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Q 1 How much old your business mention below?


10-----5( )25-----10( )310----15( )415----20( )520----25( )625----30( )7=>30( )Q 2 Do you prefer

keeping dairy products?1 Yes ( )2 No ( )Q 3 Do you sell the product of following brands?1.
Nestle2. Amul3. Britania4. Uttam5. Reliance6. MilkfoodQ 4 Do you keep the products of verka?
1 Yes ( )2 No ( )If no than go to question no.13If yes continueQ 5 From how much time you are
keeping the dairy products of verka mention below?1.0 - 5( )2.5 - 10( )70

3.10 - 15( )4.15 - 20( )5.20 - 25( )6.25 - 30( )Q 6 Which of these products do you deal in?1
Flavored milk1 Yes ( )2 No ( )2 Flavored lassi 1 Yes ( )2 No ( )3 Mango Rasilla 1 Yes ( )2 No ( )4
Kheer 1 Yes ( )2 No ( )5 others 1 Yes ( )2 No ( )Q 7 Do you get the supply in time?1 Yes ( )2 No
( )If no please tell how much time11 - 3Days( )24-- 6 Days( )37- 9 Days( )4Occasionally( )5Not
coming( )Q 8 How much you satisfied with verka s products mentioned below?

Flavored milk Flavored lassiMango rasillaKheer Q 9 How much you are satisfied with verkas
selected products in the term of followingfactors:VerySatisfiedSatisfiedIndifferentdissatisfiedVerydissatisfiedQualityMarginSupplySales
promotionQ 10 Please tell the approximate sale of verkas products according to the sale?
SummerHigh54321lowWinterNot know54321lowQ 11 Why are you not selling the products of
verka?1 AwarenessYes ( )No ( )2 MarginYes ( )No ( )3 QualityYes ( )No ( )4 Sales promotion
schemeYes ( )No ( )5 ReplacementYes ( )No ( )Q 12 Do you have any complaint regarding?
Quality1 Yes ( )2 No ( )72

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