X-Men Evolution The Beginning DC

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The Beginning
February 5, 2014 Moscow, Russia
In an old factory on a hill south of Moscow, a very important experiment was
about to begin. Inside, hundreds of scientists were hurrying about, making the final
calculations to this seemingly perfect project. A single chamber was in the middle of a
test room. The project was Mutant X. The idea was to create the very first super soldier.
He would be super strong, be bulletproof, be able to fly, and stop global wars in a day. He
would be the first in a long line to come. At least, that was the dream.
Well, Professor, I am very pleased with your progress, creating this mutant.
However, I wonder, where did you ever find these mutant DNA genes? General Ivan
Blon asked.
Actually, you have to ask Weapon X. They were the main suppliers for this
project, Professor Samson Von Boone replied.
Honestly, I cant wait until the experiment is over. With this super soldier by our
side, the Russians would be unstoppable. We could again be communist and could take
over the world, Ivan smiled.
Thats the general idea, General. This experiment must work first, Boone smiled.
The two watched from the command center as the final preparations were being
made. A Weapon X soldier put the four canisters with mutant genes inside the chamber
openings and backed off.
I believe the experiment is ready, sir, the man said in a walkie talkie.
Excellent. All personnel and Weapon X troopers, report to the bomb shelters and
start the experiment, Boone said into an intercom. Everybody scattered.
An anonymous man walked into the chamber. He was a simple pauper with no
dreams. Willingly, he volunteered to be the test subject only for the money, that is, if the
experiment was a success.
Are you ready, 1452? Boone said in the intercom.
The man nodded.
Excellent. Begin the transfer of mutant genes, Boone smiled. After the
experiment, he would have no other use for the man. His part would be done, and
Weapon X could dispose of the rat.
The mutant transfer began. Green spray was ejected into the chamber.
So, Samson, can you explain whats going on in this experiment. Im not much
of a rocket scientist, Ivan asked.
Simple, the mutant genes in the spray are seeping into the mans body. The genes
are radioactive and will merge with the mans DNA structure. If it doesnt kill him in the

first minute, the mutant formula will spread all over his body. He will gain superpowers,
as a result. The powers can vary, Van Boone explained.
As the professor had predicted, the mans arms seemed to get bigger. He got one
centimeter tall by the second. The experiment seemed to be going well.
By God, I dont believe it. Weve created the first mutant of his kind. With
mutants by our side, I can finally launch our assault on America. Youve done it, Samson!
Youve done it! the general shouted excitedly.
Sir, we may need to stop the experiment. The mutant DNA readings of the man
are off the charts. If we dont stop it, it could explode, a scientist said, as he walked into
the room.
What are you blabbering about, you idiot. Were making history here. The
Mutant X formula is working fine, General Ivan said.
We have to stop the experiment before its too late, the scientist urged.
Stop worrying, its going fine. Ive already tested it on animals, Boone assured.
But sir, the mutant transfers are overloading. Hell overgrow too much unless we
stop it right now, the scientist urged.
Sure enough, the man started screeching in pain. The chamber started to crack.
His clothes tore up, as he grew taller and taller.
NO! This shouldnt be happening. Millions of dollars were spent to make this a
success, Boone cried out. Giant wings seemed to sprout out of the mans back. His
fingernails were growing into large claws.
Do something, you dolt. Turn it off! the general roared, grabbing the frail
scientist by the shirt.
We cant. Weve tried, but the button seemed to be stuck, the man said.
Send a squad of soldiers to dispose of this mutant, now, Van Boone said into an
The green gas crept out of the chamber through the small cracks. Now, soldiers
were surrounding the chamber with assault rifles, flamethrowers, and heavy machine
Samson, whats going on here? the general said angrily.
General, you might want to evacuate the perimeter, now, the scientist said.
Evacuate nothing. I want to know why that thing didnt come out right, the
general said angrily.
Suddenly, the chamber exploded. The man walked out, with crazed green eyes.
Permission to kill is granted. Let the test subject have it, Boone snarled. The
men opened fire, but the bullets bounced off his skin. The soldiers then used the
flamethrower, but the fire seemed to have no effect on the mutant.
Sir, we cant kill it. It seems to be immune to our guns, a soldier said into his
field radio, but Boone and General Ivan Blon had already fled the room in panic.
You caused this, Boone. Im coming for you next, the man smiled. It leaped on
the squad of soldiers and stabbed through them with his claws. He tore each of them
apart, limb by limb. More soldiers came and opened fire. The mutant spat out a large
amount of acid at them. The acid disintegrated them into nothing but guns.
The mutant howled and tore the room up. A large fire started, getting bigger as
more chemicals were thrown into it.

Not satisfied, the man flew through the open doors. The fire was getting larger.
The mutant massacred every soldier who stood in his way. The factory was falling apart.
Boone! Boone! Im coming for you, the mutant smiled.
Debris flew everywhere. The mutant caught a glimpse of Boone running away in
the smoke. The mutant jumped into the smoke and saw him climb into an escape pod.
The doors were almost closed, but the mutant grabbed them and tried to pry them open.
They wouldnt move and soon he had to move his fingers back as it closed shut.
Its no use, freak! You cant get in and soon youll be nothing but dust, Boone
laughed. That only made the creature angrier and he spat out another clump of acid that
dissolve the doors.
Please, you dont understand! The mutant genes are making you insane with
power. You have to stop, Boone pleaded, trying to weasel his way out.
You made me a freak, Boone. Now, Im going to make you a freak, the man
smiled, as his hand melted into a large blade.
Boone almost fainted from both horror and amazement.
How the heck is that possible? The genes shouldnt have given you so many
powers, Boone said.
Gunshots hit his back. The creature turned around only to see Ivan shooting at
him with a pistol.
Why wont you die already? No ones that bulletproof, he said. The creature
smiled as the bullets fell to the floor. After five more rounds, the general was out of
ammo. All of a sudden, a blade came out of its palm. It pulled it out without any pain and
threw it right in the generals throat. He fell down to the floor.
You know, I used to be a nobody. That was until you found me on the streets.
Now, Im somebody. Now, I have the power. Im superior now. I must thank you for this.
Now, I have a reason to love, to destroy all of you humans, he smiled.
The mutant looked at Boone, who was whimpering for his life. He then slashed a
switch and the doors closed again. He took out another blade and threw it right through
his chest.
That might keep you hanging until this place explodes. If you do survive the
impact, youll turn into a mutant like me. But, if it burns you up, nice knowing you,
human, the mutant sneered.
The green spray was now spreading rapidly throughout the factory.
Have fun burning, humans, he laughed, as he flew through the ceiling.
The factory exploded in a huge ball of fire. The mutant formula was now
spreading towards the city, Moscow.
The unknown man, now crazed by the mutant gene overflow, smiled.
An evolution is coming to this pitiful world. The Age of Mutants is just
beginning. The era begins now. And I shall be their leader, Destructo, he smiled.

Ten Years Later, Albany, New York

Yep, and thats the story of how I saved a nerd from gangsters, John Bradley
Jones smiled. John is one of the bad boys. With black hair, dark blue jeans, and a gray Tshirt, you would think much less than a bad boy.

Thats a very interesting story, Johnny. But, wasnt it a little mean to give the kid
a Wet Willie afterward? Anna Stacy asked. She was one of the main teachers pets. In
fact, she was the main teachers pet of the whole school. She had neat blond hair and a
dazzling smile.
They were walking out of school. It was the end of the school day and all John
was thinking about was going home and taking a long nap.
Im telling you, John, this whole mutant outbreak is really scaring me. Doesnt it
freak you out, too? Anna said.
Nah, thats in Russia. Were in America. Plus, it would be pretty cool to have
mutant powers, though, John smiled. They were both sixteen and went to Empire State
Im getting kind of scared, John. I mean, there have been mutant attacks all over
Europe and Asia. Ill freak out if they come over here, she said.
As I said before, theyre in Russia. Besides, Ive heard of some top secret
government program called Weapon X that specializes in capturing mutants and creating
mutant killing machines. Were perfectly fine, John assured.
John, you honestly believe that Weapon X is good? Ive heard that they
experiment on poor innocent people and that they created this whole mutant conspiracy
in the first place, she said.
Hey guys, whats up? said a voice behind them. Sammy Cash walked next to
them, carrying his pet hamster, who he secretly stole from the science teachers
I take it you got your hamster back? John smiled.
Yep, I swiped it when the professor wasnt even looking. And they said it was a
class hamster, Sammy replied eagerly.
Uh Sam, that is the class hamster. Everyone in the class named him Mr. Cuddles
in the start of the school year, Anna gasped.
Ah, relax! This little fellah has been telling me that he wants to be with me, not
any of those snot nosed brats, Sammy retorted.
Sammy, Im in your science class, John said blankly.
Sammy looked both stupid and speechless in the first five minutes. As you can
see, Sammy isnt that bright.
Anyway, I have to write an essay on mutant prejudice in the U.S in language arts
class. To me, I think mutants are just ordinary people whove been gifted with
extraordinary powers. Mutants are just misunderstood, Anna said, changing the subject
before Sammy got pounded into hamster size.
Thats exactly what they said about Spider-Man and Captain America when they
started being heroes. Anna, mutants are just misunderstood because humans think that
mutants are better than them. Havent you heard of Weapon X? John replied.
Jones, dont you know that Weapon X is just an urban legend that keeps real
mutants from appearing in the public, Anna laughed.
I dont know, Marty Lou was a little bit too chubby for his age. The next day,
some men in black grabbed him from his desk and he was never seen again, Sam said.
That was the F.B.I. He was caught selling drugs to students afterschool, Anna
shot back.

Just dont come crying to us when they come after you. I heard that they strap
you to a cold hard bed, and then they inject you with a hundred needles and transform
you into a freak of nature that kills mutants, John replied.
You two are idiots, you know. Im going home to finish typing my essay and you
two morons can keep talking about this Weapon X rubbish, Anna said, walking in her
street. The two friends stopped at the bus stop.
She so has a crush on me, doesnt she? Johnny smiled.
Yes sir. The next step to flirting is always kissing in the moonlight, Sam agreed.
What do you know about dating? You dont even make them want to flirt with
you with your entire crazy animal whispering, John said.
It works, Sammy argued.

Ten Miles Away, Brock Industries

Inside the seemingly innocent skyscraper of Brock Industries lies the top secret
base of Weapon X. This base isnt the main HQ but its one of the main testing labs. In a
room, David Brock is testing mutant molecules under a telescope. A Weapon X high
ranking officer walks in.
Sir, the mutant with the AA mutant formula has been found. She is currently at
Empire State high. Our spy shot pictures of her when the bell rang with two other boys,
he reported, throwing pictures of her along Brocks desk.
Hmmmm, shes a charming girl. Does she know of her Mutant X? he replied.
No, the reports have said that she is completely dumb to her mutations, the man
Good, theyre always better to catch when they dont know whats going on. If
only she knew that she had the power to destroy the whole city, and even a fourth of the
United States if she unleashed her Evolution genes. Captain, prepare a squad of troops to
deliver her to this building tomorrow no longer than 3. We have a lot of experimenting to
do with her, Brock laughed.
Yes sir, I will ready my men at once. But sir, I have one more question, the man
What is it? Cant you see Im busy? Brock complained, looking into the
If they interfere in the delivery, eliminate them. And make it look accidental. I
dont want the cops to suspect Weapon X. Also, dont harm the girl unless she retaliates.
In that case, you can use the stun gun on her. Now go, Im preparing another dose of
healing factor. If you fail, dont bother coming back, Brock explained.
Yes sir! the man replied uneasily, saluting and walking out.
Brock poured the liquid into a test tube. He pulled a huge patch of skin form his
pocket that had been torn out of a human. It had a big cut on it. He poured the genes
directly on it. In less than ten seconds, the skin quickly patched up and was brand new.
Brock smiled. He had big plans for this little girl, Anna Stacy.

The Next Day at Empire State High


It was report card day! Students faces were filled with glee and disappointment.
My friend, my mas going to be so proud of me. I got two As, three Bs, and a C.
Its ten times better than last year, John smiled happily.
What are you so happy about? I got a freaking D in science because he found out
that I stole Mr. Cuddles. Seriously, the little guy loved me, Sam complained.
He only stuck to you because you had a ketchup stain from yesterdays lunch
time, John sighed.
Yeah well, at least I got an A+ in P.E, Sammy smiled.
How did you get an A in P.E? I mean, you can run faster than anyone in the
whole school. Heck, youve even beaten the coach ten times, John gasped.
Actually twelve times, but whos counting? Sammy laughed.
The dismissal bell rang and the teens swarmed out of the school. John and Sam
slowly walked out.
Oh look, theres Anna. Im going to give her a heart attack when she finds out I
actually passed this grading period, John smiled, as they walked towards her. She was
walking fast, almost running.
Hey Ann, I got an A! Ann! John called out.
He actually decided to do some work this year. Its a miracle! Sammy added.
Hey, I do my math homework, about once or even twice a month, John retorted.
A black van raced past them, coming straight for her. Anna looked back briefly
and ran as fast as she could. A mans hand appeared out of the window for a split second,
holding some type of gun. He quickly fired. It caught Anna right in the neck. She
staggered for a while then fell down, dropping her book bag and report card.
Thats weird. I couldve sworn that van was trying to kidnap her, John said
They are. Cmon, dude. We got to save her, Sam gasped, as he started running.
The van stopped and a man dressed in black fatigues came and grabbed her. He
ran back in the van and the van zoomed of again.
Sam was running as fast as he could, but the van was on turbo.
They stopped in the middle of nowhere.
I hate to admit it, but its too fast for us. Well never catch up, not even on
motorcycles, John said. Sammy spotted an already started motorcycle just sitting along a
You know what Im thinking? Sam suggested.
We go to my place, eat some vanilla ice cream, and forget all of this ever
happened, John joked.
Nah, we are going to get on that bike, and were going to save Anna, Sam said
First of all, neither of us knows how to drive a motorcycle. Second, what do we
do if we ever catch up to them? Its not like we can just fight them and win, John argued.
I may be dumb, but Im not stupid, John. Now get on the bike before we lose
them, Sammy smiled.
John grudgingly got on the bike, with Sam sitting behind them.

If we die, Im going to kill you in heaven, Sam, John groaned, starting up the
bike. Suddenly, the bike came to life and raced forward at top speed. John was clumsily
trying to keep the bike in control with the handlebars.
Do you even how to drive one of these things, dude? Sam asked.
Ive played enough Grand Theft Auto video games to make sure that we can both
go fast and not crash and break all of our bones, John assured. He was the one who
really needed the assuring.
They narrowly missed a Ford and were right behind them. John zigzagged around
cars and trucks. The van rapidly turned and drove into a dark alley.
You think we should follow them? John called behind.
Yeah, that girl still owes me fifty bucks and a kiss, Sam said.
What? John called back.
Nothing, just drive, Sammy said, as they too turned into the alley.
The van stopped at the end and everyone got out. Two soldiers were carrying
Anna. The alley was deserted but stank of the smell of urine and rotting food.
The bike stopped and they got out.
Now listen here, punks, you got twenty seconds to give us Ann back or well go
medieval on your bacon. Right, Johnny? Sam said confidently.
They all drew submachine guns, mini Uzis, and assault rifles.
Listen, Ive already killed ten rogue mutant failures today, so Im in a good
mood. Im giving you five seconds to run for your lives before we start shooting, the
leader smiled, through his mask.
Wait, you guys are part of Weapon X. I knew all these years you were real. If
you want to experiment on her, you have to go through us first, John added, stepping in
front of Sam.
Good, I need some target practice with my M-16. You two will do just great, he
smiled, taking quick aiming and firing two well-aimed shots towards Johns head.
The bullets touched his forehead then they bounced off into the ground. Suddenly,
that very bullet triggered John Bradley Joness mutation. Strong pulses were sent all
throughout his body. He felt stronger, faster, but still not smarter.
The mans smirk turned into an ugly frown.
That was a perfect shot. Wait, youre the forth Weapon X. It cant be possible,
but you have the same mutation powers. Boys, switch to kill and take this mutant down,
the man snarled.
John.How..theheck..did you just do that? That was.
awesome, man! Sam gasped, startled, speechless, and amazed at the same time.
I have no idea. But I like it! John smiled, not realizing how serious this situation
The men opened fire, but the bullets all bounced off like dice. They all took out
their army knives and charged.
Johnny looked at his hands. They had deep white veins running through them
now. Johns hands turned into gloves of pure steel. They were rock solid.
Here goes nothing! John said, silently praying. Somehow, Ann had awakened
and was watching the action.
A soldier tried a slash right through the neck, but John dodged it by a centimeter
and countered with a huge punch right in the temple. The men fell out, unconscious.

I just knocked out a soldier. This day is getting better and better, John smiled.
He continued to hit the soldiers with a gigantic impact. One by one, they were knocked
out. Finally, one managed to stab right into Johns heart, but the blade crumbled at the
impact. The so called unbreakable blade was now bent in a funny fashion. John finished
him off with one huge uppercut.
Wait one sec! I dont get any cool mutant powers! Sam complained. A soldier
was right behind him and was about to slit his throat when an instinct in Sams body
made him react with a crushing elbow. He then turned around and jumped up in the air.
He hit the soldier with a big kick that knocked him clean through a cement wall. Sams
mutation had now been activated.
Soon, it was just down to the leader. He drew a katana sword from his backpack.
Now, youre going to see just why they call me Agent Red. Ive been killing all
of my life. You two are just appetizers. I dont care if you are the forth Weapon X, youre
going to bleed and die just like the other failures, Agent Red smiled.
Bring it. I have no idea whats going on here, but I know for a fact that you got
our friend, John stifled.
Agent Red jumped in a huge leap and landed right next to John with a huge head
slash. John blocked it with both his hands. There was a spark and Agent Reds sword was
rocketed from his hand twenty feet away. That only made him angrier.
Red then lashed out with several martial arts punches and kicks that sent John
staggering back with each attack. Each time John tried a punch, Agent Red would only
redirect it into another punch. Soon, Agent Red grabbed John by the collar and threw him
right through a cement wall.
I dont care how indestructible you think you are, Im going to make you suffer
and bleed, kid. Im skilled in every martial art known to man, Red laughed.
Sams eyes turned light green. His second power was now beginning. His face
was now starting to look animal like. His fingernails were growing into claws.
What the blazes? Agent Red said.
Just like that, Sammy Cash transformed into a realistic tiger. Now, if this is
getting too extreme for you, you might want to stop and get a reality check. The tiger,
really Sam leaped at Agent Red. The tiger tackled him. Then, Sam transformed back and
started punching the agent. Red seemed to be immune by the blows and pushed him
Sam transformed into the tiger again and leaped at him again, but this time Agent
Red was ready. He quickly grabbed a tazer and shocked Sam. Sam transformed back to
normal and fell down, shriveling in pain.
Hey Red, I aint dead and I aint bleeding. You want some, come and get some,
John said weakly. Anne was slowly getting up. Her mutation was slowly coming, but it
would be the AA mutation, the most dangerous, powerful, and most deadly mutation of
Red came at him again, but John blocked the first chop to the neck that would
have paralyzed him.
Now its my turn, John stammered, getting one good blow in Reds jaw. It made
him spit out blood.
John got one more uppercut in when Agent Red was groggy. It clean knocked out
a tooth. Red snarled angrily and pulled out two pistols. He fired every round, but again

they bounced off. John grabbed the pistols and crumbled them up. He then started his
barrage of blows. Red lashed back with another flurry of punches.
All of a sudden, Reds eyes turned red. He now moved ten times faster than the
common man.
Now, Ill teach you a lesson about my mutations. No mutants have ever beaten
me in this stage, Red smiled insanely. He shot out a huge red energy blast at John. I
caught him right in the chest. He flew into the wall next to Anne.
Finally, I can kill two for the price of one. Goodbye freaks, he smiled, shooting
out an even bigger blast. John only had a moment to think. He put his hands together and
held his ground. The hands were melted together and formed a large gray shield. The
entire blast hit the shield, but the impact almost shot John falling back. He still held on
with all of his strength.
I hope my years of bodybuilding havent failed me now, John murmured,
holding on. Sam saw the situation and struggled for one more transformation. He was on
the brink of blackout.
Die already, you fool. Youll destroy yourself if you keep holding on, Red
snarled angrily.
No way, Red! I got a freaking A today and youre not going to stop me from
showing it to my mom, John smirked.
That seemed to strengthen Ann and she finally rose up. She held her hands out
and concentrated as hard as she could. A white form of mutated energy appeared and shot
out towards the red beam. They both collided in a clash between red and white.
Here goes nothing, she said. The white beam was quickly gaining the upper
No, I cant be defeated by mere teens, Agent Red gasped.
John separated the shield. Well guess what, you just did, he smiled wearily.
The white beam struck Agent Red with a huge impact. Smoke trailed off him. He
turned around. Sam transformed into an African rhino and charged him. The horn had
impaled him through the stomach. Generators and micro technology was showing. Agent
Red turned around only to receive a powerful right hook that tore the head clean off. It
was a robot, of course. It fell down and malfunctioned.
Sam and John, Im so sorry I ever doubted you, Ann smiled.
Yeah, and Im sorry I had shocked by a tazer. But it was pretty cool to turn into a
rhino though, Sammy smiled weakly.
I just dont get it. If that was a robot, wheres the real Agent Red? John asked.
Right here, said a voice behind them. The real Agent Red appeared behind Anna
and grabbed her.
Youre not taking her again, Red, John snarled.
I didnt come alone, you know, he replied. A tranquilizer dart shot him and Sam
in the back of the head. Everything went blurry as John fell down. He saw another huge
man walk out of the shadows. He was covered in fur and looked like a werewolf. He was
about eight feet tall and was holding a tranquilizer gun. He threw it away and extended
his five inch claws. They were about to kill him when a huge explosion occurred. A huge
fight broke out. The world was fading before him. He saw Sam already unconscious, but
he was picked up by a huge guy. A middle aged man ran to him. He was dressed in lab
clothes. He wore glasses and his face still looked young.

Just relax, John. Youre in safe hands now. You did well. Ill explain everything
once we get to the X-Base. Youre safe, John. Youre with the X-Men, the man smiled.
Those were the last words he ever heard. John then blacked out.

X-Base, Twenty Miles Away

John woke up. He was sitting on a chair in a futuristic room. Monitors and
computers were everywhere. Mutant DNA samples were everywhere. Sammy woke up at
the same time. The old man was sitting right next to them in a chair.
Good, youve awakened, boys. I know you have several questions, but Ill
answer them one at a time, the man said.
First of all, is there some food around here? Im really hungry, you know, Sam
pointed out.
Besides that, I have a lot of questions besides food. Who were those guys and
why did they kidnap Anna. And, why did we get all these cool mutant powers. Start
explaining, pops, John said.
Very well, Ill start at the beginning. You see, ten years ago, Weapon X created a
mutant gene that when implanted in a stable human being, it would turn him or her into a
homo superior, or mutant. The genes would create super mental and physical abilities.
The persons DNA structure will be altered greatly and the mutation can change the
person greatly. So, you two boys are infected with the genes. You see, your parents took
you to Russia when you were little ten years ago. You arrived there almost at the same
time as the explosion. You see, the first Mutant X experiment was a total failure and
endangered the world. Somehow, during the experiment, the genes began to overflow.
This caused a sudden change in the person. The overload drove him insane and gave him
more than enough powers. He killed everyone there that night and the Mutant X leaked
out. Millions of innocent people were infected by it, including you. But, your mutations
werent triggered at that moment. So, when you arrived back in America, I saw fit to
watch over you in case Weapon X came looking for you. I erased your memories of that
trip and became your school custodian. I was waiting for the right time to tell you about
all of this. You werent supposed to know all this until you were both fully grown men,
the man explained.
So, what exactly is Weapon X? Sam replied.
Weapon X is a top secret classified government department. Its main purpose is
to create further evolutions of mutants and also mutant killers. Really, they are the main
reason for this whole mutant crisis. The organization gets bigger by the minute. Every
day, more than a hundred fugitives, mercenarys, and criminals join up to be
experimented on just for the money. Boys, I now you are wondering whats going on
here, but Weapon X kidnapped your friend because she is Weapon X-6. She is probably
one of the most powerful mutants this world has ever seen. She has the power to destroy
half of Asia alone. Weapon X can manifest that power into a huge atomic bomb. Anna
hasnt realized her true potential yet, and we should keep it like that until shes ready to
control it. Until then, she has no control of her mutations. I know all of this may sound
confusing, but your friend is a walking doomsday device, the man explained.


I understand what youre saying, dude, but I just want to get my friend back. So,
if you can just tell us the location of Weapon X, well be on our way, John replied
John, you wouldnt last five minutes in that building alone. But, I have an idea
that you two young men might be interested in. You see, Im been forming a team called
the X-Men. Made up of five mutants, this team can stop Weapon X. John and Sam, this
company wants to take over the world using mutants. Ive been watching you for a long
time now, but youre not ready for this task. Youre too young. To be quite honest, I
shouldnt be having this conversation right now. Ill ask you once. Will you two join the
X-Men and help stop Weapon X? Its okay if you refuse, the man asked.
I aint got anything to lose, so heck yeah. I dont have a busy schedule, Sammy
John thought for a while.
Alright, Im in. Ive probably been reading too many comics, but all I do after
school is just study, which I dont do a lot. You got yourself a deal, Mr. Man, John
Excellent, my name is William Braxton. Welcome to the X-Men, Braxton
smiled, as a door opened and two mutants walked in.
One had wings on and looked really intelligent, intelligent enough to be a nerd.
He had on high tech glasses and blond hair. The other one was heavenly built with
muscles. He was about six feet and he only looked about sixteen. He had regular black
I want you two to meet the other two members of the X-Men, Eagle Eye and
Growth Spurt. Philip Anderson is a teen scientist prodigy. He is the teams scientist and
also the teams lookout. His gene- made wings allow him to soar all the way into the
mesosphere. Jim Braswell is the wrecking ball of the team. His mutant genes allow him
to both shrink and grow. He can grow about the size of a skyscraper and can shrink to
about the size of microscopic bacteria, Braxton said.
Usually, I would have fainted in shock when I saw this freaky image, but when
you look at it like this, it kind of looks cool, Sam whispered.
Greetings, adolescents, I am Philip. As a fellow mutant, I welcome you to this
team, Philip greeted.
Ill just call you birdbrain, okay? John smiled.
We dont have enough time to train you two boys. Your friend is in jeopardy just
as we speak. I will stay here and monitor the situation. Ill help you out of sticky
situations. Just put on these communicators, he explained, handing them to micro
headphones. They put them on their ears.
One last thing, you have to put on some costumes. They will keep your identity
safe. These waterproof suits are specially designed for all kinds of combat. They are
fireproof and bulletproof. The belt is loaded with handheld lasers, smoke grenades, wire
cutters, and other surprises that you will find most interesting. Eagle Eye will lead you all
to the facility. Then, youre on your own. The building is armed and dangerous even from
the outside. You have to find another way in. I will do my best to deactivate the security
cameras. By the way, there might be other mutants there, so try to rescue them too. Im
brief you on everything else when you get there. Good luck, team, Braxton smiled.


Gee, thanks. Ill be thinking about that when we get pulverized, Sam said
Dont worry, man, I got your back. Well make it back, John assured, not so
sure himself.
Dont worry. Ill smash anyone in our path. Were the X-Men, Jim smiled.
Dont you mean the dead men, Sam grumbled.
Not precisely. According to my calculations, we are actually outnumbering
Weapon X. You see, the amount of normal soldiers that they have is quite a lot, but
because of our mutant genetics, we can subdue all of them. So, we outnumber them,
Philip explained.
Oh shut up. We get the idea, dude, John groaned. It was just like math class,
except the teacher was a mutated teen with huge wings and a brain bigger than a

Brock Industries
Anna was stuck in a bulletproof chamber. Soldiers were surrounding her. David
Brock walked in rather cheerfully.
Hello, Mrs. Stacy. Hows it going? he greeted.
Go to heck, you freak, Anna spat.
Feisty, arent you, little girl? Well, you wont be for long. Allow me to introduce
myself. My name is David Hugo Brock, the chief in command of the Weapon X program.
I know you may be wondering why youre trapped inside that chamber. You see, Anna,
you have something that we want. And, thats your powers. Let me explain. You are
currently infected with AA mutations. Youre telekinetic and you can do much more than
that. We want to turn you into a killing machine, in a way. My machines will harvest your
powers into something even better. Any questions? he smiled.
Yeah, when can I get out of the freak show? I dont have the fondest idea about
what youre blabbering about, and I dont care. If you touch me, my parents will sue this
company for everything its got, Anna replied.
Interesting theory, Mrs. Stacy! But, youve outsmarted yourself. You see, there is
no proof that Weapon X kidnaps innocent mutants. To the rest of the world, were a
police force that specializes in stopping organized crime organizations and mutants, but
to you, were your worst nightmare. Youre an unregistered mutant, Stacy. That means
that no one knows that youre a mutant. So, if you were to tell your parents, they would
simply laugh and walk away. Weve already came up for a cover story for your
disappearance. You had to stay afterschool for an emergency debate team meeting. There
are no loop holes, girl. Youre ours and you cant do anything about it, Brock smiled,
knowing that he had won.
My friends will come and rescue me, you know. They have mutant powers too
and I bet youll tear this junkyard apart with you in it, Ann sneered.
I highly doubt that. Theyll have to get past my own personal army of trained
mercenarys. But if they do, I have a few surprises for them that might make their day,
Brock laughed.
Go to blazes, you cretin, Anna snarled.

Excellent, begin the mutant transfer, soldier. I want a cold, merciless mutant
killer here when I get back, Brock said, walking out.

Outside The Building, Ten Minutes Later

The four mutants were on top of the building. They all were dressed in their XMen suits. The suits design was black and there was a medium sized X on the chest
You know, I never thought these suits would be so tight, man, John complained.
Why are you complaining for? This way, if I pee through my pants, it wont go
all the way down, Sam remarked.
Everyone looked at him.
All right team. You know the plan. Go in and get Anna then get out. Metal Man
and Growth Spurt will go to the middle of the building and get Anna. Animan and Eagle
Eye will cause the distraction, drawing most of the troopers away from the room. Then,
the two teams will meet at the evacuation spot where I will pick you up. Also, if there are
other mutants there, get them too. Once youre in there, youre on your own. Ill try my
best to monitor your position and deactivate all of the security cameras, Braxtons voice
said into their headphones.
Wait, so thats my super hero name. Cool name, Braxton, John smiled.
Yes, good luck and good hunting, Braxtons voice said in their headphones.
We all know the plan. Remember, if you need back up, just tell us and well be
right there, Philip said.
No thanks, I dont want you lecturing the soldiers about physics and biology,
birdbrain, John smiled.
Enough talk, Im ready to start smashing, man, Jim said.
Eagle Eye planted a ten second time bomb onto the floor and activated it.
Get back, everyone. We dont want to be caught up in the blast, Philip
Why, will it make your head grow bigger? John joked.
The floor blew up. Smoke was everywhere.
Alright, lets kick some Weapon X butt, Sam smiled. They all jumped in.
They landed right in the midst of several soldiers in the cafeteria.
Mutant freaks, kill them, one of them snarled, grabbed for his M-16. But, John
caught him to the punch and gave him a strong right hook that knocked him through a
The soldiers opened fire. Sam turned into a rhino and charged towards a group of
men. Jim grew even bigger and started to lay the smack down on the troops. In other
words, he started punching and throwing them around like they were dolls.
John was fighting his way through the armored crowd. One by one, the soldiers
all fell down.
Suddenly, a trooper with a rocket launcher came through a door and aimed it at
Metal Man. He fired.
Somehow, John could sense it a mile away and dodged it by a centimeter. More
troopers came in and this time they brought in heavy machine guns.

Eagle Eye was fighting in his own scientific method. He picked up a trooper or
two and threw them into tables. His extra-long wings allowed him to zoom away and
dodge the bullets.
Bring it, punks, John smiled. His whole entire body turned gray. Several layers
of metal covered his skin.
Let him have it, boys, the captain ordered. The machine gun fired.
The bullets bounced off of every part of his body. After a minute, the machine gun
jammed up.
Now its my turn, John smiled, picking up a large piece of pipe. He leaped and
landed right on top of them. Well, this part is a little too graphic, so well just skip it.
Lets just say, after thirty seconds, they were all lying down on the floor, bleeding and
Soon, all of the soldiers were either knocked out or groaning in agony.
Well, that was fun, Sam remarked.
Come on, big man, lets get Anna back, John said, returning back to normal.
They ran in the opposite direction.
Ready to start destroying some important stuff? Sam smiled.
Always, as long as we-Philip started.
Ah, shut up, killjoy, Sam groaned.
Meanwhile, John and Jim were making good time. They went from room to room,
taking cover as reinforcements ran past them. It looked too easy. They were going in a
straight path going towards the middle.
Growth Spurt, this is all too easy, man. I mean, I would expect more than this.
We have to be walking dead in a trap, John said.
So what? That just means I get to beat up more soldiers, Jim smiled back.
Youre not that bright, are you? John sighed.
Suddenly, the floor slid down and they fell through the trap door. They slid down
a dark, narrow tunnel.
Hold on to your horns, dude. This might be a bumpy ride, John called behind.
But I dont have horns, Jim complained.
Just hang on, John said. They soon fell into a very large room, full of chambers.
Computers and mutant DNA test tubes were everywhere. It was an experimental lab.
Uh guys. We found the lab, now what? John said into his headphone.
On the other side of the building, Sam and Eagle Eye were in the generator room,
ripping out cords and dismantling all of the machines.
Find the girls chamber and break it open. Then, run for it and meet us in the
generator room, Philip replied in his headphone. Suddenly, the line went dead.
Back in the lab, John gasped. David Brock walked through one of the doors,
smiling. But, John wasnt looking at him. Behind him was the werewolf like man and
Agent Red.
Hello, John and Jim. Hows it going? Brock said casually.
Alright listen up, Brock, we want Anna back. You can give her back now or
were going to go medieval on all of your bacon, John shot back.
You got spunk, kid. Too bad I have to rip it out of you dead body, Brock smiled.
So, who are your girl friends over there? John mocked.


Theyre my insurance. By the way, I wouldnt upstart them. They can be quite
the aggressors when angered, Brock warned.
What are Puppy Face and Agent Ugly going to do? John smiled.
The werewolf extended its claws and growled. Agent Red drew two automatic
Jim noticed Anna sitting in a chamber not so far away. Green smoked almost
completely engulfed it.
John, keep them busy long enough for me to get Anna. Throw as many insults as
you can, Jim whispered.
Dont worry, big guy, I know every insult and comeback in the book. I can make
a nerd cry just by saying two words, John whispered back.
I bet Braxton has already told you about us, so Ill just cut to the chase. Your
friend here is the ultimate mutant, or so I think. She can help create a nuclear bomb that
can destroy all the mutants in the world. The world would be like it was ten years ago,
Brock explained.
Oh, I guess that means that you got to cut you pets here lose, doesnt it, John
Not exactly, you see, they arent mutants. They are genetically engineered super
humans. Theres a difference, Brock smiled.
Whats the difference? Theyre both butt ugly anyway, John sneered.
Enough of this talk. I want to kill that nuisance, once and for all, Agent Red
Bring it, punk. Ill go medieval on your sausage, John said, as his hands melted
into large blades.
Red, I give you full permission to tear apart this fool. Hes beginning to annoy
me, Brock said.
Jim, you take the ugly one, Ill take the even uglier one, John said.
You got it. Lets do this, Jim agreed.
Agent Red leaped at John with an amazingly fast speed. They each exchanged
blows. Red drew a dagger and executed a perfect slash to the throat, but John slashed it
away with his hand. Two red swords seemed to pop out of his palms. John blocked every
block with perfect accuracy.
The man creature lunged at Jim but he was ready for it. He caught the werewolf
with a crushing blow and threw him through a chamber. John waited for Reds mistake.
Finally, he made a frustrating slash that had all of his weight on it. John easily sight
stepped it and knocked the blade out of his hand. He then slashed Agent Reds face.
But, just ten seconds later it completely healed up.
I was made to be a killing machine, kid. Im invincible, Red smirked, as he
stabbed through Johns chest. John easily took the blade out. In ten seconds, the wound
had also healed up.
I can heal too, you know, John smiled back.
On the other side of the building, Animan and Eagle Eye were racing towards
them. They suddenly ran into a couple of soldiers.
Its them. Annihilate them, the leader ordered, as they opened fire.
I got this, Sam said, as they took cover. He quickly transformed into a tiny
mouse and scurried along to the soldiers. The soldiers barely took notice and were still

concentrated on taking out the cover. Soon, Sammy was just under their boots. He then
transformed into an African elephant and knocked everybody back into the wall. Once he
was sure the men were knocked out, he transformed back to normal.
Alright, man, lets move, Sam called.
Im right behind you, Sam, Philip replied, as they race through the narrow
hallway. Soon, they rushed into a large room. It was the Mutant Containment Room.
There, people were trapped in small cages. The smell of urine was everywhere. They
were all dressed in rags. Their stomachs were very small. The picture was just like the
Jews during the Holocaust. Some looked like they were there for way over ten years.
Please. Dont hurt us, one of them whispered hoarsely.
We got to rescue these guys, Philip. They deserve to be back where they belong,
Sam said.
Agreed, Philip agreed.
All right, everybody. Todays your lucky day. Were breaking you out of this
jail, Sam announced.
Back in the experimental room, John got thrown into a giant computer. The
werewolf ran towards him at top speed and threw him into another wall.
Time to die, kid, the werewolf snarled, once again extending its claws.
Finish it, Brock shouted.
Gee, thanks for being a cheerleader, Brock, John murmured.
The werewolf lunged at stabbed John threw both times and tackled him. He raised
one claw and prepared for the beheading.
Any last words, mutant? he smiled.
Yeah, get some breath mints, dude, John said.
Just in the nick of time, Jim threw Agent Red into the werewolf. They both fell
into a crumpled heap.
Thanks for the save, big guy, John thanked.
You got off lucky, freaks. Lets see you take care of my next toy, Brock snarled.
John grabbed a huge piece of rubble and threw it into Annas chamber. The
chamber exploded.
Youre not experimenting on our friend, punk. You might as well run along while
you still got the chance, John spat, picking up Anna.
Youre not leaving here alive. Guards, security! Kill these freaks right now. Im
ordering every person with a gun in this facility to destroy them! Brock shouted.
But, no one came out of the door.
You lost, Brock. Good guys always win, you know. The rest of our team has
already caused enough damage that all of your men are trying to repair it right now. No
ones coming, John smiled.
Youre not leaving with my test subject. You still havent met my latest creation
yet. Hes a real piece of work, Brock smiled back, pressing a button on a remote.
Suddenly, a chamber opened and a man walked out. This man was about eight
feet long and had huge muscles. It looked like a creature from a horror movie. There was
a black mask that covered its face. Giant tubes were connected to a canister plugged it in
his back.


Gentlemen, meet Patient C! This one was probably one of my best subjects of
receiving the strength factor. Patient C destroy them. I want their blood soaked heads in
five minutes. Spare the girl, Brock ordered.
The thing roared and charged towards them.
This wont in my contract, Braxton, John gulped, as he turned his body into
metal form again.
It tackled John right into a wall. There, it repeatedly threw blow after blow then
started slamming him into a computer.
Growth Spurt tore Patient C away from him and threw one giant punch that
wouldve killed an average man. The man only shook it off and threw another blow. The
two then traded blows.
John struggled up only to see the werewolf standing face to face with him. It then
jabbed its claws into Johns stomach and grabbed John by the throat.
Your meddling wont stop Weapon X. Soon, well exterminate all of you
vermin, he snarled.
Dont you mean yourselves? Youre just pawns. Soon, hes not going to have any
use for you. I see these kinds of things in movies, John struggled.
It only squeezed harder. John was trying to push it away with all of his strength.
Soon, things started to get blurry. He was blacking out.
In the containment room, Sam was still trying to figure out how to open the cages.
Dont worry guys. Well have you out of there in a second, Sam assured, trying
to bend the doors.
Its no use. Weve already tried our mutant powers but the soldiers reinforced it
and made it immune to any known mutant power, one of them sighed.
Suddenly, all of the cage doors opened up. Sam then saw Philip who was near a
How the heck did you open those doors? Do you have some type of telekinetic
powers? Sam gasped.
No, I just pressed the red button, Philip replied.
Okay, dude, now youre making me look stupid, Sam said. The mutants ran out.
Some crawled out.
Alright people, form a line. Were getting out of here, Philip instructed. Most of
the mutants hugged the two X-Men.
They ran back in the hallway with the mutants close behind. Suddenly, five
soldiers came from a door and opened fire.
Everyone, take cover. Youre too weak to use your powers. Well take care of
them, Philip said, as they took cover behind the walls. The bullets were swarming
Birdbrain, I got a plan that just might work. When I turn into an armadillo, you
throw me as hard as you can. Then, Ill bounce and take them out, Sam said, as he
transformed into an armadillo.
If my calculations are correct, I have to throw him at the measure of a fast ball.
That means that I have to throw directly at the walls to gain extra force and for it to
bounce back with increased force, Philip figured out. With that, he threw Sam as hard as
he could. Sammy hit the wall and bounced back. He hit all the soldiers multiple times. In
only thirty seconds, all of them were out cold.

Sam turned back to normal. I guess I am hard headed, he remarked, as they

hurried forward.
John had managed to free himself and kick him away. This time, John lashed back
with a huge punch. Then, he started a barrage of his own. The werewolf attempted a stab
but this time he was ready. He grabbed the blade. It was only about an inch away from his
throat. He pushed it away after summoning every ounce of strength that he had but he
still held on. John used his leverage to throw the thing into a center of computers. Electric
pulses went through his furry body.
Had enough furball, John said, through breaths.
Never. I wont stop until youre dead, he snarled.
John briefly looked back and saw an exposed generator behind him. John quickly
thought of a plan.
Hey ugly, did you look this ugly when you were a baby, or is it just your face?
he taunted.
The thing only growled.
So, are you going to just stand there and make tea, puppy, or are you going to see
if you can bite me, dog? John smiled, randomly making up insults.
Youve angered me for the last time, boy. Now die! he roared as he leapt
towards him. John waited for the right moment. The werewolf was outsmarting himself.
It was only inches away when John jumped up. He had dodged it by only a hair.
He pushed his feet on its back for more power. The werewolf screamed as it crashed into
the generator. Electricity soared through his body. It was shaking every muscle in its
body. After thirty seconds, the generator burned out and the thing turned slowly around.
Johns right fist turned metal. He jumped up and drove his hardened fist into the
creatures head.
Lights out, beautiful, John smiled, as he touched the creatures chest. It fell
down with a loud thud.
John, a little help over here, Jim called out, still fighting Patient C. John jumped
on its back, but it realized it quickly. It knocked Jim into a wall and threw John off.
Suddenly, the two members of the X-Men ran in.
What took you guys so long? John said.
We rescued the other mutants and cut off the generators. Also, we destroyed all
of the mutant samples. This will push Weapon X back a lot, Sam reported.
More mutants! I dont have time for this annoyance. You havent quite won yet,
Brock snarled, backing up.
Johns hands turned this time into metal hammers. Patient C threw a huge punch
at him but John dodged it. Since it had driven all of its weight into it, its head was wide
open, so John hit him with the hammer with half of his body weight. It staggered back,
still not defeated. John then jumped up and hit him one more time but it still didnt take
him down. It grabbed John like a doll and threw him right next to the other X-Men.
You havent seen the rest of me, X-Men. Im sure Patient C will finish you off.
Plus, Ive just set off a three minute bomb. This building will be in flames and by the
time the police come, theyll only suspect you mutants. Ill be long gone with you to take
the blame. This will only influence the cause on exterminating vermin like you, Brock
called out. The floor beneath him seemed to disappear. He fell underneath and the
flooring moved back to normal.

Sam helped John up.

So, how do we take care of this monstrosity? Sam asked.
I may have an idea. Eagle Eye, get his attention and let him chase you, John
Are you crazy? Hell rip my wings off, Philip complained.
I can live with that. Just do it, John shot back. Eagle Eye sighed and flew up in
the air. He hit the back of Patients Cs head. The thing then chased after him.
So, what was the point of that? Sam said.
Nothing, I just wanted to see it chase him. What I cant make a joke? Jim, when
he comes running in your direction, give him a haymaker, John smiled.
You got it, Johnny, Jim agreed, preparing for it. Philip came in his direction.
The thing was so caught up in Eagle Eye that he had forgotten about his surroundings.
Jim hit him with a huge one.
Sammy, put all of your stupidity and strength into a snake hold. Turn into a
python or something and hold him, John told him.
Youre crazy, Jones. If I get split in to, Im going to haunt you, Sam sighed, as
he turned into a snake. He silently slithered towards him.
When Patient C had shaken out of his grogginess, Sam had pounced and wrapped
around him. It struggled to get free. John ran towards Jim.
Dude, I just had a crazy idea. Pick me up and throw me as hard as you can
towards him, John said.
You sure? Jim asked.
Positive, just trust me, John said taking a deep breath. Jim picked him up and
threw him. Johns hand turned metal again. He punched the thing one good time to send
him staggering. Sam let go. With Patient C groggy, Jim charged and tackled him into
another power generator.
Philip picked up John.
Im picking up on your plan. Target the tubes. Im estimating that they are the
main mutant supply that gives him his strength, Eagle Eye said.
I got you, birdbrain, John smiled.
Jim threw some very hard blows at Patient C. Somehow, it was weakening, but it
was still fighting. It pushed Jim into a wall and ran towards the other mutants.
Sam, get that things attention away from everyone else, John called out. Sam
transformed into a cheetah and jumped on top of its head. Then it jumped off and ran
after him. Its weight was getting the best of him as it crashed into everything when it
made a turn. Philip was following him as fast as he could fly. Sam had one last trick up
its sleeve. He ran towards the mutant chamber generator. This powered all of the
experiments. Sam stopped five inches away and transformed into a mouse and crawled
over it. The thing went headfirst into the generator. All of the chambers exploded. The
lights flickered off for a second then went back on. It freed himself, but it was in a very
groggy state.
Now Philip, John said. He let go and landed on Patient Cs back. It seemed to
go ballistic. It ran everywhere.
Hang on, fellah. This ride aint over until I say its over, John said, as his left
hand turned into a blade. He cut the tubes and got off. Yellow chemicals were pouring
out. It seemed to get smaller and smaller. It finally fell to the ground, defeated.

Well, what do you know? Maybe a group of teenagers can save the world, John
Wow, this is a great way of spending the afternoon, you know, Sam remarked.
Their victory was cut off as an explosion suddenly rocketed the building. John
picked up the unconscious man. Jim picked up Anna.
Alright everybody, lets blow this pop stand. Move it! John shouted, as they
exited out of the room. Fires started everywhere. Suddenly, the group was surrounded by
Take the stairs, John, said a voice in his head. He turned around and saw a
Everyone, down here, John said as they hurried down the stairs. The fire was
getting bigger by the second.
I can smell the exit to the right. Follow me, Sam said, once again displaying his
animal like instincts. They reached the bottom and ran to the right. The oxygen in the air
was getting very low. Now, only a pile of debris was in their way.
I cant lift that in time, Jim sighed.
I think my wings can, though, Philip suggested. His wings blew a giant gust of
wind that knocked everything out.
Good job, birdbrain. Now lets get out of here, John called out, as they busted
open the exit to the back door and fell on the side walk. Lucky for them, they were in an
alley. John nearly fainted from exhaustion.
We made it! We did it! Sam smiled weakly. Police sirens seemed to get nearer.
Great, no how are we supposed to get home? John said.
Just in time, a huge black limo rode up to them. The driver rolled up his window.
It was William Braxton.
Need a ride home? he smiled.

The Next Day at Empire State High

Yep, and thats the story of how we saved your not so grateful butt, John smiled
at the lunch table. All five of the X-Men were standing together.
I still dont believe all of that happened. But more importantly, I got an A+ in the
essay. The teacher almost thought that I was actually interviewing real mutants, Anna
Thats because you were. You got every word of that essay from the mutants.
You still owe us one, Sam said.
The custodian walked up to them and winked. It was Braxton.
I must say, you did a very great job yesterday for your first assignment. I was
very impressed. Most recruits die before they even make it to Brock, he congratulated.
Hey, thats what superheroes do, right? John smiled.
I just want you to know that Weapon X has found out about you. Theyre
underestimated you once but not again. Youll have many other encounters with them,
he said.
Tell them any time, any place. Name the place they want to get beat up in and
well be there, Jim smiled.

Excellent, I was watching the whole time and I was very impressed by you
teamwork and leadership skills. You certainly can be a team, Braxton smiled.
Wait one sec! You told me to lead the others down the stairs, didnt you? John
figured out.
Nice deduction, Johnny old boy! I, of course, am a mutant, too. I can read
peoples mind and influence them, he chuckled.
When did all this happen? Anna said, confused.
When you were busy being Sleeping Beauty, John smiled.
Your next assignment will come in a few more days so just relax and get
adjusted to your powers, Braxton said.
Philip was reading a Physics book. Always remember; never interrupt a nerd
when hes reading a book, especially if hes a winged mutant.
Well, I guess I do owe you guys an apology for not believing you. I guess idiot
talk can be true sometimes, Anna said.
Also, the mutants you rescued I took home to various countries. They were very
happy to finally be home with their families. They sent their warm regards to you. Well,
Ill leave you teens to your talks. I have to go and prepare some mutant samples,
Braxton smiled, walking away and sweeping the floor.
John looked out of the glimpse of his eye and saw a masked man hanging on to a
lamp post. That special individual is the Amazing Spider-Man. He shot out a web that
connected to a building and sped away. Maybe one of these days, he and the other guys
could be true legends. Maybe. Maybe not.
You know what, it might be hard and painful being a super hero and fighting
crime, but at the end, its all worth it, John smiled.
Thats why were the X-Men, right? Sammy smiled.
Yep Sam, youre exactly right for once. Now, I feel like I have a real purpose in
this world, to stop true evil. And I wouldnt have anyone else to fight with except you
guys. Yeah, that probably is why were the X-Men, John smiled back, taking a bite into
his apple.

The End



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