Last Name: 1: Is A Two-State Solution To The Arab-Israeli Conflict Still Viable?

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Is a two-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict still viable?
Part One:
Throughout the history of humankind, there had been different kinds of conflict. There
were conflicts between civilizations, different religious groups, different nations and different
ideas. In this case, Samuel Huntington wrote, that the future of the conflicts will be based only
upon misunderstandings between civilizations. It is important to look though modern religious
and civilization conflicts that are happening in the world, because they can create the future
history not only of these territories, but also, the history of the whole world. (Huntington)
That is why it is important to focus on Israeli-Palestinian conflict, or so-called ArabIsraeli conflict, that is being waged for the period of the century and which was subjected to
many ideas of resolution, for example a two-state solution. This conflict is a bright example of
the territorial conflict between two nations and two religions and it is likely to be called as an
example of the conflict between civilizations. Many international political actors are involved in
the conflict. It is important to add, that the majority of the international community designates
the existence and the right of sovereignty of the both sides, but their view on their way of

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sovereignty differs. The main question of this essay is to understand if the two-state solution is
still possible in the circumstances of modern conflict situation in the world.
To understand this issue better, it is important to look over this conflict and give key
terms related to this conflict. The territory was a subject of discussions of these two nations even
in the period of the beginning of the twentieth century. The conflict viably started when the
Israeli territory was established as the independent country at the end of the fiftieth. This was the
case, which was unfavorable for Palestinian political leaders and was a main reason to start a
conflict. At first, after the perplexing history events there are two territories of Palestine left. The
first one is Gaza Strip ruled by the organization HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement). The
next territory is The West Bank with the government of Fatah supported by the UN and which
is not radical, unlike the HAMAS. With the conflict between Israeli and Palestine, their different
economic and scientific development, there had been developed different road maps for the
solving of this issue. (Cohen) They called two-state solution and one-state solution. The former
implies two independent peaceful countries. The latter is a solution of creating a reunification of
the country with both nations live together. It is important to add, that there were also many
kinds of the resolution, so-called Jordanian option, regional solution and status quo. (Eiland)
To understand this issue in the more comprehensive way, it is right to look at the structure
of the following essay. First, this paper will look at the history of this topic and it is important to
look at different historical points of view, according to the social media or scientific resourses.
Second, it is worthwhile to focus on geography and society in the terms of this matter. Moreover,
it is important to understand the opinion of the society according to the polls and surveys. Third,
this paper will highlight the contemporary diplomacy and relations of Israeli and Palestine with
neighboring countries and leading international political actors. Finally, it is important to give a

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prognosis on the possible solution of this conflict in terms of the idea of a two-state solution on
the base of the opinion of specialists.
The international relations are the part of the big sophisticated system, which needs the
close inspection. It is of the greatest importance to look though different fields of the historical
and contemporary developments to understand this field of study and to make the comprehensive
prognosis. After looking at all the different aspects, this paper concludes that the road map of the
two-state resolution is possible, and it is likely to be implemented. The issue was considered
thorough the comparison with the road map of one-state solution. The conflict is a political
dilemma, which is hard for international organizations, such as United Nations, to deal with and
to solve. However, it is important to understand, that the international community must spend
much time end effort to reach the political settlement.
Part Two:
As it was mentioned before, at first, it is important to look through the historical actions
and to understand different views on the history. At the beginning of the twentieth century, there
had been a tendency of Jews to settle to neighboring countries to find a better life. After the
horrible holocaust and the Second World War, the situation profoundly changed for this nation.
These circumstances were the reasons for the UN resolution of 1947 to create a new country of
Israel on its historical territory with the capital in Jerusalem. It was unfavorable for Palestinians,
whose own country was divided by the power of the international organization. This was a main
reason reason of many conflict and clashes between this new country and Arab countries.
Different political organization are aiming to destroy Israel, not to find a peaceful solution
through negotiations. Arab countries stood together to fight the Israel. The Palestinian leader,

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Arafat, created a road map of the resolution of the conflict and opened the way for the
negotiations with Palestinian nation, and was even a Nobel Prize winner. It was the negative
person for many of the Palestinians. (Samuels) The organization, which is now active in Gaza
Line, HAMAS made a judgement on the total disappearance of this nation. Israeli people
consider this conflict as the one where their country wants peace and other countries want to
destroy it. Arab countries and Arab media consider it as the expanding and negative nation,
which killed much of their representatives and innocent victims. During the last decade, there
was a lasting conflict between the Gaza Line and Israel. There were much of the terrorists attack,
kidnappings and captives. These clashes were the new sign for the international community to
review the idea of the possible settling of the conflict in the shortest terms. (n.d., "Why Support a
Two-State Solution?") If to look at the map of the conflict, it is observable, that Palestinians
spend much of their territory through international resolutions and clashes throughout the
twentieth century. The historical perspective makes us clear that no peaceful resolution is likely
to be possible nowadays, but, according to the plan, next paragraph will be a short look through
the cultural and geographic details to understand this issue better.

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It is important to understand, that these different nations have different religions. It can be
the biggest substitute on creating the unite state. Moreover, these territories have different level
of development of the science and economy. Furthermore, the one-state resolution would make
the Israeli nation minority one more time and it can meet the severe opposition in the society.
These are the good arguments for the defense of the two-state resolution. However, the poll by
the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, a leading survey research group in the
Palestinian territories, concluded, that 51 percent of Palestinians are against the two-state
solution while 48 percent are supportable of it. This survey was held in both Palestinian
territories. (Baker) There is a very interesting information in several video surveys, when the
majority of Palestinians agree for the one-state solution. (Gil-Shuster) Moreover, it is important
to look at the map of the territory. Moreover, it is important to add, that Gaza Line is a territory,
which is cut off from the western Palestine, it is poor, surrounded by walls and sea. The
population of the Gaza Line depend only on the humanitarian support of the United Nations. The
information about the two Palestinian territories is crucial to understand, that two-state roadmap
is very hard to implement, because it would be divided in many kilometers. The history gives us
the bright example: Nagorno-Karabakh is the line dividing Azerbaijan from its own territory; that
is why there is a lasting conflict on this land.
The next issue, according to our plan, was to give a short review on diplomacy and the
aims of different political leaders. As it was mentioned before, Hamas was the radical Islamic
organization, which is not supportive of any peaceful resolution. Until the last decade it was
supported by Iran, Syria and Egypt, unless the political changes did not changed these countries.
Next influential actor in this conflict is America, as the main ally of the Israel. This alliance,

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based on economic and military cooperation seems to support the balance in the region. (Zanotti)
If to talk about China, as the influential country, it is supportive of Palestine and holds warm
diplomatic relations with this nation. As an example, International Day of Solidarity with the
Palestinian People is held every year in Beijing. (Chen) If to say about Russia, Vladimir Putin
made a judgement on his readiness to help the Palestine to create its own country, notably he is
supportive of the two-state resolution. (Withnall) All of these opinions are differing and many
specialists consider this conflict not as the regional, but as the part of the global. The political
situation is more difficult because of the bad attitude of many countries to the nation of Jews. It
is important to know, that there are many countries in the world supporting Islam and
Christianity. Nevertheless, there is only one Jewish country in the world. According to the global
circumstances in the world, it is hard to say, that any conflict is likely to be resolved as long as
the conflict with Russia and western countries continues, because this diplomatic support is not
only based on the defense in negotiations but on supply of the weapons and direct attacks, which
is observable in Syria.
Finally, it is very important to form a prognosis on the possibility of the two-state
resolution in Arab-Israeli conflict. The main barrier to peace resolution is the fact, that
Palestinians did not have a chance to experience independency in the international relations. That
is why many neighboring countries interested in this territory may be not supportive of
designating independent Palestinian nation. This is the opinion of the Israeli researchers.
(Tzoreff) Nevertheless, public polls indicate that most Israeli Jews accept the two-state solution,
because it is in the terms of the Jewish Israeli democratic society to avoid the war and further
destabilizing of the region though accepting to be a new minority in the Arab world. (Bar-SimanTov) However, at the global stage, there are different points of view on the implementation of

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this road map. (Zanotti) Number of key actors and observers expressing doubts that the very
concept of a negotiated two-state solution can survive a process in which negotiations are put on
hold and resumed an indefinite number of times without finality (Brzezinski, Zbigniew, Chuck
Hagel, and Lee Hamilton). In addition, it is worthwhile to add, that there is no united political
organization in Israel and Palestrina, which would be supportive of the idea of one country. Some
scientists call the idea of the one state as the utopia and it is widely criticized. There will be
always the conflict of the interests, as long as the system of international relations supporting
idea of nationalities and borders exists. It is difficult to say, if this solution is achievable in the
near future, but with the taking into consideration the interests of the both sides, the success can
be reached.

Part 3:
To sum it up, it is important to make a final forecast about the future of this roadmap.
This political conflict is likely to be as a part of global, but it is actually a certain political
dilemma, which is narrow in scope, where each side has his own explained and understandable
position with historical background. According to the historical, social and political factors, this
resolution is likely to be implemented, but it is important to understand, that is opposes the ideas
of Palestinian supporters and Palestine itself. There are different reasons: divided territory,
historically owned land, opposition against Jews. It is very important to focus on these reasons
to formulate a consensus, upon which the comprehensive resolution would be implemented,
because the absence of the solution will bring more destroying results than it was before through
hunger, wars and political disorder in this area. Moreover, the existence of radical Islamic groups

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in the Middle East may further destabilize this situation, if the status quo would be implemented
or any other resolution are not organized. The international community is very concerned about
the clashes in the Middle East and now negotiating the road map upon Syria. Any changes in
Syria are likely to influence Israeli and Palestine. In conclusion, we must strive to find the new
way of reaching the balance in the world with ever-growing population, scientific development
and growing number of the weapons of mass destruction. This conflict is the part of very difficult
system of the international relations and any changes in this area can influence every country.

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Reference page

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Chen, Yiyi. "Will China Interfere in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?" Middle East Institute. N.p.,
6 May 2015. Web. 8 Feb. 2016.
Cohen, Peter. "The Root Cause of the Never-Ending Conflict in Palestine; and How to Fix
It." The Huffington Post., 4 Oct. 2014. Web. 07 Feb. 2016.
Eiland, Giora. "Rethinking the Two-State Solution." Policy Focus 88 (2008): n. pag. The
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Gil-Shuster, Corey. "Palestinians: Do You Prefer a One-state or Two-state Solution?" YouTube.
YouTube, 27 Nov. 2012. Web. 07 Feb. 2016.
Huntington, Samuel P. The Clash Of Civilizations And The Remaking Of World Order. New

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York: Simon & Schuster, 1996. Print.
Samuels, David. "In a Ruined Country How Yasir Arafat Destroyed Palestine." The Atlantic.
Atlantic Media Company, Sept. 2005. Web. 07 Feb. 2016.
Tzoreff, Yohanan. Barriers to Resolution of the Conflict with Israel The Palestinian
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Withnall, Adam. "Vladimir Putin Says Russia Will Fight for the Right of Palestinians to Their
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