Communication Accomodation Theory

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Communication Accomodation theory (CAT) is a speech accommodation theory that are

developed by Howard Giles. In simple terms , this theory provides a framework for
understanding and explaining on how people accommodates or adjust their way of
communicating when engaged in intergroup interactions and the social consequences of doing so
.This theory known as a more general theory of language and communication because it stepped
beyond the adaptive use of accents and language to embracing different discourse styles and non
verbal practices . For example , loudness, rate , vocabulary , grammar , gestures and dress .
Convergence and Divergence
Convergence and Divergence are two major aspects of Communication Accommodation Theory.

Convergence is strategies that individuals use to adapt their communication to became

more like the other person to reduce the social differences .
Example : at work , a Malaysian female associating with his Australian co-workers ; and
she suddenly speaks in a very similar tone to that her Australian co-workers , using
slang similar tones and accents in order to have effective communication with them.
: Dressing like a particular group you want to fit in

Divergence is ways in which communications stress verbal and nonverbal differences in

order to distinguish themselves from others. Divergence is an active process that
emphasizes communication differences .
Example : A father and daughter having a conversation , when the daughter asks the
father if she can attend a prom night party ; to what her father says no , and uses a
divergent tone . He says, No young girl , you cannot attend the prom night! . Clearly , it
is accentuating a difference in power which is obvious in a a father and daughter talking .
: At business meeting , the boss stands and the subordinates sit.

Where an individual tries to over do efforts in regulating , modifying or responding to
others while trying to accommodate their communication styles .In some situation even
though people usually have good intention when they use convergence in conversation ,

some people tends to understand convergence as condescending and demeaning and

hence just as it will enhance conversation it can also detract from the process of
Persisting in our original communication style regardless of the communication behavior
of the other .

In conclusion, this theory basically explains why we sometimes change or adjust our
communication styles, whether that be convergence or divergence. It shows how we can
change to either benefit from being a group or benefit from having someone out of a
Giles. H. (2016). Communication Accommodation Theory : Negotiating Personal
Relationships and Social Identities Across Contexts . United Kingdom : Cambridge
University Press .
Tyler , Kossen & Ryan (1999) . Communication , A Foundation Course . Australia :
Prentice Hall Australia Pty Ltd .
Philipsen, G. & Albrecht, T.L ( 1997) . Developing Communication Theories . New
York : State University of New York Press

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