is convicted of
multiple murders.
4. Fear of capital punishment keeps potential
offenders from committing murder.
5. Capital punishment costs tax-players more
money than what is worth.
6. Capital punishment should be handed down
only by a unanimous jury.
7. Capital punishment should never be applied
as a sentence, no matter what.
8. Capital punishment contradicts societys
laws against killing people.
9. Capital punishment prevents convicted
murderers from achieving a possible
religious redemption.
10. One of the ten commandments say: Thou
shall not kill, so capital punishment is
11. Indian society has evolved to the point
where it should no longer apply capital
12. Capital punishment has been around
throughout human history, why stop it now?
13. The death penalty should be used against
repeating murderers, mass murderers, and
those who commit particularly horrible
14. The death penalty is unfair because
innocent people may be convicted and
15. The death penalty is fair because justice
demands an eye for an eye.
16. The death penalty is unfair because it is
used in a racially discriminatory way.
17. The use of the death penalty is a deterrent
to other who might commit a crime.





18. I support the immediate halt to the use of

the death penalty in the India
19. I oppose the death penalty even if the
convicted criminal desires to die.
20. The fact that most nations in the world have
abolished the death penalty should be an
important consideration for Indians.
1. What is your gender?
a. Male
b. Female
2. What year you born?
3. Please indicate your highest level of completed education.
4. Please indicate any religious affiliation.
a. Hindu
b. Catholic
c. Muslim
d. other

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