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Sure fire technique for practicing Brahmacharya

Dr.Gandhi Bhaskar pathrudu
I have been practicing brahmacharya since a long time and i found some sure fire
methods for maintaining it perfectly .one of them is a technique known as ashvi
ni mudra method of sexual energy transmutation.
sexual energy transmutation technique :
1.Contract your anus and hold it as long as possible
2.While you are holding the anus contracted, make your sexual energy located at
the lower chakras to move up towards and into your head .this can be done by mov
ing your attention along the spine upwards repeatedly and trying to feel for the
energy moving up the spine.if at first even if you dont feel any thing, continu
e .gradually after some days you will really perceive the energy moving up your
spine with this technique.
3.Repeat this tracking the energy up the spine 30-60 times, while holding the an
us contracted through out the whole procedure.
4.Do this daily to maintain brahmacharya doing this technique daily i
found that any unfavorable circumstance out side ,cannot disturb my brahmacharya
5.Some amount of energy in lower chakras is required for daily work (yogis say t
hat for every work, some amount of energy is drawn from the base of spine ) .don
t over do this transmutation because from my experience i found that excess tran
smutation will cause weakness , 30-60 trackings up is OK and doesn't cause weakn
ess for me .it may vary for you
5. Also doing this before sleeping will surely prevent wet dreams.
6.This technique will keep the mind pure and you will notice a considerable decr
ease in lust.
7.After doing this technique if you have time, try doing some sort of meditation
at least for 10 minutes .but this is not compulsory .doing meditation will remo
ve any tired feeling you may get ,if you do excess transmutation. And also medit
ation helps transmutation of sexual energy according to literature.

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