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Environmental Awareness

-AP Env.Science- 9/12/12
-Env. Systems- 9/5/12

Design a presentation for members of your local community. The presentation topic will be an
Environmental Science Awareness campaign that focuses on the history of the discipline, careers
and contributions of scientists, and impact the field has had on the environment.

AP-You will need at least four sources cited for your research (correctly!) using APA format. If
you are not familiar with it look it up online. There are examples.
Env. Systems- you will need at least two sources, documented as stated above.
You will write a typed report (2 pages, double spaced, 12pt font, Times New Roman) based on
the information you found about your awareness issue(s).
Use the following questions within your report and to guide your research:

What area and specific issue will my campaign focus on? (Needs to be CURRENT)

How does this issue impact your local area?

What efforts have been taken to address this issue? What current research exists
regarding the impact of the issue on the environment?

Who are the major people involved in addressing this issue now and in the past?

What efforts can be taken to bring awareness of this issue to your local area?

Once you have chosen your issue(s) for your campaign, you are to develop your plan for your
Environmental Science Awareness Campaign. You should consider the audience of the local
community members.

DisplayFor this project I want everyone in the school to be in-the-know about current environmental
issues. So in that case we will be presenting your information about your campaign on posters or
presentation tri-folds. I want pictures related to your campaign included in your display.
Attached to this handout are some of the types of questions you may answer and how to answer
them on your poster. The poster information needs to short and concise, but at the same time
direct and clear.
You also need to include the vocabulary words below somewhere in your presentation:

environmental awareness

environmental action


BE CREATIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Question and thought to think about while conducting your research:
Environmental quality relies on the everyday actions of individuals.

In what ways have individuals contributed to the quality of the environment?

You will also present your findings to the class on the due date. Presentations must be 3- 5
minutes, with everyone in the group participating equally.

This project will be a major grade. Points will be awarded based on your report, presentation to
the class, and your display.

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