What Іs the Best Sewing Machine for Beginners

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nBeat The Cmpettn, Knw Mre Abut SGet

Best Sewing Machine For Beginners

The answer to the queston, what s the best sewing machine for beginners
s not a popular name, such as Snger, Bernna, Pfaff, Brother or any of the
other excellent brands. Compare sewng machnesa and you wll fnd that
each of those companes offers a model any newbe would love. There are
two key questons you must ask yourself to get the rght answer and the
rght machne for you. How much can you/do you want to spend? And,
second, what do you need your machne to do?

The second queston s trcker than the frstwhch just takes a quck look
n your wallet to answer. f you are just startng out on the journey of
dscovery that s the craft of sewng, then you may not yet know what t s
you requre of a sewng machne. So here are some gudelnes that wll help
you choose the best sewng machne for you.

f you have done very lttle sewng then t s wse to turn your back on the
technologcal wonders avalable to the home sewer packed wth dals,
swtches, led screens and enough computng power to run a few busness.
You are better off wth a machne that has the basc functons that wll allow
you to tackle most newcomer sewng tasks, yet wthout so many bells and
whstles that easly confuse someone startng out. You want to spend your
tme and concentraton learnng to sew, not drve the machne. And you
dont want to spend your money on expensve technology that you may
never use, partcularly f you end up only usng your machne for basc
hemmng and repars.

f you are a techy person and have a hard tme resstng the shny gadgets
and computer screens on hgh-end models, thnk of your frst machne
much lke your frst bke. t probably wasnt a racer or mountan bke and t
probably ddnt cost n the thousands. t was a starter model, a tranng

bke that allowed you to learn at your own speed and whch you probably
traded up for a flasher model when you were ready.

Look at a sewng machne the same way. Make sure t does the bascs, get
started sewng and you wll know when you are ready for a bg kd sewng

The begnnng sewer needs a machne that wll sew forward, reverse and a
smple zgzag. nvest n a machne wth the strongest motor you can afford.
f you purchase a new machne t wll most lkely have a buttonholer. Opt
for a one-step, whch allows you to turn a dal and then let the machne do
the work. Older machnes may requre a buttonhole attachment. They
work very well but are more cumbersome.

The only other queston for an entry-level machne s whether to go for a

drop n bobbn or a vertcal/sde/front bobbn. Ths s a matter of
preference. The drop n sts under the needle and s very easy to thread and
load. You dont need to worry about threadng a case as well. f you use
plastc bobbns (only f the case s plastc) you can see when t s tme to
reload wth thread. Embroderers, among others, prefer ths type of
bobbn. However, to reload, you have to remove your work from the

A bobbn that sts n a metal case and nserts on the sde or front of the
machne s only slghtly trcker to load but has the advantage of handlng
sturder fabrcs and many beleve s long-lastng overall.

After you have looked at machnes wth these features, take your pck.

Happy sewng.

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