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Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.

The factory was on the ________ of the valley

A river runs through the centre of the village with the church on one ________ and the market place on
the other.
Julia was lying on her ________ on the bed.
Susan is not the ________ to get annoyed.
Open up the accounts database, and ________ in the amount of each order.
Your hair ________ requires a specific shampoo.
Ferguson planned to broaden its product ________ to include internet telephones.
Joan hoped that the others were out of ________ of her mother's voice.
Prices ________ from around 10 for a basic keyboard, to 50 for an ergonomic one.

Barbara Molland had found the box in a ________ that stood under the window in Kate's room.
As the phrase suggests, a main ________ of cables splits off into branches which supply individual
The enormous tree ________ provided a home for rich colony of bird and insect life.

But the re-organisation means the ________ is now on the other foot as far as money is concerned.
I wouldn't like to be stuck down a dark alley at night with whoever put the ________ in here.
This can be accessed even if the machine won't ________ up correctly.
You need to ________ all applications before shutting down your computer.
Should the factory ________ down, 100 people will lose their jobs.
Mike's had three car accidents, plus a few other pretty ________ shaves.

A new ________ of practice governing the advertising of tobacco products is being introduced.
It ran contrary both to his upbringing and personal ________ of behaviour that men should show emotion.
The source ________ and documentation will be available to developers.
I can't believe that Colin doesn't ________ like sport.
Families somehow survived, ________ as they were being torn apart by the war.
Once in a while why not take advantage of the smooth, ________ surface to concentrate on your control
and technique?

The cliff ________ was starting to crumble into the sea.

I don't know how I'm going to ________ her after what happened.
The Wasps ________ the Hornets in two weeks.

I seem to have lost the ________ with all my personal records on it.
Today is the deadline for self-employed people to ________ their tax returns.
We walked in single ________ along the path.
The riots presented a considerable risk to ________ and property.
The building began ________ as a church.
Try to put some ________ into your painting.
At the age of 17, he went ________ the building trade as an apprentice.
Eight ________ twenty-four is three.
I'm really ________ folk music.
I invited them to ________ us for dinner.
A lot of people want to ________ the club, so there's a long waiting list.
Her parents are going to London next week and she will ________ them later.
He is a tall, clumsy-looking boy with two ________ feet
How much milk is ________ in the fridge?
All that's now ________ to show for our hard work is an empty office
It's just a ________ to them. They don't care what happens.
John gave the ________ away by laughing when Jim walked in.
We've been in this ________ for twenty years.
We sat and talked by the ________ of the fire.
They set out at first ________ for the summit.
These discoveries may throw new ________ on the origins of man.
I need to ________ 5 pounds if I am to fit inside my suit.
It's an awful thing to ________ someone dear to you.
You might as well go for it - you've got nothing to ________ in any case.
His new job will ________ travelling all over the world.
It was ________ of him not to invite her.
The study involved 60 patients with a ________ age of 58.2 years.

She's a woman without fear, with a ________ of her own, who says what she thinks.
He didn't ________ that other people thought him odd.
If you want to carry on with what you were doing, please don't ________ me.
The ________ thing about him is that he never eats in the evening
She takes the ________ day off work.
We've got a few ________ jobs to do this weekend.
A good diet and fitness ________ a large part in helping people live longer.
So far, the company has refused to ________ ball, preferring to remain independent.
Rain stopped ________ after only an hour.

US publication Rolling Stone magazine is


launch in China. The

should hit shelves early next year, will focus on China's emerging

youth culture as well

foreign arts and entertainment. Rolling Stone

first published in San Francisco in 1967 to chronicle cultural changes in the US. "We feel
Chinese music and arts

maturing rapidly and that a Chinese edition

be viable," said Jimmy Jung, of One World Publishing. Rolling Stone

licensed Hong Kong-based One World to publish the Chinese-language edition. Mr Jung said the
magazine, to be printed in simplified Chinese characters, will

primarily by Beijing-based staff and translations of articles from the

. "We want to make

brand," said Jung. He added that

pop cultures, mainland China
potential and we want to be there from the

a mix of local

that we're faithful to the spirit of the

Hong Kong and Taiwan had more developed
more important. "We feel China offers greater
," said Jung, whose company

Chinese editions of British car magazine, Top Gear and gadget magazine T3.

Smoking is one of the most common and deadliest habits in the world. You have probably seen
thousands of cigarettes smoked in your lifetime, (1) ... perhaps not by your family. Even though
fewer people smoke today (2) ... in the past, one (3)... every four adults still smokes, and (4) ...
are parts of the world (5) ... smoking is increasing. Most people (6) ... become regular smokers
started when they were young. This is the time to get the facts straight: smoking does no
one (7) ... good, and it does a great (8) ... of harm to your health. It also often means giving up a
lot later in life, (9) ... as the chance to excel in sports, extra spending money, and even years of
ones life. There is a lot of to lose. Most smokers have a hard time explaining why they started
and why they continue. They know it is harmful, and many even know someone who (10) ... died
from (11) ... smoking-related illness, like lung cancer or heart disease. But (12) ... the same time,
these smokers continue lighting up when they go out for a drink, take a break from work, or hear
alarming news. Some smokers even light up when they learn about the dangers of smoking,
because they become worried. (13) ... the reason people start smoking, the habit soon
loses (14) ... attraction. (15) ... from the obvious health risks, smoking is an ugly, unpleasant
habit. Most people would prefer to avoid a room that someone was filling with smelly smoke.

The Wondrous World of Coffee

A cup of coffee, like any (1) ... experience, can be enriched by selection and consciousness. "No
beans (2) ... it," the best coffee decisions (3) ... the ones most pleasant to one's own palate - the
selection of one's coffee is a matter of personal preference. Choosing coffee beans can also be a
perplexing experience, (4) ... there is a huge range of coffee types and beans blends from (5) ...
around the world. The final flavour and quality involves (6) ... complex factors, beginning with
the coffee seed, the beans' botanics, a wide variety of soil and climate conditions, cultivation
altitudes, and the care (7) ... in harvesting the beans. Raw green coffee beans are then
subjected (8) ... many influencing factors, including various processing, production, roasting,
blending and brewing methods. On a global note, (9) ... many species and varieties of coffee
trees from different areas of the world also offer their own distinctive flavours. (10) ... are more
than forty-five coffee-exporting countries - all of (11) ... use different classification systems - that
supply the world (12) ... coffee beans, in sizes ranging over sixty known species of coffee
plants. (13) ... wonder coffee can involve a puzzling java jargon! Fortunately, the world's coffee
nomenclature, from mountain to market, can be classified (14) ... simple categories. This briefly
outlines the basics of bean botanics, coffee cultivation and processing, and global classifications
used by the coffee trade (15) ... coffee-producing countries.

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