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X-Men Evolution

All men are created equal.
Thats what they tell you, right? Its in the history books, Ive heard.
Supposed to be in the Constitution, I think. You know, We hold these truths
to be self-evident that all men are created equal. Whats ironic is that if
there was an ounce of truth behind those words, this wouldnt have
happened. The outbreak.
Believe it or not, this whole thing started a little short of ten years ago
in a little biology lab called Trask Industries.
By enhancing it, it would give certain capabilities no other human had
before. Youd be able to do more, think better, push harder, and run faster
than any previous human. Imagine this, they would say, A battalion of
super-soldiers with the instincts and raw power to take down an entire
countrys army, a lab filled with the genetically enhanced scientists, able to
think and process information twice the speed of sound itself, a couch potato
able to fully access the capacity of his brain and get the remote to change
the channel without even moving a muscle. On paper, it was a
groundbreaking discovery. The plan did have its flaws, but they were of
course overlooked as are all plans. In only short of six months, scientists had
successfully engineered the first batch of genes. The key to the next
evolution of humanity, they called it. There was always a flaw, that one thing
that prevented it. B
You see, all men are not created equal. Just like any rule, there are
exceptions. We were the exceptions. The outcasts, the neglected, the freaks,
the mutations. People like to forget what happened that day ten years ago,
but were the reminder. People like us have the X-Gene, which runs through
our veins. With it in us, we werent considered equal to the norms. They saw
us as the plague of those dark days that couldnt be cured, and so we
remained that way. We were mutants, or the more socially accurate term,
freaks of nature. We couldnt get jobs, go to school, own a car, or even have
children. So, we waited for a change. But that change never came, even ten
years later. Ten years is a long time to wait, and to most of us, waiting began
to get a little boring.

People like us began to get a little angry at the way we were treated,
the way we were looked down by normal people. They believed that our
deformities shouldnt discriminate against us. So, they decided to do
something about it. The problem was, they didnt exactly believe in petitions
or peaceful assemblies.
They wanted to repay the norms for the many prejudices dealt to us.
They would form a group, which quickly escalated into an army. The faction
began to grow through anyone who enlisted, or anyone who was forced into
enlistment. A man named Erik Lensherr, otherwise known as Magneto would
lead this faction who would be soon be dreaded in the hearts of many as the
Brotherhood. A brotherhood of us, gathered in one common goal, the
complete and utter destruction of humanity. I could tell you that they went
too far, but even that would be an understatement. They ran rampant
through the masses, massacring hundreds and trying to convert thousands
more to their cause. They became the monsters the humans have always
accused us of being, but it didnt matter to them. They had tasted blood,
what it felt like to rip, to kill, and they loved it. With every killing, every
ounce of blood spilled, Magneto would grow just a little bit more sadistic, just
a little bit more savage. See, he had this idea, that people with gifts; we were
some kind of master race. Some kind of dominant species. He believed that
we should rule this planet, with the remnants of the human race bowing
beneath us, that we so righteously deserved a place on the throne of
evolution. That idea began to grow as more and more of us joined, and at
one point it almost seemed inevitable.
It almost happened, you know, the apocalypse, the complete
eradication of all human life as you know it. It wouldve, if it wasnt for one
man. A man named Charles Xavier, without question the bravest man I ever
knew. He believed that we could co-exist with the humans without any
prejudice or violence, that we could live together in peace. It was a bit on the
nave side, but it gave us hope. Hope in a better tomorrow, hope in a better
society. Coexisting in harmony, seemed like a pipe dream back then. Heck, it
still does, but the idea was always there. He always told me, Its not what
you are, but what you do that defines you. He too believed that all men
were created equal, that it was our choices that truly define us. In many
ways, he was right. Many of us chose to be defined by anarchy and violence,
but a select few of us, a very select few of us, chose otherwise. If you hadnt
guessed already, we were the X-Men. I was one of the X-Men, and still am.
Jean wanted us to be the Liberators of Freedom, but X-Men just sounded
cooler, you know.
We too believed in equality for everyone, man or mutant. Only our
friendships held us together, and at times, bonds were broken and friends
were lost, but we never gave up. Personally, I consider each of them family
to me. Xaviers dream of a better tomorrow lived vicariously through all of
us, and that dream gave us something to fight for. Something to die for,
something to live for. At times, it was that idea that kept us going. During our
darkest of days, it kept us alive, kept the fire still burning in our hearts.


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