Brochure Indorock2016

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Call for Paper

Indorock 2016
JUNE 17-18, 2016
IIT Bombay, Mumbai

Organizing chairman
Er. A.B. Pandya
Chairman, CWC and President, ISRMTT

Organizing secretary

Organized by

Prof. T. N. Singh
Professor, IIT Bombay

Department of Earth Sciences

IIT Bombay
Powai, Mumbai
Maharashtra - 400076
Office: +91-22-2576-4290
Conference website:
Conference Email:

Indian Society for Rock Mechanics

and Tunnelling Technology

Indian institute of technology bombay


Deep Tunnels and Shafts for Mining

Planning and Design for Large Surface and Underground
Construction Equipments and Methodologies
Ventilation Systems, Health and Safety
Risk Management

for hydropower
ground Mining

Geological and Geophysical Investigations

Rock Mechanics: ln-situ and Laboratory Testing
Tackling Geological Surprises
Conventional and Mechanized Excavation
Large Tunnels, Caverns, Support System and Lining
Analysis & Design Techniques and Numerical Simulation
Instrumentation and Monitoring
Case Studies



New Developments
Rock mechanics at Historical
Sites and Monuments
Design and Assessment of
Cavern for Storage and Spent
Fuel Disposal
rock mechanics for Oil/gas
New Emerging Areas in Rock
Landslide Hazards Mitigation
Abstract Format

Underground Space Development and Use

rock mass Characterization
Planning and Design
Numerical and Analytical Techniques
Trenchless Technologies: Pipe jacking and micro tunneling
health and Safety during Construction
Architecture in Underground Space
Case Studies




Abstract of maximum 500 words for







Authors names with affiliations

must be provided. Further details are




ISRMTT Members

INR 6000

Authors of paper

INR 6000

Non ISRMTT Members

INR 8000


INR 4000

There are a range of sponsorship levels providing various chances for campaign to a targeted and
highly significant group of rock mechanics professionals at INDOROCK 2016.

Platinum Sponsorship INR 3,50,000 7 Free delegates, one page advertisement, logo
Golden Sponsorship INR 2,50,000

on banner & proceedings.

5 Free delegates, one page advertisement, logo

Silver Sponsorship iNr i,00,000

on proceedings
3 Free delegates, one page advertisement


Rock Mechanics is a vital discipline of science and engineering to under pin the infrastructure
development and its management on a sustainable and safe basis. Human kind has been interacting with
the rock structures right since its inception when the human being found shelter in natural and manmade caves and openings. The rock mechanics is a developing science with new innovations arising out
of the needs for specific requirements over time. The sound knowledge of rock mechanics is a prerequisite for any geo technical engineer engaged with development of large structures like cavern in
various types of terrain, dams etc. The discipline has been enriched further with the development of
new laboratory and institute testing techniques as well as deploying with to vigorous numerical analysis.
Rock physics and geo-mechanics aid to obtain a better understanding into important issues linked to
reservoir management for exploitation of natural resources and repository safety assessment for
hazardous waste storage in the geological environment.
The Himalayan chains of mountains and other hill ranges in the country and its neighborhood pose
very difficult challenges in planning the structure and executing them on the ground to complex
technique process that have been undergone by the involved rock pace. The natural disasters arising out
of slide in rock and soil sometimes through human intervention and sometime through changes in
extreme weather pattern, the protection of communities inhabiting the hilly terrain is a major challenge
for a rock engineer.
Major challenges have to be faced while design and execution of underground basis for transportation
and hydro power facilities. Most of the Indian potential for hydro power lies in Himalayan region and
unpredictable response of rock mass and various geological surprises are the key areas. IndoRock- 2016
Conference which is 6th in line being organized by the society proposed to share the experience gained
by the Rock Engineering Community in these and many other areas and is proposed to be vital forum in
dissemination of new technologies in this field.The Organisers invite all interested engineers and
scientists active in the field to participate whole heartedly in the event. The society would also be happy
to host various products developed and manfucturers in the field of rock engineering to showcase their
products to the community through an exhibition collocated at the venue.

The main objective of conference is to provide a platform to bring together high level delegations from
all over India and other countries for exchanging information and ideas as well as presenting new development on the theme. Indorock 2016 has been aimed,
To provide delegates with an update on current progress, activities and opportunities.
To provide information and gather views on the good practices in underground constructions.
To provide an opportunity to share experiences and to discuss issues and challenges in the planning
and delivery of projects in hydropower, mining and infrastructure schemes.

impOrtant datEs
Nov 1, 2015
Abstract Submission Begins

March 15, 2015

Acceptance Notification

Feb 28, 2016

Abstract Submission deadline

April 15, 2016

Full Paper Submission deadline

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