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Kinematics of a Particle

Curvilinear Motion

Prepared by Hui Kar Hoou

Curvilinear Motion

Gravel Falling Path

Normal & Tangential


Curvilinear Motion
Particle move along a curved path
Position, r
Position of a particle on a space curve

Curvilinear Motion
Change in the particles position

Curvilinear Motion
Velocity, v

Direction of v is tangent to the curve

Speed, v
Magnitude of v

Curvilinear Motion
Acceleration, a

Direction of a is tangent to the hodograph

Rectangular Components
Position, r
= + +

2 + 2 + 2

Rectangular Components
Velocity, v
= + +

= =

= =

2 + 2 + 2

Rectangular Components
Acceleration, a
= + +


2 + 2 + 2

Example 1

For a short time, the path of the plane in Fig. is

described by = (0.001 2 ) . If the plane is rising with
a constant velocity of 10 / , determine the
magnitudes of the velocity and acceleration of the
plane when it is at = 100 .
(Ans. = 18.7 /,
= 0.791 / 2 )

Hints: Example 1

2 + 2


2 + 2

Normal & Tangential Components

Tangent to the curve
+ve in direction of increasing s

Perpendicular to tangent axis
+ve in direction of toward the centre of curvature

Normal & Tangential Components

Velocity, v

Normal & Tangential Components

Acceleration, a
= +



1+ 2

2 2

2 + 2

Example 2

When the skier reaches point A

along the parabolic path in Fig.,
he has a speed of 6 / which is
increasing at 2 / 2 . Determine
the direction of his velocity and
the direction and magnitude of
his acceleration at this instant.
Neglect the size of the skier in
the calculation. (Ans. = 6 /,
45 ; = 2.37 / 2 , 12.5 )

Hints: Example 2


1+ 2

2 2

2 + 2

Cylindrical Components
Radial coordinate, r
Extends outward from
fixed origin O

Transverse coordinate,
Counterclockwise angle
between fixed reference
line and the r axis

Cylindrical Components
Position, r

Cylindrical Components
Velocity, v
= +

Cylindrical Components
Acceleration, a
= +
= 2
= + 2

+ + 2

Example 3

The rod OA in Fig. rotates in

the horizontal plane such that
= 3 . At the same
time, the collar B is sliding
outward along OA so that
= 100 2 . If in both
cases t is in seconds,
determine the velocity and
acceleration of the collar when
= 1 . (Ans. = 361 /,
= 114 ; = 1930 / 2 ,
= 169)

Hints: Example 3
= +

= 2 + + 2

+ + 2


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