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When you Recover from being KOd with 0 Health, Heal 2D6 Wounds/Sanity (any mix)

and roll once on the Injury Chart to see the long lasting effects. If you get an
Injury that you already have, use the number above it on the chart (lower number).

D36 I njury


11-12 Eviscerated

You have seconds left to say any famous last words before
you fall to the floor and die.
Your Hero is Dead.

13 Foreign Object

Theres something in your body that wasnt there when you
woke up this morning.
Roll D6. You can no longer wear a type of Clothing Gear:
1)Torso/Coat 2)Boots 3)Hats 4)Gloves 5)Shoulder 6)Belt/Pants
If a foreign object exists in the space rolled, lose 3 Health
permanently instead of gaining this injury.

14 Spinal Cord Injury

That was a solid hit to your spine, youre feeling that!

Agility and Strength attributes are -1 (minimum of 1 ).

15 Brain Injury

You head no feel good. You head hit, go night night.

Cunning and Lore attributes are -1 (minimum of 1 ).

16 Butchered Genitals

Reproductive activities are clearly not an option anymore...

Spirit and Luck attributes are -1 (minimum of 1 ).

21 Fractured Hip

Every step you take sends a sharp pain through your body.
Your Hero takes 1 Hit after every Move action.

22 Mangled Hand

Your hand will never hold a gun the same way again.

Your Hero has one less

available for carrying items.
Weapons may still be used, but you are unable to get Critical
Hits with any weapon being used by your injured hand.

23 Gouged Eye

Your vision gets hazy and streaks of blood run down your face.
At least you wont see these horrors as clearly anymore...
You are unable to get Critical Hits with Ranged Weapons.

24 Fractured Ribs

With a sickening crunch, you feel parts of your ribs break
and splinter.
Your Hero has one less


25 Broken Leg

Your leg twists and bends in a direction not normally
associated with the human leg.
You are at -1 to your Move (minimum of 1 ).

26 Abdominal Trauma

Its like a horse just kicked you in your gut.

You are at -1 to your Defense rolls (minimum of 1 ).

31 Concussion

The room swirls about you and theres a constant ringing
sound that isnt going away anytime soon.
Until the start of your next Adventure, you are at
-1 Initiative (min 1 ) and roll one less die on Skill Tests.

32 Internal Bleeding

Youve had worse scrapes shaving yourself in the morning.

Youll be fine you tell everyone...

From now on, roll on this Injury Chart using D3x10+D3.
This Injury is -1 to recover using a Surgery roll in Town.

33 Broken Arm

Your arm dangles uselessly by your side. Youll be damned
if you can hit anything quite the same again.
You are unable to get Critical Hits with Melee Weapons.

34 Cracked Knee

You used to be a fighter, til this happened to your knee...

Whenever you are Wounded, you are also Pushed 1 space

if able to be moved (player chooses direction ).

35 Crushed Foot

You cant seem to feel your foot too well anymore.

You are at -1 to your Escape rolls (minimum of 1 ).

36 Scalped

You feel exposed flesh where hair once grew.

You are unable to wear any Clothing or Gear on your Head.

41 Slashed Face

Youve earned yourself a sinister looking scar.

You are at -1 to any rolls in Encounters with the keyword

Stranger (minimum of 1 ).

D36 I njury


42 Broken Teeth

Your teeth are mighty sensitive now and its going to be

painful to eat or drink anything from now on.

Your Hero takes 1 Hit after using a Side Bag Token that
is meant to be consumed (no effect from Dynamite ).

43 Broken Collar Bone

The pain is intense and it hurts to do most anything, but it
doesnt look like youre in any mortal danger.
You are -1 Max Grit.

44 Chest Wound

Your shirt is soaked with blood from the massive gash

running down your chest. It hurts to even turn your body.

You are -1 Initiative.

45 Severed Finger

A portion of one of your fingers has been lopped off, which

makes shooting a gun an interesting proposition.

Ranged weapons that you use are -1 Shot (minimum of 1 ).

46 Severed Ear

A part of your ear lies on the ground next to you.

In every Fight, you are considered Ambushed by a single

Enemy (choose one ). That Enemy appears next to your
Hero at +2 Initiative.

51 Swollen Eye

You have a massive headache and you cant blink out of

one side of your face.

Until the end of the Adventure, your Line of Sight is
restricted to the direction your model is facing. It costs 1
Move to change your models facing during your Activation.

52 Pulled Muscle

Hot damn, thatll do it. Youll be fine in a few hours, but

dangit if that aint a charley horse.

Until the end of the Adventure, you are at half-movement
(rounded down ) on the turn after you take any Wounds.

53 Twisted Ankle

Its not the worst pain youve ever felt, but youll have to
watch how you walk on that foot for a bit.
Until the end of the Adventure, you may not move your
Hero diagonally.

54 Sprained Wrist

You feel like a pansy for even complainin about it, but its
sure hard as hell to hold a gun straight now.
Until the end of the Adventure, you are -1 to all Ranged
To Hit rolls (minimum of 1 ).

55 Dislocated Shoulder

Until you get a free second to get your arm placed back in
its socket you definitely aint gonna be hittin as hard.
Until the end of the Adventure, you are -1 to all Melee To
Hit rolls (minimum of 1 ).

56 Rattled

The room is wobbling some all around you like you was

drunk, but youll manage... somehow.

Until the end of the Adventure, you are -1 to all Skill Test
rolls (minimum of 1 ).

61 Photophobia

Somethin hit you and now all the lights are too bright.

You are -1 to all To Hit rolls if you are on the same Map
Tile as the Posses Light Source (minimum of 1 ).

62 Breathing Difficulties

You cant seem to move much without yer lungs hurtin .
You cannot spend Grit to add to your Movement.

63 Puncture Wound

That got you good, but youll live. Suck it up hombre.
Until the end of the Adventure, you are -1 Combat.

64 Busted Jaw

Its hard for you to talk now, though your friends

appreciate the silence.

Until the start of your next Mission, you must pay +$25
for all Purchase Items or Services.

65 Wind Knocked Out

You stop a second to catch your breath and look yourself
over. Not a scratch on you, time to kick some ass.
No lasting long-term effects.

66 Scarring

It might look bad, but you dont feel a thing. If anything,
its made you more pissed than you were before.
You are at +1 Max Grit.

When you Recover from being KOd with 0 Sanity, Heal 2D6 Wounds/Sanity (any mix)
and roll once on the Madness Chart to see the long lasting effects. If you get a
Madness that you already have, use the number above it on the chart (lower number).

D36 M adness


11-12 Brain Dead

You are nothing but an empty shell now.
Your Hero is Dead.

13 Egomania

Do they even realize theyre traveling with the Legend!?

You are unable to give or trade Gear or Side Bag Tokens

with other Heroes.

14 Chronic Itching

They seem to come from everywhere, theres thousands of
bugs and spider crawling about, its downright sickening.
Whenever your roll a 1 to Move, you take 1 Hit.

15 Utter Despair

Theres no sense continuing on, its just going to get worse.

Whenever a Hold Back the Darkness roll is failed
(including doubles that would fail ), take D3 Sanity Damage
(no Willpower saves ).

16 Paranoia

Just act natural, dont let them know youre on to them...

Whenever you attempt to Scavenge or Explore a Doorway,

roll a D6. On a 1, 2, or 3, you fail the action.

21 Sociopathy

No one sees the smile on your face as you descend further
and further into Darkness.
You do not get Willpower saves from Corruption Hits.

22 The Shakes

Sometimes, it all just gets to be too much to handle.

Whenever you Scavenge, ignore the first 6 that you roll.

23 Schizophrenia

The talking Cactus is starting to get lippy with you.

Whenever you end your Move adjacent to another Hero, roll

a D6. On a roll of 1 or 2, that Hero takes 2 Hits.

24 Hallucinations

What kind of dirty trick is this? This isnt a bag of gold,
this is just a bag of horse shit!
Whenever you draw a Loot Card, roll a D6. On a 1,
take 1 Sanity Damage instead (ignoring Willpower ).

25 Obsession

Dont they know how much they mean to you?

Choose a Random Hero. From now on you are at -1 to any

rolls you make if you are not adjacent to this Hero or at
the same Location as this Hero (minimum of 1 ).

26 Claustrophobia

Youre going to suffocate if you dont get some space!

Each turn you take 1 Horror Hit if you ever begin your
Activation with less than 6 open, unoccupied spaces
adjacent to you.

31 Traumatic Memory

I dont want to talk about it.

Until the start of your next Adventure, you take a Horror

Hit whenever you would gain XP from any source.

32 Delusions

The Yellow Sign is everywhere and everything is infused

with the Sign. He Who Shall Not Be Named approaches...

From now on, roll on this Madness Chart using D3x10+D3. This
Madness is -1 to recover from using an Exorcism roll in Town.

33 Gender Identity Crisis

You were just a butterfly waiting to come out of your cocoon!
Flip your Character sheet over and use an opposite gender
character model if available.

34 Flagellant

You deserve the pain, it is your burden to bear.

You begin each Mission in the Mines with an amount

of Wounds equal to your Corruption points. If you were
damaged before, add these on top of your previous Wounds.

35 Dark Temptation

The way it glows in the dark... Youve stared into it for hours
and still only catch quick glimpses of the power within.
When rolling for Dark Stone Corruption, you instead take
2 Corruption Hits when you roll a 1, 2, or 3.

36 Monsteromania

I just gotta kill them sumsuvbitches.

Choose a Monster keyword [Void, Beast, Demon, or Undead].

You must attack Enemies with that keyword if they are
in Range and Line of Sight of you during Activation.

D36 M adness


41 Monsterophobia

No! Not that! Anything but that, oh dear God, NOOOOO!!!!

Choose a Monster keyword [Void, Beast, Demon, or Undead].

You take 1 Horror Hit if you start your Activation on the
same Map Tile as Enemies with that keyword.

42 Guilty Conscience

Lets face it, were the real monsters here...

You are at -1 to your Willpower rolls (minimum of 1 ).

43 Kleptomania

They probably werent going to need that anyways.

When the Posse receives Loot, roll a D6. On 1 or 2, you may

take a Loot card from another player. You gain 1 Corruption
Point whenever this happens (no Willpower save ).

44 Unquiet Mind

Im only gonna get one shot at this, dont blow it... just a
little bit more until... Hey! Is that a Squirrel?!
You are -1 to all Skill Test rolls (minimum of 1 ).

45 Nyctophobia

Whys it so dark here? Did you hear that?

You take 2D6 Horror Hits from Voices in the Dark and
Light Sources only protect you when you are on the same
Map Tile as its holder.

46 Cowardice

Holy shit! Were not gonna fight that thing are we?!

You are unable to attack any Enemy who has more than
twice your current remaining Health.

51 Slow-Witted

Gosh! Whys everyone gettin their guns out?

You are -2 Initiative during the first round of any Fights

(minimum of 1 ).

52 Addiction

This is the last time... Ill be better tomorrow and then Ill

kick the habit. I swear it this time.

At the start of each Adventure, you must consume one
Whiskey, Herb, Tonic, or Fungal Bloom Side Bag Token or you
are at -1 to ALL rolls during the Adventure (minimum of 1 ).

53 Alcoholism

How many drinks to stop the pain?

You must use 2 Whiskey Tokens to get any Healing effect

and you must use at least 1 Whiskey Token at the start
of any Mission or else take D3 Horror Hits.

54 Antisociality

Fuck all these people.

While in Town, you are unable to visit the same Location
on the same day as any other Heroes.

55 Faithlessness

What kind of loving god would stand by and let these
horrors come to this world?

While in Town, you are unable to visit the Church.

56 Zealotry

Only the LORD can help the Righteous overcome the Evils
of this land.
While in Town, your first Location you visit must always
be at the Church, if one is available.

61 Obsessive Compulsion

...and rinse three times. Now scrub four times. Apply soap
and wash. Then dry and repeat with bleach.
Whenever you enter Town, you can do nothing for your
entire first day as you spend the day cleaning yourself.

62 Lecherous

Yea, they want some of what you got.

Opposite-gendered Heroes get -1 to their rolls when you

are adjacent.

63 Plutomania

This has to be worth something, if its not gold, its useless.
Your possessions cannot be worth more than your Gold.
If this happens, you must sell off your excess Items.

64 Berserker

Kill! Kill! Kill!

If you are not adjacent to an Enemy during Combat, you

must always Move towards the closest Enemy every turn
when possible.

65 Panic Attack

Deep breaths, just take some deep breaths. Serenity now.
Serenity now. Serenity now...
No lasting long-term effects.

66 Apathy

Youve stopped caring about mostly everything.
You are at +1 Max Grit.

A Hero may only have 4 Corruption Points at a time without ill effect. As soon as a Hero reaches
5 points, the Corruption is discarded and the Hero rolls D36 (D6x10+D6) on the Mutation Chart.
A Hero that ever rolls the same mutation twice is Dead (but may still be resurrected).

D36 M utation


11 Chest Portal

Anytime an 11 or 12 is rolled to Hold Back the Darkness,
you must roll a D6.

1, 2, 3 = Low Threat Ambush Attack
4, 5
= Nothing
= Draw a Mine Artifact card

12 Tentacle Fingers

No game effect.

13 Tentacle Arm

You lose the use of one

each turn, but you are

Guns may still be used,
+1 Combat.
but cannot get Critical Hits.

14 Tentacle Leg

You are -1 Move each turn (minimum of 1 ).

15 Tentacle Tongue

No game effect.

16 Tentacle Mustache

All Item prices in Town cost you $10 less than normal
(minimum $10 ).

21 Glowing Skin

You are now Immune to Voices in the Dark, but Enemies also
Hit you on To Hit rolls of 1.

22 Rock Skin

You are +3 Health, but -1 Move each turn (minimum of 1 ).

23 Slippery Skin

You may now roll an extra die for Escape tests and
choose which roll to use.

24 Melty Skin

Anytime you take one or more Wounds from a source,
you take 1 extra Wound.

25 Void Boils

You are -2 Health, but +1 Max Grit.

26 Void Infection

Any time you pass through a Gate, you take 1 Corruption
Point, ignoring Willpower.

31 Barbed Tail

+1 Combat.You can now hold 1 fewer Corruption Point before
you get a Mutation.

32 Prehensile Tail

You now have 1 extra

to use per turn. You can now hold

1 fewer Corruption Point before you get a Mutation.

33 Tail with a Face

Any time you take one or more Sanity Damage from
a source, you take 1 extra Sanity Damage.

34 Tail with a Mouth

Any time you or another model adjacent to you rolls

a 1 on a To Hit roll, that model takes 1 Wound, ignoring

Defense. No XP is gained.

35 Tentacle Tail

+1 Move. You can now hold 1 fewer Corruption Point
before you get a Mutation.

36 Void Plague

Any Hero adjacent to you at the end of a turn

automatically takes D3 Wounds, ignoring Defense.

D36 M utation


41 Horns

You can no longer use Clothing - Hat Items.

42 Eye Grown Over

All of your Critical Hits do 1 less Damage than normal.

43 Third Eye

Once per turn, you may spend 2 Grit to force a Threat Card
just drawn to be discarded and Redrawn.

44 Mouth Grown Over

All Item prices in Town cost you +$10.

45 Fangs

You gain

Bite (Free Attack ).

Once per turn. 1 Combat, uses D8 for Damage.
If this Bite attack wounds a Void Enemy, you also take
1 Corruption Hit.

46 Second Head

You may now use 2 Clothing - Hat Items and you are

+1 Initiative.
However, any time you roll a 6 for movement, you lose
Activation as your two heads are arguing over where
to go next.

51 Arm Growth

You can no longer use Clothing - Coat Items.

52 Leg Growth

You can no longer use Clothing - Boot Items.

53 Hand Growth

You can no longer use Clothing - Gloves Items.

54 Fused with Item

Choose one Item you are carrying, that is

From now on, that Item must be assigned every turn.

55 Fused with Rock

You are -2 Move each turn (minimum of 1 ), however,
you also gain Armor 4+.

56 Fused with Dark Stone

Any Dark Stone shards you currently carry have become

fused to you. These cannot be sold, used, or lost in any way

until removed. Continue to roll for Corruption.

61 Dark Stone Allergy

At the start of each Activation, take 1 Hit for every
Dark Stone shard and Item with a Dark Stone Icon
you are carrying.

62 Nose Fallen Off

All of your Town Location Event Chart rolls are -1 to the
roll (minimum of 2 ).

63 Fused Fingers

You may not use Gun Items (unless it is an Artifact card ).

64 Eye Stalks

All of your Critical Hits are +1 Damage. You can now hold
1 fewer Corruption Point before you get a Mutation.

65 Void Speech

At the start of each of your Activations, if there are any
Void Enemies on your Map Tile, you are +1 Initiative,
but you also take 1 Sanity Damage, ignoring Willpower.

66 Child of the Void

You are +1 Lore and, while in an Other World,

+1 Initiative. You can now hold 1 fewer Corruption Point

before you get a Mutation.

When entering a Town for the first time, roll D36 (D6x10+D6) twice on the Town Traits
Chart, but only once if you are playing with the Frontier Town expansion.
Do not roll for subsequent Town Visits.

D36 T own T raits


11 Dry

24 Xenophobic

12 Dark Secret

25 Unstable Gate

Heroes may not purchase alcoholic Side Bag Tokens here, but may
try to sell them at the Campsite for 2x the price. When trying to
sell, roll D6. On a 1 or 2, the sale is discovered and the Heroes end
their Town Stay and cannot enter this Town for a week.
Every time the Posse enters for a Town Stay, a Random Hero
makes a Cunning 6+ test. If three successes are made on a single
roll, this vile secret is discovered and this Town is Destroyed.

13 No Stones Allowed!

[Reroll this trait if the Town is the Mining Town type]

The people here are fed up with Dark Stone and dont allow any
Dark Stone into the city. You may not buy or sell any Dark Stone,
Gear with the Dark Stone symbol, or any Dark Stone Upgrades
while in this Town.

14 Dark Stone Infused

Each Hero takes 1 Corruption Hit for each day that they stay here
during a Town Visit.

15 Shortages

[Reroll if the Town is the Mining Town or Rail Town type]

Side Bag Tokens may not be bought here, but may be sold for
twice the listed price. Also, whenever a Hero wants to buy a
Purchase Item, roll a D6. On a 1, 2, or 3, that Item is not in stock.

16 Obligation

A Random Hero has some sort of financial obligation in this Town

(family, lover, property, etc) and must pay D3x$50 whenever visiting
this Town or else gain 1 Corruption point with no Willpower save.

21 Degenerate

[Reroll if the Town has the keyword Law or the trait Law-Abiding]
Any Female Hero that visits a Town Location without a Male Hero
is at risk of being assaulted. If unaccompanied, make a Strength 4+
test. If failed, the Female Hero takes Hits (1 Damage) and rolls on
the Injury Chart if she suffers more than three Wounds.

22 Bad Water

At the start of each day, every Hero makes a Strength 4+ test.

If failed they are at -1 Health until the end of your next Mission.

23 Inbred

You may only Purchase Items in this Town. All other Services,
Rituals, or other actions are unavailable on account of being too
complicated for folks here to figure out.

[Reroll if Town has the keyword Mutant or is the Mutant Town type]
Heroes with any Mutations roll twice for Location Events and
always take the lesser of the two results. This Town should never
include the Mutant Quarter Location.
[Reroll this trait if the Town already has the Peaceful trait]
Whenever the Posse enters this Town, All Heroes make a Luck 4+
roll. If failed, Attack! - Draw a Threat at the Posses Threat level. If
this fight is failed or Escaped, Destroy one Town Location.

26 Foreigners

Whenever a Hero would visit a Town Location, go to a Random

Town Location instead.

31 Heathens

[Reroll this trait if the Town already has the Religious Cult trait or
keyword Holy or is the Plague Town type]
Heroes with the keyword Holy roll twice for Location Events and
always take the lesser of the two results. Teplace the Church with
another Location if it is setup in this Town.

32 Cannibals!

The people of this Town have taken to questionable practices.

Whenever the Posse enters this Town, Attack! - Roll a Human
Threat at the Hero Posses level. If all Heroes are KOd during this
fight, all Heroes roll on the Injury Chart three times. The Heroes
may not stay at this Town (not even at the Camp Site).

33 Religious Cult

[Reroll this trait if the Town already has the Heathens trait]
Heroes that do not have the keyword Holy roll twice for Location
Events and always take the lesser of the two results. There must
always be a Church in this Town. Replace another Location with
the Church if it is ever Destroyed for any reason.

34 Boring

Folks here are boring as hell. Remove any other Town Traits/
Types/Keywords from this Town & do not roll for any other Traits.

35 Bartering

Gold may not be used to Purchase Items. All Items that are traded
directly for Items or Services are worth their listed sell value,
however, no change is given if overpaid.

36 Corrupt

[Reroll this trait if the Town has the keyword Law]

Each Hero must pay a $25 bribe for each day they stay in Town
or else they must end their Town Visit immediately.

D36 T own T raits


41 Thieving

[Reroll if the Town has the Law-Abiding Trait or the keyword Law]
Whenever the Posse enters this Town, they are immediately targeted
by a gang of pickpockets & thieves. Each Hero makes an Agility 4+
roll. If failed, that Hero has lost D3X$50 worth of Gold, Gear or Side
Bag Tokens (your choice).

42 Slavers

Whenever you visit Town Locations, take D6 Corruption Hits. A Hero

may attempt to free slaves from a Town Location by making a
Strength 6+ test. Destroy Location, gain 50XP, and end the Posses
Town Stay. You may not visit again for a week.

43 Amazonian

Male Heroes roll twice for Location Events and always take the
lesser of the two results.

44 Peaceful

[Reroll if Town has the keyword Outlaw or has the Unstable Gate
Trait or is the Outlaw Town type]
No weapons of any sorts are permitted in this Town. While in Town
the Heroes do not have access to their weapons and may only
use their fists in Combat. The Heroes may not purchase or sell any
Weapons, Ammunition, or Weapon Upgrades while in Town.

45 Addicted

Each Hero makes an Agility 4+ roll each day they stay in Town.
If failed, Hero loses an Alcohol or Herb Side Bag Token (their choice).

46 Nightmares

Each Hero takes 3 Horror Hits every day they stay in Town. Sanity
Damage gained from this cannot be Healed until after you confront
your fears and finish another Mission.

51 Artifact Decay

Each Hero that carries any Artifacts rolls a D8 whenever they enter
this Town. On a 1, add a Corruption token to an Artifact.
With 3 Corruption Tokens, that Artifact is Destroyed.

52 Bad Luck

At the beginning of each day in Town, All Heroes make a Luck 5+

roll. If failed, move the Darkness marker two spaces on the Town
Event Tracker instead of the normal one per day.

53 Black Market

The Heroes may visit any Town Location they want to, whether or
not it officially exists in this Town. Prices are $50 more expensive
for any Purchase Items or Services at Black Market Locations
(regular Town Locations have normal prices). If a Town Location
is Destroyed, a Black Market Location will replace it. If all Town
Locations are Destroyed in this Town, the Town itself is Destroyed.

54 Jovial

When rolling on the Town Event chart, roll twice and take the higher
of the two rolls.

55 Constructive

Whenever you enter Town, if any Town Locations have been Destroyed
the Posse rolls D8. If an 8 is rolled, add a new Town Location. This roll
is not made again until another Mission is completed.

56 Cattle Yard

Instead of visiting a Town Location, a Hero may make an Agility

or Strength Skill test for the day to earn some money. For each roll
of 2-5, gain $25. For every roll of 6, that Hero gains $100. If a 1 is
rolled, that Hero earns nothing and has suffered an accident, roll on
the Injury Chart.

61 Law-Abiding

[Reroll this trait if Town type is an Outlaw Town or if the Town

already has either Degenerate or Thieving Trait or keyword Outlaw]
Folks here are proper and dont much tolerate disreputable persons.
Heroes with keyword Outlaw roll twice for Location Events and always
take the lesser of the two results. This Town should never include the
Smugglers Den Location.

62 Fancy House

Every night you stay in this Town, each Hero rolls a D8. On a 1 or
2, a Male Hero loses $50 and gains the keyword Rash. While you
have Rash, your Hero is -3 Health. This may be removed at the Docs
Office with a Surgery attempt. On a roll of 8, that Hero instead loses
$100 and may remove one Madness. Female Heroes who roll a 7 or 8
may gain $100 if they choose to.

63 Unstable Economy

Choose different Town Locations each time you come here for a
Town Stay (Keyword Locations or Town Type Locations are the only
constants, must still follow any restrictions).

64 Dimensional Paradox

Pick a second, different Keyword or Town Type, depending on if you

own the Frontier Town expansion. Whenever you enter Town, roll a D6.
On an even roll, it is the 1st Town Keyword/Type, on an odd roll it
is the 2nd Town Keyword/Type. Locations stay the same though and
may conflict with the rules its a paradox.

65 Well-Defended

This Town has Armor 5+. Whenever a Town Location or the Town
itself would be Destroyed, roll a D6. On a 5 or better, that Location or
the Town is not Destroyed.

66 Unique Location

Theres an expert or artisan in Town that is renowned throughout the

region and beyond. Choose one of the Towns Locations at Random.
You may purchase Advanced Gear & Services from this Location in
this Town.

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