Street Fighter - Contenders

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4 FERCL HEA. 00000 HEAD BUTT HOLO_ 00000 POWER UPPER CUT 00000 HAYMAKER 00000 ae ELEMENTAL SKIN, EARTH STRIDE RENOWN pir Glory STONE @000000 Combos: J48 - FIST SWEEP - FIT gQg000u9 (ozzy) Wiipower HEAD BUTT - DASHING PUNCH - HaYinaKER (0122) @0000 e @00000 nes ssas goo00000000 Division: FREESTYLE Rank: Hetty Standing ExDERIENCE Wing 38 Losses_2 Draws_2 KOs_36 Tue Gigson Gir GX-9 Gina Gibson grew up in the suburbs of Washington 0.0., leotard in tho ring. Sho hi the chidiotloving parents, Her chilinoodwasnappy ancishe _eiyone who looks at he wanted for ile: riding lessons, ballet class, a car when she Playing Gina: You're @ happy, weltadjusted young was 16— she hacitall Whor her older brochar Loarard oman. Everything is bright and filed wth potential {got involved in the maria’ erts, she Tollowed in hs The weridis your oyster. Those sirange dreams you've footsteps. The two stucied Karate for years at a been neving — about scary ren in surgical masks schoolat the mall Itwas obvious earlyon thal Ging and strange scifi equipment — bother you from ‘was. better student than her brother. Enccuraged time to time. You wonder what thay moan. You by Leonard and her instiuctors, sho antorea a enjoytha compattion of Street Fighting, But ove t tournament, which she won. She has been firmly . because you get to spend time with your brother committed fo the martal arts ever since. tt anytning should nappen ta Lenny, you dont Gina practiced her art all through high schicol know what you'd do andodilege. Winning tourrament after our Quote: Don't you just love tha sights iment, she came to the aitention of Master and sounds of a tourarrent? I's $0 Rene, @ master of Shotokan Kerate who cobrulandexcting. Toobad Ihave to impressed by herskiland dedica-f fight you inthe third match! tion. He ceredto fake horas atudort Motes Gina cine nal eanbacr: and teach her far merethan any com trather entire ite sale, and that man coo coud; Gina accepted. fh she isnot entirely human: she is Renke (old her stories about Ryu Genetic @Xperiment, Numper and Kon ang their exploits in the / Nino. Genetically dovétoped to StreetFighterarena Inher, newoud be the ultimate fighting ma- say, he saw the seme potential for \ chine, GX wes created in victory. She soon joined the Stree Kc ‘ laboratory. Conceived in a test Fighter circuit as "The Gibson Girl" wi F tubo, rsisse in an incubator, and her rothar as manegor ~s trained by soldiers, shes the product ot Appearance: Gina |s 2 es"-aced, : a secret project, arected by Shadoloo pretty young womanwitha healthy build scientists and funded by Shadoloo money She is tha apitems of the ail-Ameica Her nappy memories are false, implanted by the woman, Her short dark hae ig cut in a 4 sciontistatogve hora “narma\” background. Sho fashionable butpracticalob Shep do2s nat knaw that Lecnarcl is Shadoloo ager fots jeans and t-shirts and a par of ‘sass grimeni to waich over her. Now theprojact short boots, but wears # aymnastics is about oenter ts third phase —activating heras a Shadoloo warrior H, easy smile thal dazzles Style: SHOTOKAN KARATE Team: NONE School: RenKel's 0050 Concept: mutant Stable: Noe Signature: FLexes Puystcat Socrat ‘Strength Charisma Perception Dexterity Manipulation Intelligence ‘Stamina Appearance SS Agimes TALENTS Skitts Alertness Blind Fighting Arena Interrogation @@@00 Drive Computer Intimidation QOO00O Leadership Investigation @0000 Insight @@@@0 security Streetwise @0000 Stealth Subterfuge @@000 | Survival es /)D\/ATAGES BaexgRrounds ALLIES (LENNY) @0000 BACAING (SECRET $4470.00 OOOO Specia. MANEUVERS ORAGON PuncH | KIPUP rower verezeut | sume SPINNING BACKFIST | STUNNING SHOUT 2 maaces 20000 eantaee SENSEI @@@00 Grab DOUBLE DREAD HICK STARE @@O000 Athletics 00000 Focus Cut @@00080000 guoogogougou POWER UPPERCUT TO STRONG TO STRONG TO WHRLWIND KICK (0122¥), STUNMING SHOUT TO WHIRLWIND KICK, RENOWN Witipower SPINNING EACHIST TO DOUBLE e @000000 DREAD KICK, JUMPING STRONG TO 0000000000 Ff rence 10 oracon euvcr HEALTH ee 000000 oo EXPERIENCE sieneee gogggg0g00 Wins_2# __Losees_2 Draws_2 KOs_I7 @00@0000000 qgogQgg00g00ood0 za KAI KaiOHara ehould have dioawhen hewas 12yearsold, as for interfering with Shadoloo activities in the Pacific (stands the-boat his school rip chertered was caughtina ‘reak squall When the ship was well out of the harbor the ship's “crew,” land went down. His classmates and teachers drowned, during cockaals, reveaies their allegiances by crawing guns ‘along wth the smal ship's crew — but Kaiwasfound asnore and starting te fre. fon Oahu, uncenscious but unharmed. Kal had no choiee. In one moment he rovoaiod how Ka’statner,a Navy captain, was grateful and thanked deadly Lua can be, as well as the full extent of his ‘heaven, but did not pursue the matter — “Ye don't look elemental powers. He saved the ship and hee pas- at God and ask ‘im for explanations," Fis father would ‘sengers, teking care of the would-be assassins. say, Buthis mother, @ native Hawaiian, took him fo the ‘The kahunas declared that the gods had spo- kahunas, asking lor answers about what saved their ken, He had made himself known, and now he son. ‘musitigh!the growangevitwhicn ‘The kahunas told her the reason after much prayer he had (ust encountered. Kai ‘end divination — her con wacnomoromortal the gods: joined the Stroet Fighter clt- ag given Kal the gift of commanding the seas anid cuit partly es a cover for his waters, and this aift is what delivered him to true motives, and party be- ‘safety. The kahunas offered to teach himhow to cause he sought furter command hie powars whio at the samo time training insisting himinthe sacredar of Lue —Kar's Appearance: Ka is a moiner readily agreed, and ner young son i-built youth with the began the studying Lue, mixed features of his Iish- Life was simple bu ciffcult for Kai In edd Pacific heritage. He lion te his regular academic studies, ne typically keeps his long leamedthe waysot ua, He began dark nairtied into a pony- with simple physical conditioning, tail, and in the ring wears a which helped develop his grow short sarong decorated with ing body into a tightly muscled fa swirl of waves and water machne. At tne same time, he Kars biceps sport Poynesian learned mental discipline and haw tattoos, to contol his elemental powers — Playing Kai: You still don't which he kept secret from hie know why you're doing this. Yee, father, fiends and classmates, your father would've cied, but you as the kahunas had in- prevented that, You personally dont structed. Kaifad ite tre fee! this great crusade against for ioistro. Hic acolos- Shadoloo which your teachers say cence was isolated, you've been called to. But they've even ionely, been right sofar, soyouve agreed When he was 18, he togo along with their decision. Be- was accompanying his sides, Street Fighting is kind of fun father and a few high-ranking Navy Iiends on a boating tro. ne of the ‘Quests had been targated by M. Bison —thelirstfunyou'vehadeversince you started training with the kahunas, Quote: You think I'm a ite wet behind the ears? Hah! [whooosnt] Suet fag, Name: Kal Style: LUA Team: none Player: School: Kawall Concept: WATER ELEMENTALIST Chronicle: Stable: NONE Signature: LEAVES OPPONENT acreeresnmmmeemememanmmmenmemnmns £1772 /1/ uysicat Sorat Menrat Strength OO Charisma @@000 Perception Dexterity 0 —- Manipulation Intelligence ‘Stamina OO Appearance Wits ne Agirmes TALENTS Sxites Knowtenges Alortness @@000 Blind Fighting Arena @0000 Interrogation 00000 Drive ‘Computer @0000 Intimidation OOO0CO Leadership Investigation . @OOO0O Insight @@G00 Security Medicine @@000 Streetwise 0000 | Stealth Mysteries ‘Subterfuge 00000 Survival Style Lore LT ADvANTAGes ‘ u CIAL Bacugrounos cam Pe ANEUVERS ELEMENTAL (WATER) Punch ORENGH ARENA (COVE) Kick ELEMENTAL STROE RESOURCES Block CONTACTS: Grab ALLIES: Athletics “PINNING BACK FIST. Focus TRIPLE STRIKE KNEE BASHER: SLEEPER e @000000 QggqQgQ0000ud Witepower Division: FREESTLE. Rank: 3 Honiley Experience Wins_7_____Losses_@__ Draws_2 KOs_2 KIRITAN kKiritan nagno recollection of ite betore ne emerged as an ‘adolescent from the jungle. nor does he have any desire to reconstruct his past life, All he knows is that he is treated almost ike a. god —whether he was bora inthis humanttigar fo1m, or wnether ne was theresuit of some arcana experiment, 's beyond his either his knowiedae or concern Soon alter hie aapearance Kirtan was takonin by akindly pandekar, or master of Silat. His foster father helped him adjust to life and instructed tim in Sila, pertially as a means of contraling Kiritan’s bestial side; Kritan proved ta be quite capable at it, as his foster fethor sus pected, and soon Kirtan was a local champion Kirtan quickly became respected.asone of Malaysia's most impressive Silet war ‘iors; athough he had nat atlained the discioline or magical prowess of his pendekar father. his martial abiites were superb Sorre, of course, began to clama supernatural origin for him ~ this was tobe expected. While Kirtan did nat support such theories, he certainly did nothing to dispel themas well. He soon had a faling cutwith his father, wha refused to teach Kritan any of the more advanced echaigues until he learned humility. News of Kirtan’s prowess spread outside of Malaysia, as well, and Stree’ Fighters were soon traveling there to test him in batlle. Kirtan found thai he enjoyed this — Steet Fighters were much more challenging than the lacals ware and he left Malaysia to become a Stree! Fighter himselt Since entering the circut, Kirtan nas beccme something of A double-celabrity: Strest Fighting fans love the appearance of rare or unusual martial arts, and Kiritan's animal nature makes hmeven more exotic. Hes proud of his Malay heritage — well, ne thinks he's Malay, atleast — and that he is making anatre for Silat Appearaneet Kiritan’s enti@body is coverad withashor tawny coat of catlike fur, replete with tiger stripes. His face has roughly feliteeatures — including tus of furatjawine— and his eyesare anemerald green. Hs taer-like appearance 'g made complete with a tai. Hes in top shape, tharks to both his unique heritage —which has yet to be ex plained — and his active lifestyle. Intheringhe weersonlya oincioth, toaccen: ‘uate his sleok hybrid physique, and bronze wrist and arkle bracers. ying Kiritan: You're young anc brash, While you're not entirely selfish you do rank pretty high on your lst of concems. You love the attention of ine press and the adoration of the fans — but you wish your father would stop stewing and watch you fight at least once. Quote: Grrr! Style: sat Team: None School: maLsysis Concept: TIGER HYBRID (HOMID) Stable: NONE Signature: CROSSES ARMS, Soerat 10 Charisma Perception Intelligence Wits Strength Dexterity ‘Stamina @0000 = Appearance pees /) (7/5 TALENTS Sxiuts Kwowtenges Alertness @@@00 Blind Fighting @@O00CO arena [ojelelele) Interrogation OO0000 Drive 00000 Intimidation Leadership “00000 Insight Security Medicine @0000 Streetwise Stealth Mysteries @@000 ‘Subterfuge Survival Style Lore @@000 es ADVANTAGES Speciat Maneuvers - BACKGROUNDS oh) 6 BITE ANIMAL WER (N6ER)@@OOO Punch 7 APPIN BITE MANAGER @@000 Kick ae RESOURCES ©0000 Block ea FAME @@000 crab ae Aum CONPAION (WHOW@OOO Athletics a ee can 0000 Focus BACKFLIP KICK. New Basic Maneuvers: __ TE?) CLAW(2) Combos: FOUNCE TO RIFFING BITE, CLAW TO BACKFLIP KICK Sey ExpeRIENCE wins 14. Losses_4___ Draws_¢ KOs_3 sho, this mysterious er circuit without fant oman who appearedon the the circuit. Lady Khan seams to prefer boute againet Stroe ? This veiledfigurewhose Fighters from Shadolve stables. For now she continues Her Movements are poetry, who lightly dances out of her traning in preparation for the day that she shall take her fight ay and with simple, livid strikes reduces himto against Shadoloo to Mrigana itself. ‘an mmobile form prostrate an the ground? iKhan fo 6 shy SHINE BBY She only goes by the name Lady Khan. Her true identity fark eyes and long ebon iresses. She dresses like a ‘must becancealed, or her lather'sreputation asa Bengali typical college student — jeans, ers and a cipiomat could be ruined, FatimaKhan—Khanbeing sweatshirt. On mere formal is, she wil common last name ameng the Musims of South woara Bengali sari. Lady Khan wears Asia — sone of the few masters of Baraqah, & simple, lo0se-liting clothing secrel and elusive Islamic mara ‘bound at the waist with a cord toherriends andfemily she is only a —which she is capable of graduate studen! in Washington, unraveling quickly and De, using as a whip or Fatima began studying role when nec Baragah as a child in ' AS Lady Bangladesh, taught by one of Khan, her hair is thelast masters of theart. Her tied in a pony parenis were reluctant at fst with @ simple fearing the Bereaah sivists string, and the wors a group af strange het lower half of ha erodox mystics, but Fatma face is covered persuaded them nonetheless, . with a ve She excallag in har stuches — Playing allcl en, inclucing caligranty IR Lady Khan: d philosophy — and proved to Yousrequietané a tue gift for Baragah. Her dk reserved—altnough votiontoBaraqah and related disciplines youcertainly know how to spilled over into therest of her life, making, let loose as Fatima Knen! her more iniense and serious, but at the ‘and speak as ttlo as pos. ame time peacotul and accopting sible. You are merciful Fatima’s trst test of fain came at age 17 opponent, preferring .to when her mother was killedby acar bomb. Her disrupt an attacker's on- fethor had been counseling his government slaughts rather than against dealing with Mriganka, lecding roturn thom with vio Bangladesh to witha regoiialions lence, but you do not o cause rorisis” retaliated by blowing up the Khan nest inifnec femly’s automobile, Fatima wept, and vowed ‘essary However. you look in lence that sho would join in the jhad forward to nothing more against Shadoloo, She doubled her training than wrapping your fight- efforts, and began constructing a pian of ing-cord around M action Bison's neck and send- ing him to Heaven for his long overdue Judgment Quote: May Heaven have fey on your soul ‘Atthoacms time thet Fatma Khanbogan graduate studies in counseling, 9 Wash- ington, D.C., Lady Khan first appearedon BARAQAH Team: one School: gaye. avesti Concept: mystery woman Stable: none Signature: ToucHes HEAD TO mms /77)2( 21/115 Ses Puysteat Sociat Menmat Strength @@000 Charisma Perception ecccee Dexterity ®® = Manipulation Intelligence ‘Stamina @@@@0 = Appearance Wits es ATTN TaLents Sxtues Knowtenges Alertness: Blind Fighting Arena @ee00 Interrogation Drive Computer Intimidation Leadership Investigation Insight Security Medicine Streetwise Steatth Mystories Subterfuge Survival sivie Lore cms /|D)/NTAGES SAA Specia Maneuvers ossLoceTe une sLecrER feos Diseneace | DEFLECTING PUNCH. RESOURCES TRIPLE STRME FOOT SWEEP INSSLE 6 ENERGY REFLECTON STUNWNG SHOUT RAFTING DEFENSE van CLAW BACK ROLL THROW (Combos: GR/FFLING DEFENSE TO TRIPLE STRING, DEFLECTING PUNCH _ TO BACK ROLL THROW, ROUNDHOUSE To FOOT SWEEP EXDERIENCE Wins_20___Losses_# ___ Draws_3 KOs_@ Saray Lewis Onthe outside, Sarah's famiy was alwaysthe model ofthe in academia — that the forms she has ate somewhat euburban American dream — thehouse, the car, the dog. But lacking in “real world” appication She floated around fiom behind drawn shades, where theneighbors could reverse, tourrament to tournament un was somelring completely different — the alconoic and Cicult, Sehasno great desir fr glory, orio become ineffectual father, the abusive mother, the constant fight stir, bul she is inferested in competing with and Sarah endured i unl her 18th birthday, and then left as winning agains! atleast one practtioner of each major style quickly as she could When that geal is accomplished, shell go back to hr Sixstatesaway, alonein astrange city, Saran ceciced ZAR egular study she needed a direction in her Ife. She knaw that she Z-A(NS ‘Appearance: Sarch is of modium height needed toleamn sef-delerse, so she looked up "martial SA. sith mediae length ight brown hair, usvaliy arts" 1 the yellow pages. An ad caught her eye: The \\, pulled back in a French braid, and chestnut Gente art ofse-devense, Sne nad precious Ive gentle browneyes, She wears @traditional Alkico gin ness inher Ife, ang she was hungry ‘or more tne ring and casual, loose-iting clothes out of Sneakmosiawayshas asmile— even when she's losing, She seems to lake delight in she ended up on the Street tiwas anewiifo to har she hacher oun nome, where nobody would mistreat her—she shared itonly wih he cal, who was very atfectionate as iongasthe ‘ocd sip’ every small pleasure with detached dish was full. In the Aikido club she had friends J calm eal fonds who would help her get through all Playing Sarah: (nce ai rerproblems, and, mostotal, she wasleaming roses 10 spare and geing into to take care ot nerselt. With Aikido, che no the eaily slages of stcanols, your life longer felt ara of every stranger sho met hashad a complete turnaround, and you She lunged intothe etudy oan, and then are nowahappy, secure. and wise young hatoase, Tacism, with vigor and enthusiasm — here woman. You harbor malice towards no was @ philosophy inat showed her that life A one —yaudon'teven hate thelikes of M was goad, and that it wasn't a constant Bison — but thaldoesn’tmean youstang struggle between opposing forces, but a GX by andilet cruel people simply have ther harmonious and interdependent cycle of fy When yousee someone causa pain positive and negative, Having seen almost 2 others, younill do your bostto stop thom. $0.cor Nothing but negative aspects oF Ite for 50 You hav: pletely immersed yoursell long, being able finally seethe positveside in Aikido and Taoism that it shines in every vas like a miracle to her aspect of yout lile — you are kind, gentle Sixyears later, Saran isa black belt in Kido noncontrontatinal, and yet yeu ara strang andrecognizesthatshe'sjustbegnining tosaratch nd have a kind of ‘matierof fact’ authority thosurlace, Sha has gansto many Aikido compe Quote: Ail he effort you threw into inet tions, but even when she wins them, she foela roundhouse punch was wasted by me just dissalisied with ineexperience, She has come to taking one stop backward. Now you'r go! feelthatthe study Aikido s tooheanly grounded Wired, and I haven teven broken a swea Sul faghee, SARAH LEWIS AIKIDO NONE OAKLAND AKIO WISE STUDENT NONE SMILES AND BOWS ee Puystcat Soeia Menta Strength @@000 = Charisma Perception @e0ee0 Dexterity @ 10 —- Manipulation Intelligence @0e00 ‘Stamina @@@00 = Appearance Wits eeee0 ees yey TALENTS Sxttes Kwowtences Alertness @@@80 Blind Fighting Arena @e0e00 OQO00O0 Drive Computer 00000 Leadership Investigation Security Medicine Stealth Mysteries Survival Style Lore cms 1D /ATAGES Sreciar MANEUVERS BaexgRounns BUFFALO PUNCH [PIN ALLIES DOUBLE-HIT KICK | /MPROVED PIN RESOURCES: FOOT SWEEF TUE SENSE! GRAB IPPUP CONTACTS: SAN HE THROW AR THROW DEFLECTING PUNCH GRAPPLING DEFENSE ZEN NO MND RENOWN Combos: Glory e @00000 gooog000u00 Honor @©@00000000 oo00000000 Division: TRACTIOVAL Rank: Experience Wins_S__Losses_4__ Drawe_t KOs_0 MarR Matrixisan enigma, sirouded in mystery. Noone,nateven Matrix, knows where she comes trom. Some claim she was an, abandoned experiment in cybermetics, while others thinkshe was developed as the prototype for a cybernet ‘andwent rogue. Allvals knawn for sures that she aopeared, (on the Street Fighting circuit two years ago and is rising in, fama, During her time on the circuit sho has made powertul frends and equally powerlul enemies, Once, in a ielevsed interview, she was asked abcuther mechanical implants — in par. ticular, where thay were manulactured. Matrix re- sponded thet although she did not have a definite an- ‘ewer, hor atifciallimbs “must have been buit in the United Siates of America — only the US has the exoertise for fine erafiemanship ‘What about Japan?” porter asked here Mateix compounded her faux pas. say- ing, "Japan? Everyonekrowsthat Japanese electronics arenowhere rnearas sopnisticaiedas their Amer- can counterparts. Why, they're nothing more than slipshod imita- tions of good-old U.S.-of-A enuity.” Racardlesso!thisstatement's bla- lantuntruth, Japan was enraged at Mairix’s lack of tact. Ever since that momentary lapse of ciscretion, which was televised repeatedly by NHK Tokyo, Matrix's lifa has become one fight after another. Japanese fighters, cyborgs in particular, seek out Matrix, vowing to make her pay dearly forher arrogance. Mestof hese cyborgs have been defeated because of their lack of experience and trainingmore than forary technological sdge Natrixmay have over them, Since then Matrixhas developeda grudging respect forthe Japanese and ther advanced engineering. While she may respect the Japanese now, she is still scught cut and chal- longed by their SireotFightere. Try as sho might, she just cant shake the label of bigo! Appearance: Matrix is a young woman ol average build with short red hair. She would be considered attractive wore It not for the unnatural chrome plating on her legs and right rm, Mosi men find her exotc look extremely sexy from a distance: up close, even her most die-hard fans find the cold touch of her hand unnerving, Inside the arena, she wears a moned the team’s members from the far comers al the earth, and ibis he who orchestrates the team toward its unnameable (but undoubt- edly nelarous| goals. The High Priestis also resoonsible for setting up the team’s matches; as The Unspeakables have risen inthe ranks, he High Prisst’s pretequisites for signing matches have become increasingly bizarre (a given match ‘must be fought on the winter solstice, or while the star Algol looms in the heavens, or within a specific fing of standing stones, et Style Rank Notes Namen Wr. & — Leader Sumo 6 Tue Moutusx Donald Three Pines was one of the best and the brightest, Born into paverty on a Southwesiem reservation, Donal dazzled hs teachers with his scientific aptitude. Colege 2cuitias ware likewise impressed. and Donald won a presti- govsscholarshiptothe Woods Hele Oceanographic Inatitule, Nor were Donalc's talents limited 1o intellectual pursul's. Seeking to bolster his se-discipline and self-confidence, ne teok up the martial arts early in life, Donale! became a skilled wrestler and even studied under the mighty T. Hawk. Donald's only real Naw, i law it could be called, was his restless, driving curiosity He could rol, as T. Hawk entieated, ‘exiat within, riot willioul.” Donald Fad to know, t2 probo, to analyee and understand, Thus, wher he heard tumors of sightings near Puget Sound, Washington — sightings ol @ Species 0} oclopus that, by all accounts, awarfod the apollyon indigenous ta those waters — he had to ipvestigate perscnally With publications dancing in his head, Donald sciaped up grant marey and flew to West Coas Donald's fist couba tour of the eaves unearthed nary impressive specimens, out nothing of the foportions he sought. Neither dia ris second, andhis third seemed likewisedestinedtolal. So hoodlgee of the dangers posed by diving alone —ritragen narcosis or the creature itsell — Donald descended deeper tan was prudent One hundrod feet...125...150 He ound itn tho ightoss It founa him. Donald's first clue to the beast’s saters, Or rather thick tentacles had been half right, The creature he reports claimed —larger. in fact, But it we no ectopus — indeed, it was not of this oF any sane planet ‘The creature pondered lis catch with eyes the size of garbage can lids. The squirming thing was toc small 0 curb its appetite, too weak to serve it in its wondrous grotto. But porhaas it could be of use above the waves. Yes _it needed a surlace-world slave to prepare the way for the Rising. But certainly a more pleasing, less restrictve shape was in order The cevolution enzymes di their work, Later, something: crawled fram the Pacific ento the Puget Sound shore where Donald Thiee Pines hac descended. Bul there was ro more Donald Thee Pines. There was only the Molusk. Appearance: The Mcllusk is truly loathsome to behold indeed, many opponents have been too repulsed to step in he ring against. It Ga-people areanething, but who wants. loligh!aseven-foottall, bipedal slug? The Malluskis rayish-brown and motiied wih back specks. Its y0s bob atop elongaled siaks, and itie coated with a thick layer of mucus. Its arms resemble tentacles, complete with suckers, Playing the Mollusk: You lead he leamin the High Prioat’s absence, for you ereneither as single-mindedly fenatical as Ssslusstnu-kha nor as bindly ani- malistic as the Thing. You eagerly d the High Priest's bidding, though you consider yourseif more of an ally than a servitor, Your curiostyhasbeenreplaced by an implacable patience. Soon enough the time will come, an They shall walk the earthonce more. Unti then, you whitle down those few specimens of humanity who might ‘pose a passing challenge on the Night ot Cleansing. Quote jan draws nigh The hour of your spe human microbe: Cl Name: THE MOLLUSK Style: NATIVE AMERICAN WRESTLING Team: THE UNSPEAKABLES Player: School: uvnonn Concept: mo..usk HYBRI0 Chronicle: Stable: None Signature: HOcks SLIME GLOB ON FALLEN OPPONENT ATTRIBUTE SESS Duysicat Socia Mentat 000 Perception @@000 intelligence 00000 wits Strength Dexterity ‘Stamina fo} e@00 i TALENTS Sktuts Knowtences Alertness Blind Fighting Arona 00000 Interrogation Drive Computer O00 Intimidation Leadership Investigation Security Medicine Stealth Mysteries Survival Science Speciat MANEuveRs Backgrounds Tecuniques sean we a hreaD eros @OOO® ©0000 FB crnnne aomeane ‘hy Sieatd 2exTRA DEE QQOOOO “NY SHEATH 2ESTRA DE ' TO ESCAPE FROM GRABS) _ oe DEFENSE NAL CORPRIGN GANT ‘enh poner oe Athletics REGENERATION cio BREATH SCRAPE (5), TENTACLE SQUEEZE (5), SLIME SPIT (6) — NO DAK BLINDS FOE UNTL EYES Wiutpower e qggQg0g00o00 HeactH ‘ 000000 Standing aggoggogg000a0 Wins__37 Losses_¢ ° @000000 Saws 3 kOs_2___ Fgogggo00g Division: FREESE Rank: Expertence Tue THing THat Suoutn Not Be The creature lay hall-butied in sediment atthe bottom of ideas: Tetsu’s 500-pound buk made @ tasty midright snack he Mariana Trench. as ithad for ten millon yeais. Butit had ytthe eumetor’s Chi wae nat ae easly digested as were no concept of such things 2s the passage ef tma, orthe fact ys tigsh, organs, ard bones. A bxzarte metamorphosis took that t was ten times the size of he lergest whales. Nor did place: its nucieus began towrinkle and distend, mirroring the perceive hat ts gestation cycie, beguninthe Eocene Period, creases and folds of Telsu's brain even as it absorbed that \wes comingtoa close, A slghttremorinitsrrountainousbody organ ino is cytoplasm. The duplication, though far and a momentary interruption of ts draams ware the only PEI Berek ecnical: Four Nurs lori face the ingications that t had spawned fising sun on newly extruced legs ina crude Soon the abyssal plain swarmed with thousands approximation of aSumo stance. guraling Zen larvae. which. in the manner sutras in pidgin Japanese ottheirkind, began to can- Its newfound understanding wibaiize one another. cothuman society, couplea with Evertually only one itsamohibiousnalure, enabled larva — the stonge t 10 easily avod the Tokyo and most curning authorities. The High Priest survived was more persistent (and But n its rapacity equally amphibious), and fhe larva had de- the Thing s0cn joined the voures ts primary ranks of The sourevolsustenanee, Unspeakables and soon hunger Appearance: grawed at it It was The Thing garbs it ‘ow te0 lage to. Be sett rom head (?) sated by the 06 to toe (?) in a sional bicluminescent cowled, — long- morsol, yet stil too sleeved robe small to battle the~ which completely groat squids and shrouds its form. A oarfish of the deep. Soitdritediowaraine surface, guided by in- stincts ancien! when the first cockroach raised te antennae from the mud. (On adark, moonlessnight it surfaced, oxtonding peri scopelixe pseudopodia to lis surroundings. Thus oriented, it undulaied toward the nearesi land mass— the eastern (of Honshu. The lights and noise of TokyoS Ginza Distict attracted it, and soon late-night workers and pleasure-sockers began disappearing fromthe wa- iefront. It was discoverad by the ren- egade sumotori Tetsu, infamous for hie Yakuza connections and lack of honor. Tetsu saw it as a potential weapon fornis burger ing criminal empire. It had other featureless waxen mask conceals its face TheThing stands @ staggering 76" — moreorless, because tie body beneath the robe con- stantly shifts and seethes, Any opponent (or innocent by: stander) who sees the actual fom of the Thing beneath the Tobe must immediately check for 2 dizzy result. Playing the Thing That Should Not Be: You are a simple creature, most of your actione are in- stinct-driven tropisms towaid food or safety. Oc- casionally a vestige of Totsu’s personalily maniests within you, imparting a mo: icum of cunning, Quote: [in Japanese. di- rected toward opponent] Big strong (gurgle) — must ep (siuep) TASTY ss Puysicat Strength Dexterity Stamina Tatents Alertness 00000 Interrogation 00000 Intimidation eo0cece Insight 00000 Streetwise @0000 ‘Subterfuge 00000 Backgrounds FSEDOPODA-AND 8S) QOOOO _________ 00000 00000 Division: FREESTLE Rank: _© Standing Wins_8 Losses_7 2 kos_6 Draw Name: +e Tins Hat sto no Be Styl Player: School: uiown Chronicle: Stable: none ArrRiButes ADVANTAGES 5 Charisma Manipulation Appearance SUMO WRESTLING @0000 e000 @0000 Seiuts Blind Fighting Drive Leadership ‘Socurity Stealth ‘Survival Punch Kick Block Grab Athletics Focus Team: THE UNSPEAKABLES Concept: Freak Signature: emits cere, insiorous PIPING NOSE —"TEKELMI! TEKELHL MenraL Perception Intelligence Wits Ai, Knowtences Arena 00000 Computer 00000 Investigation 00000 00000 My: @0000 Style Lore 00000 SPECIAL MANEUVERS Touctisiny Sat We BEAR HIG GRAPPUNG DEFENSE suRROUND (6) Experience Sss‘LusstHu-KHA She stands in the center ofthe ena. rigid save for tho sinus Nekering of her tll Hatsh sodium bulbs pended cbove her, speakers bare down gauche warmblcod mmusie upon her, but she Is thousands files and milion of ‘ears away. Inher 2ars reverberate the flutes and w of deluge-whalmedLemura In hereyes standithe tesselaied towers of hor people, ising from the oyoad forests ond steaming swamipe ofthe lost content. And in her alovstic brainwhisperegionsofprogenitors, mpartingthelreolectve wisdom ane memeres ‘hela Ses'uosthy-Kha—"Desthtotho Ego Stoalors"intne Lemurianiongue—prlestess of he Thitd Moling,misiress ot theknaBraa achiiching 2 ast of ne race, Pew 270g" the serpent fok survwed the food, znd those who id ere rounded and hunteddwn to lenny tnetree-shrew pawn who now gibber and neatinihe seatsencreing het. She alone remains fo retun the piaret tts right masters The shambing brute before ner fa clursy alavism, unt even to feed to the haichlings. Ho raises his asin an a word defense posture ‘openings in is guard already — and dv her, She alowshin bohitate neattac = she wishes (0 assess mammalian Werorat He vows ae fes of fling punches, allotwhichareetoriessy dodged by inches or turned atide by scaly forearms. Stil she launches. no. counter, tutmoreystarosatrim with apalescant yas He. ts discon- certeshecansmel fear and angerinhis sweat. Foregoing all pretence offinedee, he hurls rinse at her witha yell, hop- ing shear mass wil cubceod whore toch rigue failed, But usethu-khahastech niques of hor own. tint gotture, a prayer 10 forgot tengods, and she vanes in a sulturous cloud, reappear ing behind her dumbfcurded foe. Fons of ancestors Hissin her brain: Fhish him The tal catches him in the chest ashe turns, The crack of, shatlered ribs is audible even aver the ncise of the crowa. He the arona, thon erumples to the concrato dark lies halfway across ike & wadded rag. The arena's spotights illuminate th blood burtaling from his mouth 18s, banding ne: subsides, becoming nearly inaucitble susurration. Herhinged lower jaw ofops upon her chest, and four fangs, each two inches in lenath, click into view She stikes, whipping her body neatly nine feet forward in {uid motion He sereams lie a child as her tangs gouge: Into nis thigh, Quicker than the eye can follow, she resumes her upright posture Shecrou ly double. The crew's howling Fer moment the tableau remains unoroken. Then the prostrate warmblood arches his back neatly 90 dearee8 and be- girs spasming across the floor ike abroken toyas the neurotoxin shrieks through his system He i arge, and soit takes him nearly three minutes to die. Sss'lussthu-Kha nor hood in vie tory, staring through cltating lenses at the warmblood usurpers, ‘One down §.4 billion ‘o90. Appear. ance Ses'lussthuckha is 5'9 {and appears to be a cross be ‘ween an attractive woman and alizard. Her scales are a deep, lustrous green with ust mottings, and pe sporis a dimetrocon-esquo crest down ner skull and back. She adorns herself Wit exotic Lemurien jowerry Whenshe grows angered of aroused, a cobralike hood flares from her neck. A hissing cearpat of enckes constantly accompa Playing Sss'lussthu-Kha:Donoidsion to treat your warnbleod foes with contempt Teanstix them with a sold, epilian, sorutinizing stare, You pariculetly enjoy crushing Kebaddi monks, for you know ther vaunted style to be a blasphemous warmblood bastardization of the an- cientLemurianfightng arts, Very good fighters may tigger ‘an amorous interest in ‘you: one of your goals istheresurection ofthe Lemurian race, race of hall-mammalian hybrids is better than nothing Quotes / have vaitod €5 milion yoars to destroy you and a SE ig Name: ssstusstHu-KHa Style: KAB ACO! Team: THE UNSPEAKABLES School: LEMuRIA Concept: LEMuRIAN PRIESTESS Stable: none Sigmature: HSSES, FLARES HOOD, RAISES CREST AND EXTENDS TOUNGE ACCU it Soer Menrat Strength Charisma @0000 Perception @@000 Dexterity Manipulation @0000 intel @0000 Appearance @@@00_ wits eeee80 Stamina A TaLents Seite Knowienges Alertness @@000 Blind Fighting Arena 00000 Interrogation OCOOOCO Drive Computer 00000 Intimidation @@@00 Leadership Investigation Insight Security Medicine Streetwise OCOOOO Stealth Mysterie ‘Subterfuge @0000 | survival Style Lore Spectat Maneuvers TOUGHSKAN YOA TELEPORT venom EXTENDIBLE LINES COBRA CHARM TELEPATHY (SUAKES OF ALL PECIES)QOOOOO Bleck RESORCES LEMRAN @@@@O Grab gov) OOOO Athletics 00000 Focus Renown New Basic Maneuver BITE (3), TAIL LEASH (3 Division: FREESTYLE Rank: 7 Standing EXPERIENCE Wins_28 __Losses_1 Draws_t kOs_27 Tue War House street Figming Team Division: Freestyle History Tris team has paid mote than its share of dues, and while well-respected by cthar Stieet Fighters, it has yetto gain the fans admiration. This may wall have something to do withthe fact that leading promoters have relegated its members to backroom braws and less-atiended events, While this might have destroyed « lesser team's resolve, it hae only ferced this one closer Together, and its members train, eat, and ever lve logetier. Mess with one and you mess with them al Rega Minter ‘While Reba dic notformthis team, she has beenwith itlonger than anyofthe other current members, The others see her as their de facto leader. ¢ position shetils well but which often makes her uncomfortable, Appearance: Aiallbiackweman witha Sournern accent, Reba tends to wear her dyed orange-bionde nair high on. her head. She prefers sequined denim outfits and conboy boots studded with rhinestones to any other outfit. ying Reba: Girl, you knows you're good, buttha War House's lack of success hasbegunto nnerve yeu, You project an aura of confidence but n ruth youhave doubis aboul your leadership ability. You care a great deal about tne team, however, and do whatever you can to keep it together Quote: Wow if y'all take ‘em from the back and we alt nit em fiom the front, we break their hearts ‘aster ‘ena trucker ina convent. Reba Miller's mother gave birt ta the girl duringa fightin south Goorgia, and Reba’s keen kicking and biting ever since, She remembers litle of her childhiocd in the United States, but she acquired a love for country music before country music pretended to be cool. When sha was six, her family meved te Brazil, and Reba began mixing ner couniryleaningswiththe Capceiraa local wise woman taught her. Rebe's love of fighting. combined with the lack of anything olse to de in the vilage, combined to make her an extremely fierce fighter. By tne time she turned 18, al the tighters In the regon recognized her as their su- perior, and il was only natural that she Join the Street Fighting circuit While she has always been one ot the betta fighters, she has olten been ham- poted by choosing laes-than-offactive partnors. One of her fist — Nathan “For Hire" Hale — brought her Into the War House, but

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