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Tough Love?
Do guidelines such as
those recently published
by the San Francisco
Jewish Federation unite
the American Jewish
community in support of
Israel? Or do they widen
the schisms?

become an issue that has been avoided, in order

to minimize arguments, or has served as a
lightening rod to attract the most passionate
supporters and critics. Indeed, as reported in
The Jerusalem Report (“Learning How to
Argue,” November 9, 2009), the Bay Area’s

Jewish Community Relations Council even

sponsored a program to instill “a new civility”
in Jewish discourse, especially with regard to
Jan Jaben-Eilon Atlanta v’Shalom and former Knesset member Marcia Israel.
Freedman, poetess Adrienne Rich and Rabbis But this is the first time that any Federation

HE HEADLINE WAS David Cooper and Lavey Derby, were protest- in any community has articulated specific
compelling. “An Open Letter ing against the new guidelines set by the San guidelines “on potentially controversial Israel-
to All Jewish Communities: Francisco Jewish Community Federation related programming.” The guidelines could
Warning!!!” In a half-page ad (JCF) for funding organizations and projects in potentially affect not only the relationships
published in The Forward in the US and abroad. These guidelines, they between philanthropists and grantees but also,
early May, 72 prominent Bay Area scholars, warned, would have a “chilling effect” on and even more significantly, the relationships
rabbis, philanthropists, artists and community Israel discussion in the American Jewish com- between the younger, secular base of Jewish
leaders warned that their “usually liberal com- munity. support for Israel in the US and its relationship
munity had set a dangerous precedent” that The guidelines say the Federation is com- with the State of Israel.
could “limit debate, threaten dissent and estab- mitted to diversity and pluralism, but will not

lish for the first time a litmus test for loyalty to fund organizations that undermine Israel’s HE GUIDELINES STATE THAT
Israel…” legitimacy or participate in the Boycott, the Federation’s “core values include
The signatories, including Hebrew litera- Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. an abiding commitment to a secure
ture scholars Robert Alter and Chana Kronfeld, Controversy over Israel in the Bay Area is Jewish community here and abroad, to the
Jewish Studies scholars Steven Zipperstein and not new. In San Francisco, as in many other US strong democratic Jewish State of Israel, and to
David Biale, founding president of Brit Tzedek cities, discussion surrounding Israel has mutual respect and diversity within Jewish


life.” They go on to say the JCF does not fund has ruled that Corrie’s death was an accident, But the controversy continued. Jennifer
organizations that endorse anti-Semitism or but her parents are pursuing a civil case in Gorovitz, acting Federation executive director
“other forms of bigotry, violence or other Israeli courts. since October, established a committee to cre-
extremist views,” proselytize Jews away from The film was introduced by Dr. Mike ate guidelines for the funding of grantees who
Judaism; or advocate for, or endorse, under- Harris, a local pediatrician and one of the co- sponsor Israel-related programming. Ironically,
mining the legitimacy of Israel as a secure founders of the grassroots group called “SF Gorovitz had assumed her position when her
independent, democratic Jewish state, includ- Voice for Israel,” now affiliated with the right- predecessor, Daniel Sokatch, ended his short
ing through participation in the Boycott, leaning advocacy group Stand With Us. Only stay at the Federation to head the New Israel
Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, two minutes into Harris’s 10-minute introduc- Fund – which has subsequently also come
in whole or in part.” tion, however, the booing and catcalls from the under attack by right-wing Israel-supporters for
The policy also explicitly prohibits co-spon- audience exploded, as he declared that Rachel its ostensible anti-Israel activity.
soring or co-presenting public programs on the
Middle East with groups that “undermine the
legitimacy of the State of Israel.” Thus, an ‘Why San Francisco? Because Israel-related issues play
organization could find itself in violation of the
federation’s guidelines not because of its own
out particularly intensely here. We are encountering an
positions on Israel but as a result of the views explosion of anti-Israel feeling here.’
of a speaker, panelist or co-sponsor for one of
its programs.
To qualify for funding, organizations must – Rabbi Doug Kahn
produce documentation to prove their consis- Bay Area Jewish Community Relations Council
tency with the JCF core values, or initiate the
development of such documentation.
Federation representatives contend that the Corrie had intentionally put herself in harm’s On February 18, 2010, the Federation for-
guidelines were intended not to hinder the con- way. He proceeded to name other “Rachels” mally approved the “Funding Policy for
versation about Israel, but rather to provide “a killed in Israel by Palestinian terrorists, includ- Grantees on Potentially Controversial Israel-
measure of confidence about the ability for ing Americans Jews. Facing continual catcalls Related Programming.”
institutions to continue to present a broad range and mocking laughter, Harris concluded his

of views, which they might not have absent the short introduction by stating that the film HE FEDERATION STATES THAT
guidelines,” Rabbi Doug Kahn, executive demonizes Israel and the Film Festival should its policy “supports free speech and
director of the Bay Area’s Jewish Community not have included co-sponsors such as the left- constructive debate in our community.
Relations Council (JCRC), tells The Report. It leaning “Jewish Voice for Peace.” He left the In fact, we were concerned that the absence of
was Kahn who was asked to bring together a podium accompanied by wild clapping and such a policy would inhibit free speech and
group to formulate the guidelines, and it is cheers of “Bravo!” as well as jeers. constructive debate as our partners would not
Kahn and the JCRC that Federation-funded It was as if someone lit a match to a volatile, know the boundaries.”
agencies are officially encouraged to approach fume-filled enclosure: the San Francisco But predictably, the guidelines have drawn
for a judgment on potentially controversial Jewish Community exploded. The Jewish Film extensive, heated criticism, especially from
Israel-related programming. Festival organizers, who had for decades left-leaning individuals and organizations.
Jim Offel, the Federation’s chief operating attracted the largest and most varied Jewish “This is too blunt an instrument,” agrees
officer, tells The Report that the guidelines members of the community, were under fire, as Robert Rubin, director of litigation for the
were intended to “provide as much clarity as was the Jewish Community Federation of San Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights. “The
possible” as to what programming is consistent Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Federation has issued a memo telling Jewish
with the Federation’s mission and values, and Counties (JCF), which had provided some of agencies what is verboten [forbidden]…The
“that are in line with our donors and funders.” the funding for the Festival. community has a right to say who is ineligible
Always a Jewish community with a wide to be a member, but I’m questioning where the

HE CRISIS LEADING TO THE range of opinions – including extremes on both line is being drawn, and the timing.”
publication of the guidelines erupted the left and the right – San Francisco had fis- Describing himself as an active member of
on July 25, 2009 at the San Francisco sured again. Bullying e-mails and blog posts the Jewish community, Rubin says that “the
Jewish Film Festival, the oldest and largest drew imagined links between the festival, the essence of the Jewish people is to question
Jewish film festival in the US, surrounding the Goldstone Report, J Street, President Obama responsibly, to challenge and not be afraid of
controversial movie, “Rachel,” about Rachel and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the depth of competing ideas. That’s what
Corrie – the young American woman killed by Within months, Federation board member searching and real solutions are all about.”
an Israel Defense Forces’ bulldozer in 2003, as Anat Pilovsky submitted a resolution to the Professor David Biale, chair of the history
she stood before a Palestinian home in Gaza board calling for prohibiting support of events department at the University of California-
during a demonstration by the militantly pro- that “defame” Israel or partner with anyone Davis, tells The Report that he fears the guide-
Palestinian International Solidarity Movement who calls for boycotts, divestment or sanctions lines will be used by the more right-wing ele-
and other foreign activists against Israel’s poli- (BDS) against Israel. When the resolution ments of the community as a tool to “pressure
cy of house demolitions. The Israeli military failed, Pilovsky resigned. the Federation to de-fund organizations” or



stymie Israel programming and discussion in community.” Furthermore, he says, “The tion paper, written following the Global
the community. guidelines emphasize that not one size fits all. Forum Against Anti-Semitism held in
Steven J. Zipperstein, who holds the The culture of a Hillel on a university campus Jerusalem, in July 2009, Gil Troy, professor of
Koshland Chair in the Jewish Culture and is different than the culture of the arts history at McGill University in Montreal and
History Department at Stanford University and community.” currently a research fellow at the Shalom
was a signee of the ad in The Forward, tells The Rabbi Amy Eilberg, who directs interfaith Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, wrote that “we
Report angrily, “To say that it’s OK to be criti- dialogue programs in Minneapolis/St. Paul, need to point out how BDS crosses the line
cal of Israel [is not acceptable]. I don’t need tells The Report that she is most concerned by from legitimate criticism to historically laden,
permission. Anything one loves one can love “the impulse that says listening to people anti-Semitic messaging.” The report suggests
critically. This is worse than gratuitous.” with whom we strongly disagree is danger- cooperation with the Israeli foreign minister to
Both the Progressive Jewish Alliance (PJA) ous.” The Jewish value of pursuing peace, put in place “legislative prohibitions against the
and J Street have issued statements against she says, “within the Jewish community BDS which can then be applied to different
the Bay Area Federation’s funding guide- requires we be in respectful conversation communities” and “pursuing a strategy of
lines. PJA, a liberal or left-leaning group, with those with whom we disagree. It makes ridicule and satire, especially on the Internet.”
states, “We are particularly fearful of the sense that people want to be in an echo Troy also suggests expelling boycotters from
effect these rules may have on a younger chamber about passionate issues; we want to international organizations.
generation of Jews who are grappling with be in conversation with people we’re most Troy, together with a group of others from
their Jewish identity, their relationship to comfortable with. But that’s not high level the left and the right in Israel, is currently work-
Israel and their place in the larger communi- communication. It blocks learning and it’s ing on a document that speaks of delineating
ty, precisely by engaging in the time-hon- unhealthy for the fabric of a community.” what falls between the “blue and white lines
ored Jewish tradition of questioning.” Refusing to comment on the guidelines affirming Israel as a Jewish and democratic
Indeed, as Peter Beinart writes in his specifically, Eilberg contends that the “ques- state” and “the red lines beyond which people
upcoming article in the New York+ Review tion of whom we can’t talk to is the wrong shouldn’t go.”
of Books, (June 10, 2010): “For several question. The question of who the The guidelines will have a particular affect
decades, the Jewish establishment has asked Federation should fund is a difficult ques- on one of the Bay Area’s largest Jewish organi-
American Jews to check their liberalism at tion, especially during tight economic times. zations, Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), which
Zionism’s door, and now, to their horror, they But the question that stands before the Jewish supports divestment from companies that prof-
are finding that many young Jews have community is how can we expand the conver- it from the occupation and was one of the con-
checked their Zionism instead.” sation with those we disagree with and can troversial sponsors of the film. But Dana
The guidelines may impact the ability of learn from.” Bergen, San Francisco JVP board chair tells
some Jewish organizations to partner or coop- The Report that her group only wants to sup-

erate with Christian, Quaker or Muslim groups, HE FACT THAT THE GUIDELINES port boycott and divestment from companies
many of which support some sort of Boycott- specifically mention the Boycott- that support and profit from the Israeli military
Divest-Sanction (BDS) movement. In this Sanction-Divest movement may be an and the occupation. “Our work is for human
regard, Zipperstein says that he also doesn’t indication of the extent to which this move- rights for both Israelis and Palestinians.”
like “the way in which the document punishes ment had been gaining traction, at least on the “We see BDS as a non-violent, moral strat-
funded organizations for indirect sins, such as West Coast and its campuses. To many in the egy to end the occupation,” adds Penny
co-sponsorships to their programming. We Jewish community, any organization promot- Rosenwasser, member and former national
should be judged on who we are and not with ing or even associated with the BDS movement board member of JVP. “I’m fighting to save the
whom we speak.” is considered to be guilty of delegitimization of soul of my people.”
And noting that the guidelines essentially Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, espe- At this point, the guidelines, which claim to
set up the JCRC, a consensus-oriented body, as cially since the BDS movement draws clear strive for greater consensus, seem to limit only
the designated arbiter of approval, he snaps, “I parallels between Israel and the apartheid state the left-wing organizations. Visual artist, musi-
also don’t agree with anybody serving as adju- of South Africa. cian and composer Laurie Polster started an
dicator. Doug Kahn won’t be there forever. In fact, a recent report by the Tel Aviv- endowment fund held at the SFJF 22 years ago.
Who will serve that function after him or, for based, non-profit Reut Institute identified the In an e-mail interview with The Report, she
that matter, elsewhere in the country if the Bay Area as one of the global hubs for the BDS relates that she has, in the past decade, become
guidelines are picked up by other Jewish movement. The report warns that the “effec- increasingly involved in what she defines as
communities?” tiveness of the catalysts of delegitimization Israel/Palestine peace work and has shifted the
Kahn counters that “the concept of a fund- stems from their ability to engage and mobilize focus of her giving towards Israeli and US non-
ing agency to set some reasonable criteria for others by blurring the lines between delegit- governmental organizations that focus on
grantees…is unexceptional.” Arguing that the imization and criticism. They do so by peace and human rights work. In 2003, 2006
guidelines are only formalizing what had been demonizing Israel, deploying double stan- and 2008, she requested a grant from the SFJF
informal, he says, “The JCRC has always been dards … and promoting grassroots activities for JVP, which was approved, as were requests
consulted by agencies about sensitive program- such as boycotts, divestments and sanctions for grants for “Courage to Refuse,” an Israeli
ming and speakers. It’s important for an orga- that are aimed primarily at tarnishing group that encourages conscientious objection
nization to have consultation before a program Israel’s face.” from the Israeli military, the Israel Committee
so they’ll know the potential reaction from the Similarly, in a recently-published posi- Against Home Demolitions (ICHAD), a


radical-left Israeli group, and others. Kahn proudly tells The Report, “We have among Jewish students, recognizing that there
However, Polster tells The Report, on treaded where no Federation has treaded are parameters? We want to cast as wide a tent
March 8, she made another request for JVP, before. We may have been the first community as possible.” Those parameters, he says,
which was still officially on the Federation to realize the critical need, and by no means, include the exclusion of “anyone advocating
Endowment’s list as an approved recipient; the last. Why San Francisco? Because Israel- harm to the Jewish community, or boycotting
the request was denied because, Polster says related issues play out particularly intensely and other punitive measures against Israel.”
she was told, JVP did not meet the new here. We are encountering an explosion of anti- But Sokatch, the former SF Federation
guidelines. Israel feeling here.” executive director who now heads the New
If, she demanded to know from the SFJF, Israel Fund, predicts that both sides of the aisle
left-wing organizations are excluded for politi- will test the guidelines. The right wing will “try
cal reasons, then why are not some right-wing ‘To say that it’s OK to be to shut up or shut down” organizations they
organizations, which support settlements and don’t like. “The bullies on the hard left have
other non-consensual activities, such as the critical of Israel is not left the community and the more progressives
Hebron Fund and the Central Fund for Israel, who are committed to the Jewish community
similarly excluded? SFJF executive director
acceptable. I don’t need will try to test the guidelines to see if they are
Gorowitz says that the Federation “is not permission. Anything being applied evenly and equally to organiza-
reviewing an entire list of accepted charities, tions, regardless where they stand on the ideo-
but is reviewing each one as a grant is one loves one can love logical spectrum.”
requested. critically. This is worse Meanwhile, Peter Stein, executive director
Attorney Rubin warns that, at least in the of the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival
short term, “we will run into the law of unin- than gratuitous.’ (SFJFF), slated to present its films July 24 to
tended consequences. We will see less debate August 9, says the festival is still committed to
and more toeing of the line, especially in this its mission of “showcasing a broad range of
kind of economy where organizations are fear-
– Prof. Steven Zipperstein stories for our very diverse community, and to
ful of losing funding.” Stanford University encouraging conversations through film,
Indeed, in April, after two lengthy, turbulent even about difficult topics.” However, “in
meetings at the University of California- order to avoid some of the issues that arose
Berkeley, the board of regents upheld its deci- Will the guidelines spread throughout the last year, the SF Film Festival will handle its
sion not to accept their student senate’s recom- country? A spokesman for the Federation partnerships differently this year,” he tells
mendation that they divest their holdings in umbrella group, Jewish Federations of North The Report. “The distinct missions and
General Electric and United Technologies, two America (JFNA), refused The Report’s activities of SFJFF’s many partner organiza-
companies that have reportedly profited from requests for comments on the guidelines and tions should never be confused with those of
Israel’s occupation of Palestinian land, the would not comment on whether these guide- SFJFF. To avoid this confusion, SFJFF will
expansion of settlements and the demolition of lines will be adopted elsewhere. But in a recent recognize our partnerships in ways that we
Palestinian homes. The decision was widely New York Times article, William Daroff, vice hope will eliminate any misinterpretation
regarded as influenced by the new guidelines, president for public policy of JFNA, defended about their role in individual SFJFF pro-
since UC-Berkeley and other California cam- the San Francisco Federation’s decision. “An grams. At SFJFF’s discretion, institutional
puses, including Davis and Santa Barbara, as open exchange of views within the pro-Israel partners may be acknowledged as assisting
well as Stanford, have received grants from the community is good,” he was quoted as saying. the Festival as a whole, without connection
Federation and other Jewish donors for “But there has to be some sort of line between to individual programs or issues.”
decades, despite the often stridently left-wing constructive discussion and destructive com- SFJFF’s founding director Deborah
positions critical of Israel and supportive of munication that does not recognize Israel as the Kaufman and its founding board president
BDS by their faculty and guest lecturers. eternal home of the Jewish people.” Alan Snitow lament what they consider regres-
In contrast, Dr. Steven Nasatir, president of sion in the community. “For us in the Bay Area,

UCH EXCLUSIONARY LAN- the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of with our history of liberalism and free speech,
guage has a long history,” Marcia Metropolitan Chicago, tells The Report, “We it’s particularly egregious,” Snitow tells The
Freedman, former member of don’t need guidelines on how to behave as far Report. Referring to the guidelines, Kaufman
Knesset and one of the organizers of the Open as Israel.” Other Jewish organizations around said, “This is completely unprecedented. A lot
Letter, tells The Report. “Let us not forget that the country, however, have in fact created sim- of us in the middle are feeling under siege. It’s
not too long ago advocacy for a two-state solu- ilar policies to those in San Francisco. Rabbi making us feel like we can’t have a Jewish
tion was considered beyond the pale. In the Howard Alpert, executive director of the Hillel community with life and vibrancy.”
past, even discussions with Palestinian or of Greater Philadelphia, tells The Report that in Jewish historian David Biale concludes
Muslim groups were considered out of bounds. March his group passed a “set of policies soberly that “the range of opinion permissible
”But Kahn, who has been with the JCRC over regarding use of Hillel resources for Israel or in the Jewish community in America ought to
20 years, says the “schism in our community is other controversial programs.” be as broad as it is in Israel,” where the docu-
the greatest I’ve ever seen. We’ve reached a Alpert says that his group’s focus, however, mentary “Rachel” premiered at the Haifa Film
point in the polarization that it is harder to is different. “Our primary question is, how do Festival and recently played at the Tel Aviv
engage around Israel at all.” we create an inclusive Jewish community Cinematheque without much ado. •


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