Increase in Drug Use: Who Is To Blame?: Last Name: 1

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Increase in drug use: who is to blame?

Recent survey shows an increase in drug use among the young
people. There are several hypothesis about the real reason of these changes,
but let us focus more on the real factor, that changes the life of any
adolescent. It is an education. Sometimes governments focus more on the
external policy, economy and military field, because these are the issues of
high priority. However, they should not forget about the main field of
peoples life, namely education.
It is important to understand, that drug market is more likely to appear
in the circumstances of prosperity and richness, because when people have
a possibility to try everything, they are looking for the new measures of
pleasure. This factor can increase the demand in the drug market. In this
vein, education is a main factor, which influences the growth of economy. On
the other hand, mores, laws and norms of morality are more influential,

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because most of all, people are ruled by their internal motivation and social
It is one of the fields where mostly supply forms the demand, because
buyers will probably do everything to sell their wares. Try as we might we will
not stop this market, but we can reduce the level of this problems. The best
way for the government is to influence the motives of the substance abuse.
What makes young person try the drugs?

At first, it is a society and

conditions of life. The higher level of intelligence, the lower level of

substance abuse in this area. It is fueled not only by education, but also with
the mores and morality, which is likely to increase in these circumstances. At
second, it is an internal motivation of a personality and the educational
forces can alter it.

Education is the main preventive factor in this field. It

influences society and the mind of every personality. The severe criticism of
drugs or intimidation can be the good ground for avoiding the problem. If we
chose a right time to create a right information in schools for our children, we
can stop drug trafficking in the future. Governments should spend more
money on preventive factors than on coercive power.
It is important to understand this issue from the point of economic
study, notably concerning the model of supply and demand. The high profits
of the illegal drug trade ensure that each punished or imprisoned supplier
will only be replaced with another, renewing the balance in a ceaseless
battle. This supply is responsive to the level of demand, which is formed in

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accordance to the level of education. The more people know about the
deadly consequences, the less they want to try it. On the other hand, the
more students know about punishment and law, the less likely they are to
store, sell and supply it. Both supply and demand formed in accordance with
the level of education, because it is the main decision-making factor among
the youth.
Therefore, we should stop using language of punishment and coercion,
and start using language of soft power and propaganda. Sometimes it is
much more influential than any other preventive measure. Let us never
forget that our present level of education describes our future development
and future level of health among our children.

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