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You have the right to vote – it’s the law, and you have the proof in your hands! You’ll notice letters and
numbers after each of your rights listed below – those codes tell lawyers and poll-workers where to find the
actual New Hampshire statute that protects your right to vote! These rights are guaranteed to properly registered
and qualified voters. You have the right to bring this bill of rights with you into the polling area. If you feel your
rights have been violated, please call the Election Protection lawyer hotline toll free:
1-866-OUR-VOTE (1-866-687-8683).

New Hampshire Voters’ Bill of Rights

1. The polls will be open from at least 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Some polls open as early as 6 a.m., and others do not
close until 8 p.m. Visit the secretary of state’s website,, to find out when
your poll opens and closes. N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 659:3-4a.
2. If you have missed the deadline to register to vote, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE A FULL BALLOT
on Election Day once you complete a voter registration form and provide proof of age, citizenship and domicile
at the polling place. If you arrive before closing, but still have not filled out the registration form at the time the
polling place closes, YOU STILL HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE once you fill out the form. § 654:7-a.
3. If someone challenges your right to vote, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE if you fill out an affidavit
which the poll workers must make available to you. §659:27-28.
4. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE BY ABSENTEE BALLOT, provided you meet one of the
requirements (absence, religious observance, or disability) to vote by absentee ballot. § 657:1.
5. If you need assistance in voting because of blindness, disability or inability to mark the ballot, YOU HAVE
THE RIGHT to that assistance. § 659:20.
6. If you make a mistake on your ballot, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT to request a new ballot after giving back the
ballot on which you made the mistake. § 659:22 (permitting a voter to get a new ballot, although the voter may
not get another ballot after spoiling a third ballot).
7. If you have moved but not updated your address or have moved from out of state, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT
TO VOTE A FULL BALLOT. Go to the polling place on Election Day and register to vote (bring proof of age,
citizenship and domicile). § 654:7-a.
8. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE in a polling place free of pressure or inducement to vote for a
particular candidate or for or against a particular issue, and also free of political buttons, posters, placards and
circulars, and YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE in a polling place where the nearest campaign workers are
no closer than 10 feet away from the entrance door to the building where the polling place is located. §§ 659:37,
9. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE if you have not been sentenced for a felony. If you have been
sentenced, with a few exceptions (treason, bribery or willful violation of election laws), YOU HAVE THE
RIGHT TO VOTE if your sentence has been suspended (whether or not you have been put on probation), or if
you are on parole. If you have been convicted of treason, bribery or willful violation of election laws, you have
the right to vote if the state supreme court, on notice to the attorney general, restores the privilege to you. N.H.
Const. Part. First Art. 11; N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§ 607-A:2, 654:5-6.

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