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READING:____________________________________________ Date:______________________
Exceeds the

Meets the


Below the

Team #
1. The presentation was sent to the
teacher before the class as unique team
2. The presentation includes all the
elements required: cover, name of the
team members, name of the topic and
teachers name and date.
3. The presentation is well organized,
cohesive and coherent.
4. The presentation seems to be well
prepared and research showing a very
good understanding of the topic.
5. The presenter delivers the topic with
good mechanics of the language almost
free of mistakes in grammar and spelling.
6. The presenter uses an adequate
speaking and delivery style of the
information with good pronunciation.
7. The presenters delivers the ideas to the
audience in a concise clear and attractive
way using as resources: images, colors,
videos, mind maps, etc.
8. The presenter speaks loudly and clearly
enough to be heard by all the audience.
9. The presenter maintains eye contact
with the audience.
10. The presenter and his/her team
prepare a review activity of the topic
assigned or asks questions to the group to
create interaction.
Exceeds the Expectations: The student follows all the requirements of the rubric
showing an extra effort in the presentation showing a full potential in his/her preparation.

Meets the Expectations: The student follows all the requirements of the rubric giving
just what he/she is asked for and no more.
Needs improvement: The student follows most of the requirements but there are some
aspects in each of them he/she need to work on more in order to fulfill the expectations.
Below the expectation: The student is not conscious at all about the requirements of the
rubric and he/she shows careless through his/her presentation.

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