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Moltke, Erik Page, Ray I Page, Ray 1 Williams, Henrik Innhold "Part 1: Runie Writing’ Side 1 Runes and their Origin, Denmark and Elsewhere 1985 ss. 2 ISBN: 8748008789 Copyright (C) 1985 The National Museum of Denmark Kopi med hjemmet i Kopino-avtaen "Ch, 1: The Script and its Problems" Side $7 Runes 1987 ss. 6-13 ISBN: 0520061144 Copyright (C) 1987 British Museum Press Kopier med hjemme! Kepinoravtalen "Rune-names and Futharks", Side 67 Runes 1987 ss. 14-22 ISBN: 0520061144 Copyright (C) 1987 British Museum Press Kopicr med hjemm i Kopinor-aviain “"The Origins of the Runes”, i (Red) Looijenga, Tineke & Quak, Arend Side 79 Frisian Runes and Neighbouring Traditions. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Frisian Runes at the Fries Museum, Leeuwarden 1996 ss. 211-218 ISBN: 9051839510 Copyright (C) 1996 Amsterdam - Atlanta, GA Kopiet med hjsmmet i Kepinor avalon Antonsen, Elmer H. Antonsen, Elmer H. Nielsen, Hans Frede Bames, Michael ‘Ch, 3: The Earliest Germanic Writing Systems, Ch. 6: Age and the Origin of the fupark & Ch. 9: Sacral or Secular?", i Runes and Germanic Linguisties 2002 ss, 37-50, 93-117, 169-205 ISBN: 3110174626 Copyright (C) 2002 W ier de Gruyter GmBH & Co. KG Kopirt med hjemmel i Kopinoravtalen ‘On Runological and Linguistic Evidence for Dating Runie Inscriptions", i (Red) Dawel, Klaus Runeninschrifien als Quellen interdisziplindirer Forschung 15 1998 ss. 130-159 ISBN: 3110154552 Copyright (C) 1998 Walter de Gruyter GmBH & Co. KG Koper med hjemmel i Kepinoravslen The Linguistic Status of the Early Runic Inscriptions of Scandinavia (Red) Diwel, Klaus Runeninschriften als Quellen interdi 530-555 plindirer Forschung 15 1998 ss. ISBN: 3110154552 Copyright (C) 1998 Walter de Gruyter GmBH & Co. KG. opien med hjemmel i Kopinor avalon "On Types of Argumentation in Runic Studies", i (Red) Knirk, James E Proceedings of the Third Inrernational Symposium on Rimes and Runic Inscriptions, Grindaheim 1990 1994 ss, 11-29 ISBN: 9150610945 Copyright (C) 1994 Institutionen fir nordiska sprik, Uppsala universi Kopient me hjemmel i Kepinoesvslen Side 89 Side 167 Side 179 Side 199 Barnes, Michi Stoklund, Marie Haugen, Einar Liestol, Aslak "The Transitional Inscriptions", i (Red) Diwel, Klaus, Side 221 Runeninschriften als Quellen interdisziplindirer Forschung 15 1998 ss. 448-461 ISBN: 3110154552 Copyright (C) 1998 Walter de Gruyter GmBH & Co. KG. opie med hjsmmel Kopinoravalen The Ribe Cranium Inscription and the Scandinavian Transition to the Side 237 ‘Younger Reduced Futhark", i (Red) Looijenga, Tineke & Quak, Arend Frisian Runes and Neighbouring Traditions. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Frisian Runes at the Fries Museum, Leeuwarden 1996 ss, 199-209 ISBN: 9051839510 Copyright (C) 1996 Amsterdam - Aulanta, GA -Kopien mi hjommel i Kopinoesvalen "On the Parsimony of the Younger Futhi (Red) Gellinek, C Side 251 Festschrif fiir Konstantin Reichardt 1969 ss. 51-58 Copyright (C) 1969 Bern und Mainchen opie mod hjsmme Kopinarasaion "The Viking Runes: The Transition from the Older to the Younger Side 261 Futhark", Saga-Book 20 (4) 1981 ss, 247-266 ISSN: 03089219 Copy) i (C) 1981 Viking Society for Northern Research opie mod hjeume! i Kopino a Bares, Michael "The Origins of the Younger Sven BF. uthark - A Reappraisal", i (Red) Jansson, Side 283 Runor och runinskrifier. Foredrag vid Riksantikvariecembetets och Vitrerhetskademiens symposium 8-11 september 1985 1985 ss. 29-45 ISBN: 9174021796 Copyright (C) 1985 Almgvist & Wiksell International pier met hjemmel i Kopinoravalen

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