Global Petroleum Scenario

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1. The oldest sedimentary basin in India is









2. This is an intractratonic basin

(A) Assam Valley basin

(B) Mahanadi Basin
(C) Cambay basin
(D) Vindhyan basin
3. Highly matured sediments produce
(A) Gas
(B) Light oil
(C) Coal bed methane
(D) Nitrogen
4. Lagoonal environment of sedimentation represents
(A) Silt and mud
(B) Course sand
(C) Limestone
(D) Calcarenite

5. Mari arch gas fields are situated

(A) Andaman basin
(B) Tripura basin

Jaisalmer basin

-2(D) Vindhyan basin

6. The maximum used nonconventional energy resource in India is

(A) Animal Dung

(B) Wood
(C) Agricultural Waste
(D) All of the above

7. In Petroleum Geology Sedimentary basin represents:

(A) Shield areas
(B) Lofty mountains
(C) Depressions in the earths crust
(D) Midocean ridges
8. Sedimentary basin to attract petroleum exploration should have a

Minimum thickness of Sedimentary rocks

(A) 5000 mts.
(B) 500 mts.
(C) 1500 mts.
(D) None of the above
9. Maximum heat flow in the earth is found in

(A) Subduction zone

(B) Mid Ocean ridge
(C) Island arc
(D) All of the above

10. The region where three plates meet is

(A) Subduction zone
(B) Triple junction
(C) Benioff junction

-3(D) All of the above

11. Thethys Sea was existing between

(A) India and Australia

(B) Laurasia and Gondwana Land
(C) Africa & South America
(D) None of the above
12. The theory of plate tectonics was proposed by:
(A) Wagner (1924)



(C) Dewey (1972)

(D) Klemme(1975)
13. When two continental plates collide, they form
(A) Island arcs
(B) Oceanic volcanoes
(C) Great mountain chains
(D) All of the above
14. Which of the following statements is correct?
(A) Oceans did not exist during Precambrian
(B) Oceans came into existing during Paleozoic
(C) Oceans always existed
(D) All of the above

15. Hercynian Orogeny occurred during

(A) Silurian
(B) Devonian
(C) Permo-carboniferous
(D) Cretaceous


16. The collision of India with Eurasia took place about ___________ago

(A) 170 My BP
(B) 100 My BP

70 My BP


50 My BP

17. The Deccan Traps range in age from

(A) L. Cretaceous to U. Eocene
(B) M. Cretaceous to U.Eocene
(C) U. Cretaceous to U. Eocene
(D) U. Cretaceous to L. Eocene
18. In a subsurface structure the doubly plunging anticline is represented by:
(A) Concentric circles
(B) Hyperbola
(C) Parabola
(D) Concentric Ellipses
19. The lignite deposits of Rajasthan are of:
(A) Ecocene age

Miocene-Pliocene age


Oligocene age


None of the above

20. The deepest part of ocean is:

(A) Oceanic ridge

Oceanic trench


Continental slope

(D) Continental rise

21. Petroliferous sedimentary basins are those:
(A) With presence of Reservoir rocks

Oil indications are known


Structures are present

(D) Accumulation of hydrocarbons are present:


22. The main source rocks for hydrocarbons in Assam-Arakan geological

province are considered to be:

(A) Kopili formation
(B) Barails
(C) Huage thickness of Disang shales
(D) Tipms
23. The main hydrocarbon accumulations so far discovered in upper Assam
are in:

(A) Fault closures

(B) Basement uplifts
(C) Stratigraphic traps
(D) None of the above
24. Naga Hills are characterized by

(A) A series of normal faults

(B) Thrusts and Reverse faults
(C) Gentle anticlines
(D) Faulted anticlines
25. The structural style of kutch onland Mesozoic is
(A) Compressional anticlines

Intrusive domes


Horst and graben blocks

(D) Gentle shelf

26. In Krishna Godavari basin commercial hydrocarbons have been

discovered at every stratigraphic level from
(A) Cambrian through cretaceous
(B) Permo-carboniferous to Pliocene
(C) Tertiary only

-6(D) All of the above

27. The hydrocarbon accumulations in Cauvery Basin are essentially

restricted to Reservoirs in
(A) Upper Gondwanas
(B) Late cretaceous to Oligocene
(C) Miocene and younger
(D) All of the above
28. Onland Mahanadi Basin is located in:
(A) Bengal
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Orissa
(D) Andhra Pradesh
29. The major source rock in Cambay basin is
(A) Ankaleswar Formation
(B) Cambay shale
(C) Tarapur Formation
(D) Raghavapuram formation
30. Most significant reservoirs in Cambay basin are deposited during
(A) Paleocene
(B) Middle Eocene
(C) Miocene
(D) Pleistocene

31. The major reservoir rocks are present in Mumbai High

belongs to
(A) Paleocene
(B) Eocene to early Oligocene
(C) Basement

-7(D) Lower to Middle Miocene

32. The Chagos-Laccadive Ridge is:

(A) Mid-oceanic ridge

(B) Basement of uplift
(C) Basalt ridges with reef buildup
(D) Shale diapers
33. The great Vindhyan basin was divided into two basins (i.e.) the northern
Proto thethys and the southern lesser Himalaya during
(A) Hercynian Orogeny
(B) Himalayan Orogeny
(C) Bikalian Orogeny
(D) None of the above
34. Transform faults when they enter continents are called:
(A) Tear
(B) Pivot
(C) Strike
(D) Dip
35. Quad is a short term used to measure
(A) Petroleum consumption
(B) Electricity
(C) Energy content of fuels
(D) Horse power

36. The continent with maximum proved reserves of Uranium is:

(A) Africa
(B) Australia
(C) North America

-8(D) Europe
37. The following renewable energy resource is abundantly available in India

(A) Geothermal
(B) Solar
(C) Wind
(D) Bio-fuel
38. When two continental plates collide, they form
(A) Island arcs
(B) Oceanic
(C) Great mountain chains
(D) All of the above
39. Present day oceans came into existence during
(A) Cambrian
(B) Carboniferous
(C) Jurassic
(D) Tertiary
40. Meso-Cenozoic Megasutures are:
(A) Mid Oceanic ridges
(B) Precambrian orogenic belts
(C) Compressional counter parts of plate collisions
(D) Oceanic trenches

41. The classification of faults into thrust faults, normal faults and strike slip
faults is based on
(A) Geometry of fault

-9(B) Genesis of fault

(C) Attitude of fault plane
(D) Angle of the fault plane with the horizontal
42. Which of the following sequences are rich in Hydrocarbon accumulations

in Indian sedimentary basins

(A) Paleozoic
(B) Cretaceous
(C) Paleogene
(D) Neogene
43. The Indian plate rifted from Antarctica during
(A) Carboniferous
(B) Permian
(C) Triassic
(D) Jurassic
44. The west coast sedimentary basins originated during as per
(A) Permo-carboniferous
(B) Late cretaceous
(C) Eocene
(D) Miocene
45. Silled Euxinic conditions of deposition result in

(A) Red shales

(B) Evaporites
(C) Black shales
(D) None of the above

46. Which of the following formations is found at the base of the exposed
cretaceous succession of Trichnopolly?
(A) Trichnopolly

- 10 (B) Nanniyur
(C) Ariyalur
(D) Uttatur
47. Shelf margin is located between:

(A) Land and sea

(B) Within the shelf
(C) Shelf and slope
(D) Slope and rise
48. Which of the following statements are correct?
(A) The subsurface structure contours of a stratum increase in
value with depth
(B) The surface topographic contours increase in value with height.
(C) The subsurface contours of a nose shows dip in three directions.
(D) A syncline is a structure with dips away from each other.
49. Assam-Arakan megasuture is located
(A) Between Assam and Arunachal Pradesh
(B) Between Assam and Burma
(C) Between Assam and Naga Hills
(D) Between Andamans and Indonesia
50. In Upper-Assam basin, maximum hydrocarbons are produced from:
(A) Barail
(B) Tipams
(C) Namsang
(D) Sylhets
Key to objective Questions.
PES 101: Global petroleum scenario, energy perspective & sedimentary basins of

- 11 -

1. A

18. D

36. C

2. D

19. A

37. B

3. A

20. B

38. C

4. A

21. D

39. C

5. C

22. C

40. C

6. B

23. B

41. B

7. C

24. B & D

42. D

8. C

25. C

43. D

9. B

26. B

44. B

10. B

27. B

45. C

11. B

28. C

46. D

12. C

29. B

47. C

13. C

30. B

48. A

14. C

31. D

49. B

15. C

32. C

50. B

16. D

33. C

17. D

34. C
35. C

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