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Max Marks : 20
1. Hydrocarbons anticipated to be present in known accumulations are termed as:
a. Geological reserves
b. Initially inplace
c. Reserves
d. Inferred reserves
2. The term Reserves is used for
a. Hydrocarbons estimated to be commercially recoverable.
b. Hydrocarbons anticipated to be present in known accumulations
c. Hydrocarbons kept in the reservoir for future use
d. None of the above
3. The least certain among the following categories is:
a. Probable
b. Sub economic
c. Possible
d. Undeveloped
4. Corresponding old terminology for probable category is:
a. B
b. C1
c. A
d. C2

5. Unproved initially in place volumes of hydrocarbons are classified into:

a. Developed and undeveloped
b. Probable and possible
c. Sub economic and inferred

d. All above
6. When the required data is less and the interpretation is less conclusive, initially in
place volumes of hydrocarbons are placed in:
a. Proved
b. Probable
c. Possible
d. Zabalance
7. When sustained flow of hydrocarbons has been obtained in at least one well of a
structure, initially inplace volumes of hydrocarbons are estimated in
a. Probable
b. Proved
c. Possible
d. Developed
8. Initially in place of hydrocarbons are considered as proved category when:
a. The structure / trap has been delineated with fair degree of certainty by wells
b. Sustained flow has been established by wells located in different parts of the
c. Petrophysical and fluid parameters are obtained
d. All the above
9. With favourable eoctrolog characteristics or favourable RFT data, the initially in
place volumes are estimated in:
a. Proved category
b. Probable category
c. Possible category
d. None of the above
10. After the necessary equipment for improved recovery has been installed, then the
reserves are considered as:
a. Proved developed reserves
b. Proved undeveloped reserves

c. Unproved reserves
d. Inferred reserves
11. Reserves attributable to a commercially successful pilot project is planned but not
in operation are considered as:
a. Proved undeveloped reserves
b. Probable reserves
c. Proved develop reserves
d. None of the above
12. Initially inplace / reserves which can not be developed profitably at the present
time due to technical and logistical problems but can be considered in future for
commercial exploration are known as:
a. Proved reserves
b. Unproved reserves
c. Zabalance
d. None of the above
13. In the earlier classification A and B categories are considered as:
a. Prognosticated reserves
b. Unproved reserves
c. Proved reserves
d. Zabalance reserves
14. The first well drilled on a new structure of a basin where other structures are
known to be oil / gas bearing, is called:
a. Exploratory wildcat well
b. Exploratory offset well
c. Exploratory test well
d. Development well
15. When economic quantity of oil / gas is obtained on production testing of a well for
the first time on a structure, the well is called:
a. Special well

b. Key well
c. Development well
d. Discovery well
16. The wells drilled to define productive are and to determine reservoir data for
preparation of a reliable development plan, are termed as:
a. Development wells
b. Exploratory delineation wells
c. Exploratory test wells
d. Parametric wells
17. Wells drilled as per technological scheme are known as:
a. Development wells
b. Delineation wells
c. Offset wells
d. Special wells
18. Wells drilled for exploitation of oil / gas in an area where reservoir pool limits are
established, are known as:
a. Exploratory step out wells
b. Exploratory offset wells
c. Information wells
d. Development wells
19. In high permeable strata, the wells are drilled at :
a. Greater distance
b. Lesser distance
c. Unequal distances
d. None of the above
20. In water drive reservoirs, the wells are planned to be drilled.
a. Closed spaced
b. Widely spaced
c. Irregularly spaced

d. None of the above

21. For development of poor permeability reservoirs, well arrangement practiced is:
a. Spacing in rows
b. Regular geometric grids
c. Random spacing
d. None of the above
22. Conventional normal practice of development multiple pay zones in a oil field is:
a. From top to bottom pay zone
b. From multiple completion from individual wells
c. Simultaneous development of several pay zones
d. From bottom to top pay zone
23. In peripheral flooding, injection wells are located at:
a. Top of the structure
b. Bottom of the structure
c. External boundary of the reservoir
d. None of the above
24. In direct line drive pattern, the rows of injector and producer wells are located:
a. Opposite to each other
b. Staggered to each other
c. 5 spot
d. None of the above
25. In inverted 5 spot pattern, the producing and injection wells are
a. 4 injector wells and 1 producing well
b. 4 producing wells and 1 injection well
c. All the 5 wells are injection wells
d. All the 5 wells are producing wells
26. Performance prediction of a reservoir is done by:
a. Stimulation

b. Sick well analysis

c. Production performance
d. Simulation
27. For full field development studies, especially when layering occurs, the type of
model used is:
a. One cell model
b. Two dimentional model
c. Three dimentional model
d. Four dimentional model
28. Reservoir characterization involves:
a. Reservoir heterogeneity
b. Reservoir productivity
c. Reservoir performance
d. None of the above
29. The most common data used in history matching are:
a. Work over history
b. Pressure, water, oil & GOR production
c. Well locations and completions
d. None of the above
30. The dominant geological feature that controls reservoir performance is:
a. Sand distribution
b. Limestone distribution
c. Shale distribution
d. None of the above


1. B
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. D
9. C
10. A
11. B
12. C
13. C
14. C
15. D
16. B
17. A
18. D
19. A
20. B
21. B
22. D
23. C
24. A
25. B
26. D
27. C
28. A
29. B
30. C

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