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The Seven Things You

Must Do to Succeed
with Enterprise Mobility

Jeff Wallace,

Head of Mobility Practice and Business Leader

Mobility has fast become a technology that most

of us, be it in our personal lives or professional
careers, cant live without.
Fueled by mobility and connectivity, businesses are transforming their interactions with
customers, employees and partners. They need to redefine systems of engagement and seize
opportunity. They need to accelerate time to value.
Moreover, mobility is taking the world by storm and upending one industry aer another. As a
prime example, Kodak failed to see this wave coming, and aer nearly a century and a quarter,
they recently declared bankruptcy as mobile phones supplanted the need for digital cameras.
And think about what life in this world of smart mobility is like for companies named Garmin,
Magellan or TomTom. Who needs a stand-alone GPS device when they already have their
smart phone with them?
Today, global enterprises are grappling with just how mobility can be deployed and
leveraged to reach their ever-connected customers and workforce.
In this eBook, were going to take you on a short journey to tell you how Brillio sees
enterprise mobility how weve successfully created and developed enterprise mobility
solutions for several Fortune 100 companies.
But first, to set the context, were going to share with you
what we believe enterprise mobility is NOT.
It is NOT your run of the mill IT project.
It is NOT about a single app or mobile website.
It is NOT a CIO initiative.
It is NOT about digital.
It is NOT a single siloed solution.
It is NOT a stand-alone channel to reach end users.
So, what is enterprise mobility, and how can Brillio
work as a co-innovation partner to create entirely
new business models and user experiences?

We are Brillio and this eBook features

insights from the Brillio Mobility Practice.
Brillio Mobility helps organizations at any
stage of their respective mobility journey.
We understand that there are varying
degrees of mobile maturity, and we work
side by side as partners with our clients to
ensure success in achieving their stated
business goals and vision.
Brillio is a global technology consulting
firm focused on leveraging emerging
technologies for innovation and application
modernization in the Banking & Finance,
Utilities, CPG, Retail, Technology, and
Media and Entertainment industries.
We are focused on improving competitive
advantage for our global customers by
rapidly and effectively deploying innovation
in technology. What sets us apart is our
customer-centric culture, long history of
reliable IT delivery and our disproportionate
investments in innovation, allowing us to
significantly improve business efficiency
and agility.

Specifically within our Mobility

practice, Brillio focuses on 4 key areas:


Advisory Services, wherein we

help our clients establish mobility
governance teams, determine
appropriate mobility strategies,
prioritize mobility roadmaps, and
assess application development
approaches...or, as we like to say,
we help our clients figure out the
what and the why of mobility
UX/UI and Design Services, wherein
we help our clients figure out how
to bring the wow to their mobility
Innovation Solutions, wherein we
work with our clients and/or partners
to develop key vertical industry or
horizontal mobility offerings that we
can deploy to our clients
And Solution Delivery Services, which
is essentially the how we deliver
what is decided upon as the use
cases and strategies for mobility

Before we begin talking about the Seven Things

You Must Do to Succeed with Enterprise Mobility,
wed like to share a few insights from a historical
perspective about the interpretations that people
have had in the past regarding what has become
the precursor to mobility the telephone.
Yes, thats right. The telephone.

Well-informed people know that it is impossible to

transmit the voice over wires and that were it possible
to do so, the thing would be of no practical value.

This is a quote from a gentleman named Joshua Coppersmith who was one of the rst people
attempting to raise capital in order to develop the telephone. He was arrested for fraud for
his innovative thinking!



Thats an amazing
invention, but who
would ever want to
use one of them?
Rutherford B. Hayes,
19th President of the United States
Aer participating in a trial conversation
between Washington and Philadelphia, 1876

This is another quote from one of the former

presidents of the United States aer actually
making a test phone call between Washington,
D.C. and Philadelphia.

That was about

137 years ago

Only a toy. Its only a toy

Gardiner Greene Hubbard, Boston lawyer

Addressing the telephone invented by his prospective son-in-law, Alexander Graham Bell, and
urging him to devote his time to other pursuits. 1876
And finally, this last historical quote from the soon-to-be or prospective father-in-law of the
inventor of the telephone - Alexander Graham Bell. He called the invention only a toy and
encouraged Alexander to work on other, more useful, pursuits.

That was about 130 years ago

So clearly, from the perspective of days gone by, there was little belief that a device named
the telephone was going to be very important to anyone.

We can only imagine

Alexander Bell sitting on a
park bench today, iPhone
in his hand, talking to his

As you are reading this, give thought to the

answers to the following questions.
How many mobile devices do you currently own? More than likely, many of you own
more than one mobile device and regularly carry one or more when you travel. How many
tablets do you own? How many hybrid devices, such as an iPad, or Samsung Galaxy Note or
an iPod touch or other non-phone yet connected device do you own?
Chances are an individual in todays highly connected world owns two connected
devices at a minimum.
And so - in contrast to the historical quotes weve presented, its more than safe to say that
as a culture we think that the telephone and mobility are in fact important and most
assuredly here to stay.
Next, we would like to point out some of our observations regarding mobility in 2014 and
some of the important tips that we recommend our clients consider as they develop their
own enterprise mobility initiatives to lead them down the path of true business innovation.


The Rush to the App Store

Our first observation is that what we are seeing is the rush to the app store and an attitude
of "let's go build an app." We see this time and time again in the organizations that we work
with. Organizations across the landscape of industries are in a constant rush to the app
store mindset.
We are finding this thought process to be similar to that which we experienced more than a
decade ago, in the internet heyday a lot of apps being built without a cause.

We are also finding that organizations currently are running, not walking, to develop an app;
"going rogue," as we like to say. What we mean by going rogue is that in many casesgoing
around their IT organizations, contracting a third-party agency to build an app, and getting
it in the app store quickly. IT usually find out about it only when someone calls them with a
support question about it.
Why is this happening? Because CIOs or IT departments are trying to place controls around
the applications being developed internally while the business units within these organizations
are just trying to quickly get an app into the hands of their end users.


No Clear Accountability for Enterprise Mobility

The next thing that we're seeing in the mobility marketplace that is within many companies,
there is not a clear line of accountability and responsibility for mobility-related initiatives.
This is not only because IT and Business Units have separate agendas, timelines, urgencies,
etc, but also, it is because mobility is clearly a technology that is not just taking IT groups by
storm, it is taking entire enterprises by storm.
Oen times, a Business Unit has a need for a mobility solution and attempts to engage IT to
help accomplish its goals. However, IT departments across industries are resource-constrained,
be it people or budgets, and are wrestling with how to keep the existing systems up and
running while sorting out just how these newer technologies will be incorporated, secured, etc.
This type of situation oen leads to chaos, and chaos, in turn, leads to a lack of clear lines of
accountability and responsibility.



One thing we have seen across countless enterprise clients within all industries is that when
the term "Mobility Center of Excellence is spoken, business line executives seems to lose
interest, believing that what comes aer those words is only relevant to the IT department.
So, we have determined that a slight change in semantics can make a world of difference.
For us, it is clear that and as we like to say, Mobility is not an IT thing, it is an enterprise
thing. So, in order to make enterprise mobility relevant to the entire enterprise, we have
changed the nomenclature to Mobility Council.
Going back to the observations mentioned, we believe that this situation indicates what is
really needed - is a proper governance structure for all things mobile. This governing body,
what we call a Mobility Council - must be appropriately cross-enterprise represented based
upon the needs and objectives of the enterprise.
This group can function in various ways, depending on the company and how they
choose to empower this group. In some companies, the Mobility Council
establishes and enforces organizational standards for mobility initiatives.
In other companies, Mobility Councils actually own total responsibility
for mobility -- including standards creation, prioritization of
mobility initiatives and execution of mobility projects.
Finally, it is up to this group to help the enterprise
determine where they are within their mobility
maturity product cycle, and once this is clearly
understood, they can help steer the organization
in a forward moving direction to ensure
appropriate execution of mobility initiatives.


Develop an Enterprise Mobility Strategy

& Roadmap
Once the Mobility Council is formed, next, as an organization, they need to develop a
comprehensive enterprise mobility strategy.
Companies need to understand the business justication -- will they be using mobility to t
into their existing business or will they use it to innovate? And they need to address all of the
other aspects that are affected by an enterprise move towards mobility - the ROI, the
process implications and the technology implications.
Ideally, organizations will establish an internal working group for mobility and then clearly
define what the success of the enterprise mobility efforts really means, be it cost savings,
revenue generation or brand enhancements.
Technology without a strategy is wasted. And we think this statement sums it up in a
nutshell -- they really have to understand the justification for enterprise mobility and prioritize
your efforts, before you begin to develop your applications.



Constant Volatility Causes Havoc

There is, unequivocally a constant evolution taking place in the mobile world. And, the
implications of change at both at an OS (operating system) level and a device level - sound
something like this: "Hey, we just built it. Why doesnt this work anymore?"

Sound familiar?
The constant customizations and modifications going on at the OS level in order to improve
and further develop the mobile experience are driving similar waves of change with the apps
themselves. These weekly, if not daily, updates bring a fair number of challenges in the
marketplace, ranging from functionality to licensing to core integration.
These moments oen bring cheers from consumers who crave these advancements, while
simultaneously causing developers to cringe in fear that their apps might be broken by these updates.
In this world of extreme volatility, it is very
difficult to make a decision because we're
fearful of what might be just around
the corner. And so we tend to hold off
sometimes or hesitate to make
investment decisions, which can
cause missed opportunities for
innovation or cause us to fall
further and further behind
more risk-tolerant



Future Proof Your Mobile Investments

The upgrade now problem clearly highlights that organizations need to understand how to
manage this constant change effectively and to understand the ways to future proof their
investments. While open source tools surely exist for creating mobile applications, oen
times the best way to do that is to offload the risk of volatility to a solution provider or a
services partner.

Be sure to find the right solution provider to help you accomplish your stated objectives and
make sure to obtain an SLA, or service level agreement, which offers you the protection
needed from this seemingly endless market volatility.
Letting these solution providers absorb the risks on your behalf via their SLA, combined
with a very comprehensive testing strategy, allows you to future proof your investments and
make sure that that situation that we saw referenced in the prior observation doesnt cause
heartache within your mobile application development team.



The Classic IT vs. Business Tug of War

The next thing we see quite oen, and we'd be surprised if it wasnt happening in many of
your own organizations, is the constant battle between IT and the business as to who
controls mobility in an enterprise.
It is the classic tug-of-war: mobility is mine no, it's mine, to determine who owns and who
has accountability for mobility within an enterprise.

Enterprise mobility can be an initiative within various departments, be it business units

within a corporation such as Marketing, or Sales in a retail enterprise, who desire to own
mobility as it relates to end consumers or salespeople. For example, Field Operations in a
utility company who wish to mobile-enable field service resources; Human Resources who
wish to push corporate and benefits related information to employees; Or, ownership is with
the IT departments who ultimately have accountability for integration, security, technology
and governance.
Depending upon who touches the application -- from consumers to sales to third parties to
the entire enterprise -- companies across industries wrestle with the challenge of who
ultimately owns mobility?
At Brillio, we like to remind out clients that mobility is not your typical IT project, and as such,
it's not as clear as with a traditional project -- who actually owns mobility.


Give Business the Freedom it Demands while

Giving IT the Control it Requires
How do we begin to referee this tug of war? Brillio Mobility has developed what we call our
freedom within a framework methodology.
Our approach allows organizations to have the freedom they need in order to build the
application desired while simultaneously empowering IT to maintain the control it needs in
order to ensure the stability and security of the mobility initiatives across the board.
As you can see from this diagram, IT builds and owns the frame -- the black bar incorporates
the technology, the governance, the compliance and security aspects, and ultimately, the
support for mobility initiatives.
Meanwhile, non-IT organizations own what's inside the frame. They have the ability to drive
market driven solutions to support core business objectives. For example, what are the use
cases? What is the user experience? What is it going to look like? How will they use mobility
to truly innovate? So the business gets to make whatever decisions they want as long as what
they're doing stays within the confines of the IT groups frame and as long as business stays
in compliance with these boundaries, they can have all the freedom desired to innovate.












Employees want to use their own devices

and not carry two.
Next, like some of these other points weve touched upon, we oen see this one quite
routinely. The constant, non-stop barrage of employees walking in with a particular device -whatever it might be and handing it to an IT person and saying, "Can you make this work for
me? I want to use my device for my work stuff."
This is a genuine problem, and one which is not going away.
Why? Because we now have what we call a Sunday night, Monday morning syndrome where
people use their cool, fun personal technology on the weekends when they have all the
freedom and flexibility that these newer devices and applications afford. And then, when they
get to the office on Monday morning, its like theyve gone back in time and have to use
antiquated technology (like those tethered oce phones we talked about and boring, un-cool
SAP or Oracle screens).
This confluence of devices is something we see happening more and more. Employees expect
and in some cases, demand, to be able to leverage their personal devices to access
enterprise e-mail and other enterprise data. They dont want to carry multiple devices so
their attitude is, rather simply, make it work on my device.
What does this statement really mean? It is a clear command that they want the ability to
access enterprise information from their device of choice. Its called the BYOD dilemma



Create an Approved
BYOD Policy
The creation of a comprehensive and solid BYOD
-- bring your own device -- policy is an absolute
necessity with all companies, small, mid-size
and large. At Brillio, we believe there are two
approaches that organizations can take as it
relates to BYOD - you can do it now or you can
do it later. Yet - be assured that the request to
make this device work for me -- is not going to
stop today or tomorrow.
And to be sure, BYOD is not really a technical
challenge. Rather, it is an issue of people and
policy. The privacy and reimbursement matters
converge with the security aspects and create
challenges that must be dealt with by Human
Resources and Legal departments, not just IT
Without a doubt, organizations need to get their
arms around this issue and figure out a plan to
empower their employees to use these devices,
but to do so within a structure in which the
enterprise ultimately has the control it needs.
Every enterprise will ultimately need to establish
an approved set of devices and mobile OSs that
it will support so that their employees and their
workforce can be as productive as they can be.
Lastly, investigate the possibility of leveraging
mobile device or mobile application management
solutions based upon your business and device
security requirements.


Functionality vs. User Experience...The App Struggle

Enterprise apps now have to recognize that consumer apps have set the experience bar. We
are seeing a deliberate and razor sharp focus within enterprises on the end user experience.
Whereas functionality used to be paramount within application development, nowadays, user
experience is rapidly rising in importance.
Surely, everyone has downloaded an application at some point, and upon opening it, didnt
like what they experienced and immediately deleted the app. Mind you, it very well could have
worked and done what it was supposed to do. But, if it doesnt provide a high-quality user
experience, in todays mobility environment, users simply wont settle on functionality.
And we need to be very clear here that when we say user experience. We are not
simply speaking about the visual design. User experience is more about how the
user feels when he or she uses the app. Is it easy to use? Is it friendly to use?
Does it seem safe to use? Does it solve a problem for me? Does it make
me more productive?






























Dont underestimate the importance of UX

At the heart of this tip is what Brillio Mobility believes to be the absolute truth -- that
functionality is merely table stakes and not the end in and of itself.
We advise our clients to address the user experience right from the outset and leverage
proven techniques such as personas and user journeys to ensure usability, functionality and
overall user experience meet the ever-increasing demands of your mobility users.
Even when it comes to enterprise-facing applications, no longer is good enough, good
enough. The consumerization of IT has found its way to mobility, and enterprise users now
have much higher expectations about how an app should look, work and make them feel!
As we say within the Brillio mobility practice, user experience drives user adoption and user
adoption drives ROI. So, without a clean, crisp UX, users wont be compelled to use the app,
and without usage, the ROI is not going to end up where it needs to be.
Whatever you do, dont underestimate the importance of UX.



My cousin (3 times removed) knows how to build apps

We hear this from our customers, again and again... Oh, I know a really great app guy or
Greg, over in the marketing group is studying to become an iOS developer and he can help us
or My sister works for an app company and I bet she can get us a good deal.
What happens with this situation is that the company might have
someone who understands how to perhaps make a very cool app
that looks good and feels good. Yet thats not the whole
picture and it shouldnt be either.

At the end of the day - how does that app really fit in with the organizations overall strategy? Does this really cool
app guy understand the bigger and the broader issues around the application and the enterprises mobility
initiatives? Does your sisters friend understand how to do the necessary integration into your enterprise platforms,
your ERP systems? Do they understand how to incorporate the app across different devices and make sure that it
works accurately across whatever device platforms you choose? Do they understand how to manage the security or
the support aspects?
A great mobile user experience is the key to driving adoption among your customers, employees, and partners, and
achieving your business goals to grow revenues and reduce operational costs. Understanding who will use your
mobile applications and their personas is critical to adoption. A user-centric design process that focuses on an
iterative and collaborative approach with rapid prototyping and visualization leads to satisfied users, less rework,
and faster time to value. Great mobile user experiences are:

Secure Seamless User-centric Context Aware Personal19


Find a True Enterprise Mobility Partner

Finding a partner to guide you on your mobility journey, hand-in hand, is critical to ensuring
the success of your efforts.
At Brillio - we serve as a co-innovation
partner with our clients. We work
together to decipher, comprehend and
understand the bigger picture of
mobility using a broad and wide
definition of enterprise mobility.
Businesses need to understand all of the
implications that will be brought about from
the mobility undertakings, be they the IT
aspects, the business aspects, the people
aspects, or development process required
to create these apps solutions properly.

Enterprises need to work with someone who can support all of the broad
application development initiatives within the overall enterprise mobility
strategy and framework.
Dont be afraid to seek a partner who is willing to co-innovate and
co-invest in creating mobility solutions for you. You want to partner with
a company like Brillio, one who you know is going to serve as your
personal Sherpa on your mobility journey and, moreover, one who will
be there for the long run for the evolution of mobility is just beginning


So, here are our suggestions. The Seven Things

You Must Do -- to Succeed with Enterprise
Mobility based on our experience at Brillio
Mobility, working with hundreds of mobility
engagements for numerous Fortune 1000 clients
across all industries.
In a nutshell, make sure to:
Form a proper Mobility Council
Develop an enterprise strategy and roadmap
Future proof your investments
Give business freedom while giving IT control
Create an approved BYOD policy
Dont underestimate the importance of UX, and
Find a true enterprise mobility partner
Brillio Mobility will help you:
Enable mobility across your enterprise
Build secure, seamless, contextually relevant
mobile applications
Create immersive user experiences across
multiple engagement channels
Integrate your mobile systems of engagement
with your enterprise systems of record
Secure your enterprise information on
mobile channels
Manage your mobile devices
Think beyond the device


Are you wrestling with how to take your

mobility initiatives forward? Do you have
unanswered questions you wish someone
could help you answer?
Our Brillio Mobility practice, along with our vast ecosystem of mobility solution providers,
can help organizations at any stage of their respective mobility journey. We understand that
there are varying degrees of mobile maturity, and we work side-by-side, as partners, with
our clients to ensure success in reaching the business goals and vision.
We welcome the opportunity to have a 30 minute introductory...the power of mobility and
how it can positively impact your business. "Of course, you can contact Brillio Mobility
directly by emailing Jeff Wallace, Head of Mobility Practice and Business Leader at
For more information about Brillio, please visit


Helping Businesses
Transform to Improve
Business Efficiency
and Agility
Brillio is a global technology consulting firm focused on
leveraging emerging technologies for innovation and
application modernization in the Banking & Finance, Utilities,
CPG, Retail, Technology, Media and Entertainment Industries. We
are focused on improving competitive advantage for our global
customers by rapidly and effectively deploying innovation in
technology. Our hotspots around the world and investment in
early technologies help your business recognize new capabilities
faster, identify new opportunities quicker, and develop the
strategic vision for market dominance. Brillio helps you drive
business innovation today.
Visit us at
On Facebook at BrillioGlobal.
On Twitter at @brillioglobal

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