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Placed at the Bottom of the PA G is,




Printed by JoHN BARBER upon Lambetb-Zvi,


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H E mo nohle Order of the G A RT 1', R hath

flourihed more than Three hundred and eventy
Tears, 'with uch dilinguthed Glor , that the
Princes of Chriendotn, mo/l ce ehrated for
heroieh Atchievements, have eager-ly ollicited
an Admittance into this Fratermty, as the

greate Acceion of Honour that could hap

pen to them; and on the Plan and Oeconomyx
thereof, did erefl everal military Orders in
their otwn Territories, which have made like

Figures in Compari/Ztn rwith it, as Copies uually

hear to their Originals, or Colonies to their

potent Mother Cities: Though it is evident, thee derivative Orders would have
continued to hine with more Lure,
the great Ma/lers of them had not

iered a Deviation from the Precedent of the G A R T E R, which hath ne

ver permitted any Augmentation to the Numher of the Companions deigned it?
the primary Statutes.

The Annals- of it in a continued Train of Succeon, prior to the [mirth Year'

of that invincible Prince Henry V, have either perihed among t e Ruins of

Antiquity, or as yet lie hid undifcovered to us. This Lo can never he uf
ficiently lamented, though it may he repaired
For as'
a ' in
' ome' tolerable
ii Degree : Arti-r,

Artzis', from the broken Pieces of an ancient Statue, have attempt-ed to make

out the other Parts and due Proportions rwith Succes and general Approbation;
o, by the annual Accounts of the U/Zzrdrobe, when they hall be digeed into

'a regular Series of Time, by Fragments cattered up and down in Records,

and by Citations from Manucripts remaining in publick and private Libraries,
an inquiitive and judicious Antiauary' may be furnihed with Materials for a

Ground-Work, whereupon an Hiory may be uperirucitfcted 5 which, though i;

may not have the Perfectiort h 'table a Suhjehi

demands, 'will however

be a letiing Monument, defer-ving to he trannitted down to Poerity with


Voile we, with a Zn/ible Regret, complain of the Los of thee old Annals,
'whereby we are deprived of a great Treaure, it hath been judged expedient
. to preerve the Remains, which have happily ecaped this Shipwreck; and there
fore, the elddi Regi er remaining in the Archives is now exhibited to publich
View, le , by the Currency of Time, or any unforeen Accident, it might be
ubject to the ame unhappy Fate.
The Original Manucrixvt is a very large pompous Volume in Folio, written
in an handhme rong Charahier on I/ellom, having the Initial Letters of each
Paragraph, together with the Names of the companions, and of the Inghts

nominated in Scrutinies, beautifully embellihed with Gold, placed on Sauares of

Gules and Azure alternately. The Eigies of the Sovereigns, except of Edward
VI, are prexed to their Reigns drawn in Colours by an able Limner, 'where

of that of the Founder being reduced into Miniature, is placed for the Orna
ment of the
Letter in the following Book, together with his Arms at the
trap of it, o that the Editor is not anwerable for any Improprieties, uch a:

the Ecutcheon of St. George upon his right Shoulder, or the three Fleurs de
lis, which ought to have been b powdered on the shield, that ome Parts of
them hould have touched the Extremities, which the French term emee, that
is careley hattered with uch Negligence, as

upon it : The Margiits of the

they had been own like Seed

Leafs of the repeve Reigns in this Regiler,

are likewie adorned with Foliages, or other Decorations in Colours with great



It hath been hewn in the Introduction, when, and byiwhom this Regi er
was compiled, and from what Materials it was collefied, to which nothing re

now tothebeUb
Pages of
are inerted
and unles,
Benet of
may be enabled
to conitlt the Qztotatiorts referred to in that Manner, by Mr. Ahmolc.

The Editor hath procured an Englih Veriorz to be made, according to the

mo rifi and verbal Conrufiion, without Regard to the Propriety or Turns of
that Language, which cloe ervile Tranlation may in everal Inances have

rendered it le intelligible than the Latin, and herein the Saw-nues are ee
auentlylpelled according to the modern Orthography. Throughout this I/I-hrk there
have been hine briefAnnotations ubjoined at the Bottom of the Pages, which
were thought to tend, either to conrm the Truth of Faiis from contemporary



lll ,_

Records, to illuirate ohhure Paages, or to upply Deciencies and Omo,

wherein certain Coiyehiiures are interpered with uch Caution, as the Nature
of all conjeural Arguments eem: to require, on which it is therefore de/ired

no greater Strefs may he laid, than the Evidence produced for the Support of

them Quill reaonahly' hear.

Prefaces may he
allowed, when they are employed to explain Articles,
that have not heen diinctly enough expreed in the Work, or to confirm No
tions therein advanced, which uponicond Thoughts, may iem to want the Autho
rity of farther Proofs -, hut the End of them, mo ingenuour in the Writer, and
may! henecial to the Reader, is, ,when Errors are retraiiied,
an uch ap
pear upon a Re-view; and indeed it would he a criminal Piece 0 Vanity to

patronize or vindicate them.

something will therefore he oherved under thee

diiini? Heads, relative to "hath th-ei' I/olumes.

Editor of
thatin Mr.
i mole
ime this
in the
his Copy,
the Mu
(Ztum in Oxford, and the learned Keeper of it, upon his Application, was
very leindly pleaZd to communicate the following Extracts. In them are con
tained the Names of everal Companions of this Order, which Mr. Ahmole
found mentioned in the Rcgirum Chartaceum, that the Compiler of this
Black-Book through Hae or Inadvertency totally omitted z which French Re

gzer heing now lo

or mi/laid, thee Additions are here puhlijhed under the

proper 'Iiars of the Sovereigns, to which they relate, and with References to
the Page: of this Edition, wherein the/i: Tears are contained.
z H. 6. p. 8 9 le Conte de Huntington John Priimer en France, added in'

Reg. Chartac. f. I z.

The Editor in p. 88 note n. had gueed, that the

Name of this Nobleman, and of others, ought to have been inerted un-_

der that Year.

6 H. 6. p. 10! le S' de WyIo hby, le S' de Scales en lez Guerres du
Roy. honorahlement occupiez, le S' je Boucer Chamherleine du Roy, le S' de

Hungerord Yreorer dinglererre are in the Reg. Chart. f. 1 6. The Preence

of the Lord Scales is regiered in this Blacle-Booh, and the Editor in p.

102. note n. had adventured to uppoe, that the Names of thee three
other Lords, and o the Earl of SubI/e ought to have been alo added.

8-H. 6. p. 10 5 Monieur V/ill. Haryngton is entred in Reg. Chart. . 17,

which the Editor in p. 106 note

had conjectured.

9 H 6. p. 108 Monieur Hertanh Van Clux, se Monieur John Rohe/I

izrt hors du reaume excuez de leur abfence, le Sr. de Talhot Prioner, are

added in Reg. Chart. f. 1 7 h. and the Editor ihid. note x. had remarked
in this
H. 6. p. 109
le Sire
de Talhot Prioner, added in Reg. Chart.' 1 8,i

and the Editor p. 1 1 o note h. had oberved that no Notice had been ta
ken o him.


22. as it is entred or zz H. 6. p. 124 le Duc de Quynhre is added

Reg. Chart. . zz.

The Editor in the Introd. p. 57, 38 gave everal Ar

guments, that this Fea regired in this Black-Book under the Lad, iu




--- . _


____ .___,_.__
. x.




r R 'MM-w-WM"




have been really held in the 2zd Year, and in p. 1 24. note
this Duke, with ome Explanations thereon.



i;" as it is entred for 24 Hen. 6. p. 1 26. In this Place Mr. Ahmole

hath inerted the following Memorandum. " That the old French Re
" gier makes it 24 H. 6. which I (meaning himelf) the rather believe
" for Truth, becaue that which in the next Page is put for the 24th
" Year, hath no Mention of theFea at all, but only of a Chapter in


The Editor by a note in p. 1 27. had referred to his Intro

duction, wherein he had hewn that this Fea mu be held in the 24tl1

Year, and havin likewii: xed the preceeding Fea to the 2zd Year,
it mu of Coure follow, that the ucceeding Fea mu have been in
the a4th Year. But then as to Mr. Ahmolds Opinion, touching the

Chapter held in July, (which is only his own Conjecture, for he doth not
quote the Authority of the French Regier for the Dare of it,) This Collector
hath given his Reaons, that this Chapter thus entred in p. 1 29. to be

held in July 24 H. 6. mu have been certainly held in the 2zd Year.

See the Introd. p, z 8.

27 H. 6. p. 1 37. Mere Johan. Fezlolf, is added in Reg. Chart. f. 26 b.

which the Editor had gueed in the note ubjoined to that Page.
28 H. 6. p. 140. Le Conte de Shrowesbury', is added Reg. Cbart. f. 27.
and the Editor had remarked the Omion of him, and others in that
folio note x.
In this Year the Black-Book diers from the Regiir. Chartac. touching
the Stalls, to which the clected Knights Were deigned.
Rex Arragonum in ide-m Comitis 4 Averentia', Rex Polonia? in /ocum
Ducis I' Qlinberize, Dux Bromiwychiee ad edem' Ducis 5 Soucholcia; __

Dominus autem Ryvers &e. cujus enis ac, Galea cum annexis &e. propenZz
Veneris ' proximo in edem iiam
unt per d Gul. Bobden Arnzigerum d

Regi/lrum Chartaceum.
a De Mere Job. Rolveert, s; Yeal de Connte
d Bomlm E ; ac le heraud Gynme.
de Averence remaignant void.
e Et apt-es il u enallez vendredi le xxx our
b QueynbreldDctober devlnt prime per Mere William Cra
r Snolk.

The Collector had indeed inerted iich Notes upon the Deignations
'to thee Stalls, as he could gather om Mr. Ahmolds printed Hiory,

and (bme Mss. which are placed in p. 142, and had given his Opinion,
touching the King of Arragon in his Introd. p. I 80, I 8 I, 1 8 2, l 8 z .
32. H. 6. p. x_ 5 2. The Black-Book iith Sigimundi des remanit ad.
huc vacua, nec adimpleta Comitis Salopiaz, to which the Reg. Cbart. 2 8 17.,

added ma; Domini Willughby. The Editor p. 15 z. note e. conjectured (as

*tis there worded) that there was then a Vacancy in the Stall, to which

Sir Edward Hull had been elected.

Now this Sir Edward was in z 1 _H 6.

'elected to the Stall of this Lord lzlloughby, ee P- 151, and he being

ain oon afterwards at the Battle of Chaillon before his Inallation, ee

Introd. p. 48', the Conjecture was rightly made in Words that expres


the ame, as if it had been aid (according to the Strictne of the Sta
tures) that the Lord V/ylloughhy/s Stall was then void, and the Editor ra

ther took that cautious Manner of Expreon, which terminates in the

lime Concluion with the other, ince this Sir Edward had been men
tioned to be elected in the preceeding Year.

However this Entry in the

Regi/lr. Chart. is ome Proof of what hath been oberved of the Occaion
of the Omiion of the Name of this Sir Edward Hull out of the Indor
Tables, mentioned in the Introd. p. 2. 1 .

54 H. 6. p. 1 5 6. The Black-Book aith ad Regem Arrogonum, the Reg.

Chart. f. z 2. h. au Roy de Portugale, whereof the Editor had given his Opi
nion in Introd. p. 1 8 I, 1 82.. and in the note to this Book p. 53. n. z.
z 5 H. 6. p. I 6 1 . Ealle voyde par mort de I'Empereur Sigimond is added
in Reg. Chart. z z, The Editor omitted to ca up the Number of the
Stalls in that Year, which with this Vacancy would compleat the Society.

36 H. 6. p. 1 6 2.. Mere Johan. Faolf excuZ-z pour it-veille' is added

Reg. Chart; . 34, and the Editor in note p. had oberved, that he was
omitted together with another companion.

5 E. 4. p. 1 79, inead of Dudley the Regi/lr. Chart. f. 5 9 h. had Sude

le , which the Editor had conjectured in the note le. in that folio.
6 E. 4. p. I 8 I, among the Abents Monieur de Shalez is added Reg."
Chart. f. 40 h. When the Editor conidered the Entries of this Year, he
oberved in note r. that the Duke of Milan was not mentioned, and in

p. 1 83 note t. that this Duke died on 8 March in this Year, and that
this Lord Scales ucceeded in this Vacancy, and farther took Notice, that

the Chapter wherein this Lord was elected had been o1nitted. This Lord
is r named in this Black-Book on zed Apr. 7 E. 4. o that the Guee
of the Editor was right in the Subance of this Matter, but it was im
poible for him to have then determined, whether this Lord had been actuu

ally elected on or before this 27 Apr. 6 E. 4.

14 E. 4. p. 1 8 9 le Duc de Burgoine is added in Reg. Chart. . 43, and

whereas the Black-Book had Dominus Audley, this French Regier hath

le Sire de Duddeley.

The Editor was o fortunate as to hit upon both

thee Amendments in p. 1 88 note m, and p. 1 89 note n.

1 5 E. 4. p. 1 9 1, Le Duc de Burgoine is added in the Reg. Chart.

Hitherto this Collector had been ucceiftll in adventuring his Talents
in guerng, but here he mu own his Want of Diligence, either through

Hae or Inadvertency z upon the lea Recollection it might have occur

red to his Memory, that this Duke of Burgundy was then a companion,
ince he had ecied the Omion of him in the precedent Year p. 1 88
note m, and ad made the lime Remark in the Year ubequent to this
very Entry p. r 97, and referred to the Time of his Death in p. I 98.

He thought this his free Confeon much more candid, than the cheap
Artice of reprinting an half Sheet, and oers it as an Earne of his
Facility in formally retracting any Miakes he hath unwarily committed.
The Occaion of this Overight Was by micomputing the Number of
the Knights, who are mireckoned to be xxiii preent, when in Fact there

Were only xxi, the Names of ome of them being repeated in that En
try, o that p. I 9 1 note z. hould bZread thus, Twenty one Knights here



nominated, and the Duke cof Benign-dy, the Earl of Iiex, whoe Names
are omitted, with the Stall of the Prince, and the Vacanq' in that of the

'Lord Beaachantp compleat the Society.

16 E. 4. i 99. On the 16 of Note-onthe' the Sovereign called a Chap

vter forv fElectionz and elected Sir Thomas Mongomery in the Place of the
TLord -Dara: " pour la renunciation que le dit Sr de Dura: a ait pour

1' cauE, quhl e jute hotnme 'feal 6: ubject du Roy de France." Reg.
Chart. . 4 5 h.

The Editor mu own that 'tis ome Satisfaction to

him, rtllat this Renunciation or Reignation of the Order is thus expresly

regited, which he judged very probable from the honourable Conduct

and character of that noble &Gaoiguer in other Particulars, ize Inttod.

r p . zor,
19. E. 4.
p. to; inead of Comes Urhini the Rag. Chart. . 47, hath

Ie 'Duct de Utbin.
2.! E. 4. p. no. le Marquis-Dort added in Reg. Chart. . 49 among

the Ablents.
Il/hile this Work was in the Prei', Z-veral Irih-riment: and other Notices oc

curred to the Editor which are here inerted [a] Way of supplement, becaue
tend in ome
or toDegree
ome to
coum Propotions advanced, to
In p. 60. treating o Here. 4. it was omitted, that in his Proceon

from 'the Tower to l-Vcbniner before his Coronation he had I: him jartiet
a 'la mere jamhe. Frot Vol. 4. p. 31 1.
In p. 94 the Privy Sea] dared 24 Apr. 4 H. 6. a 93' a no: amez fir-w'

'F tear: le: Rzy: (J'ai-mer 05- Heraud: facez paier de nore Deor tvynt d- cinh
" mares', le: gueux de nqre Grace eeciale lear arvom ottroiez Ie joar de

'5 S. George pour nore Iarg &e. which is entrod inExit. Pe/I. P. 4. H. 6.
" Diwer/is Regihur Armorum (in Heraldir in denariir ei: Iiheratir per 'names
" Lancaer Regir Armorum, ch- Glouceer Heraldi, v"a puh/rationem xxv

" mar-coram, great Dom. Kex de atvgiaraento (h- am' Confilii ei diEIir Rc
" gihm' mar-um O' Heraldi: liherare martda-vit, hahendar de dom

per wiam

pro feo Sa-'z Geotgii apad Windeore 'onto r 6 I. rz r. 4 d."
conrms the Narrative in this Black-Book, that the Fea was then l

held at Wdfhr on St. Gearges Day.

P. r o 5. note q. That the King iriled out of England on St. Georges
Day '8 H. 6. Clad.


Arm. n. 48. A. D. I 43 o die saniGcorgii

MMWiJ Rex ex-iit ah Anglia uqae -Caleys cum magno apparatu ad Coronam
P. 1-6 8 note a. as to the Day of the Death of Rich. Duke o Torh,

Ed. 4. his Son granted to his Mother divers Lands a pnmltimo die Decem
bris 'time prateto, grea die dih: Dom. pater 'to/her ohiit. Pat. 1 R. z. p. 5.

P' x
P. 1 69- as to the Time of the Death o H. 5, Linwood who was then
his Embaador, in the Dedication of his Pro-z/incizr/e places it altima die Au

gui Amo Dom. MCCCCxxii.

P. 1 92.. We nd the Abence of the Lord Scroop of Bolton was excued

by the King's Authority, it might probably be in Regard to his being





thus a companion, that Mention is made of 'the Knights o this 'Order

' in the temporary Decion by the Sovereign touching bearing the Arms

of the Ille d .Man, during the King's Expedition. Pat. 1-5 E. 4. p. 2..
m. "24.Rexdertmibur,
non Iitiganda
Vagto Regia.
ad gnat
&c. zlutcm,

invximu: litera: namr - i

e: ful; gno noro Manuali gnatas, (h per M' ice: Gar-tom narze inpear,

" faar an 'me Verba.

3 ct _ 'ct

_ I'

= -

Edward by the Graoe of God, King of England

" and of Hermes, Lord of Ireland, Remembryng -the 'Pretence and

a Clayme of John Lord Scrop, hewed unto us, for the beryng of the
" Armies of tlEile of Man, which nowe oure Right trui and Right
'" Welbelovcd Thomas Lord Stench Stuard .of oure 'Houholde berirh, for

" 'brevcnes 'of tyme havyng no convenyant Seaon to know the 'Deter
'* mynation of the inne, and provydyng that no Vatiaunce therefore be
" hadde nowe in oure Voiage, Have wolled and deyred that for the

" Tymes and Seaons that 'the Ieid Lordes hall contynue in oure Service,
" in oure Realme of' Dame, Duchie of Mnnandie, and elWht-re 'by-

" yonde the See, and alo unto oure and their retournyng next to this

" oure Realme of England, or either of theym, that the (aid Lord Swap
" hall abeyne and forbcre the Ue and Weryng of the aid Ar-'mes of
'* nlEile of Man, wherunto for the Ieid deire he is agrede, Alwey oreyn
" that 'the aid Wille, Den-e, Abinence, and orberyng 'be not preju

not damage in that 'behave unto the 'aid Lord Swap, ne to his
" Heyres, nor be of trioneect, zrengh, not vertue but for the tyme
" above expreed.

Et hoc onmibur, guamm 'ntere in but' parte, innote

" fcimm per Priet-mer, In

" 'no die Maii.

&e. HeRcge apud Wemonaerium pri:

P. zoo. The King in this a 7th Year, 'on St. George-s Day, etled
Arms for his Xeoond "Son, according ito a Traneript in the Hand-writing
of :M;r. Thinne, Lancqer-Hetald. B. 2.. penetmep. 29; 17.
" Anno 1 7 Ed. 4. Onne seint lGeorgt-'s Dityaier evenhnge, the Kinge
" in his Chamber, preent his Lordes, and ehis eouncell, alo Not-re), and

a Gnyen Kinge of Acmes nhere-'by expreie commandment beinge pre

'4 ent, the Kinge detennyiqed ithat his conde Sonne the Dukeof Torke

" iolde beare ot his armes lylke termes as the Kinge himelf; with this

*" dyerence, a labell of three pointes Tilver, one the firee poi-nte a can
" ten zgules, 'and for his badge a falcon: 'volant ilver membred with two

" onetts olde within a fodder looke unlocked, and 'omewhat open golde,
a this f der locke --- was devied to, the 'little Duke of Torkc lokkyd,

" Whiche was the ourth Sonne of Ed. z , as who leyeth He was farre
" from the enheritance, and one a day this revered to his Sonne Edward:
" called the goode Duke of Tarke, and he asked what was Latjne for a
" fedder locke, and he anwered hi-mele and ayd Hic bee (- boc taceatir

" was latine for a edder locke, as who yeth vno manne colde tell of the

race of Godde, whiche purveyed o that the Kings 'good grace is de

" Fcended of that noble houe, wherore and remembrance o the ayed
" - ---- He will that his Sonne the Duke of Ter/ce hall bete the aid
f' etterlocke open and not locked:





Mr. Sandford in his Geneal. Hi. p. 415, 'and Dugd. 2. Vol. Baron.
p; 1 6 z, quote a M ometime in Cuody o Mr. Stowe, that mentions

this. Decree to be made on St. George's Day by the King, being then at
St. Johns, accompanied with other Knights o the Garter, but both thee Au
thors midate it under the 7th Year, which was beore the Birth ofthis Duke
of jbrk. Thee Arms are upon the Plate of this Duke at Mndor, in the
ourth Stall on the Princes Side. Though he had been elected into this

Order in the 1 jth Year, yet the Collector hath not been enabled to de
termine the certain Time when he received his Inallation, but is as yet
induced to believe, that it was not till the zoth Year, for the wardrobe

Account will hew us that Mantles were then prepared for this Duke, and
or the Duke of Ferrara, and this Regier inorms us, that the latter was -

inalled on 26 OEZ.

P. zoz. in the Notes about Hora tertia : The Statutes of the Tbion d'Or
are generally believed to be founded on thoe of the Garter, wherein by
Art. 24 the Companions are obliged to attend on the Eve of the Fea de

vant l'eure de veores, which lame lnjunction is in the Art. zz of St. Mi

chael &e.
\ P. 20 8. zo E. 4. Mr. John Murraj, who hath great udgement in
Books, as well as a curious Collection o them, which

e communi

cates to his Friends With a generous Freedom, was pleaed out of his
own Motion, to impart to the Editor the Original wardrobe Account

o this Year, which contains the following Particulars relating to this


" Parcelles of the accomptes o Piers Courteys aigned to kepe the grete
" Warderobe from zz o Apr. in the zo Year of Edward the Fourth unto
' Michaelmas next enuing, by Vertue of a Privy Sea] directed to the "
o whyich
El , John
of of
and others,
" Bihop
tenour of
writ I/Vode
follows--and alo
the lyveres
o the noble
" ordre and ryght worchipull raternite, and Brotherhode o Saynt
" George, and of the Garter, as well for oure owne Peron, as oure mo

" enterely beloved wye the gLuene, our dere on the Prynce, our ryght

" dere and welbeloved Chyldren oure on the duke of Torhe, and the la
" dies Elyzaheth, Cecile and Mary oure doughters, as to all the Lords, La

" dies, and Knyghts of the ame -aternite and Brotherhode of Saynt
" George, and of the Gartier, the Bihop o 'I/ynohere Chapelleyn to the
" ame fraternite and brotherhode, the Bichop of Salesher] Chauncclar o

" the ame, and maier Thomas Danet Regere o the ame raternite
" and brotherhode yerely ayen the e of Saynt George or the tyme
5' aforeaid.
" For making of a Gowne and a hode o the liveree of" the Garter
" for the Duke de Ferrar viii s. and or making of a Mantell o blue

" VClVett for the laide Duke de Ferrar garnysht with a riche Garter of
if ruddeur vii s.





" To the ame right high and myghty Prince

-" the Duke of Torlz, to have of the yift of oure
" aide Souuerain Lorde the kyng a mantell of
" blue velvet lined with white Damask garnisht vii yerds blue velvet.
V with a Garter of Ruddeur and a lac of blue
vi yerds white Damask."
" ilk with botons of golde by vertue of a war i of Ruddeur Gatter
" ram
net xvii
and dayg
Si ne
ma- ofsfiucoliclll: lvglcteh
- botons
nuell undre
beringthedatekin e iagide
of Au'i gu in the aide xx yere of the moo noble
'* Reigne of oure aid Souuerain Lorde the king
" unto the aid Piers Courteys for deliveree of

_*' the (aid Mantell.


P. 241. With Regard to the Intercoures between Hen. VII and the

Emperor Maximilian, may be added an Article out of the Inructions

given by the former to Norroy King of Arms, Whereof the Original is in'

the Editor's Cuody, H. 4. p. 5 r o. igned at the Top and Bottom With

the Monogram of that King without any Dare to it, which however may
be accrtained by collating the Subance of the whole Inrument with

Rymer vol. 1 z. p. zz, touching Proclamations for Banihment of the

Kings Rebells out of the Emperofs Territories.
a A Remembrance yeven by the Kings Highnee unto Norrey King
" at Armes, hewing howe he hall ordre hymblf with the King of Ro

*" mans in iiche Matiers, as be comitted unto hym by the Kings id

" Highnetr.

" And at a convenient tyme after the prebntacion of the Kings aid
" Letters, when the aid Norrey hal have peraitc Knowledge by the aid

" Cambremaier, or otherwie that the King of Romans wol be con

" tented and agreable faccepte and receive the Ornaments of the foraid
" Ordre of the Gartier, then he uing the advie of the aid Cambermaier

" hall in good dicrete and hone manner delyver the ame Ornaments
" to the aid King, uing uch kinde loving and ubancial wordes at the

" delyverance of the ame, as the aid King thereby may well perceyve
" the Inwarde love, Zele, and aection, that the Kings I-Iighnee pet

" everantly bereth unto hym, and the aid Norrey hall well note the ma
" ner and wordes, that the aid King hall ue and poke at th'acceptation

therof with every Circumance of the ame, as nere as he hall mowe

f' and advertize the Kings Hi hnee thereof at length by his Writings.
" Item the aid Norrey hal durin his Abode in the aid Kings Court

daily Note and well r arde, whet er the King of Romayns at any tyme


were, and ue the ai Ornemenrs of the Gartier, or an of theym,

and howe often, and advertie the Kings I-Iighnele in the pecialitie
" therof by his writing.

P. 250. note x. That Hen. VII was at Cambridge in 1506, appears

from Entries in the Proctors Book, Ex dono Regis pro fabrica Eccle/ite heate
Maria? xl l. Item ex dono Regis Univeritati lxvi l.' xiii s. which were con

iderable Beneactions from o rugal a Prince: This King was there again
in the ucceeding Year with his Mother and the Prince, when a olemn



commencement was kept, wherein the Bihop of Rocheer then Chan
cellour, as well as Blyth Bihop of Cotoentry' and Litchfeild both oppoitd.
P. 25 5. where 'tis aid Dr. Routhalle the King's Secretary then made a
goodly Propoition &ye. it hould be remembted that he was at that Time
Regier alo o this Order, _which he continued to execute till 2. Hen. 8,

notwithanding his Promotion to the See of Durrham.

P. 25 8. We have the Day o the Inallation o this Count or Duke

of Urhin, entred in Cod. Memhr. inter *Ms. Vinc. in O Arm.


Ubaldus Comes Montiseretri (o- Durant, S. R. E. capitaneus Generalis inalla

tus per Dom. Balthaz. militem procuratorem uum, agnomine'de Cailione
roiz. x" die Nov. an. xxii H. 7.

P. 273. Mr. Ahm. by a note in the Margin of his Copy o this Book

hath oberved, that Dominus Darcy in the Scrutiny o the _Earl of Oxford
was a Miake, becaue he had been elected in the preceeding Year, and
ince the Name of this Lord is here placed in the Clals of Princes, it is

not improbable the Scribe miwrote it for Com. Derby.

P. 27 5. It will not be oreign to inErt a Catalogne o the Lieutenants
at the Feas during this Reign o Hen. 8, whereof there is no Notice

taken in this Regier, which is taken from B. z. penes me p. z 1 h.

Dayes of St. George kepte and o-

Fes of Saint George kepte at

, lempnied by our Soverayn Lord Wndeore in the tyme of owre aid

Soverayn Lord Kyng Henri 'the
the Gartier.of Eyght.
i i

1 His Grace at Richemont -- 2. -- at Greneqzyche -

z --- --.- at Greneqiyche

4 --- - at Grenewiche

The Duc of Bucleyngham Lieutenant

The D. oBuchyngham. [for that yet.

- The Duc o Buchynghant.

- The Erle of Arundell.

5 ---- -- at Greneetyche -- The Erle of Arundell in which Year

the Fea was held on the zzd Day of Augu, ot which the Commil

ion is entred in L. 8. in Oicio Armorum p. z.

Henry hy the Grace of God Kyng of Englond, and of Fraunce, Lord of *
Irland, and So-'oerayn of thordre of the Garter, to oure Right truy and Right

well helo-ved Couyn therll of Arundell hrodre of the ime gretyng, forai
mouche as we hathe appointed the
of Seynt George to hee blempnyZ-d and
leept at our Ca/iell of Wyndor, the xxii day of this preent Moneth, wher
fore for elyrziers grete cauis we can in no wyh he preent in our paionne, wher

uppon we heryng tendre reoeii unto your honnour and nohler of your hlode,
have appointed and agned you to he our Lieutenaunt at the aid Fe; we
theror deire and pray you to prepaire and arredre you to hee at our Caell the

day aho-veeiid for the zlemprtyyng and ohi-r-'uyng therof, and ther to doo and
exccufe all uche things, as unto our lieutenant in that cas appurteyizeth, not

fail/ing thus to doo in any 'wi as our ingular tru is in you, yerven undre

oure Seall of the Garter at our mannar of eltham the x day of Augu the
'Zltb Ter of our Reygn.




6 --- - at Grene-uyche -- The Erle of Arundell.




at Ricbemont
at Grenewiche
at Grenewiche
at Richemont
at Grenewich


The Erle of Ex.

The Duc of Norfolk, Thomas the elder.
The Marques Doret.
The Marques Dor/it.
The Duc of Norfolk.

P. 289. i; H. 8. At the Fea of St. George on 8 June tz H. 8.

preent the Lord Marquis Doret Knight of the laid Order, then being

the Kings Deputy for that Fea, The Erle of Ex, The Erle of Wilt
bier, The Erle of Kent, Sir Thomas Lovel, and the Lord Delawar, the

Publication was made of the degrading the Duke of Buckingham &e.

See L. r Of Arm. . 23, that is on the Eve of the Fea.


In the note to p. 8 5, rike out Lord Willougbby- and inert 22 inead

of 21.
There are ome Errors of the Pre, uch as p. 39. after the Word
Chri in the r Line of the Englih hould be a ill Point, and after the
Word Pictures in the next Line only a Comma. P. 1 1 o Heretook Clux
is miprinted ot Sir John Faolf. in p. 210 note i. inead of Dam. read
Dannet, and p. 356 in the note read Anno xix inead of Anno ix. - but

p. 52. the Year of the Commencement of the Reign of Ricb. 2. is not

the Miake of the Printer, but the Fault of this Original Regier for' 1 z 77.

H E Occaion of Publi/hing the other Vilume was with a Propeii of

obtaining Materials towards the contpiling an Hiory of this mo noble
Order, and though the Editor hould be brry to nd himbljf' dihppointed in that
Eiepehiation, he hall not however regret his weak Endeavours, ince he hath

thereby had an opportunity of dicharging hine' Part of the Duties he owes

in the Capacity of an Oicer.

This being a Dicoure drawn up on ngle Sheets ent to the Prei in ich
Precipitation, that there was not Time allowed to trancribe them, the Editor
finds upon a Review, that he bath committed ome Miakes, (to which he owns
as iibjehi as other Men are,) and which he now ecies, as an earnei

of his' like Procedure, whenever he hall receive Intimation of any other Er

rors 5 for his Deign is only to dicover and deliver Truth: impartially. A
mu Frailty
conei', for
cannot agn
l be And
to he
in any Caui, but what might
' p. 20, where 'tis aid that
Fettiplace in 24 Hen. VI carried 'the Eryigns of this Order to the then King
of Denmark, wherein not only the Numerals are miprintedfor 34 Hen. Vl,
but Denmark is inZ-rted for Portugal z b that the Argument to prove

ome King of Denmark had been eleed into this Order between the Iiars
1 43 8, and 1 46 i relics ngly as yet upon the Entries in the Black-Book.





l-______* __-_





In P. 54. it eems to be implied that Sir William Chamherlain wasnot

inalled, becaue as it is oberved in the notes to the Black-Book p. r 7 5,
his Name doth not occurr in the Wndir-Tables, but then it mu be
remembred, that a Plate remains for him in the twelfth Stall on the So
vereigns Side, and that his Arms are urrounded with the Garter on his

Monument in the Church of Boyl Harling in Norfolk, o that it may yet

remain a Doubt, whether he received any actual Inallation.
In P. 56. The Conjecture that the Fea was held at Caen in 6 H. 5.
is conrmed by a M mter Cod. Norf. in
Arm. n. 48, 1 6 Aug. 1 41 "7,
where it is entred that the King beieged Caen, and then on 27 08. went

to Argenthen, afterwards laid Siege to Faloys, " Et apres cette rendue re

" tourna a Caen, and ordered a Proclamation on 1 6 Fehr. " 6- en icelluy

" an
le Fele de Seint George en la vil/e de Caen, en la quele il
" ieurs Chervaliers de on houlell.
In P. 71. To the Inances that Permiions ought to be obtained by

Subjects from their own Sovereigns to accept foreign Orders may be ad

ded thoe granted by Francis the Fir, to Monrmorency and Chahot, on 24

Off. 1 5 32, to accept this Order of the Garter. Lettres patentes par le
quells le Roy Francois commanda (he enjoignit a Mere Anne de Monrmo
rency grand Mai e (Sw Marechal de France, 6' a Mere Philippe Cha
bot Admiral de France, de prendre (e accepter l'Ordre de la Chevalerie du
Rg' d'Angleterre, a Boulongne le xxiv Octob. MDXXXII, Preuves de

de Monrmorency par Du Chene p. 280. The Collector hath een

the Liberty granted by the late King of France on 1 2 Jtune 1 7 I 5, giving
Permiton to the Sieur de Percy to accept the Order of St. Stephen of
Florence, to take the Oath, Stile, and to wear the Enigns thereof

In p. 75, note a. The Lady Joan half Sier to Rich. 2. Duchee of

Bretagne, was buried in St. Pauls Cathedral 27 No-v. 8 R. 2. A.
r 3 84.
Rot. magna Garder. 7 R. a. '*' Ad fairam C. Gown. e?" C. Capuc. de pann.
" nigr. pro C. hominihus portantihus (He tenen. Torchias in Vigilia 6- die Exe

" quiarum in Ecclea S. Pauli Lond. die Dominico 27 Nov. anno 8vo pro

T' Ducia Britanniae orore

Dom. Regis.
In p. 74. The Tomb of John Duke of Richmond was made in England
' by his Relict, after her Marriage to our Hen. IV. R mer vol. 8. p. 51 o.

In p. 77. As to the Earl of Longue-ville. In Ceopatra F. iv. in bibl.

Cotton p. 97, there are Inructions ent to him, wherein among tveral
other Motivcs, that of his being a Brother of the Garter is very rongly
In p. 7 8. As to the Behaviour ofJohn de Foix Earl of Kendal 5 the' Editor

hath in his Cuody a written Memorial, ent hither by the Direction of his
Decendant the Duke of Foix, with his Reque, that Copies of thoe Re
cords might be tranmitted to him, which mention the Marriage of that
a his Anceor, With other Particulars relating to him, and for the better

Directon, there are Abracts of everal Inruments remaining in the Cu

ody of that mo noble Family inerted, among others 'tis expreed that
on 17 May 146 2, (2 Ed.1V.) that King gave him Permion by Let
ters Parents, to enter into a Treaty with Leruiis XI.

" La Guienne Want

ff ge tout a fait reconguie, Louis unze t un traite le 1 7 May 1 462 avec

f' Jean


" Jean de Foix Comte de Candalle, qui ne l'accepta azfa-vec la permga" du

" Ro] d'Angletctre, qui lay accorda par Iettres patenter, qui ont encore dam
" le trejbr de Ia maim' de Foix de Candalle, par ce traite' Loiiis unze In]
" rendit toutes es terres, qui arooient apartenu a on Pere le Captal, dom

a le Comte de Foix (do le Comte de Dunois awoient jou] pendant on alzencef:

Q 1. penes me.

_ o _

The Companions of military orders thought their Oaths in the Article of the
Fraternity of Arms r riH/jx ohligatory, that they refud the Acceptance of
the 'no/I ad-'Uarztagious and honourable 'Terms, which interered with, or derogated

from the Tenour of the Statutes in that Point.

To the r-veral Precedents of

that Nature in this Dicoure, a later Inance ma] he added.

Vitelli Chiampini obtained a Victoty near Marciano in r 5 5 4, on the zd

Aug. the Fea of St. Stephen over the Marhal Strozzi, who commanded
the French Troopes 3 ' guam 'victoriam icut wirtuti potiizzzuiu Vitellii accept

' tam retulit Coinus, ita illum magnanimus municuue Princeps donatum
" Cerona, agri Senenir oppido, Marchionem dixit, ac paucis pa annis inii

" tuta Eauitum militia Diva Stephano Pontci hcra, cujus nempe die eam
" rvioriam reportatoerat, inter primos Vitellium (g- quidem nzagnum ordinis
"" ri
tuirtus, expetigtte
5 adeo
Dux Albanus
"ain Paulum quartum moturus, Vitellio ohtulerit eauitatus uni-tzeri pret-Hu

" ram, ah eo tamen non admizm; quod diceret, ohrinxtji- e rvoto jum tum
' concepto, cum primam Militia nomen dedit, Nunfuam je arma ad-vcrcs
'" dem Apoolicam induturum." Strada de Bello Be g. p. 404.

This Hiorian doubt/eft refers to the Oath which he tooh upon his Admian

into that Order of St. Stephen, which obliged him to defend la edia Apoo

See the Statutes tit. 2.. c. r. and tit. r. c. z.

P. 85. Where it is (hid that Ed. IV, and Charles Duke o Burgundy

were iled Freres dordre, by Reaon of the mutual Acccptance o their'

repective Orders, it might be added, that it was the uual Expreion

in uch Caes that uch were Freres dArmes, which may imply, that the
principal Deign o etecting thee Orders, was ot a Fraternity ofArms, and

to upport the great Maers in their military Undertakings.

Thus Juven.

des Uiiizs A. D. 1419, writes le Duc de Burgogne -> an Duc d'Orleans

mort, peu de temps atvant qui] le

tuer, il

le erment deireon tway &

loyal parent, (fy promit deire. on rere d'armes, portoit on Ordre, (fy la)

faiiit hon chere.

Jacaues le Clerc Hi. de Bourgongne. Le Ro] d'Arragon

(j- Philippes Duc de Bourgongne eoient Fretes (G- Compaignons d'armes.

Monrelet en I'an r 4 5 I le Ro] [dArragon] icy eu ee' Frere &- Compag

non d'armes au Duc Philippes de Bourgongne, O' jacoit ce aueils funt
Ioin l'un de lautre, neantmoins ils fentraimoient telle-ment, qui/s portoient les
Ordres l'un de l'autre &e. Hi. de Ch. vii par Berry le Herault, (z- Mon
relet r 445 Ie Rd] de Caile eoit Frere d'atmes 6)- aI/ie du Roy de France.

Hi. de Arthur Duc de Bretagne par Gruel. le Duc 6- celuy de Bourgongne

P. 84.
It is queioned
whether the Election of Maximilian in 6 H. 7.
might not be vacated or Want o an actual Inallation, or whether he
did not urrendsr this Order upon ome Diatisfaction or Rupture. Mr.


The P R E F A C E.


Ahmr Hi. p. 4>z 8, inierts the Marquels of Brandenhnrgh as his Proctor in

this 6 H', 7; which implies that he was inalled. After this Time this
Emperor expreed a' particular. Devotion to St. George, and revived an

Order dedicated: to this Saint. Bollandi ale: Sanffor. vol. z. p. 1 5 7.

P. 86. The Regier infor-msus the Lord Herhert 'was a Companion

in z Ed. 4. In the Notes to the Black-Book is inerted the Commion

to inall him', bearing Dare in 2. E. 4. See p. I 75. He ucceeded the
Emperor Had-tricle, whoe Election became vacant for Want of an actual
Iinallation, or by a Surrender or a Depoitl from this Order, which iime
Emperor ometime afterwards inituted an Order in Honour of St. George.

Bollandi Afld SanETor-um. vol. z. p. 155- .

P. 87. While Hcn. VIlI was a Companion of the Ybihn, The King
of Caile on 24 Apr. I 5 I 8, deired him to nominate Perons pecied in
his Letter to be choen Knights of that Order in the Chapter, that was to
be held, and that he would be pleaed under his Seal to conitute lbme
_Kni ht of that Order to be his Procurator. Collect. Tho. Maer in bibl.
Col . Jeu Oxen.

P. 87. Charles Archduke of Auria choien Knight of the Garter in

Dec. 14. Hen. Vll. A. D. r 508. His Plate remains in the Princes Stall,
initribcd, Caries par la Gracc tle Dieu Archidnc d'Aurice, Prince der Ell
. paigncs &o. which Titles prove, that he received his Inallation before

the 22. January r 53. when upon the Death of Ferdimand he ued the Stile

of King- of Caile, Leon, &e.

P. 8 9. The Duke of Parma is aid to have relinquihed the Toton d'or

upon receiving the Order of St. Miohael, to which may be added that he
at length u-rrendered this latter Order alo.

This Offa-vie Farnee was a

Prince fully inructed in the Arts of War and Peace, and well vered in
the Intriegues of Courts: In his Youth he had acd the Emperor Charles
V, by leading the Succours ent him by the Pope, and was thereon (while
Duke of cum) created a Companion of the Golden Fleece r 546; but
by the Turn of Aairs being compelled to defend even Parma it elf,
again the Joint-Forces of the Pope and this Emperor, he urrendered

that Order, and being afterwards protected by the King of France, he re

ceived the Order of St. Michacl; but having joined With the Spaniards, he'
attempted to urrender the Enigns of it by a Surprize upon that King's
Embaador, as we nd by his Letter dared 1 5 58, printed in Rihier lettm
dy'- Memoirer d'Eat, vol. 2.. p. 72. z . which follows, and to which it may

be added, that he was afterwards in 15 5 9 reored to the Order of the

Golden fleece.
" Site, je lairay ce dicours pour vous raconter une hioire, qui m'ad'-'
" vint hier matin en l'E lie nore Dame de Lorette en cette ville, ou

" eois alle pour ouyr Xla Meie accompagnei de PAmbaadeUr de Fer

" rare, de mon Frere, des Sieurs de Boiaille 6: du Perar, 8: une partie
" de ma famille; que e telle-, que ur la n de ladite Mee s'e pre

" ente zi moy un Italian, qui m'a demande, i j'eois PAmbaadeUr du

" Roy tres Chreien; 21 quoy ayant repondu qubuy; il m'a monre'
ff une boiiette decouverte, me diant deux ou trois fois, Ecco un pre
f' ence',

The P R EF ~~'eg;~"~~j ~ i i
(cur, 8cv pour ce queflzant la Chapelle un peu obEure, je ne pouvois


connoire ce qui eoic dans la dite boutte, encore que je vie qu'elle
fa de couleur dor, neantmoins je ne voulus jamais y toucher, com
bien quil aui ce quil pouvoir a me convier 8c olliciter pour
mettre la main. Car comme jay entendu depuis, tout ce que deiroic'
Pambaadeur du. Roy Pbilipper eoit de me faire tomber en paroles, er
reur quil i quand le Duc de Parme luy envoya l'Ordre de IEmpe'


reur en ]'Eg]ie de Sancto Stepbano en cette ville, d'autant qu'il le re

ceut entre les mains, 8c le garda quelque epace de temps, ne repon

dant cependant autre choe, inon que lon attendi on Secreraire,


comme sil eu- cite on oracle; toutes fois en lattendant, ceux qui
avoient preence ledit Ordre, sabfenterent ;- 8c connoiant aptes la faute

Eiite. deentendre
le prendre,
le repriflent,
5 8ccria
il uchuils
de le laier


en ladite Eglie.


Sire, voyant celuy qui tenoit ladite boutte, que je

ne Eaifois nul tmblant dy toucher, ma dit que le Duc de Parme lavoit


conitue on Procureur pour rendre {se remettre entre mes mains,

comme reprefentant en ce lieu vore Peronne, le Collier de lOrdre,

que vore Maje luy avoit donn; me priant de E1 part luy faire


ce bon oce envers icelle , de luy faire entendre quil noub-=

les eoit,
quil de]
en avoit
receus, 8: 8c
ce quil
faioit jamais
a preent
uo giuramento,

a mis ladite boutte ur le banc ou javois ouy la Mee. A quoy,

Sire, je luy ay refpondu que ce n'0ic point moy, a quil e de

voit addrectr, 8c que j navois nulle commion ny_ puiance de'

vtre Majee de l'accepter; par aini quil cherchait ailleurs a qui le

bailler, car je ne Facceptois point. Et quant a ce quil m'avoir add'



jote de la volont 8c intention dudit Duc de Parme, je luy ds, que

je ne voulois rien tel-pondre a cela, veu que les actions eoient mani

fellzement connues pgr tout le monde: 8c en dimt ce propos, coma

bien que la Mee ne r acheve, je tourna-y vi e vers la porte pour

men aller 8c ortir de ladite Chapelle avant luy, 'anc FO-rdre ou il
C lavoit mis,
{ans que j'y aye jamais touch. Et en paffant par PEg
C lite, je ls aduerty, quil y avoit un Notaire avec luy, auquelfans que
je Peuz ouy, il avoit demand Acte de cette prefentation; qui fut
V cauie- qweanr hors dcelle, je menquis ou eoit ledit Notaire; 8c
me le monzrant quelquun des miens comme il senfuyoit, je luy com


manclay de le me ramener, an de luy demander acte de ma rponf,

. au ue]] s'i] eoit Notaire Venitien, A quoy il me rpondit quil etoit


O cier 8c Sujet dudit D.uc de Parme, ac venu exprs en cette ville

pour faire ct Acte. Je luy repliquay qui lavoit fait i hardi eant fo-_
reier dexecuter un Acte public en la peronne d'un Ambaadeur ans
permion deces Seigneurs. A quoy il me rpondit quil en avoit li
cence, 6c memes de ceux qui en avoient Pauthorit; 8c voulant liga

voir de quelle part, 8c i deoic par l'intelligence deidits Seigneurs, ou

non, je le preay de me la monrer, citant choe tres neceiaire quil me A


devoir faire apparoir s'i] eoit peronne legitime 8c dument fonde dau


thorit 6c puillince. requife, avant que luy faire entendre ma rponf,




The P R E F A C E.

eanr bien alleur que s'il nelloit Notaire Venitien, il ne mettroit en

on Acte que ce qu'il plairoit celuy qui l'avoir mis en befongne. Il

me dit qu'il feroir apparoir quand il {croit beloin: lors je le me


naay de le mettre entre les mains de trois ou quatre Gentils

hommes Vmitim: la preens, pour le faire chtier, plus comme abulant
de leurs Privileges se authoritez, que pour inrere quy eu vllre Ma


jce, ny moy particulierement; ayant avant que partir de la dite


Cha elle fair ma rponcc haute ac claire, que plulieurs notables


Petlgnnages lavoient peu entendre. Mais les Elpagnols qui lavoient

accompagn en trois ou quatre barques, en allez grand nombre, 8:

tous couverts, avec pillolets 8c harquebules, mirent tous lpe au
poing pour le recourre, contre lequels les miens rent le lemblable,


encors uils fuent beaucoup moins en nombre z ac voulant faire paer'

les chopes en toure douceur, lansqul en advint plus grand l-candale,


combien que la force me fu bien demeure li eue voulu, je les s


retirer, comme rent aui lcfdirs Gentils-hommes Vmitiem a Fendroit


dedirs Elpagnols, lequels ils reprirent aigrement de cette inolence de

guet--pend, dont ils mavoient ue : routes fois cependant ledit No


taire s'enfuit.


compte a cette Sei neurie, laquelle ma fair rponl en termes genc

raux, comme e ur couume, de les entendre forr grand dplai


Dequels dportemens, Sire, j'ay rendu ce jourdhuy"


it; me promettant touresfois d'y Eiire tout devoir eux poible pour


men faire demeurer content 8: larisfait de ce qui en luccedera.

De Nouilles E. D'Acqr.

P. 96. It may not be improper ta add the Remark made by Henchenius and

Qiamvis Frozzrdu: circa nu

merum Militum primo allcctorum errar (quadragenarium enim ille,

Papebroch on the Narrative of Froiart.


feu ejus exemplaria habent) non tamen propterea ambigendum puta-s'


mus quin de Inirurionis tempore tutius ei.


rus alius quam qui re vera eer, Frozarda rradiz vel Frozzrdo recte (e:


mel traditus, corrumpi amanuenum ignorantia in exemplaribus, cum


in numeris ponendis facillimus t error. ed quod verum inirurionis


tempus illum fugerir, qui ea tate vixit qua gea res e, 8: dc qua
crat (uteoeelubentius
potuir de in
id nequaqua-ma
t Atque


Poterat Militum nume-'


Frozzrdo tradiram concedimus, quod fcriptores nori domeici ad cun

dem annum MCCCXLIV, factum quoddam Edwardi Regis comme
morant, quod Ordinis Garteriani inirurioni convenienriiimum fue
rir, imo quod ipfi ordinis inirurio vicleri pora scribunt enim illo

anno i Rege magnum 8: olennem Equirum panegyrim apud 117121145.

riam carum indictam, ad rotundas Menl, (ut appellant) erectionem
eu dedicationem: ranra vero Edwardiani hujus coepti celebriras min ut

veritus Rex Franci ne hac provocatione ex aliis orbis Chriiani partie


bus quamplurimi Milites, glori 8c armorum udio, ad hoem


conuerenr; condixerir eriam ipfe celebrem armat gentis conventum,

quo ad e etiam ex peregrinis partibus aliquem Militi orem tradu




-. 4%..-__

The P R E F A CME.


Arque hc, ut mihi viderur, ordinis Garteriani primordia

ierunt. Cum enim Windeorie inaurarerur prica: 8c fere buloe

Militia: imago, in mentem Edwardo Regi venit comminifei aliquid,
uod ver 8c Chriiana: glori plenum eet. itaque eodem anno lu
ilicraz militi, qu in Arthurinominatiliimi Regis memoriam celebra
batur, uccer Equeris hujus ordinis initutio, in quo vere nobilem

8: religiofam Militiam proitebanrur viri, ex natalium claritudine 8c re

bus in bello fortiter geis inignes; 8c quo perennitas qudam novo
inftituto acquireretur, dies S. Georgii (ut ex eodem Proiardo patet) dei
narur, quo illo se fequentibus annis, in perpetuum convenirent Equi

tes Garteriani ordinis ui eum celebraturi.

teriani veros natales ego prorfus arbitror.

Hos fuie Ordinis Gar

It qui?! be the le s to be wondred, that the I/Vord Fourty hould be inerted in

the printed Copies of Froillart, when we nd e-ven the Compiler of this Black
Book blundering in the Manner of expreng the Number of thee Companions,
fee p. 2.4. and even the printed Edition of the mq learned Gloigrapher fall:
into an Error of the ame Nature. Spelm. G/q voce Garter. Vox jam in
de in uu, a quo Edoardu: III. multis victoriis inignis, equcrem or
dinem ub Garterii ymboio inituir, acripris militari orbe xxiv for

timis heroibus fui ipfius prxectura illuraris.

P. 98. Mr. Bayle in the Supplement to his Dictionary, takes Notiee 'of a
Cap] of Proifrzirt remaining in the Elizabeth Library at BreIlaW, embellihed
with elegant Pictures, but much more valuable for the Contents. His Words
may excite hine learned Englihman of a publich Spirit to procure an Edition,
or at lea/l a Copy of it. Je nai point remarqu, que les Editions Go
thiques de cet hioiren Paris chez Jean Petit fans date, 8c chez An
toine Vemtd Paris au 8c pareillement ans date, oienr pour le Fonds

celles dene celles
{ont nide dedles,
ni exactes,
Den s Saul-vage
Lyon leI;langage
5 9, 8c naif
Parisde 1574,

teur ne sy trouvant meme plus. Sorel. Bib. H. fr. ch. xi. p. 198.

Comme les Frane'oi: accuent Froijard de partialit pour la nation

Angloze, ils ont parti par la tronque on Hioire, dont pourtant
on garde un Manucript bien complet, 8c orn de belles Mignatures,
dans ia Bibliotheque de Saincte Elizabeth de ia ville de Brejlau.



nego magnam picturarum elegantiam elle, ed majora hic unr, jure ani
mum meum aciunt. Putat orbis eruditusj : textum Froiar iegregie
podere, quem Dian _/iue Sahvagiu: Regis Henr. I 1 . juu quinquageinro
nono uperioris fecufi anno Lugduni publicavit, ed cede decipitur dum
Codex hic impouram cletcgit; ac Sahvagii manu omnia, qu Aul
cal/iae diflicebant, deleta, vixq-, decimam Hioria: partem integrum

relictam ee manifeum reddit Gottleb. Krantz. Memorabilia Bib

T' liothec Elizabethana Wrati/Iaq/ien is. Brejlaw 1 6 99.
The Narrative of Froiiird, that this order was inirured in I z44 the
1 8th Edw. III, eems to receive ome Strength, in that it was the cur
rent Opinion, in an Age not far remote from it; for Peter de Alliaca Bi

hop of Cambraj, who was born in the Year r z 5o, and who himelf is
mentioned by Froij/Ezra, l. 4. c. 96, concurrs in this ra. Among le

veral Tracts printed under the Title Sibylla Franciea at Urfell. 1 606. 4to.


is Petri Eptcopi Cameracenis Dialogi ii de guerelis Francia: (fy- Anglize, (fy
jureitcctzionis utroruma; Regum in regno Francix, p. z 5. wherein a French

man is introduced complaining in the following \Vords.

Armatas Fran

corum etjanueniuln per mare deruxit, Auranii (al Auronizr) et Franci de

ruxerunt terram Dom. Johan. de Hannonia, et illi de Cameraco Hannoniam

di currerunt.

Poquam anno xl iterum revertitur Anglorum Rex ad Fran

ciam, qui reperit in mari armatam Francorum, cum qua dimicavit, et dura

vit conihius ab hora l u 5 ad 9, et naliter Angli prievalueruitt, et tranie

runt, et venerunt ad Gane, ubi reperit Reginam enixam, (h- illico obidit civi
tatem Tornacenem. Et Rex Francia: venit uq; ad Pontem de Crey, ubi
mut-e Scharmuchee, et Franci renue: habuerunt, et potentiores, et Flandren

es vecorditer aufugerunt : Z-d naliter po 1 1 -ptimanas traiiante Ducit

Hannonia: fuerunt deputati quinaue traatores, qui conclurunt treugam ad

annum, et debuerunt Reges 'nittere 5 notabiles peronas, et ex parte Papa duos

Cardinales ad civitatem Attrebatenem, et quicauid per illos, eu duas partes
illorum et aflum, ratum maneret atquermum, et interim uti podebat, qui

que poderet. Sednaliter in diio Parlamento nihil fuit concluum culpa An

glicorum pertinacium. Demum Rex Anglus ordinavit feum in die Georgii et
ordinem de atretiere cum 40 Militibus et 40 Scutiferis et Regina, prente cum
zoo dominabus et domicellis inductis eadem libertate [Iiberata] anno [I z] 44. Et
demum anno 46 po/iiit ob/idium ante Calayium, propter oned Rex Francia: ve
nit ad levandum, (fy auia non potuit traniltre, obtulit bel/um, et rogavit Re

gem Anglia: ut imul pugnarent, quad refutavit, et ita ne fruiiu retrocet,

propter quod Rex Anglia: habuit Calayium, et ne miericordia illos cum eve.
ritate traffavit, et Anglicis populavit.

P. 1 o z. It was hinted as a Subject t For a future Enquiry, whether the

Garter with its Motto was any Devie of the Crown before the Erection

of this military Order, as the Fuzil in Burgunay was the Badgc of the Fa

ther of that Duke who inituted the Tbion d'Or.

It may be added, that

in like Manner the Word F E R T was the Motto of the Dukcs of Savoy,

long before the Erection of the Military Order of the Collar, ince called
the Annunciade. The Oollectofs worthy Friend Mr. Murray, communi
cated the Wardrobe Account of the Prince of Wales in the z jtl] Year of
Ed. I, wherein is a Paage, which relates to two of the Saints, to whom

this Order Was afterwards dedicated, and therein is mention of iv garetteris'

embellihed With Silk and Silver, which the Editor thinks he may inert,

though he dares not attempt to ininuate that the Words ignify Garters as
Badges or Deviis. " Pro auibuilam vexillis de Armis Anglorum Saniiorum
" Georgii et Edwardi fas, imul cum una remera de indone de Armis
" San Georgii pro una navi Principis, et per e/'us praceptum et pro iiii ga
" retteris pro corpore Principis de erico argento herneatis, 6- viii paribus
" calcariarian deauratorum cum ringis de erico nigris et virid. aiiis contra -

f' guerram Scotia: &e.

P. r I 4. notey. in the aid Wardrobe Account 22 Ricb. 2. is an Entry

more full. " Pro hroudatura ii Jaks volants de velvet rub. et nigr. unde i.
" operat. cumcervis albis et altera de baggs Regis de auro et irico pro viagio
Hibemiam 25 l. 2 s. 10 d.
P. 116.


P. 1 r 6. To the Prccedcnts that Princes formerly preented each other

with their Liveries, it may be added, that as the King of France had in
1z9z ent his Collar of the Bromcodds to' Rich. II, o our King upon

his Marriage with the Princes Iahel, preented the King of France her Pa
ther with a rich Collar of great Value.
" will au col du Riy

" grant valour."

'T le Roy dEngleterre de hon cueur '

France] ting tresheau 6- precieux colier riche de

Le tiers vol. des Croniq. de France imprimi par Verard

1 4 9 2, Cv.

In P. 1 1 6. And other Places, it hath been conjectured out Kings gave

Collars as their Livcry, or Device, which were varied in their Fahion, or

Figures by our Monarchs of dierent Lines. And as crveral Authorities

were produced to hew that Rich. II. gave that of the White Hair from
the 1 4th Year of his Reign, o it was hinted that Hen. IV, after his Ac.
ceon to had
the Throne,
the Collar
S. iled
as theEarl
ued priorintroduced
to that Time,
while of
he S.was

The Earl of Kent was deprived of the Title of Duke of Surrey by Act of
Parliament, when Hen. IV eized the Crown, and this Earl oon afterwards


with ome Perons who had the Badgcs of this King, plucked

them (Zom their Necks, and alb the Badges of the Crecents from tile
Arms of ome others, aerting that Rich. II was then living. The Cre

cent WIS the Devii: of Peroy advanced to the Earldom of Northumherland

at the Coronation of this Hen. IV,_ in Recompence of the Aance he

had given him z for thus John Gower in his Poem tlecribes him
Hdc iih fortund praens Aguilonica luna,

Which by a Note in the Margin he explains Comes Northumbria: cujus

ignum luna crecens. Tiber. A. 4. p. r 5 2 in bibl. Cotton. Walngham, as
his Hiory is printed p. 404, under the I Hen. IV. thus words it " de
" traxit igna Regis, cilicet Collaria de collis quorundanz, guos roidit ihi ha

'5 hente: igna talia cum deei, &e. Detraxit iniper de hrachiir domicello
" rum igna Crecentium, V ahjecit," Now in the M Copy inter Cod. Nor
folc. in O: Arm. the Words are " detraxitgna Regis S. collaria" &e. And
in this Manner, the Editor conceives that Hiorian ecied the Form of
thee Badges, worn by the Partizans of Hen. IV, by decribing them to

be the Collars of S. S. miprinted cilicet, epecially ince he afterwards

patticularized the Badges of the Crecents.

P. 1 21. 'Tis conjectured that the prent Collar of the Order might
be inituted in the Interval, between the ixth and eighteenth Years of

Hen. 7.

In Julius c. ix. p. 15. in bibl. Cotton. After the Entry of a

Chapter aid to be held in the Palace of

on 1 6 of Nov. z Hen. 7.

ar lu come
, et er les ComtheaieduofditEd.
ui i
a es
the Sgiuatutespbearing
z, whniffegf

Article mentions the Collar in the uual Form, but that Book being bound
out of looi: Papers, eems not to be of very great Authoriry. The r
Inance that Mr. Ahmole p. 222 gives of this Collar of the Garter, is

on the Tomb of the Lord Dauhenty who died 22 H. 7. In other Places

of his Book he preents us with Rituals, where the Collar of the Order is




mentioned in I 9 H. 7. p. 562., and o the Knights wearing Collars in

the zozh Hen, 7. p. 5 58, whereto may be added, beides what hath been

laid o the Lord Willoughhy, who died in the Beginning o the 1 8th Year
of that King, in the note g to the Black-Book, p. z4z, that in the 1 9ch
Year among the Enigns of this Order ent by Sir Gilhert TaIhot to the

Duke of Urhin, ee p. 2. 14, was the Image of St. George, ee Editor. App.
numb. 1.

P. 1 zz, r 2. z. As to the Tradition that this mo noble Order owed its

Original to the fair Sex, it might beinexcuable here to omit what ome

Authors have oberved without any Diminution to their Gravity.
The Editor of Aa Saniiforum hath thee Words " nec tamen penitus re
" jicienda puto, quae alii de Pericelidewe Regina toe Comitie Salisburienis
" tradiderunt. And enim prohihet Garteriumeu perzcelidem, ocraorze quam
'5 i/Ii produnt, in denominationem (fy teeram tranjziie Ordinis;
't Ordinem ex rotunda Menz, aua/i ex uo uodam Seminario exemplari, prie
" cipue nation? Maximus certe illa culo uit rotunda rve Orhicularis Men

' "

e ujus, ad Militum excitandaudia. Nam ad illam conweniehat auicquid

et in Martia puhe generocm, et ouicquid in fwminir praclara for-ma: Hlnc
Chaucerus, dum ui Milttis excellentias auadam pradicat, de illa hac ca
nit Latine redditus
" Sape alios pregnant certamine rvicerat, atque

" Szepe etiam primo contoitoa reederat Orhe.

_ Thee Latin Veres probably do not expres the Meaning o that Poet,
whoe_W0rds are
Full oftentime he had the Bourd began
Aho-'oe all Nation-r, &c.

Which probably may not igniy (as the late Gloary hath alo inter
preted them) the itting at the Head of the Table, but that this Knight

had frequently begun the military Exercies, according to the Sene o this
Term in our Records, which contain Prohibitions in divers Reigns " ne
" auis torneare, bordeare, juas facere, a-'Uenturas guarere, iu aIia faiia

" Armorum exercere preumat," and which in other Records are named
Borderia, Burdeicia 8: Burdecia, derived from the French Word Behourder,
Bohorder, or Border.

To the Obervation of this learned Jeuit touchino the Attendance of

Ladies at Tilts and Turnaments, (which this Editor had remarked in p. 9 2.)
it would be very eay to add the Formularies, in which the Challengers

gave out their Cartells with Regard to Ladies, and promied that they
would not uit the Derviles or Empriies they then wore, till they had ho
nourably dicharged uch military Vows, and at the appointed Time ap

peared within the Lis in the Liveries of thee Ladies celebrated or their
Beauty and Vertue.
Again Mr. Camden in Britan. treating on this Subject iith, " nec 'Wills
" ane hac wideatur orzlgo, cum ut ait ille, Nohilitaruh amore jacet." Mr.

Ahm, p. r 80, 1 8 r hath taken Notice o the like Original attributed to




V -*"'l'1-""'(TT_'I_"_ __ "' "* -'-- "Mf'"'

The PR E~FctACE. i


the Orders of the Annunciade and Toion.a"0r; he might have added that in

the Enigns of the Order o the Holy Gho/Z erected o late as r 578, ome
myerious Love-Intriegues were concealed under Cyphers, o Which le La- '

boureur contin. de: Memoirr ale Caelnau p. 8 9 5 hath the Following ObEr
vation. " Il y out plus ale myeres clamourettes, que de Religion', le 'verd
" naimt le jaune dare', le hlanc et le hleu ejloient le: coulezir: de i mairee,
a le: double: M. de/ignerenthn Nom, et le: deux lettrer Grecaues, anon appelle
a Delta enlaceefr enemhle, qui dam la rencontre du centre forme-nt un Phy Grec
U pour ig-aier Fidelta devote-nt -rrvzr ahaurance de cette delztrej-aual In]

" a-'voit juree et qazl ne continue pas long temps; Les H quzont ad/outeer au

chire des doubles M. marquoient le Nom du Ro), et le: Fleurs de ly: dam
ler at/imo: reprehntoient le u clamour. Depuir ce temps la ignorance
des Peintres a convert ces premiers emhlemes ale pieces militaires, qui om' plas
eantes a la Religion, a la rvaleur, et a la Wertu de nor Roys.

But the Words of Mr. Selden in his 4to Edition o the Titles o Ho
nour r 614., p. 373, treating upon military Orders may cloe thee Re


" And how could the Templars bee accounted mong Knights

" (uch as t this Place) being not allowed by their Statuts o much as

" at all to kiie any Woman? Honorarie Knighthood and the Favours
" of Ladies even by antient Initution, run together ometimes as Ver
tue 1 and
i P.
34, Reward.
135. Wm. do Wiroelre alias Botaner (as he iled himelf) who

a: \.*.- "if

ziag. -- St '

wrote thethere
o Sir John
the Credit
4 '*T."wi , / ,
to have
his uppoed
Ocer ofupon
and it of
ar-VM/i/i,\ U"

i ' -ct

, / o, a. (w
, 10- 7- m_. 'ifO '-
ther intimated, as though the Term aliar Botaner eemed to denote thcz,
of denominating
an Herald,
and it was
that the But
latterat "i" si1 7 Am
w; 'V_ A' '/
Word might
probably allude
to the Bearing
in conjectured
Sir Johns Arms.
by i ,._' "i/"
this Wircere
in hisagain
M. in C.
C. C.from

in it appears that his own Father married Elizaheth the Daughter of one

In that Book p. 274 is a Memorandum, that the Hall in Care

was 59 Foot long and 28 Foot broad, and likewii: a drolling Ballad, En
tituled, Comedia ad Monaerium Hulmi Ord. S. Benedict. Dioc. Norwic. di
rea ad reformationem quentem, cujus data ell prime die Sept. sh anna

Chrzli 1 477, e? a. morte Johannis Faol militis eorum henefafior. pTeUCiP.

1 7, in cujus Monaerii Ecclea tumulatur. In the Cuody of Richard Fo

lty Eqz Prothonotary of the Common-Poas, is a very long chronological
Incription in Vere upon Milicent the Lady of this Sir John, which at the
End hath this Memorial. " Ad memoriam elf reducendum, quod iud Epi
" taphium Cronographicum fecit eriWillimus Worcere aliar Botener anon
" dam
de oppido
&e.39 H. 6, n. 48. Jiohannes Faolf
P. 140.
note Briollix
m. add Ech.
38 ac
ohiit quinto Novemb. anno xxxix Hen. 6. Et Alexander Faol de Gapton
in Com. Suolc. ejl conanguineus dy hare: ejus, (o- ietatis miginti unites anno

mm, 6' ampliur. ---- Stephanus le Scrop, ram ell lius (so hare: Milicen
tiae uxoris Johannis Faol militir propinquior de corpore
per Will. le
Scrop auomlam qzirum uum legitime procreatus, (z- ell 50 annorum 67- am


This eems to dier rom Wircejiris

Narrarion of'i his Death St.






St. Leonards Day, which Falls on the 6 of No-v. but may be reconciled if
this Writer entred it according to the eccleiaical Compurarion, wherein
Eves are eeemed Part of the Feivals.
P. _z47. Du Free/ne referred to Epile 80 of Anon;" Syl-z-izir, wherein
the Words are " Hominem digninzum Promo-vehir, qui Diviix regia non mi
" nur honori: pra/lahit, guam
hi Diviia deem prceheat. Seir enim tale:
" re: illis committi dehere, qui tueri earnm honoriieentiam pont.
P. 277. Touching the annexing Coat-Arm: to Landr, there 'wax the follow
ing Interrogatory exhihited in the Ca- between Grey and Haings depending in

the Court Military. Irem s'il depole, qe les armes d'or ou une manche
-de Gueles ount les Hajnge: Armes, ont appartenantz accedantz 85 con
nexes as heires de Haings come partie nient departible dicelles en manerc

come e dcducte par la partie du dit Monieur Reginald, il demande par quoy
il ciet, 8: oit demande pour quoy plus celles armes qtautres armes Go.

coment home vient as armes & as terres 8: coment ces deux erront enljr
annexes Be comment il e de les armes quaunt home oreite ou aliene es
-terres, 8: comment il lera de les armes quaunt home entaill es terres a

les heirs females ou eneoe en es terres reres ou femmes ou s'il en

taille es terres a luy 8: a it femme, 8: a lets heirs de lour deux corps en

gendres 8: ount iue Female, Et femme devy, il rent autre femme ab iue
de la male, qife on heir general, a qui eront es armes du Baron. Go.

1 64. Zhe Editor 'war indeed pleaed 'with his Dicovery of the Family and
, Peron of the Soldan de la Trave, and having ince met rwith ime other No
tieer of this Tztle after it decended to the Family of Monterrant In] the Mar
riage of the Heire of Preiac, thought it not improper to annex them. Du

Fren. Glo voce Syndicus. " Dignitatis nomen apud Burdegalenje: Aqui
" tanos, apud quos occurrunt nobiles quidam Soudics appellatione do
" nati, cum adjectione Cari nominis : quos Arnoldn: Ferronu: in Con

, i' uet. Burdeg. l. 2.. p. 22. 5 author e in Veterib. Tabulis Syndicos appel
" lari. I-Ios Jus municipale Bnrdegalenim Ordini Comitum, Vicecomi
" tum, 8: Baronum accenet. Hujuce vero nomenclaturx bini tantum

" occurrunt proceres, Soldicus lcilicet de PErade, 8: Soldicus de la Trau,

"' qui hanc orre iis in Caris rimitus Syndicorum, eu Defenorum
" dignitatem obtinuere : quam rbi poeriilue heereditariam aeruerunr,

" ut Comites in urbibus, ac Duces in provinciis, quibus praeeranr. De

" fenorum enim 8: Syndicorum civitatis amplam uie autoritarem ac

" juridictionem docet plurimis Guido Pancirolus lib. cle Magiratib.

. " municipalib. cap. 9. vide 'Raimundum Monranerium in Chron. Reg.

f' Aragon. cap. 1 8 5.

" Soldicorum de l'Erade frequens occurrit mentio apud Scriprores,

" Froiartem 1 vol. c. 161. 2. vol. c. 81, 90. 4vOl-C- 13- Cf/"C- Or
" ronvilleum in 'Hi. Ludorz/ici Ducis Borhon. c. 72.. Monrelletum z

" 'vol. pag. z 5. Tillium, do. His vetus armorum Liber pro inignibus
f' adignat Leonetn miniatum in area aurea.

" Soldici devla Trau, de Trabe dicuntur in Bulla Bonifaciiix PP. apud
" Waddingum an. 1391. n. 8. Tabularia Camera: Compuror. Pari ful)
'c an. 14 5 z. recenent Petrum de Monreferrando Soudic_de la Trau, in
" computo Auxiliorum pro liberatione Jioannir Regis Francie an. 1366.

" vocatur le-Soudich de Laitrauf: '



-- <


. - ._---__W_______7


' nh

Ferronu: in Conit. Burdegal. p. 225. de Succeone Comitum, Ca.

pimlium, " Vicecomitum, primorum Nobilium, aliorumque Iroce
" rum, &e. Capitales voco, quos vulgus Captaudos. Sic Boii, ii Bu
" zios vocant, quorum regio in nibus e Medullorum, principem uum

" Comitem Candalium appellant.

Horum meminit D. Auoniu: civis

" noer, cujus Poemata uavima non immerit0 docti quiq; ucipiunt.
" Leparri alio etiam nomine principem uum vocant, quod acribere

" hoc loco poumus: Sodicum qui 8; Syndicus in veteribus Tabulis

" dicitur, quod verbum hiis qui Grace norunt latius patet quam pam
" dicant: In Aquitanorum Monumentis legimus auno MCCCCLII Le
' parri principem po Burdigalem a Francis receptam, Britanniam pro
'4 fectum pnrter dem Franco ' rxitanl, auctorem uie Britanno, ut
" claie in Aquitanian] cum va ido exercitu trajiceret: ed deleto apud
a Caillonem Britannorum exercitu, exilio, bonique mulctqtum, dier

a tequc id adjectum a Carolo Francorum Rege, recepta iteruln Burdigala,

" jus ibi fore exilii Leiarri indicendi.

Is poea prougus, cum iterum

a apud Pictones res novas moliri diceretur, captus, atque in carcerem

*' conjectus cervice pcmas Iuit: Bona co addicta, frendentibtls, -e

" mentibuque legitimis haeredibus, minui Aquitanix jura adverus re

f' ceptos motes, quibus conicatio excluditur.

In that Book is the Procel" 'verbal dated in 1 5 zo, for the compiling of thee
Cuioms, and one of the Repreentati-'oer for the Eate of the Nobilizy was
Thomas de Montferrant Syndic de la Trau. p. 1 6.
P. 2. 96. To the Qiotations that Houce: de: Arme: may ignify the Ta

bard or surcoat of Arms, add Statut. Colleg. Nanarrei Parif apud Launo
iurn in

diiii Collegii.

Omner habeant habitus, cvidelicet tabaldo: u

houlas longar de brunetta nigra. And the Ordonances about Turnaments

ditect- Et doi-vent le: herauts crier, one l'on boute hor: le: banierer, blahne, -

on Houes decu, ou en-igne: darmer.

Colomb. Theatre d'honneur voi 1.

48.392.. " The Grant made to Sir I/Iilliam Dethich in conideration of

P . P.

" the itrendering of his Patent of Garter dicharges him from the Pay

" ment of all iture Taxes, and other Burthcns in Time Of iWS-F and
" Peace, and from Toils in Mercats, in the ame Manner as he was fore

f' merly exempted by Vert_ue o that Oce.

There being not Room enough left in the Margin of that Page, a Liberty
may be here taken without making any Excue: to ate that Immunity, and to
aiert the I/ezlidityr of it according to our municzal Laws, which i: now become
more neceary to be done in Regard the Doctrine of Exemption from Parliamen

tary Taxes hath not in later Age; fallen under the Examination of the Courts, a:
it had frequently' before the Reformation, when everal eccleietlich Corporationr
had uch Grants by the royal Munizicencez the Law bowe-ver in this Cae i:

neither obolete nor antiauated z for though 'laxer cannot be impoed without Act:
of Parliament which depend on the Concurrence and Bounty of the Subjeriir, yet'
the King hath e far an Inheritanee in them, that he may by ecial Word:
grant an Exemption from all occaional temporal Subidier and Supplies.


i: no Occaion of auoting the Law-Book: and Records, becaue Sir Matthexln'

Ha e




Hale who was an Ornament to his Profeon, after he had Pre/ided with Ho
nour in the Exchequer, (where Matters of this Nature are cognizahlq) hath i

given this Opinion in his Analyis of the Law p. 26. which was not tran
entlj' given h] him, for while he was chief Baron, this ver] Exemption to

the Heralds was ilemnlj allowed in Pnrearzccte of this Charter, which is here
exhihited entire from the Original, hecauje the Copy printed h] Mr. Rymer
VOl. xv. p. 1 87, hath everal Blanhs in it.
D WA R D E the Sixth by the Grace of God King of England, France,

and Ireland, Deendor of the Faith, and of the Church of England,

and ali) o Ireland, in Earth the Supreame Head, To all them to whome

thee Preents hall come Greeting.

Where out faithful Subjects our Lords

and Commons of our Realme of England being togeather aembled, in our

Parliament lately holden at We/lmiiger this preent Third Year of our

Raigne, did grant to us a certaine Releie to endure by the Space OF three
Yeares then next to come, that every Lay-Peron, being as well our natu
rall Subject, as ali) every stranger, having Goodes and Catalles to the
Value of ten Poundes and above, hold paye to us every Yeare, during
the laid three Yeares, our naturall Subjects or every Pound of the Value
of his Goods and Catalles Twelve-pence, and every Stranger two Shillings,
as in the Statute or Act of the (ame Parliament, among undry other
Thinges therein declared evidently and plainely doth appeare: And albeit
the aid Statute or Act doth oblige our welbeloved Servants Chriofer Bar
her alias Garter Knight King of Armes, Thomas Hawlej' alias Clarentieux - '
King o Armes, Gilhert Dethic/e alias Norroy King o Armes, Leonard Vizr
coape alias Carlill-Herauld o Armes, Charles Wiothele] alias Windeir He

rauld o Armes, Bartelmewe Butler alias Torlee-Herald o Armes, [William

Harvy alias Somerizt-Heraultl of Armes, William Flower alias Cheer-He

rauld o Armes, Lawrance Dawlton alias Richmond-Herauld o Armes,

Rohert Fair) alias Perconlous-Purivant, Martin Maro alias Rngedragon

Purivant, Edmond Athinhn alias Blewmantell-Purivant, Simon Wjva/I/e

alias Rngecrcz-Purivant, V/zlliam Lomhard alias Kyshanhe-Purivant, Ni

cholas Faiellowe alias Calies-Purivam, Henry Fellowe alias Gujgzes-Purivant,
Henry Rey alias Barwihe-Purivant, to the Paiment of uch Somes of Mo

o ever
of the and
of their
and them,
in the Pound
aid Eatute,
and taxed

of them, no lee eectually without any Exception, then the ame bind
eth the 're o our Subjects: Yet nevertheleie oramuch as ondry Re
cordes and Teimonyes o great and honorable Antiquitie, and of no leie

Creditt, have now lately reduced to our perfect Knowledge, the Kinges
of Armes,_ Herauldes, and Purivantes of Armes elected, as Parlons ver
tuous, and for their good Qlalities, Knowledge, and Experience meete
to erve in the Aaires o the Common-wealc, have bin allwayes hereto
ore by Emperours, Kinges, and Princes o Chrien Realmes, uppon
mo worthy and ju Conideracbns, not onely maintayned and upported

honely, as well with yearely Stipendes, and Pencions, as dayly Protts,

Advantages, and Commodities, ucient to the Necery o the decent
and convenient Living of them, and theirs in hone State, without any

The-r R EF



* Empeachment: Which daily Protts, Advanta es, and Commodeties are

now lately much decaied to their Hinderance, pecially in this' our Realme,

as is before alleadged, but ali) have bin by the ame ondry Emperours,
Kings, and Princes enriched, and adorned, Time out of Man's Memory,
with divers and ondry Kindes of Priveledges, Liberties, and Fraunchies,

which are among others, That they and every of them be free, exempt,
quiet, and dichardged, not onely from all Subidies, Dimes, Fyfcenes,
Releies, Contribucions, Taxes, Gifts, Grantes, Benevolences, and gene

rally from all other manner of Chardge, as well in Time of War as Peace,
in all uch Realmes and Dominions, as wherin they made their Dem0ure:
but alo in all Marketts, and other Places from Tolles, Fines, Cuomes, _
Impoicions, and Demaundes, and as well rom Watch and Ward in all
Citties, Townes, Caelles, Borowes, and Villages, and from the Election

or Appointment to any Oce of Major, Sherie, Bayli Coneable,

Scavenger, Church-warden, or any other publike Oce, or rome in
Citties, Townes, Caells, Borowes, and Villages of what Degree, Na
ture, or Condicion oever the ame be; And forainuch alo, as We under
and all Kinges of Armes, Herauldes, and Purivants of Armes, have

allwayes heretofore from the Be inning of the Oce of Armes enjoyed,

and preently doe enjoy all and ingular the Privileges, Libertics, and Fran
chies aforeid, with many others, in all Chriian Regions without any
Diurbance, Lett, or Impechment to the contrary: Wee therefore, con

the itme,
and earnely
well the
the aicfi' Oce
of Armes,
as the minding,
quiet, andashone
of our
Servantes, and Miniers thereof, do of our peciall Grace, certaine Know

ledge, and meete Motion, by the Advie and Conent of our mo dearely

beloved Uncle Edward Duke of Someret Governor of our Peron, and Pro
tcctor of all our Realmes, Dominions, and Subjects, and of the re of

our Councell, by theie Prelents, not onely ratie, and generally approve,
give, grant, and conrme to the aid Kings of Armes, Herauldes, and

Purivants of Armes, and to every of them, and their Succeors in their

Romes, and Oces for ever for us and our Succeors, all and inguler
the Priveledges, Liberties, and Franchies before recited, and all uch other
Priviledges, although here not recyted, as have bin of honorable Anti

quitie, uppon ju Conideracions to them granted by Emperors, Kinges,

and Princes of right famous Memory heretofore, but alo do pecially by

theie Prelents pardon, remitt, releale, and utterly for us, our Heires, and
Succelors exonerate the aid Criapber, Thomas, Gillzert, Leonarde, Charles,
Bartellmerzve, I/I/zlliam, William, La-wrence, Robert, Martin, Edmona', Symon,
Mlliam, Niclaolar, Henry and Henry and all and inguler other our Puri

vantes of Armes, as well ordinary, as extraordinary, although they be

not heere expresly named, and although they be alredy or hereafter halbe
certifyed into our Exebequer without their proper Names with the Addi
cions of their Oces, and every of them, of all and inguler uch Debtes,

Sommes of Money, and Demandeswhatloever they be, that are granted to

us for the Releife aforeaid, as uppon the laid Cbriopber, Thomas', Gilbert,
Leonard, Thomas, Bartelmm, William, V/'illiam, Laurenee, Robert, Martin,

Edmond, sjymorz, William, Niebolar, Henry and Henry, and all and inguler




our Purivantes of Armes whatoever they be, or any of them, are by

any Ceaour, or Taxer ttieed, or taxed to our Ue and certied, or not

certied into out Excbequer, by any our Commiioner, orcommio

ners, or our Agnes in any County, or County's of this our Realme

of England, or Wales, and charged upon them, or any of them in out

aid Excbequer, although the aid Kinges of Armes, Herauldes, and Puri

vantes of Armes, and every of them in the ame certicate be] certiied,
or not certiied by their proper Names, and Surnames, with the Addi

cions of their Oces and Mynieryes, And wee by the Advie and Con
ent aforeaid, doe freely give and grant by theile Preents to the aid Kings
of Armes, Herauldes, and Purivants of Armes, and to every of them,
the aid Debts and Somes of Money, that are aeed, taxed, and put up

pon them, and every of them, Without Accompt, Anwere, or any other
Thing to be yealded, paied, or done to us for the ame : Furthermore wee

of our more habundant Grace, by the ame Advie and Coner. t, do by

theie Preents grant, that as well the aid Chriopber, Thomas, Gilbert, Leo
nard, Thomas, Bartelmew, mlliant, William, Laurence, Robert, Martin,

Ednzond, Sjmon, William, Nicholas, Henry and Hent), that now are Kinges,
and Herauldes of Armes, and divere other Purivants of Armes that now

are at this preent, althou h they be not named expreily in theie Prekntes,
and every of them, as ao all and inguler other Kinges of Armes, He
rauldes, and Purivantes of Armes, that hereafter halbe, as well in our

Time, as in the Times of our Heires, and Succeors Kinges of England,

lhalbe quytt, dicharged, and exonerated for ever again us, our Heires,
and Succeors, and their Executors, Adminirators, and every of them,

as Well of and for all and ingular Sommes of Money to us granted, and
aieed, taxed, and put uppon the aid Kinges, Herauldes, and Puri
vantes of Armes for the Releife aforeaid, and alredy certied, and re
torned, or to be certified and retorned into out Exclyequer, or not to be
certied and not retorned, as alo of all other Debtes, Sommes, and De
mandes of Money whatoever they be, that hereafter halbe given, grant

ed, put, taxed, and azled upon the aid Kin es, Herauldes, and Purfi
vants of Armes, that now are, or that heerea ter halbe, or any of them
for any Releife, Subidie, Dieime, Fyftene, Qiote, Benevolence, Guifte,
Contribucion, or any other Grants hereafter to be made to us, out Heires,
or Succeors Kings of England, by Auctorytie of Parliament, or other


And Furthermore by theile Preents, wee by the Advice and Con

ents aforeiid, doe grant, that albeit the aid Kinges, Herauldes, Puri
vanrs of Armes that now are, or the Kinges of Armes, Herauldes, and

Purivantes of Armes, that hereafter halbe, are not yet certied into our
Excheqner by any Commiioner or Commioners of this our Realme of

England, that now are, or that hereafter halbe, uppon the Releife afore
aid granted to us as aforeaid, or that hereafter hall not be certied into
our Excbequer by their proper Names and Surnames, with the Addicions
of their Oces, and every of them uppon any other Releifes, Subidies,
Dieimes, Fifreenths, Qmtes, Benevolences and Conttibucions to be here

after given, and granted to us, out Heires, and Succeors Kinges of En
glana', hereafter by Auctorite of Parliament or otherwie. Yeti neverthe



lele by the Advie and Conlents aforeaid, we woll by theie Preents and
rmcly command, as well the Treaorour, and Barons o our Ercbequer,
that now are, or that herater halbe, as alo all and inguler our- Comi

miioners, Aeours, Taxers, Collectours, and other our Ocers and

Miniers and Subjects, and thoe o our Heires, and Succeors Kinges of

England, that ye and every o you uppon the onely Demonracion of

theie our Lerters Patentes, or out Writte or Writtes thereuppon made,
proccuted, and directed out of our Chauncery, under our reat Scale to

the lame Barons, Commioners, Aieours, Taxers, Co lectours, or

other our Ocers, Miniers, and Subjects, or to thoe o our Heires,

and Succeors Kinges o England, or any o them do uppon the Oathes

o the laid Kinges, Herauldes, Purivantes, Ocers o Armes, or any o
them made, given, and taken before our laid Barons, Commiioners,
Aeours, Taxers, Collectours, or any other our Ocers, Miniers, and

Subjects, to Whom or any of them in this Cae it doth appertaine, exo

nerate, dichardge, and caue to be exonerated, and dichard ed the aid
Kinges, I-Ieraulds, and Purivantes of Armes, and every of them a aini:

us, our Heires, and Succeors, and every of them, as well of

inguler uch Sommes of Money, or Demandes as are uppon them, or any
o them aeed, taxed, and rated for the Releie to us granted aoreaid,
as alo for all and inguler other Subidies, Dieimes, Fytenths, Pores,
Benevolences, Contribucions, Guites, and Grantes hereafter to be made
'to us, our Heires, or Succeors, Kinges of England, and thus without
any other Writte, Precept, or Commandement of us, our Heires, or
Succeors, or without any Conleon of our general Attorney, or of

the Attorney o our Heires, and Succeors hereafter to be had, made,

proecuted, any Statute, Act, ordinance, Proviion, Reraint, Procla

mation, Ule, or any other Matter, Thin

or Caue to the contrary

thereof heretoore made, and ordayned, or lereaer to be made, and or

by tlfadvie
and Conent
woll andnotwithandino.
by theie Prelerhts, And
do grant
and command
that ouraoreiid,
aid KingsWee
Armes, Herauldes, and Purivants of Armes have theie Letters Patentes

of England
and freely,
great Fee,
be paid,
or yealded
to us,
or to
our Ue in our Chauncery ot the ame.

That expre: Meneion be not

made in theie Preents o any other Grantes made by us, or any our

Progenitors to the aid Kinges o Armes, Herauldes, and Purivantes

of Armes, or o the very Certainty, or true Value of the Premiies, or

any Statute, Act, ordinance, Proviion, Reraint, or Proclamacion here

toore had to the contrary notwithanding : In Witnei whereof we have

caued theis our Lettets to be made Parents. Witncr ourat Weminet

the at-th Day of June in the third Tcare of our Raygne.

E. Southwell,


Regem, (fy de dam proedia aufaritate Parliamenti.


In dotlo.

Jrr. in memorand. Scii. de anno 4to Regia nunc Eden. Sexti, rzlnzz. intef
Recorda de Ter. ci. Hi/larii rot. ix. ex p'te Remem. Rcgis.





A:_4 .4-



The P R E F A c~ E.
Jrr. in memorand. Scii' de anno iii. Dom. Regis iniacript. ruin. inter

Recorda. de Ter'o. Sci. Mich's. Rot. tertio. ex parte Remem. Theaur.

The King granted this Charter by the Adrvice and Conent of his council,
upon a Kepreentation of the Knights of the Garter for the " Stablyhements
" (as it is worded) of the old Priwiledges of the Oice of Armes," ee Notes to
the Black-Book p. 44; . h. It is not introdurve of a new Right, but de

claratory of a precriptirzie Immunity incident to thoe Qicers in all ci-vilized

Realms, and which was originally intended by Wzzy of supplement to their Sa
laries " in Order to their decent and con-venient irving in bone/i tState without
f' Intpeachment."

As the Crown hereby exerted a rvoluntary Juridiion by Virtue of a legal

Prerogative, b this Charter it
in the Eye of the Law, incorporated the
Heralds in Repect to the itbje Matter of it, according to the Rejblution of

the Judges zr E. 4.

56, that the Grant of Dicharge of Tbll hominibus

de T. incorporated the Inhabitants in that Inance.

Let us now examine the

Contents of this Charter in the Order of the Allegations, and the Extent of the

Immunity herein granted, and the Allowances theregf in the Courts of Julice.
The Arz/erment that Oicers of Arms in foretgn Realms encpved an Exemptiott

from Taxes is conrmed by everal Authorities. As to France ie Du Freh.

Gloi: voce heraldus, Matthieu des Eats de France p. 60.- The Charter of
John Duke of Bourbon 14 May 1487. in z Cerem. p. xz 2. in O: Arm.
' i Belleore l. 4. e. 41, &e. Thus the Emperor Charles V in a Chapter of the

Golden-Fleece on 2. 9 Dec. 1 5 45 decreed, that the ocers of Arms " oient

" quits 8: francs de routes tailles, 8: guets, 8: de toutes autres choes."

Juripr. Heroica vol. 2.. p. 69.

The Laws of Bearn. are expres, Toutz

Reys d'armas, Heraultz 6 Trompetas (on -ancs de Naulages at Pontages.

les Fors 8: Coumas de Bearn. a Paris I 5 5 2.. 4to Art. 14. &e.
This Charter implies that the lilee Prijvilege had been enjoyed by them within
this Kingdom, The 'Collebior owns that he knows not what Methods thee O

cers took antecedent to this Grant to be releiroed, in Cae they were ajeid to
contribute to any Tax, though he nds that as long ince as the 9th or 1 oth Tear

of Rich II. Cotard de Cheyne Aquitaine King of Arms, obtained a Charter

to aicharge him during his Life -om all Tallages granted, or to be granted to
that King or to his Heirs.

De par le Roy

Trechers 8: bienamez. Come de nore grace epetiale avons grantez,

en taunt come en nous e, a nore biename Cotard du Cheyne Roy d'armes
dkeauitaine, (il pur ter-me de a vie ne (bit mys a nul tallage graunte,

ou a granter a nous, ou a noz heirs, Vou-s mandons, quc ur ce vous a

cez avoir au dit Cotard noz lettres patentes (ouz nore grand Seal en due
forme. Donn. ouz nore ignet a nore manoir de Ehamed le xxvii jour

d__e_ Feverer.

Priv. Sigill. in Turre.





The -P R E Fit C E.
And that the Heralds by a Petition in the Reign of Hen. VIII alledge a:

follows, " The aid Ocers o Armes to be at all Times priviledged for

" paying any manner of SublEdies, Pres, Fifteenths, or any other man
" ner of Charges whatoever they bee, But the aid Ocers o Arms td

be at all Times, and forever Free in all Plaees wherelbever it be, beit by
Lande or by Sea being in the King's Dominion, as all other Ocers of
Armes be under all other Princes in their Dominions, without paying'
Paages, Tolles, or Cuoms for themelves, their Hores, their Seri

" vants, or any Manner of Goods to any of them belonging, o that it

" be or themelves, or any Thing for their Houehold, Proviion, or

" Stue; Provided always that none Ocer of Armes hall not For him
" izl, nor no Friend at no Time, nor never occupie no Coure of Mer

" chandize, whereby he hould colour any uch Cuoms belonging unto
" the King, 'but in that Cae to paye all uch Duties as is due ro the
" King."
of Claren. Lee, ie p. zzr &e. given to the Heralds Li
hrary by John Hare Ea; late Richmond.
The Exemption mentioned in this Charter is of a large Extent, comprehend
ing the Times of War and Peace, which is adeauate to the Duties of thee
Writers mentioned in the Introduons of the Patents to Kings of Arms " nt
" nec tempus bellorum neq; pacis ine convenientibus 8: aptis Miniris
" debeat prxteriri," a Statute made 5 Hen. 8. c. 6. peeies everal Ex
emptions belonging to them immemorially in Regard to Oices and Buines, wherein
any Armour or I/Veapon was to he ued, as a proper Inducement to extend the
Iihe Favour to other ocers under parallel Circumances.

The Nohility, who hy the Largenelr of their E/lates, are thereby generally hel
enahled to contribute towards upporting the Puhlicle, are however in hine fo
reign Countries exonerated, hecauh they are obliged by their Baronies to defend
the State with their Lives and Fortunes upon all emergent occaions. Klock.

de contrib. c. 14, n. 1 2.', Thus hy our common Law thoh who owed Duties
in War
to their their
by Che-valry
in the Army,
were exeued
and even
alo, who
held by Serjantries to he executed in Times of Peace, (as to nd a Cool- at the
Coronation, or to he then the champion &c.) were exempted from Scutage, un

lel' they held by military Thnure.

The Nature of the Employments of Heralds

eem to entitle them to the Equity on which thei Exemptions from Scutage are

grounded, fbr as they were hound to attend perinally in the Army during the
Times of I/I/Zzr, o they were under the lihe obligations of waiting on the So

vereign in Times of Peace, not only at Coronations, but at all other Felivals

and plendid Solemnities, and rtuere in Truth, and ill continue Dame/lick Ser
vants in the Royal Houehold.
The Intention of this Charter and the Praflice thereon, hath heen to exempt
thei ocers, not only from Contrihutionsfor Lands, cuiheremr they were eized
in their corporate Capacity, and for the Salaries and Fees paid to them I/irtue

of their Qtees, but for all their other E/lates real and peronal whereverituated,
and was not confined lihe ime other Exemptions, mentioned in the Tear-Boohs




to Taxes of that Nature and Denomination onl , which were ubting at the

Times of the Dares of thee Exemptions, for the preent Charter not only ex- onerates the Heralds from the eroeral particular Tallages herein pecied, but

" from any other grant hereafter to be made to that King, his Heirs,
" or Succeors Kings of England by Authority of Parliament, or other
" wid', Iwhich is the Scope through the whole Yenour of thee Letters Patents.

Then as a particular Faqaour 'tis herein farther directed, that the bare Pro
duiilion of thee Letters Patents to the Treaorer, Barons, Commtzoners, or
Aeors hould be ucient Authority for their Dieharge, howerver it happens,

that thee Oicers ometimes recurred to the other Method herein al; precribed,
by proecuting V/rits direeied out of Chancery under the Great Seal for the Al
lowance hereof, whereby we are happily furnihed with Records of the Judge
'nent of the Chanccry and Exchequer Courts, which _heing too long to be
inerted here at large, may be conulted in the Rolls of the Exchequer, bear

ing Date 60ct. iz Eliz. 14 July rz Eliz. Term. Trin. 1 lac. 1. 27 Apr.
5 Jac. r. Term. Mich. 15 Cat. 2.. rot. 53. Pach. 16 Cat. 2.. rot. 15.
In all thee Writs this Exemption Charter is recited, and the 'Treaorer, Ba
rons of the Exchequcr, all Commioners, Ars, and Colleors, and aH
the Kingdom,
of theand
by not
Names and Titles, to any Contribution to the Payment of the Tax granted by

Parliament, either for their temporal Goods or Moroeahles, their Lands, Tene
znents, or Poleons within this Realm, but' that they remain quit and exone
rated, and in Cae any Dilres had been made, the ame hould he releaed, and
that they hould not be moleed for any Sum towards the Aid, though a er
tzcate had or hould be made into the Exchequer. There may be probably e
'veral other uch Entries, though for arving this Expence, it was a frequent
Cuom for the King's Remembrancer to certiJ' this Exemption to the Colleilors
of the Taxes of the Places, wherein any of thee ocers had real or permal
Eates, whereof the Colleor hath erveral dinfl Certticates in his Cuodyr.
Thus thee officers were dicharged from the Payment of Impo/itions laid
by Parliament, till after the commencement of the Reign of King William,
when there was an expre Claue inerted in the Land-Tars, that no priviledged
Place or Peron, body politich or corporate hould be exempted from that A
ment, which indeed was taleing away this Exemption
a Statute in this par
ticular Impo/ition only: This 'very Claue eems rongly to imply, that in

Cae the ame had been omitted out of this A, this Exemption would hathe
been evalid, notwithanding the mo general I/Vords contained in that Law.

And it may be hoped that this Freedom from Impos continues in as legal Force,
as it e-ver did, in all other Inances, wherein the ame is not expreily tahen
away by epecial Words in the Statutes which grant any Aids. Ed. VI.

talees Notice of the Reaonablener of this Exemption in his Time, upon occaion of
the Decay of the Prqts and Advantages antiently belonging to thc- officers,
which is much ronger in the preent Age, when their Incomes are reduced to

that Degree, as carce to aord the Heralds a hare neceity Suhzancel




-- --






As thee- ocers in their Petitiott to Hen. 8. pecify their Exemption from

Paymertt-o Cuoms, y we nd that as low as 1 6 March 1 6 24, the then

Lord Treaorer hy Warrant to the Cuom-Hou, ordered two Tunus of tum: _

to he delivered to this Corporation without Impzyl, and the Entries in the Par
tition Boohs a/iere us, that afterwards the Cro-tun allowed them yearly a Sun:
of Money in Lieu thereof:_ And from the Dtfirence o the Sums "are may
learn the Qgantity of Wine annually then allowed to Garter for his eparate

Ue. Our irmer Princes extended their Municence farther in giving the
Wine it elf out o the Right of Priage : Thus Adam Derby Vaillant-Herald
obtained in 1 Hen. IV, two Tunns of VVine yearly during his Life; " Henri
" par la Grace de Dieu Roy d'Engleterre, 8: de France, 8: Seigneut
d'Irlande. A nore trecher Clerc Jctohan de Searle nore Chaunceller
" Saluz. Comme de nore grace epeciale eons grantez a nore ervant
" Adam Derby autrement dit Vaillant nore heraut, un tonel ou deux pipes

" de Vin ziprendre annuelment pur terme de t vie par les mains de nore

" Chief Butiller put le temps eeant do." Priv. Sig. in Turre. Rich. 3.
granted " Collegio Armorum quatuor dolia vini." B. z. penes me p. zz h.
The were Particular temporary Conceons of el/me it elf, hut the Charter
of Ed. VI conerrs a Freedom from all Impo/ls in Perpetuity, which is not a

Singularity, for there is a Provii) in the Te Aft' 2. 5 Cat. II. c. 2., that the
Dtihilities therein enaiiled, hall not extend to tahe away Bil/s of Impo,"
and it eems to he implied that there are nne Per/inns ill entitled to a Free
fctrom Culoms, hy the Statute upon the Union 5 Annx c. 8. Art. 6. which
hya Claue particularly rehrves to the Suhjes of either Kingdom, their former
private Rights of heing exempted from Duties upon Export and Import.

There are likewie in that Volume bme Errors of the Prer which are
to he correiled.
Age 4. note h. read 36 inead of 46 Ed. 3. P. 11. in the note Rich. de Bil/le omit
ted, whoe Name preceeds Brian de Stapulton. P. 3 3. inead of Bretagne read Bre
ton. P. 40. note g. read Sea al. P. 88. read x inead of xi Nov. P. 89. 20 inead of
30 June, and in note m. inc. M. n. 417. inead of Lih. Aig. P. 113. read 1380 in

ead of 1480. P. 116. pretii inead of preees. P. 118 and 128 note . read Church (I
Stanton Harcourt. P. 141. 1. 2. for lvorwich read Norfolk. P. 1 Zzperfh inead of pre
terperfect. P. 183. note a read Cxiv. P. 185. l. . read deliver inead of prepare. P. 20;
read 1 inead of 3 Ed. IV. P. 267. in the Bla oning of the Arms add a Crgtz Cgget

jitche in the nier chief, and read Antelope inead of Tjyger. P. 363. inea of
read Clarenceux Lees.



P. 370, stranger inead of Sat-anger. P. 404, Spence inead of

The Editor hath iehjoined a Dicoure touching the Oce of Garter King of
Arms, tranrihed out of a large Fund of Materials colleiled hy him hine
Time ince, touching the Antiquity, Degrees, 'Titles, and Succeons of Oicers
of Arms, their Duties in the everal Articles, throughout the large Circle of

their Proejions, and the Rights and immunities of dierent Kinds heretoore
allowed them in this and foreign Kingdoms; which he could eaily dige into
Method, under their proper Heads,
a long Series o jejune Enauiries attend

ed with Reections anwerable to uch Narratives, could he eeemed to deerve

the Pains of that Attention, hut cort/idering the preent Scituation of the A


I '

The P R E F A C E.

fairs- of this Society, who: Privileges have been betrayed by the Unwarine/Z',
ill Deigns
ome former
be of
_ Negligence,
a particular or
to it
than to bdlow his Time and Indury in claiming and ajrting them again/I Di
culties, he mu expect to meet with abroad, when at the ame Time, he can

not be aicertained of security again/I Dteouragenzents from the College it

Though thee Vilumes are drawn out to too great a Length, yet the Colleffor
atters himZ-lf they will be leji tedious to any Reader, who: Genius leads him
to the Lorne of Antiquities, ince they carry their own Credentials, by Qgota
tions trancribed at large from Manucripts, that are not acceble to all Per
ons, whereof thoe 'which hathe been cited as I/ouchers remaining in his own
Pceon, hall be communicated to any Perons, .who hall deire to inect
them, and 'tis hoped that thee Extras will not be dzeli ed, becaue? they are
inerted in their primitirve Spellings and obhlete Terms, which he dares own,
are in his private Opinion, lihe the precious Ru of Medalls, being the Marks

both of their Antiquity, and Genuinene/Jr; jb that he tppojZ-d the clothing

them in a fahionable modern Dres, would as much detraftt from their real V:
lue, as Nero's guilding the brazen Statue of Alexander made by the famous

Lyippus, tended to depretiate the original Beauty of it.





The Matter in this Author's Narrative concerning the Initution of the

G A R T E R appears o ill chottn, and the Manner of it o ill deigned,

that the Editor thought it not worth his Pains to write any Comments
thereon, more epecially becaue it may be oon enough to extract
from it every Thing that is really valuable, whenever any Hiory of

this O R D 15 R hall be written 5 however 'till that be done, he thought

an Abridgement of the Contents might in ome Meaure contribute to
the Eae' of the Reader.
H E Origin of the Order of Knighthood, according to this Author, among the Tro<
j ans, and whether it gave Rie to the olympick Games p. 2, 3, 4. He derives the Ori

ginal of honorary Orders from a Principle of Religion p. t, which he conrms by

the Practice of religious Princes . s, 6. Of Abraham, Abimeleck, Ibid, and of
he fpealts
of the
he hith.
The Connection
Succeso inPrayer
War p.in8,good
from the exemplies
and Promie
of God, and the Authority ofMoes, and the Hiory of Johua ibid. from the Succes ofa ju
War, even amon Indels p. 9, that Pra er is the Means of procuring God's Favour, as he
is the Author o Villory p. Io, the Aut or's Sentiments on this Occa ton
and pious, and
wherewith his Heart eems to he warmed by the Manner of his Exprcn which might become
the Order of an Evangelical Paor ibid. He confirms thee pious Sentiments by the Example
of Cornelius, o

of God p. 12',

Moes, of the Iraelites in the red Sea p. II. From the overruliizg Power

f Prayer for the Dead, and the Piety in that Repcct of udas Macchabeus

p. 13, [where the Scribe miook in placing twelve thouand inea of two thouand
Drachmzfs Maechab. Book econd ch. xii. v. 43.] Of founding Colleges, Halls, and Monae
ries for promoting Piety ibid. more of Prayer for the Dead p. 14, from the Danger they may
be in ibid. this Duty confirmed by' the greate Examples ibid.
Kings, Dukes, &e. Of
King Arthur, Edgar, the Henrys, and Edwards p. is. A general Cbaracter of thee Princes,

and their 'Encouragement of Virtue p. 16. A Rule of Socrates, the Origin of the dierent
Habits in the military and religious Orders, of Images, and Banners, and Monuments, of
*Arms, Helmets &e. in Windor ibid. The End of theis [Monunxents to create a generous
Emulation p. 17, but in Chriians the Edication of Souls ibid. and the Aance of the
Dead by the Living ibid. Founding Encouragemeizts for Preachers p. 18. and Prayers, the
Application to the Church at Windor, the ne and conmzodious Situation of it . 19, and
the Palace, the Cale begun, and' the round Table iuituted by King Arthur ibi . The De

fcriptioit of it p. 20. and Number of Knights ibid. more of his Table ibid. and p. 21. The
Names of the nine Worthies, the Preference to all of them given to Arthur, Founder of the
Order of Knighthood at Vindor ibid. The Author much inclined to favour the Henrys of

England, particularly Hen. 7. ibid. A Story of the Apparition of St. George to Rich. I,
and his giving thereon to ome jhlell Knights a Leather to be bucltled on their Leggs p. 22.
The 'nilitary Rewurds of the Romans p. 22, 23. The Order o St. George deigned to be
founded by Rich. I, accomplihed by Edw. 3, in the 23 offhis Reignlp. 23. His Piety
to the Living, and the Dead ibid. More of the happy Situation of Wind or p. 24- He in'

itutes the Order of St. George there ibid. Virtue, Friendhip, and Concord the End of it.
ibid. and p. 25. A Reection on Commilitones by Caear p. 26. The moral Signihaticn
Badges, Action
but theof
of Arthur
them 28.
p. 27.
not fabulous
the among
oj- the
Virgin, whoe Image he bore on his Shield ibid. compared to Sampon, Jolhua, Judas Mac
chabetls, David, and King Richard, who overcome and eat the Heart of a Lion, from

which he took his Name, to Conantine the Great from the Sign of the Cros ibid. The
Origin and Ujh of Images in Churches p. 29. Of the Orders of St. Michael and St. Andrew
the Golden-Fleece] founded with the fame Deign p. 29. Viible Tokens of Love among
diant Princes p. go. An Objection from the Image (V Animals, and inanimare Bodies ob

viated ibid. A/peritious Homage [or rather "for iip paid by the Knights to St. George,
the Confeor, and the pious Henry p. 31. The Origin o this not from Prieis, but chrizan

P/'inresrppo-d to be acted by a divine Spirit ibid. The Prie: directed, and Codeze: o/zlthz

in ttute

i ' '


irlitnted to this End by Princes ibid. Inrumental and vocal /Iitrl; appointed to the jane
Purpoe p. 32, an Oath impoed upon [knights eletz at their Admion. Heraldr ent to fo
rrign Courts toproclaim the Solemnity 'ipoit the: Enellioit of this Orderj', 32.' The ncartial
Excrcies on that Occaion, 'When the Queen was attended with goo 'beautiful Ladies itting
as Judger,
but aied
by Henry?
the Heraldr
in making a Jndgcment
of theis Action: ibid.vibidf
The Pars
td the
p. 33.- theiryiouroundations

of Henry
33, 34. the
to the
by Edwio, Miraclesup
- pod
by the
the Augmentatioizs
Tontb of HCJi-G.
of Hen. 7.
to the Orde
37. other All: of his Mnniicence ibid. A prophetick' Saying of Cardi-nal
"roley p. 26. King Hen. 8. confonns to the Example of his Predcce/ors', in doing Honour
to 'the
ibid." with a hot-t Elogyn on,him 'and the zStleres 'of biS-Rtalltpt, ibid.
The Patrons of thir Order p. 37.. he Hhly Trinity, and . econd Peron in more peculiar
Manner, and in Refercncc to ivhomithe-Crbr"their proper Badge, the Original of it from
Conantine, wbo? Mother was of, Biiiijh Ifxtrqglion. 'An Argunzcnt of the Anthorfbr
Saints, of
ompourand rhetorical
than olid.
. gin
forctu yich
zs pleaded
the Example
of KingThe
p. 38, and of-Edi- 3. -St. George tbelPatz-on; from whom the Ordcr is denoitinated ibid. Hi-r

gencr-al haraci' : The Story' ofhis A pearance before the 'Falls of Jerualem beeged by
the Cln-ilians witha rid Cror itnder t emagei of a 'ver beautiful Tooth. "He quotes St.
Ambroe-for the-Exience of this Saint, which he doubt estook either from the chronicle

of Bergomenis publihed at Venice in 1490, or from Hermannur Schcdel, who printed his
Chronicle at Auremberg in 1493, but that Book of St. Ambroe, from whence this Ci

tation was made, is not eeemed to have been the genuine Work of that Father, and
hath been lo a long Time. The Author not much inclined to believe the Legend of the.
Dragon and the Maid, yet admits an allegorical Conrnctioiz of it, which eems uciently
rained; A Story of hit Death taken from a legendary I/rriter p. 39. Another after hit
Death from d lilte Authority. His Heart according to it bequeathed to Englih Chriians,

mld to thoe at Windhr only, and um: prehnted to Henry the s. by the Emperor Sigi mond,
and there repoted p. 40.
P' The Contents of the fodoiving Part: will be found by the running Titler at the Top of the

' _* , .

. In/litutio

Initutio Clarimi Ordinn Militaris a pra

nobili Subligaculo nuncupati.

llle multa
unus uiex temporis
Anglia Regibus,
po alia
praeclariima, dum animo repeteret, erioq; perrrccta
ret duo Regum omnium prarcipua quxdaitt Inignia,
3 ne dicam Ocia quidem Ipis ab Optimo Maximo
"t, potius injuncta, idoneum inquam Militiae moderamen
If: perpetuumq; Rei Mlilitaris Incrementunl ad Solidpm
, *3 ring),
rei ub.EFque
rop liicilut
um : Certum
8: Summopere

limentum, ad laudem atq; honorem Dei, mgulis quibuq, Regnis bene

ac honoriice Comparatis feliciime propicientisz huc deniq; pervenit,
ut in hoc Ipo Negotio cum Vetera tum recentia hinc ua: inde Regio

num Exterarum bene 8: feliciter habentium imitaretur Exempla.


enim magnus imprimis ordinatze decoratatq; militia: 8: Caduciatoriee dig


The Initution of the mo Noble Order of Knight

hood, Denominated from the G A R T E R.
_ L_4_._c

"""'""* D W A R D the Third, one of the mo invincible Princes


that ever fat upon the Englih Throne, after the ma

ny glorious Aons of his own Reign, eriouly conide

ring and revolving within himeb on the two chief Or

! naments of all Kings, or rather Duties enjoined them by
La: the Almighty, that is to ay, a due and proper Regulation
'l of Knighthood, and continual Iznprovement in military Af
"a A g i fairs, as a ure and leing Defence to the Commonwealtb,
and what is exceeding necear for it : On the which, as


it rivere, depends the other which is a rm Eab ihment of Religion, highly

tending to the Glory and Honour of God, and Advantage of all and every
Kingdom well and truly governed, reolved at la to imitate in this Particu
lar, the ancient and modern Examples, as well of his own as other oreign

jlourihing Kingdoms.

For Dionyius the Great is aid to have been the

In/litutor if a regular and honourable Knighthood, and Oicers of Arms,



. I

Initutio' Ordinis.


nitatis Initutor uie memoratur, quem ecuti unt alii Multi, paris ln
durim neque minoris Authoritatis. Suos tam ampli Nominis Equites

Troja venditat, Heflora, Troilum, jEneam, Athenorem: ut de Multis aliis

non dicam, inter uos, qualis Ordo Miliraris, quam memoranda Socie

8: quantum

ecus extitit perea

quis abunde decerpet.

uze leguntur in Iporum Hioriis

A quibus, exc' jam Troye, redeuntcs cum Victore

exercitu Graci principes, Agamemnon, Menelaus, Pelleus, Hercules, Diome- _

des, Thelamon, Ulixes, Patroclus, 8: alii Complures: ob perperuam Inu

per ui Memoriam relinquendam 8: Nobilem quoque Juventutem ad

Virtutes atque Magnanimitatem Suo 8: Achillis exemplo imiliter atten

dendam inter Se (Conventu atcto) aruerunt quinqucnnalcm inde ore ,

Celcbritatem; ad quam cum Venerando Virorumhonore jam ulgen

tium se illurium atq; Oportuniimorum Judicum coeru Clariiimi qui

que Tyrones undi ue totius Gracie convolarent, uarum ibi virium 86

Ingenii periculum acturi, manieumq; Indolis us: Specimen Exhibituri,

quatenus in iiuinodi Virtuturn exercitiis magis atque magis indies
luccrecentes, ad honorem i: dignum denique pervenirent.
Sub Olympo atis temporibus obervata Celebritas e, quadraginta dein

ceps dies. In Valle Monti circurnjecta eouque quadratum ex omni parte

Spacium, ut Convenientium illuc Honori Numeroq; reonderet. Res ipla

Celebrii/e Conventio i-u ludi (i mavis) Celebres, in quibus ic Nobili

'tas eatornata uit 8: Exercitata Juventus, de uis ibi actis inignienda, icut
&t. In

whoe Example many others neither of lel- Authority nor le Indury llowed.
Troy glories in the Valour of her Knights, as Hector, Troilus, Eneas,
Athenor, and others too many to mention herei- what the Order of Knight
hood among them, how remarkable their Society and I/Zzlour was, may he read

more at large in their Hilories.

From which, the Grecian Princes, Agamem

non, Menelaus, Achilles, Hercules, Diomedes, Ulixes, Patroclus, and

many others returning with their viflorious Army from the Delruon of Troy,
rehlved at a Meeting among themilves, fhr a perpetual Remembrance of their
Actions, and to ename the dating Tbuth by Theirs and Achilles's Example to

Vertue and Magnanimity, that a ilemn A-mbly hould be held every ve

Tears, at the which the noble/I Touth of all Greece, hould hew themelves
before a venerable

of Men renowned for their Vertue and Honour,

and therefore the mo proper Judges for this Purpoh, there to make Trial of
their Strength and Genius, and to give evident Tokens of a virtuous Diq/i
tion, t that by their continual Improvement in the/i' manly Exercths they might

at la attain to the Honour of which they were worthy.

The Meeting was kept at lated Times at the Foot of Olympus and con
tinued forty Days together in the Valley lying round the Mountain, the Place he
ingfor that Purpoe levelled on every Side, that it might he anwerable to the
Number and Dignizy of the Amhly. The Thing itilf, whether we call it a
glorious Aembly, or famous Games, in which the Nobility acauired lill a fur

ther Lu/ire to themelves, and the Toutb were b exercied, as to make them
lvesfamousb their own Aiilions, as their Ancelors had done before, began

to be called O ympicks.

The Exerci/Z-s were wont to be performed naked it

f e


Initutio Ordinis.
8: Inigniti majores ante Fuerunt, ccrperunt Olympia Vocari. Gymnicum
revera Certamen ub ipo
olympo celebrari Solitum, juxta Olympiam,
Urbem inter Ozm Be Olympum, illa quinquennali Celebritate admodum
inclytam, mercatuq; Famigeratam. Decretumqz uit a Cunctis ibi Cele

britatis hujus authoribus 85 honorico Conhrtio junctis, ne quis utcun

que princeps in univer Grecia per annuam Regni ui Nomenclaturam tem

pora diingueret, antequam in hoc honoratiiuno Concuru ee, quis Be

ualis Vir eet, egregie demonraet.

Coeptuln ZL hoc, ut annorum di

iiinctioni Nomen Olympiadis inditum eet. Was Prxrogativa pomodum

ut ab Initio mundi ipius Creationi: Sic uni jam Servatoris incarnationi

debita remanit, quanquam Principes inde, icut s: prius, in zia quiil; Rc.

gione dicretionem quandana Annorum ubintulere. Certe icut Greet' per

Olympiadpr ic per Conulatus Romani lupputantes, rerum gearum (eriem
indicabant. Qui vero cum Jame profecti unt in Colchos Equites In
clytinli, Venerandam

uo -, Societatem inierunt atq; Integre Conerva

runt, velut ad eundem imu honorem apiranres. Praecipuiquidem Caor

8: Pollztx, 'Thelamon, orpheus, Hercules 8: Hilas. Ubi Velleris aurei decus 8:
Ordo ccrperunt. Athenienum autem Be Lacedtemoniorum qualis Ordo quamq;

Illure commilitium diutiime Conhterit, ui legit, quis non intelligit?

Ayriorum, Perarum 8: Medorum quorum G oria tanta rim, non dubium
quin ac Ordo militaris inignis extitit, 8: quibusdam honoribus ad mi

litaria acinora Iemper invitatus.

Sed horum hanc Gloriolam Alexander


the very Foot of Olympus, near the City Olympia, lying between Oa and
Olympus, a Cit' not only remarkable and renowned for thee auinauennial
Games, but alo or its 'Zicaden It was al) retlved by all the Authors of this
Solemnity, and Members of this honourable Society, that no Prince in Greece

hould make any Computation of Time by the Tears of his Reign, unles he had
r publickly given hine Token of his Courage and Virtue before this glorious
Concoure of Nobilizy. And hence it was that the Conzputation of their Tears
was called Olympiads.

. ._ -_ .

lVhich Prerogative continued afterwards, and as at

r it was xed from the Creation, o now all Calculations of Time are made
the heretofore,
of our
that from
Time, as
in their
the Liberty
troducing hine other particular l/Vay of &imputation. And 'tis certain that as
the Greeks reckoned by Olympiads, o the Romans computing by their Con
preerved the Order and Continuance of their Aons. But the noble
Knights who went with Jalon to Colchos, entered into an honourable Society,

and preerved it entirely, apiring as it were to the fame Honour; the chief
indeed were Caor, and Pollux, Thelamon, Orpheus, Hercules, and
Hilas. Where the Honour and Order of the golden Fleece were
tuted. As to the Athenians and Lacedzernonians we may e plainly by
their Hilories, what Order they had among them. And it is no Doubt but
that the Ayrians, Periails, and Medes whoe Aiiions have gained them

great Glory and Renown, had alo among them tme extraordinary Order of
Knighthood, inviting and encouraging their Members to noble and llfzrlike

Ablions by particular Rewards and Honours.

But Alexander the Macedo


_ . _.

Initutio Ordinis.
Macedo qui primus regnavit in Gracia penitus oblcuravit, qui 8: reg

na delevit, Suaeque ditioni Subjiciens inter Milites bene meritos deniq;

partivit, ut eos e meritis honorandi atq; Exaltandi Condignam ibi
Curam omnino fuiie probaret. Poremb Roma Devictrix ub Regi
bus orta, per Conules Be Dictatores auo progreu magis atque
magis Elata, ub Caarihus 8: Auguis denique Conummata, dilci
plinx Militaris, 8: Equeris Ordinis, patricijque decoris, georum Il
urium ac Inignimorum apparatuum preantima Jactatrix emicuit.

Quippe quae Nihil iiusmodi

uod ante Gracis in precio iit, non

ad e transerendum ibique trilzuendum apprime Curaret. Pacis ac

belli Certiima diributrix, dum Ocia pacati temporis 8: olicitae
Munera militia: Studioime digereret, ut nec honorem cuique Suum

8t in loco uo deore, uinere potuit.

Primo ( uod dixi)

ub Regi
radu cucurrit,

bus inclaruitj mdx per Conules Be Dictatores inileriori

Poremo ub Caarihus 8: Auguis exultando, dum inolelgere coepit, re

pente Corruit. Veruntamen illis interim majoribus, alij quoque mino
res Magiratus 8: Ociales adjecti unt.

Militiee quidem Imperatores,

Magiri Militum, eu Tribuni Equitum celerumque legati, Chiliarchx,

Centuriones, Decuriones: per manipulos, turmas, Cohortes 8: legiones
dicreti Milites. Pacis autem, Patres u Senatus, Patritij, Prartores,
Preecrcti, Pontices, Cenfores, Qiaeores, Interreges, Ediles: qui

honoriica Societas 8: tamen honor ex meritis abunde decretus.


nian the
King who reigned over all Greece, ohcured and extinguihed
this their Glory, and after that he had conquered and reduced their Dominions,

hared them among the mo deerving of his soldiers, thin/ting the reward
ing and promoting them according to their Deerts, a Study entirely worthy
of himelf, Lely conauering Rome, having her
Beginning under Kings,
and more uccerfully enlarging her elf under her Contls and Diators, and
hrought to the highe Pitch of Honour under her Cxlars and Augui, placed
her greate Glory and Pride in the Excellency of her Military Dicipline,
Eauerian Order, and Senatorian Dignity, in the Greatnes of her Exploits,

and Nohlene/Jr of her Enterprizes.

Nor was there any Thing of this Nature,

which had heen in any Eeem among the Greeks, which he did not tahe
Care to transfer from thence and mahe it her ovm. A faithful Dealer out of

I/I/Zir and Peace, and b carefully diinguihing hetween the Oces and Servi
ces in Time of Peace, and the hazardous' Duties in War, as to uZ-r none to

he without the Honour due to his Pa

Fir (as I aid) heourihed under

the Government of Kings, proceeding after that in a lower Degree of Honour

under the Adminiration of Conuls and Diiiators, and growing proud and in
tlent with her Succes and Properity under her Emperours, decayed and fell

to Ruin of a Sudden, But yet in the mean Time other leer Magirates and
Qicers were added to the greater. Oicers of the Army were their Generals,
Lieutenant Generals of Foot and of Hor, Colonels, Centurions and Decurio
ns, while the Soldiers were diinguihed hy Bands, 'Iroops, Cohorts and Le
gions. Civil Qices, and Honours were thoe of the Senators, Nohlemen, Prec

tors, Governours, Priely Dignity, Cenors, Autors, Regents, Adi/es, di






1nitutio Ordinis.
Triumphus, Ovatio, Corona, Torquis, Paludamentm, Trabea, Latus
clavus, Prxtexta, Toga, Imagines, Statuae, Stemmatay ex atrario pub

lico impendia, aliaq; multa; quemadmodum 8: Gracis haud multum dill

imilis Ornamentorum 8: Inllgnium Specioitas anteceierat, quibus ma

jus atqz Gloriolus erat Olympionicem fuie quam Rome: triumphae.
Utriqz fane mira Cupiditas honoris 8c Gloriandi Sedulitas ineratz adeo
nimirum, ut e veimentis quoque uis ibi. Nomina coacicerent, 8:
Palliati, Togati, Paludati, Trabeati (ne caetera commemorem) dicerentur.

Sed hijs Omnibus quamquam forma quaedam diciplinz militaris 8: equeris

erat quae debuerat.
rat enim honore
dei haud
ejus imprimis
auxilio niti,Debue_

per Viros bonos, Juos, Supplices, 8: Deo devotos in articulo- guovis

facilius impetrari po: creditur: ut divinx nos Hioriae ries e ocuit,
ine qua nulla hujus materiae veritas elucectz icut ac probime no
er Edoardus intellexit, hioria: acrx tenorem, 8: apertima Chriia
nimorum Principum e leriatim digeis Annalibus Conilia (non du
bium) inde deumpta, coniderans. - Patet enim illinc opem maxime

divinam, in Omni ano Conilio, negorioqz patrando, cum diligena

tia Militari (emper ee copulandam: neqz poe Succeus inveniri,

ine ic prxconcepta atqz alectata Sedulitate. Unde Serenimi quiq;
Reges, qui diciplinx rnilitaris 8: Equeris Ordinis honores atque Or

namenta atuerunt, pios imul homines ad precandum, Cxteraq; pio


rvided all into honourable Societies, and each Honour fully anwering the Deerts.
Ti-iumphs, Orvations, Crowns, Chains, the Military Garment, the Coniilar Trabea,
' the Laticlave, Przetexta, Toga, Images, Statues, Incriptions, Salaries out of the
public/e Treauyr, and many other uch Encouragements after the ame Manner,

as had before een ued among the Greeks, in a beautiful Vetrietyx not much dif
fering from the, of Ornaments and dih-rent Eates and Degrees of Honours;
and a l/ziiory in the Olympick Games, was accounted among the Greeks

more Great and Glorious than a Ti-iumph at Rome.

Both indeed were actuated by a wonderful De/ire of Honour, and an indefatii

gable Thir after Glory : And tho' by all thei Things it may appear that there waic
ome Form of Military Dicipline and an Eque/irian Dignity, yet was it not uch
as it ought -, for it hould in the
Place have been deignedfor the Honour and
Worhip of God alone, and to depend and rely entirely on his A/iance z which we

lene-w is more eaily to he obtained in any Neceity, by good,

and humble Men

devoted to God, as the whole Coure of the Scripturehews us, whereto without ha
'ving Recour, the Truth of this Matter is not apparent: as our Edward very

well underood, conidering the Tenor of the Scriptures, and the Undertaleings and
Counels of chriian Princes, digeed in Order in their Chronicles, and (without
all Doubt) tahenfrom thence.

For it is

from thoe Booles, that in every

wholeime Undertalzing, and Performance of Buines, the divine Aiance is to

hejoined always to military Indury, and that no Succe/i can he pohly expefhed,
without harvingirch a thought of, and a great Diligence in Action. Whence the

greate ofKings, who ha-ve decreed Honours and Ornaments for military Perfor
mances, and Orders ofKnigbthood, have' alb added and brought in religious Men to


\ 7

Inner-mio' Ordinis.

-& Eccleiaico zritu Peragenda Subinduxcrunt, ob Salutem animx uck, l

immoSaI-utem Omnium, 8:
Rc i iii decus, felicitatcm ac pra:
idium. tuendaeq;
Siquidom reip.
ub Ipim
' Originem,
hm due: partes
unt Exprer;
dum Sua

deo laus Stpeciatim adhibita cjus nguhte Prazidium obtineret, Be mox

zub ipo Gubernator exiens ubiqz uos ad rem conulto Clarcq; e
nendam habexet accinctos. Sic Ahrahamus- icaque po honorem Sea

rit-I: peaeitum 8: she reip. 'Suibinde munia ynceriter ethibita, ub dei

protcctione nlilitcs cducens, quos habebac Expeditos, optim-Eqz Coordi

natos, aurem, accmamq; Subantiam ab hoili turxba reccpit. Cui

Melahdecus air, Bcnedictus Ahraham deo, ac [Benedict-us deus, quo

proccgente hoes in Marribus ejus untz ibi geminum Regni tutamen

ac rmamcnttun izndicans. Primarium (ne divinae protcctionis, pia _

Cononanria iaudum divinarum 6: dcbicis orationibus impetrandae;

ed quae iam- er humane Virtuti, militariq; prudentia: coalat. Nec
in Sclccto oium dei populo hic Ordo rcplenduit, verum in Caatcra
quoque plcbc raxionabili formx dedica.

Ahimelechus enim Palei

notum rcx muicitudinem milicaxem ic digcam habuic vidctur, ut

pote Cujus Phicoi princcps erat. Nequc hic divinae laudis 8: glorix
vidccur obiims, qui bcnedictcos Dei patrcm Ahrahamum Be lium ejus
Izaaon ibi conciliarc uduitz pomodum ut populus, in dei Cul
tum ac Gioriam augcccbat, 6: hujus Rci Studium imul accrevit;
pra and perform other Duties, according to the ceremonies of the Church for the .

sa vation of their own Soul: 5 nay even for the salvation of all 5 and for the
Glory, Prooeritj' and safeguardoftheir own Kingdom : Thee two Parts ofgovern;
ing and defending the Commonwealth, heing as it were, drawn ont with a Pencil

from the ver] Beginning of the World: When h] particularly attrihuting to God

the Honour due to him they hould ohtain his extraordinary Aance, and the Go
vernor who is placed immediate] under him, nd his Men hravelj reolved and

preparedfor Aion. So Abr am after due Honour given to God, and the other
Duties of Governmentncerely performed, leadin out his soldiers which he had in
g'0od Order and Readinefr, under the Proteon ofthe Almighty, recovered his Brw
ther, and his Brothers Family and suhance from the Hands of his Enemies. Tb
whom Melchiedechid, Bleed he Abraham of the mo high God, and Bleed he

the mo high God which hath delivered thine Enemies into thine Hands,thereby decla
ring the two chiefPoints ofdefending and maintaining a Kingdom : the chiefone in
to he ohtained
hy aPurpoe,
Harmon of divine
to that

aiding andaiing to humane Valour and Skill in I/Var. Nor was this Order and Me
thod only to hefoundamong the choen People ofGod : But in ever] People and Nation

under any reaonable Form ofGo-vernment. For Abimelech a King [in Paleine]
had no douht an Armymnd Warriors,under a due Regulation,eeing Phicol was chief

Captain of his Hoji; nor was he forgetful of the Honour and Glory due to God as
'nay appearfrom his de tring to enter into a Covenant with Abraham and his Son
Iaac who "were hle-d by God: afterwards as the People improved in the Wor
qr God, this Practice increaed alo, for Moles the Captain of the Iiaelites, and


Initntio Ordinis.
Mas namq; Dux Iracliticze Gentis omni modo primus, in Eductioi
ncm ejuidem de Scrvicio Egptiaco deinatus, clarimo docuit, qua

litcr in hijs duobus totius rei cardo vertitur; dum in Gubcrnationd

commir ibi pieblis, Joee, quem Kzcundum Deum principcm exerci

tus inituit, cliket-et, Eligc-Viros 6: pugna; ego autem abo in Verti

ce Collis, habcns Virgam Dei in Manu mea. Ubi manifTcE Mo:
ocndit Principio Viros ad rcip. tutamen eigcndos, deindc vero ut per
iporuln Operam ate polt inconcuz, precibus ad Deum dirigendis

omnino Commictendtun;

Ncque eri poe uc Militum facinora uc

ccdant, i non Vota piorum, rcligioeq; vivcrc debcntium preccs ad

jungantur; Nam cum levace (inquio manus Moes, 'vincebat Irael,

in paululum rcsniiie: upefabat Advcrsius.

Qlod i non unius aut'

altcrius Orationcm cu vocivam manuum lcvationcm cxaudiri contingat,


erit ut
Air enirn,
aurem e:Ejus
ejus ex utra uc parte.
Et factum
ut Manus
populum, cum quo pugnabat.

Id quod non modo tunc Deus per Ser

vum uum impcravit, 8: ex Impefio uo actum Ipi: pcrrcit, vcrurn etiam

ut omnino pocris Rcgibus ac' Ducibus proponerctur imitandum, dixit ad

Moen, cribc hoc ob Monumentum in libro 8: auribus Jojiie trade Imperat
auribus oie tradendtlm, an aliatn ob Caua-m quam quod Rcgibus, princiF
appointed hy Signs and Wonders to lead them out of the Eg ptian Bandage, mt
plainly teache: us how in the- two Things the main Point 0 Government conis,

when in governing the People committed to his Charge, heaid to Johua (whom
according to Gods Order he had made General of the Army) chue us out Men and
ght, hnt I quill and on the' top of the Hill with' the Rod ofGod in no' Hand.
Where Moias clearly hews, that Men at
indeed are to he choe out for the'

Defence ofa Nation, hat then that it ma hy their A/lance remainxt andecure,


altogether reign it up to God y Prayers to him. And it is impohle an]

and the
(he ays)
it helit
up obliged
his Hands,
to lead

ed, hut when he let them down a little, the Eneny had the Advantage; which
hews that tho' the Prayer of one or two, or a religious

n of Hands hould

chance not to he heard, et it cancarce he, that the Prayers a man), when the

one is as it were an A i/lant to the other, houldprove innalt For it isaid

of Moes that his Hands 'LUCTE heavy, hut Aaron and Hur held them np on each
Side, and it came to pa that his Hands were not tired 3 ) that Johua prevailed
over the People with whom hefought, andput them to Flight. A Dnty which

God not only commanded h] his Servant, and which he performed according to his
Command, hat al) that it might he an Example for Kings and Captains to imitate

in Times to come, he aid to Moles, write this for a Memorial in a

Book, and reheare it in the Ears of Johua : he commands it hould he re
hearjed in the Ears of Johua. Andfor no other Reaon, hat that Kings; Prin

ces, and Commanders, might he hence informed, that thee Things are require: of
t m,


Initutio Ordinis.
pibus ac Ducibus it ia Notitia, velut Iplorum vere propria ubinde sugge

renda. Qlod res videlicet ipa Militaris rite dilpoita, certe Religionis ac
pietatis. ope ubnixa procedat. Qioniam adeo militia: pietas ac Religio
coheret, ut hXC abq; illa zepe triumphet, citra hanc illa nihil eciat, ed
ubique rura nitatur ac laboret. Militiam enim Pharao, icut Mojes ha
buit. Sed Pietas qua Moiici valuerunt Pbaraonicis omnino deuit. Unde

Certus Oraculi Conultor ait, Dominus pugnabit pro Vobis, se Vos ta

cebitis 5 pacatus (ait) autor ac propitiator eorum Militum, qui ibi dunt,
eque denter orant, Dominus e: ut vel tacentibus, 8: nihil manu
gerentibus, (ed pietati olum intentis omnem Victoriam, quam pie quae
-runt, annuat 8: conquirat. Neq; pietatem ic unice tenendam, ut mi

litiam nihil curet aut minus conideret, idem Moes abunde commone
acit; qui ducturus Iraelitas in terram a Deo ibi juiime Concei
am, quam ine militiae provincia (ita dirigente Domino) conlequi
nequiverant, eam Militaris Ordinis Normam inigniter exquiivit: ut
tribuum principes 8: idoneas inuper turmarum di poitiones initueret,

optimeq, componeret.

Sed at Religionis ecaciam' in Sacerdotum ac Le

vitarum Ociis imul expret. Qiaz duo plane ic Connexa unt, ut neu
trum ex e uciat : ed alterum alterius ope itmper indigeat.

Si quis

Johe, i Judicum Subequentium, i Regum pariter atque Ducum deinceps

Hioriam perlegat, eam inibi hujus Negotii Speciem intuebitur ut Virorum
fortiumVires ac Conilia,ubinvocata dei protectio quae per Sacerdotes Deoq;
them, as their proper Oices and Duties: And that the true Management of the

military Aairs hould

rely on, and proceed with the A/lance of Reli
gion and Piety. Since therefore Religion and Piety' are o far conent rwith the
Buines of I/Var, as ometimes to obtain the Vibiiory without Fighting, when on the
contrary, Fighting without Religion avails nothing. For Pharao had an Army
as well as Moes, but the Piety by which the Iraelites prevailed, was entirely

wanting to the Forces of Pharao.

Whence irys the faithful Enguirer into the

divine' Oracles, the Lordhall ght for you, andye hall holdyour Peace.


Lordzys he is a propitious Aant ofthoe soldiers who tru in hint, and call
upon him boldly, and will grant all Viflory which is ashed devoutly, even to thoi

who arelent, and malee no Ui ofArms, but put their Conidence entirely in the
divine Goodner. And the ame Moles abundantly hews that we mu not b

keep to Religion, as to tahe no Care, or negleil all Methods of Defence, when in

his March out of Egypt to conduiil the Iraelites to the Land which God had

ly given them, and which (Godi) ordering it) they could not obtain without an
Army, he brought his Forces under an extraordinary Dicipline, at his inituting
Princes and Leaders of the Tribes, and depo/ing his Troops under proper Regulati
ons. He at the ame Time al/b demonrated the Ecacy of Religion in the Oices
ofthe Pries and Levites. Which two Things areo apparentlyjoined together,
that neither ofthem can
ofit lf, but the one will alwaysand in need of
the Aance ofthe other. Whoeverfurther hall look into the Hiory ofJohua,
of the Judggs following, of their Kings and Leaders, wille a Conrmation of this
Argument, and how the Protection of God when de/ired, is more eaily and more
immediately obtained by the Interceon of Prie/ls and holy Men dedicated to God,



Initutio Ordinis.

dicatos, dum Orando Contemplandoq; uis ubinde unguntur Ociis, tanto

icilius 8: preentius adimpeitrari uevit in optatum uque nem per

ducat. Neque ere actum, ut Virtus hominis ulquam plene coniterit,

i non per Invocationis ecaciam Dei benignitas apirarita Multorum

Ingenium ac Robur enii1m e ad Victoriam : Sed quae non alij con

tigit unquam quam cui Deus ab alto demierit.

Si vana vanis hoc P. 5.

e Ethnicis Ethnica pugna ubierit, nihil in ipis erat, 'unde Deus

alterutri potius annueret 8: Victoriam addereth At nullus tamen un

quam etiamillicinvenit, nii quod propitium numen immibrat. Si vero

piis haud impia, i delibus oportuna devenerit, id e *i cum im

piis hoibus
pij Milites
nec injuu
quin a piis
alma Majeas?
minus i quid
ius obi
ad (if
Gratiam uorum Caua vocet 8: alliciat? Verum- haud emeFevenit, ut

. priores Impioru1n parti dederit : non tamamore proecto quo pijs prx- ferret impios : quam ut liorum Errata ic Paternitas immena Cai
garet, dum peccantium Hagella unt, qui tamen Ipi qualicunque
permiu deizviunt, non impune ecerint, i uis inem intropiciat,

quo meritis Condigna rependuntur.

Si vero deles delibus adveren

tur Be compucment (quod Dominus avertat) ibi juiori Caua: Dei favor
(ut aolet) cre 'tur 8: (eratur accedere velle, vel humilius tltem atque
parcius eDeum
quidnam divinam
ad hoc Opem
an illuicl
agendum eu Sed

while they are employed in their proper Oices and Duties ofPrayer and Meditation
and add Spirit and Succes to the Counels and l/Zzlour of brave Men. Nor has it
everyet often happened that the Strength of Man could at any Time fully main
tain it elf, but when the Goodnel- of Godwas thro' the Force of their Interce
ons, pleaed to blefr their Undertakings with I/iory. I/Vhich Z-eing it can be
only there where God hall be pleaed to give it, there will be no Reain where In

dels hall ght again Indels, wh God hould more favour and grant Succer
to one Party than the other. A even in that Cae, Viiiory has always been
to followbetheengaged Caub;
it hall happen,
that is,the Good
the Faithfulhould
in a But
and Z-abnahle
WZtr, that
good and
religious Soldiers ght with wicked and irreligious Enemies, and that not without

the Command of God, what can hinder that his divine Majely be not of the
Side of the Faithful: What hould forbid his Grace fromfavouring the Caue of
his own People. It is true indeed that the Indels and the Irreligious have often
times had the Conquel, but God does not this out of any Love to the l/Viched,

that he might exalt them above the Good, but that in his fatherly A eon he may
corre the many and great Faults of his Children, while they in tie mean Tinze,

who are made the Scourges of Sinners, and for_ a while exercih their Rage and
Cruelty, as it were by divine Permion, come not o unpunihed,
we regard
but their End, where they are rewarded according to their Deerts. But it

hould happen, which the Lord forbid, that the Faithful mu ght again the
Faithful; The Favour of God is believed and expeed to be (as indeed it com
monly is) with them who have the jue Caui, or at lea with thoe who

v'with the greate Humility and Earnenes implore the divine Aiance.




Initutio Ordinis.
Nec aliud quic uam ut certum hic aeverari queat, quam quod Deus om
Vi oriam Be Felicitatem
rum ac
viam aectant.
in Ccelum,
Be milerebitut nori Deus noer. Dicamus Domino, Tua e Potentia,
tuum Regnum, Tu Dominus Omnipotens qui Fecii Virtutem, Be Victo

riam dedii Nobis de lnimicis noris. Cognocant Gentes quod non et

alius qui pugnet pro Nobis, nii tu Deus. Dominel Deus, nos ignoramus
agere e
ad teBe unt
ne pereamus.
Sciant Gentes
Deus, quiIgitur
hic Il

raeles habentur (obecro,) nii

Noinetipi, qui per deiicam Be opero

am Fidem videmus Deum, Be in veracimis Verbis ejus ac pronuiis il

lum ipum intuemur, Contemplamur, equimur. Ipe Nos interim redimit,
protegit, ervat, iple liberat, Be demum Eternitati nos ipi reituit. At quid

Factitantes? Qiod illi acientes, nos (inquiunt) atigati umusjejunio. Je

Be induerunt
e Ciliciis,Yoce
uo, (cide
runt Veimenta,
Be clamaverunt
in Coelum.Capiti
En iveram
militatem, Vital-is Orationis Comitem individuam. Qix duo nos nii pre
mierimus, quid in nobis, ut eo acilius Deus iple repiciat,_Be nos tempore

vel tribulationis vel correctionis adjutet, propitiandoq; pra: Caeteris qui

repelluntur, illeipere velit? Sed benecentia quae pam Be illico mierel
cere lolet, patienter Be humiliter ad omne (e bonum apparare quae proximi

citta contumeliam eveigio levat Inrmitatem atque Indigentiam: non

it is not for us to enquire, what it is that induces God to permit, or grant the
oneor the other : all that can he armed here, is that God only is the Author of
all Viory and Properity : And that Prayers, and Humility, are the only pro
bable Means of obtaining them. Let us cry up to Heaven (ays the inpired
V/riter) and our God will have Mercy upon us. Let us ay unto the Lord, thine
is the Power, thine is the Kingdom. The Almighty God is our Strength, and hath
given us the Itiiory over our Enemies. Let the Nations know that there is none

other thatighteth for us, but only thou, O God. O Lord God we know not what
we ought to do, therefore lift we up our Eyes unto thee le we peri/h. Let the
Nations know, that it is God who redeemet-h and delivereth Irael.

Who is it,

Ipray, that is here called Iiael, but we our elves, who nowb a godly and live
ly Faith accompanied by Works ee God, and behold, contemp ate and follow him
in the Truth of his Words and Promies. He in the mean Time redeems, protes,
and aves us, he delivers us and at la brings us to eternal Happinee.
by doingand
the did.with
(a they)and
they fa/led,
Ahes on
They rent their Garntents, and cried with a loud Voice to Heaven. This is true

Humility the ineparable Campanian of a lively Prayer. Which two Things we

had not prem/d, what can there be in us why God hould the readier regard
and ai us in the Time either of Dilrer or Correon, and be willing to receive
us by favouring us before the others who are refued ? But Charity, which is wont
in all Places, and without any Delay, to take Compaon and apply it elf with Pa
tience and Humility to every good Work, and which without any Contempt imme

diately relieves the Weakne/Ir and Poverty of our Neighbour, is of great Ecacy


Initutio Ordinis,





nihil ccacis Virtutis huc adjicit. Spirituales enim 8: ip Fructus aert, Fi

dentiam (inquam) in Deum, peccatorum abceum, concicnciam bonam,

lzeticiam piritualem, Spem jucundam, aliaq; bona qua: prxparavit Deus

diligentibus e. Talis Publicani lit humilis Oratio, Cornelij calis humilitas
8: Oratio,tales eleemoynx, talis Oratio Moi, quae Dei vindictarn quam Po
pulus ibi creditus ex omni parte commeruerat, etiami ccu reluctantem avo

cavit 8: dctinuit.
peperit antiquitas.

Talis omnium patrum, quos vel Etas nora, vel retro

Memores igitur (inquit) eote, quomodo Salvi Facti

unt Patres nori. Mementote quomodo Salvi acti unc in _Mari rubro.
Mementote nurabilium uae fecic Dominus Pharaoni 8: Exercitui ejus in
Mari. Qiicquid itaqz ve Domi vel Militix boni accidit, id Domino Deo
reeretur accepcum, Interveniunt Humiliatio, Oratio, Ero atio atq; Gra

tiarum Actio; quibus humana Virtus ita pericitur, ut quod ucceclic quodq;
Dei olius opus e, etiam ipi non immerito tribuendum appareat. Duo
namqz unt, quibus omniquaque res militaris aulget, Conilii dcxteritas, 8:

Matusitas humanarum Virium. Qiaeitum etenim c diu visne Corporis,

an Virtus animi plus eccret? At hue denique nitio decendit, prius
Conulto, moxq; mature facto opus ee. Recte quidem hare. Cazterum

nii Dei Benignitas inuper accrecat, 8: lujs undiq; prceluceat; hzc minu
tiora unt, uam ut res ulla bene cedar. Primum invocatio Gratia: Dei di

vineeqz migricordia: (clue Be Oratio) necelhria e: inde Conilium adhi

bendum, Poremo mature renueq; factitandum. Cunq; it ipius Dei

and Virtue to this Purpoe. Nor is that it

vsithozit its piritual Advantages,

occaioning a condence in God, a Removal of Sins, a ood Concience, a oiritual

Joy, pleaant Hope, and other good Things which God ath preparedfor them that
love him. Such was the humble Prayer of the Publican. Such was the Humility
and Prayer, uch were the Alms of Cornelius : Such was the Prayer ofMoes,
which called oand
put a Stop, as it were by Force to the Vengeance of God,
which his People hadfully deerved. Such were the Prayers andgood Worhs of all
the Fathers, whether we loolz to thoh of our Age, or of the old Times before them.
Beye therefore mindful (ays he) how our Fathers were aved, remember ho-'w they
were preerved in the Red Sea. Remember the Wonders which the Lord did to
Pharao and his Armies in the Sea. Whatever Succes therefore happens, whether
at Home or in the Field will be attributed to God: The Means to be ued are Hu

miliation, Prayer, Alms, and Thanhgiving, by which humane Vzlour is b per

feedihat what Succes happens,and what is the Work ofGod only mayeem, and
that not without bme Reaon to be imputed thereto.

For there are two Things,

which are neceary in all military Undertahings, Dexterity in Counel, and quick
Dipatch. It bath been a long Dipute whether Strength of Body, or of the

Mind were of greater Eetif ? But it now ends in this, that we mu

Counl, and then aft vigoroubr.


ofall the Invocation of the Grace of God,

and the divine Mercy (which is Prayer) is neceary : then is Advice to be had,
and laly, we mad! a with I/igour and Reolution.

Andeeing whatever is per

formed with Succes is owing wholly to God, whoyet permits that Succei to be
acribed to Men, o they but purue the right Methods, call upon him with

Stinglene of Heart, take right Counel, andperform what hath been retlved upon


,.- ram ,

* *'.W-'V'_*

v 'TT

Initutio Ordinis.


totum, quod recte geritur, hornini tamen dignatur idipum acribi, dum
in hunc Modum recta nititur: dum impliciter orat, recte conultat, 8: om
nia forriter ac mature peragit. Initio dicendum, icut fuerit Voluntas in
Coelo, ic at: po quod invictimi ub Deo Duces Moes 8: Judas Ma

chabaus fecere, ciendum. Ait enim Moes Jozie, Elige tibi Viros 8: pug
na; Judas autem Simoni, Elige tibi Viros 8: vade, libera fratres tuos. Libe

rat olus Deus, ed se illi propugnant 8: liberant, qui fortiter agendo ub

ipo ua Munera perciunt. Neque Prudentia vel Vis hominum ibi pon
ideranda, ubi Dei Virtus rmiter in hanc formam adee peratur. Cum fe
ceritis (ait) 'quod Vobis e prazceptum a Domino Deo vero, tune in ipo
Glorioi eritis. Vos quod hominum e agetis -, uod upra, Deus ipe um
mus eciet atque adimplebit. Vos 1 pauci itis, haud multis praevalere pole

P. 8.

Qiis etenim iturus ad committendum Bellum, non ledens ante

cogitat, an pot cum decem Millibus occurrere ei qui cum Viginti venit
contra ie 2 In Conectn certe Dei non e dierentia, liberet in Multill

ne an paucis, Dominus non ecundum Armorum potentiam, ed prout

ipi placet dat dignis Victorian), Principio nempe Clamitandum. Qio

modo poterimus ubiere ante faciem Inimicorum, nii tu Deus adjuves?

Deinde praemio Conilio e mutuo Cohortandum, Accingimini 8: eote
lii potentes, Impetum Inimicorum ne timucritis. Non in Multitudine
quidem Exercitus Victoria belli, ed de Coelo fortitudo e. Igitur orandus

Deus ut repiciat, ut Adverarios uos Hoes noros, ipe proernat vel

with Courage and Celerity. We
Place ily, as is thy Will in Heaven
r be it, and then are we to behave our elves as did thoe unconauerable Command
ers under God, Moes and Iudas Macchabeus. Says Moes toohua, Chue
to your elves Men and ight. But aysdludas to Simon, chue thy elf Men,
and go forth, deliver th Brethren. Go alone delivers, but they als defend
and deliver, whoby affihg valiantly under him perform their Duties. Nor is any
weight to be laid upon the I/I/zdom or Strength of Man, when the Power
of God is condently hoped for in this Manner. When ye have done (eiys he)
what was commanded you by the Lord your God, then hallye he glorious in
him. Te hall do what is the Part of Man, what is above, that the high
God will bring about and
himelf.- If ye he few, ye will not think
your elves able to prevail over many. For who going to wage War, does
not it down before-hand and conider, whether he can meet him with ten
thouand, who cometh again him with twenty Thouand. And with the
God of IIea-'ven it is all one to deliver with a great Multitude or a mall
company. The Lord giveth not Vifiory by Arms, but even as it eemeth

cry out,
to him,
how hall
he giveth
we be itableto touch
as again
are worthy.
the Face For
of our
we Enemies,
mu at un
les thou, O, God, be our Help. And then having
taken Counel, we
encourage one another. Arm your elves and be valiant Men, nei
ther fear ye the Attach ofyour Enemies. For the Viory of Battle andeth

not in the Multitude of an Ho/i, but Strength cometh from Heaven. There

fore is God to be intreated, that he would have Regard to us, that hewould
overthrow, or put to Flight his Adveraries, our Enemies, that he would

Initutio Ordinis.


in fugam vcrtat, ut Victoriam tribuat, Victoribus cxultandi, triumphan

di Liatcriam immittat: orandus ut Victis aut in pugna cadentibus Sa

lutcm, 8: triumphum multo mcliorem alibi concedat.

Ita Judas Ma

chahzeus illc przcantilimus Dci miles 8: Victor invictilimus, ubi pro

ratoruni Corpora tulerac ut in Sepulchris paternis ponerct, una duo
dccim Millia Dragmarum miit Hicroolimam ut oerrcntur ibi pro hijs

qui cccidcrant in Bello, ut oerretur pro peccatis morcuorum Sacricium,

juc ac rcligioc cle Rcurrectione cogitans. Nam incta e (inquit) e;

alubris Cogitatio pro Demctis exorare ut a pcccatis olvantur.


cnim quod hii qui cum piccate dormitioncm accipiunt optimam habeant
rcpoitam Gratiam. Haec en ipl Cogitatio c clue Rcges exhilarat, Du

ces animat, Equites cxcitat, Militcs lolatur, 8: omnes hominds abundc

conirmat; dum iztis intelligunt, ibi cum Pietate doimituris optimam
rcponi Gratiam. Hxc ad pieces accurri Eicic, huc omnes, pro ua quem-

que fecultatc pcrtrahit, huic Monacriorum, Coenobiorum," Be Colle-'

giorum cocpta lndacio: Qgatenus intcr pios, benevolos, bencquc af

cctos, 8: rite comparatos Chriianos, cum pro vivis cum deinctis
Oratio jugitcr ubiquc cononarct. Pro Vivis, ut ram in pace quam bello
pie, Salubriter, Conulte, tuto ac Fcliciter agcrent, 8: ex animi boni

Scntentia cuncta pcrccrent.

Pro mortuis autcm, ut obtcnta Remio

ne, beau recluiecerent, Coclorumq; potiti Claritate zeternum conrcgna

rent. Obccro Vosigicur (inquit Paulus) ut ant Obecrationes, Orationes,

give the Viory, and

the Comouerors with a Subject forioy and Irii

umph : That he would grant salvation, and a much hetter Triumph in

another Place to the conquered, or thoe who fall in the Bottle" Thus

Judas Macchabcus, that me excellent and uccesful Soldier of God,

when he had taken up the Bodies of them who were ain, to hury them in
their Fathers Graves, ent ali) with them to Jcrulem twelve Thouand
Drachmas to he oered there, for thoe who had fallen in Battle, that a Sa
crice might he oered for the sins of the Dead, doing therein very well and
honeil , in that he was mindul of the Reierreon. For it ie (ays he) a
holy and good Thought to pray for the Dead, that they may he delivered from
Sin; and he_ al) perceived, that there was great Favour laid up for thoe

that died godly.

This then is that Thought which rejoice-s Kings, animates Ge

nerals, gives Vigor to Knights, Eae to soldiers, and ahundantly rengthens

every Man: When they are very well aured, that great Favour is laid up
for them,
they die godly. This it is that makes us run to Prayers; hy
this we are all drawn, every one of us according to the hei of our Ahility. To
this is owing the founding of Mona/ieries, Halls, and Colleges: 77) the End,
that among godly, hind, and well aefied, and rightly dipoed Chriians, Pray
ers hould he continual] , and in every Place put up and joined, as well for the
Living, as the Dead. For the Living, that they might hehave themelves Peace,
as well as in War with Godlines, Sohriety, I/Vtdom, safety, and Happines, and

perform every Thing, to their Hearts

Deire. For the Dead that they having"
of their Sins, might re in Peace, and enjoying the Bright-'
ne/s of the Kingdom of Heaven, might reign togetherfor ever; I exhort th}re-'


MInitutio Ordinis.
Poulationes 8: Gratiarum Actiones pro omnibus Hominibus, pro Regb
bus imprimis, 8: hiis qui -in Sublimitate conituti unt, ut qhuieram & tran

quillamVitam agamus. Pro Regibus orandum, pro cazteris (ub eo Magnati

bus, immo pro cunctis imul Horninibus. An ic pro Viventibus orandum,

ur ciemctorum oblivicamur? Wod Amicitiae genus, ibi non adjuvare,

'ubi tui pocilmum eget Amicus? illic deerere ubi maxime pericula pre
munt? Pervideat hic Chriianus, ne (e pientius, amicius at -, idelius zn

tiat Ethnicus: qui tunc uccurtijubet amico, quando periculo Fortuna gra

Certiorem pleraq; me Faciunt dum quis vivit, quid it circa cum,

quod Orationem deideret; Necio quot Euantave mortuum pericula cir

cumdant : Ideo tune magis ac magis Oran um, ut quicquid it Orationeju

vari queat. Eo quis in Coeli gloria, it in inferni gemitu: Orandum ta
men tibi, qui id necis, ne dum prave niteris incerto, id aliquando negli

gas aut praetermittas, quod Orationem tuam neceario depocic Gc expectat.

Faciendum hic certe quicquid boni poumus : Sed cui non e ita conden
ter aut arroganter potius inhaerendum, ut aliorum Nobis Orationes cum in

hac tum in ltura vita non itjenter adhibere debeamus. Haec Mens opti
morum jam ante Regum erat, hzec Ducum, Marchionum, Comitum, Ba

ronum, hzc omnium Equitum, hzec Univerforum pie Militantiumuncto

tum hzec piorum hominum. Neque jam opus e ad id probandum ut ex

terna repetamus Exempla, qui domeicis abundamus. Reges enim nori

quo Nobilitate req; militasi preeantiores erant, eo religionis hujus, ue e

fore (aith St. Paul) that

of all Supplications, Prayers, Interceons, and

Giving of 'Ihanks he made for all Men.

For Kings and all that are in Authority,

that we may lead a quiet and peaceahle Life. V/e mu pray for Kings, for
the re of the Nohles under him, and al) for all Men. But are we to pray for
the Living, o as to forget the Dead ? I/I/hat Friendhzp is that to day' your
Aiance, whenyour Friendands in mo need of you ? To forohe him at a

lime when he is in the greate Danger? Let every Chrian tahe Care then,
that he hehave himelfnot with ler Godliner, Friendhip, and Aection, than the
very Heathens: For theya we are to a our Friends, when in Misfortune-s
and Dangers. Our Circum anees in our Life Time, mo commonly hew in what
Point we and chiely in want of Prayer, and oing we are ignorant, how ma
ny and great Dangers encompas the Dead, we oughturely to pray o much the
more; that whatever the Cae ma he, they may he relieved
our Pra ers.
Suppoo them to he in the Glory o Heaven, or Torments of Hell, yet ougd we
to pray who are ignorant of it, le while we do Ill upon an Uncertaint , we

o a Breach
ed and
o Neceity.
It isoftrue
are to dowere
Good we
whii here, hut we mu not he o condent, or rather arrogant of it, as not

earnely' to malee ue of others Prayers for as, as well in this Life, as in the
Life to_come. This was long ago the Opinion of the hel Kings, Dulzes, Mar
Y: Earl, Baons', and Knights, of all good Soldiers and religious Men.
Nor have we any Need to fetch Examples from Ahroad to prove this, when

we abound with o man] at Home. For the nohle of our Kings, and mc il
lurious I/Varriars have always had o great a.Regard to this Duty, as to leave

Initutio Ordinis.


uis ibi rebus nonnullos relin uerent oraturos, a 'petentiores inventi itnt.
Arthurus illa prima tamq; miri ca Britannorum G oria, Edgarus ipi: mul

tus Coenobiorum erector, Henrici, Edoardi, hujus ipius rei magnici Cul
tores erant. Hos commemoro non uod alij nulli int cum eis in hoc
Pietatis 8: Virtutis genere coniierendi, ed quod hij unt, qui icut Armis

8: Honore praecellebant, ita emper animum appulere uum, ut Be decus

Militize proveherent, at hoc pacto laluzem animarum attentime repice


Principio Splendorem hunc militarem, &e. meritimam gus Rei

Magnicentiam adue curabant: partim ad anteceorum Famam pie.

perpetuaq; Memoria retinendam, partim propter excitanda Juniorurn ad

inutandum ingenia: Morem antiquiiimorum optime ecuti, apud quos

ob res bene praeclare ue eas, imagines s: atuae majorum in atriis
magnicae ar: glorio a: co locari olebant, coronaaq; atuarum Capitibus

nonnun uam imponi, 8: alia deinceps (ut res pocebat) inignia ignanter
oendi, onorq; generis 8: familiar dignitas at zGradus emmate diingui;

ut Nobilitas atqzdallvencs hjis excitata Splen orem ad Corporis at zanimi


vires ie exercitan

evi' ilaret, uti paribus aliquando peruncta la oribus

ac Studiis, pari quoque finde 8: honore deniq; rui poit.

Qiippe non

parum intere Reip. talia Virtutum irritamenta nobili animozq; Juventuti

proponi, quibus accena emper in opere (e digne zrveat. Unde Socrates
apietttimus omnium Oraculo Deiphico judicatus, dum alia probitatis inci- P. rob.
tabula deeent, vel in illud cunctosi lures Juvenes vocare 'conii1evit, ut vul

out of their own Eate a Provion for certain Men to pray for them. Arthur
and admirable Glory of the Britains, Edgar that frequent Founder
of Monaeries, the Henries and the Edwards were bountiful Benefabiors
this Why. I mention thei, not becaue we have no others to he compared
l'with them in this Part of Religion and Virtue, but becaue thee are they,

who as they always. excelled in Arms and Honour, b they made it their
chief Study, both to enlarge the Glory of Knighthood, and by this Means

a particular
for theRegard
to and
the salvation
Magni ocence
They atpartly
to preerve the Glory of their Anceors in good and laing Memory, and
partly to encourage their Touth to imitate them, wifely following the Ex
amples ' of the Ancients, among whom for great and good AEiions, the Ima

ges and statues of their Anceors were wont to be placed in their Houes'
rciiith great Magnicence and Glory, and ometimes Crowns were put upon'
the Heads of the Statues, and in Proces of Time, other Marks and Di in
&ions of Honour were' publichly made u of, as the Cae required, and the
Honour, Dignity, and Degree of their Houe and Family were diinguihed by

their Bearings: That their Nobility and Touth encouraged by thee Honours
hould aim at Glory, and b improve the Endowinents both of their Body
and Mind, that having gone thro' the itme Labours and Diyfficulties, . they

might at [all attain to the lilce Honour and Glory.

And it is no mall Ad

vantage to a Government, that uch Encouragements to Virtue hould be laid

before the noble and the brave, by which being ired, they might be wholly

ful?" VP, and empligied in Afiions becoming them-lves,

Whence Socrates,
w o'


Initutio Ordinis.


tum ubinde uum in Speculo dilpicerent. Qii i Venuus eer, ne qua

Turpitudine pollucrent: Sin deormior, ut eum opere ormoo venua
rent. Hinc Geus, inceus, 8: totius Corporis acita Gravitas, hinc mo

rum ex omni parte concepta Maturitas.

Hinc Contubernii militaris, 8c

religioorum Coetuum in Habitibus atq; Indumentis tanta Varietas. Mili

tix nimirum, ut 'ille Splendor Inignium Ornamentorum, ax eet illurium

Animorum. Religionis autem 8: com oitae alioqui Societatis, ad Confo

vendam mutuo pietatem 8: amplican

chriianx Probitatis Sanctimo
niam. Quam ob Caulam itidem t tam Crcber in aede dedicata concurus:

out po Dei Gratiam lacramentali Vivacitate illic prxizrtim obtinendam,

per Imagines divorum celebriter Erectas, 8: Multitudinis invicem ad omne

Genus pietaris atq-, honeatis edulo e componentis mutuum Exemplum,

ipla Virtutum imulachra cernerentur, 8: mutuam undiq; equendi prxbe
rent anam. Hinc illa nobilium Virorum tam viventium quam demcto

rum ini nia propendent in Eccleiis, Be praexa Monumentis aulgent, hinc

erecta VZ humi Congea marmora acriptee laminae metro vel prot Splen
decentes. (Luorum enim hate omnia, nii quatenus intuentium Animi ad
veram Nobilitatem, Pietatem, se Virtutem accendantur: vel Saltem ini

gentur ad levamen animarum antea demctorum. Hincilla: Criaz, Galeae,

Clipei, Enes, Vexilla, Arma, prominent in Edicula Divi Georgii I/Vynde
ori, hinc axae memorabiles illic 6: ornatae laminae, quo nobilium inquam
Seniorum honoranda claritas, animoimis quibuq; Juvenibus ic arri

who by the Oracle at Delphos was declared the wte of Mankind, when other
Encouragements to Virtue were wanting, would call the noble Touths together,
and advie them to look at their Faces in a Glai, that they were hand.

ome, they hould not deile themilves by any Baenei;

themelves by handome Works.

ugly to beautify

Hence proceeds the Geure and Wit/king, and

hence is the Gravity of the whole Body acquired : Hence ries that Maturity
of Manners. Hence proceeds that Variety of Habit and Clothing in military
and religious orders. In the military Orders that that extraordinary Lure of

their Dre and Habits hould be a Thken of their illurious Minds.

But in the

Religious and Societies otherwi/i: compoid to the mutual cherihing of Piety, and
the increaing the Holirtei of the chrtian Integrity. For which Reaon, there is
ofrequent an Ambly in conhcrated Places, that after having obtained the
Grace of God facramentally by a lively Faith; the very Images of the Viriues
might behen, and give every one an opportunity offbllowing them, by the Ima
ges of the Saints publickly erected, and the mutual Example of the Congregation

diligently conzpong it elf to every kind of Piety and I/irtue. Hence comes it
that the hang up the Banners of noble Men, as well living as dead, and plen

them over their Monuments.

Hence thoe Marbles either ereiit' or

lying on the Ground, and

Plates incribed with Metre or Proe. Th what
End is -all this, but that the Minds of the spectators might be inflamed with true

Nobility, Piety, and Virtue, or at lea inigated to pray for the Eae of the de
parted Souls. Hence thei- Cre/ls, Helmets, shields, Swords, Banners, and Arms
hang up in St. George's Church at Windorz hence are thoi Ialingand beauti

ful Plates xed up, to the Intent that the Honour and Glory of their worthy An

Initutio ordinis.


dear, uti Virtutum ac beneactorum paritate parem quandoque dignita

tem aequi contendant.

Hinc mertiimorum ejus Ordinis Equitum

illec peculiaria quidem Ornamenta, Trabca, Torques, Be Subbulum,

Wyndeori Be diligentet (ut decet) aervata, Be tam illic quam alibi pro
temporis Exigentia ex ornatimorum Virorum Corporibus oentata. Ad
eum dico nem ia tendunt, ut approbata Seniorum Magnanimitas ua

meritima Gloria non careat, Be nobilitataJuventus inammaretur ad imi

tandum: nempe quibus cum talia Majorum Inignia contuentur, vehe

mentime jamjam animus ad Virtutem accenditur. Neque gura cili
cet tantam in ee vim habet: Sed Memoria Rerum gearum eam Ham

mam egregiis Viris in pectore gignit. (him nec ante edatur, quam ua
praeclara acta, famam illorum atq; Gloriam adaequaverint. Fiunt etiam ob
Cauam-Chriianis revera ingularem: ut animarum inquam aluti con


ulatur omnium profecto demctorum, ed praeertim hujus Ordinis Equi

tum electorum. Quos ab initio concreandi, certe haec ipa Caula videtur, ne
videlicet (quod diximus) vera Nobilitas po longos largosq; labores honore,
uem meruerat, invidiose deituta gemeret, utq; junior Be ferocior aetas

Etcula non careret in opera Virtutis, qux clara xternaq; habetur.

Sed Be

praecipua (non dubium) ia lit, ut deunctos vivi mutuo juvarent:

Suo diligenter impendio piis precatoribus initutis, qui Dei vindictam,

quam per longa hujus Vitze iiacinora verendum plane ut commerue

rant, ipi vertere uderent in Clementiam.

Multum enim valet a


celors and Predeceors houldopleae the Minds of the pirited Touch, as earnily
to endeavour by the ome Virtues, by the ame great and good Deeds to attain

at la to the ome Honour.

Hence the peculiar Ornaments of the mr de

erving Knights of this Order, the Robe of State, the gold Chains and Garter are
diligently, as they ought to be, preerved at Windlor, and there, and in other

Places, al) as the Exigency ofTime requireshewn on the Bodies of illu/irious Men,
Thee Things tend all to this End, that the approved Magnanimity of their Se
niors hould not want its due Glory, and the ennobled Touth might he encouraged

to imitate them: And that when they beheld the honourable Enigns of their An
celors, their Minds might be vehemently enlamed with Vrtue. Nor has the Ap
pearance of thee Thingso great an Influence on them only, but even the Memory

of pa Aons begets a Flame in the Breas of brave Men, which cannot be ex

tinguihed 'till by their own glorious Exploits, theyhall equal, and come up to the
Fame and Glory of thoe who were before them. Thee Things are done for a pe

._ ._ .
_. ,_

culiar Reaon by Chri/lians, to wit that there may be a Proviion for the Salva

tion of the Souls ofall who are departed this Life, but more particularlyfor thoe
of the Knights of this Order. The Caue of creating which Order at
eems to
be this, that (as we Ziid before) true Nohility after long and many Labours
might not complain of its being deprived, thro' Envy,of the Honour it had deerved :
And that the prightlier and les governable Iouth, might not he without a bright
Example in virtuous Performances, which are reno-osned, glorious, and laing. But
the chiefReaon nodoubt was, that the Living might mutually a the Dead : That
pious Preachers being iniituted at their Coll, mightludy to divert the l/Vrath of
God (which 'tis to befeared they have deerved by their many Crimes committed
t is

Iniitutio Ordinis.


lem inchoavit, 8: rotundam ibi (qualm vocant) Menaln inituitzrit hzrc

(i Fides conet Authoribus) Inigni Materia edes, in gyrum ornata, quam

E uitum, aervata
quos ex omni
Be Archiepicopus
delegerat 8:
is lurali manu reddidit inigniorem. Erat ipii hzrc optimorum Equitum,
Octo 8: Viginti conjunctorum.

Numerus non multum abe ab eo,

qui jampridem obizrvatur in ea Societate militari, qua: non paucis po an

nis in hujus (ut vicletur) locum optime meritimeq; ubolevit, &e. ad tan

tum Splenclorem inigniter evait. In hacipi nanq; ex 8: viginti connu

merantur: quibus upremus ac illurimus uperadditur, Anglorum pro
tempore Rex invictimus, Ut ab Arthuro (ne quid de Preceoribus ine
ram,) per tam longam illurimorum Reoum Anglorum retro seriem, non

parvam rei militaris Be ornatus illiusCuram ie conenquamquan] non om

nes eoclem Ordine famaq; proceerint. Arthurus autem tall' pugilum Certa
militari -, peritianon
inter ee, verumAthletas
ibi etianr
ee conituit; quorum Ingenio, Viribus, 8: Induria, i quando res poce

rct in omni arduo periculooq, Negotio denter 8: ecure couti pot.

Hos cum cpulanclum eet vel de Negotio militari conultandum, in Coro

nam ic utiqz edere jut, ne quiquam alteri prxlatugad invidizr: Periculum,



eie videretur, utq; quos coneus Equalitas ita ociarat, amicitia pari modo

couniret, 8: quos. par animi Virtus ac Fortitudo copularat, eos nulla Fortuna

into a Circle and beautifully adorned, which Arthur had et apart for thoe
eleti Knights, which he had choen and united for himelf; and was ill

farther ennobled, by the conecrating Hand of the then Archbihop of Can

terbury. Thee were twenty eight of the bel Knights joined together:
Which Number does not much dier from that, which is now oberved by
this military Society, which ion after with equal Glory and Deert came in
to the Place of thia. For in this Order are t-zventy' ix, over which as Sove
reign the King of England for the Time being, always pre/ides. As from
Arthur (to ay nothing of his Predeceors, or trace back t long a Series

of illulrious Things) it is plain what Regard was had to the 'nilitar Af

fairs, and how curious they were in their Dree and Ornaments, t o' all
did not proceed in the ame Order and Glory. For Arthur who was won
derfully delighted with the Tilts and Tburnaments of thoe Times, and a great
Lover of thoe, who had given Inances of their Courage and Skill in War,
conlitieted leii Champions, who were de/Z-r-vezlly' famous on thee Accounts,
and joined them not only in Familiarity (me with another, but alo with

himelf -, on whoe Wit, Courage, and Indury,

Occaion required in any
difficult and dangerous Undertaking he might afely rely. Thee he ordered
when they were either to banquet together, or take Counel about any Bui
nes in IVar, to it together in a Circle, that t no Envy' might arie at
one's being preferred before other, but that being joined in Friendhtp, as
they were in Place and Degree, no ill Fortune hould eparate or alienate
them from one another, whom an equal Share of Virtue and Courage had join
ed together.

The Place of their tting both our own Countrymen and Stran


_ In/litutio Ordinis.


ejungeret, aut abs e invicem ob ullum Caum vel Dicrimen alienariet;

Seronis locum rotundam Arthuri Menam eu Tabulam 8c norates 8:
catterae Gentes communiter appellant, quibus pam in ore e Britannorum

Arthurus, Novem etiam illorum memoria nomineq-, dignimorum ex

Chriianis primus, nec abs re meritove, muneratusz Cui pares aCljiClUHELIr

Gallorum Magnus Carolus se Bolonien/is Godofi-edus. Ex Hebreis' trias altera
prxceigTei-tia Gentium extitit. Hebrzorum Yoiie, David, 85 fudm Maa

chabeus: quibus aante Deo, quid non poibile imo quid non facile ee

debuit ? qui Gentibus etiam, ut rbi Vium, haud reitit: Gentium Hefior,
Alexander Be Julius: Atqui is invictimus Arthurus illuriimi Ordinis
militaris, qui Wyndeorijam merito tam lorious oenditur, ic primarius

Erector approbatur. (yern alii Reges u tro lecuti, quo magnicentiores 84:

rebus a le geis illuriores, eo emper huic Negotio Wyndeorieni faventio- '

res inventi unt, 8: ad Memoriam uam ibi celebrandam attentioires. Henricus
etenim primus praeter alia cum naturae tum lngularis Gratia: dona, factaq;
clarima, a Venuate doctrinae venuilimum Nomen aecutus. uam op

time i: facturum intellexit, i tam pulchre Subructionis Arci Ecerdotale

Collegium adderet: quorum opera tota divinae peciatim Venerationi, n

crx Lectioni se Orationi pro ua ipius catterorumqz demctorum anima
bus advigilaretz fauum Omen, ut quamquam alii multa praearent,

ipi tamen Henrici, quicquid deforet, uizue conummarent.

Qyalem anL
mum habuiile plus certo perhibetur ille eptimus hujus Nominis,
inter om

gers call King Arthur's round Table; who very frequently mention the Britih
Arthur, and deervedly mention him as the
of the Chri/lians, who are
reckoned among thoe' nine Worthies, whoe Glory and ,Memory is immortal;
they who are added to him as equals, areCharles the Great of France, and
Godfrey of Boloign. Another Three are*- reckoned from among the Jews,
the others from the Heathens. Thoe of thegews are Johua, David, and
Judas Macchabeus: Who, with the Aancejtgf God, made every Undertak

ing not only poible but eay: nor was the eimedivine Power, when it pleaed
God, wanting to the Gentiles : Of whom werze Hector, Alexander, and

But our invincible Arthur has the mo deerved Applaue, as being

Founder and Erehior of that mo ill' rious Order of Knighthood,
which has approved it elf with uch Merit UZGIOZ? at \Vindor: And
following and
his according
Example, tohave
a and
ore favourable
wa s Kings
to Windor,
the had
Dignity of Regard
their own
A lions, have been more intent upon the celebrating and preerving their Me

mories in that Place.

of Grace and Nature
excellent Name, from
he hould ill add to

For Henry the r, beides theparticular Endowments

and his glorious Affions, having obtained a great and
the Greatneis and Excellence of his Learning; thought
his Glory,
to b beautiful a Cale, he hould add av

College of Pric/ls: Whoe whole Labour hould he devoted to the Whrhip of

God, Reading of the Scriptures, and Praying for the Souls of himelf, and the
rel who were dead. A happy Omen that tho' other Kings had done many and
great Things, yet the Henries hould ni/h and compleat always what was'
wanting, What a glorious Soul had the Seventh of this Name, the mo nd



In/litutio Ordime. ,
ncs Antcccores Rcx unus unicc
dubium quin Numcn Obetit,
Scptimus Octavo mium Faccrct,
praetcrcundus, qui Rebus bcllicis

cordatus, pictatiq; dcditus. Sed non

ut quemadmodum Solomoni David, id
Primus itaque Richardus' hand hic c
nulli Rcgum Anglorum ccundus crat,

hiqz praeertim contra Thurchas 8: Agarcnos non improbe pcractis:

Fuit cnim is uis propcmodum Anglis, qualis 8: Britonihus Arthurue: Si vcm
(int quae cribuntur; Huic, cum contra Ciprum 8: Aconem Arma lnovenct,

longioriq; more: pcrtxum ect, dum mira Solicitudinc trahcretur ob

idio; tandem illabcntc per divi Georgii (ut opinatum e) interventum
Spiritu, venit in Mcntem, ut

uorundam Elcctorum militum Cruribus

coreaccum Subbulum, qualc ad manus tunc olum habebat, induceret:

quo uturx Gloriaz mcmorcs, ex Condicto i vinccncnt, ad rcm fortiter

' ac rcnuc gerendam expcrgeercnt; ad Romanorum inar, apud quos illa

Coronarum Varietas, quibus variis de Cauis donati unt at Inigniti

Militcs, ut hiis vclut Irritamcntis excua Vccordia, Virtus animi fortitu

ue Pcctoris
Dataci Carcnis
illi, quiFcrvidior
in Cara
primus atque
qui Murum
ubicns in Urbcs hoium primus acenderat.

Civica, quam Scrvatori

uo Civis in prxlio parabat, Salutis 8: Vitm tccm haud inidoneum.

Obidionalis, quam ab Obidionc liberati libcratori uo donabant. Na
valis, quae Navium exornata roris ipis dcignata c, qui bcllis mati
timis primus in Navcs hoium vi traniliict: Ovalis Imperatori Civi

cere and religious King of all his Anceors.

And without Douht as Provi

dence did not permit David to huild the Temple of God, hut let it to he com
pleated hy his Son Solomon z o Henry the Seventh left it to the Eighth to

nih what he had ) gloriouly hegun.

Nor are we hereto pas hy Rich

ard the r, inferior to none of our Kings for his warlike Eaploits, thoe
epecially which he carried on with i) much Succes again the Turks and
Hagarcncsz and was among his Englihmcn the ame almo, as Arthur

was to his Britons: If we may give any Credit to what our Hiorian: re
late, when he lay with his Army again Cyprus and Acon, and was'
wearied with the Length of the Siege, which was carried on with a great deal
of Diculty and Danger, the holy Spirit inpiring him (as 'tis thought) hy
means of an Apparition of St. George, it came into his Mind to put on the Legs

of hine ele Knights, a leather with a Buckle; heing what they had then in Rea

dines: By which heing mindful of theirfuture Glor , the might heirred up to

hehave themelves hravely and valiantly, ) as to o tain the Vifiory : After the

Manner of the Romans, among whom that Diverzity of Crowns with which, for
various Caues, Soldiers were preented and honoured, that as it were hy thee'

Incitements, their Sluggihner heing drove away, the Bravery of their Mind,
and Stoutner of Heart might he raied, andhew itelf with greater Lure. A
Corona Caren/is or Veillaris was decreed to him who hould
hreak into the
Enemies Camp : A Mural to him whocaled the V/alls of an Enemies Tow. A

civick Crown was that which a Citizen preented, as a proper Telimony ofhis 'hav

ing his Lifepreerved, to him who hadaved him in Battle, The Corona Opdiona
lis was pre-nteil
hy the Be/ieged, to him who freed and delivered them row



Iniitutio Ordinis.

tatem ingreo po Victoriam, qua ne Cruore poritus erat: Triuln
hanti triumphalis ex lauro, quae Victoriarum ac laztitice Precipua
Pluncia traditur. Hxc Magnanimiraris oena: hec' dirmilis pruden

tjx certo futura teimonia, mirum quam pugnacis animi Vires ex

ucitarunt; ut nihil non virilicer obeundum renueque perimplendum

ibi ua quique Vigilantia peruaderet, ob hunc honorem cum perpe
tua zma ecuturum.

Ne ue mulcum abimili Conilio uus 'e in

clytimus ie Richardus, dum Coriaceum hoc Subligaculum uorum

Cruribus induci voluic: ur iporum jam vivida pectora commoverer,
ad renue navandam operam, ne quis alteri gloriam tanram prarep

cum iret.

Qlippe cui llgidius 8: aureuln Inigne ucceurum erat.

Cujus Rei Gratia cum po felicimas ibi Victorias in patriam quo

dam quai poliminio rediiet, ium divi Georgij clarilnlum Ordinem, '
cujus tutela tantopere nituntur Angli,

condere, munire, perimplere co

gitavit: Sed quod ipe non przeitit, Edoarduc adimplevit. Ie tertius

Edoardus, Vir omnizria pietare, Magnanimirate 8: Conilio vere ma
Ximus ac upremus,

Anno Regni ui viceimo tertio, cum de Gallis

atque Scotis plus emel illurime triumphlet: ad Dei Cultum, cui

(quod pii Regis erat) omnia retulit accepta, 8: ad honeamenta Mi

litaria, quorum deli opera ram feliciter uus eet, preclarimum

Animum applicuic. Et ne mortuorum oblitus, olis Vivis applauie
videretur, deunctorum etiam Animabunampliime imctimcq; pro

Siege. A naval Crown adorned with the Rei-mhlances of the Pra-ws of Ships wai'
ordered or him who hould in a Sea Fight
hoard the Enemy. 'An Oval was
that w ich was given to a General, when entering the City after a I/zfiory without

Bloodhed. A triumphal Crown of Lavjrel, the greate Signal of Joy' and I/zfiory
was given to him, who was allowed a Triumph. Thee laing 'Ieimonies of their
'great Valour and Condu, wonderfully irred up the Courage of their I//ezrriors
Minds,o that they allwere encouraged to attempt any Danger,and cheerfully'go thro'
it with Application and Vzgilance, for the ohtaining of thee Honours which pro
cured eternal Glory. Our glorious Richardeems alo to have made u' of the lihe
Caunels, when he tied this leathern Garter on the Legs of his Knights, to excite
their alreadyforward Minds to perfie the T/Vorh they had tahen in Hand, and pre

vent their heing depoiled of this o great Glory : The leathern Garter which was
then' heowed, heing to heucceeded hy a richer and a more plendid En/ign ofHo
nour. In Rememhrance of which Thing, after he had ohtained many Iiories, when

he returned into his Country after a long Ahi-nce, he intended to found, aziahli/h,
andperfeff that illurious Order of St. George, on whoo Guardian Proteon

the Englih o much rely : What he did not go thro' with-Edward accomplihed,

that Third Edward, in all hind of Piety, Bravery, and Condui? truly Great and

supreme; in the z z d Tear of his Reign, after he had triumphed everal Times
over the French and Scotch. He hent his nohle Mind to the I/I/orhip of God (to
whom, as hecame a pious Prince, he acrihed all his Succzefg) and to the honouring
of the Soldier , hy whoo faithful Services he waspod ofuch Happines. And

leetforgetful),of the Dead, he hould eem only to have Care of the Living, with
great Large-o and Santy, he provided alo for the Souls of the departed. P/'Jor

t is


Initutio Ordinis.

'Nec alium locum ram commodum, aptum 8: huic toti Ne

_ gotio tanquam ab initio deinatum, quam Wyndeorum e: cnit. * Haec

jpa namq; Rcgum domus e, propria Sedcs ia principuln, hzrc uc
Regia: Majeati Cougrua, ic 8: inprimis (Emper Electa: lllic itaquc pri
mum Arciuduit,
reedicandze potiusdecrcvit,
8: clarius
ac munitius
in quo
Anglia Rcgen), 86 viginti Sex auratos Equites Subrutilantes 'exhibercg cui

8: Caerulcli ubhgaris Nomen indidit.

Huic etiam ad averandam in

omni 'Re n_on Inale facta malam Interpretationem, 8: in signicatio

ncm inte i pectoris honeique amoris, Apothegma Gallice conituic incribi, 'cilicet aureis vel preciois alioqui Literis; 8: in altero humero,
Crurc quoque, intcrdum pollice geari.
Equitibus autem annuam
Divi Georgii eivitatem, olcnni Ritu Juaquc Cercmonia tranigendam,

'przeizrtim id Wyndori -, ad quem quidcm Ordincm inchoandum, 8: per

Pctuo rmandum, Rcx, Principes, Duces, Comites, Dominos 8: E ui

_tcs Regni przrcipuos in locum ibi vium convocans, Mentem in ac

Re uam hiis gratanter cxpouir. Ad quod omnes mirum in modum
aecti, pari cum lxtitia plauuq; uiscpere relatum: maxime quod prae
ter ca Commoda, qua: upra jam recitata unt, permagnum inquam

Pietatis, Nobilitatis, 8: Virtutis Incrcmentum, perpcndcrunt inde fore,

quo multo' Elcilius Norates inter e, tum exteri quoque nobicum

uno amorc paceq; coirent.

Qlod ctiam uc citius 8: validius in' nem


this Intent he found no Place more commodious than Windhr, which was as it
were originally deined entirely for this Work. For this is the King's own proper
Houe, this is the Seat of Princes : And as this Hou: is mo t for a Kingly
Perbnage, t it has always been
made Choice of. There, therefore, he began

to repair or rather re-edee, and more beautifully androngly rebuild the Ca/fle :
Which when he had done, hepurpoed to initute an Order, in which the King of
England hould preide as Sovereign over twenty x Knights, to which, he
gave the Name of the Blew Garter. Unto this alb, to prevent an bad Con
fruion being put upon any Thing not done with an ill Deign, and or a Signal

of their Sincerizy and Loyalty, he ordered a Motto in French Wbrds to be

wrought round the Garter, in Letters of Gold, or ome other coly Manner :
And to be wore over one of their Shoulders, or the Leg, and ometimes on their

Thumb. And he commanded the Knights to oberve with olemn Rites and
ceremonies, the annual Fe/Iival of St. Geor e, and that chiey at Windbr, to
begin which Cuom, and perpetually to elZblih it, the King called together
the Princes, Duhes, Earls, Lords, and chief Knights of the Kingdom, and with
a great Deal of Satisfaction, declared his Mind to them in this Aair. At
which they being all extremely pleaed, received his Royal Declaration with great

Joy and Applauz: And beides the Advantages above mentioned, aw what
a 'va Increae of Piety, Nobility, and Virtue would accrue from thence; how
our Countrymen would the eaier accord am
themelves and FWeiSWW-f
lihewie- be joined in the one Bond of Peace and Friend/hl with MAnd

that he might the boner and more rmly gain this End, he uited Ves and Or

naments with Names proper for the Order, that every one might know, that

Initutio Ordinis.


uum perveniret, ic huic Ordini cum Nominibus Vees Be Ornamenta

coaptavit: ut omnia hxc ad Amicitiam, Concordiam Be reliquam Virtu

tem tendere, nemo non intelligat, (luotquot enim hujus Ordinis unt Socii,
Sodales, Collegar, Fratres Be Commilitones appellantur, Ordo nimirum ip
iz, Societas, Sodalicium, Collegium E uitum, raternitas Be Commili

cium. Qiid Socii vocitantur nii quod hdeliter in utrzitque ortuni. con'
juncti, pacis ac belli comparticipes, in omni Re eria perictlloave certi Co

adjutores, Be per omne Vita: genus deles inter e e amici emper ee debe
ant? Sodales autem quod in una Meni izdentcs imul edant, vel quod utilia
uadentes Salutariaq; Reip. conulentes,in eadem quoque Mena conidere o
leant. Ad quem modum Be noer hic Supremus ab initio uos Equites in

itultz ut dum conveci vel conultare deberent, in eadem imul Mena con

iderent aut conierent: Suorum ita Majorum, hoc e nobilimorum

Equitum praenobilis Arthuri Veigiis inientes, quorum circum unam Be

eandem Menlitm perimilis conus anteceit. Id quod totum ad Con

cordiam ac Unanimitatem pectatz ut quorum e unus atq', idem conieus,
eorum divert non debeat ee Voluntas. Collegae, Fratres ac Commilito
nes, quod in omni Fortunx Jactu, Cauq; Militari, raterno quoque amore

tanquam duos honore poteateqz ibi pares,hos omnes oporteat eib Confo
ciatos. Qlem ad modum etiam perepe Reges, Imperatores, Be Exercituum
Supremi ductores, tanquam uis Militibus haud Impares, eidem e illis ap

pellatione ociarunt: ut Majoris inde Virtutis Be Audacize Singularioris ana

all thee Things tended to Virtue , Friendhip and Concord.

For as

many as are of this Order, are called Fellows , Companions , Colle

gues, Brothers, and Fellow-soldiers; and the Order it elf was called a

Society, a Fellowhip, a College of Knights, and a Brotherhood.

Why were

they Fellows, but that being faithful Sharers in all Fortune of Peace and Wizr,

they hould in every great and dangerous Undertaking a one another, and in
every part of Life remain rm and faithful Friends.-

They were called Compa

nions, becaue they did eat together,itting at one Table z or that when they were
adviing and conulting for the Benet and I/Velfare of the Kingdom, they ac
cuomed alo to it together at the zme Table. After this Manner our Sove

reign at

inituted his Knights, that when they were called upon, either to,

eat or conult together, they houldit at, or and round the ame Table together,
following in this Method, the Example of the illulrious Knights of the noble

Arthur, who had before in the ame Manner at round one and the ame Table.
All which tends only to Unanimity and Concord 3 and that they who have no
Diierence in Place and Honour, hould not he (if a dierent opinion. They were
called Collegues, Brothers,and Fellow-Soldiers, ecaue in every Change ofFortune,
and Chance of V/Zzr they ought all to be united in a brotherly Love : As two
only,eaual in Honour and Power; After which Manner, Kings, Emperors, and

Generalimds,anding as it were upon theame Levelwith their Soldiers,havejoin

ed themilves to them by the lime Name,that from thence they might have a greater

Encouragement to Virtue and Boldnes. o Companions, Companions, ays the

Trojan jEneasz Arthur calls them Copartners of his Properity and Adverityi
And Cztlar in his Commentaries very often calls them Fellow-Soldiers, as many

. 16.

~ In/iitutio ~ortzt;@.~~


prenderetur. xO Socii, Socii, Trojanus AZneas inquit; Conocios uae Prope

ritatis Be Adveritatis Arthurus appellitat. Commilitones uos paiim e vo

cae Caar in Commentariis oendit, ut complures alios ad id non memine
rim. Sed neq; jEqualitas haecita iovebitur, ut Iniquitatem pariat. Non e
eam lus cuiquam detrahendus honor, aut imminuenda Poteas, verum

i: in Mente emper habendum, quod hzec Societas Be Ordo vocetur.

autem Ordo in uo cujuq; loco Collocatio, ut oena pro dignitate oris

Imparitasunternam tamen Animi paritatem,Be inter (e fraternam Amicitiam

bmnino foveat Be conlervet. Vees itidem atqz Ornamenta imilem curam

_exhibent,Be eodem intendunt. Inigni nanq; Be orbiculari Subbulo ziiterius
humeri, eu Cruris admonentur Equites, ut pie, incetiter, amice, ideliter,
Be dexteriter, omnia quae aggrodiuntur itaqz perciant: Ne quid contra Sa

cramentum Be Ordinis inituta ucipiant aut pertentent, ne pacis Be ami

citiae leges evacuent, aut belli juta contemnant: ne contra quam fides exi
git, aut fcedus Be amicitia: copula requirit pedem extendant, neve uquam

vel pedetentim, amicus amico deroget. Torquis ex hujumodi Orbiculis

Be Nodis precious Inigni Georgio ex aequo de pectore vernans, Be (pendide
'circum Nobiles Cervices inductus, de tali dei, pacis Be amicitix Vinculo
emper arctilme tenendo imiliter admonet, ut ceu Cathena quadam illo
rum animi int annexi, vinctiq; permaneant Be inter le invicemirrevuli.
Inigne Georgii thoraca protegens, pectus illud in ui Memoriam vocat, ut
'quemadmodum ipe proprius eorum Divus, Chrii Be Sponz ejus Ecglctizilie

e s
others which Ihall not mention. But then this Equality is not to be encouraged,o

as to produce Injuice. The Honour due to every one, is by no Means to be

denied him upon this Account, or is his Power to be leened, for it is always to
be remembered, that this Society ali is called an Order. Order is the Dipoition
of every Thing in its proper Place, o that tho' there appear in Publick, a Die
rence and Diinition in Dignity, nevertheles an Equality of Aection, and


is inward] , and in private preerved and cheril-ed.


parel likewie, and Ornaments by the Figures of them mean the ame. For by
that honourable and orbicular Garter round one Leg or on the Shoulder, the Knights
were reminded, whatever they undertook to go thorow it with Piety, sincerity,
and Friendhip, Faithfulnes, and Dexterity' : That they hould not undertake, or
attempt any Thing contrary to the Oath and Iritution of their Order, that they
hould not make void the Laws of Peace and Amity, or neglect and break in

upon the Rights, which belong to the Uage of War.

That they hould notir

a Foot contrary to their Fidelity, or what their Union and Band of Friendhip re
quired : And that one Friendhould not in the lea derogate from another. The Collar

compoed oftheeort ofBuckles andBo/es,precious with the

ofSt. George,

hanging in the mid of their Brea, andput round the Necks of Noblemen, re
minds them of being bound together in the ome Band of Fidelity, Peace, and
Friendhip, that, as with a Chain, their Aeions might he linked together, and
remain united, o as not to be eparated. The George hanging down upon the
Brea, Put-T them i" Mind of him, and that, as he being their proper Saint,

hewed himelf afaithful andglorious Soldier of Chri, and his Spoue the Church,

they alo hould approve themelves glorious soldiers, and faithful Aerters of




r ---'--'-,-*"' cur'- w-'i 'Ya

_, A

idelis 8: glorious Miles extitit, ic 8: ipi Chrii chr' i


ac Societatis, in Singularem ui Gloriam-deles Milites ac propugnatores

evadant. Trabea purpurea izu pallium oreum private Majeatis nota
men habet, fed animi praeentem quoque fortituclinem appoite ignicat:
quae tanta jam hiis viris inee debeat, ut Sanguinem ante mdendum exii
ment, quam Caue Dei 8: Supremi ui non coaant: at eos vita prius P. 173.
quam Virtutis Be Amicitix tuitio deerat. Haec Signicatio peculiaris 8:
privata Singulorum, communis autem omnium: ut iorum obtutus ces
Charitatis in ummam omnium perniciem (Prohx Dolor) aepius extinctas,

ex omni parte redaccenderet.

Nempe quin is Rex inclitiiimus Be' Ortiinis

lturi Supremus, Remp. Chriianam multis retro tem oribus nunc Setlitio-i
nis apertx uctibus undique jactatam, 8c inteini bel i Scopulis impie mi

ereque Colliim, nunc vero imultatis, occultee actionis 8: inidioie Ma

chinatioiris Vulneribus exulceratam apexiet; cogltare coepit quodnam'

prazentius Remedium adhlbere pot, quo ic nutabundam, atque abantem

erigeregerectam inviolabili Statu olidaret. _ Illiq; ic diutine reputanti, tan

dem Ccrlitus hujusilluriimi quidem Ordinis, & inctiuna: Societatis in
Mentem venit: quam ubi olenniter inituens omni uo decore communie-i
rat, beatilmae Virgini, anctoqz Martyri Georgio nuncupavit; ut quorum

ope Milites Anglicam' maxime ubnituntur, eorum Simulachra uis quam-5

primum Inlllgnibus excolenda celebrandaq; uciperent. Sic Arthurus longe

prius inct' lmC Dei Gentitricis Imagunculam Clypeo uo kmper im


Chri, the chriian Religion, and their Society. The Purple Robe, or Velvet
Mantle bears the Mark of private Majey, andproperlyignies Prence, and
Bravery of Mind: Which hould be b great in thee Men, that they bought ra-'
ther to loe their Blood, than ever hrink from the Caue of God and their Save-i

reign: That they hould loe their Lives, ioner than be wanting in the Defence
of Virtue andFriendhtp. This is thepeculiar signication of particular Robes;
but the common Meaning of them all is, that the Sight of them might rekindle;
thoe Sparks of Charity, which to the very great Detriment and Deruon of
Mankind had been extinguihed. For this our illulrious King and Sovereign of
the Order he was about to found, having oberved that formerly all Chriendom
had been diquieted, and agitated by open and bare-faced Seditions, andhame

fully and traiterouly drove again, andhattered upon the Rocks of inteine
l-Vars: And that it was now torn with l/Vounds from the ill Will of private

Faons, and envious Deigns of treacherous Diemhlers z began 'to think what

mz preent Remedy might be applied to raie it from its low and weak Coizdi-g
tion, and to conrm, rengthen, and preerve it when reored to Vzgor: And
having long thought upon this, Heaven at la direiled him to found thic

noble Order, and acred Society : And having elentnly inituted 'and eab
li/hed it in all its Grace and Glory, he dedicated it to the mo blc/'ed Vir:

gin, and George the holy Martyr; that their Images, on whoe Aance
chiefly rely,
be bore
b themlong
their Enigns.
In like
Image of the holy Mother of God engraven on his Shield 3 by which Sight
he was put frequently in Mind of the holy Mary. Who with his drawn!

Initutio Ordinis.
pactam geare lolebat, ut ipius Intuitu frequenter ipe Maria revocaretur
in Memoriam. Qii ricto Gladio Deum invocans, nctzeqile Maria No
men inclamans, dum intra denas hoium acies e fortiter immiit, quen
cunq; attigerat, ictu olo perimebat; neque ante requievit al) Impetu,

uam quadringentos 85 leptuaginta Viros uno Caliburno uulit.


demirandum 1 Deus id illi, uae pientima Matris Interventu przeiterit;

qui Samponi dedit, ut una maxilla mille ernerit? Joue, Macchabeo aliiq;
Compluribus, ut cum paucis plurimos xpime proigarent 8: coninde
rent? Qui Davidi puerulo, ut Decumanum Goliam hurni aigeret? Urum
Be Leonem extingueret? Richardo noro ut poquam tot obinatos Infi
deles Exitio pro Chrii Gloria dediderat, Cor Leoni detractum illico deglu

tiret? Unde glorioum quoque Nomen rerulit. Arthurus autem ad hunc

modum ub ala deiparae Virginis, ad cujus frequentem Recordationem
impactum clypeo Simulachrum allexit, 8: fructum Chriianitatis Be victo
riae materiam invenit. ConantiniMagni Verus mulator, qui maximum
P. 18.

hunc Chriianirni proventum atq; Incrementum ab Initio percepit, quod

in crucixi Gloriam, Crucis Imaginem vexillo geari jullerat. Cujus
Temporibus dum Perecurio cezre inciperet, libere docendarum plebium

facultas extitit.

Corveniendi nanq; prius Be conultandi poteas, pror

um Epicopis 8: Chriianimi conultis abnegata sit: ut per quern po

Apoolos Chriianimus e maxime propalgatus, augmentata pietas 8: ita
paraq; maxime divini Verbi prazdicatio: ub eodem 8: per eundem Dei
Sword invocating God, and calling on the holy Name of Mary, bravely broke

in upon the thicke Troops of the Enemy, killing at one Stroke whomever he
met with, nor did he give over his furious Attack, till he had with his ingle

Swordycleped Caliburn, lain 470 of the Enemies.

And where hould be the

Wonder that God, by the Intervention of his mr holy Mother, hould a

Arthur in this Manner, who gave Sampon the Power of overcoming a Thou
end with one Jaw-bone. Who permittedJohua, and Judas Macchabeus, and

others, often to put to ight and deroy great Multitudcs with a handful of


By but Aance David the Stripling brought to the Ground the Gyant

Goliahz and killed the Bear and the Lyon. By theame Power, Richard, af
ter he had deroyed for the Honour of Chri many obinate Indels, eat the
Heart of a Lion which he had maered, and thence gained that glorious
Name of Coeur de Leon. Arthur after the lime Manner, under the Pro
teon of the Virgin Mother of God, whoe Reemblance engraven on his

Shield prerved her in his Memory, found the Advantages of Chriianity

and frequent Matter for Viffory.

A true Follower of Conantine the

Great, who found the Advantage and Benets of the chriian Faith, from
the Time that, in Honour of the crucied God, he had ordered the Sign of the
Cros to be born in his Banners. In whoe Times, Perecution beginning to abate,
a free Liberty of teaching the People was granted and allowed of. For before
his Time, the Power of meeting and conulting together, was altogether de

nied to the Bihops and Profeors of Chri tianity; r that through him, by
whom (next after the Apoles,) Chrylianity received its chiefe Propagation;
Piety was augmented, and the Preaching of the V/ord of God plentifully own

Initutio Ordinis.

. 29

anctorumqz ejus per lmagines arripicnda Recordatio, ovendaque Memo

ria ubintroiret. Sic in Templis, Delubris, 6: Suggeis, ic in Aulis a;
Aulxis, ic in Conclavibus scCubiculis, ic in ipiorum hominun] Corpo

ribus atq; Ornamentis lmagines erera: poitxqz hut, ic zn Clypeis 8: Vex

illis illurium Virorum ovanter extentae. Sic Georgius in tOt Vexillis emi
cat, ic Michael, ic Andreas in Vexillis triumphali forma renitenr. Qli

tres Ordines eu prxclarima: Societates inter chriianos Principes Be illo

rum electimos Equites hodie conant: ut maximaln Pacis 8: A1nicitia:
toti Chriiano Orbi praebeanr Occaionem: dum horum Iniinia mutuo
dam (se accipiunt. Inde nanq; t ut tres potentirlni Monarc a: Chriia
ni, quorum ex Nutu Pendcnt omnia, tranqulllum 8: feliccm Orbcm ee

ciant, dum imul ub Georgiano jarn Supremo duo reliqui in unitatem ip

ius Ordinis ac croanctze Societatis amicinre coiverint, 8: in eorurn

ipi: inceram Amicitiam atque praedilectanl Societatem rurum haud illi

benter acceerit. Nam vulgo fere t uoties rnulrum abe vel longe diizedit

amicus ab amic0,Symbolun1 aliquod eu mnemo/non potius ibi mutu0 trad

dam aut conignent, ut eo i quando frigecere coeperit, reiicara memoria,
recandecat Integritas Amoris Be Amicitia: Stabilitas augeatur.

Si quo

rumvis hoc it Amicorum, an non multo magis id e Necearium in ex

celimo Loco conitutis Be Potentilnis Principibus, uorum uavis 8:

amica Conjunctio plurimum prodee pot omnibus, Ziviio rem undi
pue totam rurbare peundareque oleat? huc igitur pectant Be hxc iorum

and dipered; the Rememhrance of God and hie Saints wan continually preer
roed in Mens Minds, hy their Reprrzentations and Images which he introduced.
Hence Inzages were placed and erefled in Temples, Churches and Pulpits, in
Halls and Courts, in Cloets and Bed-chamhers, on their Vements, and very
Bodies, and were triumphantly dzylayed on the Shields and Banners of illuri
ous Men. Hence George is diplayed in ) many of our Standards; - hence
Michael and Andrew appear triumphant in Banners, which three Orders, or
mo nohle Societies are kept up to this Day-among chriian Princes and their
choice Knights; and hy mutually giving and receiving thee Engns of Ho
nour, they preerve Peace and Amity thro' all Chriendonre, Hence it comes

to pas, that the three mo powerful chriian Monarchs, on whoe Will

depend, do leeep the World in Happiner and Peace , whii two of
them have heen entred into the Unity and holy Society of the Or

der of Saint Geor

under the Sovereign thereof, who in return hath

reciprocally and wit great Pleaitre accepted of their Friendhzp, and

entered into the worthy Society of their orders. For as it is com
mon, when one Friend is ahent at any Diance from another, they mutually
give or agree upon hine When of Rememhrance, that upon the eeing of it,

the Memory of their Friendhzp 'night he rejrehed, the sincerity o- their Love
he releindled, and their hrotherly AZ-on conrmed and enlarged.

If this he

the Cuom among Friends, how much more neceary is it to he hept up among
Men in high Stations, and powerful Princes, whoe weet and amicahle Con
junon greatly conduces to the Benet of all, and whoe Diviions diauiet and
ruin all Things ahout them? 72' this End are the Enigns of thoe Orders,
I. that




Initutio Ordinit.


Ordinum Inignia, ut quantumvis locorum intercapedo eparer', cmper *

mos eciat,
ac jurisjurandi
haud Memoria
ee per
mitrat. Sed ut has Dei, crucixi, beatze Virginis, se Divorum Imagines cri
gi patiamur, ad Memoriam erga illos alubriter excitandarn : ad quid (in

quiet ali uis) aliarum utique rerum nec adeo precioiarum aut Venerabi
P. 19

lium e aigio porriguntur? And Molo Caput, Canis, Leo, Draco,

quid Aves aut Jumenta, quid Enes, Galen, Clypei, quid Arma, laminas,
cartae deauratx, 'quid Cria, plumm, quid ampla Vexilla in locis etiam

acris Sublimia pendent? Certe i qua CaulZr permittat iec (permittit

autem maxima) an ee poteric, ut non multo major illa concedat? Sed
6: ia quidem a honis, piis, 6: Claris hominibus, Immo 5. clariimis
Regibus atque Imperaroribus ieri ccepta unt. Ne abs re profecto. Nam

Virtutis cxcitandazquazrendx pacis, abilienda: in poerum Amicitize, Me

moriceqjzlpro defunctis jugiter habendze Caua ubuit, ut ante diximus. At

qui ex 'is omnibus luce clarius apparegquod nulla ihi Inignia vel Inigni

um apparatus 8c indicia, hic cer 8: decorus Ordo umplerit: nii qui

bus pietas aucta, neqz veritas imminura foret. Nam ac ipi nimirum Equi
ces dum in media functione us: Celebritatis olennirer incedunt, 8: uavi
ter Intuentium ora (olenni Ritu tenent, primum reverendo Vulru, Geu

Compoito, Genuque exo pariter ac reflcxo, Regi Supremo uo (i preens

it) in abit, Sedili Regio (quod oporret) dceruirtz Mox Veri, conanti
that tho-Men he divided hy Diance of Place, yet the Memory of one another

heing' refrehed and kept up hy thee Tokens, hould keep their Minds united,
or at lea not unmindful of their Engagements and Oaths. But tho' we
uer the Imagrs of God, our Saviour, the hleod Virgin and Saints to he erected,
to the Intent to ir up our Minds toward the Rememhrance of them for our
mon Salvation 5 yet (one may ay) why are the Reemhlances of other Things,
neither o valuahle or venerahle oen in the Roofs? l/Vhy is the Head of
a Dog, L on, Dragon, Birds, Beas, Swords, Helmets, and shields, why are

Arms, P ates, gilded Streamers, Cres, Plumes, and large Banners placed on
high in conocrated Buildings ? If thee Thing;" for any CauE (as tre there
mu have heen ome) are permitted to he there, oan it he that there houldnot amuch
greater one appear for the other ? But they were put up hy good, pious and emi

nent Men, nay even hy the mo eminent Princes and Emperors: And not
'without Reaon. For the Deign was to promote Virtue, to ohtain Peace, to
ottle a laing Friend/hip, and, as we have ohirved hefore, to preerve a
continual Regard and Memory for the Dead. It appears hy all this, that

this honourahle Society took no En/igns, Ornaments or Badges for their Order,
except uch ac hy which Piety was to he increaod, and Truth not to he
impaired. For the Knights when they make a graceful Appearance in their Pro
Wi: and engage the Eyes of all who hehold them with Pleaure at their

Solemaities, do

with a ottled Countenance, and aid BelMZ/lio, bend"

ing one Knee before their Sovereign,

there, or
ahent, to his Stall,
as is required 5 and then turning, go to the Altar in a grave and ilemn
Manner to return due Honour to God 5 after which moving to the Saints,

Initutio Ordinis.

celebrique inceu procedunt ad Aram, Deo debirum honorem impenuri;

inde le vertunr ad Divos, maxime ibi peculiarem Georgium, aliquando con
eorem etiam Edoardum, 8: pium Henricum, viunt, lalutant, venerantur,

orant, 8: procumbentes oliculantur. (Do Plane demonrangquod Deus ipu

(e medius ac Mediatoizhonorem Divis ac uperioribus impendendum, ub ho
nore uo, oliq; ibi debito coacceptet.

Ncque hazc Sacerdotum duntaxar

Excogitatio litz ed multo magis illurimorum Principum, przecipuo

rum Maximatum, Be omnium omnino Chriianorun] : a quibus hactenus

abiiie (anctum Spiritum vel in hoc opere non e Chriiano reputandum.

Sacerdores autem quos in ingularem ui cultum Deus ab initio atuir, ab
bis bonis hominibus ilb cerra orma certoq; Vitae genere cerris unr locis

adhibiti, ut ibi Deum colerenr, celebrarent, 8: orarent pro vivorum pariter

8: delnctorum Animabus, przeerrim ut ipi vellent 8: aruerent.


noer Edoardus in fEdiculam uam divi Georgii Windeori conructam crede

cim Canonicos eculares, toridemque Vicarios introduxir, memor Eilutis an
mx ua: 8: uorum. Neque implicem olummodo Cultum, ed idoneis

Muiccs arq; canrus urrinqz canorum adapcari voluit, cum Davide up

plici, quatenus Vocum hinc forineca Cononantia moveret ad harmoniam

uperorum, inde Spiritus interior eo magis interim exultaret. iQuibus o:

illud cum primis injunctum ivit, ur nobilimorum Equeris illic Ordi

nis fundarorum, 8: Collegii Coadjutorum ingularem in Orarionibus Com

memorationem haberenr.

Qlando ic utranqz parrem ram Animae quam


epecially to St. George, imetimes to the Confezr Edward, and the piom
Henry, pay them 'their Repes, adore, pray to, andalute them with humble


B which they plainly hew, that Chri who is in the mid

of them, and), the Mediator, accepts the Honour paid to Saints and Su

periors, together with the Adoration paid and due to himilf. N r was
this the Invention of Prieis alone, but of the mo illuirious Princes, chief

Nobility, and all who were thorow faithful Chriiians, o that it mu be a

very wicked and unchriiian Thought, for any to imagine that the divine Spi
rit was not with them in this Work. The Prieis whom God from the Be

ginning ordained

his own peculiar Service, are by thee good Men direct

ed under a certain Form, and Manner of Life, to live in certain Places, there
to wor/hip, oer up PraiZ-s, and pray for the Soals of the Living, but more

epecially o the Dead, in uch Manner as they hould pleae and think t.
On this Account our Edward in his Chappel of St. George at Windor
founded thirteen icular Canon's, and as many Vicars, mindful
tion of his own Soul, and the Souls of others. Nor did he
Worhip only, but with holy and uppliant David adapted it
ruments of Mu/ick, and a vocal Choir on each ide, that

of the Salva
introduce bare
to proper In
this Symphony

of Voices might agree with the Harmony which is above, while in the mean
Time the Soul by thee Means might be rejoiced, enlivened, and exalted. To

whom it was chiiely enjoined to make particular Commemoration of the

Founders of this Order of Knighthood, and the Aants and Members of

this College.

Men Edward had thus plentifully' and abundantly in this

Manner provided as well for the Soul, as the Body, he bound by an Oath


* '

Initutio Ordinis.


Corporis abunde coniderarat Edoardus, Equites eo Temporc in Ordinem__

aumptos, Be ad ui prxentiam acceritos, Sacramentis Be Sigillis appoi

tis arinxit, ui Ordini ubignata Statuta conervanda propugnandaqz cu


His honorice pieq; peractis Rex Caduciatores emiit in Imperium

Alemania, Regnum Gallia, Scotia, Burgundia, Henaultia, Flandria, Be Bra

hantia, ut in Statam Windeori Celebritatem proximesturam Eguites Be Ar

migeri convenirent undiq; ex Sententia. Liberum eni1n ore ingulis po

Be ante dies quindecim Georgiana Celebritatis proxime tum adventantis : ut

illic prazludiorum militarium,martiorum Actuum Be illurium apparatuum

publicitus Exercitamenta quatdam, cceteraq; Spectacula Be Munera olemni
tati locoque quam optime Servientia prxberentur 3 quibus Be illurima at
que exce lentima Regina, Ornatuq; intente plendidima ciim trecentis

e ormoimis Dominabus,Be Generis atqz amictus honore quoqzconlpicuis,

interuit. Sic enim aolebat a multis retro temporibus, ut cu1n ludi Celebres,

prazclara Munera, publicaq; de more Spectacula przberentur, in quibus Viri

Nobiles Be Magnanimi : pro Viribus oentarent : Reginzt quoque,Domina:

Be illures alioqui oemina: cum Grandeva: eetatis Equitibus Be Caduciato

ribus electis tanquam uturx Georum haud iniquseJudices, interee,cernere,
dicernere, probarc atq; improbare deberent, poccre, iortiri, ore, nutu,

Rem quae in Manu iit promovere poent, ore ciere Vi

ros, Martemque accendere Vultu.

(Llibus adjuncti Caduciatores, ut pe

ritius atque exactius intuentes una judicarent : utq-, pam Be ex Ocio

thoe Knights, whom at that Time he admitted into the order, and the Fami
liarity of his Preence, they putting their Seals to it, that they would take

Care to preerve, defend, and maintain the Statutes and Rules of their order.
After he had with great Honour and Piety nihed this Work, he ent He

ralds to the Emperor of Alemain, the Kingdom of France, Scotland, Bur

gundy, Henault, Flanders and Brabant, that their Knights, and Eyuires
from all Parts at their Dicretion, might come to the appointed Cele

brity and Solemnity to be held at Windor : That all hould be free for
the Space of een Days before, and after the Celebration of the Fea of
St. George then enuing, to the Intentv that martial Trials, military Per
formances, publick and illurious Exerci-s, Appearances, and Shews becoming

and uiting the Place and Solemnity hould be preented and exhibited.

At this

Appearance, was his excellent Mtemlmdidljl arrayed with three hundred beau

tiful Ladies, eminent for the Honour of their Birth, and the Gracefulne and
Beauty of their Clothing and Drer. For heretofore when iu/ls, Tournaments,
Entertainments and publick Shews were made, in which Men of Nobility and Va

lour' hewed their Strength and Prowe', the ween, Ladies, and other lVomen of
illulrious Birth with ancient Knights, and hine choen Heralds were wont to
be, and m' it was uppo-d that they ought to be preent as proper Judges, to
e: dicern: approve or diprove what might be done, to challenge, allot,
lo' speech, Nail, Dlouri', or otherwii' to promote the Matter in Hand, to en
courage andir up Bravery by their Words and Looks. Heralds were placed
with, and joined to them that they might be able to judge with the more Skil

fulnei and Exaiiner : And that the Heralds according to their Duty and

~ Initutio Ordinis.


agilis 8: tenerj Sexus ibi tutamen creditum intelligerent, quarutn revera P- 21

pudorcm ab omni Indignitate (ervarent illibatum, 8: ab' hiis in omni Cau

longe propellerent lnjurianmViceimo p]us minus Anno po,cum olenni die

Divi Stephani bellis nem impouiienConimile Be Conaternum Vyndei

rieni cellum in ejusiipius Divi ob id honorem juxta Coenobium Occiden

tale extra Londinum regaliter edicare coepir, ed morte prazvenius, 8: lio
(quod multo magis indolendum) orbatus, id Nepoti uo conummandum
Richardo ecundo dereliquit, Qsi 8: Avo uccedens, id utique perecit. Po
hunc regnavit Henricus quartus, quem meritime ecutus e Qsintus eju
dem Nominis inclitimus lius ejus,8c Anglis ob elicimum in bellis even

tum in

aremq; Gloriam Memoraru dignilmus, duorum nobilium ex:

religio lmorum Ccenobiorum Syonis 8: Cartuiae Sheynenis pientimus me

dator. Is qui primus imperiale Capiti uo Diadema non immerito compouit.

I-lujus Succeor erat lius ejus Henricus extus, Vir pius, rectus, implex,
timens Deum 8: recedens zi Malo, juus apud Deum, incedens in omnibus'

Mandatis 8: Juicationibus ejus ine Werela, qui pietatis ac verilmis Re

gie: Majeatis operibus ingulariter incumbens, ubi Wyndeoro ux pro tem
pore bene propectum eimarat, Vicinum tamen decus adjicere cogitavit,

dum perpulchrum 8: elegans Collegium Etonene ubtus ultra Tamim ex

trueret, in quo ub uno prxpoito Sacerdotalem 8: aliorum divino Cultui
quotidie Servientium Ccrtum apprilne congruum ate praecepit: cui nu
meroam quoque puericiam ob indolis bonae promptitudinem jamjam
Oce hould underand that the weah and tender Sex was committed to their
Charge and Proteiifion, and that they were to defend Female Made/ly from all
Indignities, ,- and guard them on all occaions from Injury.

About twenty

Tears after, whenon the Feet of St. Stephen he had put an End to his Wars,
he on that Account and in Honour of that Saint, began royally to build a Bro

ther Chappel, as it were, to that at Windor, near the I/Vern Monaezy

without London; 'but being prevented by Death, and (what is equally to e
deplored) depriroed of his Son, he left it to he inihedhy his Grandon Richard
the Second, who ucceeding him perfeiifed it.

After him reigned Henry the

fourth; his mo renowned Son who was fth of that Name ucceeded him;
and obtained newer to he forgotten Glory and Honour among his People, for

his mo properous and happy Succees in I/Var; he founded with a great deal
of Religion and Piety two noble religious Houes of Syon and Chartereux

at Sheen.

He was the

who deersoedly' wore an Imperial Crown.


Son Henry the xth ucceeded him, a Man godly, righteous, bone/i, fe-aring
God and echewing Esoil,

before God, walking in all his Commandments,

and Judgements without any Complaint : Who applying himelf to Piety and
l/Vbrhs of real and true Majeiy, when he had uciently' provided for Wind
or, in which he tooh Delight, had Thoughts of heautiing it by a neighbour
ing Ornament, and built in the Vale beyond the Risoer Thames that beauti

ful and elegant College of Eaton, in which under one Go-vernour he eah
lihed ome Priels and others, who hould daily oberroe and attend upon di
roine Worhip : He added moreosoer at his own Expence, a Number of Touths,

for the Improtvement of their good Genius and Dipoition, and commitZed

t em



Initutio ;Ordinis.
erudiendam adj-iciens,per Impenis uas diligenti pra-ceptomm Curiaz commi

it, ut aztasinrma: Conditioq; paupercula, (cui quamquam Ingenuitas ex

terna familiar deit, interna tamen an-irni plcrumq; dari olet,) ibi doceri,

coalecere ac ad &ugem honeatis perduci poet. Neque ic Inructanr

deeruit, ed Be aliud Regium Cantabrigie Collegium aruxit, ubi pl-ena
conummatis Grammaticis ad Virtutis 8c Doctrine perfectionem Via pa

teceret. Huic piiimo Viro provehendaz Virtutis ac Doctrinze in Colu

men atque Ornamentum ui Regni ac perpetua: precationis ibi cunctill
que defunctis procurandze is erat animus. Po quem imperiale olium te
nuit Edoardur quartus, qui memor avitae Claritatis, rurum Oculos in
Wyndeorum, regale profecto militareq; Domicilium, illurime convertit.

Ubi Splendorem Equerem Ornatu equentimo praeentiae uae con

abilivit, Canonicorum victum auctiorem reddidit, ipendia Vicario

rum Sacerdotum adauxit, 8: Cantoribus lecularibus atque pueris cum

numero proventum uberiorem adjecit, ut qui temporalium Inignium
atque Ornamentorum nihil non impleverat, xterni pariter honoris Me

moria non careret. Qua Rationc Corpus quoque uum illic clariima:
apultura: contradi voluit, cum Regis Henrici lexti venerabile Corpus illuc
advehendum antea curet ad quod equens at operole Multitudo, Deo

(quod croditur) per Miracula vocitante convolitavit: Ex zlEde divi Georgii,

quam tertius extruxerat, Templum multo clarius, patioius 8: auguius
exxdicare deliberavit, quod inconummatum manere noluerunt qui

them to the Care and Inlruion of Teachers and Maers, to the Intent that their
tender Age and mean Condition (for tho' Birth, Decent, and outward Via/nica

tion, be wanting to a Family, yet inward Ingenuity of Mind is frequently gi

ven) might be there taught, iulrubied, and grow up together to the bringing forth
the Fruits of Honely and Good-Works. Nor, when he had provided thus for
Rudiments and Irruon, did he leave them "without Helps to continue
it, but built another Royal College at Cambridge, that the' Touth having com
pleated their Studies in Grammar, might have a l/Vay made open for them, to per

fee? themelves in Learning and Virtue. This was the Mind and Intention of this
pious Prince to promote Vtrtue and Learning, that they might be a safeguard and
Ornament to his Reign and Kingdom, and that he might procure the Prayers of all
to the End ofthe World, for him and all that were departed this Life. Edward the
fourthucceeded him, who mindfulof the illurious Renown of his Anceors, turned

his Eyes towards Windlor, that RoyalSeat of military Honour; where b the Or
nament and Grace of his ownfrequent preence, he corrmed andettled t is knight

ly Order, increaed the Allowance ofthe Canons Commons, augmented the Salaries
ofthe Vicar Pries andecular Chanters, he enlarged the Number of the Choriers

and gave them better Proviion. And this he did to the End, that he who had left
nothing unnihed to the beautifying and gracing of this Order, might not want

the Memory of eternal Honour. For which Reaon he ordered his Body
to be nobly interred there, having r taken Care to bring thither the

venerable Corps of King Henry thext , to which the numerous Company of

thefaithful continually reorted, God calling them (as it was thought) by the Mi
racles which were worked there. He intendedout ofthe Temple which King Edward

Initutio Ordinis.


upervixerunt Equites, inter quos Rtginaldus Breyus, a Coniliis lapien

t timi Regis Henrici eptimi, m eum locum optime' (ut videtur) ae

ctus, partes inmas (ut e Monumentis ibi videre e) non rulit.


per multa Donaria, precioirma Monumenta Wyndeoro ux contulit hic

Edoardus quartus, majorum uorum
Be lii ejudem Nominis con
ectator optimus.

Hiis poquam Regulus Edoardus quintus, Be Interrex

Richardus tertius intercurrient; juime uccet Henricus eptimus, qui

po alia multa ui Temporis inclitima ientirmaq; facta, W ndeori quoq-,

uat non erat oblitus, quin Be rem ilic militarem appoijtime coluit

atque ample provexit, Bc divinam ampliavit, dum preeter alia multa

peculiares illic Be feivas Ornatuque vere Regio condecoratas Exequias,
forma ad id ipilm in Scriptis contradita, perpetuo duraturas inituit.
Qlod Genus Be in aliis pleriq; locis (ferme per Orbem Anglia cum

numeroa Milarum Celebratione diligenter Bc exacte curavit: Servato- *

ri novam egregie Domum erexit, ubi divino Cultui dulatq; precatio
ni, cui plurimum adebar, bene devotum Numerum cum Xenodo

chio pauperum optime compouir: V/eu/onttierium Sepulchro uo Se

pulchrique clarirlno (Zicello beavit: Edem in Collegio Regis Cantabri
giano, quam plendidime coeperat Henricus lextus, magnicentime

conummavit; cui jam plenum Ornatum adjicere coepit nepos- ejus

Rex illurimus Henricus octavus, uti vir prudens Be agilis Thomas
W/ideus Cardinalis, prudentimi Regis tum dilectinvius a Coniliis, P. 23.


the third had built, to have ere-hied one much morepacious and augu, which the
Knights of the Order who lived there afterwards, would notuer to remain un

nihed. Among whom Reginald Bray, Privy-Counllor to the wie King

Henry the eventh, being well aected (as it eems) to that Place, did not

contribute the lea Share or Part, as ap/oears by the Monuments there.

Moreover this Edward the fourth, who exce lently copyed after his Ancelors,
the Father and Son of the eime Name, gave many valuable Grants and Monu

ments to Windbr.

After thee came theyoung King Edward the fourth, and

the Intruder Richard. Henry the eventh mo

ucceeded thee, and
was not, among the many noble and pious Afis of his Time, forgetful of\Vindlor,
but with great Indury andApplication improved and promoted the military Order,

and likewie augmented the divine Service, and among other Things he irituted

andettled (according to a Formfor that Intentet down in V/i-iting) an Order

and Methodfor their Obequies, graced viith peculiar, elemn and truly rtyval
Ornaments, which kind of Rites in man other Places ofEngland he took Care to

ee diligently and exactly oberved,wit a numerous Celebration ofMaes. He built

a Temple to our Lord and Saviour, where (together with an Hopital) he placedand
ettled a Number of Poor, devoted to the divine Worhzp, and continual Prayer in
which he put great Faith and condence. He graced Weminer with his own'
Sepulchre, and a beautiful Chappel, in which it wasplaced: He magnicentlyni/hed

the Chappel of King's College in Cambridge, whic 9 Henry theixth had r plen
didly begun.

Th which, his Son the mo illurious Prince Henry the eighth, hath

added a very compleat Ornament, as that prudent and ave Man, Cardinal

\Voley, then of the Council to this wie Monarch, with great Foreigbt, and e;


lni-tntio r Ordinis.

36' .

'bono (quod reor) Spiritu- forerxdixit, quum pergere troniens, dum

Collegium i-llud" (ut-'honorice ferebat animus) invieret, inlrnagna Co
rona pulchenfimae praeentize, hanc (inquit altzVoce) Structuram ccrpit

Henricus extus, perfiecic Sepcimus, ornabic octavus, cujus on Virtutem ropheticam ille dederit, qui Balaamicxe. Voci vaticinium- indidit : Et
Euicerenimo jam Regi, qui ut omne jus Regni in e 'uno meriti
ime- concluic, ic 8C Anteccorum omnium Virtutem Imbibit, quam

longilmos annos det Deus omnipotens Succeonique continuos, Be

animum quem nunc habet vere Regium, in omne opus_ Piecatis, he

roicxque Virtutis- ipe perpetuerz ut' nemo majorum- ejus zmil-itare de

cus, Gloriamque
.divinam_ tgratioius
8: lendidius evexerit:
quod 8;
conari quiqueperpen
et," iqui Regni-principium
elicitate tiotandum, 'regaiimum ornniquaque progreum, quibus parem
' 'dabit Deus 'exiturriy 8: equentes hic Annales advertet: in quibus a Con

itutionis exordio, pro iio cujuue tempore, Regum clarimi Ordinis

Supremorum Acta digeruntur, icur inra (eriatim videre e: nii quod
detracta queedam appareant, aut minus curioiz diebus quorundam Regum
, Pecu

goodOmen-foretold. I IFor-r as his

led him to do them the' Honour of vi

ting their College, he izid with a loud I/oice, amonga large Concoure, and the

nohle Aemhly; then preent : This Building was begun hy King Henry the
ixth, perfected hy the Seventh, and will he heautied hy the Eighth. Tb who/2

Mouth, he who gave a propheticle Utterance to Balaam, might give a prophetich

Virtue' al) : And to this our now preent King, (who as he has in himelfall
Right to thei: Kingdoms, had' alh po/Zd. himilofall the Vrtues ofhis Anceors)
may the Almightygive Length of Days, and continue them to hie Succeon : May
he perpetuate 'in him, his truly royal Mind, to the Peifeon of every Work of

Piety and heroiclz Virtue; it that none of his Ance/lors hall have moreplendidly
or gloriouly enlarged this military Order, and the divine Glory. Which every
one may perceive has heen his chiee Endeavour, who will looh hach on the Be
ginning of his Reign, it remarhahlefor the Succe/S' and Happiner of his Victories,
and the Royal Progres he hath made in every Virtue, (to which may Godgrant a lihe
Continuance and Event) and whohall regard thefollowing Annals,in which accord

ing to their Order ofTime, are the Aons ofour Kings,wh0 have heen Sovereigns of
this nohle Order, recordedfrom the very

Rie of its Initution; as may heeen

hereafter; except whateems to he lo, or le/i- curiouly treated of iri the 'Reigns of
nne of our


fPatroni Ordinis;
Peculiares hic inignimus Ordo Patronos habet, Trinitatem, qux, P. 24.
revera Creatrix, Gubernatrix, 8: Prdtectrix e Omnium, ed .hujus On

dinis Invocationi nihilominus ingularime praexa; in qua Crucixuln

quoque eorum ibi delegit, ut quem praecipue coleret, invocaret, paiiul
in Imaginibus ac Vexilhs exhiberct: icut unus maxilnus dei Sator, 8;

Chriianini Propugnator Cotantinus uus, ex Helena Ccyli Regis Anglia,

lia, jamArmis
ante ecerat,
8: Vexillis
v: quo Signo,
debuit, vicit
ac' perdo

Hiric unice pocendum auxilium, ut unde conferendum. At bene

novic hate erudita (em er 8: cordata Societas, quod alii peeeterea int, per
etiam tanto cius iznpetrari conerriqz, potueiilt, - i quod ponc,
& ipi rognti dignancer apponere velintz neque Deblctvel Adorzrioni di
vinat quicqualn
ed 8: honoris
addi quatnplurimum
: Si per
velic, quod
olus' ipe praeabic,
agitetur Be uiretur

Adminiculum. ' Quapropter Mariam quoqzVirginem Be beatimam Dei ge

netricem hic Ordo deumpit, quae quamquasn communis e omnium In
cerpellatrix, atque omnibus ex more propoita Dcanztrix, 8: huic ta

men Ordini peculiariter. acitau' In quo uum invictilmum imitancur

Arthurian, qui ecundum Deum, Mariam hanc in primis Votis habu
it, 6: eam in Clalcis, bdlico tumultu mediiq; Fragoribus invocari
conituicz lmagunculam autem ejus in Clypeis, Armis, 8; Signis ho
noricc depingi. iPo quem Edoardus certius crga eam ingulariter a


The peculiar
of' this
are. ihut
which, in
is_ thelreator,
of all,
more . particularly
choe by this Order, as the Ohje of' their Inrz/ocation' 5

of 'whichTrinitjg

they have made a more epecial Choice of the econd Peron, Chri cctruced 5
that he whom they chiel] worhipped, and inroolzedi at all Times, might
have his Image repreented in their' Streamers and Banners : As hereto
fore did Conantine, that great Propagator and Maintainer of the chri
lian Faith , that Conantine who owed hic Birth to Helena Daughter to Cole,

King of this Land of England z who when he undertook the Extirpation of pere
the Sign ofthede/lr
Cros on
and Banners;
h] theYjrrann]
he conqueredand
ed his
all Arms
his Oppoers.
only Aid is to he expected, as heing the only Place

om whence it could come.

But this Learned, and Bra-ve Society, knew very well that there were others lilee-i
"twi, thro' whoe Means Help mighthe readier asked and ohtained, who war-i

thily andproperly petitioned and appliedto, 'wouldhepleaid to aordct-Aance 'ac

cording to their Power.

Nor does this derogate from God," ,_or the 'dirzzine Worhtp,

hat adds greater Honour to it, when we heg, look for,

'ohtain Hid and A-i

lance, which mu come originally from God alone, h] the Interceion of thoe
with whom he is pleaed. Wherefore this Order hath taken al) to itJ-elf, the I/trgin

Mary the hled Mother vof God, who, tho' he is' the common Me 'atres for all,

and commonly look'd upon, as the Proteflrei' of all, is newerthelel' more peculiarly
accounted a Patronefr hy this Order. In which they imitate the in-"ztincihle Ar
thur, who next to God himelf, made his

Applications to the holy Mary, and

ordered her to he alway called upon in Alarms, Uproars, and in the



fPatroni Ordinis.
P. as

uicquid circa nobilimum Ordinem actitavit, ad hujus hono

rem re erri volebat.

Nec ab ejus animo rCCCt Edoardus quartus, qui

uis Commilitonibus Mariam abiolutime commendavit,

ingulari proequendam eie decrevit.


Georgium inuper Cappadocem,

electimum Chrii Militem, Martyremque prazclarimum, hujus Or

dinis peculiarimum eecere Patronum. Nec ob id tantum, quod vivens
chriiana: dei candidatus, Profeor intimus, ac defenbr integerrimus,
irioi Daciani Victor inclitimus,& Idololatria: diabolicecque Dominationis
Extinctor invictimus, aut quod armatus Cbrii Miles vel Eques po
tius ad omne pietatis egregium Opus 85 facinus formidabile parati
mus ex animo propugnator extiterit: Verum multo magis etiam quod

po modum in hiis bellis, quae contra perdos hoes ucepere deles, cer
timus adjutor adlerit. Legitur enim in hioriis, quod cum eo tempo

re Chriiani proicicerentur ad ca iendum Hieroblymam, 8c nymboo quo

dam impetu tela de mcrnibus evoizintia crederentur intollerabilia, perelegan
tem hiis Juvenem, Armis candidis rubraq; Cruce communitis apparuiie;
Erat is (aiunt) Georgius, in l-iice pugnis Commilito Chriianorum indivi
duus, qui moenia primus aliens, reliquos po e catervatim attraxit, 8: ut

Civitas capi poterat, oendit. (Dare Chriianorum optime eceruntAngli,

uod talem ibi Ducem 8: Patronum tanquam a Deo ignatum, de quo
iiicclamitent, aumpere, qui (e talem ore velle talibus prxmonravit Ex
emplis. Georgium autem iiuinodi Martyrem 8: Chrii Militem minime
ments, and that her Imagehould be painted on their Shields, Armour, and Enigns.
After whomEdward the third,having apeculiar Venerationfor her,whatever he did
in Relation to this noble Order, would have it entirely acribed to her Honour. And

of his Mind was Edward the fourth, who without any Re/iriiir-'ion recommended
Mary to hie Fellow-Knights, and decreed that he hould have ingular Honours
paid to her. But George the Cappadocian an eleilr Soldier of Chrl, andglori

out Martyr was the nto/i peculiar Patron of this Order.

Nor was he choe ir

this only, becaue when he was alive, he was a Diciple, Profeir, andncere
Defender of the chriian Faith, a glorious Iiiior over the furious Dacianus, an
indefatigable Suppreor of Idolatry and diabolical Uurpation z or that being
Chris armed Soldier, or Knight rather, he was always a mo ready A/Ertor
of Religion, and prepared for any great and hazardous Undertaking. It was
noto muchfor an ofthe/i Reaons, asfor that afterwards, he was aure and cer

tain Aant in t e e Wars, in which the Faithfulwere engaged again the Indels,
For we read in Hior , that, when the Chriians attempted to take Jerualeln, and
it was thought impo ible to qvithand the showers ofArrows which were darted

from the Walls, a very beautiful Touth appearedto them inhining Arms with a red
Croi. It is iidthis was George an ineparable Campanian of the chri/lian Soldiers
in thee l/Vars; who by
climbing the l/I/alls, drew whole Troops after him, and

hewed them that the City was to be taken. Wherefore of all Chriians the Englih
have done be, who have choiiich a Leader and Patron, deigned! as it were by

God himelf, whom they might call upon: And who byuch great Examples,

hewed himelf rwilling to be Patron and Interceorforuch Men. But he who will
credit St. Ambroe, will not detrailfrom the Honour of our George the Soldier

Tatroni Ordinis.


detrectabit, qui dcm Amhroo non abrogabic. De Dracone, liberataque

Regia: Stirpis nitidjma puella juod narrant, se tam variis Picturis proituunt, non e ut anxie defen endum ee ceneam : Cum id Apocry
phum nonnulli clamitent. At necita erendus uque prorervior uipialn,
ut quidlibet iius obinate condemnet. Si quis Allegoriam ad at, haud
recuo 5 modo Veritatem Hioriz non deneget, ut it Georgius, quii
uis Baprimali Virtute Armaturaque dei tectus, terrere Corpus
debita Culcura componit, 8: Serpentinum Virus, Draconis Inidias,

dxmoniacas Artes Armis (iritualibus evincit, arteque vera eu piri

ruali Proterit 8: conmdit. Hic venmus Chrii Martyr 8: 'Miles
optimus ac fortimus, po rot imrnania ab impiimo Tyranno inicta
ibi tormenra, dum plexo Capite jam moriens exorarct omnipotentem _
Dominum, ut quicunquc Memoriam ui celebrans, ub ipius Nominc vo;

rive upplicaret, exaudiretur, audira de Coelo Voce, uod volebat, ibi pro '
uis inrellexir eie conceum. An non itaqz con ultimc providerunt
Anglieani Milites, cxteraq; turba, qui de tot modo Coelitibus unum hunc

ibi tucelarem Divum praeelegerunt, quem e mediis quibuq; Periculis, belli

altem cumultibus invocarenc: qui dum adhuc viveret uppliciter obti

nuit, uc quiquis ad e conlgeret eum Interceorem jue ibi faceret,

haud inamter oraret aut inclamitaret? Corpus quod ab Indelibus erat:

oriundum, hiis utiq; mium fecit: ut quibus vivens prodee nequiverat,

vel mortuus utilis-eiet, dum innis Saracenis ad le, acellumve uum
and Martyr of Chri, concerning the Dragon and Deliverance ofthe beautiful roy
all/irgimwhich is related andetforth inb many Pictures. = Ihall talee no Pains to
defend it, ince there are ome who looe upon it as an ohcure Fion. But who-i

bever is l) reactory, as ohinately to eondem every part of this Story, is not

to he hore with. I hall not contradi thoh who will make an Allegory of it, B
they donot deny the certainty of this Hiory. Suppoe every one George, who
heing cloathed with the Virtue of Baptiin and Armor of Faith, leeeps his earthly

Body in Suhjeon hy due Exercie of Religion and Piety; and hy the Armour of
the Spirit overcomes, and hy truepiritualArts, cru/hes andconounds the Serpenfs
Poion, the Snares of the old Dragon, and his diaholical Arts and stratagems.
This true Martyr and excellent and valiant Soldier of Chri, after many un

pealeahle Torments iniFfed on him hy an impious Tyrant, when he had hent his
Head and wars

read to give up the Gho, earnely intreated Almighty God,

that whoever in Remem ance of him, and his Name, hould devoutly ash any Thing,
might he heard; a Voice inantly came from Heaven, igniiing that that was

granted which he had renne/led.

Have not therefore the Englih soldiers, and

the Re of their Country afied my?prudently in Chuing, out of b many heaven?

Powers, thia one to he their tutelar Saint and Proteor, whom they might invo e
call upon in the mitiI ofDangers, and even in the Tumults ofil/Var, who whil

living, hy Prayer obtained that whoever houldfly to him for his Interceion,hould
not pray or cry out in vain? He ordered the Trunle of his Body which had its Ori
gin from among Indels, to he ent to them, that they, whom he had not heen

ahle toerve when Living, might receive Benet

him when dead z that thoe

Indels who hy any Misfortune had lo their Senes hy coming to him bar




Patroni Ordinis.


venientibus Sanitarem Mentis aereret, nii quod Caput, aorcatum 8:

membra deinceps alia alio ublata;

Sed Cor vividi Signaculum Amo

ris nii quos emper intimos s: quam chariinlos habuit, (olis Chria
ianis, Reli uum facere voluit, nec omnibus utcunque Chriianis, ve-'

rum Anglis untaxat; neque quibuibet Anglorum locks, at uni Wtnde

oro aw, Supremis certe (emper GC reliquis Equitibus Prazantimi
ui Ordinis acceptiimaz: Ubi cum bona 'Calvae portione, quo dCCCt
honore, Venerationeque conervatur.

Cor autem illud ad invictimum

Henricum Qlintum attulit Sigzmundus Imperator Alemanicus, emper

Auguus, 8: in hunc Ordinem reverenter acitus.

Henricus autem lo

ro debito contradendum curavit; ubi Solennes' ibi jam Exequias

imperpetuum inituerat, uc eum locum cum primis coluie non du


Suum deni ue Edoardum Confeorem addiderunt Reges Edo

ardi; ut hijs imul ujus 'Ordinis Patrocinium abolvatur.


addendus, pius ac miraculous Henricue.

his Chappel, might be reored to Soundnefr of Mind and Judgment :

His Head and other Members were to be carried ome one V/a , and ome
another. But his Heart the Emhlem of lively Love was hejueathed
olely to Chrtians for whom he had the mo fervent Aection: Nor
to all them in general, tho' Chri/iians, but to Englihmen alone : And

not to every Part of England, but only to his own Windor, which on
this Account, mu have een more pleaing to the Sovereigns and all others
the Knights of this mo illu/irious Order. This his Heart, together with a
large Part of his Skull is there leept with due Honour and Veneration.

Sigimond Emperor of Alemain, always Augu, being choe into this ho

nourable Order, preented this Heart to the invincible Henry the Fifth :
Who gave Orders to have it reerved in that convenient Place, where he
had already inituted for himelf olenm Exequies for ever, that the Re
gard he had for that Place above all others, might be pa Dipute. The

Edwards afterwards added Edward the Coneor, that by thee together the
Patronage of this Order might have been compleated. But there yet remains
vto be 'added to thee, the pious and viondevarhitlg Henry.







P. 27.

UI SQUI S in Anglia" Regni olio potietur, is ile perpe

tuis ab hine temporibus hujus illuriimi Ordinis Supremus

8: erit, ex appellabitur.
a. Nullus in hanc clariimam Societatem acribetur, nii qui generis

ac militia: nomine dignus uerit, ut qui Moribus ac fam plendidus, 8;

eques ante ut minimum auratus: Ignobiles autem 8: improbi repullem'
hic omnino patientur. Improbitates etenim 8: probra hic probitatis &
honorifica: virtutis ordo minus admittet, aut uinebit.

z. Commilitones egregii hujus Ordinis 8: ornatimi Collegx Vi

ginti lex erunt, gui trabeas ac ubligaria apud Windeorumhabcant in uum
at plendorem

rdinis apte parata, ut quoties utendum it, hiis illic,

utantur. Utendum autem uotiecunq; Divi ui Georgii cellum in

grediuntur, eu domum uat uorum z Sacerdotum conultationi dedica
tam, vel ad conventum ibi celebran um, vel quid aliud agitandum aut


uod Societatis hujus inter-ele poterit.

Eodem habitu

celebriq; ornatu, (liib veleris vigilix Divi Georgii, ub antemeridiano cra

inx ejus
diei Solenni,
veperis cum
Su remo
in lo
Aignato 8:de ecundis
mr-(tgno Regis
ad Sacelldum
8: vel

quam de rebus conulturi ubintrant, ibunt ac redibunt. Trabeis itidem

ac ubligaribus illic uis induti conidebunt, tam in prandio diei Divi

Georgii, qualm in coen vigilia: ejus pariter 8: diei, comedentes imul ac

abcmiiz neque e illis exuent, donec ipe Supremus ejuve loco Conitutus
exuerit, exuendive tempus ee decreverit.


It is here to be oberved that the Number: prexed to that it can be demonrated hj mol clear Arguments,
thee Articles, have been inerted by ome late that the Statute: here entred were made by Ed.IV,
Hand, and are continued here for tbe Eae only oon after the Commencement of his Reign. indeed
of References.
the gsth Article (as it i: now numbered) is evi

dently of that Period,but all preceding the Word lncon

The Collector having with Freedom taxed the Te ummatum is certainly no more than an elegant and
'nerity of Dr. Aldrydge, in turning the Statutes in polite Latin Dres, given to the Statutes cntred in
to his own Latinit), is apprehenjive thatome Part the Regirum Chartaceum, which is the fir/I Inru

of that Cenure may return upon himel , in cae ment printed by Mr. Ahmole in his Appendix;
this pri
this Editor mut however confes, he hath not as
vate Veron, for uch it i', and which it wore, not jet found any char-Bertick: to 'certain the Er
bride immediately from the Statutes of the lniitu of this reent Traneript to the Reign of Ed. IV,
tion, but (as Mr. Ahmole, Hifhp. 191. hath alrea though j Perual we mut be convinced that it is
bebould attempt to tranote into Engli

dy remarked) from a Trancript entered in the Re not a true copy of the original Statutes, becaue by
girum Chartaceum, who both farther taken Notice, the iztb Article uch a Muld is inicted on the
that there being in the 'Cth Article of this Trnn. companions for not wearing the Garter, as thoe

trip', an Inierlineation by a laterHanrL-'nd in freher who had been formerly found in the ome Fault had
int', of the Titles of Marguees and Vicounts, the paid cut alri ante olverunt qui in cidem culp
Doctor without any Hetation, hath inerted them in " fuere conituti." Therefore it is thought need
his Tent, as though thee were Titles of Peerage, les to convert thoe Statutes into Englih, and more
brown in the Reigit o " the founder; to which epecially nce thoe made by Hen- Vlll, will be
may be added, that t e Doctor eems not well hereafter inerted in three everal Languages, with
vered, even in the Antiquities of his own college, a hort Commentary annexed, hewing their Varia
for he mentions in the 17 and 26 'Articles the Dean tions from the former Statutes, and alo from this
of that Place, though 'tis well known, that in the Time Copy, thou h this latter may indeed be up oed to
of the founder, and till the lat Tear of Hen. IV, be of uc Weight, as the private Opinion o an Of.
that Church was governed by a Cuos or Wcrden. cer of the Or er, accompanied poibly with the
The mot learned Dr. Matthew wren, Regi/ler of Practice of that Age in everal Particulars, may
this Order, afterwards Itihop of Ely, ocquaint' us, 'mount to.

4, Et

v"Ordinis Statuta.
4. Et quia militie: dectcus honore divino nititur, Be quae geruntur
P. 28

'oratione pia llciuntut: illis viginti Sex Equitibus, totidem infra Deo

dodicandi repondebunt; 'Cinonici (eculares tredecim, Vicarii totidem,

jamjam Sacerdotes, 'vel brevi po uturi; Canonici nimirum intra And
num ublequentem, Vicarii vero proximo deinc s ordinationis' tempore.

Horum intererit pro Regis', ac Regni, Bc ingtilbrum in eo conviven

tium, prxertim hujus Ordinis fe 'ci Statu, proqz defunctorum anima

bus jugiter ac uppliciter exorare; prxentabuntur autem Canonici per

fundatores Ordinis, 'ut uum quiq; Canonicum cuodi jam Collegii

Qiod 1 quis eorum mpriatur, nec ipe qui proxime preen

tavit', nec alius 'quiquam ociorum Ordinis, ultra priirlentabit: ed conve

nit omnibus unanimiter, ut impoerum omnium preeenrario Canonica

fuum uni Supremo reervetur.
5. Omnes
re debent,
hoc e,
teris ubinde Brachiis uperinducto.
6. Si force Supremus non potuerit inieree Soleinnitati Divi Georgii,

deputatus ab eo locum ejus upplebit: Be conilium nihilorninus hote

'tertiarum inibitur, crainaqz feivitas de 'more ervabitur, idq, umpti

bus ipius Suptemi: Verum ab eo deignatus ille, novas interim ober

vationes aut lnitutiones haud faciet; Statutorum autem Trangreores cor
rigere Be male arcta rearcire licebit.

37. Annis ingulis vigilia Divi Georgii, et una congregatio ociorum

bmnium hujus Ordinis in Caro aVp-ndzorien, ive tum mt in Anglia

ipi, ive forisi modo commodo V cant advenire; ubi tum divinis in
tererunt, ornatiz
eriatim coaidentes,
in edili qui
uo, atq;
Supra uniucujuq;
edi euegalea
dicibus ad Ornatum eccleiaz, nobililq; viri condi
. 29.

Memoriam, quoad

Supetes erit, propendebunt, prout Ordo

eagitat. Si vero
ieivitas illa Georgii intra quindecim a Palehate dies obti erit, dieretur
ad quintam decimam po diem Bc quae circiter erit tfominicaln: ut
nullus ociorum juat cauam abentiae prattendere debeat, nec uitarc

cogatur ub aliquo trium dierum, olenne Pacha proxime ub equen


8; Prxl-arx vigilia: hora tertiarum cilicet ibidem aderunt.

Si qui

ve_ro deignato tempore non venerint, nec quod Supremo vel ejus vicem
erenti jue ac probabiliter excuent, habeant, pro tempore illo prohi
buntut ab introitu concilii : neq; uragii conferendi facultatem habe
bunt in ullis rebus, qux turn ent aut atuentur in concilio. Sin ad
utrarumq; vzcperarum, Be olennis mies: principium non acceerint, a
uis exclui i bus, infra abunt, ubi Ceroferarii lolent: donec illa n- '

cra de more nita ierint.

Quiquis autem ad eam celebritatem non

veniet, nec habet quod jure cauesi port, quod Be Supremus approba


Ordinis Statuta. ~


bit, siidem anni equentis feivitate Sedili uo deprivatus, tempore pxj.

mar-um veperarum ut upra, ante id iedile ubabit: dum olenniter in
craino Chorus procedet, treis rocelondrias cruocs antecedet: 8: rever

us in eodcm inmo loco perabit, uil; ad eam mut 'partem qui me

oerunt, tumq; 8: ipe noviimus oerre debeat. Po humilem iiu
modi oena: tolerantiam, e veigio veniet ad clarum (edile Supremi

ui, v in ejus loco conituti, veniam orziturus: A quibus Statui priori

reitutus, rernittetur ad Sedile proprium. Si vero remanens intra regnum,

altero nihilomninus anno upra memoratz celebritati citra Excuirtioncm

hujumodi laudabilem, abee non ormidarit; a edili proprio eouq; pro

hibebitur, donec intra iccllum ante altare Divi Georgii unum donarium,
viginti Marcis probatze in Anglia monetlz valens, obtulerit: 8: ingulis
deinceps annis quoaduil; reconciliatus ipis rerit, ea mulcta geminabi

9. __0mnes Socii ubicun -, locorum eirtiterint, quotannis in illa Divi

Georgii feivitate, caeruleas iuas trabeas ab exordio primarum vigiliae'

veperarum uque ad ecundanim Diei terminum, cum res pocat in

duentur, perinde ac- i cum ipb Supremo, vel ejus vicemgerente, quoad
ea Beivitas agitur, praelentes eent, nii dritan libcrtzite tune ua dei-v
tuti icrint.

xo. Si quis Socius abfq; nobilitato Sulsligaculo publicitus iricedar,

inde notam incurret: 6: admonitus Cuodi ac Collegio dimidium Mar
cec pciolvct, ed: perolvendi nios empcr ante uit.
1 1; In Supremo Sacricio, quum it olenniter oerendum, Socii

queniadmodum in iedibus uis e regione coniunt, ira bini procedent

ad oerendum. Si vero quenquam abele contigerit, (ocius ejus qui
edec ex oppoito, iolus ad oerendum ibit;
1 2.; Quando blenni more proccro He: in cello, poremus dm-
niuni Supremus incedet.

1 3; Poridie' Divi Georgii, priuiluam locii vale ibi dicant invicem,

una olennis mii celebrabitur pro demctis; si qui nemo iociorum
aberit, nii necearium impedimentum oendens, si Suprcmo' vel ejus
vicemgerentc recedendi copiam impetrarit.

1 4; Trabeani uam ieu chlairlidem ocius unucluiilue Wyndeori relin-'i

gret: ut ibi pziratam emper invcniat, i repente ioriin acceerit, aut
'quid ex lutari monitu praiceptoq; Principis adimplendum accident.

15. Si quiiluam eiociis iter in cusJ/Vyndeoriene Carum force pre

rervehatur, ob honorem loci, ni 1 legitima caui praepedierit, divertat

illuc. Prius autem quam zdem introeat, Chlanxidem induat, indutum

Canonici qui tunc auerint, 'obviam veriientes, in Chorum reverenter


Si inix celebraitio tunc inet, ad honorem Dei, inctique,



Ordini: Statutd.
Geargii, venerabundus illam audiat. Sin alias acceerit, tantier immo
ratus, dum Canonici cum reliquis Sacrificis Pfalmum de profundis pro
dcmctis abolvcrint, ibidem ocrat. Qlod i quis mediam urbem tranf
iens, haud diverterit in dem oblaturus, quoties id ita prtermiftzritj

ut obedientem fe dcmonret,

unum milliare pedes illuc acccdct, vel

unum denarium ocrct.

16. Supremus ordinis. ubi primum fignificata fibi fuerit mors ali
Rex i
cujus e Sociis, pro falute anim ejus mille mias celebrari faciet
cxcernus, qui de numero lerit, Octingentas : Princeps mal/ice, cptingcn
tas; Dux unuquique, exccntasz Marchio, quadringentas quinquagin
ta; Comes trccentasz Vicecomes ducentas quinquaginta; Baro ducen

tas; Eques alius quifqg centumz (luod i Supremus aut Eques alius id
intra tres Menfes poftquam certior Sierit factus, non pcrecerit, numerum

miffarum ad quas ante tenebatuis conduplicabin

Sin medium Annum

id ipfum
Et pari
de tem
in tempus
ad Anni
fi intra

quod dcbet, non implcverit, annos eodem modo duplicabin

17. Qloties Sociorum aliquis ab hac vita exceetit, Supremus aut
ab eo deignatus, certior inde ctus, alios omnes qui tum lerint intra
Regnuln, accedere valcntes, literis actutum commonebitz ut intra fex

hebdomadam po, in locum ab hiis fibi ftatuendum conveniant, ad

electionem novi ocii.

Qnbus omnibus ita congregatis vel (ut

minimum) ex eorum, ultra Supremum aut ab eo deputatum :

prfentium quifque novem de mzzgis idoneis, ut quos jcgnominia
probroque vacare credideritj feu mt de Supremi ubditis, u quivis

exteri (dummodo non fint ipfius Adverrii, vel Adveruiorum ejus Po

. 32.

tores, aut ultronei Dcenlores) nominabit, tres videlicet comites aut ex

celfioris conditionis homines, trcs Barones, ac totidem Baccalaurcos


Ip hc autem nomina confcribet ordinis Prazlatus, fcilicet

Wintonimis cum Epiitopus; Sin abfuerit ipfe collegii Decanm, vel fcri
ba ordinis

QJin-immo i nullus horum interfuerin e refidentibus an

tiquiffimus id cectum ibi dabit.

In hunc modum concriptos, qui

fcripfita ad Supremum aut ab eo defignatum acrens, ocndet. Is vero

de nominatis eum prazeligen cui plura fiiffragia concnerint, ac quem fibi
Regnoq; fciet aptiorem atqg utiliorem fore. Si quis (ut oportuit) pr

monitus, ad eleetionem tamen non advenerit, punietur, nii juam ab

ende Cauzm, ac Supremo vel ejus locum implenti probatam, proftende
rit; i caufam minus approbandam attuleritj nec vocatus tamen adeffe
curarit, mulctabitur: Uc unam collegio marcam perfolvag 8: inito

proxime concilio fuper terram ante Supremum feu Deignatum ab ipo,

totarnqz societatem in medio fedebitt quoufqs cum eis rediens in Gra
tiam reftitutus fuerit

1 8. A morte cujuvis Equitum, electus in eamSocietatcm illico Frm

nobilis fubfibuli ufu donabiturz quo fiet ut fociorum unus habeatun

Trabe vero fibi neceifaria non prius ornabitur, quam in fedile fuum

Ordinis Statutd.
uerit introducendus.


Sique is antea moriatur, quzim uerie in edc

propri collocatus, hand Fundatorum unus appellabitur, eo quod plenam

Statszui Poeionem non habuerit.

Attamen Miarum, de quibus

diximus, medietas illi debebitur, quod ornamentum ubligaris obtinuerat;

Sin autem electus non celeriter accedat, ut edile uum occupet, vel (al

tem intra annum non iter arripiat, ut illud ipum adimpleat, modo
manierit in Regne, nii Supremo izu gerenti vicem ejus, totiq; Societati
gratam 8: Sucientem Excuiationem appoueritz inanis erit illa prior
electio, nec quid erit impedimento, quominus inde Supremus aut ab eo
deicnatus cum cxtera ocietate libere procedat ad novam Electionem.

En 18 ejus atqz galea non ante upra edile uum agentur, quam ve
nerit ad Arcem: ed ante ledile foris, ob id nimirum ut dcdecori nulla
detur occaio, quae ic utiqz vitari non pot, i de locis editioribus u

bito tollerentur.

Verum ut Equeris honor lervetur illibatus, extra Cho- P- 33'

rum, modo, quo poterunt, honeiore emovebuntur, ad opus publicum

8: utilitatem Collegii remanuraz

, ,
19. Socii de Finibus remotis atque externis eligendi, de ui electione
per Supremum certiores eri debent, celerrime miis ad eos, ub igillo corn
muni, illurisubligaculo, 8: cerulefi Trabea, cum Statutis Ordinis, ipius

cette Supremi umptibus.

lntra quatuor autem Menes ab Electione fac

til de hac unto certiores; ut perpendere pointe Statutis, Electionem il

lam gratam ac ratam nec ne velint habere.

Turn hujilcemodi omnes

qualicunq; Conditionis 6: Honoris electi, poquam certo id in

tellexerint , Be gratanter acceperint, prout Honor Conditionis
exigit, idoneum remittant Procuratorenl , qui ibi ledem occu
pet. Idoneum interpretamur, qui vita amaq, it incorruptus, nec

antea notatus, ed irreprehenus. Is Ceruleam e (erico Trabeam, Enem

atq; Galeam Windeorum iacum aerat, ut ibidem ea permaneant. Ad
ducta vero Trabea ponetur, a Supremo vel vicem ejus gerente, uper dex
terum Procuratoris humerum, quando ub nomine Domini ui in tdem
introducetur, nec inde dimovebit, po clari edilis ingreum, uque dum

Canonicarum horarum Celebratio terminetur. Ultra vero non geabit

eam, nec Concilium introibit, aut uagium ullum ibi conferet, ul
lius Authoritatis aut Poteatis Argumento.

Ea fane acultas per Vi

carium occupanda: edis, olis e exteris concodenda, quod illuc hii com
mode latis hand pont advenire. Fit autem hxc poteas illis, .ea prae
ertim de Causa, quo miarum Orationumq; piarum, quarum alioqui

dimidio privarentur, jam mortui plene parricipes eent.

zo-. Si Comes, Baro, vel Eques Baccalaureus obierit', qui uccedet',

ive Comes, Baro, vel Eques tantum extiterit, eandem omnino iedem,
quam 8: Predeceor, obtinebit; Nec eligendus quiquam eriem iam in
terrumpet, aut demutabit, prazter unum l/Vttllire Principem, qui edile Su

premi zmper a Regione itum vendicabit.

Itaq; eri pote ut Comi

tis (edem Eques, 8: hujus e divero Comes occupet, jureq; teneat: ic

nimirum e initutum, _ut qui fuerint prirnarii fundatores Ordinis intelli- _P- 34
2. I . Unulct

Ordinis Statuta.


m. Unulqui ue lociorum 'in ingrel Ordinis, dabit Eleemoynas in

perpetuum illic in itutas, ac in Suentationem Canonicorum pauperumq;

milituml; iSupremus cilicet Qiadraginta Marcas, extraneus Rex viginti

Libras, Princeps I/Vallia viginti Marcas, quiq; Dux decem Libras, Co
mes tofidem Marcas, Baro centum Solidos, 8: Eques Baccalaureus quinq;

Jua unt haec ideo donari, ut qui donat, unius e sndatoribils

merito nomen accipiar.

Rem dignam etenim 6: juam arbirrabantur,

Xut mdarioni huic Commodi tantillum adderet, quiquis privilegii no

men obtinens, numero mdatorum accederet.

Nec alicujus Enis aut

Galea upra edile uum ante deigetur, quam ia pecunia leric rite per
oluta. Externi 'revera quod debent ob inrroirum, penderur id a Su-b

zz. Ut primum e primevis Fundatoribus ullus expirrit, Scutum e

Merallo in quo notae compingentur Armorum, cum Gale, xum ex
tabit in edili proprio, po tergum edentis. Et qui uccedent, Scuta
cum galeis atq; armis imili modo collocabunt, tamen ful) illis prima

riorum Fundatorum.

Neq; etiam iporum hare omnino tam magna

enc, quam erunt illa Primorum Fundatorum.

zz. Ingreurus jam digniratem hujus inignimi Ordinis, vel iple

met pollicebitur, vel ejus nomine Procuraror, 8: jurabit : quod hzc Sta
tuta ideliter atque inte e pro viribus obervari velit. Procuratoris autem
loco uo atuendi facuftzs, (olorum (uti diximus) exterorum erir.

24. Si quando Sllpremus Regnum peregre vel alirer exiens abierit;

quo tefnpore ocius iquis in Edem uam e olenniter introducendus,

ut (qux ua: partes unt) percere non pot: unicuilibet eociis po

teatem uam ex arbitrio committat, qui quidvis exequi, percereq;
debeat, quod 6; Supremus ipe, i jam jam prxens eiet.

25, Fiet unum commune Sigillum Ordinis, quod illius, quem Su

'premus agnarit, Cuodix commendabitur.

26. Ordinis Statuta ibi deitripta, igilloque communi conignata,
'quilque ociorum habeat. Originale vero Statutorum eodem igillo
munitum permanebit in fErario Collegii, diligentime reconditum. De

incti nimirum locii heredes ex alle, Statuta, quae vivens apud le re

tinuit, remittent ad Collegium, 8: Preidi eu Decano reddenda cura
2.7'-. Nullus iorum Equitum Regnum exibit, nii prmmonito Su

premo, qui exeundi potearem aciet.

Si qua vero Militaris Expedi

tio contingat, vel quid ejucemodi ub quo gloria lerarur Equeris, uis

hie iius Ordinis Equitibus clemenriimus Rex Supremus benecus Be

gratious erit, ut quos in actis iiuinodi decoris, quibuvis aliis antej

_erre debeat.
2. 8 . Nullus

.______. -_..[

ordinis _._ StatuttL


zS. Nullus Equitum hujus ordinis contra fociorum ullum arma mo

vebitj nii vel Supremi ui, vel propria caufa juc compulcrit.


ibciorum aliquis in alicujus Domini famulicium accedcijit, veju g partes

fibi deiendendas aumpe-rit , ac pomodilm _ Adveriarius ium ex

eifdem iociis lateri uo conjungcre cupiat; qui poctipr expetitur, haud
ullo pacto conentiet. Qiiquis- itaq; ociorum ab ullo petitur ut ibi

milicet, initio pacici dcbet, quod catenus fua conventio non . abit, i
ociorum aliquis antea cum adversa parte militare c erit ;v fique jam

retentus ad militiam i orarit quod alter ociorum ub adveria parte

prius ad Arma dccen erit: Ubi primum id recivcrit, ervitium abdi- P. ss
sans, illud cxcuzc.
2. 9. Omnes Equites hujus ordinisl qui terras circum curare-volenti

honoris inveniendi gratia per facinora militaria, literas in id fcriptas

habere curabuntg qu quidem sc omnes ali fpectantes ad hunc Or:
dinem, igillo communi conignari debentz quod cuodier unus o;

ciorum, uem ex arbitratu Supremus allignabiti

Eum quem i caufa

fecerit aintem a Suprerno, igillum illud interea iociorum alteri relii

ctum ibit, quem videlicet ac Suprcmus ipfe nominabit', ita quidem,

ut ligillum id commune nullo unquam tempore de xSupremi prlenl

tia tollaturs quamdiu Supremus intra Regnum Anglia: manieritz


ejus autem abenti, faciet illud ipfum cum igillo, deignatus a Sua


30. Siis E uitum hujus ocictatis, pietatis ininctu tractus, apud

Arcem W'

crien em commorari velit, uis illic impendiis vivere debet.

zl. Si quis etiam alius prter hujus ocietatis Equices aliquid an."
nuum, decem videlicet libras, aut eo amplius Collegio donare voluerit,

ut orationum ibi dicendarum particeps ec qucax, nomen ejus nub'

mero Bcnefactorum ctacribatur, ut perpetu cum eis memori commen

32.; Qlando canonicorum aliquis moritur, i Supremus intra Reg

hum non it, collegii cuos ad eum literas emitten ut quem voluerirs

ad canonicatum illum nominets

z ga E canonicis unusa moribus ac scientia maxime conveniens, per

supremum ac societatem eligetur, qui conciliis inter eos celebrandis ins

. 37.

teree debet, ut electiones, se elcctorum nomina, punitiones, et cauias

earuni, cxtcraq; in conciliis illis adminiitranda probe ac fideliter anno

ter, ac tanquam
fit admittendus
in hiice in
uum redigatz
fideliter cumqg
ne cujuq;
concilii vigilia Divi Georgiz' quotannis ineundis cuncta uperioris anni gea

delitcr annotata coram supremo Societateqg recirabuntun

Qiod i

quid haud bene it conceptum, ac correctionis cgeat, revocabitur ad in e

cudcm, ac tu reddetur porfcctioni.








34. Et 'quoniatctm Eleemoyrna
orationi conjuncta multum juvat ad
alutem Animae, clarilmis illis Equitibus totidem veterani Milites egeni
lbituentur ad orandum: habituri quidem illic, cum de uo ncqueanr,
unde vivere potuerinr. Horum autem electio, icut ac antepoira Cano

nicorum, (ectabit ad Supremum. Habebunt item ii Milites ua palliola

rubra, Scuto Divi Georgii imiliter auto.



5. Inclifimus
2: przeno
biliz Subligaculo
8: iGubernator
revolvens, ur invictiiijmus Progenitor uus Edoardue tertius Ordinem iL

lum inituerat ad honorem beatilmx Virginis, Gc chriianimi Militis

'Divi Georgii, erga eandem Virginem ingulariter etiam aectus; oportere

credidit, ut aliquid in peculiarem ejus honorem, atqz Venerationem a cun

ctis imul hujus Ordinis Equitibus obervaretur, icut 8: in Georgii feis all
olebat. Unde ex unanimi uorum Aenu atuit, ut in quinq; anctimx

Maria civitatibus, ipa quam digniima ocietas annuatim,quemadmodum

annuo Divi
ii eo olebat,
(nii cau

imulacrum dextero Trabearum humero geans, utq; pari formii ingulis


34. And becaue the Giving of Alms' joined with Prayer contributes
much to the Salvation of the Soul, o man] Veteran Knights reduced to Po
verty, as equal/ed the
in Number, were appointed to oer Prayers,
receiving there where-with to live, becaue the] had notucient of their own.

The Choice of them, as of the Canon: abovementioned hall belong to the Sove
reign; and the e [Almes Knights] hall have red Mantles with the Scutcheon

[of Armes] o St. George oured thereto.


3 5. The mot' renowned King Edward the Fourth, Sovereign and ole Go
vernour of this mo famous Order denominated from the Garter, eriouly con

idering, that his mo/l invincible Anceor Edward the third had iniituted this
Order to the Honour of the mt bleed Virgin, and bearing lileewi- a ingular
Repefi to her, thought it neceary, that ome one Thing hould be oberved by
all the companions of this Order in peculiar Honour and Veneration of her, as

had been ued in the Feas of St. George, Therefore he with the unanimous
Conent of the Knights ordained, that on the five Feiivals of the mo hol
Mary, tlN-F mt worth] Society hould annuall , as was accuomed in tbz

yearly Fea of St. George, wear the peculiar Habit of the Order, as long as
divine Service was celebrating (unlel- there was ome ucient Caue of Ex
cue) wearing then on the Right Shoulder of their Mantles the Image in Gold

of the Mother of God, and in theame Formhould go on all Sundajs through


Acta ub E D O A R D O Tertia.


anni Sabbathis omnes incederent, Be eildem perpetuo diebus quinquics

orationem Dominicam cum Salutatione Mariana dicerent.

[ibi confirmarat hunc Ordinem, Be integre Normas ac Statuta pouerat P- 38

hicinvictimus Edoardus tertius, ad honorem omnipotentis Dei, beati

mxVir inis, Be Sancti Georgii Martiris cuncta componens 3 commilitones ac
ocios eEgere ccrpit, qui ub uno e Supremo tanquam in unam aternitatem
ac coll 'um enixe concurrerent. Electio arie, (en nominatio prima lit, Se

nioris lii ui

Dom. Joan. Lyzle,
Dom. Bartho. Bur herh,
Dom. Joan. Beauc mp,

Dom. Hugon. Courtney,

Dom. Tho. Holland,

Prirxcipis Guallix,

Dom. Joan. Grey,

Dom. Ri. Simondlbn,

Ducis Lancarix,
Comitis Warwici,

Domini Mortymer,

Dom; Milonis Stapulton,

Capitanei De Buche,

Domini de Mohun,

Dom; Tho. Wale,

Comitis Staordize,

Domini Nele,

Dom. Hugo. Wirtellay,

Dom. Joan. Chandos,
Dom. Jacobi D'audeley,

' Comitis Sarisburienis,


out the Year, and on thee Days, for ever hould ey the Lords Prayer, with
the salutation [of the Angel to the Virgin] Mary five Times:

When the mo viorious Founder Edward the Third had thus confirmed this'
Order, and fully ettled the Rules and Statutes tending to the Honour of Al

mighty God, the mo bleed Virgin, and the holy Martyr St. George; He
began to chue the Companions, who ought all heartily to concurr, as it were
into one Brotherhood and College under the itme Sovereign. The

or Nomination was of his elde Son

Sir John Lyzle,
Sir Bartholo. Burgherh,
'Sir John Beauchamp,


Sir Hugh Courtney,

Sir Thomas Holland,

The Prince of Wales,

Sir John Gray,

The Duke of Lancaer,

Sir Ri. Simondon,[i.e.1i'itz


The Earl of War-ctick,

Lord Mortimer,

Sir Miles Stapleton,

The Captal de Buche,

Lord Mohun

Sir Thomas Wale,

The Earl of Staord,

The Earl of Salisbury.

Lord Nele [Loring]

Sir HuJd/irtelaylzl/Vroteley]
Sir John Chandos,

Sir James D'Audeley,


Acta uh i: DOA RDo Tertia.

Dom', Ottonis Holland,
Dom. Hent. Em,

Dom. San. Dabrydgcourr,

Dom. Gaulteri Pavelay.

Caztera hujus borum pectantia non 4 extant.

Sir Otes Holland,
Sir Henry Em,

Sir Sanchet D'Abrydgcourt,

Sir 'il/alter Pavely.

But nothing ele 'relating to this Order is a extant.

i-"Additions made by the Editor taken from re/fdtd at Avignon publihed by Baluzius p. 352.
A. D. 1 58. In feo SL Georgti Dominus Rex An 11.:
Records and Hiorians, during the Reign olemniiimam
Curiam ecit uis Princi ibus. n a
of Edw. Ill.

The ln/litution o this Order is placed by Froiart

in the 18th Tear of dw. lll, and the
Mntion oj the
Term or Word in any Record hitherto dicovered is in the
Wardrobe Account eammcncing at Michaelmas 21 Ed.
lll, and ending on 31 January in the 23d Tear pub
Ii/hed at large m Page 102. Note e. And the next is a

Manucript given the Duke of North] to 'he He

ralds Oce mtmbered 8 A. D. MCCCLVHI Hoc
anno apud Wyndtor ex Ednardut Ter-rius feunl
S.Geor ii Mart ris fecir primo olem nirer cele

brari- ut this art of its being the r cat appears

an evident
eke vol.
ln htit M'
Co lc-Li.
p. preceeding
568 takes notice

Splendour of this grand Fea, and a MS in the fa

Paymentfor 24 Ialabtts thereof in the zzth Tear printed moue Harleyan L rary 40 D- Is. A. D- 13 8 " The
in page 105. note p.
" Kyng helde ryalh St. George Fqt at

bmp. Johir de Buchyngham cuodis Garderobx " yere being Kyng john of France, ye whiche Kyng
Hopini de anno xxvii Edw. rertii pcnes Rem- Re a John
in corn, that He aw never o Rya/la
g13.ln oblationibus diributis ad magnam ll/liiim in u Fe/ie and o coelewe mad with tailles of 'Ire without
V paying of Gold and Silver" Mr. Barns having met
przentia Regis celebratam in feo Sancti Georgii
obab with this Quotation, doth in hie Hi or) of
8: ad unam Mihm pro Fratribus ejttdem Ordtnit dw. ll. p. 336. turn the Expre an that e never
defunctis vi s. ix d
aw uch Feaings without ame ter Recloniigwhtreae
ln oblationibus Domini Regis ad magnum ahz it certainly adudes to t e Practice of iuing 'Tales
re in Capella Sancti Georgii apud Wyndeor in 'urgi which are cut in Wood out of the Exchequer. Knigh
Sancti vioblationiibus
s. viii d.
dicti Dom. Regia ton col. 2617 decribes this Fea more largely: Rex fe

roclamationem in omnibus partibus regni,

omnes alienigena: de uibucuxiq; pmibus
viii d.
mundi, qui advenirc vcllcnt a olempnitates Sancti
In oblationibus ejudem Dom. Regia ad miam Georgii haberent liberum conductum ingrediendi
de Requie pro Frntribut tjudem Ordints defunctis vi regnum Anglia 8: rcgrediendi ad placitum per tres
delicet in craino Sancti Georgii vi s. viii d.
feptimanas abiq; impcdimenro vel nocumento cu
_ This is remembred to be a mo olemn Fea in the jucunq; ad liailudia cuilibet voienti in uo gradu
Bel ick chronicle wrote by John a ydis I. 30. c- 17 proeqi generalia. Vcnit ibi Dux Brabantia, 8:
muiri a/contij, Regina oq; Scotic auit cum mul

ad rcliquias in eadem capella eodetn die vi- s quo

rzsf,I in feo Sancti Georgiy' Martyris,Tcrtius
Ednardm ex An [in celebravit olemniimam Cu ris aliis Dominabue.
obilitas hujus olennitatis
riam 8c fecit gran convivium cunctis Principibus multa erat nimis, nec e norz facultatis ejus glo

8: Baronibus uis &t.

facta evolvere.
Of the 32 TZ-ar there areeveral Entries. That re rioi
Of the 34 Tear there remains a wardrobe Account
lating t' the payment of 500 I. to the Queen towards if preparing the Habit for the companions, which may
providing her Apparel again this Fea is inrted in eeen in p. 42. note 2.. to which 'I to be added from
p. 1OO note i. to which i! to be added,
thegone Account m. 13 Joh- Marreis Ciori Domi
Exit Fell. Pach. 32 E- 3. in ocio Pellium, Di ni egis ad 1 robam de z gamiamentis pro eodem
veris Nunciis 8: Curoribus mis ad diveras partes Dom. Regecontra eiumS. Georgtj de ecti militum
Anglia cum iiteris de privato &c ecreto gillo di de Garterio Faciend- 8; Furrur. a: capuc. dictae robse
rectis diveris Dominis 8: Dominabm ad exiend. liniand. cum pan. carlettosc manuciam 8: capuc.
apud Wyndeore ad feum Sancti Georgij 47 s. 8c 11 d. dictz robe: circumligand. cum rub- aur
Waltero Norman 8: xxiii ociis uis uper cariagi
um Avenarum vetus V/indeore circa fcum Sancti
Geor ii xiii t. iv d.

_ tllimo Volaunt Regi Heraldorum in denariis ibi

hberatis de dono Regia pro bono ervirio per ip
um eidem Dom. Regi impeno in eio Sancti
Geor ii lxvi s. viii d.

ankino lio Libbini 8: niii Sociis uis Mni

rallis Dom. Regis in denaiiis eis liberatis pro bo
no ervirio per ipos eidem Dom. Regi apud Vlvn

iii quart- unius uln. pan. carl.

v uln. pan. nigr. color. long.

ii uln. pan. blanc. pro linura tunicaz.

i Furrur. de cc ventr. men. pur.

xxvi be. Ermyns
dim. uln- indonis glauc. de trip.

iii uln. rubant auri rict.

In the 25 Year in a Protocoll of Eaer Term in the

xvi l. as well Pelle Oce. 7 Aprtlis bVi/limo de Farriby Clcrico
been remembrtd
by Foreign
Ho itii Regis 8c Reginae uper expenis Facrendia
as Dame/tick Hi/iorians. In the Lives of the Pope's who apudWi/tdgorejn eo S. Georgii proximc futuro cIl.

__.- --

Actatth EDO A R D O Tertia.


In the 36 Perse-mon: iued under the Seed of this vendit. Job. lrV-llt' auribro pro xxix J'- Item re.
Order in p. 4,- note b. where there it an Error in the pondit de vit. viii d. pro uno annulo aureo, quem
in endofofthezGnrter
6 of EdJH.
- _ one oer. Dom. Tho. de Woeloel. communicated from
In tlZeP37
'The4 6Hezhltt
were 'o-ed

the g/Erttr) b the Reverend MZ Dcrham Canon of

_'_ _

of 'he wardrobe p. 6. note d. and p. 42. n. .

Windor, w.

hath kite-lb ineperted other Extrnftt.

In the 44 EdJll. there i: an Account of ohn de

Here it
not he wholh improper to inert a LZ
I re Comptroller o the Gdrderohe wherein are the [the
eringt of the ing at the great Mie, in adoring o everal Benefnctiont to the college ofWindor
the Cro/e Neyt and on the Marrow of St. Georges

wern] Kni he: of the Garter, Whereof ome were the

Day at [he Mae of Re uiem de in the xxxviiar Fir Foun ers, other: eleled in tho; Reign, and

'Ihe Fea of St. George eieg in 'hit Rtcordlaid to

bet/e been held on Monday 23 Aptlil, that it t Je Eve
of the Fea, or r Ve/pergfor tn the Tenr 1370.
E. 3. the Dominical Letter Being F. St. George?
a] mu t' be on Tueday_
ln t e Oce of the IGng: Remembrancer rew-en:
Compotus Henriei de Wohefeld Cuodis Garderoz
Hopitii a viceimo eptimo die J'ai] anno xiv Ed.
Tertii pro duobus atmis.
Feum Sancti Geor i die Veneris xxiii Aprtltt apud
Wntleor. [Now St. peorge Day in 1372- the 46
tjEd. Ill. me upon Friday the Donoinieal Letter he


ome of them in the ubequent one when ram

Regir. Dcnron p. 71.
Princeps, Saltehe
Comes "brake, Southampton
Dux. Lancet/ler
Comes Narthamptot', Dndjnton
Dom. Rggina, Symondeebonrn
Comee t brd i marc-


Dom. 70. e Bellocnmpe xx mare.

i dolium vitii
Dom. Milo de Sta elton c s.
erin C s.
'ngCJ ln oblationibus Domini Regis factis ad Dom.
in przzntia
Ca Dom. tlim W-erint' c s.
lla Sancti
inFra carum
uum (in
de in

, _
Dom.Cc1pit4n de Dnehe [Both] Xlfldol-Vlnk-'iums

e die Sancti Georgij' in pretio unius nobil. auri

6' 8'

quatuor dol. vini

Comes Mtrhmptan I dol.

In obiationibus Domini Regis factis ad Cru Dux LdnCd/l- ii dol. vini

cem Neit poi candem miim ibidem eodem die Wytlt. de Money i dol. vini
6 t. 8 d.
In oblationibus ejudem factis ad miam de Re

quiem celebmtaen in przentia ua in eadem capella

in ctaiino Sancti Georgij 6. 8. &e.
3 l. 6p.t.lot.
for the
the1 heale'
t- And
the (eleof
bmtian hereo ee p. 101- note t.
Exit: Pel . Pach. 51 Ed. 3. ahdnni de S/etrd

m Pecur"a nu
meratzi lxi I.

m" I' w d'

Dom. Reginai dol. vini

Dom- Prtneepei dol. vini

Comes War. i dol. vini

Comes de Snletlznr) i dol- vini

Epicopus Winton cc
Comes Su;
Dom. W. -'- xxiii I. vii viii.

Sumcclvj. 'i l

CuodiGarderobae Regis in denariis ibi liberatis Dom. -- -_- c s

Dom. Job. de Still] c s.
Dom. de Ne-t/ille x matc.
Comes Warr. junior xx I.

nper emprione diverarnm Remm in ocio uo

pro Miiitibus apud Wtndectre de novo faciendis
C. Iibr.

Alanus de Bothe/hell x um-c.

In thiz Tedr in an Account of Rich', Launon Chan Comes Sh: x make.

tor of Windor on ad Apr. ltem rccep. de ix I. Comes Stnord x marc.
iii t. x d. videlicet pro xv gladiis 8: xxxiv gaieis Dux Britannite C s.
venditis, 8c una zona argentea, quae fuit circa gla Dom. Joh. Bnrle xl s.

dium Comion' de Bedrd, unde unus ladius qui

fuit Dom. Prineiptl: vendit. Je. Wnl e aurifabro _ Md. that Southampton in thi: la Li 12; nnwrote
London pro xl ol. alius ladius vcndit. Job. Mareyt tn the Original for South-tamen. The Cros Neyc
pro iv I. ii d. aiius gia ius vendit. Rob. B-fel pro mentioned in ve-ral of thee Recordt, willbe explain
iv t. 1 Galea vendit. Job. Bet-wolle) pro vi t. viii d. ed hereafter in n Note phteed near the End of the
Czteti gladii 8: galeth imul vendit. per Job. Elne Reign of Hen. VII.
ow pro C t. zona przdicta argentea cum I clap.


an; ub RIcHARDo Secunda.


I CHARDUS Secundus Edoardi prihcipis, Edoardi Tertii primo

geniti, lius, jam undenus, Anno Domini milleimo trecente

imo viceimo eptimo, dieqz

viceimo ecundo, e ad ublime

Regni (blium evectus, ac decimo quinto po Juli', Id/Ztonaertii Regia

diademate inignitus, dum Divi Suythuni blennitas ageretur.


pohac Anno nobiliimam Annam Caroli Quarti Imperatoris Alemannici

liam, 8: Wengeelai etiam Augui hrorem, nihil quod in hujumodi
Nuptiis oendi olet, omittens, duxit uxorem.

Anno Regm' uj octa;

vo conlgientem ad (e Regem Armenia, quem Turcha deturbarant, re

galiter accepit, ac multis muneribus auctum gaudioq; plenum a e de

Regni ui Anno duodecimo Turrim, aut arcem potius Londo

nienzm inhabitans, martios apparatus 8: concurus equeres, quatuor

ac viginti diebus duraturos, initui proclamariq; ecit, in platea Londi

ni, quae Smithfeild appellatur: quo, preeter multos e uis claros juve
nes, 8: honoris ac famae cupidos, exteri uoque convolabantz presci
pui Comes San Pauli,

Hxres Ducis Hol andia, 8c alter lius admira

Orichia, mena Regis interim nulli honeo denegatzctt, omnibus pro

dignitate nimirum acceptis, exteri eo quidem amplius e meritis dona
ti, cum gloria reveri unt. Erat enim
(uti Petrus Piiifavienis hio
riographus armat) Rex tantze liberalitaus immo magnicentiat, quanta

vix in Progenitoribus inventa fuit.

Anno Regni decimo exto, roga


IC HARD the Second, Son of Prince Edward Elde Son of Ed

ward the Third, being eleven Tears old, 'was on the 2. zd of June, A. D.

1 z 27, advanced to the lofty Throne of the Kingdom, and on the 1 jtl) of July
following, being the Fea of St. Swithin, was crowned at Weminer. In the

5th Year afterwards, he married the mci noble Anne, Daughter of Charles the
Fourth, Emperor of Germany, and Si/ier ofWencelaus, al) Emperor, omitting
nothing therein which is uially hewn inuch a Solemnity. In the eighth TZ-ar

of his Reign he received the King of Armenia (who being dethroned by the
Turks hadfled to him) in a royal Manner and dimi-d him, enriched with many
PreZ-nts andfull of Satisfaction. In the twelfth Tear of his Reign reiding in the
Tower, or rather the Cale of London, he cauid Jus to be appointed and pro
claimed in the Street of London called Smitheld, to continue for fbur and
twenty Days, whither, beides many of his own Subjects, Tbuths of gure,

and deirous of Honour and Fame, divers Foreigners alo came; epecially
the Count of St. Paul, the Heir of the Duke of Holland; and one of
the Sons of the Count of Auria : The King's Table during this Time was
open to all Gentlemen, and all having been treated according to their
Dignity, the Foreigners being more particularly rewarded according to their
Merits, returned Home rwith Glory. For this King was (as the Hio
rian Peter of Poictiers igfirms) a Prince of b great Liberality, and even
Magnzicence, that the like had carce been found among his Predecel


In the xteenth Tiar of his Reign, at the Regne/i of the Citizens




tu Civium Londonienium, qui jam ante Regis iram 8: indignationem

commeruie videbantur, ed nunc in gratiam redire-ccrperantz iuieq;

bonze Lac Clementis Anne Reginx interventu maxime, venir a clomo

ui scheneni Londinum,

ubi per ora uorum Civium Regio vultu pro

honore acplacearum
quod hujus
civitasoenavi P- 44
dima, omni
e: Cubicui
Be am lisfavorem
ac variis
ad gratiam,
8: uiuceptus
(ut vocant)

eptimo, Be
die izptimo: Clemens illa pia, ac gratioa focmina
nobiliima Regina Anna dehncta e, 86 l/Vemonaerii quemadmodum
viva, Regis Richardi ui dilectimi, icac mortua lateri conjuncta jacer;
Anno decimo nono Cale/ii in AZde (acra Divi Nicholai, dominam Iiihellam
Caroli exri Gallorum Regis liam in conju em accepit, patre Deum om

nipotentem edulo deprecante, quatenus ilud iple monumentum po

uxorem ac primogenitum uo Cordi dilectiimum, ibi deinde retineret,
uod (ut perabat) in Regni illius decus, ac przridium, 6: in utriuqz

Hrmimanr amicitiam cederet impoerum. Atqui interim dum in

hunc modum olennitas nuptiarum ageretur, Pater iic puellas cum in
igni numero, apparatuqz celebri decendit ad Ardam, Urbem ultimam

Picardia, ubi intra nes uos praedives ac umptuoum Tabernaculum

erexit, cui Richardue noer cant-illum ultra Guynia Carum uum per

imile pouit, inter quae eptuagiiata paus erant.

In media autem pla

- nitie

of London, .who had a while hefore deirvedly incurred the King's An

ger and Dipleaure, \ hat were now returning into Favour, and epecially
at the Interpo/ition of the good and gracious Men Anne,- he returned from
his Palaee of Schene to London; where pang with a majeich Look
through the Acclamations of the Citizens, he was received with all the Ho
nour and Tranport that the City, de irous of that Thing to the la Degree,

'could hy all Manner of Ornaments in their Dres, their Buildings, and their
Streets expret; and was lileewii

large and various Preents courted for

his Grace, and the Favour (as they Term it) of his Bedchamher.


wards in the iventeenth Year and eventh Day of June, that mild pious and
gracious Lady, the may! nohle Men Anne died, and as he had done whilt' alive;
) now heing dead, he lies hy the Side of her mdi heloved King Richard at We
miner. _ In his nineteenth TZ-ar at Calice, in the Church of st. Nicholas, he took

to Wife the Lady Ilabella, Daughter of Charles the Sixth, King of the-French,
her Father earnely heieching Almighty God, that he might om that 'Tme
retain with him that Pledge, after his ua- and elde Son, the dearei to
his Heart, which (he hoped) might for the future contrihute to the Glory
and safeguard of his, and the rmc-Ji Friendhiz) of hath Kingdoms. But
in the mean Time, whil the solemnity of the Marriage was carried on
after this Manner, the Father of the Lady vaith a nohle Retinue, and hand

ome Eauzloage came down to Ardres, the la City of Picardy, where

within his own Borders, he erefted an exceeding rich and iimptuou-SJ
Tent, and our Richard pitched one lilee it a little heyond his Cale of

Guynes, there being eventy Paces diance between them. There was lihewiizn

f 3



zed jub Ri c H A~R D 0 ~secundo. ~


c (ut
ibi vium
'ubi Rcges
ac detcrtium
rcbus (his
e) collocuti
dci Via imt,
ientibus, hinc Anglorum, indc vero Gallorum, cxercitu quoque utri

uque Regis haud procul (uti prxconventum c) collocato. Varios il

lic congrcus Principum, regales tcntoriorum apparatus, abacorum did
vitias, poculorum, aromatum, ac ferculorum ram lendidos ac diver
lbs mius, appoita ervitia exquiita, 8: ad rem facta ingulorum ob- "
equia, cunctaq; uis locis cum omni genere honoris inviccm adimple
ta, Auri, gcrnmarum, aliarumque rerum excogitata donaria,

qui cu

it intelligere, Froartum inde legat. Po omne id honoris atque

amicitiee genus illic oenum, Richardus a? Carolo dataln uxorem gra

'tulabundus accipiens, in Angliam honorice perduxit : Ubi Anno vice

imo ecundo Regni ui, exercitu jam pro tali negotio commeatuque

parato, in Hiberniam ipe procrrime commigravit, 85 gcntem in

domicam ubigens, Uurpatorcs 8: Rcbelles in dcbitam Subjcctionem

bP. 45.

Cazterum Annales hujus prxterca, ad hunc iltem clarimum Ordi

'nem attinentes, non habentur.
the Middle of the Plain a third ereiiled, where the Kings rvery often
met and dicoured (as it eemed) of their Aairs, both of them anding
on each Side of the Way, the King of England on this Side, and King of
France on that 5 the-Armies ali of both Kings, being (as was before con
certed) placed at a mall Diance. As for the divers Inter-'oiews of the

Princes there, the royal Furniture of the Tents, the Riches of the Side-boards,
the ilendid and 'various Coures of Liquors, Spices, and Dihes, the At
tendants in waiting, their elegant and exail Dicharge of their rvefbi-ve

Oices, and the full Performance of all Things in their proper Places, with
all leinds of Honour alternately, the exquiite Preents of Gold, Jewels, and
other Things, he that deires to hnow them, let him read Froiihrt on that


After all thee Kindsi of Honour and Friendhzp public/dy expreed,

Richard receiving with Joy from Charles, the Wife he game him, brought
her honourably into England : I/Vhere in the Twenty econd Tear of his Reign,
having already prepared an Army and Prorviions for uch an Enterpize, he

went himelf osoer proierouly' into Ircland, and ibduing that wild Nation
forced the Uurpers and Rebels into a due Subjeon.

But the Annals of this Prince beides, at lea o far as relates to this
mot' noble Order, are not preerved.


Actaub RICHARDO Secunda.


Additions made b the Editor taken from color. 8: cum litcris de erico plunket de dictamine

Recordsand Hi orians,duringthe Reigu Hvnyoilqi "14l)_Pm_l'0\dina\ pro xxiiirobis de

of Rich II.

panno blanket, videlicct Pro Rege, pro Duce Eba

ram, Ducgi Glouc. 8: pro Lomit. Baron. 8: Milir. de

Exit- Pell- Pach. 1 a. 2. pro duabus Garteriis no- oeme '*""'""""& Pm X" 'Obls de eodem PW'
no blank. pro Dom. Regina 8c aliis Dominabtu de
vis deaurat. cum ro/is pro Raggs: Comite Derb. eadem oc. contra feum Sancti GeoFg/j anno X,
Froiart vol. . e. 77. in orms m 0 the Pea/i held
ol. 8:Gartera
viii den.nova argenti deaurat. iii s. iv d.
in 1387. the xit Tear of icli. 2, and the _Com a
Pro uua Gartera cum xoiris deaurat. 8c pennis dc nions who received the Robes at that Time may be een
Orych xiii ol- 8c iv den

in Page 11. note c. to which in' to be added the Robe

Pro emendatione duorum rmaculorum de Sancto then made for the Sovereign. Liber Cotom. p. 129
Ad unam Tunic-i gown. long- 8: i capuc. fac. de
Georgio vi ol. 8: viii den.
Pro emendatione unius Gartera auri xiii ol. 8: pan- blanket _l0ng. tunic. linat. cum tcl- de Cham

patgn, goun. furrurat- cum Min. pur. 8: purl. cum

iv Pro
den emendatione unius Garterae auri cum parvis Ermxynx 8: capuc. lmat. cum panno blu long. ope

rat- m broudaria cum Gart. de aternitate S: Gltgtj

xii of
Bolin broke afterwards Hen. lV, wae pro Rege contra feum ejudem anno xi [Richi 2.]
Without doubt the Tirular] Earl of Derby meant in
thta Entry; and ince there remain in the
of the
Dutch) of Lancaer- everal Accounts of his wardrobe

v uln..uln.
long. long.

wherein the Rebes a En/igns this Order are menti

oned, it cannot be improper to inert them in this Place.
Comp. Will. Lovency clerici magnz Garderoba',
Henrici Lanca rim cormDerbli-z anno regni Ric. 2. xi.
Tela Fla ria liberat. pro linura unius Kertill

DCCCxlv1ii ventr- Min. pur.

xii Be. Ermyns.
iii uln. tel-de Champaigne.
Et ad i goun- long- 8e i capuci de panno crici
baldi alb. xfic. 8c furrurand. cum Min. pur. 8e pur

Domini de liberata Garter r uln. 8: dim.

Pro purlura unius Gown. de Garter furr. de l. cum rmyns pro Rege contra dictum feuni
S. Georgij,
ii Ermens.
_ de li
1 pann. ii uln. iii qrt. panni erici bald- ierici.
berata Regis xixTimbr. xxv ventr. Menevct- pur.
goun. de DCCCLX Vena' ZMinev pur
capud de l ventr.
Henrico Goldmith pro pouder. ii Garter auri cum
urla earund. de xiv be. rmyns.
n. amaill onderat. iiii unc. ix d.
Ei em ad i gounCurt. de panno ad aur. de
gPro pouder.
P unius
_ Gartcr aun. ad modum ole de
rub. fac. &t. furrurand. cum
Cipr. bald.
Hautborn lxv s. vi do
Min. ur.&puril. cum Ernzyns pro Rege contra,
idem eum,
Cornputus ejudem Willimi de anno I' R. 23
dim. pann. ad aur. de Cipr. bald. ad aur. de Cipr."
Proi goun. i Kirrill- & i Capuc. de li erata Gar
goun. de CCiiiiXx x ventr- min. pur.
teriurum v virg. carlet.
purl; de be Ermyns
Pro brouder. duarum manicarum de velvet rub.
Be i par. plates Domini ejudem ectz cum Cerate

The Habits delivered to' the companions in the loth

inter Garters de liberara Re is xl s.
Pro emendatioxie unius arter Domini de perl. Year

be een in Page 12 note d- to which is to be

addedfrom broudatizocii
iberC t m.Rzgis
- I sad
. Fd
8: petr; cum novis renetr fact. de uo proprio auro' Strawtburgli)
Garteriorum de Taata 8: tarterin plunket. lin. cum'
Computus ejudem Willlmi de anno 17 R- 2
Pro i Garter Domini herni. cum auro ut infra tel- de Cuanc. operat- in broudar. cum auro de
ClPL auro oudat. 8c ence diver. color. & cum li
i (iue cer-ic. blod.

Ermyns liberat. pro purlura unius gown. long. eris de enctltlo blu cum dictamine Hony foit qi mal
pen e or nat- er
Domini de liberata Garter v Ermynsi 8c liberar.
Roberto ZMarkeley pro purlura unius gown. long. denpanno blu long. vizn pro Rege, Duce Lane. 85
alus Ducibus, (aomit- Baron- &t. Milit- de ocietate
de carlet viz. circa coler. 8: manic- vi Ermyns.
8: Pro xv aliis robis de eodem panno
De v tymbr. Menco- pur. de liberata Regis cum Gartertorum
pro Dom. Regtna & aliis Dominabus de cadem o
liberat. Gar-ter.
Pro furrura unius long. gown Domini de libe cietate contra feiium S. Georgij' anno xii [Ric/o. 2.J '
rata Garter xxiii tymbr. Menev. pur. pro emen
The Habits delivered to the companions in the xgtb
datione unius Garter Domini 8c lll Nouches Domini. Tear
m be inpeZied in Page 12. note e. to which 13
Pro pouder. unius Garter auri pro Domino ad
ded from Liber Catom p. 145. ad i Tunic. i
modum Florum de Sovenie vous de may pouder u gown-len?
i capuc- de anno anguin- in grano,
1111.. tunic. m. cum tel. db Reyns gown- furr- cum
unc. xv d
Min. pur. 8: purl. cum Ermyns &Acapuc. ling
Computus ejudem H/illimi de anno 18R. 2.
panno nigr. long. o erat. in broudar. cum
Liberara Ciori Robarum Domini pro i goun. Garteritls pro Rege contra eum S. Georgij,
a; capuc. broider. de liberata Garter v virg.carlet. furrura unius own. long. Domini de
vi uln. pann- languin. pann. fanguirl in grano.
liberata Garter xxvi tym . 8: dim. 8: vii vent
Menever pur.

_ 'Ihe Rc/ignation of this Order by Ingelram de

Coucy Duke of Bcdford is printed in Page 7 2. n. x.
'The Gartm delivered to Ladies in the econd Tear

dim. uln. an- nigh, long

iii uln. te . de Reyns. Mini- pur.

DCCCCLxviii vent.
xi bell. Ermyns.

may be een in p. 128. n- u

Adi own. long. develnet rub. operat. cum

'Ihe Fca o] St. George W/M hcld in [the sth Tcar auro de ipr. fac- &furr. cum Min. pur.'_& purli
Mon. Angl. voi. 3. de Eccle. Colleg. p.81.
ns ro Rege ventr.
idem pur.
feu m,
The Robcs of this Order delivered in the 7th Ttar cum Er"BCECCLXX
ma)- be found in p. lO- n. a.
Liber Cotom. in Oc. Magn. Garderob- p. 135.

be Erm.
Ad un.xvigown.
med. long- de panno blu, long-T_

Johdnni de Strauesburgl) Broudatori Regis ad factu

ac. & furrur. cum terg. de gris pro Rage contra idem

ram MMCXl Gart. de taata blu lin. cum Calde

blu de Coton. 8c bokeram nigr. Operat. inbroudar. feum

cum auro de Cipre, auro oldat; 8: erico divert',

iii uln; pann- blu; lodg.


Alla ah RI C H A


O Secunda.


Ad i goun. long- 8e i capuc- de panno an ineo '* holde and thitfee and Juit holde general and open
in grano fac. 8; turr. cum Min- pur-8c pu l- cum a to alle tho that comen of what londe or nacion that
Erm. 8; ca uc. linat. 'cum__panno nigr. long-Kro " evere he were and this holde duringexa-iv daye: of
Rege po eium s. Georgt), eo quod Dom- ex V the Kjnget owne eoe and the e xxiv lordit to anweri

dedit oun. uam de eadem liberata Dom. Duci " alle manerepeple that wol come thedre, and thedre
** come the Erle o] Stint Poule of France Go. and out

de Gefr
dim. uln- 'pann- nigri long.

" of Holande and Henaude come the lord Oh-evanc

iv uln-i qr. pann-nguin. in grano

DCCCiiiixxviii ventr. Min. pur
xii be. Ermyns.

" thatwat the Dnketjone o Holandc." Mttlld.

gznes me and another chronicle to the ame parpoz

'This Duke of Gueldres here mentioned war William

elde/i Son of the Duke of luliers and Grandon of
Alianor Daughter of Ed. I), who entred into the In
teret of Rich. 2. and performed homage to him upon
receiving an Annaity, (Rymer val. 7.I/p. 53? 537)
and thereby (M 'ttt expreC/Gd) became hit aat ( bid. p.
754) and according to the indorYablet was elected into
the /i.xtl) Stall o the Sovereign: ide after the Lord
Ral h Baet woo receiving Robet at St. Georgdt

. 9.] Here wat thegreate Pomp and S lendoufrf

Appearance the whole Fraterni

of thit

rder being

preent and Challengert at thit no le Exerci e.

Of the Fea/l of SLGeorge held in t e lsth Tear
conalt Page 101. and alo the Note e. therein

Comput. Baldewini Radjngton Contrarotulator.

Gardcrob. Hopitii ab ultimo Sept. 16 R. 2_ Peneg

Rememorator. Re is in caccario.
In oblationibus om. Regis ad magnam mitm

Feall in the lzth Tear (ee Page 1 2. note e.) dyed on the celebratam in capella S. Georgij' inra cairum uum

Loth of Mayfollowing ( Ec. 14 R. 2- n. 8 8: 9.) Onr de Wjndeore die S. Georgij vi t. viii d.

Hloriant agn hit coming into thit IGngdom in die
In oblationibus participand. ad eandemmihm.
rent Teart. A Manncript having related the Creatton xxxiv t. iv d.
o ]ohn of Gaunt to 'be Duke of Aquitain, (which we
In conimilibus oblationibus ad miam de Re.

now was on 2 March 13 Rich. 2.) proceed: 8vo qtciern celebratam in eadem capella in craino 8.
Maii *' Dux Gelderioram quem Rex magnice hono Ge/ozrgvi] vi t. viii d
*' raviit 8: iatuit eum unum de Milittbus de Car
e like Entry in the 19th Tear.
K thar apud Pl/indeore (Tiberius in Bibl. Cotton.
Exit. Fell. Pach. 21 R- 2. Diveris heral
e, 9. . 25. b)Another concnrrt that it wat in the Month dtlt, 84: Mtnirallit ad feum S. Georgij prae
of a (Lelands collect. vol. 2. p. 386. edit. Hearne) teritum apud Windeore tentum in praeentia.
But alngham p. 81. ire! it to the next Tear where Dom. Rect/is cxienribus, in denariis per ipos re
he give: him 'hit amp character. '* Eo tempore venit ceptis de tlltmo Waxcombe Clerico ibidem in ero
** in Angliam Dux Gelrt-e, cognatus Regis,vir clari lutionem xxv marcarum,quas Dom. Rex eis li rare
" imus, An lie ante: in Militia ; Anglit honorabilis, mandavit de dono uo, caua olem niationis fei

a 8: Francit ormidabilis, qui renue Francorum u praedicti per breve de privato igil o inter mandata
*' perbos motus compreerat in terra ua." Hic de hoc termino xvi I. xiii t. 8: iv d.
In Page 1 note f. anejhe Namet of the Copaniont
magna animoitate, qua vi uit, conulit Regi noro
Go. Another Writerjett it orward to the 15 Rich. 2. who receive the Habit: tn 22 R. 2 and the ardrobe
(Lelands Colle-eft. vot. 2. p- 406.)
_ Account of that Year contain: other Entriet relatin to

[t will be proper to endeavour the xing thtt eAEra tn

di cant-ing on that StJIlJtI that it it not nay-try here to
o' erve farther, than that he with hit Dittc e t Kathe
rine Dan hter of Albert of Bavaria Reltfl of Edward
Duke of ueldres received 'the Habitt of thit Order in

thtt Orderac the Belt and Sheath ofa Sword embroi ered
with White Harts which m

beeen in page 1 14. noteye

where another Pazgehoa d have been inerted which ac- .

quaintt ut that the rown wat afterward: alo embroidered
on thee Hartt and Roem added Ad broudat. uni

us vaginaa se zonae pro i ladio Dom. Regis operat.',

tatet enjoyning Maet to be 'celebrated for the deceaed in broader. uper velvet rub. cum Cm/it albit coron.
Corn aniont wend inlLib. 'C0mput. Pach. 3 H. 4. 8: Roema de auro de Cipre, 8: erico ad pendend.
in . Pell- pro mis celebrandis pro anima Du ubtus Ga eam Dom. Regis infra ca ellam de Wade
ore hoc anno. and there it a Il/Iemoria of two Jakt vo
cis Gelrie dcfuncti iv l. iii t. iv d.
The Narrativet of the receiving thit Order
the Iantt (probably the Wingt if the Tabart) made hr the
Earl of Orevant in 14 Rich. 2. have been inerted IGng, whichhould have een oberved in p. 1 14. at ex
in Page 69. 109. 113. To the Argumentt there given plaining the Habit on the Egiettif that King. Pro
forupporting the Conjecture that the Devie I the IGng broudatur. ii Jaks volants de ve vet rub. & nigr.
there mentioned might be theWhite Hargma) e added an unde i operat. cum cervit albit 8.: altera de baggs
important Relation in a chronicle endi with the Retgn Regis de auro 8e erico pro viagio uo in Hibern. 25.
of Hen. V- entitnled , How ngelond was 2. 10. and therein are other particielart about the Fea/Z of
r called Albyon, " In the xxii [it hould St. George and this Order. Pro garnitur. quinq; cur
*' have been the xiv] zere of Kyng Richar ruum Dom. Regia-e cum clavis de Lupro deaurat.
" dis regne, he 'lete aye and orde -ne a general uet di&.curr. coopert. de anno nigro contra exequias
a that jt called a Tternement of
rdyt Knjgzcet and Funerales Ducts Lancaier. pro conmili clavatur. St:
*' Sqnyert and thit Yayt andTttrnernent wac holden garnitur. dict. quinq; curruum cum clavis deaurat. de
'* at London in Smetliefeld for dll manere o Straan cu ro contra feum S. Georgij hoc anno. Pro factur.
*' ger: of what londe or countrey whatoevere tle) weren DECCxvii Garter de Tartrtn. blu linat. cum carde
" oe and thedyr the] weren welcome and to hern and all blu operar- in brouder. cum auro de cipr. auro plate
*' othere wat holden open looa/bolde and alogrete zeiet &erico divere color. cum literis de erico plunkett
a weren gette to all manere of Straangert and on the de dictamine honyoit qi maly pene ordinat. 8e brou
" [Omgetjde nere the xxiv Knyztes of? the Garter, dar. ad modum Floardet pro divers Robis de Em
** and they weren all of ate here cotyt here Armotere no carlet pro Dom. Rege, Duce Eborac. ac aliis u
a Shcldet hart tra pare and all wat whytc hert s with cihus> Comit. 8.: Baron. de ocietate Garter contra
*' crownet abowte ere necke: and chaynet of o hang feium S. Geor ij' hoc anno 22 ordinat. There I-S
" inge
ha m jnget
owe by
ore likewie mentionoi Ringt made with thit and other Mot
the hertyt
body the
herte watighe
tot to be nton the Sleevet of Gatt but no intimation gi
" rey that he leaf to ordit and Ldjtt Kn ztet and ven on w Jat occaion the e were to be ued. Pro broudatur.
" Syyertor to knowe hit hoteehold from ot er eptell CCiixxiiv annul. de tyn. Sindon. 8.: tel. limdivero
V an at thefay? cornynge to here Ju" xxidye! rum colorum operat. cum diver. dictaminibua Re
" ladden tbtye xxiv Lordit of Gartoar with chaynet of gis Hony oit qi mal pene, Ducis Albemarl A erme
5' golde and all in theameate o hertes at it aforne o] tentr,
' ucis Norfhlc. Par totezjourt met, ad utend. 8:
the 22d Tear (ee page 13. note f.) and the Sta

" 'dyde from the tonre on hort bac e thorowe the cete of deerviend. pro divers manicis Regis broudat

T 'London into Smethefeld where the Fit/lit [holde hen cum auro de ctpre 8: erico


rv- ,__-_-'-_

Actaib H ENRICO Quarta.


HE N RI C U S Qlartus, lius Joannis Gaunt Ducis LdnCdTi-af, reg

narc ccrpit in Anglia', anno ab incarnato Chrio, millcimo,

P. 49.

treccnteimo, octogcimo decimo Nono.

Anno primo Regni ui olennem Chrii natalem egit Wjndeori.

Tertio nimirum Anno, Meni: Auguo, nobililma * 'Dux Britannixe *Sic in Orig
apud Falmouth Portum Cornubize navim appulit, 86 illinc lI/intoniam glo
rioi: perducta, celebritate (qua decuit) Regi nupit in Ecclei Cathedrali,

ed multo majore po modum anno quarto, per vicos Londinen-s V/Z

monaerium ingrczt, quarto dccimo Decembris, reginali erto fuit inig_


Eodem anno quarto, Rupertus po Wengdilaum Auguus, in Angli

am ultro venicns, 8: quali ac quanto tarn imperiouln oportuit, ho
nore 8: variis invitationum generibus, hic atque illic acceptusz dem' 3

magnis muneribus hjnc inde volantibus, ed ab eo (quoniam magnig

cus ac fuit 8: videri voluit, 8: quia Rcgis hic impcndio tantipcr haud

parvo manerat) amplioribus: ad mare pcrductus honoricc regreus

Anno Scxto Londini intra Smithfeild, concurus clcgans inter Edmun- P
-dum Cantia Comitem,

6: 4 Mauricium quendaln Seotize Baronem, non


E N RY the Fourth, Son of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancacr,

H began to reign in England in the Year from the Inearnation of Chri,
one thouand three hundred eight) and nineteen.
In the
Year 'of his Reign, he jolemnly leept hit Chrimas at Wind
In hic third Year, in the Month of Augu, the mo noble Dutchefr of
Bretagne landed at Falmouth, a Port of Cornwall, and beingplendidb/ con
dued from thence to Vlinchcer, was married to the King in that Cathedral,
with a Pomp uitable to the Occaion, and yet with a much greater, afteri

.wards in his fourth Year, he paed through the Streets of Weminer, and

was royally crowned on the fourteenth of December.

In this ame fourth Year, Rupcrt, who ucceeded Wcnceaus as Empe

ror, moluntarilj coming into England, and being received with all the Ho
nour due to o great an Emperor, and with 'various Kinds of Entertain
ments every where, and in ne with great Preents from all Marters

brought to him, who returned greater Ones (for he was not only de/irous
of appearing magnicent, but was really o, and becaue his long Stay here
had been 'very chargeable to the King) and being honourabl] attended to the
Sea, returned Home.
In his ixth Tear at London in Smitheld, there was performed a gal
lant Tilt, between Edmund Earl of Kcnt, and one" Maurice a Baron of
a It hould have heen Earl of Mane, Lelands pro Alexandre Comite de ZMarre ad facta armorum
collect. edit- Hearne. 7101. 2. p. 485.
cum Edmuudo Comite Kanr. faciend.
Rot. Scot. 7 H. 4. M 2. 6 Apr. Salvus conductus



rew'- at'

-_ ..



- 1-

aaa uh H E N R I c o Quarta
ine magni utriujl; laude peractus e: Laus tamen Comitis ex merito
uperior atq; amp ior exticit.
Septimo Rcgni ejus Anno, Lucia Ducis Mediolanens lia, Edmundo
Holando Comiti Kancia data e nuptui, in fEde Divzr Maria b Overey,
quam 8: Rex Sacerdoti in manum tradere dignatus e.

Illinc ad Epi1

copi Wintonienis vicinum Palacium cclebriteradducta, pcrmagnis 8: um

ptuois conviviis e cxcepta: Denique Domina Philippa Regis lia natu
minima, Boream verus navim ingreia c: 85 ram cccleiaicis quam

Dominis aliis egregie comitata, venit in urbem Dacia Londonium, ubi

Rex cjus tcrra: illam in 5 conjugem accepit.

Paulo po gravis e orta quaerimonia, 8: tam coram Rege Sena
tquc conulto, uam Pretorc atque ejus pretorio epius cvcntilata, de
'picium intollerabii jactura, ux per moles in Thame ad enormcm
picium capturam ercctas accidit. Unde Precoi' ac Cives, qui e Rivi
illius Tutores ac Servatores haberi volunt, multis upplicationibus ac

laboribus tandem impetrarunt, ut omnes illiuinodi in aquis fabricse ad

eptem millia pauum ultra Kingoniam, 8: rurum quotquot inter

Graveendam ac Londinum abant, diruta: tollerentur.
Anno dccimo venit in Angliam cum plendid turbfi Scnechallus (ut vo
cam) 'i Hevenaltize ad actorum Equerium experimenta prcbcnda: (Lui

Scotland, to the great Appalue of hath, hut jet that to the Earl was de:
ervedly ieperior and more extenve.

In the eventh Tear of his Reign, Lucia Daughter of the Duhe of Milan

was given in Marriage to Edmund Holland Earl of Kcnt, in the Church

of I' St. Mary Overy, and the
himelf was pleaed to give her away,
and deliver her into the Pries Hand.

From thence he was condufied in a

plendid Manner to the Bihop of \Vinchecr's Palace in the Neighhourhood,

and entertained with very great and umptuous Bariquets. Laly the laid)

Philippa the King's younge/i Daughter, et Sail towards the North, and
having a nohle Attendance of Eccle/iaiical, as well as other Lords, arri
ved at London a City in Denmark, where the King of that Countrey mar
ried her.
A little after there aroe a grievous Complaint, which was often dehated,
as rzvell hefore the King and Parliament, at the Mayor and his Council, ahout
the intolerable Dejlruon of Fih, occaioned hy Wares huilt in the Thames,

for an extravagant taking of Fih.

W hereupon the Mayor and citizens,

who would fain he accounted the Over/hers and Conervators of that River,
did at la, after man Supplications and great Pains ohtain, that all uch

I/Vtr/es in the l/Vater or even Miles beyond Kingon, and lileevtie all that
were between Gravclcnd and London, hould he entire-I)- deroyed.
In his tenth Tear the Steward (as the] call him) of d Heynalt, came into

England with a plendid Cor-pan), to how their Ahility in

h Walngham p. 375. n- 30.
Colleflvoi.erltitI. p.Piearne
698. vol. 2- P- 486.
c I.eland's

d See Froi. voi. 2. p. I.

A Place

Lelands Collect- edit. Heame vol. 2- p. 486. See

e3 Monrelet
Rymer wi. vol.
8. p.I. 570.
p. 82,
p. 76.Guye
of this
you: Name

was John Wcrchin.


Acta ub H EN RICO Quarta.


bus a Rege locus in Smithelda deignatus, ac ep-tis optime communitus,

ubi perpetuos octo Dies Res renue gea lit, at Nobilibus Anglis prj
ma gloria ceit; Exteri vero non illaudati, ed ac magnice donati cum
magno gaudio reveri unt.
Anno decimo tertio, dum erio tractaret negotium e Itineris iii Hie- P. 51,

roolimam verus, 8c paulum a Natali Chriiano, tanquam valodicturus,

precaretur juxta Tumulum Sancti Edoardi : repentina correptus azgrjzu
dine, arim ibi ruerat in medium, nii uorum manibus allevatus, ac in

proximum Abbatis Cubiculum adductus iiczt : ubi pauliper ad quie.

tem compoitus, 8: qua: oportuit, altem quod poterat, diponcns, zmj
mam Deo commendavit; quatuor relinquens gnatos, Henricum exinde
Regem, guintum illius nominis: Thomam, Clarentia Ducem; Joannem,

Ducem Bedforditez 8c Humfredum, Ducem Gloceria.

Inuper annales hujus, altem. ad hunc clarimun] Ordinem ectan
tes deiderantur.
was agned them by the King in Smitheld, and very well znced with

Rails, where for eight Days continually the Tilting was gallantly carried on,
but the highe Glory reed on the Englih Nobility, however the Foreigners

were not without their Praie, and having received magnicent Preents, re-_
turned with great Satisfaon.

In his thirteenth Tiar while he was eriouly Z-ttling the Aair of his
'Journey to Jerualem, and a little after Chrimas, being in a manner
ready to take his Leave, was praying at the Tomb of St. Edward, he was

iized with a udden Illnes, and had fallen down immediately,

he had

not been upported by the Hands of his Servants, and carried into the next
Bed-chamber of the Abbot, where a little While afterwards being compoid to Ret',

and di/poing of uch Things as were neceary, at lea of what he could, he

commended his Soul to God, leaving four Sons, Henry afterwards King,
the fth of the Name, Thomas Duke of Clarence, John Duke of Bedford,
and Humfrey Duke of Gloceer.

Farther his Annals, at lea as to what relates to this mzi noble Order,
are wanting.
e Lelands Collect- Edit. Heam vol. 2. p. 4871.

Additions '


Actazth HENRICO Quarta.


Additions made by the Editor taken from Priv. Sigill. P. 8 H- 4. in O. Pell, A William
Loweyn Gardein de noire Garderobe ccxxii livres
Records, during the Reign of Hen. IV.
en partee du paiement par nore Liverie du Far

Albert vf Bavaria Count of Haynalt Holland and ner, quel il ad achate: 8c pourveux de nore com
Zeland mu a Companion of this Order dx appear: mandement envers la Fce de St. George, que e den

from a Record printed in Page 6. note a. and m how dra a nohe Chael de Wmdeznr dymexige prochein
venant. 6 Ma} 8 11.4. (1407) Eaier-da) was then on
that he dyed 25 Jan. I 04.
Comp. Tha- More uiod. Garder. Hopitii ab March 27.
ln the _C4fe between Grey and Hain s in the
ultimo Sept. 4 H. 4. pro uno anno. Feum Sancti
Geargij die Dominica xxix Aprilzi: apud VV)mde)re. Court military 18 May 9 H. 4. The Mm] all certier
In oblationibus Dom. R is ad miam principa-_ the Gonable, that he could not fnmmon Tho. Pic
lem celebrat in prfentia ua in capella S. Geor_g'q_ worth, Sir Tho. Erpingham, and other: togive Ew
infra cairum uum de Wyulejere die S. Georgi; deme parce ne ces perons furont alez devers 1c
Roy pour le ell de Sr- George. Eaer-da] ma; then
ibidem vi 5- viii d.
ln oblationibus
ez Umfred
ipfius Dom.
Regis ad Johamzi:
eandem miiam
ibi Ap. 15. 1408.

Cleopatra F iii in bibl- Cotton. Acta concilii Pri

dem vi 5. viii d.

vati xi H. 4- Item a Richard (Yiord Garden, de 13

l infra
capellam prdia-am
eodemad die
vi J. grande Garderobe du Roy tant pur la livre de St.
In Oblationibus
Dom. Regis
de Nqt
viii d.

'targe l'an xi, comme pur les livres de Chanc. Tre

furer,Gardcn du Privie Seal,
m, Barom, cham

In oblationibus Domini Regis ad miam de Re berlaim, 8c autres ocers 8c

quiem celebratam in prfentia fua in craino Sancti Courtes du Roy a Wem.
Georgij' pro animabus Fundatornm dict capellae ibi

inihes, 8e Clercs des

Item Pro liberat- San&i George) & aliis Oc. Cu

dcm vi e. viii d. Eacr-Day was then on Apr. 1 . rim Regis ix clxxii l. xix s.
Ibir Croe Neyt will be ear/plained hereafter in tige
Item xii H. 4ro liberatSan&i Geor ij, Juic, a:
End of the Reign af Hen. Il.
aliis Oiciariis uri Regis ix clxxii - xix.


Actazib HENRICO Quinto.


l IE N R I CUS Quintus Anno Domini milleimo, quadringenreimo, P. 55.

duodecimo, nono Die Aprilis, diadematc redimitus e I/I/Zmanzzleyzz
Pocaquam tanquam quidam converiis omnes uperioris vitx feces, qua.
litcrcunq; per leves ocietates obtigerant, omnino projiciens animum ad

Regis atus: hoc C (ut ipe interpretabatur) (olius virtutis 8: glorjaz

venuatem appulit. Mox orus a ingulari pietate, clari Predeceoris (in

Richardi corpus, minus regaliter adhuc humacum, tranulit mmonzzfe_


8: illic Anne ua: quam charimaz, denuo conjunxit.


quatuor Cereos perpetuum aruros inituit, magnicas ex uias adji

ciens, unas hebdomatim, in quibus nita poridie miia utidecim oli

di, atqz octo denarii Viritim pauperibus erogarencurz ac annjvcrhias in
quibus viginti librae imili forma diribuerentun
Inde tam animi, quam corporis eximias dores jugiter augere atque
exornare volens, poquam abunde conuluerat, mature quoque facerc

cepit jus revera uum per Galliam vcndicare, vel ultro oblatum receptu

rus vel cuide conqueiturus.

Ter hinc Invictilmus Galliam intravit. Primum excrcicu comparato,
volat ultra mare, Civitates obidet, obzas capit, uorum cuodiae ere


Mirum hic ut pietas vires humanas extulir, dum hoes Vium

aPl7'3*r9*tuS> ac numeri ninuJT ducia: quadraginta cilicec Armatorum

55 oPtime comparatomm

i 13: dUntaX-'Lt izptem millibus oppoita, glo


E N RY the Fifth was in the Tear of our Lord, 1 41 2, on the 9th Day

H of April crowned at Weminer. Afterwards like a Peron reclaim

ed, throwing oentirely all the Vices of his former Life, howherver occaioned by

his looe Companions, he applyed his Mind to the State of his Kingdom, that is (as
he himelf explained it) to the Beauty of I/ertue and Glory only.

Soonafter be

ginning with an A ofingular Piety, he removed the Corps of his noble Prede
ceor Richard, which till then, had been interred after a Manner unitting his

royal Dignity, to Weminer, and there at la laid it by his dearel ween Anne,
where he appointedfour I/l/Zix-Tapers to burn perpetual] , adding al' magniicent
Obequies to be celebrated V/eekly, in which, on the Marrow after Mal' was

ended, eleven Shillings and eight Pence were to be diributed to the Poor, Man

b Man, and alb others annuall , in which twenty Pounds were to be ditri
ted in like Manner.
Afterwards being deirous to increae continually, and improve the great
Endowments both of his Mind and Body, after he had abundantl advied

thereon, he began al/b in a proper Seaon to al? and aert in Earne his Right
to France, being ready either to receive it,
quietly urrendered to him, or
to reduce it by the Sword.

Hence did this invincible Prince thrice enter France. Fir with a well dieip
lined Army, he ies croi the Sea, beieges and takes Tlbwns and commits them to
the Cuody' of his Men. 'Tis wonderful here, how Piety exalted human Strength,

_ whil the Enemy out of too great a Condence in the Parade and Number of their
Forces, being indeed 40 o o o armed and exceeding well dictplined Men, and oppoed





i a

Acta ub -H E N R I C O Quinto.
rioe per medios abitura ran uam inolelicerent. Verus ibi Chrii Miles

6: alter vere Machahzeus nulquam hxitans apud Deum nihil interee,

paucis ne an mulris res acts. lerir, noctem, qum ltuirtlm conictum

P. 56.

praecet, precibus ac coneoni cum-uis invigilat, 8: bene parnitentes

ab Epicopis ac Sacerdotibus aliis abolvendos curat. Mox dum con
gruum mane tempus appear, invocato Chrii nomine, Be tutelaris ui
Georgii ubidio, bene conitutos hortorur, ut venturos ortiter expectent;

Rurilm invocatione tum prxmia venientes, vel incurrentes potius, u

dibus ingenioliime quidem oppoitis, 86 velut pluvia quadam Sagitta
rum accipiunt: ubi corruentes ex improvio upergre viriicer- alios in
ceunt, ernunt, trucidanr, arte, viribus, ac piecate, quze imul nihil

non uperanr: victoria prius incredibili Plane pouiuntur, a: glorioos

ante milites ecum captivos abducunt.

QJX res po in Angliam, quam

igniicata knit, laus Deo canitur, Supplicotiones agunnur, & plebs ubiq;
pi lxtiti permditur: Denique Regni ui anno auinto cum exercitu
rediens in Galliam, urbes alias (ut res ferebat) circumeas obtinet, nec
unus ipe, (ed ui Duces alias alii regim ditioni ubigunt, preertim Cla
rentie Dux, Be Comes Warwici, quibus Rex exercitum rriperritus, duas

ex zequo cornmierat, nec imprudenter, ut qui ram rcnue : geierant.

Tum adeo mulds pam urbibus ubactis, Rex ad obidionen] Rothomagi

(e convertit, uam ubi poiederat, po Joannem Patrcm uum coram

'Delphino crude iter interfectum, Philippus Burgundie Dux ad Henricum

by 7 0 o o only, inultingl rz/aunted that they would march through the mid ofthem.

There the true Soldier o Chri, and indeed another Macchabxus, no way doubt
ing but that it was thefame Thing with God, whether the Aair was acted by few
or many, he watches the Night preceeding the Battle, with his Men who game
themelves up to Prayers and Confeon, and takes care that the duly Penitent, hould
be aholed by the Bihops and other Pries. Then when the proper Time of the

Morning came on, inrvoking the Name of Godand the Proteon of his Tutelar
George, he exhorts his well drawn up Soldiers That they would with Courage wait
the Alzilarztsz then after another Inrvocation they receive thoe, who 'narched to
-. attack, or rather ran in upon them, with Stakes artfullyxed for a Fence again
them, and'Faith a shower, as it were ofArrows. When on atdden paing o-ver and

fallinginupon them, they manfully attack the others, overthrow and kill them; by
Art, Force and Piety (which being united, nothing canand before them) they ma
obtain a Viiiiory, which was at
incredible, and carry thoe Soldiers,
that a Mile before iniilted them, away with them as Prioners. Which Action when
it came to be known in England, Te Deum wasing, Prayers were oeredup, and

the People every where over/lowedwith apious Joy. Laly, in the fth Tear of his
Reign, returning with an Army into France, he beieged (as the Thing oered) other

Towns and took them 5 and not only his ingle _

but his Generals al) reduced
4 Towns,ome one,andome another; to the King's Obedienceze/jzecially the Duke ofCla
rence,and EarlofWarwick : To whom the King,harving diroided his Army into three
Parts, conzmitted two ofthem of equal Force, not imprudently, becaue they had be

ha<ved themel-vesb gallantly. Then after t many Towns every where reduced, the

King turnedhimelfto the Siege ofRouen -, which when he had taken, Philip Duke






Alla ub H E N R ~-I~C~_(ct) &into.

convolans, Carolum ci Gallorum cum lia Catheriiia dcdit. ibi t undiq;
concurus nobilium Gallorum, ut pax trterna nciatur lintcr hzrc tam
coninia regna, faedus initur, ut Hcnricut conjugem Catherinam accipietrs,

Caroli juus haires habeatur, 8: po mortcm ejus cx utroque Regno

ibi Monarchjam cciat, ub qua Nortnanni-e Ducatus emper, ut Pars

ejus cxinde tencatur, 65 quicquid injue Delphimet Viennent occuparar,

ut tcmpus patcrctur, Henrico lilbindc cederet.

abiit, ingrclcllu
8: us:more'
erat, tcrtio
cum inubGalliam
Anni decline'
bus virum Invictimum adoritur, 8c quem 'tcrrena potcas uperare

non poterat, divina voluntas ad c vocavitz Nenipe qui dum Corpus

ad gloriam tam nobiliter cxcrcuit, animum nihilorninus Pictatis omni

gcnxque Virtutis Operibus cxcoluit; przetcr alia multa cercas 8: (olent

nes preccs poita animabus remedial icqucnrer i-nituens, 85 domos ob,
id non parvi umptus pro uis oratoribus ac criicis cxtruens: Sed 86

inter hxc etiam militarc decus, quod I/Vtindeori viitur iinprimis- non
nihil adaugens, 8: cum Omni plcndorc uis ibidem diebus obcrvans,
uti qui equuntur Annalet ocndant

7 I _

ofBurgundyuzfte-r the cruel Murther ojohn hit Father in the Dauphin's Preence,
ying to thit our Henry, delivered to him Charles King of France, with hit
Daughter Katherinc. Tlhere coat a Concoure of the French Nobilityrom all

Partt, that an eternal Peace might be made between thee adjoining Kingdomt.
An Alliancc it entered into, that Henry ruat-tying Kathcrinc hould be held ac the
right' Heir of Charles, and after hit Death hould, out of both Kingdomt, ere-Ft?
one Monarch] to himelf, o which the Dntchy of Normandy hould alway:

from that Time be held at a Part, and whate-ver the Dauphin of Vicnna had
got Poon of, hould ar Time would permit, be alerwardtytielded to'
. ninth Tear about Whitontidc, he went the third Time into France,
and was about to reduce to hit Subjection, thoe Placet which ood out, when
in the Beginning of bit tenth Tear a Sicknet attnclod that invincible Man,
and him whom no earthly Power could overcome, the Will of God called to
him/Elf. For 'tit true, that whil he employed hit Body o nobl] in the Why
to Glory, he neroerthelei cultivated hit Mind by Worht of Piety and all kind:
of Vertuet: Bedet man) other Things frequently inlituting certain and h
letnrt Prajert, that appointed Remedy for Soult, and building Hout for thit
Putpoh at no mall Expence, for hit Beadmcn' and Prietz moreover among

other Zhingt, alt adding bmewhat to that militaizy Honour, which it princi

pally Z-dted at Windor, and oberving it with al Splendour during hit Con-'
tinuance there, at the Annalt whichfollow hew. 4

a RvnrerL Tom- lX. p- 2 &: g.

De Veimentis ad dictdm Coronationem liberatis.

X Le Roy la Grante_
An. r. H. R Ex Originali Pen- Cler. Pell;
Pleae Au oy, notrc Triesredoute 8e Tresoverain Seigneur, Grantiet Gairrant dcoubz uotre

-Privie Seal, Direct as Treorer 8e Barons de votre

Echeker pour Allouer a votre humble Serviteur,

Johan. lzalton Clcrc, Deputee a Thornat Carnita,
n'ad ires Gardein de votre Grande Garderobe,
pour uy allouer en Facconre, u'il ci a rendre en
votre dit Echeker devant voz ditz Treorer 8: Ba
rous, en nom du dit '1hon:at, tfadgairs vosre (gaz
ero e ,



' Acta - ub Anno quarto H EN R I Cl Quinti.

IC in nomine Dei, beatiimm Virginis, 8; Georgh' Martyris incipiunt

conulra clarimi Ordinis, a przrclaro iibligari nomen lmbentis,

'ebus invictimi Principis Henrici Qlinti.
Invictimi Regis Henrici gointi Anno ouarto, circiter eptilnum
Menis Maii, Solennitas Divi Georgij celebrata e Wyndeori, quo prei

nobilis Sigimondus Imperator Alemanicns, qui jam nunc venerat in

Angliam, maximi didii inter duas ences ledandi caula (quod aie

banr) acceit, quoniam 8: ejus ip ius oratia eo dilara Fuir.


Paulo po ublecutus e Dux Hollandia', liabens hic quod ageret cum

Auguo. Atque hii b duo cum prmclaro Duce de Briga, uno ex co'
miratu Imperatoris, ibidem creari unr Equites illurimi illius Ordi
nis Divo Georgio nuncupati. Dum Celebritas ageretur, Rex in divi

nis primum locum inizdit, ut puta Supremus illius Socieratis.

At in

feiva mensa, qua: equebatur (tantaz majeatis benignitas ea iit) Au




l E R E in the Name of God, the mo bleed Virgin and George the Mar
tyr, begin the Ordinances of the mo noble Order, which derives its
Name from the famous Garter, in the Days of the invincible Prince Henry
Fi th. fourth Year of the mo invincible King Henry the fth, about the
.'the Infthe

eventh of May the Solemnit] of St. George was celebrated at Windor,

whither the mo noble Sigimund Emperor of Germany (who was
come into England, to make up (as was aid) the great Dierence between the
two Nations,) came, for this Fea had been deferr'd on his Account. A little while

after the Duke of Holland followed him, havinghmething to tranafi here with
'the Emperor -, and theebtwo, with the Duke of Briga one of the Emperorls
Retinue, were there created Knights of that 'no/i illulrious Order taking its
Name from St. George. While the ceremony was performing, the King in di
vine Serviceizte in the
Place, as being Sovereign of that Societj, but af
terwards at the Feival Table (ich was the Complaiance of his Mine/ly) he
derober, les choes par votre dit adegaires Gar'

derober deliverez.

Au Roy Or. Supplie tres humble-ment vore

humble ervirour Johan. Dalton Clerc depotee a

Si bien a vous memes, en votre Chaumbre, pur Thomas Carnica nadgairs Gardein de voire (stande
Eu 8: Eor illoYues avoir a vorre oeps deme Garderobe, que dieu aoile, que comme vous 2!
Mars l'an premier eit coniitur le dit Thomas Gar
ne, pour diveres aues.
Come a diveres Seignurs, Chivaliers, Clercs, dein de vore dice Garderobe Go. lequel oce le
Ecuiers, Vallettes, 8c autres Peronnes pour leure dit Thomas ovec le dit upplianr occupia du dit 21
Marcz ranque an xvi jour de Stpt- adonques pro
Veiure encomre votre Coronation.
Come as autres Seigneurs 8e Ecuiers, pourFOr chein, quel jour le dit Thomas morui: Pleae a
dre de Chivaler a prendre a meme le Temps, votre hautee grantier garranr Cjc. au Treorer, 8e
pour Ieure Veure a avoir du votre Donn,
Barons Go. pur aconter oue le dit uppliant en nom
Si bien par votre Commandement demene, co du dit Thomae ibien de deniers (Fc- In Oc
me del commandement 8e ordinance de votre Pe'The
ll. Knights and Ladies, to xchom the Liver) of the

Tear of Hen. V. may

Enemblement ovec la Liveree de Seint George, Garter was delivered in this
faits 8.: deliverez as diveres Chivaliers O' Dames de be 'The
the [introduction
p. 14.
n. g. V. are in
in the third
la Fraternitee de Stint George tenuz meme an

Si come e contenuz en un Rolle des Parcelles erted in p- is. note k.

h 'This Entry hath hnnkeientl) examined in the
8: Noms des Peronnes, as queux ils feurent live
rez_ 8: donnez a votre commandement, parenrre le introduction from p. 23 to p. 28. where it hath heen

xxi lour de Marcz, YAn de votre Regne primer, lhemi that the Emperor onl was eletiled in this Chap

8: le xvi. Jour de Septemhre adonques prouchain en

uant; en oevre de Charitee.

ter, and that the Duke of

ollaxid had been a Compa

nion everal Years before this Time, and that there was

_D0nnee a Wem- le xii Jour de May PAn Go. no Room then for this Duke of Briga.

H- Chambellan d' Engliterre.


Acta ub Anno quinto &Feptimo H E N R I CI tLuittti.


guo primas obtulit, ubi conidentium Ornatus, (ervientium Ordines,

miuum variemtes, ferculorum inventa, cum czeteris apectu, guacuq;

dclectabilibus, i quis explicarc uduerit, haud plene queat.

Anno Regis Henrici Qlinti omni genere virtutum prxantiiimi 9\ttinto,
circa menis Augui decimum octavum, Regia Majeas e, Cana oppido
non exiguo
ibi ubacto,
credito, 5 celebritatcln
Divi A
pro cemporis
exigentia Duciq;
curavtt Clarentite
inibi ervandam
Ubi quindecim
Equites regio more concreavit.

Precellentimi Regis Henrici Qlinti Anno iptimo, formidabilis Do

minus Dux Bedford, Regia ublimitatis locum dimplevit Windeori, dum
olennitas Sancti Georgii celebraretur, cum quo prazentes erant hor e vigi
liaz dcignata, 8: una eriatim domum conultationis, atque chorum in
gre unt, Comes f I/I/emerlandize, Dominus de Cameux, Dominus Thomas'
oired the

Place to the Emperor, where the Finerj of the Gues, the Order

of the Servants, the I/ariety of the Coures, the In-'ztentions of the Dihes, with
the other Things delightful to the Sight and Ta e, whoever hould endeavour to
decribe, could ne-'oer do it with Juice.
In thefth Ttzar of King Henry the fth, mz excellent in all binds of Ver

tue, about the 1 8th of Au u, the King being at Caen, a TTown not inconia
derable which he had

taZen, and put under the Go-vernment of the Duhe of

Clarence, tooh care to have the Fet of St. George oberved there, according
to the Exigency if the Time, where according to royal Uage he created fifteen
Knights together.

In the hventh liar of the mo excellent King Henry the Fifth, the formi
dable Lord, the Dube of Bedord, 'Illed the Place of the King's Highnei at
Wytldeor , whil the Fea of St. George was celebrated; with whom were
preent at the appointed eHour of the E-ve, and enter'd together into the Chapter

hou: and Chair in their Order, the Earl of f Wemerland, the Lord Ca
e It has been oberved in the introduction p. 56. that
here is an Error in placi this Fea in the sth, which
hould have beenettled in the 6th of Hen. V. And it
's to be remembred, that though the IGng thus cele
brated this Fea in the Ca/lle of Caen in thie ix-th

Bourgchier and_ sir John Gray being twice named, r

as excued zr their Abence, and then as inalled
their Proxies. It happens that Mr. Ahmole hat
publihed ome Extrafls from the Regir. Chartac.

whereby we hall be tom/meed of the ttnnaccottntabte

Tear, yet the Feal was alo held at Windor, byJohn Rentijinis of' this Tranator in everal Intances. He
Dube of Bedord as his Lieutenant, wherein was a De enters tse la/lation of this Lord by ba Proar,
cree paed, touching Reverences to be made at the whereas that r' inal mentioned only a Promiegiz/en
Entry into, andgoing out of the Chair, which is inerted for that Purpoge, and a Igb! the Reaon of the elay,
in this Black-book, under the ninth Year of this King becaue there wasome on t aroe touching the Va/idtt

with an Explanation. But then there is no doubt but of the petitionary Letter of the (ountes of Staor .
the Feat in the fth Tear was alo tlemniz-ed by this Hi- p. 373. Then this Cbmpiler hath been extremely
Kin , and about this Time, as it will be hewn in negligent by omittin here the Injiallation Sir John
anatoer Place, He erected the Oce of Garter King of Robertack by his roxy, th" l) 'l-'W Fd I we" a?"
Arms, by the Ad-oice and Conent of all the Compa pears from the Letter of the Du e of Bedford, inerted
nions, for the Service of this mo noble Fraternity, by himelf, which Letter too he mi erab/y abridges as
and as the Inrument exprees it, of all the Gcntry, will be found o) con ultittg the riginal, Printed, t,
and to be the Sovereign over all the
cers of Arms, Mr. Ahm. in his pp. n. xl-v.
_0nr lortans eem to have blended thee two Feat
It is 'very urprizing hehould in his Abridgement

intod one.
Tlhe Word: in Regcti. Chart- were Depute del
Ordre de Jaritier. A/hm. p. 531.
e That is Hora Tertiarum according to the Sta

pretermit the Inallation ofSir William Philip by hee

Proilor, who is the fir/t1 Peron named in that Origi
nal, and his Careletnes is farther evident in t at,
though he hath here ranged this Sir William. aean
actual Campanian, Tet he afterwards places his Election

f .Here are twenty five Knghts, which with the So in the next Tear, and with the greate/i Supinenes there in
'eregn complete the Number of the iblbgt, The Lord erts his procuratorial Letters, bearing Date xi Nov



i Acta jub Annoieptimo H E NRT C I Quinti.


d all

gham,jus8c uum
Simon Felbridge.
vero tum
i iime
in Normania



Comites Warwici,

t Willoughby,
Domini c' Fytzhughe,
l Boucer.

Dominus Joannes Gray,

Dominus Joannes Cornewale,

Dominus Joannes Robertlacke,

Dominus Gulielmus Philipp.


meux, Sir Thomas Erpyngham, and Sir Simon Felbridge. But there were
abent from this Fecl, being then with the King, who was mo gloriouly
aerting his Right in Normandy, the mci noble Dukes of

Earls of Warwick,

the Lords


Sir John Gray,

Sir John Cornewale,
Sir John Robertiicke,
Sir William Phylxpp.
during the Siege of Roan. His Election then was
either before, or during the Siege of that City, which
was begun in Augu 1418. 6 Hen. V- and continued

till its Surrender on 13 January following, Rot. Nor

to be lamented that Mr. Ahm. hath not acquainted ue

under what Tear Heound this Intrument entred in the
Reqiir- Chartac. for there eems to be a

rect Ob

dating gg it on the
Po tbility of the
of May
in 7theHemvbecaue
Sir John rey herein

man. 6 H. 5. n. 33. and . 1. m. 4. ee Rymer vol.

9. p- 664 &c. an not as

. Ahm- p. 374. aith in namedjs here and by theWindor-'Tablesaid toucceed

z Hen. 5. being miled by Fabian.

But there is a greater Error committed by this Tran

ator. Mr. Ahm. p. 374. informs m, that the lntal

lations of Sir William Philip, and Sir John Robert

the Lord Gilbert 'I'albot, who

Dugdale quotes the

Inqui/izion aright, lived 'till the 19th of Octoberfol

lowing, Bat. vol. 1. p. 328.

At preent it may be ucient to oberve that though

ack are in the RegillnChartac- expresly aid to

thee four Knights are mentioned in this ame Letter,

have been on the [7th cfFebr. without the Date of the yet it may not thence follow, that they were all o them
Tear, for all the former Part of that Book was wanting, cle-tied together in the ame Chapter, or all in alled at

but that the next Inrument therein is o the 7th Tcar the ame 'Time : At to the time of their Electiont,
of Hen. V. And probably this Book mtg at have been in the Statutes required, that the Vacancies of the Stalls
theame defer/cline Condition when our Copyer perued it, hould he filled up nithin ix 'Veeks a]ter Notice of the
who without any Re ard to the Day of the Mont , by Deceaes of the Poew, now the Duke o Holland in
an unpardonable recipi/auey placed the Tranactians whoe Sta/l Sir John Robertack waseat: , died on r
there entrcd on 17 Febr. preceeding the Fea of Saint May Hen. V, Richard Lord Grey Predeceortot e
e in thesolemnighat
7th Hair, to had
in Lord ourgchier died I Augu following, Sir John
o' an Tear
Blounr to whom Sir William Philip ucceeded, was
killed at this Siege of Roan, and 'tis probably all thee
prex-ed to it.
'This Letter of the Duke of Bedford which inti might have been elebied in diinct Chapters according
mates the Iniallations
William Philip, .S'ir to this Order of Scniority, and after them Sir John
Grey byoftheir
pro. Grey, and that their In/iallations were deferred beyond
ors, with a Promie made ito the Proctor
the Lord
the uual time, by Reaon of their Employments in o
Bourgchierbr the like Purpze, ball) no Date tixed reign Wzrs, and though Sir John Robertack and Sir
to itin the Original, as 'lit pu lihed by Mr. Ahmole VVilliam Philip received this Honour together by their
from the Rcgiir. Chartac. But the Copy here entred Proxies on 17 Febr. 6 Hen. V. yet the other two 'ought
is very particular on the Kalends of May from Wind heir/lulled at dicrcnt Times, but there will he a more
for in this eventh Year. If this Tran/Zatar added this proper opportunity to attempt theetling the chronology
Deign-ction of Time and Place out o his own Fancy, of' this Matter in the Memoir: of the Lives of thee
there can be no Apology made foruco a Liberty. It is Knights.


nen uh Anne e-ptimo H EN R ICI Quinti.



Exteri fane, quos Regnum uum nii volcntes exire non oportuic,
Rcx videlicet Romanorum, Rex Portugalia, 8: Rcx Dacie (uti moris e)
cfi de caus unt excuiti,
Abentia Domini Burnel] per impotenti-am xtatis approbata iit.

Domini Roherti Umfryrvjle a Prxidc ucepta e excutio,


mius ect ipiz Scotiam vcrus, ut tutaretur eos nm

Dominus Gulielmus Harington cxcuatus e ob eegritudincm, qua per

ub obidione
at ueexcuari
alibi rcccns
autcm Powes
quod laborabaL
caum abencix
uce non indicaet.

Eo tcmpore Dominus Joannes Gray loco Domini Talhothi ad Equita

cum hunc electus, permagno cum applauu fuit per Procuragon mm
Dominum S Gulielmum Lyzle e pauperculis militibus unum, uis olum
Litcris agnatum, in cdem ibi uam conitutus.
Dominus Huge Staord Dominus Boucer non abimili modo per

procuratorem uum, quem nobilis feminab Comes Staordia cum lite

ris ad id initutum datis, emierat, in edem ibi uam introductus erar,

Procurator autciin (quod ua olum intererat) hcri ui nomine dcm

dabat, ad omnc id prmandum, quod prmliens Ncotium eagitatet.
ltaque Precs ibi cum reliqua Societate, literis

iis acceptis 8: per

lcctis Probe conidcrans, quam addcceret, ut qui militiaz cum Majeate


The Foreigners indeed, who ought not to depart out of their Kingdoms, hut of
their own V/'ill and Accord, namely, the
of the Romans, the King of
Portugal, and the King of Denmark, were (as uual) excued on that

'The Ahence of Lord Burnel] was allowed of, hy Reajbn of the Impotence
of The
his Age.
Excu: of Sir Robert Umryville was admitted by the Predent,


caue he was ent towards Scotland, for the Deence of the Borders.

Sir William Haryngton was excued on Account of an Indijo/ition he la-'r

houred under, through nne Wounds he had lately received at the Siege of Roan,
and in other Places.
But the Lord Powes could not he excud, hecaue he hewed no Caue of his

At the ame lime SirJohn Gray heine; eleed Knight, in the Place of Lord
Talboth, was with great Applauh II)- hils Prox) Sirg William Lyzle, one of
the poor Knights deputed thereto hy his' Letter only, there placed in hie Stall.
Sir Hugh Smord Lord Boucer in Iihe manner hy his Proxy, whom the

nohle Lady the 'J Counte s of Staord had ent with Letters to that PurPo/Z,
was there introduced intov his Stall.

But the Proxy Fromizd in the Name of

his Ma/ier, (hecatr- it only concerned him) to do every Thing which the preent
required. therefore with the re_ 0 the Soctietj, after having received
The Preiderzt
and read thee Letters, con tdering how mer) tting it was, That thojh who
g His Letter of' Proxy is printed from the Rcgir. 1

h So in the originat

Charrac- b) Mr'- Aim- App. n. stir/is


. 59.


Acta ub Anno eptimo H E N RI C I Quinti

Regia ram
avorem ut
ui concedi
ubi tale
i citta pclenam

eonem, quod in dubiis hiice bellis non raro accidit, vitam eun

derent, 8: honoris atq; emolumenti non levem jacturam imul acerent,

'dum miarum olum plene podentibus initutarum bona parte ca
rerent, Procurationes has cenuit admittendas.

Cxtcrum quia orrna Procurationum iiuinodi non exprimitur in

Statutis, veriti ne preumpie vel temcre feciie crederentur, e totos

Re ixdeclararet,
8: omnem
hujus reifactum
quanta decuit
hoc uume Statutis
8: fiacti aboleret.
rationem Regia:
illico ignicandam, cujus i Forma ubditur.
. Joannes Dux Bedfordia cum czeteris in Celebritate Georgiana jam pro
xime conjunctis, Regize Majeativeroe Salutem, 8: obedientiam. (Do
niam, Invictiime Princeps 8: metuendiime Domine, vera: Celi
tudinis ea maonanimitas e, in ucipiendis Bellis, 8c in gerendis

licitas, ut iplhrum jam Eima per orbem undique volitet : nos id

P. 60.

verx Majeati gratulamur, Deo gratias nunc immenlas agentes, qui

e vera,
boni acquia
vero Re
were b honourably abent with the King in V/ar, hould meet with all the Fa
vour that could be allowed them, at lea where they were expoed to an Ha
zard of uch a Nature, that
they lo their Lives bebre they were in

full Poon of their Stall, which was no unuual Accident in uch dange
rous WZzrs, they would uer no inconderable Loi, and that not only in point
of Honour, but Advantage alo, ince they would -want a good Part of the

Maes which were irituted for ich only, as were in full Po/Zon, were
therefore of Opinion, that thee Proxies hould be admitted. But becaue the
Form of uch Proxies is not expreed in the Statutes, fearing le they hould be
thought guilty of a Preumption, or rah Proceeding, they ubmitted themelves
entirely to the King's Authority, mo humbly beeeching him that he would de
clare, explain, conider, dipene, and take away all Ambiguity from the Sta
tutes in this Point for the future; wherefore, with all proper Humility, they
took care to make the King's Highnee immediately acquainted with this FaEP
of theirs, and the Reaon of it. The ' Form whereof is annex'd.

John Duke of Bedford, with' the Re, united in celebrating the Feal of
St. George, to your royal Majey, Health and Obedience. Since, mo invin
cible Prince and dread Lord, your Highnefs Magnanimity in the Undertaking
of Wars, and your Felicity in the eondung of them are uch, that the Fame

thereof is pread over the l/Vorld, I/Ve congratulateyour Majey thereon, giv
ing innite Thanks to God, who is the only Author of every good and happy
Event; and whereasyour Meyzzly duringyour V/ars, has determined to aeme

everal valiant Knights, among thoe who are now in Aon with you, to be
i 'This Lmtr war much larger in 'he Original and l may be conulted in Ahm- App. n. xlv



Acta ub Annoeptimo H


69 _

hiis qui vobicum modo militanr, in (ocictos chmi veri Ordinis

aumere decrevit, ex conenu Commilitonum alioru-m, qui nunc iic
aunr, idque nobis igniicare non reigit: Nos iac ipir voluntate ve

ra 8: Commilitonum aenu ubnixi, 8; quia nolumus, ur quiquam

per nos,

aut incur-ii nora privetur eo uctu,

qui percipi pog,

ltem dum ectet ad ilutem animaz, i ubito contingeret obire (quod

fere t hiis, qui variis belli caibus agitantur) Dominum Jfoannem Grey,
Dominum '* oannem Roherticke, 8: Dominum Boucer Virtute lirerarum,

in uibus Procuratores ibi nominarunt, in (edes uas Windeori per.

miEmus introduci, ne i per bellorum inortunia, quibus eos iic quo;
ridie videmus objectos ante plenam poleonem interirent, Mizzrum

Suagiis deituerenturz icut quoilam nuper (idaquod dolemus) nimia

mora preevenros intelleximus. Rurim quia de t i procuratorio minus caucum in Staturis eie perpendimus, in eo Facto non par-um hazitavi;
mus: verum nimio avore porius, quarn arctze everaeque Statutorum

obizrvationi condonatum iri perantes, libenter in partem pientiorem (uti

e viii) conceunus.

In quo tamen vera: nos Graria: correctioni ue

ubrnittimus, i quid in hc ip re deliquimus, modo quo Poumush

millimo upplicantes, uc prudentima Majeas vera omnem als-hine

Scrupulum e Statutis auferat, 8: abolute pronuncier, quid hic po-s
hac eri oporteatz ut Equites vidcliciet veri cum Celirudine verai

Knights of your mo noble

by the Conent of the other Compdnions who A

are now there preent, and has not declined

it to us, V/e 'relying upon

'that your Pleaure, and the Aent of the companions, and becauji we are unwil

Iing that anyone hould through us, or our Negligence be deprived of that Bene
t which might accrew to him, at lea jb far as concerns the Health of his
Soul, he hould chance to die
(a common Accident to tho/i: who are
foed thro' the (various chances of War) We have permitted Sir John Gray,
Sir John Robertacke, and the Lord Boucer, in Virtue of their Letters where
in the have named their Proxies, 'to be introduced into their Stalls at Wyndei

for, g

through the Misfortunes of . Mr, to 'which weie them there daily

expoed, they hould dii before full Pcon, and be thereby deprived of the
Benet of Maes, as to our Grief, we. have been aured that ome of late

have through too great a Delay been diappointed thereof.


we find on Examination, that there is not. a proper Pro-oi/ion made in the

Scruples onas thie
to the
of hoping
a Proxy
thatin we
Cae, beweooner
had not an
a Ex
ces of Indulgcnce, than a too rict and rigid Oberrz/ance of the Statutes,- we

willingly came in to (as it appeared to us) the more pious Side of the gure/lions
we which,
have committed
in this
our jZ-lrves
Point, toinyour
the humblc
Grace and
we can,
beeching your

prudent Majey to take away for the future all Dicul

ty from the Statutes, and to pronounce abblutely what hereafter ought to be

done in uch cae, That uch of your Knights as are attending on your High
k Sir Thomas Bat was his Proiiar, whoe Oath is publihed by Ahm. App. n. lv


""_' "T-'WT



Actauh Anno octauo H E N R I CI Quinti.

vel in bellis, vel alibi juu vero commorati (meritis exigentibus) eoe
dem privilegio, quod exteris in Electione receptioneque ui per procura
tores e conceum, congaudere, poent, vero tamen in Omnibus judi
vcio emper alvo. Serenitatem autem veram cum inigm' victoria, ce
lebriq; triumpho 8: plena conervatze multitudmis ac commilitii gloria
reducat in Regnum, 8: ibi diuturnze acis bono perui, concedat ille
Rex Regum Chrius Jeus, ui capita es hoes noros ub vexillo Cru
cis edomuit, 8: moriendo Zevicit. Windeori ab Arce vera Kalendis

P. 61-

Nulla precedentjum oenrum facta e hic Correcikio.

Potentinni Regis Henrici 9\uinti Anno oflamo, qui uis in GalIia
nuptiis tum navabat operam, 1 Mediolanum verus inde paraturus, ceptum

. e agi conilium Wyndeori, in quo Dominus Humfredus metuendus Dux

Glocerite Regiq; vicem in Anglia gerens m primus erat, izcum illic ha
bens " Henricum Comitem I/I/emerlandize, Dominum Cameux, Dominum
Thomam Erpingham, 8: Dominum Simonem Felhridge.
Aberanc in Gallia cum Regia ublimitate clarimi Duces


gizgellirzlzrs 2 Camites g Warwici, ,

i '

(\ Fytzhughe *
Domini e' Willoughgy,
8 Boucer.

nes in your Wars, or elewhere, hy your Command may (their Merits b

requiring) enjry the ame Pri-vilege which has heen granted to Foreigners in

their Eleon, and Admion hy Proxies, your Judgment nevertheles in all

Things heing always awed. May Chri ers the King of Kings, who has
ihdued our deadly Enemies under the Banner of his Cros, and overcome them
hy his Death, hring hach your Meyey with glorious Itory, with a pompous

Triumph, and with the Perfeon of Glory in a People, and Soldiery Freerqfd

in Safety to your Realm, and there grant you to enjoy the Bleing of a [aing

From your Cale of Wyndeor in the Kalends of May.

No Correion was here made of the foregoing Ojfences.

In the 8th Tbar of the mo potent King Henry the Fifth, who was then
tahen up with his Marriage in France, and preparing to go from thence towards
lMilan, a Chapter was held at Wyndeor, in which Humphrey the dread
Duhe of Gloceer, and the King's Lieutenant in England, was 7" Predenf,
having there with him " Henry Earl of Wemerland, the Lord Cameux, Sir

Thomas Erpingham, and Sir Simon Felbridge.

There were ahent with the King in France the mo nohle Duhes of



} Earls of



Z the Lords zWilloughlp',


, continued
I'1t hould
whoe S' I 53?- jrtfrlhulfegier.
D t d I O(Jrhgftd d e J t'ler Ahm. H'' . p i
from hetheMelodunum
Fea of St: Mary

n i: Cbriian Name was Ralph.



flctauh Anno octavo H E N R I C I Quinti.


Dominus Joannes Cornewale,

Dominus Joannes Roberticke,

Dominus Joannes Gray,

Dominus 0 Joannes Philipp.
Joannes Beafordite Dux invictus, erat tum in medio delectu uorum

militum, quos Ecum in Normaniam ad Supremum duceret, quam excuir

tionem prc e fercns acceptus e.
Rex Portugalzze
Rex Dacize

de more unt exculati, quod oris uis eent re

bus intend, Rex autem Dacia nunquam adhuc
_ _
reponum ierat, gratum ne voluerat 1d inig
nium habere necne.

Dominum Burniville exculabat impotentia.

Dominum Powes Corporis item Inrmitas, literis Armorum igillo
ignatis oenla.
Dominum Gulielmum Harrington, vulnerum cruditas:
quod juu Supremi Scotite connia defenderet.

Dominum autem

Hic ita ue nulla correctio contigit, aut gravis alioqui rei Motio.
Sub edcm Celebritatc Dominus Gulielmus Philipp in Neuria per Su.

premum' ac Socios 'ibi prxentes electus in locum Domini Yoannis Blont

Sir John Cornewale,

Sir John Robertacke,"

'Sir John Gray,

Sir 0 John Phylipp.

John the invincible Duke of Bedord, was then at the Head of a choice
Band of Soldiers, _which he led with him into Normandy to the Sovereign, and
making this Excue, was allowed,
The Emperor
were excuied as uual, becaue they were abroad ta
,. all-Pounded
He Lmg

up had
but the King
given his? Anwer,

The King ofDenmark.

waspleaed to have the Enigns ofthe Order or no.

The Lord Burneville was excued for his Inabilitj',

The Lord Powes for Inrmity of Body, declared in Letters ealed l'with his
Coat of Arms.
Sir William Haryngton was excued for the Greennei of his Wounds,
and Sir Umievell, becaue he was defending the Marches of Scotland by

Command of the Sovereign.

' Therefore no Correfiion, nor Motion of any! weighty Aair was made.

At the ame Feai Sir William Philipp being choe in Normandy by the
Sovereign and companions there preent, into the Place of Sir John Blont
o His ZVame war William.


- 62



Aa ub Anno octavo H E N RICl Qginti.

jam mortui, fuie in plenam edis ux poiieonem initutus, per pro
*curatoren1 uum Dominum Joannem Henington, qui ucientes ab eo ub
i 'llo Ordinis
literas adducens,
vice ac nomine
dem dedic Li
omnes clarillizrlni
rite perimplendas:
hic enuslitetas
erat. inpecturis aut audituris, Gulielmus Philipp
Eques inignitus alutem. Noveritis quod ubi Supremo noro Ordini
que nori, Galli-e pariter atque Anglia Regi complacuit, ad id honoris
ac Gloria: me provehere velle, ut in famigeratimam Societatem illam,
me unum intromitteret, 8: inuper ex abundantia uze Gratix ecum re

'putans, quemadmodum in hiis traninarimis ac bellicis rebus uo ecum

juu diinear, poteatem mihi faceret edis occupanda: caeteroq; ricus

peragendj, per idoneum Procuratorem, Equitem (ut minus) auratum,
inignibus donatum 8: boni atque irrepreeni nominis, Ob id ego pru

dencia 'ac Virtute delectimorum mihi Domini Andrea Butreley, 8: Do

mini Joannis _Hennington, in quibus lni Elllar) quod ad tenuimos
lZquites attineatz nil deideres, eos 'vel eorum (ut res fitter) alterum, in

vicem mei
ac deputo,
8: tanquam
quicquid mihimec-ipi
in me facultatis
e erga.
pro me, ac nomine meo, locum in Choro ac Conilio mihi praenota

tum ingi-ediantur
Wyndeori, meam,
in-tra tegale
ubi claritas
relucet, Clamidem
atq; Einem

lately dead, was admitted into the full Peon o his Stall by' his Proay
Sir John Henington, who bringing ucient Letters from him, ealed with

his Coat of Arms, did in his Stead and Name tahe his Oath, that he would

duly oberve all the Statutes of the mo noble Order-, and this was the Pur
port of the Letters.

To all who hall ie or hear thee preents, William Philipp honoured

with the Engns of Knighthood [inds-th] greeting, ince it hath pleaed our

King Sovereign of our Order, and King of France and England, to raii

me to uch Honour and Glory, as to admit me to be one of that mo re

nowned Societyz and moreover out of his abundant Grace conidering how
I am detained with him by his Command in thei Parts beyond Sea, and

bVezr-Iihe Aizirs, has given me Power to be inalld and perform the other
Rites by a t Proxy, at lea a Knight, and bearing Coat-Arms of a ood
and irreprochable Reputation. By Reaon of the Prudence and Vertue o my
beloved Sir Andrew Butreley, and fig/John Henington, in whom (if
I am not miaken) nothing will be f
wanting that appertains to
the mo gallant Knights : I do therefore appoint and depute them, or (as

it hall happen) either of them in my Stead, and give them whatever

wereis' my
veled in that
me for
for that
me, Aizir
and in omymine;
theyI require
tahe Poeon
them as of
the Place aigned me in the Chair and Chapter at Wyndeor, within the
royal Caile where this noble Order is founded and appears in its Lure,
that they there oer my Coat, my Helmet, and Sword to thoe who are

T" Tebve them, in Order to their being hung up as uual, That they

Acta uh Anno nono H E-N IR I CI Qginti,


oerant, ut ex more propendealutz- caufZ-zs; Aentizr comlqonrmc, om

ne legittimum atq; honcun] jusjurandum, quod pouhbitur, ultro

precnt, 8: ummatim omnia vice mea ic cxhibeanr, ac complmnt, P. 63

atq; i praeens ipi: ort-m; In cujus rei Tcimonium Sigillun] meum

ab Armis hic axi. In obidionc P Rothomagi No-"oemhrie xj.
Anno Regni ui Nono przcpotentinutls Henricm Qlintus 9 tertio die
May' Concilium ipc

tcnuit, in quo prxizntes eculn habuic

Duces inclytos
Joannem Bedfordize,

Comifem Warwici

Humedum Glocerix.

Dominum Tho. ' Darpyngton,

Dominum Fytzhugh.

Dominum Joannem Cornewale,

Donzinum Simonem Felbrydge,


Dominum Joanncm Roberthcke,


Dominum Gaulterum Hungcrford, in

co ipb coneu ad cdem uam dcignatuln, 8: po intromium.


Rcgis Partugalieg abentiam regni ui cura excubat.

Regis Daoite

declare the CaujZ-x of my AhZ-nce, ta/ee freely etver lawful and hone Oath that
I my he
rwere preent.
and inInBriefi
qvitneto ewhereof,
do, and I harve
all Thing:
here aixed
in my m)Stead,

Coat of Arms.

At the PSiege of Rouen the eIe-zienthof November.

In the Ninth Year of his Reign, the mo potent Henry the Fifth himlf held

on the 9 third of May a Chapter of Wyndeor, in rwhich he had preent rwith

him the renorumed Duke:
John of Bedford,

The Earl of Warrwich.

Humphrey of Gloceer.
Sir Thomas r Darpjnton,
Sir John Corneewale,
Sir Simon Felhridge,
Sir John Rohertache,

Lord Pyzthugh.

Sir Walter Hungerford, 'who 'was in

this' rever)- Chapter eIeEZed to hie Seat, and inal/ed in it.

The Ernperofs
The King of PortugaPs
of Denmarkk

Ahence: excud hy reaon of their Care; of their

m Kingdom:

P s" 'Wff- Pg? 55-

l Acenonem Domini apud Cairhm de Windeore

'I Ter it appear: the IGng we: at Weiminer that more olito tenendum prorogaeir, which then ma:
Da), Rymcr nal. x

111. But indeed he might on the fourth day of May, but the: Chapter W as ap

thence go to Windor em' the Hour of Tierte.

pears, on the Eve.

l-Valngham A. D. 1421- feium quoq; Divi Gemzgii

non lpo ejus die, ed uq; ad Dominicam po

' r Sir Thomas Etpighlm


.l'.'h'- an n\

A [Acta jub zilnno nono H E



Dux Exonia,

in Normania Regis juu militantes excuati

Comes Huntyngdottia,
iint: Comes aucem Hnntjngdonia &jam tunc
Comes Sarisburia,
'captivus crat.
Dominus Gulielntus Phyl:

I/Vemerlandia Comes ad cclebtitatem venicns de ivia coepit xgrotarc.

Dominus VL/oughby ub advcntum uum Londini imilcm aegritudincm

Domini Gulielmi Harjngton nondum vulnera curata unt.
P. 64..

Dominus Robertus Umfriroylle Scotiee ncs al) hoili incuii tucbzitur.

Ubi Supremus Commilitio igniicabat, clariimi Ordinis ini' 'nia jam;

'primum a Rcgc/ Dacia revel-enter accepta, 8: cum Sacramcnto a Statuto

rum obervationes obrictum ee; Qlaproptcr edixit, ut (quemodmo

dum Statuta volunt) uis impenis Dominusjrtzhugh Galcam cjus, en

cm, 8: czetera, rite videret appenz.

(luia vcro jam 'vacabat non minus " quinque Sedibus, (Ecundum Stri

tuta actum c in concilio Scrutinium, in quo Prclatus Ordinis Wynto

The Duhe of Exeter

A were excu ed being then

in I/Var in Nor

The Earl of Huntyndon

mandy by the King's Command; And the Earl of

The Earl of Salisbury

Huntyndon was at this time taken Prioner.

Sir William Phylippe.

The Earl of Wcmcrland coming to the Fea/l, was taken i by the Way.
Lord Willoughby at the Point of his Coming, fell into the lihe Illne at
Sir William Haryngtonk I/Vounds were not as yet cured.

, Sir Robert Umfrivillc was defending the Borders of Scotland from the
Incurions of the Enemj.

When the Sovereign ignied to the Knights Companions, That the Entgns
of the mo noble Order were now at la accepted with Re-verence by the

King of Dcnmark, and that he had bound himelf by Oath to the Ob-rsvances
the Statutes; Therefore ordered, that (as the Statutes require) the Lord
' Fyzthugh hould ie his Helmet, Sword and other Things duly hung up at his

But becau there were no ley? than " ve Stads svacant, a Scrutiny
was made in the Chapter according to the' Statutes, in which the Bihop of
Ofhis Eleflion ee the introduction p. 18. &e.

Chapter, held on this third of Ma , and then ina/[ed

_t Mr. Ahm- p. 368. is po 'tive that this Lord was with the Earl Marhal, the Earl o; Suolk, and Lord

this IGn sProzy; it jhoul he o,here wasa Knght Clinrd, where the wardrobe-Account o this Tear,
of thir 'der Prolorr another. and I know no rule printed in p. 171, informs us, that the abits of this
again if'

Order were prepared fhr the fbrmer two Knights, but

a Here _are twenty companions named, which with the three latter are not named therein, whence 't may
the Shueretgn and-oe Vacamics complete the Number be inferred, that thee two were cle-fied in a former
of the Sea/is, Sir Lewis Robertacke and Sir Here- Ch ter, indeed 'tis here remembred that they were

tongs Cleux are here mentioned, as elected in this . choyin into the two stall: that became r void.


Acta ub Anno nono H EN R I CI Quinti.


nienis Epicopus Suragia nominantium excipiens, excepta Regix Ma

jeari, qua decuit reverentia, porrexit, Ille nominatos expcndens, ut aliis

alii ortitudine, prudentia, reliquiq; virtutibus, ac meritis antecellerent,
e Comitibus foannem Comitem Marechallum (ut vocant) 8: Gulielmum

Comitem x Sb/Ciz, e Baronibus Johannem Dominum Cb/ord, ex Equj

tibus autem Dominum Lodovicum Robert/Luke, ZC Dominum Heretong:
Cleux', aptimos, atque quam dignimos, 8: ob id in Ordinem uci

piendos ee decrevit.

Igitur immediate po Epulum Socios in couci

lium acceri precepit; inter quos przraccepto juralnento, electis ipe ub

ligaria tradidit, in liberatam (ic enim illud tibiale vocitant) &t. trabeas

in habitum, mox illos in edes iple uas intromiit.

Lodovicum videlicet

Robertacke in (edem Domini 1 Burnell, qux prima vacabat, Dominum

Heretongs Cleux in edem Domini V Powes, qua: relicta e vacua ecundo,

Joannem Dominum Clyord in locum Domini 4 Cameux, qui Vacabat ter

tio, Comitem Marecballum in edem Domini Joannis I' Grey, qux jam
quarto vacabat, denique Southfolcia Comitem in cdem magnanimi Prin

cipis, Domini Thoma U Clarentia Ducis atris ac lii Regum, quam vacate
poremo contigit,
Wincheer Prelate of the Order, taking the Surages particular] , delivered

them with all becoming Reverence to the King's Majely.

He well conider

irg the Perons named, how they exceeded one another in Courage, Prudence,

and other PZ-rtues, and Merits, decreed out of the Earls, John Earl Marechal
(as they call him) and William Earl ofx Southfolkz out of the Barons, John
Lord Clyord, and out of the Knights, Sir Lewis Robertcke, and Sir Here
tongs Cleux to be the itte/i and mol deerving, and on that Account to be

received into the Order. Immediately therefore after the Banouet, he ordered
the Knights companions to be ummoned to Chapter, and before them he deli
vered to the Knights cleft, who
took their Oaths, the noble Garters for
Livery (forb they call that Ornament of the Leg) and Mantles for their Habit,
and preently after admitted them to their Stalls, Lewis Robertlacke to the

Stall of the Lord 1 Burnell which was

vacant, Sir Heretongs Cleux to the
Stall ofthe Lord z Powes which was theecond left vacant, John Lord Clyord
to the Stall of the Lord "Cameux which was the third vacant, the Earl Ma
rechal to the Stall of Sir John 1' Grey which was the fourth that became vacant,

and laly the Earl of Southolk to the Stall of the magnanimous Prince Tho
mas Duke of 5 Clarence, Brother and Son of Kings, which happened to be the
la vacant.
x-Pairl. apud Leiceir- 28 H. 6- n. 14. 15. Whereas o him whether be was a Knight who anwer-in in the
his Father at Harew, hit eldg Brother at the Battle

egativee repliedti: my Will than/bait be of t at De

Agincourt. and two other rethren at Jargu in the gree before 1 urrender, and thereon gave him the Ac

rench War: had lo their Livesir their Country, he collade and tickled on the Sword. Daniel Hi. de Ch
in the ame War erved full xxxiiii Teeres- For xT/ii 'z/ii- P- 1064.
Terra together Hee never returned Home from W are,
y He dyed 27 Nov. 8 H. 5_
being once taken Priontr, 'then he was at et no etler
z- Edward Charlton Lord Powis died on Friday
then a private Kni l)t, hee paid down for Jis Ranmte before Palm-Sunday 9 H. 5. which mu then be on
twenty thouand [Sound of our Englih Money : He
of the
and a are
of the
Ille Councel
Gurter Jrv

14 Match
He died
28 at
5- on Eaer Eve,_
ba He
m: on
Bau 9ieH.

Word: of the Record. Before he urrendred himelf 9H. . that is on 22 March

Prioner to William Renaud in 1429. he demanded
c slain at the ame Time and Plate.



not; ub Anno none H E N RI c I octtzna.

Sub initio primarum velperarum Supremus 'ad pietatem optime com

paratus, cum a iiis Commilironibus cernerct omium, quod imprimis

(ut ipi: exiimabat) factum oportuit, ultra ferre non poruit, quin ad

ad id
gre, 8:illico
ad edes
uas converi,
non induceret,
ans bene Deo
atctq; Chorum
Altari reve
rentiarn exhibuiie vii unt: Joannes autcm Bedfordia Dux in concilio,
quod Anno Regis invictiiimi 'I Sexta renuerat in ejus abentia, decretum
ut quorquot
hujus graduum,
Ordinis inRegi,
ac regreu
pariter, eent
ac decenlctu
praeens err,

aut in ejus ablentia ledili Regio proni Reverentiam impenderent; quo

i nicarent
cum ee
Su remum
8: omnimodam
illi ubectionenl
e delfere:
divinimus multo
lius ac convenientius ee pronunciavit, ur primum Reoi vere Supremo
atque omnipotcnti Domino Deo, 8: ejus e Altari proni acti debitum im
penderent honorem, in modum Virorum ecclciaicorum, 8: deinde quic
quid ibi debercnc honoris, utiq; perimplerent, ibi, edili-ve uo (quod
oporterc crederent) deferentes. Mentem hanc uam haud dubie divinitus
excitatam, Commilitonibus dextera per decanum, iuira vero per cri
bam Ordinis curavit illico denuntiandam: Conilium illi maxime proba

banr, juxta quod in egrcu proximo acere atagebant.

At the Beginning of the
I/e-pers, the Sovereign, who was exceedingly'
turn'd to Piety, when he aw a Thing omitted by his companions of the Or
der, which (in his Opinion) ought in the
Place to be done, he could bear

no longer, but having admonihed them on the Spot, he would lead the Why to
their doing it from that Time. For at their Entry into the choir, and going
to their Stalls there, theyiemed not to have given ufficient Reverence to God

and the Altar. Now John Duke of Bedfiord remembred it had been decreed
in the chapter, which he had held in the 'I 6th Tear of this invincible Prince
in his Abnce, That all of this Order hould always at their going in, and

coming out, iand likewie? at their decending the Steps, bow themelves, and

do Reverence to the King, preent, or in his Abence, to the King's Stall,

thereby to hew that he was their Sovereign, and they owed him all Kind of
Subjeon and Obedience. But the

divine King, declared it was much

more rational and itting, That they hould

bow and pay due Honour to the

King, who is truly upreme and almighty, the Lord God, and to his e Altar, as
was pracii-d by Ecclea/licks, and then whatever Honour they owed to him,

they might alo dicharge, paying their Defe-rence to him or his Stall (as they
believed they ought.) This his Will inpired no doubt from Heaven, he caued to
be immediately declared to the Knights companions that iit in the Stalls on the

Right Hand by the Dean, and to thoe on the Left by the Regier of the Order. They
exceedingly approved this Direilion, and were at their next going out oftheir
Stalls very careful to ac? according to it.
d There is no Entry in this Book of any Chapter Altari which are taken from an ancient Cbpy, and by the'
held m that Tear_
e There is a blank m this Book to thee Wmis ejus

Preamb/e it appears ibi! blank ought to be thus lled



jlcta uh Anno nono H H, N R I C I Qgiuti.


Et icut hoc quartum Statutum imperfectuln prius, hoc modo per-i

fectum reddiditz ita complura ejus generis ad conimilem perectionem

adduxit : preertim nonum in quo dccrctuln e, (quod i Supremus fei

Vitati Georgiane non pot interee, ut alium ubituat &e. &e. Ad

quod Supremus hic noer illud adjunxit, quod Supremus ubicunque
terrarum fuerir, modo juum Coelectorum nu1nerum ircum habeat, i
quam perecerit, electio valebit, 84: i (Etdes aliquas vacare contigerit, fu

turorum Electio pectabit ad Supremum ubi ubi lerit.

eciet, ut deputatus ab eo cercior inde at.

At Supremus

Multo magisipe deputatus

advigilabit, ut vacationes edium cum contingant, ad Supremum etiam

foris agentem perferanttlr; Qgod i ucicns numerus cum Supremo
non fuerit, poquam a e deignatum cerciorem inde fecerit, Be qui
ibi videantur ex corporis animique 'viribus aptioresz oenderit', ad depu
ratum ex vi atutorum electio pertinebit;

Decimnm revera atutum, in quo de prorogatiotle eivae olennitae

tis agitur, ita declaravit, totius aenu commilitii z i olennitae intra quin

decem 'dies a Pachare veneric, prorogabitur ad illud tempus, quod Supre-i

mo pro gerendis rebus uis maxime videbitur, vel quod in ejus abentia
deputatns , cum czrtera Societate judicabit oportunumz dummodo non
fuerit Aprilis quartus aut quintus 8: viceimus f propter primas ac ecun

das Divi- Marci veperas, neque poremus dies menis ejus, nec primus

And as this fourth Statute which was hefore imperfhhf, he rendred after

this Manner pere, o he hrought more of that Sort to the Iihe Perfeon;
eecially' the ninth, in which it was decreed, That

the Sovereign could not

he preent at the Feival of St. George, he hould ihitute another, &e. To

which this our Sovereign added further, That in what Part of the World h
ever the Sovereign he, provided he have a ucient Numher of Coeleors with
he mahe any Elehilion it hall and good, and
it happen that any
of the Stalls he vacant, the 'Eleon of future Knights hall helong to the So-i'

vereign whereoever he he; hut the Sovereign hall talee care to acquaint the
Perhn deputed hy him thereizvith. Much more hall the Peron deputed talee
particular care when Vacancies in the Stalls hall happen, to give Advice there
of to the Sovereign, even whil he is ahroad. But there is not a uici;
ent Numher with the Sovereign, after he has notied it to the Peron appointed
hy him, and declared who eem to him the tte, on Account of their Pere

ions of Body and Mind, the Eleon hall helong to the Peron deputed, hy'
I/trtue of the Statutes.

1 The tenth Statute indeed, in which the Prorogation of the flival Solemniity'
is treated of, he thus explained with the Aent of all the Companions of the

Order; That

_the Feet/i hall fall within fteen Days after Eaer, it hall he

prorogued to uch Time as the Sovereign hall think he for the managing his
Aairs, or as the Deputy, in his Ahence, hall with the re of the Society
judge proper, provided it he not the four or ve and twentieth of April, he

caue 1 of the

and econd I/epers of St. Mark, nor the la Day of that

f Ar. Ahm. o. 477. hath oberved that in the Sta- \ rheeerpnl Veper? qg SZ' Mark would he interrupted by

tum the 'ner/ry ixth Day of Apxil i: added, becaue therj Vepers 0 ' t. ieorge.


P. 66.'

A i Acta jub Anno nono

E N R I CI Qtinti.



aut quartus Maii, propter feivitates Apoolorum Philippa' 8: Jacobi so In

ventionis Sancta:
aut Penthecoes;
ecundze veperx
In hoc etiam

Crucis Domini nori Jeu Chrii, nec Acenionis dies

vel aliud quodvis duplex Feum, cujus vel prime; vel
poient ic interturbari.
ibi convenit omnibus, ut nullus horum Equitum ine

ubligaculo palam incedat: nii Forlan ut equitet, ocreis indutus, Loco

cujus interim ericam, ac cxruleam bulam intra iniram ocream ub

Poplite geabit; quo iniri pedis ligamine non improbe notatur ab

omni inira atque infelici actione refrenandum. Veruntamen neque
hoc neq; quicquam aliud obabit, uin horum unuquiq; Senatus-con
ultum ingreurus ipo ubligari pedem alterum obvinctum atque orna
tum habeat.
Decretum e etiam, ut quoties ullus morte ublatus ledem vacuam re
liquerit, Enis, Galea atque Appendices, qum veniant oerenda, ic oe

ranrur, ut Enis- actionem inchoet; qui deportabitur a duobus per Su

premum aut deputatum illius aignandis, deinde quae reliqua unt pari
form: quemadmodum ibi poridie res optime peracta uit.
P. 67.

Supremus namq; poridie ocios convocavit ad miam pro deinctis

ex more celebrandam, in qui penilis prefatig Thoma gladius, Joannes Bed
fordize Ducis, 8: Humfredi Ducis Gloucorize fratrum uorum, Supremi vero
atque ipius item Bedfordie Ducis manibus, Galea cum 7) appcndicipus
ob ata

Month, nor the

and fourth of May, by reaon of the Feas of the

Apoles, Philip and James, and of the Invention of the holy Cros of our
Lord Jteiis Chri, nor Acenion Day orWhitunday, or any other double Fe

lival, whoe

orecond I/epers may be diurbed thereby.

They all likewie there agreed in this, That none of the Knights hould go
abroad without the Garter, unles it was on Horeback, and he were booted;

inead of which Garter he hall then wear a lken blew Ribbond, or Silk
Lace within his left Boot under the Knee, by which Yye of his left Leg, he

is not ill advertied that he ought to refrain from every mier and unlucky
Action. But neither this nor any Thing ele hall hinder, but that everyone of
them entring the Chapter mu have one Leg tied about, and adorned vnth the
Garter it
It was al) decreed, That whenever any Dying leaves a Stall vacant, the
Sword, Helm, and Appendages which come to be oered, be oered in

uch Manner, That the Sword begin the Aon, which hall be carried by two
Perons to be agned by the Sovereign, or his Deputy, and then what there
is beides in the like Form, as the Thing was exceeding well performed there
the Day following.


For the Sovereign the next Day called the Knights together, to celebrate
Ma as uual for the deceas'd, in "which the sword of the aforeaid
t Thomas,

that had heen hung up was oered by the Hands of John Duke

of Bedford, and Hum-ey Duke of Gloceer his Brothers, as his Helm

and b Appendages were oered by the Sovereign, and the itme Duke of Bedford 5

g Duke of Clarence.



I: Mantlinzt A-hm. Hi/l-P- 335


Actaitb Anno nono H E N R I C I Quinti.
obiata unt. Deinde manibils Domini Thoma- Erpjnghatn, a; Doznjnj
GuaIteri Hungerord gladius Domini Joannis Grey, Be Richardi Comitis
at ue Henrici
ejus cum Thomam
Powes per

Erpyngham, 8: Dominum Gualterum Hungerford, galea vero (ut upnn-per

Comitem l-Varwtici 8: Dominum Pjrtzhugh unt oblara. Enis autem
Domini Burnel] per Dominum Lodotziicum Robertitche 65 Dominum Si

'nonem Fe/brydge, 8: galea cum relijuis per Dominum Joannem Cornewa/e,

Be Dominum Joannem Robertac/eea Altare portata iint 3 Gladius Domini

Cameux per Dominum Lodo-vicum Robertac/te, 8: Dominum Heretongs Cleux,

galea vero cum appendicibus per Dominum Joannem Cornewale, 8: Do

minum Joannes-m Robert/ache imili modo perlata unt.

Poremum quia

non id ante eri contigit, idem ipum inignibus Domini Hugonis ' Staf
ford per eodem rctun] e 5 Hiis in hunc modum (uri Staruta onant)
exactis, non pro olis horum, ed omnium una delium animabus oea
rebant: &Cmox inter e conituunt, ut hic ritus cum uluam ic accide
'rit, (ervetur in lturum.
Ad illud autem Statutum, qudcavetur exteris in hunc Ordinem electis,
copiam hanc eie flctam, ut per procuratores inigniri, atque in iades in

tromitti queant; Supremus addidit, quod eodem privilegio gaudere de

beant, quotquot juu Regis in Militiam, vel alio proecti oras neceiiriis
ibi negouis retenti forent.

Then the Sword of Sir John Grey by the Hands of Sir Thomas Erpyngham,
and Sir Walter Hungerford, and his Helm with the Appendages in like Man
ner, by the Hands of Richard Earl of Warwick, and Henry Lord Fytzhugh;
Thirdl] the Sword of the Lord Powes was oered by Sir Thomas Erpyngham,

and Sir &Valter Hungerford, but his Hehn (as above) by the Earl of \Varwick,
and Lord Fytzhugh; The Sword al) of Lord Burnell was carried to the Altar
b] Sir Le\vis Robertircke and Sir Simon Felbrydge, and his He/m with the

of of
the Lord
by Sir was
[ohn brought
Sir John
in Iiheand
by Sir
Lewis Robert
cke and Sir Heretongs Cleux, and his Helm with the Appendages by Sit-John
Cornewaie and Sir John Robertilcke; Laly, becaue this never happened to'
be t praed before, the ame was done to the Hatchments of 'i Sir Hugh Stafia
ord by the ame Perons.

Thee Things being thus (as the Statutes expres)

performed, the] made an oering for the Sou/s not only of thee, but of all the
Faithful, and int-mediately after made a Conitution among themelves, that this

Rite whenever the like Cae happened, hould be oberved for the future.
Morea-ver to that Statute whereby it is pro-vided, That Foreigners eleed into

this Order hall have a Power of being admitted and inal/ed by Proxies, the'
Sovereign added, that uch as by the King's Command went abroad to War,
or on an] other Account, and were detained there b] neceary Blt/ie', hould
enjoy the ame Pri-vilege,
i Lord Rourgchier who died this Year, am! Sir

on the Princes Sid-/ec the Windor-Tab/es.

Walter Hungerford ucceeded him in th: tenth SMIZ



Acta ub Anno decimo H


I C I Qtinti.

Et Qloniam Supremus in animo habebat magnis 8: gravibus e cauis',

Regni nes
abee, a Cunctorun]
illic aenu
tergo communis
igilli pronunciatum
Ordinis appenu
P. 68.

(And digerenda,
ecum Rex neccdeputatus
ubi ue vehi faceret,
acta quaequo
ad Or
dinem debite
ila imiliter
acta digereret eodem tempore.

Statutum i' illud, quo permiuna erat, quod i quis decem libras Col
legio donare voluerit, per Decanum 8: Canonicos in numerum eorum pro

quibus oratum oportuerit, acribi pot: Supremus ita cohibuit, quod

exinde Decanus 85 Canonici nullo modo quicquarn iiuinodi oneris Col
legio imponcrent, ine notitia conenuqz Regis vel ab eo deputati 8: o

ciorum Ordinis.

Potentimi Henrici Wind Regis Anglia _& Francie Gubernatoris 8;

Heredis Anno decimo, Menis Aprilis viceimo quinto, prepotens Bedbrdize

Dux Joannes clarimi Ordinis Prees agnatus (olennitatem Georgianam

Windeori celebravit preentes ecum habens, Dominum Thomam Darpyng

ham, Dominum Lodovicum Robert/ache, 8: Dominum Heretongs Cleux.

Rex aberat in Gallid, cum quo prccetates in bellis ejus, vel in alia ab
eo loca mit lerunu
Duct {Gidcenixz
Comites 1


And becauh the Sovereign hadfor great and weighty Caues a Deign ofgoing

out of the Kingdom and of being ahent, It was decreed by the Aent of all
preent, That a little Seal [Privy Signet] hould he made to hang behind the
Common-Seal of the Order, which the King might caue to be carried every
where to beet to uch As as relate to the Order, and the Deputy might not
in the mean while, want one which he might likewie t to his AFfs at the izme

That i Statute hy which it waspermitted,That any body wouldgive ten Pound:

to the College, he might hy the Dean and Canons be admitted into the Number of

thoe for whom they ought topray, the Sovereign thus re/lrained, Thatfrom thence
forward the Dean and Canons houldfhy no means lay uch a Burden on the College,
without the Knowledge and Conent o the King, or his Deputy, and the Knights
of In
the the
tenth TZ-ar of the mo potent Henry the 5th, King of England, Go-

vernour and Heir of France, on the 2. 5th of April, the very potentjohn Duhe

of Bedford appointed Predent of the mo noble Order, celebrated the Fea/l of

St. George at Wyndelor, having preent with him Sir Thomas D'Erpyngham,
Sir Lewis Robertcke, and Sir Heretongs Cleux.

The King was abent in France, and with him were preent in Mr, or Znt by
him into other Places

The Dukes of Lixet
I There was another Decree or Statute made in this Black-book in the Tract iled modus obviam eundi
Chapter which 'my he ten in the Appendix to this Regi11,



Acta ub Anno deeimo H E N R I C I Quinti.



Dominus Fytzhugh.


Comites Huntyn donim,

Dominus Gualterus Hungerord,

zsouthfo cice,

Dominus Gul. Phylipp The Eunilix.

Comes Marechalllis.

excuieci, quod eicteri elent, 6: uis domi rebus

Rex Back?


Comes V/emerlandie minus bene valuit, ed 'vix cxcuitus e, qtiod P. 69.

cauam abentia: non ignicaret, ut Statuta volunc.
Dominus Robertus

abentes haud exculti unt, quod cum

incra re um eent, caum abentia:

Dominus Joannes Cornewale,

non mi lienr.

Dominus Gulielmus I-Iaryngton,

Dominus Joannes Robertlcke, ' pro excuatis habiti, caue. abentia: depu
Dominus Simon Felbrydge,

Z tato ignicata.

Vivebant hoc tempore lviginti quinque Commilitones Ordinis, unus



Lord lfyzthugh.


The Earls of Huntjrngdon,

Sir Walter Hungerford,


Sir I/Vlliam PhyI/zppe, 'Treaurer of the

Earl Marechall.
The Emperor


were exeued, becaujie the) were Foreigners and

The King of Pwtugctl

The King ofDenmark

taken up with their own Aairs at Home.


The Eari of Wemerland was not well, but was hardly excujZ-d, becauji- he
had notgnied the Caue of his Abenee as the Statutes require.
PSILZEIJOEZ? ZZfl-fozctgee

being abent were not excujZ-d, becaue tho' the

Sir Yalm Comeai)

were within the Kingdom, they had not ent t e

Sir William Harjrngton Can/i' Of the" Abme'


Sir John Rohertache were deemed excued, the Caue of their Abence haro
Sir Simon Felbrzydge ing heen gnied to the Deputy.
There were living at this 'lime 1 twenty sz/e Knights Companions of the Or
I Here are txtenty our companions named, which

of March preceeding, complete the Fraternity.

with jobn Lord Cliord ain at Meaux on the Izth



Actauh Anno decimo H E N

I C I Wind.

autem Dominus Clyord ub obidione Meux in Brye jam obierat, loco cu

jus haud quiquam adhuc m electus erat.
der, hut one of them, the Lord Clyord died

now, at the Siege of

Meux in Brye, into whoe Stall no hody mhas heen as yet eIeEYed.
m Mr. Ahm- p. 26 , conceives there was no Eletii
on for want of the Nun' er of Knights required by the

attend on the Dnhe of Glouceier on St. George?

ed the Duke of Bur undy into this Vacantw,

this rni ht he on ome pnhltch Bn/Inet which was ap

Fea at, Windor, nho being 'herein iled Lieutenant

Statutes- We nd by the Entries in ther/Z and econd of the Kingdom and not of that Fea, and this Writ
of' Hen. Vl, that his Father Hen.. V. m France elect
iuing under the Privy SMI, it may not he improbable,
In the Inventory 0 the Jewels of Hen. V. 1 Gartier painte to he conidered, or determined at that Time.
d'0r fair de Solaiell amiz de petites perles pois ii

unc- l'0r8c perles a x] s.

De ar le Roy. Trecher 8: Foial. Nous volons

de l' ent de nore Coneil 8e vous prions treche

Un Mantell dc velvet bloy embroud. avec 1 E rement, que toute CXCURCiOH cehnte, eire vuilies
cochon de Seint George e: i gart. 8e urr. d' ermins en vore pro re perone ovec nore trecher 8:

pris xx I.

treame Frere e Duc de G/oasere nore Lieutenant

CCxix Garters oue Iettres de oy pns le pec. ii d. d' Engleterre a nore Chae] de Wyndeore a la fee
v Garreters de oy bloy garniz d' or pois en

zmble i unc- iii quart. demy.

i Garter de oy 85 d'0r overts de hautelice gar

de Semt George prochein venant pur certaines ma

tieres, lequelles de par Nous aiors eront mon

rees a: declarees a vore venue. Don oubs no;

niz de barres d'or pris viii s.

ri rive Sea] a Wern. le xi jour d' Avrill.
iiiGarterez de oy garniz (For pris enemble
his Dnhe was Lientenant at the Fea in the eighth
xxvi s. viii d. Cic- ROt-Pari. 2 H. 6. m- go & Pat Tear.
Mr. Ahm. p. 291. quotes a Letter ent hy the
1 H. 6. p. 5. m. 4.
'There remains a Priv Seal, nithout the Date of the [Grights to Hen. V. in France, hnt mit er give-t us

Year, or any Direction ir nmmoning ome Peron to the Date, or the 'tho/e Contents of it,


Iv Jexti.
Actahh Anno primo H E N R I C


l lENRICUS Sextus, Pucr octo Menium, 'unicus Henrici Win-te', P. 73.

regnare ccrpit Anno Domini milleimo quadringerlreiluro viccimo

ecu ndo, Kalcndis Septemhris. (An propter hzmc attatis imbecillirarcrn, Pa<
truorum tutela: credirus e, pro uo Regnum ipi gubcrnabzint, Dux
Bedfordie Rector Francia, He GlocJiri-e Dux Anglie Denfenhr. Mortuo
namque jam Carolo, preter jus maternum, virtute pacti olenniter anre

conclui inrer Henricum Qlintum 8: ipum, Regnum illud huic inEmti

jue Celt.

Cui tom nobilitas aipulara, paucis duntaxar cxceptis, qui

Delphino favebant: Duci Bedfordia vero nunc Adminiratori Rectorique

jus omne contradebar.

Novemhris eptimo po, Corpus inclytimi Principis Henriei girinti lu
gubri Ritu,

ui Regum eie olec, olenniter advcctum, qu oportuir

celebrirate, a Divi Edoardi pedes V/emonetierii epulrum e 5 anima Fre

quentima: multitudinis auxiliaribus Voris, ac precibus Deo commenda

ta, immo
totius Regni ad exorandam charimo uo irlutcm ubiq; up
Rex autem innocens, - quem ibi Deus ut ignicaret elcctum pre
oendere caepir: cum Mater ua Die Dominico ad ircr accincta, 8: in
curru jam coniruta, liolum ad (e vocarer, mirum quanro vagitu rei-w

rit, ur nec ipr nutrix opitulari port, 8: Mater reverri coacta, ne puellus
(ut verebatur) xgrotus interea periclitaretur.

Qrod factum interpretatur,


ENRY the Sixth, a Child eight Months old, the only Son of Henry
the Fifth, hegan to reign A. D, 1412. , on the Kalends of Septem
ber, who [i] Reaon of the Weaknes of his Age, was committed to the

Guardianhip of his Uncles, and they governed the Kingdom for him, The
Duhe of Bedford, Regent of France, and the Dulee of Gloccer, Proteor

if England. For Charles heing now dead, hetdes the Right of his Mother,
that Kingdom did in Virtue of the Treaty hlemnl] hefore concluded between

Henry the Fifth and him,

fall to this Child, and the whole Nohility (a

fe-w only excepted, who favoured the Dauphin) having conented thereto,joined
in delivering up all the Right thereof to the Dulee of Bedfctord, now the true

Adminirator and Re ent.

On the eventh o November following, the Bad] of the mo renown

ed Prince Henry the Fifth, heing vlemnly hrought with uch mournfttl Rites
as are ued in the Cae of Kings, was with all hecoming Solemnity huried
at the Feet of St. Edward at \Veminer, his Soul heing commended to God
h] the auxiltar] Vows and Prayers of a prodigious Multitude of People, or ra
ther of the whole Kingdom, which was every where pouring out their Suppli

tions for the salvation of their deare Prince.

But the innocent King, whom God hegan to fore/hew,



he was his choen one, when his Mother on the Lord's Da heing read) for
a Journey, and already ceated in her Chariot, called her littlz/ Son to her, 'tis

wonderful with what a Squawling heruggled again it,t that his Nure could
not help him, and his Mother was forced to return, le the Child (as he feared)

Acta ub Anno primo H N R I CI Sextiil


ut ille le conantiorem 6: magis addictum Dci cultorem irurum, oen
deret, quam ut vel de Sabbati Dominicazve ceremouia preumeret. Po

ero namque die libens vultuq, eivus ad currum quai matrem ante
Cet; Nec inrerim quidnam prius aliud aliter urgeret intelligi potuic,
adeo reductus in cubiculum conquievit.
Anno 4 primo Henrici Sexti Regis inmtis, vigilia Divi Georgii 'cele

berrimi Ordinis, cepcum e Wyndeori concilium per inclytum Humfredum



hould fall cle in the mean time and be in Danger.

Which Paizge points out,

That he hould hew himelf to be afterwards a more conant and more de

'ooted l/Vorhipper of God, than to talee either from the Ceremony of the Sahhath
or Lords Day. For the next Day he went willingly and cheerfully to the Cha
riot in a Manner before his Mother; Nor could it in the mean time be un

derood, what it was before that urged him to the contrary; t being brought
into his Bedchamber, he reed quietly.
In the
"For of King Henry the Sixth, an Infant, on the Eroe of

St. George, a Chapter of the mo famous Order was held at Wyndcor, by

a Plee au Ro nore souverain Seigneu' 8: a

Com. Sat-um. e:

on rrege Con eil grantier lettres deouz le pri-

Com. Suoll,

ve Sea] dircctes as Trcorer, 8: Barons de on E-

chiquier put allowcr a Robert Ro/Ieon en la Conte,

u'il e a rendre a caue de la garde de la grande CC ventr.
Zjarderobe, la Liveree de la Garter par le dit deli
virez as Scigneurs, 8: Chivaliers de la Gumr en
contre la Fee de Seint George darrainement paez
en oevre de Charite.

eorum v uln panucon. 8: 1 Furr. de

menev. pur. 8: C Gan. ac

Domino de Htzbu b
Domino Wa/tero

Quinto Mix' Anno primo [Henriei Sexti] con-

Utrique eorum v uln.

cea fuit prmens upplicatio, praeentibus Dom.

CXX ventr. Menev- gr.8c


ann. con. i furr. de


Duce Gloc- Archiep. Cantuar. London, Winlon, Nor

Wic. 8; Wigorn. E icopis, Crown-ell, 8: 'Iiptofg Cane.

Domino de Will:

8.: Thee-ar. (in

Domino m/Iimo

. Pel)


Computus Rohezti Rolle/Zon Clerici Cuodis magDomino Roberto Umtwyle,

me Garderobz a vigilia Sancti Michacli: primo
Domino Simoni Felhrgge, 8c
Hmrici Sexti pro uno Anno.
Here Tenke,
Domino Regi per manus Johennis Ceoendi/h brou
dat. Re is ad broudaturam MMIlIIxx Gart-opetat.
Cuiiibet eorum v uln. pan. con- 8: i fur- de
uper artarin cum eric. 8: auro de Cipr. Fcl. Pac- CXX ventr. menev- gr. 8: LXX Gan.
l. 8: lin. cum Card- pro liberaLGarterior-um de

takes-nicate Sancti Geor ii hoc anno.

Then follows the Ro e of this Order made for the
Iing, as printed in p. 34. note,
lmpeiatori Roman. ad rob. uas aciend de
ann. carlet cum be de Erm. 8.: uperoperat. in
Broader. cum Gart. cum literis eric.& aur. pro
liberat- Sancti Gemgii hoc anno
VI I] uln.

Domino Tho. Erpyngham,

Domino Johanni Cornewaile,

Domino Johunni Roheart,

Domino Ludowieo Robe/amac
Domino mllimo Philip,
Cuilibet eorum v uln. ann. con. i furr. de
CXX ventr. mcnev- gr. 8c Illxx Gar', ac

nn. carlet

XXV] tim . v be- de Erm.

Duciae Glouc.

CXL cum literis auri Gmm,

Duci Bedf.
Duci Gland:
Duci E-ron.
_ '

Ad con- Robam uam de pann. con- de dono

Regis faciend. furr. 8: operand. in broudur. cum
Gart. erga dictum feium v uln. ann. con. i furr.
de CC ventr. menev. pur. 8e C X Gart. ac ve
netabili in Chria Patri

_(\IuiIibet eorum v uln. pan. carlet. &ri nr. de

(L ventr. men. put 8c CXX Gart. pro liberat. uis
de fraternitare Gart. erga zum Sancti Georgii hoc
ann. ptimo, de Dono Domini Regis
Com. hVmerL

Com. War-r.

Epicopo Winton.
De con. dono Regia erga idcm fcium pann.
carlet. con. i furr. de DC ventr- in Capuc. de
CXL vent. menev. pur.i furr. de IllIc vants-i
furr. de CCCLX bees de bys.

Com. Hunt.


llll pann. XX uln. p. Scarlert.

x 1
q t'



e ee

* - -- e

i Acta ub Anno primo H E N

__ *--=-***"-'r*>

I CI Sexti.

Gloce/iria Ducem, Comitem Henaltize, HO/ddi, Zelandize, Penhrochie,

Dominum Phrize, Anglia Protectorem ac Gubernatorem, 8; Dcpuzazum
' Ordinis: cum quo Comes Warwici Richardus, Dominus lytzhugh Hen.

ricus, Dominus Boucer Lodovicus Cubicularius, Dominus Thomas D'Ar

pingham, Dominus Simon Felbrydge enior, Dominus Gualterus Hungerford,
Dominus Gulielmus Philipps, Dominus Joannes Roberticlee Cuos Sigilli
Ordinis, Dominus Heretong Cleux, Dominus Joannes Corne-zoale, hora rer

tiarum praeentes erant.


Regis Portugalia probara e abzntia, quod hiis domi manendum eer.

Regis Dacize
Joannes Dux Bedfordite, rarer atq; avunculus Re ' m, Rector Gallize,
tum in Normania ecum habens Comitem Sarisburia Gulielmum, Be Co

mitem Southfolcia Gulielmum, 'cum hiis cxcuatus e : Comes autem Hun

tyngdonite caprivus adhuc erat.

the renowned Humey Duke of Gloceer, Earl of Henault, Holland,

Zelandz Pembroke, Lord of Frizeland, Protector and Governour Of Enge

land, and Deputy of the Order : with whom Richard Earl of Warwick,

Lord Fyzthugh, Lewis Lord Boucer Chamherlain, Sir Thomas D'Er

yng am, Sir Simon Felbrydge the Elder, Sir Walter Hungerord, Sir Wil
iam Philips, Sir John Robertilcke Keeper of the Seal of the Order, Sir He
retong Cleux, Sir John Comewale at the Hour of Tierce, were then preent.


(If Denmarkk

to] al' Home.

John Duke of Bedord, Brother and Uncle of Kings, Regent of France, hav
ing then in Normandy Quill) him bWilliam Earl, of Salisbury, and William
Earl of Southolk, was excuid together with them : But the Earl of Hun

ryngdon lill continued a Prioner.

X qlt: de CC venrr.} m"
l de DC venr
I de CXL ventr- Capuc.

Item pro Cxxv timb- Menev- put- 8e - - - - - ptet.

cujuibet timbo-iii s. iiii d. xx I. xyiii s. iiii d.
Irem pro ii furr. de Bys continen. intet e Cxl

mcncv. pur.

XII quil. de CXX veutr. i m. them

I de "Uc Ventr'
V' g '

bees prer. inreixfe xxxvi s. _

Item pro MMiiiixx Garter-its cum. literis eric.

I de "el-X vehrr-

'vizn pro pec. viii d. lxix I. vi s. viii d;

l de CXL bes us', de bysz

Summa liberat. Fsarerniraris pnedict. CCnviil

llmXXX de cric. 8: auLGart.


se xii d.

1 _

Hence it a pears that this Black-book hath omitted

Vius oneris magnz Gardcrobz R is pro uno the Names ay? the Duke of Excrer the Earl Marhal,
anno per Eiimationcm. (in Oc. Pe - inter bre- and the Lard Willoughby, who received the Rohcs of
Via in Schedula r Hen. 6.)
the Garter in thitTear, who being added to the 2t
Primo pro liberatusa frarernitatis Sancti Georgii Knights here mentioned, compleat the total Nmnher,

pro anno inanti cl 'ulm carler pret. uln. xii s. the

Srall of the Lora' Cliord continuing 'oacant at
this rTime.

iiiixxxiiii l.

Item pro Ertnins pro Rege 8: Imperatore pro eadem

liberata xxx timb. pret. cuiusliber xx s. xxx I.

b 'The then Earl of Salisbury was Thomas Monta

Item pro CCC Garterlis cum lireris aut. pro cute

Dom. Rege 84: Imperatore viz. per pec. x xii I. x s.


Actaubl/Inno prime H E N R I C I Sexti.


86 ,
Comes l/Vemerlandiee probabilem cauam abentia: miit ad concilium:
Dominus I/Vyvllouglzhy abens in vigilia, venit in die: Domini Roherti Um
friwylle exculatio

it, quod Scotize connia ervarec: Dominus Guliel

'nue Haryrtgton, per 6 Cancellarium excuatus e: Tunc per mortem 70

annis Domini clyord,

ui ceciderat in obidione Meux in Brye vacabat

ledes una Wndeoriz Ad quam jampridem Rex invictimus e commi

litonum eo tempore prxentium unanimi conenu Burgundize Ducem ele
ratz At ille non dum reponum ierat, gratam vcllet Electionem illam
Zzbere necne : Qiapropter ibi denitum e, mittendas ad cum litteras,
quibus exorari poit, ut animum in hac re uum indicaret.
Ibidem nulla commiorum criminum ininuatio facta fuit.

Conventum etiam illic e, ut Liverata (quam vocant) Subligaris ad

Equitcs hujus Ordinis extraneos (prout Statuta jubent) mitteretur.
Scriptee unt itidem ex conlenu litterx ad odales ingulos intra Reg
num, qui non acceerant ad celebritatem, uti oportebat, ut impedi
menti cautm ub igillis uis ab armis miitarent, 8: ut in fcivitate
proxima extra quamvis veniam praeentes, cur ob id Puniri non debeant

cauam agcrent, cum Statuta ic przeceperint.

Decretum e inuper, uc atuta, quae inguli conlortes apud e te

ncbant, ad Archetypum in Collcgio corrigerentur. Ur Galen puilli adhuc

Regis, Ordinis Supremi, Gladius Be 'i Trabea relinquerentur ibi prout Sta
The Earl of Wemerlandent a probable Caue of Abence to the Chapter,
Lord Willouohby who was abent on the Erve, came on the Feei Day; Sir
Robert U ivylle's Excui- was That he was defending the Borders of Scot

land -, Sir William Haryngton was excued by the C Chancellor. Then was one
Stall vacant at Wyndeor by the Death of John Lord Clyord, who was

lain at the Siege of Meux_ in Brye; To which the late invincible King had,
by the unanimous Conent of the Knights companions then preent, eleed the
Dulee of Burgundy; But he had not as yet given his Anwer, whether he

would accept that Eleon or no; and therefore it was determined to end Let
ters to him, to engage him to declare his Mind in that Point.

There was no Charge exhibited again any for Crimes committed.

There al/b was it agreed, That the Li<very (as they call it) of the Garter
hould be bnt to the Knights of the Order, who were Foreigners (as the
Statutes require),

Letters were alh written by Conent to each of the companions within

the Kingdom who had not come to the Feai as they ought, That they hould

end the caue of their Hindrance under their Seals and Coats of Arms, and
be preent at the next Feal, notwithanding any Di/zmeniztion, to hew caui
why they hould not be puni/bed on that Account, nce the Statutest order.
It was farther ordained, That the Statutes which each of the Knights
companions leeep themelves, hould be con-cited by the Original in the college.
That the Helmet of this asyet little King, Sovereign of the Order, his Sword
_ c Mr. Ahm. Hi. . 237, conceive: that Sir lohn

Robertacke Kreper 0 the Seal of the Order, is the

Bi/hop of Durham was Chancellour of the IGngdom.

d See the introduction p. 34- n- f.

Peron here called the chance/lour; at this Time the



Actauh Annoeundo H E N R I CI Sexti.

tuta requirunt.



Ut feodo. conueta, ram pro ' Regis ipius ingreu,

uam Regis etiam Dacite Regiis impenis ex vi atutorum Collegio pen


Ut authoritas Supremi eceret, quo mies aueta: pro ani

ma defuncti jam Patris celebrarentur, quod atuta jubent. _ Ut Domi

nus Joannes Roherticlee Cuos eiet igilli communis Ordinis. Denique,

ur authoritate Supremi Commiio eret, qu Pater-et, quanta oret authori

tas 8: POtCaS lturi ub eo Depucati in ejus abentia, at 3 eecate renerf.
Regni ejus Anno ecundo Regina in gremio In

tem habens, znore

triumphali, per apparata Londini (ectacula M/imonaerium petiit, ubi

convocato Senatu, tentoque Parliamenro, puer inter eos iia iede Regia

collocatus e, dum Orator ad id delectus cle gratia Dei in ipum ram

largirer inillata plendide copioeq; diceret.
Pauio po Dominus Jaeohus Steward Rex Scotiee, t(ui cum Rege jam P. 76.
natalem Chriianum egerat, Dominam Joannam, nobili rmse-K Ducis Cla

rentia 6: Comitis Somerettia prioris mariti ll' iliam, accepir in

Eoden] Anno Vigiha, Divi Georgii, princeps inclytus Dux Gloeeirite,
Comes item Henaultia l' , Zelandite, GC Penbrochite, Dominus Phri/ite,

and Mantle hould he left there as the Statutes require; That the uual Fees, as
well for the Admittance of the' King himelf, as of the King of Denmark,
alh hould be paid at the King's Expence, according to the Statutes of the
College; That the Authorit] of the Sovereign hould caue Maes to be cele
hratedfer the Soul of his late deceas'd Father, as the Statutes require; That
Sir ohn Roberttcke hould he Keeper of the Common Seal of the Order-, and
La I), That ly the Authority of the Sovereign, a Commiion hould he drawn
up, to declare what Authority, and Power the Peron to he made his Deputy
hould have, during his Abence and tender Agef.
In the econd Tear of his Reign, the Queen having the Child on her Lap,

in a triumphantwhere
throu hand
prepared at the
a Parliament,
Child was
placed in the mid of them, on his royal Throne, whil a Spealeer cho: for
that Purpoe, pohe with Pomp and Copiouitte of the Grace of Godb abun
dantly inilfd upon him.

Some time after Sir James Steward, King ofScotland, who had kept Chri
mas with the King, toole to Wife the Lady Jane, Daughter of the mo noble

3 Dutchee of Clarence, and the Earl of Someret her

The ame Year on the Eve of St. George, The renovmed Prince, the Duhe
of Gloceer, Earl al) of Henaulcb , Zeland, and Pembroke, Lord of
e See the Introduiiion. p. 19. note x.
g Morgaret Si/ler and Co-heir of Edmund Earl of
f In this Chapter the Caimpanions preent, nding Kent, married r to John Beauforr, Earl ofSomer
that Hen. V. had ettled no certain Sal-try upon Gar- er, Marqaes of Doret, and after his Death remarried
ter Wincheer
King of Arms,
did with
of thea tempoBijhop pto the
Duke ofKing
ClarenceSee Hall.
4- Hollin
of the
of Scotland,
was then
a Pri/itgner
Mr) Proviion for him. by annual Pen/ions, by an lnrument publihed by Mr. Ahm. in his Append, nro.

in this [Gngdomh 'This mo noble Duke, the

wherein he hath oberved there is an Error in the tiee and Meeanas of his Age,

rit? Patron of Ju

aving nnjortunare/y

Date o the Year, by the Omiion of one name-ral 'married laqueliue Countes of' Haynault, Hollaud,

MCC CXXII heingplaced inead of MCCCCXXIH. and Zealand, Lady of Friezeland aarmd all thee
p. 254.,




ub Anno fecundo HENRICI Sexii.

Protector 8: Defenor Anglia, Summus Cubicularius, Depuratus Ordinis,

6: Supremi
Windeori Marechallum,
concilium tenuit:
ibi (e
Ij/tzhtegh, Lodoroicum Dominum Boucer Cubicularium Rzi, Dominum
Joannem Cornewale, Dominum Gualterum Hungerford Wy '
larium, Dominum Simonem Rlhrjtdge Ordinis maxime enem, Dominum

Gulielmum Harington, 8: Dominum Gulielmum Philipps, quorum Joanni

Comiti, Domino Joanni Cornewale, 8: Domino Gulielnto Harington, quo:
prius admierant ibi condonata unt.

Supremus (quod attas adhuc ejus rationis expers eet atque inidonea)
pronunciatus e abee Be poe 8: debere; cujus interea vices adimplerer
ejus deImperator,
quo diximus.
quia convcnienter e Regno uo venire non po< i
rerat, excuatus e : Rex Portugalic, qui ub hanc feivitatem, Galeam,

Gladium, Vexillum, 8: Appendices primam upra edem uam appen

denda curarar, imiliter.

Hii praslentes in Regno, ed hinc abentes, 8: Probabilibus tamen e

cauis, inculpati fuerunt; Thome Ducis Exonia gravis zegrotatio igniicata
uit; Richardi Comitis V/Zzrwici cauam Deputatus agebat; Comes WZ-

merlandite languidus atque impotcnsz Dominus Thomas Uarpyngham cor

Phrieeland, Proteiifor and Defender of England, Lord high Chamberlain,
Deputy of the Order, and the So<vereign's Vcegerent, held a Chapter in Wyn

deor, harving there preent with him, John Lord Marechal, Henry Lord

Fyzthugh, Lewis Lord Boucer Chamberlain to the King, Sir John Corne
wale, Sir Walter Hungerord Conahle of Wyndeor, Sir Simon Felbrydge
the olde of the Order, Sir William Haryngton, and Sir William Philippe,
of whom Earljohn, SirJohn Cornewale, and Sir William Haryngton were
there pardoned what the] had before committed.

The Sovereign (becaue his Age as jet was rooid of Reaon and altogether
unt) was declared both capable of being abent, and obliged to be t, and

that in the mean time his Uncle (of whom we have olee) hould upply his

The Emperor Sigimund was excud, becaue he could not con-veniently come

out of his Kingdom; 'The King of Portugal, who at this Feei had


Care to have his Helmet, sword, Banner, and Appendages hung up orver his
Stall, was excujhd iu lihe Manner.

TheZ- who were preent in the Kingdom, tho' abent from hence, were ne?
werthele uncenured forprobable Reaons; Thomas Duhe of Exetefs grievous
Illnel- was not-hied; The Deputy made an Excuh for Richard Earl of War
Wick, The Earl Of Wemerland was languihing and weak; Sir Thomas
TiF/"s but lMf Of Holland is bet-e through Care-

** of Henault, Holland, Zeland, and Pembrahe, Lord

lZ/Ffjf omitted, though it was in this Book iven in " of' Frieeland, Great Chamberiaine of the King
IL edformer gar g; this fufleihzxnd is attribute to this " of' Englandh Protectczlr aid Dhefeqdez elf (she
. HS!
a by Actu
_ rcof Parliameht
a a),asa
charter inntcthe r
ner of this
rthis ihiis; "
: Hwf) by the Grace of' God, Son Brother, rmed to him during the Abence of' ]ohn Duke of

and Ule to Kings: Duke o- gloct/Irt, Earl of l Bedford. Pryntfs Alrridgm. p. 564


Acta uh Annoecundo H E N R I CI iSexti.


pore laborans, Domini Joannis Rohertjizcke illata. e per Deputarum cauit P.

uciens. Verum Dominus Rohertus Umfrirztylle culpabilis invcntus e,

quod nulla abentizc ejus caua erat oena.

Thomas Comes Sarishurienis aberat in Gallid, ubi 8: Comes Huntjtngdo

nice adhuc captivus erat. Qio nunc etiam Gulielmus Comes Southfolcite,
8: Rohertus Dominus V/yllottghh] benc parato, conirutoq; prius exercitu
feinum iter arripuerant.

Qiia vero jam vacabat una ' iedes, Joannis videlicet Domini Clybrd,
de quo upra meminimus, ad (luam ante bienniilm, dum Rex invicti
imus Henricus Qiintus, adhuc vivens in Gallia mira patraret, per eum

8: collegas nominatus erat, inclytus Dux Burgundize: hic complacuit uc

cum 65. nominatione mitterentur ad eum, rogaturi, quatcnus accipere


At ipe perpendens inter praepotentem Glocejirite Ducem a:

Avunculum uum Ducem Brahantize quadam eie controverias; honeam

oppouit excuationem, ne videlicet i i recipcret, aut anitatis aut

Statutorum pia jura parum honorice diringere cogeretur.


gioris itaque conilii pretextu diulit, quod animo uo pro tempore

minus applauit: (Dare noblimus Deputacus, cum ociis ibi prxenti



Uarpynghani was ick, Sir John Robertitckds Caue was allowed ucient
the Deputy, hut Sir Robert Umrivylle was found guilty, hecauji: no Caue
of his Ahence was hewn.

Thomas Earl of Salisbury was ahnt in France, where was aljit the
Earl of Huntyngdon ill a Prioner; whither alo now William Earl of
Southfolk, and Robert Lord Willoughby with an Army well appointed and

dicijtlined hefore, had marched in all hae.

But hecau: there was now one iStall wacant, viz. John Lord ClyorcFs,

whom we have mentioned before, to which two Tears before, whil the in
roincihle King Henry'the Fifth was aliroe and performing I//onders in France,
the renowned Duke of Burgundy had heen named hj him and his Collegues, It
was thought proper That ome Perons hould he ent to him with that Nomi

nation, to deire that he would tvouchjitfe- to accept it, But he conidering r

rioully there were tme Diputes hetween the mo potent Duke of Gloceer,
he hould
his Uncle
1' accept
the Duke
it, heofhould
he obliged
in no
a fair
That to
break through the pious Laws, either of Ainig' or the Statutes: He defernd

it therefore under Pretence of adroi/ing further ahout it, which did not it very
PISE/ing on [tis Mindfor ome Time. The mo nohle Deputy therefore, and Knights
i Here are only 20 Corn anions enumerated, and one that the Kingr had intereed himelf in the Quarrel, and
Vacant), The Compilcr Jaoin omitted the Names of had on the zorh of Iuly, in the
Tiar. charged
the King of Denmark, The Duke of Bedford Sir the Dulce of Burgundy with the greatet lndelil) and

Thomas Erpingham and Sir Hertong Van Clux, RelIe/lion, and iljtzore, as King of France had not
only declared his Xtrldome of Flanders concated,
which complete the Society.
I: The Occaion of this An ner and Refufal may he

but granted the ame to this Duke of Gloceer du

. leen in the Letter, p. 67. an the Reader ma) conttlt ring his Life; Seld. Titles of Hon. p- 433, who in
102. This Anwer is all Prohtthiliry might a/lo udeb that as one of lots'
Heuter. Rer. Burgund. 1. 4
i" Term! Of Dfenc) and Re e-[Lwithout the P/armtl) Titles. And hence one hou
e a t to imagine, ibi!
and Rtzentment that mi-gijt lar/e heen expected from mild Anjivcr might he returned ion after ihtFea/Z
. the Du e o] Burgundy, in the Situation that Aairs held in the r Tear, before Matter: came to this Ex
ood in this econd Tear: for this Rupture between him tremity> but was not entred in this Regi/ier, till this Fea

and the Duke of Gloceer was grown to that Height, in the econdTear, when this Stall was to be fi/ledb









Acta juh Anno tertio H E

R I CI Sexti.

bus, coniderans rationem ac ormam excufatiolns, przrlongam (edis va

cationem, 8: aturorum vinculum, ad novam elcctionem illico e con

vertit: In quit per 1 Decanum 8: cribana, abente Prelaro, Nominationes

ingulorum Equitum ibi prazenrium excepta: preidi deputato unt exinde
commonratae: Qu fortitudinis, prudentiae, cazterarumque virrurum, 8:

illurium actorum, ac conaruum merita, ecum reputans, 8: quid Rei

'publicae maximopere potuerir inreree, renuum virum Joannem Domi

num Talhothum e nominatis dignirmum ee judicavirz illum iraque

pronunciavit eligendum in clarirnlan] hanc Societarem loco Domini
jam anre mortur.
Anno tertio cum Rector invictus multas non inmi nominis urbes,
qux hactenus a Delphino ereranr, ua: dirioni ubegilet, Prorector cum
Hollandie Duce, quam ibi copularar, ad latifundiuln, quod uxoris erat,

abiit.princcps m Portugalie veniens in Angliam, honorice liul
Qlo tempore
ceptus, 8: retentus e.
Anno Regis Henrici (exri tertio celebratuln e Wjnzdeori conciliuln, "in

quo Supremus ipe prazizns erat, (ecum habena Humfredum Glocelrie Du

cem, Thomam Ducem Exoniie, Richardum Comitem Warwici, Lodovicum

Dominum Boucer Cubicularium, Dominum Gualterum Hungerford carlts

' il ius
Companions there preent, conidering the Reaon and Form of the Excue, the

long Vacanc] of the Stall, and the obligations of the Statutes, applyed
themelves immediately to a new Eleiifion. In which the 1 Nominations of each
Knight there preent were received, in the Ahence of the Prelate, hy the Dean

and Regier, and then hewn to the Pre/ident Deputy, who weighing in himelf
the Merits of their Courage, Prudence, and other Virtues and illurious Aons
and Endeavours, and what would he of the greate Service to the State, judged
the hrave John Lord Talbot to he the mo worth] of the Perons named,

and therefore declared him to he choen into this mo nohle Order, inead of
the Lord who died ome Time heore.
In his third Tear when the invincihle Regent, had reduced under his Suhjeflion

man] Cities of no mean Note, which till then had adhered to the Dauphjn,
The Protehtctor with the Dutches of Holland whom he had married, went to

take Poeon of the large Drritor] which helonged to his I/Vt.

At which 'lime the Prince of m Porrugal coming into England, was ho
nourahl] received, and entertained.

In the third Year of Henry the Sixth, a Chapter was held at Wyndeor,
in '7 which the Sovereign himelf was preent; having with him Humfrey Duke
of Gloccer, Thomas Duke of Exerer, Richard Earl of Warwick, Lewis

Lord Boucer Lord Chamherlain, Sir \Valrer Hungerord the Oldel


I The Regiir. Chart. faitbthat the Dean and Re-

n Here are only twenty one Knights, among 'them

p. 282.
gier arote down the Votes- Ahm
m 'Tis probable Peter Duke o] Conimbro Son of

is the Lord Scales then elected, and it appear! from

the Li of the (hmpanions inerted under this Year,

lohn [ing Of POrtUgal i! be" meant. See Duck that here is no Notice taken of the Alzences of the
Vita Chlchelaei. p. 75.

In Cleopatra F. iv. 28.

Earlaf Huntingron, Sir Thomas Erpingham, and

8: pour delivcrrr a le Duc de Qynhre dcux potts Sir Simon Felbrigge.

d'or garniz de diveres pearles.



Acta ub Anno tertio H EN R I CI Sexti.


ihus nazu maximum, Dominum Joannem Cornewale, Dominum Gulielmt/m

.Haryngton, Dominum Joannem Rohertetcke, 8: Dominum Gulieltnum


abentes excuati unt, quod e regno lo non poterant

Rex Dacize


Joannes Dux Bedfordize, Rector Francia jam illic erat, 8: Thomas Co

mes Sarisburienis, Gulielmus Dux Southtlciee, Robertus V/tllougby, Domi

nus Scales recens electus, cum eo. Joannes Dominus Talbot in Hibernia nec
injuus erat. Dominus Heretonke Cleux juu Regis cum Imperatore iit
in Alemania.
Comes Marechallus a matre ua Duce 0 Northfolcie quae nunc Animam

agebat abee non poterat : Comes V/smerlandie, quoniam impotens erat,

excuatus e. Dominum Rohertum Umfrirziylle ubitaria excuabat inrmitas.

Qium autem. edes P Domini Pytzhugh nunc vacaret, juo de more
praecedente crutinio : vium e toti preentix qoannem Dominum Scales
prze czeteris in ea merito collocandum.

in that Aemhly, Sir ohn Cornewale, Sir William Haryngton, Sir John
Robertcke, Sir Wil iam Philipp.
The Emperor

b .

etng abZ-nt were excuZ-d, becaue they could not

King of Portugctl
King of Denmark

he away from their Kingdoms.

ohn Duke
Bedford William
Regent ofDuke
was there Robert
at thisWyllough
time, and
Earl ofofSalisbury,
of Southliolk,
Lord in
were with
by the
the Emperor in Germany.

The Earl Marechal could not be ahentfrom his Mother the "Dutchei of
Norfolk, who was now at the Point of Death; The Earl of Wemerland
was excud, becaue of his WZ-aknesz A udden
Illne/Is excued
Sir Robert
as uual
al) the
a due
of the?the
Preence was
now qsacant,
toplace John
*l Lord
Scales in it, by Reaon of his uperior Merit to the re.
o EIizabethSi/ler and Coheir to Thom. Fitz Allan

Fitzhugh, who is thereaid to die on the eleventh Day

Far] of Arundcll after the Death of Thomas Mow-

of January then la pJv/yet in the eireulatory Lettcrs,

bray, Duke of Norfolk Father to this John Mowbray Earl Marhal remarried to Sir Gerard Uete,

which are in this Black-book placed by ii/[iake under

the vfourth Tear of this IGng, he is expresly aid to die

andhe died on the 8th of July following. Ech. 3 H.

on the ixth o Januarv ; o very neg/zgent was the

in the Dates. For m' are certain JisDettth hap.

6- n. 2S-

p Mr. Ahm. in his Appa n. x-iii, hath printed from pened as tis mentioned in the Regir. Chartac. on the

the Reqiir. Charcac, the Form of a summons iued xt of lanuary. Ec. 3 H. 6. "- 27
to the Gmpanions to appear at Windor on the Eve

t] His chri/Zisn Name was certainly Thomas, as is

0 ierce,
St. GcorgeU
at the
of evident
the Windor
to ele aFe-z'
of the
'Iehies from
in the all
on the and



i_ _.-_.-_.-_ ._

nrw-"n-n "I

Acta ub Anno quarto H E N R I C I Sexti.

Nomina Sociorum hujus temporis.
Rex Anglia, 8: Francite,

Imperator Alemanite,
Rex Portugalite,
Rex Dacite.

Dominus Scales,
Dominus Willoughby,
Dominus Talhott,

Dux Bedordie Rector Francite,

Dominus Boucer.

Dux Glocerite Protector Anglia',

Dominus Tho. Uarpyngham,

Dux Exonize.
Comes Warwici,

Dominus Joannes Cornewale,

Dominus Gul. Harington,
Dominus ' Tho. Felhrydge,
Dominus Gul. Philip,
Dominus Rob. Umfryville,

Comes Sarisburize,
Comes Huntingdontce,
Comes Southfolcize,

Comes Marechadus,
Comes Iemerlandtia.

Dominus o. Rohertiicke,
Dominus Gualt. Hungerford,
Dominus Heretongs Cleux.

Qmrto anno Rector 8: Francia reverus in Angliam, lites quorundam

eriam illurium capitaliter orras atque exercitas, 8: alia quazq; compo


The Names of the Knights at this Time.

The King of England and France


The Emperor of Germany,

Lord Scales,

King of Porrugal,

Lord Wylloughby,

King of Denmark.
Lord Talbor,
The Duke ofBodi-ord, Regent of France. Lord Boucer.

Duke of Gloceer, Proteor ofEng-Sir Thomas D'Arpyngham,

Duke of Exeter. _
Earl of Warwick,

[land Sir John Cornewale,

Sir William Haryngton,

Earl of Salisbury,

Sir ' Thomas Felbrydge,

Earl of Huntyngdon,

Sir William Philipp,

Earl of Southflolk,

Sir Robert Um-yville,

Earl Marechal,

Sir John Robertacke,

Earl of Wemerland.

Sir Walter Hungerord,

Sir Heretongs C eux.

In the fourth TZ-ar the Regent returning out of France into England, and
having made up lime Diputes between illulrious Perons, which had rien,
and been carried on in a deadly Manner, and ettled other Matters, held
r His Name was Simon.

The Derences hetneen the Duke of Gloceier and

I cardinal Beaufort Bi/hop of Wincheier

Acta ub Anno quarto H E N R I C"I Sexti.


nens in Penthecoe cum Supremo Leiceiriie prseclaram eivitatem tenuit,

ubi cum jpiz Regem '

uitats inignibus ornaicc: Rex Richardum Du

cem Ebomcmm u Edom- i (Lard Regis Patrem, Joannis Ducis Norfol

czzz Primogcnitum, Comites Oxonia 8c x Id/ehnerlandiie 'cum aliis triginta
quatuor nobilibus imiliter inignivit.

at Whituntide a glorious Feiirzial with the Sovereign at Leicecr, where,

when he had dubb'd the King fKnight, the King in like Manner dubb'd Ri
chard Duke of York Father to King " Edward the Fourth, th? elde Son'
of John Duke of Norfolk, The Earl of Oxford and x Welncrland with
thirty four Noblemen beides.
t Hence it appears that this King had the Sovereign Henricui lius comitisDominus de Camoys
W/lielmus Shone
of this Order before he was actually kni hied, it
Comiti Norihumbr. Wilhelmus Babyngton
Saving been hewn, that the Mantle of this rder was
made for him in the fir/i Tear, and that the Fees for Thomas Dominus de Roos -tcobus lius Comitis Or
bis ajuniing his Sta/l had been alo paid in the third Thomas de Beaumont
Dominus de Beaumont Domino de Bourgeuenny
Tear. Inirodu. p. 34. note . and p: 19- note 2.. _
inatri .ute. Hent) Bourgchier
ln Rymer not. x. p. 398. i; a pri-y Seat or pay .
. Sibirhet
ing the Hcralds 230 Scutus for proclaimirig argee Dominus de Wolles
Hem) Gray
at this IGn 's Knighihood and for their Feet at the
Feats of Eaer and St. George, and the Payment Dominus de Mautravers Domino de Grey de Code
thereof is thui entred in the Pelle Oce- Exit. J. Cornewale
Roberius Veer
Pell. Pach- 6 H. 6. Regibus Armorum, 8e Haml William Neville
Comitize WemerIaridiatGilberti-s Debenham
dis de Regne Arglia, 8: aliis haraldis extraneis
in comitiva ua nuper exicntibus, in denariis eis Georgius
Eidem Nevylle
liberatis, per agnationem io die factam per ma

nus Garteri Regis_Armorum, in perolutionem Filius 8: haires Domini de Sibimet

CC Scuiorum, quos Dominus Rex nunc de avi.
Domino de 'Ialbot
mento 82 aenu Concilii ui dictis Re 'bus 8: Ha
xaldis, pro bonis ervitiis per ipos ei em Domi

Qiarto die Maii anno Liar-to apud Leyctrians
orum Pa ch- 8c Sancti eorgii ultime praeterit. vel ordinatum fuit, quod dirigantur litelre peronis in
valorem ictorum CC Scutorum liberare manda fracriptis de vcniendo ad praientiam Regis ad
vit, Habend. de dono uo per modum regardi ex dictam villain pro ibidem una ecum ucipiendo in
e Ordinem Mlitarem in feo PentecZies tunc proxi.
cauispnedictis- z 6. 8. _
A curory Hint hath been given in the Introduiiion mo futuro. Pratentibus Dominis edordite, Can
p. 34. touchin the receivin the De ree of Knight tuarieni" 8: Eborurn Cancellario Archiepicopis, Du
boods by our in s, who ha not that onour conferred ce Exonic, Epico is Dunelrneni, Elien/i', 8.: Barbo

no Regi factis, tam tempore, quo idem Rex nunc

ordinem milirarem uce it, quam temporibus Fe

on them before t eir Acceion to the Throne; which

'iiezi/i, ac Cuode Brivati Sigilli, Dominis de Crorn

will be exemplied in the Sovereigns Siall under the nell 8.: _de Scrop, 8c aliis in Parliamento exi
Re-'gn of Hen. Vl. So at preent there will be only a entibus;
Rijerence made to the Tenure of the Ill/inner of (zed
Ryiner nal. x- p. 356. 4 Hen. 6.
hould with
take a upon
Pair ojySilver
himelf theSpurrs
of Knighthood.
Herewe nd Direfiionsgiven to the Guardians of
thoe who were then under A e and in Ward/hip, as in

the Ca e of this Duke of Ygrk, who at this Time was

Wevers un. Momp. 925.
. _
u Thee mu be the Words of the Cornpiler, not of on
veteen TZ-ars of A e, as appears by the Inquiixian
ta en after the death of dmund Mortimer Earl of
the Original Re ier.

x 'This Ear of Wemerland is' not the Peron March, whoe Heir he was Ech; 3 H. 5. n. 32
mentioned in tbe preceeding Catalo ue to have been a
companion of this Order, for he ied on 21 Oct. in
Pat. 4 H. 6. .2.rn. 15;
the Beginnin of this fourth Tear, and was ucceeded
Rex omnibus ad quos_ c. Salutem- Monravii;
in that Ear/giv'n by his Son Ralph, who is the Per
on here deigned.

nobis carima conanguinea noia ohanna Co

Richardns Dux Eborurn Comes Devonie

Comitiem-rnerlandia Duciae Clarentic
Joannes lius 8: hzres Du-Joannes Comes Oxen
cis Norfolcia
Richardus Comes We mer

iimentum Concilii nosi, concemus eidem nuper

Comiti Ducentas marcas percipiendas annuatim

mitia Wemerlandia, qualiter lpa, 'ut Executrix

1t may not be tyietmed too ireign to inert in this Teamenti
Domini 8:
viri ui'habet
nuper Coimitis
' Place the Li/l o tJe Perons, who were ordered to be
urmnoned to ta e the Order of Knighthood.
odiam & gubernationem casimi Conanguinei
nori Ricardi Ducis Eboruni Virtute conceonis
De Ordine Militari una cum Rege ucipiendo.
nohz eidcm nuper (lomitiactau _ ,
Pro cujus quidem Ducis uientatione, per avi

Duci Norihilchia


durante minori mate ejudem Ducie;

De quibus quidem ducentis marcis prazdictus

Dux honorifice> prout convenit Starui uo, uen


Actauh Anno quarto H E N R I C I Sexti.


Regis Henrici (exti anno 9\uarto Wyndeiori vigilia Divi Georgii, concili
um e initum, a

uo cum per xtatem teneram Leicelria Rex aberar,

grancle (enats con tum, quod 8: Parliamentum appellatur, ibidem ex

Rectans : interea
. . . oannes
Fmgnus. Dux Bed
. ordia, . Patruus. e'us
l 8: Francia
ector> Reg1S 1b1
. vicem
. . 1m levrt, uciente brcommlone tradtta ub
igillo commum Ord1n1s.

Tenor autem t fate Commionis hic erat.

P. 80.

H E NR I CUS Dei gratia Rex Anglia se Francia, 8: Supremus Ordinis

Georgiani, cunctis Commilitonibus noris Salutem. Qloniam ob

multas variaqz cauias nos ipi iturx

(olemnitati non poumus inter

ee V/yndeori, se per Statuta nora bene poumus alium in vicem no

ram deputare, qui tamquam nos ipi concilia celebret, male arcita re
iarciat, electiones niat, probet, improbet, cazteraq; perciat, quae le
rint ad necearium Statutorum obervationert] oportuna: Nos ideo vir
tute literarum prxentiuln delem ac przedilectum Patruum norum J'a
annem Bedfordite Ducem metuendumq; Francia Rectorem elegimus, ad

ha-c vice nora prudenter ac olide prazanda. Et quatenus id ipiim

actitabit, vobis interim Commilitonibus noris imperitamus, ut ini
mul obecundantes, operam atque obedicntiam ei condignan] impendatis,


In the fourth Year of Henry the Sixth, a Chapter was held at Wyndefor,

on the Eve of St. George, at which nce the King by reaon of his Infancy
was not preent being at Leiceer, waiting for the great Council which is al/b

called the Parliament, John Dulee of Bedord his Uncle and Regent of
France, did in the mean time upply the Kings Stead, having a ucient Com
miion granted him under the Common Seal of the Order.
Now this was the) Tcnour of the Commiion granted.

E N RY by the Grace of God of England and France, and Sove

reign of the Order of St. George, to all our Fellow Knights, Greet


Since for many and various Caues, we our elf can not be preent at

the next Feal at Wyndeor, and by our Statutes we can qfectually depute
another in our Stead, who may hold Chapters in lilee Manner as we our elf,
reform what Things are amte, compleat, approve, or diapprove Elections, and

do all other Things which are proper for a neceary Ohervance of the Statutes,
We therefore in Virtue of thee preent Letters, have choe Our faithful and

Right well-beloved Uncle John Dulee of Bedord, and the dread Regent of
France to do thee Things prudently and itltiantially in our Stead,


amuch as we in the mean time enjo you Our Fellow Knights to be all to-_
gether dutiful to him, and render
all due Service and obedience, a: you
tari non pote, pro eo quodi fe Miles ecitur,
8e in Honorcm, jittatem 8: zreditntem crecit,
qui majores expenas 8: cuius exquirunt ad mag

num onus dlctz Conanguineae noirz ut dicit.

nuatim pro uentatione ipius Dttcir ulua dictas

Ducentas marcas durante minore eiudem Ducis &e.
T. R. a ud Leyce/ir. 26 die Maii
i; mer ooLx. p. 359.

Nos praernila coniderantcs de aviamento 8: a

,7 Publyhed in French from Regiir. Chartac. by
fenu Conctlu nori, concemus przFatz Con Mr. Ahm. App. n. CLxxvi
anguixzcae nollra: ccntum marcas percipiendas an- l


Actaub Anno quarto H- E N R I CI Sexta;


quam Be Nobis ipis, i praziantes eizmus, velitis: valete lLeice/lric an

no quarto regni nori, Kalendis Aprilis.


Ab hoc Conceu, quemadmodum ante memoratutui e, Leiceria

Supremus aberat, cujus inignis ille Deputarus ecum ibi preentes habuit,
atrem uum

Humiedum Ducem Glocerix,

Dominum Gualterum Hungerord,

Thomam Ducem Exonix,

Dominum Tho. Darpyngham,

Joannem Norfolciae Ducem.

Dominum Jo. Cornewale,

Joannem Dominum Talbothum,

Lodovicum Dominum Boucer.

Dominum Symon. Felbridgc,

Dominum Jo. Robertacke,

Dominum Gul. Philipp.


X: Bzrctizgihx

ut ante hpius excurti.

Dom. Heretooke Cleux

Comes V/ar-utici vice rectoris in Gallid relictus, cui ieranr aociati

P. 81:

Thomas Comes Sarisburiae,

Gulielmus Comes Southolciae,

Joannes Comes Huntingdoniaz,

would to our

we were preent there.

Farewell at Leiceer, in the

fburth Near of our Reign, the Kalends of April.

Upon this Grant, as is before mentioned, the Sovereign was ahent
at Leiceer, and his nohle Deputy had preent with him his Brother

Hurrey Duke of Gloce/fer,

Sir Walter Hungerford,

Thomas Duke OF Exeter,

Sir Thomas Uarpyngham,

ohn Duke of Northfolh.

' ohn Lord Talboth,
Lewis Lord Boucer.

Sir John Cornewale,

Sir Simon Felbrydge,
Sir John Robert/bothe,
'Sir John

The Emperor


King of Portugal
King of Denmark

were excui-d as often before.

Sir Heretong (ileux

The Earl of Warwick was left in France in the Regenfs Stead, and with
him were joined
Thomas Earl of Salisbury,

John Earl of Huntyngdon.



Acta ub lnno quarto H E

R I Cl Sexti.

Robcrtus Dominus Willoughby,

Joannes V Dominus Scales in Normania bella Regi gerebanr.

Dominus Gulielmus Haryngton per inrmitatem c excuatus.

Dominus Robertus Umi-ztille prarcripto Regis nitima Scotia pro

Et quia jam vacabat una 4 eries V/j/ndeori per Mortem b Henrici Do

mini I-itzhugh: Scrutinium "e obiter initutum, in quo Decanus 8c
Scriba eriatim przeentium tunc ociorum uragia concribebant, Be

concripta upra fnernoraro Prazidi contradebant.

Is ne poeaquam

accepta perlegiiet, przeque caereris Equitibus digni nominis Dominum

5 oannem Fa ol , 8: Dominum oannem Rackl

nominaros intelle- i
xilctet; illos autem aequali vocum numero, Dominum Joannem Fa

olf e duobus ine quam (ut aiebat) dignimis, digniorem tamen ee ju

dicabar, 8: (quae ua in iiumodl cau fuit authoritas) in deincti lo
cum pronunciavit admittendum.

Robert Lord Wjlloughly,

John V Lord Scales carrjd on the King's VZtrs in Normandy.

Sir William Haryn ton was excud for an Indtl/potion.

Sir Robert Umfryvi le by the King's Order, was defending the Borders if



And becaue there was now one 4 Stall tztacant at Wyndeior by the Death
of I' Henry Lord Fyzthu' h, a Scrutiny was appointed on the Spot, in
which the Dean and Regi er wrote down the Sui-ages of the Knights there
preent in their Order, and delivered them to the abovementioned Predent.

He when he had receiroed read them o-'oer carefully, and found that Sir John
Faloe, and Sir John Racklye were named before the other Knights of

defer-ved Reputation, and by an equal Number of Votes.

But of the two,

and both (as he aid) indeed mo worth), he judged Sir John Faloe

to be the more defer-ving, and (as his Authorit] was in uch Cai) he
declared That he hould be admitted into the 'Place of the Deceas'd.
z HL Name was Iohn.
p. 373. which is rot/ed by the Commiion to inall
a Here are twenty four Knights, and one Vacanc) his
Sir olmtheFaolf'
n. li.
wan .
ly eatedctin
third App.
Stall on
the who
which is the Number of the Fraiernity with the Sove
retihn.The Death of this Lord was truly laced this ' Side a ter this Earl, according to the Windor

Book in the preceeding Tear. when the



c The everal Inruments relating to him contain

was elected to his Stall. Ahm. H- p- 282, hath ed in the Regir. Charrac. have been printed in the
"II-lily oberved, that the Vacanc) at this time was l Narratiue of his Life.

b) ill? Dtb of the Earl of Weimerland. [bid


Acta he Anno quarto H le', N R I CI Sexti.


Lil 'r T 13 R A ub nomine Domini Regis ad Commilitones uos po

mortem egregii Domini 'i Fitzhugh.


Exteris (- aliis huyus clarzmt Ordmts Sodalthus extra regnum commorantihus,

(h- eorum euilihet, Supremushlutezn.

Uoniam, charime mi cognatc, N. Henricus Dominus Fitzhugh

nuper unus e Commilitonibus noris, excet ex hac vita, cujus ani-'* P.

met propitius eo Deus: Nos id propterea nunciamus, ut veram commi

erationem minime latcat, Mias ex przecepto Statuti pro dcmcto ce

lebrandas, caetera 5 complenda, quat vera in hac parte olet interee.
Veram vero nobi 'tatem beata Trinitas izrvet 8: augeat. Sub Sigillo no
ri Ordinis Wyndeori.

Manentihus intra Regnum, Z-d ahentihus ah hac feivitate Ceorgiiana

(He eorum cuilihet, Rex S. P. D.

I CH ARDO N. Cognato noro perdilecto alutem.


R Henricus Pytzhugh nuper unus e ociis nori Ordinis, 'exto J'a

nuarii 'proximo demctus e (cujus Animae miereatur Omnipotens) nos

verze nobilitati ignicamus, ut juxta tenorem Statutorum Mias de


L E T 'r E R s in the King's Name to his Fellow Knights after the Death
of the famous Lord 4 Fizthugh.

To the Foreign andother Knights companions of this mo noble Order

abiding out of the Kingdom, and to each of them, the Sovereign
(endeth deare
Coum, foranuch as N. Henry Lord Fyzthugh, late one of i
our Fellow-Knights, is departed out of this Life, to whoe Soul God he

merciful, We therefore notify it to you, That your Compaon may not he igno
rant, That hyADireEiion of the Statute, Ma/Zs are to he celebrated for the de

ceas'd, and all other Things performed, which uually helong toyou in this Point.
May the hlefed Ti-inity preerve your Nohlene and augment it.
Seal of our Order at Wyndeor.

Under the

_ To thoe who abide within the Kingdom, but are abent from this
Fea of St. George and to each of them, the King. S. P. D.

TO Richard N. Our well-heloved Can/in greeting. Foramuch as Henry

Fyzthugh, late one of the Knights of our Order, died 'the la eixth of
January, (upon whoe Soul may the Almighty have Mercy) I/Ve

to your

Nohlenej/s, That according to the Tenour of the Statutes, ye are to take Care
d In French from Regir. Chartac. in Ahm.
App. n. xiii.

e A Miake of this Compiler for xi of nuary, e:

hath heen hewn already.






Acta juh Anno quarto

R I CI Sexti.

fiuncto curetis celebrandas: Scitis autem hinc Wyndeori vacate edem,

quam oporteat intra ex hebdomadas ab altero poideri; cazterum quia
nos aliis jam negotiie impediti, non poumus huic iniere: mandamus
ut proxima Divi Geor ii vigilia vos ipi hor tertiarum, nobicum Wyn
deori itis, ad perimp endum, quod ia res expoulat: nii jua forn
caua faciat, quo minus eri pot, quae criptis ad nos eidem die Be
hora mitti debet ub Sigillo vero ab Armis;
Supremus uo perluiri Patruo pa ohitum Dominif Roberti Umfryville.
Uum Dominus Jeus ad uam modo rniericordiam vocarit dilectum

nobis Rohertum Umytville, verx id nobilitati nos id ipum de

nunciamus, ut pro Statutorum exigentia Mias in alutem ejus animee ce
lebrari ciacis : Hinc non later vacate izdem, ad quam it alter eiigen

dus: Verum quia nos aliis modo rebus occupamurz ur id convenien

ter ipi non poumus adimplere: precipimus ub poenis in Statuto re

citatis, ut in Vigilia Divi Georgii proxima, hora tertiarum ad noram prx
entiam vera Nobilitas acccdat, ad ea complenda, quae vera illic inter
P. 83.

erit: Qlod iqua caua fuerit, cur id eri non poilt, ea nobis ub Si
gillo tempeive ignicetur, ut negligentize verae nihil acribatur g .A
to have at
e alb 'That
here is l/Veehs
a Stall5
which the
to he lled

But hecaue we are now hinder'd h) other Bume and cannot


we require that you he rwith us at Wyndeior at the Hour of Tierce on next

St. Georgds Eft/e, to perform what is requiite in that Matter, unle perhaps
tme ju CaujZ hould produce an Inahility of b doing, which ought to he ent
to us in l/I/riting the lime Day and Hour under your Sea] and Coat of Arms.

The Sovereign to his mo illurious Uncle after the Death of Sirf Ro

hert Utttfrirttille
Ince the Lord Jets hath now called to his Merc] our heIorz/ed 'Robert
Umriville, we notify it to your Nohlenejl', That as the Statutes re
quire, ye ma] caue Mus to he celebrated for his Soul's Health. Herehy ye

[enow that a Stall is q/acant, into which another mu he choe',

But ince

we are now tahen up with other Aitirs that we cannot conveniently ll it,
we require your Nohlene, under the Penalties mentioned in the Statute, to

come on the next E-ve of St. George, at the Hour of Tierce to our Preence, for
the doing of uch Things ashall then concern you. But
there he any CauZ
which makes it imprafficahle, let it he gnted to us in due Time under your
Seal, That nothing he imputed toyour Negligence g.
f The Compiler here not only tooh the Liberty to his own Relations in everalulgequent Tears, where the
hlend two different Inruments in the Regir. Chart. Etccuesfor his Ah ence are frequently mentioned down
'nto ongas will he found upon inpection of Mr. Ahm to the fteenth Year inc/uoe. Dugd. quotes the inqui
App-_n. xiu and c/xxxvi, and to orn-it the Da] of the ition that nds his Death on the 6 Cal. ofJanuary, that
Death of this Robert, which is theregar'd to have hap i: 27 Dec. 15 Hen- VI, Bar. nal. 1. p, 508.
pened on the la Daj of January : ttt he it guilt) of
We have Memorials of Pajmentqf Largee to the
a range Anachront m in placin the Death of this

(biten of Artmtr their Attendance at this Fea.

Knight in 'hit fourt her, whim is incon/i/ient with


Acta ub Anno quinto H EN R I CI Sexti.


Anno quinto Comes Sarisburite, Southfolciee, Dominus Talhothus, a' Do

minus Thomas Mountague perrenuc it geerunt' in Gallid.

At hic in

Anglos Fortuna rcflavit, dum ie 'J Thomas inortunio periit.

Hujus anni vice/imo cundo Aprilis, qux Divi Georgii vigilia fuit, Ip
emet Supremus V/yndeori (olenne Concilium indixit, Prazlhnres ecum illic
Inclitmn Gloceria: Ducem,
Dominum Bouccr Cnbicularium,
Dominum Hungerord Theaurarium,
Dominum Joannem Cornewale,

Dominum Joannem Roberrliicke,

Dominum Simonem Felbridge,
Dominum Gulielmum Philipp.

Dux Bedfordite bella gerebat in Gallia, cum quo imiliter aberant

Richardus Comes Warwici,
Thomas Comes Sarisburize,

In the fth Tear the Earl of Salisbury, Suolk, Lord Talboth, and

Sir Thomas Mountague behaved themelves very gallantly in France, But

here Fortune turn'd again the Englih, when the aid it Thomas was unfor
tunately killed.

On the zzd of April this Tkar, being St. Georgds Eve, the Sovereign
himelf held a olemn' Chapter at Wyndelor, having there preent with him

The renowned Duke of Glectjler,

Lord Boucer Chamberlain,
Lord Hungerford Treaurer,

Sir John Cornewale,

Sir John Rohertbtcke,
Sir Simon Felhridge,
Sir l/Villiam Philipp.

The Duke of Bedord was carrying on the War in France, with whom
were Iikevtib ahent
Richard Earl of Var-'zoick,

Thomas Earl of Salisbury,

Priv. Sizill.
in Oc. Pell- --- que a nos amez
rvitenrs les Reys d'armes 8: Herauds acez paier

ex aviamento 8: aznu Concilii ui dictis Regi

bus Armorum & Heraldis liberare mandavir de do

de nore Treor vynr 8; cinque mares, les queulx no uo per viam scgardi pro feo Sancti Georgij'
de nore Grace epetial leur avons ottroiez le jour

de Seint George dal-rein pabz pour nore Largee-n-

apud VVnrieore tcnro 16 l. 13 t- atti

h In the preceeding Tent' the Names Of all 'he (am

24 d'Az\ril4 H. 6.
panions are inerted, among whom there is not an)
Exit- Pell. Pach. 4 H. 6. Diveris Regibus Ar- Sir Thomas Mountaguc a dtrent Peton from the
morum & Heraldis in demriis eis liberatis per ma-

Earl of Salisbury; the character here given uits this

nus Lancaer Regis Armorum & Gloimer Heraldi Earl, but then he lined two Pars beyond this time.
in perolutionem xxv marcarum quas Dominus Rex




Acta uh Anno quinto H E N R I Cl Sexti.


Gulielmus Comes Sourhfolcix, >

Roberrus Dominus Willoughby,
Joannes Dominus Talbor,
iJoannes Dominus Scales,
Dominus Joannes Faole.

Dominus Heretonh Cleux aberat in Supremi negotiis.

Domino GuIie/mo Harington mgritudo excufationi fuit.

Dominus Rohertus Umfry-ville a Senatus conilro mius aurhoritare Re

gis inrerpoira_ ad defendenda conervandaqg Seotia nitima.
P. 84.

Dominus Thomas Uarpyngham excutus e ab corporis inrmitatcm.

Dominus aurem nobilis Dux Norfoleia per Supremum e excuatus

ob caulm rationabilem ac juam 8: coram ibi citatam.
Et quoniam in hoc congreu vacaie inventa e una i edes per Mor

magnici Principis lhomze Ducis Exonize,
po idoneam delibera
rionem' Collegium iud mulricts ac magnis Ornamentis 8: donariis adau
xit, Scrutinium e uceptum per Docanum 8: Scribam, uorum id in
tererat, in abentia Praelati, cujus Ordinarium alioquin illuc? erarocium,
Nominantium videlicet ex ordine ura ia recipere, ac accepta, quem
admodum e upra memoratum, reprecgntare. Et po debitum ac uf

I/Vil/iatri Earl of Southfolh.

Rohert Lord Willoughhy,

John Lord Talhot,

i John Lord Scales,
Sir John Faol.

Sir Heretonke Cleux was ahent on the So-vereigifs

Sir William Haryn ton was exeued for Sicknes.
Sir Robert Umiivi le was aoauitted hj the Chapter, the King's Authority

warranting him to defend and maintain the Borders of_ Scotland.

Sir Thomas Uarpyngharn was excuedfor his Bodily Inrmity.

The nohle Du/ee of Norfolk was al) excujed by the Sovereignfor a reaonf
ahIe and

Caue, which was related.

And heeaue at this Meeting there was one 1' Stall found to he qjacant, h] the

Death of the magnieent Prince Thomas Duhe of Exeter, who after due Con
deration had improved the' college with man] and great Ornaments and Pre
ents : A Serutin was taken h] the Dean and Regier, to whom it helonged
in the Ahenoe of),the Prelate, who/e ordinary Oce it otherwie was, viz. to
receiroe the Surages' of the Perons who foote in Order, and when they are
received to preent them, as is aho-vementioned. And after a due and
tington being omitted.
l And therefore his Anni-z/erar) was there kept,
Meant stall, the Names of the mperor, the IGngs 31 Dec- Ahm. I. p. 151.
of Porrugal and Denmark, and the Earl of Hun
s' lt hould he Thomas

h Here are only twenty Km' hts named and one


Acta ub Annoexto H E N R I Cl Sexti. _


ciens examcn illic habitum, c conenu plurium vocum apparebat, Rc

gjs Partugnlia lium m Qgimbria Ducem jam Frm ccrteris in hunc Ordi
nem cooptandum, loco prxati Principis, cuus anima: parcat Omnipm
tens, 8: in coelos admittat.

Anni Sexti viceimo ecundo Aprilis Vtnde-ori Supremus ipe concl

lium tenuit, prxentcs ibi (ecum habens
Ducem Gloceria,

Dominum Joannem Cornewale,

Comitem Wnrwici,
Comitem Huntirtgdonite,
Dominum Scales,

Dominum o. Robert/ache,
Dominum _7o. Faiol,
Dominum Gul. Philipp,
Dominum Symon. Felbridge,
Dominum Roh. Donefriville,
Dominum Gul. Haryngton.


Rex Portugalia

in Regnis uis abentes excuitntur.

Rex Dacite

Dux Bedfordite Rector Francite jam illic mandato Regis agebat.

P. Ss.

Ducis Norfolcia, tunc abenris cauam Supremus obtendebat.


cient Examination there made.

It appeared by the Conent of mcyi Voices,

That the King of Portugals Son the 'Duhe of m Qlinbery was preferably to
the Re to be choe into this Order, inead of the beforementioned Prince, whoe
Soul God Almighty have Mercy on-, and receive into Heaven.
On the zzd of April in his ixth Tear, the Sovereign himelf held a Chap-I
ter at Windeor having there preent with him
The Duke of Gloceer,
Earl of Warwick,
Earl of Huntyngdon,

Sir John Cornewale,

Sir John Robertircke,
Sirohn Faolfe,

Lord Scales,

Sir William Philipp,

Sir Simon Felbridge,
Sir Robert Donefriville,
Sir William Haryngton,

The Emperor

King of Portugal

were excued, being ahent in their Kingdoms;

King of Denmark
The Dulee of Bedford Regent of France, was there now by the King's Command.

The Dulze of Norfolk, who was then ah/ent, had his Excu: made by the
m See in th' Lat of the Dttlee of Vieu, p. 185, 186_v w




Actaub Anno eptimo H E N- R I Cl Sexti.


Comes Sarisbteria jam peregre e iter ingreus.

Dominus Talbothus, bella Regi per Galliam actitabat.

Dominus Tho. Uarpingham aegrotabat.

Dominus Heretoohe Cleux cum Imperatore prxcepto Regis erat.

_Dux Quimbrite iit in hac celebritate per procuratorem' uum Joannem

Dominum Typtoft, doms Regize Dipenatorem in iedem uam olenni
ter introductus a.
Anno Regni (ui iptimo Supremus Wyndeitri, vigilia Divi Georgii con

cilium ipe celebravit, hos Equites Ordinis ui ecum habens;

Duccm Glocsrite,

Dominum 170. Cornewale,

Ducem Norolcite,
Comitetn Huntittgdonia,

Dominum Jo. Robertache,

Dominum Robert. Willoughlty,

Dominum Simon. Felbridge,

Dominum Guliel. Philippe,
Dominum Joannem Ratclie,

Lodovicum Dominum Boucer,

Dominum 70. Faolfe.

Comitem Warwici,

Dominum Hungerford,
Comitetn Staord.

The Earl of Salisbury was traqtelling ahroad.
Lord Talbot was carrying on the Kings I/Vars in France.
Sir Thomas Uarpingham was cle.
Sir Heretooke Cleux was with the Emperor hy the King's Order.
The Duhe of Qiinbery was at this Fea blemnly inalled by his Proay

John Lord Typrot, Stertvard of the King's Houiehold 'A

In the eventh TZ-ar of his Reign, the Sovereign himelf held a Chapter at
Wyndehr on St. Georgds Erve, haw-ing with him the/i Knights of the

The Duke of Gloceer,

Sir John Cornewale,

Duhe of Norfolk,

Sir John Robertacke,

Earl o Hunringdon,
Earl of Warwick,
Robert Lord Willoughby,
Lewis Lord Boucer,
Lord Hungerfiord,

Sir Simon Felbridge,

Sir William Philippe,
Sir John Ratclie.
Sir John Faolfie,

Earl Staord.

n Here are only twenty one Kni his named, 'The

Cleopatra F IV. in Bibl. Cotton. ultimo Aprilis
,EarI of Suolk. Sir Lewis Rob ache Lord Bourg exto Hen. Vl. Quod at warrantum .de olvcndo

chier, and the Lords Hungerord, and Willoughhy


luoribus 8: tripudiatoribus de Franeia,

lveitt omitted.
qui in feo Sancti Georgiiapud Pijndqtre luerunr
. je Payment to the Heralds or their ctttendante at coram Rcge decem marcas.
thts Pea/t bath bern printed It m in p. 93. nate t.


Actath jlnnohptimo H E N R I CI Jexti.



Rex Portugalize
Rex Dacie

in Regnis uis abentes excuiiti unr.

Dux Qginhurize
Dux Beafordize Francize Gubernator ibi uit.

Comes Southfoloize
Dominus Talhothur E jam captivi.
Dominus Scale:

Dominus Gulielmm Haryngton per inirmitatem excuatus e.

P_ g5_

Dominus Rohertm Umfriwil/e Seotite nibus advigilabat.

Dominus Heretooke Cleux aberat in Natali olo.

(Lust vero

po morrem Thorme Comitis Sorishurie, qui in Aure

lianeni obidione paulo ante ceciderat, &r. Equius prevalidi Thomze D*Er-.
pingham izdes dum vacantes inventa: unt, in novam electionem ucep

tum e Scrutinium, in quo po debitam uagiorum examinationem,

vium e Supremo conenu plurium inclytum " Staordiae Comitem, ac
Dominum Joannem Ratelie
nunc ante alios in hunc Ordinem ad
The Emperor
gun: oofflsxzzik

being ahent in their Kingdom: rwere excued.

Duke of Qlinbery
The Duke of Bedford, Regent of Emnce was there.
The Earl of Southfolk
Lord Talbot
Lord Scales

s were Copti-ves at this time.


Sir William Haryngton was exeued for Indijjvo/ition.

'Sir Robert Umfctriville was guarding the Frontierr of Scotland.
Sir Heretooke Cleux war ahent, heing in his nati-ne Country.

But whereas hj the Death: of Thomas Earl of Salisbury (who was killed
a little time hefore at the Siege of Orleans) and of the 'm valiant Knight
Thomas Uarpyngham, two Stalls were found rvaoantz A Scrutin) was

made for a new Eleon, in which after a due Exomination of the Voter, the
Sovereign thought it with the Conent of the Mayor-it), That the renoumed

'Earl of 0 Staord, and Sir John Ratclie hould preferably to other: he now
o Thi: Earl and Sir John Rarclic are named in

the Bromning, a: preent at the I/"gil-

It i: probable

n- xiii and xiv, that the void Stall; n'ere lled et the

Hour of Tierce on the Eve; Flere are all the Campa-L

from the Inrument! printed by Mr. Ahm. in lJlI Ap. nio/z: named.


Aaa [uh Anno feptima HENRICI Sexti.
mitti debcre, loco prdicftorum nobiliumj quorum Animabus propitie
tur Deus P.

admitted into this' Order, in Stead of the aforeaid noble Pmr, upon t'whoe
Saul: God have Mereyl,


p A Doubt aroe whether the Bi/hop of Win

cheier being promoted to be d Cardinal, and having
obtained. m: it wit! alle-dyed, an Exemption from the
':rifdit7i0n of the Are/ihiaop of Canterbury? aught
o attend this FM/F at Pre/ate of the Order, which We
u/[fee remained undetermined in the tm/h Tmr.
Rymer Tom. X. p: 4x4.

De cardinali Anglia, upcr mrereendo m So

lemniis Sancti Gcozgij.
An. 7 H. 6. Fx Bib. Cotton- Cleopatra F. iv.
Decimo Septimo dic Apri/ix, anno fcptimo, apud
Wemomt/Errium, in pmentia Rcgis, (luzetum
fuit. an Dominus Cardinali? deberer, ut petebat a
Rege, admitti ad faciendum servitium apud Ww

de/rc, in Feo S. Geargi', ratione Epifco atus Wm

tohiz, quem prtendir fimul cum dlcto tatu Car
dinalatus retinerey necne P
Qui omnes in fubflantia concordarnnt, interro

gati ngillatim, quod vellent ante omnia praeferre

statum Regni.
Et, quia Materia eft ambigua, & indecla, deter
minarunt quod non veniet illuc ex prdiaa (Sau

fa, ac quod mittatur fibi pro abfiinendo a dlcto

ztinere, tanquam Epicopus Wymome, pro pra
enu Qriam Conduonem Rex ore proprio conr
mavit, ac mandavit quod minatur Domino Cardi
nal;" de abinendo GT.

Super quo Dimius efi ad Partem,

Et Domini.
Singillatim interrogati de dicendo videre eorumv
quare Rex deberet ponere in dilationc Adventum
uum ad prfens ad Wyndeforc s'

Dzxerunr in eect" quod, quia erat Res invifa

effe Cardimz-'0 8: milirer retinere in AqgliaEpif
copatum Wymonimjrm, nolebanr nec audebant prze
judicare Rcgi, durante minori fErare ua, nec e
inrentio eorum priudicare fibi nec Ecclciz fuse.

Et, quia timent quid inde eis poterit fequi aut

evenirev fupplicarunr 6?- at hzeri, quod velit ab
fiinere ad przefens.

Rymtr Tom. X- p. 497.

De non tenendo mul Cardinakuum & Spifco
parum Wimon.

Bibl. Cotton. Cleopatra E 4. Anno IO H. 6.

Sexto Die N01/embrit, Anno decimo, (Hm. 6.)
Ad Rcquitionern, fiactam per fervientem Regia
se Attornatum, contra Dominum Cardina/em, alle
gando pro Rege Prcedentia ,- videlicet,
Quod, ubi Simo Langbam, & K)/warby, ac alii,
quondam Archiepifcopi Otnltmricnfet, poftquam

er Sedem Apoolicam Creati fuerunt in Crrdina,

Fa. amiferunt Archiepicopatum Canmdrienem,

Undc petierunt, quod Dominus Cardinali. Titu

li Sancti Eu/ebii, qui per nuper Dominum Adam

num Papam creatus fuit in Cnrdinakm, amittac

Epicopatum Wjntonic, una cum Fructibus interim

Ac pofiea petitum erat ab E ifcopo Wygornim/i

per Dominum Glouce/Ma, in ide 8c Ligezntia,



quibus tenetur Regi, de dicendo veritatem 8: fcire


De Root,

uum, an dictus Cardinali: acquivit in Curia Ex

Eborum Cane.


emptionem pro e, Civitate, & Dioecee uis a In



ridictione Archiepifcopi Cuntuarien/it, an non?



Qui, poft diverfas Excuationes 8c Recuationes

de dicendo in hac Materia, tandem dixit, quod

nuper Epicopus Lychfelden/ir afleruit bi, quod




Hun erford.

ipfe Profecutus efi dictam Exem tionem in Curia,


La. Arr.



&olvir pro cadem,& dictus Car inali: refolvit fibi :

Poea, uper dictis Duabus Materiis, Domini,
ibidem mfemes, ingillatim per Cancellarium,
de dicen 0 videre eorum pro llege 8: Advifanren




Er aliis.

rum, interrogati ; dixerunt omnes, poli varias Ex

cufationes ac fentire eorum divermode, concluo

naliter quod ipfi femper vellent Commodum 8c

Honorcm Regis, ac quod leges Regni obfervaren
tur ; verumramen, attentis multiplicibus servitiis

sequenti vero Dic Dominus (ardinalis fuper

Refponone, per Comites smardiz,

De Mandato Regis ibi dato, venit Wcmom1/t'e


per dictum Cardinale: Regi impens, ac quod Regi

fic attinet Conanguinitate, ut efi notuma & aliis
diverfis in Materia confderandis, aectarcnr


partibus prius legitime vocatis, fieret id quo


Jure fuerit faciendum, ac non alirer, 8: quod Re

corda antiqua fcrutentur & videantur, acbguod Ju

iiciarii ac alii dicant fentire fuum in hac

fe ad hoc fubfcrihann

atcria, &

prfentia Regis, po Declarationenl de

up, quod, ratione dicti Epicopatus W]n!0ni,
per xxlv Annos pacifice obtinebat, de intereffendo
Solemprliis Sancti Gtorgii apud Vlndeore, petiit a

Rege ibi exhiberi Juiriam in prdicto Cau, vel

fibi declarari cauam contrariam ad quam refpon
dere poffit admittiu

Prfentibus Dominis.

Ebarnm Cam.


Acta uh Anno octa-oo H E N R I CI Sex-ii.


Anno Regis Henrici Sexti oiiawo, viceimo ecundo 'I Maii, Huntfredtts
iliuris Dux Glocerize, lius, firater, 8: Patruus Regum, (ilbqz certa,

commirone comniuni Sigillo conignata jam a Rege r Deputatus conci

lium l/Vyndeori tenuir, in quo cum ilio prazenres erant
Gaulterus Dominus Hungerord,

Dominus Joannes Cornewaie,

Dominus Joannes Rackiy.

Supremus autem ad Regnurctn uum Francite verus jam abierat, ecum'

habens obizquioos in itinere, iium, atrem, 8: Parruum Regum
' Joanncm Ducem Bediiordiaz,

Joannem Ducem Norfolcix,

Ricardum Comitem Warwici,

Joannem Comitem Hunryngdonize,

In the eighth of Henry the Sixth, the zzd of 9 May, Humfrey the illu
rious Dulze of Gloceer, Son, Brother, and Unch: of Kings, and now de

puted hy the King, hy a Commiion aled with the Common-seal, held a Chape
ter at Wyndeor, in which were preent with him
V/alter Lord Hungerord,

Sir John Cornewale,

Sir John Rachlj
But the Sovereign was now gone towards his Kingdom of France, having du

tifulb' attending on him in his Journey, the Son, Brother and Uncle of Kings

Richard Earl of I/Varwtich,

John Duke of Bedford,
John Duke of Northfolh,

John Earl of Huntngdon,


See Gibon Cod. Jur. Eccie. p. 77. Anglia acra

'vol- 1- ph/V. Davis Reports p. 77. but principally


Cohellii I\0titia Cardinalatus. p. 18-3.

q 'The King older-ved the Pea/i of St. George this


Tar at Calis In his Four-ne to Paris.

Chron- Sancti


Alhani in Bibl- Harley. odem veto tempore Circa

dies Paonis Dominicz Rex inclytus Henr. ertus


Cum Cardinali iter uum direxit vel-us Cnlm,

it, .

ibiq; tenuit uam Pacha [16 Apn] a: a Cantaarit

rransfretavit CaIe/iam, ut feum Sancti Georgti 'bi
Domini Barones, Milires. 8: Sripendiarli de toto


regno Cruce Sancti Georgii in veiibus eorum _ m-


xa ad numerum 8: eimationem decerh Miihum

feinantes ad mare concurrunc. [8 H. 6.]

Scro .

dem celebraret olenne.

This King was at Canterbury 23 April on his

Et &anger-far'd.
Ac Wem.

Et Glaon.

Medio quoqz terPOre

mmmRymer tial. x. . 439, and the next Do)

Parents were atte/fed hy the Cuos. and one Reaon

w/J] St. Georges Fea was not celebrated at Canter

bury, might he becaue the 23- of April was then on
Carliolens dierebat in Repono uo a czteris, 8: sun da
r Ehcit Peli. Pach. 8 H. 6. Joanni Burdet Cierico
tenuit quod, ante Adventum Cardinalis, nihil,
ecundum videre uum, eret in Material, propter de preiito uper diveriis cuiubus 8c ex eniis per

ipumfactis pro Feo Sancti Gegzgii apu Wmdejare

Cauas er eum allegatas.

Butt c cardinal was doubtles afterwards admitted uldme tento, Humfredo Duce 'louce/lrizz Cuode
to the Execution of this Office, hetaue he received the Anglia, a: aliis certis Dominis Bc Miiitibus de Gar;
Izghes in the lgth and 17th Tears, as will appear here tera ibidem exientibus L t.
a ter.



' 1o6

P_ 37,

Acta jub Anno octavo H E N R I C I Sexti.

Comitem Staordize,

Dominum Boucer,

Comitem Southfolcix,

Dominum Gul. Philipps,

Dominum Talbothum,

Dominum Joh. Faolf,

Dominum Willoughby,

Dominum Job. Roberteicke,

Dominum Scales,

Dominum Heretooks Cleux.


Imperator Sigiinundus
Rex Daciaz

uis domi rebus atrenci.

Rex Portugalia:

Dux Qiinberize lius ejus

Dominus Simon Felbrydge excutus e per Deputatum, quia certior
non erat factus de die eivicaris obervandze prorogato.

Dominus Robertm Umfrirzzille grandevx zrcatis excuiitionem habuit .

Hoc item Anno die Sexto 'No-vembrir Rex jam novennis V/Imona

erii Regio e diademare inignitus, ubi nihil veteris Cetemoniae iic


The Earl of Staord,

Earl OF SOuthfoI/e,

Lord Boucer,
Sir V/i/Iiam Philippe,

Lord Taibot,
Lord V/jtlloughlzj,
Lord Scale-r,

Sir John Faabf,

Sir John Robert/ache,
Sir Heretoohs Cleux.

The Emperor Sigimtend

King of Denmark
King of Portugal

were taken up with their Ahirr at Home.

Duke of Qginbery his Son

' '

Sir Simon Felbridge was excud by the Deuty, becaue he had not been
made acquainted with the Day to which the Obervation of the Fea was

Sir Robert Umfriville was excued for' his great Age.

In this Tear ai/b the King on the ixth of tNovember, The King being
now nine YZ-are old, war crowned at Weminer; where nothing of the an
cient Ceremon] wax omitted.
Here are only twenty four Knfglm, Sir William vore regne quint encea &t. Enemblement 8e de
Harington named in 'he preceeding and ubequent tourz les liverees de la fertier per luy delivrces par
Years being omitted
meme Je temps a les Seigneurs de la atemite
In thir her there i: a petition of the Keeper d'icelle encounrre les fees de Scint George. In
of the wardrobe tofpa: his Account-r, and among doro 7 Dec. Anno viii. concea fuit preens
theto Habit-t
Garter ipplicatio
&e. Preentibus
from the rztbo rTear
the 8lh ofofv the
rum Czna, Land"
Elien, Benhon.l

in thi: eighth
Royas Go.
de grauntcr
8: Cuode
In Oc
8: Ba- '1iptofr,
t 'Ihit/hould
the Fea
ofSt. Pell.
rons we. (Yacconter ovec vore humble erviteur
Robert Rolle/Ion Clerc Gardein de_ vore graunde
Garderobe &ic- de la pxemier jour (Yoctobreran de

held on 22 May, being on Sonday St. Leonard's a)

on the ixth of Nowzreceeding. Rot. Paul. 8 H. 6.


Acta uh Anno nono H E


R I CI ryexti.

Nono Henriei Sexti anno, przrfatus a Rege '4 Deputarus vigilia Divi Georgii
Windejbri concilium inituir, cum quo preentes eranr
Gualterus Dominus Hungerford,
Dominus oannes Cornewale,
Dominus Joannes Rackly.

Supremus autem aberat in Norntania; parans ad bella futura, 8: ecum

habens ex edicto, ilium, frarrem, 8: Patruum Regibus

Joannem Ducem Northfolcizr,

joanncm Bedfordix Dueem,

In the ninth Tear of Henry the Sixth, the aforeaid 1' Deputy of the King,
held a Chapter on St. George's E-ve at Wyndeorz and with him were preent

Walter Lord Hnngerford,

Sir John Cornewale,
Sir John Raolelj.

But the Soroereign was ahent in Normandy, making Preparation for fu

ture War, and ha-'oing with him hy Order, the Son, Brother, and Unole of


John Duke of Northfollz.

John Duke of Bedford,

Simon Deye.

Nteholaus Boyne,
Hlelterus Wayne.

re rrecher 8: treamc Unclc le Duc de Gloeere

Vous facez paier pur les coua es 8: expences par

Georgius Sulcljng.

Thomas Wyot.

luy faites put le felle de Saint

Rex, dilecto ibi, Roherto More Salutem.

u Priv. Sigill. 11 M 9 H. 6.- a nore bien

ame ohan BurdetClerc

reorer d' Youcl de no

eorge darrainement

paez elonc vore dicrerion 8c examination Go.

Before this Pea/ieveral Writ: of Purt/eiane iued.

Rohertur Graee.

Scias quod agnavimus te ad tot Boves, Vaccas,

Vitulos, Porcos, 8: omnia alia Ocio Emproris

pertinentia, ac lCariagium uciens pro eidem,

Rymer- Tom- X. p. 497,

He Prorgiegids pro gonvivio Sancti Georgii.

quot pro Convivio Sancti Georgii &e. ut upra.

[n cujus &e. per idem duraturas.

Tee ut upra.
n. 9. - 2. at-9- .6- . r. 'n.7
Per Breve de Privato Sigillo.
Rex, dilecto ibi, Willielrnll, Hamrnyng Salutem.
modo agnanrur ubcripti ub enden'
Scias quod ai navimus te ad rot Porcellos,
Aucas, Capones, 'a]linas,Pul]0s, 8.: omnia alia Data ; videlicer,

O_c1o Puliemze perrincntia, ac Cariagium u

ciens pro eidem, quot pro Convivio Sancti Geor
gtj, apud Carum norum_ de Hndeorejam in
proximo poterunr,
tcnendo, tam
fuerinr, ubicumque
infra Libertares,
quam ex

Zohannes Heal/we.v
icardus Mauhj.
Joannes Ride-r.

By Virtue of a privy Sea! dared in this Year, the

of the Order war prepared for the Sovereign.
ms noiirrs in line parte prompte 8: rarionabiliter
Eidem Domino Regi adi gown. cum manie. aper
d_ _r rdeo 'tibi praecipimus quod circa Prajmlllia tis, i capuc. dupl. de pann- anguin. in grano de
tra (Feodo Eccleiaz dumtaxar excepto)

0 Dena

FJLEZ1LLJZHSHdaS, 8c ea acias 8: exequans in Fraternirate Sancti Georgii hoc anno garni cum.

Gart. embroudat- cum cric. 8c aur. de Cipr. cum

io dictamine How oir qi male y pene u per Tar

Damus autem univers 8: ngulis Vicecomiti terin ad Carde furr. per corpus cum Men. pur. as
bus,_I\/1_a)orrbus,_Ballivis_, Coniabulariis, ac aliis purlat. cum Erm. & furr. cum Ermyns pro ma
Ocianis, Mmlrls, Ligeis, 8: Subditis noris,
ram mfra rlsibertates, quam extra, Tenore Pmen nicis apertis per breve de privato igillo 28 Now.
tzum, rmirer m Mandaris, quod tibi. in Execu auno ix
iiii ul-n. i qrt. pan. m grano
tmne Iraamiorum, Intendentes ink, Conulentes,
xii ty-mhr. xvi ventr. Men. put.
8: Aunlianres in omnibus diligenter.
v-ii t-ymbr. ix tcrg. Elm
Aphpiupigpzxiri; fplfque Vcilceitmum qual-tum _diem

urum ura uras.
Apzelrifle praefato Cuode apud Wem. xvi die

cx-arxii Garter.

This Entry in Lih. Cotom. in

Garder. p
Dafodemdcrlnodo agnamur ubcripti ub eadem
a; vl


this IGngs (oronationa




Acta ub flnnonono H E N R I C I Sexti.

Richardum Comitem Warwici,

Dominum Wylloughby,

Joannem Contitem Huntyngdonix, Dominum Scales,

Humfredum Comitem Staordim.

P. 88.

Dominum Gulielmum Philippe,

Dominum Joan. Faol

Sigimundus Imperator
Rex Portugalizr:

Rebus domi uis propiciebant.

Rex Dacia:

Dux Quinberia:
Comitem Southfolcite peis urgebat, quam in excutionem ejus De
putatus ipe propouit.
Dominus Robcrtus Umfriville a

Dominus Simon Felbrydge

taum ablentite minime ignicarant.

Dominus Guliel. Haryngton s

(Llantumvis modo vacarat 'V una edes,

vici Robertache,

per mortem Domini Lodo

quia tamen minor numerus aderat, ne 1 atuta in


Richard Earl OF . Warwich,

Lord WJ' llOug hb)',

John Earl of Huntyngdon,

Lord Scales,

'Umfrey Earl of Staord.

Sir Vtlliam Philiope,

Sir John Faolfe.

The Emperor Sigimund

were tahing Care of their Aiiirs at home.


Duke of Qginbery
The Earl of Southolk was eized with the Plague, which the Deputy him
elf alledged for his Excue.

Sir Robert Umfriville

S_ir Sit-non Felbridge

did not

the Caue of their Abence.

Sir l/I/illiam Haryngton

Though there was now one x Stall vacant, by the Death of Sir Lewis
Robertlacke, yet there not being a ufficient Number preent, that the 1 Sta
x Here are only 21 companions named with one va-

Priv. Sigill. 10 May 9 H. 6-

quc a nos amz

eant Stall, the Names of John Lord Talbot, Sir John Roys d'armes 8: Heraudes tacez paier vynt mares a

Robertacke and Sir Hertong Van Clux being omit- avoir de 'nore don par voie de regard pur 13 fee
Largee was paid so the Heraldsfor their Attendance at this Pea/i.
Fauiina E. 1- in Bibl. Cotton. an Ori inal. Fiat
de privato
igillo Theaurario 8; Eamerariis

de Saint George durrainement tenuz a Windeorc &c

ln O. Pell
Exit. Pell. Pach. 9 H. 6- Divctis Heraldis 8:
Minirallis apud Wyudvlore exiientibus in feo
Sancti Georgtii ultimo ibidem, per Hnmfredum Du

peo xx_maic1s olutis diveris Regibus Armorum se

cem Gloce/lria, Cuodem Anglia tento, in dema

raldis habend. de dono Regis per viam regardi

riis xx marcae, quas Rex de aienu Concilii ui

pro Feo Sancti Georgii ultime prtererito apud

dictis Heraldis8eMinirallis liberare mandavigha.

nlindeore tento- primo Maii anno nono Hen. 6.

_H Gloucere, 37 Eborum Cana, P. Elien, I. Rofem,

bend. de dono uo per viam segardi 13 I. 6 s. 8 d.

y Art. 18 Stat. Ed. Ill. 8: Hen. V. and which is

[ again inerted it' Art. 19 H. 8.



Acta ub Anno decimo H E N RI C I Sexti.



non erat hic ad novam Electionem Scrurinium in

am Rex iter in Galliam acceperat, 8: honoriicentime T Pari/iis e
u ceptus.

Anno Decimo, Decembris die eptimo, cum omni, qua oportuerat, ib

lennirare Rex diadema ibi debitum, 8: congenitlm Pari/iis accepit; unde '

reverus in Angliam quanto fieri poruit honore, mirico ectaculorum

ornatu, ac amoenis omnibus alutationum 8c donationum inventis per

plateas Londinenjis l/l/Zmonaerium adductus.

Inde Windejiori vigilia Divi_ Georgii celebritati uturze inrerfuit, prxbntes

itcum habens Patruum uum

Gloceirite Ducem,
Yoannem Ducem Northfolcia',
Comitem Warwici Richardum,
Joannem Comitem Huntyngdonite,
Gualterum Dominum Hungerford.

Dominum Gul. Philippe,

Dominum 270. Robertacke.

Sigimondus Imperaror
Rex Portugalite
exteri abianres in Regionibus uis.
Rex Dacite
Dux 93inberite
Dominus Heretooke Cleux

P. 89.


tutes might not be broken, there was no Scrutiny then made for a new

The King now took his Journey into France, and was mo magnicentlyt re
ceived at Paris.

In his tenth Tear, the 7th of December, the King received with all Solemnity
at P Paris, the Grown due to him by Birth-right, whence returning into En land,

he was carried with all poble Honour, with hews wonderful] beautifuZ and
with all kind of agreeable Inventions of rejoicing and Preents tough the Streets

of London to Weminer.

Thence he came to the next Fea at Wyndebr on St. Georgds Etve, hasv
ing preent with him his Uncle
The Duke of Gloceer,

Sir William Philippe,

SirJohn Robertacke.

John Duke of Northolk,

Richard Earl of Warwick,

ohn Earl of Huntyn don,

alter Lord Hungergrd.
The Emperor 'Sigimund
of Portugal Z

King of Denmark
Duke of Qlinbery

Foreigners,were ab/Z-nt being in their own Countries;

Sir Heretooke Cleux

m He entred this City 17 Nov. 1431, in his tenth J Sunday. O Sapientiaoj Ro Hi- p. 156
Tiar. Sandfordk Geneal. Ht. and na: crowned on the



Actaub lnno deeimo H E N R I C I Sexti.

Dux Beafordize Be Rector Francize Regi bella gerebar ibidem, ibi con

junctos habens
Comitem ArundeIIi-e,
Robertum Dominum Wyl/oughly,
Joannem 4 Dominum Scales,

Dominum Joannem Faolf.

Comes Staordize
Comes Southfoleize

Dominus Joannes Cornewale

Dominus Rohertus UmfriviI/e

domi reides, ed probabilibus e cauis

abirntes ab hc zivitate.

Dominus Gulielmus Haryngton

Dominus 'Simon Felhrydge

Dominus Joannes Rackbif ad miliriam Regis in Gujen jam conceeerati

Qiandoqui-dem in hoc conceu, 1' certo relatum e, per mortem Lodo

vici Domini Bouoer Cubicularii R is, unam ibi edem vacuefactam, in

'abentia Prxlati Scrutinium Scriba biit, conulta praeentium ac vota de
cribens, in iram perrenui Militis electionem nobili Lodovieo, cujus

The Duke of Bedford and Regent of France, was carrying on War there;
having with him Atciates
The Earl of Arunclel,

Robert Lord Wylloughby,

John 4 Lord Scales,
Sir Hererooke Cleux.
(The Earl of Staord

Earl of Southolk

Sir John Cornewale

were reident at home, but ahent om this

Sir Robert Umiiville

Sir William I-Iaryngton
Sir Simon Felbrydge .

Pea/i for probable Caujis.


Sir John Ratclie was now gone to erve the King in the Warin Guyeni
[t being at this Meeting declaredfor I' certain, That by the Death of Lewis
Lord Boucer Chamber/am, there was one Stall vacant; 'Ihe Regier in the

Prelates Abenee took the Scrutiny, vzriting down the Sentiments and Votes of
the Perons preent, for the Choice of a brave Knight to ucceed the noble Lewis,
a His Mtme was Thomas.
b 'This Lewis Lord Boucer is Str Lewis Robert

aeke, uho e Stall was void in the ninth Tear, as it it

entred tn I at Chapter.

here are only twenty our Companions, John Lord TaIJ

hot being omitted.
In this Tear there was a Vlhrrant to deliver the Reht!

of this Order to label (aunte/i of Warwick, printed

This Earl of Arunde] thus elected, was a: appears inp.124.

in the Brginmng of thi: Journal then in France, and




Actahh Anno undeciirto H E N R l C I Jexti.


animam iervet Dominus Jeus, urrogandi. Qiibus Suprcmo preeentatis,

IPe per adhibitum conenum uum nis, intellexit, ac pronunciavit oannem
Arundellite Comitem tum prm carter-is eligendum.

Anno 5 undecimo panter ac d duodecimo magnanimus Dominus Taihothus,

regio niandato cum exerciru Galiiattt iiigkeus, mirancia patravit.
p, 90.
Czetera vero aduil; decimutn tertium Annum, altem, qux pertinent

ad decus auecum hujus Ordinis minus extant.

Eo 'Anno Dux Burgundiee Pbilippus uum t Aurei Velleris Ordinetri in
ituit, cujus pleraq; Statuta perinde habent atq; e;1 qux unr prxnobi

lis Subligaculi, unde uum umpie credunt exordium.

._.- ,

whoe Soul the Lord



Which being preented to the Sovereign,

be by girt/ing his Conent, fecientbt ignifj-'d and declared John Earl of Arun
del to be choen before the Re. v
In hisc elerventh Year, as alh in his 'I twelfth Tear, the magnanimous Lord
Talbot by the King's Order entring France with an Army, Performed cuion
derful Exploits.
What related to the uual Honour of this Order from this Time, even to
the thirteenth Tear is not extant.

4 In that Te-ar Philip Duke of Burgundy founded bis Order of the e Golden'v
Fleece, mo of the Statutes of rwhich are the amez as tbo: of the mo
noble Garter, and from thence ma] be 'well eppod to have derived their

c In the CXZ/tzod) of the IGngs Remembrancer is an

'Account of t e Comptroller of the Houe-hold, without
the Date of the Tear, wherein ntention is made of Hen
ry the cardinal, and 'of Queen Katherine, and that

the King was at Windor on 23 A r. and Feum

Sancti Georgii is in the Margin, ocqneted a ain
Munday the 27th of that Month, where 'tis ttfo re
member-d that Queen Katharine came thither after
Dinner; thee Charactcriiichshew that it belong: to

Pane empt. xiis. vi d.

Cervii empt. xx s. viii d.
Vlho empt. xxxv s.

Carn. bovi a: aliis empt. xix s. v d."

Pulli empt. kitv t. Piir. empt. viii. xiii s. iiii rl;
S ciebus empt, xxi s. viii d. ob

co empt. ii t. viii d.
Carbon. empt. iii t. viii d.

the xi Tear, A. D. 1433.

Expen. a udlr-ondon fact- per John Earl Marhal Duke of' Norfolk, dying on
19 Oct. preeeeditg thit Pea/i, it is ver) obable that Colbrotie 8c Eiiys cum ii equis 8c in

Richard Duke of York his Sttcceor in t e third Stall ii hominibus cum iv equis conduct.
on the Sovereign: Side according to the Windor-Ta carrian. victual. de London verus
bles 'night have been eleZled in thi: Chapter;

x's. vii d; oba

d In this Ttar a warrant was iieed to deliver the

Habits of this Order annually to the Emperor, as in

the Introd- p. 28, note tl.

Privat. Sigill. 2

Maii 17 Hen. 6.

Regard. diver. oeiar. attendenl 8e laboran.

pro 'eodem feo xxiii s.- iiii d

Qie a

noire bien ame C ere Julian Arundel Dean de no

re College de "ljndetre facez paier eze livres

'Summa total. xvi I. viii I. xi a.

oyt (oulds Se unz deniei-s, put les couagcs & ex

e 'Tis an e the Compiler hould be o negligent in
penes, queux il ad euz 8: uenus entour la feie the o/Era/ti; wi Initution of the Golden Fleece, when

de Seint George tenuz a Windeore le vynt 8c tierce the Statutes thereof mention its Erection on the ninth
jour D'A'oerill Pan de nohe regne donzime, 1< Day of lilinuary 1429, which was in the eighth Tear
come par les parcells contenue en une copie cy de of Hen, 1, for the Burgundians at that time, as
deins encloe.
Schurzeichius de Ordine aurei Veneris p. 849.'
oberves, ued the French St le of Contputatton by corn.
Solutio Facta. per Decanum de Wyndeore pro ex menin toeir Tears from er, or rather as the
penis Com. Hnntjngdon, Dom. de Fanljope, 8: Dom. learne Gollut de la Repub. equanoie aith from

of March, but in both Methods this Erection

Job. Radely" pro eo Sancti Georgii Anno R. R. the
Hen- Vl- po conque. umo
was, at ne hould non write it A. D. 1429-30.


I I2

Acta uh Anno decimo tertio H E N RI C Sexti.

Eodem f decimo tertio, ofiaqio die Maii concilium Wyndeori celebratum

e, ubi Supremus ecum tunc praeentes habuit

Ducem Gloctjiria,
Ducem Ehoraei,

Dominum Vanhope, Dom. Guliel. Philtppe,

Dom. Hungerord, Dom. Joh. Rohertache,

Comitem Huntyngdonia, Dom. Wil/oughhy,

Dom. Jo. Rachlj

Comitem Wltrwici,

Comitem Staordia.

In the zme j thirteenth Tear, the eighth of May, a Chapter was held at
Wyndeot, where the Sovereign had then preent with him

The Duhe of Gloceer,

Duhe of York,

Lord Vanhope,

Sir William Philippa,

Lord Hungerord,

Sir John Roberdacke,

Earl of Huntingdon, Lord Willoughby.

Sirjohn Ratclie.

Earl of Warwick,
Earl of Staord.


f Plcaiz au Roy noh-e tres ovcrein Seigneur 8;

Sancti Georgtt hoc anno fac, de pannt carlet8e1rr.

as tregracious Seigneura du Coneil grante:- lettres

cum Men- & Bys, per litesam Regis dat- 6 05?

de arante oubz on prive izal directes as Treourer

anno 14
contm_ "m" uln- reader'

8e Rolleon
arons deClcrc
la grande
pour accompter
Rodes gages Go. de Seint Mchel Pan du regne nore

z de DC furr-

dit lsovereign Feigncur treTime encea

l (tile


z Men. Pur


de es
a Yartier
le temps
a tous
la Fmterlitzi-r

ii dee CCCLI
}fu" _ Men _ gm.

te d'icel encontre le e de Seint George &e.

ide Cxl bell. furr. de Bys.

Lettrcs eut feu iite en maniere accuumee le

vi jour d'O{ib. l'an 14 H. 6,

Computus Roh. Rolleon Clerici Cuodis maqnze

Duct Bedf.

Garderobaz a vigilia Sancti Mich. Anno 13 Hu- IV.

pro uno anno. [penes Remem.Regis in caccaritn]
pro opere
8: brouderat
M ohanni
Gart. operar.
cum ieric.
8: aur. Cilhii

Duci Ebam'

Cuilibet eorum v uln. pann- carler, 8; furr- de

CC ventr. Men. pur. Cxx Gart.

more conueto, pro quolibefv d. lvi t. viii d.

Pro opere 8: brouderatur. i Gart. gro cum conLimili
operatA- uusr.
G in"medio
F . cum uno Ecochon_

vz? I. vzlilsd. a

Comith War'

omm Ft
Comjrui drunk!

eorgtt act pro Rege Portngal

Et onerat e gratis de Gart. provenien. de StufFur- Re is noviter Fact- erqa eum Sancti Gmgii

Conuti St-

MM CV Gar-t. unde i Gro[. Gart.

Domino Regi ad i goun. cum capuc. de liberat.
Gart. fact. de pan. ictcarlet garni. cum Garteriis

Cuilibet eorum v uln. pann. carlet, i furr. de

CC ventr. Men. pur. 8; C Gart.

Do 'no Tatblgctg
de W [o hh]'

embroudat. cum literis auri Cipr. more conueto

urr. per corpus cum i Furr. - - - ventr- de Ermyns extract. de robis uis, & performat. cum novis
ventr. Et pro manicis 'apert- Furr. cum i par. ma

Dom- de Hungetford,

nic- apert. de Ermyns - - - extract de przd. Roba

Dom de Faunehope.

Dom. de Scales,

* rec. de Johanne Penycahc valccto robarum uarum 8e

performar, cum novis tergdc diet ca m dupL dC
eodem, 8: interlin. in capire cum pannFnigr. long.

Cuilibet eorum v uln-"Pann- carlegifurr. de

Cxx ventr- Men. gros- 8c tmxx Gar'

v uln. iii quart. pann. carlet.

l/l/illimo FelhU'
He ns,ton,
Johanni Rohpfrt,

dim. uln. pan. color. long.

i de Soon-venth cum manie. apert- de tergur,

de Bmyns. - - >
ii timbr. dim- xii terg.
dimctymbr. vent.

Hhllimo Phi ip,

Tohanm' Faol;
Roherto Umfraz/ile,
Johanni Radecli

i Emlns'

Cxliii am.
Vcjnerabili in Chriio Patri Epicopo Wynton

tore Tanhe, Mautibus ejudem


Cardinatt ad robam uam dc libcrat- ratemitatis

Cuilibet eorum v uln. carlegi furr- de Cxx 'girt-i


~ _


Actauh Anna decimo tertio H E N R I C I Sexti.

Romanorum Imperator
Rex Daeia

I Ig

abentes in patriis uis.

Dux Qginherize
Dominus Heretoohe Cleux

Dux Bedfordize ecum in gallia ad bella Regis obcunda paratos

comitem Arondellhe,

nominum Talbvfhum

ac hc illorum uecic excuatio.

Dommum Scales,

Dominum oan. F4/lolfe,

Comes Southfolciaz

Dominus Simon Felhrid e _

Dominus Roberta: U

intra Regnum-, at juis de cauis abentesi


Dominus Gul. Harjngton

Una modo (Odes ilbi vacua iremanit, per Mortem illurirrxi Rcgis P. 91:

of the Romans
i King
of Denmark
were ahent in their Countries.

Duke of Qlinbery Sir Heretooks Cleux

The Duke of Bedford had fwitb him in France well equipfd for carrying on
the King's War:
The Earl of Arundel,

Sin John Faolfie,

The Earl of Suthfolk

Sir Simon Felbridge
Sir Robert

quere within the Kingdom, but ahent for ju


There was then only one Seat

vacant b) the Death of the mo

Men; gros- &e. lx Gart. operat. cum (erica ad aur.

Cipre more conueto de dono diai Dom. Reigis- l
iii pann- xv. uln. pann. carlet.

Comitie Wdff.
(OHIIse Suff
Utrique earum v uln. pann- carlet, i fum de CC

viii quol. de CC furr. Men. Pur.

ventr. Men, put. ac C Gart. de dono_di&i Dom.

xiii nol. de Cxx Men. gra

Regis per literam de private Sigillo dlcto Cuodi

qui nunc e, vel qui

CX} Gan.

Lo tempore fuerit inde di

Ducize Bed]w

rect. dat. 3 Mv. an no cfuodecimo_

Here are twenty one Companion: recalling Roba,
and a Garter mader the King of Poriugal, who
Duci-e cum
with the Emperor, the IGng of Denmark, and the
Utriquc earum v uln. ann. carlct, i fari: de Duke of Conimbro complete the whole Fraternzty.
cc vemr. Men. pur. Cxx 'ma

G g


Acta uh Armo decimo ter-tie


R-I C I rSexti.

Portugalize: Unde prius, edicto Regis accurum e ad conultanclum

de nova Electione, quum utura feivitas ageretur: Po quam conulta
tionem deprehenum e e uragiis, ejudem Regis Filium natu maximum,

8: jam e? Regem, meritime quidem in edem patris (cujus anima: pro

pitietur Deus) illocandum: Et quoniam Electio modo tranacta adhuc
recens electum latuit: Domino Cardinale Epicopo Wmtonien tum Seru
tatore, vium e Concilio ut mature certior inde eret, se ut pro digni
tate rei ad tam illurem Regem Caduceatoi' Regius, eu Rex Armorum,
quem Garterum vocant, mitteretur ad id ignicanclum, qui po pera

gendi negotii mandatos articulos, prxnobile ubligaculum, 8: habitum

Ordinarium ecum cum Statutis accipiens, ea noviter electo Regi poea

'illulrious King of Portugal; Upon which hy the King's Order they proceeded
to conclt ahout a new Eleiiion to he made at the enuing Felirval: Aer
<which Conultation it was found hy the Votes, That the Zzid King's elde Son

and now e King, was mol deEr-vedly/ indeed to he placed in the Stall of his
Father, upon whoh Soul God have Mercy. And hecaue the Eleion now
made, was as yet unknown to the new Ele, the Lord Cardinal Bihop of
Wincheer heing then the Colleiior if the Surages, The Chapter thought good

to have it notied to him as [bon as might he; and zr the Dignity of the
Matter, That the Kings Herald, or the King of Arms called Garter, hould
he ent to h illurious a Prince to notify it to him, who after he had received
in Charge the Particulars of the Bunel- to he tranaed, taking with him
the mo nohle Garter, and the ordinary Hahit with the Statutes, was to pre-l
g See i" the Life of Duke of Vieu p. 183, and in " Armes afore that tyme called Aunaoye, and thannc
the preceeding Wardrohe Account.
At this Fea/tz of St. George, ome' Oce" Of Arm "
were created, as we nd from the Account of the Maer *'
of the Jewel-Hou e. V Item delivrec par comman 'c
" dement de Duc de Gloce/lre 8: autres cigneurs de a

at that 'e his name chaunged byhee, and called

Lanca re i bolle of Sylver weyixig xvi unc. and
another bolle of Sylver at that time delyvered
to oon, that was made Purevant, and thannc

called Coller, the which wCyCd viii unc. Ryrner

** Couneill a fell de St. George a Wi e or Pan xiii nal. x. p. 455. T Warrantum hanni Meron pro
" lc viii jour du May pour fere ung eraulde ap " uno Cipho de argento deaurato ne cooperculo
" pelle' Clarencetex Roy d'armes ung Cae d'argent " chaceato ponderis x unc. dim. dato Franac'
" dbrrez que pois ii mares, 84: auxi meme le jour a de Pariis apud Cantuariarn Pure-oant per Dom.
a pur fere ung Heraulde appelle' Fleure de Lice ung a norum Regem, 8: per ipum nominato Lohre
" cae d'ar ent blanc. Che' May Liberty he indul " in Feo Pachie." In a Treatie of Heralds,
ged to one of theame Fraternity to explain this Entry. their Duties and Rights, this Particular may he
The Degree of a Purcnant, which was only a Navi largely di cned, with the Dierences o thee Cups,
ciate or State o] Prohation/hijr, could not he conferred being S' er or guilt, with or without Cat/ers, accord
on a les Fea, than on a Sunday, Upton de O. Mi ing to the diinct Degrees o/f thsc- ocers, and that
lit. p. 19. but Kin s of Arms and Heralds were created in But undy the Duke uua 5 re cerned this Cupfor a
with much moreo ernn ceremonies, arnon other Rite: Sarn o]5 Moneygwherewiththe ocer hought him an E
the founder war obliged to pro-vide a sup, which is cutcheon, Olivier de la Marche i' Eat de la maion
'nenttoned m this Entry, wherein the Wine or Water, or du Duc Charles.
hoth mixed to ether was contained, which was poured
By the Way this Clarenceux was Roger laugh.
on the Head o the Oce-r to he erected, which Cup he Priv. Sigill. 4 Martii 14 Hen. 6. Fiat protectro pro
zras to have as a Perqui/tie, in order to the makin of Ro ero Legh de London Heraude, ahas dicto Rogero
an Ecutcheon of the Arms of his Hunder to he con/lient
ly Wort' by him. 'Ihus in the Black-book of the
(Ciornpttn Houe ** Always remembred that the Cup

morum &e. And there are alo many Entrtes of this

Fleur de lis in our Records, and he is the ame Per on,

5 that t e Kyng doth create any King of Arms or

Herald withal, it tandeth upon the Charge of
'" the JewcllHoue-'i 'Thus in Cleopatra F- . 'n 16
H- 6. is an orwinal Petition of the Keeper of tie rwels
to he dicharged oeveral Things, among others. * Itcm

delet in Chartiefs Hi- of Ch. V] I, and there aid

to he attending on the En lih Emhaadorsyzt Arras,
an E-rror occaioned proha ly hy the Ohcurtty of the
copy, wherein the two
Letters rnighthe d aced,

G once/ire, alias dicto Rogero Clarenceux Rege Ar

who .hy the Ignorance of the Trancrthers is called

." delivered by youre aid comandement, the Erles for we are certain that this ocer plerforme


' Of Wmictit', and SM/ford, and your Chamherlayn Duty. Exit. Pcll. 13 H. 6. Cuidam eraldo Regis
" beyng preent at that ame me, that is to ay, vocata Piear de Lys mio ex parte Concilii ui
5' on Allehalowen day laie at

erton, whan yee

ver-us Arras, &c


A wcr crowned, Ye gaf to an heraudc Kynge of

Actazib Anno quarto decimo H E N R I CI Sex-ii.


juam Elcctioni us: conenilct, cum prazcripta Commendationc red

In eadcm Conultatione, praefato Cardinalc rurum cxaminationcm an
notante, o deliberationcm "idoncam, Supremus cum reliquae ocie
tatis aen u deinivit, ut onus exteris impoitum de Concienda Mi

rum Cclebratione, cum Equitum aliquis gbicrit ipi Supremo dcinceps


Celcbratum e l/I/jrndcori I) Concilium Sociorum illuris Ordinis, anno

Regis Henrici Sexti quarto deoimo, ubi Suprelntls egregim Socictatis hos

ecum praeentes habuit

Ducem Glocerice,

Dominum Willoughby,

Ducem Deverwyck,

Dominum Hungerord,

Comitem Huntyngdoniae,
Conzitem Scaordix,
Comitem Warwici,
Comitem Southfiolciae,

Dominum Fannchope,

Dominum Gulielmum Philippe,

Joanncm Robertcke,
Dominamjoannem Ratclie. l

ent them with the appointed (lompliment to the new elefled King, when he had
conented to his Eleblion.

At the ame Condt, the aforezid cardinal again marleing daw the Exa
mination of the Votes; The Sovereign after due Conderation, with the Aent
of the Re of the Sooiety, decreed, That the Burden laid upon Foreigners, with

Regard to the celebrating of Maes" upon the Death of an] of the Knights,
hould from theneeforward lie upon the Sovereign.

In the fourteenth I) Tear of Henry the Sixth, a Chaptefof the Knights of

illnirious Order was held at Wyndeor, where the Sovereign of the noble
Soeiety had thee preent with him

The Duke of Gloeejier,

Duke of Torh,
Earl of Huntyngdon,
Earl of Staord,
Earl of Wamvich,
Earl of Southfolh.
b The Alonth when this Cbapreifwas held is not mentinned, but i: was probably 'at the Fea/Z held this Year,

Lord Willonghby,
Lord Hungerford,
Lord Fannehope,
Sir William Philippe,
Sir John Robertac/ee,
Sir John Ratelif
when the Duhe of Bedord died, and btjbre the fth
of May full/owing when 'he Garter was ent to the Ear!

which mu have been after the xzthof September of Mortcyxle.


1 16

Actaub Anno quarto decimo H E

R I C I Sexti.

P. 92.


Rete Portugalia:
Rex Dacix

Dux Quinberix

abentes in Regnis uis.

Dominus Heretooke Cleux

Przeluris Dux Beaordite jam decelerar, cui parcar 8: mier-iatur Oini


Comes item Arondellite.

Dominus Talbothus
Dominus Scales
2 ablkntes in Normania.
Dominus Joannes Faolfe
Dominus Simon Felbrydge

Dominm Guid Haryngton Zintra Regnum,abenti:e cauis habucrunri

Dominus Robertus Umfriville impotens.

Dua: vero Sedes ibi jam vacabanr, per prxitorum Nobilium interi-

tum, 85 ideo Scriba ingularum vocum in Scrutinio notas excripit, 8: ex

cripras Supremo detulit: Qzas ipe perpendens intellexit Comitemi Mor

The Emperor
King of Portugal

King oDenmark
Duke of Auinbery

were abent, being in their Kingdoms;


Sir Heretooks Cleux

The mtyi illurious Duke of Bedord died at this time, to whom God

Almighty be favourable and merciful, and the Earl of Arundel alo.

Lord Thlbot
Lord Scales

were abent in Normandy.

Sir John Faole

S' Zi/Zz/Z-Zieifleglm
lb '

_ Kingdom had CauZ-s ofAbence,'
Z being within

Sir Robert Umfiiville was unable to come.

But two Stalls being then I/acant by the Death of the aforeaid Noble-i
men, the Regier therefore wrote dovm the Marks of the veral Voice:
znua Scrutiny, and having wrote them down delivered them to the Sove

reign; and he having conidered them found That the Earl of 1' Morreyne,

i De Gatterio pro Comite de Mortayne.

_ Rjmer Tom.
An. 14 H- 6. Pen. Cler. Pell. m
p Roy'

a" Gardeobet Of. Saluz.

Che. que
une Jartier,
8: le
X. fice:
a vous
notre acez

Lnoe Hem" ld>


Actahtb Anno quinto deeimoH E N R IC I Sexti.

l 17

tejne 8: Dominum t Joannem Gray, loco deilnctdrllnl in Socictatcm il

lam digniime recipiendos, quod 85 eri debere pronunciavir-l.

Anno quinto decimo Regis Henrici Sexti, 'V Concilium e initum I/ inde;

ort', in quo prazidebat nobilis Dux Gloeeria, tecum illic habens

Comitem Huntyngdonioe, '

Comitem Southolciaz,
Comitem Staordize,


and Sir i John Gray were mo worthily to he received into that Society, in-I

ead of the Deceajid, which he accordingly declared hould he done l .

In the eenth Iiar if Ki

Henry the Sixth, a "' Chapter was held at

Wyndelbr, in which t e nohi Duke of Gloceer preded, having there'

with him

The Earl of Huntjngdon,

'Earl of Southfolk,
Earl of Staord,
4 Pour le porter, depar Nous, a notre Trechier 8: of Preginald Lord Gray of Ruthin, and that he died
in the Life-time of his Father, hat/ing married Con
ance the Dau hter o _1]ohn Holland Earl of Hun
tin ton, and elicto homas Montbray Earl Mar
ha , who is therefore uual in Records named Con
ancc Countes Marhal:
is Collector hath not yet'
H. Gloucere;

Foial Couin le Conte de Mortayne.

Et volons &e. _
Et que par ycelles Of.

deeovered the exact Time of his Death, but he enj ed

this Honour for a very little time, being in this Soak

II. cardinal.

5', Bathon. Cane;


or' oumbyrl


only mentioned again in the l6th Tear from whence

there is a Cham till the 22d Year; 'i-he Windori

Quinto die Maii Anno Go. xiv, in Camera

Parliamenti, apud Wemonaerium, Dominus Rex

Tables inform us, that John Earl of Someret was hie

Sueceor, and we jha Hind this Earl eated therein
about the 18th Tear of

en- VI.

I Here are 23 companions enumerated, which with

ant conimiles Litterz Cuiodi Magme Garderobae the two Vaeancies complete the Number.
In this Tear Htbits of this Order were delivered to the
Re is, ecundum Minutam infracriyram,
Companions, as ap arsfrom' the Petition of Rob. Rolle
rzfentibus Dominis infracriptis.
on Warden or eeper ofthe Wardrohe for a privy Seat,
Mortain is a Chaellanr) with the Baillage, Of Con
antine in Normandy, iz/en byHen. - to 'Ed directed to the 'Ireaurer and Barons of the Exchequer
mund de Beaufort create afterwards _Marque s of to as the Aecounts of his Oce from the Eve of
Doret and Duke of Somerer. 'This Title hat) heen St- ichael in the I4th Tear to that time, wherein is
empt t, everal of' on Englih Nobility, as lo Ro this Clau e *' Enizmblement 8: des liveres de la Far?
ber: Brother to the conqueror. Chron. Norman. ad " tier eliverees tus meme le temps atous pur
A. D. 1156. Gulielmus lius Step/sent', qui Comes ** Seigneurs de la raternite d'icel encountre le Fell
erat Civitatis Contantiarum, id ei, Moretonii, 8e " de Seint Geor e," And there is endor ed. Lettre cut
le xme jour d'0t'lo re en maniere
in zfzrtglia Comes Surrin, &e. It appears that at feu faire a
this 'me Garter IGng of Arms was employed in the 8: forme accuiumez l_'an fie. xvmc.
fame Errand to the King of Portugal.
m The Day and Month whereon this Cha ter was
de avimento Concilii ui, voluix at concet quod

This Book doth notae uaint us into which of the

held are omitted, but Sir Robert Umrevi e being

two vacant Stalls this Ear was elected, but from the herein aid to have been cxcu ed, by Reaon o his In.
Windor-Tables we learn that heucceeded the Earl rmit), it mu have been hel before the 27 o Dec. in

of Arundell in the eighth Stall on the Princes Side.

this lsth Near when he died, and Henry the Sixth

b Mr. Glove' in his Catalogne [ii/es him Johannes

Baroxrzy de Rutbin Mills, de Nob. Polit. 8c Civi

beginning his Reign on the 31 of Augu, this Chap

ter according to this Comptttation mu have heen held

lr p. 170. and Dr. Heylip IIt/i. f St. George p. in the Interval, between 31 Augu and 27 of DCCJ
66. runs into the ame Error, inertin Sir John in this 1 sth Dan
ray_ after Lord Gray of Ruthin, and moral Ma
Here are only 23 Companions- named, The Duke
nucrtpts eoneurr in this Miake, but it will be hewn of York. and Sir john (my being omitted.
in the Memoirs of his LifeI that he was the elde/I Son



Acta rub Anno quinto decimo H E N R I CI Sexti.

Comitem Morteyne,

Dominum Hungerford.

Rex certis quibudam (ut complacuerat) rebus intenrus aberat V/emoa

ndierii, praeentibus ibidem
Comite U/arwici,

Domino Guliel. Philippe,

Domino Vj-lloughby,

Domino Jo. Roberttche,

Domino Fannehope,

Domino Jo.

Rex Portugalite

Rex Daciae

aberant _in uis Regnis.

Dux Qginberite

Dominus Heretouhe Cleux


Dominus Talhothus
Dominus Scales
Dominus Joannes Fa/iolf

in Normania.

Dominus .S_'ym0n Felbrydge

Donnus Gulidm: Hmgtm

_ .

Z Cauts abzntix igmicabant;

Dominus Robertus Um-iroille per impotentiam cxcuitus.


Earl of Morteyne,
Lord Hungerfbrd.

The King (as he was pIeajZ-d) being intent upon ome Aitirs was ablent
at Weminer, there being with him there

The Earl of Warwick,

Sir William Philippe,

Lord Wylloughby,
Lord Fannehope.

Sir John Roberticke,

SirJohn Radclye.

The Emperor
of Portu


King of Denmark
Duhe of Qlinbcry

were abent, being in their Kingdom.


Sir Heretouke Cleux

Lord Talboth
Lord Scales
SirJolm Faolfe

in Normandy.

lfznfzsgzton Wgmed the Caues of their Ahitrlce.

Sir Robert Umriville was eotcued for Ditbilitjt.


,_ ,__I-._\

' '

' *

Actatth Anno decimoxto H E N R I C l Sexta


Regis Henrtici Sexti anno decimo ixto, Vj-ndeori e habitum " Concj
lium, quando primas ibi partes egit Humfredus Dux inclyttts Gloce/lri,

cum quo przrlizntes erant

Comes Huntyngdonia,

Dominus l/Ijxlloughltyi,

Comes Sarishuria,

Dominus 0 Bardolfe,

Comes Stabrdia,

Dominus Fannehope,

Comes Southfolcite, r

Dominus Joannes Radclyi,

Dominus Hungerfordz

Dominus Je. Grey.

Rex, ut prius, aberat cum praznomittatist

Et quia jam una edes vacabat Wndeori, per Mortem illurimi Irn- P. 94;
peratoris Sigimundi, qui P tertio invictimi Regis Henrici 9\uinti Anno
llt in eam ipi: (olenniter introductus, tum in olennitate Georgiand' cum

ipo Rege praeens; facta e hic Electio nova, per quam 7 Dux Oriebiz
in Equitum unum hujus Ordinis e aumptus, at is ante plenam Po_
(Llonem obiit;
Ab hoc Anno uq; ad r roiceimum Secundum nihil extat.
In the ixteenth TZ-ar of King Henry the Sixth, a " Chapter was held at Wyna

debr, when Humiey the Renowned Duhe of Gloceer preided there, and
nvith him were preent

The Earl of Huntyngdon,

Lord Wylloughby,

Earl of Salisbury,

Lord 0 Bardolf,

Earl of
of Southictolk,

Lord Fannehope,
Sir John Radclye,

Lord Hungerford,

Sir John Grey;

The King was ahent as Ire-fore, with the hefore-named.

And hecaul: there was now one StaL/ roacant at Wyndebr, hy the Death
'of the mtyi illurious Emperor Sigiinond, who had heen
in it in the P third TZar of the moi incoincihle Henry the Fifth, heing then

preent with the King himzly at the Feai of St. George, A ne-w Eleon

was there made, hy which the 9 Duhe of Auria was tahen in to he one of
the Knights of this Order, hut htfore he had full Pozon thereof he died;
From this That' to the zzd there r is nothing extant.
n This eems to he an occaional Chapter or an Ele
&ion to the Stall, meant by the Death of He Emperor

" was never inialled and thereupon during his'

a Life (neer 20 Years after his Election) the -Prin

Sigimond, which happened on the 8th of Dec- 1437. 5' ce's Stall was not otherwie dipoed of," He errs

rangely in the
of his Death, which ha pened on
o 'That is Sir William Phelip, who ued this Title 270241139, gtthtn two Tears aier that o 'the Emz
Having married a Coheir of the Lord Bardol, and the peror rgr mon .
16 Hcn. Vl.

Lord Fanhope tra: Sir John Cornewale.

r Here is a targe Chamom the ixteenth to the
p 1: hould he the ourth ner, as may heeen above. twenty third Year of Hen. Vl, tr that it the true Date
q This was Albert V, Arch-duhe of Auria, who Jof' the Chapter which ll/tus. In thi: Internal of [then
'Itef the Death of hit Father in Late, Sigimund the Tears, there were everal Corn anions elected into the'

Emperor was' crowned King of Hungary and Bohemia, Vacanciet that happened, who e Name: me mu endea
and became Emperor hy the Stile of Albert the econd, i 'vour to retrieve. Ater it hath heen rl oberved, that
Mr. Nhtn. Ht, p. 32o..1ith if that this Emperor i the Stall of Sir Robert Umfrivilltfmutctch became void

b-L-h-w __.,




one whole Year before the Death of the Emperor Sigi

Dom. de Shact,
mond, war certainly lled by the Electinn Of Richard
Dom. de flungerfard,
Dom. de Farmehope,
Nevil Earl of Salisbury (who ir placed in the Wind
Dmn. de Bttrdulf.
or-Tabler, at his Sncceitr in the 6th Sta on the So
weret' n*r Siden a Chapter omitted here held before the
Cuilibet eorum v uln. pann- carlcgifiuvrr. de
An' duke of Auria was ehtJen, for wend 'hit Earl Cxx
ventr- Mcn- gois- Lxx Garzm.
of Salisbury preent in the 16th Tear at the Chapter
wherein this Arch-duke war elected.
"Ft/lime Hatjngtan,
In the 1'7th Tear of Hen. VI, the Keeper of the
Stmoni Felhra ,
l-Vardrobe payed an Account of the Habit: then deli
bhanni Faol
'vered to the ompanionr.
'Tohanni Robert ack,

Parculae computi Rob. Ro/Zean Cuodis magnz

Johanni Radc if,

Fohettmi Grey,

Garderobae a vigilia Sancti Mich. anno xvii H- 6.

Here take, Militibus ejudem
uq; vigiliam Sancti Mieh- anno rcvoluto.
Rob. Bwer pro CCLiiii Garter. pret. pec. vii II.
ad o us Dom. Regis vii I. viii r. ii d
Cuilibet eorumvuln. pan. carlet, i furr. de Cxr
tch. Ad-t/el pro Lxxii Garter. prenpec. ii d. ob. ventLMen
gro-Be i! Garnoperat cumliteris eiic.
ab eo empt. ad opus Regis xv r.
more conueto de dono dict. Dom.
Jbh. Mmhil pro opere 8c brouderatur- MDccclii
Gar-ter. operat. cum eric. 8: aur. Cipr. more con Regis.
ueto pro quol. Eec. v d. xxxviii I. xi r. viii d.
iii pan. x uln. pan. carlet.
Pro opere 8: rouder. ii Garter gro. cum E
quol de CC furr. Men. pur.
cochons in medio embroudat. de armis Sancti Geor
xiii uol. de Cxx furr. Men. groi
[gii ro utroq; v J'- x d.
MC CCiiiiXX Gart.
nerat e de Gar-ter. provenien. de Stu. em
broud. novirer fact. erga fcum Sancti Geargii in
Duciz Glouc, v uln. pan. lcarlet, i furr. de CC
fra tempus hujus computi. MDCCCLii Garter. ii
Garter. grol cum Ecochons de armis Sancti Georgii. ventr- Men. pur. C Gar',
Comirik Su. v uin. pan. carlet, i rr- de CC
Dom. Regi ad i goun. long. fac. de pann. carlet.
ventr. Men. pur. 8c Lxx Gar', de dono dicti Dom.
cum manie. apert. de liberat. Fraternitat. Sancti Regis
contra feum Sancti Ge it' hoc anno per li
Georgii hoc anno furr. per corpus cum i hrr. unius
g-loun. Errn- vcntr. recept. de Job. Penyeake, 8: per teram dormant. de private igil o dicto Cuodi qui
rmat. cum novis ventr- Et pro manic. furr- cum nunc e vel qui pro temporc fuerit inde direct.
i par. manic. terg. de Erm. - - -- - recept. de prae dat. 3 New. anno upradicti Regis xiimo.
fato Joh- a: perrmat- cum novis tergis, 8: gami
x uln- pan. carlet.
fat. extra cum Gart. operat. cum aur. Ci r. more
ii urraque de CC furr. Men. pur
conueto, cumicapuade eodem pann- act. cum
Clxx Girt.
i rotul. in capite de pann. nigr- Stu. cum cotom.
vii uln- iii quar. Scarlet
dim. uln. pann. coloris long.
itymbr- ix. terg. }mg_ { Emonh

Comiti de Latgez/i/e ad imantell. fac. de velvet

blodcum garnif.
alb. deScapulliberat.inir.
cum i
Gart. operat. in brouder. de Armis Sancti Georgii in

i Far. manie, apetb

ii tYmlvr.
urr. unius

z vent? Frmynr.

dim- Fu- contin. iii tymb- ini venth

CLiiii Garter,

i Cotom.

medio cum eric. aurise ar enti Cipr- more con

ueto uper Satyn blod. ad rde 8c laqueat. ante

pectus cum i laq. eric. blod. cum knapp. 8: taell

eric. per literam dormant. dat. x9 Febr. anno xiv.
. v dim.
uln. dim.
velvet plan

Venerabili in Chrio Pan-i Epicopo Wynton Car

tlinali Anglia ad robam uam de liberat. ratemitat.
SanEiiGeorgit' hoc anno fac. de pann- carlet furr.
Cum Menever e: Bys de dono dicti Dom- Regis
i pann. contin. xxviii uln. pan. carlet.
i de Cxl Capuc.
i de

z Men. Put.

l de nue'
} furr. Men. gro:
i de CCCL:
i de Cxl be. furr. de Bys.
Duci Glaaeer.
Duci Eborum,

Utriqueeorumvuln. ann. car-let', & &int. de

CC ventr. Men. pur.& "xx Gart.

i cum knop- 8: taell ponder. iii unc. laq- eric

i operac- cum armis Sancti Gtorgij Gart.
Eidem ad i oun. lontg- fac. de pann. Scarlet cum
manicis rotun is arni - cum Gart- Be furr. cum
Men. pur. 8: purtt. cum Errnjm per coler. 8c ma
nus, 8e i capuc. de eodem pann. conimiliter garni.
cum Gar-t. 8e fact. cum i rotul. de pann. nigr. Sxu
cum Cotom per breve 8: billam predict
v uln. dim pann. carlet.
dim. uln. ann. coloncurr.
viii terg.


xxvii tymbr. dim. Men. pur.

C Gart.

dim lib- Cotom.

Ivtperatari Ramanorm ad i mantell. Fac. de velvet

Comiti Hnnt.

Comiti s.

blod cum damac- alb. de liberat- Fraternitatis Sancti

Gforgii garni. fuper Sca ul. inir. cum i Gart.

Opcrat. m brouder. cum iteris auri conut. cum
enco _cum i cuto in medio operat. de Armis Sancti
Comiti Sat-um,
Glory cum argent. Cipr. uper atyn blod. ad Car
Cuilibet eorum v uin- pann. carlet', i furr. de de _more conueto 8: laqueat. ame pectus cum i laq.
ferre. fact. cum taell. 8: knopps izric- per breve 8:
CC vemr. Men. pur. 8: iiiixx Gart.
bill. przd.
Do ' 3: fdgtrug
d WI I)la'
pec. vi uln. dim. velvet plan.
n pec. iii quart- uln. damac. alb.
Comiti St an!



. etic.
ii unc.
8e knopps:i
laq' enc'

till Oct. 27 in the 18th Tear, The e Mantle: for the

Earl of Longueville and for the

mpci-or are here

a 'liar-rang
heart'to have
on prepared,
19 Febr. ininPuruance
the xtctvthofTear,

i opetat- cum Armis Sancti Georgtt Gart.

Eidem ad Chernour Fac. de pann. carlet gami.

mut e underood to mean ome dormant Order then

granted to the Keeper of the wardrobe for the time be
ueto, 8: Furr. cum Erm. a: ad 1 capuc. dceodem ing, drawn in general Terms to deliver Mantle: totich
cum Gart. operat. cum literis aur. Cipr- more con

as hould chance to he elelled into this Fraternity, and

by no means to import, that this Earl and Emperor were
particularly by Name, mentioned in a Warrant o long
preceeding the Times of their EleEZions.
In this Li there are 22 companions named, inclu
purlanimiliter pro lmperatrtce Romanornm de do ding this Emperor. And in this Number there it only
one new Knight inerted, the Earl of [on eville,
no dict. Dom. Rcgis per breve 8.: bill. proed
that is Gaon de Foix advanced to that onour in
Normandy by' Hen. V, Seldens Tttl. of Hon. p. 435,
xiii uln- dim. panni car-let
36. who was elected into this Order upon the Tran
dim- uln. pann. coler. curt.
ation of the Duke of Gloceier, to the Stall of Ed
xlii tymbre de Ermyns inregr.

pann, gamiz. cum Gart. coni 8: fadt- cum 1 rotul.

de pann. nigr. Stu. cum Cotom.
Necnon ad i goun - - - long. cum mamc. apert.
garni. cum Gart- coni orticat. p. Stapul. cum tela
canabr. & furr. per totum cum Ermyns mtegns, 8e

ward King of Portugal, 'vacant by his Demie on the

i tymbr. de ventr. Ermyns.

cclxxiiii Gaer.
iiii uln. tel. Canabr.
dim- lib. Cotom.

19th of Septemb. preceeding, as hath been noted in

the Introduction p. 39, 40.
'Ioll up the Number of this whole Societ), we have
cient Grounds to add the IGng of Denmark, and

In the Margin again thee Entries relating to the He Duke of Conimbro mentioned in the preceeding
Emperor and theEmpre-s there is wrote vquia mortuus, and tllomng Tears, and
the Fea in this Tear- m;
ut dicitur, and v. caua rtedicta. A bert wae ad held in May, one Stall was then 'Uacartt at the Time of'
vanced to the Emptre on ew Tearh Day 1438, haw? the Delivery of thee Robes ; for Richard Earl of Wai
been before elected into this Order in 16 H. 6. accor - wick, who had been of this Order from the Retgn oj
ing to this Re ier, but this Report of his Death before Hen. Introd. p. 36. died on the la Day ofApkd

the Feai in t e 17th Tear war a Miake, [or he lived in 'hilt 17th of Hen. VIa

In Order to dicover the Elections during' this silence of the Regier, let us
inpect the Li of the companions named in the Wardrobc Account of
this t7th Year, and place it columnwie, with the Names of thoe con

tained in the next Entry in this Book, here aidto be in the 22d Year, di
geed according to their Stalls taken from the Wind/br-Tables.
22' or rather 23 Hen. 6;

17 H6.

The Sovereigrfs Side.

The Sovereign
Duke of Gloceer
Duke of Titrk
Earl of Huntington
Here 'Tanke
Earl of Saturn

the ame.
. Title
- of Duke of
the ame.
ame biy the
the ame.
the ame.


{ Void at this Time by the Death of

7 Sir John Gra) de Rnthtin


uke of Someret on 27 May

22 H. 6, and lled ahtenvards by,

Dalmada in 24 H. 6.]

the King of Denmark.

9 Earl of Staord,

the ame by the Title of Duke of

10 Sir Wilam Harrington

Lord sudely

11 Earl of Longz/ile
12 Lord Willoughby
13 Lord Fanhope

the me.


the ame.

died l on; 22 H; 6_ i Void [filled by the Lord Hoo after

'vards in 24 H. 6.]

The Princds Side.

the ame.
the ame

2 Sir John Rob ert

3 Sir ffahn Fa off
4 Lord Bardolf

} died, 6 Jnne 19 H. 6.

5 Lord Scales
7 Earl of S lk
8 Earl of urtain

Void [lled by John Lord Beat!

champ of Panyk afterwards in 24
H. 6.]
the ame.
the ame by the Title of Marquei.

the ame by the Title of Marques

Lord Faeonberg

Ig Lord Hungertrd

the ame.

11 Lord 'Ya/hot

the ame by the Title of Earl of

Viount Bmm0nd_
[so-uing ;

12 Sir you Ran/ne

z dle' d aF'gljtafed/do

13 Sir Simon Felbgge

{ died beZ-Zr-hgn Felt. }l$:keK::V:fe;mgar

I i





There aries ome Diculty in the latter Cata Year, ince no Robes were prepared for him, it
logue, which eems to contain a upemumerary may thence be reaonably gplpoed it was the r
Knighgfor theDuke ofCotmbro was certainly a Com lled, and that lift/lium N
Lord Faconbridge af
anion, and eated in the ixth-Stall on the Princesv terwards Earl of IG-nt, might be elected thereto in
the r Chapter held a ter the la of' Apr. 17
booi, and t Reader may conult what hath been, HemVl, wherein there appeared the Number of
aid of this Particular, in the Life of the Duke of? companions-required by the Statutes, for we are
Vreu p. 183, 184.
* acertained by the following Privy Seal, that he
. ide, thou h his Name is omitted in this Black

It is very robable the original Accounts of tire-z was inveed with the Gar-ter, while he was em
wardrobe or all thee intermediate Years, may: ployed in the Wars in France, in ome Part of the

iill remain in the Cuiody of the Kings Remem.

brancer in the condition decribed in the Intro
duction . 18, and if thele hall be dicovered,
there w' be an simple Compenation for this Va
cuity or Cham in this Regiler. There are extant
everal Petitions of Robert Rode/ton, Keeper of the

18th Year.
a Henri &e. To the Treorer Go. Foramuche as

a we have underande by a Supplication reented

" unto us, that where oure welbelove Servant
V ll/yndeore herault by oure commaundement by

" the pace of four Year pa or nerby went into

" our reaulme of Fraurzee and Duchie of Norman

mer to the Treaurer, and Barons of the Lathtquer, V die to bere unto oure Couin of Somenct nowe
to. as his Accounts, in which were contained the " deceed, and to oure right truy and welbeloved
Ha its of the Garter delivered, as tistlrere expre V the Lord Faneonberghe thordre of Gartier, He in
ed, to all the Lords of that Frateruity in the 19, V his going unto the Siege of Hareeu, there being
22, and 23 of Him. Vl, which are not 'here inerted a the aid Lords at that tyme, bra three of his
at Length, becaue they all run in the ome Style, c' ribbes, and his Arme by falling of his hors, as he
and are according to the Forms abovementioned. a aith: And foramoche as he might not purue

wardrobe, 'for privy Seal: in the acculomed Man

'i for his wages of I I. by the Ycre, bycauc ofthe

Thee Wardrobe Account: would inruct us wit

the certain Years, in which the Habits for thee V aid infortune,he is behinde thereofunto this Day
new Knights named in this latter Catalogne were " as he eitb, which wages extenden to the omme

prepared again their lnallatiqus, and it may be, " of x I. as he eith. We therefore conidering the
v'would alo furnih ous with one or more Knights; *' premies wol and charge you, that ye doo make
than are contained in the preent Lils, who mightl

5' redy paiement or ucient agnement unto

be elected in this Interval, who either died, or " the aid VVndeoreof al uche fees and wa es be
omitted their lniallations beyond the due Time, K in behinde, as is due unto him this da . even
whereby their Elections became vacated, for which " ur re our rive Seal at our Cael of' erhhamp

Reabn they may not be mentioned in the Windor

Tables, for the Earl afterwards Duke of Somerjtt
was, as we hall oon ee, elected and dead in this
Interval; But it is too great a Temerity to ro
_ ppe Conjectures in Matqers of ancient Facts, ere
ecords can be produced, and therefore this Sup
poition is oered with a Power of Revocation,
and no other weight is laid on it, than will arie
from the following Conideration, that the Stall of
the Lord Bardolf is in the 22, which in Truth
hould be in the 23 Year, aid in this Regier to

'c ede the tliird day of Juyn the yere of oure

V Regne xxii. [It-ter brruia in O, Pe/L]
From this lnrumenr we likewie learn that the
Earl of Someret who ucceeded Sir zfobn Grey,
was inveed at t e ame time, who dying on 27

My 22 Hm. 6, thcre could be no other Notice

taken of him in this Regier, than the Vacancy
of the Stall by his Death, though his Name is con
tained in the Windor-Tables, and his Plate ill re

mains in the Chappel, but without any Incripti

on, and he by the Stile of Duke of Somertet, re
be void, thou h t at Lord died in the 19 of Hen. ceived the Robes of this Order in the Life-time

Vl, whereas t e Stall: of Sir John Ratcliz, who of Sir Simon Felbrigge. ee p. 174. note o.

died in that ame Year, and if Sir Simon Fe/h,

who died near two Years afterwards, were then

The Collector hath not retrieved the exact Time

l , of the Death of this Sir John Grey, but it follows

o that one Stall was left to continue empty for that it ha ened in or before this r8th Year, and
ome Years, contrary to the Tenour of the Statutes, even his ather, who urvived him, died in the
and the known Practice of that Age, thou h eve

ral Chapter' had intervencd, wherein


following Year. Pot. 19 H. 6. m. 32

ln this 18th Year a Gar-ter adorned with DiaJ

had been made to other Stalls, that chanced to be monds and other recious Stones, was given to
come void after it; and therefore as the Stall of the Lad of Gloute. See p. 128. note at.

the Emperor Sigimond is in this ame Entry expres


ollector ound Part of the wardrobe Ac:

l aid to be ill void by his Death, thou h this count of the r9th Year, in the Cuody of the
lime Book had formerly acquainted us, t at the King's Remembrancer, from whence it a pears,
Duke of Auria was elected thereto in the 16 Year, that there had been one likewie paed int e fore
who died before this time without lnallation, o going Year. This Fra ment alo hews us the

it may be preirmed, the Vacancy in the Stall of Manner how the Fur o Ermyns was ued that had
this Lord Bardolf, mentioned in the ame Paragraph, been in the Chirnour made for the Em ror. 3 Do
isto be undertood in the ame Sene, that is, to " mino Regi ad i_ oun. long. de pann. b od. cum 'na
remain ill empty by his Death, according to the 'i nie. apertis de iberat. Fraternitatis SanctiGeorgii
Language of the Statutes, though ome Knight had u hoc anno furr. per corpus tum i furr. -- - - recept.
been deigned to it by an Election, who had not " de Ioh. Penicoke, qua uit in Monte/la Regali, e]
Erm. qua-fuit in i Chemour de Searlet de
received an lnlallation at this time, and the King 'f dirn.
of Portugal, who received the Habits of this Or 5' rent. ultimi Computi anni precedentis fact. pro
der, during the Life-time of Sir Simon Hlbrgge, " lmperatore Rom. O dill. goun. garniut. tum Gart.
might have been the Peron elected to it. See p. " operat. tum literis our. Cipr. more conaeto turn i

174 in the rath Stall on the Prince's Side, note o. 3 Caput. de eodem pann. blod. ton/Imiliter gar'd-eat,
and there p. 184, 186, which Election might be " cum Gart. (F fact. cum i rot. de pan. nigr. Sin/ot.
vacated for want of lnallation within the Time *' cum Cbtom.

limited, and he might be rc-elect-ed afterwards into

Vacancies, which happened in Stalls nearer to the

viii uln. iquart- an. color. long.

Peron of the Sovereign, and at length was inlalled

t' quart. art/in: u . pan. tolorum cart.

i de mante I. Rega/i
dint. de Chemor.
Fm' 3 ' EWM'
do Gart.
dint. lib- Cotorn

as in the lntrod. p. 53.

As the ninth Stall on the Princes Side, poeed

by the Earl of Warnick, was, as it hath been aid,
void by his Death on 30 April in the 17th Year,

and before the Time; of holding the Fea in that



ila p zs


The next Entry that the Collector hath et found, i O' GOWWM O" Man/ibi' I' Roi 'lier pair dltnjou,
is the Delivery of the Habit: of this

rder, m- t? du Maius,

raitez. 'de Pair vol t.'p. 43), as am,

ken from the wardrobe Accounts publihed in page ioliv *- r7lH. 6. rot. 46-Jnd iukhc 19th Year a
174. note o. and the companions therein named, Rewar was given to the Purevanr of t-he Earl or
Doret. Cadran
Priv. eStgill.
25 Nov.
-19 H. tre/cherj
6, a 'no Ire
are here placed according to their repective Stalls. erviteur
de nore
Sovereigs Side.

Princes Side.

2 Duke of Gleet/fer
3 Duke of Tork

2 Sir John Rob art

3 Sir John Fa olf

4 Duke of Exeter
5 Here Tanke

s Lord Scale:

6 Earl of Sat-um
7 Duke of Sameret

7 Earl of S olk
8 Marque oret

9 Earl of Staord

9 Lord Faconberg

10 Lord Sndeiy
11 Earl Lo ueville
12 Lord W oghby

lo Lord Hun erjord

11 Earl of strew/bury
12 Vicount Beaumont


13 Sir Simon Felbrgge

ame Ctzyn It- Cotsnte de Dorct xxi lit/res.

By 'the Way Ciidn liggjcces a Dial and was

doubtles given to this' ' er, for his Tirle from

the Badge on 'the Standard ofhis Maer, which was
powdered with Sun-Flowers, having an Unicorn,
whoe Horn was 'placed a ain 'the Sun in the
Form of 'the Gnomou of a. ial,
To return to the Point of trlihg the Dare of
this Inrument, the Vicount Beaumont, one of the
Corn anions named herein accordin to the
Sir Form
* who\vhich
after St. Cedd
ti Ratcti
t9 Hetti6
Feival was obrved on theiezyond of Mai-ch, and

Sir Simon dying before the 2o Frbr. 21 H. 6, this

mu of Coure relate to the Fea held either in

It hath been already there oberved, that this In the 19, or zoth Year. This Wardrobe Account
rument bears a wrong Dafe, kbr that it cannot be P reents us with the Names of twenty Companions

of the 22 Hen. 6, bccaui: Sir Simon Felbrtgge died

only, and the King of Partngal an elect Knight," to

before that Time. And though the [Ez of it which if the KingofDenmark, the Duke ofCoimz

eems at r Sight reducible within a hort Com bra, and the Lord Fanhope be added, who were then
pas, in Regard the Duke of Exeter therein named, certainly of this Order, the Number of this Socie.
was not advanced to that
by Charter, "till ty will becomplete, if the Princes Stall was then
the ixth of January, 21 Hen. _ l, and that this vacant, and by this Means the King of Portugal
Sir Simon mentioned in this Inrument, died on mu have been then deigned, either to the Prm

or before the zoth of Febrndt) following. See his ce's Stall or rather to the ourth of the Princes
Life p. 172, by which Method of Com tation, Side which became vacant by the Death of the
thee Robes hould have been prepa
in this Lord Bardotf on 6 ame in the tuo- Year, though
he was afterwards placed in an 'higher Stall.
hort Interval.
The Memorials of the Tranactions ar the Fea
But then the Title of Mar ues of Doret, which
is givenlikewie in this ame ntry,was not granted in at H- 6, are yet min , yet we know there
by Patent, till the 24 nne following, which was mu be at that time, aStal void by the Death of
everal Months after the Death of this Sir Simon, Sir Simon Felbri e, and from a warrant already
o that an Argument drawn -om the Dares of Printed in the ie of the Duke of Wife' ps 180,
charters of Creations, may be not concluive in we nd that Duke had been elected in, or before
2? this Year, when the Habits were ent to him,
this Cae
to the King of Arragon, who therefore mu be
This latter chronological Diculty may be ol
ved by a Suppoition, that though this Title of deigned to t e Princes Stall, which was thei
Marques was not actually granted to him by any only Vacancy.
charter paed under the (neat Soal, 'till on this ln the nd Year, the Stall of the Lord Fanhppe
A of June, 21 Hen. Cart ab anno_ 20, ad 24 H. 6. became empty, by his Death on' the r of Dece m
'r- 46. yet that the King for ome time before, haa ber, which as far as We know mi ht be upplied by'
ving declared his intention for that Promotion, an Election on the Feai of St. &eorge next follow
this Title might be given by Way of Anticipa ing, if it was held before the 27 of May, when'
tion out of Courtey, which Conjecture eems to another Stall became vacant, by the Death of the
be very much countenauced, by the like Compli Duke of Someret, though the Lord Hoo Succeor
ment formerly paid to this ame Peron; for though to the former, and Dalmatia who ucceeded the
the Charter by which he was created Earl of Dor latter. are not entred in this Regier as inalled till
et, bears no earlier Dato than on the 28 Augu, the 24th Year.
20 Hen. 6. (art ab anno 1 ad 20 H. 6, n- 3. yet we
The ending the Livery of the Garter to the
nd him in the 17 Year long before the Dare of King of Parts-get in this 22 Year, may be conulted
this Patent 'of Creation, illed Emond Comte de in the Introduct. p. 186. note h;
Daret, de Zl/lortaing 8: de Harcottrt Capitaine General


1 24,

i/Ictaub Anno oicemojecundo

H E N_ R I

Ii Sexti. i li..

Illo cvicemo Secunda celcbratum e Wjndeori concilium, vigilia Divi

Georgii per Hnmfredum Ducem Bnchyngatnie, cui Commil res e, ut tum
Regis vicem gererct, [Ecum habcns
Richardum Comitem Saritburize,

Joannem Vicecomitem Beamond,

Dominum Faconbridge,
_ Dominum Joannem Faolfe,


Dominum Heretouh Cleux.i

Rex abcrat Nuptialibus intentus, hoc enim ' Anno illuritnaln Do

minam Margaretam Regis Cicilize liam acccpit in uxorcm, cum quo tunc

hii nobiles erant hujus Ordinis

Marchio Subleize,
Dominus Sudley.


In that zzd IZ-ar was held a Chapter at Wyndcor, on St. Georgds

E-ve, by Humrey Duke of Buckingham, who had the Tru committed to
him of being the King's Deputy at that time, having with him

Richard Earl of Salisbury,

John Vicount Beaumond,
Lord Faconbrid e,
Sir John Faol ,

Sir Heretoukc Cleux.

The King was abent, intent on his matrimonial Aitirs, for he this t Tear
married the mo illurious Lad] Margaret Daughter of the
and with him were thee Noblemen of the Order

of Sicily,

The Margue/i of Southolk,

Lord Sudely. .

f It hath been oberved in the introduction p. 37. that 26 H. 6. m. 2 - The arque s and Earl of Suolk
this Fea on hr to have been placed in the xxitihar. was not eommi inned to eondu the Queen hither till 28
'Thefour Sta it aid to be void with the xxi companions Oct. Rot. Fran. 23 H- 6. This Marn' e was oleno
here enumerated,
erfe the Number
h the Duke tZjjC-onimbro
is [elf outof(Ithis
Li , nized in Ticheld Abbe), to which the In grants e
'veral Privilees reeiting " quod cum illui acroan
Jad not any een ena/Ied long eforet is time, at " ctum &o enne ac quam venerabile acramentum
is particularly named in 'he nbequent Tears. Thiseem- V matrimonii, quod in pamd o ab initio traxit
ingupernnnterary Ineongenty ma) be olved, as it ts " originem, nuper mediante ccmentia Salvatorie,
in p.mentione
134., tot bee voidphas
Snp ition
the "'* inter
nos ina
8c conortem
o inonetheofpetttpro itio
beat: Maria
de Tiehfeld

liar man:
e ofactual
the Statutes,
that isofremained
xomitatu So-'tbantpton
ome one vacant
of the "" in
Pat. 25. H.
6- The
'teem Ar8:
Kaights here peeed, who might have been de/'gned to rit/al was expected ooner, and therefore the ape's Li
it by an Elchon, and in all Probabilit) the IGng of Por- cence had been obtained, in salt/m had landed dttri
tugal, who was not enalled till man) Tears after, had Lent. Exit. Pell. 24 H. 6- t'
Matchioni Sno

been eleed into the Stall of the Lord Bardoli'> which is pro tands denaxiis er ipum olutis cuidam homi
howeveraid to be void /r the Omion of an Inada ni procicenti ver us Papam pro licentia pro ipo
tion. See above in p. 122.

Domino Rege habcnda ad eendum maritatum tem

t 'The Marriage of Hen. VI. was on 22 Apr. A-D. pore quadrageimali, i adventus Reginz tunc con:
1445, in the 'xiit Tear of hit Rejgn- See Care. 25, 36 tigict. xvi I- xiiis. iv d.


Aeaut Anno wicemoecundo H N R 1 c I set-a. i


Rex Dactite

extra Regnurn Angllte, in " uo.

Comes dii Longwjle


Dux Glocelrite

Dux Exonia:

Supremi littcris excuiztzit

Dominus Hungerford

Comes Salopiaper inrmitatcm cxculatus,

P. 93;

Dux Eboraci

* Regi' mili tantes m
' Normarua
' ' .
yomnm Rabmhcke?
Marchio Dori-t
Dominus W "o" bb cauiim ablientim uze non ignicantes, haud ex
] g y cutti int.
Dominus Scales

Qxatuor hoc tcmpore vacua: edes erant, per Mortem nobilimorunl

Sigimundi Caelaris, Ducis Sornerbtite, Domini Bardolf, 8: Domini Faunes

hope, ad quas hic novi non erant nominati, cumq; numerus minor crat

quam qui deberct, tumq; ea facultas commia Dcpu-taro non But;


The King of Denmark

of Porrugal

were out of the Kingdom of England in V their

Duke de Vien
Count de Longvyle

own Territories.

The Duhe of Glocecf

Duke of Exeter Z were excued by the Sotoereigns Letters.
Lord Hungerford
The Earl of Shrewsbury was excued for hic Indittfitiott.
The Dulze of Yhorke

Sir John Robertckc

z' 'wereghting for the King in Normandy.

The Marquefs of Doriat

Lord Wylloughby

Lord Scales

the Reaons of their Abence, were

not excubd

There were at this Timefour Stalls rvacant, by the Dedths of the mo noble Emi
penor Sigimond, the Dulee of Someret, Lord Bardolf, and Lord Fannehope,
but no new Knights were now namedfor them, as well becaue there was a let

Number than ought to be, as becaue that Power was not granted to the Deputy.
u This Dulte and Earl cannot beaid to be in their [ [Ggriom] in the ame Sene with thee SooereignPrinces.




Acta uh Anno oieemo

R I C I Sekti.

Ducis autem prxclari x SomerjZ-tia qui (ut upra memoratum c) in-*

tra hunc annum obiit, Galca, Gladius 8: Appcndices ejus, in Mil

pro delnctis ibi celcbrata, lcrunt oblata: Galea per Deputatum 8: Co

mitem Sarishurie, Gladius per Vicccomitcm Beaumond 8: Dominum


In hoc Concilio Dominus Heretou/es Cleux indicavit, quod Imperator

novus cire cupiebat, quanti ibi arct, i orts in honoranduln Ordi
ncm admittendus 7.

Anno wieemo tertio Regis Henriei Sexti, duodecilno die Maii uccpa
tum e Windettri concilium, in Vigilia sturm celcbritatis, ubiSupremus

adcrat, ecum habens hos Equitcs hujus Ordinis inigncs

Ducem Exonize,

Marchionem Southfcileize,
Comitem SaIopi-e,
Dominum l/ljllloughhy,
Dominum L Beauehamp,

Dominum Scales,
Dominum Sude/ey,
Dominum Joarmcm Fa/Iolf.


But the He/met, Sword and Appurtenanees of thefamous Du/ee of i' Somet
cr, "who, as is ahorve aid, died this Tear, were ohred up at the Mas there

celebrated for the Dead 3 The Helmet [i] the Deput] and Earl of Salisbury, The

Sword hy the Vioount Bcaumond, and Lord Fawcunbrydge.

At this Chapter Sir Hcrctouke Cleux ignied, That the new Emperor de

to know
. it wouldand him in,

he was to he admitted into thei

In the z zd Tear of King Henry the Sixth, the 1 zth of May, a Chapter
was held at Wyndcor on the E<ve of the enuing PZirz/al, where the Save:
reign was preent, hart/ing with him thee famous Knights of the Order.

The Du/ze of Exctcr,

Lord Scales,

Marques" of Soucholk,

Lord Sudcly,

Earl of Shrcwsbury,
Lord Wylloughby,
L Bcaucthamp,

Sir John Faole.

r This Duke died on 27 May, 22 H. 6, o that the

was eleed is not only omitted, but the Seratinics plated

Fea being here entred to have heen held on St. George-Xs

Eve, mut he at lea zn the 23 Tear.
y Z. lj Str John Bcauchamp, afterwards treated
Beauchamp of Powyck was a Campanian on
Ybl- 12 May, 23 H. 6, then He Chapter wherein he

hereafter on Il luly 24 H- 6- Wherein lit? Name f

quent! occurrs mu he miplaced, as probahl alo his
lnal tion on the 16 of Augll fO/[Oninge WZWFQf ee
the Notes to that Tear.



Actatth Armo oicevtno tertio H E N R I c l Sexti.
Jam vero cum per Morcem Domini Heretouh: a Clettx vacarct una edcsz P. 95.
itum c ad novam Electioncm in hanc form-aim.
Dux Exomle,

Ducem Narthfolcie, Dom. Love/I,

Dom.'Tho.- Stdnlgg

Ducem War-win',

Dom. Awdley,

Dom. 30. Holand,

Comitem Oxonia.

Dom. Dadley.

Dom. 70. Slulvard.

Dom. Lowe,
Dom. Amdley,
Dom. Fojx.

Dom. Jacob. Feny',

Dom. Rie. Wood-vile,
Dom. Andrearn Ogard.

Ducem Narthfoleite,
Marchio Sottthfoltia, Comitem De-Uoni-e,
Comitcm Oxonia.

Comes Salopite,

Dominus Sudeley,

Ducem I/Varwiti,

Dom. Atrdley, >D0m. Roger. Fejt',

Ducem Northfoleia,

Dom. Dudley,

Dom. Tho. btanley,

Comitem Oxonia.

Dom. Foix.

Dom. Tho. lQrie-ll.

Ducem Northolcia,

Dom. Foix,

Dom. Roger. Fenjr,

Ducem Warwiei,

Dom. Love/I,

Dom. Jacob, Fenjs,

Comitem Dewnia.

Dom. Atvdley.

Dom.-Sal. Bonevillez

Dom. Walls,

Dom. Tho, Kjriell,

i Ducem Warwici,

Dominus Mllottghb, Ducem Northfoloia, Dom. Love/I,

Comicem Oxorziat. Dom. Laware.
Dominus Scales,

Ducem ld/varwioi,

Dom. Foix,

Comitem Oxonia,
Comitem De-uortia.

Dom. Cljord,
Dom. Laware,

Dom. Jo. Mongomery,

Dom. Ro. Schote/hrahe."
Dom. Ed. Httrzgezora',
Dom. Gul. Beam lamp,
Dom. Andt. Ogard.
Dom. i

And lnce there ram one Stall rvaoant h) the Death of Sir 4 Herctouks

Cleux, they proceeded to a nerw Eleon in this Form.

Nomed A

The D. of Northfolk, Lord Lovell,

D. of Warwick, LordAudley,
Earl of Oxford. Lord Dudlcy.

Sir Thomas Sranley,

Sir John Holland,
Sir John Stuward.

The D. o Northolk, Lord Lovell,

The Manofsouthfolk, E. o Devonhire, Lord Audley,
Earl of Oxford. Lord Foix.

Sir James Fenys,

Sir Rich. Woodvile,
Sir Andrew Ogard.

The Duke of Exeter,

The D. of Warwick, Lord Audley,

The E. of Shrewsbury,

Sir Roger Fenys,

D. of North-folk, Lord Dudley,

Sir Thomas Stanley,

Earl of Oxford.

Sir Thomas Kiricll.

Lord Foix.

Lord Sudclcy,

The D. of Northfolk, Lord Foix,

D. of Warwick, Lord Lovell,
E. of Devonhiret Lard Audlcy.

Sir Roger Fenys,

Sir James Fenys,
Sir William BODCVilCJ

Lord Wyllougby,

The D.of Warwick, Lord Wells,

D. of Northolk, Lord Lovell,

Sir Thomas Kiriell,

Sir John Mongomery,

Earl of Oxford.

Lord Scales,

Lord Laware.

sir Ro.- Schotcbrooka

The D. of Warwick, Lord Foix.

Sir Ed. Hungert-"ord,
Earl of Oxford, Lord Clyord, Sir Will. Bcauchamp,
E. of Dcvonhire. Lord Laware. Sir Andrew Ogard.
a See Introdnction Pr 38-



Actauh Anne vicemo tertio H E N R I CI Sexti;

Dom. Joan. Faalf,

P. 97.

Ducem Northfolcia, Dom. Boaeer,

Ducem Warwiei,
Dom. Atvdley,

D0m.R0. Hangerford,
Dom. Roh. Root,

Comitem Oxonia.

Domrey RujILDOm. And. Ogard.

Ducem Wartviei,

Dom. Foix,

Dom. JOJ' BeateehamAComitcm De-uonie,

Comitem Oxonia.

Dom. Roger. Hnjt,

Dom. Lo-uell,

Dom. Jae. Fenjs',

Dom. Awdley.

Dom. Rch. Root.

Hiis ica nolninationibus eriatinl acceptis, 85 humiliter Supremo pra:

iantatis, ipe cum conenil atim elegit, ex iis omnibus in demcti lo

cum 5 Joannem Dominum Fcpvx Vicecomitem Chaelia 8: Dominutn

Ibidem ex unanimi Sociorum aenu Supremus hanc legem tulit;

(Dod quoniam Marehio Comite ublimior e', ei Duciq; velutitltermcdius,

plus Cornite olveret, quando Galea ejus cum Appendicibus appendere
cut: Solvit Comes ex Statuto decem Marcas, quam deinde ummam,
Marchio triginta tribus olidis 8: uatuor denariis excederet. Similiter

de d Vieeeomite ac Barone, uthujus Pumma: centum videiicet olidis Vice

comes edecim lolidos cum octo denariis adderet.
O mnes

Sir John Faol,

The D. of Northfolk, Lord Boucer, Sir Ro. Hungerord,

D. of Warwick, Lord Audley, Sir Robert Roos,
Earl of Oxford. Lord Grey Ru. Sir Andrew Ogard.

The D. of Warwick, Lord Foix,

Sir I: Jo. Beauehamp,
E. of Devonhire, Lord Lovell,

E. of Oxford.

Lord Audley.

Sir Roger Fenys,

Sir James Fenys,

Sir Robert Roos.

Thee Nomination: therefore being taken in Order, and humhly preented to

the Sovereign, he h] Conent preently, out of them all, ehoe in stead of the

Deeeaed, John Lord 5 Foix Viiount of Chaillon and Lord Greyley.

Then hy the unanimou: Conent of the Knightt, the Sovereign eahlihed thi:
Statute 5 Since a Marquei' it higher in Dignity than an Earl, andas it rwere in
the Mid-Qvay heteween him and a Duhe, he hould pay more than an Earl when
his Helmet and Appurtenanee: are hung up. An Earl according to the Sta

tute i: to pay ten Marks; A Marauei' therefore hall, from this lime for-ward, pay
thirty three Shillings andfour Penee ahorve that Sum. So Iileew: at to a 'I Vzjl
count, 'who to the Sum of a Baron, ewhich is one hundred Shillings, hall
add ixteen ShiI/ings and eight Penee.
I: See Page 126. Note y z.
here, though it mu he uhequmt to the 27 May 22
e 'Thit it the
Serutin) that it preerved, and it Hen. 6, when the Dtthe of Somerer died, who had
would he a Matter of ome Curio/it

at well a; Ue, to

that Ear/domnd 'titrtmewhat/lrange, that an Election

give a hort Narrative of the Quaii tation: of the Per- hould he made only to the Stall of Sir Heretongs Van
on: named in the everal Scrutiniet, who had not how-

Cleux, when according to the Narratine: contained in

ever the Honour of an Eleon, which may he done in 'hit Book, everal iother: had eotttinued empt) for a
aD-eoure or Chapter-

Here the Duhe of Warwick

lon_ Time,

and Earl of Oxford had e-uen Suraget, the Duke of

'i See Ah. H/Lp. 456. 'To which ma) he added

Norfolk and Lord Audeley x, and thit Lord Foix

only ve, and yet he na: declared eleed. In what

that the r creation of a Vieaunt, at the Title of a

Parliamentary Peerage wat of _lohn Lord Beaumont,

Triroever ibi: Election war, 'lit probable it was before on 12 Febr. 18 Hen. Vl, who probably upon hit Ele
thu nohle Peron was et-eated Earl of Kendal, for which

[iion into thie Order 'nig ht have paid Feet at a Barott

'hit Colletlor hath not een an) Patent, that he remem l onl . See Note: to the 26th TZ-ar plated hereafter.


not-no Anno vice-ame qaarto H E N R I CI seat.

Omnes abentes ad unum, pro excutis Supremus habuit.


Hic Magier e Joannes Depden, unus e Canonicis Loci Regalis, acitus

e in Scribam Ordinis.
Domini vero Heretotths CIeux, qui hoc Anno decet, in Mit pro de
mctis olennicer inituta, Dominus Vfyl/onghhy 8: Dominus Joannes
Beanchamp enem obtulerunt, Dominus sade/e) 8: Dominus Joannes Fa

olf Galeam.
Anno tvicejimo guarto Regis Henrici Sexti, f nndecimo die Julii, qua- 8:

Dominica g Reliquiarum erat, Concilium e initum Branfordia, in diver

Iorio Leonis, in quo cum Rege prmzntes erant,
Dominus Scales,
Dominus Sndeley,

Marchio Sottthfttlcite,
Comes Salopize,
Comes Sarisburtke,

Dominus Joannes Faol.


All that were abent the Sovereign excned to a Man.

Here Maer ohn e Depden, one of the Canons of this Royal Place, was
made Regi er o]J the Order.
At the Mai' jblemnly appointed for the Deceaid, Sir Heretouke Cleux,

who died this Year, the Lord Wylloughby, and Sir John Beauchatnp oered
his SWd, and Lord Sudeley and Sir John Faol his Helntet.

In the twenty fourth Year of King Henry the Sixth, the f eleventh of

July, which was alo the Sunday of g Relicks, a Chapter was held at Brent
ford in the Lion Inn, at which were preent with the King,
The Marques of Southfolk,
Earl of Shrewsbury,

Lord Scales,
Lord Sudeley,

Earl of Salisbury,

Sir John Faolf.

e He was Canon of Salisbury and Chicheer, and gue/es mu have been held in the zzd ar.
inalled Canon of Windor in 1429.
g Ro e Ht. Reg. Angl. p. 19l. A. D. 1159.
f See introduction p. 38, where it is attempted to be eum Reli uiarum rimo iniitumm e olemp<
proved that this Chapter mu have been held in the

nice: ab Ecc cia cele rari.

xxiii Year. Mr. Ahm. p. 476, refers to the Regir.

Chartac. for Proof, that 'he Pea/t of St. George was
in the 24 Tear prorogued, becaue Eaer-Da) fell
too mar to the 23 of Agril; one hould therefore be

Sort of a Ftinal is meant by this' preent Entry, whe

ther there was an) ated Sunday xed upon yearlyfor
the Commemoratton of the Reliths, or whezher tbe
them was not dmhulatot), as the Ordi

The Queion i: what

a t toa think
mi bt_
awe dierent
been ome
of of
ed, or
to the
Pea there
in that
this octheplea
Relichs according
were uppoed
to beFzi/w/t

e'er/and] C ttpter at Brcntfotd, which the Collector in particular dat-robes.





1 30

Acta ub Anno vicemo quarto H E N R I Cl Sexti.

P_ 9g_

(Di ad confercnda uragia convocati, in hunc modum

Nominaba nt

Ducem Northfolci-c,

Marchio Southfolci-c, Comitem Dei/opie,

Comitem Oxonice.

Dom. Love/r',

Dom. And. Dalmade,

Dom. Dudlej,

Dom. Jo. Bea/tcha/rxp,

Dom. Alvdley,

Dom. Tho. Hoo.

Regem 71 Portugalie, ' Com.

Com. De-vomice,
Oxoni-e, Dom.
Dom. Cbord,

Comes Salopiae,

Ducem I/Varwici,

Comes Sarishariae,

Ducem Northfolcid,

Com. Aruhdeli-e. Dom. Tho. Hoo.

Ducem Northfolcize,

Dom. Awdlqy,

Dom. Tho. HOO,

Ducem Warmth',

Dom. Alhro,

Dom. Andream Ogard,

Comitem Oxoni-c.

Dom. Roos.

Dom. Jo. Beauchamp.

Dominus Bade-le),

Duccm Northfolcie, Dom. Law-m, Dom. Gul. Bed/NZMP,

Comitem Dwonic, Dom. Love/I, Dom. Rage-r. Fenjs,
Comitem Oxanic.
Dom. Alhro.
Dom. Tho. Hoo.
Ducem Warwici,

Dom. Cljbd,

Dominus Scales,

Comitem Oxontctze,

Dom. Low/I,

Dom. Andr. Ogard,

Comitem De-vaniz.

Dom. Albro.

Dom. Ric. Wood-colt.

Ducem Narthfolcic,
Ducem War-win',

Dom. Clyord,
Dom. Alhro,

Dom. And. Ogard,

Dom. Hen. Her-her',

Comitem Oxoniae.

Dom. Hoo.

Dom. Io. Marzgomerj.

Dom. Joan. Faolf,


Who beingcmoned to gi-'vc their Votes in this Mamm


The D. o Northfolk, Lord loven,

The Manof Southfolk, E. o Devonhire, Lard Dudley,
Ear of Oxford.

Lord Audley.

Sir Andt. Dalmade,

Sir Jo. Beauchamp,
Sir Thomas Hoo.

The K, of 71 Portugal, The E. (if Ox0rd,Lord Clyord,

The E. of Shrewsbury,

D. of Warwick,

E.0jDcvonh.Lord Albro,

9. ofNorthfolk.

E. ofArundeLSir Thomas Hoo.

The D. of Northolk, Lord Audley,
The lzarl ofSalisbury,
D. of Warwick, Lord Albro,
Earl of Oxford.
Lord Sudeley,

Lord Roos.

Sir Thomas Hoo,

Sir Andrew Ogard,
Sir John Beauchamp.

The D. of Northfolk, Lard Laware, * Sir John Beauchamp,

E. 0 'Devonhil-e, Lord Lovell,
Sir Roger Fcnys,

Ear of Oxford.

Lard Albro.

Sir Thomas Hoo.

The D. of Warwick, Lord Clyord, Sir Thomas Hoo,

Lord Scales,

Szr John Faol,

Earl 0fOxord,_ Lord Lovell,

E. of Devonhire. Lord Albro.

Sir Andrew Ogard,

Sir Rich. Woodvile.

The D.0f Northfolk, Lord Clyord, Sir Andrew O ard,

D. of Warwick, Lord Albro,
Earl of Oxford. Lord Hoo.

Sir Henry Her err,

Sir John Mongomery.


11 TbeK-'hgof
a: w'
[and her; long
brze ded/ex;

an 4 I so ,

a"a "a xa w! h'U B00 k p


Actaub Anno vice/into quarto H E N R l C l Sexti.


Auguli decimo Sexto die po, Rex Wtndeori,Vicccomiti Beautnond a: Do

mino Sudeley hoc ibi pro tempore dcignavit ocium, ut vidclicct Do

minum i Albro Vaaues Daluzadea, Comitem Amerentiee: Dominum Beau
champ 8: Dominum 'Thomam Hoo, quali honore addcccrct, in cdcs ibi

conceas introduccrent.

Educti unt autem ingulatim Econcilio, 8: ic

in izdcs uas illocati.


__________________._.___-'--------_--_-Thexteettth Da] of Augu following, The King at Windchr agmd

the Vicount Bcaumond and Lord Sudely this Qtce for the Occaion, viz.
to introduce the Lord i Albro Vaques Dalmadca, Count of Auranches:
Lord Beauchamp and Sir Thomas Hoo, with all due Honour into the Stalls

given them; and they were brought jingly out of the Chapter, and o placed
in their proper Stalls.
i EX Archivis in Turri London e rotulo Fran

cie Ao. 23'- Hen. 6. membrana 2,

exeuntibus imperpctuum, volentcs przecipicntcs pro

nobis 8: haeredibus noris, quod dictus lelis no

er Dominus Ait/artes nomen 8c honorem Comitis

HENR I C US Dei Gratia Rex Anglia 8c Fran
ciee 8: Dominus Ibernic , Archiepicopis
Epicopis Go. alurem. Magnis eerendi unr Laudi
bus, ingulari attollendi gloria, qui in Reipublicze
alutem dies uos 8: vitam ipam, ferventi udio
a: animo indefeo conferre nituntur, qui de eipis
'cuia faciunt pro aliorum quiete, qui egre iam

Davarans teneat ibi &hoeredibus uis maculis de cor

pore uo ut rzmium e legitime exeuntibus im


iis teiibus venerabilibus Patribus

7. Cantuan, 8: 33. Fborum Archiepicopis, Thom.

Norwicem, W. Saturn, 5', Bathon- 8c Ille/len. Epicopis,

carrmo Avunculo noro Humfredo Duce Glouc-,

ac carimis conanguineis noiris Johan. Exom, 8.:

Humjredo Buch- Ducibus, 8: Wtllimo Marchione

Ram 8: nomen immorrale pra: caetcris mun anis Suolcia, johamvicccom. de Beaumont. ac dilectis

rebus riunt, &t. felices e pmdicant dum commu 8: dclibus uis, Radulpho Croznuvll 8c Radulpho Bo
nem militarem eorum opera Be de adjutari poe
arbitrantur: O fzlicimum enus hominum ! ine tiller milicibus, The. An l. 8e magiro Adam Mo
Cuodc privati Sigj li 8: aliis. Dat. per ma
qnibus uxbes, mcenia, regna, ominia, mundi Prin leyns
noram apud Weim. 4 die Aug.
cipes, nec mundus ipe incolumltate gaudcre pote
mnt: Oclariimi & jui viri! quorum fancta di
Per breve deprivato Sigillo 8c de data.
poitione virecunt virtutes omnes 8e orent, pul
prmdicta Go.
cherime erenamur mali , premumur perveri ;
nemo e certc qui horum ingenuos animos aut

lineris contexere, aut verbis aari digna laude po

Ex Archivis in Turn' London E rotulo Francia

terit; de quorum numero ingnis 8e nobilis animi

A', z3*. flttt-C- membrana 2.
vir, Be henuus 8: plendidimus miles Dominus
Atteries de Almadaa dicendus 8: pnedicandus ei, RE X Omnibus ad uos (ic- Salutem-Ponimus ante
qui ab ineunte us mate, dum annos pueritiaz ex
oculos noros dem, induriam, circumpe
ccerat, militiz gloria debacatus, virtumm pra: ctionem, aectionem, labore ue 8; alia memoria
mia a; ootnmunem omnium alt-teem anelans, toto d' nim, qme delis noier ominus Al-z/arus de
lmddda Comes Dat/arannconliarius Excellentili
conamine 8c omni udio in Armomm uum econ
jecit; 8: cum aptiores rei militaris attigcrat almes, imi Princi is 8: potentimi Domini Regis Por
adolevit irenuitas ua cum aetate, itaque animo ex tugalt-e con anguinei nori 8: Capitaneus Major in
cellenti in ornnem Reipublicae tuitionem crevit, ut Omnibus regnis uis& Domiuationibus, ac Alcayde

nihil ibi dulce, acceptum, aut deiderabile videba

vmztjor civitatis Iyhonenis, aelicis memorige Geni

tur, pro communi bono non fuerit intutum ; tori noro 8: etiam nobis ngulari intentione

adeo ua pro virili bellorum dirimini inudavit impendir : volentes ideo hujumodi merita ine
forti animo, 8: pacis tranquilitari concilio,quod uo fructu nequaquam oblivioni committere, Ex mero
ure pmmia debcntur uo labori: Propterea nos motu noro concemus 8c concedimus per preen

animadvertentcs Nobilitatcm, 8: ani-mi dicti viri ces eidcm Alvaro Centum marcas peicipiendas an
egtegizm dipoitionem, quae uis gels udjunctze nuatim quamdiu vixerit ad receptam Scaccarii nori
magnum ecium ornamontum, necnoi) mgentia

Anglia per manus Theaurarii 8c Camerariorum no

memoriz chriianimi Progenitoris nori, verum rorum ibidem pro tem ore exientium ad Termi
nos Pachz, 8e Sancti aehaelis per zquales portio
etiam cumulum amoris, ervitii, 8: meritorum quze nes- ln cujus Oc. Tcte R- apud Wem. 9 die

nobis regnilttpexhibuit noris,ipumin Militem,ac


Socium, 8: fratrem de Gartera, ex unanimi concnu

Primsigiil. 13 Aug. 23 H- 6. I/I/e in good con/ide
Societatis ejudem clcgimus 8e rea-lirer imevimus:
Eundem etiam Dominum Alvarum ex noira habun ration of the-good Servitezgrete zele,and good loue that
dantiori . gratiay- in evidens teimnnium uarum our tra/ly and Welbelovc Alva Dalmaa knight of
"rrtucum, in Comitem Duvarans in Ducatu noro Portugale hath doon and hewed unto us and oure full
Normannie creavimus, 8c przeFecimus, ac per pra noble Pr enitors, have 'na-ed and treat him now late
cnres creamus 8e proecimus, ac de eidem nominc, 'Iherle o Averanche and over that we have graunted
honore, 8e titulo per Cincturam gladii inveiientes unto the'aid Alva a Penion of an C. mare by yere

eectualiter ingnivimus.

Habenda 8.: Tenenda during tis Ll. We charge you that ye delivere unto

eadem nomen, 8: honorem Comitis Davarans ibi him a Cupp of golde of xl mare and C- 'narc there
k hzrcdibus uis maculis de corpore uo lcgitime tnne &e.


- 99'

Actauh Anno viccmo qhuinto Hi E Nv R I CI Sexti.

Anno Regis Henrici Sexti rvicemo quinto, celebratum e Vjrr/deori Con

cilium, ipsa Divi Georgii vigili, qux tun Sahhato contigit, in quo prx

[ences ecum Supremus habuit

Duccm Ehoraci,

Dominum Sude/ej,

Ducem Buc/ejngamize,

Dominum Jo. Beauchamp,

Marchionem Southfo/cize,

Dominum Joannem Fa/Iolf,

Marchio Dorjet non venit ad primas vclcras, 8: idco tardioris adven

ts alligatus, prohibcbatur ab clectionc tum uccpta. Ceeteri nimirum
abitntes excuati lunt.

In qua quidem Electione prxentes Equits


Dux Ehomi,


Regem Pome alic, Vicec. Boarghth. Dom. Gill. Ooldale,

Ducem Nor' folcia, Dom. Awdle), Dom. And. Ogard,
Comitem Oxoni-e.
Baon. Carew. Dom. Gal. Boneruile.

Regem Portugelioe,
Dux Buclejngamie,

Vcticec. Bourgheh, Dom. Ro. Schoteshroh,

Ducem Nortbfolcie, Dom. La-uell,

Comitem Oaeonia.
Dom. Awdlq,

Dom. Je. Papehaw,

Dom. Tho. Study.

In the twenty fth Tear of Henry the Sixth, a Chapter 'was held at Wyn
dchr on the 'very Erve of St. George, which happened on a k Saturday; in
'which the Sovereign had preent rwith him

The Duhe of Yonk,

Lord Sudelcy,

Duke of Buckingham,

Sir John Beauchamp,

Margue of Southfolk,

Sir John Faol.

The Marquei of Dorizt did not come to the

Veere, and therefore he

ing charged twith coming too late, was excluded from the Eleon then in

Hand; The Re that rwere ahent were ere-ued.

In which EIeHion the Knight: 'who rwere preent

'The Duke of York,

The lC. of Porcugal, I/i ea. Burghch, Sir William Ooldalc,

D. 0 Northfolk, Lord Awdlcy, Sir Andrew Ogard,
Eer of Oxford. Beron Carew. Sir Will. Bonevylc.
The K, of Portugal, I/i. Bourghch, Sir Ro. Schotesbrokg,"

TheD. ofBuckingham,

D. 0 Northolk, Lord Lovell,

Sir John Popeham,

Ear of Oxford. Lord Awdley. Sir Thomas Stanley.


L steGeorgeb- Eve in 14 7, we: on Saturday. 12' this Order delivered h) bing to the Queen and everal
a Note mereea 'ender 'be is: Year, titwill appear that len-lie: in 'hie 25 Teer.
lb' Keeper of the Wardro e accounted for Habit: of



__ _

- --


-_ ----


Actauh Anno 'viceimo quinto H E N R I C I Sexti.

1 23

Regem Portugalie,

Com Devonia. Dom. Rch. Roos,

Marchio Southfoleia, Ramhrjth de ill/ele), Com. Northumh. Dom. Rie. Wood-gle,

Joannem de Vajnoda. Dom. Saj.
Dom. Andt. Ogard.

Regem Portugalie,
Dominus Sudeley,

Vicec. Bourghth, Dom Gul. Bone-vile,

Ducem Northfbleia, Dom. Low/i,

Dom. Roger. Fenys,

Comitem Devonia.

Dom. Art-dle),

Dom. Joan. Popeham.

Regem Portagalie,

Dom. Left/ell,

Dom. Roh. Roos,

DomQTo. Beaachamp, Ducem ZVorthfoIcie, Dom. Anvdley,

Domhitip. Cayrtnq,

Comitem De-vonia.

Dom. Say.

Dom. Rager. Fenys.

Regem Portugalia,

Dom. Amdlej,

Dom. Ro. Hungeiford,

Dom. Joannes Faolf, Ducem Northjbleie, Dom. se),

Comitem Arundelia. Dom. Cljord.

- 100.

Dom. And. Ogard,

Dom. Gul. Bone-vile.

Nominatione ic tranact Supremoq; commendata, Rex illuri:

mus ' Portugalie uit in hanc Societateln unanimiter electus, loco pratcla
ti Ducis Gloeelrize, qui nuper mundo valedixerat.

Viceimo iaptimo No-'vemhris ejudem m Anni po mortem inclyti Du

cis Exonite, peracta e electio alterius Equitis, in cubiculo Refis intra Pa

latium uum l/Vemonaerii, habentis ibi ecum h_os illius Or inis

Ducem Ehoraoi,
Ducem Buokyngamize,

Marchionem Doret,
Vicecomitem Beaumond,

Marchionem Southfolcie,

Dominum Sudelq.

The K, of Portugal,


E.ofDevonhire,Sir Robert Roos,

The Mar. ofSoutholkambnth de Waley,E. of NorthumbuSir Rich. Woodvile,

John de Vaynodn. Lord Say.
Sir Andrew Ogard.
Lord Sudeley,

The K, of Portu al, Viio. Bourghch, SirWilliam Bonevyle,

D. of North olk, Lord Lovell,
Sir Rogcr Fenys,
E. of Dcvonhirc. Lord Awdlcy.

Sir John Beauchamp,

Sir John Faolfc,

Sir John Popcham.

The K, of Portugal, Lord Lovell,

Sir Robert Roos,
D.of Northolk, Lord Awdley, Sir Philip Courcney,
E. of Devonhire. Lord Say.
Sir Roger Fenys.

The K, of Portugal, Lord Awdley,

D. of Northfokk, Lord Say,

E. of Arundcl.

Sir Rob. Hungerord,

Sir Andrew Ogard,

Lord Clyord. Sir Will. Bonevyle.

The Nomination heing thus o-'Uer and recommended to the Sovereign, the mo

illurious King of I Portugal was unanimouy eleed into this Soeiet), in the Place
of the mo nohIe Duke of Gloceer, who had lately hid adieu to the World.
On the twenty eventh of November in the lime m liar, upon the Death

of the renowned Duke of Exeter, an Eleon was made of another Knight in

the King's Bed-chamher within his Palate at Wemitler, he hart-ing there

with him thei- (Knights) of 'the Order

'Ihe Duke of York,

Marqueis of Dorliet,

Duke of Buckingham,
Mar7ue s o Southolk,
l See t'have Page 130. note b-

Viiount Beaumond,
Lord Sudel Y .

m e note n. m the bllozting Page, that it hould he

in 26 . 6.




Actajub Anno oicemo quinto H E N R-l C l tSexti.

Qli, ad quod bcnc uccerant, in hanc clectionem rite proccdcntcs 8:

nominantcs, pra? aliis ibi nominatis eligendum ccnucrunt Dominum

Franctcum " Surreyne, alio nominc Arroneys, quem 8: Rcx libcntcr admi

it ac elcctum pronunciavit o. Poca vcro Decembris octavo cum cct

Windeiori, Marchioni Southfolcia przecepit, ut cundcm in izdcm uam cu
rarcr introduccndum, Vicccomite Beaumond 8; Domino Joanne Beau

chatnp pmcntatltibus.

Who being full enough for this Purpoe, proceeding duly to an Eleion, and

giving in their Names, were of Opinion Thatpreferably to the others there named,
Sir Francis " Surrcync alias Arroncys hould he choe; Whom the King alo

quillirtgly' admitted and declared him 0 elefled; Afterwards alb on the eighth
of December, when he was at Wyndcor he game Orders to the Marguei'

of Southolk to talze Care of his being inlalled, I/tcount Beaumond and

Sir john Bcauchamp preented him.
n Whatever 'night be the lnducentent, Our Compiler
hath omitted a Decree nt-tde in thy Chaozer, touching

Other Dewties to be paid by theaid Knights at thtyre


the Right o] Garter King o ' Arms, which Mr- Ahm.

Ht/l. p. 46', ound in th: , cgih. Chartac- jol. 2511. bbeswcrsaiome
In prym' t th ClJanonsoj th e CF-lled e
and hath tran ated it into Englih '* That tt was ar
" dained to e at the pleaure of' every Knight Com
a panion at the Time of his In/tallatiott, whether Gar
" ter gKing of Arms hould have the Garnst-ttt,
" wbics each Kni ht id then wear, or a Compoinon

A ran
A Duke


'i in Money accnr ing to his Eate." According to an




--xx xx

-- -- viii l. vi s. viii d

A Erle
-- x mks.
AI/'yconte ---- v l. xvi s. viii d.

ancient Manucript in the Cuod of thir Colle-ctor there

were everal other Fees ettlelat the ame Chapter,

whics it there aid to have been held on 27 November
in the 26 Tcar of Hcn. VI, Wherein this Sir Fran
cis Surienne was elected, and in Truth this Computa

A But/on


A Bachelar Eight

tion mu be right, for this Entry in this Black-book

on 27 Nov. ejudem anni being after .the Celebration

of the Feitoal, on St. Georgds Day in the 25 Tcar,
mu of Coure relate to the 26th Tear of his Retgn,
trhtch commenced on the la of Augu.

H- 7- p 257. 258.


I] ma

Beyt emembrtd that the 27 daye of Novembretn

the 26 Ter: of King Henrye the Syxte, The soverigne,
The Duke of Yorkc, The Duke of Buckingham,

The Marques of Suolke, The Marques Doret

The Pyconte Bcaumont and the Lord Sudeley dyd


-_- v l.


v rnhs.

To the Re ire
-_-To the
er of 'Thordre

-- xxx I.
xx s. or x t.

To the Vyccart and Clerk: - xx t- or xiii t- iv d.

To the Vergers


To the Sextens

-- vi s. viii d. or ii s. vi d.

vi t. viii d.

To the Querylers -- - vt. oriii r.ivd.

othTo thee Clerk
at theySteward
pleae of the Fea or z n noblU'
me Gentlemen Ujjhers -- vi s. viii d. or xx s.

To the Il/larhalh of the Halle

iii t. iiii d.
To the Clerke of the Kytchyn
iiii d.
To the Kings Set-wants Wayttrs lberallye at theyr-e
pleaure or by the dyscretyon of the Stenarde of the
t is alo there entred Fyr/l to Garter his' gowne, and
beyde 'or a Statute Booke of tlfordre xl s.
It ould be oh ent/ed that the Names of the Can/parts'

a Chaptre within
at the pallyce
of Weiminier
where the
d d elekile
Sir Francis
ren alirtt Arragouocs into tJe Stalle of John Duke of
at thethat
among/tof them
hyt was
nhoe qgrtyd
and tho-iyce
ons aid in thir anucript to 'sat/e been preent at this
have at the ln/lallacion. of anye Knight of tbttrdrc as Chapter ee with the Entry in thir Black-hook.
o For He Reaon mentioned in theforegoing Note. The
For the Sovtraligne

A range King
A Ptynce


-- ---__.


11 l

Election of this
' bt was in the Introdutlion p. 75.
placed in tbe 26 of .Vl- where the Reader may con

'-_' 1] m' t ame Payments made to him in that Tear out of the
chequer, upon the conideration of his bein a Corn
--- xxl

pattion of thu- Order, to which may be ad ed a _Prt

Seal, bearing Date is Decemb. 26 H. 6. recttin
A Erle
-_-- xx noble: 'i Foramoche as we underanding that our right tru/F
A Vconte -_- -- -- v .xvi .- viiid '- and tore/beloved FranceysAragonez late made Knig st
_'----V I.
" of the Garter hath paidfor hit Feet to the college of
A Banneret
-_ iiii L '* St. George at Windeor 13. 6. 8. and then or
q ders the Rctepayment thereof.
A Bachelor Knt' ht
\--- iiii m.
O the Kings ytsetenattte --'- xls

A Duke
A Marques



-- xx m
-_-- x l


Actauh Anno nicoemoxtofi E Ni-R I-CI Sexti. .

Anno roiceimo Sexta Regis Henrici Sexti Vigilia Divi Georgii, centum
e Wjndetri Concilium, in quo prazentes cum Supremo ueruut,
Dux Buckjngamite,

Dominus Scales,

Marchio Southfolcite,

Dominus Sudelej,


Dominus ye. Beauchamp.

Rex Dacite

Dux Auinherite
Dux de Vy en

, Comes de Longsvyle
Comes A-"oeretttia

Comes de Kendale
Dominus Franc. Surrejne

Dux SomerjZ-tite
Comes Salopite
Dominus Fawcunhrjdge

Dominus Joannes Rohertjitcke

Dominus Thomas Hoo

In the twenty ixth Tear of King Henry the Sixth on St. Georgds Eve,

a Chapter was held at Wyndeior, in which were preent with theovereign

*ct The Duke of Buckingham,

Lord Sudely,
Maraue of Southolk,

Lord Scales,
Lord Beauchamp.

The King of Denmark

Duke of Qiinbery
Duke of Vieu
Count Longvyle
Count d'Avranches
Count de Kendale

h Foreigners.

Sir Francis Surreyne

The Duke of Someriet

Earl of Shrewsbury
Lord Fawcunbridge
Sir [ohn Roberticke
Sir Thomas Hoo


were in Normandy, by the [ings Command.


1 36

Alla ub Anno nicemoeptimo H E N R I C I tSexti.

Dux Ehoraci


Comes Sarishuria


_> abentes (ed per Suprcmum excuati.

Dominus Wylloughby

Dominus Joannes Faolf

Scdes adhuc Sigimondi permanit vacua.

Rex Portugalia anno uperiore electus, ed nondum introductus erat.
Qioniam ante, hoc p anno nobilis Exonite Dux expirarat, oblata unr
ejus in mit pro demctis Inignia, Dominus Sudeley 8: Dominus Joan
nes Beauchamp Gladium, Dux Buchjngamite ac Marchio Southfolcite Galeam

cum appendicibus obtulerunt.

P. toz.

Regis Henrici Sexti Anno nice/imo eptimo Wjttdeori Concilium e ini

tum, pridie Georgiana olennitatis, in quo cum Supremo preelentes erant
Dux Southfttlcite,
Dominus Scales,
Dominus Sttdeley.

The Duke of Yorkc
Earl of Salisbury

Lord Wylloughby
Sir John Faolfe

were abent, but excuid ly the Sovereign;


The Stall of Sigiinond continued ill roacant.

The IGng of Portugal was eleed theforegoing Tear, but notjet inalled.
And hecaui: the noble Duke of Exeter had diedome time before in this P Year,
his Trophies were oered up at the Mai" for the Deceaid; Lord Sudeley and

Sir John Beauchamp oered the sword, the Dulee of Buckingham and Mar
que- of Southolk his Helmet and Appurtenances.
In the z7th Year of King Henry the Sixth, a Chapter was held at Wynq

the Daj beforei the Feal of St. George, in 'which 'were preent with
The Duke of Soucholk,
Lord Scales,
Lord Sudeley.
p John Holland Dht Of Exeter died 5 Auq, 25 Time appointed bthe lqthctrticle ofthe Statutetdl-LV.
H- 6. Ech. 26 H. 6. n. 25, and wasutceeded bysir
'The whole Societ) is here enumerated, nhereone
in or
nho nas 'itYla/led on 8 Dec. And yet the Hatchments mandyx
of Portugal
not inalled,
o this Do emre not oered till the [day after thefol- and the Stalloj 'be Emperor Sigimond had remained
'tying Fm at the M/Le of Requiem, ubit: was th' long empty.


Actuuh Anno viceymoetiuto 'H

Rex Duo-ice


I iiexti.

'37 i

Dux Winherize

Dux de Vieu

Comes Long-vile

oris in patrio oio

Comes de Kendu/e

Comes A-vermcie

Dux Someretize

Comes Set/opie
Dominus Fu-'wcunhrjdge
Dominus Fremcicux Surrejne
Dominus Jo. Robert/bake
Dominus Thomas Hao
Dux Eharuct'

in Normania, Supremi mandatis obe


Dux Buekjttgamiee

Comes Sariehurize
Dominus Hungnford

- _ .

1, abiznces, 8: abbntiam ecauis Supremus

approbat 9.

Vicecomes Beaumoud

Dominus Joan. Beauehump



The King of Denmark

Duke of Quinbery
Duke of Viien

rwere abroad being in their man Country.

Count Longvyle!
Count of Kendale
Count of Auranches

The Duke



Lord Fawcunbridge

rwere in Normandy, aher-viug the Sawe

Sir John Robertackc

Sir Thomas Hoo

Earl of Shrewsbury
Sir Francis Surreyne


reigm orders;


The Duke of Yorke

Duke of Buckyngham
Earl of Salisbury

were aheut, and the Sovereign approve:

their Ahncefor the Reum: ofit 9.

Lord Wyiloughby
Lord Hungerord
Vicount Beaumond
SirJohn Beauchamp


g -'The Name of Sir Iohn Faiolf i: by ome Accident omitted, which would complete this Fruternilj


. z 38

_.__- .__'_ e

Acta ub Anno vice/imo octavo H E N R I C Sexti.

Adhuc vacabat (izdcs Sigtmondi, nec in uam Portugaliee Rcx introductus,
quanquam ante biennium clcctus.

P. 103.

Anno vice/imo obiavo Regis Henrici Sexti, viccimo Tertio r Aprilir,

ccrpit: celcbrari Concilium Wndeori, cui Buchtgtgatnie Dux a. Rcgc Depu

tatus ibi prxfuit, ecum habens hos illius inignis Ordinis
Dominum Scales,

Dominum Joannent Faolfi.


The Stall of Siginund was ill vacant, nor was the King


jet inalled in his, tho eleed two Tears before.

In the twenty eighth Tlear of

Henry the Sixth, on the twenty third

of ' April, a Chapter began to be held at Wyndcor, in which the Duke of

Buckyngham Deputed by the King preded, having with him thee [Knights]
of thia noble Order
Lord Scales,
Sir John Faol
r There remains a Privy Sea! for paying to the He
ralds, a coniderable Sum of Largees due to them at
Feivalt, from the 28th to the zqth Tear of this Kin s

Reign incluive, wherein the repective Feals of t.

George arepected.

The Schedule encloed.

Anno XXVlll.
The I-'e/ies o Chrimas and newe year -- x I.
The Fe o Saint George
- ct.
The Fi of Whitonride --- '-- x mare.

Memorandum quod vii die Dec. Anno ub

cripto, iud breve liberatum fuit Can
cellario Anglia apud Wem. cxequendutn.
H E N RY by the Grace of God King of En land
and of Fraunce 'nd Lord oflrland To t e Re
verendfader in God our Right tru), and ire/beloved
Cottxn George lit/hop of Exceire our Chauncellor
Grettng, We tgnifie unto you, that we have under/Zanden

by thumble Supp/icacion of oure tue/beloved Servauntt

John Smert otherwie called Gartier, William Tin

Anno XXlX.
The Fe/l of Allhalowen --

-- x nt.

The Fes of Chriimas and newe year - x l.

The Fe of Twelthtide
- c e.
The Fe/i of Pach


The Fe of Saint George

The Fe/l of Whitontide


-_- x nt.

---_ x m.
---- x t'

Anno XXX

The Fe of all halowen


-- x m.

The Fe of Chrimas and newe yere -- x l.

dnle otherwie called Lanca/ire, John Wrixworth

otherwie called Guyenne Kings of Armes, and

The Fe of Pach-

bther heraults of thoce of Armes, howe there is due

unto tha m the omm ofccxliii I. vi s. viii d. for 'haire
Large _e, proc aimed before us at high feies holde be
fore thts tyme, at it appereth in a cedule here cloed,
of which Som the) have paied and contented unto other

'Ihe Fe/l of All halowen
-- xm
The Fes of Criimas and newe yere - x l.
The Fe/l ofthe newe made Knight: at the Tour" c s
Tl'e Fe
Fe of
of Pache
Twelthridc -_---ix cm.s.

heraults raungicrs, as of Portjngale, Dennemarl',

and Scottel-tnd, and of other Lands ; And houre none
late Clarenceua- one of our aid Kinges of Armes

elyed in grete peizurje, and Margaret late his ivie

for lah ofGoodes goth in beggyng, and veth by the
almes of Gode people. Within oure Gtee of London:

wherefore We of our Grace epechia/l have graunted un

to the aid John, William, and John. paiemen! and
eontentation of th' aid Som by our Letters patentt to
be made under our grete Stall in due foul-me accordyn

unto the Tenour here enclo/ed, oo therfore we tro/land

rit-terior, rim after an Tenure a the [an orat, ,.

doo 'nal-e our lettres Patents under oure rete Seall in
due fourme. Teven under our prive Sea at oure Gitee

Fittznzii 'to de of Novembreum-ofme

Ex orig. in Turre:

The Fe of St. George


Anno 'XXXlL
The Fe of All halowen

_-'- c J

--- x n'
- x m;

The Fe/l of' the Puricacion of the Qui-ne - x I.

The Fel of Chrimas and newe ycre _- x I.

The Fell of' Pache
The Fe o St. George


--_- x 'm
-_- x m

The Fi o Whitontidc --

--- x m.

Anno XXXlll.
The Fi of All halowen
-- x mi
The Fes of Chrimas and newe yere - x l.
The Fel of Pache
--- x m,
The Fe/l of St. George


The Feji' of Whitontidc


- x m,

3- x m.

Actatth Anno vice/imo octano H

N R I C l Sexti.


Rcx abcrat Leycerite, ubi Senacus-conultmn, quod 6: Patliameutum

inituerat, ecum hujus Ordinis habcns
Ducem Southfolciee,
Dominum Sudelej.
Rex Daciee

Dux de Vifm
in patria ua.
Comes Long-vile

Comes de Kendale

The King was ahent, heing at Leiceer, where he had called a council or
Parliament; ha-"oing with him of the Order
The Duke of Southolk,

Lord Sudelcy.
lhe King of Denmark
Dulee of Vien

were in their omen Country.

Count Longvyle
Earl of Kendale
Anno XXXlV.
The Fe of Al] halowen
The Fi of Chrimas and newe yere

a: pro lenatia. olutione 8: contentatione dictz

- x 'n ummz ucentarum quadraginta trium 'ibm-um
- x l. ex olidorum 84: octo denanorum eis cienda pex'

-_-* c e. literas noras patentes conceerimus eis, quod ip.

-- c t. haberent 8: percipienr eandem ummam Ducen.
'i of s" (Jew-Te X "m" Z xxiiie.
iiii d. tarum quadraginta trium librarum ex olidorum 85

w The
-- -- x m, octo denariorum de Cuumis 8: Subdiis lanaruma:
pellium lanutarum in portu Civitatis norz Lon
don per manus Cuutnariorum ive Collectorum
Roger Lygh m: this Clarenceux, who died under earundem
pro iposct
Eore exientium
per 8eIndenturas
thee Cirtttm anee: of' Poverty, which it lj/ to he won
dred, hete' e we ha Ind h) a Note, whic) will be in
uumarios ive Collectores 8; pmatos Jo
ferted under the 31 Tmr rf 'hie King? Rei n, that a he hannem, V/Iimkrn, 8: Johannem conciendas o
" had done (at the Word: are) gao and ilsgent Ser lutionem ive contentationem ummz przdictz
" 'vice to that Ki tr thepace of nineteen Ter' without 8: cujulibet ejudem parcella: teiieantes, per quas
The Fe of Twelthtide
-The Felt of Pache

'* an) Wager or I-"ige."

volumus 8: conceerimus quod pradicti Cuumarii

In Puruancenjf this Privy Seal, The chancel/our iue Collectores in compoto uo ad bcaccarium no
[si/I a Pater-t u er the Great Sea! dated the 8lh of rum debitam inde haberent Allocationem, proud
in literis przedictis plenius continetur, Vobis przci.
ec. a: follows.
pimus quod przfatis ohanni WtIIinto-Sc frhanni di
ENR IC US DeiGratia Rex Anglia 8: Fran ctam ummam ducentarum quadraginta tum libra
cit' 8: Dominus Hihernict, Cuumariis ive rum, ex olidotum 8e octo denariorum de Cuu
Collectoribus Cuumarum 8: ubidiorum lanarum 8:
8: ubidiis
per Indenturas
inter Vos
8.: Johannern
coriomm t pellium lanut. in rtu Civitatis no
Htz London, qui nunc unt, ve qui tempore erunt tempore in teinpus debite conciendas olutionem
Salntem. Cum umma hcentarum uadraginta ive contentationcm ummze przdictze, 8e cujuibee
trium Jibrarum, ex olidorum 8: octo genariorum ejudem partisteicantes de tempore in tempus

per Nos debeantur dilectis Nobis Johanni Smert olvatis juxta tenorem literarum ptazdictarum, per
quarum quidem lndenturarum alteram partem 8:
jobanni Writ-worth alias dicto Gnyenne, Regibus A' praecns mandatum norutn vobis inde in compoto
m0rum,pro eorum Largeiis coxam nobis proclama vero ad Scaccarium norum de tempore in
tis diebus Feiivalibus per eptem annos, proximo tempus debitam allocationem habere aciemus.
po annumyicemum eptimum regni nori clap Tee meipo apud Wetet. viii die Det. Anno regni -

aiias Garter. Wt/Iirno Tenda/e alias dicto Lancarqae

as, de qua quidem umma ipi aliquam olutionem

ve comentarionem hucul; minime adepti unt

noiri triceimo nono.

Mr. Rymer wi. xi. p. 467, hath publihed the Copy

en habuerbnr. Unde Nobis upplicarunc ut ibi of another Patent upon thte ame Aye-r ated 7 Dcc.
f Hollingh. p. 63', aiththe parlement ma: in this
olutionem 8: contentationem ejudem ummz in

forma equente concedere dignaremur Nos praemia 281h Tear adjourned from Black-friers to Leiceier,
coniderantes 8: przfetis yohanni, 1 illimo, 8: - Where we know the IGng was on 29 Apr- Rymer "uol- xi.
hanni hujumodi olutionem 8: contentationem eri p. 269.
cupientca ut tcnemur, De graria nora pecialid


Actauh nn., oientooflaoo

N R I C I seize


Dux Eboraei erat in Hibernia.

Dux Sonteretia "

Dominus Fran; fsurreyne

militizr aberant in Normania.

Dominus Joan. Robertaeke

C m S ' b -'


. .


Z adverimos Reglsztn Galha Adebellabant.

Rex ' Portugalize quarto ab hinc Annoelectus in hunc Ordinem, non

dum illam ibi edem podendam curarat.


Impeiatoris Sigi/mundi

D "m,
' ". gin"
' bctie.

. ' per mortem

. vacuat ctz unt x.

Comms Arverenttte

Domini Hungerord

The Duke of Yorke was in Ircland.

The Francis
Duke ofSurreync
Someret i were ahent being in the War:
- - 1 in Normandy.
Sir John Robertlhcke
The Earl ofSalisbury
Lord Fawcunbridge

i' we" lhbduing 'be K-Z's Emi" iFmnCc.

The King of ' Porttlgal, who was eleHed four Tbars ago into thio' Order,
had not jet taken Care to he inalled.

The Emperor Sigimoncrs

Duke of " Quinberyk Stalls were rvaeant by their Deaths x.
Count-of Auvrancheshr
Lord Hungerordk
t See introduction p. 52, 53, 186. and Notes to this r want of e ucient Number a Campanian: required
Zoolz p. m, 122. 125.
by the-Statute.
a 'The Stall: of this Duke of Coimbro and Earl of
x Here are onh veteen Campanian', The King of
Averence became void by their Deaths in the Battle of Poland, andfour meant Stall', which with 'be Earl r
Alato Robera 20 Ma

1449. 27 Hcn. 6. See In-

Shrewsbury, Vseount Beaumont, Lords Hoo, W -

tend. p. 39 and that o the Lord Hungcrord became lqughby, and Beauchamp here omitted, would eam
empty h) his Death on 'the 9th of Augui 'ollowi , plete the Soeiety.
And 'tis probable na Etcians- n'ere made a' t is Feh,


's 4. 1
Actatch Anno oicemo octa-vo H E N R l C I Sexti. * In quorum loca, novi, ut uccederent, Scrutiniuln e habitum in Cyu

biculo Regis intra Palatium V/emona/Ierii, 1 quarto (Equcncis Augzzjli, in

modum, qui ubcqultur
Nominabant enim

Regem Arrogoniae,
Dux Bac/eyxgamia,

Dux Samerertia,

Dominus Scales,

ViccGBanrght/J, Dom. Tho. Rem/g/Iozz,

Ducem Bromtrvycljia, Dom. Love/I,

Dom. Ro. Schote/I/ro/ze,

Ducem Exaid-

D0m.GaI. Motmdford.

Dom. Azvdley.

Regem Arrogonia, Vicec. Boarghth, Dom. Tho. Rempon,

Ducem Mediolani
Dom. Cljbrdf. Dom. Roh. Odar,
Ducem Brom/vjehia. Dom. Awalley. _ Dom. Rich. Harjngton.

Regem Arrogonia,
Regem Polonia,

Dom. Clyotd,
Dom. Ryz/ers,

Ducem Bramtnyehia. Dom. Amdley.

Regem Arroganiz,

Dom. Rich. Hary/gton.

Vicec. Boarghth, Dom. Tho. Rempon,

Vicecom. Beaamond, Ducem Bramxzzychia, Dom. Ryruers,

Ducem Narthfolcia. Dom. Love/I.

Regem Arragonia,
Dom- Je. Beaaehamp, Ducem Exonia,

D0m.Th0. Rempan,
Dom Gut. Odar,

Dom. Ed. Hangerford,

Dom. Rich. Hary/Qgron.

Vicec. Boarghch, Dom. Tho- Rempon,

_ b Dom. Cljard, DomGal. Il/Ioandford,

Ducem Bromznythia. Dom. RyuerL'

Regem Arrogonia;
Dom. Joan. Faol Ducem Exonia,

Dom. Rie. Harjngtan.

Dom. Cbord, Dom. Tho. Rempon,

Dom. Lo-ue,
Dom. Ed. Hungerford,

Ducem Bromtnythia. Dom. Rjvers.

Dom. Ric. Harjrhzgtatz.

Tra-n -

Into whoe Place: that ne-w One: might ceceed, a Serutiny was had in the

King's Bed-chamher, rwithin the PaIaee of Weminer, the 1 fourth of the

next Augu, after the following Manner

' '


TheK, of Arragon, Vico. Burghch, Sir Tho. Rcmpon,


The D. of Someret,

D. ofBromiwychLord Lovell,

Sir Ro. Schotebrook,

D. of Exeter.

Sir Will. Moundford.

Lord Awdley.

TheK, of Arragon, Vzca. Bur hch, Sir Tho. Rempon,

D. of Milan,
Lard Cly ord, sir Robert Odar,
D. ofBromiwyckLLord Awdley. Sir Rich. Haryngton.
TheK, of Arragon, Lord Clyord, sir Tho. Rempon,

Lard Scales,

K, of Poland,

Lard Ryvers,

D. ofBromiwych-Lord Awdley.
The/C. of ArraFOn,

Vi/Zount Beaumond,

Sir Wiiazn Odar, _

Sir Rich. Haryngton.

I/iea. Burghch, Sir Tho. Rempon,

D. ofBromi Wych,Lord Ryvers,

D.of Northfolk. 'Lord Lovell.

Sir Ed. HungerFord,

sir Rich. Haryngton.

The K, of Arragon, Vzc. Bour hch, so Tho. Rempon,

Sir John Bcauchamp,

D. qf Exeter,
Lord Cly ord, Sir Will. Moundord,
D.0fBromiwych;L0rd Ryvers. sir Rich- Haryngton.

The I<,. ofAn-agon, Lard Clyord, Sir Tho. Rempon,

Sir John Faolf,

D. of Exetcr,

Lord Lovell,

D.ofBromiwych.Lord Ryvers.

Sir Ed, Hungcrtbrd,

Sir Rich. Haryngton.

) M- Ahm. Ht. p. 368- oberves that the Regir- Chartac- place: thi: Chapter in th: 291/'1 her.



Actajuh Anno oictyimo octavo H EN R I C I Sexti.


Tranict nominatione, 8: ad Suprcmum adduct, debito conenii

coclecti unt, Rex nimirum V Arrogonum in edem Comitis Averentia, Rex

Polonice in Locum Ducis 4 Qginheria, Dux Bromirzttychia ad edem Du
cis I' Southfolcite, qui jam nuper ctiam e vivis exceerzzt: Sigtmondi vero

edes ut ante relicta e,

Dominus autem_ Rjvers electus e ad Edem

Domini Hungerford, cujus Enis, ac Galea cum annexis Septemhris octavo

po, ub Nativitatis Mariane Solennitate propeni unt per Gulielmum c Bohden
Armigerum, 6: ipi: 'i Veneris proximo in edem uam collocatus.
Factum e aliud ibi ' ubinde Scrutinium, ubi Prelatus Ordinis nomi
nantium voces excepit, 8: oendit Supremo decripcas, in hanc ormam
Nominabant autem

Ducem Exonia,
Dux Buckingantite,

Vicec. Bourghch, Dom. Tho. Remp/Ion,

Ducem Northfolci-e, Dom. Love/i,

Comitem Oxonia. Dom. Awdle),

Dom. Ro. Schotehroke,

Dom. Ric. Harjngtou.

The Nomination heing over and brought tothe Sovereign, there were elefied

hjdue Conent, the King of L Arragon into the Stall of the Count d'Auvran
the King ofinto
DukeofofI' 4 Southiiolk
The Duke
the into
of of
dead. But the Stall of Sigiinond was left as heore: The Lord Ryvers alh
was eleEied to the Stall of Lord Huncrerfiord, who/i Sword and Helmet with
the Appurtenances, were on the 8th o September, on the Fea of the Na

tivityr of the Virgin Mary, hung up hy William 5 Bobden, Eguire, and he him
elf was inlalled on the 'i Friday following.

There was alh ome time after made " another Scrutiny, when the Prelate of
the Order received the I/otes, andhewed them to the Sovereign wrote down in
this Form.

The D. of Exeter,


Vti. Burghch, Sir Tho. Rempon,

D. of Northfolk, Lord Lovell,

Sir Ro. Schotesbroke,

Earl of Oxford. Lord Awdley.

Sir Ric. Haryngcon. ,

z. See Introd. p. 180, 18', 182, 183. and above in

e That the Word ubinde igntiet a diinct uh e

quent Chapter, ee Introd. p. 7 , which eems art er
a The egii. Chattac- places the King of Poland evident from the Dierence of tJo Nominatort in thee
1.' eletled to the Stall of the Duke o Suolk, MS two Scrulinies. The Enquiry in that Place was confined
Ahm. in Mueo. as alo Vinc. in O. Arm. to the ingle Point, whether this Duke of Norfolk uc
n.4.17, and hotb agree, that the Duke of Brunwich ceeded upon the Death, or the Depoal or Ref na
was chorn into that of the Duke fof Conimbro.
tion of Sir Francis Surienne; the more roper Dli 9*
b This Duke was heheaded oon after the holding ition at pra/ent, would he o the exa time of this'
thee Notes

1 20.

the la/fla, to wu on 2 May 28 H. 6.

Elcction, wJich doth not jet a pear to the Collectora

r. Ahm. p. 386, ac uaintsus from the Regii. though it ma) not be unreaonah e to mt, that in Cae

Chartac. that hit sword a

Helm were hu


he had been eltcted hetre the In/ia lation of the Lord

Yvdliam Bouden and Guyetm Herald, which fitter Ryvers, which was done by hit Proctor on Friday the
is omitted by our Co ilcr.
d The Friday next after 8th of Sept. in 1450 was
on the xi De) of that Month, but the Regir-

go Oct. 29 H. 6. no Reaon readily occurs wh that

Drtke, the had been out of the Kin dom hou d no:

rt. have had the ame lndu/gence h the li e Prollor, other

on go Oct.
William Craord
Hi ., 68773' Bow al Oct-W' "Po" 4 FridaYJo that our mgictNrztgthztrdf/Sctljdzioj' the Week right/ly, but omitted

wie Rique
to thetheNation
o thatofAve
he muwhere
oj loing
lhb' Maes,
as this Book places his Inallation in the oth Tear inde
terminately without Deignatlon of the tonth



Actauh Anno nicento octaoo H E N R l C l Sexti.

I 43

Dux Someretia,

Ducem Northfolcia,

Vicec. Bourghch, Dom. Tho. Rempon,

Ducem Exo/tia,

Dom. Bonevjle, Dom. Ric. Haryngton,

Corn. Abrthambrie. Dom. Atvdley.

Dom. Ed. Hall

Ducem Northolcia, Vicec. Bourphch, Dom. Ric. Haryngtan,

Comes Salopia,

Dominus Sudeley,

Ducem Exonia,
Ducem De-uoni-e.

Dom. Bone-vile, Dom. Tho. Rempon,

Dom. Awdley.
Dom. Ro. Schotesbrohe.

Ducem Exontia,

Vicec. Bourghch, Dom. Tho. Stanle),

Ducem Northoltia,

Dom. Bonevyle, Dom. Tho. Rempon,

Corn. Vlhiria.

Dom. Awdlty.

Ducem Exonia,

Vicec. Bourghch, Dom. Ric. Harjngton,

P. nos,

Dom. Ric. Harjngton.

Dominus Beauchamp,
Ducem Northfolcia, Dom.Sa_yntmonds.Dom.
Dom. Awdlq, Dom. Tho.
Comitem Oxonia.
Ed. Hall.

Dom. Je. Faolf;

Ducem Exonia,
Vicec. Bourgbch, Dom.Ro.Schotesbroohe,
Ducem Northfolcia, Dom. CromemelLDOm. Ric. Harjngton,
Comitem Oxonia.

Dom. Grey.

Dom. Tho. Rempflon.

(lufi peract nominatione, 8: de more ad Regem perlat, nobilis

Northfolcia Dux electus e in locum Domini Francici Arreneis jam hc
viti. demcti.

Vice/imo nono anno Re is Henrici Sexti, die Maii ejudern numeri, Wyn
dejbri captum e Con ilium, per I Exonia Comitem a Rege Depu
The D. of Someret,

The D. of Northfolk, l/tc. Bourghch, Sir Tho. Rempon,

D, of Exeter,
Lord Bonevyle, Sir Rich. Haryngton,
E. of Northumb. Lord Awdley.

Sir Edward Hull.

The D. of Northfolk, I/ic. Bourghch, Sir Ric. Haryngton,
The E. ofShrewsbury, D: of Exeter,
Lard Bonevyle, Sir Tho. Rempon,
D. of DcvonhireLord Awdley. Sir Ro Schotesbroke:
Lord Sudeley,

The D. of Exeter,
Vic. Bourghch, Sir Thomas Stanley,
D. of Northolk, Lord Bonevyle, Sir Tho. Rempon,
E. of Wylchire. Lord Awdley. Sir Ric. Haryngton.

Lord Beauchamp,

The D. of Exeter,
I/tc. Bour hch, Sir Ric. Haryngton,
D. of Northolk, Lord Aw ley, Sir Tho. Rempon,
Earl of Oxford. L. Saynrmondes Sir Edward Hull.
The D. of Exeter,

Sir John Faol,

Vie. Bourghch, Sir Ro. Schotesbroke,

D. of Northfolk, Lord Cromwell, Sir Ric. Haryngton.

Earl of Oxford.

Lord Grey.

Sir Tho. Rempon.

Which Nomination beingnihed and brought as uualto the King, the noble Duke

of Norfolk was eleed in the Stead of Sir Francis Arreneis now deceaZ-d.
_ In the twenty ninth Tear of King Henry the Sixth, on the twenty ninth
of May, a Chapter was held at Wyndeor by the Earl of f Exeter deputed

j Who mishtbe intended by this Earl o Excter De- [ Stall according to this Book Sir Francis Surienne had
put] of this Fea on 29 May 29 H. 6. occurs not to

been eleEied, ee above p. 133, 134. and this Dule was

this colleiior, or John Hcna nd Duke of that Place, ucceeded in that 'Iitle hyhit Son Henry, who was born
died on the zth of Aug. in the 25th Tear, into whoe on the 27 Iune 8 H. 6. Ech. 36 H. 6. n. 42- So that

Actauh Anno oictyrnonnono H E NCR I CI Seatit

tatum, 'cum quo tum prxlentes erant, Comes Salopite, Dominus Sudeley,
ac Dominus 'Ha/fyngs.
Rex aberac l/I/Ztttonaerii, ubi Parliamentum olenne tenuit.

Poridie (olennitatis in Mia pro deinctis, Ducis 3 Glocerize, I] Ducis

Southfolcia, 8: 'i Domini Yoannis Robertjitcke,

ui jam nunc ietiam ex hac

vita demigrarat, Enes ac Galex cum appendicibus oblata unt: psioris

Ducis Gladius per Dominum Sudeley 8: Dominum Hajngs, Galea per

Comitem Salopiee 8: Dominum Sudeley: Poerioris autem per eoaem i
militer, Domini vero Roberteieke per Dominum Sudeley s: Dominum
Ha/Iyngs i.

Rex Arrogoniaz
Rex Polonia
Rex Portugalia
Dux Bromiruychiee

ut ut electi, at nondum in edes uas introducti.

h] the King, and with him were then preent, The Earl of Shrewsbury, Lord

Sudeley, and Lord Haings.

The King -was abent being at Weminei, ruthe-re he held a Parliament.
' The next Day at the Mai forthe deceaZ-d, The Swords and Helmets of8 the
Duke ofGloceer, b Duke of Suolk, and Sir 'iJOhn Robertack, rwho were lately

dead, with their Appurtenances were oered. The

Duke's Sword by Lord
Sudeley and Lord Haings, and his Helmet by the Earl of Shrewsbury and
Lord Sudely: the Latter's by the zme Perons likerwi, and Sir John Ro-j
bertiicls by Lord Sudeley and Lord Haings i.
The King of Arragon
King of Poiand
tho' eleted, were not yet iryialled.

King of Portugal
Duke ofBromilwych
4! thisindeed
Time ishenowanted
one again
of Elcfiiotn/ilnd
hein of Age, p.
53. noteto q.another
on the anlaThurday
of Febr. 23d
25 Hen.
in Truth we nd his Name in the Scrutinies of the -28,


and 29 H. 6, and if he was ever elefled into this Or-

of Portugal having been accordt'

orolc. in bibi. Herald. n. 48. And the IGng

to this Re i/ler

der, there is another Inance of a Knight, whoe Name elefied thereto on St.George's Fea olloning, 'tis ome
of Late
the catalogues.
Plates heen
of theomitted
ancient out
we meet withInOxon,

tran e,be the
of the
0 En
Duke jhoultgi
o [on
ince tJe

placed by the I norance of the 'Trantrihers for Exon, ti ns of the Duke of xeter, who died after him were
the Rever/e wsereqf eems not to have happened in the o ered in the 27 Hen. Vi

preent ltiance, not only ince neither of thoe two

h Marthered 2 May 28 H. 6. Ec. n. 35.
great lVolt emen occurr in anyubquent Tears in the
s' Was buried in Chri-Church, or Grey Friers in
Lts 0 the ampanions, but which is a negatine Proof, l ondon, with an Ineription of hit Death on 24 Dec.
both t eir Names are found in the Scrutiniet made A. D. 1450. Stows Surneys of London, p- 219.
i; Iegzzuhe Earl of Oxford? again in the Vinc'
h No Mention is here made of oerin the Hatch
g 'The Death o] the Duhe of Gloceer hap ned, ments of the Duke of Conimbro, or 0 the Earl of
according to a Manutript quoted in the lntro action Auranches




i _-_

triceitto H. E

R I CI Sexti.

Sigimnndi Imperatoris, &iDomini Joanni: Robertizche cdes ibi 1 vacuzr

Anno Regis HenriciScxci triceyitno, coarccriri zcit iplh Supremus Iljm

deori Concilium, cum quo "' pracizntes ibi icrunt
Dux Someretit,

Dominus " Hajngr,

Comes Salopie,

Dominus Jo. Beauchantp,

Rcx DaciaSudeley,

Dominus" Joanne:


Extcri, 8: in extcrnis nibus.

Comes de Kendale


} per Supremum excuiri.


The Emperor Sigiinondk, and Sir John Robcrtickk Stall: ill l remained

In the thirtieth TEar of King Henry the Sixth, The Sovereign himelf caud
a Chapter to be emmoned at Wyndcor, and rwith him were '" then preent
"- The Dnhe of Someriec,

Lord '* Haings,

Earl ofShrewsbuty,

Sir John Beauchalnp,

* Lord Sudeley,

Sir John Faolfc.

The King of Denmark

Duke of Vicn ,
Foreignert, and in foreign Parts.
Count Longvyle
Earl of Kcndalc

The nor-count
Duhe of Buckingham
Beaumond } were excnZ-d by the Sovereign.
l This Entryeem: to irnpl) that ad the other Stall;

n This Lord Hain s it Sir Thomas Hoo, aid

were then lh-d, which can 'ne-in no otherwie than by above to be elected 24 en. 6, who had been treated
an Etection to them, and not that the) were joli by an Baron Hoo and Hain s 26 H. 6, He had formerly
In/lallation, according to the Tenonr of the Statutes; been Keeper of the Sea t o France con/tinned 1 Oct.

1435, and thence made C ancedonr in the Teor follow

i , in which great Ozce he continued till 1 Oct. 1449,

for the Duke of Norfolk, chaen before this Time, m:

not inalled till the zoth Tear.
m Here are 18 Campanian: named, 'ndfonr Knt' ht:
cleft, which with one Vacanq, and the Duke of or
folk, and Vteount Bourgchier then enalled, fill tip

Hii. des Chanceliers. Hit V/t/l bear: Date 12 Feb.

33 H. 6.
'Ilii in Off: Arm. p. 61. In which Year

the Society, whereby the Propo/ition in the introduction

there i: an lnqui/ition after hit Death Ech. n. I 1. in

to en be m: made Gavernour of Mame. Du Cheiie

p. 30- it fu/b rot/ed, that Sir Phili Wentworth Norfolk, which Particular: are here mentioned, be
famed herekcon d not be ofthi: Order, nt only Proitor caue Sir William Dugdale hath omitted then',
,or this Dis e.



-*_' -*_ *_'*

. _._-. _


not: ub Anno trtcemo H E N R I C-l Sexti.


Dux Eboraci
Comes Sarisburize

quoniam cauis non oenis 8: probatis abele

non timebant, ccrtis ac condigni-s poems unt in

Dominus Scales
Dominus Wylloughb]

proximam keivicatem addicti.


Dominus Fawcunbridge in Gallia captus a Regis hoibus, 6: uis.

Dominus Rvers Georiaci, (Zzu Cali/ii manens, 8: ibi morari juus.
P. 108.

Hic per procuratorem uum olenniter in edem uam e introductus

Dux Northfolcize, Dominus Philippa: 0 Wentworth ipe per Comitem Salo

pite ac Dominum Sudelej, Vicecomes autem P Boucer ipemet etiam in deig

natam ibi edem inductus per Dominum Hajngs & Dom. Beauchamp.
Rex Portugalize
Rex Arrogonie

Admil, ed non adhuc in lEdes introducti.

Dux Bromiwichite
Rex Polonite

Sigimundi edes adhuc vacua.


7793 Duke of York

becaue they had dared to be abent, without an]


Cauis either alledged or approved of, were atudged

Lord willimghby

to certain deermed Penalties at the next Fea.

Lord Fawcunbridgc was made Prioner ly' the King's, and his Enemies
in France.

Lord Ryvers was at Georiacum or Calais, and there ordered to ay.

Here the Duhe of Northolk war tlemnl] inalled
his' Prox] Sir Phi
lip o Wentworth in Peron by the Earl of Shrewsburyand Lord Sudeley, and
the Vicotcnt P Boucer alh was inalled in Peron by Lord Haings and Lord

of Portugal
King of Arragon
admitted, but not yet inalled.

Duhe of Bromiwych

King of Poland
Sigiinundk Stall was ill rvacant.

o See above Page 145. note m. and the Introdu&twflp-BO.

lm Henry 'Vicottnt Bourgchiex afterwards crea'e Earl of Eeighad been named in our Serutinies on I

_ Tables, that he was the

[Method oberved in thee
Peron actually inalled therein,Ngtyer the Deat
that Earl, who tra: killed on 20
27 H' 6, for it
appears in this Regi/ier, that the IGng of Arragon

4 Aug- 28 H. 6, and in every Surage of the Nonti-

had been chren into it in the 28th For, and this is ex

'Itwn 'text following. but this Re i/ler is 'lent in the plained by a Mantecri , which informs us, that this
Time of his Election, as alo of is Sta l, the latter

[Gng was


to this stall, and afterwards

himis 'lerapplied
the Earl
by dfi
the Averence
in the eventh
which degncd
n. 417. in
to O.
that Arm.
of Sirand
thit Robart,
Sir John dyi
Vinc.on 24
s?" on 'be Fevereigrfs Side, where his Plate ill re-


Dee. 29 H. 6, A. D. 1450, the Election of fit) Vi

Which is to he undtriood according to the count mu have been ubequenLtht-reto.


Actahh Anno trice/mo prime H rE Nr


* 147.

Henrici Sexti Rcgis anno tricemo Prioto, Aprilis viceimo ecunclo, cum
Supremo Wndeori convcnerunt 'I hii hujus illurimi Orclinis Equites
Comes Sarishurize,
Vicecomes Boucer,

Dominus Sudelgr.


In the thirty ir/l That' of King Henry the Sixth, the i

econd of

April, this-ie 7 Knights of the mo illig/Iriou: Order aemhled with, the Sovereign
at Wyndeor

The Earl of Salisbury,

Itcount Boucer,

Lord Sudcley.
the Alteration:
incein the
of H.according
6. it maytonot
amifr to give Schenies
and of
thee are lent according to other Authorities, or probable Conjectures.
23 H. 6. hyMi-the placed inthlr Reger under 'be 22d Ten'

I The Swereignk Side

2 Duke of. Glocte'

30 H. 6.

rsb bl , t"or merly my
intog of
the Pnrtugdl,
fourth ofelected
the Prihcehaside.

3 Duke oFfTgh
-- eeded b-- F-The &me.
ke 0
cc out df Sir
ranci: } The Duke of Norfolk'
4 D gurierme,
who is
the Tables
' 5 Hact Take


x Earlol-'Kdl
e 1
e a es? b'

6 Earl of Serum

The &me.

7 Duke of Someret, ucceeded by Dalmarla Earl

of A/ernncber, and then the King of Armgon
was clected, who was afterwards choen to Z Henry Vicount Bonrgchier.

the econd of the Prince's Side

8 Kin of Dewdrh

9 Du e of' Budingham
10 Lord Sudely





The ame.


e ame.


e ame.


1 1 Earl Longvile
--13 Void, which had been the Lord Famxehopfs -

The ame'
Lord Hoo and Hziingr.

l The Princds Stall void ----_

* 2 Sir j' Hair/m , -_--'m

King of Arregon formerly elected to the eventh of
duesovereigrs Side, revelected hereto, but omit
ted out of th: Tables for want of lnallation.

3 Sir John Fa/iolf

_ ----*-*-*4 Void, u/hich had been the Lord Bardolfs, and

The ame.

whereto 'tis probably the King of Porringer! Z Lord Beaulmmp Of. Powd
had been r elected, and then rechoe into
the econd on the Sovereiglfs Side
5' Lord Scale: v
4---- ' The ame.
6 Duke oFConimbro, whoe Name is 'through
King of Poland not mmedin theTables for want
Carelcsnes omitted
o an lnallation,

Duke of Brim with omitted out of the Tables for

the ame eaon, but by a Note of Mr. Ah
l ;

'= 'fwqhs Su/fm- -

8 Marque Doret




9 Lord F-zconberge
---Io Hid'
Lord Hon
erjhrd ' _-,
'11 wombe-ry
'hw . -.-:
12 Vicount Beanmont

I; Duke of Vzm




'no/Us in the M eam n. 11 s, taken from the


charm. t is Duke ucceeded the Duke

o Canimbro and the King of' Roland ucceeded
the Marzule sSu-BIL, and thus they are placed
in Fine. . in O: Armor. n. 417.
The ame by Title of Duke of Someret.


The ame.


Lord Rivers.


The ame.
The ame."

r I

The ame.

' *'*"*' 'it would tal-e ry m melrRmn in this Place to enlarge upon each Particular.
q .Here
Knight: n-zmed and whoe
two I/'xzctvzcietgi
The Lord
' much
pj/b are
the 22LardiF-acunbxidge,
Name i: omitted
St. ]ames't
the former
Tear Ech.
30 H- 6.died
n. 48.


' 148

Actauh Anno tricejfmo primo

Dux Buckyngamia

CI Sexta', i r

Dux Northfeiloia
Dux Someretia

Dominus Beauchamp

Y excuti per Suprenuni.

Dominus Scales

Vicecomes Beaumona'

Dominus Joannes Faolf

Dux Ehoraci
Dominus Ha/lings



Rex Dacize

ccrtis pocnis adjudicati, ut qui citta ucien

im abee non ormidarcnt.

Comes de Kendale
gin regnis 8: patriis uis.
Comes Lmigrvi/e

Dux de Vim
Comes Salopia aberat Burdouria, Dominus autem River: Calii.
Rex Portugalia
Rex C Arrogonia
Rcx Polonia

' ', d
e nihilo magls'

Dux Bronuuiichiee

The Duke of Buckyn ham

Duke of No
Duke of Someret
Lord Beauchamp
Lord Scales

> were exeufed by the Sovereign.

VZ-amt Beaumond
Sir John Faol

The Duke of Yorke

were adjudged to certain Penalties, as dating to he

ahent withouteeient Can e.

Lord Haings

The King of Denmark

Earl of Kendale
Count Longvyle
Duke of Vien

were in their Kingdom: and Countries.

The Earl of Shrewsbury was ahent being at Bourdeaux, and Lord Ryvers
at Calais.

The King of Portugal

King of ' Arragon
King of I Poland

gt often declared elected, were not jet inallezl.

Duke of Bromiivych
Poland Zroiii Orzi',
'h-egljoifndAtihagtclitle', 1"m, dcti
a o" me. 52 . "on 'I .


Actattb Anno tricentoprime H E N R I C Jexti,


Dux Sedes vacux, Sigzmundi, 6; Domini V/yllotaghltj.

Hic in mis conuct Enis Domini l/Vylloughhj per [l Vicccomitcm .S'ttdele)v

8: Dominum Boucer, 8: Galca per Comitcm Sarisbttrie 8: Vicccomitcm

Boucer cum Appendicibus oblata unt.

Scriba Supremo memorabat de Miiis pro delnctis celcbrandis, 8: Su

premus obiter hazc poulata praeanda curavit.

Aberat ab hac feivitate Prelatus V/yntoniens Epicopus, 8: de ju

Causa; loco cujus Bangorenis Epicopus, divina Divi Georgii cclebravir, 8c

poridie Miam pro demctis. At ' Abbas Towjrhjll, cuja intererat

Evangelium Mia: olcnnis incinerc, 8: Miam poea pro dcfunctis:
ac Abbas '- Medemenant ad quem Epiolaris lectio lectabat, abcntes
taxati unt.


Nulla c hic elcctio pcracta 5 quod Equitum prozizntium minor eet

numerus, quam qui id per Statuta bene poterat.

Hoc anno clarima Regina lium pcperit Edoardum nomine.


The two Stalls of Siginlund, and Lord Wylloughby were rvacant.

Here at the utal Ma Lord Wylloughbfs Sword was oered bj-ll Fi-aunt
Sudelcy and Lord Bouccr, and his Helmet with the Appurtenances by the Earl

of Salisbury and Vzcoant Boucer.

The Regi/ler put the Sovereign in Mind of celebrating Mas for the de
ceaaed, and the Sovereign on the Spot ordered thee Things requiite to he per

The Bihop of Winchcer the Prelate was abZ-nt from this Solemnitj, and
for a
Cau; in who: stead the Bi/hop of Bangor celebrated di-oine Service
fhr St. Georgds Day, and upon the next Day Mas for the Deceafed. But
Abbot' Towyrhyll, to whom it belonged to ing the Gooel at high Mas, and
afterwards Ma for the Decead, and Abbot " Medemcnam, to whom the

reading of the Epile belonged, were ned for Abence.

No Eleon was here made, becauh there was a maller Number of Knights
preent, than were necehry for it according to the Statutes.

In thit Year the mo noble Qgeen brought forth a Son named Edward.
It hould he Lord Sudclcy and I/Wtcount Bourgchier.
t The Abb) of St. Mary de Graciis on Tower

u Mr. Ahm. p. 379, thought it to be Mendham

in Norfolk, but that was onl) a Priot), and of the

hill, London. commonly called Eaminer, of the Cluniac Order, being a cell to Caieacte ; It is there
Cierrian Order, wat erected by Ed. lIl, on z) Mar. ore uppoed, this might be the Abbot of Medmenham
in his xxiv Tear, in conideration of his Deliveranees or Mendham on the River of Thames above Great
from Dangers by Sea and Land, to which in humane

Marlow in Bucks, which was ofthe Ciertian Order;

Appearance he had been expoed everal Times beyond whether this Oce of' Epioler Fat ranted to this Ab
Recovery; And therefore as this religious Houe was bot upon Account o] the Vicinity of t e Place to Wind
dedicated to return Praies for ignal Ecapes from tni.

or only, or upon any other Reaon, hath not yet appear

litat) Hazardt, and that near about the Time of the ed to the Editor, but he had o mean an Incorne, that
be conituted
an Oicer
lnitution of this ntilitar) Order, o it was a 'ye * can of
the Gairer,
when he
other Qqzicers
had ver)
nous Pro-uince that the Abbot there?l hould e the
opcllcr to this Fraternity. But He Colleilor hath REUEHMBJ, and 'tis probable that Jis Poverty occaioned
not hitherto 'net with an) Metnorial of this Privilege in his frequent Abence.
an) RtO/d or Regienaz/e in this of the Garter




Actajub Anno tricemo primo

R lb

I Sexti.


P. no.

Septimo po peractam hanc Divi Georgii hlennitatem die Maii: icta

e clectio l/I/Zirnonttjierii in Cubiculo Regis intra Palarium, ubi cum Re

gia Majeare prxientes Equites


Dux Buchjngamia,

Ducem Exonia,
Com. l/Vylchiria.

Comes Sarisburia,


Com. l/Vjlchtiria.

DOmJ-IangerfordDOm. Edoard. Hull,

Dom. Love/I,
Vicec. Le.

Dom. Ed. Hungerford,

Dom. Ro. Schoteshroke.

Dom. Lo-Uell,

Dom. Tho. otanley,

Dom. Awdlej,

Dom. Ric. Harjngton.

Dom, Bone-wyle. Dom. Edoard. Hull.

Dux Someretia,

Vicecomes Boucer,

Ducem Exonite,

Dom. Love/I,

Dom. Tho. Stanlej,

Comitem Oxonia,

Dom. Anvdley,

Dom. Rtc, Harjngton,

Com. Wyl/hhiril.

Dom. Bone-tale. Dom. Edoard. Hull.

Comitem Warwici,
Comitem Oxonia,
Com. W) lchiria,

Dom. Roos,

Dom. Edoard. Hall,

Dom. Cljord,

Dom. And. Oogard,

Dom. Love/I.

Dom. Tho. Stanley.


Do. Hangerford, Dom. Edoard. Hull,

Vicecomes Beaumond,Ducem Exonia,

Com. Wylchirite.
Ducem Exonia,

Dominus Beatechantp, Comitem

Com. V/jlchtiria.

Dom. Lo-uell,
Vicec. Lyle.

Dom. Ed. Hungerird,

Dom.Ro. Sthotesbroo/ee.

Dom. Cljord, Dom. Edo. Hull,

Dom. Bone-tale, Dom. Ri. Hungetfbrd,
Dom. sejntulondDom. Tho. Kjtyed.


On the irventh Day of May, after the keeping of this Fea of Sti George,
an Eleon was made at Weminer in the King's Bed-chamber l'ooithirt the
Palate, where with the King's Majely the Knights pre-int

L. Hungerford, Sir Edward Hull, ' .

The Emperor,
Lord Lovell,
Sir Ed. Hungerford,
TheD if Buckingham, D. of Exeter,
E. of Wylchire. Vicount Lyle. Sir Ro. Schotesbroke.
The E. of Salisbury,

The D. of Exeter,
Earl of Oxford,

Lord Loveli,
Sir Thomas Stanley,
Lord Awdley, Sir Ric. Haryngton.

E. of Wylchire. Lord Bonevyle. Sir Edward Hull.

The D. of Exeter,
The D. of Someret,

Earl of Oxford,

Lord Lovell,

Sir Thomas Sranley,

Lord Awdley,

Sir Ric. Haryngton,

E. of Wylchyre. Lord Bonevyle,. Sir Edward Hull.

Vtcount Boucer,

Sir Edward Hull,

The E. of Warwick, Lord Roos,
Earl of Oxford, Lord Clyord, Sir Andrew Oogard,
Sir Thomas Sranley.
E. of Wylchire. Lord Lovell.
The Emperor,

Vz/eount Beaumond,

Lord Beauchamp,

L. Hungerford, Sir Edward Hull,

D. of' Exerer,
Lord Lovell,
E. of Wylchire. l/tcoant Lyle.

Sir Ed. Hungerford,

Sir Ro. Schotebroke.

The D. of Exeter,
Lard Clyord, Sir Edward Hull,
E. of Oxford,
Lord Bonevyle, Sir Ric. Hungerford,
E. of Wylchyre. Lord SeyntulandaSir Thomas Kiryell.

Actaah Anno tricemoecundo H E N' R I C I Sexti.


Nominatione nit. Regiq; traclit, Dominus 'V Edoardus Hull in locum

demcti Domini Vfylloughh] uceptus e.

Anno pientiimi Regis Henrici Sexti tricemo eczmdo, undccimo Maii P. ll l

W dezri Concilium e habitum, infquo y Buchyngamia- Dux agnatus

ore Regio przredit, (ecum llllc duntaxat habens, Dominum Sudeley 8;
Vicecomitem Boucer', qui ub primas veperas advenit.

Rex zegrotus ibidem in Arce u e tcnuit.

Dux z Ehoraci hanc excuiitionem Deputato ecit, quod infenus ei jam
ante Supremus erac, quam ob rem propius accedere non auclebat, ne i
force faceret, majoris ocnionis anm ultro porrigeret, unde (quod Do

minus avertat, inquit) dolor aegrotanti foritn 8: morbus acerelcerct, '

Rex Dacize
Comes Longvyle

abentes in olo patrio.

Dux de Vien

The Nomination being ended and delivered to the King, Sir x Edward Hull

rwas admitted in the Stead of Lord Wylloughby decead.

In the thirty econd Tear of the mo/i pious King Henry the Sixth, on the
eleventh of May a Chapter was held at Wyndeor, in rwhich the Duhe of 7 Back
ingham heing depicted hy the King's V/ord pre/zded, having there only with
him Lord Sudeley and Vicount Boucer, swho came

at the


The King being ick lzept himzlf Within the Cale.

The Dnhe of a York made this Excne to the Depnty, That the Sovereign
hadfor hine time heen angry rwith him, and therefore he dm not come nearer,

for ear

he did o, vof giving unnecezri an Occaion of greater oence,

twhereby the King heing out of Order, (which God avert he aid) his Reent
ment and perhaps his Diemper might gain ground.
The King of Denmark
'i *


were ahent in their own Countries.

x Of him ee Introdnction p. 48, who was doubtles V keeping and deFene of' oure Cite of' Burdenx?
'dected in hit Abence, whil he accompanied the Earl V and other towns and places in our Dutchie o
of Shrewsbury in the Expedition to Gacoigne, r V Gniennc at his propre expenis and wages, in the
thisfegiiertznform;12.; thzlftzr/IZof; Zt Zurdeauuibczr:

colmpianlyt of ;he;le o: Sgrtewskhnryrlnd ZiaIbotZ;

t' ,
t' 7' d f',
JCU na
UC le O
oth TearG hel wasent
to Sea with
thirTrno/l valiazt fc' Gnienne
aforeiki, beyng
nii Oct.
in the
Earl. ran. 30 H. 6, m. 6, 27 Junii.
his wort y U yere of' our" ord "1452, unto the xviii day of

Knight was/lain in ZZIFZlE ver oon ajtlr' hisJE/eltltion,

an the Da7 is cci
in riv. Si i . 12 uya: 'X

" uyj tcllian mist following, which day the aid Ed

a 3'war
Here ecea
are only. 18_ Knights mentioned, andVtcan

H, 6, which orders an Account to e made,

word: are 5' with oure right welbeloved Dame
" Alianore Hull modre and Executrice ofEdward

cies in the Stall: of the Emperor, and of the Earl of

Shrewsbury, the Names of the Ki so Portu l, Ar

'* Hull Knight late Conf-lble OF our Caiel of ragon, Poland and the Duct-e o rutlwic [rein
V Bourdeaux &e. and to make praiement for al ma omitted, and the Vacanc) in the Stall, to which Sir Edg
ner waves
of meninof
**" chere
wilth of
the werre,
aid Edward
for Ar

wardHull had heen elected.

e, See Hollingh. p. 642.





Acta ub Anno trictmo ecundo

R I C I Sexti.

Comes de Kendale captivus in manibus hoium Regis.

Dux Northfolcite

Dominus Haings E inexcuati, 8: Statutorum pcrnis reervati.

Dominus Scales
Comes Sarisburite per Deputatum excuzirtus, quod pes ejus adeo lazus
cet, ut nec pedibus aut equo citta periculum advenire poet.
Dux Somer-tia, in carcere a Londinenis Arcis poitus.

Dominus Beauchamp, excutus per Dominum Sudeley, quod pedibus

etiam adeo laborabat, ut nec ire nec equicare potuiet.
Vicecomes Beaumond azgritudinis item cauam habuit.
lTominus Fawcunbridge excuittus, quod nuper in 1' Carcere tentus, do

mum ac terras uas jam viendi facultatem obtinuiet.

Dominus Joannes Fa/lolf tam grandevus, atq; impotens, icut 8: Do

minus Sudeley pro eo dictitabat, ut neq; pedibus illuc aut equo, citta pra:


grande periculum ilutis, uti potuerat.

Sigimundi edes remanit adhuc vacua, ncc adimpleta Comitis Salopiea.

Dominus Ri-z/ers Calii reiclens.

Comitis autem Salopia hoc Anno e demcti tam enis quam galea cum
annexis per Vicecomitem Boucer 8: Dominum Sudeley unt in (olenni Mii

The Earl of Kendale was a Prtoner in the Hands of the King's Enemies.

The Duke of Northfolk Z were not excud, but reerwed to the Penalties
Lord Haings

of the Szazum,

Lord Scales

The Earl of Salisbury was excued by the Deputy, becaui: his 'Foot was it
hurt, that he could neither come on Foot or Horeback without Danger.

The Duke of Someret was a imprioned in the Tower of London.

Lord Beauchamp was excuZ-d by Lord Sudeley, becaue he was jb much out
of order in his Feet, that he could neither walk nor ride.

Izcount Beaumond alh had Sicknes for a Reaon.

Lord Fawconbrydgc was excujZ-d, becaue hart-ving been lately kept in i' Pri
on, he had now got Learve of going to ee his Houe and Lands.

Sir John Faolf was b ever] old and weak (as Lord Sudeley aid in his
Behalf) that he could neither go nor ride without mer] great Danger of his

Sigiinunds Stall continued ill macant, nor was that of the Earl of
Shrewsbury lled.

Lord Ryvers was reiding at Calais.

The Sword alt of the Earl of Shrewsbury, 5 who died this Tear, and his Hel

met with the Appurtenances were by Izount Boucer and Lord Sudely oered
a lbid. enlarged from bit Imprionment 4 Febru,
claue 33 H. 6. m. 37.

b Pritner in France Rot. Fran- 32 H. 6. m. s.

c [illed at the unfortunate Battle of Chatillon

Actaiuh Anno trzicemo tertioi il E N' R IoI sexzzz

pro dcunctis ocllzlasa: loco cujctlls ut (ubicttcrctur alter, clcctio non erat,
aucxor a 'i 1Epicopus
numerushica crac.
divina perolvit, ram priniis quam ccun
dis vepcris, 8: Miz olenni.

Abbatcs autem Towjrltjll 8: Medeme

nam aberant, quorum illc fcivo die legiec Evangcliunn, hic Epioiam,
illc quoque
Milhm Miun
pro deunctis:
loco quorum
Pache unus
E Canonicis
pro' defunctis
e cxecud
tus, Dominus Gulielmus Marehall vicarius in die legic Evangelium, 85

alter Epiolam.
Anno tricejimo tertio pienrimi Regis Henrici Sexti, die Maii viceimo

(Ecundo celebratum Wyndeori e Concilium, in quo Supremus ecum

habuic ', hos illurimi hujus Ordinis Equites
Ducem Bucleyngamize,
Dominum Sudeley,
Dominum Beauchamp,
Vicecolnitem Beaumond.


at high Mas for the DeceaZ-d, forulz/iituting another in whoe stead, there
was no Elefiion, becaue there was too mall a Numher for it.

The d Bihop of Salisbury here performed divine Ser-vice, hath at

cond I/eers, and at high Mas. But the Ahhots Towyrhyll and Medeme

nam were ahent, the former of which hould on the Fea Day ha-zte read the
Gopel, and the latter the Epilez theformer al/b hould the Day after, have ce

lebrated Masfor the deceaed 5 in whoe Stead Maer Thomas Pache one of
the Canons celebrated Masfor the deceaed, Sir William Marhall a Vicar read
the Goel on the Day, and the other the Epi/ile.
In the thirty third Tear of the mqi pious King Henry the Sixth, on the
twenty cond of May a Chapter was held at Wyndeor, in which the Sawe
reign had ' rwith him thee Knights of the mo illurious Order

The Duhe of Buckyngham,

Lord Sudeley,
Lord Bcauchamp,

Vicount Beaumond.
Ahm- Ht . p. 266, acquaint: 'is is mentioned in the
Rcgih. hastac. and with the Kings of Portugal,
diltion, neither in attach? the aracter of Chancel- Arragon, Poland, the Dnle of Brunwich, and th'
lour of the Order, which was of aubequent Erection. Vseani) in the stall, to which Sir Edward Hull had
e Here are irteen (ornpanions and three Stallt w- be'n cle-fled, make up the Number of the Society.
tl He did not perform divine Service as Diocean of
the Place, 'he Colle e her' exem ted from his Purif

eant, which with the Duke of Somexet, who a: .Mr.

'R r



z 54

Acta ub Anno tricemo tertio H E N R I Cl Sexti.

Regem Dacia

Ducem de I/zen

abce poc pronunciatum c, quoniam ex

Comitcm de Kendale

tcri lerunt.

Comitem Longrvyle
Dux Eboraei azgrotabat.

Comes Sarisburia miit excuiztionem, qux ucepta e.

P. my.

Dominum Boucer Buchyngamia Dux excuibat.

Dux Narthfolctize

quia cauis abentia: non eo dcinarant, judicio

Dominus Scales

. .

Dominus Joan. Faolfi Scatutorum relicti unt.

Dominus Fawcunbrydge erat extra Regnum Anglia, Dominus autem

Ry-vers Calzi.

lmPcFattoris Sigimdi }edcs adhuc vacuae.

Comius Salopw
Domini] Hujngx, ui nuper etiam dicm clauerat cxtrcmum CdCS eva
cue facta iit, cujus gadius per Dominum Sudeley 8: Dominum Beau

The King of Denmark Z

Duke of Vilen
Earl of Kendale
Count Longvylc

it was declared might be abent, becaue thy

were Foreigners.

The Duke of York was ch.

Zlhe Earl of Salisbury ent an Excuje which was allowed.
Lord Boucer was exeued by the Duke of Buckyngham.
He Zzf; &T. [Torthfblk

becaue they had not ent the Caue: oftheir heing

si,- John Fajkolf

abent, were left to the sentence of the Statutes.

Lord Fawcunbrydgc was out of the Kingdom qf England, and Lard

Ryvcrs at Calais.
The Emperor Sigimondk

The Ear] of shrewsbury,s ZSta/I: were ill meant.

Lord] Haingsk Stall who was lately dead, became tvacant, and hie'
sword was qered by Lord Sudeley and Lord Beauchamp, and hie Helmet
j Iu Will i: dared 12 Febr. preceeding this' Pea/I

7. in Oc. Arm. p. 61 4




jlctattb Anno tricemo quarto H E N R I C l ifexti. w i 'I 45


champ, 8: Galea cum connexis per Vicecomitem Beaumond 6: Dominum

Sudeley unt in Mia pro desnctis oblara.

Electio ob Wyntoniens
eanclem cauam,
prius, e
dilsta. vdivina peregit, Divo
cx ocio
Marryri Georgio conueta, Abbates autem Towyrhjll 8: Medemenam abentes
haud excuhci unr, vice quorum Dominus Gulielmus Stephyns Evangeli
um, 8: Dominus Gulielmus Marchall legic Epiolam, ambo Chori Regii

cantores. Decanus ejudem Chori oulum Evangelii Supremo porrexit,

se poridie Miam pro clemctis gelebravir, Domino Joanne Andevere 8:
Joanne Wrenne ad Evan elii ac Epiolae lectionem ubminirantibus. Evan
gelia po Epooliciectoris churiicarionem 3 Cor Divi Georgii Supremo
ac Commilitonibus ex ordine reverenter cxhibuir oculanclum.

Pientiimi Regis Henrici Sexti Anno tricemo auarto, lAprilis viceimo

ocundo, Supremus iple Concilium l/Ivnde/Ziri celebravit, in quo b prae
enres ecum habuir
Ducem Buckyngamia,


Comitem Sarisburia,
Vicecomitem Bourghch,

Dominum Sudeley.

with Appurtenances by Wcount Beaumond and Lord Sudeley at the Mas for
the Deceajid.
The Eleon was deferred for the lime Caue as hefhre.

The Lord of Wincheer Prelate of the Order, according to his Oce per

formed the divine Service proper for St. George the Martyr.

But the Ahbots

Towyrhyll and Medemenam being ahent were not excued 5 in whoe Stead
Sir William Stephyns read the Gooel, and Sir William Marhal the Epile,
hath of them Singing-men of the Kings Chair. The Dean of the lime Chair preented
the Gojpel to the Sovereign to be kiid, and the next Day celebrated Mal' for.

the Decead, Sir John Andevere and John Wrenne aing in the reading
of the Go/pel and Epile.

The Reader of the Gopel, after the cening of the

Reader of the Epile, reverently tender'd the g Heart of St. George to the
Sovereign and Knights in order to he kz-d.
In the thirty fourth of King Henry the Sixth, the twenty icond of April,

the Sovereign hitnjilf held a Chapter at Wyndeor, in which b he had preent

with him


The Duke of Buckyngham,


Earl of Salisbury,

Itcount Burghch,
Lord Sudely.
g This precious Relick wasbrou ht hither h) the Ern- [ bridge and Rivers are omitted, and no Mention of
per-or Sigimoild, ee Ro HifRegAngl. p. 209.
any Peron deigned for the Stall to which the then de
Y b Here are 14 Corn anions enumerated with an Ac-

ceajed Sir Edw. Hull had heen eleed, which with th'

'to-int of the Fn/igns ent to three Knights elect, and King of Postugal complete the Society.
four empt) Stalh, but the Names of the Lords Faeon- I



,_, _

_ , i"


. l


Actaztb Anno tricefitno quarto H hl N R I CI Sexti.

Rex Dacite

Dux de V] en
domi in Regionibus uis.

Comes Longvyle
Comes de Kendale
Dux Ehoraci
Dux Northfolcia

proptcr caus ibi 'vias zi Supremo unt cx- i

Dominus Scales

Dominus Beauchamp
Vicccomes Beaumond


Dominus foan. Faolf J

Sigtmundi Irnpcratoris

Ducis Someritize, qui nunc obicrat:

. .

edes adhuc manentes vacuae.

Comitis Salopta
Domini Hayngs

Ad Regcm Arrogonum, Regcm Poloni-e, 8: Ducem Bromivtichia, ut

prius elcctos, Trabea cum inigni ubligaculo per Dominum i Fettiplas,

8: Dominum Ne-uport tranmia lit, at ipi nihilo magis in (Edcs adhuc
uas introducti.


of Denmark
Duhe of Vieu
Count Longvylc

were at Home in their own Countries.

Earl of Kendale
The Dulze of Yorke
Duhe of Northolk
Lord Scales
Lord Bcauchamp

l were excu/Ed b] the Sovereign, for Reaons that

he itw t.

Vicount Beaumond
Sir John Faol

The Emperor Sigimundk

Duke of Somcrcfs, who was now dead

Stalls were flill continuing va

Earl of ShrcWsburYs


Lord Haingss

Tb the King of Arragon, King of Poland, and Duhe of Bromivych,

as being formerly eleed, Robes were ent with the noble Garter, by i Sir

Fcttiplas , and Sir Newport, hut nevertheles the] 'were not yet int
i See the Life of the Duhe of Vieu p- 181, 182.







Actajuh Anno triceymo quarto H E N R I C I Sexti. _


Alphon/us autem k Rex Portugalie quarto po die 1 Oohris, quae 8; Do


minica uit, pcr Procuratorem Dominum 7oannem l/Vylchere olenniccr in c

dem l/lfvndeori jam ilam, quzr Ducis antc G/ocelrize fuit, e inductus,
ubi Dominus Sude/ey 8: Dominus Ryroerc, partes a Regia majeatc ibi
commias in ea re nobiliter egcrunt.
Non fuit ulla hic Electio proptcr candam cauizm, quw prius impedi:

mento lit.

Epicopus hic etiam Wmtonierie magnici Prclatus Ordinis omnia di_

vina Divo Georgio olcnnia peregit, propter Abizntiam Abbacum Towrhyll
8: Medemenam alios 6 choro ad ea ocia quae uerant ipis debita (ibi
copulans. Abbatem autem To-wyrhyll concilio inrmitas excuabat. Simi

lis alteri caufa dcfuit; notatus igitur ad mulctam;

Decanus Evangeii librum, 8c Calicis operculum dctulit ar] Supremum,
ubinde criba Commilitonibus aliis.
Inignia Ducis SomerjZ-tia in poriduana pro dcfctunctis Mia lcrunc
(quod moris erat) oblata, Enis per Vicecomitem Boucer, Be Dominum
Sude/ej, Galea vcro cum appcndicibus per Ducem Buc/eyngamize 8; Sarixhuria


But Alphonus k King of Portugal 'was on the fourth Day of 'October

following, heing Sunday, hy his Proxy Sir John Wylchire, zlemn/y intro
duced into-hie Stall at Wyndeor, which had heen formerly the Duhe of Glo
Ceefs, 'when Lord Sudeley and Lord Ryvers nohlj dihharged the Qices
aigned them [i] the King on that Occaion.
There 'was no Eleon no-w for the ame Caue a: hindred before.

Here alo the Bihop of Wincheer, Prelate of the magnicent Order, per
formed aIl the diroine Service proper for St. Georgds Solemnity, calling by Reaon

of the Ahence of the Ahhots, Towyrhyll, and Medemenam to hie Aiance,

other: of the Choir for there officer 'which belonged to them. But Indizijition ex
cued Abbot Towyrhyll to the Chapter; The other had no uch Plea to make,
and (war therefore put down for a Fine.
The Dean carried the Booh of the Goel and Co-ver of the ChaIice to
the Sovereign, and then the Regzer did the ame to the Re of the

The Trophies of the Duhe of Someriot were in the next Days Ma for

the Dead, oered a: uual, The Srword by Vicount Boucer, and Lord Sudcley,
hut the Helmet and Appurtenance: hy the Duke of Buckyngham and Earl of



L See introduction p. 53. note: p. r. . and p. 186.

heen in the 3511.' Year, but in 1456, the mrth 0] 0610

l Octoberullqucn! to April 34 H. 6- mu have ber Wax upon Monday.





i/lctanb Anno trictmo quinto H E N

I C I Sexta',

Anno pientimi Regis Henrici Sexti tricejimo oninto, Maii quarto de
cimo tentum e Wjndtzbri Concilium, cui m Joannes Comes Salopiie pra:
uit, ad' id ore Regio Deputatus, Herfordie prius ibi commione acta
decimo octavo die Aprilis ejudem Anni.

In the thirty fth TZ-ar of the mt pious King Henry the Sixth, the ner
teenth of May a Chapter was held at Wyndeor, Wherein m John Earl of
Shrewsbury pre/ided, depicted thereto verbal/p by the King, a Commiion ha
ving been before given him at Herocd on the eighteenth Day of April the
ame For.


m The Chapter is omitted wherein this Earl of majorum a. Tapethoks 8: Tarterin pro manu

Shrewsbury, and the Lords Stanlc and Wells were

eleiiled. We hall nd in the Wardrohe Account of this
Tear, that Vet-uet Afdant/es were delivered to the two
o a thiszeit.
ri seal, 'T/ioit
the Dbdj Virtue
nex! before
was elect
ed to the Stall oj his Father, the Lord Stanley, to that

of' the Lord Hoo and Haings, as appears from the

' iiii virg. i quart. pann. in grano

ix virg- pann- color. long.

iii guabrt. virg. pann. color. curt

r. ter
dign. xi ventr- i' Ermyne'

Windor-Tables, wherein the Name

the Lord
Wells doth not occurr, becaue being hille on the Lan

xl tymbr. dim. xvi vencr- Men- pur.

carian Side at Saxton his Hatchments were, at thiz

lx ventr

Ccxxxv terg-


Regier will inform us, pinched down in Ed. IV, but

iiii quart. vir .

he was clected to the Stall, whereto Sir Edward Hull

i de Pitthes irporum Rotul

had heen deigned Vinc. M. in O. Arm. n. 417

dim. c majorum a- Crochetcs

c Tapethoks
ccvii aur. Garter.

He married the Heires of

aterton ed Medley in

Yotkhire in which Church he lies buried under a

'Iomb with an Fjgies triving the Gar/er on the left Leg.
Here are xxiv Knight: named, which with the Stalliept



Comiti Salop, Domino de Stan/e) Camerari-o

"void or the Prince, complete: the Order.

dicti Dom. Regis adii mantell. Fact- de velvet blod.

'I e wardrobe Account of this Tear, jpeeies Habit!

madeir all the companions named in this Regitr,
who were not Foreigners, and the Earls o/ Longvyle
and Kendall, who were Gacoigners.

plan. linat. cum tarterin alb- cum ii Garters cum

Scut- in medio eorundem Garters de armis Sancti
Georgii 8c cum ii laq. long- Eric. blod. ad habend.

de dono Re is ratione admionis 8c receptionis

dictorum omitis 8: Domini in Fratemitatem
Particulaz Computi Henrici Fylongley Arm. Garteriarum per literam de private Sigillo dat.
Cuodis magnz Garderoba: Henr. VI, a t; Maii l1oc anno xxx.
Vigilia Sancti Mich. anno xxxv uq; Vi
iiii pee. ii virg. i quart. velvet plan.

giliam Sancti Micb. anno revoluto.

Pro opere facturze, ac Brouderatura MCCC Gar

i pec. vi virg, Tarterin

ii eric. blod laq. long.
ii cum cutis in medio de armis Sancti Georgii

ters operat. cum eric. 8: aur. greene more coniieto,

pro opere cujullibet pret. iiii d. xxi !. xiii s. iiii d.
iiiicvii Garters con. operat. cum literis aur.
grene pro Rrge 8: Rqgina pro opere cujullibet pret.
v d. viii l. ix s. vii d.
Pro carriag- Goun- Re is de libetata Garter de
London uq; Coventro, 85 cinde uq; Worce/itr 8:

Mar aretc Regine Anglia' ad habend. de dono

dicti om- Regis ad Robam uam inde faciend. de
panno blod. long. furr- cum Men. pur- 8c garnizat.
cum Garteriit de liberarura Fratcrnitatis Sancti

deinde uq; Leieeer vi s.

Remanen. ultimi computi. Garter cum Ecochnn
in medio de armis Sancti Georzii. Recept. fotinec.
Et oneratur de Garter provenien- de Stu Re is en

xxv dicto Cuodi qui nunc e vel qui pro tempo

no velvet in grano

no regni ui tettio

(ieor ii hoc anno per literam dorman. de private

igil 0 uo 12 die Aprilir anno upradicti Regia

re erit inde direct. 8: uper com ut. Tho. Tudenham

nuper Garderobar. Regis de eo em anno xxv libe
broudat. 8: noviter Fact. erga eium Sancti 'o ii rat. 8: annotat- 8c prout conimil. veura allocat.
hoc anno infra tempus hujus computi MDCC ll pro Rcginabus 8c Dominabur in computo n'
dicti Job. Spentar nuper Cuod. dictae magnx ar
Dom. Regi ad 1 qoun. ped- long. facto de pan derobz Dom. Henr. nuper Regis Anglia V- de an
rr. per corpus cum terg. m.

tre Be pro manie. cum venrr. martr. coler- manus &

mbr- cum rerg. martni goun. ped. long fact. de
viii virg. pann. color. long.
u uterq; de ccc ventr. furr. Men. pur
panno blod. cum manie. apert. de liberara Fraterni
tatis Sancti Georgii hoc anno Furr. per corpus cum
cc auri Garters.
ventr. Men. pur. 8: pro manie. cum terg. 8: venrr.
Erm. garnizat. cum Garteriis enbroud. cum eric. 8c
Venerabili in Chrio Patri Epiiropo Vllinwn ad
auro more conueto, dict. goun- Stu- per bolers robam Fac. de liberata Fraternitat. Sancti Gorgii hoc
cum panno nlgr. curt. ac cum i capuc. de eodem anno fact. de panno blod. furr- cum Men. put. gro.
panno imiliter cum Garterm garnizat. cum i ro Furr. de B s de dono dicti Dom- Regis per lirer.

tulo de pitthes Cirporum 8: adhabend- de Crochetts dorman. e private gillo uo Theaurar- 8c Baon

Actaub Anno trice/imo quiut-o H E N R l U l sSexti.


I-Iic ne Comes in locum Patris electus, per Dominum Sudeley 'uic

in edem ibi (uam introductus, dum Mia celebrarecur, 6; mox com

mironis Virtute praeedit, cujus hic tenor erat.

H E N R I CU s Dei gratia Rex Anglice, ac Francice, (Zv Ordinis i/Ittlrimi
a tbligaculo nominati Supremus, cuns illius Ordinis Commilitattibus tlutem:
Uoniam Res varize nobis incumbunt, quo minus .per eas Futurx

jam Celebritati Georgiana- poimus ipimet interee, Be ex vi

Statucorum bene poumus alteri , vices noras impartiri, qui Concilia

vocet, convocatos ibi dirigat, peccantes arguat, czeteraque componat ac

This Earl truly being elebifed in his Father's Stead, was inalled there
by Lord Sudeley, whil Mas was celebrating, and immediately after preded

in Virtue of his Commi ton: The Tenor of which was,

HEN RY by the Grace of God Kin of England, and France, and So

vereign of the mo noble Order c led from the Garter, to all Knights
of the Order, Greeting.

Oramuch as various Ahirs pre' upon Us, b that thereby vu: are not
able to be in Peron at the next Feai of St. George, and have Power

by the Statutes to depute another in our Stead to call Chapters, to direct uch

as hall there appear, to reprove Oenders, and to jZ-ttle and perform all
hujus Scaccarii inde direct. 8e upta in titulo hujus
computi annotat. &: prout conmil. veiur. 8: nm-

Dom. de Ryvers,
Dom- de Sun/e),

'plius alloc. pro Epicopo bWuton in przd- compuro

&if. Spener nuper Cuod. dicta: magn. Gar-der.

Dom- de lVe/les.

m. Henr- nuper Regis Angli-e V. de anno regni

ui tertio.

ipann. cont. xxiv virg. pan. color. long.

i de Clx ventr- Caput. cum p.
i de vic ventr. furr. Men. pur
i de iiiic

i de iiiclx ventr.

Z fum M' gros'

Cuilibet eorum v virg pann. blod. color. long. i

furr de Cxx ventr. Men. groff 8: iiiixx Garters, 8:
Johanni Fao/f, Militi.
v virg. pann. blod- color. long- i furr. de Cxx
ventr. Men. gros. 8: lxx Garters operat. cum lite
ris uis more conueto de dono dicti Dom. Regis

Duci Eborum,

erga feum Sancti Georgii hoc anno per liter. dor

man. de privato igillo Theaur. & Baron- hujus
Scacc- inde direct. 8: in proxi particula przallegara,

Duci Bukk.

8: prout conimiles rob. 8e furr. 8e amplius alloc. m

i de Clx bells furr. de Bys.

Duci Norl

prazdLcomputo Job. Spenjer tempore Dom. Henr.

nuper Regis Angli; V. 84: in diver. aliis comput.
Cuilibet eorum v virq. pann. blod. coloris long. preceden.
i Furr- de CC ventr. Men. pur. &Lxx Gar-ters.
virg. iidepann.
xix virg- pann. color. long. cum
Comiti Serum, 84:
Comiti Salop
Utriq; eorum v virg. pann. blod- color. long. 8;
i Furr. de CC ventr. Men. pur. 8: C Garters.

v quzlibet cle CC ventr. srr- Men. pur

x quilibet de Cxx ventr. furr. Men. gros.
MCCClxxx Garters.

th. Gtron Brouderario Regis ad brouderand.

Garter przd. uper Tarterin 8c couut- cum eric.
it; aur-Rcum literis eric-&lauro greene tam pro
Vicec. Bourgcher.
ege e gina , quam pro aiis dieri
Utriq;eorum v virg. pann. color. long-ifm. de proed:
v s Dom"
Vicecomiti Beaurnont,

Cxx ventr. Men. gro. 8: iiiixxx Garters.

Domino de Scales,

Dom. de Seudeley,

Dom. de Fauconberge
Dom. de Beauchantp,

iii pec. Tarterin.

iii . Boker.
ii ib.dim.eric.
iiii lib. aut. gren


P. 116.


jlctaub Anno tricento quinto H E N R I C I Sexti.

perciat, quae in hoc articulo Stacuta concedunt: Nos ideo di-lectum no
bis ac delem Cognatum Salopite Comicem, ad id deignavimus, ut om

nia vice nora perimpleat, quae videbuntur oportuna: Ware, jam vo

bis omnibus imperitamus, uc eidem ic a nobis deignato pareatis, qua
tenus ea aciet, qux ad id pectabunt. Herfordia dccimo octavo Aprilis
8: Regni nori triceimo quinto. e

Hic ita deputacus ecum in ea celebritate conjunctos habuit


Boucer, qui venit illuc antc"Veeras.

Qiorum Dominus Well s 8: Dominus Stanley Fuerunt ibidcm jam ance,

icut 8: ipe Deputatus, in edes ibi donatas (prout moris erat) inducti : Om
nes revera per Egregium Dom. Sudeley a Rege, ut id prearet, adhibitum.

Dominus Rex eo temporis apud Kelyngwortham cum amilia manit.

Rex Portugalite
Rex Dacite -

Dux de I/ien

2 in uis Domi rebus adui.

Comes Longrojle

Comes de Kendale s


Things which the Statutes in this Point authorii',

l/Ve harzte therefore appointed

our belo-'oed and faithful Coun the Earl of Shrewsbury for that Pu oe, to
perform all Things that hall hejudged proper in our Stead. l/l/Z do thereZre now
enjoin you all to obey him thus deputed by us, o far as he hall do uch

Things as belong thereto.

Year of our Reign.

At Herord the eighteenth of April and thirtyfth


. He thus deputed had with him aembled at that Solemnity

Lord Sudeley,

Lord Wellys,
Lord Boucer, who came thither before " Vepers.
Lord Stanley.

Of whom Lord Wellys and Lord Stanley were there

before, as well as

the Deputy himelf, introduced (as uual) into their Stalls z All of them in
Truth by the noble Lord Sudeley appointed by the King for that Oce.
Our Lord the King was at that Time with hie Houe-hold at Kenyiworch.

The King of Portugal

King of Denmark?
Duhe of Vien
' were bu in their Aairs at Home.

Count Longvyle
Earl of Kendale s
n That
be was
at the
Hour ofbetlr-eetclie,
[o could
but coming

Vo: PthretiSzitgitetfndrt.
' ht ter his
x. Stall
E. 3.according
H. 5- andto H.


Actaieb Anno' tricemo quinto H

N R I C I ieegti.


Dux Buckyngamize
Dominus Ry-vers

Beaumond 32
Dominus Beauchamp

cum Sublimitatc Regia fuerunt:


Duci Ehoraci

ii. m.
Duci Northzlciee
Comiti Sarisburia

Regis exciiitio tum uccic.

Domino Jioan. Fetlolf

Dominus Scales, qui nihil cautus e, abcntize poenam ex Statuto

Dominus Fawcunhrydge Cali/ii manens,
Impcrator loco Ducis Someritice lectus, Rex Arrogonice, Rex Polonice,

Dux Bromzzvichile non adhuc in Sedcs ibi datas introductie

Abbas Tbwrhyll 8: Prior Medemenam ablentix excuati.

Hoc hujus pientiiimi Regis anno o, Maguntiee Claret unius urbis Ale
manie, ccrzpit Ars excudendi Codices, leu Typographica, quam mirum

abhinc in modum crevie pernovimus.


The Duke of Buckyngham

Lord Ryvers
Vihount Beaumond

Zwere with the King's Mdjebl.

Lord Beauchamp

The Duke of Ydrk

Duke of Northfolk Ehad a uicient Excue from the King.

Earl of Salisbury
Sir John Faolf

Lord Scales who pleaded no Excue was to iter the Penalty laid by the
Statutes upon Abence.
Lord Fawcunbrydge was abiding at Calais.
of The
of Poland,
Duke of Someket,
were notthe
yet in

The Abhot Towyihyll and Prior Madeinenam were accued of Abence.

In this 0 Tear- of this mc pious King, the Art of lamping Books, or of Print<
ingbegan at Mentz, a famous City of Germariy, which we haroence' known

to encreae in a wonderful Manner.

o Our Compiler determines for Majence again the l Hi. de I' Imprimerie, (Thevilier Origine de Plm?
Cities of Strasbourgh and Harlaem, which parately primerie, a Dimation of Naude en Addit. a Pi.
le) claim to 'be Honour of tbu Inventionthis du Loui: XLMeyer vera Germanorum inventa do;
Man" and the of" of it: Original See la







Acta ub Anno trictmoexto H E N R I Cl Sexti,

Piimi Regis Henrici Sexti trice/imo ixto anno, viceimo (Ecundo
Aprilis, Wyndeori uceprum e Concilium, in quo cum Supremo prae

entes erantP hii prazantimi hujus Ordinis

Dux Buckyngamite,
Dominus Sudeley,
Dominus V/Zlls,

Dominus Stanley,
Dominus Beauchantp,
Dominus Ryvers.

Rex Portugalite
Rex Dacite

Dux de Vtm
Comes Longvyle

Exteri in patrio olo.


Comes de Kendale
Dux Eboraci

Comes Sarishurie

Z ore Regio excuiti.

Vicecomes Boucer

Vicecomes Beaumond litteras eriam ejus in excurionem habuit.

Dux Northfolcia 8: Dominus Scales, quorum abentia: caua probata
non iir, ad poenam Statutam obricti untz Poerior autem ut monu
mentum pretii marcarum viginti perolveret, 6: oerret in Collegio.
In the thirty xth TZ-ar of the mo pious King Henry the Sixth, the twenty

econd of April, a Chapter was held at Wyndeor, in which were preent

with the Sovereign? the/i Knights of the mo excellent Order

The Duke of Buckyngham,

Lord Sudely,
Lord wells,

Lord Stanley,
Lord Beauchamp,
Lord Ryvers.

The King of Portugal

King of Denmark
Duke of Viizn

Z Foreigners, were in their own Country.

Count Longvyle
Earl of Kendale
The Duke of York
Earl of Salisbury

were excujid by the Kingspeakingtr them.

Vicount Boucer
Vtcount Beaumond had alo the IG-ngk Letter for Excue.
The Duke of Norcholk and Lord Scales, whoe Caue of Ahence was not
approved, were put under the Penalty of the Statutes; and the latter was?
we? of Memorial of his Deault obliged topay twenty Marks and oer it in t e
Co ege.
p The twenty two Kni hts here named, with the and the Vacant) kept tr the Prince equal the Number
Earl of shsewsbusy a Sn- John Faolf omitted, o] Stalls.







Actattb Anno tricemo eptimo H EN R I C l Sexti.

Dominus Fawcunbrydge detruus in Carcerem;


Imperatori, Regi Arrogonize, Duci Brontiwichite, Regi Polonite, dum bcllo

oris attenderent, Rex lireras uas miic, quibus cerri ierent de electione ui.
Sarisburienis hic *1 Epicopus divina celebravit, cui prazo fuit Abbas

Tbwrhyll, ut 8: quod ua illic inrererat, diligenter eceret; poero die


Miam pro defunctis cclebrans: Abbas autem Medemenam minus ad o

cium uum aderat.

Ibi converis animis ad augendum honorem Divi ui tutclaris Georgii,

Supremus centum olidos, quiqz Dux quadraginta, Comes i/'iginti ent

atq; octo denarios, Baro viginti, Eques tredecem olidos cum quatuor

denariis impenderunt, ad lmagincm ejus Divi equo inidentem propere


Anno piimi Regis Henrici Sexti tricerttoeptinto, Aprilis viceimo pri

mo, Supremus I/l/'indeori Concilium vocavit, ili clariiiiiii Ordinis 'hos
illic habens
Comitem Wylchyria


Dominum l/Vells,

Dominum Sudelteyt,

Dominum Beauchantp,

Vicecomitem Beaumond,
Dominum ' Dudley,

Dominum " Bereners,

Dom. Fawcunbrydge.


Lord Fawcunbrydge was put in Prian.

Th the Emperor, King of Arragon, Duhe of Bromixtych, King of Poland,
being employed in Wars abroad, the King ent his Letters to notify their Eleon

to them.
Here the 9 Bihop of Salisbury celebrated divine Service, at which the Abbot
Towyrhyil waspreent, to do carefully what belonged to him, he celebrating Mai
for the Dead the next Day,but theA-bbot Medemenam did not attend to do his Oce.
There their Mind: being dipoed to advance the Honour of their tutelar St.
George, the Sovereign contributed a hundred Shillings, each Duhe forty, an Earl
twenty ix and eight Pence, a Baron twenty, a Knight thirteen Shillings and four

Pence, for making out of Hand an Image of that Saintitting on Horebach.

In the thirty iventh Tear of the mo pious King Henry the Sixth, the

of Apsil the Sovereign called a Chapter at Wyndeor, having there

thee (Knights) of his mo noble r Order

The Earl of] Wychyre,
Lord Sudeley,
Vtcount Beaumond,

Lord ' Dudley,

q See above p- 153. noted.
r Several
new [Ozights
are they
or Chapters

Lord Welis,
Lord Beauchamp,
Lord " Bereners,

Lord Fawcunbrydge,


St. George I E. 4.. and hts En/igns were thereon re

out of
17 Mav
the Reaon
not occurr
in thewhich

ted. 'Thou h xxii companions are enumerated in this

ot-Tables. However we are informed that he ucceeded

Entry, be 'des the Emperor who then received an Inallation, and the IGng of Poland to whom the Engns

the Lord Stanley in the thirteenth Stall on the Sove

reign's Side. Vinc. M. in O. Aim- n. 417.

had beenent, which with the Stall here intimated to be

t Tohn Sutton Lord Dudley waseated in the xiSta/l

'get-ved for the Prince, would.anwer the Number of of. the Sovereign) Side after the Death of the Earl of
t s Society, yet it aerwards ollows, that Notication Longvile-Capral de Buch, whce Hatchments were
hould be given to the IGng o Arragon to end his offered at this Fea.
Proflonof which more will be aid in the followino Notes.
u The Plate of lohn Bourgchier b the Title of

This Earl of Wilthire was [times ButTer, be- Lord Berners, remains in the ixth Stal ofthe Prince?
boyled afterwards on Friday next before the Feat1 of


P. 119

Actaub Anno tricemotptimo H H, N R l C I Sexti.

Rex Portugalite
Rex Dacite
Dux de Vien

ut prius exculati.

Comes de Kendale
Dux Eboraci

Dux Northfolcite

Dux Buoleyngamiee

Comes Sarisburiee

Comes Salopiee


Comes 4' Penbrochite

Vicecomes Boucer

Dominus Ryroers

cauas oendebant abentizr per Tabelliones

uos, quas Supremus atpprobavit.

Dominus Joan. Faiolf J

. Dominus Scales impoitx mulctx relictus.



of Portugal
King of Denmark
Duke of Vilen

were excujZ-d as before.

Earl of Kendale
The Duke of York

Duke of Northolk l
Duke ofBuckynghatn
Earl of Salisbury

repreented by Meengers the Caues of their Ab

Earl of Shrewsbury s
Earl of'r Pembroke ence which the Sovereign approved.
l/ibount Boucer
Lord Ryvcrs

Sir John Faol

_ Lord Scales was left to the Fine put upon him.

Sidegwhich was his Seat according to theWindor-Tables, which Title his Name occurs-s in the Windor-Tables,
after George Duke of Clarence in the econd Stall on
bro, but there was ome intermediate Knight, who e tJe Prince? Side, which Entry apparently relates to his
Name occurrs not in thee Tables for want of an n Reitution into this Order by Hen. VII ; for though
[la/bition ; According to the Regir. Chartac. as Mr. thts Re ier mentions nothing of him under the Reign
Ahmole hath quoted it in Mu. Ahm. n. 1135. and of Edv, ave his Abence, without any Excue in
in his Ht. . 317, it was the Duke A Bmnwick, the r Tear, yet being attainted in the Parliament held
but it it ' ent, that this Eleilion or eijnation of in that Tear, there is no doubt but he was depoed from
this Duke mu hat/e been vacated for Omt t on of an this Order, and that he was agitin reored to it_ upon
Inalltttion m due Time, pur uant to the Tenour of the Readeption of the Crown by en- Vl, and again de
the Statutes, becaue this Lord
ners was here placed poed, and reored again by l-len. Vll, for he is a No
long before this Duke's Death, o that the Manucri t mtnator in He Seruttny in his fourth Tear. A Mj. in
mu be in an Error, which [eats him rl here after the forms us that he was upon his fir/i Eleion plated in this
Death of the Duke o Brunwick. inc. M. in O. Stall ter the King of Arraqon, then put down by
Arm- n- 417- jbrt is Lord Berners died on 16 May Ed. l . [when he wasucceediii by the Duke of Cla
14 E. lV, and William the Victorious, Duke of renccZ and 1 H. Vll, placed again in the ame Stall,
Brunwick lived till 25 joly, 1482. 22 B. lV.
u ont e Tran ton of john King of Portugal. Vinc.
x 'This Earl of Pembroke mu begat' er of Hat
. in O- rm. n. 17. ee the following Note in thit
eild, created by Hen. VlI. Duke of e otd, under ame Entry about this ing of Astagon.
in which he is placed next after the Duke o] Conim


Actaitb Anno triceyimo nono H E N R I C I Sexti.

Hic 7 Imperator per Procuratorem (uum in i-dem Dulcis Sometjetie jam
ante conceihm, c olenniter introductus: Ad Regem Polonia ubligaculum

ac trabea mih unt.

Sedes aurem Siginzundi Domino z Principi eer

vara lit.
Ibidcm itaquc dcinitun) e, quod Omtorum aliquis, qui nunc mit
terentur ad Patrem Romance edis: Regem a Arrogonunt etiatn adiret, ut

eum admoneret de Procuratore deinando, qui iedcm ibi poideret, 8;

Galeam, Vexillum, atque Enem cum annexis appenderet.

Epiizopus Sarisbarienis hic divina celebravit, a quo nec Abbas Tofuyr?

hyll aberat, qui poridie Mihm pro deunctis e executus, in quit, Ca
piranci de Bouches, 8: Domini Stanle] jampridem mortuorum inignia
unt oblata: illius gladius per Dominbs Wells 8; Fawcunbtydge, Galea
cum Appendicibus per Comitem Vrlchjrize, 8: Vicecomitem Beaumond :

hujus Enis per Dominos Dudele] &e. Bereners, Galca cum reiiquis per Do- P. no."
minos Dudeley se Beauchamp.
Abbas Medemenam inocious, ablentio: reprehenus c. '

Here the 7 Emperor was ilentnl] introduced into the Duke of Somet
iiefs Stall which had been gi-"oen him btne Time before. The Garter and Robes

were ent to the King of Poland: But the Stall of Sigilmund was rer-"oed
for the L Prince.
It was there alb retlrved That one of the Enzba/Zzdors now ending to the
Pope of Rome, hould al/b go to the King of 4 Arragon, and admonih him

to appoint a Proxy for taking Pohon of his Stall, and hanging up his Hel
ntet, Banner, and Sword with the Appurtenances.

The Bijhop ez Salisbury here celebrated divine Service, attended on by

Abbot Towyr yll, who the next Day celebrated Ma for the Dead 5 At
which the Trophies of the Captain of Bouches and Lord Stanley, who dried a
little while before were oered; The Formet-'s sword by the Lords Wells and
Fawcunbrydge, his Helntet and Appurtenances by the Earl of Wylchyre and

Vicount Beaumondz The Latter's Sword by the Lords Dudley and Bereners,
His Helmet with the Re, by the Lords Dudley and Beauchmnp.
The Abbot of Medemenam not doing his But), was cenuredfor his Abencei
y Frcderick the Pacique, Ifhe was inalled by his 'tiH the econd Battle at St. Albans, which was a ver)
as hould
it is herenotaerted,
'tis tmewhat
range that hort Time before the Asinaneement of Ed. IV, to the
be inerted
in the Windor-'Iia
Throne, " Bellum apud Sanctum Albanum,_
bles, as it hath been ob erned m the lntrod- p. 2', and " Et Princeps venit ad Regem in clmpo, ubi idem
that he hould be no wJere mentioned again throughout " Rex pater uus inignivit eum Militem Go. M.
this whole Re i/ier, tr he lined till the ninth Tear of Norf. in O. Arm. to. 48.
a 'Tis not range that the Embaadortent to Rome
Hen. immediate!
VII. heeafter
Duke William
hould be charged with this Meage, becaue this King
eighth Stall on t e Printed Side, which Lord was elced was 'requentl Redent in the [Gngdom of Naples,
into and
this aOrder
on 21 March
Eut,theAhmn. whic) he ha conquered; but 'tis 'very irange that the
MS. expreies
it to be2after
of this
News o] this Kin 's Death, which happened on 8 June,
Emperor, and in another Place takes ZVotice that this 1458, 36 Hen. 5 hould not arrive hither long be

Emperor was ncverinalled Vinc. M. in O. Arm. fore the Time of holditg this Chapter, and in Fact it

did, and the Earl of Pembroke mentioned in thisame

z 'Though a Stall rni ht be rtjer-uedfor him, yet it Entt) had been 'lected to upply ht! Vacant), ee the
ma) be probabe he mig tnor have been elefled, becaue abov: nate x.
he had not the Qualtftcattonfor it, being not hntghted




Intercidit anni triceimi oiiavi Memoria, nii quod eodem regnare de

iie memoretur: Annum autem trice/imum nonum ingreus e, ed eum
regnandi plenum non habuit. At in illius ingreu ofiavo Februarii Lon
dini intra Palatium Epicopi futuram propouic Electionem, hiis qui e
cum erant, ucientibus ad eam.
'Nominabant ipi in hunc modum,
Dux Northfolcia,

Comitem Warwici,
Com. de I' Marche,

Dom. Bonevyle, Dom. Tho. l/Vtznlook,

Do. Grey Rttthyn, Dom. Tho. Kjrye,

Comitem Oxonia.

Dom. Stourton. Dom. Tho. Alevyd.

Comitem de Marche, Dom. Bonevyle, Dom. Joan. lVevyH,

Do. Grey Ruthyn, Dom. Joan. l/Venlook,
Comitem Oxoni-e.
DomfytzwarreruDom. Tho. l(,iryell.

Comes 6 Satisburia, Comitem Warwici,

Vicec. Bourghchyer,

Comitem de Marche, Dom. Bonevjle, Dom. Joan. Nevy/l,

Comitem Warwici, Do. Grey RuthymDom. Tho. lGryell,
Comirem Oxonte. Dom. Stourton. Dom. Tho. Haryngton.

The Memorials of his thirty eighth Tear are liJl, only it is ob/Erved, that

therein an End was putting to his Reignz he entred however upon his thirty
ninth Fear, but he did not nih it z yet in the Entrance thereof, on
the eighth of Fcbruary at London in the Bihops Palace, he propoid a new

Eleon, thoe who were with him being enough for that Putpo',
They named aer this Manner,
The E. of Warwick, Lord Bonevyle, Sir Tho. Wenlook,
E. of b Marche, L.Grey Ruthyn,Sir Thomas Kiryell,
The D. of Northfolk,
Earl of Oxford. Lord Stourton. Sir Thomas Ncvyll.
The E. t of Salisbury,

The E. of Marche, Lord Bonevyle, Sir John Nevyll,

E. of Warwick, L. Grey Ruthytysir John Wcnlook,
Earl of Oxford. L. Fytzwarren. Sir Thomas Kiryell,
The E. of Marche,

I/'tcount Bourghyck,

Lord Bonevyle, Sir John Nevyll,

E. of Warwick, L. Grey Ruthymsir Thomas Kiryell,

Earl of Oxford. Lord Stout-ton. Sir Tho. I-Iaryngton.


h This Strutiny was Within a Month that Ed. lV. cam um uper pontem apud Wakefelde Dominus de
was proclaimed King, and 'while all the Power of the Cly orde occidir Dominum Ednsundum Comitem de
Goz/emmcnt was in the Earl of Warwick.
Rutlande lium Ducis Eborum. Et eadem nocte

_c 'This mu be a Miake, for the Earl of Salisbury

being taken at Wakeeld was killed before this 'Iime.
29 Die Dec. apud Wakfelde gentibus Ducis Ebo
runs yagrantibus per patriam ro victualibus qua

Comes Serum captus e per ervientem Andreie

Tro/loppe, 8: in craino apud Pountfrett Baardus
Exon occidit dictum Comirem Sarum, ubi per con
lium Dominorum decollaverunt corpora mor

rcndis ; Factum ci cxccrabile hellum inter Ducem tua Ducis Eborum 8.: Comitis Sarum, 8c Eut/and,

5'0et1eret, Comitem Northumbria, ac Dominum Ne Tho. Nevyle, Ed. Boucher, Tho- Haryngton, Tho.
vyll cum magno exercitu, & partem aliam. ubi Parr, Jacobi Pykeryng 8; Johannis Farroae de London
ocrubuerunt in campo Dux Ehorum, Thomas Nevyll Merccr, poueruirtq; capita eorum u er diveras
llus Comitis Strum, Thomas Harygton, Thomas partes Eborum, Capud qnotklDucis E orum in de
(Iipcctu coronavcrunt. All. orfolc n. 48 in Ol
P-Irr, Edward-is Bozrchcr, J-icobus Pykeryng 8: Henri
cus _Rathj'orde, ac etiam multi alii Milites 8: Armi


gcn, &- plebs ad duo Mille; Be in ugiendo po

' Lord

Actaztb Anno tricemo nono H E N R I C I Sextt',


Comitem de Marthe, Dom. Bonevyle, Dom. Joan, Are-tall,

Dominus Died/U,


Comitem l/Vartttici,

DOmJ-IungerfOrdDOm. Joan. l/Vettlook,

Comitem Arundellite. Dom. Stourton. Dom. Gul. Oodale.

Comitem de harche, Dom. Bone-cote, Dom. Tho. Hatytgtott,

Dominus l/Vells,

Comitem t/Varmiet',
Comitem Oxonia.

Dom. Montague, Dom. Tho. IGUell,

Dom. Stourton. Dom. Jo. Wenlooke.

Comitem Warwtici,
de Marthe, Do.
Dominus Beauchamp, Comicem
Dom. Tho.
Comitem Oxonite. Dom.Fjt-ztvarren.Domt Tho. Kjryell.
Dominus Ryvers,

Comitem de Marche, Do. Grey Ruthyn, Dom. Tho. Nenyll,

Comicem Warwici, Dom. Bone-tale, Dom. Tho. Harjngtotl,
Comitem Oxonite.
DomJirtzwarre-mDom. Joan. l/Venloohe.

Comitem de Mart/te, Domi. Bonevyle, Dom. Tho. Kjrjell,

Dominus Bereners,

Comitem V/'arwit-t',
Comitem Oxonia.

Dom. Duras,
Dom. Jo. Scotesbroohe,
Dom.R)chmound.Dom. Tho. Haryngton.

Comes de Kendale, uia non intellexic Dominos atque Equites Regni

not w carere, quicquid in ui uragii potcate lit, commiht Regnico

lis aliis.

The E. of Marche,

Lord Dudley,

Lord Bonevyle, Sir John Neuyll,

E. of Warwick, L. Hungertbrd, Sir John Wenlook,

E. t Arundel.

Lord Stourton. sir William Oodale.

Lord Walls,

The E. of Marche, Lord Bonevyle, Sir Tho. Haryngton,

E. of Warwick, L. Mountague, Sir Thomas Kiryell,
E. of Oxford.
Lord Stourton. Sir John Wenlooke.

Lord Beauchamp,

The E. of Marche, L. Grey RuthymSir John Nevyll,

E. of Warwick, Lord Bonevyle, Sir John Wenlooke,
Earl of Oxford. L. Fytzwarren. Sir Thomas Kiryell.

Lord Ryvers,

The E. ofMarche,
L. Grey Ruthyn,Sir Thomas Nevyll,
E. of Warwick, Lord Bonevyle, Sir Tho. Haryngcon,

E. of Oxford.
The E. of Marche,
Lord Bereners,

L. Fytzwarren. Sir John Wenlooke.

Lord Bonevyle, Sir Thomas Kiryell,

E. of Warwick, Lord Duras,

E. of Oxford.

Sir Jo. Schotebroke,

L. Rychmound. Sir Tho. Haryngton.

The Earl of Kcndale not knowing the Lords and Knights of this Kingdom,

who were "without V Reproach, committed what was in the Power of his Vote
to the other Subjes of this Kingdom.
cc One
an) Pert
he I irtezflzhgnuzr
Infa o Re oach
into of
is, that heofhould
he j72? to
2 E- 3- H.ans
i. renroche
H- 8- I Eq no

P_ m;


'168 7

Anno tricemo nono H E N R I C I dexti.



Rcx autem ibi edes e conenu 'I tranulit, loco Ducis f Bucltyngamia
Comitemf bVttrwici conituens, loco Domini s Scales Dominum b Bonerttyrle,"

loco Comitis 'i Salopia ljoininum Tho. i Kiryell, loco Vicccomitis 1 Beau

mond Dominum Joannem '" Mnlooke ".

Eo temporc Magier Tho. a Gold-well Collcgii Canonicus Striba clariimi
Ordinis tit initutus.

The King then tranlated 'I the StaIls by Conent, appointing the Earl of 1 War.

wick in Stead of the Duke of ' Buckyngham, Lord b Bonevyle in Stead of

Lot-ds' Scales, Sir Thomas i Kirycll in Stead of the Earl of ' Shrcwsbury and
Sir John m \Venlookc in Stead of the Vcount' Beaumond ".
At that Time Mr. Thomas 0 Goldwell Canon of the college was appointed
Regier of the mo noble Order.

d It hath been proved in the lntroduil. p. 56, that

1' john Far! of Shreivsbury war [lain en the Lan
Mr. Ahmole was miaken in taking llJZ/C to have carian Side at Northampton, and yet his Hatth
ments were offered [ Ed. ly.
been Remwals or Tran Iations to higher Stal r.
k Sir Thomas Kiriel or Criell made agreat Fi
e There were wtm Vacancies at this Time,viy the
gure m the French "hart, hut adhering to the Intere
eld at Northampton. Though this Humfry Stal of the Houe of York, lo his Head after the econd
ford Duke of Bucks had been killed in the latter on Battle of St. Albans contrary to Law, as 'tis recited in
38 H. 6, were
on inthe1 E.
Side, yet the aboveaid All of Parliament: Harding c. 2*8, is
is Hatchments
therefore mi aken intaying he was killed in that zattle,
f Notaithanding sisElection to this Stall the 9th Wevcr in tis uu. Mon. p. 265, acquaints us that he
onthe Sonereign Side, he was inalled in the third of was lit-headed the Day after. Leland in his ColLZb. 'vol- I.
that Side, which had been the Duke o Yorlfs.


p. aga/Ziaces it on Shrovc-tueday: but a Alanu

M. in O. Arm. n. 4t7, and o e is placed in the cript te ut that the Battle was fought in die Carni
Windor-Tables, he war without Doubt depaed in 8 or

brevii, that is' on Sunday before Ah &Vedneday.

9 Ed. lV, as will be hewn hereafter.

which mu be is Febr. and then proceeds ln die Ci

nerurn capti unt Willimus Bone-tale 8.: Thomas Ki

He died 25 ]uly 38 H. 6, Ec. n. 32.
He embraced the Yorkii Intere, and was one of rtel miles 85, in przentia Principis decollatur apud
thoe who had the Cu/lod) of Hcn. Vl, a ter he had Sanctum Atbanum which mu then be on 18 Febr.
I )0hn I/"icount Bcaumont was [lain on the Lance
been made Pri oner at Northampton, a was himelf
taken at the econd Battle of St. Albans. and there be llrian Side at Northamptoil.
headed, and in the r Parliament of Ed. lV-n- '8
m He epoued the Intere/l of the Houe of York at
this Time, or rather that of the Earl of Warwick, and
it is recited.
Among the Crime: char ing upon Hcn- VI, a Ad at la was lain in Tewsbury Battle 4 May xi E. 4.
'5 hcryng to the eid A argarett, and to the cid He doubtler was the Knight of the Garter, whoe Name is
" Duc of Son-ue', and other Lordes and Pero 'tri/printed in Comines, whereof ee Introd. p. 33. His
n nes that comytted the eid Orrible and Cruel] Body lies buried in Luton Church in Bcdtbrdlhire with
" Mwrdre of the eid Duc of Torke, and of the a broken ncription. Hic tumulatus

de Wen

Ordinis Pcricclidis alte1-- Hu

" Erles of Rutland, and Shlesbun; And alo of the lock natus
a eid People in the cid eld beide the cid Towne jus villze Dominus' ille jacet indignus, animate
Though he was thus elected
" of St. Albanet, Ycvyng therefore to the cid Duc, Deus eo benignus.
" and other aying thcym therein a pcciall Laude to the Stall of the I/"rcount Beaumont, yet he was
" and thanke, from thcnsforth ap lying to theym, placed in the xi of the Princes Side, to which Sir Tho

a and to their outrageous, unleull: and unlaweull mas Kiriell had been eleed, Vinc. M. in O. Arm.
** Riots, and migovernaunce, after that uer ng n. 17. and his Name is illcontinued in the Windorz
" willfully thoe worthy and good Knyghtes Vil Ta les.
n Here mu have been other Vacancies, unlesrm: " liam Lorde Bontsille, and Sir Thomas lGrje/l, for

a the Prowe of' Knighthode ap roved in their preceeding Chapter be omitted Wherein they were filled.
" Pcrones, called to the Order o the Garter, and For Richard Duke of York war [lain at &Vakefcild 29
a William Gower Squicr, the bcrer of oon of' his Dec. 39 H. 6. Rot. Parl. 1 E.4..m. 8. aith he was
a Banncrs, Vvhom to he made faith and aurans 'uurdered on Tue. 30 Dec. and Ric. Earl o Salisbury
*' under Kyngcs worde, procedyng from his mouth, killed the next Day, and Sir John Faol died on St.
5' To keep and defend thoym there from all hurt, Leonard: Day 39 H. 6, as it hath been quoted in his
** Jouperdie, and pcnll, To be mwrdrcd, and after Li p. 140. note m. or rather on the fifth of Novemb.
" that Tyrannouly heded with grete violence, according to Ec. 78 8: 39 H. 6, 11. 48
U without Procee of law, or any pitee contrary

a He war ina led Canon of Windor in r458, was

" to his cid aith, and promye, abhomynable in

Secretary, in
of Saturn, and at lengthl
of Norwich.

F the hearing of all Chriicn Prynces (Fr



TH U S Our Compiler took the Liberty to
His Anniverary was not only oberved in this
abrid , and in his lvhnner to tranate into Chappel, but his Corps ms ar length removed
Latin the nnals of this Order, durin this Rei n, hither. At r he was buried below the Maiey
whereof the Subance hath been con rmed by e of a King in Chertlty Abbcy, a Place remote from
cords, ro which great Addirions may doubtles be the Concoure of eople, where, it was oon be
made from the Wardrobe-Accounts, and it may be lieved. that Miracles were wrought through his ln

very probable, that from them everal other chro terceron. Rymer vol- 1 . . 105, 104. which pro
nolo ical Errors in this Regier ma be rectified. bably gave Occaion to Izic 1. 3, who had murdcred

ranator chances to belguilty o one, in com

him to remove his Body to Windor, without any

mencin the Rei n of this ing on the Kalends, Application to the Pope for a licence for that Pur
that is e r o September, which may deerve an poir- Ru Hi, p- 217, 8e Rym. ibid. He rvas bu
Examination, ince the anniverary Commemora ried here in the South Ile of the Choir. R/ Hi
tion or Obit of his Father Hen. V. was held in' p. 212. Concil. Briton. Vol. 2. p. 712, 713. And

this Chappel of VVndor, on 31 Attgu. A/htn. Hi. though this Chappel had been built by his Com
ctitor Etl. IV, yet it was thought that his Relicks
of Hen. Vl, mu begin from the
o not their uppoed Vertue in this Place, in
Moment o his Father's Demie, which Day there omuch that the putting on his old red velvet Hat,
fore is the Point in Queion. The Continuer of was conceived to be a overeign Medicine for the
the Croyland Hi. p. 514.- ith a penultimo Augui Head-ach- Stows Ann. p. 429, which with cvcrll
" decet Henricus Quintus
equenti die uttirno other uch like Cures, performed by the Chipps

r r. Rei
p. Tshe

" Augui Henricus Windeorc, infans nouetn 'nen of his Bedead, were reprccmed in the adjoinin
ium, O quatuordecem diert-'n re nart ctzpif', Here Glas-windows. MS. of the mo noble Duke o
is the lnterice of a Day, for t is Author could Kent. Roi who lived till January r49r, aith he
not mean by this latter Expreon the r Execution was twice buried " O iterutn tertio creditur a plurL
of ome Act of Royalty in the Name of Hen. Vl, V husepeliendus, Hi. p. 210. and Ston- p. 424. re

Since the New: of his Fathers Death at Bois le Vin. lates, that his Tomb being taken from Wind/w, it
cent could not reach this Kingdom o early- Wal

is not commonly known what is become of his

jingham p. 407. places the De of Hen. V. on the Body. Hent) Vll, indeed obtained the Pope's Bull to
30 AAgF/l, and Mr Ryner in his Dedication of his remove it from hence to Vl/eminer Abbe to be
tenth olurne mu parronize this Opinion, be buried with royal Solemnity- Kymibid. ur the
caue he xes it on the Feival of St. Fiacre, which
was oberved on that Day, Baillet les Vies des Saints;

Collector knows not whether his Body was taken

away in Puruance of 'his licence; or what thee

For Feivals according to eccleiaical Compura

tion, commence from their Eves. Cbatier Hi. de
Ch. vii. places his Death on the la of Augu.
Juvenal des Ur/ins p. 39 is more diinct by peci
fyilaltlle Day o_f the eck, though he miaken
Dieae as the Caue of
in Death,
1 going uanLeimaginary
Land!" detain'
dklou Hcnri

Authors mean by thee Exprelions

a Certicare from join Duke of Begord, and other

companions then m the Ware of rance, contain
ing a Detail of 'he military Actions of everal va

" dngleterre alla de vie d"tne rnaladie, n'ot' none.

liant Knights, in order, as tis therein exprecd, to

But to return to ome Tranactions in this Order,

which have been omitted; Mr. A/hntotc p. 269.

eeemed himelf ha py in meeting with a Copy of

" me de S. Fiacre." The la of Augu/i in 1422, Elections into the void Stalls. His Exemnlar being
was u
a Muddy, and our Record: acertuin us,
that n. V. died on Monday the la Day of Au

very imperfect, it may not be amis to upply (he

Omions from aManucript in the Handwriring

u/l, in after
that Year
twor and
H.6. three
in. 21 of
d. the
So of Francis Thynne, Lancaer. B. 2. p. 274.- in the
Collectofs Cuody.
that if the civil Day was then calculatcd to begin

from Midnight, as it is now almo univerlll-y re

ceived in Europe, Hen. Vl commenced his Reign

early in the Morning. Pridie Kaknd. Septenrbnlt, or "

on the la of
As this year]

it of Hea. V. oberved at Wind


jor, gave Occa on to the rectifying this Error ofone "

Day in theChrouology of this Regier, o the An
niverary celebrated there forH. 6, on zlM-q. Alhm. "a
I-Ml. p. izl. may iuify an Enquir v into the Day

Sir 'Thomas Rentp/lone.

V Item to ex oe the Honour of Sir Thomas
Retnpone, w iche hathe contynued at teat
arte of all the Seges and Co uees o the
l,(in e, whome Chrie aoile, an irhens under
my iorde of Bedforde in the warre of France,
and amonge other Thinges in epecial] to his
reat Honour deerved great Merit at 9!- Jaqttes

*' 5: Bruerotnwherehe was bceged and lyen aboute

of] his un ap y Death, and conidering the Cir

" him the Puiance of Britayne that cleped him

Conable of the advere parte, the aid Ram
exact Time hould not be publickly known; for "" one
his great Knighrhode after the Eny
(omines l- 3. c. vii. writes poitively, thar he was '* mies through
hadden myvbtley aayled hym b divers

cumances o ' it, 'tis not to be wondered that the

barbarouy murrhered by Richard Duke ofGtacter.

Leland in his collect. p- 507, iiith he was put to
Death 2' May on Tucjday betwixt eleven and twelve

'* aalres. he after the ahures iued knightly up

" pone the Sage, and by his knightly iuvngc

" and worthynes was caue of the rying of the

of the Clock, which Mr Sandford Gen. Hi. p. 306. " Siege and recows of the towne and of himelf,
places in the Year 1472, but in that Year the 2' of

" and alo was at (he la battayle of Rottveraye

May fell upon Tharjday, a Manucripr in the Flora/ds a in the la mouthe of Fever-er, where Sir ffohne
Oze, Enrituled, Scala Mstndl intcr Cod. Norfolc. " Fa/iolfe and he had the conducte of the Armye
n. s, after mention of the Bartle of Teakthur),

(which was on the 4. Mary 1471.) proceeds, Henricus '* and were Lieutenanrs.
nttper Rex Anglia: reponiturin 'Iurre London, (F in
Sir Rafe Butler,
vigili' Acenoui: Domini ihidem fellciter moriens per
Thameiam navicula uq; ad Ahhatiam de Cherrey
" Itern to expoe the Honour of Sir Rafe Butler,

drductas, ihi rpultus e/l. Acenion Eve in this a the whiche to his great Honour hathe conrvnued
Year was upon wring/day 22 ll/Lry.
" parte of his tyme under the Kinge, whom:
" Chrie

" Chrie aoile, and epecially in the Marches of elected into this Order, ee above p. 'og- and Sir
" Pontrewe and Normandye for the tyme that warres Thomas Remp/m being here in the next Article
" dured, and was at manye great rendontrces, and aid to have been one or' the Lieutenants with
" had his parte of grete honoure. And ythenthe Sir John FajIo/f at 'the battaile o Ram/re) in the
'5 amge to Godde of the Kinge whiche la died, Month of Fcllruh) then la pa, that is ar the


y the commandement of' my Lord of Bedforde

empried the Siege of Ooroy and atchived that 'to
his great honor, and was at the battayles of gur
come, and Vernoyle in Per-che to his great Merit.

Victory of the H-rringr, as 'tis uually iled, ob

tained in that Month 7 Hen. 6; See the Life of
Sir John Faolf p. 138. note q. it is thence evi

dent, this recommendatory certicate was ent to

the Soverei n and Cha ter, a very little Time be

Sir William Holdball

fore thee lections in tliis eventh Year.

There was omitted a Warrant for payment of

** Imn to expoe the honour of William Holdba/I
Money laid out for the Fea in the 28rb of'
" knighte that was at the battayle of Cerence,
" where he receved the Order of Knighte and Hen. Vl.
" proved hym a good Kni ht that daye, and after
" was at the battayle o Vernoile in Percbe and HENRY by 'be Grace of God IGng of Englande
and of Fraunce md Lord of lrlande, 'Io 'be
'* contynued in the Frontierres of the Conque of
oure Ecbeqnier
a: oure
trn) andofire/beloved
" Angewe and Mayne, and was withc Lorde 'Io/box 'Treorer
" at the recows of illum, and emonge other
" notable dedes as in worthines of knighthod,

bath la
for plaies
and tom.
girzn Iohn
es atHam
C ton
12] oure

u that happed him one a tyme in the frontiers to

'* ryde from a fortree till one other in his fello man ment xii I. vi r. viii d. and al o by onre laide
" wiheiiiperes and xiiii howes, the Enymyle commandement for 'be expener of Saint Georgs fe
holden at oure Ca ell of Wyndeore xi l . x r.
" pryvye to his ridinge leye for him an em u - la
vii d. q- We Wol an (barge yon that ye doo eonlmre
'* ment of xx menne at Armes withouten menne onreaide Sqrqyer of tbe aid jommer. Ter/en undre oure
" of fore hoet, and in a reight paas the em Privie Seel at oure Cajfellof Berkhamdiede rbe xamii
" buhment brake on him, and he and his fellow
" hippe lighten one foote and the cnymies en Day of Juyn 'Ibe Ter: of oure Regne xxviii.

a emble, and foughten hande at hande, that they

" lefte dedde in the lace oF the Enymies xiiii
'5 menne of armes, an e he of menne of' armes

" tooke nyne prioners, and the remnant di

f' comyted.

In doro

I. wgpo".

Per per A. per Manusjodn

ni: Hanxptan Armigerr xvii,
Die Felm A? an? R nunc.

Sir Robert Her-linge

A great deal might here be aid to ex lain the

r art of this Entry about Pla s an Digui
ling', whiche contynued the tyme of the Kinge ings, if it hould not be eeeme a Digreiion;
whiche la died, whom Chrie aoile, from the however it may be pardonable to hint, that Plays
tyme of his r landinge at Orm de canx, where were r introduced by the Englih into German]
Harlingc receved the order o knighte and con 1417, Vander Hard' de Cane. Condn. Tom. iv.

a lien: to expoe the honour of Sir Robert Har



" tynewed the Siege of Harnre, and was with my


Lorde of Exceer at the bataile of Valemonte and

Ques de Caux, and was at the battayle of the
Sea, where my Lorde of' Ilnntington was chieve
tayne, and was alo at the battayle of Vernoile
in Percbe, and alo at this la battayle of Rou

' fF 'z/erq.

5'- 1089- 1091. as they had former] been intro

uced by them, alo into Bolmnic, albini Micell.
Hi. Bobern. l. 7. p. 175. That the Subjects of thee

Pla s were upon the divine Mieries, Thus bit-it.

Pfl p. 14. R. 2. Clericir Eccle/iarum paroebialium (V
alii: diver/ir (Iericir in ClUlldtC London, in dtndriir
ei: liberatir in pero/utionem x libmrnm. quit: Domi
nus Rex eiden; liker-ere wander/it de dono no tene
ludi de Paione Domini O Creatione Mundi per

Sir Gilbert Haale.

" lmn to expoe the honour of' Gilbert He all, ipo: jali &e. whence it ap ears that this Practice
'*' whiche was at the battaile of Cravanr, w ere preceeded the lniitution o the (onfmirie erected


** he receved the Order of Knighte, and after at the

in the Church of the Holy Trinity in Paris for

" battaile of Vernaile in Percbe. and was alo at the ame Purpoe, uch was the pious Simplicity
" the recows of Meant: with the Lorde Talbott, and
4' in his Equierhod had byn at many faire thinges.
In all the other Part' thee Copies agree, Mr.

or that A e, and thee Play: were acted at Chri

nm, ee t' Frene (ilon 'voce Feum A/inornrn. At
that Time alo were everal Sorts of Ma ues. See

'Amole hath not attempted to ettle the Chronolo

Sat/non der Mqucr p. 32, 33. a very ol Cuom

oberved at Cbri/Imr within this Kingdom, where

ticle rinted by him recites the Merits of Sir John of there are ome divertin Particulars mentioned
Rude: i, o it mu have been before the 22 Apr. in the ancient wardrobe accounts.
7 H- 6, when he, and the Earl of Smord were

gy of it,'which is very eaily done; The r Ar

__. -_-.4._u


For the connection of the Hiory of the everal Alterations, that happened
about this Time, it may not be amis to give Schemes of the Stalls at the
Time of the Depoition of Hen. Vl, compared with the Lis of the Po

eors of them in the Fir and Third' of Edtv. IV.

39 H. VI.

I Ed. TV.

's2 Sqverei
King o nFormrgal _"

The ame __

of'} Void
- ____
Pork on zo Dec. 39 H- 6. -

4. Duke of Norfolk --

3 Ed. IV.

Th: ililiirel. ot' Waraick placed here,


h heStall
h aofs etliis
n esiilel1
lct d
the 'Pinch


--{ Thzactpcsiolfngle
Earl of Worceer.
d' d on 6 } Ttpto

5 Earl or Xendale -- ._{ Thf:ng*z,:he if Z Void by the Dcptivation of him.

6 Vein Deozzshe EZFLOF void - - { Lotrtztntftsztnffwr

ct" m" 3

'39 ' '

he ame created Earl of? The am

7 v-r'cem r Bourgchier --- -{ Ex o" 3"h w'

Void butDukeofMi/ainelectedhere

8 King of Denmark -- -_-

The ame

9 Void, but the Earl of War-trick

Void for want of Inah 3 [Of SWOP', For the Earl of War

elected hereto, though placed

all -- _--

Lo Lolrtiltlgtetdtellyud St
11 Lord Dudly ---_


tion of Earl of Wmw-d

The ame -The ame --

With Was placed in the zd Stall on

this Side.


The fame.
The ame.
Void by the Death of Sir William

'12 Lord wells killed at Touton 29} Void

._ z

March 1 E, 4. -13 Earl of VWtl/hire beheaded on

Friday before St. Georgs Days Void

1 L. 4- and attainte


Chamberlaine elected hereto, who

died probably before lntallation.



Sir John Aieley.





Princds Side.

'1 Void -

te:i who died before lnallation.





' 2 Jafper Earl of Per-broke v-g The ame who was oon f Duke of Clarentei

attainted -

3 Void bv Death of Sir John } Void

'4 LordlI-Zslihamp
F '
6 Non.-39 H.-6.
5 Void, but the Lord Bone-vile
elected, who was oon after
'beheaded - 6 Lord Berners v*----


s tran te The


Lord Wings.

The ame -_

The ame -- ---

7 V'd
lhng elegctgdfPolattdhad
to it -} The ame
8 Void. but the Emperor had

Ferdtnalnd KLHP at' Naples, after.

The ame.

The ame'

-- Lord Herbert;
gier aith inalled ---d Earl
, 9 Lord Faconberg -_
--{Th:fa:,oon cem
z Earl Douglas.
been elected. and as this Re-

10 Lord Rivers


II Void, but Sit Thomas



The ame --


Lord mnyocz "I ted ion

eleitsdxglkxdgdts oon after


The ame.

the 12 of this Side.

tS' Foh
m lockelect-in VYl13*d_'{""'""
. _ }su_ Robert Htrecourt.
'i V"db
To hizhoii,
the xith oF this Side.
13 Duke of' Vie' died about this'




Lord Dura.


P. 125.

Actaub Annoprime E D o A R D 1 Quarti.


Edoardus Qtartus, qui po divini ac humillimi Spi- _

ritus Regem Henricum Sextum obrinuit, Anno Chrii Incarnati 1 460,

'e 29 Junii po cum omni Regali Ceremonia ac Celebritate Regia V/e -

monalerii, quo rriumphaliter ab arce Londinen/i perductus e, Coronam

accepit: unctus (quod aolet) ab Archiepicopo. Cui o rogationem
in aulii grandi nec torius popuii cum ingenti plauu d it aenlus. Rex
autem po umptuoum Be olenne convivium, quod in aula prebebat,

omni uo porcrat Regii Status honore, e plebi ininuans, Fratrem Geor

gium Carentia Ducem -, Richardum autem Ducem Gloceiria, Dominum

Boucer Comicem Euia, 8: Dominum Fawcunbtydge Cantia Comitem in


Statim ab hoc munere Cantuaria incipiens, bonam regni partem

per Maririma traniic, homines ut videret 8: urbes.

Eodem adjutor
anno primo
Joannes Dux
Northolcia Regisi amicimus, 8: in
ad Superos.
Hoc anno primo erenimi Regis Edoardi Qgarti, Maii 1 7 die, coeptum
e Wmdeori celebrari Concilium, in quo 4 Vicecomes Bourcher facta ibi


T H E mo Renowned King Edward the Fourth, who prevailed over the

divine and meek pirited Prince Henry the Sixth, was in the That'
1460, on the apth of June following, with all royal Ceremony and Pomp

crowned at Weminer, whither he was carried in a triumphant Manner

from the Tower of London, being anointed (as uual) ly the Arch-Bihop.
And when the Queion was ask'd in the Great-Hall, the Aent of the whole

People was given with great Acclamations.

The King aer a 'na hicent and

orderly Entertaintnent which he made in the Hall, ininuating himil to the Peo

all manner
with hisDukreyo
ro al Di
t), created
Duke of
of Regards
and Richard
G oceer,
Earl of Eiex, and Lord Fawcunbridge Earl of Kent.

Preentl] after this

Aair beginning at Canterbury, he paed through a great Part of the King

dom along the Sea-Coa/I, to ee his People and the Cities.

In his aid

Tear diedJohn Duhe of Norchfolk, a mo

and aith

ul Abettor of the King's.

In this
ar of the med? erene King Edward the Fourth, May 1 7,"
a Chapter was begun to be held at Wyndelor z in which the 4 Vicount Bourcher,
a Ed. lV, began his Rergn on the ourth of March,
Part, 1. E. 4. n. [O and on the thirteenth D of that
Month went tnto the North, where he gained t e blood]
Vfior) at Touton Feld on Palm-Sunday, which was

Eex, which was on zoth Iune, Pat. 1. E.4. p. 2- m t.

and before the Promotion of the Lord Fauconbridge
to the Ear/dom of Kent, and alo before the Entry of
the Death of the Duke of Norfolk, which happened

then on 29' Match, and during his apzan in thee on 6N0v. 1 E. 4. Ech. 2E- 4. n- 46. for this Duke
Parts this Pea/t war held, Ior he returne not to Sheen is hrre named as preent at this Fea.

till the 26? June. See his Life publyhed by Mr Heame.

at the En of bprorr. So that this Compi/er according

Here are twelve companions named, and the Earl of

Warwick and the Lord Weniock Knights elel, not

to Order of Time, hould have placcd this Fea of then inalled, and two Vacancies
St. George before his Coronation, and before the Nar-

the Deaths of Lord

Boneville and Sir Thomas Kiriell, whoe Hatchments

'ative of the Creation of this Vicount to be Earl of could not be oered, becaue the) were never ini-Zlletfz

Acta/Ztb Anno primo E D O A R D I Quarti.

173 _

per Supremum idone ucienteque commione, Deputatus ab eodem

prxedit, ibi conjunctum illic habens Dominum Berners. Supremus mul
tis magnis ac variis alioquin Regni negotiis jugiter intentus aberat, cui

praeientes obequium deerebanr Northfolcia Dux 6: Dominus Fawctmlttydge.

Rex Portugalize

Rex Dacia

ut ante emper excuati, quod eent exteri.

Comes Longvyle

Comes Penbrochia

Dominus Ryvers

non mierunt unde poent excuari.

Dominus Dudeley

Domini Beauchamp jam abentis ideo probata caua lit, quoniam in

ipo olenni die Divi Georgii prius aderat, arbitracus tunc Fore celebrita
tem hanc auetam.
Dominus Sudeley decubabat xgrotus.

Pralatus, Abbas Towrhyll, 8: Prior Medemenam de abiantia notati unr.

Ibidem audita: unt litterar, quas ad Deputatum uum czeteroq; Com- P. 126.
militones Supremus jam eo mierat, quibus e praeceptum, ut nuper
having a proper and ticimt Commiion given him by the Sovereign, pre/ided
as his Deputy, having the Lord Berners ambled with him. The Sovereign
being continual] taken up with the many great and various Aairs of the

IGngdom was a int, having with him the Duke of Northfolk and Lord Faw
cunbrydge paying their Duty to him.
The King of Porrugal
King of Denmark were excuid, as always before, being Foreigners.
Count Longvyle
The Earl of Pembroke
Lord Ryvers
Z ent no Excub.
Lord Dudeley

Lord Beauchamp, who was now abent, had his Excu: approved, becanh
he had attended before on the very Feai Day of St. George, expeng then
the uual Solemnity.
Lord Sudeley kept his Bed through Sicknes.

The Prelare, Abbot Towyrhyll, and Prior Medmenam were marked down
for their Abences.
There were heard the Letters which the Sovereign had then ent to his Deputy

and the rcl of the Knights, in which they were required to take the Engns
and two by the Removals o] the Banners of the Ear! of which anwer the Number of stalke
Wilthire and Lord Walls, but no Notrce is here tttThis bei the r Fea held after the Death of Sir
ken of 'my Eleilions made to the Stalls (f the Duke of John Faio F, 'tir range his Banncr hould not have

York, the Earl of Salisbury, the Princes. or Sir

Lohn Faolfs, neither is there any Mention of the

ing of Poland, the Emperor, or the Duke ofVieu,

een offered as well as thoe of ib' "th" Cover-Wot"

here name .



cta ub Anno primo E D () A R Dl Quarti.

Regis Iniguia de Choro tollerenrur, 8; jam Regnanris appenderenrur,
quod 8: mature qui pratenres erant Eictiratrlm curabanr ; Caduceator enim

Rcgius juu Nobilium illa Supremi prioris auerens, abcluxic in Sacra

rium, loco quorum nova meruendiiimi jam Rcgis appenla unr. Ea
rundem aurhoritare Wylchiria quoque Comitis inignia, Be Domini l/Vells
depoira unr, e Choroque ublata.
In Mia crain pro defuniiis Enes ac Galea: cum appcndicibus jam

mortuorum Equitum, videlicet Ducum Eboraci ac Buclgyngamiee, Comirum

Sarisburia 8: Salopia, Vicecomitis Beaumond, 8: Domini Scales oblata unt,

ur antiqua conluetudo iit: Et quia pauciores intererant, ipe Deputatus

cum Collcga toro Negorio perlncti unt.
Comes l/I/Zzrrwici, Dominus Bonevyle, Dominus Thomas IGrye/l, Domi

nus Johannes Wenloohe memorari unt ur prius electi, primus ad edem

Ducis Buchyngamite, alter ad ledem Domini Scales, terrius in locum Co
verb in edem Vicecomitis Beaumond, ed nondum
Interea quoque Dominus Bonevyle, 8: Dominus Thomas Kiryell obeun
tes, reliquerunr hides aclhuc vacuas.
Inuper ibidcm aurhoritate Supremi per Commilitones e atutum,
uod Enes ac Galea: cum appendicibus quvis ex cau depoira, Be e
ghoro ublara, verterentur in uum ac commoclum Hopirii, eu Collegii

Divi Georgii: icut 8: illa quae pro mortuis poridie Celebriratum a uper

of the late King out of the Chair, and hang up thoe of the Kingnow reigntlttg:
Which they who were preint readily tooh Care to have done. For the King's
Herald by Order of the Nobles tahing away tho? of the former Sovereign, car
ried them into the Velry, and hung up the new Ones of our now my? dread
King in their Stead.

By Authority of the ume Letters, alo the Engns

of the Earl of Wylchyre and Lord Wells were tahen down and carried out
of the Chair.
In the Mas the next Day for the Dead, the Swords and Helmets with the

Appurtenances of the Knights who were now dead, viz. of the Duhes of York
and Buckyngham, of the Earls of Salisbury and Shrewsbury, Vicatmt
Beaumond and Lord Scales were oered, according to ancient Uitge, and be

caue there were no more preent, the Deputy himelf with his Collegue performed
the whole Qffice.
The Earl of Warwick, Lord Bonevyle, Sir Thomas Kiryell, Sir John

Wcnlooke mentioned to have been formerly eleed, the

to the Stall ofthe
Dulee of Buckyngham, the econd to the Stall of Lord Scales, the third to
that of the Earl of Shrewsbury, the fourth to the Stall of Vcount Beau
mour, hut were not yet introduced to their Stalls.

Lord Bonevyle alb, and Sir Thomas Kiryel dying in the mean time, left
their Stallsill vacant.
Moreover it was there alt by Authority of the Sovereign waged I? 'be
Knights, That the Swords and Helmets with the Appurtenances that were ta
hen down for any Caue whatzever, and carried out of the Chair, hould he

converted to the Ue and Prot of the Hopital or College of St. George, in the


Actaub Anno printo EE D

A R D I Quarti.

viventibus oerunrur, quamquam obabant I' aliqui se contra dcpo

cebant. r

Anni 4 Set-unde' t nulla mentio.


ame Manner, as the En/ignr of the deceajed Companionr, which rwere oered

by the Sur-'oi-vors on the Day after the Feas, though b ome of them oppojZ-d
this Determination, and dered the contrary. 5
Of his econd 4 IZ-ar there i: no Account at all.

4 ,

Here bei
on! two Corn
re ent Thye
the mu
of hCoure
has? eonzurred
in tlheir
latl-rt deins certain temps apres la receprion de la dit
Garrier, comenr plus au plain ei declare: en icelles

Practice hath been m Cae! of Atta-'nders and Degrada. eiatutz 3 cavoer faions que pour aulcunes conide
tions, to in down the H-ttcbmentt into the Chair, and rations nous a ce pccialement moyvaxites, 8: mei'
thence to hes orpurn them through the Church, and ment que nore dict (jouyn de Worcere se le: anl
tbrou h the uadrang/e into the Ditch of the Ca/e. tres Signeurs 8: Chevaliers derdirs on: de pre
b e riv. Sigi l. 25 Aug. 1 E. 4. Forl-trnoche a: we ent, eront encores, tellement occupez entour no
of re peronne 8: nore ervice pour le bien de nou:
an: granted unto our hu mble Servant (carter
Arms and his Felawt theome of x mare, for the
8.: de norc dit Royaulme, quils ne puient eire
ges undyifte proclaymed jor our A/lat at the F-e of enallez peronellement an temps que voulirions a
seint Gcor e lajl paed &e. ye pay &e. and in Exit vous ordonnes 8e deputes, ordonnons 8: depuroils
Pell. P. .
4. Gartero Regi Armorum 8e Sociis par ces preentes vous jointement 8e everallement
in peto utionem x marc, quas Dominus Rex nunc

8: a ce donnons playn pouver 8: auctorite, de ad

eis liberari mandavit pro Largeit 8: donis procla

mitter, recevoir, 8e eablir en toute bonne hae que

mar. pro Statu Regis ad feum S. Gcorgii anno

prime ejudem Regis habend. de dono uo per viam

faire ce pourra iceluy nore couin de Worce re 8:

les Seigneurs 8: Chevalicrs deus dits, 8c ecun

regardi 61. rz t. Lid.
d'eulx, par leur procureur ou procureurs par eulx
d lt it very proba le there war hine Chapter held in en ceie partie coniitues 8e deputes en les eialles a
Tear, wherein Japer Earl of Penbroke was checun deulx en nore College de Seinct George
ordered to be degraded, and wherein everal Vacancie: dedens nore Chaeau de Vltndeare, agnes aini
were upplied by an Election; fbr we [enow that in the 8: ar telle maniere, que ung8c chairun d'eulx y
commencement of the econd Far, there was a Cam fu ent adoncquez precntez en leur propres per
'nion ranted for ina/ling ve Knights sbjecty,
which bhing imperfectly printed by Mr. Ahm. App,

a', 52, tle here publyhed at large.

onnes ; aulcunes ordcnances ou eatus faitz ou or

donnes au contraire non obantz. En temoing

de la quelle choe nous avons Fair faire cees nous
Lettres oubs le Sccl de la dict Ordre Parents, Don

Regiir. Denton in rario Vindor p. 100 b.

ne a noh-e Cyte de Lincoln le 21 Jour de Adam,

l'an de nore Reigne le ecund.
Edward par la grace de Dieu Roy Dengleterre 8.:
This 12: dated in the very Cbmmencement of the fe
de France, Signieur d'1rlande, 8e Soverayn de For. cond Tear of hit Rei n, o that thee Electiont were in
dre du Gartier, a noire trcchier 8c treamey Cou all Probability in the r/l Tear.
n Henry Counte cTEex, 8e a nous trechiers 8: 'But there were ome other Eleblions before the Time
bien aymes, Johan Sire de Bernert, 84: ohan Site of the Inallationr of thee ve Knights, referred
de Wenloh, nous conreres de la dit ordre, 8c a to in this Inrument, and thoe were the Duke of
chacui] d'eux Saint. Coment nagueres de l'avis 8: (Tlarence and Sir William Chamberlaine, who are
aent de vous, s: (Paultres nous Confreres de me placed the fir/i in the catalogue: under this Reign, and
me l'0rdre, ayons entre let aultrer eeu nore tre Tear,
who areVinc.
on O.
to have
n. 417
: their
in. the
treayme 8c
8: nos8:trechiers
8c bienCounte
aymes de
occur in the following Entry of the third That' in this
de Hningex nore Chambcrlayn, John Site de Regier, the Duke of' Clarence beingdprtent in that
Mmtaeu, Mllum Sire de Herbert, 8c Meeur Johan Chapter, and the Stall of the other jai to be then va
cant by his Death. But the Cblleor it induced to he
A/ey Chevaliers, 8e nous conreres de la dict Or
dre, & oit auxi, que en les eatus de meme For liez/e, the latter died before lnallation, becaue hie
dre 8c couumc, que tielx elieuz-eant en cedit Name doth not occur in the Windor-Tablet.
noire Rnyaulme eront eiablis peronelement de


rwv -_


'NNW -

Actaub Anno tertio lrl DO A R D I Wortz',

P' 127

Anno tertio clatimi Regis Edotzrtli Audrti, viceimo rcundo die &pri
Ii: celebratum e Wndeori Concilium, in ' quo cum Supremo prxen

tes etant

Dux Clarentite,

Dominus Haynge,

Dominus Died/e),
Dominus Herbert,
Dominus Berners,
Dominus Wenloohe,

Dominus Montagte,

Dominus Dterar,

Dominus Rirvere,

Dominus Robertm Herecourt.

Comes Wgornie,

Comes Eexite,

Rex Portugalite
Rex fPoIoni-e
i Neopolitanm

extranei, uis domi rebus addicti.

Dux Medtio/arteni:

Comes Warwici

Dominus Sudeley

Zforis occupad'

In the third TZ-ar of the nto/I noble King Edward the Fourth, on the twenty
econd of April a Chapter was held at Wyndehr, in ' which were preent

with the Sovereign

The Duke of Clarence,

Lord Dudley,

Earl of Worcecr,
Earl of Eex,
Lord Haings,
Lord Mountaguc,
Lord Ryvers,

of Portugal

King of Poland
King of 1 Naples
Duhe of Milan


Lord Herbert,
Lord Barners,
Lord Wenlooke,
Lord Duras,
Sir Robert Herecourt.

Foreignert, were taken up with their Aair: at


ogi/Cslxzyick Z were employed abroad.

e Several new companion; are here

nttnted in forneerb eleed. Here are twenty two companions,
this Regz/Ier, the Duke of Clarence, Etwl of Wor which with three Vacanciet complete the Number : But
ceier, He Lord Halin s, the Lord Montacu, the

then thit Regier nel/falter in one of the Vneanciet, for

Lord Hetbert, the Lor Duras. Sir Robert Harecourt, the King of' Naples, the Dnheo Milain, the
Earl Douglas, the Lord Scropp of B0 ton Sir lohn
Aieley, and t: Vneant) that happened by the Denth of

we know from the Windor-Tahlet, that _ the Earl_ o

Douglas ucceeded the Earl of Kent in the tun!

Sttt/I on the Prince? Side, and this Earl o Douglai'
it entred, nt exert/ed [or hit Ahjience from t i! Be by

Sir William Chamberlaine; the Time; o their Ele- the sit-oereign Lettere, o that thee three Vaeantiet
ction: and Inn/ntion: are omitted out of ue Book. but were in the Stn/h of the Prince, the Earl of Kendall,
the Commion for lnnll-ttion: of ve of them hath and of Sir William Chamberlain.
Ittzth Herbeit
been oberved
in the introduction
f O]
'Iitne of hit
49, and
p. 86,i
that thitIt Lord
we: electeti
dttrin the l that
on the
the eighteenth
of E/ection
July this

Life-time o] Ftedcrick the Emperor, who he heen the Gnrter we: ent to him. St' th?"

0" x


Actaub Anno tertio E D O A R D I Qnarti.

Comes Douglas
Dominus Beauehantp


Z Littcris Regiis excuiti.

Dominus Scropp

rcgni commodise mandato Domini Rc

Dominus Joannes 5 Ajhhley

gis atccndentes.

Anties I/Ijtntoniens, Abbas Towrltjll 8: Prior Medmenam uis hic o

ciis mcti unt.

Supremus acnu uorum ibi Commilitonum decrevit, ut inignia Co

mitis de b Kendale depoica extra Chorum aportarentur.

In Miih. iequcntis diei pro deinctis Enis ac Galea Comitis Cantia

oblata unt: Enis per Comitcm Exia 8: Dominum Montagu, Galca

vero cum anncxis per Clarentia Ducem 85 Comitcm I/Vigornie.
(Do Comitis
pacto cres
unt, Comitis
dc eo
8; odes
i. i inquam

Earl Dougias
Lord Beauchamp

} were excuZ-d by the King's Letters.

Lord Scropp

} were attendinz the Good of the Kingdom by the King's

Sir 3 John Ach]cy


The Bi/bop of Winchecr, Abbat Towyrhyll and Prior Medemenam here

dtharged their everal Qices.
'Ihe Sovereign 'with the Ajent of his Fellow-Knights then ordered, That the

Entgns of the Earl of b Kendaie hould be taleen down and carried out of the

At the Ma for the Dead the Day following, the Sword and Helmet of the

Earl of Kent were oered, the Sword by the Earl of Ecx and Lord Mountagu,
and the Helmet rwith the Appartenanees by the Dtthe of Ciarence and Earl of

By which Means three Stalls were roacant at thie Time, The Earl of

Kcnfs, Earl of Kendalcfs, and Sir William Chambcrlaynts 'i.

g Hie Inveitttre with the Gar-ter it exhibited in Sati
ptnre in Dugd. Warwickiiire p. 73.
b See Introdnct. . 77. 78.

tahe this Phrae to be meant VeIt/et lined or 'tarried

with Vetoet, but conceive: it to man the riche Sort of
VeI-vet. For as the French call the bt/i Velvet a ix

In a Mentorial ent hither by the Direction Me iies to diingni/h it from that a trois poils, a deux
ils, poil 8: demi, 8c renorce a quatre lies.
Dnhe of Foix, to enquire into the 'Iinte o tbe
riage of his Ance/ior this Earl of Ken 1 with the Biction. de Txevoux en Velours : So in the Account:
Dan hterned
of to
Earl into
of Suolk,
that XI,
thit of the anding wardrobe we often rd the V/'Uet re
an) Treaz'tiswith
'naini therein under the following Denominations with
r Re ittetion to his Eate, 'till he ad the Pertnton their erent Vallies.
of the Kin of England granted him by Letters Pa
Put-pull Veivete open Velvete perled at xl s.
tents, whie are ill preerved in the Arthi-oes of that
noble Family, and thereon the IGn of France reored the yerde.
Pin-pull velvete perled at xxxiii s. iii d. le yerde.
him 17 May 1462, 2 Ed. IV, to is ancient Patrirno
Crimoyn velvece open velvet: petled at xxxiii t.
ny, which the Cottnts of Foix and Dunois had long
- enjoyed.
t. penes me- Doubtles therelitre he re iiii d. le yerde.
turned the Emblents of this Order, which mig t probably
Crimoyn velvete period at xxxiii t. iiii d. le yarde
Crimoyn velvete at xxvi s-> viii d. le yetde.
be done with refpectjtel Soletnnity, and become a Prece
Ructte velvere open velvet: perlcd at xl s. le
dent to his Countrjman the Lord Dux-as.
i In this Tear in the Act of Parliament for Ap arel y erde.
Ruette velvete perled at xxxiii t. iiii d. le yarde.
is this Cleane, That no Batehelor Kni ht/ha/l wear el
vet upon velvet. bat uch as be the Order o the
Ruettc velvete at xvi s. le yetde (o'e- 12 H- 8.
Garter. Stat- 3 E. lV, C, s. The Editor dat) no'

P. 128.

i 78 t i

inh- Anno qnarto

D-O A R DI Qgarti.

Illurimi Regis Edoardi gLtarti Anno quam, Apri/is viceimo nono,

prazcellens E-xiee Co1nes Commione Regia deputatus, l/Vindezri for

oliti conefss obizrvavit, cum quo przeens erat Dominus Bareners.
Supremus alibi magnis atque gravibus Regni negotiis implicatus, 86
aduus in illis, iinc aberat.

Rex Portugaliee, abentiaz cauiim habuit, curam regni ui.

Dux Clarentiee cum Regi majeate iit: Comes autem 'Vigorniee Regi

imiliter obecutus.


Comes V/arrwiei

g aquilonaribus Regni nibus, nec injuu Regis in- .

- Dominus Montagn
Dominus Scropp

vigilabant, ut rebellibus ac hoiiibus armis icubi

ceperint irr-umpere, fortiter obierent.

Comes Duras extra Regnum, mandato Regis obcquetts

Comes Donglas

Dominus DudeIe
Half ny:
* Dominus R (vxg
Dominus Irert

. .
attendebant ex prxcepto R lS. ilhs
bus, qui ad tuendum borea es ities aionati
unt, uti diximus, aut aliis alioquinecelftati

Dominus Wenloohe

bus ohcimd'

Dominus Roh. Hereeonrt _,


In themrth Tear of the mo illurious King Edward the Fourth, the twent)
ninth of April, the noh/e Earl of Eex depnted hy the IGngs Commiion, kept
the Form of the uual Chapter at Wyndeor, and with him the Lord Bareners
was preent.

_ The Sovereign was ahent elewhere, heing in-'aolrzied in the greatand rweighty
Aairs of the Kingdom, and continually tahen up with them.
The King of Portugars Caue of Ahenee was the Care of his IGngdotn.

The Duhe of Clarence was with the King z and the Earl of Worceer Iihe
wie attendzng on the King.
The Ear] of


were gnat-ding the Northern Borders ofthe Kingdom h]

Lord Mountagu the King's Command,that they might gallantb' oppoe the
Lord Scropp
3 Forees ofReheIs and Enemies, the] attempted to mahe

an Inroa/ion.

for] [it hould he Lord] Duras was out of the Kingdom, oheying the King's
Or ers.

Earl Dou las

Lord Duci-they

were hj the King's Directions attending on tho/e

Lord Haiirgs

Nobles who were aignedfor the Defence of the

Lord Ryvers
Lord Herbert
Lord Wenlooke
Sir Robert Herecourt

Northern Borders, as we ha-ve aid, 01' enga

ged in ome other neceity Emplojments el/E


---;-=-----\\_ i







Actaub Anno quinto E D O A R D I Quarti.

Dominus i Dudelcy
Dominus Beauchamp


} uam Lirreris inrmitatem cauati unt.

Dominus Joannes I Acheley captivus in traninarinis m.

_ 129.

Hoc eodem " Anno peperit Elizabetha Regina primogeiritam uam

Anno quinto invictirni Regis Edoardi 9\ttarti viceimo nono die Apri

lis Dominus a Barners debita Commione Regia: Majearis agnatus,

ad conultationem auetam 8: (olennem divinorum celebrationem hono

Lord t Dudelcy

Z pleaded Indipo/ition for an Excui: by their Letters.

Lord Beauchamp

Sir John ' AEhley was a Prtoner beyond Sea "4 .

In this ame n Tlear Queen Elizaberh brought forth her elde/t' Daughter
In the fth Tear of the my? invincible King Edward the Fourth, the twenty
ninth Da of April, the Lord 0 Barners deputed a proper Commion from the

King, or the uual Conultation and the tlemn Celebration of divine Service
k The Lord Dudelcy is mentioned above attending unto oure truy and wclbeloved Servant Gartier and
in the North or the Safety thereof, and therefore his Felaws Kin cs and Heraulds ofthe-Oce ofArmes,

le) ye paye and de 'nere the ome of xx mare. whiche we

doubtles this ould be the Lord Sudeley, who
Reaon of his Age had in the r Tear obtained an gave unto thaym by way of rewarde or oure Largie
Exemption from attending the Parliament Pat- 1 E. 4. proclaimed in oure Court att the fee is of Alhaloivci)
and St. George la ed &e.
p P See Rot. Fran. 7 E- 4, m. 17. oh._Aeley miles
Exit. Pcll. P. 6- 4.
Gartero Regi armorum 8; ociis nis Rtgibus, 86
Kionarius penes Ftancos haber ocium Vxtllartt
Heraldis de Ocio Atmorum in denariis eis libe
egis ibi concoum:
m Here are only nineteen Compamons, The IGngs ratis io die factis per manus Garterii in olutio
of Poland, Naples and Duke a Milan omitted, and uem xx marcatum quas Dominus Rex cis liberate
probably the three l/iacancies mentioned tn the ormer mandivic per viam regardi, pur les Largez. pro

clamatis in Curia ipius Domini Regis ad ea om

Tiar might not be uppiied.

MS. Ant. a Wood in Mueo Ahm. n. 117.

nium Sanctorum 8: Sancti Georgii Anno Qparro

xiii i. vi t. viiid.
was Mundi
on theCod.
of Phi

By the King.

I G HT truy and welbelot/ed we grete you wele in O. Arm. n. 25, that is on the r of May, yet
and wol and charge you that under our privy Sea/e his elde/t Daughter Elizabeth was not born till Febr.

being in your Ward ye do make Letter-s to be directed

unto our Treorer of England and Chamberlayrtg of our
Echequer charging them by th' ame that unto our
tra/ly and tue/beloved Servant Gartter and his Felaws
Kings and Heralds of thhice of Arntes they pay and
deliver the Sommc of xx marks which we gave unto
them by way o Reward for our Largee proclaymed tn
our Court at tJe Pea/is of Alhalowen and St. George
[te/i paed and thees our Lettres hall be your warrant.
Yet/en under our Signet at our Caell of Pountkrett the

xviith Day of.]une the fourth Tl-ar of our Reigne.


1466, and ehriened on the eleventh of that Month.

Life of Ed- lV printed by Mr. Hearne at the End of
Slprotr- This Computation of the Tear war not from

t e Day of the Incarnation, but according to the Ro

man calculation of the commencement of the Year
from the Kalends of January, which the Continuer of

the Croyland Elt. p- sst, aerts at length, Elizabe

tha nata 1465 ecundum uum Eccleae Anglicante.

1466 Eceleiz vero Romana, Meni: Fehruarti. and

indeed this was' in the fth, nogourth of Ed. lV.

o Here are only twenty one ompanions, the Duke of
Milain being not named, and probably the I/'tteanctes
in the Princes Stall, and in thoe of the Earl of Ken
dal, and U Sir William Chambetlaixie had not been

Priv. Sigill in O. Pcll. 17 Juno 4 E. 4, Edward _ thettlled.

&e. To the Treurer &e. We woi and charge you that




1 80

Actauh Anno quinto E D o A R D I. Wortz',

rice cum Domino Sudeley ac Domino -Roberto Herecourt Vmde ari con
Supremus interim grandibus lmpcrii ui negotiis hic atque ibi dira
ctus erat.

Rex Portugalia
in uis (ut oportebat) Regnorum curis, nec hii in
Rex Polouia

duas adhuc edes unt introducti.

Rex Neopolitanm
Dux Clarmtia
Comes Mmici

Comes Wigornia
Comes P Northumhrice

Comes Ejexize

Comes Douglas

> nuncio Regis excuti funt cic abfentii l.

Dominus Hayng:
Dominus Herehert

Dominus Scropp
Dominus Ryver:

I: ominus Wenloohe

Domini Beouchantp excuatoria: litterae receptae unt.

in an honourable Manner cotrvmed at Wyndeor with the Lord Sudeley and
Sir Robert Herecourt.

in the mean Time w;I hurr'ud up and down hy the great Af'.
his Kingdom.

The King of Portu al imm taken up (as they ought) Iwith the Care: of
King of Pohn
their Kingdomt, and were not yet injlalled.
King of Naples

The Duke of Clarence

Earl of Warwick

Earl of Worceer

Earl of P Northumb.
Earl liflougcizs
w?" exd for tiym 5) 4_ MelTgf'rom tho?
Lord Hayngs

I Kmg'

Lord Herebert
Lord Scropp

Lord Ryvers
Lord Wenlooke
Lord Beauchamps Letter: of Excue were received.

p That i: John Nevil Lord Montagu.


Actajub jlnnoexto E D O A R D_ I Quarti.



Dominus Duras

P. 130.'

ante icaptivus.

Dominus Dudeley nullam pra: e: tulit abizntix caum 9.

Sexta nobilimi Principis Edoardi Quart;" Anno, Aprilis viceitno (epti

mo, Dominus item r Barners, ut ante, deputatus V/yndeori cum Domino

Scroop 8: Domino Roherto Hereoourt, ex more conventum habuit.
Rex autem olicitis regni negotiis adhuc impeditus erat.

Rex Pormglctct

Zfioris ut antehc.

Rex Neopohtanus

Dux Clarentia

.Comes Wgornia

Comes Northumbrize
Comes Exite
Comes Douglas
Dominus Herebert

'- '

u protection: Regis abentes.

Dominus Dudeley


Lord Duras continued at Calais.

Sir John Acheley was a Prtoner as before.

Lord Dudeley pleaded no Caul- of Abence 9.
In the xth TZ-ar of the mo nohIe Prince Edward the Fourth, the twenty
eventh of April, the Lord r Barners deputed as before, held as uual, a Chapter:

at Wyndeor with Lord Scropp and Sir Robert Herecourt.

The King was ill hindred hy the trouble/fame Ahirs of the Kingdom.

The King of Portugal swore abroad as Izefore.

King of Naples
The Dulee of Clarence

Earl of Worceer l
Earl of Northumb. l
Earl of Eex
Earl Douglas
were abent under the King's Proteiong'
lord Herebert
Lord Ryvers
Lord Dudeley


Priv. Si ill. 1 Martii ad olvendum Mattheo Phe

q There was ome other Chapter held in this Tcar
wherein Richard Duke of Gloceer was elected into lip pro i (ihrter Ducis Glouc. de dono Regia hberat,
this Order, for we meet with two privy Seals in this xxx l.
'Ihis Dnhe was choen to the Stallfrom which the Earl
Tiar. Edward- 'Io the Treaorer--We no!
and charge you, yat ye deliver unto our right entirely
beloved Brother the Duke of Glouceh-e or to the

Bringer hereof in his Name an Helrne, a Cre/ie, and a

Swerde for our faide Brother to be et in the Chape/I of
our college of Seynt Geor e withynne on' Ca tell of
Wyndeore accordyng for syrn to thonnour an Order
of ye Gartete. Tez/cn under our rive Seal at our Pa
l s of Wehn. the fourth Day o 'Feverer yefe TZ-re
17 our Regne.

of Kendal had been depqed Vinc. zMS' n- 417. in

O: Arm,

r Here are 22 Knights, the Duke of Milain not

named. and the Prince? Stall vacant, as alo that of
Sir William Chamberlaine, unles pohly the Lord
Montgryon mentioned hereafter tn the eventh Tar,

had been 'lected thereto.






Actaub Anno eptinto E D O A R D I Quarti.


Comes War-wite'

Dominus Hayngs
Calii morantes.

Dominus Wenloohe
Dominus Dnras

Dominus Beauchantp

Z mizrunt Iiteras cxcuZitionis taz, qnx 8: pro

Dominus Sudeley
barce unt.
Dominus Joannes Ahhely', adhuc Carcere, ubi prius detentus. i
Rex Poloniat

Dux Glove/Wit

Z (Edes ibi prxconccas haud adhuc ingre unt.

Anno magnicentimi Principis Edoardi QLtarti jZ-ptirno, Aprilis vi

ceimo ecundo die, oienne Concilium I//yndeori cclebratum e, in

quo Suprcmus ip: prxitns praeizntcs ccum habuit

Ducem Clarentize,

Comitem Ri-vers,

Comitem Warwiei,

Comitcm Douglas,

Comiccm Exia',

Dominum Hajngs,



The Earl of Warwick

Lord Haings
Lord Wcnlook
Lord Duddcy
Beaucham P

were abiding at Calais.

Z ent Letters of Exca which were al/b approtttedo

Sirjohn Ahelcy was detained in Prthn as before.

The King of Poiand } had notyet tithen Poon of the Stalls before a
Dnhe of Giocecr gned to them.
In the e-venth Tear of the my' magncent

Edward the Fourth, the

owen? econd Day of Aprii, a olemn Chapter was held at Wyndclor, in

whic the Sovereign

being preent had preent with hint

The Duke of Ciarence,

Earl Ryvers,

Earl of Warwick,

Earl Dodgias,

Earl of Ezx, . -

Lord Hayngs,


f Inwardrobe,
the Account
of the
Sir b
of Fogge
S_ept- 6Ke
EI erIV,offor
one na' is entred Feum Sancti Georgit' die jot/it
23 Apr. apud Windeor.
Dugd. 2 wi. Baron. p. 162, and M. Sandf. in
p. 41;
refer ofto York
a Decree
the Geneal.
the KingUi/'Z

l St.
Son otsld
his Arms lin'd
in thcisevenib
Year,to bybethe
IG aPa:
St. Iohnk, accompanied with other Mights o the
ter, after Eventtn in hie Bedcharnber, int e Pre ence
his Lords and his Cotsncil, which is apparentg an
, t that nigh:
D L liedinnihe
t bor
l T"m, and
its Crhronhlog)


Acta jiib Anno eptinto E D o A R D 1 'Quarta

Dominum Bareners,
Dominum ' Scales,
Dominum Seroop,

Dominum WenIoo/ee,"

Dominum Rob. t Herecourt,

Dominum fro. Aeheley. a

Dominum Dudelej,
Rex Portugalize
Rex Neopolitanus

E ut ante (Epius exculati.

Ducis Gloeelrite
Comitis I-Vigornie

abentiae, teimonio Regis, cau probabilis.

Comitis Nortbumbria
Domini Herebert


Dominum Beauc-hang: 8: Dominum Sudeley exculabat Xgritudo.

Dominus Dura: extra regnum mandata regis implebat.

Lord Barners,

Lord 'Wenlooke,'
Sir Robert " Herecourt,

Lord ' Scales,

Lord Scropp,

' Sir John Acheley.

Lord Dudeley,

The King of Pottugal

King of Naples

}were exeued as often before.

i The Duhe of Gloceefs

Cauji of Abence was allowable, by the
Earl of Worceefs
Earl of Northumberlands King's Tlimony.
Lord Hereberfs

Lord Beauchamp and Lord Sudeley were exeued by Siehneji.

Lord Duras was out of the Kingdom executing the King's commands.
t The Lord Scales at this lime was that learned and " Caues Apoolique, and Uncle and Governor-r
valiant young Nobleman Anthony Widville Brother V to my Lord the Prince of Wales." The Chapter
to the Queen, then about 25 Tears old Ec. 12 E. 4, wherein he was eleed is omitted, but he uceeeded the
po mortem Jaqnetta Ducie Bed ord, who ter Dnleo Milain in the 'hzh Stall on t e Sovereigrfs
the Death of his Father, became Earl kivers, to mourn Side, inc. MS. in O . Arm. n. 417. In the Cata
lo ne he is mi laced before the Duke of Gloceer, as
the Ki gave Lttters of Reeonnnendation to all Prin nough
he nasi is Senior by Eleflion, whereas tlteDitht
eesjor r Entertainrnent of him, wherein he is illed
Antonius Comes de Ripariik, Dominus de Scales, 8: of Milain Predecebr to thit Lord Scales did not
de Nnecllr, ac lnulae Vectis, irenuus Otdinis nori die ti 8 March 1466, 6 Ed. [V, Bayle's Dict. voce

Garteria Miles, prazcharimat Conortis nora Sfonia, but the Dnhe of Gloceler was a Campanian in
Elizabetha Reginz Frater, Pat- tt E. 4, p. 9, in. 28. the fth Year, ee above note q.
He compoed man) Poems and tranlated everal Bool-s,
a Priv. Sigill. 19 uyl 7 E. 4, " We late you
whereof two are printed by Caxton, the Dyctes of " wite that we have raunted unto our truy and

the Phyloophers in 1477, which Book be aith, was a

tranlated by the ** noble and puiimt Lord Antone T
'* Erle of' Ryvers, Lord of Scales and of the Ille 3
" of ivight, Dejendour and Direour of the Siege *'
" Apootiqne For our holy fader the Pope in this *'
" Royaume of England, and Governor of my Lord a
" Prince oi' Vales," and the Cordyalle or Bole of "
'be our [all Things publihed in 1478, wherein Cax

welbeloved Sir Ro rt Hareconrt oon of the

Knights of the Gartir the ome of lxl. by
wey of rewarde for the coe and expenis of
the ayd Robert For the tyme of his going of
late with our right trui and entierly beloved
Couin Therl of Warreayb and other in our
Ambaade to out Couin King Lonys of

*' Franncc See." LSee Rot. Fran- 7 E- 4, 'n- 17, for

ton iles )im " Dcienout and Directour of the this Ernbajb.


Actauh Annoeptimo E D O A R D Quortz.

Domino x Principi, Regi Neopolitano s: Domino de Montgrjon Apulia, -

jam antc delectis ad illurimum Ordinem edes recrvatze unt.

Dominus Vvntonient 8: Abbas Toqvrlyrll aderant, Prior autcm Mede-f
tnenant abentia: redargutus.
P. 132.

Ab hoc izptimo, Annum uque decimum, minus extant qux gea


Eodem fane decimo clarima Regina Principem edidit 7 Edoardunt, 8c

deinceps uti annus erebat, firatrem ejus Richardum Eboraci poea Ducem,

duaq; przrtetea lias Ceciliam ac Katherinam.

Georum undecinti Anni nulla mentio Z.

For the xPrince, the King of Naples and Lord of Montgryon in Apulia,
'who rivere a little hefore choe into the mo illuriout Order, Stall: were

The Lord of Wincheer and Ahhat Towyrhyil were preent, but the
Prtor Medemenam 'was cenured for Ahence.

From thir eventh to the tenth Tizar, there i: no Account of What Things
were done.

In the nd tenth Tear the nto/I nohle- Queen hrought forth Prince) Edward,
and after-wards a: the Tear alo-ty'd it, hit Brother Richard, afterward: Duke
of York, and two Daughterr he/ider Cecilia and Katherine.
Of 'what 'was done in the cle-venth Year there is no Account at all P.
x 'he Editor lie i noralnttzlitho was this Lord o

Duke of Burgundy to be his immediate Succeor,

'Je of
n on jyhoulid
. 8,heqaddzd,
9, o. thj; in the third Stall of the Soverei n's Side : Now
of theee IGng
Number will he complete.

during the Life-time of thi' Bag, who lived till

the Battle of Burnet on Eaer-Day 1471, we nd

He war born in the Sanctttm) of Weminier, on that this Marcia] Duke (who as (bntinet l. . Ch. i.
th' Nov. 1470, to which Place the %een had ed aith, could very well peak the Eng/Yh ongue)
for Refnge, during the Expulion of the ing her Hu - was inveed with the Gorter, which was in Ja
band, Richard war horn at Shrewsbury on the e nuary 1469, ee lntroduct- p. 69, 82, 83. Not
nemecmh Aug. 1472. (it/le. Thynne lancaer B. 2. withanding the Pardon that this Earl, and his

penes me p. 292. The Compi/er of this Regier hath Son-in-law the Duke of Clarence obtained in Chri
omitted another Son, and everal of this King's Daugh ma: 9 E- 4., they oon thought t to continue on
in their Rebellions, as 'tis recited in a Writ 24.
March, Clau. 10 E. 4, m. 7 8, but it doth not
z. Here is a large Cham from the eventh to the as yet appear, whether this Fiat] was upon his Par

twelfthYear of Ed. lV. The range Revolutions in don reored to this Order, or whether the Duke
this Kingdom during this Compas of Time, will of Clarenee was depoed u n his r Rebellion,
be here mentioned, only as they had an imme though 'tis very probable t t Cenure might have
diate Inuence on the Tranactions in this Order. then been inicted on him.
The Far] of Warwich went through wonderful Vi
It is hence evident, the Catalogues have not
citudes of Fortune, and as he had et the Crown
upon the Head of Ed. lV, o out of lnconancy,
Digu, Diappointment, or ome other View>
he began about the eventh Year to reolve the re
etling Hen. Vl upon the Throne, and entered into
all Sons of Meaures for that Pur oe, thee his

'placed this Duke of Burgundy in his due Seniority,

or everal Knights elected in the twelfth Year, as

it will oon appear, precede him in thee Liis.
And as ome of the companions did at this Time

epoue the lntcre and Party of this Earl of Wir

wieh it may not be unrcaonable to believe, they

might alo meet with the like Punihment of De

all Doubt depoed from this Order, for which gradation from this Order.
Reaon it may be. no' Plate remains for him in the
If this Regiier had preented us with the Li
Attempts being oon dicovered, he was without

Chappel; The Fact of his Degradation eems to

of all the companions in the (twelfth Year, we

beprovcd, in that the ilimlfor-Tables place cherte: hould thereby have been enabled to knor the


Actazrb zlnnaeptimo E D O A R D I Quarti.

Ea er-Day ll E. lV.

Names of the Knights had been elected in this ln

terval at lea durin the Time that Ed- IV was
poelied of the roya Dignity but in that Year

he Behaviour of this Nwi/l had been very wz.

vering and inconant, werving and returning to

there occurs only the Name of one new Compa

his Loyalty and revolting from it again, aiid the

Collect-or cannot as yet dcterminqwhether he might
be excued for his Abence ; This Earl according to not bedepoed in one of thee Deviations, only
nion the Earl of Arundcll, who is then entred to

the Wmdor-Tables ucceeded in the ixth Stall on

his Plate ill remains at V/mdor, lncribcd I' Sir:

the Sovereigs Side, to John Navil Lord and Mar

do Monk-gy.

ques Man-tas, who had been killed at Burnet on

But in Order' to have a fuller View of the Tranactions in this Order, under
Ed. IV during the silence of this Regier, let us conider how many of
the companions died within this Compas of Time, and who ucceededx
them according to the Windhr-Tables, or other authentick Vouchers.
Deaths of the companions

Their Succeors.

Sir Wrlam Hrrbert Earl of Pembrok was beheaded

Tburdg after St. Janrrfs Day, that is 27 Jul]
1468, c. 9 E- .

Earl Riz/m beh

ed 12 Aug. 1468, 9 E. 4. See

Ech. 14 Eltz, n. 46.

' lctd
E. 41'
who himelf driedo8fW!

} John Lord How-m! elected 12 E. 4.

Yiptofl Earl o Worcecr beheaded 18 Octob- 1470,

} John Mowlmq Duke of No/folk elected 12 E- 4;

ro E. , Ec. 9, se 10, E. 4. n. 33.

Sir Rob. l-Iarconrr ain by the Staffordr and his

Death placed in 10 t. 4, Vnc. MS. n. 417. See 2 Lord Fcrrerr elected 12 E. 4.
the lntroduct. p.
note y.
Lord of Mantgryjon o whom ee the Introduction

}- Lord Montjoy elected 12 3- 4.


lpgdaon-lzzlinl of Nortbwberland, ain taer

Earl of Arundcll aid to be his Succeor in the


y ', 3. .

cal-Unn- ing (if Poland, deigned by initial Letters'

m 12 E- 4, lntrod. p- 51, whoe Election was?
John de 14 Pale Duke of Snffo, aid in Vinc. MS.
vacated, doubtles for want of an lnallation
n. 417, to be elected to E. 4, after the Death of
before the fteenth Year, when al] the Stalls

were full? as alo in the eventeenth and eigh-S

teenth o Bd. lV, whereas this King lived till

the King of Poland, but the later Particularity

mu be a Miake.

77une r492, 7 Hen- Vll, His Name occurs not

in this Regiier after the ixth Year of Ed. lV.

The Earl of warm'd upon his Return from
Bunc- landed at Dartmoutb on rzth Sept. 1470, in
the 'o Ed. lV, who ed out of the Kingdom,
three Days before that Earl brought his Army to
London, where entering the Tower on the 6th of
00. Speed. p. 693 He releaed Hen. VI, who from
thence commenced the Readeprion (as it was term

Fea in the annual Return, yet as Brim [V

was during that Time, by Parliament declared
a Traitor and Uurper and everal of his Adhe
rents likewii: attainted, o it is ver probable
ome Knights of this Order, were in onequence
thereof deEraded from it, and that their Stalls

might be lled b an Election at lea; and itcan

ed) of the Crown, and continued in the Poeion not be doubted, ut that apcr of Hadicld Earl of

of the Style thereof, till the xi of April following, Pmbroke, a companion in the 37th of Hen- VI,

Rol. de Majorilm London in Oa Arm. thou h the bein artainted, and deprived from the Garter by
Exercie of all Power was w olly veed uring Ed. V, for his epouing the Law' inn Intere,
this interval in this Earl of Wdrwick.
was u on this Re-adeption of the rown, reored
Ed. lV oon afterwards landing without Oppo as well to this Honour, as to his Earldom; thou h
ition, upon his Advance to London found the it may be dicult to gues. whether he mi t
Gates open, and immediately reconfining Hcn. VI, have a Reitution to the Stall wherein he was r
the Sport of Fortune, in the Tower, marched with eated, becaue upon hisDe radation in 1 EAJV,
the utmo Expedition to encounter this Earl of the Duke of Clare-nor was p aced therein, who at
warm'd, whom he ew in Battle on the fourteenth this Time was in the lntere of Hen. VI, but there
of the ame Month being Eaer-Day.
were Vacancies, by the Deaths of William Lord
But though Hm. Vl continued not in the Title Herbm Earl of Pmbrokgand of the Earl Ham.

of the Readeption of the Crown, till St. Grorgfr


Acta ub Anno duodecimo E D O- A-R D l Quarti.
18 6

Anno nimirum duodecimo erenimi Regis Edoardi Wortz', Apri/is vi-'

ceimo tertio, peractum e Wyndeori Concilium, ubi a SllPrClnuS hcum

habuit Richardum atrem

Glocerite Ducem,
Comitcm Exite,
Comitem Douglas,

Dominum Bareners,
Dominum Duras.

Dux Clarentia
Comes Arondellite

Comes bEIZ-xite

Comes CDouglas


Dominus Hayngs
Dominus Scroop

probabilibus e cauis 85 Regi 8; Commilitiae

viis excuati, quarum ab aliquibus neque
l prxceptum Regis abtit.

Dominus Sudeley
Dominus Beauchamp
Dominus Dudeley


Do1ninus Joannes Acheley litteris uis per Garterum mis ucientem

excufstionem obtendit: At si ne Celebritatis, quiad minor erat illic nu

In the twelfth TZ-ar of the mt rene King Edward the Fourth, the twenty
third of April, a Chapter was held at Wyndeor, where the 4 Sovereign had
with him his Brother Richard

The Duke of Gloceer,

Lord Barcners,

Earl of Ecx,

Lord Duras.

Earl Douglas,

The Duke of Clarencc

Earl of Arundell
Earl of b Eex


Earl5 Douglas

l were excuZ-dtr probable Reaons allowed by the

Lord Hayngs

i King and Knights, ome of which Reaons carried

Lord Scropp

l with them even the Kings orders.

Lord Sudeley
Lord Beauchamp
Lord Dudeley
Sir John Acheley by his Letter: which heent ly Garter, alledged a tlctct

ent Excttb, but at the End of the Fee, becaue the d Number there, was too
a _Of the Tranaign; in zf; chapm- ee [be Izm-o'Mhan P- FO, S, 2.
. I) T/"i E Of gex is before mentioned as preent

m th" C/"PNT-

e Earl Douglas is hebre aid to be preent in this

d The Preence of x companions at lea is reqttred

[ by Stat. 18 E. 3. H 5- and H. 8.


Actath Anne deeimo tertio E IZO A R D I Quarti.


merus, quam ut elcctioni ucipiendaz uceret : cundcm Rcxf acccrclzat,

ut uppleretz verum nec E vcigio (quae habctur) ecuta ef electio.
Anno ne deoimo tertio, die Fehruarii viccimo Sexto, Supremus tum P. 133.'

Wndeori procqt ad Electionem, cum quo prazcntes ibi


I) ux Clarentia,

Do. * MantravemDom. Gul. Patre,

Britannia Ducem,
Ducem But/eyngamia,
Dom. Tho. Mongenter),
Dom. Stourton,

Dom. Joh. Parre.

Ducem Bat/tjngomia, DOm.Mantra-uers,Dom_ GuL pyre,
D u x Glote 'in ,

Ducem Britannia;

l mes E xia
Je ,

Ducem Bue/eyngamia, Dom.Mantra-vers,Dom. Tho. Beare/tye',

Ducem Britannia,

Dom. Stanley,
Dom. Je.
Stourton. Dom.

Dom. Stourton,
Dom. Gul. Parre,

Ducem Buekjngamia, Dom.Mantra'z/ers,Dom. Tho. Bourthjer,

Dominus He]ng t, Ducem
Dom. Stanley, Dom. Gul. Parre
Com. Northumhria. Dom. Stourton. Dom. Joan. Parrz,

little to errzte for an Eleliion, the King ' ent for him to tpply [that Defect]
and jet thef Eleon did not come on immediately as far' as we have an]

In hit thirteenth Clear, the twenty ixth of February the Sovereign then at
Wyndeor proceeded to an Eleotz, and thoe who were preent with him

The D. of Britany,
The Duke ofClarcnce,

L. * Mantraversir William Patre,

D. ofBuckynga m,Lord Stourton, Sir Tho. Mongomery,

Count of Urbin. Lord Stanley. Sir John Patre.

The D.ofBuckyngam,L. Mantravers, Sir William Parte,

The Duke ofGloceer, D. of Britany, Lord Stanlcv, Sir John Parte,
Count of Urbin. Lard Stout-ton. Sir William StanleY.

The Earl of Eex,

The D. ofBuckyngam,L. Mantravers, Sir Tho. Bourchycr,

of Britany,
of Urbin. Lord
Lord Stout-ton,
Awdley. Sir

Lord Hayngs,

The D. ofBuckyngam,L. Mantravers, Sir Tho. Bourchyer,

D. of Britany, Lord Stanley, Sir William Patre,
E. of Not-thumb. Lord Stourton. Sir John Parte.


e 'Io whom being in London Calis Pttreuant was trod. p. 50, 51, which ma) he found alo in Bibl.
ent with Notiee- Ahm. Hi-p. 266.
Cotton. Julius C. vi. p. 253 h. In a Cap) wrote by
f 'Thee could not be 'he original Word: of the Serihe [ Mr. Thynnc Lancaler B. 2. penes me, p. 288,
or Regiler of the Order, who cannot be reumed to
he ignorant of the Proceedingx, but mu e a Remark

there i: alo added the Duke of Suolk, at elected e'it

IlJlI ame Time.

addFd by our Contpiier. The ez/en Knight: eleed at thi:

chaprcr are named in an Intrument printed in the In- ]

It hould have been Mautravers.


18 8

Actaub Anno quarto decimo E. D O A R D I Qitarti.

Ducem Bteelejngnmtite, DOm.Mtmtra-vert,D0m. Gul. Parre,
Ducem Britannize,
Comitem TJrbini.

Dominus Dttdlq,

D. Grey CodenortDom. Gul. Stanley,

Dom. Awdlej. Dom. Rag. Towcott.

Regem g Portttgali-e, Do. Mantrtwert, Dom. Gul. Pierre,

Ducem Britannie,
Dom. Stnnley,
Dom. Maur. Bete/ty,
Ducem Bteclyrigamid. Dom. Dticert BonDoml Jo. Donne.

Dominus Montja),

Tranhcta nominatio prazcntata e Rcgi, qui cle concnu cmvcrortln]

clcgit Buehyngamite Ducem ad Sedcm Domini 'I Barnert i I/Ifylehirten/is, qui

jampridem obicrat, Dominum Manna-ver: in locum Domini * sade-ley, s:

Dominum Gulielmttm Parre in zdcm Domini 1 VZ-nloohe.

Aorta deeimo excellentimi Regis Edoardi Wortz' Anno, Moii die octai
Po l34<

vo, "' Comes Ejexiie Regia: Commionis authorimte dcputatus, ad Solan

nitaccm obervandam, czctcraq; rite Peragcnda cum Domino Yoanne Aehelty
Wyndeoritm advenit.
Suprcmus autcm ob multas 8: valde erias Regni ui cauas abemt.

The D. ofBuckyngam,L. Mantravers, Sir William Part-e,

D. of Britany,

Lord Dudley,

L. Gr. Codenore,St'r William Stanley,

Count of Urbin. Lord Awdlcy.

Lord Montjoy,

Sir Rogcr Towcots.

The K, ofg Portugal, L. Mantravers,

Sir William Parte,
D. of Britany,
Lard Stanley,
Sir Maurice Berkley,
D. ofBuckyngam. L. Dacers of the NorthSir John Donne.

The Nomination made was preented to the King, who by Conent of the Re
elefted the Duhe of Buckyngam to the Stall of Lord b Barncrs of i Wylchyrc
'who died jhme rwhile before, Lord Mantravcrs in Stead of Lord i Sudclcy,

and Sir William Parte to the Stall of Lord l Wcnlooke.

In the 'fourteenth Ibar of the mo excellent King Edu ard the Fourth, the

eighth Day of May, the Earl of m Eex depicted by Authority of the King's
Commiion, ir keeping the Solemnig- and dul] performing all other Things, came

'with Sir John Achelcy to Wyndeor.

The Sovereign two: abent upon everal and may eriottt Ahirs of his
g Alhnus IGng of Portugal had been elected and fourth of March; but it it to be oberved, that this
inglled long before thi: Time, ee Introd. p- 32, 53, Lord Mantravers bie Succeor i: not mentioned in the
next Entry of 8 May 14 E. 4.
18 l Thit Lord mit zin in the Bottle of Tewksbuty
b Though John Bourgchier Lord Bcrners it here
aid to be dead before thit (hnpter held 25 Febr. 13 4 May n E. 4. Dugd. 27/01. Bar. p. 264.
Ed. lV, yet in the ver) next Entry in 'hit Regier,
m Here are twenty one Campanian: named, amorg
he i: entred at exetted for hit Ahence, on 8tl) May. whom it the Lord Bcrners, who by Miake i: entred in
14 E.4, and indeed he did not die till the tixteenth of the former TZ-ar at dead, ee note h. and 'tit evident that
that Month. Dugd. 2 voi. Bnr. p. 132.
the Duhe of Burgundy it omitted, nt lilzettie the
e' Probnhly [led of Wilthirc, becaue he died Lord Mantravcts, who it mentioned in the next Entr
eized of Sende in that Count,
on the 18:b Aug. at one of the Scrtttinert, the Prince t

h 'This Lord died on 2 May igE. IV, whereby thit Stall we: meant, at alo then of the Far! of Wilthire
Still might continue vtteant till 26 Fcbr. in thit lgth who died on the 8 May 12 E. 4. Ec. n. 13, and thee
Their, for the Retlgn of thit IGng tommented from the complete the Number of Stalh.


mmmwzr-mzg .


Acta /ub Anno quarto decinto E D O A R D I Qitarti.

Rex Pm't"Zd
. l'he

} quam anti: cauhm habebant abentix.


Rex Neopoltitanus

Dux Clarentia
Dux Glocdlrta

Dominus Barners
Dominus Ryqters gauthoritatc Regia unt ex

Comes Douglas
Dominus Hayngs

Dominus Haward
1: ominus Duras

Dux Northfolcia
Dux Sublcia
Comes Arundellia

Dominus " Awdley
Dominus Montjoy

Eabcntcs cauii non o


Dom. Scroop de Bolton Dominus Ferreys

Dominus Beauchamp Dominus Gul. Parre

Certe Comes Arundelliee, quod duobus imul annis citta cauim appro

batam aberat a: eiva Celebritate, condemnatus e paznis Statutorum, uc

N cilicet Qladraginta Marcas Coliegio perolveret.


t? Elzztliclsgal

The Duke ofCIarence

of Gioceer
Earl Douglas
Lord Haings


Zr had theame CauZ- of Abence as before.

Lord Barners
Lord Ryvers

excuid ly the King's Au l

Lord Duras

The Duke ofNorthfoik

Duke of Southfolk
Earl of Arundell
Lord Scroop of Bolton
Lord Beauchamp

Lord " Awdley

Lord Montjoy
Lord Haward
Sir Will. Parte

were abent without hew:

ing Caue.

The Earl of Arundel indeed who had been abjZ-ntom thefeirval Solernnitj'
for two Tears together, without an] approved Caue, was ned according to

the Statutes, viz. to pay forty Marks to the College.

n This is an Error of the Trancriber for the Lord Audeley named in the Surages, as a Peron qualed
Dudcley mentioned in the former Tears, and a Serttti. to be eleZled
mer on the 18 Aug jollotrittg, when we nd this Lord



Actaub Anno quarto decima E


D Qllati.

Ejulctdem anni decimo octavo Augui, cum Supremus in Arce Londinerzi,

oret, in Cubiculum uum Garderobx ad electionem novorum Equitum
abiit, ubi cum eo przelentes,

Ducem Britannia,
Dux Gloteria, Comitem 'Urbin,

Dom. Dacres de GillejlDom. Je. Pae,

Dominum Stourton, Dom. Gal. Stanley,

Marchi. Ferrarienem. Dom. Dacres sujeximDom. Tho. Mongomer),

Ducem Britannia,

Dominum Stanley,

Dom. Job. Parre,

DuxBuc/ejngarnisgcomitem Urbini,
Dom. Dacres SajfexigDom. Tho. Boargh,
March. Ferrarienim. Dominum Awdlej. Dom. ean. Donne.
Ducem Britannia, Dom. Dacres Suiexia,DOm.Tho. Mongotnery, .
Comes Douglas, Comitem Urbini,
Dominum Stanley, Dom Joan. Parte,
March. Ferrarienern. Dominum Stourton. Dom. Gul. Staalej.
Ducem Britannia,
Dominum Stout-ton, Dom Tho. Mongomery,
Dom. Dudeley, Comitem Urbint',
Dominum Awdley, Dom. Rag. Tow/eats, '
Com. Northumbria. Dominum Stanley. Dom. Joan. Patre.

Comitem "Urbini,

Dom. Ferrejt,

Dom. Dares,

Dominum Awdley,

Corn. Northumbria, Dominum Stanley,

Dom. Joan. Parre,

Dom. Tho. Mongornery,

Corn. Penbrochia.

Dom. Daeres StejexiieDom. Gul. Stanlq.

Ducem Britannie,
Comitem 'Urbin,

Dom. Dacres Suexia,Dom. Tho. Mongomery,

Dom. Awdley,
Dom. Tho. Bourgh,

Com. Northumbria. Dominum Stourton. Dom. Jac. Harjngton.

On the eighteenth of Augu the jitme TZ-ar, when the Sovereign was in the
of London, he proceeded to an Eleiifion of new Knights in his Bed:

chamber, where tho/i preent with him


The D. of Britany,
The D. ofGlocc.

L. Dacres of Gillellansir John Parte,

Count of Urbin, Lord Stourton,

Sir William Stanley,

Mary. of Ferrara. Lord Dacres of SueiLSir Tho. Mongomery.

The D. of Btitany, Lord Stanley,
Sir John Patre,
The Da/ee ofBuck- Count of Urbin, Lord Dacres ofSuex,Sir Tho. Bourgh,
e ingham.
Marq. of Fetrara. Lord Awdley.
sir John Donne.
Earl Douglas,

The D. of Britany, Lord Dacres ofSuex,SirTho. Mongomery,

Count of Urbin, Lord Stanley,
sir John Patre,
Mary. of Ferrara. Lord Stourton.
Sir William Stanlcy.

The D. of Britany,
Lord Dudeley,

Lord Stout-ton,

Sir Roger Towcots,

E. of Northumb. Lord Stanley.

Sir John Parte.

The Count of Urbin, Lord Awdley,

Lord Fetteys,

Lord Duras,


Count of Urbin, Lord Awdley,

Sir John Parte,

E. of.Northumb. Lord Stanley,

SirThO. Mongomery,
E. of Petnbroke. Lord Dacres of SueLSir William Stanley.
The Duke of Britany, Lord Dacres of SueigSirTho. Mongomery,
Count of Urbin, Lord Awdley,
Sir Thomas Boutgh,
E. of Northumb. Lord Stout-ton.
Sir James Haryngton.

. ____-_p


Actazth Anno quinto decimo E D O A R D I Qnarti.

R. Ctlelia ac Legion. Do. Datres sttexDom. Redal. Hajngs,

Dominus Jo. AtheleLComttem Urhini,

D. Gre) Codenore,Dom. Jo. Parre,
Corn Northnmhria. Dom. Atvdley. Dom._7o. Hafdreon.

Complet Nominatione Regique oblata, Supremus non dientietrtibrts

aiiis, E nominatis elegit 9 Urhini Comitem ad ledem Domini I' Mantle] janl

ante demcti, Be Comitcm Northumhria in locum Comitis 9 Vj-Itchiria jam

quoque mortui.
Hoc anno Rex cum Lodoroieo Franeia rdus iniit, quoadulique vita du
raret ipis, ac annum po.

Serenimi Regis Edoardi 9\narti anno quinto deoimo, Aprilis aurem vi- p, 1301- _
ceimo terrio die ', Comes Lexia, qui Virtute prius zi Rege deignatus
ad olennem Georgii keivitatem cum Comite Douglas, Domino Duras 8:

Domino Joanne AZ-hele-j/ convenit Windeori.

Supremus qualibus ante Regni negotiis ac curis irrhetitus.

Sir John Acheley,

The K, ofCaile Leon L. Dacres of SuSir Ralph Hayngs,

Count of Urbin, L. Gr. C0denorc,Sir John Patre,

E. of Northumb, Lord Awdley.

Sir John Huddreon.

The Nomination heing o-'ver and preented to the King; The Sovereign with
the Aent of the Re, choe out of thoe who were named, the Count of" Ur

bin for the Stall of Lord P Montjoy who was dead a little hefore, and the
Earl of Northumberlandin Stead of the Earl of 9 Wylchyre now al) dead.
In this Tear the King made a Leagtte with Lewis of France to continue for

Li e, and one TZ-ar afterwards.

In the fteenth of the mo erene King Edward the Fourth, the twenty
third Day of April, the Earl ' of Eiex, with the Power he was r inveed
with h] the King's Deputation, aenthled at the tlentn Feiwal of St. George

'utith Earl Douglas, Lord Duras and Sir John Acheley.

The Sovereign had heen for tme Time emharaed with the Bn/inei and Cares
of the Kingdom.
o 'Iltit was Frederick Ubaldi Count de Monteltre,
Et' his ingular and urpang Valour created Duhe of
rbin, whoe Lde 'my be conulted in Zazzera Fami lied'dcll.
p. 237.
p. 217,
Go. Sanfovino delle cae il

in the 'Gray Friers, London, Liber Porrhe in Cur.

Przroiiz. 129 h, where ma: an elevated 'Iomlz of Ala
ba ler e 'o re the high Altar in the Chappel of the Apo

et, ]acec nobilis vir Walterut Blount renuus Mi

les cum libetata de Garteria 8: Dom. de Monjoy, 8.;

Exit Pell. 14. E- 4. Domino Regi in Cameram magnus Theaurarius Anglia tempore Ed. IV, lius
de 8: hteres 'Ihotme Blotgnt nuper Iheaurarii Nor
Napullierin manus
pretio Ducis
unius de
de de
iit rimo ie Ang uit 474.
Vitelldlif.1 ui7.W-tlteruto
in Bibl- Cotrpon-

ibi liberaro recipienti denarios er manus Epicopi

Lincoln. Cancellarii AnZgIi-e cix &I.
q John Staord Earl of Wilthire made hit W,ll
He put o great a Va ne on this high Honour, that 21 Apr.*147z, whereby he ordert, that a connen/ent
with anhouldghe
yma e gilt
in Return he granted man) Privileges to the Englih, 'Iornh
the Garter,
which the) enjoy to this Day. Heyl. Comogr. p. 96.
He obtained ame Bull; of Indulgentet for tbu Chap him in the College of Play. Geneal. Hl/l. of Mor
peljrom Pope extus, one dared 1476 Sexto Kal. Ool, daunt p. 203, and he died 8 May 13 E. 4. Eh. n. 13.
anno Pontif. Sexto, the other 1479, exto dccimo
r The Earl: of Urbin and Norrhumberland are
Kal. Sept. anno Pontif. octavo. See Introduil. p. 49. mentioned ' formerly elected, The Stall: of the Prince

mte Zlvalter
Blount Lord Montioy 'reade his Wtll and Lord Beauchamp oata If, which with xxiit' Corn
panion: here 'tained complete the Fmterniyv.

8 uly 1474, wherein he order: himelf to be buried


--=- JWT


Acta uh Anno quinto decimo E D O A R D I Wortz',

Rex Portugulice

Rcx Neapolitanur


in rebus (his domi vigilcs.

Comes Urhini

Dux Clarentie


Dux Northfolcize
Dux Glocerize
Dux SuhIcti-e

B k'

nutuquc Regis_ abcntram

Dominus Hu gr
Dom. Scroop cBa/ton
Dominus Hurward
Dominus Ferrerr


Dominus Gul. Parre _,

Mautmwr: } citra receptam excutionetn abentes. ct
Comes Arundeie

Dominus Dudelcy cauam gravis inirmitatis habuit.

Comes Urhini elcctus ad earn, qux iit Domini Montjgr, Comes autem
Narthumhrize ad eam, qua: fuerat: Comitis V/j-Ichirizz.

The King of Poland

King of Naplcs
Count of Urbin

Z were attending on their Aairr at filter.

The Duke of Clarence


Duke of Northfolk l
Duke of Glocecr
Duke of Southfolk
Duke of Buckyngant
z excuZ-d their idhhncc h] the Author-it] and Can
Earl Ryvcrs
ent of the King.
Lord Haynos

L. Scroop 0 Bolton
Lord Haward
Lord Ferrcrs

Sir William Parte


The Earl of Arundcl

Lord Mautravcrs

sware ahent Without an] Excue received for


Lord Dudcley had the Excue- of a ive-re IIIne.

The Count of Urbin c'vour eleiied to the stall rwhich war Lord M0ntjoy's, and

the Earl tf Northumberland to that Which was the Earl of Wylchirds.



Actatb Anno quinto decimo E D O A R D I Quarti.


Sua quoque edes Principi reervata. Vacabat itcm una per morreln
Domini Beauchamp.
Prtelatus 8; Abbates ablbntix inimulati.

Comes hic Arundel/ite- condemnatus e Octoginta Marcis in pacnam

continue abizntiae.
Dominus vero Mautravers ob Annum ptimum Abentix ux citta ex- p, ,3-,_

cuamen, Viginti,

Ejudem anni uinto decimo die Maii, Supremus in Cubiculo Stellaro

Wentontzierii per ecit Electionem novorum Equitutn, cum quo qui tunc
eraht huj us Ordinis inigniti, ad hunc modum

Principem Anglia,
Dux Bttekjngamia,

Comes Eexie,

Dom. Stanley,

Dom. Tho. Bottrgh,

Ducem Eboraci,

Dom. Stout-ton, Dom. Tho. Mongomerj,

Ducem Britannite.

Dom. Atvdley.

Dom. Job. Parre.

Principem Anglia,

Dom. Stanlej,


Ducem Britannia,

Dom. Awdley,

Dom. Jo. Parre,

Marchionem Dorett. Dom. Burgaveny. Dom. Tho. Bourgh.

Dominus Haljngs,

Principem Anglia',

Dom. Stanley,

Dom. Tho. Rough,

Ducem Britannia,

Dom. Awdley,

Dom. Tho. Mongorner),

Ducem Eboraci.

Do. Grey CodenoreDom. jo. Parte.



His Stall was alt reerved for the Prince. There was one alt vacant by the

Death of Lord Beauchamp.

The Prelate and Abbots were charged with Abnce.
Here the Earl of Arundel was ined eighty Marks, as a Penalty for conti

nual Abence.

But Lord Mautravers for his

Tear of Abence without Excui was

ned Twenty.

On the fteenth Day of May the lime Tear, the Sovereign made an Elehiion
of new Knights in the Star-chamber at Wcminer, and the Knights of the

Order then with him, did after this Manner


The Pr. of England, Lord Stanley, Sir Thomas Bourgh,

The Dutflzuckyngam, Duke of York, Lord Stout-ton, sirThmMongomery,
Duke of Britany. Lord Awdley.

The Earl if Eex,

The Pr. of England, Lord Stanley,

Duke of Britany, Lord Awdley,

Sir John Parte.

Sir Th. Mongomery,

Sir John Parte,

Marqutzs Doret. Lord Bergavenyastr Thomas Bourgh.

The Pr. of England, Lord Stanley,

Lord Hayngs,

Duke of Britany, Lord Awdley, Sir Th. Mongomery,

Duke of York. L. Gr. CodenoreaSir John Parte.


Sir Thomas Bourgh,


1 '



Actu uh Anno quinto decimo E D O A R D l Quurti.

Dominus Hatvard,

Dom. Stanle),

Dom. 'ho. Bourgh,

Ducem Ehoract',

Dom. Axvdley,

D. Tho. tllottgot/tery,

Ducem Britanni-c.

D. Grey Codenore. Dom. rh. Patre.

Principem Anglia,

Dominus Ferrers,

'Dom. star/ley,

Ducem Ehoract',

Dominus Duras,

Dom. Rad. Heynge,

Dom. Awllle),

Dom jet/t. Parre,

Comitem Penh/ochia. Dom. Da/ears.

D. Tho. Mongoinetj,

Principem Anglia,

Dom. Stanley,

D. Tho. llfongomery,

Ducem Ehorati,
Ducem Britannite.

Dom. Atrdley,
Dom. Job. Parre,
D. Grey Codenore Dom. Tho. Bourgh.

Principem Anglia, Dom. Awdley, Dom Joh. Parte,

Ducem Ehoraci,
Dom. _(ira}0oh, D. Tho. Mongomery,
Marchioncm Doret. D. Gre) Codenore. Dom. Tho. Bourglt.

Dom, Je. Aieheley,

P- 133-

Principcm Anglia,

Po hanc nominationcm ad manus Regias rcverenter allacam : lpi: a

tim unanimi totius prcrcntisr conenu, Principem ad cdem jam ante con
ervatam, Ehoraei vero Ducem ad zdem Domini Beauchamp elcgic, a; in
troduccndos, uti dignitas eagitabat, curatum ivit. Ncquc tunc amplius

quid c inibi concctunL Czrtcrum paulol mox ad aliam itum c clcctio


ncm, in qui cum Supremo prmentes


Marchionem Dor-tt, Dom. Grey,

Dux Clarentia,

Dom. Tho. Bottrgh,

Comitem Penhrochia, Dom. Stanley,

D. Tho Mongomerj,

D. Ric. lium RegisDom. Atvdley.

Dom. Ra. Hajngs.


The Pr. of En land, Lord Stanley,

Lord Haward,

Sir Tho. Bourgh,

Duke of Ygork, Lord Awdley, sir Tho.M0ngomery,

Duke of Britany. L. Gr. Codenore.St'r John Patre.
The Pr. of England, Lord Stanley,
Duhe of York,

Lord Ferrcrs,

Sir Ralph Hayngs,

Sir John Patre,

E. of Pembroke. Lord Dakars.

strTho Mongomery.

The Pr. of England, Lord Stanley,

SirTho. Mongomery,

Duke of YoFk,

Lord Dura s,

Lord Awdley,

Lord Awdley,

Sir John Patre,

Duhe of Britany. L. Gr. CodenoreSir Thomas Bourghe

. The Pr. of England, Lord Awdley,
Sir John Acheley,

Duke of York,

Sir John Parrc,

Lord Greyook, SirTho. Mongomery,

Margues Dorctt. L. Gr. CodeuoreuSir Thomas Bourgh.

After this Nomination reverently' hrought to the Kings Hands, he immediately

with the unanimous Conent of the whole Preence, choe the Prince to the Stall
that wasome Time hefore rerroedfbr him, and the Duhe of York to Lord Beau
champ's stall, and tooh Care to hewe them introduced as their Dignity required.

Nor was there any Thing more done at that lime and Place, But oon! after they
proceeded to another Eleflion, in which thoe who werepreent with the Sovereign

The Duke of Clarcnce,

The Merques Dorett, Lord Grey,

Earl of PembrokqLord Stanley,

Sir Thomas Bourgh,

SirTho. Mongomery,

Rich. the Queen's Son. Lord Awdley.

Sir Ralph Hayngs.

This Chapter 'nu/l have been everal zldonths nj- helrl edter the Tueday following Twelfth Day Wb'
ter the former, and after the ln/tallztion of the Dul-e
of York, who i: here one of the Srrutinert, and hat been

the Duke of Norfolk died.










Actaub Anno quinto decimo E D O A R D I Quarti.

. Dux Ehoreet',

Marchion. Doret,

Dom. Grey,

Dom.Th0. Mongomer),

Com. Penhroehtite,

Dom. Sttmlej,


i COmJ/Vtmeilnndite. Dom. An-dley.

Dux Suoleie,

comes Elexite,


Oug U,

Dom. Tho. Bonrgh.

Ducem Britannie,

Dom. Amdley,

Dom. Tho. Bourgh,

Marchion. Doet.

Dom. Stanle),

Dom Tho. ill/forgetting',

Com. Wg/lmer and/ie. Dom. Grey.

Dom. Rttd. Hdljngt.

'Regem Hipanite,

Dom. Stanley,

Dom. Tho. Bourgh,

Marchion. Doret,

Dom. Denham, Dom. Red. Hnjngt,

Com. Penbroehite.

Dom. Dei/ters.

Dom. Tho. Mongomerje

Ducem Britannie,


Dom/, Rough,

Marchionem Dorfat Dom. Anvdlty

Dom. Later. Amford,

Comitem Penbrochtite: Dom. Denhahi. Dom. Tho. Mongomery.

Marchionem Dori-t, Dom. Stanle),

Hdbgl, Comitem
Dom. GreiAtvdle],
D. Rialium
Regis. Dom.

Dominus Dttdelej,


Marchionem Dori-t, Dom. Denham,

Comitem Penbroehie, Dom. Amdley,

Dom. Tho. Bottrgh,

Tho. Mongomery
D- Hmfr-Talatkamz

Dom. Tho. Mongomerj,

Dom. Ric, Than/gall, P. 139.

Com. Wemerlzndite. Dom. Stoarton. Dom. Tho. Bottrgh.

Fe" en,

Marchionem Doret, Domstanlty,

Comitem penbmzhiz
Caneie. , Dom.
DOm- Dtzhtns
GNJ- ,

Dom. Tho. Mongornery,

Red. Hajn e,

TheiDa/ze a] York,

The E.
Doret, Lord
Lord Grey,
of Pembroke,

Sir Ralph

E-of Wcmerland Lord Awdley.

Sir 'I homas Bourgh.

The D. of Britany,
The Daleeof S u o lk ,

The Kjng of Spain,

The Earl of Eex,

Lord Awdley,

r ae
Doret, Lord
Lord Grey.
Stanley ,

Lord Stanley,

Sir Thomas Bourgh,

Mar ue Doret, Lord Denham, Sir Ralph Hayngs,

E. o Pembroke. Lord Dakars.

Eal Douglas,

Sir Thomas Bourgh,

Ralph Hathyngsyj,

The D. of Britany, Lord Stanley,

Merque Doret, Lord Awdley,

Sir Tho. Mongomery.

sir Tho. Bourgh,

Sir Laur. Amford,

EuPembroke. Lord Dcnham. SirThQMOngOmcrY.

The Mnr ue Doret, Lord Stanley,

Lard Hayngs,

E. 0 Pembroke, Lord Awdley,

Rich. the rQueen's Son. Lord Grey.

Sir Thomas Bourgh,

SirThO. Mongomery,
Sir HurnFreyTalbOth;

Lord Dudclcy,

The Marqtte Doret, Lord Denham, sirTho. Mongomery,

E. of Pembroke, Lord Awdlcy. Sir Ric. Thunall,
E. of Wemerl. Lord Stout-ton. Sir Thomas Boutgh.

Lord Ferrers,

The Marqnes Doret, Lord Stanley,

E. tPembroke, Lord Dakars,
Earl of Kent.
Lord Grey.

SirThO. Mongomery,
Sir Ralph Hayngs,'
Sir Tho. Bourgh.



_.,,.,-- v'

'f 1

Actauh Annojexto deczmo It, D O A R D I Wane.

Dominus Dares,

Dom. Gul. Pay-re,

Marchion. Dori-it, Dom. Scar/ley,

Dom. Tho. Boargh,

Com. Penhroehie,

Dom. Grey,

D. Tho. Mongamery,

Comitem Canei-e.

Dom Arvdlq.

Dom, Gut, A/o,/e_

Ducem Britannie,

Dom. Grey,

Dom. Yoh. Danne,

Marchion. Doret,

Dom. Dei/tiff,

Dom. Rie. Tljtld/I,

Com. Penhroehie.

Dom. Stanley.

Dom. Job. Mhleton.

Regique tradit,
de conenu
Ducis Northfoleieejam
Doret, ipe
ecuta e dimixo.

Anno invictitni Regis Edoardi Qgarti xto deeimo, po ea quae t ce

lebritas annua requitebat, Apriltr viceimo ecundo V/jlnde ori olenniter im
pleta, quarto dein No-vemhris Rex intra Palacium [uum /Vemonajlerii e re

cepit in Cubiculum, ubi cum eo prxentes hujus Ordinis inignes in hanc


Dux Gloeerite,

Rcgem Hi/anie,
Ducem Britannie,

Dom. Denham, D. Tho. Mongomer),

D. Grey L'0den0re, Dom. Jae. Harjngton,

Ducem Ferrarite.

Dom. Stan/ej.

Dom. Tho. Bourghct.

The Margm: Doret, Lord Stanley,

Lord Duras,

sir Will. Parte,

Sir Thomas Bourgh,

E. a] Pembroke, Lord Grey,

Sir Tho. Mongomery,

Etrl of Kent.

Lord Awdley.

Sir William Nore.

The D. if Britany, Lord Grey,

Marqae Doret, Lord Dakars,
E. of Pembroke. Lord Stanley.

Sir John Donne,

Sir Rich. Thunall,
Sir John Mydleton.

The Nomination being made and delivered to the King, he with the Conent

cho the Marquefr Dotet to the Duhe of NoroUCs Stall now rvacant, which
heing done, the Chapter broke up.

In the xteenth IZ-ar of the her! invincible King Edward the Fourth, after
thei/emn ' Performanee ofiteh Ihing: a: the annual Fea required on the twenty

econd of Apri] at Wyndeor, the

on thefourth of November fbl/owing,

within his Palate at Wentiner retired into hit Bed-chamber, where the
Knight: of thi: Order who were preent with him, after thi: Manner


The King of Spain, Lord Denham, SirThaMongomet-y,

The Gloceer,
Daheof Britany, L.Gr.Codenore,SirJames Haryngton,
Duke of Ferrara. Lord Stanley. Sir Thomas Bourgh.

t It cannot he improper to inert thefollowing ln- I

trument at length.

a 'Thomas Lorde illa/were,

" John: Lord Died/eye,

'4 In the Yeare oF our Lorde MiiiicLmi one

Which Chapter was contynued until] after
" the xxvii daye of the Monthe of' Februarye in " "noone,
all uch
not fall
in Knyghts
the peine.comyne
" the xvi Yere of the regne of' Ed. [Vabeinge Sa 'V to the fieae
" terd-iv at the howre of Tieree before nonih ap-.
K vered in ithe Chapter-houe in the Came of
*' Hltndoire 'with the Soveraigrle of the Order ac

" And at even onge tyme the Soveraigne was

" accompanied all one horebacke in their Ha
" bittes, that is to aye, their blew Mantles, with

'- cordmgc to the Statutes.

" thee Knyghts that eneue

'4 'Thomas Marqtues oF Dnr-n,

5' William Erle of Arundell,

f' Hent) Erle of Ejx,

'i Richard Duke OF Tbrh,

" George Duke ofclrmfr,

Actajub Annoexto decimo E D O A R Dl Qztarti.

** Thomas Marqires Dorett,
'4 William Erle of Arundell,

Hem) Erle of E ex,

*' Thomas Lord alzravers,
Erle of Douglas,
'l John Lord Dudlqe,
*' Walter Lord Ferrers of Charteley,
" Johne Lord lhward,

" Sir John Aelye Knyghte,

a The Bihop of Wincheier Prelate of the Order,
a Richard Beauchamp Bilhop of Sat-un' Chancel
3 lor of the Order,
*' The Deaiic,


u After the Kinge, his Brorher the Duke of

U Ctarence,

** The Marquis of Da7et, and the Duke of Torh,


The Erle of Arundr I,

The Erle oE/st', and the Duke of &sfbIl-e,
The Erle of Northumberltrtd,
The Erle Dow las,

*' The Lord Ma travers, acid the Lord Ill-tard,

a The Lord Dud/e),

a The Lord Ferrers,

** Sir John Aeleye.

" And when they had ored in Order as before,

every manne did his obeyance to Sciut George,

and the Soverai ne ; And then wente to his Stall:
V Entred into the Chapter-houe with the So e' again the Ma donne and de projundis ayd
they went into the Chapter-houe againe, where
" veraign and Knyghts of the Order; And thro

'I The Regyer,


the Chapter-houe into the quier to evenonge,

whiche donne they rode uppe to the Calc
againe in their Habirts accordinge to the Statutes,
and there hadde voyde of' Epices tie.

'* The Sonday next day ollowinge, of whiche

" daye was kept the honorable feae of St. George,
a the Kinge accompanied with the Knyghts before

ayed roade to Mattins, whiche donne, they en

tred into the Chapter-houe, where they tarried
not, but wente into the Deanes Place, and
breake theie fae; which done they went to

they tarried a greate Space

** The King of Cecill,
*' The King of Portugall


" The Duke of Bur onely:

" The Duke of Ur ne
: abcnt nI/ra mare
" The Earl of Ryvm

V The Lord Scrope

" The Lord Duras

" My Lord Prince

*' The Duke of Gleet/fer

" the Quier to the High-mae. every manne to hys

a owne Stalle, to the whiche Mae the Queen came

a The Duke of Bobingham

'* The Lord Hdlngt

'* one horeback in a Murrey Gowne ot' Garters,

*' Sir William a Pair

abiznt infra paniam.

K [tem the Ladye Elizabeth the King's elde

This is copied from a Tranlbripr in the Hand
** Daughter in a gowne of the ame L vcrye,
of Francis Thjnne, formerly Lancaer He
" [tem the King's Sier the Duche e of Sulle
rald now remaining in the Collcct0r's Cuody B- 2.
** in a gowne of the ame Lyverye,
'c The Ladye Mcrqucs Montacute in a gowne of p. 292 h. This worthy Ocer had with teat
u Silkc
Diligence, lon udied
the inti
of this
** Tlie Ladye Merques Doreti ans Liverye,
onour, and was an admirable Aniiquary, as

Mr. Camden informs us in everal Parts of his Bri

s, all one l-lorcbaclr, and all the foreayd tannia. Mr. Stout in his Annals p. 429, gives the
" Laycs att in the roade loe, and in lykcwiie Subance of this Fea, omitting only the Month
" came they to the econd Evenonge; the Kinge and the Day of it, wherein it was held, thou h he
" Dame Anne Hayngt ome Moneur Rich. Ha

" dyned in the great Chamber, at whoe ry ht

concurrs in pecifying the ame Day of the


and places it under the ixteenth Year of Ed. lV.

hande atte the Byhop e of Sarum Chancel or

of the Order Eft. An on his left hande the
Duke of (larence and the Duke of Sit/Folk. And
a ide
the ame
the Mar
of inDorett,
the Chamber
Earles of time
t umberland, and Ej/ex, the Lord Maltra-uers, the
Erle of Doug/ar, the Lordes Dudley, Ferrerr, and

** Howard and Sir John Alle/eye all one one Side.


And at a rable one the other ide the ame

Chamber att Mr. Dudley Dcane of St- Geor e',
Chappell, with him all one one Side the Cha
nons of the ame Chappel] in their Murrey
Mantle with a mundelet of St. George; At the
tvme accuomed they hadden Largee of the
only. fore, they
cryed came
Cc. And
the Kinge
all hisMon
the Chapter- oue, where they 'had a hort com


Mr. Ahm. in his Hi. p. 218, refers to a Manu

cript, which mentions the Livery of this Order

given to Ladies at the Fea of St. George held on

Sunday after 27 Febr. in this ame Year, and in

p. 549, he quotes another Manucript which de
cribes this ame Fea. There mu be an Error in
ome of thee Numerals of this Trancript, For
27 Febr. in 16 B. lV, happened to be on 'Ihitrday ,
and during the Rei n of that King the 27 of
Febr. fell upon Satur a), only in his r, twelfth,
and eighteenth Years.
This lnrument could not relate to the r
Year of Ed. lV, becaue the Queen, Prince, Ri
chard Duke ofTorh, Elizabeth the Queen's Daugh
ter are herein named, and from everal other Cha

racteriicks, nor doth it belong to the twelfth

i munycatione, from whence they wente into the

Year, becaue the Duke of Buclin ham, the Lord


quiet, where every Knyght of the Order oode

withoute before their btalles, untill the Kinge
had oed a riche ure of Veements and cer
renne Coopes of the ame, which were received
by the Deane that Day, the Kinge went to his

Mautraz/ers, the Duke of Urbin, arl of North-ma.

berland, and Sir William Parr were not Corn ani
ons o early, and William Dud/q herein name was

*' aowne Stalle. and after that every Knyght went

to his awne Stalle, where they abode till the Of

Year, not only becaue the Lord Duras herein na

med had been depocd from this Order before that

not Dean of l/Vtndhr till the fourth of Dec. i;

Ed. lV, neither can it rclate to the eighteenth

* fertory, at whiche Wilt the Marques of Doret Time, but alo that this Dudley had been cone
of of
S all
of crated long before that Time Bihop of Dnrham.
V*' and
and the
the Sworde
Lord Mat
'Tis evident the true Dare thereof mu be ub
" travers and the Lorde Howard his Helme, that equent to the Deith of the Duke of Nortlh,
'* donne all the Knyghts of the Order did (heire whoe Hatchments are here mentioned to have been
' Obeyance to Seint George, and to the Sojeraine, oered. and he died upon Tueday after 'IWe/b-day
and went downe into the quiet before the Stallcs, r E. lV, into whoe Stall this Blach-boah aith lhl'
arqucs of Doret was elccted after the tenth of
thev inood,
the Kinue
had ored.
they had
ored themelves.
Mr) in that Year

'I Every one ored after his Stalle,

Now if any certain lnference

mightbe drawn from the inerring the Name of



Actanh Annoexto decimo lit D O A R D I Quarta


Marchio Doret,

Comes Ejiexia,

Regem Hi/pania,
Ducem Ferraria,

Dom. Denham, Dom.Tho. Mongornery,

Ducem Britannia.

D. Grey Codnore, Dom. Jat. Haryngton,

D. Datres Boreal. Dom. Tho. Bomgh.

Ducem Britanntite,

Dom. Stanley,

Dom Denham,
Comitem Penhwthia. Dom. Datres.

. r4o

DOm.Tho. Mongomerj,
Dom. Tho. Bottrgh,
Dom. Rad. Hajngs.

Regem Hipanie,
Dorn. Denham, Dom. Tho. Mo/tgomer),
Comes u Northfolti-e, Comitem Penhroehite, Dom. Atrdley, Dom. Tho. Boargh,
D. Ri. lium Regis. Dom. Stanley. Dom. Rad. Hayngs.

The King of Spain,

Margues Dorer,

D. of Ferrara,

_ D. ofBritany.
A i The King of Spain,
The Earl of Eex,

Lord Denham, SirTho. Mongomery,

L. Gr. C0denore,St'r Jam. Haryngron',
1.. Dacres Nor-choir Thomas Bourgh.

Lord Stanley, Sir-Tho. Mongomery,

D. of Britany, Lord Denha m, oir Thomas Bourgh,
Sir Ralph Hayngs.
E. of Pembroke. Lord Dacres.

The King of Spain, Lord Denham, SirTho. Mongomery,

The E. of" Northolk, E. of Pembroke, Lord Awdley, Sir Thomas Bourgh,
Richard Queen's Son. Lord Sranley.

Sir Ralph Hayngs.

the Duke of Burgundy in this lnrument among made according to rict Rules, that is not only
theactual ubiingCompanions of this Order as according to the superiority and Series of the Stalls,
its true ZEra mu have been after the Death o the beginning with thoe neare to the Sovereign, but:
Duke of Norfolk, o it mu have been before the

that alo every Knight did oer by himelf ingly,

News of the Duke of Burgundft Death in the

Battle of Nant), on 5 January 16 E. IV, had reach
ed into this Kingdom; but no NVeighr can be laid
on this latter Particular, becaue this Black-book

when his Companion in the oppoite Stall was ab

ent, and that thoe who were companions that is
were placed in o poite Stalls oered jointly or

went up to the Aliar in Brea, where they ohred

ranges this Duke among the Kitights, even o low together at the ame Time. For Diinctions Sake
as on the 10 May in the 17th Year, when his Death therefore the Names of the Knights then abent,
mu have been known throughout Europe, but are printed in Italith Characters in this Dipoition
the Inertion of his Name might indeeed be done of the Stalls.

in Puruance of an old Rule of the Order, in Re

gard his Heirs or Executors had neglected to certiy
the Sovereign in Form of' the Time of his Death.
This Black-book acquaints us with a Fea held

on 22 Apr. in this ixteenth Year, without in

forming us with the Particulars of any Tranacti
ons therein, and in all Probabilit this Inrument
upplies us with that Omion, ' it may be up

poed the Trancriber of it put the 27th of Fehrua

r) For 27 April, and that the Compiler of this Re
gier placed ecundo inead of eptimo, the whole
will be eaily reconciled, for it is carce credible
there hould be any Error committed in the Days
of the Week, which are repeated in the Vigil,

Fea and the Morrow after. The 27 of Apr. in

this Year was on a Saturday.
lt is plain this Fea was oberved beFore the De
poal OF the Lord Duras which was on 4 Mz/ernlr.
16 E. IV, when Sir Thomas Mongorner) ucceeded
in his Stall.
_ The Aurhority of this lnrument in its uban
tial Parts, eems to be well upported by comparing
the Narrative OF the Method of the Oerings re


D. of urgundy [dead]
Marques Doret
Duhe 0 Gloee/ler

6 Earl 0 Arundell
7 Earl of Eex
8 Earl Ryz/ers

1 Prince of Wales
2 Duke of Clarence
3 K. of Sicily or Naples
4 Rich- Duke oi York
5 Lord Hlint
6 Dhlee of But irgharu
7 Duke of buolk
8 Eof Northumberland

9 Lord Stroope
10 Lord Mautravers
11 Lord Dudley

9 Earl Douglas
10 Lord Howard
1 l Sir mld-sin Par

12 Duke of Urhin

12 Lord Ferrers

Iz Sir John Aeley

13 Lord Duras

From this Inrument we farther learn, that the

Hour of Tierce was oberved according to the Church
Cornputation of the Canonital Hours before the Detree
for that Purpoe entred hereafter under the even
teenth Tear, when Sir Thomas Mongomery was
one of the companions, who ucceeded the Lord Duras

here mentioned.

lated therein with aScheme of the Stalls, as they

u Here mu he ome Miake, 'The Km 's econd
were filled in this ixteenth Year, which is collect Son Rich. Duhe of York, was not create Duke of
cd from the VVtndor-Tables and other Vouchers; Norfolk till the 7th of February following.
by which we hall ee that thee Oerings were


Actuzth Annohxto deczmo E D O A R D I Quartz.

- 199

Regem Hihnni-e,
Dom. Stanley,
Dom. Haiyngr, Comitem Penhrothite, Dom. Grey,

Dom. Tho. hlongomery,

Dom. Tho. Bo/ugh,

D. Ric. lium Regis. Dom. Aud-sly.


Ducem Britannin,
Do.Muutraverr, Ducem Frrruriu,

Dom. Tho. Bourgh,

D. Ric. lium Rcgis. Dominum Sun/ty.

Dom. Jac. Hnyrgton.

Regem Hipunire,

Dom. Tho. hongomery,

Dom. Hnward, Ducem Britunniu,

Dom. Dudelej,

Dom. Denham,
Dominum Awdrley,

Dominum Stanley,

Dominum Denham, Dom Tho. Bourgh,

Corn. Penhrorhite.

D. Dacrer Auralem. Dom. foan. Doone.

Regem Htpuniaz,

Dominum Grey,

Com. Wemcrlundiz, Dominum Stanley,

Corn. Penhrochtiee.

Dom.Th0. Mongomery,
Dom. Tho. Bourgh,

- Dominum Denham. Dom. J'ai. Harygnton.

Ab hc denominatione Rex omnibus abunde riteq; pentis, amoto Do

mino Durnr, qui tanquam x veertilio transfugiens in partes Regis Fron

corum, e deerto, jurarat illiq; i: ubmierat, illico legcnclum in vicem

ejus pronunciavit Dominum Thomum Mongomcry, peregregiutn Equitcm.

Qrod 8c tum communi aenu receptuln, 8: poea cum non indebir

olcnnitate peractum c.
Eodem tempore conitutum e, quod licet in antiquis Statutis habe

batur, quod commune igillum illurimi Ordinis ab uno ejudem So

cietatis, qui praeizns apud Supremum ait, cuodiri debeat: tamen ob P- l4'
The Kjn of Spain, Lard Stanley,
Lord Hayngs,
E. 0 Pembroke, Lord Grey,

Richard Queen's Son. Lord Awdley.

The D. of Britany,
L. Mautravers,

Lord Haward,

Lord Dudeley,

Lord Denham,

Sir Thomas Bourgh,

Sir Henry Talboth.


Duke of Ferrara, Lord Awdley,

Sir Thomas Bourgh,

Richard Queen's Son. Lord Stanley.

Sir Jam. Haryngton.

The King of Spain, Lord Stanley,

SirTho. Mongomery,

D. of Britany,
Lord Denham,
Sir Thomas Bourgh,
E. of Pembroke. L. Dacrcs ofthe SouthSir John Doone.

The King of Spain, Lord Grey,

E. of Wemerl, Lord Stanley,
E. of Pembroke. Lord Denham.

SirTho. Mongomery,
Sir Thomas Bourgh,
Sir Jam. Haryngton.

After thii-"Nominution the King hurving full] and duly conidered all Things',
and degruded the Lord Duras, for that he hot/ing dertcd him, flying like
a But A' orvcr to the Side of the King of France, had ovorn Ohedierzce to him,

decreed that Sir Thomas Mongomery, a ingular good Knight houldhe choe

out of Hand in his Steud; Which was immediately agreed to by u general Con-_
ent, and 'tour afterward: done rwith no nnhecoming Solemnity.

At the ome Time it was enniicd, that though it i: required h] the ancient
Statutes, that the Common-Soul of the mo illu/lriour Order hould he kept h]
one of the lime Socicty, rwho hould he attending on the Sovereign: Peron,
x See introduction p. aor, 202.

m. -..'_.-._.._._-.._..1


Actauh lnnoptinzo decimo E D O A R_

l Quortz',

certas modo cauis rcverendus Pater Sarishuriens- Epii-opizs iiiud ipiim,

quamdiu Regia! Cel/itudini compiaceret, in ua cuolia zrxraret, Cancel-I
larius praeclarimi Ordinis ob id appellitandus.

Prazcellentimi Regis Edaamli Qiarti Anno decimo eptinzo, Maii vero

die decimo, celebratum e Wytdeori hlenne Concilium, ubi cum supre

mo 5 przeentes erant
Princeps Glldlid,
Dux Clarentize,
Dux Eboraci,

Dominus Scroop,
Dominus Mautrawerr,
Dominus Haward,

Marchio Dori-t,

Dominus Dude/ey,

Comes Arundellite,
Comes Eexia),
Comes Rye-vers,
Comes Douglar,

Dominus Ferrerx,
Dominus Gul. Parre,
Dominus 170. Aeheley.
Dominus Tho. Mongonzerj.

Rex Portugalite

Bil: Zzctzgtmct!

abences in dominiis uis.v

Comes Urhini

jet for divers Reaons, the re-'oerend Father Bihop of Salisbury hould now,
a: long a: it pleaed the King's-I Highnel', keep it in his Cuocly, and therefore

heiled chancel/or of the mo nohle Order.

In the jerzzenteenth Tear of the 'no/i excellent King Edward the Fourth, and
on the tenth Day of May, a olemn Chapter was held at Wyndeor, where
were 'V preent with the Sovereign

The Prince of Wales,

Duke of Clarence,

Lora' Scroop,
Lord Mautravers,

Dulee of York,
Marqmi Doret,
gar? of Izszundel,

ar 0

Lord Haward,
Lord Dudeley,



Earl Ryvers, i
Earl Douglas,

The 'ZZZ/Zlzzizlgglbzsndy
King of Portugal

1 am arte,

Sir lIohn Acheley.

Sir homas Mongomery.
were ahent in their o-um Dominiom.

Count of Urbin

z. 'The whole Number of bi' Svifl) if il?" "Amfdz

been before this Time conituted chance/lar of 'he Or-

y Richard Beauchamo Bhao of Salisbur

though thi: Murtial Duke of But "ndy b-'d bFPH/ZFU"

der of the Ganer for the Term of his own Life, and

on sth January [477 preceeding 'his Chapnr.

that after his Death his Street-ire, Bi/hop: of that l Mr. Ahm. p- 507 act/Will" 'U- 'b-t' 'be Regir
Place/houe! have theamefor ever &e. Put. 15 E. 4, Chartac. i: more Particular injeeifring Wbib of 'l-"c
p. 3. m- 18- 10 Oct. plinted in Mr. Alhm. Appen.

Campanian: were preent in 'he Ill-owing, and n-hiel)

'-'* 4'

of them came afterward: in the Evening.


__,_ ____-_--


Actath Anno/Z-ptimo decimo E D O A R D I Quarti.

Dux Glocelriee
Dux Buckyngamia
Dux Sublciee



si Rcgc unt cxculiati.

Comes Northumhrite

Dominus Hayngs Regia Cali/ii negotia curabat.

Antics Wintonienis Przelatus, E icopus Sarishurienis Cancellaritls, ac
Abbas (Eu Prior Medentenam Epiolgtius aderant, Abbas Tbruyrhill nota

tus e abntiar.
Ibidem quidam Scrupulus in Statutis, qui potcrat oendiculo er, P. 142.
avitatc erntcntix remotus e. Statuitur, quod omnes Commilitones
go fratrcs ad Cclcbritatcm condictam adventuri, pridic hora Tertiarurn
illic adcc oporteat, ad domum in qua do more Concilium adunari

olet: Hic ubdubitari coeptum c, quaenam hora Tertiarum ect, illanc

po meridiem tertia, an quae Eccleiaico Ritu po primam ita nomi

natur; Et quia Statuto, Statutique rationi, 8: pcrnzc ibidcm injunctx
mage cononum cimabatur, ut pro illa po Primam ante Mcridiem
accipcrctu: Denitum c, ut its. deinccps inviolabiliter obervaretur,

The Duke of Gloccer,

Dukeof Buckyn ham

were excujZ-d hy the King.

Duke of Southfo k
E. ofNorthumberland

Lord Hayn s was taking Care of the King's Aairs at Calais.

The Bihop o Winchcer Prelate, the Bijhop of Salisbury chancel/or, and
the Ahhot or Prior Medcmenam the Epioler were there. 'Ihe Ahhot Towyr

hyll was marked down for Ahence.

A certain Amhiguity in the Statutes which might he mimterpreted, woe there
removed hy the Authority of a Sentenee. 'Tis required, That all the Knights

Companions or Brethren coming to the appointed Feet/i, hould he there the Day
before at the Hour of Ticrce, at the HouE in which the Chapter if of Cuom uid
to meet, here aroE a Douht which was this third Hour, whether that which was

the third after Noon, or that which hy eccle/iaical UjZzge is jb called aer
Primc. And hecaui it eemed more agreeable to the Statute, the Reaon of
the Statute, and the Penalty therein enjoined to ha-ve it " taken for that after
Prime before Noon : It was decreed, That it hould from that Time he t
a In the abovementioned Mznu eript of MnThynne *' ter-houe within the college of our Lady: and
there is entred without an) Detgnation of Time the '* Seint George within the Calle of Wmdh" at the
following Inruments.

a house of Tierce; that there by the houre of'

'* Teret is underoode, the houre immediate af

Orders Forthe Garter.

" ter Prime

the ordinance of the Churche,
** which is nine of the Clock before noone.
" At a Chapter of the Knyghts of the Order,
<' Item it is agreed that as for ccrtyfycatione to

" it was agreed by the Soveraigne and all the Bre-

" be made to the Soveraigne of the deceac of

" thren oF the Came, they beinge preent, that " anye of the Brethren of the ayd_ Order that
" where it is aid in theire Statuts, that they hall a the Principal] King of' Arms, that 's called (rar
f' come at the Vigti of Saint George to the Chap- Z tkerfhall aootrc, as he (hall have Knowlcdsetgf


Alla ub Anno decimo otflaoo E D O A R D l Qztarti.


Supremo (Zrntentiam ierente, ,cui nemo aliorum tunc pratbntium, quos

jam antc recenuimus, non applauit.
Anno quam magniicentimi Regis Edoardi Qgarti decimo octavo,
Aprilisb viceimo iexto die, Dominus Dudley Virtute Regim commiionis

agnatus ad obervandam annuam Divi Georgii celebritatem, czrteraque

ex conuetudine preanda, cum Domino Ferrers s: Domino 7oanne Aoheley
Wyrideori convenit.

obertved inQ/iolably.

The Soroereign giving Judgment, and there was not

one of the others then preent, rwhom <we hart/e before reckoned up, but greatly
approved it.

In the eighteenth Tear of the my? magnificent King Edward the Fourth, the
tqvemy bxtb Day of April, the Lord Dudeley in Virtue of the King's Com

deputed to oberve the annual Feliwal of St. George, and to perform

'what ele 'was cuomary, aernbled with Lord Ferrers and Sir John Achley
at Wyndeczr.
'5 the Deceae of anye of the Brethren, dwellinge Meeting environ heure de Tiercc, and then acquaint:
" within this lande goo to the heyres or lzxecu- its, that after a long Coniiltatian a Mehtge was ent to
" tors of hym or them that is or bee o dieaed, the Earl of Cambridge aini qu'il devoir aller
" and require of them the IStz-itutes of the aid ner, and many other lnlances m' ht be owen.

Order, and thereuppon in as goadly hae as he

canne, to aertayne the Soveraigne of his or their
Deceae ; And to deliver the aid Statutes, yf
they may be hadde, to the Deane of the College

Ahm. p. 507, 538, hath (i-[IJ/CW: . that ihis Dicree is

altered by the Statute: of en. VllI, which x the

Time to three in the Aternoon, and this eems not dio

nant to the Intention of the old Statutes. The Compa

" of seint Geor e, or ele to the Regiier of the nions were obli' ed to oberve yearly the Feat of St.

iiid Order: nd if o bee that anye Sttan er Geo e, whic) dottbtlei was to be alempnized by them
Brother of the ayd Order deceae withoute this accor ing to the ecclei/iictzl Rites, by which the Hii
'tial begins
s, that'rit
ii enjoyned
at x ofa the
Land, of which deceae no certyyeatione is Cloth
on the atEve,
y theI/'e
made by his heires or Executors to the Sove

K raigne of the ame by the pace of x Months Solemnitatem Feivitatis Sancta' Georgit ca itu um
*' after the Commone Rumour and noye of the tenebitur hora tertiarum, and in the ninth n Vigi
" aid Deceae, that then the aid Kin e of Arms lia Sancti Georgii t una congregatio Conociorum,
" or his Deputy hall at the Cos and xpences oh' 8.: ibidem debent apud ervitium Ecttleiaiicum in.


the ayd Soverai ne go unto the Heires and Exe

tors ofthe aid Brother, and bring a Certicate of
his Deceae with the Statutes of the ayed Order,
yf they may be hadde And thereuppon to aer
teyne the aide Sovereigne to th'entente that he
may-thenne accordinge to the Statutes of the
aydSOLder call a newe Electione. B. 2- penes me

teree, and in the tenth, quod conveniant in dictum

locum in vigilia Sancti Georgii hot-a tertia, 8: i non

veniant- non intrabunt ad Capitulum illa vice

Et i qui ad veperas ante principium non veni

ant, ua alla nullatenus tunc intrabunt Go. at

the Hora Tertia a Chapter was to be held, which was

before the commencement of the I-"t/lioal. and at oon
as the Vepers came, that eeeleoical Ser-oice ofSt.
p. 2 5 .
are inerted
were and
of the George wat to be attended, allowing therefore that the
the laterastisan they
Hora tertia here meant three in the Aternoon, there
of the original Statutes, whereby the Execittors were ob was the space of three Hours alotted for the Tran
ltged to return nithin a lltnited Time the attthentich Co actions of the Btt/inet in Chapter, now t; the Campani
pies, which their Teators had received of the Statutes, ons had been converted to a Chapter at t e ecclea/Iical

and *t_i's not improbable thit Explication might be made Tierce,that is nine in the Morni 7ome canonical Hours
at this Time, becait e no proper signification had been of Prayer mu have llrl ettreen that Time and
Death oexplained
* the Dnhehere
of Burgundy.
'IiJe the
in the

Decree the Vieperi, at the Nones and Sixt, which had no Re

aroe from the diinct Methods of compnting the Ho

ra teria, or Tertiarum, which Term: are ued in the
Statutes; thee Woids, as well at nona have djirent
Meonings in the cinil OmPntation, and in the ecclei
a/tteal &rz/ices; in the former the are tahen for three
of the Cloth. po nonam or in t/h Aiernoon, but in
the eccleeiical Rules or Diviion of canonical Hour;
of Prayer, they fignie nine ante nonam, or in the
Forenoon, and Hence Clergymen in their IIi/loriet of

lation to the Feiz/al of St. George, and which the

Campanian: are not by an Part of the Satittes com
manded to obrt/e, and whic] ii material, there is no Pro
'ui/ion in thee Statutes for any Dinner, or Refre/hmen'

which might have been neceary after a Journey, if

the companions had been obliged to attend at Nine in
the Morning, btttnjtient Care is tal-en or a supper.
b Here
are 23thecompanions
and too oacant Stall:
Priv. Sig. 7 Iuil 18 E. 4. to deliver to the Trta.
temporal All-art have folloned the (it/culation of the rer of the King? Hoieehold irpm the making of Saint
Chnrth. The: Froi. vel. 2 p. isz, mentions a Georges E-ll x I.


_-'--_'--_-___-u<_--__-_-_*__.________ 1

dctauh Anno deeinzo octaoo E D O A R Dl Quarti.


Rex gravibus alioquin Regni negotiis impeditus erat.

Rex Portugalize
Rex Neopolitanus g ad uas res attend ons.
Comes Urhini


Dux Ehoraoi

Dux GIoce/Irize
Marchio Dorit

Comes Eixize

s litteris Regiis excutti.

Comes Ryevers

Dominus Hdiyngs
Dominus Gul. Parre

Dom. Zlho. Mongomery J

Comes Buehingamie
Dux Southfaloiee


Comes Arundelliee

Comes Northumhrin

minus excuti.

Comes Douglas
Dominus Mautra-vers

Dominus Haward



The King was hindred h] the weighty Aizirsof the Kingdom.

Zhe King of Poland

ICing of Naples

were minding their own Aairs beyond Sea.

Count of Urbin

The Prince
Duke of York
Duke of Gloceer
Marquei Dorct I
Earl of Eex
> were exouZ-d h) the King's Letters.
Earl Ryvers
7 - Lord Hayngs
Sir William Patre
Sir Tho. Mongomery J
The Earl ofBuckyngami'
Duke of Southolk

Earl ofArundell
Earl of Northumb. > were not excujid.
Lord Douglas
Lord Mautravers
Lord Haward

'203 .


Actauh Anno decimo rtono E D 0 A R D 1 Qgarti, ~ ~


P. 143.

Dominus Soroop Divum Jacohum peregre viebat.

Prze/atu: 8: Ahhate: aberant, aderat autem Cance/Iarim.
Caroli Ducis Burgundie, 8: 5 Georgii Ducis Clarentie mortis interventu;

'edes jam vacabant.

Illurimi Regis Edoardt' Wortz' Anno decimo nono, Maii (exro clecimo;
pcracta e Vjrodeori Georgiana 'i olennitas per Dominum Dude/e , velut
ante Few-ers,
cui conjuncti
erant Comes
Domi i
Gulielnzw tum
8: Dominus

Supremus ob varias nec eadem Regni ui parvas cauas iinc aberatz



Dux Ehoraei

Dux GIocejIr-tle
Marchio Dorjet

> authoritare Regix Majeatis excuati.

Comes Northmtthrice

Comes Ejexice

Comes Rirver:
Dominus Hajng:


Lord Scroop rwa: gone to St. James [of Compoella in Pilgrimaga]

The Prelate and Abbors rwere ahent: But the Chancellor quo: there.
The Stalls of Charles Duke of Burgundy, and c George Duke of Clarencc
'were 'to-w 'vacant hy their Deaths.

In the nineteenth Tear of the mo illuriow King Edward the Fourth, the
xteenth of May the d Fea of St. George 'was oher-'ued at Wyndeior Iy the
Lord Dudeley, depicted ar before, rwho had then ajemhled with him ofthe Com
paniom Earl Douglas, Lord Ferrers, Sir William Patre, and Sir John Aeheley.

The Sovereign 'was ahent through various, and thoe not incotderahle Af
fairs of the Kingdom;
The Prince
Duhe of York
Duke of Gloceer
Marque Doret l
of Northumh rwere exoued hy the King's Authoritjv.

Earl of Eex
Earl Ryvers


e Though he was attainted by Parliament 15 Janua hoc anno per manus Mrro) Regis Armorum C.o].
ry '7 E.4, yet hit Plateill remain: in theecond Stall In the (me Roll it another Entry which doubt/e t refer:
to the argee proclaimed at St. George? Fea in th:
'm the Prince: Side.
d The x-xii Campanian: here 'tained with Sir Tho. preeeedin Tear. Gartero Regi Armorum, a: aliis o
Mongomery, who i: omitted, and the two Vaeancie: ciis uis egibus Armorum & Heraldis in denariia
anjtrer the Number of the Stal/t.
eis libcratis per manus Norroy Regis Armorum d'
Exir Pell. Pach. 19 E. 4, Gar-ter Rcgi Armo

regardo peciali dictis Garter 8: aliis appunctuato

rum, 8: ociis uis Regibus Armorum de regardo tis pro Ltvzez, ab eis proclamatis in olennitate fei
per Dom- Regcm appunctuatoerga feum 5. Georgii S- Gcorgui ultimo apud Vvyndettre C s.


Alla lah Anno deeimo none E D O A




Rex Portugalia
Rex Neapolitanu: Z ut hpra domui ux proicientesi
Comes Urhini


Dux Buehyzgamize
Dux Southfbleize

Comes Arundellia

. non citta reprehenionis notam abucrunt;

Dominus Mautraruerss

Dominus Haward
Dominus Scroop peregrinatus e ad Divum Jiaeahzlm.
Pr-elatue, ac Abbatcs Tbwrlyll ac Medemenam abentiae notam' incur

Cancellariu: autcm Epiiopus Sarishurienx uam diligenter prxiehtiam

Caroli Burgundie Ducis, 8: Georgii Ducis Clarentie (edes adhuc vacuz.

(Dotquot hinc abierunt litteris ad id coniignatis 8: Armorum no

minedatis abentia: ua: cauiam infercbzint.


, ,
He Ki of Portugal
KZZZ of Naples

were winding their own Aair: as' ahofve;

Count of Urbin

The Duke of Buckyn m

Dalee of Southfo k

Earl of Arundell

were 'ahent and marhd outfor Cenere:

Lord Mautravers
Lord Haward

Lord Scroop was gone abroad (on Pilgriniage) to Si; James;

The Prelate, and Ahhoti Towyrhyll and Medemcnam incurred the Marh
of Ahjence.


But the Chancellor the

of Salisbury carefully aorded hie Preem-ei

He Stall: of Charles Duke of Burgundy, and George Duhe if Clarencc

were ill rvacant.

Thoe who were ahent, did hy Letter: gned and ealed with their Arms;
et forth the Caue of their Aheneez



P, 744.'


Actauh Anne decimo nano E i) 0 A R'D I were; ~

Decimo die Fehruarii ejudem Anni ubccuta c electio novorum Equi
tu_rn ad hunc pratclariimtln] Ordinetn, qua: facta Londinz' uit in Cubi
culo Rcgis Garclerob. in hunc modum

Regem Hipaniuz,

Dux Gloeqrie,

Dux Southfaleic,

Marchio Doret,

P- 145


Dom. Tho. Hnijngton,

Regem Hungerie,

Dom. Denham, Dom Gut. Stanley,

Ducem Ferrarize.

D. Beauehamp.

Dom. Tho. Boargh.

Regem Hipanie,

Dom. Grey,

Dom. Ed. Waodvjle,

Regem Hungaries,
Ducem Ferrarie.

Dom. Denham,
Dom. Velles.

Dom. Tho. Bourgh,

Dom. Gul. Stantej.

Regem Hipeniu,

D. Rit. l. Regis,Dom. Tho. Botzrgh,

Regem Hunguriu,
Ducem Ferrariee.

D. Gre] Codenare, Dom. Gill. Stanlej,

Dom. Denham. Dom. Tho. Sel/ing er.

Regem Hihunie, A

Dom. Grey,

Comes Eexie,

Regem Hungarie,
Ducem Ferrarie.

Dom. Stanley, Dom. Gui. Stanley,

Dom. Denham. Dom. Jac. Harjngton.

Regem Hianie,
Comes Rivers,

Regem Hungaric,
Ducem Ferrariee.

Dom. Grey,
Dom. Tho. Selljnger,
Dom. Denham, Dom. Gul. Stanley,

Dom. Stanley, * Dom. Jew. Haryngton.

Regem Hipunie,

Dom. Grey,

Dom. Tho. Baargh,

Regem Hungari-e,

Dom. stern/e),

Dom. Gill. Stanley,

Ducem Rrrnri-e.

Dom. Denhum. Dom. Jae. Harjngton.

Comes Douglas,

Dom. Tho. Bourgh,

On the tenth Defy of February the ume Teur, came on an Eleon of 'my

Knights for this mc nohle Order, rwhich was made in the King's Bed-chamber,

within the I/Vzrdrahe after this Manner


The D. of Gloceer,

The King ospain, Lord Grey,

Sir Tho. Haryngton,
Kjngof Hungary,Lord Denham, Sir William Stanley,
Duke of Ferrara. L. Bcauchamp. Sir Thomas Bourgh.

The King of Spain,

The D. of Southolk,

Lord Grey,

Sir Thomas Bourgh,

Duke of Ferrara. Lord wells.

Sir William Stanlcy.

The King of Spain,

Murguis Doret,

. _ _v
The Earl of Ecx,

Earl Ry vers,

Ric. rQueen's Somsir Thomas Bourgh,

Kzng of Hungary,L. Gr. Codenorqsir William Stanley,

Duke cf Ferrara. Lord Denham. Sirjames Haryngton.
The King of Spain, Lord Grey,
Sir Thomas Bourgh,
[Ctng qf Hungaryhord Stanley, Sir William Stanley,
Duke qf Ferrara, Lard Denham. Sir Jam. Haryngton.
The Kinglo Spain, Lord Grey,
[Oing (f Hungary,L0rd Denham, Sir Tho. Sellynger,
Duke of Ferrara,. Lord Stanley,

Earl Douglas,

Sir Ed w. Woodvyle,

King of Hungary,Lard Denham,

Sir William Stanley,

Sir Jam. Haryngton.

The King of Spain, Lord Grey,

Sir Tho. Bourgh,
Kzng of Hungary,L0rd Stanley, Sir William Stanley,
Duke of Ferrara. Lord Denham, Sir Jam. Haryngton.


Actauh Anno decimo nono E D O A R D I Quarti.

Dom. Grey,

Dom. Tho. Being/a,

Ducem Perraria.

Dom. Dukare,
Dom. Denham,

Dom. Gul. Stanle),

Dom. Joh. Donne,

Regem Htiania,

Rich. Dom. GreLDom Tho. Bourgh,

Regem Hi/Fzanie,

Dominus Huyngt, Regem Hungarize,

i Dominus Harvard, -Regem

Dominus Dudelq,

Dominus Ferrers,


Dom. Stunley.

Regem Htfpuniie,

Rich. Dom. Grey, Dom. Tho. Bottrgh,

Dom. Stanley, Dom. Tho. Se/Iynger,

Dom. Tho. Selljnger.

Dom. Denhutn. Dom. Jew. Harjngron.

Regem Hi/anie,

Dom. Grey,

Dom. Gul. Stanley,

Regem Hungartia,

Dom. Denham,

Dom. 1710. BO/lrgl),

Ducem Ferraria.

Dom. Dukurs.

Dom. Joc. Haryngton.

Ducem Ferrarta.

Dom. Grey,
Dom. Stunlej,
Dom. Dukars.

Dom. That Bourgh,

D. Joh. Huakielenlon,
Dom. Laur. R .1_)"75f0d'

Regem Hiloania,

Rich. Dom. GreDom. Tho. Bourgh,

Regem Hifpanite,
Dom. Je. Athelq,

Dom. Denham, Dom. Gul. Stunle),

Ducem Ferruria.

Regem H/lgdct,
Ducem Ferrarie.

Regem Hungarie,

Dom. Tho. MongamerLRegem Hungaria,

Ducem Ferraria.


Dom. Denham,

Dom. Gul. Stanle),

D. Beauchamp.

Dom. Jac. Haryngton.

Ab i nominatione ibi pieeentata ueeq; ententiae derelictcit, Rex ad Du

cis ' Clarentia dem elegit Regem f Hzpania, Ferraria vero Ducem in edem
Regis Neopolitani, quem eundem Neopolitanum Regem ad (iedem Ducis Bur
gtmdia Supremus tranulit.

' Lord Hayngs,

The King of Spain, Lord Grey,

King of Hungaryhorol Dakars,

Lord Haward,

Duke of Ferrara. Lord Denham. Sir John Donne.

The King ofspain, Rich. L. Grey, Sir Thomas Bourgh,

King of Hungary,L0rd Denham, Sir William Stanley,
Duke of Ferrara. Lard Stanley. Sir Tho. Scllynger.
The King of Spain,

Lord Dudeley,
Lord Fekrers,


Sir Tho. Bou rgh,

Sir William Scanley,

Rich. L. Grey, Sir Thomas Bourgh,

King of Hungaryhord Stanley, Sir Tho. Sellynger,

Duke o Ferrara. Lord Denham. Sir Jam. Har Y n 8 ton.
'The King of Spain, Lord Grey,
Sir William Stanley,
King of Hungary, Lord Denham, Sir Thomas Bourgh,
Duke of Ferrara. Lord Dakars.
Sir Jam. Haryngton.

The King of Spam,

Sir John Acheley,

Lord Grey,

King of Hungary,L0rd Stanley,

Sir Thomas Bourgh,

Sir JO. Huddelenon,

Sir Laur. Raynsord.

The King of Spain, Rich. L. Grey, Sir Thomas Bourgh,
Sir Th. Mongomery,

Kjng ofHungary,Lord Denham, Sir William Stanley,

Duke of Ferrara. L. Beauchamp. Sir jam. Haryngton.

'After this Nomination had heeu preented to him and left: to his Judgment, the
King eho: the King of F Spain to the Duke of t Clarencds Stall, and the Duke of
Ferrara to the Stall of the King of Naples, which King of Naples the Sovereign
ram-wed to the 'stall of 'the Duke of Burgundy.
e Hereajter in the 22 Teur of this King, 'tis entred [. this Duke of Clarcnce, of which ee Intro. p. 188- 189
thnt the IGng of Poxtugal was eleiltd into the Place of l f See Introdullton p. 189A



Actaub Anne oiceimo E D O A R D_ I Quart-i.

Eodem ibi tempore incitum e uno atque eodem concnu conta
trum omnium, ut Statutum novum conderetur, quo mguli Commili

tones se nunt lerites 8c Foea lturi, vincirenrur ad prmandume ju

ramentum, quod pro viri i juvarent, upportarcnt, 8: deenderent Re

gium Sancti Georgii Collegium inra Carum I/Vyndeori, tam in poeF

ionibus, quam rebus aIiis quibucunque, jam per excellentimum 8:
Supretnum Dominum norum R

m Edoardum gLiartam,

quemvis vel antea datis, vel poed ' onandis.

aut alium

Juratncntuln autem illud

ucipi debere i ingulis impoerum creandis ante corporalcm edis ux

poeionem decretum erat.

Anno Excellentimi Regis Edoardi Qctiarti vice/imo, tertio 8c viceimo

Mait', trancta e Divi Georgii b olennitas Wyndeori per Comitem Dotiglas

ad id Regia: Commiionis authoritate deputatum, cui dati (unt in ejus_ rei

ocietatem Dominus Haward, Dominus Dudele , 8: Dominus Joan. Acheley.
Supremus, quibus ante ncgotiis implicatus, aberat.
Rex Portugalice _

Rex Neopolitanus

eam, quam ante, cauim habebant abnciae.

Dux Ferrarie

Comes Urbini

At theame Time it was enaed by the unanimous Conent of the whole Fraterb
nity, That a new Statute hould be made, whereby every of the Knights Companiotts,

as welluch as are now in being, or hereafter hall be, hould be obliged to methe
g Oath, that he would to the utmcyl of his Power, aid, ipport, and defend the
Royal college of St. George within the Cale of Wyndeor, as well in its Poii

ons, as in other Things' whatjberver, by our mo Excellent and Sovereign Lord

King Edward the Fourth, or any other Peron, either already given, or herea er
to be given.

It was alo decreed that this Oath hould be tahenb eroery o the

Knights hereafter to be created, before they have "bodily Poon of,their Stalls.
In the twentieth Tear of the mo excellent King Edward the Fourth, the

twenty third of May, the b Fea of St. George was leept at Wyndeor, by
Earl Douglas deputed thereto by Aathority' of the King's Commion, and there
enter:1 attending on him in that Aizir Lord Haward, Lord Dudeley, and SirJohn
A e ey.

The Sovereign was abent, being in-oolrzied in Big/inejl', as before.

The King of Portugal

King of Naples
Duke of Ferram

had the ame Reaon of Ahence as before.

Count of Urbjn
' of 'be whole Socict),

'i Here is the

the Name: I

A, of
r' riiigf,NZgijfsahe
1 ,Dk
F , a"451




N -'-'1'-- __ -_, w




_ i-

' 'T

wy- ,__.

--._-- .



Actahh Anno vicema E D O A R D I Qaarti.

Princeps Guallie

P. 147.

Dux Ehoraei
Dux Glocerie

Marchio Doret


- ac placlto
- Regls' ablcrunt.
_ pcrnuu

Dominus Ha/lyng!

Dominus Ferrars

Dominus Gul. Parre

Dom. Tho. Mongomery 3

Dux Baeh amid
Dux Sout folcize
Comes Amdelhg

- culpatl.> abentlaz

Dominus Scroop

Dominus Manna-ver:

Przelatm 8; Ahhates abfentix pariter inimulati unt.

i', were ahent by the King's Lea-ve and Pleaere.
Earl Ryvers
Lord Hayngs
Lord Perrers
Sir William Patre

Sir Tho. Mongomery ,

The D. of Buckyngam "
Duhe of Southolk

E. ofNorthumberl. were condennfd for their Ahjence.

Earl of Arunclel

Lord Scroop

Lord Mautravers 4
Ilhe Prelate and Abbots were al/b charged with Ahenee.

On the trwmfy ixth of October following, The reno-umed Duhe of Fer

rara Lord Hercules by his Proxy Sir Francis a Knight of untainted Re

putation, rwas inalled at Wyndeor; The Earl: Ryvers and Douglas


2 lO

Acta ub Anno eiceyimo 'prime E DO A-[R D I Quae-ii.

Rye/ers ac Douglas cum Domino Joanne Acheley quod eo iectabat hono
ris, ocioe perimplentibus.
Anno mice/imo primo erenimi Regis Edoardi Worm', die Maii viceimo
I/I/jndeori e oblervata' olennitas i Comite Arundelliie per Supremi- Com
mionem ad id deignato, cum Exiee Comite, Domino Monte-avers,
Domino Dudeley 85 Domino Joanne Acheley.
Rex Permagnis regni curis intentus abuit.

Exteri ut prius aberant.

P. 148.

Princeps Gualliie
Dux Ehoraci

Comes Douglas
Dominus Hayngs


Dux Gloceria

Dominus Scroop

Dux Buckyngamiie
Dux Southfolciie

Dominus Haward
Dominus Ferrars

Comes Ry-vers

Dominus Gul. Parre

Comes Northumbriee

Dom. Tho. Mongomer] J

s i: RccgcLittcI-ls ad ld du'
ex u an:

with Sir John Aheley, according to their Duties Performing all the Ha
nours relating thereto.

In the twenty
Tiear of the mo erene King Edward the Fourth, the
twentieth Day of May the i Solemnit] was kept at Wyndeor, by the Earl of
Arundel deputed for that End by the Sovereigrfs Commion, with the Earl of
Eex, Lord Mautravers, Lord Dudely and Sir John Acheley.

The King was abZ-nt, taken up rovith the ever] great Cares of the Kingdom.
The Foreigners were abent, as before.

The Prince ofWales

Earl Douglas


Duke of York
Lord Hayngs
Duke of Gloceer Lord Scroop
were excued by the King's

D. of Buckyngam Lord Haward

i Letters.

Duke of Southolk Lord Ferrers

Earl Ryvers
Sir William Parre.
E. ofNorthumbetLSir Tho. Mongomery J
i Priv. Sig. 6 Zuyn 21 E. 4., and gned at the Top noble Ordre and ri ht uorehipful raternitee and hro
hy the King with i: Monogramgpart of it i: rnoul- therhood of Saint eorge, and o' the Garter, as wr
dere-il, where the Che m; are
ward &Fe- To the for our owne Peron a: . . . . . . . . . . . beloved nyf the
'ever-end fadre in Go the Bi op of .. . .. - . . . . . .. . Quene, oure dereh on the Prince, oure right dere and

Wode our undertrerzurer o] England, and to Richard ire/beloved children oure Son the Duke of Yorke and
Sholdeiz and _]ohn Clerk Andiioim of our bchequier the Ladies Elezabeth, Cecile, and Mary oure daugh
grezing; lVewol and thar eyou that ....

... .... l ters . . ....-_. . - . .. and kn) htr ofthearnefrazer

ernani Piers Curteys, morn rre have afgned by our nite and broderhode o Saint
(omrnauridernent to rule, governe, and epe o'er


tier, the Bis/hopof

eor e, and of the Gar

incheer C ape/ley' to theame

lusrdcrahe &C-'Ihat ye duely eecornpte with the aid iers fraternite and broilerhode, . . . . . . - . . . . . of Salisbury
as we]
of alland
&e. And
of all him
. . . . ofithes/amefrateraiie
Qftbe ame, and and
Thomas Damajen
feet, robes,
at welljor
eg, gtre

as all other ocer: &e. And alo of the Ijveriet o/t e the fe of aint George for the tyme aforeaid.









Acta nh Anno nicemocnndo E D O A R D I Quarti.


Prtelatur at Ahhates abentia: criminari.

Cancellarius autem &t. Cuos Sigilli diligenter interfuit.

Regis illurimi Edoardi ggarti Anno tvieemo ienndo, Aprilis mite/imo

nono lervata e Vjtndehri Celebritas annua per Dominum t Mantmqjem,
'cui Supremus eam modo potearem commibrat, ecum ibidem habizuro

Dominum Dudclcy 8: Dominum Ferrars.

Carterorum ut ante abentia littcris e Regiis excuata, quam exculii
tionem qui minus habuit abentia: notam incurrit.

Septcmhris quinto decimo po, intra Cubiculum uum in Arce Londi

m Supremus ad electionem novam e accinxit, cum quo prxlentes illic

Marchio Dart,

Regem Portagalia,
Ducem Britannia,

Dom. star-ley.
Dom. Power,

Dom. Tho. Boargh.

Dom. Jat. Harjngton,

Ri. Gre] lium RegisD. Grey Codnore, Dom. Ed. l/Vidvjie.


The Prelate and Abbots were acctted of Ahence.

But the Chancellor and KeePer of the Seal was diligently there.
In the twenty econd TZ-ar of the mo illurious King Edward the Fourth,
the ment) ninth of April the annual Fea was kept at Wyndebr by Lard
l Mautravers, to whom the Sovereign had committed that Power, having with
him there Lord Dudeley and Lord Ferrars.

The Ahence of the Re was, as before, excued the King's Lettersz hut:
if any had not this Exctti, he was marked down for Ahenee.

On the fteenth of September following, in his Bed-ehamher in the Tower

of London,
the Sovereign
preent with
' himZ-lf for a new Eleonz and thojZ whol

Marguefs Dorct,

The King of PortugahLord Stanley,

D. of Britany, Lord Powes,

Sir Thomas Bourgh,

Sir Jam. Haryngton,

Richard Queen's Son. L. Gr. Codenotosir Edw. Widvyle.

i B. 2. pems me p. 277 he heit' the Hznd-writ- V
itg of Mr. Thynne Lancacr Her' .
" The Feaie one Seint George: Day
" And when the Kinge was comen into his Stall,
a he proceded before the high Aulter, where

reverende fathers in Godde the Cardinall of Can

terhmy, and the Biho pe oFDurham, Nornviehe,
Lineolne, Whiche/ler y, Roehe/Zer, and Lundavfe,
at what tyme the lhihoppe of London ing the
'5 And the Sand-t) next Followinge, there was

a one, other greate feae kept at mndrtre, the

** Loey Cognyzance of' the Popes Cubiculars re- '* Lord Maltrat/ert beinge preident
" ented to his highnes a Lettre from the

and there

ape, <' with him the Lord Dttdlq, and the Lord Fer.

a with a Sword and a Cap of maintenance, and ** "ers, and at this Fea there was oed no Sworde

*' the Archbihoppe of Tbrke chancellor of Eng- '* ne Tymbre, thoughe the Kinge of Portttgale were
'* lande, redde the Lettre, and declared the eF- " dedde in certenne, becaue the Kinge was not
*' fecte of the ame, and then girte the Sworde " as yet certifyed of his dethe, by his Heyrcs o:

*' about the Kinge, and ette the Cappe on the " Executers.
** Kinges bedde, and forthwith toke it o age ne,
a and o proceded to the Proceon, and the ote'This Inrument follow: immediately the Narratiz/e
i' aid Cappe was borne one the pointe of the

'ff aid Sworde by the Lorde Stnndlq ; preent the \_

of the Iing: keeping Chrimas in 1481 in his 21 Tear,


i 2I2

Actacb Anno vicemocnndo E D O A R D I Qgarti.

Comes Daaglas,

Regem Portngalie,

D. R. l. Gre] R. Dom. Ed. b/VidZ/jle,

Rcgem Hangaria,

Dom. Stanley,

Dom. Tho. Bolergh,

Duccm Oriehia.

Dom Love/I.

Dom. Gut. Stanley.

Regem Portngaliee,
Dom. Rieh. Grey,
Ducem Oriehia.

Dom. Lolvell,
Dom. Stanle),
Dom. Denhane.

Dom. Tho. Boargh,

Dom. Tho. Sel/jnger,
Dom. Gal. Stanle]

Dominus Dudelcy,

P '49

Do 'nus ner:



Regem Porttlgtlllc,

D. Rieh. Grey,

Dom. Jae. Harjngton,

Ducern Orichxic

Dom. Denham

Dom. Red. Ha jn e

Ducem Britannih.

Dom. Wes. , Dom- Ed- mdgjlf ,

Regem Portugalie,

Dom. Denham, Dom. Late. Rayuzrd,

D ommus
ye . Athe/e] 'Dom.

D. Joh.Ed.
D. Gre)

Regem Portagalie,
Dom.Tho. MongomerhDuccm

Grey, Dom.
Dom. Tho.
Ed. V/idvjle,

Ducem Britannie.

D. Gre) Codenore. Dom. Jae, Haryngton.

Nominatione peract Rcgique, quo decuit cum honore contradit, ipc

i: veigio de conitnu prazicntium eleglt in locum Ducis 1 Clap-wrie, Cu_

jus jampridcm vacarat zdes, clarimum 'n pqrzugazie Regem, m ipa,

qucmadmodum oportuit, uo e temporc igmcaca,
The l(,. of Portugal, Ric. Queen's Son,Sir Edw. Widvylc,
Earl Douglas,

I(,- of Hungary, Lord Stanlcy,

Sir Thomas Bourgh,

Duke of Auria. Lord Lovell.

Sir Will. Stanley.

The K, o Portugal, Lord Lovell,

SinRic ard Grey, Lord Stanley,

Lord Dudelcy,

Sir Thomas Bourgh,

Sir Tho. Sellyngcr,

Dn/ee of Auria. Lord Denham. Sir William Stanley.

Lord Ferrers,

The K, of Portugal, Sir Rich. Grey, Sir Jam. Haryngton,

Duke (f Auria, Lord Denham, Sir Ralph Hayngs,
D. of Britany. Lard wells.
Sir Edw. Widvylc.

Sir John Achcley,

The K, of Portugal, Lord Denham, Sir Laur. Raynsord,

Da/ee of Auria, Lord Dakars, Sir John Huddleon,
Sir Richard Grey. L. Gr. Codenoresir Edw. Widvylc.
The I<, of Portugal, Sir Rich. Grey, Sir Edw. Widvyle,

sirTho. Mongomcry,

Da/ce of Auria, Lord Denham, Sir Thomas Bourgh,

D. of Brirany.

L. Gr. Codenorosir Jam. Haryngton.

The Nomination being made and deIi-vered 'uzith due Reverenee to the King, he

immediate] with the Conent of thoepreent, choe the mo noble King ofm Porn

rugal in ead of the Duke of l Ciarence, whoe Stall had been waeant ome
time before, and it was notified to him in proper Time a: it ought.

and evidently relatez to 'hit Fea, Aifonus Ki of] the Fea on the 29 Apr. which was then on a Mon
Porruga] died 24 Aug- 1481, 2' E- IV, and ohn day, and thix Inrument places itn on augunday, but
Roc Hi, p. zn eat/e Huic [Ed-uardo Quarez]

the firt' mean: the grand Feivaf it elf, 'he other

Dominus Pa a Sixtus iilius nominis quartus mi it refer: to the commencement of 'be Fen on the Eve. i
Gladium 8e Eajcpt-ram regize dignirati congruen
E. x, penes
me p.which
86. Indeed
the Solempnit)

I See above in Note e. p. 237.

m See Introdn- p- 189.


-.- ...-.- -_.._

Acta /ub Anno vice/imo tertio E D O A R DI Qgarti.


Anno regni ui sviceimo tertio Rcx hic illurimus Edoardus Qgiaimis

obiic, Be l/Vemonalerio Windeirum (quai porema voluntas ejus crat) add

vectus, illic honoriicentitne prazvilo ldco epultus e, illuc enim lega-i
vit corpus ad quietem, ubi requiecebat animus dum vixit.


Dominica: merito deq; nixus, non dubium, quin in Domino pem

rmam habens ad alutem accet : at humillilne piinieque ibi ubve

ritus, qui ram volubili rotatu vitam hanc ancipitem exegefat', aliorum
ibi preces, uti potuit, acivit.

Id autem cum alibi, tum Windeori Po'

titmum, ubi praeter omnem Chorum, qui uppeditatu illius victum

habens vitam agit, ut Domino Deo erviat, canat, dient, upplicet, 86
ptecetur, quatenus eos cujus opitulatu ic vivunt aeternae vice commeni

dent: duos electos Sacerdotes inituit, ut pro Anim ua ingulariter cele

brent, jam enes bonos, honeos, doctos, mdatori penitus addictos, cited

'cujus tumulum mane, veperi, divina perolvunt, cunctanter illic omnia P. 130.
pieq; Etctitant, tanquam in procurandam fundatori tlutem abhrpti, atis
temporibus concionantur, 8: plcbem erudite, modee, picq; doeent; qua
les in poerum quo zperatur lturos, ut ram pius Fundacor quod hiis Col
natus e, veraciter gbtineat. Collegiunl quoq; illud, erga quod mirum in
modum ic acctus erat unice conabilivit, auxit, dotavit, '1 ornavit.

In the twenty third Tear of his Reign this mo illu/lrious King Edward
'the Fourth died, and being carried (uch was his la l/I/ill) from Weminer

to Windor, was mot' honourably buried in a Place he had pitched on before.

For there he bequeathed his Body for Re, where his Mind had Re whil he
lived; relying on the Merit of Our Lord's Paon, and on Faith therein, there

is no doubt, but that hart/ing a [leafai Hope in God, he is adrvaneed to Happi

But with great Humility and Piety fe-aring for himolf, who had
paed through this uncertain Life with o doubtful a Rotation of Fortune, he,
as he could, called in the Prayers of others to his Aid. And as he dido in

other Places, o he did more epecially at Wyndelor, where beides the whole
Chair, who haroing their Mantainance from his Proroitonfor them, pend their
Lirves in orsoing the Lord God, nging, addren , interoeding, and praying

to him, o as' to recommend them to eternal Life, gy rushoo Support they thus
lirve z he appointed two feleiif Prieis to oir in particular for his Soul, now

good old Men, honel, learned, and entirely girt/en up to their Founder, beides
whoe Tomb they Morning and Evening perform di-'oine Oces, do every Thing
there in a folemn leiurely and pious Manner, as they had nothing to mind,
but the procuring of their' Founder's Happinei, the preach at ated Times, and
the People, teach them with Modely a Pietyz uch as hereafter nue

may alo hope there may be, that t pious a Founder may really obtain what he
has endea-voured hy Means of theo : That Colclrelge alo towards which he was
wonderfully aoed, he of himelf eiablihed, urged, endowed and 'I adomed,
'r Roe Hi. Reg. Angl. p. 21', who was con-

He erected the Chappel now remaining, which

temper-ar , informs us that this Kinq-b-h '* Eecle-

is a Maer-picce in Architecture, whereof' Mr

" [n'am co eglatam Garteril de Wyndelzour [empt-so e

tl/hmole Hi. p. las, 136, may be eonulted, who

" ructnra, e? peronis ampliavit, poeonihnr O i- however eems to be under a Miake, by intimate
'i bermihus, ac &Xznctarum reliquiis, pracipue eapite ing that he pulled down the old one built formerly
" Sknih' Gcorgii tum praeurarione Iargimarurn in- by Ed- ill, for if' Mr. Leland in his Notes on Cgmd
V dn/gentiarum uherrinre diravit." Let us take a

Came may be credited, the preent Structure was

Survey of thee Particulars in their Order.

l1aid_ on a new Foundation at the 'Vel End of Ya;

ere e

2 14, U g-Aifiaub Anno oicemo tertio E D O A

D I Quarti.

erectedb Ed. ill which was left and remained and eay Explicatiotr- The Collector hath not had
entire til Hem Vil took it down and built a new the Fortune to meet ivith the Book publihed by
Chap el in that Place, with an intention to be Laurence Flnicchitzri the [euit in Italian 1658 upon
buri therein, which was vacant at the Time he this Subject.
wrote, becaue, as he aith, the King had altered
Monieur Du Frene publihed Truite Hiorique
his Reolutions in that particular. " Edwardus elu Chefde S- jean Baptic &e. e Paris 1-665 en 4to,

" Quartus ad occidentem temp/i ab Edwardo Tertio wherein he eriouly endeavours to prove, that
a conructi nouurn erexit priori [on e magnicentiur
St. John Bapti? Head kc t at Antient is the real
" Stuat udbuc vetur ternplum a Ed. 'Iertio poi one which according to is Narrativc was found
'* tum: ed cum Henricus Septimu: nmnoria morn: at t
'* influx, nor/um a fundemenm loeo eodent con/insert,

ame Time and Place with the Head of St.

George. To omit whatever is contained in this

a quod O' hodie went; 'num/erect enim de epulchro Tract that doth not immediately refer to the latter,
'* ententium See." So that Mr. Ahnoole was miled he tells us, that (onldntimp/e being taken by Storm
probably by ome of our later Authors, who aert on 12
r. 1204. the Churches were pillaged or'
that this Pile at the Eu End of the preent Chap their Re icks and Ornaments, that lVu/on de Surton
pcl commonly called the Tomb-houz, was raied a Native of Dan/len: near Antient, being advanced
by Cardinal Wooley, whereas thc Pope's Bulls in to a Canon in the then Collegiate Church of
ruct us that HemVll built it, Ryrner vol. xii, St. George e Mungonia, o denominated from its
p. gos, 591, 672. and the Arms of that King are Vicinity to the Arenal, found in the Rubbih of

carved on the Out ide in the Stone Work

tlte Palace Mu anorum adjoining to that Church

The everal bettecial Grants made by this King two Caes whi

contained the Finger and Arm o

to this Chap el, may be een in MomAngl. vol. 3. St. George, and that renewing his Search the next
'le Eccleir co legions p. 7r Oc. in one or' them he Day, he dicovered two other Caes with Greek In
mentions his Deign of augmenting the Number criptions on them, im orting that the one con
tained the Head of St. hn Bapti, and the other
of the Miniers of the College. lind. 74
lt was formerly believed that everal

elicks of that of our St. George. from whence this Walot'

St. George were preerved in this Chappel. Part of brought thee Relicks to Antient in Dee. 1206. ee
his Arm is aid to lie on the High Altar, in an ln Wulngham. Tpod. Neurix, where this true Head of
ventory dared 8 Rich. ll. Monu-ingl. vol. 3. p- 83,
and therein a Bone of him is mentioned, but 'tis
not expreed, whether this was the ame, which
Thomar Earl of Lancet/ler gave to the Earl of War

the Bapti now remains, and gave the Arm of

St. Geor e to the Church of St. Murtin de Pequrgn)

ill prclgcrved there. He then proceeds to oberve,
that Robert Earl of Flanders brought from Jeru a
teick at his Chrining, and which that Earl in his lem an Arm of St. George, and gave it to the b
Will 4? Ed. lll gave to his own Son. D d. Bat. bey d'Anchint. Alberic. A. D. rtoo. Roh. de Monte
I Vol. . age; The Heart of St-George was ow ucce. ad Sigebert in dttio unno, which was removed
ed on this llcge by the Emperor Sigumond. See to Hedin, Malbanq. l. 9. c. xxviii. Spondun. 1205.
Introd. pZ 29, note h. whereof there are ome That the chronicle of Andrm Dundolo Doge of
Accounts tn this Book . 40, is; and omewhar Vnto: relates, that he ent to that City an Arm of
more will be aid in e Appe 'tx, in the Tract St.Ge0rge, that his Arm is likewie aid to be in
illed 'noelur olmiam eundi Regt. His Right Leg was the Church of the Au vtint in Pudoua. Portenane'
reented to Hen. Vll, Ahru. p. 562, mentioned tie/la feticita di Pudoua 9. c- xxvi- That the Em
hereafter under 20 H. Vll. But the Collector hath peror Lothair gave his Arm to the Abbey ofPraru
not yet met with any other Notice of this valuable Brouw. l- 8 Annal. 'Tre-oir. all which he thinks eaily
Head of St. George ave in this Author, who hath reconciled by the Suppoition, that thoe Relicks
not entertained us with its Hiory, or whence are not entire Arms in thoe everal Churchcs, but
only ome Parts of his Arms in each Church. Bu'
Ed. [V procured it

May it be allowable to interpoe a Conjecture, then as to the Head of St. George, he aith that
that this King might bring it with him from his Vzeur writes Sur/an left it in the Abbe of Mr
Jnterview with Lewis Xl at Pequigny, 'tear Antient, moutier in his Journcy to Antient, whic he con
for we hall nd that it was believed the Head of ceives to be a wrong Tranlation, becaue th

this Saint was in that Place, at lea this will give

an opportunity to give the Extract of a Book
wrote by Monieur Du Frene Seur de Can e, a Per
on of incredible Erudition in the m
Points 0F Antiquity
lt hould be premied as to thee Reliclts in ge

Monaery had the Head of St. Gorgon, and that

Tour-rine, where this Abbey is cituated, is out of

the Road from ltaly to Antient, and therefore he

conjectures, that he miook i' for Marmoutier in

Touruine, ome Diance from Monrlidier, which

Houe was almo deerted; and therefore as to
neral, that Monieur Baillet hath july oberved himelf, he remained under no Doubt, but Sarra'
that all the Narratives of their Tranlations can brought this Head alo to AMimJ, ince he there
have no ure Foundarion, till we are acertained founded an yearly Diribution to the Canon' who
of the Manner of his Martyrdom, and the Place hould a at Mae on St. Georgis Feival, where

where he uercdaitd was buried. But the Editor he alo erected a Chappel in Honour of both thee
deires not to be ntitmderood by the following Saints.
Paragraphs on his Rclicks, in any Manner to di
This is the Subance of what he hath
ctcdit the Exience or Reality of this Saint, whoe touching the Relicks of St. George, to w ich eve
Memory hath been oberved in the Church from ral Inances might have been added of other
the Da s of conuntine, ee Dr. Hey/in in his Hi. Places, which claim his Arm, and of as great a
of St. targe, Mr, Seldent Titles of Honour, and Number that abrt their Poeon of his true
Theoph. Raynaudi Santiut Georgius Cuppadox Me Head: The Editor omitts them with this only Re
galo-Murtyr peronalir O Symbolicut.

ection that Our Saint is reputed to be of Cappe

But principally Acta Sunctorurn Aprilis ab Hen eloeiu, in which Count even before the settle
chenio t? Papebrochio, wherein Arguments are ment of Chriianity,_t re were warm Drputcs
produced from chronology, (the true Touch and Com titions touching the real Statue of Dia
one of Hior_v,) to prove that the Parron of our na, and th: venerable Knife of lphigenia.
Order was the r Martyr under the tcnth Pere
The next Article is of lndulgetrces, 'which are
curion, who pulled down the Edict of the Empe

not meant of thoe procured bv Frrderick Duke of

rors mentioned in Eujeb. Eecl, Hi. l. 8. c- v. and Urbin, mentioned in the lntrod. p. 49- note j. but
of Mtgdlo-Murtyr,
dgmlni: the
in Niceph.
Culf. l. 7. c.Martyr-w'
xv, and of others, One bearing Dare A. D. t479 is of_ the
following Tenour, Dum ad illarn de-i conan/Lrm,
other Titles attributed to him receive a natural extntieq; devotionit aiction, qnihnr nm! in Chr/ro

ictaieb Anno oicemo tertio Ei D

R D I gear-ti-v o


4 Yard: of Murtdy cngteyned For the King's
filin: 'to/ler Edvardus Rer Anglia ilh/irir erga not 0
jedem Apoem-am clarere dignocuirr nore dtrgnmxr Gowne price 48 r;
Paid tor CC ible wombes price the pece xiiii i.
con rderationi: intnittm, digne dtttllm. tun',
C able bakks price the pece 4 r. ii hool dablcs
conideration-e xniverjar peronas Collegti (raretheriiz
(tri Rex iepye praee dsgnocitur, U
rllitu cope/la in for the Colere and Slevcs price this pcce vi r. viii d.
bottom'- jub imlodllone Dei Gmxmcu, Sat-orin' to furre the aid goWne.
For iiii elles dim- o fyue liemylhe cloth and iiii
Georgii Martyrir, a: Edvardi Confeons 'nfra Ca
rurn R ' in de Wyndeore Salisberienis Dtoce/ir elles of Canvas, rxix pair hdne For poor men at
per ig-m vardi Predeceizres An liz RZU land-tra, the ame Maund) xvi r. xi A.
Delivered upon Sberemrddj for xxix poor Men,
&e. dium, quod Conor T one-is rerbjter e
ctelerir, vel exit-fair ordinis religiojus, quem profane;

" Edvardus, O' pro tnnpore exi ens Mix Rex di

'* do Collegio Prc m, 'e per one, ' 'er n- Con
" frett-es
Co ii, 'rect-on Deoamu, jkbdctnt,
" Oidortsm [omen 'meam canoniei, Vicarii, Cape/Li
a m' G Cat-tom alit' 'tri/tri dih-e Cape/la &c- t
a eligendtcgtlidelicet qxilibet fe quem duxerir &e.
it would be too tedious to pccify the everal ima
ges, Vements, and Ornaments preented by this
King, for which the Payments are cutted in the
Iues of the Pell- _ e.
The Authors di er very much in the A e of

every poor Man ii r. vi de

This Com utation doth not agree with the En

try of his

ativit in DdttiiLA. 9 in bibl-(httoni

xx_vii Apr. A. D.

CCCCXL" pa mnidiem hora

m. O 'linttt- xliiii, nor with that in the Duke of

in Heraldrl? e m 8. 14 2, nary: e Ed
not:in mantborumdiet'
28 Luna:
bora jtcnnda po nredtctm
apart Rothoihagum- But 'tis evident there mu
be a Miake, becaue 28 Apr. in that Year n'as not
u on a Mantle), and this ame Boolt in another
P ace, 'places his Birth 27 Aprilis pr mer-Him bon'

this King at the Time of his Demie, Sir 'Iv ma:

More is a Peron of teat Authority, and he com
mence: his Hiory o Ricb. ll] with the A (pear
ance of teat Accuracy in this particular a

xiv mmxr. xI-v.

'* dus ex ejus nominis Qdrtttt, aElis on: anon

" qninquagima tribur, nrenlfbttsfeptem, dicbusex &c-"
By which Computation e hould have been born
in 1429, for 'tis certain he died on the ninth of
April 1483. The Collector ubmit: to Conidera

markable that though the Common: in Parliament

in their Reco 'tition of his 'litle take notice of
thc ** beam- o? the Per/on which it had pleaed Al

This Sovereign was the mo handom: Peron

and OF the moli majeick Prcence that ever Pbilp
de Comines beheld, l. 3. ci v. l. 4. c. ar. and 'tis res

" night) God to end him," which Graccfulxres had

by his Gsllarltr been very erviceable to his inte

re in everal epccts. IbitI. I. 3. c. vli, yet 'tis as
Gowns and Shoes at his Maund), may not tend to remarkable that after his Death, the ame was ued
the ettli this Matter, at lea in ome tolerable asan Arment of his lllegirimacy by mercenary
7 T/mrday in the eighth Year ot' Shew in 's infamous sermon, who harangues his
his eign fell on the 14 Apr. 1468, and then ,28 Auditory, acquainting them that he' was not ur
poor Men received the uual Allowanccs, whence prized " Edvardum nibil halmte pen, legitimo ne

tion, whether the Number of Poor who received

we may uppoe that he was in his 28th Year cur

rent, and t at he did not enter into his 29th Yau
till the 27, 28, or 29 of that Month, for Authors

have varied on which of thee three Days he was

born at Roan in Mrtmndy, and there is ome Pre
umption that this is a right Method oF Calcula
tion, in that a in Maimdy 'Iburday in hisnext
Year, which t n happened on zo il-Iarcb, there
were 29 poor Men ed. The Inruments follow.
Exit Pell P.8. 154. Domino Regi pro togi: xxviii
panperam de eleemojyna Reg' dam x-ol. iii s. in d.
aperihm otalarium dam dih: paper-ible: fen-pore
ne Domini xw' s. it' d.

an [pro-riot rtlinqneret, quippe nec ipuin, me ra

" 'rein ejas Clarentia: Dpitematir emo 'ram patre,
** m qui notor quit/dam hominis e familiaribur Edvardi,
a Dxci: was) orispetie re ment tum ipurn Ducem,

" tart-ruin rotectorcm [ ich. 111.] non 'vita rnodo

" ed will" quoque ipg patrem refer-re." Man' vita
Ric. lll. to which the ulte oF Buckingham points-a
** tum aliam ob ear-am, quam nt illecgshaust] [i ni
u ce-vie potius quem expIanat/it, ita 'go int-rein'
" modo Pretereo, addnur pmlore at' reuerenria Pro
" teoru, adco it' manent etiam talent retinenti: pitte
'* tem, utgravalim in eam liniri quit-palm erat eriam

a cum bono publico did. Ibid. Oliz/ier de a Alarehe,

And there is a privy Sea] remaining wherein the who had been ent Embaldor to him- Rrn. Fran.
Parcels for the King's Maur-dy now la pa anno 9 E. IV, m. 5 E' 6 -'F 10 E- lV, m. 2, decribcs him
in the Year 1466, " neu de pourpre, [A jarticre m
ix are thus enumerated.
Cv Yard: of' dim.of Ruet For xxix gownes and " la jambe, 6' un gros ba ton en la main." H.
bode: of Almcmcn the yerd ii s. vi d. xiii I. iii r. MW


l Plctaab Anno primo E D O A R D l Qginti.


e. iss

NO viceimo
4 primo Regis
Edoardi Qginti, Juvenis indole vere regi, die
quarto, Dominus Dudeley Regim Sublimitatis ac

_ auetam Vj-ndeori
ibi copulaturn
Dominum Jioannem
supremusilCorogigltionis uze olennibus 8: ceeteris Regni eriis negotiis

mtentus, 1

inc a


Reliqui, praeantimi hujus Ordinis vel protectione Regia tuti, vel

aliis rebus probabiliter impediti, non intererant.


Hic autem quando jam jam adolecere coeperat, clarimo Patri pre
clarus juvenis uccedere debuit, 8: ucceurus jam nunc miro populi
deiderio petebatur : cum (necio qua) Patrui damnoa. proditio Princia
pem innoxium,
Recrem, acurarat
e medioadtollendum
: po
ac jure
dies undecim
morte Patris,
debitum ibi

num Plr et.

N the 4 Fr Tear of King Edward the Fifth, a Tooth of a Dipoition trul

Royal, on the twenty fourth Day of May, Lord Dudeley empowered by t e
Authority/ of the King's Highnes and Commiion, held the accuomed Solemnity

at Wynclcor, having Sir John Aheley to join with him.

_ 'Ihe Sovereign was abent, being infent on the Solemnity of his Coronation and

other weighty Aairs of the Kingdom.

The other Knights of this mo excellent Order were not there, being either
our-ed by the King's Proteon, or probably hindered by other Aizirs.
But when he was e-ven groriving up, and the Ybath hould ha-ve itcceeded
his mo noble Father, and being on the Point of Sncceon, was already conrted

with a wonderfulAiion of the People, then I hnow not how the deruroe Trea
on of his Uncle managed to havoc this harm/ele Prince, yea this rightful King made
away, after he had for two bMonths and eleroen Days from his Father's Death,
endeasooured to attain the Kingdom which was his Due.
a The Prince o Wales had for-ome 'Time rederl

b Hadrian. Iunius libro Faorum a d Grm.

at Ludlow to re ain the Wclchmen by the Anthori- l Amiqu- Rom. placed this Mssrther on 24

ay, We

ty of his Preence, where he received the News of the ver tun- Mon. p. 52' in july, and according to the
Deo/Je of his Father Ed. lV, which happened on the
nintbof April : ln this Place he oberved the Fea of
St. (seorgc according to lohn Roe, who was his Contemporary. Hi/F. Rz g. Angl. p. 212. '* Craino San-

Compsetation in this Booh, if the Ilionths here 'nen

tioned are the Kalendar ones then it was on the r of
that Mont , t) the lat Day in this reckoning be exclu.
ive. Roe p. 215. aith of Rich. "I, " Edo.-missa

" cti Georgii complcto olcmpniier apud Lad/on: " Quintum blandiexido cum amplexibus 8: oculis
" ejudem Sancti Martyris, ut more Anglorum oler, " recepitt inra circiser tres menes vel parum ultm
" militum Gorterii olico ervitio cum plendido u cum Fsatre uo interccit," 'tis no Wonder that the
a convuiio dictus Juvenis Rex removit e abhinc

exact Tirr' of perpetrating Io horrid a Villan) was-for

" verus Landonios.

ome time concealed.


Actaeb Anno primo R I C H A R

i Tertii.


RICHARDUS Tertius, de quo proeqili nontam libet dium in- P. 159.

cumbet, ut qui per proditionem Be miemndatn cedcm occupavit

aut invait potius quam jure reeepit intperittm Anglicannm, 6; cluos tamen
4' Annos, duos Menes, totidemq; (lies utcunque tenuit, non ine mir

anxierate uurpatze Poteatis, atque odio, illorum etiam qui Fuerant ei prius
amicimi: Regnare occoepit Anno Domini milleimo, quadringeitteimo,
octogcilno teteio, Menis Junii viceitno : (exco po die Julii coronam

Hujus anno I' primo, I/emonaerii in-a Palatium, agitari coeptum ell;

de i electione: quando prozentes cum eo

Dux Alorthfolcie,

Regem Portugaliee,
Ducem Orichiie,

Dom. Stanlzy,
Dom. Lyell,

Dom Tlo. Bourgh,

Dom. Rt. 'una/l,

Comitem Lincoln-tle. D. Grey Codenore. Dom. J'ai. Haryngica.

Dux Southfolcie,

Regem Portugaliee,

Dom. Lyel,

Dom. Ric. Tuna/l,

Ducem Orichiie,

Dom. stanley,

D_ Hen, We,,,,,,0,,},,

Comitem Lincolniie. D. Grey Codenore. Dom. Jac. Tyrell.


I C H A R D the Third, of whom it is not it much out of Inclination as

R out of Duty to treat, as having by Treaon and lamentable Murdersiized

on, and invaded rather than rightly received the Kingdom of England, andyet
ertjoyed it after a Sort for two 4 Tears, two Months, and as many Days, not

without the exceive Anxiety of uitrped Power, and Hatred, even of thoi who

had formerly been his greatet1 Friends; He began his Reign A. D. 1 48 z, the
twentieth of Juno, being Crowned theixth Day of Julyfollowing.
In his

I' Tear, within the Palace of Weminer, a Scrutiny was begun

about an V Eleon, when thoe whowere pha-cent with him


Lord Stanley,

Sir Thomas Bourgh,

D. of Auria,

Lord Lyel,

Sir Rich. Tunall,

E. of Lincoln.

L. Gr. CodenoreSir Jam. Haryngton.

The I(. oPortugal,

The D. of Northlblk,

The K, if Portugal, Lord Lyel,

The D. of Southfolk,

Sir Rich. Tunall,

D. of Auria,

Lord Stanley,

E. of Lincoln.

L. Gr. Codenore.Sir James Tyrell.

i' The Writers vary in the Day of the commence

'went of his Retgn.

Sir Hen. Wentworth,

c If this Scrutin was in the fir/i Tear, it 'me/i have

heen towards the .nd of it, jor the Duke of Norfolk

b There is a warrant dared on 24 A r. 1 R. lll, and the Earl of Surry, two of the Scrtsliners here na
to Piers Curtis to ravide the Livere of t e Garter 39 l med, nere not advanced to thee Titles 'till on 28 Juuc

Be 18- P- 171. Bihl. Fiat-ley.

I in this r Tear.





Acta uh Anno primo R IC H A R D l Tertii.

Comes ArtMdeHi-,

Regcm Porrtegalig,

D. Grey Codenare, Dom. Tho. Bozerg h,

Ducem Oriehiz,

Dom. Seraop,

Dom. Jze. Dre/l,

Comitem Lincolni-e. Dom. Fytzh/zgh. Dom. Rich. Ttenjia/Z.

P. 160.

Ducem Orichic,
Dom. Stanley,
comes Narthamhricc, Comitem Lincolnic, Dom.Grey,

Dom. Job. Botlrgh,


coin. Huntjngdanid. Dom. strange.

Dom. Rich. T/Mall.

Regem Portuidic,

Dom. Ljell,

Dom. 7720. Bourgh;

Comes Stlfjd,

Ducem Oric tle,

Com. Lincolnic.

Dom. Stanley,
Dom. Grey.

Dom. Rich. Tunall,

Dom. Jac. Haryzgtozl.

Regem LIi/ania,

Dom. Stanley,

Dom. Jew Haryngton,

Comes Dauglas,

Regem Portugalic,

Dom. Ly/I,

Dom. Rich. 'Tun/Iall,

Ducem Orichi-e.

D. Dan-es BoreaLDom. Tho. Bourgll.

Ducem Orichic,

Dom. Grey,

Dominus Low/I,

Dominus Scroop,

Dom. Mautrwers,

Dom. Jac. Yj/rrell,

Comitem Lineolnhe, Dom. Stanley,

Dom. Rich. Tuna/l,

Corn. Hartryngdoni-e. Dom. Lamare.

Dom. Jew. Harngtan.

Regem Cl slit,

Dom. Lje/I,

Dom. Jew. Harjngtan,

Regcm Porrugali-e,

Dom. Dakars,

Dom. Rich. Tuna/I,

Ducem Oji; Zchiee.

Dom. Starllg.

Dom. Jac. Tjell.

Ducem OriLV/ize,
Dom. Stanley,
Comitem Linea-fere, Dom. Grey,
Corn. Huntyngdontwe lzom. Ljell.

Dom. Jae. Tyrrell,

Dom. Rich. Turn/tall,
Dom. Tho. Boargh.


The K, of Portugal, L. L-r. Codenorc,Sir Thomas Bou h,

The E. of Arundell,

Duke of Auria, Lord Scroop,

E. qf Lincoln.
E. of NorthumberL,

Earl of Surrey,

The Duke 0 'Auria, Lord Stanley,

Earl 0 Lincoln, Lard Grey,
E. ofHuntyngdonLord strange.

Sir jam. Hary

The K, of Portugal, Lord Lyell,

Sir Thomas Bourgh,

Duke of Auria, Lord Stanley,

Earl of Lincoln. Lard Grey.

The King of Spain,
Earl Douglas,

Sir James Tyrre ,

Lord Fytzhugh. Sir Richard Tunall.

Lord Stanley,

King of Portugal, Lord Lyell,

Sir John Bourgh,


Sir Rich. Tuun. '

Sir Rich. Tunall,
Sir Jam. Haryngton.
Sir Jam. Haryngton,
Sir Rich. Tunall,

Duke ef Auria. L. Dacres, NorthSir Thomas Bourgh.

Lord Lovell,

Lord Scroop,

Lord Mautravers,

The Duke of Auria, Lord Grey,

Earl of Lincoln, Lord Stanley,
E. ofHuntyngdonLord Laware.

Sir Rich. Tunall,

The [Gng of Caile, Lord Lyell,

Sir Jam. Haryngton,

Sir James Tyrrcll,

Sir James Haryngtotb

King of Portugal, Lord Da kars,

Sir Rich. Tunall,

Duke qf Auria. Lord Stanlcy.

Sir James Tyrrell.

The Duke of Auria, Lord Stanley,

Earl of Lincoln, Lord Gre ,

Sir James Tyrrell,

Sir Rich. Tunall,

E. of HuntyngdonLord Lye l.

Sir Thomas Bourgh.


Acta ub Anno primo R I C H A R D l Tertii.


Dom. fac.
Regem Portugalie,
Linctcolnia, D
Dominus Dudelcy,
Com. Iiuntyngdonia. D. Dacres Boreal. Dom; Jac. Haryngton.

Dominus Ferrers,

Regem Hipania,
Regem Partugalta,
Ducem Oriehite.

Dom. Stanley,

Dom. For. Hatyngton,

Dom. Grey,
Dom. Dakars;

Dom. Tho. Bomgh,

Dom. Rad. Hayngs.

Dom. Stanley,

Dom. Jinc. Haryngton,

Ducem Orichie,
Dom. Rich. Radcly, Com. Huntyngdonia, Dom. Grey,

Comitem Lincolnia. Dom. Latvare.


Regem Portuialia,

Dom. Lyell,

Dom. it Gul. Stanlq, Ducem Orie tle,

Dom. Grey,
Comitem Lincolnite. Dom. Stanley.

Dom. Tho. Bottrgh,

Dom. Rich. Tunall.

Dom. Jae. Drrell,
Dom Tho. Bourgh,

Dom. Rich. Tunall.


The K, Of Portugal,

Lord Dudelcy,

Lord Stanley,

The King of Spain,

Lord Ferrers,

Lord Stanley,

Sir Jam. Haryngton,

King of Portugal, Lord Grey,

Sir Tho. Bour h,

Duke of Auria. Lord Dakars.

St' Ralph Hai yngs.

The Duke of Auria, Lord Stanley,

Sir Rich. Radcly,
E-ofHuntyngdon Lord Grey,
Earl of Lincoln. Lord Laware.
Sirtl Will. Stanley,

57' James Tyrrell,

Earl of Lincoln, L. Gr. C0denore,Sir Rich. T unall,

E.ofHunt_vngdonL. Dacres, Norrhsir Jam. Haryngton.

The K, of Portugal, Lord Lyell,

Duke of Auria, Lord Grey,

Earl of Lincoln. Lord Stanley.

Sir Jam. Haryngton,

Sir Thomas Bourgh,
Sir Rich; Tunall;
Sir James Tyrrell,
Sir 'ho. Bourgh,

Sir Rich. Tunitall.


d Sir William Stanley was younger Brother to Tho-- " heraulz, 8e la oriet la haqle- Et le dit arche
mas then Lord Stanley, on which Perons the Uurper c' vefque la touma de la pomte en us, Be la ren

Oc, to ecure them to V dit auls dicts heraulx, 8c les dicts hcraulx la prin
his lntere. If this Book be not in an Error, the you er *' dient, 8c le renditent au dict Chevalicr a la

conferred everal Lunds and

Brother mut' have preceetied the elder in thisOr er, " main de la pointe en hault, 8c conduiierenc

becaue in the Scrutinr hm' acribed to him he gives his ** le dict Chevalier a la Saint
Et: la
Surage for the Lord Stanley. But this Particular is 'i le dict Chevalier e dcs-arma, Apres vindrent le'
notgttp orted by a other Authority that hath appeared " Pouruivans, aavoir Rouvecrois, Blanche Roe,
to t e gbllector, a is contrary to all the Catalogues, which " Guines, Cales, Bareuic 8e zrington, les quels pre
Place the Eleliion of this Sir William under the Rci n *' enterent le cheval, que le Chevalicr avoit che
Hen. Vll ; 'Ihere is no Vacanty for him in the ol V vauchiet au Doyen de Yeglie. Recueil de cer
owi Scheme of the Stalls, unles _we_ uppoe he was " tains choes de Richmont Clarenceux inter Cod.
ettlbz in that of the Prince, or of the ate Duke of " Duc. Norf. in O- Arm. Hence probably it is that
York. The Publi/her therefore at pret-nt, believes this the Mortuaty is termed Cors preent in the Statute
is a Negl' ence of the Compiler or the Scribe, who m. 21 H. 8- c. vi. Du Frene in his Glo voce heritum
took Sir illiam Stanley for Sir Will- Par for though hath everal curious Particulars about this Point. Some

he hath not yet dicovered the exact DE of the Death o] lnlances of'Knights of this Order may not tmpertinentiy
the latter, yet 'tie evident heurvived d. lV, for in the be added, Henry Duke of lancaer by his Will is May

Cerenionial of his Funeral on 19 &Ft. 1483, ne nd 1 60, devies to the Cut-ates ofthe Church of Leiceer,
that a Kni ht of this Order, .Si'r

illiam Par was (as where he was buried " norc meilbur Cheval, ou le
" prys en nom de Principal
q'il ny eit choe

no terms ) the Man of Arm', that is the Peron who

then rode in compleat Harnes or Armour, on the Cour
er t' ped with the Arms of England, preented to
the C iirch as the Hcriot, Mortuary or Principal.

" veine 8: bobaunte commc des homrnes armez,

" ne des chevals covertz Or." Reg. Ginewell E .

Line. But the black Prince in his Direction oue

whole Ceremortiesfor his own Funeral, in hit Will was of
" eur VVlhem Apar Chevaliet de la Garetiere, 8c a quite different Reolution " que deux Delriers co
" Controleur de Foel du Roy, le quel vient mon " vates de noz armez, 8: deux hommez armez' i!
" te juques aux portes de YEglie, tout arme en un 'i en noz heaumez voicnt devant nore dit corps;
'* Glocere 8e Buckingum heraulx emenerent Mon

n arnais blanc, Scune riche alade uf la eaie, *' ce asvoir. l'un put la guerre de noz armez' en
" 'nonte ut un bon couiier couvert d'une belle " tiers quartillez, 8: Pautrc put la paix de noz ba
'* huchure de ve oux noir 8: quatre Ecuchons des " ges de plumes d' Oruce oue quatre baners de
" armes du Roy mys us les coes, en portant une " meme la ure, &que checuim. de ceux, que ot
" Ache en la main, a la point au bas, se ainy de *' teront les ditz baners air ur o relic un ha
f endit, a: fur mene alant par leg deux devant ditz ** pen de noz arme', 8: que celi que era armez


P. 161.

Actauh Amzo prime Ri c H A R Dl Terziz',

Regem Portugalize,

DomJct/m. MangomerhDucem Orizhie,

Dom. star/ly,

Dom. Tho. Bourgh,

Dom. Scmnp,

Dom. [i ith. Taita/l,

D. Laur. Rajmjfarth.

Comitem Lincoln-e. D0.m. Cohhaw.

Regem Portrzgal/le,

Dom. lar-thigh, Dom. Tho. Rough,

Dominus Io. A/ChEZLZLDUCC-m Ojfrirhize,

Dom. orroop,
Comitem Lincolni-e. Dom. Cohhanl.

I)om. Jac, Drre/l,

D. Laur. Rajmtfarth.

Sedula guiden] nominatio, ed quam (qux Ahabetur) nulla ubccuta

e electio " .

Lord Stanley,
Th gDaL-efof
l(. 0 Portugal
Auria: Lard
SirThO. Mongomery,

Sir Thomas Bourgh,

Sir Rich. Tunall,

Earl qfi Lincoln.

Lard Cobham.

Sir Laur. Raynsord.

_ The K, of Portugal, Lard Fytzhugh, Sir Thomas Bourgh,

Duke ofAuria, Lord Scroop,
Sir James Tyrrell,
Sir John Acheley,

Earl of Lincoln. Lord Cobham. Sir Law. Raynsorth.

A careful Nomination indeed, but no *' E/eon (at far a: nue have Account
thereof) followed it.

a uerre de
eit noir
un homme
portant apres
one plumes

former under Ed. lV, was now abolutely annulled,

in that his Stall was lled in this r Year let us

gir. Sudbury p. 90 b- A: the Furreral of the royal therefore examine into what Stalls the our knigltts
Fumider himelf a 'Vxltcra 'harp miliu nupcr Equi then elected were placed Sir John Conim' is men
tioned in the lVindor-'lzablcs to be Succeor to
" tanti upcr dcxtrarium oblatum Pro anima Dom:
" Ed. Tertii nuper Regis AHg/Zx in Ecclca beau the Earl Fit/err; the Earl of Sun) came in the
a Wcmondr. in die cxequiarum eyudem Regts in Room of' the Lord HJ/iingr. MS in Mn. A/hm.
" denariis de eleemoyim Regis m iibtdium n- 1135, which Earl being attaintcd I H. VII was
" uentationis uz vi s. viii d." Exit. Pell, depoed from this Order, and therefore this his
Mich. 1 Rill. See Introductivn p. 176, n. dqmd it Election is not referred to in the Vndor-Tables,
was an indication o] Poverty whereuch a_Rne m: though his Re-election is there named in the eighth
omitted, Hence Roger de la Warre m hirlVi/l " volo Stall on the Sovereigs Side. The Vicount Level
" quod melior equus meus it meum principal: mo; is aid to have ucceeded in the eighth of the
" do paizyerum fine armata, vel honune armato. Prince's Side to the Duke of &Il/l, who was re
moved to the third of the Sovcreigtfs, in the Place
Regir. rhyngham Ep. Lincoln.

of the King of Nxpler, Vinc. MS n. 417. This Vi

e On 22d Apr. 2 R- lll, a Commrmi, ued under count was attainted in r H. Vll, but his Name ill
the privy SMI m the Lord Mautravers or keeping remains in the l/inzlar-Tables in this Stall, though
S:. Georgds Fct 36 B. 18, p. 213. in Bibl. H-Jrltj. his Plate continues in the next on this ame Side,
being atertnrd remov'd hither during this Reign,

The Companiions
Catalopues preent
with the
the Names
Beign oF
of Sir Richard Ra-c/ijvas placed in the Vacancy of the
Duke of Urbin according to Vinc. MS n. 417. But
this wicked Prince, in this Method of nuccellion he being hin at Bqworrh on the Part of this Uur
or Seniority, Sir John imierr, the -arl_ of Surry, the
P0l. Vir - p. 564.,Hence
his Name
we learnoccurrs
that the

Vicount Low/I, Sir Richard Ra/rll/f, Sir Thomas

of the Prince OF Richard Duke of nrk, and that
and Sir of
us [then Lord
the Number
vacant at Let
held by Rich. ill before his Uurpation, continued
Time that Rlch. lll invaded the Throne: ix will be For ome time Lmlled; that of the Prince of
found to be actually empty, and two others void wiles, being doubtles reen-ed for the Son of' this
Rich. lll, who was oon advanced to that Title,
in the Langmqe of the Statutcs- The Duke OF U'

bin died in slept. 22 E, lV, the Princes Stall be

but died before his Father without any Election

came empty by the Acceion of' tri. V to the into this Order, and the King of Portngal was con
Throne. the Earl River: and Lord Hr/fingr were tinued, though he was not inialled till the next

beheaded at dierent Placcs on the ame Day, while Rcign. in this Scrutiny the Earl oF Snrrj, Vicount
Ed.V enioyed the royal Title, Richard Duke of Lot/al and Sir Rich. Rete/il?r give their Suagcs for
Tor/i Brother of' that King, was batbarouy mur Sir 'Tl o. Burgh. Lorl S/an/ej- and Sir Richard Tmi/Iz/I,
thered by this his unnatural Unclc. whoe own Stall the Times of ivlroe Elections are not recorded in
which he poced as Duke of Glacrrr, became this Book. and therefore till ome farther lniru
likewie empty upon his Uurpation oF the cove ments hall be ound, it is impoible to be cer
Fordr tain whether thee three were clccted together, e
mzizd King
of are
and and
of Partuul,
were eeemed vacant For their Omiiions of n
nllzttions within the limited Time, fbr xvhich
Reaon their Names are found in this Scrutiny;

pecially ince the rl of them wis chocn into the

renth stall of the Princes Side ater the Duke of
Narfblh, Vl/jnd- Tab. who was remove] to the fth

ZF the other Side. vacant upon this Duke of Glo

cecrr eizing the Crown. Vmc. MS- n. 417, and
conequently here was Room For his Flection from
But it will oon appear that the Llcction of' the the very commencement o this Reign; but the

ome Hints tourhing thee latter Princes have al

xcadv bccntziven in thc lntrod. p. 188 Up,



Actajub Anno primo R I C A_ R

I Fertiz',

9 John Lord Sctopt.

Lord Stanley could not be elected till aFter the be

heading the Duke of Bitch, in whoe Seat he was

to Tbomzu Lord M-zutm/zm

placed; and Sit Richard Tunall was elected after

the Death of' Sir Wild-m' Par. lt may not be .im

11 'obn Lord Dudlqt

12 Sir Richard Ratcli.

roper to give aScheme of the Stalls as the are

13 Sir jolm Aielty.
Zrppoed to have been lled in the End o this
'Reign1 Princes Stal] vacant.
2 John King of Portngal, removoi to 2 of' the
1 Sovereign.
other Side and there inalled.
2 Fmlinand King of' Naplu removed from the
3 Hercules Duke of' Fermm.
third on this Side.

4. Void by Murther of Richard Duke of York,

3 John Duke of Snblk from the eighth of

5 'Ibomm Earl of Surry.
the other Side.
6 'Thomas Lord St-m/ty ucceeded the Duke of
4 Them-t: Marquis Dor et was indeed attainted Back:
'3 R. Ill, but from the ircumances it appears
7 Henry Earl of Nortbmnbcr/and by Removal.
this Stall was not lled by any Election during this
8 Francis Vicount Level upon Removal of the

Duke of' Sn/k to the third of the other Side.

5 Zolm Duke of Norfolk removed from x of

the ot er Side, to this stall which had been the

9 game: Earl Dung/ar.


ir Thomas Bnr b upon Removal of Duke of

Duke of Gloceer: before his uurping the Sove- Mrfolk to the Fth 0 the other Side.
r I Sir Richard Tunall.

12 Walter Lord Ferrcrr.

'Ilium Ear] of Arundc/I.

Z gigbgfrlE-f-

tz Sit 'Thomas Mangomeq.






_ Actauh Anno prime'


l iyeptimi. A


p, 154, l

Xcellentimus ac (Zipientiimus Princeps', Rex Henricus Septimus,

Comitis Rychmondia lius, genus habens recti emmatis ab: Henrieo

ejus Nominis Quarta, Anglorum Rege, juime ac quam Frelicihmc Ree

num uum inchoavit Anno Domini milleimo quadringenteimo octoge 1-'

mo quinto, Menis Augui die viceimo ecundo: Et Oohris proximi trice

imo Regium V/Zmonalerii Diadema, qu oportuit honoricenti, recepit.

At memoratu dignimum, quam hie pium ac fauum regnandi jecic

mdamentum, cui uperrui non potuit nii proper Succeus, 8: feli
xciimus eventus.

Po longam enim nobilium invitationem, ut Edoardt'

Wortz' primogenitam accipiens, hzrreditati uck ditioniq, propiceret, jam

ingreurus, in appulu primo procubuir- in terram, Be piam divinamq;

mentem in Omuipotente Deo ixam habens, cujus c terra 8: plenitudo
ejus, orbis terrarum, 8: omnia quae habitant in eo, tanquam magnam
Matrem oculatus e eamz 8: veluti Deucalion alter hunc Orbis angu
c_ernuus imploravit
uo nunc
8: celiciter
ipe procederet
in jus uum,
ac hoicllem
im ietatem

Eicile domitaret: &pius e prazcordiis illud Palmi pronuntians, JPudica me

Deus, (h- dtcerne cauzm meam, ah homine iniauo 6- doloh eripe me.


mox tanquam iniliente piritu timorem penitus abjiciens, atque in no

mine Dei, Diviquc ubinde Georgii uos ad ortitcr agendum animans,


HE mo excellent and mo wij? Prince, King Henry the Seventh,

Son of the Earl of Rychmond, deri-ving his Lineage in a right Pe

digree from 4 Henry the Fourth of that Name, King of the Englih, mo
and happily hegan his Reign A. D. 1 48 5, the twenty econd Day of Augu:
and was on the thirtieth of October following crowned at Weminer, with

all due Expreon of Honour.

But it is worthy to he remarhd how he laid

uch a pious and fortunate Foundation of his Reign, as that properous Suecei'

and a mo happy Eroent could not fail.

For after repeated Inrvitatiom of

the Nohility that marrying the elde Daughter of Edward the Fourth, he
would prorvide for his Inheritance and Gowernment, he heing on the Point of en
tring thereon, did immediately upon his Landing throw himelf upon the Ground,
and ring his pious and divine Mind upon Almight God, whoe is the Earth

and the Fulne thereof, the round World and al that dwell therein, he hg-d
it, as the great '7 Mother. And Iihe another Deucalion, heing to repair this
Corner of the World, lying grow/ing on the Earth he implored the di-vine Af
zance, in which his Condenee heing only placed, he might hoth teceilly
attain to his Right, and ealy uhdue the Impiety of his Enemies; oen an'

his Heart breaking out into that of the Palmi, Judge me O Lord, an ex

vamine my Caue, Deliver me from the wicked and deceitful Man. And
preently after as hy the Impule of the Spirit," throwing o all Fear, and
encouraging his Men in the Name of God and St. George, to hehasve them
a The Decent of Hen. V" is o nell known, that it Heat/m' Mrho/rgy, wherein the Earth m: reckoned
will not L-e incried in this Place.
'he Great Mother even of' the God!
b A 'ony quick 'Irantion from the P/alrm to the





Actaub Anno


omnia (Deo Duce) cillime pervait, ibiq; recepit, at rccepta dexzer

time, prudentime, preantiiimeq; compouit t.
. Anno
ll-U" gallmtb', be (by the Gaidmcc Of God) paed thro all Place-s with Ezz,

tooh Pocon of them to himblf, and having poesd them, ettled them runitb
the utmo Dexterity, Prudence, and policy;

.. 'ulq

--. ..


e This great valiant and politich Princeurnarned le a on the right Ile of the foraide hall irt the
Doyen des Rois, I. in Oc. Arm- p- 4', who " Lorde Scroope, Sir Thomas of Bur h, and Sir John
received 'he Honour t? Knighthood from the Earl o] *' Cheyne Knyghts of the Garter al on one Side
Arundell- Menen. Delicia: Ord. Equelr. p. 19. was " At the Kings Tables end ther was ordeignede a
me a Campanian of this Order before his Acceion to " Stage for his Ocers of Armes, whiche at the
the Throne, but he oon aumed his Stall as Soverei n, *' tyme accuumede cryede his hrgee iii tyme:
and aid Garter ing of Arms his accuomed ee, '* Go. ' Afterdyner was ther the voide and then
that , 'he Gown he wore immediately btfOrt his Inve/Zi

s' the King and the Lordez' did of ther Iiobez, ex.

tare, being black Velvet lined with cloth of Gold full "
' 'red Roes [the Badge of the Houe of Lancaer] "
hm, Hi/l. p. 460, and it is intimated that he then a
mj a. Oath for the Obervation of the Statutes of this '*
Order, Introd. p. 66, note m.
'There will be jound everal per Icxtng Dtculttes re 4'
lating t' the Chronolo y of the E eions o] the (om a

cepte thabbire of' the Garter, wherein knyghrs

of the ame according to ther Statuti roode to

Evenong; and on the morne to the ma: of
Requiem, whiche was ongen by the Suragat'
mytrede, and the knyghts of the Garter went
to the Chapter-houe, and ther helde his Chap

*' ter of the (sarttn

lt is to bee remembrede that

'im- ite the former art of this Re' n, and their uc " on Saynt Georges ds , Thabbot of Seint Mary
ceons, occaioned by everal Tran atians or Removals " Abbey redde the Go pell, Thabbot Fountenz. the
m' 'me Stall: to another whereof man) are pccted ** piiill, the Suager n'as croyer and bar thar-ch
i' Vinc. MSJl. 17 in b- Arm. but which is much *' islhops Croe."
t' be lamented, no ates are there axcd to them, being
Before any lnlerences be made from this lnlru
'sely by may o a continued Dicoure, after the Names ment touching the Tranactions in this Order, it
thee Kntg
an) Scheme
of the may not be amis to take Notice of the Kin_ s Age
at tsonce,
and producing
which is another
at this Time, which appears from the Num er of
this Rr 'er itelf hath not enumerated the companions the Poor in this his Mandy, for he was 15 Weeks
old at his Fathers Death in 1456. Ech. 35 H. Vl,
til int e eighteenth Year.
I' is entirely ilent in the TranaZZ/ons of the r and the lncription on his Monument acquaints us
and mad Tcar which Defect ma) in ome Meaure e that he died in the 53 Year of his Age.
And it may not be unintertaining to the Reader
up icd from Fhagmentt.
ul. B. 12. in bib. Cotton p. 6 b. "Progres of to exlain this Rite of hallowing Rin s, thought to
** a', Vll after his Coronation-- to the North be a emedy for the Cramp, whic were cone
** Parties-- At Lincoln he kept the Fea of crated by a articular Oce, or divine Service,
Baer-v- on Sherethurday he had in the Bi
ublihed by lgr. Burnet in his A p. to his 2 Vol.
** hopps Hall xxix poore Men, to whom he humly
i. of Reform. p. 295. See M 'vol- 3. of Cere
a and crienly for Chriez loue with his noble monies in Ol Arm. p. I6l. The Prayer in the Be

** handes did weshe ther fete-h- on Good-fnda)v nediction of them ut omnes qui eos ge/Zabunt--- nec
K after all his oerins and obewances of halowing eos infelet vel nervorum contractio, 'vrl comitiali: mor
9' of his Rings
At Torhc- On the Saturday btpericulum &e. And the King to im art this a
V next folowing whiche was Seint Georges even, his
Rings, rubbedt
em between
*' the King har e his Evenong in the Mynier
** Chirche, having a blew mantcl above his Sit rum confricatione, quas olei am' infuione externaan
" cote and on his hede his cap ot maintenance, &icare dignatus es pro mtni/lerii non' modo, cone
V for lie was corowned, on the morn having tha. cra &e. This Oce was annuall performed on
** bite of the Garters aboue al other robes of elate, Good-riday, when according to the Sarum Mial
K Therle of Oxinjorde bare his Trayne, alo in the the Cros was to be adored. To give ome few an
" motne the trayne of the mayntell of the Gar tions
ticnt Inances
the la ettle
Cha ter
of Reign
the Connitu.
of the Hlouehold
in the
of Ed.
*' ters coverede the trayne of the mantell of Alate,

" and the furre of the Aate uciently hewed, I l. Itcm le Roi doit o/frer de certein le "orn- de grant
a The king kept his Eate in the Bihops great Vendredi a croucev s. queux il el acu urnez. receivre
K hall Thcrle of Oxinforde yave attendance upon devers Iui a [a mene le Chapelein afair ent anulx a do
'* the boronn, having alo thabet of the Garter ner pur medicine az. diversgent &e. E- 24 MS. pe
" 'bone thabite of his Eate, and Anthony Broune nes me p. 351. ln the Account o John de lpreCOm
** lewed that day, and the Lorde Scrop of Bolton, ptroller in 44 Fd. Ill, in Cuody of the King's
bycaue he was a knyght of the Garter in both Remembrancer " In oblationibus Regirfactis adorando *
*' his habites erved the King of Water-- In " crucem in capel/a ua injra carunsuum de Wyn
** the foraide hall were vi Tables, that is to ay, ** doore die Paraceucs tn pretiotrium nobilium aurj
" ii in the middez of the aide hall, and 'm every *' O' quin ;olidorum erling xxvsJn denari-'solutis
" lle ii. At the fur Table in the myddez of the " pro er ern oblationi as reaum tis pro annulis me
** ate my Lorde (hauncellt-r, my Lorde Privy Scale, " dicinalibus indefaciendis ibi etn eodem die xxv s."
'* Thabbot of Seynt Mary Abbey, Thabbot of The ver ame Entry is verbarim in 7 8: 8 H- IV.

** Fltuntcyns Tharehebisho s Suragan with other See 76.' 22. p- 39, in Bibl-Harley. In Exit Fell.
8 E. lV, pro eleemoyna in die Paraeuec mare.
" prelats, and the kings 'hapeleynm hern at the P
** iide Table atr Therles of Lincoln, of Shrmsbury 6" pro annulis de auro O argen/o pro eleemoyna Regis
" Ryvers, and of Wtlt/hir Baroncz knyghrs and E eodem die &e. And a Privy Seal in the nex' Year
quiers for the body &e. Item a: the furi Table among other Particulars ** him paid or thle. [glose
too *


Actauh Annoecundo HE N RI C I Septimi,



P. 165.

Anno Rc ni ui d ecundo, Rex incl timus, Illuriinaitt Elizahe

than: Edoardi Qgarti primogenitam, 8: ejus gencris unice ' relictam duxit


In the 'i econd Year of his Reign, the 'no/i renowned King married the mo

i/Iizriou: Elizabeth, elde Daughter of Edward the Fourth, and the ' only One
'* Good-fryday Rings of Gold and Silver xxxiii l

Mirolh, Wil/cr Draerenx Lord Ferrerr and Sir Ri

'4 vi J. viii d. Cornp. Contrarotul. 20 Hen. Vll, In chard Raicli; and at the ame Place the Earl of
" adorando ad Crncein Chrii in die Paraeues, O' Sin-i) was taken Prioirer, and Francis Vicount
u pro armulis medicinalibus in auro 65 argemo szc," Love! fled from them-e and took Sanctuary at Col
Thee Rings were ent into diant Parts of Europe,
as infallible Cures and Preervatives. See a Letter

chcer ; Thee ve Com panions of this Order were

attainted of High Treaon m the r Parliament

from Saragoa in 1518, 37 B. 14. in Bibl. Har/ey, of this King, o that their Stalls became void;
and ome latter Inances in Dr. Burnet. Choppin and it is alo robable that the Stall formerly enjoy
one of the mo celebrated Civilians of France, ed by Richard ulre of Tbrh Son of Ed. lV, was not
who died on 30 January 1606 takes Notice '* Prornp illed during the Uurpation of Rich. llI.
" tum e ex Anglia Chronici: Regiinn annulum cu
It may be dicult to nd the exact Time,
" [iodiri in Archruii Wcmonaerienis templi, Co when all thee Vacancics were upplied : However
** miiiali morbo laboramibu: mirice almarem : 6? 'tis evident from this Inrument, that the Earl of
" hinc nation, m Anglia: Reger quotannii annulos Oxford and Sir John Chene) had been inalled be
*' maxirna ceremoniaacratoi popn/o erogarent (Ontrdct Fore St. George: Day in this r Year, the former
'* 'nemhra dit/in-z 'virtnte dih/venit:." Doman. Gal

ucceeded to the Duke of Norfolk, and the latter to

lic p. 223. This Subject OW an lncident, and be

yond the Extent of this ork will be dinied

the Lord Ferreri, and it may be reaonably up

with an extraordinary Argument of Chaucellour

have been lled in the ame Chapter when thee

two were elected, as the Lord Denham might then

oed that ome of thee other empty Stalls, might

Fortecite, which hews the Practice of the Age

wherein he wrote, and that this anative Vertue be elected to the Stall of Sir Richard Ratclie &e.
was thought, as in the abovementioned Ritual of
Here we have a new Proof of the Propotion
the Conecration, to be derived from the anoint

laid down in the introduction p. 39

that the

ing the Kings Hands at his Coronation. In his Catalo_ ues do not marhall the Knights according
Defence of the Houe of Lancaer. " ltein Rrgilmi to the niority of their Elections, for this Sir John
" Anglia: nZ-tli ipo ojjido pliira lnrmnhunt, que nature Cheney is placed as the twelfth Companion elected
a miiliehri' a verjaniur- then after etting forth the under the Reign of this King, and in them follows
Cure of the Kings Evil he proceed-lmn au after the Earl of Shreniibicr), Vicount Welh', Maxi
rnm O mgentum acrii unii 'nanihnx Region Anglite milian afterwards Em ror (To
in die Pachaz [it hould have been Paraeezier]
F-z/per Earl of Pem rule ranged among the Com
divinorum xvernpore, qnemadmodurn Rege: Anglia: panions of this Order in 37 Hen. Vl. was attaint
anmmtim facere olent, tactnm devote 65 ohlatnm, ed by Ed. IV, and again by Rich. llI, which Acts
jpamaiicor t? cadncor cnrant, qaernadmodnm per being both repealed in this r Year, when he had

annulos ex dicto auro en argento factor, O ell-gl

ti: hit/ii modi' morhidornm impoitii, inn/ii: in man
di parti m' crehro iin expertum
Qaisgra/ia Re

been created Duke of Bi-tljbrd, there can be no

queion, but that he was reored to this Order,

and the Stall of the Marques Doret eems to have

ginir non conmer, cum ipe in 'nanihm non angan continued empty from the Time of his Attaindet
tur &e. His reaonmg is very feeble, becaue though in the r of Rich. llI.
And here it is to be remarked that though the
Queens Conorts were to be anointed on the Head
and Stomach only, and in no other Place to intimate Sovereign oberved this Fea with the Knights,

their want of upreme Authority Mrnin. du acre who attended him in his Progres on St._George'r
der Roii p. 402, and even the Unction on their Day in the Cathedral of Tin/i, yet the Feival was
Heads for the ame Reaon, dierent from that of according to the Pur ort of the Statutes celebrated
the Kings their Husbands. Leihniiz God. fur. Gent. at Windeor on May ollowing.
Diplorn. vol. 2. p. 68, yet Sovereign Queen: of this
There is a Signet dated in this r Year tosay
Realm, (whereof there had been none in his Time) for the mending the King's Garier and of his ra
ought to be ciowncd with the ame Ceremonies as mond that he werith ii i. vi d. and an lnrument
far as they are conient with their Sex, as Kings igned for Dicharge of everal Parcels delivered to
themelves. The Roman Pontical orders Kings to his Good Grace byfore Chri/Zrnai. lmprirmr _v Gar
be anointed on the right Thumb, which is to be tm of Gold weyng xi oz- xviii d- weight dim. the
Quecns. Poljdor
An l. p.
143a oz- xl i. xxiii l. xvii s. whence one hould be ready
that EdirtheHi.
to inferr that o many new Knights were elected
Ring to a poor Man, who asked an Alms of him about that time.

upon the Motive of the Love he bore to St John

Baptit, which was afterwards brought back to him
by Perons returning from erualeni, and this be
ing interpreted asa Pretge of' his Death which
oon followed, he was buried in We 'niner Abbey
where this Ring was long ke t wit] great Venera
tion, " quod aIuiai-ii eei 'nem rirapeniibnr, z/a/eretq;

c Thii Marriage war certainly in the

Tear of
hii Reign, according to a Manucript in die Sancte
Pule die Mercurii, St. Prie's Feival 'MI alway: held
on the 18 of Ianuary> which in the Tear 148 -6 ma;
ii on a Wedncday, and Prince Arthur war orn in

th: econd Year, littera Dominicalis A. xx Sepr. in

" adver/ut Comitialem mcrhnm, cum ta eretnr a I: feo Sancti Eii/Iachii in Vigilia 9. Itlatthei die Mer
" illis qui ejnrnodi' tentarentnr morhijr. I-ic nation, curii circa horam primam po mcdiam noctem.

** nt Reger poea Anglia con-iet/erint in die para

** cenei miilta cerimonia acrare annnlor, quo: qui in
" diinnt, hi/ce in 'norhii nunqnamunt.

Vinc. MS. in O. Arm. n- zot, p. no. See Lord

of H. Vlll p. 27', _
e 77: hard to gue: what the Cornpiler meant hy thi:

There were everal Stalls vacant in this r Year. Exprron.

In the Battle of Boworth were ain the Duke of

Ie t


'i *

" "In-N'er

' '*'-----_"-'I------ w. 'r



Actath Anno tertio H




uxorem, quae tertio po Anno Diadema, Reginale ucepit We ntona.

ie-rit' cum omniaria veterum olennitatuin ccremoniaf.

Eodem-g tertio Windehri Rex lblennitatem Pachalem olenniime pcregit-L

ubi cum Regina ac Matre ejus praeentes erant Comes Derhite, Comes Ejexie,

left of his Race, 'who in the third Te-ar following, 'was crowned (ghteen at We
with all Manner of ceremonies ud in itch old oblemnitiesl;

In the hme thirdeg Their, the King kept the Fea of Eacr every hlemnly at
Wyndeor -, together with hic Qieen and Mother, there were preent the vEarl

f We have a Stzgnet under the uual Monogram of
Hen. Vll, placed in a Bundle of Inrument: marked

g There it the like Signet dated tn the third Tt-ar.

Henri Che. To the right tr-diy and welbelovtd the
Lord Dynham our Trtorer of England grtting :

in the econd Tear.

By the King.

at we entende. 'bait thrfdFe of St. George
t: ewor i u/ et/en; m! . a ke tin our 'ro re
Peron at
lourbCa/epojwyndeoi- the acxvlii Boy

IG H T truy and welheloved, ne grete you we! :

if Ilii! e'reent
And oratnuch at we appointed a certain day for cannot
doon moneth
without of
money which
he hadtoorour
the fell o St. George, to have been olem nely holden
at our Cz-zel of Wyndeor, according to He good and of 'victailles ayen theaid tyme: We therefore wall and
antient orne of this our Royaume; at the which day charge you to deliver the umme of CC. markt: &e.
there was no Provion in default of money, that ye 9 Apj H- Vll.
An the Copy of the Privy S-al which iued here
on ht to have delivered (at it i:aid) by the occaion
w lereof Our Cauin the Duc of Suolk, then hein ther on, i: entred in a Book in the lzelle Oce, ** uno

reft-ed to he at the aid je ; And foramoche a o ar " Ociario hopitii Domini Regis CC marcas pro
atre that day, ye delivered money according for the ** proviione ei Sancti Georgii;"
Mr. Ahm. p. 518. 519, 594., hath given us an
aid fe, to have heen oberved at another tyme lyrnyted,

when ther cam neither the Duc o Suolk ahoueaid' Abract from a Manucript touching this Feai.
the Lord Maltrevars, nor noon ot er therunto appoint ln the Cotton Library is a larger Narrative, which
ed, We therfore remembring, that the fti of Saint though it be long. is here inerted. becaue it con
George the Patron of this our Royaume, hath yerl

tains ome material Particulars omitted in this Re

and contynuelly heen honoured and oh erved: A N


giller, and by Mr. A/hmole; the r is the lnllalla

tion of the Lord Wide-trill', that is of Edward a
younger Son of the Earl Rivers, which is let out

in our acueux wYe, that unto ourerz/ant John bax

by our Compiler, who, as it may be coniectured,

induced himelf to make this Omiion by a.

by oon of the Cler t of our Greenecloth, ye wol deliver, Fale Criticim on the Words, whoe Soul God par
arnoche money at may cattveniently erve for the fei don immediately Following the mentioning of his
of St. George to he ke ton Sonday come Sevenight, Name, which Addition probably might be alo
wherai the aid Duc of uollr, the Lord Maltravers, in French, in the Original, which our Compi

and othre hall he by vertu of our Comandement geven ler tranlated and abridged, ince though he hath
unto theym in our hehalve: And in caat ye mi ht be omitted this Knight among the Companions itting
ther in your peron, ye hold honnor God, an your at the Table yet he hath inerted him as one, who
elf, and [ingulier/y plate ut. Teven under our signe: aed in the oer-ings of the Hatchments- This

at our Caell of Kenelwotth the 14 day of May.

Sir Edward lived 'till the Battle of St. Auhin in Bre.

To our R: ht Trtgy and weIbe/oved

t ne which was on the twenty eventh of' July

o lowing, and it is evident from the Vl/indor-Tz
bles in the eighth Stall on the Princes Side and

(hun e'

the ord Dynham our

'Ire orer d England.

From his Plate incribed Lord rndjy/a scorneth, in

the ninth Stall that he received the Honour of an

lt may be coniectured this Lord Dinham was then Inallation: So that thee Words which denote a
a Companion, becaue he is requeed to attend Peron to be deceaed, mu be attributed to him
this Feai in Peron, it will oon ap ear he cer by the Copier, who trancribed this Ceremonial
tainly had that Honour before the ca in the
third Year. This Signet bears Dare at Kenilwortb

rter he was appriied of the Death OF our Knight,

or otherwie this Ritual might not have been Bri
ginally drawn up into this regular Form till after

the fourteenth of' May, and we are informed ki-om

Julius B. 12- in Bibl. Cotton. p; 23 h. that " on the Time he was lain. This lnrument is mucli
'4 St. Georgeis Even the King came to Cwentrye-ai more diinct than this Regier, for it hews us

" wher he kelpt his fei of St. Geor e.--'and that that the Eve oF this Fea was held upon Saturday,

" yere ordeynrd the Duc of Suer] to bee his de when the lniallations were performed, and explains
" pure at lVyntlehr for the felt ther, whiche was the Robes of' the Queen and the King's Mother,
V accompanyed with the Lord Maltravert, the and particularizes the Solempnity oberved by the'

'Yf Lorde Dodelv, and other." Then follows the Sovereign on the Da of St. George.
Julia: r 2 p. 46. d- that in the iiidc yere of the
Narrative ol the Battle of stake, which we know
lungs Reigne he olempnyed the Fe ofE/ttr at
was in j-fune following.


Acta ub Anno tertio H E


Dominus Edmundur Soutbfo/cize, Dominus Not/ill, Dominus May-ley,- Ddj

minus Lay-mer 8: Dominus Bami


_ \..\.

of Derby, Earl of Elex, Lord Edmund of Southfolk, Lord Nevill, Lord

Motley, Lord Latymer, and Lord Barnee.
Wyzdejbre, and the quens and my lady the kin s
moder compvnyede with therle of Perbye, Ther e
of Eex, The Lorde Edmonde of S ol/t, The Lorde

riding in a riche chare coverede with riche cloth of

golde, xi courers in that ame chare, harne with
that ame clothe
of' golde,
Alo cledde
xxi Iadyes
the quene,
al inand

Mvill, the Lorde Morley, the Lor e Latyner, the

Lorde Bat-nee, and yave his largee to his Ocers yne velvett gownes, and riding upon white pal
of Armes', And the Reverende ider in God the feieys, ther adells of cloth of golde, the harnee
Bishop of Exeter did the dyvyne ervyce, and as of golde mythes work with white roes demy

touchyng his Marmdie, and other almee as of old trapper wie, Irem Sir Rnger Cooton maier of the
quenes hors riding upon a courer trapped with
tyme accuumed
And h s GraCe kept his dyvyne ervyce the day golde nythes trverk, leding the quenes hors of
of' Sent 'targe in his ounne Chapell above the Atate in his hande, with a adull oFcloth ogolde,
Caicll, bycaue he had dierrede the felle of the And therupon iii Coronnes of ilver gilt with
lande) then next folotving ; At the fur evcnong
of Seint Genrg even, The King nor nover other
Lorde of Gum-r ther beyng1 preent, ware no
gowne of the lyverey, but ot er gownes of ilke
under the mantellys Oc- And ther was upon the

Right de of the king Therle OFOa-inforde and

the Lorde Drnrbeney, And on the lifte Therle of'
Derby and the Lord Dyzbam, and thus the King
kepte the Quere, and on the morne was at matins,
And the quem, m) lady the king: moder wer ingomryr

a tbe garzer of the ame, as the kyng and the

ordes wer in. And at Te Deum, and Benedidm
lenede next after the king, And byor the knyghts,
but noon kiede the gopel nor pax ave the king,
And the quene: Therle ot' Oxinjbrde bare the
trayne of the kings mantell that eion &de. The
king, and the quene, and my Lady the kings mo

ambres of that ame cloth of golde, hanging unto

the knees of the hors of bothe ids, The hore har

ne in golde mithes worke demy trapper wie,

And at that evenon e the king, and the knyghts
of the garrer wer en ede, And nother the quene,
nor my lady the kings moder: That the king
faede, and theror the 'o 'de was incontynent at.
ter he came into the great *hamber, And after that
the knyghts owped alon oon de, and att after
ther eats, on the morne al the knyghts of the
Gar/er reaeruhlede in the lyverey of the newe yet,
that is to ay of' white clothe with Gdrler! al over

horsback with riche hore harncle, And the

kings courer trapped with a trappet of Seint

George of' white clothe of golde, And the Lorde

Barnee bar the kings werde, his Courer trapped:

with a riche trapper of Seint Edward: Armys, and *.

der alo went a proccon aboute the cloyer, and thus in Order, and as ner after ther Stalls as they

the kin both dynede and owped in his onne cor

might roode downe to the Chapell, and o rait:

ner gl id Chaurnber, And the foreaid iiii Lords to the Chapter, And then to matens, The quene,
att at his borde, And on the morne the kyng and and my lady the kin_ s moder in lik aate as bykor
the Lords harde ther mae of Requiem in his onne came to mavens, And bode the mair, but they had

Chapell, and oerd &t. And o did the quene, nother ening, nor pax. nor they orede nott, and.
alo they came to the iide evononge: And when
and my Lady the kings moder.
On tltefonda) next olowing, the king kept a rnatens wer doon, Therls, and the lords went the
great and noble felle at Made/are aforaide in man next way to the Denes place to brek, and from
ner and forme as enuethe, Fur on Seint Georgr rhens to the Cliapiter ayenne, and after to proce
even ther wer aiembled great nomber of Eats of ion, and to the high Mae, and after to dyner,
this realme, and in epecial] of the kings Couneill, and the king kepe his eate in the hall in manner
as tharchebishop oF Canterbury, tharehebishop OF and orme as enueth,
Ibrk, the bishop of Lincoln, the bihopp of Ex
The day of the felle the king kepte his eiate in
ceer, the cheef Iugg oF the kings benche, For at the hall, the bishop of Whiche-er on his right hande,
eaon arryved many Ambaladors of dyvers Coun and that day no nether eate at the kings table,
treys, as of the king of Ram-qui, and his onne the Izem ther was in the hall iii Table, at the table on
Duc, Alo from the king of Smm, And from the the right hande att all the knyghts of the Garter,
Duc of Bretagne; for whiche great maters the king that wer preent al on oon ide, and after ther

dierred the Chapiter unto atcrnoone, and Com

eats, that is to ay, r the Duc of' Sulk, Therle

maunde the Lord Dynbam, ' and Sir 'Tbomar of of Aromle/l, Therle of' Oxinforde, Therle of Der

Brougb to enalle in hIs Name Therle ofS-brewrbur), bye, Therle of Sbrmerlnay, the Lorde Dynbam. the
And the Reverende fader in god the bishop of Lorde Hlidwi/e, the Lorde Danbcne), and Sir Tho
of Lorde
the order
his ma: Borougi), and a litill byneath theym, att on
alo the
both eds the table the Dean, the Chanoignes, and

god pardon: And this was a olempne mae of the por knyghts of the College, in ther mantells,
our ladye ongen by theym of the College, wher 'ind byneth theym the redeu of that quere: lien'
for the aide erle yave to the Singers of the quere it the borde in the medell of the hall att the Lorde
a great rewarde, And at after noone the king ac' Hair/waile embahror of' the king of Scom, and the
cumpanyd with his brethren or' the garner in ther Lorde Edmnde ofSnbl/r, the Lorde Grey, the Lorde
mantells, and in the ownes of' the lyvery of the Morley, the Lorde Latymer, the Lorde Delmare, and
la yer, roode from t e quadraunt on hakneyes to the Lorde Barner, And a litill byneath theym at
the college, And went to ther Chapiter, and helde the kings Chapell, Item at the table on the lite

ther chapiter a great tract of' tyme, and From thens ide of the hall, att the preident oF Mr/bembmugb
went to evenonge ; The Quene, and my lady the with other Amhaldors oF the king of'the Romdynr,
kings mode! being in like gowne of the lyverey and
his fonnes the yonge due: Alo after yene

Actanh Anno tertio H E N R I C l oeptimi.

Reverendus autem Pater Exonieni: Epicoptlsdivina perolvit in Coen
Domini, Paraohe-ve, vigili ac die co Pachatis;
Feivum Divi Georgii dicm Rex ibidem in atcis us: icello tenuit, quia

celebritatem annuam in Dominicam -auentem ante diulerat: ecum habens

eo tempore Comitem Oxonize, Comitem Derhiee, Dominum Dawhney, ac
Dominum Denham, Regina vero 8: Domina Mater Regis, rL-eihus etiam
Ordini Militari congruentibus tunc induebantur: quae imul ibi quoque

procedebant, 8: in crainzi pro defimifi: Mis ncrebant,

Dominic equence celebritatem ingularem Rex olenniter exhibuit,
ecum habens, pratter eos qui ordinis hujus erant, Archiepicopos Cantua

rienhm &t. Ehoracenem, Epicopos Lincolnienjem atque Exonienem, s: Rc.

P. 166!

giee edis Juitiarum cum aliis nonnullis: ob id praecipue, quod e va


Ihe Re-verend Father the Bi/lvop of Exetcr performed divine Service on the Day
before Good-Friday, on Good-Friday, on the E-ve, and on Eaer-Day, l '
The King l-'ept the Fea of St. George there, in the Chappel of lhi: Cale, he

cau be had before put o the annual Solemnity to the Sunday following; ha

'ving with him at that lime, the Earl: of Oxford, and of Derby, the Lord:
Dawbney and Denham, The Qineen and the King's Mother 'were then alb
cIoathed with Rohe: proper to this military Order; and there al) walk'd in State

together, and oered at the Maifor the deoeaed on the next Da .

On the Sunday following, the King held a hlemn Amhl] o an extraordi.

nary Nature, hart/ing he/ider thoe of the Order with him, the Archhihop: of
Canterbury and York, the Bi/hop: of Lincoln and Exete_r, and Lord chief
Jnlice of the King's Bench with ome other: : The chiefEnd of it, That where
theyme, the Lorde Zl/Ialpdrten: Ambaator oF the vants', and delyverede to the knyghts oFthc Gar-ter;
due of Bretayne and the Lorde Hore) chi luice and then the king went to his Chamber, and at this

of the king's benche, and al that ide att Furny re was accomplihcde by day light, the ordynan
lhede with knyghts and Equiers, and that day the

ces wer o well kept; The names of parte oF the

hall was marveloully orderde, and crvcdeJtnyghts ladies, and gentilwomen. that awaytede on the
of' the Garter ervede the king of water. Sir Dew] quene, and my lady the kings moder: at this elt
Owm kerved, Sir Charles of' Somerct was Cupberer, my lady Anne iier unto the quenes grace, the Coun
Sir lVi/Iiam Vampe Sewer, and Edward Bed-up' tee of' Ryt/err, the lady Mfglt of Clarem wi'
Marhal drew the urnapes, and alo lncontyncnt of Sir Rlcb- Poole, dame Katberin Grey, my lad"
after the king hath washede, the knyghts o the Brdy, my lady Longer/He, maris Pd/Ion, marez
Garter erved the king of the noyde, and other gen . . . . . . .. . maiiris Seynt John, maires Nvzznt,
tillmen the plate: And then wer erved knyghts of' maiires Blount, maires crafte, maires Scrope,
the Garter, 'and from theins the king, and the maires Lacy. and maires - - .. . . . . .
On the
lordes went to the kings chaumber, and after a morne the Monday, the king and the knights of the
tract of tyme toke ther hore, and roode to the Garter toke above in the quadraunt her kakneyes,
college, and after theym the quene, and my lady ome in gownes of blak cloth, and ome in gounes
the kings moder, with ladies and genulrnen, riche of velvet, and o roode to the college doore, when

ly beiznc as aor rehcrede ; And the king and his they did on ther mantells, and o proceded to the
Chapter and after that to the maZ: of Re 'lie

brether of the Garter entrede the Chapiter hou,

and with theym the Prelate of' the order, the Dean,
and maycr Olyver hing then Regeer, and Garter
king of Armes and noo moo, And the birth rode
kept the door withoute fourth, and the kin with
other ofthey
the order
the arm'
had hol
went of
ande after

and byor
of mony,oerde
the Duc
S folk.
and the
the owerde
of the lorde [William late Erle of Aroundt/l, Therle

of' Oxi orde, and therle of Derby: his helme and

Cre, tierle of Shewrbxtlgy, and the lord ynham
the iverde of the lorde ode/ey; The lorde Dawhe
my, ahd the lorde Wed-tale his helme and cre ;
whiche werds and helmys wer dclyvered to the for
aide lords by garter king of Armes, and then the
king oerde, and after him every kny ht after hi'

evenonge roode up a yne, the quene, and my

lady the kings moder olowede as aor, and then
the king ouped in his great chamber. the Prelate
at his borde; and the remenant at a ide table in
'the preence, after ouper was had the iiide uoyde, eate, and whan Mae was doon, an' deprocndib
brought in by knyghts, and other the kings cr aide the fe was accomplihedco


Je -

i 228

Actauh Anno tertio H H_N R 1 C 1 &Fami


riis tum regnis ad cordatimum Regem Ortitores eduli adventabant, prae

ertim 21 Rege Rontanorum, ejuque lio Duce,- a Duce Britannia Be Scoto-v
rum Rege: quos ut pro dignitate mittcntium magniice ac regaliter exci

peret, pectaculo rmrcc jam b celebritzts intereie voluit.

Et propter ho

rum przeentiam, rerumq; quas attulcrant tractatum, Concilium auetum

Ordinis diulit inimeridiem, jubens tamen ut interim Dominus Denham

ac Dominus Bourgh Salopia Comitem in edcm uam introducerent, Gc
reverendum in Chrio Patrem i' Wntonicnetn Epicopum in Ordinis Prae
latum admitterent. Id quod in Mia Mariana uavime decantata, o'

lenniter e adimpletum: Ut Comes dulcore cantus attractus Cantores

lar-go munuculo donar-et. A

Hora lnerldei prxltuta Supremus cum Commilitonibus ad Collegiuui

decendentes in loco uo concilium inierunt, po quod prxlongo tractatu

pernitum, itum e quanto cum honore eri potuit ad olennitatem Ve;

perarum." Ad quas _Rcgina quoque 8: Mater Regis illuri tam Domina
tum quam alioqui (ervientium numero ipatce, veita: ecundum Eque

te decus,
8: equis, Ephippiis, Phalcris, czeteriq; rebus omnibus orna i
Ad matutinas crainas, Be izcundas Veeras pari lendore, immo
magis glorioi) delcenum, ac conceum e. At Thuricatio cum re

as Emhazdors were come to the mo prudent King (dipatche-d) from various'

Kingdoms, particularly from the Emperor, and the Duhc his Son, from the Duke

of Britany, and King of Scotland, that he might entertain them according to

the Dignity of their conituent: in a magniccnt and rcplal Manner, he would
have them preent to have a Sight of the enting Solemnitj.

And h Reaon

of their Preence, and the Treating of the Aizirs the] were charged Quit 9, he de
ferfd the uual Chapter of the Order 'till " Noon, requiring nevcrthelcr, that in
the mean time the Lord Denham and Lord Bourgh hould inlall the Earl of
Shrewsbury, andhould admit the revcrend Father in Chri the Bi/hop of A Win
cheer as Prelate of the Order; which was according/p done with So/emnity,
whil the Mafr of the Virgin Mary warung in the wcetcji Manner, inomuch
that the Earl of Shrewsbury charmed with the Swcetne of the Mu/icle, reward
ed the Singers with a very encrour Prcent.
At the appointed Hour 0 Noon, the Sovereign coming down with the Knights
Companions to the College, took their Placcs in the Chapter, which being ended af
ter very long Dicoure-s, they went with all pohle Marles of Honour to the Solem

nity of Vcpers; to which the Queen and the IGngR Mother dcfcendcd Iihewi,
urrounded with an illulrious Number, ar well of Ladies as of other Attendants,
rohed with the Ornaments of the Order, and having their Hore-s, Furniture, Trap.
pings, and every thing ele exceeding heautiful.
At the next Day: Matinr, and icond Vcperr they went down and returned
with an Equal, na)- even with a greater Splendor.

But the Incerting with

h Thus in the Original.

of Terce was
the Inrcrpretatwn
17 E.4.

h Feter Courtenay Pi/hop ofWincheer, elected

his Tranla
thy: had
Bullof dared
29 Ja

ee above p. 201.

nuary 1487.




Acta jub Anno tertio H E N R I C I Septinzi.

liquis Ceremoniis po Altaria, oii Supremo, 8: confociis eo tempore
Finitis lacris ub meridiem, Supremus in Auix umm meus piendide
iedens epulabatur, cuizidextris in ne menx olus Praziatus Ordinis adce

bar, in rrLena dexteri lateris conidebant Equites illurimi hujus Ordinis,

Dux Southfolcize, Comes Arundellize, Comes Oxonia, Comes Derhize, Co
mes Salopia, Dominus Denham, Dominus l/Viod-vyle, Dominus Datwbngz,
Dominus Bourgh omnes ex una, ultcriore videlicct parte menr: quos P. 167',

paulum inra Dccanus, Ordinis Scriba, Canonici, Chorus, 6: Paupcrculi

Milites ex utrque parte edebant.
In mensa aulae media Dominus Bothvyle Orator Regis Scotia, cum
Latymer, Edmundo
Laware, 8:Domino
quos paululum,
Chorus Sacelli Regii.

In mena vero iniri lateris Praeies Kuemborough cum Oratoribus Re

gis Romanorum 8: Ducis lii ejus, quibus ex altera parte repondebant Do
minus Malpartens Orator Ducis Britanniee, Dominus Houey aliique oli

Inter hxc cum omni magnicentia ram in uppeliectiiibus atque orna.
mentis, quam in Cibis ac Minieriis perimpleta, Rex ab epulo e rccc
pit in Cubiculum, ut po quietem rediret ad ctctera, non abimili cum
decore nienda.

the other Ceremonies behind the Altars, was done only by the Prince and Knights
companions at that Time.

Divine Service being over by Noon, the Sovereign ate down to an Enter
tainment in a plendid Manner, at the high Table of the Hall, at whoe right
Hand at the End of the Table the Prelate of the Order only ate alone. At thea

Table on the left Side [at the Knights of this mo illurious Order,- the Duke
of Southolk, Earl of Arundel, Earl of Oxford, Earl of Derby, Earl of

Shrewsbury, Lord Denham, Lord Woodvyle, Lord Dawbney, Lord

Bourgh all on one, i. e. the further Side of the Table; and a little below them
at the Dean, the Regter, the Canons, the Choir and poor Knights on both
o it. middle Table of the Hall was Lord Bothvyie Embajlador of the

King of Scotland, with Lord Edmund of Southolk, Lord Grey, Lord

Morley, Lord Latymer, Lord Laware, and Lord Barneie; and a little be

low them, the Chair of the King's Chappel.

On the Table of the left Side were the Preident Kuemborough with the
Emhaadors of the Emperor and of the Duke his Son, and over again them on
the other Side, fat the Lord Malpartens Embaador of the Duke of Britany,
Lord Houey and others, yet none but Noblemen.

thee Things were done with all kind of Magnicence, as well in the
Houe-hold Stu and Ornaments, as in the Meat and Services, the King retired
from the Entertainment to his Bed-chamber, that after reflirzg he might return
to dioatch rit-hat remained with the like Decorum.




Actauh Anno tertio H E N R I C l Septimi.


Taceo de Cantilenis, l vericulis, Rythmis, in laudem Regis 8: gaudia

regni ub tali Principe hic Be ibi pronuneiacis, Taceo' de multis aliis quae
Vlil magis aciunt quam narrata. Certum it hoc unum, nihil honoris

illic omium.

Poridie in mia pro defuns oblata unt, quam pio aolet
vcum hono

re per Ducem Southfolcie 8: Arunde/liee m Comitem, enis Domini Gulielmi

nuper Comitis ArundeI/ize, &e. per Comites Oxonia ac Derhue Galen ejuclem
cum Appendicibus: Gladius autem Domini Dudeley per Comitem Salad
pie 8: Dominum Denham, Galea vero per Dominum Dawhney, 8: Domi

num V/oodvyle. Et ic ubi debito olennitatis omni minierio permcti

ulit, Rex cum gratiis Comitatum celebrem honoriice dimiit.
P. 168.

Inter czetera. hpjus concilii hxc Statuta unt, primum ut Epbymerides

atq; annales cujuq; Regis excriberentur, in quibus Electorum Equitum,
cum demctorum nominibus appoite concripta forent, ad perpetuzinl
utrorumque memoriam, Alterum non multo aliud qualm quod ante de

cretum e, videlicet originalis ut Statutorum atque initutionum Libel

lus, pervenue decriptus, in Collegio Divi Georgii tanquam dormitaret.
Tertium ut Ordinis illuriiimi Scriba, Statutorum libellum communi
Ordinis igillo i natum habeat: quem eundem unicuique in Equitatus

ipius Ordinem egendo tradat, olidos ob id viginti recipiens.


nothing of the Songs, the* Sonnets, and Rhimes, puhli zed every where

of theofKing,
on Things,
the Happineof thewhereof
Kingdomis under
a Prince;
I fay
many and
the Sight
more uch
the Narration, this only he aured of that no hind of Magnicence was here
The Day following at the Mal' for the Dead, were oZ-red with thezme pious
'Honour as uual, the Sword of Lord William late m Earl of Arundel, hy the
Duke of Southfolk and Earl of Arundel, and his Helmet with the Appurtenan

ces hy the Earls of Oxford and Derby; the Sword alh of Lord Dudeley hy
the Earl of Shrewsbury and Lord Derham, and his HeImet hy Lord Dawb

ney and Lord \Voodvyle.

And thus when they had duely performed every

Oce of the Solemnity, the King with Ac/enowledgements honourahly dimd

his nohIe Attendance.

Among other Statutes of this Chapter are thee; the

That Jtournals and
Annals of every King hall he tranhrihed, and in them the Names of Knights
eleed, as well as of thoe that died, hall he duly regiered, for a perpetual

Memorial of hoth; the econd is not much eerent from what was formerly
ordered, viz. That the original Booh of the Statutes and Initutions fairly copied
hould he look'd up, as it were in the College of St. George.

The third is, That the Regier of the mo illurious Order hall have a
Bool: of the Statutes, a/ed with the Common Seal of the Order, to deliver to

every Peron who hall he choe into this Order of Knighthood, and is to re
ceive for it twenty Shillings.
l The Veres rf Skclton are in Ahm. p. 594..

had hecn 'lected into this Ordcr in 13 E. 4. ee [almi

m Thomas Fitz-Allan then Earl of Arundell af- p. 35.

ter 'he Death of his Father William, which Thomas


Actauh Anno quarto H E ZN R I' C I Septimi.

Supra patuic, quemadmodum Comes Arundellia Be Baro Dndeley dicm
clauiirant extremum : in quorum iocos aumpti unt.' Rex " Portugalia,

8: Comes o Salopite.
Dominus P lVel/s quoniam electus intra annum ad edcm non introierat:
conultus c Supremus, quid indc Factum oportucrac.

Abirntes Regio jam ore unt excuhti.

Hoc eodem Anno nobilinta Regina Elizabetha, Diadcma Reginalc

'Vehnona/ierii ucepit, cum omni dcbita vcterun] olcn-nitatunl cerclnonia.

Anno Rcgni ui uarto, ixto decinto die Noroemhris Supremus hic me

tucndimus intra Pa atium uum V/Emontzierii procet ad clectionetn:

ubi prazizntes cum eo
Nominaba nt

Regem Hipania,

Dux Bedfordia,

Dom. Brooke,

Regem Romanorum, Dom. Potves,

Comitcm De-uonia.

Dom. Job. Savadge,

Dom. Ric. Eggeearnb,

Dom. Ifytzwater. Dom. Gilb. Talbott.


It has been hewn above, that the Earl of Arundel and Baron Dudeiey'
were dead 5 in whoe Places were choe the King of " Portugal, and Earl of
0 Shrewsbury.

Lord P Wells having been eleiied and not inalled within a Year afterwards,
the Sovereign was conitlted what hould be done therein.

The Abent were excu-d by the King's Month.

In this hine Tiar the mo noble 9\ueen Eiizabeth was crowned green at

Wcminer, with all the Ceremonies reauite in uch Solernnities of old.

In the fourth Tearof his Reign, the xteenth of November, this dread So
fIteneign proceeded to an Eleon within his Palace at Weminer, where thoe
who were preent with him

The D. of Bedord,

Th e King of Spain, Lord Brooke, Sir John Savadge,

K, of the R0mans,Lord Powes,
Sir Rich. Eggecomb,
E. Of Devonhireiord Fyztwater. Sir Gilbert Talbot.

n Of the everal Elections of this IGng of Pottugal, naneed in that the abovementioned MS relates, that Sir

and the ending the Garter to Jirn in this Tear, See In

Edward tvasrett/ed in the ninth of the Prince? Side,

trod. p. 186 to 190.

and was afterwards tranated to the et' hth, 'void by Re

o The Chapter wherein this Earl of Shrewsbury was rno-t/al of the Vicount Lovell, whict if it be zct, this
eiected is omitted, 'tisoniewhat remarkable that he was Vicount Wells 'might r be eleiled lto the Stall which
became empt
by tie Tranlation
this ofKnight,
ent) five Tmrs old at is Father's Death in July Leh. delaying
his lynallation
till after the of
this Might,
13 E. 4, _n. 12, and therefore about ixteen at this
time of this Injiallation, but he had ditinguihed his might then be placed in the 8th Stall, which concurrs with
the Windor-Tables; though at this Time, the Plate
Courage in the Battle ed Stoke.
p Dr. Heylin took Noticefrom the Windor-Tables, of Sir Edward remains in the ninth Stall> and that of

that the Vicount Wells ucceeded the Lord Widville, the Vicount in the ei hth ; So as the Plate of one of
'ndfrorn him theame was inerted in the introduction themeems to be afxe to a wrong Stall. Ancient/y tljzje
p. 37, as an Inance of a MZlahe in the marjhalling Plates were not et up til! ajter the Deaths of the ICnig_ ts
. tbeCo anions aceordin to t eir Seniorities of Elehli accordin to the Tenour of the Statutes, but before this
erewith Vinc. S. n. 417 agreesmhich plates Time it ecame cuomary to x thenz at the Time of In

this Vicount in the ei hth Stall of the Princes Side af iallation, and-it may be gueed, that after this Fea
ter the Death of Sir dw. Widevylle, now if this Vi held on 27 Apr. the Sovereign 'night direct that Sir Ed
count was originally eleiled hereto, then there is an evi ward lhould be tranlated to this Stall, but that he never
dent Mtlahe in this Entry, which bears Date 27 Apr, actually took Poton thereoLl/ecau of his Deathooon
whereas Sir Edward lived to 27 Iu] flllbming. So after it, and therefore no Care was taken to remove his
that in Cte this Rqgier be true, and this Vicount had Plate, for 'tis not credible that the Plate ofthis Vicount,
been (lected in the life-time of Sir Edward, it mu who enjoyed this Stallfor a long time, hould be tenth
have been toome other Stall. This eems to be counte nued in a wrong Seat. 7



Actauh Anno quarto H E N R I C I Septinti.

Regem Hipanite,
p. [69.

Comes Oxanie,

Dom. Broake,

Dom. oh. Sa-uadge,

Regem Romanarum, Dom. Bztwater, Dom. Ed. pojvjng,

Comitem De-uonin.

Regem Hanie,
Comes Northmnhriz, Comitem De-uonie,

Comes Arnndeite,

Comes Salopie,

Dom. Lyle.

Dom. Gilh. Talhot.

Dom. Fomes,

Dom. Edo. Pajn nge,

Dom. Broo/ee,

Dom. Gilh. Tal at,

Corn. Notjngamia.

Dom. I-jztxvater. Dom. Rie. Gonlfard.

Regem Hzpania,

Dom. Ly/le,

Dom. Gilh. Talhot,

Regem Ramanarunt, Dom. bztwater, Dom. David. Omen,

Comitem De-uonie. Dom. Grey.

Dom. fah. Savadge.

Regem IIi/arlict,

Dom Gi/h. Talhot,

Dom. Brooke,

Regem Romanorum, Dom. Lj/Iee,

Dom. Ed. Pojnjng,

Comitem De-uonin. Dom. Hajngt. Dom. Rie. Gouljord.

Regem hanie,
Dom. Brooke,
Dom. 9 Cuhietdarius, Regem Romanorum, Dom. Ljee,
Comitem Dez/onit.

Dominus Dawhntj,

Dominus Denham,

Dom. Grey.

Dom. Gilh. Talhot,

Dom. Job. Szwadge,
Dom. Rie. Eggecamh.

Regem IItL/anic,
Dom. Grg,
Regem Romanomm, Dom. Ljee,

Dom. Job. Sa-vadge,

Dom. Edo. Pojjrlgs',

Comitem De-vonict Dom. Broolee.

Dom. Ric. Eggecamh.

Regem Hi/aid,
Dom. Broo/ee,
Dom. Job. Sa-uadge,
Regem Romanorutn, Dom. Hdjng, Dom. Ric. Eggetotnb,
Comitem Devonie. Dom. Ljee.
Dom. GiILT-zlhot.

The Kjng of Spain,
The Earl of Oxford,

Sir John Savadge,

K. of the Romans,L. Fyztwater,

Sir Edw. Poynyngs,

E. of Devonhireiard Lyle.

Sir Gilbert Talbott.

The King of Spain,

E. of Northumberl.

Lord Brooke,

Lord Powes,

E. of Dcvonhire, Lard Brooke,

Sir Edw. Poynyngs,

Sir Gilbert Talbot,

E. of NotinghanLL. Fyztwatcr. Sir Rich. Guilford.

The E. qf Arundcll,

The King of Spain, Lord Lyle,

Sir Gilbert Talbot,
K,. of the Romans,L. Fyztwater, Sir David Owen,
E. ofDevonhirc. Lard Grey.
Sir John Savadge.
The King of Spain,

Earl qf Shrewsbury,

Lord Brooke,

Sir Gilbert Talbot,

K,Qf Romans, Lord Lye,

Sir Edw. Poynyngs,
E. of DevonhimLord Hayngs. Sir Rich. Guilford.

Lord 9 Chamberlain,

The King of Spain, Lord Brooke,

K. of the Romans,Lord Lye,
E. of Devonhire. Lard Grey.

Sir Gilbert Talbott,

Sir John Savadge,
Sir Rich. Eggecomb.

Lord Dawbney,

The King of Spain, Lord Grey,

K of the R0mans,Lord Lyee,
E. of DeVonhireLord Brookc.

Sir John Savadge,

Sir Edw. Poynyngs,
Sir Rich. Eggccomb.

The King of Spain,

Sir John Savadge,

Lord Denham,

Lord Brooke,

K. of the Romans,L0rd Hayngs, Sir Rich. Eggecomb,

E. of DcvonhimLord Lylee.

' Sir Gilbert Talbotc.

9 s!" Will- Stanley 'm then Lord Chamberlain, whoe Election into 'hit Order i: omitted out of this Regier.

ilctaeh Anno quarto H E N R I C I-Septimi.



Regem Iltharzic
Dom. Ric. Thrinaz Comitem

Dom. That Bottrgh,

Dom. Broalee,
Hajngs, Dom.
Dbm. Gilh.
Edo. Talhjofig,

Comitem Vlehirizez. Dom. Lj/Iee;

Dom. Joh. Sazzadge;

Regem Hipanie,
Doin. Grey,
Regem Romanornm, Dom. Powes;
Comitem Devonia; Dom. Broolee.

Dom. Gilh. Talhot,

Dom. Job. Savadge,
Dom. Edo. Pqynjngs;

Regem Htjanite,

Dom: Edo. Pajnjngsz

Dom. Broahe,

Dom. Joan. Chqynj, Regem Romanaram, Dom. Lyleez

Comitem De-vonia.

Dom. Ciyord.

Regem f-Iipania, _ Dom. Ljlee,

Dom.Tho.M0ngomer),Regem Romanoram, D. Fyzttvater,
Comitem Devoniae. Dom. Braa/eei

Dom. Gilh; Talhat,

Dom. Joh. Savadge;
Dom. Edo; Pajnjngs,
Dom.- Gilh. Talhot,
Dom. Joh. Sa-vddge.

Conilmmat hc nominatione, Supremoque in manus tradir, ipe mox'

eorum conenl jarn habito, delcgit in ocictatern illurimi Ordinis, Do
minum r Jaannem Savadge.
Ab hoc War-to] gca hujns illurimi Ordinis uque Oiiaqjunt Annuni
minus extant.

A: ptirna Rex invictimus paratus omnibus iter iniiti

The King of Spain,

Sir Rich. Tunall,

'r Edw. Poynyngs,

sir Gilberc Talbot,

E. of Wylchire. Lord Lyllce.

Sir John Savadgez

The King of Spainz

Sir Thomas Bourgh,

Lord Hayngs,

E. of DevonhirqLord Brooke,

Lord Grey,

Sir Gilbert Talbot;

K. of the Romans,Lord Powes,

sir John Savadge,

E. of Devonhireiord Brooke.

Sir Edw. Poynyngs.

The King of Spain, Lord Brooke,

Sir Edw. Poynyngs,

Sir John Cheyny,

_ K, of the Romans,L0rd Lyee,

Sir Gilbert Talbor,

E. of DcvonhireLard Clyorde Sir John Savadge.

The King of Spain,
SirTho. Mongomery,

Lord Lylee,

Sir Edw. Poynyngs,

1<,-of the Romans,-Lord Fyztwaterzsir Gilbert Talbot,

E. of DevonhireLord Brooke.

Sir John Savadge.

This Nanzination being ended and delivered into the So-vereignk Hands, he intz

mediatel hot-ving their Canent, choe Sir 'John Savadge to he a Campanian qf

the ma illurious Order.

From this fourth Year to the eighth, the As of this mo noble Order are not
extant: But in his eventh Tear the mo invincible King hee-ving prepared all
r 77Jis Sir )ohn is in the Catalogne placed as junior day May the 17.' Lib. Comp- Pach-4 H- Vll, 70
h] Election to Maximilian then IG of the Romans, harms' Sun-il uper proviione so feo S. George?
which appears from this Seratin) to e a Malee and Martyris in carum de nrfore die Dominic'
m- hall qon nd that King was not elected til! 13 Oct, accidente xvii die Maii proxime futuri tenendo

in 'hills/lowing lear,
46. [F- 4. But iteems it was thence prarqgued to the 19'
ere is a long Charn, the Pea s in the 4, s, 6, 8: of In y.
Julius in Bibl. Cotton B 12, p. 21, 4 H. Vll,
hers, and all the Chapters he d during that Time
ein omitted. In themrrh Tear there is a Priu Seal '4 The king kept his E/ier at Her: ord, whicr at'

int e Book in the Pelle Oce ** Coferario egis ** that eaon the reverent adir in god the lord '
" pro feio Sancti Georgii apud Windeare L I. and " Ric. Foxe dide the divine ervice, And on Saint
th' Fea was r appointed to have been held an Sun- I Bceorge: day alo, and on dle morne he ongethe

_ 179;

Actauh Anno octaw H E N R I C l She-prime',

Galliam ver-us, ad jus uum ibi vendicandum.

Sed anno immediate e

quence trdus oportunum e utrinque uceptum,

Sereniimi Regis Henrici Septimi Anno ' oEYa-tio, Aprilis mite/imo " quae-to,
qui feivus Divi Georgii dies erat, eadem annua eivitns Vj/ndeori Fuit
Things, enter'd upon an Expedition again France for arting hit Right there,
hat in the That' immediately fail/craving, a convenient League war 'nade on hath

In the 'eighth For of the moerene King Henry the Seventh, the twenty
fourth of " April, being thefei-val Day of St. George, the ame annual Fea
<< ma; of requiern; and of the brethern of the [ 've See! at our manoir ofEitham the x; of Aug. the
a Gartier ther was thcrll o Derby, the lord Serope, fyft yer of ottr reigne.
a and r riehart Tunjiall.
" lbid p. 55, This yet the ce o Saint George

au was
the xix kept
day beotheJug,rieand
it was unto

Johanni Sari/hy uper proviione per ipum pro

FeoSancti Georgii apud winde/or die Dominica ac.


Arnndell then lieutenant, aloo at that ame

tyme on the Saterdtty evene of' the eie, ther was
enalled by the Lord Strap, and by the Lord
Dynharn, the Vicounte ivJ/III John, and r John

a Say-rage baneret, the whiche v knights kept ful

" well and honnourably, in al thinges apperteyn

" yng the aid noble telle,- and on the mome af

*' ter the ee, at the mas o require', ther ware

cidcnre xxii die Autu/ii tenendo enda in par

tem olutiortis so I. hi caua praemir appunctua

tarum x I. Pajth. s H. Vll. in O. Pell

Priv. Sigill. in libro in
Pell. Coerario Re
gis pro kbo Sancti Geor it' apud Wind ore so l.

We have likewie theillowing Signet 3 Dec. le cin

uieme an de nore reign directed to the Bthop of
xetcr keeper of the privy Seal.

" ored the Swerdes, helmes and creis of therle

" o Northumherland, and oi Sir Edward Wide-wile,

Henti Or. Au Treorer 8.: Bil-ons de nore E

*' during this eaon the king went an hunting in chiquier Go. qure vous acountez duement ovec no
a envilleehae.
" The Piarlament was contynaued into the xvi re bien ame Pierre: Cottrtey: Ecuier gardein de
noire grande Garderobe ur liverees couages Go.

" oFOctober, and that day the lordes entred the

" arlement houe, withoute ony mas or oudir So
" empnitie, but as it had bene ill. at the whiche
" [Baon the king kepit a Cha pitre o the Gar

-_Et au vous Faciez a ouer au dit Pierre: les liv

rees de la Firm-e, deliurees, ou a delivrer pour le
tem 3 dtudita
les Seigneurs
la raternitc
les feies
de Saint de

" tier at lV-miner, whier the ing of Roman: was

" choyen knight of the Oartier."

'That Prince Arthur was err/failed on 8 May in the

6!h Tear on the Eve of the Fea, ee lntrod. p. 40 n. it.
There are two Privy Sea/t entred in a Book in the Pelle
Oce under this Tear. Johanni Saxi/b) pro provi
ione feii Sancti Georgii C mare. Eidem pro di

Of thit King of the Romans ee Introdnct. p. 84,

where it we: doubled,

he received an) [nallatwn 'ep

on 'hit Election, Mr. Ahm. Hi. p. 438 ai/h that

the Marqttit of Brandenburg war hit Prot,r or in the

veris neceu-iis expenditis ad feum Sancti Georgii

ix I. iii t. iiii d

xth Tear of this King, which impfict that he might

then be inailed.

We have likewie Entries that the Feai in the eventh

St. George, b) Tiar war to he ob err/ed on 13 May- Lib.C0mp. Pach.

'Thu Prince bore no iee Regard man

hit Father to the mo glorious Mart

who/e A/fi/ianoe he relatet, that he Md obtaine ign

Vtioriet over hit Enemiet. See Boilandi acta Sancto

rum ub 23 A r. p. 157

7 H, VH. o Mnni Saxtlby uper proviione pro

Feo Sancti Georgii ina carum Wyndeore xiii die
Aaii proxime Futuri tenendo L l. and a privy Seal,

Oj the Ell/St] of this Order ent to the King o] in libro in OGPeH. Eidem Caua przparandi vi
Portugal in thir Year, and hit lnueitargce Introd. ctualia 8.: alia opportuna erga fcum Sancti Gtorgii
in oaello de PVyndeor v I.
p- 187, 188
thumberiand wax ain 11) [he Rabble, Stows Ann.

On 24. Apr. in thit fourth Tear the Earl of Nor

t In 'hit Ti-er on the s ofMarch the En/ignt of 'hit

Order were ent to the Duke of Calabre, ee introduct

p. 47f, and the Earl of Surry being not long before re

p. 40 note i.

ea/e out of the Tower, watjenr again the Northern

't The Cnmpiler mean: the Mornr

ter the R-a/I,
Rehelr. lbid, p. 474., but the preei e Time hath not when the Hatehtnentt of the deeeae
night: were to
hitherto appeared to the Editor nhcn he wax re-electtd be oered, for the Fe/tival m: held thit Tear on Tueday

or reinated into this Order.

being St. Georgds Day.

Lrb- Priv. Sigill. in O. Peil. Pach. 8 H. Yll,

In the lth no' the Pea/I was prorogued to the An

ttiz/trjar) of the King: Aeeeon to the Throne.

Job. Sltxilb) caua raeparandi necearia pro feo

Sancti Georgii so i. e prteito 8: unum dolium vini.

Lib- Comput. P. 8 H. VH, Johanni Saxi/by u

Henry do, 'To the Treorer &c, Forarrtoehe at we per proviione pro feo Sancti Georgir' inra ca
have appointed theft/i of St. George 'o be holden with irum de Vl/yndetr die Martis accidente xxiii die
rnne oure Caell of Windeorc the Afxii day of 'hit Apri/ir hoc termino tenendo enda so I.
prtent moneth, and have a rigned the ome of fyfi]
Eidem pro necetriis pro dicto feo 501. - de pra
poandtjor 'be charge thereof &e. Ter/en ttndre our pry ito, 8: unum dolium vini.







'*' WM- ""'*'

'**"**'-" ""


Acta at Anno octa-oo H E N R I C I Septimi. _


vobirvata, per Johannem Dominum Denbam Anglia Thcizurgtrium, ibi-Przc

idcm : 8: Johannem Dominum Scroop de Bolton, ci tune (olummodo con'
junctum: qui domicilium conlilltationis ingrei, cum 'czrtcris ibidcm of:
tendcbant in criptis rite conignatis, quemadmodum pro x defantis illius

Anni jam prxtcriti jua pcrolverant in Miis, quas cx Statuto concclc

brari zcerant.

_ ,

Equites autem alii, qui non ziderarit, neque litcras itcni uas debitc
ignatas eo mierant: quibus ocii juxta Statutun] petimpleti ccrtitudi
nem prxentibus appcrircnt, eadcm manibus Scribx rclicturi.

Annotatum e itaq;, quod plcraq; pars hujus inclyti Commilitii] Sti- P- 17!
tutum illud violarac, quo decernitur quod omnes Socii in ipo Divi
Georgii feivo die dcbcrent interec, i nou intra quinclccim dies a Pa
chate contingeret, aut ipi ablentes excuationis Reim munimen habercnt.

Talis etenim excutio pro hiis olis, Principe vide icet, Thoma Marchionc
Dorett, Thoma Comitc Arundellia, Domino Gulielmo Stanley, 8; Domino

Thoma Mongomery, pro nullis autem aliis illata llt.

Et qbi dcccdentium inignia in exequiarum Mia dcbuerant oerri,
protogata fuit oblatio, quod minor adeet numcrus, quam qui per *'* Sta
tatum id pcrimpletc poterat.

* was kept at Wyndelor, by ohn Lord Dcnham Peatrer of "England, who

was there Predent, and Jo n Lord Scroop of Bolton, the only Peron then

joined with him :_ who entring the Chapter-houe, did produce Inrument;
in Miting duly gned, hewing how they had performed the x oequie, of

thoe who died the Tear before, by the Ma-s which they caued to he celebrated
according to the Statute.
But there were everal Knights who were abent, that had not Z-nt
their Letters duly gned, to certiy thereby thoe who were preent of the Di
charge of their Duty according to the Statute, to be left in the Hands of the
i er.

therefore remarhd, that the greate Part of this renowned Soeiety

of Knights had 'violated the 1 Statute, wherein it is ordered, That all the

Knights Companions be preent on the revery Fea Day of St. George,

it does

not happen within roeteen Days after Eaer, or

they are abent, have the
King's Excue to warrant them. For uch Excue was brought only for thoe,
viz. The Prince, Thomas Margue/i Doritt, Thomas Earl of Arundel, Sir

William Stanlcy, and Sir Thomas Mongomery, but for none of the Re:
But whereas the Hatchments of the decead were to be oered at the fune

ral Ma, the Oblation was prorogued, becaue there was too mall a Number
to do it according to the z Statute.
x The Names ofthe Knight: who died in 'hit Tear in O. Arm. n. 417.
are omitted.
y 9 Art. of Statutes of Ed. ill.
Sir lohn Savage was/lain at the siege of Bulloign
z. Thi: Statute will not be eayfound, pobl) uch
which lated from Oct- to 8 Nov. Stows Am. p- 488.

. P . 58 7

a _Decree might haft/e been made in him: Chapter, which

is not entred, but in I E. IV we nd two companions

Str Richard Tunall died in 7 H. Vll. Vinc- MS' ored the Hotebments of ix deteaed Might: &e.




Xctaub Anno nono H

N R l C Ill tSe-ptimi.1

Hinc Annum uque 4 Qztartum decintum iletur, nii quod anno nono per-j
magna vereq; Regia celebritas e in 'Aul V/Emona/leriali izlennitet acted,

From hence to the 4 fourteenth' Year there is a perfi-EZ Silence, only in his
ninth Tiar there was a very' great and truly royal Aembly held - with Solemnit

a We have everal Inruments relating to the Feas chargeynu-- m pay to Iohn Saxilby oon ofthe Clerk
held in thi: Interval.
of our Greneclotb the ume of C mares &e. Tet/en un
' In the ninth Year it this Six-m.
der our prive sat iwh day of May in the tenth yet-e of


our retgne.

By the King.

Lib. Comp. Pach, 'lo H. Vll, Iohanni Saxilbv u


[The Kings' Monogram]

per prora/time pro je/io Sent-ii (ieorgii Murtyris in r'

calrum de X-Vyndcor die Dorntnica actidente wi' die

I G H Truy and welbelo-ued, we grete you wele, Maii proximefuturi 'enendo 46, 13, 4, there are If'
And wol and charge you that of oure treour re terwards other Payments entrcd for the ame Put
mai nyng in oure worde, ye paie and deliver by my of poe.
At this Feai the Duke of Tbrk was eniallcd, o'
Pre , unto t e hands of oure truy and Wtlbt/OZ/td er

vanzjohn Saxilb , oon of the clerks of oure grene lntrod. p- 41, note m. and there being more M0
clothe, the ume of yy andeven pounds, to be employed ney expanded then was at r iued, there was a
for and about thebolernniz-ing and keping of the je of privy Sea] dared the 6 Juno 'for the Delivery thereof.
Saint George, u iche we have appointed to be holden
As to the Entry in this Regier in this tenth
upon hisdpropre day next to come. Faille ye not herof, Year of the Cavalcade on the Lord Mayor's Day

as ye ten er oure honour and pleZ/ur; And we hall provide andee that among: othret ings, yeM/lbm/z due
allowunce of the aidumme : Ter/en undre our S net at
our 'nanair of hene the third day of Aprill 'Et ixth

that was 28 Oct. 'his Princebeing then only three

Years three Kalendar Months and at Days old,
who was not created Duke of Tork til] three Day'
afterwards by Patent, and received a olemn Crea

yere o] oure Regne.

tion or lnveiiture on All Saints Day in Parliament,

wherein the Lord Mayor aed.

To our R' htTru/iy and uelbelot/ed

Cbun ou irthe Lord Dynhzm oure

Tre oure'- of England.

In the eleventh Year there is a privy Sea] bear-in

Dare the 24. Apr. to pay gol. for St. George: Fea
to be held at Windor on

Liber Cotnp. P. 9H- VH, inO. Pell. ohanni

Sdxilby pro roviione 8: expenis pro feo Sancti
Georgii apu Wlndeore tenendo lvii l. Et cidem
uper proviione victualium 8: aliorum necearie
ruin pro feo Sancti Georgii tenendo apud Wind:
ore m libr. Et eidem in perolutionem l. librarum
pro miis 8: expenis pro eo Sancti Georgii infra
cairum de mndcore die Mercurii accident: xxiii
die Aprilit hoc termino tenendo.
We have likewie the following Prita Seul.
Henry Go. To the Trejbrer &e. For amoche as by
Statutes of our noble Ordre of the
ter, We be
bounden at thinallation of 'very Kin rargier unto

of May."

Libctomp. Puch. n H- Vll, Johanni Saxilbyu

per provi/ione pro Feo Sancti Georgii Martyris iufrd
Yrurn de Wyndeor die Dominiee accident: viii dle
aii. hoc termine tenendo fienda xxx l.

The Kin of' Portugel died on the 23 of Octoher

this Year, ib there might bean Election to his Sun
at this Fea.



AJon-is King of Naples abdicated on the 23d of

January following in favour of his Son, and retired
into Sicily, where he took the Habit of a Monk,
and diedoon' afterwards.
In the 12th Tear there is alo a Siguet.

theame Ordre, to geue the umme of' tuenty pounds

By the Kingt
crling to the dean and Chanons of our Collcg/e of our
Lady and St. George within the Cae/I of yndeor TRu/ly and right welbeloved, We grete you u-ele; and
..._-pr/e therir well, thatIfurtwit u on the ight of
wJeras we of late addreed unto you our Lettre: Of
ihies our lettres, ye deliver 'Je urmne o 20 I. by m Ap. warrant for the deliverance of so l. SterlingJo le e'e

Poinlrd for the/aid Dear' an Chanons unto our truy played or the charges of the fe of Saint (zeor e, We
andJre/belot/ed en/an: Garter oon of our Ki s at under unde by the reldtion of our full tru/ly Confaillouf
Anne:- Tez/en undre our print Seal at our Pdit of and knight for our body Sir Rich. GuldeFord, Comp

Weminer 18 May 9 H- Vil

troller of oure hou/hold, that the aidome is nut in o'er'

Treaourye; wherfor we Vol, that of the Money, being

This Payment was doubtles For the lnallation in your hands conceroyng the werres, ye borrow and de

of' Alphonus, Duke of Calabria at the Time

of his Elcction, who became King of Naples upon
the Death of his Father Hrdinand on the 25 of janum) then la pa, as appears From a Priv deal
entred in a Book in the Pelle Oce. See inned,
' p . 41, n . k.

liver to this beam- the aid 53 Lfar the aid fe/l, and
reore theame of the ur/tynoney comyng unto our-'td
'Zreaouryg and nat to jaxl herof> as never-at mu
you : Ter/en under our signe: at our 'nanotr of rene
wiche the xxtn day of Apnl] [12 H.Vl.]
To oure truy and right . ire/beloved

We have likewie the fbL/onring Privy Sea] of the next

Counaillor Sir Robert Lyttou
'Ireorer of our Werres.
H. R.
Henry Cor. Whereas we have appointed the Fell of
Lib- Priv. Sigill. in O. Pell. Pach. 12 HVII',
Saint GeorgeJolempny to be kepte nithin our Cael of pro ex enis pro feo Sancti. Georgii apud mndeore
Wyndeor t e xviith day of this preent month, ne tenen o 501.

. .



Anno quarto decimo H E N R IACI tSeptimi.


8: anno decimo cum Prcetor urbis commiihn] ibi curam aumeret, ful)
meridiem prmnobilis tum Ehoraci Dux inclytus adhuc puer qu-atuor plus
minus Annoru-'mz- pertraniit vicos Londinens I/Vemonaierium veriius, e
dens in ublimi ionipede Be multis interea Nobilibus ac Generois co
initatus, ubi turiiciJeodem Anno Paliamenti olennis concus erat.

Io quarto decimo celebratum e Vj-ndeori coneilirtm, ipio Divi b Georgii :

ubi po alia recte conultoq; peracta, cum Regia Majeate prxentes hu

jus electtiiimi Ordinis Equites


. '

' ., _Regem Portttgalite, _ 'Domi 'B\ttrg.1itni.e,Dom. Rich. _Poo[e,


Regem NeopotitanangDotn.-Lamare, .Dom. Rie-Tap Thomas,

Ducem Burgundize. Dom. Dttdeley. Dom. Gual. Here-herd.
Regem Portagalite,

Dom. Hayngs, Dom. Ric. Poole, .

Dux Bathjngamie,

Comitem Kyldare,

Dom. Barneje, Dom. Ric. Goulford,

Comitem Cantize.

Dom. Dudelejy.

Dom. Nich. I/aue.


in Weminer Hall, and in his tenth Ti-ar, when the Lord Mayor of the City

was entring upon his Oce, at Noon the mt nohIe Duhe of York a ne
Child then ahout four Tears of Age, paed through the Streets of London

to Weminer, itting on a graceful Steed, and _attended inthel/Vezyhy many

of the Nohility and Gentryz where at that Time in the aid Year a Sqons of

Parliament was held.

In that fourteenth Tear a Chapter was held at Wyndeor on St. I' Georgds
Day, diinguihed
where afterOrder
other who
and with
done,' the -.Knights
the King
-of this

The K, of Portugal, L. Burgavenny, Sir Rich. Poole,

I<,of Naples,
Lord Laware, Sir Rye ap Thomas,
D. of Burgundy. Lord Dudeley. Sir Walter Hereberd.

The Prince,

The D._ofBuekyngam,

The K, of Portugal, Lord Hayngs, Sir Richard Poole,

Earl of Kyldare, Lord Barnee,
Earl of Kent.
Lord Dudeley.

Sir Rich. Goulord,

Sir Nich. Vaue.

Lib. Comp- Paeh- 12 H.'Vll, ervienti Pulle-

Henry UcJ-"orantaehe as we underande, that on'

'riaz uper expenis Sancti Georgii Martyris infra ca-

trnyfervant Anthon Legh oon of the Clerhs of the

rum de Wyndr/ore die Dominica accident: ultirno when, expended 48 illi s upon 'he prwian for the
die Aprilis
Saint George
at the
v - ultra quinquagintalibras olutas iiii I. 1 je/i
and of
expenet ofouer
We have likewie the lling-ing Mernorials of the thir-, ame fe &e. Teven 'tndre our pri-oeeel the 24 o] July
teenth Tear.

in the xiii yere of our Reigne

Henry Go. Te deliver to our tra/i) and welhelo-ved

fervent William Arclif, oon of the Clerhs of our rene

h Priv. Sigill. 8 Apr; 14 H. VII, Te deliver unto '

oon of the ocers o] our honehold the bringer of thee

Cloth 50 Ljor the mayntenance of the cos and coat-get oure lettres so I. zr uch expence: at hal he donn and
of sayn! Georges fr/i &e. Yet/en undre our Silgnet 16 -'leigmd at the fe/i of saintGeorge next cornyng, which

April. [13 H. VIL]

l we entend taheep in onrotrne peron &e.

. 'v



Actaub Anno quit-w den-at H E NR c 1 Waz. ~


Comes Derbia,

Regem Portugalia,
Comitem Cantia,

Dom. Hayngrz Dom. Rib-Poole,

Dom. Luware', Dom Ric. Goulford, '

Comitem Kyldare.

Dom. Burgaunia. Dom. Nich. Vauje.

Regem NeopoIitanurmDom. Ormound, Dom. Tho. Love/I,

Comes 6 Southfolcia, Comitem Cantia,
Dom. BurgauniigDom. Ric; Goalord,
Comitem Kyldare. Dom. Barnee. Dom. Rie. Poole.

Comes Arundellie,

Comes Ekxia,

Regem Portagalia, Dom. Burgauniapom. Tho. Love/I,

Regcm A7eopolitannm,Dom. Orrnottnd, Dom. Ric. Goulford,
Comitem iantia.
Dom. Ear-nee. Dom. Ric. Croft.
Regem Hihania,
Regcm Portugalia,

Dom. Bargaania,Dom. Gual. Hereberd,

Dom. Ormound, D. Gual. Hungerford,

Ducem Burgundia.

D. Ry/e up ThornasDom. Tho. Lo-vell.

Regem Portngalia, Dom. Hayngs, Dom. Tho. Love/I,

Comes Northurnbria, Regcm Neopolitanum,Dom. Burgauniie, Dom. Ric. Poole,
Comitem Cantia.
Dom. Latvare. Dom. Gual. Hereberd.
Comes Salopia,

Regem Portugalia,
Duccm Burgundtia.

Dom. Hayngs, Dom. Gual. Hereberd,

Dom. Laivarer Dom. Rye up Thomas.

Regcm NeopolitananhDom. Burgauntie, Dom. Ric. Poole,


The Earl if Derby,

The K, o Portugal, Lord Hayngs, Sir Richard Poole,

Earl of Kenr,
Lord Lawarc, Sir Rich. Goolford,
E. of Kyldare. L. of BurgavenyuYir Nicholas Vaue.

Earl of? Southfolk,

The King of Naples, Lord Ormound, Sir Thomas Lovcll,

Earl of Kent,
L. of Burgavenzgsir Rich. Goulord,
E. of Kyldare. Lord Barnes. Sir Richard Poole.

Earl of Arundell,

The l<, of Porcugal, L. of Burgaveny,Sir Thomas Lovell, .

King of Naples, Lord Ormound, Sir Rich. Goulord,
Earl of Kent.
Lord Barnec. Sir Richard Cros.

Earl of Eex,

The King of Spain, L. of Burgaveny,Sir Walter Hercberd,

King ofPorrugal, Lord Ormound, Sir Wal. Hungerord,
D. of Burgundy. Sir Rye ap ThoSir Thomas Lovell.

E. of Northumberl.

The K, if Portugal, Lord Hayngs, Sir Thomas Lovell,

IC- of Naples, L. tifBurgavenyAir Richard Poole,
Earl of Kenr.
Lord Laware. sir Walter Hereberd.

Eqf Shrewsburya


'V of Pt
or uga,l-LdH
or a yngs ,S'W1H
t' at" ere bd
er s
I<,. of Naples,

L. of Burgavcny,sir Richard Poole,

D. of Burgundy. Lord Lawarc.

Sir Ryc ap Thomas.

c This war Edmond de la Polc placed in the tenth ed in this Stall after the degradi
Stall onthe Prince? Side after the Death of Sir Tho-

of this Earl, but it

appears from thee Scrutinies, t at they were both

mas Bourgh, Vinc. MS n. 417. in O. Arm, who Nominator: in this Chapter, o that Sir Charles niu
have been
to omenotother
Stall. T e
of this
in the

' died
aer and
the 18
Of Fcbruary
1 95-6following.
when he
made on_0r
_his Will,
the 19 octlvlay
when it watproz/ed. Du d. 2 Vol. Baron. p. 288, and

becaue of his Dcgrddction. r on llJf 16 OfAUQU

therefore this Earl houl have heen higher in the Cata-

this Tear he ed out of England, and was pardoned for

lngucz Where he ands numbered 252, as junior by

it upon his Return on 19 Oct. following, but about the

L/c-On t_0 Sir Charles Someret n. 243, whereas then Fea of the ble/]ed Virgin 16 Hen. Vll, he again td
MMfW Mjnalntsur, this Sir Charles was eat- into Flanders- CttileiZiRobcrti Wotton


Actaith Anno qunrto dezzm RH EN R I CI Septimi. 2

Dominus Denhan',

Regem Hipanite,
Regem Portugalie,

Doni. Btirg4teniee,Doh. Rir. Gan/forth,

Dom. Hayngr, Dom. Rie; Paole, _

Regem NeopolitanutltuDom. Laware;

Regem Portugalite,
Dominus Braoke,

Dominus Dmphxg,

Dom. Gteel. Hereherd.

Dom. Hejngzs; Dom. Rie; Paale,"

Achidus Btzrgundie, Dom. Tho. Lave/LD. Gttal. Hungerford;

Comitem' Kyldare.

D. Ric. Goahord: Dom. Rye np Thomet;

Regem Partngelie,

Dom. Burgeemiepom. Rie. Paale,

Regcm NeopolitannntzDdm. Laware,

D. Gualt. Hereherd,

p_ 1733

Archiduc. BurgttndimDom. Dndelqy.

Dom. Rye 41: Thomae.

Rcgem Portagalie, Dom. BnrganniezDdm. Rie. Paole,

Dom. Cdra. Sawen/Et, Archiduc. BurgtenditgDom. Hdjitgt, D. Gaul. Hungerjbrd,
Comitem Kjldare. De Ric. Gaaljord; Dom; Gul. Sandjr.
Rcgem Portngaliz, Dom. Hayngs, Dom. Rie. Poo/e,
Dom. Ed- Pojnjngs, Regem Hipnniie,
Dom. Bnrgatenti-QD. Gaul. Hereherdz
Archiduc." Btergundi-LD. Rit. GouljoreLDom. Ry/e ap Fleam-Is;

Dom. Gil. Talharz

Regem Ht/nict,
Regcm Porttegali-z,
Comitem Iyldnre.

Dom. Hdjg, Dom. Rit. Poole,

Dom. Btergannieom. David. Onw,
D. Reginald Breg. D. Gualt. Hungerfbrd:

Po hanc denominationem Rcgi, quam rcvcrenter' oportuir, cxhibitam,

ipi: unanimi omnium Acnu, Dominum Riehnrdum Poole ad hanc prz;

clarilmam (ocietatcm cligendum denivic.



_, -_


Lord Denham,

\ *_-"


L. of Burgavcnyzsir Rich. Goulord,

King of PortugahLord Hayngs, Sir Richard Poole,


Lord Laware.

Sir Walt. Hereberd."

The K, of Portugalz Lord Hayngs, Sir Richard Pooie', ',

Lord Brookcz

Arch; ofBurgundy,Sir Tho. Lovell, Sir Wal. Hungerord,

E. of Kyldarez
Lord Dawbney,

Sir Ri. Goulfordasir Ryc ap Thomas.

The K, Qf Portugal, L. of Burgavenyir Richard Poole,

King of Naples, Lord Laware, Sir Walter Hcrcberd,
Are .0fBurgundy.Lorel Dudclcy. Sir Rye ap Thomas;

The K, of Pdrtugai, L. of Burgavenyir Richard Poolc,

Sir Charles Someretz Arth- ofBurgundyzLord Hayngs, Sir Wal. Hungerord;
Earl of Kyldare, sirRiGoulfordz Sir William' Sandys;

The K. of Portugal, Lord Hayngs, Sir Richard Poole,

Sit Ed. Poynyngs,


Arch. of Burgundy,L. of_Burgavcny,Sir Walter Hereberd;

E. of Kyldarc.
Sir Ri. Goulordgsir Rye ap Thomas;

Sir Gilbert Talbot,

The King of Spain, Lard Hayngs, Sir Richard Poole,

K; of Portugal; L. of(Burgavenyrsir David Owcn, 1
E. of Kyldare. Sir Rag.- Bray. Sir Wal. Hungerford;

After this Nomination delirvezd to the King with all hecotning Rervereneez he:
with the unanimous Conent of all, declared Sir Richard Poolc to he elected

into this mo noble Sack-ty.





Aiiauh Anno quinto decimo H E N R I C I Septinit,

Anno quinto deciino illurimi Regis Henrici Septimi, prazter ea qua:
Rex ipeinclytitmus
cum uis debita
rationc modoque
juxta fiormam
omnia, (Zzrvanda
quae civitas
ubi erat, tzxpreiime pcrccit. In Herordia Palatio manens eo
die, quo Georgiana eivitas agenda fuit, 8: izcum habcns Cubicularium
ilum Dominum Rtchardum Poole cjudem Ordinis Equitem mcritimunt,
Mii, primis
ecundis vepcris
quod ut oerendo
cret o
volebat.aut Inccdendo,
ram ipe quam Commilito uus omnia quam appoitime prxitit 8;
ucepit. Nec e prmtcrcundum, quod Gladius Principis ante edile uum
continue tencbatur, so ' Caduceator ejus diligens przcabat obequium.

P- 174

Caduceator autem Regiits cdili Rcgio diligentcr aabat: Cui ne debitum

minuerent honorem, i recta introient in (edes ias, inerius acenderunt
tom Princeps, quam Eques coacns, cui Viator Principis operam dabat.

In the Fifteenth Tear o the mo illurious King Henry the Seventh, he/ides
tho/i) Things which the "' King himelf with his Contpanions, caued to he oher-zied
in due Reueiii and the accuomed Manner, the mo renowned Prince performed
every Thing that the Fea required, in the Place he 'was in the mo exaii Manner'
according to the Form of the Statutes. Being in his Palace o Hcrtortl the Day

that the Fea o St. George was to he hept, and having with him his Cham
herlain Sir Richard Poolc a mo defer-ning Knight of the lime Order, he omit
ted nothing at the Ma, the
or econd Vepers, which ilemn Uage required
to he done. In wahing, in Incening, in making Proceon, in offering, as
well he, as his Knight Campanian performed and did all Things exceeding pro
perly : Nor mu it pas unohrtzd That the Prince's Sword was all the while

held hefore his Stall and his ' Hcrald was diligent in doing his Duty.

But the

King's Hcrald ood dui at the King's Stall, from whoe due Honour that thy

might not detra,

the enter'd direi-ily into their Stalls, they went into
them hj/ a lower My, dhth the Prince and his Aant Knight, on whom
the Prince's Uher attended.
d Priv. Sig- 23 Apr- is H. Vll, Forarniich as we ** yng upon our aid on, and he hath hewed un
hazie appointed the fr of Saint George to he hortly V to Us that he is behind unpaid of uch fee as he
kept at oure Cael of Wyndcore, and al/o have ap- '4 hath graunte by our lettres patents Of. Ye ay
pointed the umrne of 53 l, to he emploide and expended " the ame Or. And that ye ne faile herof', 00
upon the ame; Te deliver unto our ma? ervants Iohn ** that he be not retarded oFyevyng his attendance

Basket ClrC of oure grene cloth an

ohn Shirley '5 upon out aid on Go." 'Ihie ame Prince had

Cb Clare of our [Gtchyn the'iid urmne &c.

alo Wallingord Purevant, as ma) be een in the
Clerico viridis panni hopitii Regiis 8c Johanni Life of Sir Thomas Wriothee Gar-ter, who enjoyed
that Office. And at the Funera of this Prince, His

shirte) Clerico coguimc dicti hopitii upe_r provi

ocer of Arms ** ore weeping toke of' his Cote of

one 8c expenis eii Sancti Georgii Martyris infra " Armes, and ca it along over the Che right
cuirum de Wind 'are jam noviter tenendi 50 libr
" lamentably the." zf. xi in O. Arm. And it may
e Sir Henry , pclman in his Glo- voce heraldus he preurned that _e'tieral of the Hem/ds who had the
8: Mills de Nobil. Polit. 85 Civi li p. 166 acquaint us, 'it/es of Cornwall, Wales, Cheer, and Jch Dien
that the Princei of Wales had Cheer Herald. and

Faucotl Puret/ant ; and there can he no Doubt but

Chccr i; the ocer here deigned, for there is a Sig
net dared 7 Dec. n H- V] l recitin , that " Whereas
" our truiy and welbelovetl Ciere herald unto
'* our dere on the Prince mu neds haily goo
F' and yeve his Attendance this chnmas next com-

were in their repective Times O cers to the Princes of

Wales. At the Tranlation o the Body of Richard
Duke of York, we nd Jch Dien attended, (as 'tis en
ired in a Ceremonial) for the Prince.

Our Hiorians inform w', that James Gower Sword

hearer to the Prince Son of Hen- V', was iahen at the
Bottle of Tcwksbury and heheaded.



Actattb Anno deeimo octavo H E N R I C I Septimi.


Po intertogata quxdam, ibi determinatum e edcm Regis quam

quam abentis, omni Ornatu uo decorandam.

Thuricandi po altaria, oli Equites illurimfordinis;
Epicopo divina celebranti ua cdes concedenda, quamquam print-a

habeatut, quod it 8: Altari proxima.

Socius Ordinjs non porriget nummutn oerenri, ed alter nobiliimus,

qui prazens 1erit extra Otdinem.
De deeimo xto ac eptimo iletut.

Anno erenimi Regis Henrici Septizti decimo ofiavo, Maii vero" die] [epi
timo, vir inclytus Thomas Comes Derbia- Regia: Commionis Authoritatc

Concilium Vjtndeori celebravit ; ecum ibi przeentes habens

Comitem Surreyze,
Dominum Strandge,
Dominum Edoardum Pglnjlngjj
Dominum Richardum Poole.

Supremus, uti ibi vium erat, abens, litteras eo miit, quorundani

etiam ablentium excuiztioni lturas: quae ubcribuntur.

After tme Wit-ries it was then determined That the King's Stall, tho' he
was ahent, hould he et out with all its Ornaments.

None but the Knights of the mo illurious Order hould he cened hehind the
The Bihop oelehrating divine Service hould he allowed his Seat; tho' it was
eeemed the rjl, heoau e it was next the Altar;

A Knight of the Or er hould not deliver the Money to him that oers it, httt
tme other Peron of great Nobilit] who is pre-nt, not of the Order.
Of his" ixteenth and eventeenth Tear nothing is aid.

In the eighteenth TZ-ar of the mo/Zhrene King Henry the Seventh, thefiv

venth Day of May the reno-'Lvned Thomas Earl of Derby held by Aathorig- of
the King's Commiion a Chapter at Wyndeorz having there preent with him
The Earl of Surreye,
Lord strange,

Sir Edward Poynyngs,

Sir Richard Poole.
The Sovereign (b he thought t) was abent, and ent Letters thither to
exeujZ- the Ahence of hme others, which are underwritten.
f On the 25 Apr. 18 H. Vll, there i; a privy Sea! p. 84, 85, and of hit firt' Electian when [Ging of the

in the a nal Form for iuing Money for St. beorgcts

Romans ee above p- 2' 4; in the Nun.- His Ditenti

Pea/t to e kept within the 'all/e of Windor, on the

'manceo the weet-it; t e Garter eon/d not be otting to

'Uii Day of May then next coming,

his want oj Devotion tr Su- George the Patron of thie

Here are twenty four Campanian: enumerated, who with

the vacant Stal here mentioned complete the Shtierj-

Order, for to hie Su rage he impure: the everal Victo

rit: he had obtained over hit Enemies in an Inrument

Of everal Intertoures between Hen. Vll and the


him 'm 17 Sept- 1493. Eollandi Acta San

Emptrar Maximiliatt here named, ee Introdu. ctorum wi. 36 p. 137.



Acta ub Anno decimo net-m EN R I C I

ac przvenerando
Than-e Comiri
Derbie litl
ac benchonorando
valere; &Lloniam-ob
rdulita Patii
'quae nori-One
ris unt, prxdilectus Cognatus noer Comes Salopia, 6: deles ac bene

meriti nobis zi coniliis Dominus Reginaldus Bray, Dominus Thomas Lonell,

Dominus Carolus Someret, Dominus Richardus Goulord, 8: Dominus Gib
Talbot, Socii clariiimi nori Ordinis non pount ipi in feo Divi

Georgii ptimo Maii celebrando interee, (ed venia nora donandi unt ab
illice rebus
igitur hiis noris
ut has
rationi criptis
nulla Statutorum vi dubitaturus, 6: i contra detonarc vidcatur, cum

penes nos it ut iprmet leges jure rcgantur.

Rcx Rontanorunz
Dux Ferraria

Rychntoundia 2.; Aprilis.

} Exteri, 8: uis rebus addicti,

Rex Dacia

Archidux Oricie E electi, ed in edcs adhuc uas hand introtluctl.


Yhe Sovereign to his honoured and highly rerverend Father Thomas Earl of

Derby greeting and good Health.

Foranuch as by Reaon of many and o -

rious Aizirs preng on Us, Our welbelo-ved Couin the Earl of Shrewsbur ', and
our faithful and well deerwing Coun_ellors Sir Rcginald Bray, Sir T omas
Lovell, Sir Charles Someret, Sir Richard Goulord, and Sir Gilbcrt Tal

bot Knights of our mo noble Order, cannot be in Peron preent at the Cele
bration of the Fea of St. George on the eventh of May, but mu hathe th'
Grant of our Royal Learne, being hindered by thee arduous Aairs z WE there'

ore by thee our Writings certify your Noblenes thereof, thatyou nzay accept
thei reaonable Excus, qvithout any Doubt as to the Force of the Statutes',
erven tho' you be of Opinion they hould declare to the contrary, nce it is incur

Power to rerain erven the Law's themelves by Eoutty.

the twenty ninth of April.

At Rychmond

The ZZZZ? Pan-am ZForeigners, and taken up with their own Aairsz.

'The Arcbpuke
King of Denmark
of Auria } twere elefied, but notyet ing/lulled.

~--* __"'



*_ _.__

_-__1-__. ___.. ______._

M .___,______=__ _


i, Is) N

b-Znno deeirno

Aeptirni. 'i


Domini Principis
Ducis Buckyngamize


Marchionis Dori-te
Comitis Arundellize

ocn excuittid; ed expect-tra c of:

Comitis Nortbumbria
Comitis Dervonice
Domini Darwbney

Lexie Comitis abizntia remi e

Rcgiani indulgehtiani;

Comitis Oxonia recepta e excutio, quod candem Regi ui corpdfis

jimbccillitatem interpoucratz

Poridie cum Mia pro defnns habctetur, vexillum Dominig Broohe

jam deuncti per 'Dominum Edoardum Poynjngs 8: Dominum Riebardnm
Poale, Enis per Comitem Surreyia, 6; Dominum Strandge, Galea vero

The Prince




Dulee of Buckyngam
Marquer Doret
pleaded no Excuje, but jbme 'was expefed to be
Earl of Arundcl
E. of Northumberl.
Earl of Dcvonhire
Lard Dawbney
Zhe Earl of Evfs Abence rwas referr-'d to the King's Iqndullgece.

The Earl of OxForcYs Excue was allowed, be having repreented the V/eah
'se/Z of his Body to the King.

The next Day when the Mas was celebrated for the Dead, the Banner qfct

Lardg Brooke lately dead, <was blemnly oend b Sir Edward Poynyngs and
Sir Richard Poolc, bis Srword by the Earl 0 Surrey and Lord Strandge,
g Rob. Willoughby Lord Broke by his Will made
19 Au . and proved 25 Dec- 1502, appoints his Bseri
nl in t Church 'Yf that Parib, n-here be [bonld happen
to die. Dugd. 2 I/'bl- Ear. p. 87, and there remains in
the Chappel of the Borough of Callin ton in Com
wal] a raied Altar Monument with his gies thereon,
hnzzin the Cellar of 'his Order with the (xeorge appen

ce conervantur, inibiq; Ordo G-zrterii per Reges

Azg/ig pro tempore cxiientes nonnullis Regibus,

Ducibus, Marchionibus, 85 quampluribus aliis No
bilibus, 8: illuribus dari dlirus obervatur, &:'
manutexletur; quorum aliqui gnleas, eum, O alia
mi/iearin ingnia honoricc collocari fecerunt; lp
que Decanus 8: Ca itulum pro majori commodi

ueretn, which
be exhihited
a Demprion,
whenanHehe Memolirs
of in
Life hall
be tate 86 divinorum ce ebratione in dicto Caro unam

Peb/i/bed.. .
In this Year at the Permon of Sir Reginald Bray a

aliam Eccleiam conirui facere inceperunt, pro cu

jus complemento primodictze Eccleiz, ful illius

mcnz Capitularis non uppetunt facultatcs. eid

ight Campanian, the Pope renewed his Indnlgnces. Chrii delium Suragia fore nobunrur plurimum
Alexander Epicopus ervus ervorum ei &e. oporruna: Quare pro parte Decani 8: Capituli ac'
Sane TO parte dilectorum liorum moderni Deca Rqginaldi przedictorum aerentium eundem Ille?
ni 8: apituli Eccleiae Sancta 8c individuaa Trinita 'u/dum carimi in Chrio lii noiri Henriei n-_
tis. beat-m Il/arie, ac Sanctorum Geargii Martiris 8c gie Regia illuris innmum Coniliarium ee, 8c ad
Edvardi Regis 8.: Coneoris Cahi Wtndecre Serum primodictanl Ecclei-'tm ingularem devocionis f
Dioc. 8: Nnbilis viri Regina/d Brny Militis incliri fcctum gerere, nobis Fuit u plicarum nt indulgeni
contineftnlr> quod
diveri tias Ge- innovare On Dat. 001.' apud Sanctum Pe
8: apoo
man Anno Incamarionis Dommicae millimo quin
ce edis legati concecrslnt diveras indulgenrias genteimo tcnio. Pridie nonas Aprili: Ponticai
&e. dictae Eccleix per Reges Angle;- olim ub dictis tus noxi anno undccimo.
invocationibus fundarae. 8: in qua quidamfzln/ijere

Gncis, nccnon mulm Sanctorum rcliquiae houoi-i

Ex Okig. in Brario Collegii de nder.

- ged

244 _

Actauh Anno decima nono H l-L N R I C l Septzmt.

P. 176. per eodem Dominos Edoartlam Poynyngy ac Riehardum Poale unt olennitcr
oblata, quit ratione remanit ihi una edes vacua.
77 Chrijlianmi Regis Henrici Septimi anno decimo nono, quinto die Maii,

praeclarus Dominus Thomas Marchio Dorett, Regia: Comniionis litteris,

and his Hehnet h] the nd Sir Edward Poynyngs and Sir Richard Poolez
On 'which Account there remained one Stall vacant,

In the nineteenth ar of the mo 7) Chriian King Henry the Seventh, the

fth Day of lvlay, the nohIe Sir Thomas Margaer Doret 'warranted hy the

. r

b The Title of mo Chriian King is here given to Hen. Vl], as it had been to everal of his
Predeceors, ee a note in Dr. Fiddefs Life of Cai
dinal Waley.

l " gie Urhini Ducibn, which Book Monieur

Bayle probably did not conult in the Article Gon
Mga, where he trancribes from Hilarian de Co/Ze
only, who hath copied from thee Dialogues with
In this Year we have a Payment for this Fea. out any coniderable Additions- This Lady is the
Lib. Comp.
Co Subject of Wonder for her Chaity, a hort Nar
rative whereof will not be entirely Foreign, ince

Zts apud Windeor quima Maii hoc tcrmmo 'men

we hall thereby learn the Time of the Death of '

our Knight, and whether he was married to this
he xxiv Corn anions here named with the Va Lady before he was eized with the Gout;
cancy equal the umber of this Fraternity.
He was a Peron of a mo amiable Counte
\Ve hall nd by comparing the Names of thee nance and of a beautiful regular Shape " tiff' m
0 o I.

Companions with thoe of the former Year, that

" fail, nt jnrarcr i/Ior Vmerir patre: Amor-er, quos Poe

the Lord strange and Sir Regia-eld But) had died in '* tie aitmt main' prco o: t? adludere, Alum arir
this Interval, and that here are only two new *' form-am, ger/enim, ocnlorum non hahm_- mmo
Knights named, the Duke of Urbin, and the Earl a fere Ita/orum pnlcbriur, iitmo pttio/iar ;" in his
of Kilddre, for Sir Charle: Sameret mentioned in Youth he performed all orts of' the initiatory mar
the former, was the lme Peron here deigned by tial Exercies with the greate Agility and vigour,
the Title of Lord Herhtrt. The Chapter or Chap
ters wherein thee two Kni hts were elected are

and when only tcn Years old appeared a General

at the Head of a Confederate Army, but at the


A e of one and twenty was eized with the Gout

The Earl of Ki/ are was elected into

the Stall of the Lord Brohc, from whence he was

to that
the Death of
Sir 'Zbomar
n. 417.

w ich continued to attack him by Intervals, an

at length returned by quicker and more violent
Fits, and he laboured under it for fourteen Years
It doth not ap ar into which of the Vacancies till the Time oi' his Death, " Pednm dolore Dux
this Duke of 'bin was r elected, but upon the i' quatnor atque detem minor, leviter qnidem primo, nt
Death of the Duke of Hrrara, he was inalled " fir, at per inrcrua/[a longi temporit, irtiur man' ac
in his Seat Vinc. MS- n- 17. This Duke of Ur a crehriar, acriter jrrqacnterq; po remo labour/mit"
hin was elected before t e 22d Fehruar) in this and died on the third of the des of Apr. in the
nineteenth Year, on which Day a Privy Seal was xxxvith Year of his Age. To this Diemper Mon
directed to all Princes, deiring a afe Conduct for ieur Baj/c eems to acribe his Impotency, as far
the Embaadors that were ent to him with the as he believes it, and therefore aerts the Epou

Enigns of this Order, whoe lnructions hear als were before that Period when the Gout r
Dare two Days before lntrod. p. 214- The la Ar eized him, for which he produces no Voucher,
ticle of them is, that Sir Gi/hcrt 'In/hot hall put though that Fact appears otherwie from the fol

about this Dukes Neck the Image of St- George, lowing Extract which acquaints us, that this Lady
during which Time the Abbot of Gla/Ionhn is to lived with the Duke ixteen Years, o that his
an Admontion,
htqnr Oi-dinirImagimmG/orlajitrzi
Palroni in tolle ma defers:
&c. Marriage was one Year prior to the Time when he
r had the Gout, but this Imbecillity is not laid
P. iopmer me p. its lr. Of his introduction by his
Proctor ee hereafter under the 22d Year.

on that Diemper, but either to a natural Defect

in his Body, the malignant lnuences on his
This Duke was Guy LTba/de de Monrfe/tre Son of Birth, or rather to the magical Arts of his Uncle

Frrdericl- Duke of Urhin, who had been a Com Octn/Ian- Let us hear the Words in Bembn: about
panion likewie of this Order, famous not only this Lady.

for his Learning and extenive Knowledge in eve

ral Sciences, his Encouragement to Men of De V
erts, which made his Court the mo Polite of "
that Age, being the Rendezvous of the ne Wits **
and the mo accomplihed Gentlemen, and even "
the (chool of Vertue and Honour, but alo re "

a Illa vira ua cum pndorem praitit, nem prayin

ri mq; lqgcr, neqne mar, mq; conuetuzfa n/lx juhet.

Guidum Ubaldum tonat, ive corporir 65

nature t/itio, en quod 'un-go errdilum c, artihnr
magittk ah Octaviano patruo propter regni cnpidi

tatem impeditum, &c. nnlla cumftzmind taire nn

nowned For his Valour and conduct of Armies << quam in tom vita paznic, nunqnan) fme' ad rem
from his
be '* nxoriam idoneum
ducir na-orem domum, um'
in lnfancy,
Swfovinl whereof
p. 219,
a in lectn/a cuhant Anno: dnor, cum Ille interea qnid
zera dclh Nhilita rHm/ia p. 238. and principally '4 p/tmc pael, ex trirctnr: Itaque tandem cum e fru
in the Fialogues compoed by Brmhur, Entituled, '* ra pericnlnm Lzcere animtrdvcr-lit, mermr rlolemq;
De Guido lhazrla Feremcto, dey;
Eliubetha Gonza- " nxori ape-rit, putat-e e m/'gim impediri, quo mine:
ff twrm


After/ab Anno decimo nono H E N R I C I rSeptimi.

qua: lectx unr in coniziu munims, Celebritatis Georgianze II/Tndeori h
lennitatem obervavit, ubi cum eo conuluituri celebraturiq; convencrant
Comes Ejexice,
Dominus Tho. LowelI,
Dominus Richardm Gouiford,
Dominus Edoardu: Prynyngr,
Dominus Richardm' Poole.

Supremu: aliis rebus intentus, aberat.

Rex Romarzorum
E quod externi eient, ut alias empcr, excutl',


Comes Surrejiize

Comes Salopice

regio unt ore non litteris excuati, quod adui

' jam eent in ejus obequio.

Dominus Dawbney

IGngs Commiion which was read

the Chapter, kept the So/emnig' of St.

George's Fea at Wyndeor, where were con-heried with him to eondt and
celebrate it
The Earl of Eex,
Sir Thomas Lovell,

Sir Richard Goulford,

Sir Edward Poynyngsz

Sir Richard Poole.
The Sovereign was abent being engaged. in other Aairs.

The Emperor

Duhe of Ferrara
He Zrhzlcff-S
ear 0 urrcy
L' of shrewsbury

were, as alway: before, exeujed for being Foi

were excue-a' by the King, not by Letters, but by
Wbrd of Mouth, becaue they were now conantly
employ'd in his Ser-viee

Lord Daxvbney



'uirmn ill! olendere pit &c- Mulier &e. nihil apml a in audiendi: ii: quae z/irginibur retieemur, 'rup/ii ac
'z/irnctm quea unquarilfueril, nal/um u/[i world/lum *' virmn experti: non m, in irn riri thalamo atque
'Uerbum ea de re 'ecerat, tumillumo/ata bilari 'ZM/lh U Icflo, in e/'m deniq; [inn vie/that, amor: de/it-jeeb-u,
i: e/er>
Quo arie
bono (mimo jubet
ce,injuri-Htnihil ce " com
de Aalieo
p. 4. aith
the GoutSee,




minae eum aware, an' in poterum amaturam nrma: : quem quidem domo phdicitix lit: urem ad
ad rqgum
Itaq; quztuor
anno:per/amramuna vii-uum.

him at txvemy. '* Cum Uieiyimairrz detriti: armum air

** jam dlllgl, in porlagram adeo 'other/rerum incide
*'K rit,
bzr, atneque
pcdur ati:undique


hac mulirr in 'nariti domo, in plemiore eonventuq;

c' ccrenr.

haminnm, in joeir, in lieenria, in [ibi-tate marita/i,





Actanh Anno decimo nono H E N R IC 1 'Septinti.


Comitis Arundellia 'z Rex item ore uo vices uas gerenti, excuationem
Comitis Deruonia

5 interpouit.

Comes Oxonia

Comes Dez-hia

uam cauantes inrmitatem, exauditi unr.

Dominus Herhert

Dominus Gilhertns Talhot, oris in negotio Regis erat.

P. 177.

Dux Bnchyngantia:

Comes Nort/mmbe } nihil cur abeent ignicatum ibanr.

Rex DaCieE

Dux Oriehize
electi, ed nondum in edes introducti. Dux Urhinas
Comes Kyldare

In craina Mia pro defnnffis Georgii Domini i Strandge jam ante mor

tui vexillum Dominus Edoardus Poynyngs 8: Dominus Richardns Poole, En

iam Comes E-xiee 8: Dominus Richardus Goulfard, Gaieam autem Do
minus Thomas Lorz/ell &e. Dominus Edoardus Pojn ngs obtulerunt: 8: po
eadem honoriica crie Dominus Riehardus Goufard 8: Dominus Richar

The Earl of Arundel Zhad their Exeue- alo made to the Deputy h] the
E. of Devonhire
King's own Month.
The Earl of Oxford
Earl of Derby
Lord Herbert

pleading their Infirmities, were exeud.

Sir Gilbert Talbot was ahroad on the King's

mZfitfsxitzzrxzs greatnoRamof eam.

The King Of Denmark
BZZ: 3: subpitgm

were elected, hut notjet inalled.

Earl of Kylciare
At the next Days Mai tr the Dead, Sir Edward Poynyngs, and Sir Ri
chard Poolc oi-red the Banner of George Lordi Strandge who died a little
hefore, the Earl of Eex and Sir Richard Gouord his Sword, Sir Tho

mas Lovcii and Sir Edward Poynyngs his Helmet; and afterwards in the
jinne hanourahle Order Sir Richard Goulord and Sir Richard Poole oered
1 This George Lord Stanicy died on 4 Dec. pre- l at St. James? GarIith-heath. lbm. p.4o7, 'there
exeeltngth/s Fieajl. Stows Anno/s p. 48 , in the Life- there is a Mitake in the Figures of the Tear of his
"we of the Izsrl of Derby hit Buller, heing pot' oned


at a Banhct Wev. ten. Mon- p. 533, and nas hieried


Actahih Anno oieemo H E N R lC -l Aeptimi.


du: Poole vexillum Domini iReginaIdi Bray, Dominus Tlhornar Love/I ac

Dominus Edoardus Pojnyngs Enem ejus, Galeam vero denique cum ap
pendicibus Dominus item Riohardur Goulford 85 Dominus Riehardur Poole.
Sedes adhuc una permanit vacua.

Anno regni ui twice/imo, Rex illurimus olenniter in azde Divi PauIi

procert l, die Sancti Georgii, ubi monratum e interim m os alterius

tybiae ejudem Divi, nuper ad eundem illurimum deinatum.

the Banner of .S'i1'il Reginald Bray, Sir Thomas Lovell and Sir Edward Poy
nyngs his sword, and latly Sir Richard Goulord and Sir Richard Pioole hir
Helmet with the Appurtenanees.
There 'was one Stall there ill continuing roacant.

In the twentieth That' of his Reign, the. may? iZ/zzriour King 'went in a 'h
Iemn Manner to St. Paul's Church on St. Georgds Day, where war heruzn at '
that Time the m Bone of one of the Legs of that Saint, rwhich had heen Iateiy
preented to the aid nto/i iI/urious Peiin.
h Sir Rcg/'na/d Bray hath this ample character
by Pot. Virg. Hi. p. 612 *' vere Pater Pair-le homa
'i et/true, ac ita reili arn-ztor, uti quid interdum pec
tatum cct; illud acriter in Henrico [Rqge] repre

Executors undrewritten imediarely after my decee

hall caue a convenient tombe to be made in the
aid Chxpell upon my grave in alle goodly hae af
rer decee as may be if' it be not made in my li

U henderet." He died as Stow in his Ann- p.484, That mxjn Executors hall caue as much of' my
in Isoz on zth Augu/Z next preceding this Fea , lands as hall amount to the yerely value of xl mark:
ztis more probable that it was on the fourth of that above all charges to be graunted and amortied to
Month, becaue his Anniverary was oberved up the Dean and Chanons or' the aid College of Wyn
on that Day at Wind/or. A/hm- Hi. p- rsr, for deore, and their Succeors for evermore, o tha:
Xis carce conceivable the exact Day hould be mi the ame Dean and Chapter and Chanons, and their
taken by that Church, to which he had been a gene Succeors hall be bound for the ame. in uche
rous Beneiactor, and had devied Legacies in his maner and fourme as hall be thought by myn

Will, bearin indeed Dare on that Day. This is Executors to be ure, perpetually whiles the world
regiired in lamir in the Prcrog. Oce, and from hall endure, at the dore of the aid Chapell, where
it the Reader may the better underand the Point my body hall be buried to xiii poor men or wo
that mu thereon arie in Law, between the Lord men xiii i. that is to ay to every of' ym. i I. &e.
I In a contemporary Manueript 'zir rememhred f/Jdt
Sende: who had married his Niece and
the Point
of which
by Leland
in his
Itin. vol.
4, p. 6 edit.

Richard Grey Earl oKent, Sir Henry Staord, ef

tmiaardr Earl of Wiltihire, and Sir Rye ap Thomas
tz Urian were tho/en on 22 Apr. in lhir Tear. H. 7.

. Hearne. The Claues relating to the Church

Wind/or follow
7 Sir Re nold Bra] Knight to penes me p. 312. which Knight: we nd are in thi:
be buried in the Church of t e College of our La Book aid to be preent at 'he Feai inthellowing Twr.
dy and St. George within the Cale of ii/indor at the
Comp. H/illimi Coope Coferarii ab ultimo Sept.
We/Z ende and South ide of the ame Church in 20 H. Vll, ad ultimum Sept. prox- eum Sancti
the Chappell there new made by me for the ame Geocrgii die Mercuri xxiii Apriiir apud Baynard: Cale
entent-alo in the honour of Almighty God, oure 8: * eenwich.

Saviour, oure Lady St. Mary, and of alle the Saints

in heven. and for the helthe of my Soule, and For

Of the Obervation of the Eve of this Fea by a Pra.

Ctian on Horehach, ee Ahm.
p. 358.

the Soules of' them, that I am mooe bounde to

Stow in hir Ann. p. 484 treating of thi: na', " On

doo and praye ore, and For all Chriian Soules, I

will that myn Executours imediatly after my deceae
indevoyre themelf with alle diligence with my
goodes and thiues and Prots of' my eid lands

*' St. George: Even on 21 of' Apri] [it hould be 22]

V Henry with an honorable Company OF Knights

" oF the Order of' the Gartcr, all in their Habits

** rode through the City from the 'Tower of Lon

and tencments by them to be received and had to " don unto Pdu: Church, and there heard Even
make and perFourme, and caue to be made and V ong, his Chappell being there and having rule

perourmed 'he wcrh of the newe il/orh: of the Body of

the Church of the College of our Lady and St. George
of Windeore,
works by
and thurghlyand
to bethe

'* of the queere, and after Evenong the King and

V thoe Knights rode unto Bainard Caell, and
V there lodged that night, and upon the morrow

'< in the ame habits agiain to the aid Church of'

cd and nihed, accordyng and a rer the fourme '* Saint Paul, and went on Proceron, and after
and entent of the foundation theroF. as well in a the divine ervice and oering being done, re
Stone-work, tymbre, ledde, lron, glae, and allc a turned.
m This pretiou: Relich had been homurdhfy received
Perfourmancc of the ame. Alo I will that my onthe 27 of Mar. in the r 9 Tear- Ahm. Hi/Z. p. 562.
other things neceary and requiite for the utter



' Actaub Anno vicemo H E N R I C I Septimi,

Ejuldem anni, " guarto die Maii, hletmiras anrrua; Divi Georgiz' 'cum de.
bita conultatione Wyndeori e celebrata per inclytum Artttzdellia Comitem,
ab illurimo Rege ad id depuratum; cui coannexi unt nobiles Be prae

clari hujus Ordinis

Comes Devoniee,

Comes Exize,

- Dominus Riehardus Goulford,

Dominus Edoardus Poynyngs.
P. 178.

Supremus rebus aliis advigilabat.

Regi Romanorum uadomi cuta incubuit.

Dux Buehyngamite
Marchio Dorett
Comes Oxonia

Comes Northutnhrtle
Dominus Dawbney
Dominus Herebert

Comes Surreyite

Dom. Gul. Talbot

Comes Salopiee

Dom. Tho. Lovell

abfuturi, a exculbaniur a


On the ourth of May the ame " Toar, the annual Fea of St. George
was held at Wyndeor with the Chapter required, by the Earl of 'ArundeL who

was deputed by the mtyl illurious King for that Purpoe; who had a/ling him
the noble and renortoned Knights of the Order
The Earl of Devonhire,
Earl of Eex,

Sir Richard Goulford,

Sir Edward Poynyngs.
The Sovereign was ntinding other Aizirs.

The Emperor was engaged in Buines at home.

The Prince
Duke of Buckyngam
Marquei Dorlet
Earl of Oxford
Earl of Surrey

E. of Northumbcrl. l
Lord Dawbney
being to be ahent, o were
Lord Hereberr
excud by the Sovereign.
Sir Gilberr Talbot

Earl of Shrewsbury Sir Thomas Lovcll

n 'Ihongh the Feival of St. George was oberved


Pool were non obZ-red, yet their Stallt werefull, the

by th' Shot-reign and the Corn anions that attended on former by the Lord Henry Staord, and the later by
him with great ceremony on tJe Fea D , yet it was Sir Rys ap Thomas, who are remembred here, at not
atrward olempnized at Windbr on igit fourth of inalled at this' Time.

May, as appears from a Pri-o Seal dared 28 Apr.

o In H. Vll p. 4., 'tis entred that thee were abenc

20 H. VH, in the uual Form vor that Purpoe.

within the realme, and at yet non Extne, and then
Htrere xriti companions named,to nhome the Dnl-e fit/lows, *' At u/hiche Chapitre the Knyghts beeech

of Auiria mentioned in the oregoi


TZ-ar, and in the

one bythe/heDuke
Titleo oi Ferrara
King ofCaile mu be add
ed, who with

'c eth the souverain, that a. comyox) myght be

" made with a antedate, and a hern-e myve for

aid here to be dead,

ntahe up the Corn/element of this Sotiety. 'Though the " to excue them, that his Grace hathe licened,
" wiche hall remaine in the college.
Httehmentr of the Earl of Derby and Sir eR-icllld


Actahtb Anno 'vieemo H E

iR I


Rex P Dacie jam gramm atque acceptam ui elcctionem habuit, ed
edem non adhuc poiidendain curarat.
Dux Urbinas
Comes (lanttie

nondum in edes illocati, quamquam clecti.

9 Henricus Staordize
Dom. Rje ap Thomas

In Mia uprema Dominus Igrldare in edem uam e introductus, per

rocuratorem uum Dominum Jtoannem Gujliamsz qui liberaliter ' Ocia.
Ebus impcndit.

Poridie dum celebraretur Mia pro defunctis, Vexillum przeclziri Co;

rnitis Derbize Comites Eextle ac Demonize, Enem Dominus Richardus
Goulford Be Dominus Edoardas Poytyrngs, Galeam autem Comes Demonice
6: Dominus Edoardus Poynjngs obtulerunt : Et pari modo Comes FZ-xite

66 Dominus Richardus Goulford vexillum Domini Richardt' Poole, Enenl


The King of P Denmark had now accepted, being plead with his Ele
tion, but had not jet taken Care to ha-ve Pceon ta/een of his Stall.

The Duhe of Urbin

Sir Rye
ap Thomas

were not yet inalled, though eleed;

At the Mas the Earl of Kyldare was inalled

'U '

his Prox] Sir John',

Wyiiams, who was ver] liberal to the ' Qtcers.

The next Da)v when Mas was celebrated for the Dead, the Earls of Eiex"
and Devonhire oered the Banner of the noble Earl of l Derby, Sir Richard

Goulford and Sir Edward Poynyngs his sword, and the Earl of Devonhire
and Sir Edward Poynyngs his Helmet; and in like Manner the Earl of Eex,
and Sir Richard Goulford oered the Banner of Sir Richard Poole,- the Earl of
aplzktzhfbliiding of Denmark hathe accept but is not

H- R. [The Kings Monogram]

Ru) and ri ht welhelo-yed. We ete you nele. And

q His Plate is incribed Hen. of Staord, Son to T whereas it sath pleaed Alrm' t) and to calle unto
Hen. late Duke of Buckyngham 1505, which confirms his innite Merc) the late Er/e o Deifhy and Sir Ri
the Hlnt gie/en in . 1 zl. note p. that Plates were et chard Pole Knight Compamans of the mo noble Or
up at the 'Times ln/ allation, for he was treated Earl dre of the Gartier: We advertie you therof to then
tente that ye hal eau euche uf/Trage and orions to hee
of Wilthire in 1 H. 8.
r a Therll of Kyldare was inalled by Sit John
** William; knyght hys Procurer at high Mae tyme,
" wiche gave to thociers of Armcs v marks', and
_'* his gown to Garter [King of Arms] Ibid.

doon and ated for 'Je etern-ell weale of their soules, as

by thaunceant Statuts and Ordenances of the aid noble
Ordre ye bee boundc in that behalf. Twen nntlre out'
Scale ofthe aid Gartier at oure manour of Grenewicbe
the x-xth

In the Cuody of the Right Honourable the Earl of To our tra/ly and r' ht welheloved

Shreu/shury is the jollotritug Inrument under the Sea/

of this Order.

Counaillctur and night for ourv .

bad] Sir Gilbert Talbot


_ _ - "r-"T" '


Acta ub Anno vice/imo primo H E N R I C I Septimi.

jcolnes Devonize 8: Dominus Pojnyngs, 'Galeam vero Dominus Richard-us
Goulford Zc Dominus Edoardus Pojnyngs. p A 1 _

Domini Ducis Ferrariie, quem ' lma pro mortuo fErcbat, inignia de

poita non unt aut oblata, quoniam ca. mors Supretno nondum igni
rata fuit.
Woe/imo primo '* invictimi Regis Henrici Septimi xAnno, tertio ac) vi
_P. 179.

ceimo die Maii ata Divi Georgii celebritas cum debitis ceremoniis 8: rod
conultationis articulis, Wyndeori uit oen pei Dominum 'Ihamani
z Arundcl/ice Comitem, a Suprenlo ad id deignatumz co tempore ecum
ibidem habiturum
Georgium Comitcm Set/opie,
Henricuzn Exia Comirem,
Dominum Edoardum Pojnyngs.
Snpremus aliis, ut anrc, rebus attentus.
Rex Romazzorum

Rex Caelice

i in Reonis
D uis crant.

Devonhire and Sir Poynyngs his Sword, and Sir Richard Gouord and Sir

Edward Poynyngs his Helmet.

The Hatchments of the Dulee of Ferrara, who was ' reported to be dead,
were not tahen down nor oZ-red, becaue his Death was not jet notified to the

In the twenty r Tear of the mo "invincible King Henry thexseventh,

the] twenty third Day of May the ated Fea of St. George, with the re
quiite Ceremonies and uual Articles of the Chapter, was held public/dy at

Wyndehr by Sir Thomas Earl of = Arundcl depnted by the Sovereign for that
Purpoe, and having with him at that time
George Earl of Shrewsbuiy,
Henry Earl of Eex,
Sir Edward Poynyngs.
The Sovereign was ntinding other Aizirs as before.
The Emperor
Z were in their own Kingdoms.

King of Caile
t ** The Duc of R-rrar, wiche by vulgare and

y 'This was on the Evejor the Fe-'val n'as ol erved

'* of trewth was ded, but bicaue the Soverain had on the 24 of May, for which there is a privy Sie/izl re
" noo certicat, his baner, iverde, helme with maining dared on 27 Apr. 21 H. 7
" Cre was not oryd. H. 7. penes me . 4.
L Afhm. in hik/Ipp. n- 159 mu refer to this Liente
u According to the Method of Chrono ogy, the In- nant, ee his Hi. p. 476, and 'tis aid in the Com

a/Lztion ofi the King of Caile hould have bern in-

mi ion that this Pea/i was prora ned, becaue St. Geor

er-led m the; Place before this Pea/i, which is po/Zponed

ges D

to the 22 Year, ifndlthere enlred by na) of Recital.

val in tone Tmrfell on 18 Apt

was within 15 Days aer Eaier, which Fc i

x Air Ahm.
Here are xxiii Confpanions which with the Prince
_ i H/. p, 538, give; us the Ceremonial
of the Sovereign s olempmung the Fea in 1Gngs CaJ- here omitted complete the Fraternily, there being then
lage in Cambridge.
o Vacancy in 'he Smll of the Dnhe of Ferrara.


Acta ub Anno vicemo prime H

R C I Septimi.

Bil: IZZZZM Z nondum introducti in cdes u_-_s.

Dux Buc/eyzgamize
Marchio Dortt
Comes Surrqize

Dominus Dctwnq

'P de abetia 4 liitcris unt Regiis ckcuti;

Dominus Herebert
Dominus 7130. Level]
Dominus Rye ap 'Thomas

Comes Northumbrize' 2

Comes Oxonize

s guoniam canam albcntix' ua: non iHLic


Comes own-ce

erant, derelicti unt b Rcgis indulgentix;

Dominus Staord
Dom. Gill',Iqldm

r cu juu
. potiucts Regis abant,
5 foris permiu

Dom. Ric. Goulford s



He:F3:$a1-k} were not ye! ina/Ied.

Tke Duke of Buckyngham1

Marquer Doret
Earl of Surrey
Lord Dawbney
Lord Herebert
Sir Thomas Lovell
Sir Rye ap Thomas

_ r 1
s deer-e excufedfor AZf-nce by 'the Kin 's 4 Lette-Yf,

He Earl of Northumberl.

2 becaue- they had

not there
he-um their Caue of

Earl of Kcnt

s Abmee, were [eft to the bKingk Indu/gence;

Lord Staord

e 1 x

-. .

gay-ere abzdmg 5 eebroad [a] the Lent-w' or rather Com

Sir Richard Goulford

mctmd of the Kmg'


c a The/it (in/i K wexje named in oon Left-re, and by

b ** Thee bevng within the realme m: excucJ
' anoderlerrre was Snr Rtce up Them: beyng aloon '** but their Abence remyttcd to fhe Sduuerair;
" ngmed in that lettre pardoned and excued of " pleir Ibul.

if hxs Abence- H. 7. pene: me p- ib.


c Ultm mare. Ibjd.



Actu Anno vicgmahcundo

N R I C I Septimi.

Pralatus, Abbas Towrhyll Be Prior Medmenam, de abentia notati.

In Mia poridiana, Ducis Ferraria unt de 1nore oblara inignia, quia

jam mors illius certo relara fuerat.

Anno Regni ui rvieeimo jZ-cundo Rex ipientimus atque optimus ex
innata ibi bonitare ac miericordia, uotquot Carcer obceratos detinuit', i

umma quadraginta olidos non excederet, libertate donavit.

Cujus ipius anni d decimo die Maii, Georgiana Wmdeori olennitas ober
vata fuit per eundem qui se uperioris anni a Rege deignatum, ibi coaz
ignatos illic habentem

Northumbrize Comitem,
Comitem Salopize,
Comitem De-"oonize,

Dominum Edoar. Poynyngs.


The Prelate, Abbot Towyrhyll, and Prior Medemenam were marhd do

for Abence.
At the next Days Mas the Hatchments of the Duke of Ferrara were oered

as uual, becaui: there was now a certain Account come of his Death.

In the twenty econd Tear of his Reign the exceeding wie and good King,
did, out of his innate Goodnes and Compaon, jet at Liberty all that were dez
tained in Prian for Debt,

the Sum did not exceed forty ShiI/ings,

On thed tenth of May of which Tear, the Fea of St. George was ob

erved at Wyndeor by the zme Peron who was deputed Ief Tear by the
King, having then appointed together with him
The Earl of Northumberl.

Earl of Shrewsbury,
Earl of Devonhire,

Sir Edward Poynyngs.

d In the Collectorhr Cuody is the former Part o the
I-'orarnoche as we have appointed the Fe of Saint
Cerernonial of thisr Fea, drawn by the then arte: George Palron of the noble Ordre of the Garter to be
which hath this 'Iitle *' The Chapitre holden the kept Within our Cael of Windcore on Sonday next
" ix and x day of May, the 22 yere of our Souve cornyng,
" rain LordKing Henry the viith H. 7. p. 7. Ther]
We therfore no! and commaunde ou that, of oure

" of Arnndel Deputee by the k ngs Commyon." 'Ireoure and Money reing in youre andes, ye doo pay
And in Truth the Feiz/al was eld on Sunday the and delyvere incontinently unto oure Trny and Welbe
tenth of May, as appears from the following Privy Sea] loued Sent/aunt William Coope Caferer of our Hou
hold the Sornme of fifty Pound: sterling: for the Ex
printed by
penes and Charge: of the aid Fe, without any Prey?
Rymer Tom. XllI. p. 167.
or other Charge to be ette upon hym for the ame;
And thie our Letter: hall be unto you ujfitiaunt
Super Feo Sancti Georgii de Expenis.
in thatatlie-half.
ven and
Prive Seal
our [Wanor of Riche-i
An. 22. H. 7. Brcv. H. 7. an. 22. n. 41

monr the Thirde Day o] May the a-xii Tere of our

HEN RY by the Grace of God, IGng of England R Plgct'
' and of Fraunce, and Lord of Ireland, to the

Trehnrer and Chamber/aim of oure bchequienGretin-g.


Acta loth Anno nicemoeenndo H E N R l C I Jeptimi.

2 43

Rcx in aliis Regni negotiis pervigil,

Exteri de more condonati unt
Dux Buehjngamia


Marchio DorZ-tt
Comes Oxontle
Comes Surrtyiee

Henricus Dom. Stdord Regiis ad Dcputatum litteris, exculati unt,

Dominus Dawhney
Dominus Herehert
Dominus Tho. Lorvell

Dom. Ryjh ap Thomas

Comes E-xia
Comes Canoiee

quia cauam abentize non oenderant, arbitrio Su

prcmi relicti unr.

Wntonienjis, Prxlatus Ordinis, Sarishnrienis Cancellarius, Abbates

Towerhyll 8: Medemenam omnes de Abentia notati.
Fuir eodem die, Dominus Thomas Brandon in edem per electionem con- P- 131

zwruam jam ante ibi concem, jnxta quod rei dignitas exigebar, intro

Litteras autem facte Commiiionis eo deinatas, egit in con



was intent on other Aairs of the Kingdom.

The Foreigners werepardoned as uital.

The Dnhe of Buckyngham 7

Maraae' Doret

Earl of Oxford

Earl of Surrey

Henry Lord Staord :> were exenjZ-d hy the IGngs Letters to the Deputy.
Lord Dawbney
Lord Herehert
Sir Thomas Lovell

Sir Rye ap Thomas

The Earl of Eex } heron/le the] did not hew their Can/i of Ahence, were Earl of Kcnt

left to the Pleaure of the Sovereign.


The Bijhop of Whincheer Prelate of the Order, the Bihop of Salisbury

Chaneellor, and the Ahhots Towyrhyll and Medemenam were all noted down
for Ahence.

On the ame Day Sir Thomas Brandon was, as the Dignity of that Aizir
required, introduced into the Stall heretofore granted him hy a proper Elehfion.
The So-z/ereigns Herald read in that Chapter the Commion for that Ptopoe,
Tt t

2 54

Actauh lnno oicetino jecando H



greu Cadttciator e Regins, quia Scriha acl quem id pcrtinuerat, moclo de

fuit, ut 8: aliquantilpcr antea.

Staturum e ibidem Rcgiam Majcatem exorandam, ut novum] Scri

ham iuitueret, juraturum ad ollicium illud bene ideliter ac diligenter


Decretum ulterius, ut Sttpremtts admottcatur de indice, cu Ntgro Iihello

ordinis, quem innovatum moclo oporteat.

Poridie (lum pro deunctis Mia eret, PhilippiCetii/ia Re is illurmi

8: Archiclucis Bttrgundiie, qui nupere vivis cxcelcratz vexil um Comites

Northttmhrite ac Salopite, Enem Comitcs Salopie ac De-vonie, Galeam vero

qui initio vexillum obtulerunt 3.

hecatte the Regtyler, to ewhotn that appertained, 'was then as ometime he

fore, ahent.

It rwas there ordained that the King's Majey hould he etitioned to appoint
a ne-"w f Regier, rwho hould talee an Oath attellfaithjitlh' and diligently to
exercie that Oce.

It <was farther decreed that the Sovereign hould gite-e Admonition touching
the Regier or Black-book of the Order, 'which ought forth-with to he re

On the Marrow ruthile Mai rwas held for the deceaed, the Earls of Nor
thumbcrlancl and Shrewsbury oired the Banner of the mo illtrions Philip
King of Caile, and Archduhe of Burgundy lately decead, the Earls of

Shrewsbury and Devonhire his sword, httt thoi <who in the Beginning oered
his Banner 3, oZ-red his Helntet.
e Garter [ing of Arms H. 7. p- 7
f " Md. alloo that hit maye plee the Souve
u rain to ap oint a Regire, and to be worne
a truly and iligently to execute all uche things

came to Windr-- On 'Ihttrdtzy the v of' Fe

brnarjy in the Morning, the Statutes which wer cal
ed with the eall of the Gartere u-eare ent to the
Kyjjg of Caee/e, Gar/er kynge of Armes bare them

*' as to his Oce apperteyneth, and that the Re

*' gere book may be renued. H. 7. 7.
g In another Hand is added after the fering of the
Banner of the King of Caile and Sir Richard Gold

to his reence, and thcare Adelyvered them to the

to and
the viiyte
to the
he lholdthem
zhemp- On Monday 9 oF Fehr. bothe kynges mere

ford. H. 7. p. 7. And in Vinc. M. n. 17 Sir ecretly to ether, and o came Forthe to the kynges
Thomas Brandon is [aid to ucceed after the lkath of dininge C amber, wher ood redy all the knyghts
of' the Ordr of the Gartcre in their gounes of the
Sir Richard Guldeord.
Here are ixteen (bmpanions named, and one inalled, Order, w ich is crimone velvetc lyncd with
he addedEarl
the Emperor,
Den white, hariinge one their Collores, and hood: one
of Urbin,
of Kildare,IGna
thcte ofPrince,
their Sholderes, wheare weare alo all the other
and Sir Gilbcrt Talbot, and if the Stall: of the King lords, the kynge and my lord Prince wearinge alo

of Caile and the Dntle of Ferrara continued empty,

the Number is compleat.
"Iis range that Mr. Ahmole hould place the In
allation of this King under the 22 Far, in his Ht.
P- 337, 345 343, So' ZSF: FSZ: 55> 359, WZ:
449, 559, e 'mt o-oerlootl 'Je introduction o t e
peremonialnehich herefallow: the Narratine o the Oif

the gounes of the Order, and the kynge of Caetle

was in a owne of' clothe of gold, which was very
longe ancFlarge, and o wente downe to the ncdere
gallery, and at the Stayres foote both kynges, and
the Prince tooke their hores, havinge before them

Garter k nge of' Armes of that ordcre, and Tho)

on d'Or hynge of Armes of the Order of the Tho)
'ng of this Kings Hatchments after his Dear J.
onne, they only bering the Coats of Armes of
That Author in p. 559 hath trancrihed the former their lords, and ridinge nexte before the Swoard,
Part. of it, but omitting that which relates principally and before them the Embaadore of Spayne, the

to this Order, the ame thoughftmmhat long, may he Archebuhope of Canterbury, and the buhope of
inerted from Vepaian C. 1 2. in Bibl. Cotton, which Winchere Prclate of' the Ordere, beor them the
was doubtles copied from an Original, drawn by the knyghts of the Order, bearingc company with
then Garter now in the Colle-ctor: Cl-t/fody, which appears
12) the Ranres Collections and Blanhs left in it to be the ome of the knyghts of the ordere of the Thqyone
d'Or, and before them all other lords and knights

r Draught.
Ve pa-m C. 12. in bibl- Cotton.

the myddle dore of the boddy of the Chorche, and

dd Ml
I7 PJi/kingOFC/"ll
Firm; 2, H 7. ilifogjgefjty
le 22',

0 wente ll'
'Itoute enteryng
y m t h'
eir gounes, wit

after their Eate and degrees, which all lyghtcd at


Actazib Anno viccma eczmdo H E N R I C I Septimtt

the quire, tyll they came to the Chapter dore
whearc all the knights did one their mantles, and

which the aid Garter kyrlge oF Armes had the

charge of delyvery bothe of the goune mantle 'and

o proceeded into the Chapter-houe, which was hoode and aoone as the kynge of' Caeelu goune
honely hangede, all the greate board covered was drced about him he came oarthe to the So
with clothe of golde, and the foarmes covered with

Bodkyne, and at the end by the kyng theare was

layd a Cuhene of clothe of gold, whearupon was
layd the ver) Cros, and the Evan elie turned to
the Cannone of the mae, which aye upon it_, ha
vinge ii taperes brcnnyng in the honore ot the

veraigne and there the kynge overaigne put the

Collore of the order about his necke upon his
goune ayeng thes words Followinge Man [i/r &e.

And nearc to the kynge ood Garter kynge of'

Armes which held one his Anne the Mantle and
Hood and incontynente as the Collor was about
very Croe, and at thende on the righte hande his necke my lord Hcrbm put the mantle upon

theare was ordayned a chair for the kinge the So him, the kynge ettynge to his hands, and then the
veraigne ofthe order, with aulle and Cuihenes of Hude attere. And then hortlye Gartere did one
clothe of' gold, and by it a 'toole with lyke gar the goune that the kyng of Cat/feele had gevene hini

nelhin e one thelefte hande of the kynge, and after and came to the kynge his Soveraigne lord and hum
every ody was ettlede, the kin e andinge be bly beoughte his grace to geve thanks to the kynge
gane to ihewe the kynge of Get/Peel', howe there of Cat/fele his onne, which for his acke had gevenc
him that
kyngc of'
weare certein Ceremonyes belonginge to' the aid gave
o the
to his
tihe grace
ordere, and that it was acuomede, that no perone
mighte receaue any habillemente appertaininge to which was nexte to the kyngs' Stalle and thear the
kynge lede him by the hande and put him in his
Stall and oMonto his
&c. oune rie ayeng thes word'

the aid ordere, tylle he had made olempe Oathe

to keepe, and oberve the Statuts, and ordenaunces
of the aid Order, and to underiand, whether it
was his pleaure o to doe or not, who anwered,
that in all things he wold righte willingly doe that
to the ayd, ordcr was ap oynted, and then Garlrr
kinge of' Armes delyvere the Statuts, which weare
ealed with the ealle of the Gartcre, and colationed
by the Regeere of the aid ordere, unto the Bu

'Stalles aftere the due ordere and then beoane the

hope of Wincbr/Zcr Prelate of the ordere, which de

Of Cctetle kie and at the oeringe tyme the kyn e

And then wente all the other knights to their

Mae onqe by the Buhope of c/ieecbeer' and at:

tere the Gopelle the Archebuhope oF Canterbury'
broughte the booke oF the Evangeliies to the
kynge and after the kynge had kyed it, the kynge

lyvered to the Soveraigne, and weare layd under zo C-zeele wente to have ood beiore his Stalle
the Maie booke, the one halfe of the booke of the lyke as the other knyghts dyde but the kynge haed"
Statuts, o that one myghte e the other halfe, for him o muche that he ood no whill and as the

the booke laye oppene, and the kyng of' Caccle kyng was oinge to the oeringe the kynge of
Cace/c wol have gone after the kynge but the

layd his hand one the Cannone of the Mae, and

himelf' rede and made this oathe folloinge in

kynge wold not but deyred the kyuge of CJ/fetle

Frencbe " Nous Pbi/ipp ar la Grace de Dieu Roy to come Forthe with him and then the kyng of' Ca
a de Cai/Ie de Lyon de dien-Me, Archeducq; de Arc
*' viche, Duc de Bonrgoine &c. Promettons & ju
*' rons ur nore Foy & honneur 8: ur les anctez

a Evangiles 8e Canon de la Mie par nous nouvel




v/Iet/e deyred him that he wold lycence him to doe

his dutyelyke a knighte and Brother of the ordere

ought to doe to the Soveraigne but in no wie the
kinge wold not oer him but tooke him with him
one his le hand and o oered bothe together, my
lord Prince gave the kynge his oeringe and the

lement touchez 8: ur le feu de la vraye Croix

que icy e preent devant nous que nous accom
plions & cntretiendrons loialement a nore pou k nge of (/t/(F Chambcrlene gave his lord his
voir tous les eatuz points & ordonnances de o eringe the kyngs Trayne was borne by a Cha
cee noble ordre de la jartiere de point en point none oF the Colledge n/hiclt was alo Deane of the
elon quil e conrenu 8: declare dedeins le liure kyngs Chappelle, and the kinge of Ca/Icllcr trayne
qui nous a ee baille quel avons accepte 8: accep was borne by his Chamberleine havinge the Oya
tons auy bien que y nous les liions tout au Ceres of Armes and other Oycers attendinge as it


long a cee heure preente chacun article, les

quc z promettons derechef les tenir & entiere
ment gardir anz enfreindre ainy nous ayde
Dieu & touts les Saintes.
The Exceptyone that the kynge of Caeele made
and that the Soveraigne did dipence with him was

appertaynethe And o retornede to theire Stalles

agayne then wente my lord Prince and oered alone

havinge ome oyceres befor him and after he had

oered and returned to his Stalle and returned to
his Stall all other knights oered ii and ii together
tyll they had all oerede and medyately as Mae
was done theare came to the kinge ttynge in his

only for ii caues the one was that he mighte

weare the Collore when it pleaed him and not Stalle the Archebuhop oi Canterbury then Cliaun
be bounde to weare it as the Statute wille but at celore of England the Buhope of Wincbcrcre then
his pleaure. The econd not to apper eronally Prive Scale Doctor We/lc and ome other of the

at the Feae or Chapteres and when the (Fathe was kyngs Counell which ther preented the kinge the
done the kyng of Cace/e kyed the Booke and the

draughte of the Ametye of peace with diveres

very Croe and then the Buhope of Whiche/fer newn Artycles and conrmations ofthe aid Amety
Prelate of the Order delyvered to the kynge oFC-z

cele a pen with Inke which kyng of Caecle igned

the Oathe that he had made with his owne hande

and with his owne hand delyvered to the kynge

Soverai ne of the aid noble Order, That done the
Earlle o Surrey Treorere of'England preented the
Gartere to the kynge of CAer/e ayenge the words
in France to the Preentation of garter belonginge
that is to ay, Sir the Soveraigne and amyable Com

ealed with the great ealc and privie ealles and in

lvke maner the lord Sainte Py the Preedente of'
Flander: and ome other of the kinge of fat/feele:
counelle preented him the articles of the ametye
and conrmatione of the ame alo ittyng in his
Stall which weare alo ealed with his greate ealle
and privie ealles and ther yttynge in their Stalles
every eiche Kings igned with his owne handes the
ayd writyngs and that the kinge bade igned he den

panye of the order of the Gartere haue receaved livered to the kinge of Caeelc and thos that the
you to Gc. and theare the kynge put the Garter kynge of' Cria-le had igned he delivered to the
about his legge and my lord Prince buckeled and kyngs hande every eiche interchangeably to other,
made it faie that done he wente in to a lytle houe which Articles are Henricur &e.
which is at the Chapter houe ende who theare did
And thee Articles igned and delivered as be
oe his gowne of Clothe of' gold and immediatly fore Doctore Routballe the kings Qecretary ood
gave it to Gartere kinge of Armes of the ordere uppon a forme in the mydee of the Quire and
and thcar did one the goune of the Ordere, o the theare made a goodly propoition in a very adorned


Lattin. The Eecte of the whiche was to ex ound

the aid Amety openlye and the propo rtione

by Garter kin e of Armes of the Order of the

Gartere And nen after 'Ihoyone de or cried large:

done bothe kyngs came orthe of their Stalles of
tres Prince
Henryiii par
and wente up to the Hughe Altere and theare
ware uppon the Holly Evaungeliis Cannon of la Grace de Dieu Prince de Gales Duc de Cornwall U

the Mae by them manually touched and by counte tle Cheer Chevnlier Frere O Cornpaynion de
the Feu of the very Crole to keepe and oberve la Thoyone de or Larges &e. And after the aid
oyccrs of Armes wente to the Halle and thear ac
complihcd their divere And as that daye weare
book and aftere the Holly Croe and every king erved before knights bycaue of the Straungeres
rede his oathe openlye his owne elfe.
which ervice was righte honorable and umptyous
And the Oathe done bothe kings wente to their and after diner bothe kings rcmayned a great whill
Stales againe and the Buho e of Cheeeheter be in communycatione togethere and almoe as none
ganne 'Te Deum Iaudamrts An after Te Deum was entered that ecrete chambere excepre knights of
onge the Trumpets that ood in the roode lefte the Ordere and certain oyceres knights which all

all the poynts and articles contayned in the ayd

Amety from poynte to poynte and o kyed the

blue, and they blewe continually till the kinge and

that daye throrou he weare their gounes hoods and

the kyn e of Caeele my lord Prince the knights

of the Ordere with other noblcmen and Oiceres
were entered the Chapitcr doare and when the
kynge was in his place the kynge of Ca/leele and
my lord Prince fyte doinge their obbeyance

Collores of' the 'artere except my Lord Prince

wente into the Revery at the Chapter-houe ende

and theare the kinge ofG/leelle and my lord Prince
did of their Habbit of thc Gartere and the kynge
oF Caleele did one the Mantle of the Thoyone

which that daye ware the goune hood and Collore

of the 'Ihozone d'or &e.

Some Particulars in this Ritual may be explain?

ed. Ertrmur ends to Hen. Vlll his Panegyrick on

this Philip King of Ca/ii/e, by an Epitle dared 9

Sept. 1517, on this lnducement '* quippe quern olirn
"i puer jtwenem Fratris 'vice dtlea-eris, quemq; optimus

'* Parens tuus non titulo tantum in lium adoptaret,"

The Treaty entred into at this Time is an

of gold and Tyue urrede and the king of Caeell conteiable ProoF, where the Titles given
oode one the lyFte hande of the kynge and my Frater, Conanguineus, 56 /ius noer cari/mus,
lord Prince at the cornere of the boar and nexte Frater, Conanguineus f/F Pater no/ler carrmus.
and my lord Prince did one a riche goune oF clothe

the kinge of Cteelle and after a lyttlc comrnuny



mer 'uol. 1 .p- 123, &e.

In this

cation or advertemente my lord Prince made his

eremonial We ize with what art/ful So;

Oathe and rede it himelf in Frence and theare lemnity the Oath for the Obervation of the Sta
romyed to keepe and oberue the Statute of the tutes of this Order was taken, to omit the Pro
hoone d'or, the Oathe was lyke in all things to mie made upon the Royal Honour, the Evange
the Oathe the kinge of Caeelle made changinge liis and the Canon of the Mae, it may not be

the Name of the Prince and of the Ordore and af Foreign to ay omcwhat upon the other two Ar
ter my lord Prince had made this Othe, he return ticles, that of his Faith, and the other upon Part
ed into the ame lytle houe and thear Thoyone
d'or delyvered my lord Prince the Gowne and
Mantle of the Ordor of the Thoyone d'ore
and my lord Prince imedyatly gaue and delyver
ed his goune that was o riche a clothe of old
to 'Thoyone d'or kyng of Armes and o came oar
the agaene and then the kynge of Caeelle put the
Collore of the Toyone about my lord Prince his
necke and then the kin e of Caeelle kyed him and
then all the other knig ts kied him beeing of the
aid ordere of the Thoyone in igne of kratenrall
loue and after that the kynge of Caee/e wente into
the lytle rome againe and ther did oF the mantle of
the Thoyone and did on againe the mantle of the
Order of the Gartere and o in the habbyte of the

of the true Cros, ince the former related to the

Faith of' Knighthood, the latter to a Relick then

uppoed to be kept in the Chappel ofWindor.
As to the r Part 'tis well known that in antient
Times Knights avc their Teiimorties en loialte de
Chez/alerie, par a foy de Chez/alerie, per militiam O
ub de militari, It would be omcwhat too foreign
to give the Proofs, and probably the Proteation

upon Honour by the Peers might hence have its

Original, there is an lnrtrment wherein the Per
on wears in rzeritate, qua Deus e/l, O per baptirna,
um, O' per
qua See
indutusyum. rizatus
S. in Arm.
n. 408.
p. 36.
Du tctliet

32, &e.

his pretious Relick oF Part of the true Cros

Ordere of the Garter wente with the k nge and my is mentioned in the Pope's Bull of 18 Hen. VII
lord Prince went in the Habbyte of' t e Thoyone to be kept here, and was known by the Name o?
and o in lylte order wente foarthe of the Cherche Ctoi Nejth. John Roje Hi- Reg. Angl. p. 202,
and rode to the kyngs lodgin s as they came to gives this Tradition of it, that according to 'Irit/et
the Cherccwarde Gartere and

hay/one d*or kin s of

Ed. I, in the Year 1283 received it as a Git from

Armes ridinge and wearing the gounes of Cloths: the Secretary of the Prince oF Wales, that it was

of Gold that the twoe princes had gevene them

and there Coats of' Armes uppon them and after
the ii princes weare come to the upper allery the
kinge wold haue conva ede the kynge o Caell to
his lodginge but he wold not in no wii: the kinge

called Neit, becaue Neolus a Native of that Prin

cipality brought it from the hol Land, and then
he proceeds to inform us from at. Paris that: an
Hermit told Rich. l, then in Pale/line that he hould

Ihold take the paynes and Fynally hee convayed

the kinge to his lodginge and then departed to his.

with a Portion of the holy Cros " gun uq; hodie

And within a whill aftere the kinge went to dyn

a dicitnr." Matth. Parit under the Year 1192 te s

us that an Hermit made uch a Preent, but men
tions not the Name of it, or the Place where it

nere to the king of Caeeles owne lodginge and that

daye the kinges dyned bothe to ether in the kin e

not conquer Jerualem, and then preented him

" habetur apud Windzour C-'T Cros de Neit a t/u/oo

ofCaeeles ecrete chamber and t e kinge of Caeel/e was kept in his Time. Textor. Hi- MS. A. D. 128
ent Garter areward and a righte honorable Largcs Portio ma na Dominice Gucie, qua lingua Wallen l
to the Ocers of Armes and in lyke maner my lord dicebatur *roixeneth Edvardo Rcgi Anglia: cum fa
Prince ent Thoyone de or a reward for himele and

rno/is reliquiis tradehatur, and l/'Valingham under the

alo larges to the aid Oyceres of Armes which following Year writes that one Ntotus gave this
Princes weare cried at the kings Chamber dore, Cros to this King. Leland in Collect. vol. I.
great Chamber and Halle in mannere as Followethe

LaZgee iii du tre/hault trepuiant treexcellent Prince

le o) de Caell de Lion Cro" de Granada Archeduc
de Auriche Duc de Bourgoyne Or. O' Chet/a/ier de

p. 336 b. places it in the next Year. The black

Book of Peterburg p. 109, acquaints us hoc anno
Dom. Rex 'viitoria optenta rediit a Wallia, t? die San
cta Crucis que eecitlerat in jeo Aeen/ionis Domini 11'

la tres noble Ordre tle la arretier which was cried nit London. (5 in cra/iino adt-rata Sancta Cruce (Bai
n a -

C I Septimi. i' ~

A Anno nice/imo priino H E



b Hic autem inclytiiimus Philippa: anni dperioris die Januarii deeinto

exto, cau mirando, nempe uriolo ventorum impctetu, qui dies undecim
immane pirabantt compulus in Angliam, ibiq; regaliter acceptus, reten

tus, invitatus, 8: obitcr in hunc Ordinem admius erat;


7" This mo renowned Philip on the ixteeinth Day of January in the for:
mer Tear by a wonderful Chanoez that is by a furious TZ-mpe/I of Wnds, which
ble-w outraigiouly for eleven Days, 'was driven into England, where he was
royally received, detained, treated, and by the I/Vay 'was admitted into this'



aWallenibus.acqui/iuizfizctaprocqjione &e. Our Re- " was ent Sir 'Thomas Brandon havyng a goodly
cords conrm the Subance, Rot. Well. 11 E-l. m- 1- '*
recite that this King _a't Abereonwey received from "
Avian ap [nor and other wele/omen there named a
a illum pretiozmam ligni erueis partem, quae u Wal 4'

comyanye with hym of_liis_ owne ervamz al

vere y rvell hored unto the See eyde, wiche af

tir they met togedre kept contynnually Compag

nie with hym and when they approched here to

" lenibus Croencyht 'z/oeatur, 65' qnam Lewelinus a Dertfortt, ther met with the foreaid Ambaadeui
a lius Grin nuper Prince s Walliae CGF Anteceores " by the kings comandement the Lord Thoma! Do
U jui habuerunt." The Per/(in who brought it had " hara lord of St. tbrs and Thomas Writhe/Ier alias
" Garttier princypall king of Armes, wiche lord of
Robes yearly allowed him. Comp. Ho/pizii rBEz l,
in Turre. Hugoni ap Ythel Clerico Walliaz, qui por *' St._'}ahn's had in his compaignie xxx of his er
ta-vit ad Regem erucem Neyth ad unam robtm hi f' vauntz all in a lyvery new well hored, every of
emendam pro anno pmenti xx s. This holy Relick e' his gentlemen beryng a Javelayn in his hand,
was at r carried in the Pro rees which the " and every Yeman havyng his bowe and a Shee
King made, Liber Cotidian. 25 . I. in Ye. Re " oiarrowes, and oo convoyed hym tb his log
mem. Regis 39 Maii in oblatiantbits Regis a erueem a ging, and on the morrow unto London and by
de Gneyth in rape/la ua infra Prioratum de Plymp " the waye ther met with the aid Ambaictiideur dy
ton v s. O' ddpinam Corone (hrii &e. And in the " vers Italyent, as the Popys Vicecollector Paulus de
28th Year we nd the Bilhop of Glaeou weariirg " Gyge/es with dyvers and oo Conveyed hym to the
his Fidelity to this King ur le 'eors- nrre Set' neur, " Popis Vicecollectors hows, wet he was logged.

The Re/rdue this Ceremoniul it Wanting. He lode

O la 2.Croys
Ne Yhis
t, O [awas ahe
p. 867.
the greate
ed doubtlee Wit) the Pope: ocer, becaue his Ma er
Care. Jocalia reeepta de euode Garderoba. Memo the Duke of Urb'n was made Confalonere di Sancta
rundum de eruee Gncyt reeepta in uno eo-o cum ede Chiea upon the ered/Yon of lIulius the econd to the
de 'Iheaurario Re is in Turre Ldndon (e- ero Pontirate Caiil. de Aulico p. 4. _
Polydor Virgil Hi. p. 615, who was a Natine of
C. viii. p. 259 in ibl. Cotton, in which Book we
have likewie the Following Entries p. 50', pro ob/a UbiiLgiZ/U thefollouin Nun-ative ofthis Ina/lation;
a Non. multo po [Sex Hcnrlcn: (i/ii) cooptap
tionibus ad eruoem Gneyth in Eeelea atrum mino
dum curavit in CollegiumF. uitum Garterii Or
rum Eborum die Paraceues p. 43. 8 Ed. Ill. In ob
lationibus Domini Rrgis ad truce-m de Gneyth in die " dinis. Guidonem Ubaldum, Ur ini Ducem, virum
paraceves in cope/la ua infra manerium de Clipon '* in Militari ar_te vprobatum, ac latinis gmzci ue
in pretio duorum Florenorum de Florentia vi s. viii d. " lites jiixta doctiiime eruditum. Petivit id e
p. 49- 10 E- lll. In oblatianibus Domini Regis ad cru '4 cus Guidoj utFreftI-Ci Patris longe po hominum
oem Gneyth in cope/la ua injra pahztium Wemona " memoriam princt pis clarimi, qui per Edoardum
eriene die Innentionis Sancta erucis Maii vs. " Regem in illum ordineitranreawienerar; hono
p- 52. II E- lII. In oblutionibus Domini gis ad eru ** rum omnium particeps eet. Et quia fama dl:
eem Gneyth in eapellajua de Wyndeore in die Pa a vulgarat ulium ecundum hominem Ligurem Pio
raeeves v s. 6' in diem Paeha.
" ucceie, Rex uam legationem ad eum miit,

About this Time it is robable that Edw. Ill. '* 8: per illam, veitum inignem Guidoni traden
ive this Relick to t 's Church oF Windttrz "
e Account of the Coerer of Queen Phi "
Ill; in
me Regtnafactis
in Bibl.
in Domi
de Wyndeor ad erueem z/ocatum Croneyt in die ex
ultutionir ejudem ibidem 2 Sept. v s. and it is inven

for in

dum. Guido accepto amictu, haud multo po

nelctium 8c' iroljilem,
ad Henrieuml
per quem' Equites ei pocionem Garterii ordi
nis tradiderntrt."
It may be 'uppoed that this Embaador was the

toried among the Relicks in this Church 8 R. il. Count Balthaar de Cailione, who among his other

Man. Angl. vol. 3. p. 82- de Eeele/its Collegiatis.

Work: in Vere
and Proe
in a particular
the Politeneiof hath
the Court
of Urbin,Treatie

In H-ofVll.
me p.his
17 Proiiior.
b. i: a Narrative of the Regene) of thir Duke, with the mo/h gen/ile Air and
theh Duke
a Style anwerable to the Dignit) of his Subject, wIJicb
" The xx of' Octobre the xxii yere of' our ou he publihed under the Title of il Cortegiano
'For Paulus Jovius informs us, that thtt Author was
" verain lord king Henry the Vllth ther landed at
a Do-z/er a noble Ambaadeur ent from the Duc a Nati-uev of Mantua, which eorreponds with Pol *' of Urbin, called Sir Balthaar de Cailione, wiche dor's Narratit/e; and Sadolet aequaints us, that he
famous for
for Employ
his emi
" came to bee inalled in his lords Name. wiche was
nent asLearning
; ohithismilit
guilt? Vertues,
a/ions foras this

a Duc had rece ved before by thabbot of Glaon

" but) and Sir (ii/ben Talbott beyng the kings Com
a myiionaris the Garetier &e. to thordre apper

ment came _up to the Stric' ne s of the Statute: ; but this

am: tothe
be Scent
full) up ithefe
orted inDis/agrees
that Ilii! to'Iefunt
writer introduces

S teynyng, and to mete with the aid Ambaadeur

U un




. Laxa





cta uh Anno niece/imo prime H E N R I C I Septimi.

Siquidem Regnorum in Hipania jus uum vendicare dum in animo habeh
ret 85 miro cum tri udio Cali tum 'iretcrvectus c Zelandfa, ad deinatos nes


.- .

abiret : ecce abortam re P ente . tcn] eatcm,


P. 182.

- navcs_ dllP ullt> 8: ab

(orpit homines, ut omnc gaudium verterctur in mcrrorem. Navim enim

quit vehebatur ipe cum Regina, olam ad porcum Anglia-e tclluris m]
mouth nomine, tempcas appulit, ubi Miltonia coepit hopitaki. Cxteros
ter mille (quod Fama narrat) vel procella devorarat, vel dilpcrlcrat. (Lun
quam e: uis quidam obabant, ad mare repirantes : prudcntia cum pe
riculo peruadebat, ut pedcm ibi gens, rem totam clcmentimo Regi
denunciaret-p Dcnunciatumid Rex q uam_ lzrtiimus
acceP it> 8: ram _Fae
liciter evaum
cxorans a miis
g ratulabatur: utq ue ei: viere
_ , dmnaretur
o _
illuc omnibus qux dcicrant, quanto excogitare potuit cum honorc 8: ad
IZ: 'erducendum curavit, Be vcnientem accc it in Arcem uam Winde ori:

imo prtmo Januaru, ubi nec a cubiculis 8: lOCIS alus Ornamenta, nec
ab ornamentis precium aberat. Omnia culta, plcndida, 'pli-etioa. Prin
ceps cum ornatimo comitatu bonam itineris cjus partcm cum. eo con

fecit-z cui Rex eciam millc paibus extra urbem obviam acceiit, cum

For as much as while he intended to aert his Right to the Realms in Spain,
andfrom Zcland had paed h] Calais with 'name/lous Dancirzg iziling towards

the End of his deigned Voyage, a Tempe jiiddenl] aroji, which dipered his
Ships and wallowed up his Men, that all Joy was turned into Sadner.


Violence of the Winds drone that Ship, on-hoard whereof he was with his
Queen, ngl] hy it elf into an Englih Harhour called Weymouth, and he
was entertained at Milton, Three thouand other Per/hns (as it is reported) were
either dervoured or dilzerd [i] this Storm. Prudence upon Conideration of the
Danger peruaded him, that aying there he hould end Notice of this Acci
dent to the mcjl gracious Prince, though ime of his [Train] oppoid it, hreath
ing after the Voyage, The King received this New: mojoyully, and congratu

lated him upon his happ] Ecape, earnely intreating him that he would he
pleaZ-d to make him a Vit, and haroing ent all uch Things as were wanting
in that Place, he took Care to ha-'oe him condued to his Preznce, with as great

Honour as could he dervijZ-d, and received him in his Ca/lle of Windor cn the
Thirty r of January, where no Ornaments were omitted in the Bed-cham

hers and other Places, and no Price was uch at rr thei Ornaments. All
Things were garnihed, plendid and coly. The Prince [of \Valcs] with a mo
honourahle Retinue performed a good Part of the Journey with him, and the

King himelf met him at a Miles Diancefrom Windor, hringing him to that
paed in the Court of Usbin in the Far 1505, while " cere, quibus modis illa: dignitates confcrnntur,
etiam male meritis aueruntur, quibus
he himelf was in England " Quibus eti non inter "a quibus
initiis unt owe, qui illarum authores fiuerinr,
" Fueram, orte fostuna profcctus in Angliam &e.
p. 7. p. 264, which agrees exactly in the chronology of *' deniq, in quem nem unt inirurze, quoniam
this Inrument, and it ma) he added that in p. 165,

" eas homines lll omnibus aulis illurioribus per

he propoes the know/edge of military Order: as the pro- V magni eri videmus Go." This Author was after.
per Studies for courtiers. '* Conitueram cqxiidem de wards upon his Embah from Pope Clement Vl] 'o the
a Ordinibus quibudam Equeribus dicere iniga nium varietate celeberrimis. Uc c illud de

Emperor Charles V advanced to the Bi/hoprich of

Avila, but this Proay for the Duke of Urbin was

a Sancto Michaele apud Gallos, de aurea Peri/ce/ide I long before his Entry into Order-s, and probably while he

'* nomine Sancti Georgii apud ring/os, de Aurea Vel. was' Hic/hand to the celebra/cd Hyppolzvte Taurella.
fi [ere apud Burgundos. Iluc ctiam putabam adji





--_-----:-_-*"*. "r-

i Acta ub Anno oicemo prime


N _R I C I deptimii'

'omni honore ac magnicentia ic in arcem adducttirus:

Ilii jocundi vuli

tus, uavia colloquia, geus amici, pares amplexus:

Omnia dulciter,

amene, regaliter omnizi facta. Rex illum tam ublimem 6: tam iiui ac
ceis advenam', ibi inirum accipiens, perordinatiiimehic, iic, illhic;

in agris, plateis, veibulis 8: in cubiculis diloitos optimeq; conitu

tos, nihil honoris aut gratize pro viribus omittentes, uperioribus autem
pctro dignitatc priorem ubique locum occupantibus, ingreus e arcemi

ingula quo
Regem tam
Is qui
cum iis,
turn chorucantia
coimpluribus miriice
aliis e cziuis,

immo tam magniico Hopiti xiiime deferre voluit. Sed ipTe tam xpe
prohibens, equaliter obtulit.

Magis enim venienti aid e honorem exhi- -

bere velle, quam admittere videri voluit,

Cumque po alia quarque

paim in hominibits, equis, ornamentis, harmoniis, armis, tmterilelue

tria jam
ctibicula ditime
8: jam inziret
quctartun] multo

atq; ornatius ut introirent: iebat ibi gradum Rex Philippus, 8: Patrem'

(ic enim eum jam nuper apellare ccrpcrat) omnibus modis orabat atq;

ne velit ultra progredi; nen ad cubiculum ibi preparatum
(quod e minus addecere dijtit) elziborairet. Ille uaviter intuens, ac le
familiariter in lium rejiciens (eo nam 5 jam nomine congaudebat) hzrie
ei tota parari dicebat, nec fore ut in ipg) Genitore plus zimofis jiaternive

deiderii upiceret. Ex ejus nutu familiam, 8: quae illhic erant orriniai,

Caile with all Honour and Magnicence, Their Countenances were pleaant,
their Dicoures courteous, their Beha-viours friendly, and'__their_ Embraces equal.
All Things were rweetly, delicately, royally done. The _ King receiving this
High-born Stranger, whoe happily arriroed hither, upon his left Hand, entred the
Cale through Companies of Perons placed here and there in the Fields, in the
Streets, at the Doors, and in the Bed-chambers in the greate Order and be Ap

pointments, who to their uttermo/i hewed all Honour and Gracefulnts, and in this
tperior Furniture
in Dignityaswere
in thedecribed,
higher Places,
all Things beingthoe
thus who
we have
King was wonderfully pleaed, andfor thoe and other Caues he would-eauentlyr
ubmit to o hind and magnicent an Entertainer, which the other as often prohi

bited, and therefore oered an Eaualiityv, for he was rather willing that Honour
hould be exhibited to the Gue who came to him, than to admit it to be paid to him
elf, and after thee royal Shews here and there in the Perons, Hors, Ornaments,
Muich, Arms, and other Things, they paed through three Bed-chambers mt
richly andplendidly furnihed and guarded, and came to the Entry into the fourth

which was richer and more adorned, King Philip opt there and by all Me
thods prayed and beeeched his Father (for o he had lately called our King) that
he would not proceediurther, and not talze the Pain to condu him to the Bed
chamber preparedfor him, which he iiid did in no Manner become him.

But the

King looking plea/ezntly on him, and ca/iing himelf amiliarly upon his Son, for he
was pleaed with that Appellation, anwered that all thee Chambers were wholly'
pro-vided for him, and that he hould notnd more paternal Lorzie and Aeon in'
his own Father [than in him] That the whole Houe-hold and all Things' there were',


Aciauh Anno




pendere. _Se paterne facturum omnia erga talem lium. Ipie dum cer
'neret in Advencus ui gratulacionem ia parari, tanto magis ad inclina

P_ zg-z, itioneni vere lialem e compoicurus erat : nii Pater ctiatn eo diligentius
id inhibuiliet.

At id a Patre demum obtinuitz ne ic e dimittercr, quin

cum eo ad cubiculum ipius inde imul abiret.

Unde regreus, in con<

'clavi pro VOt0 uo e repouit: Nobilibus antea decentime lalueatis

'manuque deprenis. Itum e tune ad prandium. Smta namque jiejunii
8: ab recinuerat.
utroquc riteA obervata.
illi ua
ibi Re
ginm erat
prandio 8: Rex
ctoertas ingulorum
dierum horas, itus ac reditus hinc inde frequentes utrorumque Regum,
cum zcrcti tum maniei alterius ad alterum, ilutationes, colloquia,
convivia, chorear, tripudia, venationes, iuis, quibus przeruebantur

omnia, qua: pectarent ad perpetuo jungcndam amicitiam. Nec ita jo

cis tamen ac olatiis inabant, ut eria praeteiirent, utriuque conilia uas
horns 8: eorum 8: inimul habebant. Inter hazc olenne Mariana Pus
rtcationis, per omnes ritus ac ccremonias ab utroque plendidiime ce

lebratum ez Sex ita dies acti peracti unt.

9\narto Fehruarii, mittuntur

ibidem ad Cailia Regem militaris Ordinis si ubligaculo nominati Sta

tuta, ut perlegcret ac pervideret, hiis nd inducere pot in animum ut

obringi velit, Be deinceps in 'ocietatcm eligi.

(lad ummus Cubicularius Regis tradidit.

Tulit Caduceator Regius,

Qginto die po, ubi libens &t.


at his Command, that he would do all Things towards itch a Son that helonged to
a Father. He when he itw thee? Things prepared to congratulate his Arrival, jb
much the more was inclining himelf to hew a true lial Dutj, his Father had

not with the greater Diligence prohihited it. At la however he ohtained this Re
que from his Father, that he hould not thus tahe his Leave, hut that he would go
with the King to his Bed-chamher, ond heing thence returned, he repoed himelf

according to his Dere in a Clot, having hefore mo decently aluted the Nohle
men and taleen them hy their Hands. Then Dinner was had 3 for then it was an ap
pointed Fa Day, and was ohZ-rved hj hoth Kings according to Ctom, The King
granted him his own lodging Room, and uZ-d himelf the Qgeens. After Dinner,

andfrom thenceforth on certain Hours of ever] Day, thee Kings vi/ited each other
-eouentb' in private and puhlich, salutations, Dicoure-s, Banauets, Balls, Dances,
Huntings, Gamings were prepared, and all Things provided, that could contrihnte
to cement a perpetual Friendjhip. The) did not however indulge themelves t far
in thoh Pleaures and Recreations as to omit their erious Aitirs, the Councils of
each King hoth Z-paratel] and together jitt at their Hours. The Solemnity of
the Purication of the Virgin Mary, was plendidly celehrated h] hoth Kings

with all Rites and ceremonies; thus ix Days paZ-d over.

On the fburth of Fe

bruary, the Statutes of the 'nilitary Order denominated from the Garter, were
then ent to the King of Caile that he might read them over, and determine,
whether he purpoid to ohlige himjZ-lf to the Ohervation of them, and coni
auenttjr be ' elected into this Sociery. The Kings Herald carried them, hut the

Kings chief Chamherlain deliverd them. On the fth Day following, when he had
i He had heen elected in the [8th no. See Introd. p. 86. and here above p- 242


Acta lah Anno 'viceimo prime

C Lzeptimi. U go' r

cum gratiis ingcntibus acceptarrit, nedum oblatis aenherat: magna cele

britas e initutiz qua, quanto oportuerat cum hdnore, uciperetur in

Ordinem. Illuri tum utriulue Ordinis, inquam ubligatuli itque
Velleris unt:
qu bini,
hine, inde(an
terni ociati
tuarien L 8: Wintonieig/is Anties Prxlatus Ordinis, adjuncti imt: e-'

uuntur unzi duo clarimi Reges, ad concilium ineundum in loco' ilo"

deiceniltiz Domum ad id dicacam ibi trabeis induti nori iibeunr,

jam vero vel aureis vel alioqui preciois ornamentis replendentcm. Po;
ita in medio uper pulvinar aurcum Crux veneranda, cum Evan

geliorum libro, loco Canonis aperco, cereis ex utrque parte collucen- .


E veigio Nominatione Etct, 8: Suprcmo ub aureo tegmine',

pulvinis imilibus appoitis, edenti cum quali decuit honore tradit.

Philippus Rex Cailia ulcroneo ac unanilni conenu ad iilignem lnne

Societatem eleflus e.

Tum Supremus aurgens, Electun] informat de Ce- P- *34*.

remoniis 8: Statutis Ordinis, ad quae nii quis ante e volens drinxerit 8:

jurarit, ad lnignia umenda nequaquam poic admitti.


omnia (e promiic obervaturum, ac ad ucipicndum juramcntum e'

paratum ee dicens, manu uper Canonem (uppoito libro Statutorum,
quem Przelatus 5. Scriha umens ibi collocrat) Poit, jus illud jurandum
przeitit in hunc modum- '

not only given his Aent to thee Statutes oered to him, hat willingly had ac'
cepted them "with great Thanhs, a great Solemniiy was appointed, wherein hehould
he admitted into the Order with as great Honour as was required. Both
thee Kings together proceeded to the Place where the Chapter was to he held,

heing proceeded h] an illurious Series of Nohlemen of hoth orders, that is of

the Garter, and of the Golden Fleece, who went two together, on this Side
our Country-men, on the other the Foreigners, after whom the Emhanlor of
Spain, to whom the Archhihop of Canterbury and the Bihop of Wincheel
Prelate of the Order were adjoined. Ours in their Mantles enter the Room appointed
for this Service, which at this Time hined with Gold or other precious Ornaments.
. The Cros to he wor/hipped was placed in the middle upon a Gold Cahion, with
the Book of the Gopel, the Place of the Canon heing open, and wax Candles

hurning on, hoth Sides. The Nomination heing immediate] ' made and delivered
with due Resverence to the Sovereign, itting under a' Go d Canop] 'with the Iihe
Cuhions, the King of Caile with a free and unaniriious Conent was eleiied
to this famous Order. Then the Sovereign ariing, informed the Eletr of the
Ceremonies and Statutes of the Order, and that no one could he per
mitted to take the En/igns, unle he
willingly' hound himelf and too/e an

Oath . for the OhZr-zzation of the Statutes.

Who heing aslzed, aid that he

promied to oherroe all Things, and was read)- to take the Oath, and putting,
his Hand upon the Canon, placed upon the Book of Statutes which the Pre
Iate receiving it from the Regter had laid there, took his Oath in the fol;
lowing Manner.v


Actaub zlnno vieeyzimo primo H E N

l C I Septimi.

O S Philippus Dei gratiii Rex' Ca/lilize, Legionum, at Granado, Archi

dux Olrichie 8C Burgundize, promittimus 8: ful) de nora, ac lio
nore Regia, per hzcc Sancta Evange ia Dei, Canonem Mim, 8: hanc ve
ranz Dominice Crucis portionem, quae coram hic Statuuntur, 8: manibus

hice noris modo tangimus, juramusz quod. omnia przeentis Ordinis

Statuta, juxta quod continetur in Libello nuper ad nos mio atque a.

nobis acccpto, perinde ac i quiquis articulorum hic nobis recitaretur;
obrvabimus 8: de articulo in articulum adimplebimus, ram deliter ac

prompte quam Nos Dei ipius 84: anctorunl ejus auxilium exoptamus.
Duo tantum ex omnibus quzr continebantur in Starutis, Rex Philip

pus ibi relaxari petiit; quorum prius erar ut Torzuis uus atque aliorum
lnignium arbitrio iio permitteretur, alteruin ut kuturis ipemer conciliis

non arctarerur intereer, quzr Supremi dipenittio plene contulit.


oculatis omnibus per quae jurarat, acceptque penn a Przelatoujuramentum quod przriterar, iple ua Syngrapha conignavit, 8c con igno
tum Supremo reddidit. Supremus acceptum a Caduceatore ubligar inirat
ejus tibia: induxir, 85 Princeps axit. lnde Togam exuens, quam habe
bat auream, in poico vicino, propriam Ordinis Togam, Trabeant, Hume
rale, ac Collare atim induit, 8: ie indutus ad ocietatem le adjunxit,

cum qui cxtera e parabat ut impleret.

Supremus in edem uam eum

lolenniter introduxit, 8: ad locum indc uum (ee recepit, quem Equites


E Philip by the Grace of God King of Caile, Leon, and Granada,

Archduhe of Auria and Burgundy, do promie and by our Faith and

royal Honour, by thee holy Gopels of God, by the Canon of tbe Mai, and this
true Piece of our Lord's Croi, which are here placed and touched with the/i
our Hands do wear, that we will oberve, and from Article to Article hall
fulll as faithfully and readib', as we heartily wi/h the Help of God himelf
and hid' Saints, all the Statutes of this preent Order, as contained in a Boole

lately ent to us and accepted by us, in the lime Manner and as

every of

the Articles had been here recited to us.

King Philip deired to be releaed only in two Particulars out of all that
were contained in the Statutes. Of which the
was that the Ue of the
Collar and of the other Enigns hould be left to his own Pleaure, the other
was, that he hould not be forced to he himelf preent in future Chapters', which
the Sovereign fully dipened with. Then htng thoe Things on which he
had made his Oath, and taking a Pen from the Prelate with his own wri

tingigned that Oath which he had too/e, and thus igned delivered it to the


The Sovereign receiving a Garter from the Herald put it about

the Kings left Leg, which the Prince [of Wales] axed or buchled, and then

in a hack Room putting o the Gold Gown which he wore, he inveed him

lf with the Surcoar, Mantle, Hood and Collar, and thus inroeed ad
joined himelf into the Society, and prepared himelf to fulll _all other [Mat
ter: required. The Sovereign ilemnly introduced him into his Stall, who
then Fldl himelf in his own, and all the companions followed him by entring

Afia juh Anno oiceimo primo H E

alii ad cdemquique uam equuti unt.

I C l ieptimi.

Mim Cicerens Epicopus

celebravit, in qua cilicet Rcges obtulerillnt, quantillixm vix apparuit,

Supremo prccedentc: quamquanl

Eleus pro' virili erie u ube

qui pexoptrat. Cxteri pomodum' ordine quiilue uo imile acrii

cium percgerunt. Sub nem Miie, venerunt ad Snpremwn Archiepico
pus Cantuarienis, magnus Cancellarius, Epicopus Wintonien/is Przrlatus,

Secretiq; igilli Cuos, 85 Doctor l-V cum aliis quibudam 5. ecretis Re

gi, erentes ecum articulorum Codicillosz qui ierant excogitati de r
nunc tam Clare
coeperat modo
inter maximos
mos holcctcleua:Principes.
Nec abimili

dria cum aliis Rcgis Cailia conultis, Codicillos uos ad cum attulerunt.
Sigillis utrinq; irmati unr, 8: Regum Syngraphis utiq; cummunici. Suos

inde Supremus Regi Cailia, 8: iple contra Supremo reddidic: ut in ipius

amicitiee rmitudinem perpetuo durarent.

Poea paratus ad id, oratio

nem liabuit, laudis 8: gaudii plenam. Qui. nita in Ara ublimi juratum
e iterum al) utroq; per Evangelia, Canonem, 8: cveranz Crucem Domini

in ingulos articulos hujus foederis. Hiis actis, Rex Cailiie cum Principe,
Supremo prxlalutato, rediit in lcrarium, eu concilii locum: ubi quod iple
geierat in umendo clarimi ubligaris Ordine, idem nobilimo Principi

prxitit in Aurei Velleris Ordine capiendo '*.


their Stalls. The Bihop of Chicheer celehrated the Mas', in which thee Kings
oered, hut it did not appear how much; 'Ihe Sovereign preceeding, although the
Elect rather wihed to his utmz to have followed him in his Turn. The others

afterwards in their proper Order performed the lilee Sacrce. Toward: the End of
the Mar the Archhihop of Canterbury, the Great chancel/our, the Bihop of
Wincheer Prelate, the Keeper of the Prive) Seal, and Doffor We faith others
of the Privy [Conncil] came to the Sovereign, hringing the Articles of the

Treaties which were agreed upon to confirm that Amitp between thee mo power
ful Princes which was now lb manifejlht hegun, and in theame Manner the Lord

Sayntpye Pre/ident of Flanders, with other Couneellors of the King of Caile,

hronght their Articles to him. Thei- were e/lahli/hed on hoth Sides hy the eals, and
conrmed with the Sign Manuals of the Kings. And the Sovereign delivered his
to the King of Caile, who delivered his to the Sovereign, that the) might re
mainperpetually as the Pirmneis of this Amitp, and he heing prepared made a Speech
full of Praie and Joy, which heing ended each King again tooh his Oath at the

high Altar upon the Goels, the Canon, and the trae Cro/i' of our Sa-'vionr to e-verj
Article of this Heat), Which done, the King of Caile hit-ving
eilttted the

Sovereign, returned with the Prince [of Wales] to the Chapter-houe or Place
ofContltation, where what he had former] done in taking the mcjl renowned Or
der of the Gar-ter, was likewie performed),to this mo nohle Prince in receiving
the Order of the Golden Fleece i.
h [ames IV King of Scotland on 2 ld. Mart. 1535 Oceanum navigabas, longiuq; domo prozctus jam
write: to this King of Caile. Lirteras abs re, Riche mquora pcrcurreras; cum uborra maris tempehs
mondee datas, hic tuus armifer quarto Idus Man-ii

nobis reddidir, Princcps illuhis: qnibus me cer


dura pelagi dicrimina iniulir, quo lurbine undis

jactatuis, 8: curu dejectus in Britanniam recro due
rius ekcilteris. Caiera tuorum clas foedius di

tiorem facere geiis, quomm modo ad tuum Ca

ellze regnum dudum proper-ans, in altum evectus jecta, alii alios expel-ii caus non unum inula: por

P. 185.


Acta ub Anno oicemo tertio H E N RI Cl Septimi.

Anno prxpotentimi Regis Henriei Septimi 1 woe/imo firtio, eptimo
die Maii, Georgius Comes Salopize, Regias ibi vices adimplens, Wtindejbri,
Divi Georgii celebritatem obervavit; ibi conociatos habens, Heurieum
Dominum Staord, Carolum Dominum Herbert, Dominum Thomam Loroell,
Dominum Edoardum Poynyngs, 85 Dominum Thomam Brandon.
Supremus arcluis regni negotiis impeditus, abetat.

Exteri, quemadmodum antea empcr, excutti

P. 186.

Dux Buchytzgantite
Comes Arundcl/in
Comes Oxonite

Comes Surreyie

Comes Cantize
Comes Dervonize
Northumbrite I

z excuati-unt Regiis litteris.


Dominus Dawbney
Dominus Rye ap Thomas

The twenty 'third Tear of the mal powerful King Henry the Seventh, on the
wenth of May, George Earl of Shrewsbury

the royal Oiees, ob

fer-ved the Solemnit of St. George at Windor, having companions with him,
Henry Lord Sta otd, Charles Lord Herbert, Sir Thomas Lovell, Sir Ed
ward Poynyngs, and Sir Thomas Brandon.
The Sovereign,being hindred by the weighty Aizirs of the Kingdom, was abent.

The Foreigners as always heretofore were excujZ-d.

The Duke ofBuckynoham
Earl of Arundcl)
Earl of Oxford
Earl of Surrey

Earl of Kent

I were exeuzd by the Sonereigns Letters.

Earl of Devon
E. of Northumberl.
Lord Dawbney

Sir Rye ap Thomas


tum ubeunt- Sed hanc procellse rabiem Dei opt. item nobis Soctrum multo antea donaveras
mox. providenme imponis, quo invictiimi Regis Placent 84: illa novi Ftraderls vincula, uceptaql; 8:
Soceri non iudium in te clarius foret; quem li-

data utrinq; Ordinum rnignia, qmbus alter a te

berali animo te tuamq; gentem, tantaq; humanirate rum ingenti gloria acitis,&: ex amicis amicimos
excepi: przdicas, ut nec [i/io quidem uo pluris obringitis; cum tanto ummorum Principum utri
quicquam optandum fuerit: cum illius tu meritis uq; Ordinis teiimonio amborum foedus celebrare
ribis, Princeps o time, af
contra reponurus, vetus amicitiae pignus novo oe voluiiis.
Fuiem, 8c Vellem,
dextram utjunxiem
Go. Epiihllac. iv.v,

dere renovaveris, renovatumq;, ucepro Regii Gar

terii Ordinis decoramento, volens rmaveris: utq; 8: Mar. Regurn Scotorum p. 6.

viciim illuhem nobis Fratrem Valha Principem

celebratiimo opulenti Vlleris ordine initiaveris:
l A Privy Seal dated at Greenwich on 25 Apr.
quo itidem munere acratiimum tibi Principem 23 H. 7, to pay Edward Cheeman Co/ferer of the
IZom-'norum Regem emper Auguum, Sereniimum

Houjebold so l. for the Expenret of the Fr of the


__ c._---_-"'Ll

Actaub Anno oicemotertio H


ill tis-prime',

Commio faiia tinenti Locum Suprieniiz it: habebat;
EN R I GU S Dei gratia Rex Angliat Franciaz Dominus Hibeinie

8: Supremus illurimi Ordinis Militaris in Anglia, Omnibus ejus

Con orcibus nunc ex praaizripto Wndeori congregantibus oawo hquena

tis Maii, lalutem.

Certiores vos facimus, quod ob

raves cauas qui

bus impuli umus, elegimus, Be virtute prarcntium litteraruni agna

vimus, dum ac bene dilelzum Nobis co natum norum Salo ' _Co
mitem, 8: familiar norae GEconomum aud immeritum, a olitam

celebritatis illius obervationem, ram Zin conultando quam caztera qux

que prarando in honorem nori atque Ordinis ipius.v (Ware vobis
imperamus, ut interim ei tariiquam norx Majeati pareatis, in om
nibus qua: pectant ad decus Ordinis 8C norum; icut gratiam vos
ipi noram expectabitis. Greneaoycbia viceimo nono Aprilis.
Sub "' initio 'oice/imi quarti (Equentinhic feliciimus Rex, quod nature
dehuic, exolvit. De quo multo iitius e tacere, quam Pauca dicere.

The Commiom made to the Soroerezgtts Lieutenant was thus.

E N RY by the Grace of God King of England and France,
of Ireland and Sovereign of the mo illurious military Order in
Eng and, To all the' Companions thereof now by a Decree to he aemhled at

Windor on the eighth Day of May following, Greeting.

bVe certzfy you,

that for weighty Cauis by which we are moved, we haroe eleed and by Vi -

tue of thei- preent Letters have aigned our tru/ly and welhelo-'oed Kinman
the Earl of Shrewsbury, the worthy Steward of ourHouehold, for the uual
Oherwance of that Solemnity, as well by conulting, as by performing other

Matter: for the Honour of us and of our Order.

Wherefore we command

you that in the mean Time ye ohey him, as you would our own Majeyv, in'
all Things which belong to the Honour of the Order and of us, as you would
expel? our Far/our.

At Greenwych the twenty ninth of April.

In the Beginning of his following twenty "' ourth Tear, this 'm happ"
Prince paid the Debt which he owed to Nature, of whom, tis better to Ze

glorious Marsir St. George now hortly to be kept for

'The Lord Herbert in his Hov) in the i4th Tear of

this preent Year: within the Cfl of Wyndeore

l Hcn. Vlll, p. 1 14. relates that this Prince being then
Here are only omen companions, all the Forei nm Emperor arrived in this Kingdom and that one Mo
without naming t em are omitted, The Dube of rbin ti-oe of t is Journey was' to be inallcd ptrjonally of the
died on th' xi of the preceeding Month, Mtl if the Order of the Garter at Windor, while our long who
Prince:> the Emperor Maximilian, [Gng of Denmark, was to [it as Chit there, took for a ingular Honour
Mrques of Dorer, Earls of Eiex and Kildare, the that o brave an great an Emperor hould in o bu y
Lord Henry Staord and Sir Gilbert Talbot be add and did ult 'Times undertake a Voyage to badmittcd

ed, the .S'ociety will be completed, the Stall of the IGng into toat mo noble Frllau/hip, and after a Narrative'
of his magnicent Reception, that noble I-lrorian '5 of
of Spain being empty.
" the liar-try' cannot' omit that on Lune the 19 this m

m Charles
was chnm
into n.
thist. "a Peror
the Robes
of t e Order,
in his Stall
the other
on 20 Dec.
m H.o]7.Auhia
Set Introdulil.
p.- 87,
being at that Time under ten Tears of Age.
_ '5 in all ceremonies and Ritss uual at thal 'Iimi

- ' "T"





Adeo laus ejus exuberat, 8: benefiactokuni rrctla memoriaque redundat.

De dotibus anilni narrate i velis, e uc artis prius, aut lbquelw quam
matcrim copia deciat. E (Zlpienci prxditum intellekimus, prudenti,
fblerti : qui tam uos in tran uillitate' quam orancbs in debira ub:
P. 187. jectione ortius continuit, quam 1 cruentis atque immanibus armis rem

agicaec. Ea juicia uc quoque ubditos tam virtutis amore quam

formidine paenx ibi deditimos haberet: 8: exteros quo ue 'pluri

mum ad e diligendum alliciens, Principes imprimis ad ineungam ecum'

amicitiam, anitateque jungendum nguinem excitaret. Et quia tam
quam vircutibus aliis, veluti mira temperantia, inigni continen

tia, przeanti Facundia, immota patientia, native. miericordia, magni

centia, pietate, czeteris ui temporis antecelluit, quai conlbna totius Chri
ianmi voce tum prarcipuus Eccleiae deique Chrii defenor e ha

bitus: cujus prcerogativx candidimum titulum illurimus Hzrres ejus

nueritiiime rece it, 8: receptum, ita percolic, ut quod Pater egregie

coepit, lius ab olutiune perciat. Ejus inuper i pratclara Eicta nume

rarem, i ructuras elegantimas, numeros rezrdiicationes, cum alibi
tum Mmonaerii
umptus praeclarime
i cactera aquae
per it
videor armare
poe neminem

ilent, than to ay a few Things, b abundant is his Praie, and b over/low

ing is the Fame and Memory of his good Deeds. If you hould attempt to de
clare the Endowments of his Mind, you would nd a Deciency in the Terms

of Art and speech, rather than in the Copioujniei' of that Subject.

l/Ve ex

perienced him -aught with that Widom, Prudence, and subtilty of Reach,
that by them he more
contained his Subjects in Tranguilliity, and Foreig
ners in their due Subjection, than
he had managed by cruel and dreadful
Arms. He was of that Juice, that all his Subjects became addied to him,

as well upon the Love of I/ertue as the Fear of Punihment, and thereh he
aured the Foreigners likewie to lorve him, epecially he thereby excite the
Princes to enter into Leagues and Anities with him. And becaue he excelled
his Contemporaries as well in thee' as other Vertues, as by a wonderful Tempe
rance, a remarkable continence, by an excelling Eloquence, unmorved Patience,

a native Cornpaon, Magnicence and Piety, he was by the unanimous /hice

of all Chriendom then eeemed the principal Defendor of the Church and of

the Faith, the bright Title of which Prerogative his mo illurious Heir mo
deerrvedb' received, and adorned it, that what his Father had thus excellentl]

begun, he his Son mo/l abolutely nihed it.

mo renowned Aions,


[hould enumerate his

I hould ca in his mo elegant Struiifures, his nu

merous Repairs, the great Charges laid out at Weminer and other Places,

methinks it might be armed that none of his Predecezrs from the Tme of
This later Part is Fact, Hall 'rho 'night remember we not onl) find that he had heire this Time oberved
it, nrites that on Corpus Chrii Day, thee Princes the Feival of this Order in 1518. lntrod.
with great Triurnph rode to the college of Windor, note u. but his Plate remaining in the Princes tall at
where the Emperor rrore his Mantle of the Garter, and Windor is incrihed Charles Archiduc dlurich,
fate in his own Stall, and gave to the Heralds CC Prince des Epaigncs, &e. which implies he was in
crattnes Hl- p. 99. But it doth not hence follow that alled his Proilor even before the 'Iitle of [Gng of

the Emperor was then tri/failed, according to the Ac- Spain ecended to him.
eeptation t] tion' Word in the Rules of this Order, for



term, non huic poponendum.

Nec moratur publica vox hunc alte

rum Solamonenz appellare qui potentia, pientia, diviciis ic excelluic.

iInter omnia tamen vel hoc unum arridet Omnibus, quod lium adeo

ui imilem id e omni modo prxantirnum Nobis reliquerit, cujus

hic ubduntur annales ad hunc altem Ordineni attincntes.
the Conque/z', ought to he preferred before him. _C0mmon Fame made no Di
culty in denominating him another Solomon, 'who like him exeelled in Power,

Idom, and Riches; aho-"Ue all this rwas acceptable to erveiy one, that he

left us a Son r like himelf that is erveiy V/a] excelling, 'whoe Annals, re
lating at lea to this Order, here do follow.
This King in his Will dated the la Day of March
1509, devil/es the following Lqga . " Alo we give
**" and
Sainte god,

1 " the aid College at the daies of' olempne es,

" College of Windeore, and to the Dun and Cha '*
" nons of the ame College that nowe be and *'

and uche other t mes, as the Deeme and Cha

nons of our aid .ol]ege hall thinke convenient
and honerable a grete Ymage of Saint George of
Gold, poying cclx unces garnihhed with Ru
bies, Perles, Saphires, Diamoxrds, and other

'* that hereafter hall be, For a per etual] Memorie " Stones, the which Ymage is noiv in our el]
3 there to remai ne, while the &orld hall cn a houe.
: dure, And to?e et upon the high Aulter of

v an?

p, 268
p_ me,


Aiiath Anno prime

N R l C l Octaoi.

RAN T t hii imul ilqllites Anno invictilni Regii 5 Henriei Oa-wi

roicemo Sexta; verum hic ub. initio' Regni' ejus poiti unt; ut

uoniam ulcherrima plendidiiimi hujus Ordinis acies vel einel aperien

do. Fuit: lxltem ibi eret ubi Supremorum metitimus, &in quo prece
dentium omnium virtutes apprime relucerent, inciperet.

Cujus magni

tcentiimum quidem animum erga Dei glorian1 Be decus Equere, l-Vjn

dteori, maxime conpicuum, ingulariter aectum nihil addubitabit, qui

quis Annales hic equentes ordinate "continueque digeos (quod aliis vix
ucontigile videtur) bene coniderabit. Quque ut Regalimi pectoris, 8:
erga Collegium militare pluiluam benevoli, nihil omium indicarct, Stil

tuta quoque clarimi Ordinis, rogatu nobilimorun] Eouitum ejudem,

quod in hiis quxdam' abruiora 'atque intellectu dihcilia videbanturl,

exactime caigavit, ac apette declarans atque interpretatus intellectui

ubi res pocebnttaddidit:
8: ubiq-,clarumlu1nen
Et rebus

7 l 'HESE were Knights 4 at the lime Time, in the twenty ixth Year of
the mo in-'oincihle King I' Henry the Eighth, hut the] are placed

here in the Beginning of his Reign, That ince the mo beautiful Appearance of
this mo nohle Order was to he at lea once placed in a View, it hould he done
there where the mo deerroing of Sovereigns, in whom the Vertues of all

the former hone forth in an extraordinary Manner, hegan : Whoi mo magni cent Mind, ngularlj aZ-&ed to the Glory of God, and the Honour of Knight

hood, which appears in its greate Lulre at Wyndeor, none will call in Queion
that hall dal] conider the Annals here following, which are digeed in an orderly
and ten-interrupted Manner, (which can hardly he thought the CaIe of the re) and
who heing of a mtji princel] Soul, and more than ordinary well aected towards

the military College, to hew no Omion on his Part, did alb in the exaej Man'
ner reform the Statutes of the mo nohle Order, at the Reoue of the mo nohle
Knights thereof, hecauh ome Things emed therein too ahrue and hard to he

underood, and explaining and interpreting them clearly, reored them to their
mo eroident Seni and true Perfeon; where the Matter required it he inlarged,
where the contrary was feaahle he contraed them, and in all Places he garoe
a new Light to them, and haroing ittled Matters as well at home as ahroad in
a In the Original tis-fairly 'in-ned the Repreentation
Upon his Admton into the Order of St. Michael,
of the Son-ent; n with the Kni hts Campanian: at a he in his Oath made a Roa-mation for the Ohert/ance
hapter, a: al o of their Proeeion to the Altar, which of the Statutes of the Ordersjormer: received by him.
will he decribed 'nder the ment) ixth Year, to which
Mr. Ahm. p- 120 writes, that He was alo Knight
o the Order of the Elephant in Denmark, and be i:
it relates.

h 'Thishe Kin
was a with
brei n o placed in Bircherod de Ordine Elephant. p. 32, 95.
the Toioi) everal
d'or ninthe
But i he nas of this Order, he doubtles received
whi e he towasthePrince
of Nvalcs,
oon o
'was Prince of- Wales, ee ahoz/e p. 263. after he he itAccrjion
duringor the
eense IGn he made a Proxy on 19 May 1516, to ap
pear in 51: chapter of that Order, ee Introd. p. 87, King of Denmark, who had hecn elefled into He Gar
And on
Apr. 1 18- The [ing of Caile deires ter, in or before 18H.7, for 'tis improbable he hould
him to nominateucs Men, as were hy him inerted in receive the Elephant without giving the Gartct, which
a Letter to he companions, and that he would he pleaed no other King of Denmark had during' his Reign, and
under hit Seal to appoint ome Knight o] that Order to this IGng John died 20 Febr. 1513
he his Procurator in the next Chapter. CZ-ll. Tho. Ma
cr in bibl. Coll. leu Oxon


lcta jub' Anno prime H E N R [bel Octavi.

tam domi

uam oris optime Fxliciiimcqtte compditis, celebritatuul

Divi ui tute aris Georgii, ritus ac ccremonias uis dcindc loco ac tempore
vel ipe quotannis CkCg-it, vel aliis exactiime ut vice prrranda 'cura

vit, Concilia nuquam non oportune tenuit, (St quae nienda forent
optime conultimeque denivit, velut inia (no loco patebit. Ea ne
Statutorum elucidatio coepta e nobiliimi Principis undecimo, ed
anno quarto decimo conummata: ubi Zprout Ordo depofcit) Latino
decribetur eloquio: Illud autem ipim Gallico vel Anglico Sermone i
Caduceatore Regia, cuja id intelrerit, requiretur.

Jam vero deince s An

nales illos hujus invictiimi Principis attente roequemur, edulh prel

caturi, ut prxterea quam numeroimos imp eat, tenacique momorix

A Sereniimus hic regnare ccx-rpit vice/imo Z-cundo Aprilis, anno Domini
nzillieimo quingente/imo nono : Diademate vero cum omni debit celebritate

8: decorc inignitus Junii vice/imo auartoz cui it perpetuus honor 6:

, atema falicitas;

Excellentimi atque invictiini liujus Heririci Oavi anno c prime,

Maii decimo oiiavo, Grene-ztychize olenne Conciliunrhujus Ordinis initui

celebrarique coaptum ez ubi cum Regia Majeate Conveniences Dux
Bucleyngamia, Comites Oxottia, Cantia-z zrundellize, Surreyie, Northumbria,

the be and mo ucceiful Manner, he either himelf every Year oberved the
Fea of their Tutelary St. George, the Rites and Ceremonies thereof in their

proper Time and Place, or tooh Care they hould be mo exactly' oberved ly
others in his Stead, he always held Chapters in Seaon , and whatever
was to be concluded on, he determinedin the be and mo conderate Man
ner, as will appear hereafter in its Place. This explaining of the Statutes

was indeed begun in the eleventh of this mo noble Prince, but was inihed
in his fourteenth Tear, where (as the Order requires) it will be wrote in the
Latin Tongue. But it will be required of the King's Herald, to whom it be

longs to turn it into the French or Englih Tongue; but now let us diligently
go on with the Annals of this mo invincible Prince, praying earnely that
he may live many Tears to be had in laling Rememhrance.
This mo erene Prince began to reign the twenty econd of April; A. D.

1 50 9, and was crowned with all due Solemnity and Honour the twenty Fourth
of Junez to whom be everlaing Honour and eternal Happine.

In the i r Tiar of this mo invincible Kingx Henry the Eighth, the

eighteenth of May, a iilemn Chapter of this Order began to be held and ob

erved at Grenewych; where the Dulee of Buckyngham, the Earls of Ox

ford, Kent, Arundel, Surtey, Northumherland, Shrewsbury, Ecx, and
c See Act of Parl. 1 H. 8- e. 7. 13. about th: Ethic: o] this Order.



_ Actuuh Anno

N R I-'C li-Ofiaoii i.


Salopiie, lzixia, De-vonize, Dominus Herhert Cubicularius Regis, Domi<

nus Ihomas Lovell, 8: Dominus Edoardus Pgoyngs ad cdcs Equeres

'Vyndeori tum vacuas




Dux Buekjngmie,

Rcgem Arragonie,
Ducem Drhini,
Comitem Derhja,

Comes Oxonie',

Comes Ceneia',

Comes Aruniectia,

Comes stirre-ye,

Comes Eiexia,


Dom. Haward, Dom. Hen. Marmy,

Dom. Matter/ers; Dom. Nich. Varix,
Dom. Darcj.
Dom. Hen. Vemej.

Dom. Dadier,
Dom. Dare),

Dom. Hen. Marney,

Dom. David. Owen,

Regcm Arraganie,
Ducem Drhini,
Comitem Derhja.

Dom. Latyner. D. Hen. Myllaaghhj;

Regem Arragonia,
Ducem Urbin,

Dom. His-ward, Dom. Hen. Marnejr,

Dom. Dadle), Dom. Edoi State/e),

Comitcm Derhja;

Dom. Dartj.

D. Hen. l/Vjlloughhy;

Regem Arragonie,
Ducem Drhim',
Comitem Derbya.

Dom. Bernee,

Dom. Edo. Stanley,

Dom. Dudle),
Dom. Dartj.

Dom. Hen. Moirae),

Dom. Aich. Vaux;

Regem Arragonia,

Dom. Dura,

D. May-ma. Conahle,

Ducem Urbint',

Comitem Derhje.

Dom. Dttdley,
Dom. Latymer.

Dom. David. Owen,

Dom. Hen. Marney.

Regem Hung-trine,

Com. Derhja,

D-. Hen. VG/Ionghhj,

Ducem Urhini.

Dom. Dtedle),
Dom. Dare),

Dom. Hen. Monte),

Dom. Alith. Varix.

Devoniire, Lord Herbert the Hng' Chamherlain, Sir Thomas Lovell, and

Sir Edward Poynyngs aemhling with the King's Majej, didfor the Knights
Stalls then rvacant at Wyndeor
The K, of Arragon, Lord Haward, Sir Hen. MarneY,
Duke of Urbin, Lord Matrevers, Sir Nicholas Vaux,

Earl of Derby. Lord of Darcy. Sir Hen. Ver-ney.

TheK, of Arra on, Lord Dudley,
The E. of Oxford,

Duke of Ur in,

Lord Darcy,

Sir Hen. Marney,

Air David Owen,

Earl of Derby. Lord Latymer. Sir I-lemwylloughby.

Earl of Kent,

The K, of Arragon, Lord Haward,

Duke of Urbin, Lord Dudley,

Earl of Derby. Lord Darcy.

Earl of Arundel,

Sir H. Wylioughby.

The IC. of Arragon, Lord Barnee, Sir Edward Stanley,

Duke of Urbin, Lord Dudley, Sir Hen. Marney,
Earl of Derby. Lord Darcy.
Sir Nicholas Vaux.
The K, of Arragon,

Earl of Surrcy,

Sir Hen. Marney,

Sir Edward Stanley,

Lord Darcy,

Duke of Urbin, Lord Dudley,

Sir Marmconable,

Sir David Owen,

Earl of Derby. Lord Latymer. Sir Hen. Marney.

Earl of Eex,

The K, of Arragon, Earl of Derby, 4 Sir H. Wylloughby,

K- of Hungary, Lord Dudlcy, Sir Hen. Marney,

Duke if Urbin. Lord Darcy.


Sir Nicholas Van?"

Acta/ith Junoprinio

Regem Portuguli-e,
Regem Hungariie,

iComes Salopie,

Corn. Derby-e,
Dom; Dudley,

Octaitiii i

A. 'a 1

Dom; Nieh. Vomit,

D. Tho.Hen.

P l Us '

Regem Arragonize,

Corh. Derbye,

Dom. [Vic/i; Vaux,

Ducem Urhint',

Dom. Dudley,

Dom. Hen. Marney,

Comitem Derby-e.

Dom. Darcy.

Di Tho. Hungerford.

Regem Arragonite,

Dom. Hawiird,

Dom. David Orven;

Comes Denonia,

Ducem Urbini,

Dom. Dudley,

Dom. Hen; Marney,

Comitem Derby-a.

Dom. Durcj.

D. Hen; Vlylloughby;

Regem Hungaries,

Dom. Hemird;

Dom.-Hen. Mirney,

Dom. Herbert, Cubic.Ducem Urbini,

Dom. Tho. Lovell,

Dom. Dudley,

Dom. Hen. Ver-ney,


Dom. Daroy.

Dom. Nieh; Varix;

Regem Arragonite,
Regem Hungaric,

Dom; Hatvard,
Dom. Dudley,

D. Hen; V/y/loughby,
Dom. Hen; Marney;

Ducem Drbini.

Dom: Darty.

Dom. Nieh. Varix.

Dom. Dtireyz
Dom. Dudley,

Dom. Hen; Marriey;

Dom. Nzeh. I/aux,

Regem Arragoni),
Dom. Tho. * Brandon,Ducem Urbini,

Regem Arragoni-e,
Dom. Ed. Pqynyngs, Regcm Hungaria,
Ducem Drbini.

The E. of Northumb.

Dom. Hayngs. Dom; Rich; Maners.

Dom. Dudley,
Dom. Dare),

Doth. Hen. Marne),

D. Tho. Hungerford,

Dom. Hayngs. Dom. Gul, Sandys.


The K; of Portugal, Earl of Derby, Sir Nicholas Vaux,

K, of Hungary, Lord Dudley, Sir Hen. Marney,
Duke of Urbin. Lord Darcy.

Sir Tho. Hungerord.

The K, of Arragon, Earl of Derby, Sir Nicholas Vaux,
Earl of Shrewsbury,
Duke of Urbin, Lord Dudley, Sir Hen. Marney,

Earl of Derby.

Lord Darcy.

Sir Tho. Hungerord.

The K, of Arragon, Lord Haward, Sir David Owen,

Earl of Devonhire, t

Duke of Urbin, Lord Dudley,:

Earl of Derby. Lord Darcy.

Sir Hen,_M-a1-ney,
Sir H. Wylloughy;

The K. of Hungary, Lord Haward, Sir Hen. Marney,
Lord Herbert Chtmb.
Duke of Urbin, Lord Dudley,- Sir Hen Verney,
Earl of Derby. Lord Darcy.
Sir Nicholas Vaux.

St' Thomas Lovell,

The IC of Arragon, Lord Haward, . Sir H. Wylyloughby,

K, of Hungary; Lord Dudley,

Duke of Urbin. Lord Darcy.

Sir Hen. Marney,

Sir Nicholas Vauzt. -

The IC of Arra on, Lord Darcy,
Sir Hen. Marney,
Sir Tho. * Brandon, Duke-of Ur in, Lord Dudley, Sir Nicholas Vaux,
Earl of Derby. Lord Hayngs. Sir Richard Maners;
The Kio Arragon, Lord Dudley,
Sir Edw. Poynyngs,
K, of Hungary, Lord Darcy,

Sir Hen. Marney,

Sir Tho. Hungerlord,

Duke of Urbin, Lord Hayngs: Sir William Sandys;

f His Name is omitted in the Brginning of' this Chapter, ht died on 29th of Inuary fit/lowing.


272 i 'i

Actaub Annoecundo H E N RI CI Octtwi.

Hic denominatione complctii, Supremus oportunc certior indc factus

concnis ociorum prafcntium jam prtmio, viros illures 'i Dominum

Darcy 8: Doinitlum ' Dudley eligenclos ac coopiandos in ocietatem expret.

Iidem miceimo primo Maii (ub commisonc debita, l/ljvndeori unt in

cdes introducti.
p.- ,99_


Anno ecundo izreniiimi Re is Henrici Oa-iii, initum' e Grene-uychie

Concilium, ubi cum Regifi u [imitate Dux Biichzgamiie, Marchio _Dor- 1

ett, Comites Oxonize, Northmnhrize, Arundellize, Surreyce, Exite, Salopite,

Vj/lchiriie, Dominus Herhert, Dominus Thomas Lo-vell, 8: Dominus Edoar

dees Poyytgs tum prxentes eranc. In ecundis autcm veperis, Supremo

adhuc in ede ua, pariter 8: Commilitonibus aliis teidentibus, lcta e
ad (edes cum vacantes nominatio, quz ucepta e 3 Domino Thoma Ru
thallo Dunelmeni tum Epicopo, ut qui, quoniam novus nondum electus

erat, Scribx adhuc excrcuit ocium.

Unde Supremus conilio cxtero

tum Equitum e veigio delegit ad id ocium Eleemoynarium uum Mad'

girum Thomam Wuleyum, ut deinceps eo mgeretur.


Dux Btttlejngamia,



Regem Porttegalia,
Regem Arragonia,

Dom. Bterga-vettLDom. Hen. Marnej,

Dom. ljztmater, Dom. Nicho. Varix,

Comitem Derby-e.

Dom. Latjmer. Dom. Tho. Kzzy-vet.


This Nomination heing over, the Sovereign duly certied therehj, did with the
previous Conent of the Knights preent, declare the illurious Perons dLord

Darcy and Lord e Dudley to he choe and admitted into the Society.

'Ihe etme were on the twenty r of May h] a proper Commion inalled at

In the econd Year of the moerene King Henry the Eighth, a Chapter was
held at Grenewyche, where the Duke of Buckyngam, Marquei Doret, Earls
of Oxford, Northumberland, Arundel, Surrey, Ecx, Shrewsbury, Wyl

izhire, Lord Herbcrt, Sir Thomas Lovell, and Sir Edward Poynyngs were
preent with the King's Highnejs. At thecond Veers alo, the Sovereign being
in his Stall, and the other Knights alo in theirs, a Nomination was made for the

Stalls then 'vacant, which was taken by Sir Thomas Ruthall then Bihop of
Durham, heill, for 'want of a new one's being choe, continuing to exercie the
Oice of Regier.

Mereupott the Sovereign by Ad-'oice of the other Knights int

mediatel] choe into that Qice, his Almoner Maer Thomas Wuley, for the
Dicharge of it from that Time
Tht) named

The K, Of Portugal, Lord Burgavenyzsir Hen. Marney,
TheDmfBuckyngham K, of Arragon, Lord Fytzwater, Sir Nicholas Vaux,
Earl of Derby. Lord Latymer. Sir 'l'l1o. Knyvet.
d Thomas Lord Darcy in the tenth Stall on the

Prineesside. There is 'to-Plate for him, becaue he

was attamred and execitted. The Reection that be was


p. 776 is anmered by Fuller in his Church H/i. p. 323. .

e Edw. Sutton Lard Dudley in the tenth Stall on

the .Twertgn's Side.

a 'man carce well born Gentleman in Specds Chron. ]


HEN RIC i Octavi.

Aiiaub AnnoecundO
Marchio Dori',

Regem Portugali-e,

Dom. BurgevenLDom. Hen. Marne),

Regem Arragonia,
Ducem "Urbznn

Dom. Haward,

Dom. Nich. Varix,

Dom. Vear;

Dom. Tho. Knjzret.

Regem Portugalie,

Comes Northumbrie, Regem Arragonia,

Comes Oxonie,

Dom. Nich. Vaux,

Dom. Burgavenj; D. Tho. Hungerford.

Regem Arragonia,

Dom. Haward, Dom; Edrn. Haward,

Dom. Burga-venj, Dom, Hent hlarne),

_ Portugalia,
Dominum Dare),

Comes Surreje,

Comes Arundellie,

Regem Arragonia,
Regem Portugalia,
Comicem Derbje.

Comes V/jlehiriiie,

D. De. Greyoek, Dom. Hen. Marney,

Dom. l/ear,

Comicem Derhjie.

Regern Arrugonia,
_ Portugalia,
Comltem De'byie .

Comes Saloptic,


Dom. Laivar.

Dom. Nich. Vaux.

Dom. Burgavenj, Dom. Edo; Stanley',

Dom. Lawar,
Dom. Ferrers.

Dom. Hen. Marne),

Dom. Nich. l/auxa

Dom. Haward,

Dom. Edoi Stanlejy,

P. zioo;

Dom; Burgaven), Dom. Hen. Marney,

Dom. Ferrers.

Dom. LVich. Vaux.

Arragonie, Dom. Burgavenj, Dom. Hen. Marney,
Riegem Portugaliic, Dom. Haward, Dom. Nich. Varix,
Comicem Derbja.

Dom. Lawar.

Dom. Tho. Knjvet.

Regem Arragonia,

Dom. Haward,

Dom. Hen. May-ney,

Regem Portugalie,
Regem Hungaries.

Dom. Lawar,
Dom. Ferrers.

Dom. Ed. Haward,

Dom. Tho. Peyche.

The K. of Portugal, Lord Burgaveny, Sir Hen. Marney,

Marques Doret,

K, of Arragon, Lord Haward,

Duke of Urbin. Lord Vear.

Sir Nicholas Vaux,

Sir Tho. Knyvet.

The K, of Portugal, L. Da.Greyock Sir Hen. Marney,

sir Nicholas Vaux,
K, of Arragon, Lord Veal',
The E. of Northurnb.

Earl of Derb y. Lord Burgavenynsir Tho. Hungerford.

The K. of Arragon, Lord Haward, Sir Edw. Haward,
The E. of Oxford,

I(. of Portugal, Lord Burgaveny,sir Hen, Verney,

Lord Darcy.

Lord Lawar.

Sir Nicholas Vaux.

The K, of Arragon, Lord Burgaveny, Sir Edward Stanley,

Earl of Surrey,

K, of Porcugal, Lard Lawar,

Sir Hen. Ma mey,

Lord Ferrers.

Sir Nicholas Vaux.

Earl of Derby.

The K. of Arragon, Lord Haward,

Earl of Arundel,

Sir Edward Stanley;

K, of Portugal, Lord Burgaveny,Sir Hen. Marney,

Sir Nicholas Vauxt
Earl of Derby. Lord Ferrers.

The K, if Arragon, Lord Burgaveny, Sir Hen. Marney,

Earl of Shrewsbury,
K, of Portugal, Lord Haward, Sir Nicholas Vaux,
Sir Tho. Knyvet.
Earl of Derby. Lord Lawar.
The K, of Arragon, Lord Haward,
Earl of Wylchire,

K, of Portugal, Lord Lawar,

IC- of Hungary. Lord Feet-ers.


Sir Hen. Man-ney,

Sir Edw. Haward,
Sir Tho. Peyche.

274 - ~

not ub Annoecundo HENRICl ooaez:

Regem Arragonite,

Dom. Herbert, Cubic Regetfl Hungari-e,

Regem Portugalia.
Regem Arragonia,
Dom. Edo. Poynyngt, Regem Portugalia,

Regem Novem.

Dom. Burgafvetzy, Dom. Geor. Manert,

Dom. La l/Var, Dom. Hen. Marney,

Dom. Ferrert.

Dom. Nieho. I/anx.

Dom. Burgavven), Dom. Hen. Illarney,

Dom. La War,

Dom. Gul. Sandjs,

Dom. Ferrert.

D. Tho. Hungerford.

Poridie peracta. jam mia pro Deunctis, Rex Chorum exiens in

troivit in acrum conclave, ubi de Conenu reliquorum Equitum elegit
in hunc clarilntlm Ordinem, illuriimtlm fPortugalite Regem, Domi

num 8 Haward, Dominum I) La Ware, 6: Dominum Henrieum i Mar

ney. Qiorum Dominus Haward Be Henrieut Marney tum praelentes in

aula (jubente Rege) per Garterum Regem Armoru1n illico de uis electio

nibus facti certiores, in Conclavc vocati unt ad Regis prxentiam: 8:

Rex ibidem duo ubligacula tradidit, alterum Duci Buchjngamite, tibia:
The I(, of Arragon, Lord Burgaveny,Sir George Maners,
K, of Hungary, Lord La War, Sir Hen. Marney,
Lord Herbert Cbarnb.

K, of Portugal. Lord Ferrers,

Sir Nicholas Vaux.

The K. of Arragon, Lord Burgaveny,Sir Hen. Marney,

]<, of Portugal, Lord La War, Sir
Sir Edw. Poynyngs,
V William Sandys,"
K, of Navarre. Lord Ferrers. sir Tho. Hungerord.

The 'text Day upon nihing the Maji for the Dead, the King going out

the Choir went into the Chapter-houe, where by Conent of the Knights, he
choji- the mo illurious King of f Portugal, the Lord 3 Haward, Lordb La

Warc and Sir Henry i Marney into this mo noble Order, of which Lord
Haward and Sir Henry Marney being then preent in the Hall, and (the King
o ordering) being made acquainted with their Eleont immediately by Garter

King of Armt, were called into the Chapter-houi- to the Kings Pre/Z-nce -, and
the King there delivered two Gartert, one to the Duke of Buckyngam to be

put about Lord I-Iawards Leg, and the other to the Marauei Doret for him
f Emanuel King of Portugal elect to the third
Stall of the Sweet-gift Side, belon ing to Henry Prince
of Wales before htt Acceion to He Throne. Oorius
i' hit Life p. 226. 'Eodem anno Henrious Britannix
Rex legatos in Luitaniam miit-z legatio nihil


folk was charged and v/hereof he was endited

was For bearing of Arms, which he and his An
ceors heretoore of long time and Continuance
had borne as well within this realme as without,

" and as well alo in the Preence of the aid late

aliud continebat, quam ngularis amicitiae ignum " King as in the preence of divers of his noble
&ozdcris antiqui acramentorum cognationis 8: '4 Progenitors Kings of this Realme of England
anitatis memoria renovatum. He wat net/er in ** and which aid Arms your aid Suppliant an


4' Subject and his Aceors might lawfully and

" july beare and give, as by good and ubantial
Earl of Surr , afterwards Duke o Norfolk inalled " matter of recor it may an doth ap ear tho"
27 Apr. 2.
8. in the et/ent of the Sovereign: Parl. I Mann. 3 . He was Knight alo 0 the Or
Side, and a terwardt 'ran/lated higher, a Peron at der of St. Michaei: See Camden. Britan. ad A. D.
Sir Walter le h in the Preface '0 the Ht. of the 1 66.
[Vorld decribe-t int, exceeding valiant and adw' ed,
5h Tho. Well Lord Delawar inalled xi May
g Thomas elde/i Son of Thomas Haward then

whoe Deer-Uingt Hen. 8. knew not how to value, Jtw.

2 H.8.
who oiniGald
hit l-'Vill
dazed 8\
17 inH.xi8. Princet
ordert In;

ing never omitted any 'Ihing that concerned hit own

Honour and the King? Service. He had the et/ere the Chain he n/aal wore to lie old, and det/i et to
Fortune of bern altainted in the End of the Reign of hit Son and Heir, the Chappel at it it adorno with
H. 8. and war epoed from 'hit Orderrb) Ed. 6, re Atrter Clothet of white Satin brondered with the Gar
ored to it by Queen Mary. See Ahm. Hr . p. 622, tert and a Bed of Tynell Satten and Crymyn Da
under whom his Attainder wat revered it] i? of Par matie browdered with hit Armet and the Garter. Lib.
liament which recitet '5 Foramuch mo gracious Porthe in Cur- Przr.
a Soveraigne Lady, as the oence wherewith your
i Sir Henry Marney in/ialhd 27 Apr. 2. H. 8. in
ff aid Subject and Suppliant 'Thomas Duke of Nor 'he lzth of the Sooereigut Side.

Actahtb Anno go, 4to, 69' 5to H E NR I C I Octaoi.



Domini Haward circumducendutn; alterum vero Marchioni DorZ-tt, uc P. 201,

circum Henrici Marney tibiam inducerct, congrua verborum formula i

mul appoita. Deinde criptce lunt Litcra: ad abentes de ui electionc.
Tertia pohc anno, quia (Dei gratia praeante) nullus Illuritltn hu
jus Ordinis ab hc vita exceierat, ncque aliud quicqualn adeo memo
rabilc contigerat, ut in gravem ac cveram conultationem adductum
morn. prolixa: nitionis indigcret : concilium tanto facilius e dimium.
Similitcr Anno i Quarta contigit.
gginto nimirum anno po conultationem ucienter habitam, 8: no
minationctn idone olitique ratione decuriim, electi unt ad inignii
mam hanc ocietatcm Dominus 1 Burgaqtenny, Dominus m Edoardus Ha

ward, ac Dominus '1 Carolus Brandon. At uorum Edoardut illc prius ei:
al) hac luce raptus, quam fuerat in edem onori debitam introductus.

to put ahout Henry Marney's Leg, the proper Form of Wbrd: being ued at
the ume Time. Then Letter: were wrote to thojh who were abent touching
their Eleonr.

In the third TEar aerwardr, heoauh (through the Grace of. God) none of the
illurious Knight: of this Order died, nor an] Thing eljl' happened remarkable

enough to he drawn out into a rious and iri Conultation, and to require the
Delay of a tedious Determinationz the Chapter war the eaier dinu"d.
It happened jb al/b the k fourth Iiear.

But in the fth TZ-ar after a Conultation duly had, and a Nomination made
in the' tting and uual Manner, there were eleed into this mo renowned
Soeietty, the Lord 1 Burgaveny, Sir m Edward Howard, and Sir " Charles

Brandon. But of thee Sir Edward departed this Life, before he was in
a 'age wi ht have bin ofuinnin all the French Galli-ye:
i The Earl of Oxford died 10 March 4 H. 8,
a mwhie valiant Knight andgttthtrt that perthed had
l GeorgeNevil Lord Abergaventuy inalled 7 May
" bin better implofd on the Enemyet o Chtglm Religion.
m He nrat econd Son to Thomas created thit Ti-ar Collect. Tho. Maer in bibl. Coll. _cu xon.
n Sir. Charles Brandon after Duke of Suolk, in.
Dul-e of Noriolk, and ma: deigned to the ninth Stallo]
the Prince? Side, but bein eonituted Admiral of En ttlled 7 May 5 H. 8. in the th of' the Prince-U' Side
gland, Wales, lrcland, ormandy, Gacoigne, and who in hit Will ordered a Cup o * Gold to be made out of
Aquitain for Life, was unhappil) killed in the Hur hit Collar of the Garter, and to be iz/m to the [Cur.
honr of Bre on 23 Apr. this ome ar before he Dugd. 2 z/ol. Bar. p. 299. His P ate in the faurt7
could have any Notiee o thit Honour conferred upon Stall of the Prinoek Side (to which he m: removed)
5 H. 8. in 8th o] the Prince: Side.

him. Of the While, tJe Badge of this O, te, given

by hit Will ee 1ntrod.p. 121. note t. whim the Lord
Herbertaiih he threw into the Sea; The King of
Scotcs writes a Letter to Hen. 8. hearing Date May

give: him the Sti/et of Lord Willoughby of Eresby,

Waterron and Grimesby, which lhettt it we: placed
there after hit Marriage with Cathcrine the only
Daughter and Heir of William Lord Wilhughby of

24, 1513. in thee Wtrdt, u And urely deerei' Bro-

Eresby. He we: Knight of the Order of St. Michael.

** ther, we thin/e more _Ln/]e i: to you of the late Admi- Camd- Eliz- A, D- 1556.
f' ral, who deeejd to htt great Honour, than the Adrian:



i' 276

Aiiaib Annoexto H E N


Anno ixto praeantimi Principis Henrici OHavi, Menis Aprilis vice

imo tertio die, Grenewychia intra Cancie Comitatum celebratum 'e con
tilium, in quo przrentes cum Majeate Regia Duces Northfolcia' ac South

folcia, Marchio Doret,

Comites Surreye ac V/ygornize, Dominus Tho

ma: Lovell, atque Dominus Henricus Marney ad edes Equeres tunc


Regem Dacia,
Dux Atortbfolgiz,

Dux Southfolci-e,


D. DakreGreyoc/e Dom. Ed. Stanley,

Julianum Medium,

Dom. Barnee,

Comitem Derbya.

Dom. I/tzzrater. Dom. Man. Ear/dey.

Dom. Nich. laux,

Regem Hungaria,
Julianum Medicem,

D. Da. Greyock, Dom. Ed. Stanley,

Dom. Ferrers,
Dom. Nich. l/aux,

Comitem Derby-e.

Dom. Iytzmater. Dom. Maur. Bat/de]

P. 202.

Comes Sang-aye,

Comes Vfygornia,

Dom. Tho. Love _

Regem Dacia,

Dom. Dalere,

Julianum llledicem,
Comitem Derby-e.

Dom. Iytzrvater, Dom. Nich. Vaux,

Dom. Ed. Stanley,

Dom. Ferrers.

Dom. Tho. Par.

Dom. Edo. Stanley,

Regem Hungari-e,

Corn. Derbya,

Regem Dacia,
Jalianutn Medicem.

D. Da. Grey/lock, Dom. Nicho. Vaux,

Dom. Ferrers.

Dom. Tho. Par.

Regem Hungaria,
Regem Dacia,
ulianum Medicem.

Corn. Derby-e,

Dom. Ed. Stanley,

D. Da. Grey/loth, Dom. Tho. Par,

Dom. Hayngs. Dom. Maur. Barleley.

In the ixth Tear of the mo excellent Prince Henry the Eighth, the twenty
third Day of April, a Chapter was held at Grenewych, in the County of
Kent, in which the Duhes of Northfolk and Southolk, Marques Dorlet,

the Earls of Surrey and Worceer, Sir Thomas Lovell, and Sir Henry
Marney being preent with the King's Majey did to the Knights Stalls then





The K, of Denmark, L. Da.Grey0ck,Sir Edw. Stanley,

The D. of Northolk,

Jul. de Medicis, Lord Barnee, Sir Nicho. Vaux,

Earl of Derby. Lord Fytzwater. Sir Mau. Barklcy.

The K, of Hungary, L. Da.Greyock Sir Edw. Stanley,

Duke of Southolk,

Julian Medicis, Lord Ferrers,

Sir Nicho. Vaux,

Earl if Derby. Lord Fytzwatertsir Mau. Barkley.

The K, if Denmark, Lord Dacre,
Earl of Surrey,

Sir Edw. Stanley,

Julian Medicis, Lord Fytzwater,Sir Nieho. Vaux,

Earl of Derby. Lord Ferrers.
Sir Thomas Parr.

The K, of Hungary, Earl of Derby, Sir Edw.Stanley,

Earl of Worceer,

I(. of Denmark, L. Da. Grey ockSir Nich. Vaux,

julian Medicis. Lord Ferrers.

Sir Thomas Lovell,

Sir Thomas Par.

The I<,. of Hungary, Earl of Derby, Sir Edw. Stanley,

l<,. of Denmark, L.Da.Greyock, Sir Thomas Par,

Julian Medicis. Lord Hayngs. Sir Maur. Barkley.


. "A, .

Acta/uh Anno 7mo Go' 8-oo H E N R I Cl Octavi.

Regem Hungaries,

_2 77

D. Da. Grey/lock, Dom. Ed. Stanle),

Dom. Hent) Marne), Regem Duct-e,

Dom. Marnee, Dom. Maur. Bark/e),

Julianam Medicern.

Dom. Montjrzy.

Dom. Gul. Sandys.

Po nem Factum, 8: nominationem hanc Regixct Majeati raieeiii:

tatam, i: celitudine Regia, concilio nominantium eorundem, electi unt

ad hunc Ordinem frater Romani Ponticis 0 Julianus Medices, 8: Domi
nus Below-du,- P Stanley Comitis Derhpze ecundus lius 9.

Illuritni Regis Henrici Offaroi Anno eptimo, imiliter ut in certio ac

qual-to res accidit;

Regni potentiimi hujus Regis Henrici Oiiaw' anno oiifaroo, quam cla- P. &63.
rimi Ordinis Militaris ab illuri ubligaculo nomen adepti ', concilid
apud Eltatnum inito: po ignicatam 85 certo acceptam mortem nobilis
viri Juliani Medicie, ratris Romani tum Ponticis, Leonis decimi: cum

Regia Majeate eodem tempore preeentes Equites pro urrogando in lo

cum ejus altero Commilitone, (Zzriatim ex more zquentium nomina ub
criperunt, uam quique vicem ex ordine nobiliter adimplentes

The I(_. of Hungary, L. Da. GreyockSir Edward Stanley,

Sir Henry Marney,

K, of Denmark, Lord Marnee, Sir Maur. Barkley,

Julian Medicis. Lord Montjoy. Sir William Sandys.

1 After it was o-ver, and this Nomination preented to the King's Majey, h]
his Royal Highnei', there were h] the Ad-vice of the aid Nominators eleed

into this Order, "Julian Medicis Brother to the then Pope of Rome, and Sir

Edward? Stanley, econd Son to the Earl of Derby 9:

the eventh
as inIZ-ar
his third
of theandmo/l

King Henry the Eighth,

In the eighth Thar of the' my? potent King Henry the Eighth, a Chapter'
of the mo nohle Order of the Garter r heing held at Eltham, after the Noti

cation and certain Account of the Death of the nohle Julian Medicis, Bro-_
ther to the then Pope of Rome, _Leo the tenth, the Knights then preent with
the King for the iihlitnting another Knight Campanian in his Stead, jiihcrihed
in their Turns as uual, the following Names, every of them dicharging his

Part according to Cuom.

o Julian de Medicis Brother to Po e Leo the who in his Will dated 5 Apr." 1524, direct: a that
tenth was' a Peron o great Merit, and 'ernamed the '* his Executors caue his funeralls to be ordered
Magnicent, GonFa onier and Lieuten-znt General of *' and doon' after in like manner and fouirme as

the Armiet of the Church, Duke of Nemours, and a other Baons of England being of the order of
eleed to the ninth Stall F the Sonereigrfs Side, but " the Garter have been ued and accullumed to be
died on 17 March 1516 he ore In/iallarion. Mr. Ahm.

*', buried and devies to the Lord Dart) his collar

Hi. p- 209, 'iii/takes in Wriu'

*' of Garters and his bell Geor e perteynyng to the

that Ed- IV- ent

him a Mantle of blew V-lz/et. ee tis App. n. ci.

4' ame;" Lth. Bodjyld in Cnr. incr-

p Sir Edward Stanley econd Son of Thomas r

Earl of. Derby created Lord Montea le in this Tiar,

q See Acts of Parliament 6 H. 8. t. i. 7 H. 8. c- vii

about the Hahits of this Order.

tra: inlallled 8 May in the ninth of' He Prince's Side,


r On St. Georgrfs Daj. Ahm. Ill/i. p.- 478



Actuuh Anno octu-oo 'H E N R C I Offa-w)

Nominabant autem



Ducem Burnt,
Dux But/cyzgamiuzcomitcm Galacia,

Dom. Dukar: Aguilonbom. Nich. Vuux,

Dom. Bat-nee,
Dom. Ijtz-mater.

Comicem Derby-e.

Dom. Tho. Pore,

Dom. David. Omen.

Comiccm Derlzyu.

Dom. Da/urs Agu ilomDom. Maur. Ear/they,

Dom. Ferrers,
Dom. Nicho. I/uux,
Dom. Gul. sandy.
Dom. Fjrzivater.

Ducem Bony,
Comitem Galacia,
Comitcm Derby-e.

Dom. Btzwuter,
Dom. Nicho. Vuux,
Dom. Dis/cur: AquilomDom. Tho. Par,
Dom. Ferrert.
Dom. Joh. Peyche.

Ducem Bony',

Dom. Dahur: AquilorhDom. David. Omen,

Dom. Ferrerx,
Dom. Aheho. Vaux,

Ducem Bark-ye,

Dux Southfaltid, Comitcm Gdldict,

Com. Surrey,


Com. mgorniu, Comicem Galacia,

Comitem Derlzyu.

Dom Pjtzwater.

Dom. Tho. Per.

Ducem Bony,

Dom. Mutrevert,

Dom. Nioh. I/aux,

Dom. Montagu,

Dom. Gut. sandy,

Dom. Burgavenj, Comitem Galacia,

Comitcm Deljl.

Dom' DNU'

Dom. Duke's quilotmDom. Tho. Put.

Ducem Burrju,

Dom. Job. Murgeh. Dom. Gul. Sanoljs,

Comitem Devoniu,

Dom. Ferrers,

Comitem Galacia,

Dom. Montagu.

D. Mormu. Conuhle,
Dom. Job. Pg/che.

Comitem Barrje,

Dom. Nicho. Vaux,

Regem Hungarie,
Dom. Tho Lo-uelLRegcm Duct-e,
Regcm Portugaliu.

Comitem Galacia, Dom. Tho. Pa',

Comitem Devoniu. Dom.Maur. Bat/dey.


The Duke of Barr,



L.Dakars oftheNorthSir Nicho. Vaux,

Sir Thomas Par,

Earl o Derby. Lord Fytzwater.

Sir David Owen.

L. Dak. of the N0rth,Sir Mau. Barkley,

Count of Galacia, Lord Fcrrers,

Sir Nicholas Vaux,

Earl of Derby. Lord Fitzwatcr.

Sir William Sandys.

The Duke of Barr,

Earl of Surrey,

v _

Count 0 Galacia, Lord Barncs,

The Duke of Barr,

D. of Southfolk,


Lord Fitzwater,

Sir Nicholas Vaux,

Count of Galacia, L. Dak. of the North,sir Thomas Fare,

Earl of Derby. Lord Ferrcrs.

Sir John _Peychc.

The Duke of Barr,

L. Dak. of the North,Sir David Owen,
Count o Galacia, Lord Ferrers,
Sir Nicholas Vaux,
E. of Worceer,
Earl o Derby. Lord Fitzwatcr.
Sir Thomas Par.
The Duke of Barr,

Lord Burgavcny,

Lord Darcy,

Lord Matrevers,

The Duke of Barr, Sir John Marqeh, Sir William Sandys, E. of DevonhirqLord Ferrers,
Sir Marm. Conable,
Count of Galacia. Lord Montagu.
Sir john Peyche.
The K, of Hungary, The Count of Barr,

Sir Tho. Lovell,

Sir Nicholas Vaux,

Count of Galacia, Lord Montagu,

Sir William Sandys,
Earl of Derby. L. Dak. of the North. Sir Thomas Par.

Sir Thomas Par,

K. of Denmark,

Count of Galacia, Sir Nicholas Vaux,

K, of Portugal.

_E. ry" Devonhirc-Sir Maurice Barkley.



Anno octaoo
Ducem Bartja,
Do. Hen. Marnecomitem Galaetite,
Comitem De-vonia.

E N RI) C 1 Octaoi.


Dom. DaltarsAguilon. Dom. Tho. Parr,

Dom. Bartees,
Dom. ljtzwater.

Dom. Maur. Bark/ty,

Dom. Joh. Pejehe.

Po ucientcm deliberationem tunc ibidem habitam, denitum e

celebritatem Divi Georgii conuetam, illhoc anno Wyndeori tvieemo airinto

Maii (quae eadem proxima tum a feo uperncta: Trinitatis Dominica
sit) obervandam.

Utque vir potcns ac magniicus, Marchio Doret ibi

locum tunc Regia: Majeatis impleret, Eexia Cornite, Domino Laroers,

Domino Moyntegle, at Domino Thoma Lo-vell adjunctis : Verum iilurill
imo po Regi placuit, ut Dominus Piynjngs loco Comitis Eexia aj


In conciliis rvieeimo guinto ac jexto Maii eodem Anno Wyndeori conceie-ct

bratis, illuri Marchione (de quo diximus) ibi Prxidentc, lectis ante li
teris Regiis, quibus id innotuit, &: in quibus etiam abentium per cle
mentiimum Principem excuatio acta fuit, nempe Ducis Southfoleia, Co
mitis Arundellia, Comitis Northumhrize, Comitis Salopia, Comitis Eexia,
Comitis I/I/jrlchyria, Comitis Surreya, Comitis Cantia, Comitis I/lj/gowzia,
Domini Burgeijvnia, Domini Dudley, Domini Dare), Ryee al) Thomas Pj-tz

urian, Henrici Marne), 8: Gilherti Talhoti Equitum : inibi de quatuor ma

rebus agi ccepit, in quibus 8: Regia Majeas conulenda fiorer.
Primum ut atueretur, Lites, i quae foran emcr erent inter Equites hu

jus Ordinis, audiri nirique debere per alios eju dem Ordinis, modo id

The Duke of Barr,

Sir H. Marney,

E. of Galacia,

L.Dakars of theNorthSir Thomas Par,

Lord Barnes,

E. of DevonhireLord Fitzwater.

Sir Maur. Barkley,

Sir John Peyche.

_ After a igjtieient Deliheration then and there had, it was determined that
thectuual Fea/Z of St. George hould he that Year oher-"oed at \Vynde{or, on

the twenty fth of May, which 'was the next Sunday after the Feai of the
Holy 'Trinityz and l that the potent and magnicent Marqt-tel' Doret hould he
the King's Deput), there, hart/ing the Earl of Ezx, Lord Lawarr, Lord Mon

teagle, and Sir Thomas Lovell joined with him. But the King was after
wards pleaed to appoint Lord Poynyngs in Stead of the Earl of Eex.

In the Chapter held that Tear at Wyndeor, on the twenty fth and twenty
ixth of May, the illurious Marquis (aforezid) pre/iding there, the Kings'
Letters heing
read in which it was notied, and in which a) Exeues
'were hy the mo gracious Prince made for the Ah/ent, viz. The Duhe of Sufl
folk, Earl of Arundel, Earl of Northumberland, Earl of Shrewsbury,

Earl of Eiex, Earl of Wilchire, Earl of Surrey, Earl of Kent, Earl of

Worceer, Lord Burgavenny, Lord Dudley, Lord Darcy, Rye ap Thomas

Fytzurian, Henry Marney and Gilbert Talbot Knights, four Things were
there chiey treated on, in which al) the King was to he eonulted ; Fir,
That it hould he enafied, That Dzerenees,
any hould h] chance arie he
tween the Knights of this Order, hould he heard and determined h] others of


Actaub Anno nono H E N RI CI Octavi.

Equites vivetent,
hoc inigniexcludgerentur
ubli aculo decorati,
i prazclari
obliti, quatenus
minus honee
ab had

honorandi; ocietate, nii commoniti propere reipuerint.

Tertio opor

tere putabant, ut memoratu dignimi Regis Edoardi g)\uarti tumulus, i

Rex aicem ita veliet, ubi jam plendide lepelitur, eret: juxta ummum
P. 205.

Altate facrze aedis, quam Be ipe primus erexit. Cauas autem Regia
Majeati declarandas, ob quas ibi vium erat, nobile corpus illud hand
'inde ubmovendum, ubi Sepultura praeelecta ut. Poremo, quod Equi
tes jam facti, poeaque lturi quiddam impenderent pro dignitate gra=

dus ac conditionis, ad conummationem Eccleiae jam cozptae exedicari:

pulpiti preertim 21 quo Crucixus eminet, 8: vitrei uperne pectri, quod
Laternam vocant.

IHurimi Regis Henrici Ohiavi anno nono, Concilium hujushonorii

centimaz ocietatis, initum e Grenewiehie, 'vice/imo tertio die Menis

Dccretum ibi lit, ut hzec annua Sancti Georgii celebritas, decima po

die Maii l-Vindetrri ervaretur: quz 8c proxima Dominica po olenne in*

ventionis itnctze crucis erat.

Qsodq; vir inclytus Comes Arundelliie Regia?

Majeatis locum ibi teneret: Domino Lavers, Domino Moyntegle, 8: gra-_

viiimis Equitibus, Thoma Lovell, Be Henrico Marney concomitantibus.


the izme Order,

it could be done. Secondly, That Knights honoured qvith

the noble Garter,

forgetting their exalted Dignity they li-ved dihonourably,
hould be excluded from this honourable Society,
they did not upon Admoni
tion forthwith repent. Third] , They thought it tting, that the Tomb of Kin

Edward the Fourth of mo glorious Memory,

the King o pleaed, houl

be erected, where he is now plendidly buried, near the high Altar of the a
cred Church, which he himelf
erected, and the Caues declared to the
King, why they thought it be not to remove that noble Corps from the Place
where its Interment was before pitched on. Laly, That the Knights already

made, and hereafter to be made, hould girve omething according to the Dignit
of their Rank and Condition, towards nihing the Church already begun to bit'
built, epecially of the Pulpit, where the excellent Piiiure of

on the Cre

is' [the Rood Loft] and of the glas Figure on the Top which is called the

In the ninth liar of the mo illurious King Henry the Eighth, a Chapter of
this mo honourable Society was held at Grenewich on the twenty third Day
of April.
It was there ordered, That this annual Fea of St. George, hould be oh
ertved the tenth Day of May following at Wyndeor, which was alb the

r Sunday after the Fea of the nding of the holy Cros, and That the re
nortvned Earl of Arundel hould there prede in the Kings Stead, the Lord La
Lord Montegle,
the mo dtcreet Knights Thomas Lovell, and Hen i
ry Marney


r Nu.




r .
Actazih Anno nono H E N R I c 1' Octaoi.
Eodem tempore Majeas ibi Regia pronunciavit, omnes Commilito
nes hujus Ordinis deliter ac erio commonendos, ut anno equence dum
eadem oletinitas agerctur, hoc e Regni ui decimo: I-Vtndeori imul
ecum intereeint: ad agitanda 'pertractandaque negotia quzedam, qum
pectarent ad hujus ordinis 'vel amovendum incommodum, 8.: (i quod
immineret) dehoneamentum: vel augendum 8: promovcndum com
modum, ac honorem.

Eiidem Ioco ac tempore, Ducibus Northfoleize Be Southolcize, Marchio

ne Doret, Comitibus Salopite ac Surrey-e, Domino Burgajrniie, Tho. Lovell

Equite cum Majeate Regia praeentibus, po conultationem oportune

przrmiamz decretum e: (Huod pulpitum, e quo Crucixus reiPieic 8:
vitrea uperne (ecula in fice] o Regio Iindeori, curarentur appo ltC per
cienda : utque tota ocietas inimul ad id tanto citius ac facilius con P. 206.

ciendum manus porrigeret adjuttices. Summae vero tum impoirx le

runt; ut Dux Southfolcia- quadraginua libras annumeraret, Comes Arzm-c
del/ice totidem, Comes Sureya triginta, Dominus Burgaunya viginti, atq;
Dominus Dudley, Dominus Laware, Dominus Moyntegle, Dominus Dare),

Eques Henricus Marney uas quique viginti libras pariter impenderent.

Nobiiis icaque Comes Salopiee, qui portionem [uam ante contiibuerat ad

aedicationem Sacelli hujus, upra decem libras quas ic ante donatas ae

verabat, ulcroe triginta jam alias ad hanc ructuram' adjicere veHe promi;
it: quo Factum e, ut umma in id ipum hoe anno ab hiis illurii
At the ame Time the King there declared, 'That all the Knight: of this Order'
hould he faithfully and eriouly admoni/hed to be preent together with him at,
Wyndeor the following Year, being the tenth of his Reign, when that Fee

was to he objZ-rrved 5 for the debating and treating of bnze Matters, which con
cerned either the preventing of an] Diadmantage, or (if there way Danger

thereof) an] Dihonour to the Order, or the Encreae and preventing of its' Inte
re and Honour.

At the ame Time and Place the Duke: of Northolk and Southoik, the
Marquefr Doret, Early of Shrewsbury and Surrey, Lord Burgaxrenny, Tho
mas Lovell, Knight, being preant with the King, it war after a previous and
due Coniltation decreed, That the Pulpit where is the Piure of our Sa-'oiour on'
the Cre, and the Glal' Lanthorn at the Top in the Kingk Chappel hould be ta-'
hen Care to he duly nihed, and That the whole Soeiet] hould for the doing

thereof with
the greater Expedition and Eafe, join in [ending their helping
The Sumr al) then impod were, that the Duke of Southfoik hould


payforty Poundr, the Earl of Arundel a: much, the Earl of Surrey thirty,
Lord Burgavenny twenty, and that Lord Dudley, Lord Laware, Lord Mound

tegle, Lord Darcy, Sir Henry Marneyhould lihewvie each of them pay twenty,
Founde; The noble Earl of Shrewsbury there-ne, who had before contributed
hie Share toward: the building of thie Chappel, did oroer and abo-ve ten
Pounds, which he ajirted he had before girz/en for thie Purpoe, <volunta-'

rily promie that he would add thirty Pound: more toward: this Struhifure;
by which it came about, that the Sum to be collected for that Work this lear'

Acta ub Anno nono H E N R I C I Oiiavi.

mis Commilitonibus colligenda, ducentas lexaginta libras plenc red-

Ibidem potentima ed 8: pientima quoque Majeas Regia, me.
morl avita: paternzque virtutis ac pietatis iritu (non dubium) lhncto
pectus illud vere Rcgium excitante, piam elitudinis uzr voluntatem
coram excellentitnis illice viris ac dimis Commilitonibus adaperuir.

Nempe quod cum altimus Dominus he vocaret ab hic luce, corpus

Omnino tuum ' l/Vyndteori velit, Be non alibi, terraz commendari.

Denique po has res egregie denitas, cum illuris Comes Arundellia

prius ad celebritatem obervandam electus, nec id e bene poe putans,

corporis inirmitateln 8: alioquin impotentiam uppliciter opponeretz
Regia CCliudO prolatam exculationem benigniter admittens, ubrogavit
ei clarum Marchionem Doret.

Idem illuris Marchio quicquid alma Majcas injungerct haud illibenter

obiturus, prxxo Menis Maii die decimo, olita id nobilitate perimple
vitz una prceizntibus antea deignatis Dominis Moyntegle, de Lawars 8:
claris Equitibus Loroell, 8: Marney.
Ubi de more facto conventu, decretum erat mittendas ad Arundellia

Comitem literas, quibus admoneretur, uti quadraginta libiras quibus ob.

P. 207.

vinctus erat, ad Baptie 8: Michaelis proximum, perlolveret. Dominus

autem de la Wars, Dominus Moyntegle, 8: Marney e, quod debebant,
proximo Omnium Sauorutn oluturos unt polliciti.
from the/i' mo illurious Knights Companions, amounted to full two hundred
and ixty Pounds.

There alt the mo potent as well as mo pious King, calling to Mind his
l Grandfathers and Fathers Virtue and Piety, the holy Spirit (doubtled ir
ring up his truly rtyal Heart, declared his Highnefs pious l/Vill to thee mo
excellent Men, and mo faithful Knights Companions, viz. That when the mo
high God called him out of this World, he would ha-'oe his Corps interred at

* Wyndeor, and no where ele.

Laly after the/i' Things t well determined, when the illurious Earl of

Arundel being
choe for keeping the Feez, but thinking himelf not able
enough _for it, humbly urged the lnrmity of his Body, and his Inability other
wii, the King's Highnes graciouly allowing the Excue he made, ulzituted the
noble Maraut Doriit in his Stead.
The aid illurious Marques cheerfull oberving whate-ver his gracious Ma

jely enjoined, did on the prexed tent Day of May celebrate it with the
uual Magnicence, the Lords Mountegle, de la War, and the noble Knights
-Lovell and Marney who were before appointed, being preent with him.
Where a Chapter being held as uual, It was reilwed to end Letters to the

Earl of Arundel, to admonih him to pay the forty Pounds due from him at
and Michaelmas.
But the
Lord Moun A
Marney, promied
to pay what they
at Dela
the next
O] Ed. [V here buried.

well onward and almo ready, (which hath never been

t By hn la/i Wt Il he ordains his " Body to be buried performed) and ordered Lands to the yearly Value of ix
V m the Qucre of the College of Windcour miduay hundred Pounds to be (given to the College' for the Pur
" between the Statte and the high Autare, and directs poe: therein ntentioued.
that an honourable Tombe be et/e up, which was then



Affauh Anno deeimo H E N-R I C I Offaoi.


Ibidem deliberatum e, reerendum ad Majeateln Regiam, quo pri

die celebritatis Divi Georgii, olennes Exequia: pro defunctis Equitibus

ct Anno nobiliimi Regis Henrici Offarvi deeimo, cum eodem iilurimo,

Rege, clariimornm hujus Ordinis Equitum, Ducis Buchjngamiie, South:
folciie, Marchionis Dar/Zt, Comitia Salopize, Comitis Surreyze,


Love/ell, Domini Pg/ns, & Domini Marney fctactus e conventus I/I/hode

oehia non procul ab Oxonia.

Intcr quos ibi denitum e, olitam Divi

Georgii celebritatem W-yndeiri proxima a Crucis u Inventione, Dominioa,

qux &t. decima ixta dies erat Menis Maii, tenendam, Comitem l/Vigornia
fore Praeidem, dTlominis Burgaunja, de la V/Zzrs, Thoma Lorvell ee Marney'
in ocietatem a "bids,

Preeziti Duces, Comites, Barones, se Equites iIlic eodem tempore, in'

Gilberti Talhothi, renui nirrlirum Equitis, tunc demortui locum



Regem Hungaria,

Dux Buc/cjngamize,


Dom. Bitznvater, Dom. N/eh. Varix,

Duc. _ de Soraehevers, Dom. Bat-nee,

D. Ri. Carem Caltiiez

Comitem Derbja.

Dom. Tho. Vear.

Dom. Perrers.


There it "was dehated, to he referred to the King, that the Dev- hehre the
Feal of St. George, ilemn Oheguies hould he celehrated for the deceaed

In the tenth TZ-ar of the mo nohle King Henry the Eighth, there 'was rwith'
the tid mo illurious Prince, a Corwention of the mot' nohle Knights of this

Order, the Duhe of Buckyngham, Southfolk, Marque Doret, Earl of

Shrewsbury, Earl of Surrey, Lord Lovell, Lord Poinings, and Lord Marney
at Woodock not far from Oxford. Among whom it was there determined,

that the uual Fea of St. George hould he held at Wyndehr the next Sund
day after the '* Invention of the hol] Cros, being the ixteenth Day of May;
that the Earl of Worceeir hould he Prejident, the Lords Burgavenny, de La

war, Thomas Lovell and Marney being his Azciates.

The aforeaid Duhes, Earls, Barons, and Knights did there' at that Time in
the Stead of Gilbert Talbot a gallant Knight then deceaed




The K, of Hungary, Lord Fytzwater, Sir Nicholas Vaux,

TheDmfBuckyugham, D.- ofSorachevergLord Bamec, Sir Ri. Carew Calis,
Earl of Derby. Lard FCCSs
Sir Tho. Vear.
u The ixteentb of May was then upon a Sunday, * 1518 m: on Munjavjznzl the Sunday next zllozing
but the Fea of tlJe Invention of' the hob Cros mur that Fea was 'he uinh of (Liar Alom/t.

yearly field on the third of May, which in the Tmr _


De' of'



Regem Hangaria,

Dom. Dahars figuilomDom. Alich. Vaax,

Duxsouthfoltia, Marchion. Mantua, Dom fjrznmtzr,

Cornitem Derbja.

Dom. Ferrert-

Dom. Gul. Sandys,

Dom. Hen. Goulford.

Regem Hnngaria, Dom. Dakars tlqteilonDom. lllaur. Barhley,

P. 208. Marchio Doret, Duc. de Soraeheuers, Dom. Montagrt,
Dom. Gul. Sandys,
Comitem Derlzya.

Dom. Ferrers.

Regem Hungaria,

Nicho. Varix,
Dom. Dahars
Domi. Galsandjs,

Dom. Ed. Belthnap.

Comes Salopia, Marchion. Mantaie,

Comitem Derbe.

Com. Sarreja,

Dom. Ferrers.

Dom. Griith Rjze.

Regem Hangaria, Dom. Dahars AguilomDom. Nicho. Varix, .

Duc. de Soraehe-uers, Dom. Pjiztniater,
Dom. Grtith Rjze,
Comitem Derby-e.
Dom. Hayngs.
Dom. Joh. Pechje.

Regem Hangaria, Dom. Dahars AquilorhDom. Maur. Barkley,

Dom. Tho. Lo-ve/LDUC. de Sorachervers, Dom. ljitzniater,
Dom. Gal. Sandys, _

Dom. Poyns,

Comitem Derhja.

Dom. Ferrers.

Regem Hungaria,

Dom. Dakars AguilonDom. Mater. Bark/e),


Dom. Pj-tzwater,

Dom. Gal. Sandys,

Comitem Derhja.

Dom. Ferrers.

Dom. Nicho. Varix.

Dom. Per. Eggecotnh',

Marchion. Mantue, Dom. Dakars AgailomDom. Nich. Varix',

Do. Hen. MarnehDuc. de Sorache-uers, Dom. Iytzwater,

Comitem Derhja.

Dom. Ferrers.

Dom. Gul. Sandys,

Dom. Job. Peehjec


D. of Southolk,

The K. of Hungary, L.Dakars oftheNOrthSir Nicho. Vaux,

Marq. of MantuaJ-ord Fitzwater,
Sir William Sandys,
Earl of Derby. Lord Ferrers.
Sir Henry Goulord.

TheK, of Hungary, L. Dak. of the North,Sir Mau. Barkley,

Margaes Doret,

D. ofSorachevers,Lord Montagu,

Sir Nicholas Vaux,

Earl of Derby. Lord Ferrers.

Sir Ed. Belknap.

The IC. of Hungary, L. Dak. of the North,Sir Nicholas Vaux,

Sir William Sandys,
Eof Shrewsbury, Marq. o Mantua,Lord Hayngs,
Earl o Derby. Lord Ferrers.
Sir Grith Rize.

Earl of Surrey,

The I(,. of Hungary, L. Dak. of the N0rth,Sir Nicholas Vaux,

D. ofSorachevers, Lord Fitzwater,
Sir Grith Rize,
Earl of Derby. Lord Hayngs.
Sir John _Pechye.
The K; of Hungary, L. Dak. of the North, Sir Maurice Barkley,

Sir Tho. Lovell,

Lord Poinings,

D. ofSoracheve rs,Lord F ytzwater,

sir William Sands,

Earl of Derby. Lord Ferrers.

Sir Peter Eggecomb.

The IC. of Hungary, L. Dak. of the North,Sir Maurice Barkley,

Sir William Sandys,
E. of Devonhire,Lord Fitzwater,
Earl of Derby. Lord Ferrers.
Sir Nicholas Vaux.
The Marq. of Mantua, L. Dak. of the N0rth,Sir Nicholas Vaux,

Sir H. Marney,

D. ofS0rachevers,Lord Fitzwater,

Sir William Sandys,

Earl of Derby.

Sir John Pechye.

Lord Ferrers.


Acta lah-Anno undecimo H E N R I C l Octavi.

Regia vero Majeas. ibidem cvieento auarto menis Aprilir ejutlen] an-ni,
Conilio upramemoratorum Nobilium prazintellecto, nominavit atque

elegit ad edes tum vacuas, Dominum i? Dakar: Aauilonaeezn, at clarum

Equitem Dominum) Gulielmum Sandy: 5 mandans ad eos litteras, ut iam

ui certo cirent electionem.

Undeeimo magniicentimi Regis Henriei Oarvi Anno, L quia fea dies

Divi Georgii Pachatis in 4 vigilia contigit, excellentima Majeas Regia

Pratmonuit concilium Cocna Domini quae pratcet, Rjchmoutzdin, ubi

tune erat, rite celebrandum.

Eodem undecimo erenimi Principis Henriei hujus nomiuis Oami anno:

Rjchmoundiee, ubi tunc uccpta e conultatio, convenit uprema: Majeati
caeteritlue ful) e Commilitonibus : ut propter obcuritates ac enus ambi
guos qui uboriri poent, unclecimus Staturorum articulus, in quode
Trabearum uu traditur, ad luculentam declarationem revocaretur. Rex

itaque conentientibus cunctis hujus Ordinis Equitibus ibidem eo temporc

prxentibus, nempe Thoma ATorthfo/eize Duce, Carolo Duce Southfo/eize, Thoma'

Marchione Dorett, Thoma Comite Surreyee, Riehardo Comite Caneite, (fare/o
Comite I/Vigomice,

Georgio M Comite Burgaunpce, Domino Thoma Dare),



The Kings Majey there on the twenty Fourth of April the hine IZ-ar, ha-v
ing known the Adnice of the before-mentioned nohle Permr, did there name

and choe' into the Stallr then Wacant, the Lord x Dacrc of the North, and
the noble Knight Sir) William Sandys, ordering Letter: to them to eertifj'
them of their Eleon.

In the eleventh YZ-ar of the mo magnicent King Henry the Eighth, a he

eaue the Fea Day of St. George happened on Eaer 4 Erhe, the Kings mo
excellent Meyiey tetnmoned a Chapter to he held on the Maundy Thurday he
fore at Rychmond, rwhere he then was.

In the ame eleventh Tiar of the nto/i irene Prince Henry the Eighth of
this Name, at Rychmond, rwhere the Chapter 'was then held, the Sovereign and
the other Knights companions rwith him agreed, that h] Reaon of Oheuritier
and amhiguour Sene: 'which might ariie, the eleventh Artiele of the Statutes,
in rwhich the Uage of the Rohes is treated of, hould he hrought to a clear Ex
planation. The King therefore rwith the Conent of all the Knightr- of the Or
der there preent at that Time, viz. Thomas Duke of Northolk, Charles
Duke of Southolk, Thomas Marauer Doret, Thomas Earl of Surrey,
Richard Earl of Kent, Charles Earl ofworceer, George/"Earl of Bur
' x Thomas Lord Dacres o] Gillcand ma: in/Za/[ed
on 16 May [O H. 8. in the ninth of the Sonerei _n't

in other Part: of hie Book, he inrmt ut from good

Auihoritier, 'lut the Ktn rode from Richmond on 27

Side, to which Julian de Medicis then dead had een

May to Windor, where-he and nineteen Knight! made

their O/fbringe, p. 560. and that on the next Day at
y Sir William Sandes after Lord Sandes ina/Ied three in the Ajternorzn the) proceeded in 'he Habit 'If


at the ame Time in the thirteenth on the Prince: Side the Order to the Chapr, p. 519, 523. and referri
after the Death of Sir Gilbcrt Talbot, from which again to thit Fea p. 591.
stall he wax afterward; tranlated.
a Ealer Day in 1519, we: upon the 24 Day of
z, Mr. Ahm.
p- 476 inferr! from 'hit Word, March, which jaaing 'no Day i: the garlie that it
that the Fe-' we: certainly prarogued according to the can prh/y happen.
iatutes, there na: no Occaion for this reaoning ince
a a Ithould h: Lord.



P. 209.



Actauh Anno undeeinto H E N R I C I Octavi.


Bzirone Thoma Lovell, Edoardo Poynyngs Barone, e; Henrico Marney E uj

te, at ue Ocialibus dicti Ordinis :> declarat atque interpretatur il(l]um

Articuhlm undecimum ad hunc moduin',

Primum, ut quiquis hujus

Ordinis Eques extiterit, ubicunq; locorum, modoliber 8: iohiitus, omni

Vigilia SauctiGeorgii, qui ex viceimus iecundus e menis Aprilis, ive
intra Pachalem ive extra olennitatem illam contigerit, quamquam nulia
tum divinorum celebratio Georgio propria ab Eccleia jam ame conjzm
habeatui', integro utetur habitu, quo ocietas e inignita: Hoc e Te

hora primarilm
dum Pallio,
in Veperispo
diei meridiem
ca-terique uque
nis, prandii 8: toto ccxzna: tempore, ni it illa jejunio vetita: cumquc

Fuerinata jejunii dies, donec ea Collatio (quam vocant) ex animo ca

pienda niatur: Qiod i cum Supremo ierit horum aliquis, ex ejus

nutu nitioneque pendeat. I-Ioc obiervandum Sc perimpiendum ee,

Supremus ait, decernimus, nii oranbelium ingruat, xgritudo prohibear,
aliud juum
fore ans, aut
olo quodvis
cum iconio
Divi Georgiiintercurrat.
de C.:the_
nula aurea ericiivc buld prominente quiil; ocius Ordinis hujus utatur b.
Anno ereniini Regis Henrici Oiitavi duodeeimo, nulla accidit electio :
(Ed nec res altera quidcm adeo memoria: commendanda.

gavenny, Lord Thomas Darcy, Baron Thomas Loveli, Edward Poynyngs

Baron, and Henry Marney Knight, and the Oicers of the aid Order, declares
and interprets that eleventh Article after this Manner. Fir, That whoever

was a Knight of this Order, wherezever he was, provided he was free and at
Liherty, hould on every St. Gcorges Eve, heing the twenty econd of April,
whether it happened within the Feival of Eaer or out of it, though there
were no divine Service proper to St. George hefore appointed hy the Church,
_wear the whole Hahit of the Order, that is, the Gown, the Mantle, the Collar,

from the Hour of the

I/epers after Noon till the End of the tme Vepers,

viz. on the Vepers of the Day, and the re of divine Oices, all the Time of
Dinncr and Supper, unle/Sr this la he orhidden hy a Fa, and when it is a
ated Pa-Day, till the Void (as they call it) of Sweetmeats, whereof they

may eat as they pleajZ, is ended. But any one of them he with the Sovereign,
it hall depend on the Save-reigns Pleaure and Determination. This ays the Sove
reign, we decree to he oherved andfullled, unles hy Chanee aitdden War hreahs
out, Sielznejiprevents, the Length of the Jroutney hinders, or any other

diment intervene.

For then it hall he enough, that every Knight Campanian of

the Order ue the Garter alone, 'with the Image of St. George hanging down hy
a golden Chain orilhen Button b.

In the twelfth Tear of the moierene King Henry the Eighth, there happened
no Eleon, nor indeed any Thing ele that deerved to he rememhefd.
_ h 'Iisomen-hat irange, that no Narrative is here Order then within the Rca/me. This Defect m. in
gilt/en of the Fea, held this Tear at V-'indor on 29 ome Meaure henpplied from Manucripts, whie) he
ay, which Stow p. 507 ac ttaints as, was hept with ing too long to he inerted here, will he cited in an App.
great Solemmt),
as preent
it sadallheen
Feaofofthea n. 2.i with the Statutes then made.
there being
the the


*'-" "wan-Hid "Nin-



Acta uh Anno deeima tertia H E N R I C l Octani.

Anno decima tertio Henrici OEZarvi, Rcgis invictilni, initum e Grene- P- zloz
cwiehie: Concilium ante ecundas Georgzi vepcras, in quo ilblinlitati R*e
gia: crvientcs, Northfb/eixe, ac Southfolcie Duces, Comitcs Sex/opie, Lexize,
. Canczize, ac Wigomize, Dominus Burgaunjze, Dominus Thomas Love-II, 8c

Dominus Henriew Marne] ad edcs tum vacue factas ex ordinc


Dux Northfoleia,


Ducem Ferraria,
Comitem De-vania,
Comitem Derhj-e.

Dom. Bamee, Dom. Maur. Bark/e),

Dom. Mantjey, Dom. 70. Peyche,
D. Edm. Haward. Dom. Rich. H/jngfeild.

Dom. Ferdinandam, Dom. Bamee,

Dux Southfoltia,

Comes Sdopia,


Dom. lvlaur. Bark-le),

Comitcm Devoni-e,

D.Dah.Attralem,Dom. Nieh. I/aaaic,

Comitcm Derhya.

Dom. Conjers.

Dom. Joh. Peythe.

Ferdinandum, Dom. Hejngt, Dom.
Maur. Bark-ley, .
Comicem De-vomia, Dom. Bra/ce,
Dom. Nith. Vtltlx,
Comitem Derhye.

Dom. Ferrert.

Dom. Rie. Sachevere/I.

Dom. Ferdinandum, D. Dak. duralermDom. Joh. Peyehe,

Comes Ehxic,

Comitem Dei/enim,

Dom. Root,

Dom. Nieh. Varix;

Comitem Derhja.

Dom. Herhert.

Dom. illum. Bark/ty.

Dom. Ferdinandum, Dom. Mantjoy,

Comes Cancie,

Comitcm Dewonia,
Comltcm Derby-t.

Dom. Rie. Sache-vere/l,

Dom. Montagu, Dom. lVitho. Varix,

Dom. Root.
Dom, Tho. Boleyrze.

In the thirteenth Tear of the mo in-"tlincih/e King Henry the Eighth, a

Chapter was held at Grenewychc before the ecand I/Zpers of St. George, in
'which the Duke: of Northfolk and Southolk, the Earl: ofshrewsbury,
Eex, Kent, and Worceer, Lord Burgavcnny, Sir Thomas Lovell, and
Sir Henry Marney, attending on the King: Highner, did for the Stalls then
ruaeant according to Order

The D. of Ferrara,

The D. of Northfolk,

Lord Barnec,

Sir Mau. Barkley,

E. of DevonhirqLord Montjoy, Sir John Peyche,

Earl of Derby. Sir Ed. Haward. Sir Ri. Wyngeild.
Don Ferdinand,

Lord Bahnec,

Sir Maur. Barklcy,

Da/ze of Southfolk, The E. of DevonhirqL. Dak. ofSouth, Sir Nicho. Vaux,

Earl qf Derby. Lord Conyers. Sir John Peyche.
Don Ferdinand,
Lard Hayngs , Sir Mau. Barkley,
Earl cf Shrewsbury, The E. of Devonhire,L0rd Broke,
bir Nicho. Vaux,
Earl of Derby. Lord Ferrers. Sir Ric. Sacheverell.
Don Ferdinand,

Earl of Ecx,

L.Dak. of South,Sir John Peyche,

The E. of DevonhirqLord Roos,

Earl of Derby. Lord Herbert.

Don Ferdinand,
Earl of Kent,

Sir Nich. Vaux,

Sir Maur. Barkley.

Lord Montjoy, Sir Ric. Sacheveren,

The E. of Devonhire,Lord Mountagu, Sir Nicho. Vaux;

Earl of Derby. Lard Roos.
Sir Tho. Boleyne.

i 288

Actauh Anno decimo tertio H E N R I C I Octa-oi,

Dom. Ferdinandum,

P. zit.

Dofn. Roos,

Dom. David. Omen,

Cbmes Wigornie,

Comitem De-uonia, Dom; VJ/loughby, Donl. Nich. Vaux,

Comitem Derhya.
Dom. Montjoy. Dom. Maur. Barkley.

Dom. Burga-oenj,

Devoma, Dom. Montjfl),

Dom. Ferdinandum, Dom. Montagti, Doth. Tho. Boleyne,

Dom. Main.. Barkley,
Comitem Derhye,
Dom. Bamee. DomJVich. Varix.

Dom. Ferdinandum, Com. De-uonia, Dom. jVich. Varix;

Dom. Tho. Lovell,v

Regem Hungarite.

Regem Port/tgalia,
Dom. Hen. Aifarney, Regem Hungariie,

Dom. Roos,

Dom. Joh.

Com. Devoniie, Dom. The. Boleyne,

Dom. Fytzwater, Dom. Maur. Bark-ley,

Dom. Ferdinandum, D. DakxAuralenuDom. Job. Peyche.

A Veleris allatam immediate ibi Nominationem, Rex in inum mit

tens, eam noctem apud ei: tenuit.

Mane priuquam Mia pro de

functis inchoaretur, in coniorio, unanimi cxterorum Ecluitum hortatu,

perillurcm 5 Dervonize Comitem Henrieum, in hanc clarihmam Societa

tem elegit.

Qgi quoniam tum prazerns in aulfi lit, per Garterum acceri

tus, venit ad hoium, ubi Rex intus erat; 85 ibidem Northfolcia ac

Southfolcia Duces nobiliter invitatum, ad Celitudinem Regiam addu

Don Ferdinand,

Lord Roos,

Sir David Owen,

Earl of Worceer, The E. of Devonhire, L. Wylloughby, Sir Nicholas Vaux,

Earl of Derby.
Don Ferdinand,

Lord Burgaveny,

Lord Montjoy.

Sir Maurice Barkley.

Lord Montagu, Sir Tho. Boleyne,

The E. of DevonhirqLard Montjoy, Sir Maurice Barkley,

Earl of Derby. Lord Bamce. _ Sir Nicholas Vaux.

Don Ferdinand,
E. of Devonhirqsir Nicholas Vaux,
sir Thomas Lovell, The K, of Denmark, Lord Roos,
Sir Maurice Barkley,

K, of Hungary. Lord Barnee.

Sir John Eggecomb.

The 1(, of Portugal, E. of Devonhirqsir Tho. Boleyne,

xSir Hen. Marney,

K, of Hungary, Lard Fytzwarer, air Maurice Barkley,

Don Ferdinaud.
L. Dak. of S0uth.Sir ]0hn Peyche.

The Nomination being brought to the King immediately after Vejpers, he put it
in his Bojbm and kept it with him the Night z in the Morning before Malrfor
the deceaed was begun, he in the Conzory by the unanimous Approhation of the

Re of the Knights, cho: the mo illurious Henry Earl of 5 Devonhire into

this mo noble Society, who being then preent in the Court was called by Gar.
ter, and came to the Door of the Room where the King was; and there the

Dukcs of Northfolk and Southfolk led him thus nobly in-vited to the King's
c Henry Courteney then Earl of Devon, adoan- dicted, attainred 1 Cro. p. 124, and heheaded 9 Ja
ced to he Marque: of Exerer, ina/Ied 9 lune in the nuary 15389. Hollingh- p. 946.

eighth of the Sovereign? Side. He na: afterwards in


Actaith Anno decimo tertio H E N R l C_I Octa-oi.


Ea ne Mijeas dilni erga he juvenis 8; pturhti deliter ocii ni

hil immemor, ob hanc iplitnl cauam ub uaviiim ac gratulatorizr on;

tionis form, hunc i (e cceterique tum prmlentibtls in hanc prxclarili

mam hcietatem aiebat admium. At eft tamen pe, ut virtus, quzejanl
ante clare coeperar, ubinde creceret: 8: in co magis ac nngis indies

nobilitas eluceret.

Ad hare ubligar e manu porrectutn jut ut tibice

inira: Marchio Dorett circumligaret.

folcia Dux nobilis una juvabat.

Qxod dum ipie faceeret, North

Rex autem ipe Torc uatum reddidit,

imaginem Divi Georgii imul adjiciens.

Tum Comes electus ad acunb

diam pro virili e componcns, modo (quo eri) poruit humillitno, quam

plurimas excellentimzr Majeati gratias egit, debiu po alure totam

prazterea ocietaten] impartiens.

Decrevit ibidem Regia Majeas, prazrequiito Commilitonum aenil: P. Zlz-

ut quiquis Equitum hujus Ordinis imaginem Sancti Georgii cathenul,
eu 'l bulzit e pectore demitteret, eandem impoerum intra nobilitarum

ubligar illocaret : ut horum a) caztcris ea velut cindho cerra ot-et.

Celebritas autem Divi Georgii ad nonutn Junii diem e dilara, quod

e Edoardus Buchyngantize Dux, laza: Majeatis reus actus e, 8: poea per

actus, in cujus examine ac judicio preeenti Nobilium iorum opus erar.

His Meyey in Truth, not forgetting the great Fidelity of that Touth to

wards him, and the faithful Dicharge of his Duty, did for that Reahn in a
wer] engaging Manner, and in the way of a congratulator] Oration tell him, That
he was admitted hy himelf and the others then preent into this mo nohle So
ciety, yet with this Expeation that his Vertue which had already hegun with

tch a Lure would encreae from that lime, v and his Nohility would hine
out more and more in him wer) Day.

Upon this holding out the Garter, he

ordered the Margues Dorac to tie it ahout his left Leg; which whil he was
doing, the nohle Duhe of Northolk aed him. But the King himelf put
on him the Collar, adding alo the George. Then the Earl ele tting him

elf to exert his 'Eloauence to the utmo, in the mo humhle Manner pohle
returned Than/es to his mo excellent Makj, afterwards tltzting alo the
whole Society as hecame him.
The King there, having r had the A/Znt of the Knights Companions, de
creed, 'Ihat every Knight of this Order hould wear the Image of St. George in

a mall Chain, or Lace of 'i Sil/e on the Brea, and place the ame for the u
tttre within the ennohled Garter, to dilirtgui/h themelves from others.
But the Fea of St. George was deerd to the ninth of June, hecau
' Edward Duhe of Buckynghatn rovas accued, and afterwards con-'ziifled of

High Deaon, at whoe Eecamiitation and Trial there was need of the Preence
of thoe Nohlemen.

d This is one of the Aetieles decreed in II H- '8-

'zf Eex, the Ear/e o] Wilthire, the Earlc ofKent,

. e Mr. Stow p- 51; tells us, that the Degradation of \ Sir Thomas Lovcl, and the Lord Lc Ware Knights of'
this Duhc (f Buckingham was read and publihed by the clitl Order> uulh other great Audicnce aj/emhled
Garter King of Arms, at the Fea o; St. George in on the eighth of Ilune 13 H. 8. and then gives the
'he Qnire of &Vindorc College &e. tJere being preent Form of the Proeamation. See do Ahm- Appcn.
the Lord Marquc s Dorer Km' lJt of' theame Order, n. clxxxiii and his Ht/l. p. 621.

then being the

ings Deputy or the Fea, the Ear/e l



290 p _ , Acta uh Anno quarto tleeimb H EN R I Cl Octaoi.

periecta unt,
vertit in obizquente.
Sacellum, ut
MiiZim pro
fi Comite'

Illurimi Regis Henriei Oa-wi quarto decimo Anno, Aprili: 'vice/imo

tertio, Rychmoundite celebratum e Concilium : ubi ad Majeatem Regiam

conuentes, inclyti Northfolcite ac Southfolciee Duces, Marchio Doret, De

tvonite, Salopite, Vfychiriee, Surreye, Cantite, ae Vtgorniee Comites; Do
minus Tho. Lo-ztell, 6: Dominus Henricus Marney, edibus in collegio I/Viw

deorien vacantibus


Comitem OxOnienenLDOm. Roos.


Regem Hungarite,

Dom. Tho. Boleyne.

Dom. Fytzmater, Dom. Nieh. l/aux,

Ferdinandum, Dom. Halj/tgs, Dom. Maur. Bark/e),
Regem Portugalia. Dom. Ferrers. Dom. Rti. l//jnlfeld.
Dom. Ferdinandum, D. l/Villottghbj,

Marchio Dorett,


Dom. Ferdinandum, Dom. Pjtzmater, Dom. Ri. /Vythfeld,

Regem Hungaria,
Dom. Bamee, D. Ric. Jarntingham,

Dux Northfaloi-e,

Dux Southfoleia,


Regem Hungarite,

Dom. Ric. Vrjnhfeld,

Dom. Perrers,

Dom. Nieh. l/aux,

Duc. Mediolanenem. Dom. Montjq.

Dom. Tho. Bolejne.


After the/i Things rwere done, the King's Highnei turned to the Chappel to
hear Ma fbr the Dead, thef Earl ele diligently attending on hint.

In the fourteenth 'ear of the mo illurious King Henry the Eighth, the

twenty third of April a Chapter 'was held at Rychmound, where the TMOW
ed Duhes of Northfolk and Southolk, Margues Doret, Earls of Devon
hire, Shrewsbury, Wylchire, Surrey, Kent, and Worceer, Sir Tho

mas Lovell, and Sir Henry Marney to the Stalls tvaeant in the College of




Don Fcrdinand,
Lord Fytzwater, Sir Ric. Wynkfeld,
Duke of Northolk, The l(. of Hungary, Lord Barnee, Sir Ri. Jarnyngharn,

Earl of Oxford. Lord Roos.

Sir Thomas Bolcync.

The l<, of Hungary, Lord Fytzwater, Sir Nicholas Vaux,

Du/ee of Southolk, Don Ferdinand,

Lord Hayngs, Sir Maur. Barklecy,

K, of Portugal. Lord Ferrers.

Mergues Doret,

Sir Ric. Wynkfel .

Don Ferdinand,
L. Wylloughby, Sir Ric. Wynkeld,
K, of Hungary, Lord Ferrers, Sir Nicholas Vaux,
Duke of Milan.

Lord Montjoy.

Sir Tho. Boleyne.


The Earl of Devon it doubtlet meant. But this

Fea/Z being thus held by a Deput), the Entry here which

Masjot' the dfccdtd (uhioh according to the Statutes

was to be perfhrmed in the Morning ayfter the Ru)

follows the _Mem_0rta1 of the Feu held at Windore, mu relic/e to the Solemnity oberved 77)- Jim at Green
that the King himelf went into the C/Jappel to bear l wich on the Marrow after St. Georgtfs Fea/l.


_ MJ

Actauh Anno quarto decimo H E N R I C I Octa-vi.

Comes Dwoniae,

Comes Sulopic,


Dom. Ferdinandum, Dom. Root,

D. Arth. Plantzzgenet,

Regem Partugalic,

Dom. Momjzy,

Dom. Rich. V-'i/cfela', P- 213

Regem Hungarize.

Dom. l/fj-llaaghhDom. Alz/zr. Bark-ley.

Dom. Ferdinzmdum, Dom. Fjtzmater, Dom. Rich. PVjnh/d,

Regem Portugalie, Dom. Hajngs, Dom. Nicho. Vaux,
Com. Wemerlandie. Dom. Roos.
Dom. Ri. Sache-vere/l.
Regem Portugali-e,
Regern Hungari-e,

Comes Vhiri-c,

Dom. Pjtzrvater, Dom. RiaWjmhfe/d,

Dom. amjojr, Dom. Tho. Boleym',

Dom. Ferdinandtzrh. Dom. Hayzgr. Dom. Gul. Comptozz.

Regem Hungaries,

Dom Fjtzmater, Dom. N/ico. Vaux,

Comes . Surreyoe,

Dom. V/qmerlandzi-e.
Ferdintmdum, Dom.
Dom. Hdjngs,

Comes Canci-e,

Regem Hungaries,
Regem Portugalix,

Dom. Montaugu, Dom. Tho. Boleym,

Dom. Ferrers,
Dom. Ric. M/yzkfeld,

Dom. Rrdinandum.

Dom. Pjtzmatcr. Dom. Hen. Goulford.

Regem Hungari-e,

Dom. Roos,

Dom. Ferdinandum,

Dom. Fytzrvater, Dom. [Warm Bark-ley,

Comes I/Vtgomie,

Com. Werrzerlandic. Dom. ferrers.

Dom. Ric.
Tho. Vr/lld.

Dom. Ric. V/nhld,

Dom. Tho. Boleyne.

Regem Portugalize, Dom. Fjtzrvater, Dom. Ric. I/Vjnlefeld,

Dom. Ferdirmndum, Dom. Ram,
Dom. Maur. Ear/dey,

Dom. Tho. Lo-ve,

Regem Daci-e.

Dom. Ferrers.

Dom. Tho. Vear.


Don Ferdinand,
Lord Roos,
SirArth. Plantagener.
King of PortugahLord Montioy, Sir Rich. Wynkfeld,

E. of Dcvonhire,

K, of Hungary. L. Wylloughby. Sir Maur. Barkley.

Don Ferdinand,

Lord Fytzwater, Sir Rich. Wynkcld,

Earl of Shrewsbury, The K, of Portugal, Lord Hayngs, Sir Nicholas Vaux,

E. of Wemerl. Lord Roos.

Sir Rich. Sacheverell.

The K, of Portugal, Lord Fytzwater, Sir Rich. Wynkcld,

K, of Hungary, Lord Montjoy, Sir Tho. Boleyne,
Don Ferdinand. Lard Hayngs, Sir Will. Compton.

Earl of Wylchire,

The l. of Hungary, Lord Fytzwater, Sir Nicholas Vaux,

Earl of Surrey,

Don Ferdinand, Lord Hayngs, Sir Tho. Boleyne,

E. of Wcmerl. Lord Ferrcrs.

Sir Rich. Wynkfeld.

Earl qf Kent,

The IC. of Hungary, Lord Montagu, Sir Tho. Boleyne,

K, of Portugal, Lord Fcrrers,
Sir Rich. Wynkcld,
Don Ferdinand. Lord Fytzwater. Sir Henry Goulford.

Earl qf Worceer,

The K, of Hungary, Lord Roos,

Sir Rich. Wynlcfcld,
Don Ferdinand, Lord Fytzwater, Sir Maur. Barkley,
E. of Wemerl. Lord Ferrers.
Sir Tho. Boleyne.
The K. of Portugal, Lord FytzwategSir Ric. Wynkeld,

Sir Tho. Lovell,

Don Ferdinand, Lord Roos,

Sir Maur. Barklcy,

K, of Denmark. Lord Ferrers.

Sir Thomas Vere.



Actauh Anno quarto dhcimo H F. N R l C I Octaoi.

Regcm Portuigaliee,

Dom. tzrvater, Dom. Ric. V/jnezld,

Dom. JVtic/t. Vaux,

Dom; Hen; Mirnty, Dom. licterdinandum, Dom. Ferrers,

Oln.l4'gl//tetl1nd1}c. D. ljtzwarrenne. Dom. l-len. Goulford.

_ Quit denominatioi1elinceriter adimpleti, Regiciuc porrectei, Majcas

P. zi4- 3ejus
Regia, legit in plcndorem hujus inigniinlze Socieratis Dominum
Ferdinandurn Caroli Imperatoris frarrem 8: Dominum b Riehardum Wjink
eld Equitem allatlllh.

The K, of Portugal, Lord Fytzwarer, Sir Rich. \Nynkcld,
Sir N ieholas Vaux,
Sir Henry Marney,
E. of Ferdinand,
Wemerl. L.
Sir Hcinry Goull-ord.

l/Vhich Alomination being full) ni/hed and delivered to the King, his Royal
[Uaje] choe into the vSplendor' of this mc famous Societ) Dong Ferdinand
Brother of Charles the Emperor, and Sir 'J Richard Wingtrild Knight.
6 Henry Earl of Eex died r March 31 H. s.
7HSg- Charles Someret Ear of Worceler died

g FCKllnRlld then Archdul-e of Anlria Or. Knight

of the Golden Flcex, being elelrd into the econd

stall on the Prince] Side, vacant by thc dekiirading and
Attatndet' of the Duke of Bucks, had the Eu/igns of

the Garter ent him by Vertue of a C/'n-nisn bear

ing Date 17 Augu 15 H. 8. printed in Athm. App.
n- lxiii- And he received them at Nurembcrg on the


8 Sir Thomas Lovell died 25 May 16 H. 8.

gH-Hg-nry Staord Earl of Wilthire died 6 March

Rich. Grey Earl ofv Kent died 3 A r. 15 H. 8.
Fen of the Conception of our Lad Vinc. Ms in O.
11 Sir Rys ap Thomas made his Will eb. 2. pro
Arm. n. 152. p- 159, that is on 'Je 8th of Dee. When ned 5, ly11425. '7 H. 8.', d
he atte a certificate of his Acctptetnce and took his 6 Ph.
12 8c M.
ar es tse ErnP eror ie 21 e P t. 1 55 8- s O
Out) with ome Modications Ahm. App- note cxve
cxlii. the Form of his tting at Ditmcr on that Day in
13 Thomas Lord Darcy beheaded 31 June 28 H- 8.
the Mantle of this Order is repreented in a Limning.
14 Edward Sutton Lord Dqtleley died 23 H- 8.
Ahm. Hi. p. 404. and he was at length its/lulled on

14 Io

15 Thomas Howard Earl of Surrey died in I (i 2

17 July 16 H. 8. Vinc. MS rt. 417. by his Proxy Ph. 8.: M.

16 Thomas We Lord de la War died before 12
George de Halwyn Baron o Gomyns. Ahm. H'
P_ . lltzitlytl.Vitrigz
p- 675. Ferdinandtts Archidux Au Feb. 17 H. 8.
ric, rater Caro/i lmperatoris actus cl Eques Gar

r Sir Henry Lord Marney died 24 May IS H. 8.

1 George Nevil Lord Aber avenny died 27 H- 8.
19 Sir Charles Brandon Du e o] Suolk died 2'

terii Ordinis, qui ibi magno honori duxir, in id

nobile Equitum Colleczium aggregari, vir ipe mul Augu 37 H. 8.
20 E ward Stanley Lord Montegle made his lVi/l
to nobililimus, clarimuque.
His Deire to be admitttd into this Order appears 5 Apr. 1524.. and died two Days after. Vinc. Bar. M
from the [nlrnilions given to the Embatdors, who
21 Tho- Lord Dacres died 24 Oct. 152517 H 8.
were ent to him with the En ns oit, which are inert
22 Sir Will. Sandis made his Will 8 Dec. 32 H. 8.
ed in the Appendix at Iengt), becaue in the Letter o]

23 Henry Earl of Devon beheaded 30 H. 8

cardinal Woley annexed to them, it eems to be inti

meted that the then Duke of Ferrara had been alo

'17Jee with the two companions now elected Don Fer
cle-ed into this Soeiety. Upon the Death of Hercules dinando and Sir Richard Wingfcild complete the
Duke of this Place (who had been in his Time a (lim Number of thh Suciety, [o as it houtd eem as if there
panion of this Order) His Son Alfonus dTZR uc was no Vacuum iir this' )uke o] Ferrara at this Tin-te.
ceeded in that Dutch), in the Tt-ar 1535, and lined 'The Earl of Wilthire died on 6 March 14 H. 8. and
till 31 Oct. 1554, but there is no Memorial entred in tn a Chapter on Je May in the 15th Tlear Sn- Thomas
of ue,
his which
neither is hatheen.
he men Buller] was cle-fled. This Regier mentions Stallt to be
in an) Catalo
the Co/leciior
(There being nt Li/tctgof the Companions inerted in this then void, and ne find this Duke of Fcrrara then norni
nated in twelve Sulkrages, uhereof the Lord Mamcy
Book from the commencement of this Rtion, it may not was one o the Serutincrs, nhich Lord died fourteen
he unacceptable in this Place to give one according to D-gs eaier-wards. and on the 12 [uly following the Lord
the Seniority of Blctlions.
Ferrers was chocn, at whoe Election the Earl o Kenc
ivas preent, who hitnel ' died on zd ofApril olloning,
l Tho. Earl of Arundcl elected when Lord Mau but his Death as alo t at of the Lord Montegle was
ubequent to the Dare of the (ardinals Letter, being
travcrs 13 E. 4. died 25 Oct. 16 H. 8
2 Thomas Hoxvard Duke of Norfolk PIUEZ under urote on 26 Augu 15 H. 8. This is printed by the Re
Rich. 3. depoed and reored, died 21 May 16 H. 8. nerend Mr. Strype, and being ver) long isplaced in the
3 George Earl of Shrewsbury died 26 uly 33 H-8. Append. n. 3.
4 Thomas Grey Marques Doret die 22 H.-8.

5 Henry Earl of Northumhtrland died 18 H- 8.

I) See the Ilernoirs of his Life in the Introd. p. 219.



Deelaratio Statutorum i4to H E N R I C I Octavi.

a 93

Statuta atq; Ordinationes illurimi Ordinis Divi Gedrgii, cui Suhligaris e ah
eventu nomen additum : enarrata ac declarata per inclytmutii, excellentem
ae prtepotentem Principem Henricum hujus nominii Oiiavunt, dei gratia Re

gent Anglim, ac Francis, Defenoretndei, Dominum Hibemizr, cote.

BI clariimtls, invictiimus, 8: inter ortunatimos hujus muudi

Principes meritimc numeratus, Edoardus Tertius, Anglia Rex 84:

Francite, Dominus Hihernia, &e. Ad honorem omnipotentis Dei, beatil

Eatuz (he Ordonnanees du trenohle Ordre de la Jiarretiere reformezz, explanez, d
declairz de nouueau per tre/hault, trehxeellent, 67- trttzjiuiitnt Prynee Henry
le huytieme, par la Grace de dieu, Roy dAngleterre, (j- de Fraunce, Deen
eur de la_Foy, do Seigneur dlrlande &do.

Omrrie le tresF-ameulx, trevictoreulx, 8: l'un des plus eureulx Princes

du Monde Edouattle Jtroizicine de ce nom jadiz Roy dngleterre

6: de France, Seigneur drlaind &e. Alhonneur de dieu tout puimt, la bei


Deelaration of thei Statutes.

Statutes and Ordinances of the mo illurious Order of St. George, to which
from the Event the Name of Garter is added, pronounced, and declared
by the mo renowned, excellent, and mo potent Prince Henry of that

Name the Ei hth, by the Grace of God, King of England and France,
Deendour o the Faith, Lord of Ireland &e.

Hen the mtyi famous, mo invineihle, and mz deervedly to he numd

hered among the mo fortunate Princes of this l/Vorld, Edward the
Third, King of England and France, Lord of Ireland &we. to the Honour of



i The Editor cannot as yet dtover in what Language if not to determine, whether thee Statutes were then de

this Declaration of the Statutes was made in this ar, clared in the Englih Langua e, as thtye were in the
for he knows not the Form of the Entry thereof in! the eleventh Tear, or in the Frenc Torgue, whereof a Cap)
Re ir. Chartac. and the Original-formerly repoited is here exhibited taken from the Oltce of the Chamber
in the Arehi-Jes at Windor is lo. The Paage rela

lains o] the Exchequer, or in Latin, and in that Cae,

ting to this Matter inerted in this Booh under the r nhether our Corn iler did not tahe theiame Liberty, as
Tear of this Reign, may he capable of dierent Inter he did with the tial-file: of Ed. Ill, tJat is turn them
pretations, and theretre he dares not adventure to give into his ottn Style and Latinity. As in the Englih Sta
any conjectures or draw an'

Life-rence: from it; the tutes now delivered to the Knights there areome Tran
potions and Vartations from this Latin Exemplar, o
there are extant other Copies in Englih with this ame
Date, which 'vary from hath; for lome of them contain d

Diittt/t) therein aries, in iaat r. Aldrydge the Com

piter was notpromotcd to the
ce of Regijier till the
26th Year. The Statutes now O ligatory on the Knights
are in Englih dpuhli/hed by Mr. Ahmole in hlacl
Letters, delioere to them upon their Inallations, which
are dattd on 2; Apr. 1522, it) Miake there aid to he
the eighth inead of the fourteenth of this long, hat
'tis evident that Copy is not an exact Tran cript of

fourth Point o' Re roachjee Ahm. p- 289. This Re

gier mis upon his (giblid he did tranate thee Sta
tuiet, it cannot he conceived that he too/e any farther Li

berty than to dret them up in the mo esrpre/ilte Latin

he was Maer of, and o far they mu/i he of Author-ny.
the Declaration made at this Time, hecau e there is And ince there is a I/'aricty between this Latin and thee
cited in the 19th Article a Detree made iii the gzd Englih Copies though in Matter-s of mall Conequence,

Tear for turning Maes into pecuniary Summs- The it hath heen thought not improper to print a nem Englih
preent Ditzui/ition is ar the Original in this rath Ver/on of the Latin, which is therefore to he eeemed
ear, and tts hoped ome Lihrttry or private Study may of no Weight, and only for the Service of a Reader un
furni/h an Exemplar delivered to ome Campanian elect aeouainted with that Language.v

ed oon after this Time, which 'nay enable it: I0 gutt', l

F fff




Declaratio Stotutorum I4to H E N R I Cl Octavi.

imcc virginis Marize, praeclari Martyris Divi Georgii, nobilimi regni An- _
glornm inigniimi Patroni, 8c Sancti Edaardi Confelloris, ob llabilitatenl
atque incrementum catholicae dei, bonorum morum augmentum, 8c
omnigen virtutis exercitium, intra Carum I/Vzndeori, viginti lex nobi

lium ac fortium Equitum ocietatem atque ordinem inituit, quem, .


noic Vierge Immacule Marie, 8c du glorieulx Marcir Sainct George Pa

tron du noble Royaulmee dAngIeterre, 8c de Sainct Edouart Roy 8: Con

fectur, a Yexaltacion de bonnes meurs ac Vertus, ayt Ordonne, eably, cree,

8c fond dedens le Chaeau Royal de I/Vindejore une Compaignie de vingt

ac lex Chevaliers, pour ere de lOrdre de Sainct George, appelle la Jarre

Almighty God, tbe mo h/ej/Fa' Virgin Mary, the mofamous Martyr St. George

Patron of the mo noble Kingdom of Englihmen, and of St. Edward the Com
feor for the Lahli/hment and Inoreae of the Catholic/e Faith, the Increae of
good Manners, and the Exercie of all Manner of Verrue did, within the (fa/le

of Windor, initute a Society and order of twenty

noble and valiant


The Right Reverend Dr. Matthew wren Br/bop of

3 Tertium continetur in Schcda pcrgamcna con

he wasinRegier
of thi:thee
did inwhich copiam
voluta, ilecit
; cujus mihi
write while
a Comment
Latin upon
hi: Oherz/miorn.
Prefect wherein he acquaint: m exemplaris
dinis : Gallicano
8c primi
eu ctcd hi:
verba fere
ed Cum adectxonlbus
tamen nonnullis, quae ub R. R. Hen.

Nobilimi ordinis in A N G L I A, Dicti

. 8c Hen

Vl. prodiere Citatur per Literam R.

4. Quarrum Statutorum en, quae hic nunc de

P E R 1 S C E L I D E:

fcribuntur: De quibus illud femel monendum e,

Adjectis aliquot ad Margincm Notis ;

ln quibus videre eritl

ubi nihil in contrarium notatur ad marginema ea

cum antiquioribus Statutisyre quidem ipfa atque en

Quantum Statura hc a prioribus difceflrint,

tentia, i non 8c verbis, omnino conennre.

Quantum 8c ab his Statutis receum, ex eo

tempore t,

Hioria nobilimiordinis a PERISCELlDE,trium

Qua per Novorum oecretorum acceones,

Librorum (eu Regirorum) erie delcribituro

Qua per Holiernas coirfuetudines

Ex collectione & collatione M. W: becani Winr Primus ille en, quem nigrum librum vocanr.
deorienix, ac Scrib Nobilimi O R D1N lS.
In eo memoria rerum diducitur ab ipfa inchoatione
Anno Domini MDCXXXI.

Ordinis, ad exitum Edzv. Vl, fed hiulca Plane, ab

ruptaqueo ac mil-eris ubinde hiatibus deformi

hioria- Nec mirum: nam , i reete ob
Qmuor ercenui Statutorum NOBILISSIMI ervo, concriptus non fuit ame annum Hem.
oRDlNIS Enmplaria.
Octavi viceimum extum. Erat tum Roberta: Al
1 Primum 8c anriquimum habetur in vetullo dridge (S. S. Theolog. Doctor 8c canonicus Winde
libello Decani w1 NDES OR 1 E NS IS (una cum orien/ir) Scriba ordrnis. llle (fortan) compilatis
fundatione 8c statutis collegii Wtndejbrien/r) finem undique prioribus fcriniisl ac convafatis (qu tum
ante C. annos ffacobn; Demon canonicus Col egio reperire erat) rerum Storgianarum monumentiss

contulit. Citatur igitur in his Notis per Lite- Hioriam inde hanc (ut potuir) conrexuit a prima
ram D.
oriine. Dcin etiam continuavit (ut vero e i

Originalia hc fuie statuta arq; in prima Or- mil imum) uq; {d lnitium regni Writ, quan'
dinis lniitutione confecta, parum dubito. quam EPICOPUS IpF interea Cry-lralen: eflet per
Lice: in Ca _ decimo de Pna tarde veni- irin annos-i A iusti enim cribam factum reperio per

entium, 8c a . duodecimo, De mulcta non 1d temporis nemmcm

geanrium fu ligaculum, Additiones unt,

qu paulo poerius statutis ipfis funt inertz.

2 Secundus Liber cruleo tegumine obduciturl

inci it gineunte regnum R. Maria, 8.: definit in
2 Alterum habetur in magno Regiro Ordinis, R. ato iannum xviii.
quod Niger Liber (a colore tegumenti) appellatur,
- manetq; jam in cuodia Scrib.

3 Tertius inde ad hc tempora decendic, rubro

involurus, gcaturq; a Scriba in oz
Argue iila quidem Statura ordinata fuifle per
- _d. Quarrum iatim ub initia ejus Regni, lennibus

c|_anfmis argumentis poterit demonrari,

erratur per literam N.

Declaratio Statutorum i4to H E N RI C I Octa-oi.


pratluri Subligaculo cognominatum, Divo quoque Georgio nuncupavit,

8: ad tutamcn, decus, atque complementum ejuldcm laudabilcs Ordina

tiones ac Statuta condidit, a Collcgis se coordinatis illis inviolabilitcr ob

ervanda, in quibus obcura qua-rdam, ambigua, Gc lucida: cxplanationis

atque interpretationis egena extiterunt, quxdam vero addenda atque am

plicanda viia unt: Potentihmus, invictimus, atque excellcntimus P. 115.

Princeps Henricus Oa-ous, aupice Deo, Rex Anglia' 8: Franciee, Deenor
dei, Dominus Hibernize, &e. hujus Ordinis optimo jure Supremus, per
eum amorem, quem erga militia: arum Be nunc habet, 8: emper ha

bebat, cujus plendorem indies auctum iri ardentiime deiderat, 8: ob

frequens Sociorum ejuiiem Ordinis deiderium, conilium, 85 aenilm;
viceimo quarto die Aprilis, Anno gratiae millejimo quingenteimo vice/imo je.
eundo, regni vero ui * auarto decimo, obcuritates ias quorundam in qui

tiere, pour lhonnorable Continuance, augmentacion, ac entretenement de

laquelle, les dict trevictorieulx Roy eu devie 8.: initue divers Honno
rables Eatuz, 8: laudables Ordonnanccs pour ere oberves se gardez par
les confreres chevaliers, 8: compaignons dudict noble Ordre, duquelz ea

tuz ont aucuns doubtes, 8: ambiguites neceaires Be expediens ere plus

amplement interpretez, extenduz, ac explanez: Et aucuns autres choes
trere uies ere adjoucies, mies 6: amplices en iceulx, a cee caui:
le treipuiant, trevictorieulz, trelhault, 8; treexcellent Prynce Henry le
VIII, par la grace de dieu, Roy dX-flngleterre, 8c de France,Defcneur de la Foy
8: Seigneur dlrlande, souverain dudict noble Ordre, pour le trenk uliere
amour 8: perfecte delectacion, que la Majee a 6: porte audict nob e Or
dre, 8: a Peat de Chevalrye, de la quellc par trelgrante deir, bon zelc, 8:

ardante Aectyon, il deire l' honneur, accroiement, ac augmentacion,

8: a la requee, 8: inant deire des Chevaliers 8: Compaignons dudict:

Ordre, 8: par leur advis 84: conentement le xxiii jour de Avrill, Pan de
grace mil cinq cens xxiime, de on Reigne le xiiii, a faict Interpretation

Knights denominatedfrom the illurious Garter, and dedicated to St. George,

_He for the Support, Honour, and compleating the ame, made laudable Ordinan
ces and Statutes, to be inviolably oberved by the Fellows and Brethren thereof,
in which hine Things obcure and amhiguous, wanted clear Explanation and In
terpretation, others wanted ome Additions and Enlargements. The mo po
tent, mo invincible, and mo excellent Prince Henry the Eighth, by God's

Grace King of England, and France, Deendour of the Faith, Lord of Ire
land &e. Sovereign of this Order by full Right, out of the Love that he now
hath, and ever hath had to the military State, whoe Splendour he mo ardently
deires to ie augmented dayly, and at the frequent De/ire of the Companions,
and by their Council and Aent on the z4th Day of April, in the Tear of
Grace I 5 z z, the * fourteenth of his Reign, hath explained and interpreted

the/i: Obcurities and Ambiguities of hine Articles in hine of thee Statutes,

* Coepta e heec Elucidatio (idque rogaru Equi- quidem per Scribam, Gd/[lct vel Anglice a Cadu
tum) anno xi- ed conummara anno xiv. laiim ceacore Regio requiretur- N

2s>6.~.~. Declaratio Atatutorum l4t0 H E N R I C I Offa-vi.

bndam e atutis illis articulorum atque ambiguitates interpretatus e, 65
elucidavit, quoedam inuper (ut res fZrebat) adjiciens atque amplicans.
Qta: proecto8: Statuta,
cctum additanlentis,
verum reac
germanum Senum a Supremo cum Collegis omnibus ejudem Ordinis
impoerum oblervari debent, juxta modum qui ubequitur.
1 Decretum imprimis e, quod Rex, hxtedes, 8: i Succeores ejus,

' Anglia po eum Reges, erunt imperpetuunl prteati Ordinis 8: ami

ciima: Societatis SuPrClni.

Ad l Puos deinceps pro uo cujucunq; term

pore declaratio, interpretatio, deci 10, correctio, olutio, se dipcnazio

Statutorum, icubi nodus cxtiterit, aut ambiguitas animos in diverum

traxerit, omnino ectabunt m.

2. Nemo
8: declaration des obcuritez, doubtes, 8: ambiguitez des articles deicts

ieatuz, avec aucunes addicions 8: ampliications a iceulx adiouz; la

tenneur des quelz laudables eatuz, ordonnances, interpretations, decla

rations, reormations, explanations, avec les addicions deudictes apres
la vraie intencion diceulx eront doteenavailt obervez, gardez, 8: enuis
par le souverain 8: Compaignons du dict Ordre en la ourme at ma

niere qui enuit.

t Premierement il e ordonne, 8: accorde, que le Roy, 85 es hoi

res, 8: Succeours, Rois (Pdngleterre eront pour touljours naiz Soverains

de la dicte noble Ordre 8: amiable Compaignie de Sainct George, nom
me la Jarretiere, au quel souverain, 8: a es hoires, 8: ucceours ap
pertiendra la Declaration, Solution, Determination, Interpretation, Re
ormation, 8: Dipenltion de routes Caues concernant 8: touchant aucune

choe cle obcutite, ou doubte contenuz es catuz dudict noble Ordre.

2. Itcm

adding and ampling as Occaion oered. Which Statutes, Ordinances, In

terpetations, Declarations, Reformations, and Explanations with Additiont, ac
cording to the true and genuine Sene ought to he oherrvedfor thefuture It)- the Sove

reign and all the Companions of this Order, according to the Form which follows.

1 Fir it is decreed, that the King, his Heirs and L Succebrs after him,
Kings of England, hall for est/er he Sowereigns of the aoreizid Order and
my? friendly Society.

To 1 whom hereafter, to wer] one according to his

Time, hall m helong the Declaration,
Interpretation, Decion, Correiiiion, Solution,

and Dipeniztion with the Statutes, when an] Difficulty ariZ-s, or when an

Amhiguizy cauZ-s Drences of Opinion.

L Succeores nunc primum adduntur, ed quan
to cautius Ed-o. Quartus, quiquis in Anglia regni
olio potietur, ordinis Suprcmus erit.

l Integra hzc periodus nunc additur ab H. Vlll.

m Reformatio Sratutorutn (necio quae) poula

1 .
2. No
8c quinto, ed quid factum uerit, non apparet. N.
Certe imperatum Cancellario, ut e libris ptorua
expungi curaret omnia novitia Statuta, legeque 8:
conuetudines nuperas, introductas in tenera R.
Ed. Vlti zetate. Mar. Rag. primo. Quin 8e ub

ta atq; decrcta ub Ed. Vlto, Anno tertio, 8: quatto Eliz. Anno primo, Reviio Statutorum aliquot e'




- ___.

, __

Declaratio Statutorum '4to H E N R I C I Octavi.


2. Nemo "deligerur in ocium hujus Ordinis, 0 nii qui nqmine, ar

mis, ac (Zmguine generous, 8c P Eques irrepiehenus exillat. Nec aliquis
Collegzz hujus ordinis ab hinc eum (dum electio ucipitur) nominabit,
quem ex animo not non vacate? judicat. r Gcnerotls autem nomme,

Armis, a; Sanguine is inrelligirur, qui, prter Patrem ac Matrem, Avos

_& Proavos quoque generoi (Zinguinis habuerit. Irreprehenus e; iine

noc judicatur, qui nullum ex tribus hiis equentibus incurrie proharur.
pecies e,
i quis
hrctic pravirate
fueric, nempe
minus catholice
eo nomineipnam
dederit P. 216.
z Item il e accorde, que nul ne fera elleu ne choii Compaignon du-i

dict ordre, s'il n'e Gentihomme de (mg, 8c Chevalier ns reproche:

Et que nul Chevalier dudict ordre nommera en on election aucune per

onne pour ere Compaignon dicelluy Ordre, lequel en concience il

penle, ou cime avoir en luy tache de Reproche, Genrilhommede fang
e icy apres declair de trois (iecentes de noblee, cellallvoir de Nom
8: clArmes depar on pere 6c depar t; mere: 8c touchant 1_ aucun Che
valier air ee accul ou not de Reproche, se pource quil y a piu
eurs 8c divere Pointis de Reproche, icy eront declarez trois pointz tant

eullernent en la Fourme qui s'enuit.

Le premier pointe de Reproach

e, que aucun Chevalier, que dieu deende, fuit convanicu ou attainct

z N0 One " hall he choen a Companion of this Order, 0 unles he he a

Gentleman of Name, Arms, and Blood, and an irreproohahle P Knight, neither

hall any Campanian of this Order henceforth, when an Eleon is undertaken,

name him whom he doth not in his Coneience 'Yjudge 'void of Reproaeh. But
he is underood to he a r Gentleman of Name, Arms, and Blood, who he
jides his Father and Mother hall have Grandfathers and Great Grandfathers
alo of gentile Blood. He is aahudged irreprehenihle and without Reproaeh,

Sort is,
is pro-ved
any not
to have
he condemned
any of of
the heretical
three following
Thoughts les orthodox, or had undergone 1m'hliohPunijhment on that Account.



Commilitonibus committitur, ne qua forte pug acribetur. N.

0 Nii cinctus
cingulo n
nent cum religione 8; legibus Regni. Et quia guinique
ex origne.
feciales patum appofite repondebant ad pleraque
interrogata, Commio datur ad examinandum te ne entilhome de ang, 8c Chevalier anz reprod

ira 8: omnia Archiva Ordinis, adque illuran che', . Nii generis ac militi nomine di nus
um 8c reconciliaxidum, quid obfcurum aut con fuerit, ut qui moribus ac fama plendidus & ues
trarium emergat; quo revocentur omnia ad pri ante (ut minimum) Aurarus. Ignobiles 8c improbi
mam iriirutionem. Sed alva. tamen poteare Su repulfam omnino patientun N.
premo, addendi, mutandive, pro honore Ordinis.

p Hinc Factbm efl ut electo atque inallato Do

Jacob. Anno nono- statutum e porro, ut huju mino Roos, cum tamen in craino Rex intelligent,
modi commiio ad ordinandum omnes quiiiones eum nunquam creatum uie Equirem, convocato
negotiaque ad ordinem pectantia. quotannis con concilio Electionem pronunciavit inanem fui; 8c
tinuetur: ira tamen ut commillionarii rationem ingnia ordinis tolli prcepir. Dein ricto gladio;
omnium reddant in proxime fequenti capitula Equitem eum creavit, 8e tum electus e in ordinem
Jacob;" Anno viceimo primo. Decretum inuper, denuo idem Dominus Roos, tecepitque inignia 8c
ut quater in anno conventum agerent commiona inallationem denuo. Hm. VIII. xvii
q Hinc Factum ehut Comes uidem de Kmdnle,
rii uper negotiis Ordinis, caroli Vl. Commio
denique amplillirna exiir, pro refotmatione rerum quia non intellexit Dominos ac uites huius Reg
omnium qu ad ordinem pectant Car. VI. fueli ni tum nota carere, neminem voluit nominareg
citer, o l
Hen- VI. xxxviii
n Nul ne fera efleu Com aignon. R. In ordi
r ctera qu in hoc capite fequuntun, ingula

nem nullus admittetun D.

ullus in focietatem adduntur per H. VlII.


Altera, i lzea: Majeatis convictus lcrlit;

Tertia, i de beHO ugiat,
'quod Supremus, vel ab eo Adeignatus, 65 authoritatem ejus habens gc.
rit, poeaquam vexiHa proten unt 8: pugna 'occepir iniri. Qui ram

'turpiter ihnc aulgcrit, merito reprehendendus exlmaarl debet, nec in pra-_

enrem Ordinem eligcndus; Et i contingac (quod abit) ahqueln amea
lectum rem pohac ram ignominiom commirtete, is, ut commeretur,
ab hoc Ordine ' deponetur, in proximi Concilii celebratione, i ita Su
premo ac ocictati vium lerit.
3 Qlotannis vigili Divi lGeorgii, hoc e, rvicej/inzo ame, Aj/z, n,
de hercic, ou d.'erreur 'contkc la oy 'carhohiquq ou eu pourcc uer:
paine ou 'pugnition publique. Lc ecund point de Reproache e, que
i aucun Chevaher avoit ere urprins , convanicu, ou attainct de

hault traion. Et le troiieme point c, que i aucun Chevalier depar

tot ou s'enu'oit de la battaille, ou journee, eant avecques on Soua
verain Seigneour, ou on lieutenant', depute, ou altre Capitaine, ayanc
le povoir 8: auctorire du Roy, 'ac la, ou Ies banieres, candartz, ou

Pcnons ont ee deploies, 8: qulz ont commence 8: procedE juilues a

combatre, cclluy qui aini lachement 8: quovardement s*en1ic ou de
parte dillec, doibt ere eime 8: adjugee Chevalier aiant Reproche: Et
jamais digne dere eleu Chevaljer de la dicte Compaignie. Et i par cas de'
fortune advenoit, que aucun Chevalier de la djcte Compaignie, que dien

ne voiHe, t ou commi aucun tcl rcprochablc cas, quc adonc ues il

era prive ac degrade dudict Ordrc au premier chapitre enuyvant, haini
(emblem bon au overain so la compaignie.
3 Item, 'que chacun an, le jour de la veille Sainct George, deaizzl.



In the next Place,

he hould he conlvicted of high] Trenon.



hould y from Bottle, that the Sovereign or any deputed h] him, and herying

his Anthoritj' hould wage, ofter the Bannere were dzP/ajed, and the Eght war
hegun. Whoever hould o hamefullj: y from thence, ought dJer-vedl] to he
eeemed reproachahle,
not to he ehoen into this preent Order. And it
hould chance (which 'tis hoped will not happen) that an] heretofore eIeEYed, hould
hereafter commit a
t ignominioue, he, ar he defer-wahed] he ' degraded
from this Order, in the Chapter to he next held,
to the Sovereign and Soj

tiety it hall t he-m t;

3 Tenth on the Eve

St. George', that it on the Lid of Apr ','


Dccretum e, quod quis gcnerous aut no- alicujus partie e porta occidentali (N*) ed non in
bi is ex utroque parente, avo 8c proavo, hee Mzr- oam ublicam Jacobx' Anno rimo- Cztcrum
ieatis condemnatus, reiituatur ad familiar uz dig- quod acrnomina eorum, qui he ae Majciaris pera

hitatem, Qrpax etiam it hujus Ordinis, nii aliter gentur, decretum e, non eradi e libris atque re
incapax t. Eltz. I.
giiris, ne turpis eet macula: ed am in mar.
t Cum olenni Proclamatione fact-a per Garte- ine librorrxm, nominibus illis &Eribi opoxrerej
tum, in medio Chori, (aianre Oiario) dejectione
inignium _(_0rdine) per Fecialium alrquem, ignomi-

nioa amotroxze eofundem e choto; a calcatione A

Z/ah Prodirok! Hen. Vlll- xxxiio

n Non obant la Prorogacion de le fce R


Declaratio Statutorum I4t0 H E N R I C I Octavi.


cri juxta ritum Eccleizr divina tum Georgio minime celebrentur, omnes
Equices huj us Ordinis x, ubi ubi lerinr, modo u libertate gaudeanr r, tra
be, runic, V humerali, 8: torque, debito cilicet hujus Ordinis habitu, rite
incluentur, hor tertii po mcridiem, donec ocia vepertina cuni 4 'ccrn
ac b rniu po coenam perdluta Fuerint. In matutinis itaque diei equen
tis olenni proceu, ummo icricio, ecundique veperis, -imm0 diem

totum u ue dum coena 6 cum miu po coenam niantur, imili mo

do 4 incegent.

4 ' Si vero (causit pdulante) prxfirti fblenniras prorogari debeat, vel

Supremus eam proroganddm ee cenear, ibi Commilitones omnes qui


voir le xxiime jour du moys dhftroril, auquel jour jaoit que nul ervice de'
Sainct George ne feu aict ne celebre, rous les Chevaliers dela dict Com

paignie eans en lieulx 8: places en Ieurs libertez, en quelqucs lieulx que

e cient, eront renuz porter Phabir du dict Ordre, deahvoir Robe, Man

tel, Chapperon, 6: CoIier depuys Pheure des prcmieres Veres a Pheure

de tierce, qui e a troys Heures apres midy, juques ad ce que leiiictes

Vepres, 8: autre divyne Service, Soper, 8: I/uidee oit faict &e. accomplye,
6: emblablement le matin du jour Saincte George a mannes, proceon,

mee, 8: ecqndes Vepres, Be' tour aulong dudict jour juques ad ce que
ledictes Souper, 8: Vuzdee jit faicte cdrhme dit e.


4 Item que i pour aucunes caues, i] plaiijir audict Soveraiin proro-i

guer la dicte fee 6: dlempnire Sciinct George,- du que la dicte ee deu

though according to the Rite of the Church no dirz/ine Services are celehrated
to St. George, all the Knight: of this 1' Order wherever the) are,
they en

joy their 1 Lihert] hall he did)- apparelled in the Mantle, surcoat, A Hood, and
Collar, the proper Hahit of this Order, at Three of the Cloch in the Afternoonz

till the Evening Service: 'with the 4 Supper and the I' Voyd after Supper he ended.
And like-noie hall r go in the Morning Serrvicer of thefollowing Day, the h
Iemn Proceon, at high Mal', at the econd Vejpers, and the whole Day men'
till Snpper, with the c Void after Supper he ended.

4 e But

(Occaion requiring it) the aid Soiempnig' ought to hie prora'

greed, or the Sovereign thinks it proper to hewe it prorogued, there aethe Cum?
nita. D. Neqiud it exuent, dum ipe Supremus, vel
Ac i prmizmes
protunc, deinatocum uperi
orex Ordims,
m loco ad
hoc pecialitet

ejus deputatus exuerir, exeuindivc tempus e: de.

multo autcm magis quando adunt cum ipo.

creverir. N.
y Porcabunt mantellos de colore blodio D. Mand Quum vero veimentis Ordinis induti non
teaulx de bleu du dit Ordre R- Caeruleas tra unr decretum e, quod ubicunqde tnetim, gerent '
in rnim parte penularum 8: palliorum, a ulo
bezs. N
z. Si Probe obervmnuiluam hnjus mentio, nec rum etiam, ive tunicarum, in irineribus In 1 nia'
in antiquis, nec in his Sratutis occurrit, nii hic 8: De Georgii, h- e. Crucem anguineam cinctam c
Capite xxo.

a jam hi qui caenare decrcverint, quam non cas'

nantes, D. Seu comedentes, eu a-biemii N.

h Uque dum lperior vel ejus deputatuss ump

tis peciebus 8: vino, cunctis decreverint valea
cere D.

'c Uq; dum completa fuerir coena', a: le voyde

ricelide, ed nullis gemmis locupletata: quo om-'

nibus parefcat, quanto e honore aci aeiinienr,

ex illo nobilimo Ordine, viris primariis 8: Digq
nitari' principalis dcinato. R. Cerate' 119.
e Additur de novo 8: hujus capiti' Pars meum;
per Henrimr' Vill






Statutornm 14t0 H

N R 1- C-I

uerint intra regnum, Vigili pariter ac die Sancti Georgii, aderunt in ob

equium Supremi, quocunque Regni ui loco mancrit. Ubi tum iner
vientes eidem ocia Sancti Georgii, olenniter obervabunt, modo ritus Ec
cleia: ancta; id ita permittat. (Llod i mos Eccieizr aliud judicat, nihil
ominus eodem tempore Supremo inervituri aderunt, hiis cum eo divi

nis interiituri, qum tum celebranda atuuntur. Ceremonias item alias

ad unam impleturi, tam ut Concilium ineant przrdicta vigilia po me

ridiem, ante veperas, dievequente po matutinas ante miam, 3; go.

dem meridie ante izcundas veperas, quam ut habitu ho tow olemu-[Cr
induti in u quique ede (e componant, primas veperas in vigili, 8;
in die matutinas, ac Miim cum ecundis reverenter audituri, 8: poh-j

die Miam olennem pro deinctis;

ad quam venientes trabcis ex more

Tupettegentur, ed togis ubtus ut libebit. Ante cujus initium i quce electio

eire prolonguer 8: proroguer a. autre jour, que tous les Chevaliers du*

dict Ordre,que eront dedens le royaulme ddngleterre donneront Ieur attente

ur la paronne dudict souverain,
e trouveront en (a Compaignie en
queique lieu clue] oit dedens 'le dict Royaulme d' Angleterre. Et euix

aini donnant eur attente adicte paronne oberveront 8: garderont le Ser

vice de Sainct George, i FOrdonnance 8: Commaundement de Feglie le

ure 8: permecte 85 i Pordonnance de PEglie ne le permecte, en ce cas,

il eront tenuz de demourer avec le souverain 6: ouyr tel ervice u'ii e
pour iors limite 8: ordonne par Sajncte egiie ere ict 8: cclebreleciictes
veille at jour Saincte George, en obervant 6: gardant durant' ieiiictes jours
toutes autres ceremonies, rant d'a1ler au Chapitre ladicte veille devant Vel
pres, apres midy, Be le dict jour de Saincte George, devant la grant meie
8: apres none devant les dernieres Vepres, que aui i porter Ieur enn

tier habit, Be ere chacun en on eal en gardant le divin Sevice, depuys

'le temps des premieres Vepres la dict veille, juf-Tlies aux dernieres Vepres
le dict jour. Et le lendemain enuyvant devanc mee de Requiem, pren
dront leurs manteaux ur telles Robes, qui leur piaira 8: cntreront au Cha

panions that hall be within the Kingdom, on the Eve as well a: the Day of
St. George, hall be preent to oberve their Sovereign, in whatever Part of the

Kingdom he hall remain. l/Vhere thenerving him, they hall ilemnly oberve
the Office: of St. George, the Rite: of the holy Church permit it in that Man
ner. But
the Cuom of the Church judges otherwie, nevertheler at the
ame Time they hall be preent, ready to erve-e the Sovereign, to give their Ap

pearance with him at ich divine Qicet, a: hall then be e/lablihed to be cele
brated, as alo to perform all other Ceremonier, a: 'well to enter into the Chapter on

the nd Eve in the Afternoon before Veers, on the Day following after Matttim,
before Ma, and at Mid-day before econd Vepers, at being olemnly apparel/ed

in the whole Habit, every one may eat himelf in hie' Stall to hear reverently
I/eper: on the Eve, and Mattim and Mas with the econd Vepers on
the Day [it elf] and the Marrow following olemn Mar for the deceaed, to
'rvhich the)- are to come habited in their Mantle: according to Cuom, wearing


IDeelaratio Statutorum I4to H E N R I C I Octavi. \


inet, ad
illic res
de more
ac turn
i Windeori
(luod (ei Suprernus
ad fctConcilium ingreus ierit, 8e Commilironum aliquis cum eo ini

nus auerit, ob eam negligentiam omne id remporis quo tum Supremus

'cum aliis intus crit, foris ipe manebit

Si vero quis eorum ad veperas

in vigili, matutinas, miam aut veperas, in die, tardior acceerrit, is,

quoad illud divini ocii peractum uerit, vel abictr, vel genua ectet in

eo Ioco quo Chorizr olcnr.

Sin prardicta vigilia cum die equence qui

vis eorum non advenerit, ut Supremo erviat, nec poteatcm prazob

tentam, aut juam alioquin Abientia: caum Supremoq; placentem ob

tendere queat, ille proximo Georgiane olennitatis obervandzc, edile uum


pitre devant ladict mee de Requiem, en ufant des ceremonies ad ce ac

cuumez, comnie s'ilz eoient preiens au dict Chaeau de I/Ijvndeore, 85

en cas que le dict Soverain ort venu 86 entre audic chapitre, 8: que au

cuns Compaignons dudict (_)rdre ne oienr entrez avecques luy, niais

qulz feuenc demeurez derrlere, en ce cas ceulx qui n'auront a1ni faict,

ny donne bonne actente ur Iuy, demoureront pour leur penirance hors

huys dudict Chapitre, 8: ans entrer en icelluy durant le temps que le

dict souverain 8e aultres Chevaliers eronr audict Chapitre pour celle foys,
85 i aucun deudicts Chevaliers vint trop tard aux "remiers Veires de la
dicte veil, ou a Matins, Meie, dernieres Vepres e dict jour de SainCi;

George, il aura Pour penitence, i que durant le temps 8; eace du tel

devin Serv1ce, 11 era adgenoulle ou debour devant on eal en la place
des Cueries: Et s'il ne vienr donner on attente ur la Perionne dudia:

souverain ledictes vueille 8: jour Sainct George, comme dit e, 8: qui]

niai aucun conge, licence, au autre excue raionnable, 8: u1 ole audict

souverain acceptable pour on abence, en ce cas le dict c evalier, qui

aura aini Faict, pour (a penitance ne entrera en ondict eal en_Ia pre
ence du dict souverain, ne a ondict eal audit Collegc de Windeore,

uch Undercoats, ax they pleae.

Before the ame begins,

there hould be

any Eleon, or any Thing of Diculty to be Performed, the] hall enter into
Chapter, there to do all Thing: as though they were preent at Windor. But
if the Sovereign hould be entred into thef Chapter-houe, and an] of the Com
panion: did not enter voith him, for that Negleii-r he hall remain without, du
ring all the Time that the Sovereign hall be within with the otherr. But
if any one of them hall come Iate to the Veer: on the Eve, to Mattinr,
Ma or Veer: upon the Day [it elf] He, till that Part of the divine Oce'

be iperrmed, hall and or leneel in that Place where the Choriers are.


if upon the aid Eve with the Day following, an)- one hall not come that he

might erve the Sovereign, and can neither aIIedge Power before obtained,

or otherwie an]

Caue of Abenee, and uch a; pleae: the Sovereign, He

on the next [Feet/I] of St. Georgds Solempnitj' to be oberved, hall not enter
f Sed Marchio Dorjet excluus ab Electioxie Facien- do, quia" tarde venit, viz. non id jirimis vepetaq
Henriei VL xxv.



Declaratio Statutorum___\4to H _E N R I Cl Octmyz

in' praeentiii Supremi nisri intrabit, nec id etiam V/indeori, ac g decem
prxterea libras in ornamenta Collegii dependet;

5 b Qiicunque Commilitondm iporum pixdict vigilii ac die potea

tem adeptus, aut alioquin abuerigdomi uae,vel alibi commoratus : intra Ec
cleiam aut acellum, illic ubi tunc divinisaderit; prxcipuum unum eclile ad

Supremi aciet adornari, in quo' quidemOrdinis hujus inignia in
tra przelure Subligaculum illocabit : Deinde (Edem aliamct apparabit ab illi,
Supremi (quoad conjecturzii pro modo ac ornia Templi colligere pote) ita
diantem, ut s: l/l/inde/iori cernitur, ubi propriis inignibus appenis e pro
tempore conituet. Intfgro tum ex more coutetur habitu, divinis
(ut prius oenum) inte uturus, qua: ritus Eccleia: ervanda ignabit.
" In'

juqucs ad ce qu'il ayt paie dix livres pour ere convertis 8c emploiei

a Puage des Ornamens dudict College.

5. Item, que s'il advenoit, que aucuns des Chevaliers dudict Or
par quelque
conge, autre
en (a mayon
ou en
(a liberte eu
8c franchee,
ledict enveille

jour Sainct George, il era tenu faire a conrer e: preparer ung capi
tal eal en Peglie, ou Chapelle, en la quelle oirra le devin Service,
an quel capital eal eront miles 8c elleves les Armes de POrdre, ou
dudict' Souverain, eantz dedens une Jarretiere, ac es propres Armes
avec la Jarretiere aui tront miles en ung eal, qui (era autant diant

elon la proportion 8c quantite de la dicte eglie, ou Chapelle, de leall

dudict Souverayn, que e on eal audict Chaeau de Wyndeore, 85
portera o'n dict habit entier, ac orra le devin Service, tel que par luy
remierement reverence a laurel enlhonneur de Dieu, 8c apres a Peal, ou
Emt les armes de l'Ordre, ou dudict souverain axcez, tant a on entree 8c

his Stall in Preence of the Sovereign, nor that likewie at Windor, andhall
moreover pay ten Pounds for Ornaments of the College.

5. b Whoeever of the Companions on the aid Eve, or Day, having Leave

or otherwie is abent, and remaining at his own Houe or other Place, hall
caue a principal Stall to be adorned in Honour of the Sovereign in the Church
or Chappel where he hall then be preent at divine Services, in which he hall

place the Enigns of this Order within the mzi ately Garter 5 then he hall
prepare another Stall, wherein having hung up his own En/igns, he hall place
himelf at that Time, which Stall hall he at the ame Diance from the Sove
reigns, as according to the Manner and Form of the Church it is conjefiured
his Stall ood at Windhr. He hall then be covered with the Habit accord

ing to Cuom, and hall he preent (as hath been before hewn) at uch divine
Qices as the Rites of the Church hall dire to be oberved. And at his en
g Mulctee abentiarum am omnino exolecunr,
8.: nunquam exiguntur.

h Etiam 8c hoc Caput inter addiramenta c per

Hen. Vlll.

r .' "'

Declaratio Statutorum t4to H

Rl CI Octaoit


'i Ingrediens atque egrediens, St quoties alio ui praztergredietur, tam um

mum Altare, in honorem Dei, quam odi e Re 'um, ad honorem Su
premi, dcbita genuectione reverentiaque conu tabit: nii hic lmpe
rator, Rex, Princeps, aut Elector extiterit, quibus, ut cordi erit, edes
erigere cxteraque rite peragere licebit.

6. Si i vero annua Georgii Solennitas haud prorogetur, itd ipsa vi P. 218;

gili dieq; Divi Georgii, prout moris e, obervata ierit Wndeori, neq;
Supremo liceat aut altem collibeat illic adeiie, tum ubi ubi locorum

intra Regnum uum uerit; borum Equitum 1 quolibet agnare poterit


departement de la dict eglie ou Cbapelle, que autant de oys, qu'il

paera devant ou aupres diceulx, exceptc? toutes oys les Empereurs,

Roys, Princes, Ducz, 8: tous autres Erangers, lequelz pourront en

ce cas tellement ordonner leuts ieges 8: ealz, que bon leur (emblem
8: a leur playir.
6. Itcm, 8: i aini coit, que ans aucune Prorogation la dicte fbd

8: Solempnite Sainct George fizu tenue 8: celebree ledict jour &t. veille
Sainct George au dict Chaeau de Vj-ndeitre, 8: ne eu le plaiir du dit

souverain d'y ere preent, ou que convenablernent il n'y peu ere en

(a Peronne ledict jour 6: fee a ondict Chaeau de V/indeore, que en
ce cas en quelque place, que on bon plaiir lera, eante dedens on

Royaulme dkdngleterre, (a Majee pourta appoincter 8: commander au

cunes Chevaliers du dict Ordre, telz que bon luy empblera, pour l'ac
tring 'and coming out, and as often otherwa s as he hall Pal' hy, he hall
with' due Kneeling and Reroerence make his 0 eyanee, as well to the high Al
tar to the Honour of God, as to the royal Stall in Honour o the Sovereign,
unles he he an Emperor, King, Prince, or Elehtor, to whom it hall he la-"ozful
to erect' Stalls, and rightly toperform other Things according to their own Will.

6. i But the annual Feinal of St. George hall not he prorogued, hut
hall he oherved at Windor on the Esoe and the Day of St. George accord
ing to Culom, and the Sovereign is not at Liherty, or at lea is not pleahd
to he there, then where-ver he he within the Realm, he may agn/ bme of the
i Abente Supremo, decretum e a Commilitonibus in Capitulo, ut in omni ingreu ac regreu,
pariter &t. decenu graduum, Regi, aut eo abente,
edili Regio proni reverentiam impenderent, quo
gnicarent eum ee Supremum uum. 8c omnimodam illi ubjectionem e debate H. V. VI. Sed
Rex reverus, quum cemeret omium eiz. quod _
imprimis factum oportuit, ut Chorum ingre, adq;

eius Altari proni facti debitum impenderenr hono

rem, in modum Virorum Eccleaicorum: Et de
inde perimplerent id honoris, quod ibi, edilive
uo oportere crederent. Conilium illi omnes pro
bant, 8: atim in egreu ita aciunt. Henr. V. ix.
I Additum fuit 8: hoc Caput ab Hen. Vlll.
I Sed non omnes. Czteti veroWt/tdenri adee te;
nebantur, urcunque hi excuabantur, qui cum Suaj

edes uas converi, Deo 8c Altari reverentiam ad-

premo aderant, ed tandem decretum el, ucere

hiberent, illico gnicavit Commilitonibus, (dex-

i ibi obervetur olemnitas, ubi Supremus Fuerit,

tra r Decanum, nira per Scribam) multo ra- quo 8: omnes commilitones conuete tenebunturg
tiona ilius &convenientius ee, ut primum Regi Eliz. Anno nono'
vere Suptemo atque omnipotenti Domino Deo 8.: ]




Deelaratio Statutorum [4t0 H E N R I CI Octavi.

ad obequium ibi prxxranduni; &e. quicquid e ceremoniarum opor- '
tune perimplendum, ac i Windeori prmentes eent; id quod qui rite
pcrecerint, ab ea feivitate, qua: (ervanda e Vzrzdeori, venitmt excu


7. Sique Supremus Georgianze olennitati haud quent interec, m Io

co ui deputabit alterum literis uis ad id deinatis,

ui cum ibi

coaentibus vigiliii concilium inibit, horziz tertiarum,

oc e, horzi

tertia po meridiem, 8: reliquam poridie olennitatemadimplebit, Red

giis duntaxat impenis, pro tempore upra nominato ".

Novas autern

ordinationes haud inituet, (ed delicta corriget, 8: quicquid 0 arbirrio

Concilii neceariun] factu vium uerit, iple faciec.
8. Qlo
compaignier 8; donncr attente ur (a parcznne, 8: garder routes 8: relics

Cerimonies, comme s'ilz eoient audict Chaeau de Wyndezre, 8: eulx

aiznts les choes deudictes eront excuez pour leur Abizncc de la fee
Sainct George tcnue audict Chaeau de Wj/ndeore pour cclle annce.
7. Icem e accorde, quc i le souverain ne peulc erc a la fee de
Sainct George, qui] era on depute par ces Lettres pour tenir le Chapi
ne la veillc de Sainct George, a Phoure de terce,
ui e a trois heures
apres midi, 85 le jour Sainct George, pour tenir lagictc fce aux dieni:
dudict souverain pour le temps deudict, ans aucune novelle Ordon

nance ere faict, aiant pouvoir de corriger 8: redreczr tous les Poinctz
dudict Chapitrc, qui pour lors eronc neceaires.
8i. Itcm;

Knights to Pa)- their Dut] to him, and to fulll the other ceremonies to he .per

formed, as

they had heen preent at Windor, and thoe "who hall right/y

perform this Part, are to he excue-a' from [their Attendanee at] the Fea/f then

to he kept at Windor.
7. And


the Sovereign cannot he preent at the Feirzial of St. George,

he hall depute another in his '" Stead h] his Letters for that Purpoe, 'who with
his Coaerzts hall enter the Chapter on the Eroe, at the Hour of Tierce, that

is at Three of the Cloth in the Afternoon, and on the Day following, hallper
form the remaining Solempnity at the Kings Expenees only ". But he hall not
make any nerw Ordinanees, hut corre Ohnees committed, and do whate-ver is

hy the o All-vice of the Chapter thought neceary to he done.

8 . Tearl]
m Job-tyme: Salopia Comes depuratus fuit per

n Ita uod interim nulla nova pneumat armare

Hemyl. (Anno 33) amequam inallaretur: Acce- Statuta

. nec novos Equitcs eligat mi ex manda

dens lgmxr, pnmo mallatur, 8: atim eivitatem to Su remi. Adi notata ad Cap- xix. In Electione
loco Regia celebrat. Czterum Elizaberha deputato l vero eputatus non nominat. lac- Anno xxii.

uperiorem cdem pro tenipore agnavit, nec

xmmam tamen. Anno temo.

o Haec ultima clauala inter additioncs eft per



Declaratio Statutorum 14to H E



8. Qlotannis vigilia Divi Georgii, hocP e, vice/imo jZ-cimdo die Apri

Iis, {Iconvenienr omnes Equires Georgiani il1t1!." Carum I/Vindeori, ive
in Regno au foris extiterint, modo commode pont, divinis Georgiani:
illic interlturi, 8C pleno habiru ordinis induentur, quandiu divina cele
in locis
Habebit autemfupra
ac Eniem
cum conclentes.
Galea atque Appendicibus
' ledilequifque

conxa, qu permanebunt illic quoad vixerit, ad honorem ejus 8c in ar

gumentum quod catholic dei 8c mcta: " Eccle certus propugnaror ipfe

it futurus, uti Equeris Ordo depocit. Qiod i feivitas illa inrra quin
decim dies a Palchate, vel x die quo abinetur a carnibusj evenerit, quo

8. Item, que chacun an la Vielle de Sainct George, ceavoyr le

xxii Jour dA-vril, une allembl era fair de tous les Chevaliers de Sainct

George dedens le Chaeau de I/Vmdefore, ceaavoir de tous ceulx, qui

eront dedens le Royaulme, ou dehors, qui pourront bonnement venir,

Be illec auront le Service de Sainct George, 8c anili porteront le habit en-*

tier dudict ordre durant le dict Service, eant ordonnement en leurs e
talz, Be chacun d'eulx aura La baniere, epee, avecques on heaulme 8e
tymbre pardeus on eal, le quel durant vie demoura en la dicte Cha
pelle pour {on Honneur, -8c enligne, ac congnoiance, que icelluy les
porte en Deence de aincte Eglize, comme l'Ordre de Chevalerie le re
quiert. Mais en cas que la dicte fee de Sainct George viengne dedens

quinze jours prouchains apres la ee de Paclues, ou fur aucun jour


8. Yearly on the Eve of St. George, that? if, the twenty econd Day of
April, all the Knight: of St. George hall qmeet within the r Cajlle of Wind
for, whether they he within the Kingdom or ahroad,
the] conveniently can do it,
to he preent there at the divine Qiees of St. George, andhall he rohed in the
full Habit of the Order, and itting during the Celebration of the divine Servi
ce: in their repeive Sfalls. Ever) one of them hall have a/ Banner and
Sword with the Helmet and the Apurtenanee: xed over his Stall, which hall

remain there as long a: he lives, for his Honour, and a: a 12/limon)' that he
will heeome a certain Defender of the Catholile Faith and of holy V Church, a:
the Order of Knighthood requires. But this Feival happen within tem
Day: from Eaer, or upon a x Day whereon there is to he an Ahfinenee from


p Hm. VII. (Anno tertio) diulit celebritatem l ad Caput 6. Dnnec ub E/iz. Anno nono, decre
annuam in Dominieam cquentem, quam iingulari tum e, quod uceret ut ibi obervaretur ubi Su
pompa tum tcnuit- At interea celebravit Winrle- premus tum et, atque ut omnes Commilitones,

[ori ipfum Diem S.Georgii, cum proceone 8c milia illuc, & Vwndeforum nulli conuerenr.
in craino, quibus Regina quoque 8c Mater Regis,
f Vexilli nulla mentio in prioribus <itarutis, nec
veibus ordini congruentibus indut intererant, omnino reperio in his acris ante Hen. VI. Anno

procedentes & nercntes. N.

q Verus conuetudo, ed per aliquot annos in
termi ut frequenri famulirio fplendide ipati in
cedant, in uum revocatur, jan Anno quarto, re

fecundo pro Rege Partugali.

t Statutum quod in vigilia S. Georgii in unoquo

que Srallo ram abentium quam prfentium Equi

tum, Scurum Armorum agetur uis cujufque fum
ringitur tamen ad 50- Capita. Fire. Anno decimo ptibus Ed. VI. tertio.
u Ad ornatum Eccle N. Sed, de deenione
exto- Renovatur denique ne reirictione, R.
Car;- AnnoAquintpj omittitur tamen pr metu Eccle; omierat.
Car. nno
exco. M/mdrfori femper erat ob
x De Prorogatione propter Diem jejunii, nihil
per isFeiviras
9. Georgii
in antiquis Statutis.

crvanda. Vide huc notas ad caput 28- se fupra


v? -


Deelaratio Statutorum I4to H EN R I CI Offavi.

Supremus ipfe voletyjprorogabitur dummodo dies agnandus non quartus,

__quintus, aut extus ac vicelimus, ed nec ultimus Apri/ix Fuerit, neque ullus
primis quatuor Maii, ne fieret impedimento celebrationi divinorum ab
Ecclelia conllitut, in honorem Divi Marci, Philippz', atq; 7aeohi, ac Inrym
tioni: Sanfhe Cruei: : nec talis item dies quo feum Aeenonir, Penthe
P. 219. coex, aut a alio ui folenniter initutum primis aut ecundis fuis velperis
pollet deitui vel interturbarL

9. (luod li qui tempeive (quomodo prlignatum e) non advene

tint, neque iitis idoneam abfenti caufam habeant, quam Supremus aut

Deputatus ab eo probabilem elle judicabit, vel nili Supremus abfentiam

maigre, ou cle poion, oit doncques prolonge 8c prorognee au plai

lir du Souverain, come deus e dictz pourveu que le jour de la dicte

{elle ne loir allignee ne ordonne ur le xxiiii, xxv, xxvi, ne le derniere jour

d/lwril, nc ur les quatre premiers jours de May, caule de [impediment

ac empechement du Service devyn ordonne par Sainct Eglize, pour les
doubles lles de Sainct Mare, Phelzppe ac Jacob, at de lllnvencion de la

Sainct Croix de nore Seigneur Jeu Cry, ne a nul tel jour, que vien
(iront ou feront les fees de lAlcencion, 8: Pentecre, ou aucune aultre

fee olempnelle en ainct Eglize ordonnee, par quoy les premieres ou le

cundes Vepres par telles prorogations pourroyent ere empechez 8c deil
9. Item, que tous les Chevaliers dudict Ordre viendront Anuellement
en la dicte place dudict Chaeau cle Wmdeore, la Vielle de Sainct George a.
Pheure de Tierce, qui e a trois Heures aptes Micli, comme il e deu;

dict, 8: silz ne viennent au temps allign ans avoir jue ac tailb

eating Fleh, it hall be L prorogued to what lime the Sovereign) pleae-s, o a:
the Do] to he agned be neither the twenty fourth, fth, or xth, nor the la

of April, nor any of the

four Days in May, lea it hould be an] Hin

dranee to the eelehrating of the divine Qiee: appointed by the Church, in Ho

nour of St. Mark, Philip, and James, and the Invention of the holy Crols,

or on an] uch Day whereon the Fea of the Acenion, Whitunday, or e other
'wze an] Fea h/emnl] inituted, 'whoe
or econd Veper: might
Prorogation] he hindred or diturbed.
9. If an] [companions] come not in Seaon a: isformerl] gnzied, neither

have a proper Excu of Abenoe, teh a: the Sovereign or hi: Deputy hall
judge t, or nnler the Sovereign hall pardon their Ab-nee at that fame by

y Prorogetur ad xv dies alios, ut nullus jue cau-


ed ille xxvi Aprilix non excipita sc deputato cum

am ablenn. prrendar nec equitare cogatur, ali- ctera Soeieta permittit Prorogarionem in abfen
quo trium dierum olenmtan Pat/Jaw annexomm N. D. I
z, Prorogatio hec ad placitum cum exceptione

tia Supremi.
a Aut aliud quodvis duplex Feum- Hem V.
Anno nono.

qu fequitur, statuta en per Hen. . Anno decimo


Deelaratio Statutorum lata H E N R ICI Oatzi.


ejus tcmporis illis condonarit, l literis iuis ob id ipumeo deinatis, in

quibus eorum nomina cum cauls abentize contineantur: pnas ea de rc
luent arbitrio Prdis s: concilii tum collecti. Formula {upplicii talis
erit. Non ingredietur quiquis ita dereliquerit concilii ucepti locum,
ed in hoio foris expectabit, neque uragii in ull re concrcndi Fa

cultatem habebit eo tempore. Sin ad principium Velperarum non aue

rint, ad edes uas ingredi non licebit, ed ubtus ante fedes uas in
-locis t choriitarum aunt, donec ill vefper unt nit. Par
pna manebit hiis, qui ad olennem diei miun ac pocriores Ve
peras tempori non acceerint. Si quis autem ne probabili caua a.

toto fcito abee prxumperit, is anno equence, dum eivitas age

tur, a ede ua prohibebitur, ac abit interim, ut prltum e, dumq;

nable Excue,

ui oit exceptable au dict souverain, ou a on deput, ou

aultrementpardonn par le dict souverain de leur Abence par epecialles

Lettres d'excue, aus uelles Lettres leurs noms 8: caues eront eitriptz, au
ront leur penitence e on lOrdonnance ac Accord du dict Chapitre. Et
la dicte Ordonnance eit telle, quilz nentreront point dedens le Chapitre
a celle oys, Mais le tiendra dehors lhuys, ac nauront auchune voix

en choe qui oit ucte au dit Chapitre a celle oys tant eulement.


silz ne viennent a Veprcs devant le commencement dicelles, ilz n'entre

ront poynt en leurs eaiz, mais e tiendront aubas devant les dictes ealz,
en la place des curics durant les dictz Vepres : Et emblable penitence

e accorde pour les non venans par temps a la haulte Mee ac Vepres
le jour de Sainct George, ac s'il ya aucun, qui ne vienn a la dicte ec

ns avoir exculacion rayonable au dict souverain ou on depute excep

table, comme il elt deus declair, la penitence fera, qu'il nentrera point

dedens on eal la prouchaine ee apres, mais le tiendra au bas, comme il

eft deus dict des premieres Vepres, ac yra a la proceon tout devant

bis b Letters for that Purpoie' to he thither ent, in which their Name: with the
Caues of Ahnee jhall he contained, they hall undergo Punihment at the Plea

nre of the Preident and the Chapter then aemh/ed. The Form ofPnnihment hall
he uch. Whoever b oende he hall not enter into the Place where the Chapter
n, hut_/hall fia] without in the Door, neither hall he for that Time have Lihert]
to gi-he his Vote in any Matter. But if they hall not he preent at the Be
ginning of the Veers, they hall not he permitted to enter into their Stalle, bat

they halland helow, hefore their Seat: in the Placer of the c (borzerr, till
thee Veper: are ended. The ame Punihment hall attend thoe who hall not
come in Time to the i/emn Mas on the De? [of St. George] and to the latter
Veperr. - But any prcitme without pro ahle Caue to ahE-nt himelf from the
whole Fejliqzal, he the next Tear when the Feiirval hall he hept, hall he prohi
hitedfrom [entring into] hi: Stall, and in the mean while halland ar aforeaid,

and 'when the Chair in the Proeeionhallay their Prayers, he hall go hefore the
I: Jam primo cavetur per Hm. Vlll. ur abfenti
veniam per literas fuas expree pocant.

e Ubi Ceroferarii are ole-nt. N


Declaratio Statntorum l 4to H H N R I CI Octavi.

procedens chorus upplicabit, tres Cruces, qux erentur, 'i antecedet, 85

ubtus deinceps, ut antea, perabit, ulq; dum ad oerendum Ordo con

cendat, ubi hic poremus oeret. \ (Lia peract poenitentia veniet e ve

igio ad Supremi edem aut ab co deignati, veniam rogaturus. Tumq,
Supremus, aut ab eo Deputatus, remittet cum ad cdem uam, ut anti
quum jus ibi retineat. Si vero deinceps altero eo abeie non ormida

rit, mancns intra Regnum, nec legitimam alioquin excuiitionem habens,

per Supremum aut ab eo deignatun] approbandam (uti prxnotatum e)

ad edem illam uam haud introibit, donec apud Supremum Altare San
cto Georgio dicatum monumentum " unum argenteum viginti Marcarum

- 1 obtulerit, 8: deinceps annuatim idem adgelninabit, uque dum recon

ciliari procurarit.
IO. Qiiiluis Equitum iorum palam oris incedens iibligar uum

les troys Croix, 85 ie tiendra au bas, comme il e cleus dict tout le

temps de la Mee juques a Forende, 8: orera le dernier, 8: apres la

penitence aini aicte incontinent il viendra devant Feal du Souverayn,

ou (on depute 8: la demandera Pardon: Et apres cela le souverain, ou

on depute luy commandera d'aller en on eal en on premier eat: 8c
s'il ne vient a la econde fee, 8: (bit demourant dedens le Royaulrne
tns avoir Excuition alouable au Souverayn ou on depute, comme il e

deus dict, il n'entrcra en on dict eal des lors en avant, juques qu'il
aura oert ung joyau a Pautel de Sainct George de la velleur de vingt
Marcs d'Argent, 8: des lors enavant il doublera chacun an la payne tant
qu'il oit reconizille.
1 o. Item e accorde', que s'aucun Chevalier de la dicte Compaignie

three Croes that are to be carried A, and after-wards halland below as is afore
aid, even till the Order acends to [make their] oering, when he hall oer

la of all.

Which Punihment being performed, he hall come immediately to

the Stall of the Sovereign or of his Deputy to ask Pardon. And then the Sove
reign or his Deput] hall permit him to [enter] his stall, that he may recover
his ancient Right there. But he hall afterwards be not afraid to be abent
on another Fejlival, remaining within the Realm, and not having otherwie a law

ful Excui to be approved by the Sovereign or his Deputy, as is before oberved,

hehall not enter into that his Stall, till the Time that he hath] obred rbme Me
morial in Silver, valued twenty Marks to the high Altar dedicated to St. George,

and afterwards double the one every Tear till he hall procure himelf to be

1 o. I/Vhoever of thee Knights going abroad publickl] hall not tie his Garter
A Et non intcr Commilitones.

Supremum 8: Capitulum) xx Marcis Collegio o

3 Jocale aliquod valoris xx Marcarum. D. Uiium

Donaritlm xx Marcaxum probatz in Anglia mo

Ferendis, H. Vl. xxxvio. Sed Comes Arundellic

pro duobis annis 40 Marcas, 8: dein anno equence,

netae- N

80 Marcas Ed- lV- xivo.

f Hoc nomine mulctatus e Dominus Scales, (per

Declaratio Statutorum 14to H

R I C I Otiavi.

309 ,

cybix non circumligrit, ubi primum deprehenus uerit per quemvis quin
ue Ocialium Ordinis, aut Rectorem Coll ii, 3 duos aureos illico mo
nitori de ender : Nii cum ad e uum b ocreis indutus e accinxerit. Tunc
enim at erit i ' l um cazru lei co l oris e erico ubter ocream ad Subli is

indicium habeat: Par omnino upplicium inigetur ei qui citta Sub igkr
iobvinctum tybiae '*' Concilii domum introibit. (Ariquis autem Ociau
lium aut 1 Decanus delictum iiumodi compererit, ad eum ipum pre
cium ptenx pertinebit.

1 r. (Lioties Equites ii de more trabeis induentur m, Supremum bi

ni " praecedent, eo ipio ordine quo e regione confident.

Si quis illinc ab

ierit, ocius qui e regione edet, olus incedet. ld quod obervari opox.

e trouven en apert ns Jarretiere, qu'il paie' tanto apres que la cha

lenge luy aura ee icte par aucun des cincq-, Ociers de l'Ordre, ou du
Gardien du Colliege ung marcq d'Argent, except quant il e houe pour

Chavaulcier, que doncques il (oura de porter oubz on houeau ung

il bleu de oye, en i niance de la Jarretiere, 8c pourveu au, que nul

Chevalier du dict Orcfre doireenavant entre en Chapitre ans Jarretiere,

ur la paine deus dict: Et quiconque dedicts Ociers, ou Gardien era
premier la chalenge, aura la penaulte pour on alaire.

1 t. Item il e Accorde, que les Chevaliers de POrdre de Sainct George,

routes 8c quantes oys, qu'ilz porteront leurs Manteaulx, yront devant le

souverain chacun d'eulx avecque (en compaignon, qui e a Poppoite de


about his Leg, when he hall be

dicovered by any of the ve ocers of

the Order, or the Refior of the College, 3 he hall immediate] pay two (Aurei)
Nobles to him that puts him in Mind of it, unles when he hath b Boots on
preparing himelf to mount on Horeback. For then it will be ucient,

have a 1 Ribband of blue Colour of Silk under his Boot to ignify' the Garter.
The like Punihment in all Repects, hall be inicted on him who hall enter
the i Chapter-houe without the Garter tied about his Leg. Whobe-ver of the
Qicers or the l Dean hall dicover this oence, to himelf hall be [this] Re
ward of the Penalty.
1 i . I/Vhen thee Knights are habited in their m Mantles according to Cuom,
they hall two and two [in Brea] '- ecede the Sovereign, in that Order as
theyit oppoite to each other.

But i any one be thence abent,

nion who is over again him hall go ingle.

Kkk k
g Firmiter arinoitur per Statuta ad perolven-

dum Cuodi & Collegio dimidiam marcam. D. 8:


That which ought to be oh


t' Un fil bleu de izye. R

k Le hapelle R. Senatus conultum ingrcuxu'

N. 3:
Hen- V. ixo.
h. Nii Foran ut equitet ocreis indutus: tum loI Decanus enim non erat Scriba ante initium
co illius encam ac czruleam lulam, intra ini- Regni Maria.
rm) ocrFam. ub poplite geiabit quo inilri pe-

m Egrediendo cum Superiore de magna Camera

dls lircammenonimprobe (fone improprie) nora- per modum Proreonis uq; ad Capellam aut Do
wr, ib omm imhra arq; infzelici actione ee rc- mum Capitularcm, 8: eodem ordine revertentes- D.
frznandum- Addmo fact; e per Hen- V. Anno
'n Superior in omni Proceone end: poremu'
R. nono.
1 incedat, cunctos ubequendo. D

P. no.


Declaratio Statutorum 1410 H E N R l-CI Oflaoi,

3 lO

tet tam in" proceu ad uplicandum, quam temporibus 8: locis aliis p. At

cum it oercndum, 9 Supremus aut ab eo rdeignatus, primus omni

um acendet, 8: cxteri deinceps. Ociales autem eundd ordinem uum

uualem obervabunt in omni proceu, tam intra (acellum ac Concilium
quam in quibuvis locis aliis. Nim-irum Equites-cum it epulanduna,
omnes inimul ex una parte menx ' recumbent, eo ordine quem 8: in
.tem 0 cdentes aut antes babent, 8: non ecundutn natalitia: dignitatis
gta um aut honoris, nii lii Regum int, Regum iatres, Principes, aut
Duces externi, qui loca ortientur ex dignitate lui przeclari ats. v Et
conurgentes eodem ordine conabunt, quo 8: ante edebant.
-- .

1 2.. Po

luy ordonnement, comme ilz ont mys en leuts ealz, 8: s'il advenoit,
gue aucun deulx ne u la preent, on compaignon, qui e a Poppo- '
de luyeniraproceon,
a par luy eul,
le quel Ordre
era tenuplaces,
Be garde,
aua bien
1 teallant
que aillieurs
en _les aultres
8: au
endre. Et le souverain, ou on Depute iront derrier toute la Compaig

nie, nulluy entre d'eulx excepte les Ociers ordinaires du dict Ordre,
qui yront, comme il a ee accuume, quant aucune procelon en
faicte en la dicte Cbapelle, Cbapitre, ou aillieurs: Et pour l'Ordre des

dictz Chevaliers de eulx eoir a table pour prendte reeccion, oit a diilel'
ou a ou er, ilz airont, 8c c tiendront tout au long dung coe elon
leuts ealh, 6: non pas elon leuts eatz: excepte' enfans 8: ercs des

Rois, Princz, 8: Ducz Erangiers, les

places elon leuts eatz, 6: a la

uelz tiendront leuts lieux 65

e tien ont ordonnemcnt aini, qu*ilz

t cent a la Table.
1 2.. Itcm

er-ved as well in the o Procejon to Prayer, as at other Times and Places P. But

when the oering is to he made, the *1 Sovereign or his ' Deputy hall
all acend, and the l others afterwards.


But the Qicers in their going hall

oherrve their uual Order in all Proceons, as well within the Chappel and
Chapter, as in all other Places whathener. Douhtles the Knights when they
are to dine, hall all it ' down togetheronone Side of the Tahle, in that Order
as they it or and in the Church, and not according to the Degree of their

Dignity hy Birth or Honour, unlei they hould he the Sons of Kings, the Bro
thers of Kings, foreign Princes, or Dulees, who hall hatoe Places allotted then'
according to the Dignity of their excellent State. And riing [front the Tahle]
they hall continue in thelime Order, as wherein they hefore at.
12.. The
o Brevior ille iriterdum, prm aegritudine Supremi metipo oerendum Ordine uo it. Solus vero tum
fat. Anno nii. non extra acellum pra: pluvia. deccndet ocretq; 8: illuc redibit demque done:
car. lznno primg._ h
p ctum no in oc capite equitur additum e
ab HerLVIl .

com leta derit tota oblatio. E,1z.. Anlno vii.

_ t Supremi pientimo exemp o, enam a:
Commilitones omnes oerentes decumbam in ge

q Ne Socius Ordinis nummos porrigat Supremo nua, Decretum e Car. Reg- iv

oerente, ed alter _qui ade nobilimus Hen. Vll.
t Decretum e, quod in Regio cpu] dom Gar
xv._At nunc uuvenit, ut Commilitonum psimus id ' terus ex inclyta conuctudine, Supremi itulos La
Faclatrine, Gallia, Be Anglia pronunciat, omnes Commi

r Decrgtum e quod peputatus peracta _per ip- litones (exccptis magnis Princi ibus) ames pes
um Po UPWP? Oblatloea aum uam lpius e- en: atque apcrto Capxre. jac. nno xvu.
dem capecet, ibique permanebit uq; dum pro e



Declaratio Statutoram '4to H E N RI C I Octaoi,


1 2.. Poridie eivicatis, ad honorem Divi Georgii Wndeori ervatse,

Commilitones, antequam in diireu valedicant, in hoio Concilii tra
beas, quibus volent '*, inclumentis aliis uperincluent, 8: dcinde x Miam
pro deinctis olenniter in acello percantandam audient, pro deunctis
inquam omnibus Chriianis, ed przrlertimillis, qui antea fuerane hujus
Ordinis. Simul omnes) interee debentmii orm aliquis probabilem ablen

tix cauam habeat, vel asupremo aut ab ejus Deputato potearem abeundi
per mortem
uc- ve
gladius, Et
8: cum
galea contingat
cum appendicibus
cuniam oerri debent. Ordo nimirum oerendi talis eric, ut zvexillum
4 inprimis a b duobus Commilitonibus per Supremum, aut ab eo deigna
1 2.. Itcm e Accordeit, que chaiun an audit Chaeau de V/indeore, a\
lendcmain de la ee de Sainct George, devant le departement de la Com
paignie, que les dictz Chevaliers ur telles Robes, qu'il leur plura, a Phuys
du Chapitre prendronc leurs manteaulx, ac entreront dedens le dict Chapi

tre, 8: apres yront oyr une Mee de Requiem, la quelle era chantee o
lemnellement, pour les amez dez Compaignons du dict Ordre, qu'y (e

ront decedez, 8: trepalees, 8: pour coates amez Chriiennes, 8.: que toutc

la Compaignie oit illec prcente, i non que aucuns uienc empechicz

pour caue raionnable, ou qu'1'lz euient licence du souverain ou on de- _

puce devanc le departement. Et quant il adveient, que pour caue des

Vuidances d'aucuns des Compaignons, il y aura aucuns banieres, epees,

heaulmes, 8: tymbres, les uelz doibuent crc oertz, que adoncques de

hachementz oient
: premiere
i vant
ment Po-ende
la baniereclepar
deux ies
des ditz
telz que
le souverain


1 2.. The next Day after the Feirval kept at Windor in the Honour of
St. George, the companions hefore they talee their Lea-ves [of each other] at
their Departure, hall orver ich [under] Rohes as pleajZ them, put on their
Mantles at the 't Door of the Chapter-hou, and then hall hear ,. Ma to he

ilempnl] ung in the Chappel for the deceaZ-d, that isfor all Chriians deeeahd,
hnt epecially thoe rwho ha<ve formerly heen of this Order. All [companions] ought
to he) preent, unles any of them hath a prohahle Caue of Ahence, or had he
ire obtained Learve from the Sovereign or his Deput) to depart. And it
hall happen h] the Death of any of them, that the Banner, sword, and

Helmet 'with the Appurtenances hall come to he oZ-red, the] are to he oered
hefore the [Oring of] Money. The Manner of the OZ-ring hall certainly

he this, that 4

the L Banner hall he oered h) b two Companions appointed

a De indumentis nihil in prioiibus Statutis.

mm Fecialium negligentiam, ut jet. Anno xxii

x _In qua locum tenens oert pro Suprema aben-

Vexillum ultimo oerebatus.

te Elzz. Anno xxxix,

b Dcpufatus ipe cum unico Commilitone Inig

1 Qui raaexires pridie cxtirerunr. D.

nia ex demortuorum oer: Fdw-IV. rimo. Quod

z. Vexi li oblatio expree nominatur. Hen. Vll.

tamen Deputatus non fecit Hen. V] . VIIL quia

8: non
antea nono.
ni fallor. De aeteris ca- minor
numerus, quam ex Statute requirebz
'erur per
V. Anno
tur ad illud
a Pervemtur 8c h-ic ordo nonnunquam per upi- l

H-u____ _


Declaratio Statntornm i4toH E N R I C I Octaoi.

P. nt. tum, t agnandis oeratur, mox Enis imiliter a duobus aliis, porc
mo galea cum annexis imiliter, a duobus.

Si quis autem anno prece

denne obierat, quotquot Equitum Windeori aderunt, in e Mis. pro de

4 CereumSi unum
cum fiuerint,
in cuiq;
quo pin
gentur' inignia
uno mortui

tellum agetur, habens argcnteam laminam quatuor denariorum rope

lumen appoicam.

Qui quidem cetei cum cueellis umptu ipigrum

Equicum concientut.
xdz. Decretum e inuper ut in hoc Wnddorieni ' Collegio it imper
petuum Decanus unus cum duodecim Canonici: lecularibus, quos icer
dotes oportebit ee cum ingrediuntur, vel (ut multum) intra Annum e

m Depute nommera, 8: apres cela Pepee fera oerte par deux aultres,

8; (embleablement leur heaulme 8: tymbre par deulx aultres Chevalicrs

du dict Ordre aignes par le dict souverain, ou im Depute, 8: i aucun

chevalier du dict Ordre par fortune treaioit Pannee precedence, adonc

ques ung chacun chevalier eant en ditz Chaeau de Wmdeore a la dictc
Mee de Requiem, orera un cierge armoye avecques un petit Ecuon
des Armes du demct: Et sify en avoit plus d'ung trep se, que adonc

ques our ung chacun (bit faiCt ung Ecuon d'Armes 8c ung gros chi
pres e la lumiere fur la dict ierge, les quelz Ecuons GC cierges eront

ictes aux couz 8: delens des chcvalicrs de POrdre.

1 z. Item il e au Ordonne ung Doyen 8c Gardien, av

ue xii

Chanoynes eculiers, les quelz eronc preres A ieur entree, ou d ens le

prouchaid' an apres, 8: au viii petitz Chanoines, 8: treizc Viccaircs aui
preres i lent entree, ou aux prouchaynes Ordres cnuyvantz, ou an

h) the Sovereign, and then the Swora' likewie by two others, laly the Hel

met 'with the Thing: annexed lilmoije hy two. But any of the Knight: she!
in the preceeding Tear, a: man] of the Knight: at are preent at Windlor, in
that Ma for the deceaed every of them hall oer a d Wax Taper with a'
Ecnteheon, wherein the Arm: of the deeeaal hall he painted. But more
then one are dead, every one hall ha-'oe hit Scutcheon etxed, herying a thin

Piece of Silver worth a Great et up near the Light. l/Vhich wax Taper: Faith
the Ecutcheon: hall he made at the Co/ls of the Knight: themelves.
1 3. It i: mot-eo-'oer decreed that in thir e college of Windore, there hall he
for e-ver one Dean with twelrvejecular canons, whom it hall hehoroe to he Prie:

when they enter, or at farthe rwithin the Tearfollawirtg.

Beides there hun


0' A! nunc Commilitones, ordine uo quo edem

e Non quod jam primo inituatur Collegium.

przale hoc olent, non expcctata Supremi agna-

Coeptum enim ur R. Ed. Ill. per Progenirores uo'


de viii Canonicis- Ipe plures addit, 8: dotare Col

d Exolevlt Omnino hoc de Scutello, lamina, 8: legium inci it Anno R. nii- Hen. l. autem And
Saoerdotale &ollcgium addidit.

+__ nati

Declaratio Statutorum l4to H E N R I C I Octaoi.



Erunt prazterea f trcdecim acerdotes alii, quorum Pars una

Canonici minores, altera Vicarii vocabuntur. Qui iaccrdotes in ingreu

non lerint, citra omnem excuitionem intra annum erunt. Erunc in'
dem Clerici tredecim, toticiemque Choriaz, qui cum Canonicis minori

bus Be Vicariis, de quibus ante diximus, quotidie in Choro minirabunr,

canentes 8: orantes, ut tempus 6: res ipii poulabunt: Nimirum om
nes tan] majores quam minores Canonici, Vicarii, Cierici, 85 Chorizr pre

cari tenebuntur, ut Supremus cum cunctis Commilitonibus hujus Ordi

nis vivat, v-aleat, 8: omnia rliciter agat, utque deunctorum Equitum
animaz in pace requiecantg. Prxientatio vcro Canonicorum ubi conti

gerit, ad Supremum olummodo iectabit.

Cumque Commilitonum

aliquis Vmdeorum veniens intra Chorum ad edem uam ex more e rece

perit, Canonici reIicFuique Chorus abunt in uis ina edibus, ubi in

feis Divi Georgii o ent.

Dum abint Equites, bene licebit Canonicis

'& i caeteris e Choro acerdotibus, uperiorcs edes occupare.

I 4. Unu;

pluztrt dedens ung an apres leur preentation, au xiii clercz, 8:

xiii ehorees pour chanter 6: prier Dieu pour la proerite 8: bon
eat: du souverain 85 de tOuS le chevaliers dudict Ordre vivantz, 8:
aul pour les amez de rous les chevaliers d'icelluy Ordre trepalies, 85

routes amez chriiennes; 8: le prefentation des dictz chanoines de

mourra tous jours au Souverain du dict Ordre. Les ditz chanoines
uant aucun chevalier de l'Ordre e preent dedens le coeur de la did:
Ziiapelle e tiendront es Sieges d'e1nbas, ou ilz oit accouume (e ieoir
aux fees de Sainct George, 8c en abcence dedicts chevaliers Ies dits

chanoines le pouronr izoir es ieges de hault prochaines des eauix

dedicts chevaliers.

1 4. Item

he] thirteen other Pries, whereof one Part hall he called minor Canons, and

the other Part I/icars.


they are not Prie: at their Entry, halletting

all Excues aide he b within an Tear. There hall Ii/eewi/ie he thirteen Cler/es
and as many Choriers, who with the minor Canons and Victt' hefore mentioned,

hall oiciate every Day in the Wire, inging and praying, as lime and Occaion

hall require; that is to ay all, as well the major as the minor Canons, Vicars,
C/er/es, and Choriers hall he hound to Pray, that the Sovereign may live, he
healthly, and do all Things proerouy, with all the Companions of this Order,

and that the Soals of the deceaed Knights may re in Peace 3. But when the
Prieentation of Canon: hall happen, it hall only helong to the Sovereign.
1' And when any one of the Companions coming to Windor, hall according to
Cuom hetahe himelf to his Stall within the 9\uire, the Canons and the re of
the Chair halland in their Seat: helow, as they ue to do upon the Fei-vals of

St. George. When the Knights are ahent, it hall he lawful for the Canon: and
thei re of the Pries helonging to the Wire to pc the upper Seats.

L l il

I 4. Every

j' Tot Canonici minores, Vicarii, Clerici, 8: [cur Manteaux de MonnR-Pallia purpurei, ubm
Chorise non unk, nec Fuie unquam apparet initutos.
habeg unt
una gum

bzive coloris Ingnium D. Georgii h. e. Sanguine:

Crucis circulo dextris brachiis uperindufto. N
hi Przter
hoc omne
Hen. VIII.

rotunda viz. Un Rounde/rite de Armis S. Geergii, D-

ibi nunc dierum edent


Deelaratia Statutorum I 4t0- H E N R I C I Octani.

14. Unuquique ocius hujus Ordinis trabeam unam rcinquct i imm

Collegium I/Vzndeori, ob divcras I occaiones quae poent obvenire, vide

licer ur obervare queant atque adimplere i quas Ordinariones prazccpm

85 mandara Supremus excogitarir, 85 excogitata propoirerit in concilio:
qui m conenu (ex commilitonum przeentium potent, quando ac ubi li-v
P. 222..

bebit, concilium inituere in cauas ingulas quae ibi vie rm-int

15, " uinque Miniri Ociales ad hunc Ordinem eciatim atti

nenres cruntz Praelatus, videlicet, Cancellarius, oScribzl, Rex Armorum,
cui c 9: Subligari cognomen additum, 8: hoiarius, qui si nigell Virgil,
quam geabit, agnomen habebirz qui cum recipiendi inr, cramento

obvincienrur, quod, velut 5. ecretis deles ac racirurni erunr in om


14. Item e accorde, que chacun chevalier de la dicte compaignie

laiiera ung Manteau a l/I/zndeore pour aucuns oudaynes venues, qui our.
royenr urvenir pour tenir, garder, 8: obervir routes telles Ordonnances,

precepres, 8: commaundementes, qui pcuvent ere advies en chapitre par

le dict souverain; lequel Souverayn par le dir coniznternent 8: accorde
peulr en rous temps, ac en routes places 8: lieulx a on plaiir ommo.
ner, rire tenir chapitre pour routes relles caues, qu'il plaira audict Sou

verain de nommer touchanr le dict Ordre.


1 5. Item on: Ordonnes cinq principaulx Ociers, apperrenans audjct

Ordre, ceahvoir Prelat, Chancellier, Regireur, 8: Roy d'Armes nom

me Jarretiere, 8.: ung huiiier d'Armes nomme la Verge noire, les quelz

1 4. E-verj Campanian of this Order hall [earve one Mantle i rwithin the Col
Iege of Windor, hy Reaon of everal l occaions that may happen, that is to
ay, that the) may he ahle to oherrzze and fulll uch Ordinanees, Preeepts, and
Mandates as the Sovereign hould think on, and harving) thought houldpro
poe in Chapter, ewho with the m Conent of ix Companions preent may, When
and rwhere he p/eaes, initute a Chapter upon any Caues he hall thinktting.

r 5 . " There hall he ne ocers attendant particularly helonging to this Or-i

der, to quit, a Pre/ate, a Chancellaur, 0 a Regier, a King of Arms, to 'whom
the TitIe of Garter is given, and an Uher, ewho hall have his Name from the
hIaehi/h Rod he carries, rwho twhen they are received, hall he hound h] Oath,

that, being [admitted] into the Secrets, they hall he faithful and lent in all
h Manrellos 8: Garteros habebunt ordinaros ad

I Commilitones aliquot nomi, quod abq; Man."

hmc ibidem, (viz. Winrleori) D. Trabeas ac Subli- teno Chorum intrarum, Car. V. Dipenatio itaq;
gariz a ud H/indeorum habeant in omnem uum pa- exit ut impune id omnes .faciant, in olemnitate
- Unuqui ue Windeore relinquat, ut pa'
ratum ibi habeat- (hbid- At iud jam prorus non

Fwderis icti cum Rege Gallorum. Ibid.

m Addirur poirema hee clauula per HemVlIL'

, r. lmo nec mortuorum hzeredes reddunt cum ta

n Prima Sraruta mentionem faciunt olius Pne

lari 8: Regiharii: Cancellarins per Ed. lV. Rex
Armorum per Hm. V. Oiarius, per Hen- VlIl.
o Scriba, ut primo emper nominatur, ita ipi
l priore loco incedendum e. Eliz. Anno xxx.

men alicubi noterur. Qiod in Vigilia Ceiebriraris

Sancti Gtor ii, Libenta ordinis, quam Anno upe
'iore habc am, ad veperas induebanrur, ed ultra
illam noctcm iron olebant uti, ed relinquebant in
Uumpollegli- N. urmmque po obitum Collegio
rcitmoporrcrc, declararur Gar. RegJV.


TDeelaratio Statutorum l4to H E N R I C I' Octavi.



nibus quae ectabunt ad hunc Ordinem negotiis. Horum juramenta

requirentur expreius in P libello, qui Ordinationum incribitur.
16. Stabilientur ibidem pauperculi 9 tredecim Equites, qui minug

alioquin habent unde vivant, habituri victum competentem 8: vei.


Qli olum ad hoc obligabuutur, ut in honorem Dei, beare

Maria, Divi Georgii, omniumque Sanctorum, 8: pro alute animarum

quoticiianas ibi preces undant. ' Horum impenir neceariae cum pri
vilegiis eorum infra decribentur, po prxdictas Ordinationes.


Electio iporum, ut 8: prxita Canonicorum, omnino reeretur ad Su


Habebunt Equites ipi pauperculi ' colobia coccinea rubrive


ont receuz 8: erementz d'ere du Coneil du dict Ordre: les eremen

tez de quelz avecques leurs Charges 8: previleigis ont expreement de-_
claireez en le liure des Ordonancz dedictz Ociers.

16: Item il e ordonne au xiii poures chevaliers, qui n'ont dequoy

vivre, pour avoir en celle place leur vie 8: uentation convenable pour

leurs bonnes prieres en Phonneur de dieu 8: de Sainct George, des quelz

la charge 8c previleige era cy apres declaire, enuivant les ordonnances

de principaulx Ociers: Et de leur ellection e ordonne, comme des

prcentementz des 'chanoynes, aini que la dicte ellection demourera rous
to this
Their Oaths
will be more expresly' re A
in the
P little
is entituled

I 6. In the izme Place hall be elablihed 7 thirteen poor Knights, who hall
have competent Food and Raiment, having not otherwie ufficient wherewith

to live. Who hall be only hound to this, that they hall pour forth daily
Prayers in the Honour of God, the bleed Virgin, St. George, and of all
Saints, and for the Salvation of Soals.

r Their neceary Expences with their

Privileges hall be hereafter decribed, after the izid Ordinances.

The Ele

&ion of them, as that of the Canons aforeizid, hall be wholly referred to the


Thee poor Knights hall wear ' Gowns of car/et or red Colour

p Nuquam jam extat hic Libellus ed eorum juramenta pete e notatis ad ipos in Appendice Statutorum.
q Ordinati unt xxvi Milites pauperes. D. Cla-

rimis Equitibus totidem Veterani Milites egeni

rum iis terris im onit, ub computo per Collegi

um quotannis red endo. Eliz- Anno rimo. I i-'
tur ut hic Computus in ingulis D. eorgii o is
exhibeatur, atutum e Fat. Anno xxi.

Regulam illis pouit. R. Eliz. 8c rcta ubinde

ubituentur. N. vint 8: ix pauvres Chevaliers R. unt decreta aliquot ad iorum conditions: & re
r At hoc actum non e inde a prima Iniru gimen pectantia. Jac. Anno xv. 8e Anno ni- 8:
tione ordinis. Decretum quidem ei ub Mria R. car. Anno vi.
ut pauperculi Milites quantocyus iniituerentur,
t Suos portabunt Mantellos de colore rubro, cum
atq: ut Marchio VVmton, Theaurarius poeones Scuto de Armis S. Georgii, abque aliquo Gartero
ad hos Milites alendos agnatas rite conitueret, in circuitu. D. Palliola rubra habebunt, auto Scu

to. D. Geor ii. N. Manteaulx de Rouge R. Each

of them [ba have yearlyfor their Liver)- a Gowne of
red, and a Mantle of blew or purple Cloath with a
(rofr of St. George m Skutcheon embroider'd nithone
Pater ipus. H. Vlll. teamento uo caverat quo the Garter, on the left S/oouleierI of 'lnir Mantle: ,_Q.
atiseret Collegio pro egregiis aliquot undis. Elizabeth.
quo: ipe abuleraoonus alendorum Militum io;

ne quid ad conummarionem ram pii operis deeet.

Inecta tamen res remanit Maria Anno quinto.
Tandem R. Eliu. in confirmatione quarundam
terrarum concearum Collegio per Ed. VI. (icut

i 3m _

Deelaratio Stotutorum I4t0 H E N R l C toum


coloris cum Scutello Divi Gcorgii fuper humerum, ed ine Subligari


1 7. Si quis Sociorum hujus ordinis " intra duo pauum millia caello
appropinquet, illud ipfum introibit, ad honorem loci, modo pot, nec
aliud juum habeat impedimentum. Introiturus autem Sacellum, in
duetur ante Trabe, ine qu non licebit ullo pacto introire. Intro eun
tem canonici prfentes excipient, 85 reverenter in Sacellum adducent.

Qiod i celebrand Mie tempus extiterit, eandem ipe audiet ad hos

norem Dei, Santtique Georgii, x Sin po meridiem, aut alias advenerit,

chorum (ut prfatum e) introibit, ubi Canonici, cum cteris, Plai

mum pro demctis abolvent, dum ipfe oeret, ac ad edem fefe uam

Qlod i quiquis illorum pertranfeat oppidum, nec ingrediatur,


jours audict souverain, ac e accorde', que les poures chevaliers auront

leurs Manteaulx de (carlate a ung Eculon des Armes de Sainct George

ans Jarretiere.
1 7. Item il e accorde, que s'il advenoit, que aucun de la dicte com
paignie vieni a deulx milles pres du chaeau, que il ira dedens, i bon
nement faire le peult, pour l'honneur de la place, s'il n'e empechie par
jue caue, ac qu'il preigne on Manteau, devant qu'il entre dedens la

ditechapelle: Et au qu'il n'entre point, qu'il n'ai on Manteau ur

luy, 6: les chanoines la eans pour le preent viendront audevant de luy,
ac devotement le meneront dedens la dicte chapelle, 8c i ce en temps de

la Mee, il attendra la pour oyr la Meie a l'honneur de dieu, ac de Saint

George; Et i ce apres midy, ill entrera en la maniere udicte ac la fera
la dict par les chanoines ung de profundis pour toutes amez chriiennes
trepaes, ac la orera, ac entrera en on eal, ac i aucun dedictz
compaignons chevauche oultre la ville, 8: ne veult orer, comme il eft

with an mall Eeutoheon of St. George upon their Shoulders, but without any
Garter whatever.

I 7. If any of the companions of this Order hall come u within zooo Pace:
o- the Ca_/lle, he a]! enter into it, for the Honour of the Place

aud hath no

Impediment. Being to enter the Chappel, hehall he

he pohlj can,

rohedin his

Mantle, without which it a]! not he lawfulfor him in any Manner to enter. As

he enters the Canons then preent hall receive him, anda]! reverently conduit him
into the Chappel, and it hould he the Time of celebrating Mas, hehall hear the
ame in Honour of God and of St. George, hut x he hould come in the Af
ternoon, or at any other Time, he a]! enter the Wire, as is before/hid, where

the Canons with the re, hall ing through the Palm for the dead, while he
oers, and returns himelf to his Stall. But any of them hall pas through

u t mnerando equitaverit per Carum. D. Si i

iter mgreus, cantum forte prtervehatur- N.

x Si poi nonam intraverir, hoc eni after noon- D.

Declaratio Statntoruenglzito H E N R I CI Octaoi.
uc oerat, uti prazxum c, tum 1 ub obedientia: vinculo, quories ita P- 223
deliquerit, zi Sacelio ad eum locum pedeer ibit, 6: L Stathcrcln ocrct.

Diantia certe non amplior inrelligirur quam duorum duntaxat inillia-i

rium, ut oenum anrea;

x 8. Ubi primum mors alicujus horum Equitum cerro ignicata Fuc

rir, mox Supremus unum Miarum mille animx demcti conceiebrari e
ciet. Rex 4 externus octies centum; b Princeps fepcies cerirumz Dux
unuquiil; excentasz (Marchio quadringenras 8: uinquaginta; Comes
8: quinquagintaz
eu Baro,
centcturn d. Si quis

accorde, clue ur (on obedience pour chacune oys, qiil Eiuldra, il yra
pied George,
ung milc8: deaui
la dicte
chapelle juques au dict. lieu en Phonneur de
pour chacune oys, qu'il fizmldra, il donnera ung
gros a Porende, la quelle diaunce de venire pres dudit Chaeau c de

deux millcz tant eulement, 8: non plus.

1 8. Item e accorde, que aui to, quela mott era cognue 8: cerrifl;
pourde celluy,
mille Mees, ung Roy Erangier viii cens Mees, le Prince vii cens Mef
es, chacun Duc vi cens Mees, chacun Marquis iiii cens l. Mees,

chacun Conre iii 'cens Mees, chacun Vicoirre ii_ censl Mees, chacun
Baron 8: Baneret ii cens Mees, 8: chacun chevalier Bachelier cent Mel

the Town and not enter, that he may oer, as i: before determined, then) un

der the flye of his obedience, a: often a: he tha: oendy, he hall go on Foot
from the Chappel to that Place, and hall oer a V Stathcr.

The Di ance is

to he underood no farther, than two Miles on] , a: i: hewn before.

1 8. A: ton as the Death of an] one of_ thee Knight: hall be certainly
' gnijied, forthwith the Sovereign hall caue to he celebrated one thouand Maes
for the Soul of the deoeaed, a foreign 4 King eight hundred, the I) Prineeeroen
hundred, each Duhex hundred, a C Margues four hundred and fty, an- Earl

three hundred, a Izcount two hundred and fty, a Baron or Baronet two hun
dred, a Batohelour Knight one hundred 4. But
y Sub poem uz obedientise rmiter aringirur ad
procicexudum peregre 8.: pcdeer unnm miiliare,

de cairo uq; ad Capellam. D. dimie Iieue a ple. R.

an] one after uch Death


d Statutum e, quod in oerum, loco harum

Miirum Supremus depen et. 81. 6 I. 8d. Rex
externus 61. 131. 1. Princeps Wdlia 51. 16 t.
Sd. Dux 5 I. MUCTliO

l. 131. Comes 21. IOJ',

a Supremus cum Societatis aenu denivir, ut Vicecomes 2 I. it. 8 d.

ro 1 I. 131- 4d. Eques

z Oerre tenetur unum Denarium- D.

onus exteris impoitum, de Miarum celebrarione

16 s. 8 d. Et quod Scriba Ordinis vel Decanus Wm

dezlrien: immediate po denunciaram cujnlbis
Commilitonis mortem, eadem ummas recipiet

po obitum alicujus uitis ipi Supxemo dein

ceps incumberet. Hen. l. Anno xiiio.
inq; opera pia dihibuet, ut 'm publicas vias, vere
b Well-le N. le Prince R
t Addirur hoc de Marchionibus 8c Vicecomiti pauperes 8c hujumodi. Quod i quiquam Com
bus in N- 8: R- De Baronetis hic prime. Chatun militonum poulatam ummam non dependar, hanc
ulctam ubibit; quod ununae perolvenda: alte
Uanneret. R.



Declaratzo Statutorum r4to H E N R I C I Octanz.

tem eandem Regiis literis iiidicatam, ante trcs Menes exactos non id ip

um perici curarit; quartam partein prxdictx ummm geminabir; i non

anre medium anni prteteritum, Mlls adduplicairz icque deinceps in

nem anni.

Qlod i intra annum minus abolverit, in hanc formam

annos adgeminabit;

1 9. Ubiq; primum Supreinus, ant ab-eo Deignatus, cerrior tctus ue

rit de morte iiuinodi, e illico lireras emirtet ad Commilitones omnes

hujus Ordinis, qui ierint T intra Regnum Anglia, ut omnino ecum' a

inr in loco congruo ibique vio, anre ex hebdomadas' po ignca5

es: se s'il ne le aict dedens ung quarrier d' an apres, que le trepas luy
iera cerrie par Letrres envoyes de ar le souverain, comme il e accu
ume, clue adoncques il doublera lequarrier de Penrier. Et s'il e demy'

an deriere, adoncques il doublera les Mees, come il e deus dict, 8:

aini de temps en temps juques a la fyn de Pan, 8: s'il ne le faict de-v

dens Pan, adoncques il era renu de doubler les annees.

1 9. Item e accorde, que i aucun de la dicte compai nie moeurt;

que le Souverain ou on Depute, apres qu'ilz auront certilicacion de (I
morr, eronr tenus de mander 8: donner a cognoire par leurs Lettres, a

rous les compaignons du dict Ordre eans en Angleterre, de eulx trouver


8: ere avecques le dict souverain ou hn Depute, en quelq; place clue

ce oyr, ou luy plaira aigner place convenable dedens vi epmaines aprfs

intimated hy the Kings Letters hall not, Ire-ore three Months expired, take care
to 'have this Matter performed, he hall douhle the fourth Part of the whole,

not hefore the middle of the Year he pa, he hall douhle the Maes, and)
afterwards to the End of the Year. And he doth not perform them within
lei than the Tear, he hall douhle the Tears in this Manner.

1 9. Whenerver the Sovereign, or his Deputy, hall he

certifyed of the

Death of uch a Campanian, he hall immediately ' iue Letters to all the Com

panions of this Order, which hall he within the Realm of England, that they

he all together preent with him in a convenient Place, which eems itting to him
hefore [the end of] ix l-Vee/es after this signicationt made. V/ho heing thus
ram tettiam adiiciet, 8e ie de anno in annum num uo fato functum ee, reliqui qui in Aula Re
quamdiu non dependat. Quod i Decanus aut Lia adunt, cicitabuntur Supremum, An literas
Scriba deecerint in rariocinio quotannis reddendo illico mitti ad czterosabenres velit, ut iato die
upremae Majeiati de receptis atque erogaris no adint, an expectari ad proximum D. Georgii feum.
minc pcrna: x libras exolvet imilirer diribuendas. ut id ignicetur. Jac. Anno xxi.
HmnVlIl. Anno xxxijo. Conrmarur hoc Edzx.
f Statutum ei quod Supremus, ubicunque ter
VI. v- acldito, quod Pauperes deumentur de Villa rarum Fuerir, modo juum Commilitonum nume
V-'ndeort 85 Oppidis adjacentibus. Conrmatur rum ecum habeat, eligere potl- Eciet tamen

denuo ub Maria R. Anno primo. &: agnantur ut Deputatusea de re certior at. Multo magis
duo Cornmllitones qui computum audiant M R. Deputatus curabit, ut Vacariones Sedium, Supre
Anno qumto- Quin se Eliz. Anno ecundo. im mo, etiam peregre agenri, certicentur. Qiod i
peratum e novo Scribar, ut iniret rationem accepti juus numerus non adit cum Supremo, nicer
& dati, cum nupero Scriba de pecuniis ipi per Or quos
nono.aptiote' exiimat 8: Depurarus eligar. en.
dinem creditis.

e Statutum e, ut audito, aliquem Commilito

Declaratio Statutorum r4to H E N R I CI Octaoi.

tioncm hanc ad e actam.

(lui quidem omnes ira congregati, g vel (ur

minimum) b ex corum, cum Supremo, aur ipius Deputaco, ordine

quique uo, nominabunr novem ti: dignimis atque elecflciimisi Equiti

bus, qui Supremo lerint ubdiri, vel ei nullatenus adverlarii: rres vide
licet primos, 's Duces, Marchiones, aur Comites, vel hiis conditione u

periores, tres alios Barones aut Banerettos 5 rres ane poremos Bachalau
reos' Equites. Nomenclaturas hace ummus m Praelarus, Epicopus cili
cet I/I/zntonienis, i pratlens uerir: Sin abfuerir, Cancellarius, Decanus,
Scriba, vel maxime enex e reidenribus " concriber: 8: concripras Su
premo, vel ejus gerenti vices, quit oporrer reverentia, commonrabir.

Is vero deinceps illum pronunciabir electum, qui pluribus urgiis ad


la cerriication de la mort ou rrepaement deufdict, lequelz rous aini

aembles, ou au moins ix avecques le souverain, ou on Depure deus

dict, chacun d'eulx, qui la er-a preiznt venu a Peiection nommera neuf

des plus dignes 65 ouans chevaliers ans reproche, qu'il congnoira,

ubjectz du dict souverain, ou aulrres, pourveu qu'ilz ne riennenr parti
conrraire 6: adverle conrre luy, azaavoir, rrois Ducz, Marquis, Con
res, ou depluigrant eat, rrois Barons ou Banererz, 85 trois Bacheliers,

les quelz denominations le chief Prelat du diCt Ordre ecripra, ceaa

de Wynchere,oucleuiDoyen,
pour lors
temps eanr
ou an
le Chancellier,
ou 8:Regireur,
ou les

cien Reidencier du dict colliege en leur abence, 8: la denominacion aini

icte par rous ou ix par le moyns, par icelluy, qui laura ecripr er-a
all aemhled together, are? at the lea 'J ix of them, with the Sovereign, or

hall'i Knights,
every one either
in his Subjects
Order nominate
nine of theormo
to the Sowerign,
no ways
Party] contrary to him, to wit,

three i' Duhes, Marquefs, or Earls, or

Superiors to them in Eate, three other Barons or Bannerets, and laly three
Batchelorl Knights. Which Nominations the High m Prelate, that is the Bihop
of Wincheer,
he he preent, hut he he ahent, the Chancellour, Dean,

Regier, or the elde of the Re/identiaries hall " trancrihe, and heing o wrote
out hall with the Re-verence that is due, how to the Sovereign or his I/icege


And he then hall pronounce him elefied, who is upported hy the 'm

, g Sed Mantellis Ordinis induti. Quo nomine

I De Bacchalaureis iis deer-ctum e, quod lo

Carolus Princeps 8e Comes Mongomerie exclui unt cum in inferior-e domo Parliamcnrianre omnes ahos
ab Eleaioe- Few- Anno xxii.
Regni E uites obtinebunt, exceptis Therurario
b [gitur Hem VI. Anno xxxi. cum tres tantum a: Contrdlario Hopirii R ii. Else. Anno xiiio.
Commilitones ecum haberet Windcori in Viqilia

in In Epicopi aoentiz

uos Collegii, iau Rel

s. Gt0rgii,_electionem dierre coactus e. At Hm. girarius, vel m eorundem abentia, enior Rei
VIH. xxvl cum v. tantum Commilitones adeenr, dentiarius. D. 84: N. 8: R.

Quin 85 a Scriba perzpe olim factum e- At

nunc dierum olus Cancellarius (i adir) id mune
i Novem militaris ordinis
on-as nominabunt. ris tibi vendicar.
a Auc viva voce, abq; crutinio votorumaut no:
D. Neuf les plus ouails hevaliers- R
- L Tres Comites eu alios majoris Dignitatis, tres minatione novem Equitum, electio aliquando habi
Dipenatio olenniter habita ei, anrequam elige

Barones & rres Milites D. 8.: rres Baechalaureos ta e- Jacob Anno prime. 8: Anno viceimo

Equites- N. Trois Bannerez 8: trois Bacheliers. R



Deelaratio Statutornm 'I 4to H E N R I CI Octavi.

nitatur, o leu quem Supremus ipe digniorena, ihonorabiliorem, utiliorem,

p, 22+, regnoque uo 8: coron magis idoneum ee judicabit.

Si quis autem

Equitum hujus ordinis admonitus haud auerit, nii juam ablnti cau
am habeat, quam 8c ub igillo inignium uorum ignicatum iverit,
adeo juam, inquam, ac rationabilem, ut Suprernus eam', vel ab eo De

ignatus, approbarit, 8: talemee judicatio ut apptobari debear, poenas

dabit. Nam i minus juam aut idoneam ee caum, Supremus aut
Deputatus exiirnabit, P Decano ac Collegio perolver viginti folidos le

galis monet, quos in celebrationes pro demcto oportebit impendi. Itaq;

cum proxime venerit ad Concilium, 1 ibidcm in medioctu coram Su
premo procumbet, donec per supremum aut Deputatum, ac reliquum

omne odalirium reconciliatus fuerit

zo. Quando
monree audjct souverain, ou a on Depure, qui adonques choyera de

ceulx, qui feront nommez, celluy, qui aura les plus des voix: Et au
celluy que le souverain eimera ere plus honourable, au dia: Ordre, 8c
lus protable a { coronne, 8c on Royaulme, ac sil ia aucun cheva

lier dudict Ordre,

ui defaillet de venir a la dict eiection, sil n'e de

urbe par juc cau e, 86 que la dicte caue de (on excue monre oubz '
on {eau dArmcs, e trouve par le Souverain ou on Depute d'erejue,
ac rayonable, oic adoncques on excue acceptable, 8: allove, 8: i (a

dicte caue n'e jue, 8: qui] ne vienne aux ceremonies deudikz, il

e accord, qu'il paiera au Gardien du colleige, pour chanter pour icel

luy, qzi e trepaes vingt olz eerlingz : ac a a prouchaine venue au- r

dict c pitre, il eta devant le Souverain, ou on Depute, ac la com
paignie, 8c sagcnoullcra ur la terre, au millieu du Chapitre, jufques a


tant, qu'il oit reconeille par le souverain, ou on Depute, 8c la dicite

2.0. Item

Voter, or 0 whom the Sovereign himelf halljudge more worth], more honour
ahle, more ueul, and more t for his Kingdom and Crown. But an]
Knight: of this Order heing admoni/hed hould not he preent, unles he hath a
Caue of Ahenee, and which he hall
under his Seal of Arius, )
an one, Ifa], and reaonable, that the Sovereign or his Deputy hall ap
prove, and judge to he uch, as it ought to he approved, he hall he punihed.

the Sovereign or his Deputy hall not eeem that Caue to he ju or t,
he hall pay to the P Dean and college twenty Shillings of Iaw_/id Money, which
ought to he expended in Celehrations for the dead; therefore when he comes next?

to the Chapter, he I hall there in the middle of the A/Z-'nhlj kneel hefore the
Sovereign, till he he reconciled h] the Sovereign, or his Deputy, and all the

re of the Society.
2.0. When
9 Et quem honorabiliorem iudicabit bique 8:
Regm aPtlorem. D. 8e N. & R- Ira Rex Poloni.
electusF Hm _VI. xxviii- licet ab unico de fex
electonbus nommatus fuerat'
p Solvet Cuiodi ac Collcgio imam Marcam, ad

eectum quod ipi orent pro anima defuncti- D.

Be R- uus non exprimitur. N.
q Expectabituper terram in medio Capituli. D;
u er terram (inito proximo concilie) in medio (:
de it. N

Declaratio Statatorum '4to H E N R I C I Octani.


zo. Qgando po mortem alicujus iorum Equitum alter in demcti

locum urrogatur, e veigio r qui eligitur ornatu Subbuli dccorabitur,
illius Ordinis
it unusIecta
l. Argumentum
Deinde cum adquod
id acta
' commiiio
in concilio

fueric, coram Supremo, vel ipius vicem gerente, caeteriq; e. de caus.

congregatis, " Trabea cum humerali ineretur x.

Mox ipe deducetur] me

dius duobus Equitibus aliis ejudem Ordinis, quos Ociales antcccdent, 8:

alii nobiles atque obequioi ipabunt.

Trabeam autem geabit ante

eum Commilitonum unus, vel' Garterus Rex Armoru1n, donec venial:

ad locum (edis occupandee. Inra quam accepto juramento, '- indutus

trabe revertetur 4 ad Concilium, ubi de manu Supremi, vel ejus Deputati,


zo. Item il e accorde, que i aucun Chevalier deia dict Compaig

nie alloit de vie a rrepas, 8: ung aultre e choii 8: eeu, il aura tan
to apres reection la Jarretiere, en igniiance qu'il e ung des Che

valiers 86 Compaignons de YOrdre de la Jtarretiere, 8: a Robe, 8: Cha

peron luy iaront delivrez, en la maion du Chapitre incontinent apres
que 13 commion aura eci: leue devant le souverain, ou es Deputez a

la compaignie, Be apres (era mene par deulx Chevaliers de I'Ordre ac

compaigniez des aultres nobles hommes, Be les Ociers de l'Ordre heron:

aui reens, s: on manteau era porte devant luy par ung des Cheva
liers e POrdre, ou par le Roy d'Armes de xPOrdre, le quel manteau luy

era delivre pour on habit, apres qu'il aura aict on el-ment devant

zo. When after the Death of any one of the Knights another is
tuted in the Room of the deceaed, immediately he r who is eleedhall he adorn
ed rwith the Ornament of the Garter, as a_ full Proof, that from thenceforward

he is to he accounted one of this knightly Order .

After when the t Commil

ion made for that Purpoe hall he read in the Chapter at Windor, before the
Sovereign or his I/'icegerenzg and the re amhlcd for that Reaon, the '4 Mantle

hall he hrought with the Hood r. And forthwith he hall he introduced in

the 7 middle between two other Knights of this ame Order, hefore whom the
Oicers hall go, and other Nobles and Friends hall accompany : But one of
the companions, or Garter King of Arms hall carry the Mantle hefore him,
till he comes to the Place of his Stall which he is to poei. Below which, ha
rving taken his Oath, heing a rohed in the Mantle, he hall return to the 4 Chap

ter, where he hall he adorned with the Collar h] the Hand of the Sovereign


r Sic electo tranmitremr Gartems, in ignum,

quod ipe e unus de conortio ordinis. D.

A' Totum hoc de modo inallandi, adJitur per

Hen- Vlll.

j Stacutum e, ur atim po electionem Com-

7 Sed in proccdcxido ex Aula ad Capellam ante

militonis, dies Inaliationis I/Vindeore deignctur l czteros Commilitones incedunr.

per Commionarios, nii ex peciali caua dicratur ad Fenm S. Geargii. Fac. Anno xxio. A

z. Mantellum electi habent ex donatione Supre

mi per literas uas ad Cuodem ma ni Veiarii.

t Qua nemo (ne Supremo przente) inallan- H-Vlll. Anno xiv. 8: R. Car. lV- ed Collegio
dus ne Commione in criptis. Manebat enim po obitum, reddendum
interea Supremus vel Deputatus in Capitulo, donec Iniallatum reducerent, ut To' ue ornaretur,

4 At nunc &Torquem de manu deducentium, 8:

in Choro accipit, non de Snpremi, in Capitulo.

8: dein pariter ad Vepeitinas proce ebant.

Ideoq; una cum Mantello Garterus nunc 8: Tot

n Tum primo 8: non ante recipiet Mantelhim

uem 8: librum Statutorum ante elcctum gease

Ordinis- D. le Mantel lui era liverez pour on ha- golet.

bit, a: non devant. R_.



fDeclaratio Stututorum I 4to H E N R I C I Octavi.

Torque coornabitur. Sicque pleno inignirus lmbitu cum cxteris incedet,
edebit, abit,

Caeterum magni Principes externi bene poterunt (uti jarn

ante conueverunt, compendii caua) amictum integrum intra Concilium


Qlod i quis ante moriatur quam habitum hunc acceperit, mi

nime Fundatorum unus denominabitur, eo quod plenam Stats ui po

eonem haud obtinuerat.

Habebit autem miaruln medietatem, - qkuia.

Subligaris ornamentum ante hceperat, 8: nihilupra. Electus vero, ub

ligaculoq; donatus (quod in e e) einabit ad locum, ut in edem ibi

debitam introducatur.

Si intra annum minus advenerit, 8: in regno

manerrit, nec excuationeln aliquam condignam, 6: a Supremo, vel ejus

Deputato, probandam habuerit: ejus Electio prxdicta non valebit, ed
irrita manebit; o: Supremus aut ab eo Deignarus cum reliquo Commi
P. 225.

litonum ccrtu novam Electionem inchoabit.

Qlapropter vexillum, En

is, 8: Galea, cum appendicibus ejus, ut prius electi, non appendentur le;
on eal, 8c non devant, 8: ce aict retournera en la mayon du Chapitre,

la ou il recepuera par le souverain, ou es Deputes le collier, 8: aini

aura la playne poeon de on habit entierement: excepte les gtands
Princes Erangiers, les quelz pouvent recevoir leur habit entier dedens la

maion du chapitre, comme il a ee ue se accuume du temps pae,

pour le abregement du temps : GC s'il moeurt devant qu'il ait receu on
1 habit, il ne eta point no1nme ung des ondeurs, puis qul default dhvoir

plaine poieon de on eat, mais il auro la moictie des mecs deus

nommez, pour la Deliverance de la Jarretiere, 8: non aultre choe au

deus, 8: i celluy aini choii ne vient en toute bonne dili nce apres
la reception de la Jarretiere en la dicte place pour ere ea c, 8: e

peciallement dedens l'an de on election, 's'il e Chevalier demourant de

dens le Royaulme, 8: a nulle excuarion allouable 8: acceptable audict
souverain, ou on Depute, 8: la Compaignie, yront faire aultre nou

velle eection, 8: ne era la banicrc, Fepee, ne le heaulme, 8: tymbre

or his Deputy. And being thus en/Igned with the full Habit he hall walk, it,

and and with the Re.

But greatforeign Princes ma] he well allowed to he

rohed with the whole Habit within the Chapter, as heretofore for Sahe of Di
Patch they were wont to be. But any one happen to die before he hath re
ceived this Habit, he hall not he named one of the Founders, becaue he hath not obtained the full Poion of his State. But he hall have half of the

Maes, becaue he had before received the Ornament of the Garter, and no
thing more. But being elefied and having received the Garter he (as much as
lies in his Power) hall haen to the Place, that he ma] he introduced into

the Stall due to him.

If he comes not within Ielr than the Year, and hould

remain in the Kingdom, nor have an ticient Excui that may he approved by
the Sovereign, or his Deputjv, his ah/reizid EleEtction hall not be valid, but hall
remain void. And the Sovereign or his Deput] together with the Amhl] of the
re of the companions hall begin a new Eleon. Wherefore the Banner, the

sword, and Helmet with its Appurtenances of the eIeEfed Knight, as afore


Declaratio Statutorum l4t0 H E N R I C I Octavi.

323 i

dili iso intra Caellum, uq; dum eo venerir, eapropter quod i non ad
venerit, ornamenra prtedicta tanqualn non citta dedecus haud deponan
tur, ed extra Chorum honee deponantur, b ad utilitatem ac emolumen

tum Ordinis 8: Collegii remanura.

2. 1. L Exteri quique, ad praeclaraln hanc Societatem admi, certiores
inde eri debent per supremi Literas, qua: einanter ad eos dirigentur,
cum d tatutis ub igillo communi Ordinis, Supremi nimirum impenis,

ut multum intra quatuor menes ab Electione certi ent, ur iidem Prin

cipes perlectis illice literis deliberate queant, Ordinem-illum necne u

cipere libeat, aut expediat, e nii orm idem Supremus, interea tempo

de celluy aini choii mys ur on eal dedens le Chaeau devant la ve

nue, an que s'il ne vient, comme il e deus dict, (Es dictz bache
menris, comme baniere, epee, 8: heaulme ne oient abatuz, ne devalez,
mais honeement mys hors du cueur, e: les quelz demourronr a Puiage
8: prot dudict Ordre.
21. Item e accorde', que rous erangiers, qui eront elleuz Coma.
paignons dudict Ordre, eront certiez par Lettres du souverain de leur
election, les quelles Lettres de certication, enemble les eaturz dudict
Ordre oubz le commun Soel leurs eront envoyes, aux couz 8: depens

dudit souverain, en toute diligence 8: au plus tart eront de ce certiiez de

dens quatre moys apres la dicte Eleccion, an que les dictz Elleuzle
puicznt advie-r par les dictz eatuz, s'ilz veuillenr recepvoir les dict

aid hall not he aixed to his Stall within the Cale, until he come thither,
to the End that
he hould not come, the aforeaid Ornaments might not he
talzen down, which could not he without ame Digrace, hut he decently depoited

out of the gure to remain to the b Prot and Advantage of the Order and the

2. 1. c All the Foreigners admitted to this mo famour Society, ought to he

certied thereof hy the Letters of the Sovereign, roihich hall he peedily direhifed
to them with the 'i Statutes under the Common_Seal of the Order, to wit at the
Expences of the Sovereign, at the farthel the] hall he certiied within four

Months after their Eleon, that thee ame Princes having peruZ-d thee izme
Letters may delzherate, whether they are willing or not to receive this Order,
or it he expedient for them, e unles perhaps the itid Sovereign in the mean
h Authoritate snpremi, per Commilirones decretum el, quod ingnia quavis de caua e Choro
ublara verrerentur in commodum Collegii Sancti

d Minus caute priora Smtuta D. N. 8c R. quae,

(cum statutis) 8: Garterum atque Mamcllum mir
renda deeernunr, priuquam conier, ,Extraneus

Geargii, non miuus quam mortuorum Ingnia- Princeps Electionem accepkret, necne.
Qunnquam aliqui contra poeebzmr. Eliz. lV.
c De Exteris intelligendum ei, quorum nomi-

' e Igirur ad Fredericum egem Dania nemo mir

titur ante biennium po ejus electionem. E/iz. An

natioxiem' eu propoirionem ut eligantur, ad e no xxiiii. nec ad Ducem Wittenhergia, ni pol exj

olum pectare Suprcmus aerir. Cor. Anno tertio tum annum. Jacob. Anno prime.
8: quarto-


Deelctaratio Statutorum l4to H H N R I C I Octaui.

tis, per res alioqui gtaves atque aiduas impedimentum habeat.


enim potetit iam electionis hujus; igniicationem in aliud tempus ex

ententia prorogare.

At ubi igniitatio certb acta, 8: ei ad quem mia

fuetit gtata atque accepta intelligitur; ibi Suprcmus, per] Oratores uos,
amictum integrum cum Subiigari 8: Torque deinabit ad eundem. Ipi
verb ic eiecti 8: donati, cujucunclue conditionis Stats aut honoris ex

titerint, intra 3 eptcm Menes quam przetta ucepetint lnignia, a:

iliud ipum quod agitur ibi perquam gratum fore ignicatum ive
rint, Procuratorem remittent idoneum, Majeati ive honoti ui Do;
mini bene repondentem ut debitam eidem uo Domino edem prat
occupet, eiq; podere incipiat. Prxxum e ane ut b Eques omni
no it irreprehenus, nec illaudatus, qui 'i Trabean] ecum aeret ore

am L Cxrulei coloris a Dominouo, cum Vexiiio, Ene, Gaie, 86 AP'


Odfe OU lion, i non qui pour bien grans 8: haulx aaires ie dict Sou
Vemin Cu cmpechement, que adoncques ii pourra dierer ia certicaci
on, ou ia dicte cection a on bon plaiir, juques a temps oporzune 3;
convenable, apres la quelle certiication, &e. que le souverain era cetti.
e, que le dict Eieu veult recevoyr le dit Ordre, adoncques le souverain

envoyera audict Eieu (on habit entier, enemble la Jaw-mere, 8: Coliier,

8: que tous telz Eran iers de quelque eat, dignite, ou condicion quhlz
oyent, envoyeront de ens un moys apres la reception dedict coiiier, 8;
habit, 8: qui aura certic le Souverain avoir receu iceulx, ung procu

teur, ou attomay huant, tion Peat de (on Seigneur 6: Maire, pour

veu qu*il (bit Chevaiier ans reprouche, pour ere ealie en (a place, le.
quel apportera avecques Iuy ung Manteau de veiours bieu de POrdre, de
par celluy, qui Fenvoiera, 8: aui portera ix baniere, epee, heauime, 8:


'Iime be hinder'd by zme important and diieult Bune.

For then he may at

hi: l/Vtll prorogue the signification of this Eleon to another Pin .

But when

signification is certainly made, and the ame i: underood to be grateful and ae

eepted by him to whom it i: ent, the Sovereign by hisf Emba/[Zzdorr hall end
to him the whole Habit with the Garter and Collar.

And thoe who are that

eleed, and being thus preented with thee Enigils, of whate-'zxer condition,
Degree, or Honour they are, within-Z even Months after the] barve received

zbz-J/Z Engtzx, and have gnied that what had been done was mo grateful to
them, hall remitt a fit Proor, anwerable to the Majey or Honour of his'

Maer, that hall

enter and begin to prz the Stall due to his Maer.

It i: det-reed that he be a I) Knight irreproachable, and not to be dipraied,

who hall bring with him a Velvet ijl/antle of l blue Colour from his Maer with
a Ban
Inrer quos unum Excleiaiicum Virum ce vo-

apud uos in uu non ei. Dipenutione itaque Su.

iebant Ordimtiones Hen. Vlll- ut per cum qux'

premus ea in parte utirur-

dam oicnnes vetborum formulx, in Subiigaculo,

Toga, Mantelio, 8: Torquc induendis prouuncia-

i Eandem ciiicecquam Supremus ipi antea mie

lar, 'ut aiiam ro uo iibitu.

Fat. Anno tertio.

rentur. Ni Infra viii Menes. D. deqans ept mois. R.

b Secum ad ucet unum Mantellum ricum de

blodio colore Ordiuis. D. Czruleam e carico tra

Regis Dani-e procurator Lques non erat : Nec beam N- Ung- Mante] de drap de oyc bien de
ercari a Supremo voluit, qui: Equcris gradus l'0rdre.R.

Declaratio Statutorum I4to


E N R I CI Octavi.


ut uisin locis inrra Collegium quamdiu Dominus ille

(Ilus uperes fiuerit, honorice remaneant.

Trabea vero ic allara,

quando vice Domini ui in edem illius e inrroduccndus, per Supremum

aut ab eo Deignarum, in brachium illi dexterum imponetur; inde per

duos Equites ejudem Ordinis ab hoio Concilii/ deducetur, ad edile
Domini, inia quod periens, nomine praeiiiti isi Domini, Sacramcnto

vincietur ac paulo mox in edem illam inrroducetilr, in qua m cdens,

ans, aut procumbens quanto temporc divina celebrantur, trabeam il
lam uper edem dexrer geabit. Qiam "nunquam geare debet, nee P. 225.
ullum in Concilio uragium conerer, aut abentc Domino uo illuc in

troibir. Sin autem intra 9 eptcm hos Menies Procuratorem uum non
milerit (ut prxnitum e) neque ucientem excuationem Supremo,

rimbre pour ere 8: demourer dedens le dict Colliege a vie duranr. Et

lequel Manteau au temps, que le dir procureur ou atrotnay era ealle,

era par le ditSouverain, ou (on Depute ou Depurez mis ur on bras
dextre, pour icelluy Manteau tenir ur on dict brasz Er era convoye 8:

mene par deulx des Chevaliers de l'Ordre, de Phuys dudict Chapirre ju

ques devant l'eal, 85 la eant, feta -le erement, 8: fera ealle pour 8:
au nom de on dict Seigneur, Be rnairei Et le dict manteau deuidict

porteta le dit procureur ou arrournay ur on dict btas, duranr le divin

Service, eanr as en l'eal de on dit Seigneur 8: maire, ans jamais
le porter en aucuns temps apres, 8: ans avoir aucune voix en Chapitre,

ou y entrer dedens en Fabence de celluy, qui Paura envoye, 8: s'il nen

voye (on dict procureur dedens les vii moys deuidictz, ans avoir ex
cue raionnable, 85 au souverain ou a on Depute acceptable, oir PEle
a Banner, Sword, Helmet, and Appurtenances, that they may honourahly re

main in the [proper] Places within the College r long as his Maer hall he
living. But the Mantle thus hrought when he is to he introduced into the Stall
inead of his Maer, hall he put upon his right Arm hy the Sovereign or his
Deputy; then he hall he hrought hy two Knights of this ame Order from the
Door of the 1 Chaptera-houe, to his Meens Stall, where remaining helow it,
he hall he hound hy an Oath in the Name of his eiid Maer, and ion after
wards he hall he introduced into the Stall, wherein mitting, anding or kneel
ing as long Time as the divine Services are celehrated, he hall hear that Man

tle upon his right Hand.

I/Vhich he ought n never to wear [afterwards] nei

ther hall he give any Vite in Chapter, or hall enter there in the Ahence of

his Maer. But within thee 0even Months he hall not end his Profior
as is decreed, nor have a ucient Excue acceptahle enough to the Sovereign
vllnAdditur haac clauula de Deductionc per Hen


n Ita quod poerius ipum nunquam gehbir. D.

Procurator tamen Be Trabeam 8: Torquem in hu

'n Pro ratione divinorum quae peraguntur. [At mero geiavit, non olum in Veperrinis cum in
nunc ni fallor Procurator ederc prohibetur] in

Mia primus Oeret. Sed nita Mia oli Commi

litones caeteri oerent D-Georgio, Procuratore in

terim in ede Domini ui remanente. Hen- Vlll.

Anno xiv.

iallaretur, ed &dic equente in Proreone, obla

tione, 8: cum equitarent in Caellum. R. Elio
Anno quinto.

o Additur 8: hzc clauula de temporc more, pot

_ Hem Vlll,



Declaratio &atutorum I4to H E N

I C I Octavi.

illiulve Deputato, irtis acceprabilen] habear: runc illius electio praemili

evacuabitur; nii oran Eques ille prccmagnis arduiq; rebus aliis irrerirus
ele comproberur. In hoc enim arriculo, intra unum adliuc menem po,
ad Supremum, aut al) eo Deignarum, excurrionen] emittere licebir. Sin

iraque talia cauari pocrimpedimenra, quae Supremus aut ab eo Dcputa

tus honea, laudabilia, neceariave judicabit, quatuor ulrra meniunf

mora concedi poterir.

Inrra uos i minus advenerir, P ejus vicis electio

omnino vacabir. Ccrrerum ic e animadvertendum quod ie avor

el; extraneis exhibeirdus, qui non poiunr ipi advenrare, ed necee lia

benr Procuratores uos mitrere, ut edes iplorum vice poiidzanr.


imprimis e eir de Causa conitutum, ur Miarum 8: Orationum alia

rum, qua: deunctis ordinantur, plene parricipes evadanr. Medir nam
que parte privarcnrur, i non ante mortcm uam in uas edes inrroducti
forent. Sed nec Exrranei olum eo privilegio congaudebunt, verum 9' illi


ction vuyde de luy, excepre que s'il e aini, que le dicte Chevalier ha
' birue oit pour bien grandes Aaires enpeichie, adonques il pourra en
voir on excue audict Souverain ou a on Depute dedens ung moys apres,
e: i (on excui: e rele, que le dir Souverain ou on Depure vouldroi

enr allouer ou accepter, que adoncques le dict souverain ou on Depute

l'huy pouroyenr donner quartre moys de avantaige, 8: s'il ne venoit ou

envoyr hndict Procureur devanr,

ue le dict temps de quarrre moys ut

tay, que en ce cas election era dia rout Widee de luy pour celle oys :
Et e aavoir, que celle aveur e aict, 8: monrer aux Erangiers,
les quelz ne pourront bonnemenr venir en leur propres Peronnes, qu'ilz

puient ere Eallez par procureurs, an qu'ilz oyenr participans des

Mees 8: Pricres enrieres dudict Ordre: Car ilz lilleroyenr droir a la
moiree, s'ilz ncoienr eallz devanr leur morre. Et emblablemenr ell:
or to his Deputy, then his aforeaid Eleiiiion hall he vacated, unle perhaps that
-Knight hall he proved to he involved in mo important and dicult Aairs :

For in this Point it hall he lawul to end his Excue within one Month af
terward to the Sovereign or his Deputy. But
he can alledge uch Impedi
ments as the Sovereign or his Deputy hall judge fair, laudahle, or neceiny,

a Delay of four Months longer may he granted, within which

he hall not
come, the P Eleflionhall in Coure he altogether void. But here it is to he remarlred,
that this Favour is to he exhihited to Foreigners, who cannot come themelves,

hut are under a Neceity to end ther Proors, that they may in their Stead
poei" their Stalls.

And this was chiey conituted for this Reazn, that they

might fully participate in the Maes and other Prayers, that are appointedfor
the deceaid : For they would he deprived of one half Part,
they were not
introduced into their Stalls lie-ore their Death. But neither hall Foreigners
only enjoy that Privilege, hut 9 thoe ali, who while they are eleed hould
- p Sed A/phontrs Rex Pormgalie electus Hen. VI. l

q Addita autem hwc clauula, de ubditis ablerr

xxv. iniallatus nnn en ante ejudem H. vi. xxxiv. tibus in Regni negotiia primo uir per Hen, V.
Nec Henrucns R. Ga/Iia lV. ante quartum ab ele- Anno nono
ctionc ejus annum. Elix- Anno xlii.

I v-wvwfm

._-_ _._..

Declaratio Statutorum 14to H E N RI C I Oiia-vi.

etiam qui dum eliguntur extra Regnum unt Rcgis juu belligerantes,
aliifve negotiis intenti : hii quantum ad fedis ua: poeloneln captandam,
imilc cum Extraneis privilegium vcndicabunt.

2.2.. Si quis rDucum, Marchionum, Comitum, Vicecomittlm, Ba

ronum, Barerettorum, aut Bachalaureorum hujus Ordinis, obierit: qui

uccedec ei, cujuvis harum conditionum extiterit, eam duntaxat edem

obtinebit, quam f predeceor {uns ante poflederat, nec demutabit illam

citra peculiarem Supremi conceionem, nii oran Imperatorum aut Re- "
um aliquis, vel Princeps Regni fuerlir, quorum unufquique juxta {ubd

mitarem uam, edem Supremo proximam accipiet. qm pato Dux

auc Comes interim in edcm Bachalaurei reponi poteric, atque edivero :
ad Argumentum manieum form per primores ibi mdatores inchoat

finceriter obervatae.

' zz. Et

ordonne, pour ceulx dudi: Ordre nouvellement choiiz ac cieuz, ef

tantz es cruerres du Roy, ou ailleurs, par on commandement a injoyer

du benece dedictz eatuz, en ce que appertiendra eulement leur


2.2.. Item e accorde', que i aucun des Ducz, Marquis, Contes, Vii;
contes, Barons, Banaretz, ou Bacheliers moeurt, que celluy qui viendra
aptes, ac uccedera en on lieu ac place, {oit il Duc, Marquis, Conte,
Viconte, Baron, Baneret, Bachelier, ou aucun des eacz deiudictz no

mez, il timdra le meime eal, que on predeceeur tenoit, ac ne le

changera point, inon quil eu elpecialle Licence, ou garrant dudict Sou

verain : Touteois tous Empereurs, Roys, 8: le Prince {ont exceptes, les

quelz tiendront leurs ealz, elon leur eat, sc au plus pres du Souve
rain : Et doncques par ce moyen ung Duc tiendra Peal dung Bachelier,
8: le Bachelier Peal dung Duc, en igne ac cognoiance des primiers
2.3. Item
he out of the Kingdom b] the Sovereigds Command, engaged in Wizr, or em
played in other Bu/ineizs : Tho/e as to the taking Poon of their Stalls, hall
challenge the one Privilege with Foreigners.

2.2.. If an] of the r Duhes, Marqueizs, Earls, Vijhounts, Barons, Ban-

neretts, or [Knights] Batchelorsg of this Order hall die, who iicceeds to him,
of which ever of thee Degrees he hall he, hall ohtain that Stall onl , which
his] Predeceor hefore pojed, neither /hall he change it without the peculiar cono
cej/ion of the Sovereign, unles perhaps he he an Emperor, or jbme King, or the

' Prince of [this] Realm, every one of whom hall receive a Stall next to the
Sovereign according to his Excellency.

B)! which Means a Duke or Earl may

he placed in the Stall of a Batchelor, and o on the Rever, in

of thencere Ohjer-vance of the Method begun [i] the
Founders there.
2.3 . And
r Si

uis Comes, Baro, aut Miles decerit. D.


electa Idq; t ex Statute facto R. flia Anno vii.

t De olo Principe cavebzmt statuta D. De uno

alirer t: In defuncti edem Eques Wallie Principe N. Qli Stallum primum obtmeg
proximus accndit, sc in illius proximus, donec bit ex oppoite Superioris D.
promotis ordine ngulis imaJdes vacat recenter


vv --


Declaratio Statutorum 14to H E N R CI Octae-i.

az. " Et quando edes ulla vacrit, Suptemus benle poterir ad eam
uemlibet horum Equitum ex arbitrio promovere, uperior autem eie
P, 227, Zlcbet ea ede, quam ante tenuerat. Nimirum (Emel in vit u poterit

Suprcmus generalem omnium (edium tranationem ex (ententi percere :

olis Ceejizrum, Regum, Principum, Zc Ducum edibus ecceptis, quae per

manebunt iinmutabiles; nii ortai: uperius ulli edile contingat. In

e proecto tranatione generali, long-itudo durationis in hoc otdine,
, decus ac claritudo georum, laus Equitum, 8: prxantia meritorum
perpendi 8: coniderari debet, ut' honos vittuti repondeat.

ziutem Equites ii

uoties trabeis ornati edebunt, ltabunt, aut imul

iincedent, brdinem il um obervabunt, quem per edes uas in Choro te


nent, neque tamen generis aut nobilitatis rationem ullam habebunt, nii
quatenus ante monratum' e.

14. Equites

_ zz. Item, s'il ia aucune place, ou eal wide, le Souveraina on plai

it peult avancer 8: tranlater, par on elpecialle Licence, aucun Cheva

lier de l dicte Compaignie ou dict eal, par ainy qu'il oit plus hault,

que l'eal qu'il ten0it ou gardoit paravant : Au le Souverayn une oys

en a vie pourra faire, s'il luy pleu generalle traniation de tous les
ealz a on plaiir; excepte des Empereurs, Roys, Princes, 85 Ducz, les

quelz garderont se demoureront tous jours en 'leurs ealz, i non qu'ilz

fuent tranlatez' cn plus hault lieu ou eal, en la uelle tranllation la
longue Continuance en l'Ordre, 8: les louenges, vai lances, 8: merites

des Chevaliers doit ete conidere, 8: remembre, les quelz Chevaliers doi
'recnavant en allant 8: eant, 8: routes les oys qu'ilz portent leurs Man
teaulz, garderont leurs places, elon l'Ordre de leurs eallz, 8: non pas '

elon leurs eatz, comme il e devant ditz.

24. Item,

zz, " And when any Stall hall he rooid, the Sovereign may well at his own
Pleaere promote any one of thee Knights to it. But it ought to he to a Stall
higher to that, which he formerly held. And indeed the Sovereign may once

in his Life, according to his own Mind make a general Tranlation of all the
Stalls, the Stalls of the Enzperors, Kings, Princes, and Dulees excepted, which

hall remain unchangeahle, unles hy Chance a eperior Stall hall fall to any
of them. In uch a general Tranlation doubtles, the long Continuance in this
Order, the Commendation and Lure of Atchieroements, the Praii- of the
Knights, the Excellency of their Merits ought to he weighed and conidered,
that the Honour [gie/en them] may he anwerahle to their Vertue. But all

the: Knights as often as they it, and, or walh together, rohed in their Man
tles, hall oberve that Order, which they hold hy their Stalls in the Q\uire, nor
hall they have any Regard to their Birth or Nohility, unle/i as is hefhr'

24. All
u Totum hoc Caput additum fuit ab Hen. Vlll. ma Clauula, qua de upracavetur, Cap. xi
atque ex eo tempore denuo exolevit, excepra ulti- _



-_ ---*


i Deelaratio

.Statut0ru;n i410 H



N R I C I Oaoi.

7.4. Equites inguli, " quando ad ordinem hunc illuflrem admittrenttirj

certam pecuni fummam Collegio nulnerabunt, in ufum canonicorum
Deo {ervientium Be pauperculorum Militum, ibi commorantium; Su
prernus certe quadraginta lvi-areas legalis monet Angine; Rex externus,
viginti Libras; Prmceps, Vlgmtl Marcasz Dux deccm Libras; J Marclno,
octo' Libras, lex lolidos, 8c octo denarios-, Comes, decem Marcas -, Vice-'

comes, quinq; Libras, edeciin Solidos, ac octo denarios; Baro, eu Ba

ronettus, uinq; librasz Bachalaureus Eques, quinque Marcas. Eleemo

n vero ujus Statutum eo perpetuum, Vexilla fane, Encs, 8c Gale,

cum annexis non ante propendebuntur in locis uis, qum prxas, uam

qulque pro Status honore, ummas perolverlnt; Q_uod ad Externos ate


2.4. Item, e accord, que tous les Compaignons deudictz a. leur

rcmiere entree donneront, chacun deulx, une certayne Summe lelon
leur eat, pour lentretenenient 8: manutenance des Chanoynes, 8: pour
Chevaliers demourantz en la dicte Place, 8c des Almones, qui {ont per

petuellement ordonnez, ceaavdir le Souverayn quarante mares, ung Roy

Erangier vingt livres, le Prince vingt mares, chacun Duc dix livres,
chacun Marquys huit livres ix oulz viii d. chacun Conte dix mares, chap
cun Viconte cin ', livres xvi folz viii d. chacun Baron 8c Baneret cent folz,
&'. chacun Bachelier cin mares: Et ne feront leurs Banieres, Heaulmes,
Tyrnbres, 8c Epees mi es deus leurs ealz, juques a. tant, quilz ayent

paye a leur entree les fommes deuictz, chacun elon Peat de dont
il era, &t. e aavoir, que le Souverain era tenu de paier pour llentree
2.4; All the Knights x when they hall he admitted into this _ill_u/lrions Or

der, jhall pay a certain Sum of Money to the College for the Ue of the Ca
nom, attending the Serrviee of God, and of the poor Kni hts there reiding. ne

Sovereign certainly forty Marks of lawful Money of Engancl, a foreign King

twenty Pounds, the Prince twenty Marks, a Duke ten Pounds, a) Margues
eight Pound: x Shillings and eight pence, an Earl ten Marks, a Vicount ve
i Pounds ixteen Shillings and eight pence, aa Baron or Banneret ve Pounds, a
Batchelour Knightve Marks. Let this Statute of this Alms he perpetual. The
Banners, Swords, and Helmets with the Appartenance; hall not he hung up in

their Places, till they have paid the prexed Sunis, emery one his own according
to the Honour of his Degree.

What rees Foreigners, for thoe the Some


x Piiflimo decreto statutum e, ut tam qui

nunc de ordine unt, quam admittendi poiea quique dent vaa valoris ad minimum xx l. in ufum al-


Duci velut intermedius. folveret plus quam Comes

; J. & 4 d. mliter de Vicecomite 8e Barone, u:
aronis fumm (5 l.) Vicecomes 16 s. 8 d. addercr.

tatis Capell. Food Anno_xvi.Qd(i:n ocaipun), HenaSL/J. nno Xgiihvl r

A r Th m
nmum_ erat quo in primo uo api u o ecrevit
nno ar.
. ummus 2g u. ea ay
1cratilmus Supremus Carolus Algmcci primq Quod rius dicet Baro tantu erat.) olvit (ex ofcii ui
8c reperitur Car. Anno quarto. t ommi 10 exit honore) quantum 8c omites.
pro collectione ejudem. Car. vi. Et in anctirnum
a Pro quo ciendum quod upcrior ordinis tene
rcliquorum exemplurn, Supremus ipe centum li- tur ad atisfaciendum in his pro quolibet extraneo.
bras contulir-_ Sed illorum Anathematum Hiori- D. & No lu capitulo decernitur, ut Fenda confuetarl

am petere erit e libelle ei rei deinato, (ar Seed)

ram pro Regisipus ingreiru? quam Regis etiam
)_' Ex unammi sociorum aenu Supremus legem bani Regus impens, ex vi huutorum Ccllgd
tuhr, quod quia Marchio comite fublimior e, 8c l penderentu. Hen- Vl. primo

. . . . -. rv1

. _._________________________...____--------___---_a

Declaratio 'Statntorum I 4to H E N R I CI Oitani.

_ _3_32____._...__-__--_--_-----cinet, pro hiis Supremus repondere conituit.

Et hc munera atque

Eleemon propter id ita conceduntur, ut Eques unulquilque qui deve

niet in hunc ordinem tanto dignior inveniarur, ut qui titulo, nomine,

ac privilegio Pundatorum hujus ordinis exornetur.

z 5 . Eques unulquilqueiltius Ordinis, intra annum primum b ledis ac."

cept, faciet po tergum ubi edem habet, laminam cujus voluerit me

talli, in quiz cum Scuto ac cteris annexis ua compingentur Iuignia:
Et omnes deinceps ucceuri imilitet ecient, nii quod fua lamina cur.

tior 8c minutior ee debet, quam qu primorum Pundatorum ; 4 Exte

P. nii rorum laminis cum rebus aliis iiumodi duntaxat exceptis, quae, quales,

ac quant voluerint, eri poterunt.

26. Nullus
de chacun Erangier, qui fera elleu, 8: choii, quant il fera ellall en la

propre peronne, ou per procureur, ou attournay, se ces, dons {ont

octroyes ac donnees a intention, que chacun de ceulx, qui entrera en
IOrdre, oit plus digne avoir le nom, tiltre, 8: priveleige de ung des
Fondeurs dudict Ordre.

z 5. Item, e accorde, que chacun Chevalier dedens lan de on Eal

lacion fera faire ung Eculbn des es Armes, ac Hachementz en une plate

de metel, cel qluil luy plaira, 8: quil loir mys ferme ur le doz de on
_eal : ac les au tres qui viendront aptes auront leurs ecuons, ac hathe
mentz en emblable maniere, mais eurs plates de metal, ne leurs hache
mentz ne eront pas i larges, ne i grans, comme ceulx des Premi

ers Fondeurs, excepte Erangiers, les quelz pouront uler leurs plates :

faons leurs plairs.

2.6. Item,
reign had determined to anfwer. And thee Rewards and Alms are therefore thus

grantedfor this Reaon, that every Knight, who hall hecome of this Order he
found more worthy, as one that is adorned with the Title, Name, and Privi
lege of the Founders of this Order.

z 5. Eq/er Knight of this Order, 'within the

Year after his l Injlallation

hall hehind is Bath, where he hath his Stall, make a Plate of what Metal
he pleae-s, in which his Arms hall he Painted, with the Efeuteheon and other
Things annexed.

And all that c iicceed afterwards hall do the like, unles

that their Plate hall he horter, and les then thoe of the

Founders, ex

ctpting only the Plates of the l Foreigners with other Things of the like Na
ture, whieh may he made of any Qgality or Bignes as they pleae.
26. None
_ b Sed gentur fub Scutis primorum Fundatotum rus in poerum de iis reddat rationem Car. Anna
D. 8: N. ac R.
c Quia tra_&u temporis laminarum pars magna

d Additur hc clauula de laminis Exterorum

de Stallis penere, juit Supremus, ut in Libro (eu- I per Hm. Vlll. _

odiendo a Canonicis) defcriberentur, utq; Garte

u Declaratio- Statutorum i4t0

I C I Octavi i'

26. Nullus horum Sodalium per Procuratorem e admittendus atque

in edem introducendus, nii duntaxat Exrraneus, qui nequit ipe inreree,
vel *' qui negotiis Regiis occupatus ac retenrus uerir, aut cui denique Sud

premus id vel prxceperit velf pcrrniczrit, uri praztactum e.

27. Unuquique in 3 ingreu uo delirer at ub juramento promittet

e velle conervare hos articulos qui equunrur. Primum, jurabit quod
quamdiu vixerit, 8: iius Ordinis unus eie perduraverit, 'pro viribus
7) adjuvabit Supremum, 8: utezrrabit honorem, jura ruebitur, 8: quarre

las ejus omnino deendet 8: proequetur.

Deinde quod omni Conatu

hunc Ordinem, in quem acitus e, juvare, augere, atque ornate para


Siq; aliquid contra tentatum, aut excogitatum iri enerir, pro vi-'

26. Item, ell; accorde, que nul Chevalier choii, 8: elleu pour ere
Compaignon dudict Ordre, ne era inalle< par procureur ou arrourney,

s'il ne erangier, qui bonnement ne puie venir en a propre peronne,

pour y ere ealle, ou aultre que e empeichie de hors de Royaulmc,

pour leslafzirjsdu dSopvetain, ou 'par on commandement 8: licence

comme 1 e

e us ec arte.

2.7. Item, chacun Chevalier enrranr audict Ordre promectera 8: jub

rera de loyaument obiarver &t. garder les poinrz 6: articles qui sbnuivent,
ceaavoir, que a on loyaul-povoir, il aidera durant (a vie, 86 durant
le temps, qu'il era Compaignon dudict Ordre de garder, deendre, 8c
ouenir les l-Ionneurs, Qiarelles, Droirz, 8: Seigneuries du Souverayn
dudict Ordre. Item, que de rout on povoir, il s'eorcera, 8: mectra
paine de honnorablement entretenir, ac augmenter le dir Ordre: Et i luY
urvient congnoiance daucune choe, qui eu imaginee, ou procuree

au contraire, a la deene 8: reience de ce a tout' on loyal povoir il


26. None of thei Companions is to he admitted or introduced into his Stall

by a Proor, unles a Foreigner only who cannot himlf he preent, or ' who
was employed and detained in the King's Buinei, or laly, ich to whom the

Sovereign commanded orf permitted it, as is touched before.

z7. Every one upon his 3 Entrance hall promie faithfully, and upon his
Oath that he is willing to preerve thee Points that fbllow. Fir he hall
wear, that as long as he lives, and continues. to he one of this Order, he will

o a the Sovereign to the utmo of his Strength, and will upport his Honour,
maintain his Rights, defend and entirely prozcute his Qiarrels, and farther
with all his Might he will he ready to ai, augment, and adorn this Order,
into which he is admitted, and

he hall perceive any Thing attempted or'

e ln amiquioribus Statutis OlI Exteri excipiun- ligaculum vero induitur atim po Electionem in'
tur. Vide huc Cap. xxi.

prima admione,

f Comiti Doretio regrntanti permium e. Car.I.

b Additur 8: iud de defetrione Sir-remi, 8: of;"
g Nlutavir hic mos aliquaurulum. ]uramentum dinis, per Hem Vlll.
enim nunc non prcatur, ante luiallationem- Sub

i berlaratio Statutorum t4to

E N R I C I 0e7ae~i.


rili rciet ac defender i.
culos deliter adimplebir.

Prterea ingula k Statuta, 8: Srarurorum arri

Pro hiis inquam omnibus Iincerirer explenclis

generale juramentum in admione fuzi prazabit, per (acroancta Evangelia,

Supremo vel ejus gerenti vicem, quod etiam tam bene it obervaturus

i punctim atque articulatim tum libi perlegerentur, juramento
quidem ranger, atque "exolculabitur oblatam fibi Cruccm. (Do facto
in hunc modum electus Eques prnobile ubligar perquam reverenter
accipier, quod in finiitram ejus tybiam Supremus, aur ab eo defignatus
inducer, m ia verba dicens, " Domine, amiciimi Socii hujus ordinis .
ubhgaculo nominati te nunc in amicum ibi fratrem, ac collegam, ad
milerunt. In cujus rei fidele ignaculum, hoc ac tibi Subligar impar

e mectra en on plus grand: debuoir. Irem, que bien, loyaulment il

accomplira, 8: entretiendra tous les eatuz, pointz, 8: ordonnances du
dit Ordre, 8: de tout ce era general erement, tout 8: aini comune ce

luy eoit leu ou monrei de point en point, 8: de article eu arriclc: ac

fera le dit erement au souverain dudict Ordre, ou a on commys, en

jurant 8: promectant ur Sainctes Evangieles Ies tenir 8: enricrcmenr gar

der ans enandrc, 8: ur ce il touchera 8: baiera la Croix.

Et ce faict,

le dift Chevalier elleu, avecques deue Reverence recevera la Jarretiere, la

quelle le Souverain, ou {on Depute iuy mectra autour de la jambe enc

re, en diant ces parolles; Sire lamiable Compaignie de la arretiere
vous ont receu a leur amy, Frere, 8: Compaignon, 8: en igne ac co -

noiance de ce, vous donnent 8: prefentent cee preente Jarretiere, i.


thought on again it, hall withjland and oppoe it to the utmo i. Moreover he
_/hall faithfully fulhil all the Statnter, and the Article: of the Statutes. Iay he
_/hall in his Admion take a general Oath, for the ineere performing all thee Thing:
upon the mo holy Gofpels, [to he made] to the Sovereign or his Vzeegererzt, that he

hall ohferwe [them]o well as thee Thinge were read to him Point by Point, and
Article h] Article, and upon his Oath he _/hall touch and I kif: the Cro oered
to him. Miel) heing done in this Manner, the eIeEifed Knight hall with great
e Renerence receirve the my? noble Garter, which the Sovereign, or one
appointed hy him, hall put upon his [eft Leg, ajing m thee I/I/hrdr, " Sir, the
mo friendly Companion; of this Order denominated from the Garter, have now
admitted you their Friend, Brother, and Companion, in faithful Teimon] of
which, the] impart and girt/e you the Garter, which God grant that you de
i Uno omnium Commilironum confenfu fanci
tum e,ur Sraturum novumconderetur, quo 8: fm
guli Commilitones, tum invvivis 8c poea futuri
omnes, tenerentur jutare. Quod roi virili juva
rent, upportarent, ac deenderent egium S. Geor

gii collegium intra Carum Wmdefori, tam in Po

tur libertates 8c Jura tuebor.

i Anno Bliz- primo iurarunt, c eo modo statuta
obfervaruxos, quo a Suprema 8: fociis in proximo

concilio atucrentur: jurare enim in verba ui

tata non poteranr, mutatis jam Rei divin ri

eonibus quam rebus aliis quibucunque jam da
l Sanctos codices nunc exoculantur.
tis per Supremum, aut quemvis alium, vel antea
m Formam verborum opinor nunc non ober
datis vel poea dandis. Ed. lV. xix. Omitti au- varia
tem banc clauulam in his statutis Hm. VIII.
n Decretum en, quod nulla erit differentia in
non efi mirandum, nifi quod additur, (utcunque) Inveituris, ed quod ubditi iifdem verbis & c
in formis juramentorum fub ipfo ordinatis, in remoniis admittentur quibussc Exreri. Man An
hc vcrba; Nec non collegii in quo ordo funda- I no fecundoc

Declaratio Statutorum I4to H E N R I C Octaoi.


tiunt ac condonant, quod det Deus ut merito ucipiens, rite coumis zd

Dei gloriam, ad honorem przeclari hujus Ordinis, 8: tui;

28. (luod i Supremus Regnum exierit, aut ali de Causa nequeat izi

teree, quatenus hoc ipum iple perciat, " duos aut eo P plures hujus Or- Pi. 223.'

dinis Equites ucere bene poterit z 9 quibus plenam in iiuinodi r inuo;

ductione ui poteatem atque authoritatem committat, uc eam uo no'

mine exerceant.
2. 9. Commune t Sigillum pariterac " i

omata eri debent, &in cuodia Cane

aculum Ordinis inignibus ex?

ii Ordinis, 'vel ejus r Equitis


quelle Dieu doint, que recevez ac portez doireenavant, a i louenge ac'

. plaiir, 8: a l'Exaltation 6c honneur dudict noble Ordre 8: de vous;

28. Item, il e accordd, que en "cas, que le souverain era hors du

pais, ou qu'il ne Pourra s: en propre paronne faire ce qu'il appertiendra 3.

'Inallaciom il pourra donner povoir 8: auctorite par es lectres de Comi
miion, a deux des Compaignons, ou a pluieuis de ce faire en on Nom;
2. 9. Item, e accorde',

'ue hn " coniun Seel, 8: ting Signet de At-'

mes de l'Ordre oit faictz, es qu

demourront en la gardc du Chandb


erroedly' receiving it, may rightly wear and ui: to' the Glory of God, the

Honour of the mo famous Order, and ofyour own.

2. 8. But x the Sorvereign hould he gone out of the Kingdom, or cannot for

any other Reaon he preent, h as to perform this himelf, he may well depute
a two or P more Knights of this Order, to 'I whom he may commit his full Pow

er and Authority in uch r Introduction, that they may exercie the one in
his Name.

29. A Common ' Seal and alo a " Signet ought to he made adorned with the

En/igns of the Order, which hall remain in the Cuody of the Chancellour of
the Order, or of uch r Knight and Campanian, whom the Sovereign hall he

Qq q q
o Vices uas potent committere cuicunque voluett Socio. D. ac N.
p Decretum e quod Equites uno Anno ad obervandum D. deorgu' Hlindeori Celebritatem electi, non vincientur ad ipum anno zquente. nii


t Ordini pertinebit unum commune Sigillum, in

przentia uperioris permanurum. vel in cuodia
illius, quemcunque ad hoc duxerit limitandum. D.
lllius, quem Supremus agnaverit euiodiae com
mendabitur. N. 8: R.

Supremus ipe fotan adee dignabitur Hm. Vlll.

u Quia Supremus Regno e reurus ent, omni

decimo nono.
q _Sed tum Deputatus oerebat pro ipo Rage,
pomgente ei quod oerendum erat, altero Comite- N- vide Cap. xii.

um aznu decretum e, ut eret parvum Sigillum

(_a tergo communis ordinis Sigilli appenum) uod
ecum Rex ubiq; vehi faceret ad acta ordinis i e
renda, ne Deputatus interim careret Sigillo.

r Decretum e, quod electi Equites iniallati per Hen- V- ir

Commionem Pont i velinr, abque epulo.
a: Sigillum commune permanere aruirur pens'
Ed. Vl. iii.
aliquem de Ordine, quem ad hoc uoerior agna
I Amcommionarios in inallatione pmce- verit. Qnod i ille recedat de przeelztia uperlfvls,
dunt ociario ordinis, veitu' ordinis induti, Eliz. igillum relin uet po le, cum alio, quem upenot

Anno anon. Quo de tamen magna quaziio orta ell limitaveritpra: mcitia Fecialium. Cor. R. Anno quinto.




Declaratio Statutorum lato H E N R I CI


ac Co-mmilitonis, quem- Supremus nominare voluerit, rem-ancbum.


vero qui 7 Cuos eft aflignatus viginti milliaria vel eo amplius abierit
Supremo qucunt ue de caus, gilla Supremo tradet ante receum vel
ejumodi Commilitoni aliive perfon, quam Supremus ad id eodem

tempore degnabit; eam ob rem cette, quo gilla prdicta z mim-1s ab

int Supremo, quandiu manet intra Regnum. Sin foris e: conti
gerit, gnaculum olum l uciet interim ad acta quque congn-zrnda
8c digerenda qu ectabunt ad hunc Orclinem.

zo. Commilitones hujus ordinis femper impocrum apud re c Statuta

retinebunt, d collata prius cum originali per scribam Ordinis, 8: commu

celier de l'Ordre, ou de tel Chevalier, Be Compaignon dudjct Ordre, quaii

plaira au Souverain de nommer, ou agner : Et i celluy, qui aura le

{eau en garde, ou cuode departoit pour aucune caue xx Miles loing du

Souverain, adonc ues il delivrera les dict Seaulx au Souverayn ou a tel

Chevalier de l'Ordre, ou autre Peronne, qu'il plaira audiat souverain

ordonner, 8c appointer 5 an que en nul temps les dictz {eaux oyenc

hors de la preence dudict souverain, luy eant en {on Royaulme, ac s'il
e hors dudict Royaulme, le Signet oura pour killer tous, ac telz

8c ccripturez,
touchant le dict Ordre, qui la pourront ere faiz
zo. Item, il e accorde,

ue chacun Compaignon dudict Ordre,

doireenavant aura les Eatuz du '61: Ordre, premierement collationnez par


pleaed to nhminate. But he who is aigned the) Keeper hall upon an] Occa
ion he ahent from the Sovereign twenty Miles or more, .he hall hefore his De
parture deliver the Seals to the Sovereign, or to uch Companion or other Per

on whom the Sovereign at that Time hall appoint for that Purpofe. To the
Ena' mo certainly that the aid Seals z ma] not he ahent from the Sovereign,
o long as he remains within the Kingdom.


he happens to he ahroad,

the Signet alone hall in the mean time he bfuicient to ign, andput into Me
thod whatever Acts hall helong to this Order.
zo. The Companions of this Order hall always for the fntnre heep the/E

Statutes h] them,

d compared with the Original: hy the Regier of the Or


y Statutum e. quod licet ex antiquis statutis Si- e, ut originalis Statutorum atque lnitutionum
gillum ordinis cuiodiendum it a Commilitonc Libellus pervenue decriptus, in (ollegio D
aliquo apud supremum prfenre, tamen ob certas Georgii tanquam dormirarer. ltem ut illuirimi
modo cauas R. P. Sarishurien/is Epiitopus illud ordinis Scriba haberet Libellum Statutorum com

ipum uamdiu Regi place-et, cuodiret, Cancel

muni Sigillo gnatum, 8e unicuique in ordinem

larius rdinis ob id appellandus. Ed- lV. Anno secte traderet folidos ob id xx rccipicns. Han.
xxvi. Epicopus ie erat Richardns Beauchamp, qui
Il. iii.

8c mrra v e timanas poil, coniitutus ei Decanus

quoq; Wmde orien/r.

d Clauula hc de collatione facienda per cri

bam additur ab Hm. Vlll. Sed jam evanuit ; nam
Scriba nunquam confulirur. F.i rei occaonem de

z. Non extra uam prfentiam. D. 8c N. 8: R.

a Sed in abeutia fuperioris, Sigillum commune dit illa altera additio de Rege Armorum: Inde
enim t, quod ille folus libros io' Statutomm

cum ejus deputato militer manebit. D.

h lpi Supremo.

c Non multo aliud quam quod ante decretum

parer, 8e in lnallationibus exhibeat.

Declaratia Statuiornm l4t0- H E. N R I CI, Octaeii i g5i

ni sigillo gnata.

Si vero quis eorum ingnia quvis appingi dilponi

que voluerit in eos libelle, Regi Armorum reddetur, ut is quod fua in

nere apte riteque perciat. ' Originale quoque in rario collegii perpe
tuo remanurum igio comm-uni conignabitur.
g 1.. Poil obitum cujufque sociorum lluius Ordinis, hredes ex ae.

(quos 8: Execucores appellent) obligabuntur ad reportanda intra tres men

es Statuta prfentis Ordinis, qu donata funt ei per Supremum aut ip
ius impendio. Reportabuntur autem ad Decanum collegii vel Scribam,

aut alioqui prcipuum ejus loci ofcialem.

zz. Nnllus
le Regireur, ac apres (celles du comun Seel devant dict, se i' le Cheva.
lier venlt avoir aucunes Armes, devies, ou cognoiances Friches dedens

le livre, adoncques era le dicit livre baille au Roy dArmes (le-l'Ordre

pour veritablement en ordonner, ainf quil apertiendra, ac que fori-i
ginal oit lemblablemenr lign, 8: (celle, le quel demourra en la treioa
rie dudict Colliege pour tous jours mais. * Item 8: apres la mort de chacun Compaignon du dit Ordre es
Executeurs feront tenuz de renvoyer les ditz eatutz de mm, prulubletbecaprmfd

l'Ordre au dit Colliege, 8: les delivrer. au gardien dicellui toto rn/crbe

je, _rtIeBintbiJ/lcr,
r ere arm t e
. pur le temps eanr;
1' Item 1l e accorde, que with , /,,,,,,1,,,-,, ,,,,-0,-,:fd%:;j:5:.
apres la mort de chacun des Chevaliers es executours fee- :;J';:bftbg:f:::"{:d,j:;ed /b7dH"-V
ront tenuz de renvoyer, ac delivrer eatuz dudict ordre authenticl-Cap) inecd {',.;ja.{'.'c3".

' dedans trois mois aptes, s'il e aini, que les dicts ciba ;gg}_"AI::1fi':1l;e;';{;!nI_1' Mf
tus luy aient elle baillez par le Souverain, ou par {on Jr in 4 Trait/tire f. the Sramm
commaundement: le uels eatus feront redelivrez au f Charles max "t tlmdmd"
ardean, ou regireur ciludict colledge, ou a un des principaux oeiers du
a Ordre.

der, and gned under the puhlick Seal.


g 2.. Item,

any one of them i: willing

that their Arm: hall he painted and placed in the uid Book,
to the King of Arms, that he a: it belong: te him, ma
nihthe ame. The e Original alh hall he ealed 'with t e
main for ever in the Treaur) of the College-.,

it hall he delivere
apply and rightly
Commun Seal, to red

z I . After the Death of emery Campanian of thi: Order, f his Hein, whom
they call al' Executore, hall he ohliged twithin three Mouths to Why back the

Statutes of the preent Order, which were given him hy the Sovereign, or at
his Expenee. They hall he brought to the Dean of the college: W to t, R?
gier, or otherwie to the Principal Oicer of that Place.
gra Na
e Nullum originale per multos jam annos illic pore] lud vero omnino non t. lmo 'am longe
f Executores ejus rmiter aringuntur ad remit.

endum. D. R. [ed mhil de trium menum tem

abunt a re ortando, mt tammendo, ut pereunt

bus non t dantur.

it 336

Declaratio Statutorum r4to H E N R I CI Octavi.

32.. Nullus Eques hujus Ordinis Divo Georgio dedicati Supremi ui
regnum, terram, aut Dominium exibit, nii prius exeundi impetrati

p, 230, copi.

Qiaproprer unanimi conenu decretum e, quod i gerendarum

rerum illurium g iter ullum appetat, unde Militaris honor ac Equa

ris gloria perari Pot, Supremus ex u grati ingularique Favore '
quem erga Commilitones hujus Ordinis in pectore emper habebit, illos
in iiumodi ratagemaris honoriicique negotiis aliis viris omnibus an

z z. Horum Equitum nemo contra ullum uum Commilitonem Arma

induet, b nii ortaie propugnandum Supremi jus impendeat, aut ipius
alioqui juam caum deendi oporteat.

Sin aurem acciderir aliquem hu

jus Ordinis a quoquam Principe eu Ducc teneri, se Adverlarius illius

alium ejudem Ordinis ad parem ui deenionem habere poea deyderet;


zz. Item, il e accorde, que nul des Chevaliers de Sainct George de la

dicte Compaignie de la Jarretiere ne yra hors du pais, ne Domminiou
du souverain, ns avoir conge 8: Licence dudit souverain, 8: pource il
e aur accorde, ue s'aucun Voiaige e aict ou quelque aultre noble
acte appertenanr a onneur de Chevalerie, le dit Souverain de a Grace
pour adgrant Amour, Faveur, 8: condence, que il porte aux Cheva

iers du 't Ordre, preera, avancera, preentera les dictes Chevaliers ac

Compaignons de POrdre de Sainct George devant rous aultres.

zz. Item, que nul des Chevaliers dudit ordre ne s'armera Pung contre
Pautre, i non es guerres de on souverain Seigneur en (on droit or jue'
quarelle. Et s'il advenoit, que aucun dudict ordre feu retenu avecques
aucun Seigneur 8: renant on parti 8: querelle, 8: la partie advere deire

z 2.. No Knight of this Order dedicated to St. George hall go out of the

Kingdom, Land, or Dominion of his Sovereign, unlei Leave for going

out he


Wherefore it is decreed withan unanimous Conent, that

if anyg Voyage for performing illulrious Aiiions he attempted, wherein milita

ry Honour and knightly Glory may he expected, the Sovereign out of his Grace

and the ingular Favour, which he will always have in his Brea towards the
Companions of this Order, he hall prefer them hefore all other Men, in all Po
licies of War and honourable Bu/inees.
z z. No one of thei Knights hall hear Arms agair any of his Campani
ons, b unlel' that the Right of the Sovereign happens to he contended for in
Fight, or that otherwii it hehoves to maintain his




hould b fall out, that any one of this Order hould he retained hy any Prince
or Duke, and his Adverary hould afterwards deire another of thisame Or

g S_i aliquid militare Viagium, aut aliud

uid id, 8: ex iuu legitimo acere arceatur, eu in pro

honorrcurn per Supenorem eri diponarur

pria caua iua. D.

b Nii in cau, quo a ui: uperioribus Dominis



Declaratio Statutomm 14t0 H li N R l C l Octavi.


is ui poerior exoptattir, omnino ic retineri detreabit, nec aliam ex

cu ationem obtendet, quim quod Collezziz uus ante retentus in advers
parte depugnet.
Horum etiam unufquilque quando incipit ab aliquo

teneri, hic folummodo conditione fe teneri velle promittet, i nullus Com

militonum antea retentus in adverfari Parte fuerit, alioqui ie in eo vin
culo minime permanfurum. Sin antea retentus Jerit quam impedimen

tum hujufmodi refciverit, poea tamen ubi primm intellexerit, unum

aut alterum Sociis fuis in advera parte militare, 8: ad militanclum ibi

prius obvinctum, proponet excuitionem fuam apud eu1n Dominum qui

fe conduxerat, quod ultra ipi militare non potuerit, ejufve caufam e

34. Omnes facultates Equitibus conceff ut Regnum exeant, ad in

quirendum honorem, 8: gloriam procuranclam, omnes Liter, mandata,

auy d'avoir ung aultre compaignon du dict Ordre avecques luy, en ce

cas tel chevalier ac compaignon ne fera point retenu, mais fera tenu foy
excufer du tout, pource que fon compaignon e arm de lautre coll,

ac fut retenu devant luy, &e. chafcun chevalier du dit ordre fera tenu de
excepter, quant il fera la retenue, quil puie ere entierement dicharge
de on ervice de guerre, i aucun des compaignons foit retenu devant luy,
ou tenant parti contraire, ac i celluy qui e retenu fecondement, ne

congneu, que premierement aucun de es compaignons foit retenu devant

luy, s: arm avecques fa partie adverfe, doncques a la premiere cong
noiance, quil en aura, fera tenu foy exculer envers {on Maire, ac laii1

ier icelle querelle.

z4. Item, que toutes les Licences donnes aux Chevaliers dudicitor
dre, qui vont hors du Royaulme, pour fercher 8: acquerir honneur, 8:
tOUtCS certicacions, ou mandementz, lectres, ac efcriprures concernant

der to give the like Defence to him-, he who is la/l dejired, hall utterly refu:
to he jb retained, neither hall pretend any other Exeuje, than that his Compa
nion hefore retained Fights on the adwer Party. Every of thee Knights alo,
when he is
retained by any one, hall promie that he is willing to re
tain himfelf upon this Condition only, that none of his Companions was formerly
retained in the adroere Party, otherwie he will not remain under that Yjre.


he was

retained before he lenew this Impediment, yet afterwards asoon

as he hall underand, that one or other of his Companions is in I/Varfare on the

adwer: Party, and was
engaged in that V/arfare, he hall propofi his Ex
ene to that Lord, who hired him, that he could not er-ne him farther in War

or defend his Caue.

sit All Licences granted to the Knights that they may go out of the

Kingdom to feele Honour, and procure Glory, all Letters, Mandates, and


Declaratio Statntornm l4to H E N R I CI Oaoi.


cteraque i fcripta ad hunc ordinem attinentia, altero i igillorum im

pcrpetuum conignari dcbent;

35. Si 'uis horum Commilitonum, pietate ac religione permotus, e

dcm ibi de igere volet intra Caellum Windeori, domus in qu poterit
immorari {ignabitur a Supremo, Victus autem illius fuis umptibus atque

impcnis propriis providebitun

36. Si "I quiilualn Eques alius qum qui it hujus ordinis caus devo
P. 231.

tionis animum habuerit ibi commorandi, fedes ex arbitrio Supremi eidem

aflignabitur, confenfu Commilitonum antecedente.
37. Si quis horum Equitum, aur alius quiquam " terras, hredira
le dit ordre doirelenavant feront feellez avecques ung des ieaulx dudidb

35. Item, e accord que aucun Chevalier dudict ordre pour fi

devocion veult demourer dedens le dicte chacau continuellement, il luy

fra ordonne pour fi demourance, logis 8: place convenient par Pag

nement du Souverayn, 8: luy dc es proprcs biens 8: a {es delpens 8: charge

pourvoyera pour on Vivre.

36. Item, i aucun aultre Chevalier non eant dudict ordre, a vou
loir de demourer illec, pour CaDevotion, il cra ordonne Place, pour {
demourance, clon le vouloir, 8c plaiir du dift Souverain, 8: avecques

le confentement de la dictc compaignic.

37. Item, c: ordonn, que i aucun chevalier, ou aultre perfonnc

other 'i W'ritings belonging to this Order, ought always to he-igned with one of
the k Seals.
35. If any of thee companions, moved h): Pietj and Religion, will chue
to rede 1 within the Cale of Windor, an Houe wherein he may tarry hall
he appointed In] the Sovereign. But his Diet hall he provided at his own odi

and Charges.
36. If m an}! other Knight, than one who is of this Order, for the Sahe of
Devotion hath a Mind to rede there, a Lodging hall he agned him at the

Pleafure of the Sovereign, with the preceeding Conent of the Companions.

37. If an) of thee Knights, or an] other Peron is qvillingto grant_or
i Decretum en, ut omnia ad ordinem quoquo
modo pectantia exeant tantum fub gillo ordinis

Communi sigillo Ordinis. D.

l Infra collegium przdictum. D. Apud Arcem

34e. Anno xx. Regius itaque attomatus conulatur, Windcorienem. N. En la dite Maion. R.
quo valida ink, qu fub sigillo exeunt. Few. Anm Omittitur omnino in N- hoc Statumm.
no xxi-

n Ad _Annuum reditum x I. vel magis D.

Declaratio Statutlorum 4t0

I Cfiavi.

tes, redditus, aut proventus impartire, donareve volet, ut precum il-'e
larum, qux dicuntur ibidem particeps habeatur; ejus nomen in Regi
rum acribetur, 85 Canonici cxteriq; miniri cum Militibus paupercu

lis, emper in futurum pro eo deprecabuntur. 0 Decanus autem aut Cuos

8: Canonici nunquam collegio novum ponclus aut curam imponent, cia
tra Supremi conenum, aut ab ipo deignati, 8: caeterorunT-Commilito

num in ucepto tentoque manifee -Concili0.

z 8. P Denique, 9 quo clicrimen Equitum hujus Ordinis, a coeteris qui

non unt ejudem, tanto clarius eluceat: Supremus, ex coniinu Com

militonum omnium vulc, ordinat, Be inituit, ut abhinc imperpetuum,

quicunque lerir Eques ihus Ordinis _circa eervicem utatur aureo Tor.

que criginca unciarum Trojani ponder1s, nihil upra.

Concjetur an

veult donner aucuns Terres, Heretaiges, ou Rentes, pour ere partieipans

de routes les bonnes otaihns 8: prieres, qui eront Faictes en la dicte

place, on nom era en Regire ou entre, 8: les Chanoines 6: povres
Chevaliers prieront perpetullement a dieu pour luy': Et au le dict doien,

gardien, 85 chanoines dudict; colliege doireenavant ne prenderont aucune

char e ur icelluy Colliege (ans Padvis ac conentement du dict souverain,
ou e (on Depute, 8: des Compaignons dudict Ordre, &e. de par eulx con

ente ac octroy en plain chapitre.

38. Item, pour avoir meillieure cognoiance cles chevaliers, qui e
ront dudict Ordre, le souverain d'icelluy veult 8: ordonne, par le vou

loir 8: conentement de toute la compaignie, que doireenavant chacun

chevalier d'icelle aura Be portera en apert, 8: ouvertement, ung collier d'or

autour de on colle, peant trente onces du poix de Troie, 8: non oultre,

give Lands, Inheritanees, Rents, or Incomes, to the End that he may par

ticipate of the Prayers which are there aid, his Name hall heht down in the
Regier, and the Canons and other Mini/lers with the poor Knights, hall for
the future pray always for him. But the 0 Dean, or Warden, and Canons hall
never impoe an), new Burthen or Care upon the college, without the Conent of

the Sovereign, or his Deputy, and the Re of the Companions in a Chapter to he

openly hegun and held.
38. P Laly, 9 that the Diinon of the Knights of this Order, from
others who are not of it, may more clearly appear, the Sovereign, with the Con

ent of all the Companions, l/Vllls, ordains, and znjlitutes that from henceforth for
ever, whoever hall he a Knight of this Order, hall ue ahout his Neelc a gold
Collar of thirty Ounces Troy weight and no more.

o Haec ultima Clauula additur ab Hen- V. An'

no ix.

This Collar hall he made of


uis mortuus fuerit. D. & R. i Supremus intra

egnum non it. N.

pOmittitur omnino hic capur, quod Cuios

q Totum hoc Caput auitur de novo ex iniimz
Collegii ignicabit Supsemo, quando Canonicus ] tione Hm. Vlll.

Declaratio Statutorum I4tO H E N R l CI oom.

rem ille Torques laminis in formam ubligaris, una laminarum duas
intus Roils habebit, alteram rubram, uperiorem albam, altera inferio

8c Georgii.
In ne
vero Tor
uis illius
8c omnes
hujus pende

tes uti tenebunturj r prazertim in maximis 8c prcipuis anni olemnita

tibus. _ Aliis autem diebus Cathenula utentur aurea, qu Divi Georgii ge
abitl imaginem in ne: ni geratur bellum, aut gerendam ingruat,
aegritudo urgeat, aut longum iter ineundum it. Tunc etenim uciac
uti bul feric, qu Divi Georgii duntaxat imaginem in ne pendulam
habebit Si vero Torques reirciendus it, tradi poteri auriici, ut emen
P. 232.


Nec debet ille Torquis ipari gemmis aut ditari, nii foran id

imagini at, qu bene poterit, ex arbitratu illius Equitis; gemmis aut

aliter exornari.

cavendum autem ne Torques hujufmodi vendatur, mu


le quel collier fera fair par pieces en acon de Jarretieres, au millieu des
uelles arretieres aura une double Roe, lune Role de rouge, 8c lautre
jeus blanche, ac a l'autre une Roe blanche, 8: la Roe rouge par deus :

Et auboute du dict collier era mile ac attache llimaige de Sainct George,

le uel collier le dift souverain, es Succeeurs, 8c aimable compaignic
dujict Ordre, ac chacun deulx eront tenuz de porter, 8c en epecialle
aux principalles 8c folempnelles fees de Pan, 8c aulx aultres jours de

lan era tenu de porter une petit cheinedor a lilmaigc de Sainct-George

dependant au boute de la dict cheine: Excepte en temps de guerre, ma
ladie, long voiaige, ue adoncques il oura de porter eulement ung las
de oye, avecques le ilia Imaige de Sainct George. Et i lc dict collier a
meier de reparacion, il poura ere mys es mains de lbrfevre, 8: enu

rier, juques a ce quaii ibit repare, le quel collier au nc poura ere en

Plates in Form of the Garter, one of the Plates hall have within it two

Roes, the one red, the uppermdl white, and another Plate hall have the lower
mo white and the upper one red. In the End of this Collarhall hang the Image
of St. George. 'Which Collar the Sovereign and all the Knights of this Or

der hall he hound to ue, r chiey in the greate and principal Solempnitie: of
the Thar. On other Days, they hall ue a little gold Chain, which hall hear
at the End thel Image of St. George, unles War is carried on, or is hegin

ning, Sicknes urges, or a long 7ourney is to he undertaken, for then it hall

he fuicient to wear t a_/ilk Lace, which hall have only the Image of St. George
hanging at its End. But
the Collar is to he mended, it may he delivered to
the Goldmith for that Purpoe. Neither ought this Collar to he enriched orlled
up with e-wels, unleji that he done to the Image, which at the Pleafure of
the Knight may he well adorned with Gemms or otherwi. But Care is to he taken
r statutum e ut Torquibus mis urantur in o I
lennibus quibuf-que Fcis iure Anglia celebrandis,
nec non in quibufcunque Commemnrationibus
Apoolorum atque Evangeliarum. Eliz. Anno iv.

t At alia quam ferica bula nunc non utuntur

nmnino, nii cum torquesinduant: statutum igitur
e ut color hujus vitt, quia ita ex longo uu ob
minuit. cruleus it 8c non alius, nec muretus tem

Intra Nobilitatum bubligar locatam, ad horum note luctus, ed in aperto geratur, etiam cum lugu
a cteris diinctionem. Item decretum e Hm. bribus. 3'44. Anno xx.
VIII xiiil A- fcilicet antequamihe Statuta exibant- l

Declaratio Statutorttnt i4to

I C I Octavi.



tuo tradatur, aut alienetur ullo modo, itu donetur, ex ulla caui vel
necetudine, ed ad cohoneamentum Ordinis 6: Equitis ordinati con
(Ervari debet.

richi, avecques pierrie, ou aultre choiz, rccrvc: le dict Imaige, la qtielle?

pourra ere garni, 8: enrichi au plaiir dudict chevalier, aui le" dict

collier ne pourra ere vendu, alienh, ne donne pour aucun beoign, ou

neceitc? que ce lbit.

that this Collar be notold, lent, or any Manner altienated, or given for any Cauh or

Necety, but ought to be preerved for the Honour of the Order and the Knight.
The Editor conceit/es hime/iunder an obligation to obvious and intelligible to thoe who may incurr it and
repeat that this Englih Tranlation is of no Authori
ty, and that 'tis made tlireflty from the Latin in a ver

can it be uppoed the Inights hould be tied by thtROb/i

gation of on Oath to oer a Stather, Art. 17. Stathe

bal Manner, and without any Regard to the French Co

rem oeret, for their Negleil, a Word who e signica

py here inerted, which he takes to he more expriue 'tion

i; o
it Jority,
carce who
can inhe
Recoure tothat
St. Jer0m's
and determinate, and is as yet induced to believe the
Declaration was made in that Language, wherein for deed aith it is the ome with a Sicle [of the Santiuary
merly 'he Statutes of the Founder, and the Explana too] and contained our Drachms, [and thoe too reer
of them by Hen.
were wrote,
andv in Ahm.
which Idtom
of thisV;Order
we ie entred.
/i. to Attick ones] Ezek. c. xlv. Then again this Latin
p. 198. And the Statutes ihrcle on- 5 ]anuary 1508 in ome Plates omit: ome material Points that are can
tatned in the French ; thus in the zd Article of the Con
were certainly in French, for _at the End of a very fair itutions, the French peciices the Right Shoulder,
Velome Book clontaining the Siatutes in that Tongue, wherein the Latin is jilent, as alo of the Liveries to
beretotre in the Library of the Earl o_ Angleea, and the chance/lour. Then on the other Hand, there are e

'now in the Colbge of Arms is this Atteation '5 Ces veral Additions made to the French, which eem rat oer
a preizns Statuts ont ee collacionnez aux Origi to give an Ornament and moother Turn to the Periodt,
" naulx par moy Regircur du dit Ordre le Vmc. an to containArguments rather then to expresthe autho
** jour de 'anvier l'an mil cinque cens 8: huit." thoritatiz/e Style of Statutes; and with Re ard to his own
Signed Th. Rou/thale, who was afterwards Bil/hop of Oce of Regier, he inerts the Words t Habitum in
Durrham. It hath Silk Laces which run through the uch aManner, as may be conrued to imp/y that it was a
inner Mar in, to which the Seal of the Order was doubt Fee due to him, from aKnight upon his Inia1lation,but not
les axe in Te iimony of its Veracity. Mr. Ahm. to go through the Variations, between thee Copies which
p. 22: haitlijeen His Book, and it may not he amil' to are obvious, this Subject hall be dimti-d with taking
'correct a i/Zake he runs into about it, though 'tis of no Notice of Part of the Latin Title, given to thefollowing
Concern to the reent Point ; he aerts this Ea-emplar Conitutions " quos Sumptus Suprcmus per horum
wasent to the rnperor Maximilian, (though its Dtite no

a unumquemq; eri voluerit, which eems to be an

ways agrees with the 'Times o' either of the two Emba/Zes

haly wretched Tranlation of the Word Charges in the

to him,) with the Entgns of thit Order,ee Introd.p. 83. French Copy, where that Term evidently meant the
84.. [t eems to have been deigned for his Grandon Ch-irges, Duties, or Functions, incumbent on thee repe
Charles, who was cle-ed into the Gorter in Dec. I 308. ctive Oicers. The Publiher hall readily retraii his

9 Hen. VH, ome few Days before the Date of this Opinion when hehall be better informed. But in what
the Englih
Style, imme
diately after he had
by Proxyto aianced
the Lady
Mary Language oever this Declaration was made, the Statu
tes now oblrgatory (as hath been beeore hinted) are thoe
econd Daughter of Hen. VIL ee Introd. - 87. Which in Englih, rinted by Mr. Ahmole in black Chara
Conjecture is upported ; in that amon tie Ornaments cters, whereo7 an Exemplar is delivered to each Subject
in this Book there is ainted an arche Crown over the Kni ht in the Solempnity of his Inallation, who takes an
one Oat) for the Obervance o] them, as ar 'at the ame
over the
for and
thee Sta
are agreeable, and not repugnant to tJe Laws_o Al
tutes were thus collited, who too bears the Coats of Caile mighty God and the Laws of this Realm. The Edi
and Leon in the
Qfarter, and which eems a full tor intended to have given a Comment, wherein he de

Proof, the Arms of Eng and are empated with them on

the iniier side. Indeed the Ful, the Bad e o 3 the
Hoxge of Burgundy, as will as an Emblem of toe 'old
en lecce, is wrought within the initial Letter of thee
Statutes, but lea thathould be eeemed only a Comple
ment of Hen. Vll, who was a companion of that Or
der, the ame is again painted at the Bottom of the

igned likewie to have conidered the correpondent)

with the Laws and Cuoms of other Orders ; but it wax'

thought proper to preent thee Notes of Dr- Wren en

tire by themelves, wherein however there are ome
Miakes thus in his Note on this le Artic e of
the Statutes, touching the Collar, which he aith wai
wholly added by Hen. VIlI, whereas it i: contained

Page, urmounted only with a (bronet of ive Fleurons in that Exemplar, igned by Rowthale the Regt/ierlin

unarched, while the Roe the Badge of that IGng hath

an arched Crown over it. But the Que ion is, whether
this Declaration entred in this pre ent Regier is a
Tran cript in Terms of the Original, which received its
Stint ion in this Chapter from the Sovereign. It is let to
the Judgment oj the Reader, whether there doth not ap

24. Hen. VII. Then a ain upon the 1 stb Arttc e, which
refers to the Book of rdinances, for the Oaths of the
ive ocers, he thou ht that Book was not now ewtant,

whereas 'tis evident t at the following Treatie, which in

this Latin Copy begins with the Term Conitutiones
is the Book meant. For the French Copy in that isto

Article, iles the Book le Livre des Ordonnances des

out this whole Inrument, which Dres the Colle-ctor no dictz ciers, and the Title here given it in_the
ways admires in Matters of the Garter. To give ome French Exemplar tis Ordonnances pour les Ociers.
Intances. The Sum o a pecuniary Penalty ought to he

pear a 'Tincture of Dr. Aldrydgtis Latinity, throug 1


242 Conitutioner ad Oicialer Ordinis attinenter 'a Hen_V[IL

Sequuntur Conitution-er aa' Oicia/er hu]'u.c Ordtinir peculiariter attinentes ; qui
mz: a quinaue, Prxlatus, Cancellarius, Scriba, Rex Armorum a Subli
gari nuncupatur, ch- Hoiarius, hoc e nighe Itrgze we] clatvce gq/lator.

Ubi manzfeatur quor umptus Supremu: Per horum unumauemgue eri rvolue

rit; (Ye que debeant horum e: I' prirvi/egia, auze rveer, aualia ipendia,
dum adminirant hzec oicia. Adjicienter etiam Libertates ac Pri-YJiIegZa,
gaze coneedenda unt pauPercu/ir Militihus.

'1 .

O RU M primus erit Przelatus Ordinis. Qiiquis autem Praeul

I/Vintoniens ac 5 Southamptoniee Comes &e. eo tempore uerit,

is Be Praelattls ee debet. Qui cum prrclens it, d denominationes electio

num Equerium appoite concribet, 8: ' quod reliquum fuerit, ibi de


O-rdonancer pour [es Qieiers de I'0ra're, ceaz-voir de Prelat, Chauncellier,

Regireur, Roy d'Armes nomme Jarretiere, (64 ung Huier, ch- Serge

ant dldrme: nomme [a Vierge noire, declarant le: Charges, que Ie Soutve
rain weu/t 6- entende ere faiix par ung chacun d'z'ceulx Qieierr, (fy de
lear: prervileiger, habitz, gatger, (j- Iitzzreer, qui zront ordanneex pour en
tretenement de: dier Qctiers, (O- au der Iibertiez, franchtes', A pin/i:

Ieigis oois 6' donnez aux Povres Chevaliers.


E premier Ocier cra le PreIat du dict Ordre, ceaavoir le

Eveque de Wimche/Ire Conte de Southampton &e. qui pour lots

lera; le quel Prelat prendra, 8: ecripura les Denominations des eecti


The Conitutions follow belonging particularly to the Ocers of this

Order, who are 4 ve, the Prelate, the chancel/our, the Regzer, the

King of Arm: named from the Gar-ter, and the Uher, that is the Bearer

of the black Rod or Mace, wherein is hewn what Charge: the Sove

reign wills hall be done by each of them, and what ought to be their
5 Privileges, what their Habits, what their wages, while they execute

thoe Oces, and the Liberties and Privileges which are to be granted
to the poor Knights are added.

of thee ocer: hall be the Prelate of the Order. V/ho
e-ver for the Time being hall be Bihop of Wincheer and Earl of

f Southampton &e. he ought to be this Pre/ate, rwho rwhen preent hall apt
I] wite the d Denomination; of the Eleon: of the Knights, and hall e execute
4 Solus Pixlafus & Regirarius ex rima ordi- vota Eligcntium, Cancellarius id nunc agit.
his lnhtutione, Garterum addidit

m. V. Can-

d Utcunque Cancellarius Denominationes nunc

cellanum Ed. IV. Oiiarium Hen. Vlll.

b Statutum ei, ut Jura, Feoda, Domus 8: alia

oleat accipere, tamen Eliz. Anno xxvii expree no

tarur, quod t ocium Praelati; vide huc Caput

quae Commionarii ordinis decernent, reiituan- xix Sratutorum.

tur, atque conrmentur ociariis. Jac- Anno xxi.
e Viz- Supremo exhibebir.
c Abiit hie Titulus, abiit 8: dcium excipendi


'joniitutiones ad Oeiaies Ordinis' attiettte I Henivnl' 343 i

mgetur ocio. Id quod illo abente Cancellarius, i Decanus, autS Scri
ba (quemadmodum e prmoenum) explebit.
2.. O\uoties Supremo ipi vium uerit olennitatem Divi Georgii ervare

Windeiri, renebitur 8: Prazlatus imul adee, ut 'J divina celebret.


i volens praztermilierit, viginti Marcas eft de caus. Collegio perolvet, nii

rarionabilem 8: juam abentialn, 8: Supremo ac odalitio bene proba

bilem cauiri pot, quae conerentur ad reparationes inibi aciendas.

z. Idem Przelarus habitum uperinduet, cujus exterior acies ubrubri

coloris e erico villoo, inreriori aurem albi erici, quod Taeray vocant,


ons 'des Chevaliers de l'Ordre, s'iil e preent, 8: en (on abence le Chand

cellier ou Regireur, comme il e deus declaire.

2.. Item, que a: chacune ois qu'il plaira an dit souverain de garder

la ee de Sainct George en a propre eronne en (on Chael de Wtnde/ere,

adoncques le Prelat era tenu dere i: preent, pour faire 8: celebrer le'
devin Service, ur paine de vingt mares dargent, 8: la dicte penalte ere

emploie a Puge des Edeices Be Reparacions dudict Colliege de nore'

Dame, 8: Sainct George : Si non qu'il eu raionnable excue, 6: au Sou

verain 8: a la compaignie acceptable.

z. Item, le dict Prelar aura, 8;" porrera pour on habit ung Manreau
de velours cramoii double de Taphetas blanc, richement borde, aveca

whatever remains [farther to he done] which in his Ahence, the Chancellour,


f Dean, or-g Regier hallfinih, as is before et forth.

2.. As often as it hallpleae the Sovereign to heep the Feival of St. George
at Windor, the Prelate hall he hound to he preent, that he may celehrate the

b divine Services.


he hall vzillingly/ pretermit, he hallpay twenty

Marlcsfor that Reaon to the College, unler he can alledge ome reainahle and

Caue of his Ahence, which hall he approved hy the Sovereign and the So-ct
ciety, whichhall he laid out for Reparations there to he made;

z. Theame Prelate hall wear an Hahit, whoe Outide hall he Velvet of

Crimon Colour, the Inde of white Silk called Taeta, guarded with umpd

' pit) ed per Przlatum reciperentur. Tandem eio'

f Decanus cilicer, eti cribz ocio non Punge

batur, intererat tamen omnibus Solennitatibus,Ca devenit, ut non Supremi modo, ed a: Commiliro
pitulis, aliique Cercmoniis, idemque juramentum num omnium Oblationes reciperer, Denique uc

przabat, quod Praelatus, Cancellarius 8: Scriba- N

g A Dnnelmeni Epicopo factum e, qui Scribae
ohcium exercuit, donec Mr- Wnleius uectus e
Scriba, idem tum Regis Elemoynarius. H. Vlll. ii.
I) Anre Hen. VIll non tenebatur ex Sratuto, di
vina celebrate, olebat quidem prius id kacere.

bolum hunc Collegio (contra jus faque) eriperet,

Cnnonicos. Fac- Anno xniri. Quae adhuc ub Ju

8e ibi reervarer, Hinc orta lis inter Przelatum 8ect

dicibus Commionariis hzret;

i Anno Hen. Vl. xxxi. Abbas de Tozrerhill ab

ens mulctarur, quia illius erat Fvangelium leqerc'

Quanquam 8: mentio de ea re nulla ei (quantum 8c Miam poea celebrate pro deFunctis. Similiter
unquam vidi) ante Hen. Vl- xxxi. ed hine factum 8: Prior de Mcdrmnam, quia illius erar Epiiolam
e, ut (honoris caua) Oblationes Supremi atque legore. Eorundem pam mentio hujumodi t,

Principis, non per Przcentorem Collegii (qui pa

riter at ad Altare, Oblationeque ex Staruto reci

uque ad Hem Vlil. xixa Sed turn penitus evanuit.

i 344. Conitutioues ad Oeiales Ordinis attctinentes 14 Hen.VIll.

circumpoitis (nt Supremo videbitut) umptuois inignibtts 6: Scuto u

per humerum, quod Ordinis intra pratlure ubligar habebit inignia.

Fibula veimenti, qux de pectore propendebit, partim atu-ei li, par

tim czerulei erici debet ee. Eodcm habitu tenebitur i uti ingulis vigiliis,
Divi Georgii,1 ubi
modo Iiber exurem.
uod ubj,
Lsc' Parliamentum,

vellin "al-iis' feivitatibus, ad li itum uti poterit. Qui propter honorem

'be praelationem hujus Ordinis ummum inter "' Epicopos noros ubi ue
locum vendicabit, Archiepiitopis duntaxat concedens, quibus edium ua

tum praeeminentia conabit: utque tanto magis honotetur, poterit idem

Prcelatus illure ubligaculum uis emper inignibus citcumponete. Et
quoties proceditur, poterit habitu praedicto tectus Supremum antecedere,
Cancellarium Ordinis ibi inirum habens. Habebit etiam intra Carum
norum Windeori ibi locum deignatum ad manendum, quoties illuc

ques devies 82: cognoilances du souverain : Et ut (on epalle droicte ung

Ecuon des Armes de l-'ordte dedens ung Jarretiere, Be le Las de on Man

teau era de oie bleve, entremelle d'or, le quel habit le dict Prclat era tenu
de porter
an oit
la vigille
Be jour
art qu'il
par ainy
en place
a a de
aulx aultrez

les fees comme parlement, ou aultre il portera ledict habit a on plai

- it.

Item le dict Prelat pour Phonneur du dignite de prelature dudict

Ordre aura la preeminence, 8: era en chafcune place au deus de rous

les aultres Eveques de nore Subjection, excepte les Aitcheveitlues, les

quelz ardetont leurs ealz ou' ieges elon leurs dignites: le quel prelat
pour on plus grant honneur peult mectre la Jarretiere entour es Armes :
Et ira en ptoceon en on habit devant leSouverain, prenant le Chan
cellier de l'Ordre avecques luy a main enere: Et illec era pourveu

8: ordonne pour luy place 8: logis convenient dedens nore Chael de

Windeore :
tuous Badges, and an Ecutcheon upon the Shoulder, which hall have the En

gns of the Order within the mo illurious Garter, and the Cordons of this
Vement which hall hang down upon his Brea, hall he partly of gold Strings
partly of hlew Silk [interwoven] He hall he obliged to i wear the aid Habit
on a l the Eves and Fea Days of St. George, wherever he he, he he at Liberty,
and otherwie, ali when the celehrated Council, l which is called the Parliament,

hall he held, or on other Fejlivals, he ma] ue it at his Pleaire. l/Vho lay Reaon
of the Honour and Preerence of this Order, hall challenge every where the highe
Place among the m Bihops, only giving My to the Archhihaps, who hall re
tain the Preeminences of their Sces. And that he may he greater honoured, the ame Prelate ma] always place the illurious Garter round his Arms. And as
often as any Proceon is made, being covered with this Hahit, he hall walle he
fore the Sovereign, having the Chancellour of the Order upon his let Hand. He

hall alo have within our Ca/ile of Windor a Place deignedfor his Redence, as
k Dubito, an hoc nunc dierum przictur.

I Certe nec hoc (quantum audio.)

m Alitet nunc cx lege Municipali cavetut.



_._ -__...



Conitutionec ad Ociale: Ordinir attinente: I 4 Hen.VlI I. 245


Cumque illuc adveneric vel ad alium qucmcunquc locum ex

juu Supremi, ut Divi Georgii feivicatem oberver, vel uc acta concri

bar, aliave quaecunque peragat, quae (Pectabunt ad hune ordinem, inrra

atrium norum pro e ibique minirantibus habebit ad victum, quae

per norum przeceptuln Comites in Aula reidentes habere olenr ".
4. Ocium Cancellarii, quoniam praenobile e ac permagnz curse,

exigitur in(Al-am
id adminiraneluln
dignus P- 334'
ob rem Supremusvirvult
e: inituit,
nemo provehacur ad id ocium, onii velPrazlatus Eccleiaz fuerit, veluc Archiepico

pus, Anties, aut notabilis alioqui dignitaris: vel i vir laicus, Eques
omnino non ignoti anguinis, expertus, doctus,

8: bona fam nor-us."


Wndeore : Et a chacune oys qu'il viendra a la fee de Sainct George, ou

aucune aulcre place par le commaundement du souverain, pour tenir ou
faire aucun acte appartenant au dict ordre, il aura de nore courre livree
pour luy, 8: pour (es erviturs, en emblable maniere, comme il e ap

poincte pour les Comes eantez reidentz par nore commaundemenc

dedens nore dict Court.

4. Premierement touchant l'oce de Chancellier du dict ordre, pour

autant que l'oce e trenoble, 8; de grande charge, il e requis ac

convenient d'avoir perlonne honourable, 85 notable pour exercer icelluy

oce: Et pource le dict souverain veulc 8: ordonne, que nul ne era

pourveu a icelluy oce, s'il n'e conitue en prelarure eccleiaic, que

comme Archeveque, Eveque, ou dignitc? notable, ou aultre peronne
temporelle ou eculier, chevalier noble homme de ing, approve de grant
cience, recommendacion, 8: experience.
Item, le Chancelier aura la
often as be hall come thither : And when he- hall come thither, or to any

other Place by the Command of the Sovereign, that he may oberve the Feimal
of St. George, or to write the Afts, or to perbrm other Matters, which

hall appertain to this Order, he hall have within our Court for himelf and

his Servants uch Diet, which according to our Command, Earl: reiding in our
Court are wont to barve ".

4. The Oce of the Chancellour, becaue it i: rover] noble and of great

Care, a Peron of eminent Fame, and worthy of uch Honour is required for

the Execution of it.

For which Reaon the Sovereign wills and iniitutes that

no one be promoted to this Oce, 9 unle he be a Prelate of the Church, a: an

Archbihop, Bi/hop, or otherwie of coniderable Dignity, or
a Layman, to
be a Knight of no ignoble Blood, expert, learned, and of good Reputation.
n Juramentum Przlari, FAncellarii, Decani atq; deliter excipiendis exhibendique. de deli SilenJ
aut Deputati
e,in xrzentia
e pmentia
in omnibus
mo tio, de promovexldo honore Orlinis, de impe
diendo revelandoque, quid in contrariuma N.
do moneantur, de veritarc in rebus omnibus nar
o Epicopus Saru-n oeno Diplomare, rur'
xanda, epoto ornni aectu, de Nominationibus contendit, hoc munus ad o pectare. jet. Ao vr.



346 Conitutiones ad Ociales Ordinis attinentes 14 Hen.VIlI.

hunc pectabitrconcilii ucipiendi manizatio ac declaratio, ub e
fiormi quam Supremus 8: Soclales Ordinis preeconceperint, omni tem
pore quo conveniet aut oportebit, ad honorem, utilitatem, atque incre

mentum ejudem Ordinis. Idem quotannis olennitate Divi Georgii in Con

cilio proponet, atq; enarrabit acta egregia laudeque digna iporum Equi

turn hujus Ordinis, quotquot ita meriti unt: qui verb contra comme
ruerunt, se illorum quoque probra, i qua: uerint, receniebit, ut Scriba

tanto facilius eaub lcriptis redigat in memoriam nunquam deituram.

Habebit hic itaque cilicet cum Przelato intra Carum norum Winde
ort' manionem, cilicet P habitum, 8: omnino imilem victs agna
tionem 9.

5', Cancellarius apud e 'commune Sigillum Ordinis, cum ignaculo,


charge de propoeir 8: declairet le chapitre dudict ordre, de telles matieres,

qui (tra devii: par le souverain at les Chevaliers de l'ordre pour llionneur,
prot, 86' augmentacion du dict noble Ordre'a tout temps a ce requis
convenient Be neceaire; 8: le dit Chancellier chacun an a la fee de

SainCt George, en plain chapitre monrera 8: propoera les nobles Fiictz

dignes de lovenge, 8: en primt ou l'ouvant les dictz chevaliers dudict

ordre pour leuts bons merites : Et aui en reprouchant 8: remonrant

les aultes 8.: vices, i aucuns eny a, doncques des dictes chevaliers a Pin

tencion, que les Regireut dudict Ordre le puie mectre en Regire,

pour memoire perpetuelle; 8: le dict Chancellier aura emblable logis pour

ny orclonne 8: appointe dedens nore Chaeau de V/zndeore, 8: embla

ble habit comme le Prelat; 8: en nore court telle 8: emblable maniere
_& livere, comme le Prelat de l'ordre aura.

5. Icttem, le dict Chancellier aura en garde le commun Seel 8: Signct

77) him hall helong the declaring [the Reaons] of holding the Chapter, in that
Manner, a: the Sovereign and the companions of the Order had hefore thought

fit, at all Times when it hall or ought to he convened, to the Honour, Prot,
and Encreae of the aid Order. He hall ev TZar on the Fe/iival of St.
George in the Chapter propoe, and declare the Zmous and laudahle Aions of
the Knights of this Order, who have in that Manner merited, and
an] on
he an)- uch,
have demerited,
that the Regier
he hallma]
alb twith
reduce themAfiions,
into V/ri

ting for a perpetual Memorial. He hall al) have within our Cele of Wind
ot a Place of Re/idence, anP Hahit and the lihe 9 Agnment of Diet as the

5. The Chancellour hall iheep hj him the common Seal of the Order, with
p Decrerum e, quod Cancellarius Roam aurc- l 8e collocabitur proxime po Equites qui unt a San
am c'ibligzlri ordinis circumcinctam de collo em- ctioribns Concihis, atq; ante Cancellarium Scatcarii
per pendulam geabir. Mar. R. Anno ii.
(modo pares alioqui gradu nt) ut ; hoc decre
q Decretum e quod de jure loci ui cenebitur, tum incribatur in ocjo Atmorum &ar. R. A' v.



Conitutionee ad 0eialer Ordini: attinenter 14 Hen. VIH. 347

frvabit, ad Scatuta, cornmiones, facultates certiicationes, ' mandata,
uragiorum literas, aliaclue cauas ad praedictum ordinem attinentes,
uo quaque tempore conigrlandas. Si verb, legitimam ac ratioiiabilem

cautm habens, ultra decem milliaria receerit Suprcmo, relinquet in

terim ea igilla, prout Supremus aignabic in cuodia unius odalibus,

qui commorabitur in aula cum Supremo.

Habebit hic ipi: Cancella

ocii uialiifve
centum libras
legalis mone
in eodis, ociis,
de quibus ante diximus nihil obantibus.

6. Erit inuper hujus ordinis unus Seriha, qui i vir eccleiaicus

extiterit, literatus erit, est Theologi vel alrerius juris, canonici aut ci
dudict ordre, pour (caller les eatutz, commions, licences, certicaci
ons, 8c mandementis lectres de ouraiges, ac aultrcs caues concernant

ou appertenant audict ordre; ac i pour aucune caui: raionnable le dict

Chancelier departoit au deus de x Miles, hors de la preence du Souve- i
rain, que adoncques il laiera les dictz eaulx en garde 8: cuode de ung

des compaignons du dia: ordre, cant preent avecques le Souverain 8:

par on agnement, an que les dictes eaulx ne oient en aucun temps

hors de la preence du dicit souverain g Be le dict Chancelier aura annuel

lement dudict souverain pour raim de (on oce de Chancelier de l'or

dre, pour on ef at gaiges C Livres Eerlinos, ou recompenl en aultre
ez, oce, ou promocion, juques a la va ue des dictes C Livres ecdr
lings, non obant es Liverees, comme il e deus declair.
6. Item, nous ordonnons ung Regireur dudict ordre, le quel sil c
homme deghfc era clerc gradue en Theologie, ou es droirz canon 8c
the Signet toign the Statutes, Commions, Lieeneer, Certicates, r Commande,
Letter: of Suages, and other Thing: appertaining to the aid Order in their

due Time. But having a lawful and

Caue, he hall remove ten Mile:
diant from the Sovereign, he hall in that me _ Time leave thofe Sealr, ar the
Sovereign hall appoint in the keeping of one 5?the Companionr, 'who hall re

main at Court rwith the Sovereign. This-ame Chaneellour hall, hy Reaon of his

Oce, have theyearly Salary of one hundred Pound: of lawful Money of En

gland, or in Fees, Offices, or other Promotion: to that Value, thee Things of

l'which we have already ohe, notwithanding.

6. There hall he moreover one Regicr of this Order, who he he an
Ecele/iaich, hall he a Peron learned, and Door of Divinity, or of the
r statutum e, ut Mandata omnia Supremi, in
rebus ad ordinem pectantibus, deerantur ad Can

cellarium, per aliquem e Commilitonibus aut Of

ciariis. Yet. Anno xxi.

Uccuuquc Prlatus it, Forte.

t Deputandus cft per Superiorem 8c Comitivam,

unus Regirarius, qui cientior ad hoc erit Cano

nicorum Reidentium. D. e canonicis unus eli
getur moribus 8: cientia maxime convcmens. N.

Qui oit le plus achant du dit college. R0 ctera

in hoc capite nov? unt.

348 Conitutiones ad Oiciales Ordinis attinentet 14 Hen.VIII.

vilis Profeor, habes itaque dignitatem aliquam in Eccleia Cathedrali,
P. 235.

quem Suprcmus etiam ad Prebendam intra celluln uum I/Vindeori cura

bit ublimandum, ac veluti clecebit eo nomine promovcblt.

Si vero Se

cularis aut Laicus ipi: uerit, vir honeus atqucinignis erit, 8: Eques,
experientiae doctrinaaqtlc nomine commcndatus.

(lui V ipendium habe

bit annuum quinquaginta Libras monetx legalis Anglia, vel in Feodis,

ociis, aut emolumcntis aliis tantundem. Qloties item Eques aliquis in
hunc Ordinem acitus ad (edem uam introducatur, ab eodem Equite,
Scriba recipiet tredecim olidos cum quatuor denariis 8: x habitum
Oportebit autem hunc Scribam) duos concere libellos, _ive indices, aut
potius annales e pergameno, in quibus ordinationes 8: Statuta L caeterxq;

Caue pectantes acl ordinem concribentur.

Qmrum 4 alter Windeori re_


civil, ou ayant di itci: en aucune eglii: Cathedrale, le quel aura prebendc

dedens le dict college, par le promocion du souverain : 8: s'1'l e ecu
lier, qul oit "peronne notable, ouam: cherche, de grant Recom
n1endacion, de Experience 8: Chevalier, le quel aura pour es gaiges 8:
ef cinquante livres Eerling, ou recompence de la clict umme par rai
on cles occs, ou aultres eFz, comme il e deus dict, 8: lequel Re

de elicriptz
faire deux
de parchemign,
dens les (era
les livres,
85 aultres cau
es appertenans audict Ordre, des quelz deux livres, lung dicculx de
'mourra rous jours dedens la maion du chapitre de Wndeore, 8: Pautre

* ,


canon or cirvil La-w, and therefore having ome Dignit] in a Cathedral Church,
iwhom the Sovereign al) hall tahe Care to promote, and as it is Properhall upon
this Account promote to a Prehendhiz) rovithin his Chap e] of Windhr. But
if he he a secular or Layman, he hall he an hone il urious Peron, and a
Knight famed for his Experience and Learning.

Who hall have the yearly

"Stipend of fty Pounds of lawful Money of England, or o much in Fees,

Oices, or other Emoluments. As often as any Knight admitted into this Or
der, hall he introduced into his Stall, the Regier hall receive from him thir
teen Shi/lings and four Pence, and the x Hahit. It is incumhent on this
Regter to make 7 t-'wo Boohs, or Indexes, on Parchement, or rather Annals, in

rwhich the Ordinances, Statutes, and V other Caues relating to this Order hall

he rcvrote. Whereof 4 one hall he laid up in the 'Ireaztry at Windczr, rwhere it



t' Decretum e quod Owinut Oglethorpe Decanus exitum Hen. Vlll. turpiter raus 8: ub Ed, VI.
Anglicano Idiomare concriptus- llafurz autem ill:
.Fcodum 501. e Fico Regio, donec Dignitate ali- fortan F-'ctz unt, PWZTCXTU decreri ub M' R' nt

8: Scriba, 8: po cum Scriba: omnes perciperent

qua Eccleiaica tanti valoris, Re econferente po- dnmia acta in magno ordinis libro parim inerta,

tiretur. Maria Anno ii. ltem de gear-gie Ctrew E/iz. na: atucis ordinis, aut Reipubliez legibus adver
Anno ii- de aliis deniquc Jac. Anno xvi. 8: An- liabuntur, abolerentur. Man i.
no xix,
z. Statutum e, (Tzremolmiarum atque Rituum
x Smmmm ell, quod Scriba, Rex Armomm, 8:
'Qiiatius, in Feiis D. Gear ii 8.: Conciliis ordi

ms? Vee utantur ubrubra crica dicta Satten, in

tenns vero de albo erico dicto Taatay, cum ln

librum parandum ee. Jacob; Annn xx.

a Decrcttrm c, ut Regirum ordinis in tuto

aliquo loco 'Vindeori ervetur, quo Commilitones
accedere pont, utq; Sctiba mnrtuo, tradacur ille

ignlbus D- Gtorgi in iniho humero ed ne ub Iiber alicui Commilitonum. Jac. Anno xxi. Carte
Jigaculo, bulata tamen uc Prselati 8: Cancellarii rus librum Nigrum ad e pertractum jam diu o:
ar. Anno v.

cuodiz vendicaverac, ed pocente Scriba iE/i ex

[Unicqs _Annalium liber inde a Principib hulus communi omnium Dccreto, reiituitut Cenl .

Inhtutlonls jam habetur. Atq; ille pro pudor ! ub




Con/tztutiones ad Ocialet Ordinis attinentes 14. Hen.VIII. 34.9

condetur in rario, ubi perpetuo manebit z alter vero in cuodia Scrib,
quem ubilibet Supremo, i quando pocat, it oenurus.
labitur Index Windeforien_/is, poerior Aul Regirum.

Prior appel

7. Hujus intereritb Electiones lms, 8: Electorum nomina, rata

gemmata, res geas, 8: acta notatu fideque digna tam Supremi, quam

Commilitonum Ordinis, prout per feipfum fuitque crutandi djhgenti,

vel per induriam Regis Armorum intelligere poterit 8: habere comperta,
deitribere 8: redigere in memoriam. Primitus, ut ingulis annis accident,

annotabit, 8: fcriptis commendabit, qu in eo d quod proxime ucipie

tur concilio legentur Equitibus ibi congregatis, ut i quicquam correctio

nis aut emendationis indigeat, ibi corrigatur, fimiliter iterum in altero

fera touours, en la garde 8: cuode dudict Regireur, tout pre d'ere

monrez, routes 8: quantes ois, qu'il plaira audict souverain le deman

der; 8: lung leta nomine le Regire de Vyndeore, 8: lautre le Regi
re de la Court.
7. Item le dit Regireur en regira loyaument les Elections, 8: les
noms de ceulx, qui (eronc eeuz, la proee laudable, 8: honourable
faictis du souverain, 8: des aultres Chevaliers dudict ordre, comme il
pourra avoir cognoiance, ou information, aui bien par luy memes,
comme par Jarretier Roy d'Armes de lOrdre, 8: aultres dignes de cre

dit; 8: de ce faire mynute, la qluelle fera monree 8: leue au chapitre

prouchain cnuivant, an que si e beoign, qu'il puie ere corrige;

8: apres

hall remain or over, hut the other hall he in the keeping of the Regier,
which he ha l hew to the Sovereign wherever he require: it, the r/l hall he

called the Windor Regier, the other the Regier of the Court.
7. It is his Duty to decrihe the l Eleons made, and the Names of the
'Elet'or:, and to reduce to Rememhrance the Deigns, Exploits, and Atchieme
ments, worthy of Notice and of Credit, as well of the Sovereign, as of the

Companions, as he hall he ahle to nnderjland of himZ-lf, and his own Dili

gence in earching, or hjthe Indnlry of the King of Arms, which he hall
note and reduce into I/Vriting yearly as they happen, which hall he read to the
Knights aemhled in the Chapter d that hall he next held, to the End thatif any
Thing wants to he corrected or amended, it may he there corrected, which hall
lihewih he done again in another Chapter, and then he hall take Care that
Uu uu


b Nominationes pro Elcctionibus diferte regi

prabir ad fideliter regiflrandum materias. D.

ratas non reperio ante Hm. VI. niii. Quin_&

Quod Ocium fideliter exequetur. N. ed juramen

ex illo tempore, ad Hm. VlII. xxiv. Electores ea tum quo nunc airingitur, pere e Notatis ad Ca
erie notabanrur,
uam fere
Di nitas
fenioritas orzdinis
at. N.perfonarum
lex tandemnon

put iii huius Appendicis.

ta e, quod Nominationes regirabuntur etiami

gilia S. Geargii- D. 8c N- & R. At quoniam per

nulla at Electio. Eliz. Anno v. ed non refertur

in acta Nominatio, ex peciali Suprem mandato.
Eliz- Anno xlii
c ln receptione ad Ocium uum, juramentum

tempus fpe non licet, atutum e, ut nihil in

acta reerat, priufquam Commionariis, aut ali
quot quatuor eorum przemonftraverir. fac. An
| no xx

d In principio Capituli proxime fequentis in vi

50 Conitutionee ad Otialee Ordinir attinenteJ 64. Hen.V l I l,


Concilio, & dcinde venue 'concribenda curabit in prxdictis libris aut

annalibus ad perpetuam ui memoriam P.

8. I-Iiis accedet Rex Armorum unus, qui l Garterm' Rex Armorum An- '
'glize vocitabitur, quem Supremus 8: Commilitones, ob dignitaten] Or

dinis, virum generoi anguinis, honei nolninis, inignia gerenceln, in

P, 236. tra Regnum Anglize natum, 6: czetcris armorum ocialibus, ui 110bili

Coronx Anglia: (nbjecti unr, uperioreln ee volunt.

Habebidl1ic a Su

premo hpendiuln annuum quadraginta libras moneta legalis Anglia',

8 prxterea unuquique Sociorum pro ui Stats honorc lngulis annis do

nabit eidem, Dux, quatuor libras; Marchio, quinque marcas; Comes,
85 apres era leue derechie au econd chapitre prouchain apres, 8: adonc;
ques ere mys ou mect, 8: regires dedens les dictz Regires, ou 11
vres devant ditz, pour memoire perpetuelle.

8. Premierement le dict Roy d'Armes de POrdre nomme Jarretiere, le

qucl pour la disilnite' dudlict Ordre if souverain, e: llasolnlzaignie Vfult,
u'il oit
e nom
8.: armes,
nat' rous
e ens
e Ro auO
les aultre?

ciers ubgectz a la tres noble Couronne d'Angleterre, & leranomme Zc

appelle' Jarretier Roy dhrmes des Anglois, le quel Yarretier aura de nous

annuellement de penion xl livres eerlingz pour on ef, 8: gaiges;

8: chacun chcvalier de Fordre luy donnera annuellement ccrtein penion
elon leurs eatz, an qui] puie micux maintenir on pent eat, 8: plus
honourabement vivre a Phonneur 'dudict noble Ordre, cealavoir de


thee he fairly trancrihed into the aforeaid Boohs or Annals for a perpetual
Memorial e.

8. Yb thee is added one King of Arms, ewho hall he calledl Garter King
of Arm: of England, rwhom the So-'vereignand Companionxr, for the Dignit of
the Order quill have to he a Peron of gentile Blood, of an hone Name, hzar

ing En/igns, horn within the Kingdom of England, and to he uperior to all the
other Qicers of Arms, rwho are
to the nohle Crown of England. He
hall ha-ve from the Sovereign 'an annual Stipend of forty Poundr of larwfal
Money of England, g moreover erver] one of the Campanian: hallyearly give

him for the Honour of hi: Degree, a Dulze four Founde, a Maroue roe


e Sed 8: alteram ocii ejus (i daretur) parricu-

r 1- I' 'l

lam legere e in notatis hic ad Caput xviii litc-

Dux alius





f Garteri Ocium erat abcnte Decano, Scriba,

juramentum uum ocrraN. Scd8ce0 abente,Dux


Northjolctc ipe obtulit. N. Owino autcm O lelbarpo,


Decano 8c jam Scribze facto Praelatus ipe gancella-


rius Anglia juramentum adminiravir. Maria An-

no primo. Similiter jobanniBoxalLMar. Anno v.

g Decretum e quod Gartero olvent (uri in
Brimis Statutis continetur) Rex IO I. Brinceps 81.
nx Conanguineus 6 I.





4. O 0
3 6 8
2 13 4.


2 6 8


2 0 O

""_' I 6 8

Exceptis tantum Exteris Jac. Anno xv. ed mi

nus cohaerent have. Nam omnis Rex vel extcms ei
vel i pe Supremus. A: ille dat 401.

Cou/litutiones ad Oiciales Ordinis attineintes 14 HentVlll, 351 i

quatuor Marcas-, Baro, quadraginta Solidos; 8: Eques Bachalauret-ls, vjz.
ginti ex Solidos atque octo denarios, ut tanto honoricentius ad Dccus
Ordims vltam agat, 8: ocium admmlret. Qlones autem Crcauo'
Principis, Ducis, Marchionis, Comitis, Vicecomitis, aut Baronis obtin

get, idem Garterus vees ejus vendicabit quibus utetur priuquam togam
illius dignitatis 8: prxclari Statfis accipiat U.

9. Acl eundem pectabit correctio armorum atque inignium quorum

cunque, qua: uurpantur &geantur injue: Authoritas inuper 8: po

teas arma hujumodi atque inignia concedendi talibus qui per acta for
tia ac laudabilia, virtuteque Be Status honores merebuntur juxta anti
quam conuetudinena', literatlue patentes uper ea re aciendi. Is ubiq;
quando Supremus olenniter incedet, enem CjUS proximus antecedet, nemine

chacun Dux de POrdre quatre livrees, de chacun Marquis cinq Marcs,

de chacun Conte iiii Marcs, de chacun Baron xl olz, 6: de chacun Che

valier Bachelier iere ZC compaignon dudict noble Ord-re quatre Nobles. Et

quant aucune Creacion era faicte de aucun Prince, Dux, Marquis, Conte,

Viconte, ou Baron, le dict Jarretier Roy d'armes de YOrdre aura les ha

billemens, que ledict Seigneur aura ur luy devant u'il recoipvera (es
Robes deat; 8: s'il e faict 8: cree Baron le dit Parretier aura eule-z
ment la Robe, qu'il porte le 'temps qu'il regoivera Phabit dudict Ordre.

'9. Et au le dict Jarretier aura la correction cles armes, timbres, cog?

- noiiances, 8: deviles injuernent 8: illicitement uez se portez; 8: ai
povoir 85 auctorite par le souverain de donner armes, tymbres, cog
noilances, 8: devies a telles peronez, qui ont ouans 85 dignes par

leurs meritez verteux 8: valliantiizs de les avoir 85 porter, elon ancienne

couume, 85 de ce fera lectres patentes; au il yra en toutes places

Marks, an Earl fbur Marks, a Baron forty Shillings, a Knight Batchelour
twenty ix Shillings and eight Pence, that he ma)- live and execute the Ozce
more honourahly for the Credit of the Order. As often as the Creation of a
Prince, Duke, Maraue/Z, Earl, Vicount, or Baron hall happen, the etme
Garter hall challenge the Vements which he ues, hefore he receives the Rohe
of that Dignity and high Degree 19.

9. To him hall helong the Correiifion of Arms and all Enigns whatever;
which are uurped and horn unjuil -, And alb Author-it)- and Power to grant
uch Arms and En/igns to thee who h] their valiant and laudable Aions,

their Virtues, and Honours o their Degrees hall deerve them according to and
cient Cuom, and to make Letters Patents thereon. * He in all Places, where the
King hall walk zlemnly [in Proceon] hall go next hefore the sword, no one
b luramentum Garteri (exigente illud Scriba coramsupremosc Commilitonibus)De obedientia Suremo Commilitonibus 8c Ociariis, de deli ientio, de gnicanda moste cujuque Commilito-

nis, de leli opeta in Rebus, de perquirendis prie

clare geis Commilitonum 8: Scribz ignicznd-is,
de dcliter exequendo ocium- N

352 Con/iitutiones ad Ociales Ordinis attinentes 14. I-Ien.VIll.

mine intercedente: nii foran Conabularius 8: Marechallus, qui virgas
illas ad ocium uum attinentes ipi geabunt. Per eum quoque vel

ab eo deignatum juramentum minirabitur omnibus Armorumjocia

libus Supremo ubjectis, recepturum ob id quod conuetum e.

IO. Habebit itidem 1' habitum Scribx imilem, 8: Baronis zrcululn

in aula, cui po Decanum Sacelli nori mena ponetur, 8: ercu
lum inferetur, i caeteraque ui victs, (ut mos uit,) 8: Domu1n cubandi
Wndeori intra Carum norum accepturus. Cumque Solennitas Divi
Georgii celebretur, 8: Supremus at, idem Garterus portabit albam vir
gam, cujus ambo nes deaurabuntur, 8: vexillum modicum inignium

Ordinis upra.

Qiando Dominus etiain ingredietur Cubiculum nori

PZ 237. Parliamenti, ipe locum ei deignabit juxta dignitatis 8: clari Stats hono

prochairi de nore eee, 8: parlonne nully entre d'eux, excepte le con

neable 8: marichall, quant ilz porteront leurs Baons appertenans a leurs

Oces. Et par luy, ou on Depute era donne le erement a rous les OF- ciers d'Armes de nore Subjection, en aiant pour on atlaire, aini qu'il
e accuume.

1 o. Et aura emblable habit comme le Regireur; 8: Servyce de Ba

ron en nore Court, 8: era ervi le prouchain apres le Doyen de nore
Chapelle en nore Court; 86 aura te le Iiveree, comme il a ee accuu

me dhnciennete. Et a la Fee dict de Sainct George, i nous ommes pre

lens, le dict Jarretier portera une verge blanche, le boutz dbtrez, & us
icelle une petit baniere des armes de l'Ordre, 6: au luy era appoinctie

logis dedens nore (lhael Roial de /Vindeore. Et quant aucun Seigneur

entrera premieremenr en nore Chambre de parlement, le dict Jarretier


interpoing, unleJr perhaps the Conable and Marhal, who themelves hall car
r the Rods belonging to theis their Qices. By him alb or by one appointed

g him, hall be admimlred the Oath to all the Oicers of Arms, Subjects of
the Sovereign, receiving for it as hath. been ueal.
1 o, He hall likewie have an i Habit like that of the Regier, and Ba
rons Service in the Court, for whom a Table hall be ored after the Dean of' our

Ch-c/zppel and his Mes brought in, and i other Prorviions of his Diet, as the Cu om hath been, and hall receive Lodgings rwithin our Cale of Windor.
And when the Fe/li-val of St. Geor e is ilemnized and the Sovereign be preent,

he hall bear his white Rod, of w ich the both Ends hall be guilt with Gold,
and amall Banner of the Enigns ofthe Order aborve [at the Tip] When alh an]

Lord hall enter our Parliament-Chamber, be hall agn him his Place according

i Dccretum e de Gartero, quod geiabit pendula

de Collo lnignia Regni Anglia, circundata Subli

quia non haberent ubi cibum capetent in Vigilia

Fei, tenerent eam menam in Aula, S.Geor;gii,

gari ordinis 8c imperiali Diademate coronata- R

quam in ipo die Fei, Cancellarius. Scriba, arq;

I alliiOciarii antehac podebant- Eliz. Anno viii

Ehz. Anno vin

k Decretum e quod Garterus 8: Caduccatores,



Conitutiones ad Oicialee Ordinis attinentes I ii Hen.VII1. 35g

rem ex antiquo more recepturus, ob id uti Domino illi vifum ierit. Et

quoriecunque mitretur aut legabitur in Suprcmi negotiis, quinque equos

habens reciP iet P ro laboribus acci iendis, rn g ulis q uibuq ue diebus de
i cem Solidos.
r r. Idem Garterus, Rex Armorum diligenter ac fedulo perquiret acta
fortia ac fortunata prclareque gea ram Supremi, quam Commiiitonum
hujus Ordinis, qu fideliter ac vere referet Scrib, quatenus in fcripta
per eum ternamque memoriam opportune redigi pohnr.

r z. Hic Garterus eriam perferet, aut curabir pererendas omnes Lite

tas, qu pectabunt ad confratres 8: {odales hujus Ordinis: 8: igniica

tum ibit Suptemo vel Sctib mortem cujuflibet Equitis iius Ordinis, ut

luy argnera lieu 8: place felon on eat_ 8: aunchienet, 8: de ce aura

reompence felon le plaiir dudict Seigneur; 8: a chacune oys, que lc

dict Jarretier e envoy en Ambaade, ou Meaige, il aura pour es gai

ges, pour luy 8: pour (es ferviteurs chevauchant a cincq chevaulx, x folz
eerlingz par jour.
r r. Item, le dit Roy dArmes nomme 7arretiere enquerera diligente-
ment des prouees, heaulx, nobles 8: honourables aictz, 8: actes dudict
souverain, 8: des Chevaliers de l'Ordre, defquelz il Fera loial 8: veritabIe
Raport au Regireur de POrdre, qu'il puie ere mys en ecript, 8: me: v
moire perpetuelle, comme il apperrienr.

r 2.. Item, le dict Roy dArmes portera ou fera porter les lectres api
pertenantz a POrdre, aux freres 8: compaignons dcelluy Ordre; 8: fera
certication au Souverain, ou au Regireur la mort des Chevaliers dudit

Ordre ;
to the Honour of his Dignity and noble Degree, for which he hall receive as

it hall eem

to that Lord.

And rwhenoever he is ent, or in Emhay

upon the Buines of the Sovereign, having ve Hores [Servants on Hore-i

back] he hall receive daily ten Shillings for his Labours.

r r . The ame Garter King of Arms hall diligently and edulou/Iy enquire
for the valiant and uccesful Aons, the nohle Exploits, as rwell of the So
vereign, as of the companions of this Order, 'which he hallfaithfully and truly
report to the 1 Regier, o as three may he convenientbi reduced hy him into
I/Vriting for perpetual Rememhrance.

1 2.. This Garter hall alo carry or tahe Care to he carryed all Letters which
hall relate to the Brethren or Companion: of this Order. And hall
to the Sovereign or Regier the Death of any Knight of this Order, that Let
l Atqui scribam de re quavis, per multos retro annos nullus monuir.


__.__. __

4. Conitutiones ad Ociales Ordinis attinentes 14.

._3_5____--------------literze uragiorum conciantur, ac deportentur, quemadmoctum opm.
8: deferri
faciet Electiones
faciet, qui
aut nominati
eri procurabif,
lerint, quicqujd

pectans ad hunc Ordinem Supremus,_vel Prazlatus, aut Cancellairius (qui

prxcipui unt ociales) Faciendum injunxent.

1 z. Poremo debet ee unus Hcjliarias, quem Supremus ac Commi

litones volunt efle generoum, armis ac mgujne damn), 85 in ell-done
ipius Supremi progenitum, is qui pro dignitate Ordinis atque honore
omnium m Hoiariorum ipius Regni ummus erit. I-Iabebit itaque cu.
'ram 8: cuodiam ac cuodix prxeminentiam penctralium noroium, do

'ms ubi Concilium agitauir, 8: omnium hoiorum ubi 'Conilium in'

P. 238- ibitur, ram in iiblimi curia, quae Parliamentum appellitamr, quam in

Drdrez an que Ies lectres des ourages puienit 'ere ictez, 'comme i!
'appertientz 8: portera, ou Fera porter routes ies Eeons de chevaliere
ceuz, 85 faire raport de lcurs Repones z 8: fera ou Fera faire gmerallea
ment tous les Meaioes, 8: aultres choes licites, 'qui erohctt ordohnez par
lie souverain, 8c par Yes deux Principaux Ociers, comme Prelat 8: Chan

cellier dudict Ordre.

1 z. Premierement, toucbant PHuier d'Arines de POrdre, le Souveii

ac ladedens
veult, iiludict
u'il (bitSeigcntihomme
8: natif
la iubjection
neur, ie queldepour
dict Ordre, era au deus de rous les auires huiem de la Subjection du'
dit souverain; ac aura la garde de nore privee, 6: ecrete Chambre, 8:

dcPhuis de la maihn du cha icre, luy eant dedens le dict chapitre; 8:

aura preeminence de garder es huis la, ou era aucun coneil cant en
ters of Sarages [for Maes] be made and ent as ought to be; and hall

carry or caue to be carried [Nottce of] the Eleons of 'thoe twho hall he
named, and report their _Anzvers. Lal] he hall do, or procure to be done,
rwhat the Sovereign, or the Prelate, or chance/lour (who are the principal Oi
cers) hall enjoin relating to this Order.
I z. Laly there ought to be one Uher, whom the Saint-reign and Contpa;
nions will hall be a Gentleman, famous in Anns and Blood, and born Within

thevDominions of the Sovereign, twho for the

and Honour of*the Order,
hall he chief of all the m Uhers of this Kingdom. 'He hall have *the Care and
Cuodj, and Preeminence of keeping of our acret chambers, of the Houe where

the Chapter is held, and of all the Doors rwhere Council hall be held, as
'well in the High Court called 'the Parliament, as in any other Plates, whoe

m R.
A_nno vi. Supremus non admiit quod jure uo) emper pectarct. Jut tamen Scribz,
e Commilitombus nonnulli poulabant, ut dehinc nt in acta referret, velle e emper pro uo arbitrio
hoc pcium, quamprimum _vacare contigerit, ad

atque deiectu munus deinceps 'iud conferre iu He:

Hohariorum Regiorum orduie primum (qua de l iariorum uoxum aliquem.
















. .

Conitutmnes ad Oieial-es Ordinis attinentes I 4. Hen. VIH. i355


quibufque locis aliis: cujus annuum ipendium erit triginta Libra

rum. Qlod i juu Supremi- ac Commilitonum, quem hujus ordinis
Equitem nigr virga tetigerit, 8: reum egerit lceleris admii, propter

quod it abdicandus ab hoc Ordine, quinque Libras eo ilcto percipiet:

Si levioris ocnx caufa quem admonuerit, ex prcepto Regis 8: Con

ab eodem e de causa
quis clectus
in edemctintroducittlr,
accipiet:Et intra
norum Winde/bri cubandi locum ibi electumj ejufdem Cari 8: duo

rum iltuum coadjacentium cuodiam habebit. Habebic etiam " habitum

Scrib 8: Garteri Regis Armorum imilem, fercula Baronum 8: reliquum

victum attinentem in Aul.

qu i non iiierit Eques in ingreu, tum

eri debet. ubicunque vero ingulis annis Supremus extiterit in zo Divi

Georgie die yel fivitate equente, ante eundem Supremum aut Deputa
nore hault court de Parlement, comme aultres Places; 8: aura par cha

cun an de nous pencion dc trente livres cerlingz pour on ef, 8: gab

ges; 8: sil faict aucune arrc par lc commandement du Souverain 8: la

compaignie avecques la Vierge noire aucun Chevalier qui ait grandement

oence, 8: pour quoy le Chevalier c aptes difgrade, il aura pour on

dict arre cincq livres cerlingzz 8: i pour aucune aultre menue oene,
il adjourne aucun Chevalier de comparoir par le commandement deuict
a. aucun chapitre, il aura duch: chevalier aini adjourn pour hn laire

vingt {olz eerlingz; 8: a chafcune foys, uc aucune chevalier e elhll,

il aura x olz eerlingz, 8: logis fera or onn pour luy dedens nore
de Mndeore,
8: aum
la garde8: deaura
dict Chacau
8: dew:
Pms joignam
habit com
me le Regireu-lx ac Roy dArmes, 8: au aura ervice de Baron en no
re Court 8: liverez ce apertenant; 8: sil -nefl: chevalier lentree de on
oce, adoncqucs il fera fait chevalier, 8: chalun an quelque part que

yearly Stipend hall 'he thirty Pounds.

hy the Command of the Sovereign

and the Companions, he hall touch with his 'hlocle Rod an] Knight of this Or

der, who hall he convied of any-Crime, for which he is to he degraded from

this vider, he hall receive ve Pounds for it. If ly the Command of the
King and Chapter he hall admonih any [Campanian] of a les oence, he hall
challenge from himfor that Reaon twenty Shillings, and whenoever the [Knight]

elef? hall he introduced into his Stall, he hall receive ten Shillings.

He hall

have a zjele Lodging within our Cajlle of Windor, he hall have the Cuody
of the aid Cale and the two Parhs adjoining. He jhall aljo have an " Ha
hit lihethat of the Regler and Garter -King of Arms, the Mees of Barons
and'his other Diet belonging in the Court. Who
he he not a Knight upon
his Admzion, ought then to o he mode ). But wherever the Sovereign hall
he every Tear on the Feaji of St. George or the following Feivezl, he him

n Decretum e, quod geabit de collo pendu- datum. Eliz. Anno viii
tim nodum illum, qui in Torque ordinis cum Ro-

rubra coniungtur, Subligaculo ordinis circun

o Sed nec iilud ita e nunc habet

- m


356 Conitationes ad Oiciales Ordinis attinentes 14. HenVII,

cum, P virgam nigellam aut ipfe deferet, aut alius ab eo ucienter a
gnatus. Et fupra virgam Leo abic, Anglorum inigne. Virgo. nimi
ruin loco clavae geabitur, cujus ac authoritatem habebit, hiis modo cle
ferviens qui deliqucrint 8c in Ordinationes ac statuta peccarint.
l-lii tres hujus ordinis Ociales, Scriha videlicet, Garterus Rex Armo.

mm, ac Hoiarius ab tra virg nuncupatus, ipfi cum uis tam rebus
quam miniris in fuis Ociis permanentes, fub perpetua Supremi pro

tectione ac propugnaculo ecure durabunt.

Unde i quvis injuria {eu

violentia ipfis inferatur, vel ab eis qui supremo ubjecti unt, vel exter
nis, quoties caufas fuas arbitrio Supremi lubmittent, ipfe cum fodalibus

exhibebit eis juiriam, aut exhibendam ex quo 8c congruo procurabit.


le Souverain foit le jour Be la {elle de Sainct George, il portera la dicte'

Ver e devant le Souverain, ou {on deput par luy, ou fon ouant de-i
pure; 8c deus icelle Verge noire fera le Lion dAngleterre, la quelle ver e
e porte en lieu dune Mae, 8c aiant Pauctorite dcelle, fervant (enli

ment pour ceulx, qui oenent 8: font le contraire des ellatutz, : ordon.
nances de lOrdre.
Item les trois Ociers, comme Regireur, Roy dArmes nomm
_'7arretiere, 8g huier dArmes nomm la Verge noire, leurs peronnes,
biens, chevances, leurs serviteurs, 8c famuliers feront Be demouront
caue de leur dictes oces, tant qulz vivront, eulx Be leurs Succeeurs
edictz oces perpetuellement, en la Protection, Salvegarde, 8c Defence
du Souverain de lOrdre, 8c i aucun injure, force, ou violence leur eoic

faicte, par les ubjectz ou non ubjectz dudict souverain de Pordre, mec

tant leurs caues au jugementz du souverain de lOrdre, le dict Souve

rain 8c Chevaliers dicelle ordre feront tenuz de les y recepvoir Be admi
elf Y or another to he h] him uciently aigned, hall carry the Phlach Rod he

fore the Sovereign, and upon [the End of the] Roda]! and the Lion the
En/ign of the Englih.

The Rod is indeed carried in Lieu of a Mace, whereof

he hath the Authority, [the ame] erving for [to arre/i] thoe who do oend,
and n again the Ordinances and Statutes.

- Thee three ocers of this Order, to wit, the Regier, Garter King of
Arms, and the Uher named from the h/ach Rod, they remaining in their O_i
ces, together with their Goods and Servants, hall ecurely remain under the

perpetual Proteon and Defence of the Sovereign, ) that

an] Injury or

Violence he oered to them, either hy Subjefs to the Sovereign, or hy Foreig

ners, o often as they hall uhmit their Caues to the Pleaure of the Sovereign,

he with the companions hall do them izice, or hall procure it to he done

p Iud nefcio cujus culpa non en actum. R. ineundum, in quo non oporteat eundem Virgifej
Cor. Anno vi_
_ _
rum interee- Hm. VIIL Anno ix
q Nec uquam praeclari ordinis concilium e .,




,___ A___




__,- _m i. _.

Conitutionet ad Ociale: 'Ordinir attinenter I 4 Hen. VIlI. i 3 57

Si vcro pars adverla cauam uam Supremo ubmittere detrectabit, ipe
cum Commilitonibus cum erga ociales hos animum habebit, ut ipo<

rum cauam quoad juum atque xquum erit cun'1_debito favore tueri
Intra Chorum prxdicti acelli, dum olennio. pera untur, ante edem

Regiam prxterea atuentur edilia duo, unum ante alterum, in quorum

altero edebunt Przelatus 8: Cancellarius ordinis, in altero Scriba, Rex
Armorum 8: Hoiarius r.

nirer Juice, elon droit 8: raion; 8: i la partie advere ne veuloit

oubzmectre leur caue au souverain 8: aux Chevaliers dudict ordre, en ce

cas le souverain 8: les Compaignons eront tenus de upporter, 6: favorizer

les dictz ociers, en cant que faire le pourront, gardant droit 8: equite.

Item, dedens le cueur de la dicte Chapelle devant Peal du Souve?

rain, (eront mies deux bancs, Pung devant Pautre, 8: ur l'une dcelles
le loira lelePrelat
de Pordre, de8:POrdre.
ur Fautre (e erront le Re
Roy 8:d'Armes,
8; PHuiBhier

them according to Equity and Reaon. But

the ad-verje Part) hall refte/e'
to uhmit the Cau: to the Sovereign, he with the Campanian: hall have that
Regard to thojZ Oicerr, that he hall with due Faroour defend their Caue b

far a: it is

and eauitahle.

Within the Wire of the _aid Chappel, while the blemn [Services] are per;
formed, hefore the King: Stall hall he placed two Seatr, one hefore the other,
in one whereof hall fit the Prelate and Chancellour of the Order, the Regifer,

King of Arm: and the Uher on the other.


In the 16tb
of the
it i:ofaid
that theZame
Kn' htr would
thee Ordiaanrtr, buti
ther neceary
the Statute:
the poor
are nothe inerted
in after
'hit Regier.

Yy y Y



Actaub Anno decimo quinto H E N R I C I Octavi.


4 Praepotentillimi
Regis Henriciconventum
Oiiavi Anno
quinto deeima, Laxzljm'
P- 239' holpitio
frarrum Praedicatorum
e abilluriiima
atqz Equitibtls hiis inignitis, Ducibus videlicetNorthfo/cite, 8: Southfolcite,

Marchione Doret, Comitibus Northumbrize, Devonite, Salopite, Ejexize,

Cancite, Vlgornite, 8: Dominis Burgaunite, Dudley, Lawars : Equitibuq,

Pcrenllis, Llfll, Mamey, ac Wlerzld, 8: unanimiter approbatum,

celebritatem Divi Georgiidecimo po die Maii ore Windeori. Ubi tum
Comes egregius Eexite primas ageret, xt idoneis e dignirma hcjemzc

uo lateri conjunctis.
Hii certe Duces, Marchiones, Comites, Barones, atque Equites ibi

dem ad b edes per mortem aliorum Equitum turn vacuas





DuC. Illediolanenm, Dom. Ijtzwater, Dom. Tho. Boleyne.

Dux Northfolcia,

Ducem Ferraria,
Dom. Barnef,
Comitem OxonienennDOm. Roos.

Dom. Hen. Goulford,

D. Ric. Jarnjngham.

Regem Hungarite,

Dom. Maur. Bat/tle),

Dux Southfolcia,

DuC. llediolanenem, Dom. Ferrers,

Ducem Ferrari-e."

Dom. Roos,

Dom. Nich. l/aux,

Dom. Fytzwater. Dom. Tho. Boleyne.


In the fteenth Year of the my! 4 Potent King Henry-the Eighth, there
was at London in the Convent of the Preaching Friars [Bridewell] a Chap

ter held by his nto illurious Ma/'e/ly, and thee Enigned Knights, viz.
the Duke: o Northolk and Southiiolk, Marques Doret, the Earls of Nor
thumberland, Devonhire, Shrewsbury, Eiex, Kent, Worceer, and the
Lords Burgavenny, Dudley, Lawar, and the truly valiant Knights Lovell,
Marney and Wyngeld, and it was unanimouy agreed, that the Fea of
St. George hould be kept on the tenth Day of May following at Windor,
where the renovmed Earl of Eex was to he the Pre/ident, having a due Num
her of the Members of this mo noble Society attending with him.
The-i- Dukes, Marque-s, Earls, Barons, and Knights did there to the bStal/s
then vacant ly the Death of other Knights
The Duke of Milan, Lord Fytzwater, Sir Thomas Boleyne,


Duke of Northfolls,

Duke of Ferrara, Lord Barnee,

Earl of Oxford. Lord Roos.

The K, of Hungary, Lord Roos,

Duke of Southollt,

Duke of Milan, Lord Ferrers,

Sir Henry Goulord,

Sir Ri. Jarnyngham.

Sir Maur. Barkley,

Sir Nicholas Vaux,

Duke of Ferrara. Lord Fytzwater. Sir Tho. Boleyne.

a lt hath been altcttly noted, that here is an Omii- l Windor, hecanjc the Afarguts Doret, nho is here
on, of a Chapter held in the fourteenth Tear, wherein

named to have been reent in the Chapter htltl at Btidc

the Emperor Charles V was preent, but not, as the

H/ortan by Miake inform: us, then inalled accord-

well, is not one of!7thee Scrutincrs, and being held on

the tenth of May, there was then only one smit void,

ing to the Nation ofthat Word in the Statutes zjee above that of Henry Ftaord Earl of Wlilthire; indeed the
p. aosznott m._ _
Lord Marney zrhagave his Snrage in this Chapter,
h This Nomtnatton appears to have been made at diedfourteen Days ajtem-ardt.


359 i
Acta uh Anne decimo quinto H E N R I C I Octaoi.
Duc. Mediolanenem, Dom. Fjztwater, Dom. Hen. Gou/ford,
Comes lVorthumbria, Ducem Ferraria,

Com. Oxonienem.

Dom. lllorltjczy,
Dom. Roos.

Dom. Rob. Djmmoche,

Dom. Nich. Varix.

Comes Devonia,

Duc. Mediolanenbm, Dom . Roos,

D. Arth. Plantagenet,
Corn. Oxonienezm, Dom . Ijltzwater, Dom. Maur. Barklej,
Com. We/imerlandia. Dom . Montjoy. Dom.RicJarn}ngham.

Comes Salopia,

Ducem Ferraria,
Dom . Fjtzmaier, Dom. Tho. Boleyne,
Com. Oxonienem,
Dom . 'Hayngg Dom Ri. Sachewered,
Dom. Alith. Vaux.
Com. Welmerlandia. Dom . Roos.

Comes Eexie,

Ducem Ferraria,

Dom. Roos,

Com. Oxonienem,

Dom. Ijtz-water, Dom. Maur. Barhlq,

Com. Wemerlandia. Dom. Ferrers.

Comes Cancia,

D. Arth. Plantagenet,

Dom. Ri. Jarnyzghem.

Dom. Fytzwater, Dom. Tho. Boleyne,

Duc. Mediolanenbm, Dom . Ferrers,

Com. l/Veimerlandia. Dom. Roos.

Dom. HemGoulfc-rde,

Ducem Ferraria,

Dom Tho. Bole-pie,

Dom. Roos,

Dom. Ri. Jarnyngham.

Comes Vgaraia,

Corn. Oxonienem,

Dom. Fytzwater, Dom. Hen. Goulford,

Com. V/'elmerIandia. Dom. Ferrers.
Dom Here. Cljord.

Dom. Burgaven),

Com. Oxonienrm,

Dom. lVich. Vaux,

Dom. Roos,
Dom. Utzwarer, D. Gul. Fjtzlny/ltam,
Com. Weimerlandia. Dom. Montjqy.
Dom. Roh. Djmmoclce.
Ducem Perraria,

The D. if Milan,
Lord Fitzwater, Sir Henry Goulord,
Earl of Northumberl. Duke of Ferrara, Lord Montjoy, sir Rob. Dymock,
Earl of Oxfoid. Lord Roos.

The D. of Milan,
E. of Devonhire,

Lord Roos,

Sir Nicho. Vaux.


Earl of Oxford, Lord Fitzwarer, Sir Mau. Barkley,

E. of Wemerl. Lord Montjoy. Sir Ri. Jarnyngham.

Earl of Shrewsbury,

The D. of Ferrara, Lord Fytzwarer, Sir Tho. Boleyne,

Earl of Oxford, Lord Hayngs, sir Ric. Sacheverell,
E. of Wemerl. Lord Roos.
Sir Nicho. Vaux.

Earl of Eex,

The D. of Ferrara, Lord Roos,

Sir Arth. Plantagenet,
Earl of Oxford, Lord Fitzwater, Sir Maur. Barkley,
E. of Wemerl. Lord Ferrers. Sir Ri. Jarnyngham.

'Earl of Kent,

The D. of Ferrara, Lord Fitzwater, Sir Tho. Boleyne,

D. of Milan,
Lord Ferrers, Sir Henry Goulord,
E. of Wemerl. Lord Roos.
Sir Ri. Jarnyngham.
The D. of Ferrara,

Earl of Worceer,

E. of Oxford,

Lord Roos,

Lord Fytzwater, Sir Henry Goulkbrd,

E. of Wemerl. Lord Ferrers.

The D. of Ferrara,
Lord Burgaveny,

E. of Oxford,

Sir Tho. Boleyne,

Lcrd Roos,

Sir Henry Clyord.

Sir Nicholas Vaux,

Lord Fytzwater, SirWill-Fytzwilliam,

E. of Wemerl. Lord Momjoy. Sir Rob. Dymsck.


P. 240.


Actaeh Anno quinto decimo H E N R I C I Octtwi.

Dom. Herhert, Dom. Tho. Bolqne,
Dom. Fytzyvater, Dom. Hen. Goulford,
Com. I/Vetlmerlantfie, Dom. Perrers.
Dom. Ric. Sachevere/I.
Ducem Ferrarti-e,
Dom. Ihtzmater, Dom. Tho. Boleyne,
Ducem Perrarie,

Dominus Dndlej,

Dominus Lemery,

Com. Oxonienem,

Duc. Mediolenenm, Dom. Ferrerr,

Com. Oxonien/em.

Dom. Hen. Goulard,


Dom. Fjtzwaren. Dom.Art. Plnntagenet.

Duc. Mediolanenkm, Dom. Pjtzmarer, Dom. Nieo. Vanx,

Com. Oxonienevn,
Dom. Rrrers,
Dom. Maur. Bark-ley,

Dom. Love/i,

Com. Wemerlnndie. Dom. Root.

Ducem Hrrerie,
Dominus Marney, Com. Oxonienem,

Dom. Gut. Compleat.

Dom. Ejtz-Wdter, Dom. [Vieho- Venae,

Dom. FjtzovarrergDom. Hen. Ganlford,

Com. Wenterlandie. Dom. Ferrers.

D. Arth. Plantngenet.

Regem Hanged-e,
Dom. Rie. Vynlfeld, Ducem Ferrarie,

Dom. Roos,
Dom. Nitha. I/nttx,
Dom. Fjtztvnter, Dom. Tho. Boleyne,

P' 24] o

Duc. Mediolanenem. Dom. Ferrere.

Dom. Maur. Bark-ley.

Nominatione ic de more prazmisrii, Regia ubindc Majeas, horum a

(Enil ad edem altcram clegit przzeclarimum Equitcm Dominum "Woman
Bol/eyne tunc Thcaurarium doms metuendimi Regis.

The D. of Ferrara, Lord Hcrbcrt,
Lord Dudley,

E. of Oxford,

E. of Wcmcrl. Lard Ferrcrs.

The D. of Ferrara,
Lord Lawar,

Sir [Tho.] Lovell,

Sir Rich. Sachevercll.

Lord Fytzwatcr, Sir Tho. Boleyne,

D. of Milan,

Lord Ferrers,

E. of Oxford.

L. Fytzwarren. SYrArth. Plantagenct.

Sir Henry Goulford,

The D. of Milan,
Lard Fytzwatcr, Sir Nicholas Vaux,
E. of Oxford,
Lord Ferrers.
Sir Maur. Barkley,
E. ry" Wemerl. Lord Roos,
Sir Will. Compcon.
The D. of Ferrara,

Lord a Marncy,

Sir Tho.Bolcyne,

Lord Fytzwater, Sir Henry Goulord,

E. of Oxford,

Lord Fytzwater, Sir Nicholas Vaux;

L. Fyztwarren, Sir Henry Goulord,

E. of Wemerl. Lord Ferrcrs.

SirArth. Plantagenett.

The K, of Hungary, Lord Roos,
Sir Nicholas Vaux,
Sir Rlch. Wynkfeld,
D. of Ferrara, Lord Fytzwater, Sir Tho. Boleyne,
D. c Milan.
Lord Ferrers.
Sir Maur. Barklcy.

The Nominntion being thus' prerz/iou/h' made as uual, the IGng: Maje/Iy there
upon, rwith the Aent of thee [Knights] chojZ for the one Stall, the mo

nohIe Knight Sir V Thomas Bolcyne then Il-eatrer of the King's Houeho/d.
_C He na: [nmmaned in 14 H- VlII, o that it eem:

with the ing/e Cont of Ormond, which/hew: the ome

th" Rfgl-erl: miaken in the Beginning of thi: lsth

Infrting him a: a Knig Jl only.
Sxr Thomas
to the Treajurer
Vncnncy of the Hot' ehold
D ,

m: et up after he me: created to thee Enrldoms, to

which probably hie Motto thereon Now Thus me) re
late, Zor upon hit Injiallnttion a Plate was tz/teo, hew.
ing t e Arm: of Bullen qderittg Ormmui, Hoo,

'nt/i of 'be Earl Of Wilthire, but the Lord


Rochtbrd, and Scintomcr, ee M.7 in O Io Arm.

gay, who gave hu Snrege nt the Time o his EIeZ/ion

Hit Mother we: one of the Daughter: and (Ioheirx of

1)"I.g-J00,l_ct]Itna"d!, he me: ina/led in He Seat of the

Thomas Butler Earl of Ormond, who by the Name

Ier, bwlg l/b



th? Sm/trhn' Side, and died And 'Iitle of Sir Thomas Ormond Kni ht Erle of

Peed of the eihrh so: an that Side, Where Ormond made hie PVi/I an the la of inly, 1515,

his' Plate remain: ineril/e Thomas Comes Wiltlhire, Wherein i: 'hit men/orable Dew' e.

If Whcr

-*-'_ 'r r" r: o eum,

Actaih Anno deeimo quinto H E N R I CI Octaoi.


Deinde tertio decimo menis Augui, commi tes e illurimis viris

Comiti Cancie 6: Domino Richardo I/Vynh/de, ut upra nominatum atqz

electum Dominum Thomam Bel/eyne virum hoc inignimo Ordine quam

dignimum, in tam V/tndeiri ledem olenniter introducerent. Id quod
die ejudem menis, Virtute Commiiionis ibi factce,
TZ-rtio decimo die 'fulii ejuldem Anni celebratum e Concilium Grene
raychiie, ubi tunc cum Regia Majeate przelentes, Dux Northfolcite, Dux

Southfolcia, Marchio Doret, Comites Dervonia, Northamhria', Salopice,

xia, Surreye, Wj-gornize; Dominus Burgaunia- 8: Dominus Richardus
Wjinhfeld ad edem alteram adhuc vacantem,


Afterwards on the thirteenth of Augu, the mq/l illurioas Perons the

Earl of _Kent and Sir Richard Wynkfeld were einpowered to inall the aho-"zie
mentioned and elefled Sir Thomas Boleyne, a Man enter] I/I/a] worthy of this
mo renowned Order, with Solemnit] at Wyndeor. Which they, on the f
teenth Day following of the lime Month, dal] performedpariant to the Com
mzon gtroen them.

On the thirteenth Day of July the ame Tear a Chapter was held at Grene
wych, where the Dulze of Northfolk, Dnlee of Southfolk, Margue' Doret,
Earls of Devonhirc, Northumberland, Shrewsbury, Elbx, Surrey, Wor.
ceet, Lord Burgaveny and Sir Richard Wynkfeld heing then preent with the
King did for one of the Stall: then tnati-int
" Wher my Lorde my Father (whoe Soule God
a aoile) let and delivered unto me a lytle whyte

I it

aid Auncetors. o that it may Continew lyll in

my blode llereaFter as long as it hall pleae God,

u home of' Ivory garnylhed at both thendes with " lyltc as it hath doone hytllcrto to the honour of
" Gold and core thereunto of whyte Sylke barred " the ame blode.n
It it eay, it was pardon-ible, to (give everal In
'* with barres of Gold and a tyret of Gold there

upon, which was my" Auncetours at f r time

they were called to Honour, and hath ythen
continually remained in the ame blode, ot wych
caue eid Lord and Father commaunded me up

tances of Tennret of E/fates h) Horns, but this claue

of the Will is inerted, becaue this Sir Thomas Bullet)
war created to be Earl of Wilthire, which had heen
in James Butler elder Brother of this Thomas, who
" on his Bleng, that l huld doo my devour to omitts his Surname of Butler, and ues that of' his
" caue it to contynew iyll in my blode, as far Title for his surname. which ma: cuomary for the
'4 furth as yt myght lye in me oo to be done, to younger Sons of the Earls, thus in (lanjl 20 H. 6.

a the honor of the ame blode. Therote for m. 23 d- fohan. Shardelowe relaxat Johanni Ormond
a thaccompliment oF my eid Father's Will. as Armigero lio J/teoln' Comitis Ormond, Them-e Or
a ett as it is in me to execute the ame, I wooll mond Armigero & S-'aeobo Ormond Atmigero Militi
a that my Executors delyver unto Sir Thomas Bo ratribns pnedicti ffohannn Ormond, Clau. 29 H. 6.
" lejn Knight Son and heir apparent of' my aid m. 19- d. pro delibetatione Jaeolri Ormond Armi
" Daughter Margaret, the aid lytle white flame geri extra ptionam ohannis Baardi de Orleance.

'* and coreHe to kepe the ame to the ue othiue And this ame Peron in Parliament 1 Hen. VII no 27
" Male of his body lawully begotten, and for petitions jor a ReKIi/ntion by the Name of Thomas Or
a lack of uch iue the eid home to remayne and mond Knight a ias Thomas Botiller hewing that he
a be delyvered to Sir George Scyntleger Knight Son were attainted in 1 Ed. IV. with James Ormond late
" of my aid Dau hter Anne and to thiue male, Earl of Wilthire, lohn Ormond other-nag: called
a which ucceve y hall come of the body of the John Botiller Knight, which are deceaed wit out Iue
" aid George, and o to contynew in the iue male of their Bodies, and your suppliant is Brother and Heir.
a of the bodies of the ame Dame Margaret and

Thlk Sir Thomas Bullcn being r

created Vconnt

" Dame Anne, as long as hall mowe Fortune any Rochford and then Earl of Wilt ire, therefore his
*' uch Iue male of their bodies to be, and ells Daughter Anne i! in the Patent-tr/iamed Roehelbrd,
"for defaulte oFiue male of the body of eny of' one of the Danghtcrs of 'homas Earl of &Vtlthire
" my aid Daughter-s, the aid home to remaine and Ormond when [he was created Marchianes of
ff and to be delivered to the next iue ntale of my Pembroke, ee Mills de Nobilit. p. 78,




Actavzh Anna decimo quinto H E N R I CI Octavi.


Duc. hlediolanenm, Dom. Roos,

Dom. Hen. Goulora',
Com. Oxomienem.
Dom. Pjztnvarer. Dom. Ri.

Dux Southfolaic,

Duc. Medialanen/em, Dom. Lyzle,

Marchio Dori-t,

D. Gtel. Eytzmj/Iiam,

Com. I/Vemerlandia, Dom. Ijtznvater, D. Andr. Wjndehr,

Comitem Derby-t.
P, an.


Dom. Ferrers.

Com. Oxonienem,
Dom. Roos,
Duc. Medialanerzem, Dom. Ferrers,

Comes De-z/onic,

D. Hen. Vj/loughzy,
Domz Ri. Jamyzgham,
Dom. Hen. Goulford,

Com. Wejlmerlandie. Dom. Ijtzlvaler. Dom. Tho. We.

Regem Hlllgdrief,
Comes Northtemhriee, Comitem Derbjc,

Dom. Eytzwater, Dom, Tho. I/Ve ,

Dom. lllontjqy, Dom. Roh. Djmmoel-e,

Comitem OxonienenhDom. Ferrers.

Dom. Gill. Pdan.

Duc. Mediolmenem, Dom. Hayngs, Dom. Hem Gaulfarel,

Comes Saloc,

Com. Wemerlandee, Dom. Itzwater, Dom. Ri. suche-vered,

Comicem Derhjc.

Dom. Ferrers.

Duc. Mediolanenem, Dom. Roor.

Comes Ejexie,

Dom. Gut. (Iamptana

Dom. Lean. Gray,

Com. Wemerlandic, Dom. Ijtzwater, Dom. Her', Gouljbrd,

Comitem Derby.

Dom. Fever:-

Duc. Mediolzvmtem, Dom. Ferrers,

Comes Cancit,

Dom. Ed. Gaulford.

Dom. Hen- Ga/dford,

Com. V/emerlandic, Dom. Btzwater, Dom. Ri. Jamjnghm,

Comitem Derby-e.
Dom. Ram.
Dom. Ri. Saehe-verell.



The Duke o Milan, Lord Roos,
Sir Henry Goulord,
The D. qf Sduthfolk,
Earl 0 Derby, Lord Ferrers, Sir Ri. Jarnyngham,
Earl of Oxford. Lord Fytzwater. Sir John Vear.
Margaei Doret,

The D. z Milan,
Lord Lye,
E. of Wemerl. Lard Fytzwater, Sir And. Wyndeor,
Earl qf Derby. Lord Ferrers. Sir H. Wylloughby.

E. e Devonhire,

The Earl of Oxford, Lord Roos,

Sir Ri. Jarnyngham,
D. of Milan, Lord Fcrrers, Sir Henry Goulford,
E. of Wemerl. Lord Fytzwater. Sir Tho. Paon.
The K, of Hungary, Lard Fytzwater, Sir Tho. Wa,

Earl of Northumberle

Earl of Derby, Lord Montjoy, Sir Rob. Dymock,

Sir William Paon.

Earl of Oxford. Lord Ferrers.

Earl of Shrewsbury,

The Duke of Milan, Lord Hayngs , Sir Henry Goulorcl,

E. of Wemerl. Lord Fytzwater, Sir Ric. Sacheverell,
Earl of Derby. Lard Ferrers.
Sir Will. Compton.

Earl of Ecx,

The D. qf Milan,
Sir Leonard Grey,
Lord Roos,
E. ry" Wemerl. Lord Fytzwater, Sir Henry Goulford,
Earl of Derby. Lard Ferrers.
Sir Edw. Goulford.
The Duke of Milan, Lord Ferrers,

Earl of Kent, _

Sir Henry Goulord,

E of
I fWcmerl.
Lard Fytzwater, Sir Ri. Jarnyngham,

I' y,

Lord Roos,

Sir Ri. Sacheverell.


icta ah Anne deeima qainto H EiN

I CI bctani. i


Dom; Btlrgavety,

Dom. Dadley,

Com. Oxonienem,
Dom. Ferrers,
Com. /Vemerlandia, Dom. Roos,

Dom. R o. Bjmmaehe,

Comitem Derhja.

Dom. A/lantjoy.

Dom. Gal. Campion.

Duc. Mediolanenm; Dom. Han-ard,

Dom. Hen. Gaalfard,

Corn. Oxanienem,
Dom. Ferrers,
Dom. Ro. Hfynhjeld.
Com. V/emerlandia. Dom. Ijtzzvater. Dom. Gal. Cdnipton,
Duc. Mediolanenem, Dom. Ferrers,

Dom. Lawar,

D. Gal. ljtzmilliam,

Com. Oxonienem,

Dom: Hen. Gaalfard,

Dom. Ijytzivater, D. Rice Jarnjngham,

Com. Wemerlaadic. Dom. ljtzxvarrernDom. Gal. (jb/npran.

Regem Hangaria,

Dom. Roos,

Dom. Rie. Vnlefeld, Duc. Mediolaneniem, Dom. Ferrers,

Cdmicem Derby-e.

Dom. Pen. Goalfora',

D. Rie. Jarnjngham,

P. 243;

Dom. Ifytznmter. Dom. Joh. l/ear.

Ubi vero Scriba, quod dcbuit', altero die Regiai Majeati nominatio
nem factanl oenderat: ip1 cxcellcntima Majeas concnu prccztoruni
nobilium inuper adhibito, elegit in bcium hujus Ordinis, virum re
nuum d Gaulteram De-vereux Dominum Ferrers. Et eodem c tempore
concluum, ut idem electusi per egregios Marchionem Dori-t, Comites
Dcszjanize, ac Caneite in uam I/Vyndeori de-m atueretur, debita eidem
per Regis literas commione lcta, cujus hic formula ubjicicur:

ENRICUS Offa-nue Dci gratia Rcx Anglia, s: Franeia, ' Pkinccps

Guallia, ac Dominus Hihernize, dci Dcfenor, ac nobililni Or

Lard Burgaveh y,

The Earl of Oxford, Lord Ferrers,

of of
Derby. Lord Roos,

Sir Ro. Dy knock,

Sir W. Fytzwylliam,

Lord Montjoy. Sir Will. Compton.

The Dan of MilaJi, Lord Haward, Sir Hen. Goulord,

Lord Dudley,

Earl of Oxfor -,

Lard Ferrers,

Sir Rob. Wynkeld,

E; of Wemerl. Lard Fytzwater. Sir Will. Compton.

The Diihe of Milan, Lord Fersers,

Lord Law-Fit,

Sir Henry Goulord, a

Earl of Oxfolrd, Lord Fytzwater, Sir Ri. Jarnyngham,

E. if Wemerl. L. Fyrzwarren. Sir Will. Compton.

Sir Ric. Wynkfcld,

The l(,. of Hungary,= Lord Roos,

Da/ee of Milan, Lord Ferrers,
Earl of Derby; L. Fytiwatcr.

Sir Heniy Goulord,

Sir Ri. hrnyngham,
Sir John Vear.

Now 'when the Regzer, as in Diet)- hound, had the next Day heswed the

King the Nomination that was made, his mq/l excellent Maje] had/ing alb
the Conent of the nohle Perons aforetid, choe for Knight of this Order, the
hrarve 4 Walter Devereux Lord Fcrrers 3 and it rwas at the ame Time rebI-"ved
that the aid EIeEZ hould It)- the renoswned Margue Doret, Earls of Devon
hire and Kent he placed in his Stall at Wyndehr, the neceity' Conzman
heing given them In] the King's Letter, a Form of which is here ahjoined;

4 E N RY the Eighth, hy the Graee of God, King of England, and

of France, Defender of the Faith, and Lard of Irland, Son-verain of
d Plaeed in ninth Sea/I of the Princes Side void h)

Conspiieixof this Regi/Zcror the Original Gummi/n

the Death of the Lord Montegle.

being m Englih, is pnh/i ed by Mr. Ahmolemipp. n.
e The 'it/e of Prince of Wales was inerted by the xxvi xahenjrom Regi-Charr- and was as hereprinted.



Actauh Anno decimoexto H E N R I C I Octavi.

dinis a praenobili Subligaculo nominati Supremus: delibus ac prxdj
lectis nobis, Cognatis noris primum Marchioni Dori-t, a; quan] cha_
riimis item noris, Comitibus De-vonia, 8: Cancice, Sociis illiuce nori
Ordinis, itlutem, ac oelicitatem: Et quoniam nos uua vobicum ac ex

teris illius ordinis Equitibus 8: Sociis congredientes apud Manionem no

ram Grenevoichienzm decimo tertio Julii, nominavilnus atque elegimus i
hunc Gaulterum Devereux Dominum Ferrers, ut unus it ejucm indytx i
cietatis, volumus 8: prxentium authoritate literarum poteatem vobis

facimus, illum non admittendi modo, (acramenro debito vinciendi, ac

honorice in edem conituendi : verum etiam alia quxque aciendi, quae
vera propter honorem Ordinis inrererunt, 8: Pua: Statuta probatxquc
conuetudines laudabiliter expocunt. Sic bene acientibus hat norae li
tera: tutelares erunt. Ab Arce nor, Windeori, ub hoc iplo clari Sub
ligaris Sigillo, Augu/li viceimo primo, 8: regni nori quinto decima

Magniicentiimi Principis Henrici Ofiavi Anno exto decimo, viceimo

tertio Aprilis coeptum e Conciliuml Beauleuye: quando prxentes cum

P. 244- Celitudine Regia Dux Southfolcize, Marchio Dori-t, Comites Devonia,

Northumhrize, Salopize, Eexite, Surreya, 6: Vjrgornize, Dominus Burgaunize

Be Eques Richardus Wynlefeld ad lEdes tunc vacuE actas,


our nohle Ordre of the Gartier. Yb our right truy, and right entirely heloved
Coun, the Marquei Doriztz and alh to our right tra/ly, and right rzpgle.
loved Cou/irzs, th'Erle of Devon, and th'Erle of Kenr, Companions of om- aid
nohle Ordre, Greeting. Foramoche as we with you, and other Knights and

Companions of our aid nohle Ordre a-mhled at the Chapitre at our Manoir of
Grenewich, the thirteenth Day of uly la/l paed, have elefied and choen
Walter Dcvereux, Lord Ferrers, to he Knight and Campanian of the aid Or
dre: We therefore will, and, hy Virtue of theE Preents, auar you not
only 'faccepte and admit the aid Walter Devereux, Lord Ferrers, into the
aid Ordre, and receive his Othe, and infall him, hut altfurther to do therein

as to the Statutes and laudahle Uages of the izid nohle Order it appertaineth.
And thee our Letters hall he your ucient Warrant and Dicharge in that
Behalf. Teven undre our Seale of our zid Gartier, at our Calell of Windc

orc, the twenty

Day of Augu, the fteenth That' of our Reign.

In the ixteenth Year of the

magnicent Prince Henry the Eighth, the

twenty third of April was held a Chapter at 1 Beauleuye, when the Duhe
of Southolk, Marque? DorlEt, Earls of Devonhire, Northumberland,
Shreusbury, Eex, Surrey, and Worceer, the Lord Burgaveny and Sir
Richard Wynkfeld being preent with the Kings Highne/s did, to the Stalls
then svacant,
f That is Newhall in Eex, where Gnon write:
CamdBrit. Comites
p. 322. Newhal/
ad held.

ximis impenis axlauxit, novoq; nomine Bean/fen

invaltlit, eequod

deinde ad Thomam Bo/Ien Comitem Wiltonie, a quo


permutation: kacta Rex Henricus VIlI accepit, ma


Acta uh Anno tlecimoixto H E N R I C I Octavi,

Dux Southfolcia,



Com. Oxonienern,
Dom. Lyz-le,
Dom. Hen. Gottlford,
Com. We/imerlandia, Dom.
D. Gul.
Dom. Eyzttvater. Dom.
Comitem Derby-e.
D. Gttl. Ijctytzny/liam,

Duc. Mediolanenem, Dom. Ljzle,

Marehio Dotet,

Com. Wernerlandia, Dom. Fytzwater, D. Andr. //jndettre,

Comitem Derby-e.

Dom. Montjoy.

- Comitem Oxoniennn,Dom, Lyzle,

Comes Devonia,

D. Hen. l/ljdoughby.
Dom. Hen. Goulford,

Com. Wemerlandia, Dom. Eytzwater, D. Gul. Fytznzylliam,

Dom. Montjqy. Dom. Rl. Jarnjngham.
Comitem Derby-e.

Dom. Cljord, Dom. Hen. Goulford,

Corn. Oxonienem,
Comes Narthurnbria, Com. Weimerlandia, Dom. Pjtztvater, D. Gul. Fytzwydiain,
Dom. Moutjoj. Dom. Ro. Djmmocke.
Comitem Derby-e.

Comes Salopia,

Com. Oxonienem, Dom. Pytztvater, Dom. Hhn. Goulford,

Corn. Wtmerlandia, Dom. Sancti Job. Dom. Ri. Sacheverell,

Dom. Hajngs. Dom. Gul. Compton.

Comitem Derby-e.
Comes Eiexia,

D. Gttl. Ijtztvylliam,
Com. Oxonienem,
Dom. Talbot,
Dom. Hen- Gottlford,
Com; Wemerlandia, Dom.' Roos,
Comitem Derby-et Dom. Iytztvaier. Dom. Gul. Comptoth,

..Cornes Surface,

D. Gul. Fytztvjlliam,
Com. Oxonientzm, Dom. Ljzle,
Com. We/imerlandite, Dom. Iytzwuter, Dom. Hen. Goulford,

Comitem Derhja.

Po As?

Dom. Cljttrd.

Dom. Gul. Compton.



The Earl of Oxford, Lord Lylle,

The D. if Suolk,
Morquei Doret,


Sir Henry Goulord,

E. of Wemerl. Lord Roos,

Sir W. Fytzwylliam,
Earl of Derby. Lord Fytzwater. Sir Ri. Jarnyngham.
The Duke of Milan, Lord Lylle,
E. of Wemerl. Lord Fytzwater, Sir And. Wyndeor, '
Earl of Derby.

E. of Devonhire,


Lord Montjoy.

Sir H. Wylloughby.

The Earl of Oxford. Lord Lyle,

Sir Henry Goulford,
E. of Wemerl. Lord Fytzwater, Sir W. Fytzwilliam,
Earl of Derby. Lord Montjoy. Sir Ro. Jarnyngham.

The E. of Oxford, Lord Clyord, Sir Henry Goulford,

Earl of Northumberl. E. of Wemerl. Lord Fytzwater, Sir W. Fytzwylliam,
Earl of Derby. Lord Montjoy. Sir Ro. Dymock.
The Earl of Oxford, Lord Fytzwater, Sir Henry Goulord,
Earltf Shrewsbury,

E. of Wemerl. Lord St. John,

Sir Ric. Sacheverell,

Earl of Derby. Lord Hayngs. Sir' Will. Compton.

The Earl of Oxford Lord Talbot i Sir W. F tzw lliam
Earltyr Eex,

Wemerl: Lord Roos, ,

Earl of Derby.

The E. of Oxford,

Earl of Surrey,

Lord Fytzwater. Sir Will. Compton.

Lord Lyle,

Sir W. Fytzwylliam,

E. of Wemerl. Lord Fytzwater, Sir Henry Goulford,

E- of Derby.

Sir Hendy Gohlord:

Lord Clyord. Sir Will. Compton.



Aaaa Anno decimoxto H E N R 1 c I eum:

K ~


Com. Oxonienem,
Comes Wjgornia,

Dom. Ljzle,

D. Gul. Pjtzayl/iam,

Com. We/imerlandia, Dom. Pjtzwnter, Dom. Hen Goulford,

Com. Derbja.

Dom. Montjoy.

Dom. Gul. Compton.

Com. Oxonienem,
Dom. Ljzle,
D. Gul. Btzzny/liam,
Corn, Welmerlandia, Dom.Mountauga,Dom. Gul. Compton,

nom, Burgd/yenj,

Com. Derby-e.

Dom. Ijtzwater. Dom. Job. Vear.

Regem Hungaria,

Dom. Lyzle,

'D. Gul. Pjtzwj/liam,

Dom. Rie. Wjnl-feld, Com. Wemerlandia, Dom. Fjtzrvater, Dom. Rtiyamjngham,

Com. Derby-e.
Dom. Roos.
Dom. Tho. We.

Ubi vero tum Scriba Richardus Sydnor prxnoiminata uragia regize ub

limirati commonrarat, ipe de conenu przratorum Nobilium elegit
Vicecomitem g Lyzle at Dominum b Ijttzwater in loca deinctorum, edi
cens ut in olennitare Divi Georgii oaroo die Maii itura, prout moris erat,

in ledes ibi Wnde/bri conceas introducerenrur. Solennitati nimirum

tunc obervandx cum ocietatis aenu prxee jurt Marchionem Doret,

habiturum quos eo tempore oporteret, cohxrentes '*.

'Mis ad eum litteris poea Regiis excuata e abentia Ducum North
folcire, ac Southfolcia, Comitu-m Denonia, Northumbria, Salopia, Erxia,
Surrejize, Wjgornia, Dominorum Ferrers, DudYe-y, Lawars, Darcy; Sandjs,

Earl of Worceerz

The Earl of Oxfbrd, Lord Lie,

Sir W. Fytzwilliam,
E. o Wemerl. Lord Fytzwater, Sir Henry Goulford,
Ear of Derby.

Lord Montjoy. Sir will. Compton.

The Earl of Oxford, Lord Lilie,

Lord Burgaveny,

Sir W. Fytzwylliam,

E. of Wemerl. Lord Mountagu, Sir Will. Compton,

,Earl of Derby. Lord Fyrzwater. Sir John Vear.

The K, of Hungary, Lord Liie,

Sir Ri. Wynkcld,

Sir W. Fytzwilliam,

E. of Wemerl. Lord Fytzwater, Sir Ri. Jarnyngham,

Earl of Derby. Lord Roos.

Sir Thomas We.

Now when the Regiler Richard Sydnor hewed the Surages aforenamed
to the King's Highnes, he with the Conent of the aore/bid noble Perons, choZ
I/tbount g Lille and Lord I) Fytzwarer in Stead of the Deceaizd, declaring that

they hould be inalled, as uieal, at the Feal of St. George to be held on the
eighth of May, and with the Aent of the Societ] appointed the Marque/I'

Dort to prede at the Solemnig' then to be obinved, having with him ich
Perons as at that Time hould he obliged to a him.
By the Kings Letters afterwards ent to him the Abence of the Duhes of
Northolk, and Suolk, of the Earls of Devonhire, Northumberland,

Shrewsbury, Elctex, Surrey, Worceer, of the Lord: Ferrers, Dudley,

l.4_H=.-_.4_- z

LZE-Arthur Plantagenet I/"icount L 'lle natural Son W-'Vdj Vi out, and then Earl of Sirex was placed in

of ds lV. by Eliz. the Dan hter of)Thomas Waite the eight Stall of the Sanereigrf: Side, void b) 'Tran
o Hamphire, the Widow of ucy in the eventh Hall lation of the Earl of Worceier.

or' the Princes Side after the Death of the Earl ty' i A Decree made in this r6th The', is entred in this
Kent- X
Black-book p. 318, which the Reader may ton/reft in
b Robert Ratclic then Lard Fitzwatcr ajter- that Page, according to the Figures in the Margin


Acta ub Anno decimoeptimo H E N R I C I Octaoi.

Domini Tho. Lovell at Domini Richardi V/ynhlde.


Cxtera poteas inte

gre commia literis eiiem innotuit, quarum hic tenor extitit.

HE N R I C U S Obiarz/us Dei gratia Rex Anglia, 8: Francia, Princeps
* Gualliie, 8: Dominus Hibernize, idci deenor, atque Ordinis mi-

litaris Divo Georgio nuncupati vere Supremus idimo atque intimo Cognato noro Marchioni Doret, alutem. Qiia nos ipi tam multis 8: va- P. 246,"
riis cauis impedimur, quominus olennibus Divi Georgii, certiimi qui
dem noh-i Ordinis Patroni, die oawo Maii celebrandis, minime pou

mus interee: tuam ideo nobilitatem nominamus, conituimus, 8: in

locum ibi norum ponimus: eandem tibi poteatem atque authorita

tem concedentes, quam 8: vicem noram gerens jam ante conucvit ha

bcre, 8: jurc vendicare potuit, jubentes etiam ut omnes Sodales atque
Ociales ordinis tibi noram ihic authoritatem proequenti, pareant, 8.:

uod viceimo
8: decimoApud
lexto Manionem
Regni nori.noram Beau

Anno mctuendimi Regis Henrici Octavi decimo iptimo, 'vice/imo tertio

Aprilis Greneruychiee cum regia Cclitudine prxbentes Dux Northrtlcite,
Comes Erxite, Domini Burgarveny, lfytzwater, Gc Dahars, atque nobilis

Lnwars, Darcy, Sandys, Sir Thomas Lovell, and Sir Richard Wynkfeld
were excitid.

The re of the Power which was committed entirely to him,

was exprefd in the lime Letters, of which this was the Tenour.
E N R Y the Eighth, by the Grace of God, King of England, and
of France,

Defenjbur of the Faith, and Lord of Irland, To our

right truy and right entirely beloved Can/in, the Maraues Dorcct, Greeting.
Foranoch as we for divers gret and urgent can/is, may not be pre-nt at the

Fe of the glorious Martyr St. George, Patrone of our noble Ordre of the Gar

tier, to be holdyn, blemzmi-d and kept in our Calell of Windelbre, the eighth
Day of May next commyng.

We therefore by theZ- Preents name, conitute,

appoint, and ordayne you to be our Lieutennrtt at the aid Fel, Gi-zting unto
you full power and anFiorite to do and accompliche every thing at the zme,

which to our Lieutenant there in uch caie belongeth, and hath been accuiumed;
h/'illing and Commanding by the tenour hereof all and e-'oery the Companions and

Qeers of the aid Ordre, to be to you in the executing of this our attorite
obeying and attending as chall apperteyne.

IZ-(ven under the Soal of our ayd

Garter at our Manoir of Beaulieu, the xxodtzy' of Aprill, the x-vi IZ-re of
our Reigne.
In' the (Zzventeenth IZ-ar of the dread IGng Henry the Eighth, the twenty

third of April at Grencwych, the Duke of Northfolk, Earl of Eex, Lords

Burgaveny, Fytzwater, and Dakars, and the noble Knight Sir Thomas Bolayne
L [nerled by the Cornpiler, for the Original was in n- clxxvii when from the Regir. Chartaceum
Englih as 'tis here printed from Alhin. Appendix




Actazth Anne decimoptimo H E N R I C I Octawi.

E ucs Dominus Tho. Bolajne, Concilium ineuntes ad duo tum vacantia

Com. Arandeie,

Dux Southfaltia,

Dux Northfolcie,

Dom. Roos,

Comitem Derhjc.

Dom. VZy/Iaaghhy. Dom. And. Vfyttdeor.

Com. ArundeHi-e,

Dom. Root,

Com. W-emerlandic, Dom. Clyord,

Dom. Burga-uertj,

Dom. Duke's,

Dom. Htzwater,

Dom. IIen. Gaultrd,

D. Gul. Fjtznzyllim,

Dom. l/Vj/laughbj. Dom. And. Wytdeor.

Com. Arundeie,
Dom. Roos,
Dom. Hen. Goulford,
Com. Wemerlandic, Dom. Ijctzrvaren, D. Gal. Pjtzwjlliam,
Comitem Derhja,
Dom. Montjoj. Dom. Gut. Comptazz.
Com. Armadectic,

P. 247.

Dom. Hen. Gotzlfard,

Com. PVqmerlanditgDom. Cljbrd, D. Gut. zzzrzny/zzam, _,

Comitem Derhja.

Comes E/Hxic,


Dom. Roos,

Dom. Hen. Goulford,

Com. Wq/fmerlandia, Dom. Montaugu, D. Gal. Btzwjlliam;

Comitem Derhje. Dom. Montjqy. Dom. Gut. Comptan.
Com. Arunde/lic,
Dom. Roos,
Com. V/emerlandi-e, Dom. Cbtrd,

Dom. Ien. Gaulfard,

Com. Kdare.

Dom. Jah. Hu ].

Dom. Butter:

Dom. Gul. Com ton,

Com. Amndeie,
Dom. Roos,
Dom. Hm. Gaul/Ora',
Com. Wemerlandic, Dom. Hajngs, D. Gul. Fjtzwyl/iam,
Comitem Derby-e.
Dom. Montjcy. Dom. Gill. Compton,

being preent rwith the King's

and entering the Chapter did for the

trwo stall: then ctvdcant,


The D. qf Suolk,

Lard Dakars,

L. Wylloughby. Sir And. Wyndeor.

Lord Montjoy. Sir Will. Compton.

Sir Hen. Goulord,

E. of Wemerl. Lord Montaugu, Sir W. Fytzwylliam,
Earl of Derby. Lord Montjoy. Sir Will. Compton.

The E. of Arundel,

Lord Roos,

The E. of Arundel,

Lord Roos,

Sir Henry Goulord,

E. of Wemerl. Lord Clyord,

Sir Will. Compton,

E. of Kyldare.

Sir John Huy.

Lord Bemers.

The E. of Arundel, Lord Roos,

Lord Fytzwater,

Sir Henry Goulord,

The E. of Arundel, Lord Roos,

Sir Henry Goulord,
E. qf Wemerl. Lard Fytzwaren,Sir W. Fytzwylliam,

E. of Derby.
Lord Burgaveny,

Lord Roos,

E- of Wemerl. Lord Clyord, Sir W. Fytzwylliam,

Earl qf Derby.

Earl c Eex,


The E. of Arundel, Lord Roos,

Sir Henry Goulord,
E- Wemerl. Lord Clyord, Sir W. Fytzwylliam,
Earl of Derby. L. Wylloughby. Sir And. Wyndeor.
The E. of Arundel,

Duke of Northfolk,


Sir Hen. Goulord,

E. of Wemerl. Lord Hayngs, Sir W. Fytzwylliam,

E. of Derby.
Lord Monnoy. Sir Will. Compton.

Actaith Anne decimo eptimo H E N R I CI Octavi.

Dom. Hen. Goulfioril,v
Com. Arundellia,
Dom. Roos,
Com. l-Vemerlandia, Dom. Montjo),

Dom Tho. Bolejne,

' Man-chion. Pzcara.

Dom. Barners.

Dom. Gul. Pjtzwilltiam,

Dom. Job. Vear.

Majeas aurem Regia po olutum id Conciliunl 6: actionem ad (e

relatam, hiis coni-ntientibus, elegic Comitem l Arundellia- 8: Dominum

'" Roos, pronuncians eos uo tcmpore in illas edes introducendos.


tamen quum intellexit, dum excquiarum Mia de more celebraretur,

eundem Dominum Roos non fuie militari cinctu coornatum, uti Sta

tuta clariimi Ordinis eagitanr, ut quiquis foret in eo Socius, Eques

(ur minimum) Auratus eec, e veigio po divina completa revocavit

eos ad Concilium, aerens electionem illam Domini Roos, ob cauim,

uam dixirnus, inanem cxritile.

dinis ab eo tolli.

Ware praecepir ini nia nobilimi Or

I-Iiis hoc dicto ublatis, benigniiima Majeas inibi,

ricto gladio, creavit illum Equitem, illico procedens cum hiis nobilibus,
quos upra memoravimus, ad electionem novam, in qua atim unani

miner e ectus e denuo prior illc Dominus Roos in Socium hujus Ordi-v
nis, 8: ralis ore Regio pronunciatus.

Qlo jubente rcddita imt ei quae

vis ini nia ad Ordinem pertinentia, per inclytimos Northfblcia Ducem

8: Southfolcia.

I-Iunc pomodum in edem ibi datam Dominus Fytz

water s: Burgaunize, quatcnus ipis injunctum erat, inrroduxerunr. -


The E. of Arundel, Lord Roos,

Sir Tho. Boleyne,

Sir Henry Goulord,

E. of Wemerl. Lord Montioy, Sir W. Fytzwylliam,

Margu. of PicaraLord Barners. Sir John Vcar.

But the King's Mine/ly after the hreahing up of that Chapter, and an Ac?
count given him of what was done in it, did with their Conent chooe the

Earl of 'Arundel and Lord m Roos, ordering that they hould he irJlal/ed in

due Time.

But afterward when he undetjlood during the Celehration of the fu

neral Mas as uual, That the aid Lord Roos had never heen Knighted, whereas
the Statutes o the mo nohle Order require, that whoever is to he a Compa
nion in it, hould (at lee) he a Knight Batchelor, he immediately afier divine

Service was over, called them hack to the Chapter, declaring that Election of
Lord Roos to he void for the Caue we have mentioned, and therefore ordered
the Badges of the mo nohle Order to he taken from him. The] heing upon this De
claration taleen away, his mo/l gracious Meey did there with his drawn Sword
create him a Knight, proceeding immediately with the nohle Perhns ahovenzention
ed to a new Eleon, in which the aforeaid Lord Roos was preently again una
nimouly eleiiied a Campanian of this Order, and declaredit hj the King's Mouth.
Who commanding it, all the Badges helonging to the Order were reored to him

h] the mo renowned Duhes of Northolk and Southolk z afterwards the Lords

Fyrzwarer and Burgaveny introduced him, as they were ordered, into the Stall
appointed him.
l William Fitzalan Earl of Arundel inlalled in

m Thomas Mannors Lord Roos created Earl of

the tlrth of the Princes Side. Vinc. M n. 417, on Rutland on 18th Junefolloning, was certied o his
the 25 of lune in this Tear, at the Pea/i ost. George. Eleilion at the Chapter-houe Door on 24 Apr. .7.
Vinc- M. n. 132, p. 159, to ether with the Duke of in O- Arm. andeated m the 'with Stall of the So

Richmond, and the Earls of/Vcmerland and Rut- vereigrfs Side void by the Deat
land, for nzhich -the Commiion is printed in Ahm- Thomas.

of Sir Rice ap

App. n. xxw.



Actahe Anne deczizzigzn E N PZ re I ago;

370 s

Jnnii die feptimo ejudcm Anni cum Regia Majeate coeuntes in Caro
Windeorien Duces Northfoleia ac Southfoleize, Marchio Dor-it, Comes 84.
lopize, Domini Burgaanie, Ferrers, Eytzwater 8: nobilis Thomas Bolejne ad

egregias edes Thanke Ducis Northfoleite 8: Comitis Arundellia jam dem.


Dux Northfoleia,

Regem Portagalia, Dom. Fytzny,

Dom. Hen. Goalord,

Com. I/Vemerlandia, Dom. Clyord,

Dom. And. V/indefor

Com. Derba.
Dux Soathfoleia,

Marchio Daret,

Comes Selopia,

Dom. Barga-veny,


Dom. Barnee. D. on. ram-grim]

Regem Portngalie, Dom. Fytzroy,

D'om. Here. Gotdford,

Com. Wemerlandia, Dom. Cbord,

Corn. Derhja.
Dom. Barnee.

D. Gal. Ifjtzrvjlliam,
Dom. And. Winder.

Marchion. Piiarce,

Dom. PkmGoalford,

Dom. Fytzroy,

Com. Wemerlandi-e, Dom. Montaagn, D. Gal. Etzivyllianz,

Com. Derhye.
Dom. Montjoy. Dom. And. Wiadeore.
Com. Wemerlandie, Dom. Beare), Dom Hen. Goalford,
Com. Derhyae,
Dom. Hajngs, Dom. Rie. Saehevere/I,

Com. Oxonienm.

Dom. Clyord.

D. Gal. Eytznzylliam,

Com. Mmerhmdia, Dom. Fytzra), Dom. Hen. Goniford,

Com. Derhyc,
Dom. Cljord, D. Gal. Eytzwjiliam,
Com. Oxonien/im.
Dom. Montaaga. Dom. And. V/indeor.

On the eventh of (Iune the hine Tear, the Dahes of Northolk and South
folk, Marquejl" Dor et, Earl of Shrewsbury, Lords Burgaveny, Ferrers,

Fytzwater, and the nohle Thomas Boleyne being a-mh/ed rwith his Royal
Maje] at Wyndehr Cale, did to the ingular Sta/Is of Thomas Dahe of
Norcilolk and the Earl of Arundel lately dead,




The K, of Portugal, Lord Fytzroy, Sir Henry Goulhrd,

The D. of Northolk, E. of Wetnerl. Lord Clyord, Sir And. Wyndeor,
E. of Derby.
Lord Barnee. Sir W. Fytzwylliam.
The K, if Portugal, Lord Fytzroy, Sir Henry Goulord,
E. of Wemerl. Lord Clyord, Sir W. Fytzwylliam,
The D. o] Southfolk,
Earl of Derby. Lord Barnee. Sir And. Wyndeor.
Marqmgs Doret,

The Mary. of Picara, Lord Fyrzroy, Sir Henry Goulford,

E. of Wemerl. Lord Monte-ign, Sir W. Fytzwylliam,

E. of Derby.

Lord Montjoy. Sir And. Wyndeor.

Earl of Shrewsbury,

The E. of Wemerl. Lord Fytzroy, Sir Henry Goulford,

E. of Derby,
Lord Hayngs, Sir Rich. Sacheverell,
E. of Oxford.
Lord Clyord. Sir W. Fytzwylliam,

Lord Burgaveny,

The E. o Wemerl. Lard Fytzroy, Sir Henry Goulford,

_ Fytzwylliam,
Ear of Derby, Lord Clyord, Sir W.
E. of Oxford.
Lard Montaugu. Sir And. Wyndeor.

,_ NNNJ-Ii


Acta ub Anno decimo eptimo H E N R I C I Octavi.

Dom. Ferrers,


Com. Oxonienem,

Dom. Pytzro),

Dom. Hen. Goulford,

Com. Wenterland.
Com. Derby-e.

Dom. Clyord,
D. Gul. Fytzmylliam,
Dom. Montaugu. Dom. And. i/Vyndezr.

Portagalie, Dom.
Dom. Fytzro),
Dom. And.
Httj/Ig, Dom.
hVinde/br, P. 249.
Dom -. Fj t zwater ,

Com. Derby-e.

Dom. Montaugu. Dom. Joh. Vear.

Com. Vmetlandia, Dom. Fytzroy,

Dom. Tho. Boleye, Com. Derby-e,

Com. Kyldare.

Dom: Hen. Goulford,

Dom. Montaugu, D. Gill. bytzwylltam,

Dom. Hayngs. Dom. Joh. Vear.

Hc nominatione in choro peract, Rex ipe po Mix olennia re

dijt in Concilium, 8; eorundem accedente conenu legit in ornatimam

hanc Societatcm Dominum Henricum " Iytzroy, e; 0 Dominum We merlandia.

Ibidem e itaque tcondictum, celebritatem Divi Georgii in hoc ipb

Collegio Wmdeorieni poridie Joannis Bapti-e, hoc ell: vice/imo quinzo
Junii tenendam.

Eodem anno dieque prxixo locum metuendiimi Principis in ober

vandit Divi Georgii celebritate Wmdeiori ilpplevit Northfolcia Dux nobi


The Earl of Oxford, Lord Fytzroy,

Lord Ferrers,

Lord Fytzwater,

E. of Wemerl. Lord Clyord, Sir W. Fytzwylliam,

E. of Derby.
Lord Montaugu. Sir And. Wyndeor.
TheK- of Portugal, Lord Fytzroy, Sir Henry Goulford,
E. of Wemerl. Lord Hayngs, Sir And. Wyndeor,
Earl of Derby.

Sir Tho. Boleync,

Sir Henry Goulord;

Lord Montaugu. Sir John Vear.

The E. of Wemerl. Lord Fytzroy, Sir Henry Goulford,

Earl of Derby, Lord Montaugu, Sir W. Fytzwylliam,
E. of Kyldare.

Lord Hayngs. Sir John Vear.

This Nomination being made in the Chair, the King after the Solemnity of
Mal- returned to the Chapter, and with the Conent' of the bid Perjbns choe

into this mo illulrious Society, Sir Henry " Fyzzroy, ma! the o Lord of
It was there likewie? ordered, That the Feai of St. George hould he held
in the college of Wyndelor the Day after St. John Bapti, i. e. on the twenty
fth of Juno.

In the hine That', and on the Day prefixed the nto/i nohIe Duhe of North
folk upplied the Place of the dread Prince at the Obervation of the Fea of
n Henry Fytzroy was the natural Son ofthe She/e
reign by Eliz. Daughter 0 Sir John Blonnt, Widow
of Sir Gilbert Talbois, n in the Prior) of Black
amore in Eex 1518. Howes Cbron. p. 526. See San
ders de Schxm. Angl- p. 6, and being omewhat
above ix Tars old, was elected into the econd StalI_0n

the Shvrrggis Side, being on the 18th of June created

Earl of

ortinghapl, Dule of Richmond and 90

meret with Precedency before all Dul-et, ave the law

ful Children of the Kmg, hit Heirt and Satceers.
o Rali' Nevil Earl of AWemerland in the xi of
the Sovereign: side after the Death o] SlFThO. Lovel.


Acta uh Anno decimo eptzimo H E N R I C I Octaoi.


In cujus prxlenti cum cxteris lateri uo conjunctis, lecta e

epiola erenimi Regis, in qui credita Duci poteas oena lic: Illa
nimirum ic habebat.
HE NR I C U S Dei gratia Rex Anglia, 8: Francize, Princeps Guallia
8: Dominus Hihernia dei Defenor, atque illurimi hujus Or
i nis ipe Supremus, unice nobis dilecto, de probatimo, 8; ocio

erga nos uo jam undique nouimo Cognato noro Duci Northfolcia i

Iutem, 8: zlicitatem. Nunc quoniam permulca, charime, nos iinc

negotia diinent, ur (quod optamus) glorioimi Martyris Patroni no

ri feivitatem praecenti norfi non poumus honorare : tuam propterea
nobilitatem ad illud ipum nomine noro prmanduln nominamus atq;
inituimus, eam tibi dantes authoritatem quae upplenti vices noras

unquam alias auevit, jubentes itidem ut Sociorum quique atque O

cialium tibi, dum mandatum hoc norum zces, obediant, 8: quantum
res ipst poulabit, ex nutu tuo juuque pendeat. Wndeori ub Ordinis

Sigillo, undecimo Junii, 8: nori Regni decimo eptimo.

Eodem tempore Iecta e Commionis hujus altera quidem Epiola,
cuj us hzec formula fuic. Henricus Dei Gratia &o. P Ceeteris cum praeclaro
Duce Northfolcia Przride peramatis cognatis noris Marchioni Doret, Mar
chioni Exonieti, Comiti Northumhriee, Vicecomiti Lyzle, Vicecomiti Fytz

St. George, in whoe Preence as well as of the rdl joined with him was
read the King's Letter, in which the Authorit] committed to the Duke was et
forth. It was in this Form.

E N RY h] the Grace of God King of England, and France, Prince

of \Vales, and Lord of Ireland, Defender of the Faith, and Some

reign of this mo illurious Order, to our [ye/i helorved, of mo approved

Fidelity and Dut] towards us, manife/led already on all occaions, our Coun
the Duke of Norchfolk, Health and Felicitj. Now foramuch, deare/i (Can/in)
as evarious Aairs take us up t, that we cannot (as we wih) honour with *

our Preence the Fejliroal of the mo glorious Martyr our Patron, we do there
fore nominate and appoint you to do it in our Name, giving you the lime Au

thority, as our Deputy has ever ele heen ued to have, enjoining al) every of
the companions and Qicers to ohey you in the Execution of this our Commi

on, and as far as is requiite, follow entirely your Directions and Orders. At
Wyndeidr under the Seal of the Order, the eleventh of June, and eventeenth
of our Reign.

At the ame Time was read another Letter of Commion; of which

this was the Form. Henry by the Grace of God &e. To the nohle Duke 'of
Northfolk Predent, and the Re with him, our well lie/owed Couins the
Marque Dorlet, Maraue/Js of Exerer, Earl of Northumberland, I/icount
p The Original was in Englih as 'tis here print-ed from Ahm- App- "nex-Lo tal-en from the Regii. Chart.


373 i
Acta uh Anno decimo octavo H E N R I C l Octavi.
water, Vicecomiti Rochordize, Dominis Burgaunia, Ferrers, 8: Dahars,


Qxandoquidem nos Be reliqui Commilitones nori coelegimus

Henricum Rychmoundize ac Sotneieit/ia Ducem, Nottinghamiaaue Comitem,

lium norum quam charimuna, Comitem item Arundellia, Comitem

norum apprime
lendum: Ideo,8: teComitem
Preelies, ininodalicium
eam authoritatem
plene voca

mus, ut non olum cum reliquis tibi junctis, hos qui proenominati unt,
illures ac nobis przedilectos in Societatem hanc honorabiliter admittas,
lacramento vincias, 8: in (Edes uas, prout res ipli', ritu laudabili depocit,
cures introducendos, verum etiam cectera quarque ad eandem authorita
tem, ut Statuta docent, pertinere lblita, rite percias. Ix revera literal:
norae, i quid orlan objici contingat, in hac ipt re te tutum atis e


Brydwellize, ub Sigillo Ordinis communi decimo oEia-vo Junii,

regnique nori decimo eptimo.

Hiis omni cum honore debito przeteritis, in iorum Nobiliuln equenti

ut cuncti odales,
ui certisquadam
e ummis
ac Pulpitie,ructuram,
(velut eclicedula
manieius erat,) ante puriicationis proximum, vel tertiam partem ex
olverent, ic annuatim facturi, donec perolutum elbt.

Anno iereniimi Regis Henrici Oa-tri decimo occtiavo, Aprilis vice/imo

quarto, captum e Concilium Grenewychia, ubi 9 Dux Southfolcia, Mar


Lyle, Vicount Fytzwater, Vicount Rochford, Lords Burgaveny, Ferrers,

and Dakars greeting. Since we and the ret' of our Knights (lompanions have
jointlly eleed Henry Duke of Rychmond and Somerlet, and Earl of Not
tingiam our deareji Son, and the Earl of Arundel, Earl of Wemerland,

and Earl of Rutland into our my? honourable Order, we do therefore full)
vejou, dearel Preident, with Attthorizy not onl together with the rei who
are joined with you to admit the illulrious, and y us well beloved Permages
before-named into this honourable Society, give them the Oath, and tahe care
for their Iniallment, as is requiite with due Solemnitj' : But alb to perbrtn
dal] all other Matters, that according to the Statutes ui- to be annexed to the
aid Authority. And thee our Letters, if any Thing happens to be objeiied to

the contrary, hall be your V/Ztrrant in this Point.

At Brydewell under the

Common Seal of the Order the eighteenth of June, and eventeenth of our Reign.
Thee Thirtgs being performed with all requiite Honour, it was in the fol

lowing Chapter of thei noble Perons determined, That all the Knights Compa
nions, twho had obliged themelves in certain Sums for building the Lantern and

Pulpit (as appears more plainly from the Schedule made thereof) hould pay in
a third Part thereof before next Candlemas, and do the Ztme annuallj.

In the eighteenth Tiear of the mo erene King I-lenry the Eighth, the
twenty fourth of April a Chapter was held at Grenewych, when the Duhe'
q The Duke of Norfolk one of the Scrntiners here omitted.





Actaub Anno decimo octavo H E N R I C I Octa-vi.

chioncs Doret 8c LZZZZIZZ, Comitcs Salopize, 'Vemerlandize 85 Rutlandiie,

Vicecomitcs Lyzle, Fytzwater 8; Rochford, Dominique Burgaunia, Be Fer

rers ad edes tum vacantcs,
P. 251.



Regem Portugalie,

Dux Northfolcia,

Dux Southfolcize,

Marchio Doret,



Dom. Montaugie, D. Gul. Ijtzmylliam,

Marchion. Mantua, Dom. Montjtzyv,

Dom. Hen. Goulford,

Corn. Cumberlandi-e. Dom. Hayngs.

Dom. Job. Vear.

Marchion. Mantun, Dom. Barners, D.' Gul. Pytztvylliam,

Corn. l/lgornia,
Dom. Montaugu,
Dom. Hen. Goulford,
Com. Cumberlandi-e. Dom. Montyoy.

Dom. And. I/Vyndear.

Regem Portugali-e,
Com. l/iygornia,
Corn. Kyldare.

Dom. Montjo), D. Gul. Fytznylliam,

Dom. Montaugn, Dom. Hen. Goulford,
Dom. Job. Vear.

Regem Portugaliie,

Dom. tWontaugn, D. Gul. Fytztvylliam,

Dom. Berners.

Marchio Exonienis, Com. Cumberlandize, Dom. Lamare,

Dom. Hen. Goulford,
Corn. Kyldare.
D. Dalears AquiloDom. And. Wyndetr.

Comes Salopie,

Regem Portugalia,

Dom. Hayngs, D. Gul. Pytzwylliam,

Com. PVygOrni-e,

Dom. thlontjoy,

Dom. Hen. Goulford,

Corn. Cumberlandi-e. D. Dahars Aguil. Dom. Ri. Sacheverell.


of Southolk, the Marauees if Doret and EYZZZ', the Earls of Shrews

bury, Wcmerland, and Rutland, the Vicounts Lyie, Fytzwater, and

Rochord, and the Lords Burgaveny and Ferrcrs, did to the Stalls then



Duke of Northolk,


The K, of Portugal, Lord Monraugu, Sir W. Fytzwylliam,

Marq. of Mantua,Lord Montjoy, Sir Henry Goulford,
Eofcumberl. Lord Hayngs. Sir John Vear.
The Mary. of Mantua,Lord Berners,

The D. of Southfolk,


Sir W. Fytzwylliam,

E. of Worceer, Lord Montaugu, Sir Henry Goulord,

E. of Cumberl. Lord Montjoy. sir And. Wyndeor.

Marquei Doret,

The K, o] Portugal, Lord Montioy, Sir W. Fytzwylliam,

E. of Worceer, Lord Montaugu, Sir Henry Goulord,

E. of Kyldare.

Lord Berners.

Sir John Vear.

Marques in" Exetcr,

The K, of Portugal, Lord Montaugu, Sir W. Fytzwylliam,

E. of Cumberl. Lord Lawar,
Sir Hen. Goulford,
E. of Kyldare. L. Dak. of NorthSir And. Wyndeor.

Earl of Shrewsbury,

The K, of Portugal, Lord Hayngs, Sir W. Fytzwylliam,

E. of Worceer, Lord Montjoy, sir Henry Goulord,
E. of Cumberl. L. Dak. of NorthSir Ric. Sacheverell.

Acta uh Amzo decimo Offa-va H E N R I C I Octarvi.
Dom. Ljz-le,

Com. Vgornic,
Dom. Montjoj,
Com. Camherlandix, Dom. Lmvare,

Com. Kyldare.

Dom. Fytzwater,

D. Dahers AfrLD. A/zdr. M/jmebre,

Com. Cumherlandic, Dom. Peru),

D. Gul. Pj-tzrzgy/liam,
Com. l/Vjgarniee,
Dom. Marztaagu,
Dom. Hen. Gaul/ord,
Com. Kayldare.
Dom. Marztjoj. Dom. And. Vyhdejbr.
Com. Cumherlarzdic, Dom. Percy,

Dom. Burgaven),

. Com. Vygomi-e,

Com. Kyldare.

Com. Vgornize,
Com. KJlddre.

D. Gul. Fjtzwy/liam,

Dom. Montzmgu, Dom. Hen. Goulford,

Dom. Montjqy.

Com. Ver/terlandie, Dom. Percy, ct

Dom. Rrrers,

D. Gill. Ifytzmjliam,
Dom. Her', Gan/far'd,

P- 252.'

Dom. And. Wyndeor.

Dom. Hen. Goulford,

Dom. Manttzugu,
D. Gal. Fjtzmjctiam,
Dom. Mamjoy. Dom. Red. Egertan.

Com. Cumherlandi-e,
Corn. Wemerlandia, Com.
Dom. Marztaugu,
Montjoj, Dom.
D. Gul.Here.
Com. Kjldare.

Com. Rutlemdic,

Dom. Rochford,

Dom. Hajngt. Dom. And. Wyzdehr.

Com. Cumherlandie, D0m.M0'ztj0},

Com. l/Vzgornic,
Dom. Barrzers,

D. Gul. Fyzwjiam,
Dom. Hen. Goulford,

Com. Kyldare.

Dom. Joh. l/ear.

Dom. Law-re.

Com. Camherlartdic, Dom. Montjoj, Dom. Hen. Gaulford,

Com. Wygomie,
Dom. Hayngy, D. Gill. Fjtzrvylliam,
Com. Iyldare.
Dom. Laware. Dom. Joh. Fear.


Lard Lye,

The E. of Worceer, Lord Montjoy,

E. of Cumberl. Lord Lawar,

. E. of Kyldare.

Lord Fytzwater, '

L. Dak. of South.Sir And. Wyndeor.

The E. of Cumberl. Lord Percy,

E. of Worceer, Lord Montaugu, Sir Henry Goulord,
E. of Kyldare. Lord Montjoy. Sir And. Wyndeor.
The E. of Cumberl. Lord Percy,

Lord Burgaveny,

The E. of Cumberl.

Lord Rochford,

Lord Montjoy.

Sir Ralph Eggerton.

The E. of Worceer, Lard Monraugu, Sir Henry Goulord,

E- qf Cumberl. Lord Montjoy, Sir W. Fytzwylliam,
E. of Kyldare.

Earl of Rutland2

Lard Montjoy. Sir And. Wyndeor.

The E. of Wemerl. Lord Percy,

Sir Henry Goulord,
E. of Worceer, Lord Montaugu,Sir W. Fytzwylliam,
E. of Kyldare.

E. of Wemerland,

Sir W. Fytzwilliam,

E. of Worceer, Lord Montaugu, Sir Henry Goulord, r

E; of Kyldare.

Lord Ferrers,

Sir W. Fytzwylliam,
Sir Henry Goulford,

Lord Hayngs. Sir And. Wyndeor.

Lard Montjoy,

Sir W. Fytzwylliam,

E. of Worceer, Lard Barners,

Sir Henry Goulford,

E. of Kyldare.

Sir John Vear.

Lord Lawar.

The E. of Cumberl. Lard Montjoy, Sir Henry Goulord,

E. of Worceer, Lord Hayngs, Sir W. Fytzwylliam,

E. of Kyldare.

Lord Lawar.

Sir John Vear.


Actauh Anne decimo octavo H E' N R I C .I 'Octat-ti.


Hiis dcnominarionibus ritE: peractis, 8: per Scribam adMajeatem Re

giam cliligcnter adductis," Rex e veigio inprxentia praefarorum nomi
nanrium elegir Dominum" Montjoy, Be electos liquites Gulielmum Fytz

vylliam Theaurarium, atque' Henricum Goulford in Socios hujus Ordinis :

Dominum Montjoy, qui per Vicecomitem Lyzle 8: ytzwater introduci

juus e, quemquc Dux Southolcie Subligari, praecepto Regis, induir,

aureo Torque Rcx ipe coornavit; Mox Gulielmum Pytzvnrlliam per Vice

comirem Rochford &: Dominum Ferrers introductum, ram Regia Majeas

quam czrteri, quemadmodum anre Dominum Montjoyt celebrirer admie


Demum 8: Henricus Goulford, ducentibus eidem Dominis, acce

dens : imiliter e iniguitus.


Dcinitum e ibiclem olcnniratem Divi Georgiieptimo abhlnc die Maii,

Windetri celebrandatn: in qu. Comes Arundel/t'a- Regium locum. adim
pleret: Comiribus V/emerlandite ac Rutlanditez Vicecomire Iytzwater 8c
The- Nomirzatiotts heing duly made, and diligently hrought hy the Regiler

to the King's Majey, the King immediately inv the Prejince o the aforeitid Per
ons who made them, choi the Lord r Montjoy, and the choice Knights] William

Fytzwylliam Treaitrer, and t Henry Goulford Campanian: of this Order. The

Lord Montjoy, who was ordered to he introduced hy the Vicounts Lylle and
Fytzwater, and had hy the Kings Directions the Garter put on hy the Duhe of
Southfolk, the King himelf honoured with putting on the Golden Collar. Then

William Fytzu ylliam heing introduced hy Vicount Rochliord and Lord Ferrers,
the King as well as the rt admitted him with Solemnity, as they had hefore

Lord Montjoy. And lely Henry Goulord coming led hy the ame Lords,
was liltewi: inveed "with the Badges of the Order.

It was there determined, That the Fea/l of St. George hould he hept on
the eventh of May following at Wyndeor, at which the Earl of Arundel

tpplied the King's Place : The Earls of Vllemerland and Rurland, the Itl
r William Blount Lord Montjoy, placed in the a quin ille libellus erenimiRegis Anglia non
nii Caua abs te laudatus, ipius cujus hahet ti

xii Stall on the Sovereign? Side, upon the Tranlation "

o] the Earl o Rucland to the ninth, void the Deazh L'
of the Lnr Dacres. He was Son of john Lord
Montjoy, who in his Wt ll dared 6 Oct- 1485, mentions "
his Sons and hath this Reque in it a praying them a

tulum ingenio mmeque quod aiunt it elabora

rus--Quod i ylus habet aliquid non abhor- '

rens a meo, nihil mirum aut novum, quum ille
puer udioe volverit meas lucubrarionm, huc

a to leve right wily, and never to take the State ** provocante clariiimo viro Go! Zidontjoio, di
V OF Baon upon them, if they may leve it from ** cipulo quondam meo, quo tum ille mlwli udio
a them, nor to deire to be grete abowte Princes, a rum utebarur." See Epi/tEratui. In hislW/dated
" for it is dangerous. Lih. Logge in Cter- Prarog. 13 Oct. 1534, he orders a convenient Tomh by Reaon
210. Pen/tion
his Tutor,
to whom
an the King h zd called him to the Order of the Gar-ter.
of one
: afterheblJ'
Sir William Fytzwylliams Treejurer t] th'

Eramus writes a Conolation to his Son *' Morretn il

oueho/d, afterwards Earl of Sourhampton placed
-" lius hoc modcrarius ferre decer, quod decet in the [garb of the Szterellgnr SYde upon Trar/ati/n of
'* crate jua, ima illibara, rebus omnibus forti Sir Tho. Bullcn, Vic-aunt Rochford to the xt" ofthe
'f ter atque ex animi entexiria compoiris." And Prince? Side ztoid I) the Death of the Lord Delnwar.
in a Letter _dated 1531, he writes to the son touch Htls Plate remains in the ixth tf the Shz/ercigns Side,
gng his Studtes V Quanquam hic nolim te parcnris incrihed William Fytzwllliams (burnt de Sourhamp

nimium ele imilem :_0ler enim ille ingulis ton 8 May 18 H. Vlll, which lheas that Piate was
diebus_ a coena ad mediam uq; noctem incum renewed aer 18 Oct. 29 H. V lll. when he was ad
bete libris, non ne uxoris ac pediequarum tee vanced to that Ertrldum. In his Wdidated 10 Sepr.
dio, magnoque famulorum murmure And in 4 H.VlIl, he de-t/tes to the King his Gills'- of the

a Letter to the 'Duke of Saxony in 1522, touching the Ziarter 'with his he/i George htet with Diamonds.
Kings Book again Luther ' Ego nunquatn dubitavi,
t See introduction p. 235.



Actaeh Anne decimo octano H E N R I CI Octani.

DominoBurgaunia conjunctis.

Qlibus prarter alia mandatum erac, uc

jam ante coelectos Equices in ledilia l/Ijvndizori ua, quo inuevit honorc,
curarent introducendos.
Ab hoc celebri congrcu, czeteri quique non praeentcs, Regiis unt
cxcuiiti: Prester unum Epicopum l/Vintonienem, Abbarem Towre
8: Abbatem
qui tenebantur
adee, decretumque
ct hill,
e, dandas
ad Epiopum
quibus admoneretur,
uc centuminibi
bras a le promias, ad inantem laterna: fabricam perolveret.
Decretum e inuper, quod revcrendimus tum Cardinalis, quoniam

8: magnus cotius Anglia Canccllarius, inrra annum ubequentem, id re

' gale Collegium invieret: cauam pauperum ibi Militum canquam di

cuoni propoitam, auditurus. Sed jumento (quod aiunt) uo ibi ma

lum accerierunt imperici Milites, dum ultroneis ac benecis animis in

debicum onus imponere volentes, fied pravae machinationis iniquo jaculo
frurati, non ine magno uo merito impoerum alieniores a C fecerunt.
9\uint0 '4 die Maii po, ejudem anni, ille Comes Arundellia caeterique
upra deignati, V/yndezori convenerunt, ubi coram in Concilio lectae unt

binze Regix Literae, Qlarum alteris Commio Comiti cta, patuit;

alteris vero, qux it imul omnibus injuncta: preeertim, uc Dominum
Montjoy, Gulielmum Ifytzwylliam, 6: Henricum Goulford edibus ibi uis do


count Fytzwater and Lord Burgaveny heing joined with him.

To whom he

ides other Things it was given in Charge, to tahe Care for in/lalling the hefore
eleed Knights at Wyndeor, with the uual Solemnity.

At this notahle Chapter, all that were not preent were excuid hy the
Kings Letters, except only the Bihop of Wincheer, the Ahhot Towrehill,
and Ahhot Medcmenham who were ohliged to he there; and it was there alb
ordered, that Letters hould he wrote to the Bihop, wherein he hould he ad

monihed to Pay inantly the hundred Pounds, promi/Ied hy him for huilding of
the Lantern.

It weis determined alh, That the mo rerverend the Cardinal, hecau: he

was alb high Chancellour of all England, hould within the following Their evi

it that royal College, to hear the Caue? of the poor Knights there, as heing

then propoed to he argued. But the imprudeat Knights made (as they ay)
a Rod for their own Bachs, whi de/irous to lay a Burden no win/s due upon
willing and generourMinds, hut deceived of their

Aim, they as they

highly deerroed, rendered them for the future more a-"oeri to them.
On the V fth ofMayfollowing, theame Tlear, thie Earlof Arundel and the re
aho-ve-mentioned conmened at Wyndelor, where hefore them in Council were read

two Letters of the King, in the one of which was the King's Commzon gisven to
the Earl, and in the other were the Things enjoined them all together, particu

larly that they hould then inall the Lord Montjoy, Sir William Fytzwylliam,
and Sir Henry Goulord.

The Letters therebre heing read, hy the Earls Di

n 'The Fea/l was ordered to he held on the eventh,

is a particular Account of the ceremonies of the Ele

and thoughonthetheLieutenant
for ctions
and In/lallations
of thee
in a Mann
" Windor
fth, yet the
Fea could
crtpt belonging
to Sir Edward
L. 5..

not he the tenzh, as 'tis expreed in this Boah. There

3, which will he placed in the Appendix n. iv.





3743 A

jlcta ub Anno decimo 034710 H E N R I C I OHa-vi.

narentz Literis itaque perlectis, juu Comitis, idem Dominus Montjoy

per I/Vmerlandize, Rutlandiaaue Comites e in edem] uam introcluctus,
Dominus Gulielmus Fytzwylliam per eodem, Be Dominus Henricus Gaul

ford per Vicecomitem Pytzwater, 8: Dominum Burgaunia: Qii ibi de.

latum si Scriba juramentum, reverenter acceperunt; 8: in lenatucon
ulcum revertentes, ibique Torqui-bus atque Ornamentis aliis induti, unzi
proceerunt ad olennia vcpertina.
P. 254.
Poridie totius celcbritatis, hoc e deeimo prxfati Men/is, in Mis pro
defuns habit, Comites Wdlmerlandize Gc Rntlandite vexilla Comitis Vy
gornize, Dominorum Dalears, Lawars, ac Wynhld obtulerunt; Viceco
mes aurem Pytzwater 8: Dominus Burgaunie Enes eorundem : Dominus '

Montjoy 8: Dominus Gulielmus Iytzwylliam galeas Comitis P/'ygornize e;

'Domini Lawars, idem Dominus Montjczy' 8: Dominus Henrieus Gouldford

imiliter aleas Domini Dahars ac Wyn/efeld.

In eocFcm coneu pollicitus e Dominus Montjqus le daturum in im

penas conmendx Laternx viginti libras, ad tres lturas Puricationis

fieivitates, atquis portionibus lolvendas, Dominus Gulielmus Ifytzwylliam

Be Dominus Henricus Gouord uas uterque viginti Marcasi e quibus vi
ginti lex oliclos at ue octo denarios illico clinumerabant, reiduam um
mam addituri pra: ictis ubindc feivitatibus.

Illic etiam Scriba Concili-i complurium religiolorum coetuum ingra

phas debite ignatas intulit, quibus conabat pro demctis jampridem
Dominis Mias eie clictas, mille videlicet impenis Regiis propcet liorum

reons the aid Lord Montjoy was introduced to his Stall by the Earls of

Wemcrland and Rutland, Sir William Fytzwylliam by the ame, and

Sir Henry Goulorcl by Vzeount Fytzwater and Lord Burgavcny; who rerve
rently tooh the Oath adminiefd to them by the Regier, and returning into the
Chapter Houi, and there dred with the Collar and other Ornaments, went to

gether in Proceon at the Evening Service.

The Day after the Fea i. e. the tenth of the aid Month, at the Ma for

the Dead, the Earls of Wemerland and Rutland oered the Banners of the
Earl of Worcecr, Lords Dakars, Lawars, and Wynkeldz as the Vicoant
Fytzwater and Lord Burgaveny did their Swords; Lord Montjoy and Sir
William Fytzwylliam the Helmets of the Earl of Worceer, and Lord La

and theaid
Sir Henry Goulord did in lilee Manner
of Lord
At this Chapter Lord Montjoy promiZ-d to giroe twenty Pounds towards the
Charge of Building the Lantern, to he paid at the three next Feas of the Puri

cation by equal Portions; Sir William Fytzwylliam and Sir Henry Goulford
both of them promied their twenty Marhs, of which they paid down imme
diately twenty ix Shillings and eight Pence, being to pay the Remainder at the

Feas beforementioned.
There al; the Regier of the Chapter produced the Mitings of many reli
gious Bodies duly gned, by which it appeared that Maes had been aid for
'the Lords that died ime Time before, viz. a thouand at the King's Expence

for every one of them. The Iihe signification of the Earls of Arundel, Shrewi

unumquemque. Similis Comitum Arundellia, Salopia, Eexia, Rutlandia',

Vicecomitis Fytzwater, 8: Domini Burgaunie pro Partibus uis, ut opor

. tuit, ignicatio ub commuuibus igillis illata fuit.

Anno (erenimi Regis Henrici Oavi decimo nono, 8; Aprilis die r decimo,
celebratum e Concilium hujus ordinis Grenevychia: ubi tune prceizntibus

cum Regia Celitudine nobilihus Duce Northfolcia, Duce Southfolcize;

Marchionibus Doret 8: Exonien: Cornitibus Arundellia, Salopia, 8: Rut
landia : Vicocomitibus Pytzwater, Lyzle, atque Rochford: Baronibus Do

mino Burgaunia, Domino Darcj', ac Domino Montjcy : 8: Domino Gu

lielmo Eytzvpvlliam atq; Domino Henrico Goulford : conenum e, quod cele

britas aueta Divi Georgii Equente Maii nono decimo Wjrndeori foret : in qua P_ zss;
przeideret Arundellia Comes, habiturus iEcum Rutlandize Comitem, Domi

'num Burgaunize, Dominum Montjg' 8: Dominum Gulielmum Irtzwjlliam.

Carterorum abentia pro jam exculitta Rex decrevit habendam, qui (SC ingu
latiter illos excuiitos haberi voluit, qui de uo mandato jam tunc aberant.
Illic eodem e tempore atutum, quod lator Nigellx Virgx, qui a;

1 Hotarius, virgam geatet eandem coram Supremo, vel vicem ejus ge

bury, Eex, Rutland, Vihount Fytzwater and Lord Burgavenyfor their Parts,
as was requiite, was produced alb under their Common Seals;

In the nineteenth Year of the mot' erene King Henry the Eighth, and
'V tenth of Ap*ril was held a Chapter of this Order at Grenewych, where the/i

nohle Perons heing preent with the King, the Duke of Northfolk, Duke of

Suolk, Marauees of Doret and Exeter, Earls of Atundel, shrews

bury, and Rutland; the Itcounts Fytzwater, Lye, and Rochford, the
Barons Lord Burgaveny, Lord Darcy, Lord Montjoy, and Sir William.

Fytzwylliam and Sir Henry Goulord, It was agreed, That the uual Feai of
St. George hould he held on the nineteenth of May fbllowing at Wyndeor,
in whichthe Earl of Arundel hould' prede, and have with him the Earl of

Rutland, Lord Burgaveny, Lord Montjoy and Sir William Fytzwylliam',

The King ordered the Ahence of the re to he excnd, who would al) have

thoe particularly excued, who were then ahent hy his orders. _

There it was ordained at the ame Time, That the Bearer of the hlack Rod,
that is, the I' Uher hould carry the izid Rod before the Sovereign or his Depux Hen.
commences that
his Reign
22 ofa eig
hy hnee
to George
be hyskepte
at the
'tis rememhred
in the onl8rh
of Saint
at his or
of V/'ynde
Chapter was held 24Apr. and the Pea/i kept oneventh, ore, and alo uche other Knyghts as was to the

of' May ,- o that this Chapter her: entred to he held, aid lieutenant attendant and aant at that tyme,
on 10 Apr. in this loth Year, muhhane been held hould for the nexte yere enuyng be clerly dy
after the 22 Apr. and the Man-a cri t is doubtles right charged and excuid for their attendance at the aid
which places it on 23 ofthat ont .
caiel, onlese any Knyght of; thordre upon hys
at the
aid felle
of St.
Mentorandum That the Souverayn 0i'F th'ordre own
at Wyndeore,
be there
at hys
Kyng Hent) the Vlllth our Souverayn lord by the wiche ordonance for his lieuteuant was enlarged at;
advice of the Knyghts of the aid Ordre the xix yer terwards the xxiii and xxiiii yere of' his mo noble'
of' his mo noble raigu by vertu of a Chapitre Rayne unto pace of thte yercs thenne next en

holden at his manuor of2 Grenmych the xxiii daie uyng.


of Aprt/I, ordeynid and enacted by acte of Chapiy He formerlyood out-ide the Door of the Chapter
tre, that all uche Knyghts of the Ordre from houe. ee ome o] the Ceremonials inerted betre in

ierieforth which: hou d be appoynted by hys thee Mtes.




Acta uh Anno decimo none H E N R l C I Octavi.


rence, omni Divi Georgiifco, 8: in ingulictsciuibuq; Divi Georgii celcbrita

tibus Wyndeori tenendisz nec uquam prcec ari Ordinis Concilium inc

undum, in quo non oporteat eundem Virgicrum intcree.

Dccrctum e etianl, quod Equites uno anno ad obizrvandam Divi
Georgii Wyndeori Celcbritatem electi, non vincientur ad id ipiun anno

equence, nii Suprcmus oran adcie dignabitur.

Eodem anno, 'vice/into prirno Oohris po obitum Comitis V/lgoitt,
zac Northumhrize certo cognitum, in preaiznti Supremi, tum przecntcs Equi- '

ces hujus Ordinis ad cdes eorum,

Regem Gaornm,
Dux Northfolcie,

Dux Southfoltic,

Dom. Montanga, Dom. And. "nde/or."

Corn. Oxonienem,
Dom. Barners,
Com. Northnmhri-e. Dom. Law-ire.

Dom. Roh. Vynleld,

Dom. Roh. Djmmoche.

Regem Gallornm,
Dom. Montangu, Dom. And. V/jrndebr,
Comitem oxonienerlzDom. Barnerr, Dom. Roh. Djmmoche,
Com. Northnmhric. Dom. Law-ire. Dom. Rch. V/tyn/eld.
Regem Gaomm,

Marchio Exonienis, Com. Oxonienem,

Com. Alorthumhria.

Dom. Mantangn, Dom. And. l/Vjndebr,

Dom. Lamare,

Dom. Nich. Carom,

Dom. Morlej.

Dom. Tho. Cheny.


t] every St. Georgds Daj, and on each Fe/lirval of St. George to he held at
Wyndeor, and that no Chapter of the nohle Order hanld he held in which the

aid Uher is not obliged to he preent.

It war alo ordained, that the Knight: elehiled one Tearfor keeping the Feal
of St. George at Wyndcor, - hall not he ohliged to it the Tear following, an

le the Sovereign hall cvonchafe his Preence there.

On the twenty r of October thelime Year, after a certain Account of

the Death of the Earl: ofWorceer and Northumberland, in the Sovereign?

Preence, the Knight: of the Order then preent, did to their stall:

The K, of France,
The D. of Northfolk,

The D. of. Suolk,


Lord Montaugu, Sir And. Wyndeor,

Earl of Oxford, Lord Barncrs,

Sir Rob. Wynkfeld,

E. of NorthumbLord Laware.

Sir Rob. Dymmock.

The I(_. of France,

Lord Montaugu, Sir And. Wyndeor,
Earl of Oxford, Lord Barners, Sir Rob. Dymmock,

E. of Northumb. Lord Laware.

The K, of France,
Marqacs of Excter,


E. of Oxford,

Sir Rob. Wynkfeld.

Lord Montaugu, Sir And. Wyndeor,

Lord Laware,

E. of Northumb. Lord Morley.

Sir Nicholas Carew,

Sir Tho. Cheney. Earl

iiiniiziic loctani. ~ ~
x ' Acta

~ Zsx

zinno decimo noiio

Comes Eexie,

Dom. Montaugu, Dom. Ri. Sache-uerell,

Regem Gadorurn,
Com. Oxonienem,

P. 236.
Dom; Hajngt, Dom. Edw. Dare/I,
Ddm; Will; Kyngon.
Com. Northumbria. Dom. Law-ire.

Domct. Montangu, Dori. Nieih; Cerom,

Com. Arundectid,

Regem Gallorurn,
Com. Oxonienm',

Dom; Laivare,

Dom; And; Windeore,

Com. Ndfthttmbrit. Dom. Hayngs; Dom. Rob. Dyrnntoehe.

Dom. Law-ere,
Dom. And. Wyndebr,
Dom. Hayngs, Dom. Rob. Dymmoclee,

Regem Gallorum,

Dom. Lyzlez

Corn. OxonienZ-m,

Corn; Northumbria. D. Delears Anra. Dom. Gul. [Cyngon

Dom. Burgaunid,

Dom. Montaugu, Dom. And. V/jvndeor,

Regcm Gailorum,
Com. Oxonienem,

Dom. Hayngs,

Dom. Tho. Cheyny,

Com. Northurnbrie. D; Dalears Aguil. Dom. Gul. Cornpton.

Com. Rutlandia,

Regem Gallorum,
Com. Oxonieni-m,

Dom. Lantare,

Com. Vygornie;
Regem Gallorum,
Dom. Dare),

Dorg. Roehforil,

Dom. Ri. slither/ered,

Dom. hytzmarreigDom. Nicho. Carow,

Dom=. Morley;
Dom. Gul. Courtmy;

Com. Oxonienm,

Dom. Montaugn, Dom Rob; Conable;

D. Da/ears Ate/tra. Dom. Gul. Compton,

Com. Derby-e;

De Leon. Grey.

Dom. Ed. Darell.

Regern Gallbrum,

Dom. Barneie',

And. l/lyn/efeld,
Dom. Rob.

Com. Oxonienji-m,
Com. Northumbria. D. Da/ears Auira. Dom. Ed; Goulford.


Earl tEex,

The K, of France, Lord- Montaugu', Sir Ric. Sacheverell,

Lord Hayngs, Sir Edward Darell,
E. of Oxford,
Sir Will. Kyngon;
E. of Northumblord Lawar;
Lord Montaugu, Sir Nicholas CarevV,
E. of Oitford, Lord Laware, Sir And. Wyndeor,
E. z NorthuriihLord Hayngs. Sir Rob. Dymmock;

TheK, of France,

Earl of Arundel,

Vicount Lylle,

The K, of France, Lord Laware, SirYAnd. Wyndeor,

E. of Oxford, Lord Hayngs, . Sir Rob. Dymmock,
E.'of NorthumbgL. Dak; of South;Sir Will. Kyngon.

Lord Burgaveny,

The K, of France, Lord Montaugu, Sir And. Wyndeor;

E. Q Oxford, Lord Hayngs, Sir Tho; Cheyny,
E; Qf Northumb.L. Dalnof Northusir Will. Comptoli.2

Earl of Rutland,

The K, if France,
E. of Oxford,

Lord Laware,

E. of Worceer. Lord Morleyz

The K, of France,
Lord Darcy,

Sir Ri. Sacheverell,

L; Fytzwarren, Sir Nocholas Carewz

Sir WilLCourtneye

'Lord Montaugu, Sir Rob. Conablez'

E. if Oxford,

L. Dalt. of South,Sir Will. Compton,

E; of Derby.

tLord] Leo. Greyasir Edward Darell;

Lord Laware, Sir And. Wyndeor,

Lord Barnee, Sir Rob. Wynkfeld,
E. of Oxford,
E- a Northumb. L, Dak. of South. Sir Edw. Goulford.

The K, of France,

Lord Rochford,





Agauh Anno decinto nono H E N

Dom. Montjqy,

I C I Qctavi;

Regem Galloratn,

Dom. Montangtt, Dom. Roh. Dzrnmoche,

Com. Oxonienem,

Dom. Barnee,

Corn. Northamhrta. Dom. Morley.

Regem Ga/Ioranu,
' , Dominus
P_ i"

Dom. And. Made-r',

Dom. Nich. Caroni.

Dom. Montangtt, Dom. Nich. Cttront,

Act/tra. Dom.
Tho. Chenj.
Com. Oxonienern
Comherlattdite. D.
Dom. Joh.

Regem Gallorttrn,

D. Gal. Pjtzwyiartt, Com. Oxonienern,

Dom. Lantare,

Dom. Roh. V/tynhld,

Dom. Bat-nee,

Dom. And. Winder,

Com. Contherlandia. D. Da/eart Att/haLDom. Gal. Kjngian.

Regem Galioram,

Dom. Latvare,

Dom. And. Windebr,

l ord, Com.
Com. Oxonien/Ztm
Dom. Tho.
Dom , Hm. G on]
Northttrnhria. Dom.
D. Dakar:

Po Nominationem fhctam, 8c, quo decuit honore, Supremo prelim

tatam, ipc: atim illurimum Principema GaIIortttrt Regem, 8: clarum
virum Dominnm Joannem a Vear Oxonia Comitem, elegit in hanc Socie

tatem przeclarilmam.

Qlorum alteri tum przecrnti debita contulic in

ignia. Ad abentcm autem Principem inclytimum, miitlFer Orato

res uos, Vicecomitem L-yzle,

Doctorem Tayler b Vicecance arium, 8:


The I<,. of France,

Lord Montjoy,

Lord Sandys,


Sir And. Wyndeor,

Sir Nich. Carew.

The K, of France, Lord Montaugu, Sir Nicholas Carew,

Earl of Oxford, L. Dak. of South,Sir Tho. Che ny,
E. of Cumberl.


Lord Montaugu, Sir Rob. Dymmock,

E. of Oxford,
Lord Barnee,
E. of NorthumbLord Morley.

TheK, of France,

Lord Laware.

Sir John Ru ell.

Lord Laware,

Sir Rob. Wynkeld,

Sir W. Fytzwylliam, Earl of Oxford, Lord Barnee, Sir And. Wyndeor,

E. of Cumberl. L. Dak. of SoutlLSir Will. Kynggn.
The K, of France, Lord Laware,
Sir And. Wyndeor,
Sir Henry Goulford,
Earl of Oxford, Lord Barnee, Sir Nicholas Carew,
E. of Northumb. L. Dak. of SoutlLSir Tho. Cheyny.

'After this Nomination 'was made, and with all becoming Rerverence pre
ented to the Sovereign, he preently choe the mo iI/nlriottt Prince the
King of z- France, and the noh/e Sir John 4 Vear Earl of Oxford, into this
mo nohle Sociegt; upon the one of -w ich being then preent, he conferred the
jroper Badger, hut to the ahent my] renowned Prince, he Znt them It) hit
Emhatdor: the Viount Lyc, Dr. Taylor the b Vice-ehancellor, and Garter,
t. 'There hath hecn a great deal aid in the Intra- each other hit Order. Collect- Maer in bibl. Coll.
dnan p. 88, of the mutual Acceptance of the Or- Jeu Oxomp. 116.
487.! of the Garter, and of St. Michael, h] the King:
of England and France; but there it a Mtahe tn

a In the eleventh Stall on the Sovereign? Side a ter

trandting the Earl of Weimerland to the et/ent) of

the Print, by placing the xi inead of x of November the ame Side, void by the Death of the Earl of Wor
heirtg an a Sunday. It wat at their-ance of the French ceer.
King, that thee Order: were 'but interchanged, for
h Mr. Ahmole p. 261 it miaken in hit Gut/le
dmong n/'l Contplemmx paid
him to cardinal that he teat Depnty to 'be chance/lour of 'hie Order,
Woley at Amiens, hat/ing the Co lar of St. Michael for be teat then Maer of the Ro/lt, which Oicer had
about hit Neck, and tahingin hit Hand the image hang- frequently in our Record: the 'Iitle of tcechancelhnr.

'ng thereto, he aid, ince the Ktinf in) Brother and 1 Hit spm to the French Ki

it too long to be inerted

he that but ta Hearth were neitnethinht 're hould here, the Original i; in the nody of the Right ha
'he ned par colles 8: Nmbes -7 r - z-_ take and give [ nottrablt the Lord Harley.


"ver-r ' \,'**3',' " '

Acta uh Anne nice-into H

Garterum Regem (ut vocant) Armorum;

C I Ofiaitti.


Ille quo 'res poulabat animi

c-tripudio, qux miia unt accipiens, heinato Procuratorem emiit ad oni-i

nia uo nomine preeanda, quae nobilitas Ordinis ezigitait a' ,

' Metuendimi Regis Henriei OEZa-oi Anne mite/imo, Vigili pariter ac die
Sancti Georgit' celebratum e ' Concilium Greneroyehia, quando cum ne;
gia Majeate pkeeentibus Marchione Exonia, Comitibus Exia, Aruni

dellice, Oxonia, 8: Rntlandiie: Vicccomitibus Fytzwater 85 Roehford: DOS

minis Burgaunice, Dare), at: Montjaj, 86 Domino GuIieImo F tz-tzyI/iam: 8:

Domino Henrieo Gauldfdrd, denitum e Divi Georgii Cegbritatem hoc

Anno Wyndeori ervatum iri per nobilem Carolum Southfttlcia Ducem : Oxo
nice Comite, Vicecornite Pjttzwater, Domino Burgaunize, 8: Domino Gua

Iielmo Pj-tzrufylliam in id ipum annominatis;

Poi: tamen ob res quadam

commoventcs Animum Regis, ea provincia de prxfato Duce tranata e

adf Exonienm Marchionem: qui pro nobilitatis etiam exigentia perimple


P. 258.

Cui cum ua venerabili tum praeentia cazteris quivis abentes excu

ti unt, Caron: nimirum Imperator, Franezcu: Rex GaI/ornnt; 6: Ferdi


King (as he i: called) of Arms.

He receiving what-was ent, _ with a pro-i

per t Pleajitre of Mind, haened away a Prox] for 'the doing in hie Name &Mvj
Thing, that the Dignity of the Order rezuired 4.

In the twentieth Yearv of the mo dread 'King Henry the Eighth, on the
When the Marquei of Exeter, Earl: of Eex, Arundel, Oxford and Ruti
Erve at well a: Detj of St. George a e Chapter war held at Grenevfyirht

land, Vioount: Fytzwater and Rochfiord, and ctLords Burgaveny, Darcy,

and Montjoy, and Sir William Fytzwylliam, and Sir Henry Goulord he

ing preent with the

It was determined, That the Fea of St. George'

hould he [cept thir Year at Wyndeor hy thi nohIe Charles Duke of Suolk,
the Earl of Oxford, Vteount Fytzwater, Lord Burgavcny, and Sir William
Fytiwylliam heing 'alh named for the hine Purpo. Tet afterward: h] Rea
Kingb' Mind,
that Prowinee
was tranrerrd
of f Exeter,
who dicharged
it ar the
Dignizy thereof required -, to whom and the honourahle Amihly with him the

ret' France,
that were
were excue-al,Charles
the Em eeauje
eror, thej'
of viz.
at uual,
e The Regih', Chartac. word: it with uch a Cheer- " tons d'0r 8e emaillez, ccl ecus Soieil, 8: a on
fulne: of Mind. at the Aair required; Ahm. p. 387. 'f _enallatioi1 ,par on Procureur iiii ecus oleila
d 'The Inailatian: of this King by hilt Proctor, and M.e 7in Off; Arm.
t lit r
of the Lar e: or St. George?v Day,
inallatus Fuit algud Carum deWindeore per rocu:
ratorem uum om. Adriamtm Tiereeltn Dom. de
Broe de Poe 8: la Ferte Capitaneum 84: Ballivum
de Gvort, ac unum ex Camerariis dicti Chriia
nimi Regis die xxvi Januarii Anno xix. M. 7.
in O Arm. The Form thereof i: preerved in a
M. belonging to Sir Edw. Dering Baronet. I. 5- 3.

ing at Grhenwich i: in t e rit-tition Boo of the He:

f In the ame Book i: entred the Partition of the

Large! given hy the Mktrquer of Exeter, hetn Pre

izient at the Fea o St. George, bit bein e epttat

Windeore the 'I7 Day of May 1528, t er betzg

preent the Lard Fitzwater, therle of Oxenford, t e
Lord Montjoy, and Sir William Fytzwilliam Trea
which will he found in the Appendix n- v.
' The Dinideml of be Crown: i-z/en by thu Ring and urer of the X' t Houe.

We have 'he atalogue of al! the Campanian: in this

But t. iz/en by, the Ear! of xford it entred in 'he
aid: artition Book. This [Gng alo gave to Garter rm eated in their proper Stallx, which will he plated
upon the Reception o] the Order "une Robe de ve in the Append. n. vi.
ff lours bleu dotble de toille dhrgent n, 8; bou




334 i Actauh Anno vicemo primo H E N R I C roctawg

nandus Bohemia Rex ex more, quod exteri uerint.

Duces Rychmondia,

Northfolcia, Southfolcize, Marchio Dori-t : Comites Salopie ac WZ-merlandite:

Vicecomes Lyzle, Domini Ferrers, Dudley, ac Sandys literis Regiis.

Serenimi Regis Henrici Oavi Anno vice/imo prime Greneruychiag Con

'cilium habitum e :- in quo cum ubliimitate Regia prmlizntibus North-i
folcia ac Southfolcia Ducibus, Marchione Exonia, Comitibus Arundellia,
Salopia, Oxonia 8: Rutlandia; Vicecomitibus Lyzle, Rochford, 85 Iytzwai

ter : Baronibus Darcy, Montjoy, 8: Burgaunia : Domino Gulielmo Iytza

ruylliams 8: Domino Henrico Goulford : vdecrcetum e olitam Sancti Georgii

celebritatem nono po die Maii tenendam Wyndeori: In quit nobilis .

Exia Comes Regis locum occuparet, Vicecomitem Lyzle, Dominum

Burgaunia 8: Dominum Gulielmum Eytzrttntlkliams habbns adjunctos.


olennia perimplenti quotquot alioquin aberant, regiis lunt literis excu

iti, ut 8: ante serant a Concilio Grenevychieni.

Anno metuendimi Regis Henrici Oiiavi viceinto icundo, in iplb Divi

ctGeorgii 7) eo, in Caro V/yndeariano cum ublimitate Regia congre unt


reignersz. The Duhes of Rychmond, Northliolk, Suolk, the Marcia-i

Doret, the Earls of Shrewsbury and Wemerland, I/zcount Lyie, the
Lords Ferrers, Dudley, and Sandys by the King's Letters.

In the twenty r Year of the may! erene King Henry the Ei hth, a
s Chapter was held at Grenewychz in which the Duhes of North olk and
Suolk, the Marouei of Exeter, Earls of Arundel, Shrewsbury, Oxford,

and Rutland, Vcounts Lye, Rochford, and Fytzwater, the Barons Darcy,
Montjoy, and Burgaveny, Sir William Fytzwylliam and Sir Henry Goul

ord being preent with the King's Highne', It was ordered, that the uual

Feajl of St. George hould he held the ninth of May following at Wynde
or; in which the nohle Earl of Eiizx hould itpply' the King's Place, having

the Vicount Lyle, Lord Burgaveny, and Sir William Fytzwylliam joined
with him : to whom ohirving the Solemnity, uch as were ahent were excued
the Kings Letters, as they had been before at the Chapter held at Grenewych.

_ In the twenty econd Year of the mo dread King Henry the Eighth, on
St. Georgds b Day, in the Ca/lle of Wyndeor the noble Duhes of Rychmond,
g Partition among the fbra/ds of the Largeii: on the Mar is of Doret, and Of th' F-"l of Ue!
St. Gcosge's Day in the 21 nor of the Kings Rezgn, who were (hit-th

eent. This latter M . oberves, that

ther? being
(U 'he Entry
Feal ater
was got
at Windor
an is)him;
on hisandS de
the the
Day, on
by 9:'be of34',
of Eex
Marqttts of Exetcr, therle of Shrewsbur , t erle of Lientenant, and his Large; is entred in the Heralds

Eex, the Vconnte Fitzwater, ther/e o Rutland, Ocefor being Pre/ident at the Fea/l of St. George 'm
ther/e of Oxiourd, thc Baron Montjoye, the Trea-

'the 9th of May 1529, there heieg preent Sir Arthur

lar" of 'be [Gt/g- Hlme Sir William Fytzwilliam; Plantagenet, Vtcont Lye, Sir
Tbf Prince! Still, the Duhe of Norfolk, the Mar-

eor e Nevil Baran

of But avcnny Sir \Vil]iam_ Fitzwi liam Treaizrer

'IW Doeta th? Dht Of Suulk, therle of Arundell, of the Kings houe, the Lord Darcy being excued.

'be Viwmc Lye, the Lard Be: avony, the Ear-on M. 17. p. 31 b.
Dan-Ay' the Vlam" Rochford, He Comptroller of the
In this Tear it was enacted that 'very Kni ht of the
Kmg F boult Sit Henry Guldetbrd. Hence it appears, Garter might tyme/if) 3 Chaplains. Scar. 21 l-ES. p. 17.
m' all? lm

17- in O- Arm. p. 31 b. that the

h The Heralds divided their Largesfor the Feal of

bente/er 0] tht Rgter hath omitted the Names of St. Georgeb Day, the King being at Windor in the


Anno: vicienio tertio: H. E N R I CI Octavi.


in conclave Regium, nobiles Ryehnioundite, Nortbfcv/eie, a; Southfo/eia Du
ces: Marchio Exonienis : Comites Arundellize, Suexia, Rutlandize, "Oxoniei
Domini Burgaunia, Sandys, Montjoy, Dominus Gultiel/nus Pytzqzyl/iams 8:

Dominus Henrieus Goulford : Ubi decretum erat Divi Georgii celebrimreni

oavo po Maii, per inclytum Southfolcia Ducem V/zndeori ervandam,
'cui Rutlaudia Comes, Dominus Sandys, Be Dominus Gulielmus Pytzwylliasus

ecznt aociati.

Equites aurem alii, 8: qui jam hinc aberant 8: a-cele P. 235.

britate pomodum abiruri, lireris atque ore regio unt excuati. Sed 8:
oca Rutlandiee Comiiis abentia literis eiidem 'regiis c excuiitat Cul

jus ultro viccm Dominus Montjkiy' upplevit;


Invictimi Regis Heniiici Oavi vice/imo tertio die i Sziiicti Georgii con:

iiulratio ucepta e Grctenewyohia, ubi cum Regia Majeate tum prxentes

Dux Southfolcia,
Comites Arundellize,
Suxia, Rut-"
Ormundize, Marchio
Montjoy, Dominus
Gulielmus Pytkrziylliam,

Dominus Henricus Gouldford conituerunr iolennitatem Divi Georgii proxi?

main, ptimo Maii, celcbtanclam per Surxia Comitem, runc Primarium;
8: Vicecomitem Lyzle, Dominum Sandys, Dominum Montjoy, 8: Domil



Nornhfolk, and Soiutholk, the Marquei of Exetcr, the Earls of Arundel,

Suex, Runland, Oxford, the Lords Burgaveny, Sandys, Montjoy, Sir

William Fytzwylliams and Sir Henry Goulord with the King's Highnefs met
in the King's Clofet; where it was decreed, That the Fea of St. George hould
be' leapt the eighth of May following,
the renowned Duhe of Suolk at
Wyndelor; to whom the Earl of Rucland, Lord Sandys, and Sir William

Fytzwylliam were joined as Ajbciates. But the other Knights, as well thojZ
who were now abent, as thoe that hould afterwards be abent at the Fea were.
excued ly the Kings Letters and Speechz moreover, afterwards the Earl of

Rutlands Ab ence was exeubd by the lihe Letters of the King; and the Lord
Montjoy vo untarily' jitppljred his Place.

In the rvienty third That of the mo invincible

Henry the Eighth, on

St. i Georgds Day a Chapter was held at Grenewych, where the King's MaJ
the DukeOrmund,
of Suolk,
of Arundel,
Sir Henry Goulord then preent, appointed _the next Fea of St; George to'

be lept the eventh of May by the Earl of Suiex then Predent, and the I/zl
the [argZ/eeinof Pre/ident
the Dnheatof the
of ofEngland,
r on his own syde the uhe of Richmond, the Mar held 8 May 15' i: entred int e Heralds Oce.
i Dinidend
the Hem/ds
the Iargeje onltaving
quis of Exeter, ther/e of Suex, ther/e of Rutland, Georges
Day thje' King
being atof Greenwiche
therlc of' Oxinford, the Lord Montjoy, Sir William
Firzwilliam Tree/ore' of the 16 's houe, and on the thee Eates and Lords gevirlrge their attendanee on
ment ecandLoli-des
o hisgie/la'
Re' n, their
hat/i zzttendaunce
as 'tis entred,
the e
on hidi,

Prince? Side the Duhe of Noro, the Duke of Suf

the [Gngs Syde the Marquu of xeter, ther/e of Suzx,

folk, ther/e of Arundel, the Lord Bergaveny, the ther-le of Rurland, the Lord Mountjoye, Sir William
Lord Sandes Chamberiain, Sir Henry Guldiford Fitzwilliam Treaorer o the King's houe. The Prin
O' 'tra/ler of the King's houe. i _ i
. ee Syde the Duke o Suolk, 'little of Arundell,
he Ceremolzial is entred in M. 17.p. 32, And will therle of Wilthire,

hc found in the Appendix n. vil;

ir Henry Guldeford Comptrol

_ ler of the King's houe. See alo M. 17. in O Arm





Acttz nh Anno viccma tertio H E N R I CI Octavi.

i num Gulielnzutn Pytzrztjlliams in Comitatum aignatos. Aliorum abcntia
c illic a Supremo comprobata.

' *'

Ibidcm deliberatum c cri jam deberi novi Sodalis electionem, qui

in locum Marchionis 1' Dort uciendus eet, cujus jam ante mors certo
ignicata uit.

Itum e autcm ad eam electionem, dum horse veer

tina: complcrentur, in qu nobilcs turn prxizntes


Com. Northamhrie, Dom. Montaugtt, Dom. Jah. Gttge,
Dux Sat/thfoleite,

Com. Vtgortxite,
Dom. Ltttamer,
Com. Lbrnherlartdite. DomJ/Vindeor.

Dom. Gul. Kjng/Zan,

Dom. Ri. Saehez/erell.

Com. Northumhrixe, Dom. Montaugu, Dom. Gnl, Courtney,

Com. Exoniens,

Com. V/jg ornia,

Dom. LarvareA,

Com. Huntyngtonite. Dom. l/Vindejor.

P. 260.

Dom. Ri. Stzehe-uerell,

Dom. Rah. Vnlfeld.

Com. Northumhric, Dom. Montangu, Dom. Gnl. Cato-tue),

Com. Huntyngtonite, Dom. Dtzlamare, Dom. Nieho. Carome,
Com. Cornherlandite. D. Dakar: Aura. Dom. Tho. Cheynj.

Com. Artmdelli-e,

count Lyle, Lord Sandys, Lord Montjoy, and Sir William Fytzwylliams

agned to attend him; the Ahence of the re was there allowed h] the Soz

It wax there rezlrved, That an Eleon hould he made of a ne-'w Campanian

to he ithjlitttted in the Stead of the Marquer k Doret, rtvhqe- Death had heen

certted a little hefore. Thiey proceeded therefore to an Elehilion, "whil Vepers

rwere celehrating, and in it the nohle Perbm then prtnt

The D. of Suolk,



The E. of Northumbiord Montaugu, Sir John Gage,

E. of Worceer, Lord Latymer, Sir Will. Kyngon,
E. ofCumberl. Lord Wyndeor. 'Sir Rich. Sacheverell.
The E. of NorthumbLord Montaugu, Sir Will. Courtney,


E. of Worccer, Lord Lawar,

Sir Ric. Sachcverell,

.E.ofHuntyngton.Lord Wyndeor. Sir Rob. Wynkfeld.

Earl of Arundel,

The E. of Northumbiord Montaugu, Sir Will. Courrney,

EJHuntyngtoryLord Delaware, Sir Nicholas Carew,
E. of Cumberl. L. Dak. of South. Sir Tho. Cheyny.

k Mi 17' i" O' Arm' p' 59 b

w' Hf/me Sir

Lard Sands.

Anno R. H- Oct. xxiii. 'Therllof Suex hente-nant.

The Hatchment of Thomas Mrqni: Doret nm

Ofrid in 'naniertlotzyngThe Banmr Tb/[Of Northumberland

The Vieonte Lille
The Lord Sazrglsjoye
M t'
The Szmrde

Mem'd. the Mae don', all the Krty hr: according

to their stall; went all togider: to 'hnrtng to Saint
_ George, and the Reliquex, and after retonrned to their
and after
King Henry
GY. de profundis and after oritl to


__-__ ___.

*_*"'"""'_ "vmi v

_. u-u-




Acta ub Anno vicemo tertio H E N R I C I Octavi.

Com. Northnn/hrie,

Com, Suexirf,

Dom. Montaugu, Dom. Gul. Courtmy,

Com. Huntjngtonire, Dom. Delamare, Dom. Ri. Sachevere,

Com. Comberlandie. Dom. /Vinaeir.

Com. Ratlandiee,

Dom. Rob. l/Vjnhfeld.

Com. Abrthnmhria, Dom. Mantaagn, Dom. Gul. Courtney,

Com. l/Vygornie,
Dom. Dalaware, Dom. Nich. Carowe,
Com. Hnntingtonite. Dom. l/Vtindetr. Dom. Ri. Sachevere/l,

Com. Ormonndie,

Dom. Montjcz),

Com. Northnmbrize, Dom. Laware,

Com. Huntyngtonie, Dom. Windczr,

Dom. Gul. Conrtney, .

Dom. Hen. Goulford,

Com. Comherlandie. Dom. Barners.

Dom. Rob. Wjn/eld.

Com. Northnmbrie, Dom. Montaugn, Dom. Gul. Courtmy,

Com. Hnntjngtonie, Dom. Delaniare,
Dom. Nich. Caroni,
Com. Comherlandie. Dom. l/l/jndeor. Dom. Gul. Pellet. .

Com. Northnmbrie, Dom. Montangn, Dom. Ric. Sacheverell,

Dom. Ijtzny/liam,

Com. Comberlandie, Dom. l/Vjndejor, Dom. Gul. Kjngon,

Com. Huntjngtonie. Dom. Delaware. Dom Job. Gage.
Com. Northnmhrire, Dom. Delaware, Dom. Nich. Carow,

Dom. Hen. Gonlford, Com. Huntjngtonie, Dom. Montaugte, Dom. Tho. Chcyny,
Com. Comherlandi-e. Dom. Rachford. Dom. Job. Gage.

Po ucientem dcliberationem nominatione facta, 85 poridie a Scriba

re iae Majcati tradita, ipZt Suprema Majeas ante Miam ingrea ell:
acFConcilium, ubi concnu horum nobilium elegitin hanc clarimam

Earl of Suex,

The E. of Northumb. Lord Montaugu, Sir Will. Courtney',

E. ofuntyngtohLord Delaware, Sir Ri. Sacheverell,
E. of Cumberl. Lord Wyndeor. Sir Rob. Wynkfeld.
The E. of Northumblord Montaugu, Sir Will. Courtney,

Earl of Rutland,

E. of Worceer, Lord Delaware, Sir Nicholas Carew,

E.ofHuntyngton.Lord Wyndeor. Sir Ri. Sacheverell.

The E. of NorthumhLord Laware,
Earl of Ormond,

Sir Will. Courtncy,

E.o] HuntyngcomLord Wyndeor, Sir Hen. Goulford,

E. of Cumberl. Lord Barners.

Sir Ro. Wynkfcld.

The E. of 'NorthumbJnrd Montaugu, Sir Will. Courtney,

Lord Montjoy,

E.ofHuntyngton,Lord Dclaware, Sir Nicholas Carew,

E. of Cumberl. Lord Wyndeor. Sir WillxPaulet.

The E. of Northumb. Lord Moncaugu, Sir Ri. Sachcvcrell, i


Lord Wyndeor, Sir Will. Kyngon,

E. ofHuntyngton.Lord Delaware. Sir John Gage.

Sir Henry Goulford,

The E. o NorthumbLord Delaware, Sir Nicholas Carew,

E.o HuntyngtomLord Montaugu, Sir Tho. Chcyny,
E. of Cumberl. Lord Rochord. Sir ]0hn Gagc.

After due Coniltation the Nomination being made, and the Day following
delivered by the Regier to the Kings Majely, the Sovereign himelf before
Mas rwent into the Chapter, 'where by the Conent of the aid honourable


387 ~


ih Anno vicemo quarto H E N RI CI Oiiavi.

Societatem,_' Northumbri-t Comitem, praecipens ei Subligar atque imagi

P. isr- ncmi Divi Georgii cum cazteris inignibus contradi, qui maxime gratula.
bundus accepit. _ Pronunciatum e inqper cum per prazdictos nobiles eo-'

dem-eptimo tltaiiv in (Edern Wndeori uam_ introducendum, uri Com.

inio facta demonraret. ,
, Deinde [Zptimo die Maii Conies clectus, [ier Vicecomitem Lyzle, 8:
Dominum Sandys -( juramenro, prout moris e, libentcr accepto) hono

'riice in "' edem- foam e conitutus,

Ibidcm Statuta queedam unt ob lturam Pulpiti ac Larernx ructu
ram, quz latius in Carthula inde cohfecta continentur.
i Anno vice/imo Quarta metuendirni Regis Henriei Obiavi, at eodem Apri

Iis die, Grenerttgyvchite Concilium el; habitum: in quo " praelbntibus cum
Majeate Regia Northfolcite ac Southfblcite Ducibus, Marchione Eetonien,
Comitibus Arundellite, Northutnbrite, Suexite, Oxonite, Rutlandite, Wyll

chiritez Vicecomitc Lyzle, Dominis Montjty, Sandys, se Domino Gulielmo

F tzvylliams, determinatum e proximam Divi Georgii feivitatem duo
ogcimo Maii po Windcori celebrandam: in qua Comes Arundellite Su
Perons he elefied the 1 Earl of Northumberland into this
noble Society, *
ordering the Garter and George 'with the other Badges to be delivered to him,

which' he received with the greate Joy.

It was alt declared, that he hould

be inalled by the aforeaid noble Perons on the aid eventh of May at

Wyndelor, as the Commiion given for it Shews.

Thereupon on the eventh of May the Earl elebi, (having r willingly ta-_

hen the Oath as ucal) m: honouraby "' inalled

Lord Sandys.

the Vicount Lyllc and

There were al/b ome Statutes made for the future- building of the Lantern
up; which are contained more at large in the Inrument thereuponi

the twenty
of April,
Tear of
a Chapter
the mowas
at Henry
the Eighth,
in which
the Duhes of Northfolk and Suolk, the Marauei of Excter, the Earls of
Arundel, Northumberland, Suex, Oxford, _ Rutland, Wylthire, Vi
count Lyle, the Lords Montjoy, Sandys, and Sir William Fytzwylliams
it was determined, That the next Fea of St,
' being preent with the

George hould be hept the twelfth of May following at Wyndebr, in which

the Earl of Arundel hould

the Place of the Sovereign, and have the

I Hem Percy inalled on 6_ May, the Eve of the erted in the Appendix n. viii.

Pea/i, in t e 6th of the Princes Sidegoacant by theTran-

n The Compier hath omitted the Name of the Lord

lation of the Earl of Arundel to the filth, upon Re-

Bergavenny, who war prnz at this' Chapter as the

'not/al of the Duhe of Suolk, to the ourth of thi: Ceremonial informs m' in

. 17- in O. Arm. which

Side void byrtbe Death of the Marqm r Doret, the will be placed in the Append- n. ix. In this nto 24.
was hept
at thefrom
pointed by
H. Vlll.
13, itStlh
was o enaled
that none
but the [Gxg
here atnamed
as appears
of &e.
houlde. near
* the Colour
of Purpure,

the Ltgriee among the Hera/dr', v,

vided that Word exte
e rmed-try o bit Inallarion is in a M - of der of the Garter.

Sir Edward Dering drone: I. 5. 3. which will e in: _

not to any Mote/i of the Or



Actazth jlnno oiccmo quarto H EN R I C I Octaoi.


premi vicem gereret, Rutlandite Comitcm, Vicecomitem Lyz/e, Domi

num Montjoj, &e. Dominum Gnlielmttm Fjtzwy/Iiams Collcgas habiturus.
Illic c ctiam tcrminacum, quod edes Domini Dndley jamdudum mor

tui, e placito Regis, vacua pendcret.

Simul abitntcs excuiiti unt, quot

quot in paribus cauis antc olebant.

Ejudem anni roioemo eptimo die Oohris, Giortii (Eu (quod uitatius
c) Caliii factum e 0 cclcberrimum hujus Ordinis (_I0ncilium-, in quo

cum regali Majcatc prazcntcs, Francions Rex Gallorum illurimus, no

bilcs Rychmonndize, Northfoloiee, ac Southrloize Duces ; Marchio Exonienis;
Comites Arnndellize, Rutlandite, Oxonize; Vicecomes Lyz/e, Dominus Sanj P.

djs, 8: Dominus Gulielmus Pj-tzrtzprlliams ad edcs tum Windeort' vacuas '>

Rex Gaorurn,


Ducem Vandttttne,
Com. Beanmonnte,

Dom. Brahazenlj, Dom. Joh. Monnte,

Dom. Hnmers, Dom. Harmihalt,

Com. Nemhlanee.

Dom. Rochcford. Dom. Boj/j.

Com. Beamnonnte,
Dux Rjchmoundite' ' Com. Nervhlanee,
Com. Derhja.

Dom. Montattgn, Dom. Meh. Caron',

Dom. Laware,
Dom. Powis.

Dom- Tho. Cheny,

D. Egid. Strangmieh.

Earl of Rutland, Vlolmt Lyle, Lord Montjoy, and Sir William Fytz

wylliams for his Collegues.

There it rwas alb determined, That the Stall of Lord Dudlcy, A'who had heen
dead a <good rwhi/e, hould continue roaoant at the King's PIeaZtre; at theame

Time the ahent were excuzd, as they had heen ued formerly on the Ii/te Aej

an thetwenty izventh Day of Octobcr the hine Tear, a my! 0 glorious

Chapter 'of this Order was held at Giors, or (which is more ued) at Calais,
in which the my? illnirious Francis King of France, the noh/e Duhes of Rych
mond, Northfolk and Southolk, the Marqmjs of Exeter, the Earls of

Arundel, Rutland, Oxford, the Vtoount Lyle, Lord Sandys, and Sir William
Fytzwylliams heing pree-nt with the King, did to the StaI/s then roaeant' at


The King of France,


The D. of Vend0me,L. Brabazenly,

Count BeaumonteLord Humers,


Sir John Mounte,

Lord Harmibalt,

C. Newblance. Lord Rochford. Lord Boyy.

The C. Beaumonte, Lord Montaugu, Sir Nicholas Carcw,
The D. of Rychmond, C. Newblancc, Lord Laware, Sir Tho. Cheney,

Earl of Derby. Lord Powis.

Sir Giles Strangwicbi

o This Enter-view between the King of Es/iigland and military Order, o it was thonght probper to conferr the
was performed
with great
and ame
the mo I-ohliging
on both
p. 88.] on two 0f their St' 1tcts, I" Infra:
others, as thoe rinees were companions of each others





p -

Acta th Anno nicento quarto

H E N R I C l Octaoz.


Dux Ahrthfoleia,

Com. Beeumounte,

Dom. Manna-gy; Dom. Roh. V/jnh-Id,

Com. Newhlante,

Dom. Law-ire,

Com. Derhja.

Dom. Hjndeore. Dom. Gut. Kgngjion.

Com. Betumounte,
Com. Nervhlanee,

Dom. Montjo),
Dom. Lamare,

Dom. lFVi/I. Kyngon,

Dom. Job. Gaage,

Com. Vygornia.

Dom. Potvit.

Dom. Roh- Vjnhfeld.

Com. Beatmtounte,

Dom. Montaugu, Dom. Ate-et. chew,

Dux Soatlzfoleia,

Matchio Exaniens, Com. Alewhlanee,

Corn Vygornie.

Com. ldrttndelliz,

Dom. Nieh. Caratr,

Dom. Lanvare,

Dom. Tho. Chgn),

Dom. Pawis.

Dom. Joh- Ruel/z

Dom. IVithO. Cerom,

Com. Beoumounte,
Com. Netvhlanee,

Dom. Montaugu, Dom. Matt. Brown,

Com. i/Vjgernta.

D. Dekar: Aura. Dom. Joh. Gadge.

Com. Nemhlenee,

Dom. Montaugu,
Latvare, Dom.
Dom. Jctoh.

Vicecomes Lyzle,
Com. Comherlandit. D. Dd/ear: Anraz Dom. Gxd. Kpngon.

P. 263.

Com. Rlmdit,

Com. Beaamonnte,

Dom. Montaugu, Dom. Egistrangttzyth,

Com. New/dance,

Dom. Laware,

Com. Comheriendia. Dom. Fame's.

Com. Oxonienfis,

Dom. Nieh. Caron',

Dom. Gul. Poaet.

Com. Beaumounte,

Dom. Mantaugu, DomaNieh. Corone,

Com. Netvhlanee,

Dom. Latvare,

Com. Wjgornia.

Dom. Potvis.

Dom. Ri. Saehevere, .

Dom. Tho. Chqnj.

The Count Beaumontc Lord Montaugu, Sir Rob. Wynkeld,

Duke of Northolk,

C. Newblance, Lord Laware,

E. of Derby.

Deal-e of suoik,

The C. Beaumonte, Lord Montjoy, Sir Will. Kyngon,

C. Ncwblancc, Lord Laware, Sir John Gadgek
E. of Worceer. Lard Powis.
Sir Rob. Wynkfeld.

The C. Beaumonte,
Margre of Excter,

C. Newblance,

Lord Montaugu, Sir Nicholas Carew,

Lord Laware,

E. of Worceer. Lard Powis.

The C. Beaumonte, Lord Laware,

Ear! of Arundel,

Sir Nicholas Carew,

Lord Wyndeor. Sir Will. Kyngon.

C. Newblance,

Sir Tho. Che ny,

Sir John Ru ell.

Sir Nicholas Carew,

Lard Montaugu, Sir Match. Brownc,

E. of Worceer. L. Dak.of South. Sir John Gadge.

Vtoant Lye,

The C. Beaumonte, Lard Montaugu, Sir Nicholas Carew,

Sir John
E. of
Cumberl. Lord
L. Dak.of
Will. Ruell,
The C. Beamonte,

Earl of Rutland,

C. Newblance,

Lord Montaugu, SirGiles Strangwych,

Lord Laware,

E. of Cumberl. Lord Powis.

Earl of Oxford,

Sir Nich. Carew,

Sir Will. Pollet.

The C. Beaumonte, Lord Montaugu, Sir Nicholas Cat-eve,

C. Ncwblance, Lord Lawarc, Sir Ric. Sacheverell,
Et of Worcccr. Lord Powis.
Sir Tho. Cheyny.

<_. ___.-- -'-_*_\._


Acta ub jlnno nice/into' Quarta

Com. Beatemounte,

Com. Beattmounte,
D. Gill. lfytznyL/iams, Com. Newblance,

Com. Vygarnia.


Dom. Illontaugu, Dom Nicb. Cat-out,

Com. Nemblance,
Dom. Laware,
Com. Contberlattdia. Dom. Powitt

Dom. Sandys,

Dom. Tho. Chejny,
Dom. Anth. Brotvne;

Dom. Montaregtt, Dom. Nich. Carotv,

Dom. Latvare,

Dom.- Tho. Chejnj,

Dom. Potvis.

Dom. Anth. Brownes

, Nominatione ad hunc modum olennicer act Rcx invictimus 8;"

hujus illurimi Ordinis Supremus, cum aznu cxterorum, duos il

lures i: Gallia" viros, P Anne Memorancite Comitem de Beaumounte," ac

magnum (uti vocant) Magirum : ac 9 Philippum Chabot Comitem de

The C. Beaumonte, Lord Montaugu, Sir Nicholas Carew,
Lord Sandys,

C. Newblance, Lord Laware,

Sir Tho: Cheyny,

E. of Cumberl. Lord Powis.

Sir Anthony Brown.

The C. Beaumonte, Lord Montaugu, Sir Nicholas Carew,"

Sir W. Fytzwilllams,

C. Newblance,

Lord Laware,

E. of Worceer. Lord Powis.

Sir Tho. Che ny,

Sir Anthony town.

The Nomination being tlemnly made after this Manner the moi inrtcttincible
King and Sovereign of this mo illurions Order, with the Aznt of the re,

cbo two illurious Frenchmen, P Anne Memorancie Count de Beaumonte,

and great Maer (as they call hint) and 9 Philip Chabot Count de Newblance,
Church of the Celeins in Paris is incribed 'a tri
lity of he: Birth, and for is Prudence, conduct, and ** plici torquatqrum Equirum torque a tribus in
Honour, in the Execution of the mot' important O *' ignitus Regibus." Laboureur les Tombeaux p;
ce: may be connlted at large in Du Chene Hi- Ge 53, who cannot dicover the third Order, his Name
neal. de Montmorenc p- 387, 8: en preuves p. 279. not occur-ring among the Knight: of the Golden Fleece.
Thee two Kni his nere inveted with the Gtllttr upon
280, where are the Iuments relating to his Accept
in the
Account of
of Thomas
'itnce of this Order an his Inallztion, inerted in the their
well Eletiions,
Eq; Ma eror and
the ewtlltCrum
in 24.,
Append. n. x. Le Laboureur en les Tombeaux exhi
its his Arms, as alo thoe of Chabor, encompaed H- VIll i: thtt Entry. a A Collout o Garters of
with the Collar o St. Michael, allurrounded with the 'c golde with a George of dgolde to the ame, coni
Garter, which is contrary to the Poition of Mr. Ahm " teynnyng xxii-Garters an xvii laices knytte to-,
Rule, that Place,
the neare
to thetheScut
morea honourable
En *' gethers, weing xl unces iii quart. dint. i d. oh;
'* weight at xli s. iiii d. the unce iixxii iiii l.xii s.
i n of the mo ancient Order hould be nearet' the a vii d- dclyvered to the Duke of Norfolk for
bield, and remarh: it A: a Miake, that in the Plate " and in clere rocompence of a like collour of
of the Duheg Chevereux the Collars of St. Michael u Garters of the ame weight borrowed of hym at
and of the oly Ghoi are nearer to his Ecutcheon 'i Ca/es and yeven by the Kings heighnes to the
than the Garter, which i: contra) to the Method in the " graund Maier of Fraunce at the making of hyrn
Arm: of the Dahe of Epernon, where the Garter is 3 of' the noble Order of the Garter as appereth in
nithin the other Collars. 'Tis the Practice indeed to u this booke heraer weing the weight aforeaid,
Place the Co/Ltr of St. Michael next the Shield, and a And the fahion and makyng of the aid Col
that of the Holy Gho without it, and thence probably '4 lour of Garters and the George to' the ame v. i.
Mr. Ahmole laid down this Obervation. The Col " lxxxixl. xii t. vii d.
letlor hnows no Determination made in this Matter,
" [tent a Coullour of Garters of golde with _a
and can only add that he hath een a Print or Piiiure " George of Golde to the ame conteynnyng xxii
of the Duhe of Norfolk, where the Gartcr a next. to '4 Garters and xxii laces knytte togethirs latte Suj
the Ejeurcheon, and the whole encornpa ed with the Col *' Henry Gu/deford weing xxii oz', iii qrt. dlm: at
lar of St. Michael. 'The Ritual o the Htneral of '* xli s. iiii tLthe oz-amounts in money to lxx l. u d.;
this mo noble Knight is publihed Addit. aux Me a delivered to the Duke of Suolh in recompence
moirs de Callelnau p. 549, where les Gentilhom " of' and For a couliour of Garters of golde with
mes porrans le Manreau de FOIdre de Frttnce,l'or " a George of Goldc to the ame borowed of hym
dre 8: le manreau &Angleterre. and the Garter i: " at Caes, and yeven by the Kings heighnes to the
buck/ed on the left Leg of his Egiet upon his Monu. 5' Admyral of' France a: the makyng of hym of'
a the high Ordre of the Garter as agperdeth m
q The Life of thit Peron, who went throu h a Vi 44 this boke hereaer in Oflober anno xxuu.
Thee lnlruments are inerted at length, to hew there
ctude of Fortune 'my be conulted in Ane m, Mo
Du Chen
du Saint
. 92.inHi.
de Chaiillon
p- l'ordre
491, &e.
his Thzmb
the wax a Dierence in the H/eght of thee Collars.
p 'The Life of this Pergon illurioas for the Nabi



Actaub Anno vicemo quinto H E N R I C I Octavi,

Newhlaunce, ac maris (uti nominant) Admimldum, in conortium ac fra

cernitatem memoranclx hujus ocietatis Clegit.

Serenimi Regis Henrici OEZaviAnnO vice/imo quinto, die Sancti Georgii',

qui cum Rege tum przrentes erant diveri nobiles, Grenewychia Conci

lium inierunr: ubi complacuit celebritateln hujus Sancti Martyris, uti

die Maii
Vyndehri tenendam
in qu Qotnes
8: uaspo
Lyzle: Domini
Ferrers : 8: Dominus Gulielmus Pytzvylliams.
P. 264.

Qiibus e etiam inde cta

commio, quit nobiles Gallos, Comites de ' Beaumounte ac '* Newblaunce,

per procuratores (juramcnto prius accepto) in edes uas Wyndehri olen

nirEr introducerent, caeteraque ad decus atque honorem Ordinis pectan

tia rite perimplerent.

QJQZ quidem omnia przenobiliter ipi factitabant

cum dies aguatus illuxiet.

Coram hiis in eodem Wyndeori conceu, lectee unt literx Regis, qui

bus ablentes excuati unt.

Poridie celebritatis dum olennis Mll. pro defuns ageretur, Domini

Henrici Gouhord penilia olenni ritu unt oblata.

(as they
term it) of thei Sea into the Campanian/hilt) and Fraternit]

In the twenty fth Year of the my? erene King Henry the Eighth, o'
St. Georgds ' Day, divers noble Perons who were then with the King, held a
Chapter at Grenewych, where it was retl-ved, That the Fea of this holy
Martyr, as uital, hould be held on the eighteenth of May following at
Wyndeor, in which the Earl of Eex houldpreide, and the Ithount Lyllc,

Lords Darcy, Ferrers, and Sir William Fytzwylliams hould a.

And a

(Iommion was thereupon given to them for the blemn introducing of the
French Noblemen the Counts de ' Beaumonte and '4 Newblance, by their Proxys,


taleen the Oath) into their Stalls at Wyndeor, and fbr the due

performance of all other Things relating to the Splendour and Dignity of the
Order; all which indeed they did in a very noble Manner when the appointed
Day came on.

Before them in the izid Chapter at Wyndeor were read the IGngs Letterr,

whereby the ahent were excud.

The Day after the Fedl, whil Masfor the dead was celehrating, the Hatch
of Sir Henry Goulrctord were oired up in a it/eum Manner.
r 'The Flora/ds' in their Partition o] the largec en- Bergavenny attended in hit Stearl.
:er_, that there were preent on the King's Side the Mrt In/lalled in the xth o the Sovereigm Side 'boil
out! Of Exetenthtr/e of Suzx, ther/e oRutlantl and by the Death of the Lor Dudlcy, by his ProEZor
Sir William Fitzwilliam treaorer o] the hou/hold, 'm Anne of Courtncy Kn' ht Lord of ViJlert, de Le
thother Sytle the Duke Norfolk, tlverh- of Arundel, time and if Montbau dron.
'heLord Bergavcny, 'herle of Wilthire.
u Inalled in the xiuth on the Prince? Side, void I),

l [l_ APPt-m II] 'lit Entry of the dividend (gtbt lttr- the Death of Sir Henry GUilFOrd, by his Protlor la
gF/h' given to tlJt Here/ds by this Earl of

ex then

ques Dechaloners Knight Lord of (Lhalerlois> Beau

Preitlmt, that the Vicoum jle mentioned in 'hit En- lieu, and Bountiere.

it) w!" 'lot am qf 'he A/Iitaatt, but that the Lord ]


jlctatth Anno vicemo exto H E N R I CI Octavi.


Anno vice/imo exto ptxclatimi Regis Henrici Oavi, ub ipo Divi P- 265
Georgii feo, Grene-uychice Concilitltn e habitum: in quo variis hujus

Ordinis Equitibus cum Reoia tum Majeate prxiantibus, Statutum e;

quod anniverlaria Patroni (Zi celebritas Wyndcori decimo eptimo Maii po

exhiberetur: 8; ut inclytus Juvenis, Rychmoundia Dux metitinms Su

ptemi vicem ibi geretet, praznobilem Northfolcia Ducem, Marchioneln
Exonienem, Con1itexn Northumhria, 8: Dominum Burgaunia lateri uo co

Pulatos habcns.

(Potquot alioquin abeent, illic ore Regio 65 poea literis ejus excu

at1 unt.

Hii ipi nobiles prazignati poea vice/imo iptimo Maii congtedientes

I/I/yndeori, 8: riru celeberrimo olennitatem exequentes, inibi Concilium

inierunt 5 in quo de multis ac variis rebus colloquuti unt, de pecuni

prxertim in novam tbrican] a ingulis Commilitotlibus ante ptomiia.
Cujus negotium variis hine inde verbis agitatum ad Regiam denique Ma

jcatem cenuerunt referendutn.

ln eodem congreu, quia Caduciator Regius enecta laborans 85 gravi
languore victus aberat, ad quem icl ocii pertinuerat, prxnobhs North

folcia Dux jpe: il manu po Magiri Sydnori mortem, x Roherto Al

per Rcgiam
ctljus orma
cxteris omnibus
6: prius
ac poerisobtulit,
oerenda uo poi in Ioco atuetur.

In the twenty ixth Year of the mo nohle King Henry the Eighth, on
St. Georgds Day, a Chapter was held at Grenewych, in whic various
Knights of the Order heing preent with the King, It was ordained, That the
Armiverary Fea of their Patron hould he kept at Wyndeot the eventeenth'
of May following, and that the nohle Thuth, the mo deervin Duke of Rych

mond hould tpply' the Sovereigifs Place, having the mo noh e Duke of Nor

folk, the Marques of Exeter, the Earl of Notthumberland,

Lord Bgt

gaveny for his Aants.

The others who hould he ahhnt were excuZ-d hy the Kings Mouth, anatafter
lIvardsi hy his Letters.
Thel- nohle Perons hefore appointed convening afterwards on the twenty e

venth of May at Wyndeot, and keeping the Fea in a mo glorious Man

ner, held there a Chapter, wherein they conferd ahout many and various Things,

particularly ahout the Money formerly promied hy every of the Knights Compa
nions towards the new Fahrick, which Matter after large Dehates thereon they

at la thought proper to refer to the King.

At the ame Chapter, hecate the Kings Herald was ahiznt, heing worn out
with Age and reduced hy a grievous Decay, to whom that Oce belonged, the

mo nohle Duke of Northolk himelf with his own Hand tendered the Oath
to 'V Robert Aldtydge, lately choe Regi/ler hy the King, after the Death of

Maer Sydnor, the Form whereof; as formerly tenderied to all others of that
Qice, and to he tendered likewie to uch as ucceed hereafter, hall he put af
wards in its Place.
x Who complied this Regler ee lntrod. p. _24.





Acta uh Anno oieemoxto H E N R I C I Octa-vi.

Eodem ereniimi Regis Anno 8: Januantii nice/imo, Po certo relatam

P. 266.

atque acceptam mortem Domini Montjoy, unius ex E uitibus clarimi '

hujus Ordinis, initum e Concilium apud prxclaras a: es Regias Wzmo

naerii: Ubi cum Regia Majeate tum przeentes inclyti Duces Rychmoun
dize, Northfolcize ac Southfolciaz; Comes Northumhrice, &t. Dominus Guliel
mits Fytzwylliams aliorum abentia per Clementiam Regis excuata, 8: vin

culo Statuti de debito numero nominantium ob loci 8: temporis exigen

tiam vper eandem clementiam relaxato, in locum nobilis viri jarn defuncti
Regem Scotie,

Dom. l/Vyndeor, Dom. Roh. Wjn/zld,

D. Gul. Fytzwylliams, Com. Wygornie,

Com. Cornherlandi-e.

Regem Scotia,
Com. Northumhria, Com. Comherlandia,
Com. Derhya.
Regem Stottite,

Dux Sonthfolcia,


Dom. Cobham,

Dom. Gul. Kyngon,

Dom. Powes.

Dom. Gut. Pollet.

Dom. Rochford, Dom.Gal. Cartney,

Dom. Montangu, Dom. Anth. Browne,

Dom. Delarvar.
Dom. Pomes,

Dom. Tho. Cheyny.

Dom. Gnl. Pellet,

Com. l/Vjgornie,
Dom. Wjnde/br, Dom. Rob. Wrynlzfeld,
Com. Comherlandia. Dom.Latymer. Dom. Gul. Kjngon.

Dom. Montaugu, Dom. Gul. PoHet,

Regem Stotia,
Com. Derhya,
Com. l/Vjgornia.

Dux Northfoleia,

Dom. Roihord, Dom. Nith. Carom,

Dom. Vyndebr. Dom. Gul. Kyngon.

In the hine That of the mo erene King, and the twentieth of January af
ter a certain Account heing hrought and received of the Death of Lord Mont

joy, one of the Knights of this 'no/i nohle Order, a Chapter was held at the
King's magnticent Palace of Weminer, where the renowned Duhes of Rych

mound, Northfolk, and Suolk, the Earl of Northumberland, and Sir

William Fytzwylliams were preZ-nt with the King : The Ahence of others
was excued hy the Kings Clemency, and the Ohltgation of the Statute ahout a
proper/Number of Knights to nominate, heing on Account of the Exigence of

the P ace and Time dipenced with hy the ame Clemency, they in Stead of the
nohle Peron deceaed '

The K, of Scotland, Lord Wyndeor, Sir Rob. Wynkeld,

Sir Wliytzwylliams,

E. of Worceer, Lord Cobham, Sir Will. Kyngon,

E. of Comberl. Lord Powis.

Sir Will. Pollet.

The K, of Scotland, Lord Rochord, Sir Will. Courtney,

Earl of Not-thumb.

E. of Comberl. Lord Montaugu, Sir Anthony Brown,

E. of Derby.

Lord Delaware. Sir Tho. Cheyny.

The K, of Scotland, Lord Powis.

Dn/eeof Suolk,

Sir Will. Pollet,

E. of Worceer, Lord Wyndeor, Sir Rob. Wynkfeld,

E. of Comberl. Lord Latymer. Sir Will. Kyngon,

The K, of Scotland, Lord Montaugu, Sir William Pollet,

Duke ty" Northolk,

E. of Derby,
Lord Rochord, Sir Nicholas Carew,
E. of Worceer. Lord Wyndeor. Sir Will. Kyngon.

Acta uh Anno nieemo eptimo H E N R I C I Octaoi.

Dux Rjehmoundia,

Regem Stotia,

Dom. Ro-ehbrd, Dom. Gul. Curtney,

Rcgem Portugalia,

Dom. l/Vjndebr,

Dom. Anth. Brotvne,

Com. Derby-e.

Dom. Dakars.



Supremus allatam ad e Nominationem perpendens, e veigio Regem P. 267.'

Scotiee, jam pra? czrteris pronunciavit eligendum, nec mora, cum nobilis
ac magnanilnus juvenis Gultelmus Dominus 1 Haward Orator ad cum e

grati mittitur, quem ac a Garterus Rex Armorum ob illud ipum cum

debitis inrumentis e illico ecutus 4.

Anno invictimi Regis Henrici Ohia-"zti vice/imohptimo, die Sancti Georgii

Martyris, illuriitni Ordinis Patroni, ub veleris, initum ell: Grenewy

chite Concilium, prxentibus ibi cum Regia Majeate nobilibus hujus Or

dinis Equitibus, Marchione Exonite, Comitibus Arundel/ice, Exia, Ruz
landize, Oxonize, V/jrlclyrize, 8: Domino Gulielmo Pjttaznrlliatns: in quo de
cretum e olennitatem ejus Divi nona die Maii equence, Wyndeori de
more tenendam. Utque Southfolcia- Dux inclytus, qui tunc minus ade
rat, Supremi locumibi uppleret, ibi conjunctos habens, Arundellia Co
mitem, Comitem Suexize, Dominum Burgaunia: 8: Dominum Sandjs.

The Ki, of Scotland, Lord Rocheord, Sir Will. Courtney,

Duke of Rychmond,

I<,. of Portugal, Lord Wyndeor, Sir Anthony7 Brown,

Earl of Derby. Lord Dakars.
Sir GilesStrangwych.

The Sovereign looking o-oer the Nomination hrought him, declared immediately

the King of Scotland to he eleed hefore the re, and without Lol' of Time
the nohle and magnanimous Tbuth Lord William 7 Haward is ent Emhaador to
him, whom P Garter King of Arms followed immediately with the proper In
ruments for that Purpoe 4.

In the twenty eventh TZar of the mo in-ztineihle King Henry the Eighth,
on the Day of St. George the Martyr, Patron of the mo illurious Order, at
Vapers a Chapter was held at Grenewych, there heing preint with the IGng
thee nohle Knights of the Order, the Margues of Exeter, the Earls of Aruni
del, Eex, Rutland, Oxford, Wyllchyre, and Sir William Fytzwylliams,

wherein it was ordered, That the Fea of that Sainf hould as uual he kept

at Wyndeor on the ninth of May following, and that the renowned Duke
of Suolk, who was not then preent, hould tpply the Sorvereigns Place,
ha-ving the Earl of Arundel, Earl of Sulltx, Lord Burgavenny, and Lord
Sandys for his Ateiates.
y The Inructions for this Purpoe are printed in

reign? Side upon the Tranlation of the Duke of Rich

Ahm- App.-n. cii.

mond, Where his Plate ill remains.
z- Garter King o Arms mentioned in the former
He was a companion alo o the Golden Fleece and
Tear to he la ui] ing aith Age was Sir Thomas
Mlriotheey, w o died on 4 Nov- 1524, and Tho-

of St. Michael, and he conantly kept the Feinals of

thee three Orders with their due Solemnitiet. Thevet

mas Wal] ucceeded him by Patentdated 9 December vies des hommes illutr. p. 395. Menen. delic.

The Narrative of the Manner of the RectTIian o

thoe Enigns h) this James V. King of Scot and, te

Equer- p. 148-

a In the Beginnirtg of the Annals of this Rei n,

there is very fairly limned the Repreentation of thegb

preerved in a M. belonging to Sir dw. Deting Ba- tri-reign and companions in Chapter, and likewie in a
ronet, L. s. 3. placed in the Appendix n- xi.
Proeeon acribed to 'hie 26th Tear, which will he ex
Tltis King was inalled in the third of the Sone- plained in the Appendix n- xii.



Acta ub Anno vicemo eptimo H E N RI C I Octavi. 7

Et quoniam hinc hii omnes aberant, juae unc Literx cribi, quibus
admonerentur, quid hic conitutun) fucrac, 8: quid ab eis ihc factum
In eodem congreu Supremus, quoniam przrluris Scotorum Rex jam

pridcm in hunc Ordinem- acitus crat, qui 8: cdcm uze Cclitudjni con-r

gruzun habcrc debuit, cum unanimi cxtcrorum aenu cdes nobilium

tranionendas ce ccnuit, ic nimirum ut ille Rcx Regi Romanorum pro;

ximam obrinerct, 6: caetcri deinccps, ut c vium Regia: Majeati. Qlod

86 b Gartero rincipali Regi Armorum pcrimplendunl Rex impouir, cui
01) id dam: unt licerae ad Collegium.

Suprcmus ibiden] 'non olum eos, qui nunc abcrant si ui prazcntia,

ed 8: eos qui tunc illic ade: deberent, preter jam nominatos 8: ad ced

lebritatem obervandam agnatos, pro excuatis haberi voluit.

P. 268.

Eodem Anno nono die Maii erqucntis, pcracta c fciva Divi Georgii
olcnnitas H/yndeirti; cui ex dccreto Greneruychize prius facto, praeuit in

clytus Dux Southfolcize, eo temporc ibi conjunctos habcns przrnobiles hu

jus illurimi Ordinis ArundelIi-e, Suxize, 8: Ormondia ac l/Vyxlichyrice Co
mites, 8: prxclarum Dominum Sandye, a Cubiculo Regis.

Ubi tum deprchenus e abe: Dominus Bnrgawny, in Concilio Grene

wychien/i prius in hunc numerum agnatus. At gravis inrmitas illius

lit, quam 85 invictimo Principi hujus Ordinis Supremo, ante caui


And foramuch ax they were all abent, Letter: were ordered to be wrote to

admonih them of what was here ordained, and what they were to do there.

In the ame Chapter the Sovereign, ince the King of Scotland had been for
ome Time elehiled into the Order, and ought to have a Stall uitable to hie
Highne, thought proper with the Aent vof' the re, that the Stallr of the
Nobility hould be tranyoed, o a: that King hould have the Stall next to the
King of the Romans, and the other: in uch order from it, a: eemed good

to the King's Mtfjy.

l/Vhich the King laid upon Garcer principal King of

Arms to execute, to whom Letters were given for that Purpoe to the
Colle e.

The Sovereign there excued not only thoe who were now away from his
Preence, but thoe al/b' who ought to have been preent, beides thoe already
named and agned for heeping of the Feiroal.

The ame Year on the ninth of May following, the Fee of St. George
was oberved at Wyndcor, where according to the Order before made at
Grenewych the renowned Du/ee of Suolk Apreded, having at that Time

for his Aiciatee, the mo noble Knight: of t e Order, the Earl: of Arundel,
Suex, and Ormund, and Wylchyrc, and the noble Lord Sandys of the
King; Bedchamber.
Here then the Lord Burgaveny was found to be abZ-nt, having been be

fore in the Chapter at Grenewych agned 'for one- of this Number, but hit
Inrmity wax grievous, which he had pleaded before to the mo invincible

Prince Sovereign of the Order -, whoe Place there by the Sovereign; Direction,
y: l ._\

I: See Aihm. p. 323.



Actatth Anno vicemoeptimo H

C I Octavi.


tus erat:
cujus illuris
ibi locum
Supremi Decretum
nutu ultroneq;
juxta vim 8: ten'
norem Staturorum literas ad Deputatum excuitorias curaret Scribzr red
dendas: quarum 8: exemplar ipe decriberct, 8: in ejus excuittioneni In

dici (qui 6: libellus ni er appellatur) deliter (ur aolet) inlhreret.

Illaraz unt ibidem ub igillis authenticis literze ignicantes de Mis
ex Statuto celebratis
Comiris Oxonia pro tribus hiis, Domino Dudle o, Domino Henrico
Goalfordo, 8: Domino Montjojo. At qui, quoad iterae notabanr, pro
anim Domini Henrici Goulfordt' centum ultra debitum celebrari ecerar,

pro animabus aurem Domini Dudleii 8: Domini Montjoii totidem citta.


Ducis Southtleia,

Com. V/ylchjrite

pro anima Do- Com. Eexite,

Com. Suxia

omnes plenti

mini Montjoii

Com. Rutlandize
D. Gul. Ij-tz-'otilliams


Com. Salopia,
Com. Northumhrice'

Sub veperas repetito Coneilio dcnitum e, poridie in Mii pro'

defunis, ini ia Domini Montjoii per nobiles Equires turn proeentes oe

renda : Vexil um per illures Arztndellia 8: V/jlrhjrizt Comites, Enem per

Comitem Suexia 8: Dominum Sandys cubicularium Regis, Galeam vero

cum Appendicibus per Wylchyria 85 Suexia Comites;

Qldd 8: diligen

ret 8: prxrenue perimpletum e, ordine quidque uo.


and his own voluntary good Will, the illurious Earl of Wylllichireepplied.
It was neverthele Enaed, That according to the Fbrce and Dnor of the
Statutes, he hould tahe Care of delivering his Letters of Excuh to the Deputy,
to the Regier, a Copy of which he hould write out, and faithfull ' (as utal)
inert them for his Excul- in the Index, or hlach Booh as it is cal ed.

Letters were aljh there hrought authentically Z-aled, to notijj' the' Ma:
that had heen celebrated according to the Statute.

Thoji of the Earl of Oxford for the/i three, Lord Dudley, Sir Henry
Goulord, and Lord Montjoy; hut as the Letter: oberved, he had caued
an hundred more than due to he celehrated for the Soul of Sir Henry Goulord,

and as man] for the Souls of Lord Dudley and Lord Montjoy.

ofthe D. of Suolk, ofthe E. of Wyllcliire,

For the Soul of
E. of Eex,
E. of Suex,
All to the
Lord Montjoy
E. of Shrewsb.
E. of Rutland,
E.of Northumb.
At I/ejers the Chapter heing re-ajumed it was determined, That the next

Day at the Mafor the Dead, the Hatchments of Lord Montjoy hould he
oered h the nohle Knight: then preent, the Banner h] the illuriou: Earls of
Arunde and Wyllchire, the sword hy the Earl of Suex and Lord Sandys,
Chamherlain to the King, and the Helmet rwith the Appurtenances h) the Ear/i

Wyllchire and Suex, which
eve-ty Thing
' was exactly
_Iiiii and gallantly


P. 239;


398. Actauh Anno oicemo octaoo H E N R I C I Octavi,

Fabricm negotium ad quam ante contributio icta lit, dilatum e:

alias coram Supremo pertractandum.

Praepotentimi Regis Henrici OEiarvi Anno 'vice/imo oEZa-zto, menis au
tem Aprilis die tertio ac Vice/imo, qui 8: tutelari uo Divo tum Georgio a
crandus erat; convenit Grene-uychiam elegans coelectorum Equitum nu

merus, ut feivitatem eam ibi cum Supremo de more concelebrarent.

Erant hii Duces duo: (ex Comites, unus Dominus, alter Eques auratus:
Rychmoundie nimirum ac Northfolcia Duces, Northumhrie vero, I/Vemerlan
landia, Wylztjihyvrize, Suxize, Rutlandia atque Oxonia Comites, Dominus
cum equentis
diei matutinis
ac olpeinni
rite peractis,
8: Dominus
Gulielmus Fytz
* lliams.
Qii prioribus
veperis anteaquam Chorum ingrederentur, ad acellum Regium diverte

runt: ut illic Concilium ordinarium actitarent.

Ubi Supremus interro

gans an ciret prxentium ullus gravem alisiuam ube: materiam, de qua

tune agerent, 8: nemo tale quicquam intu erat: ipi: ubjecit eodem tem
pore iltem duo pertractanda, quorum alterum nullo non anno contigit,
'viz. ut decerneretur quando fore: ejudem Divi feivitas prout ordo a
gitabat V/yndeori celebranda, 8: quinam ad illud ipum deignandi: alte
rum vero quod in Equitis deuncti locum alius eet urrogandus.


decretum e eam celebritatem Wyndeori tenendam toicemo primo Maii ub

i equentis, 8: quod ibi Northumhria Comes Supremi vicem obtineret,
conociatis ei Rutlandia atque Oxonia Comitibus, cum Domino Gulielmo

The Buines of the Fahrick towards which a Contrihution had heen formerly
made, was deferr'd to he treated of at another Time hefore the Sovereign.
In the twenty ei hth Tear of the mo nohle King Henry the Eighth, and

on the twenty thir of April, a Day dedicated to their Patron St. George,

a choice Numher of Knights Companions came to Grenewych to keep that Feli

rval there as uual with the Sovereign. There were two Dttkes, ix Earls, one
Lord, one Knight, viz. The Dukes of Rychmond and Northolk, the Earls

of Northumberland, Wemerland, Wyltchire, Suex, Rutland and Ox

ford, Lord Sandys, and Sir William Fytzwylliams z who after the due
Celehration of the

Vepers of the E-ve, with the Mattins of the following

Day, and the hlemn Sacrice [of the Ma] did at the next Vepers, hefore they
entered the Chair, turn o to the King's Chappel to hold there the uual Chapter.
l/Vhen the Sotoereign demanding whether any Body preent knew of any weighty
Matter which might he then determined, and no Body oered any Thing of that

kind, he then added, that at lea two Things hould he treated of, one of which

happened etoery Year, viz. to determine the Time when the Feet/I of that Saint
hould he kept as Order required at Wyndeor, and the Perons to he agnedfhr
and theit other,
to thitute
a new
One in heStead
the deceaed
was Enacted,
That the
Fea hould
kept atofWyndeor
the Knight.
r of May following, and that the Earl of Northumberland hould then
upply the Sovereign? Place, having for his Collegues the Earls of Rutland

and Oxford, with Sir William Fytzwylliamsi The Earl of Wenrerland


Acta uh Anno vicemo octava H E N R I C I' atte-et.


Eytzwylliams. Ccnperat ad1noneri Wemerlandize Comes, ut 85 is unus

interecet, nii tam urgentia negotia cauatus eet, per quae merito fuerat

excuandus. Decretum e inuper ut veeraruln tune inantium tempore,

Scriba przclentium Equitum in electionem uturi uragia uciperet. Id

quod ultro citroque peteus ac repetens, icut varietas edentium expo

cebat, ipi: ledulo perimplevit: uti zquens hzec debriptio declarabit.

Nominabant enim
Com. Cumherlenelie, Dom. Powes,

p. 279;

Dom. Anth. Browne,

D. Gul. Ijtzttylliarns, Com. Hungngtonie, Dom. Latymer, Dom. Nicho. Caroo,

Com. Vygornia.
Dom. Rochford. Dom. Gul. Pellet.
Regem Portugaliee, Dom. Montaugu, Dom. Nich. Caroo,
Com. Huntyngtonie, Dom. Da/ears,
Dom. Roh. l/Vytzlld,

Dom. Sandys,

Com. Oxonia,

Com.' Derby-e.

Dom. Dalatvare. 'Dom. The. Cheyny.

Com. Derhya,

Dom. Rochford, Dom. Nich-Caroa,

Com. Cumherlandie, Dom. l/Vindtor, Dom. Gul. Kyngon,

Com. Vygornie.
Dom. Cohham. Dom. Tho. Chcyny.
Regern Portugalite, Dom. Mantaugtz, Dom. Nith. Caroo,
Com. Hantyngdonie, Dom. Powes,
Dom. Anth. Bronme,

Com. Rutlandie,

Com. Cmherlandia. Doth. Da/ears.

Com. Derby-e,
Com. Sukxie,

Dom. Gul. Pollet.

Dom. Reehfora', Dom. Nitb. Caroo,

Com. Hunt ngtonia, Dom. Montaagu, Dom. Rob. Wjnkfeld,

Com. Cum erlandia. Dom. Da/ears. Dom. Gul. Kyng/lon.


too was admonihed to be one prej/Z-nt, unles he couldplead uch urgent Aairs

of' Buines as might

ettcui' him. It was alh ordered, That at the Time of

the Vejper: then coming on, the Regi/lerhould tahe the Votes of the Inightspre
ent, for the Eleon of a new' one; which, taleingfrom them on one Side and
. the other, and hach again, as the Variety of the Knights itting required, he

carefully performed, as this following Decription will hew.

For they


The E. of Cumberl.

Sir W. Fytzwylliams,

Lord Sandys,

Lord Powes,

Sir Anth. Browne,

EmfHuntyngtohLord Latymer, Sir Nicholas Carew,

E- of Worceer. Lord Rochford. Sir Will. Pollet.

The K, of Portugal, Lord Montaugu, Sir Nicholas Carew,

Eo/Hunt ngton,Lord Dakars,
Sir Rob. Wynkfeld,
E. of Der y.
Lord Delawar. Sir Tho. Cheyuy.
The E. of Derby,

The Earl ofoxford,


Lord Rochford, Sir Nicholas Carew,

E. of Cumberl. Lord Wyndeor, Sir will. Kyngon,

E. of Worceer. Lord Cobham.

Sir Thot Chcyny

The I(, of Portugal, Lord Montaugu, Sir Nicholas Carew,

Elrl of Rutlad,

E.ofHuntyngton,Lord Powes,

Sir Anth. Brown,

E. of Cumberl. Lord Dakars.

Sir Will. Pellet.

The' E. o Derby,

Earl ty" Suex,

Lord Rochford, Sir Nicholas Carew,

E. HuncyngcOrLLar-i Montaugu, Sir Ro. Wynkcld, *

E- qfCumbcrl. Lord Dakars.
Sir Will. KyngoZ. t



Actauh Anno vice/imo oiiaoo H E N


I Oiiaoi.

Com. Cumherlandia, Dom. Delanvare, Dom. Tho. Cheyny,

Com. Wyltihyria,

Com. Huntyngdonia, Dom. Cohham,

Com. V/ygornia.
Dom. Potves.

Dom. Anth. Browne,

Dom. Nich. Caroo.

Com. Darhya,

Dom Nich. Carao,

Dom. Latymer,

Com. Wemerlandia, Com. CVtmherlaadia, Dom. Montaugte, Dom. EgLStrangwy/b,

r 27!

Com. Hantyngdonia. Dom. Dakars.

Dom. Gul. Pellet.

Com. Huntyngdonia, Dom. Dakars,

Dom. Roh. l/llnkfelde,

Com. Northern-hie, Com. Cnmherlandia, Dom. Latymer,

Dom. Nieh. Caroo,

Com. Derhya.

Dom. Delawar.

Dom. Gul. Curtnq,

Com. Derhye,

Dom. Rochford, Dom. Ntch. Caroo,

Dux Northfoltia,

Com. Huntingdonia, Dom. winde/it', Dom. Gul. Kyngan,

Com. Vgornia.
Dom. Fomes.
Dom. Tho. Cheyny.

Dux Rjchmttrtdtia,

Com. Derhyra,
Com. Wjgornia.

Dom. Roihford,
Delawar, Dom.
D. Egid.
Dom. Dakars. Dom. Aath. Browne.

Acccptam hanc nomenclaturam Sctiba perduxit ad Suprcmum, quit

oportuic reverentii conttadens.

Quam ubi pcrlegit ipe recondidit in

inum. Poridie cum iretut ad lugubre itcticium pro demctorum Equi

tum animabus exequendum, diverterunt ad idem Sacellum: ubi supre

mus educens eandem carthulam, ignicavit multos inibi contineri pra

tnti jam electione ane quem dignimos, at' co tempore ibi vium ut

The E. of Cumberl. Lard Delaware, Sir Tho. Cheyny,

Earl of Wyltchire,

EaHuntyngtomLord Cobham,

Sir Anthony Brown,

E. of Worceer. Lord Powcs.

Sir Nicholas Carew.

The E. of Derby,

Earl of Wemerland,

Lord Latymer, Sir Nicholas Carew,

E. of Cumberl. Lord Montaugu, sirGiles Strangwych,

E. ofHuntyngton-Lord Dakars.
Sir Will. Pollet.

The E. ofHuntyngtomLord Dakars,

Sir Rob. Wynkeld,
E. of Cumberl. Lord Latymer, Sir Nicholas Carew
E. of Northumberl.
E. of Derby.
Lord Delawar. Sir Will. Courmey.
Duke of Northfolk,

The E. of Derby,
Lord Rochord, Sir Nicholas Carew,
E.ofHuntyn t0n,Lord Wyndeor, Sir Will. Kyngon,
E. of Worce er. Lord Powes.
Sir Tho. Cheyny.
The K, of Portugal, Lord Rochord,

Duke of Rychmond,

Sir Nicholas Carew,

E. of Derby,
Lord Delaware, SirGiles Strangwych,
E. ry" Worceer. Lord Dakars.
Sir Anthony Browne. '

This Set of Names heing taken, the Regier hrought to the Sovereign, de

livering it to him vzith all becoming Reverence, and he having petui-d it, put
it in his Boom. The next Day when they were to go to the mournfiul Sacri
ce, which was to he oered for the Souls of the deceaed Knights, they
turned off' to the ame Chappel, where the Sovereign pulling out the aid Pa
per, declared_ that many Perons were contained in it, who were indeed my)

exceeding wort/p' of their preent Choice, but at that Time he thought good



xioi ~

A/ctattb Anne nicemo octaoo H E N R I CI Octavi.

prazeligeretur Dominus 5 Nicholao: Caroo, cum, quod uragiorum nume
rus copioior in illum ezt, tum quod ob generis ac fiama: clatitudinem
8: multa abs le egregie ptazclareque gea percllluam idoneus haberetur. Cu

jus pronuntiationi inguli quique ptatizntes aud incunctanter applause

tunt. Acceritus itaque per Garterum, Be medius duum Nobiliorum 3
prxentibus introductus, humillime coram Supremo procubuit, gratias

immenas agens illi totiquc praeirntize, quod e quidem indignum, ut ii:

putabat, at] decus iud illuriiimi Ordinis aciberc non dettectarent.

quod pra: caeteris multo e dignioribus eligeretur, nil ibi, nihil uis
meritis, aut rebus ullis a i: geis tribuendum, ed regali praeantiaz ce:

terorumque prxentium erga e benevolentia: id unicc acceptum rezrri

oportere, ubique reliqua in eam ipam ententiam peroraet, inigniri
juus e a Supremo, quibus eo loco ac tempore congruebat, cxtera Vvn
dcori perimpleturus.

Eodem anno Maii ubequentis viceimo primo die convolarunt ex de

creto Grenewychien jamdudum ad id electi Wyndeoram, ut prxxam ex
more feivitatem ibi celebrarent, Northumbria videlicet Comes vicem Su
premi gerens, Oxonia ac Rutlandite Comites, 8: Dominus Gulielmus Ifytz

P. 272;

william cum Domino Nicholao Caroo, trabea jam inigniendo in edem

introducendo czeterique Plene coornanclo, quae oportebat etiam upra

that Sir c Nicholas Carew hould be preferred in the Eleion, as well becauE

the large Number of Votes ell upon him, as becauh he was to he deemed
highly tting, by Reaon of the Glory of his 'Family and lReputation, as of his

many excellent and glorious Explotts.

preent aented with Applan.

To which Declaratton every of them then

Being therefore called in by Garter, and intro

duced between two of the Noblemen then pre-nt, he fell down in a mo hum

ble Manner before the Sovereign, returning innite Than/es to him, and the
whole Preence, for that they had deigned to admit him, unworthy as he thought

himizlf, into the Honour of the mo illulrious Order, and now that he was
choe before others much worthier than himelf, it was not at all to be acribed
to himelf, to his Merits, or to any Aons of his, but was by him to be al
ways achnowledged, as only owing to the King's excellent Goodnes, and the

good Will of the others who were preent towards him; and when he had ha
rangued further to the ame Purpoe, he was ordered by the Sovereign to be

enigned withuch Badges as were proper at that Time and Place, being to coin:
plete every Thing eli- at Wyndeor.

In the lime Tear on the twenty r Day of May fhllowing, according to -'
the Order made at Grenewych, thoe who had been long before choe for that

Purpoi', reorted to Windeor to keep the fore-appointed Feival there as utal,

viz. The Earl of Northumberland Deputy to the Sovereign, the Earls of Ox-v
ford and Rutland, and Sir William Fytzwylliam with Sir Nicholas Carew,
who was to be now enrobed, inalled, and adorned al/h with all Things eyi
e See Memoirs of his Ltfe in the Introd. p. 249.





'cta uh Anno vicema nona H E N R I C I Octavi.

cdem ac caput ejus conitutis, ub primis autem veperis quando con-1
grediendum erat ad divina faciencla, quxdam Vertigo intempeiva capitis

ac reliqua totius corporis inirmitudo ic Deputatum inceerat ut minus di

vinis interee poie crederetur. Qize res aliis crupulum injecit quidnam

ultra foret agendum: Nam citta Deputati praeentiam non e vium ul

tra e po: progredi, neque przrter novam Supremi auchoritatem alterum
rite ubitui. Cumque media controveria verteretur, ic apiravic Apollo,
uc valecudinarium ipiorum przentia: reicueret, 8: ad omnia ram vigi

li quam die commode przeanda conrmaret: Sub primas autem veie

tas, po matutinas 8: ante ecundas item veperas initum c Concilium
in veibulo.

Ubi primum illatae unt literx quibus atteatum e quod

anima Equitis
deuncti quam,
&cta compietaque
agi coepitpro
de reiiqua
templi fiabric,
ut emper ance,
tuierunt ad Regia? Majeatis voluntatem : nii quod Northumhria Comes
8: Oxonize, uas uterque quinque marcas intra eundem annum depenu
ros annuerunt.
Poremo conventum e uc poridie ub exequiali (Zicriicio Comes Oxo
nice 85 Rutlandia vexillum deuncti proerrent oerendum. Dominus Gu
lielmus Pytzwylliams 8: Dominus Nicholaus Caroo Gladium &: rurum duo
priores Galeam.

Iliurimi Regis Henrici Ofiavi Anno roiceimo nona, Aprilis autem die

that ought, which were placed over his Stall and Head.

But at the

Vipers when they were to meet for celehrating divine Service, an uneaonahle
Dizzinel- of the Head, and a Faintnejs all over his Body eized the Deputy
in tch a Manner, that it was helieved he could not he prent at divine Ser
vice. Which Thing raied a Douht in others, as to what was to he donefar
ther. For without the Deputy's Preence, they did not think they could pro

ceed any further, nor could another he rightly uhituted without new Autho

rity from the Sovereign, when in the miayl of the Dehate of this Controvery,
Providence was ) favourable as to reore the ick Peron to their Preence,
and give him Strength for the due Performance of every Thing, as well on the

Eve as the Day. Now ahout the

Vepers, after Mattens, and hefore the e

cond Ve/pers al' a Chapter was held in the Porch, where immediately were hrough'
Letters, wherein it was atteed, That Sacrice: for the Soul of the deceaZ-d
Knight had heen made and conzpleated. Soon after they hegan to treat ahout
the Fahrick of the Church what was ill wanting, which, as they had always
done before, they at la referred to the King's Pleaiire, only the Earls of

Northumberland and Oxford, hoth agreed to pay their ve Marks within

the ame IZ-ar.
Lal it was agreed, That the next Day at the funeral Sacrice the Earls

of Oxfgrd and Rutiand hould carry the Banner of the deceaed to he offered,
Sir William Fytzwylliams and Sir Nicholas Carew the Sword, and the two

former likewi/E the Helmet.

In the twenty ninth Year of the mo illarious King Henry the Eighth,
' - 'a




Acta ub Anno vicemo nono H E N R I C I Octavi.

vice/imo tertio, qui 8c Divo Georgio feivus habctur, cum Regia Majeate
Grene-uyehia prxlens crar hic clarillimi Ordinis Equitum numeius, ad ejus
Divi olennicatem cum debitzi veneratione peragendam: Marchio videlicet
Exonia primus erat, mox quinquc e Comitibus, E-xize, Wyltehirize, Sul
jzxzzg, Ruzlmzdia 8: Oxoniee, denique Dominus Gulielmus Pytzvylliams' Do- .
minus Admiral/us, cum Domino Nicholao Caroo. Ubi cum jam ub o
lennis diei Veperas ex more coingrederentur acellum Regium ad ea quae
conueverant factitanda, po alia dicta factaque tum illi tempore iervicn
tia, coacnum e, ut in veperis ubequentibus exciperentur Equitum
de novo Dcciligebant
E uite deligendo,
qui nominabant
alteram edium,
turn vaca
bant, uppleret.
autem atq;
in hunc

Dom. A7ith. Caroo,

Dom. Admiraus,

Com. Comberlandia, Dom. Beauehamp, Dom. Job. Ru/ll,
Com. Huntyngdonia, Dom. Crummell, Dom. Tho. them,
Com. Wjgornia.
Dom. Delaivar. Dom. Anth. Browne.
Com. Comberlandie, Dom. Beaaehamp, Dom. Anth. Bromne,
Com. I/Vjgornia,
Dom. Delawar, Dom. Gal. Powlet,

Com. Huntjngdonia. Dom. Crumwe/l. Dom. Job. Rue/l.

Com. Huntyngdonia, Dom. Beauchamp, Dom. Job. Rued,
Com. Oxonia,

Com. Comberlandia, Dom. Crumme/I, Dom. Gul. Pomlet,

Com. l/Vygornize.

Dom. Delawar. Dom. Tho. Cheynj.


the twenty third of April, being the Fea Day of St. George, there were
preent with the King at Grenewych, the following Number of Knights of the
mo noble Order for keeping the Fea of the Saint with all due Veneration,
viz. The Marquefs of Exeter was the chief, then ve of the Earls, Ecx,
Wyltchire, Sulex, Rutland and Oxford, Lally, Sir William Fytzwylliams,

Lord Admiral, with Sir Nicholas Caroo.

Where when at the blemn

Days Vepers as uual they went together into the King's' Chappel to do what
was cuomary, they after other Speechee, and doing other Things proper for that

Seam, agreed together to have at the next Vejperr the Votes of the Knights',
taken for the Eleon of a new Knight, to ll one of the Stalls that was then

vacant z and they cho: and named after this Manner,

Knghts, _
The E. of Comberl. Lord Beauchamp,Sir John Ruell;
Sir Nich. Carew,

Lord Admirall,

E.0fl-Iuntyngd0n,Lord Crumwell, Sir Tho. Cheyny,

E. of Worceer. Lord Delawar. Sir Anth. zBrowne.
The E. of Comberl. Lord Beauchamp,sir Anth. Browne,
E. of Worceer, Lard Delawar, Sir William Pawlet,

E._ofHuntyngdon.Lord Crumwell. Sir John Rucll.

Earl of Oxford,

The E.ofHuntyngd0n,Lord Beauchamp,sir John Ruell,

E. of Comberl. Lord Crumwell, Sir William Pawlet,

E. of Worceex. Lord Dclawar.

sir Tho. Cheynyi


P. 273.'

b---"-**"""""'"""ct '




not/nt Anno 'vicemo nono


'_*_____ /

H E N R I C I Octavi,

Com. Comherlandia, Dom. Beaucharnp, Dom. Anth. Brotvne,

Com. Riltlandie,

Com. Wygornie,

Dom. Crumrvell, Dom. Gul. Kyngoyz,

Corn. Huntyngdonia. Dom. Dalatvere. Dom. Tho. qhejnj,

.Com. Su/Iexia,

Com. Comherlandia, Dom. Beaucharnp, Dom. Tho. Cheyny,

Com. Derhya,
Dom. Delawere, Dom. Joh. Rue,
Com. Huntyngdonia. Dom.' Crumwell.

Dom. Gill. Powlet.

Com. Huntyngdonia, Dom. Beauchamp, Dom. Tho. Chqnj,

com Wjzthy-iz,

Com. Vygornia,

Dom. Crurmvell, Dom. Gul. Powlet,

Com. Comherlandia. Dom. Lamare.


Dom. Gul. Kyngon.

Com. Comherlendie, Dom. Beauthamp, Dom. Anth. Browne,

Com, Eexiz,

Com. l/Vjgornia,

Dom. Delaware, Dom. Job. Ruie,

Com. Huntyngdonia. Dom. Crurnwell. Dom. Tho. Cheyrg,

Com. Comherlendia, Dom. Beauchamjl, Dom. Anth. Bronme,

Marchio Exonia,

Com. Hantyngdonie, Dom. Crammell, Dom.Gal. Pondet,

Corn. l/Vygornia.

Dom. Delantare.

Dom. Job. Rteed.

Qiemadmodum hic decripta unt nomina Scriba perduxit ad Supre


Ipe reponens in inum, lervavit in crainum.

Tum in eodem

quo prius cello congregatis, ait Supremus inter alios ibi nominatos im

P. 274. primis eo tempore ibi deligendum videri Comherlandia Comitem, ob mul

ta praeclare ac deliter acta, cum alias azpe, tum vel nuperrime, dum
rebellionis tumulrus exoriri coepiet, in nibus illis, ubi degebat ipe:

Cui laetimum illico przebuerunt omnes aenum, viri nobilitarem cum


The E. of comberli Lord Beauchampir Anth. lit-owne,

Eerlof Rutland,

E. of Worceer, Lord Crumwcll; Sir Will. Kyngon,

Eofuntyngdonlrord Delawarr. Sir Tho. Cheyny.
The E. of Comberl. Lord BeauehQmpQSZr Tho. Cheyny,

Earl cf Suex,

E. o Derby,

Lord [j elakvar,"

sir John Ruel',

untyngdorLLoz-d Crumwell. Sir will. Polctt.

The E.ojHuntyngdon,Lord Beauchgmpir

o. Che
Crumwell, Sir T
Earl of Wyltchire,

'E. of Worceer, Lord

E. of Comberl. Lord Dclawar.

The E. cfCOmberI.


Lord Beauchampir Anthony Brown,

E.o Worceer, Lord pclawar,

E.o HuntyngdonLord

Marqae of Exeter,

Sir Will. Kyngon.

Air John Ruell,

Crumwell. 'Sir Thomas Cheyny.

The E. of Comberl. Lord Beauchamprsir Anth. Browne,

EofHuntyngdohLord Crumwell, Sir Will. Powlet,
E. of Worceer. Lord Delawar. Sir John Ruell.

As the Name: are here wrote down, the Regier hrought them to the So
vereign z He putting them in his Boom, kept them till the Marrow z when they

heing a-mhled in the izme Chappel as hefore, the Sovereignaid to them 3 That

hefore the re who were there ' named, he thought t at that Time to chooi: the
Earl of Comberland, on Account of his manglorious' and loyal AEZions, a:
at other Times, often jb then very lately at the hrealeing out of the Tumult of

Rehellion in the Quarters where he lived; to which they all immediately gave


i ,

icta jith Anno vicemo nono H F. N

l Octavi.

Virtute eximia deque plen coujunctam, quantis oportuit, laudationi-s
bus extollentes.

Scripta: unt itaque ad eum litera: ummam iiumodi

Regis erga cum benignitatem 8: benevolentiiirhurn totius ocictaris ani

mum indicantes, utjue ee pararet ad edem l/Ijtndteori capeendam cum


ecimo tertio (Ztilicet Menis Maii die tum equence.

Decretum c inluper, ut 8: uperiori colloquio praeitutum, annuum

illud epulum Divo Georgio celebre cum auetis 'ceremoniis eodem die Maii
equentis Wyndeori ervandum, utq; prxnobilis 4 Exonia Marchio Supre-v
mi vices' ibi teneret, lateri uo copulatos habens Rutlandite Comitem, Do

minum Admiraldum, 8: Dominum Nicholaum zgzdjgsj cum illo Comherlandiae'

Comite tum primitus inigniendo, atque in (Edem ibi uam intromitten


(Do ne tempore fuere Wyndeori Marchio przeatus 6: alii prze-J

agnati, ad przranda (uti aolebat) omnia, nii quod Rutlandia Cod

mitis abentiam (mgrotabat enim is) upplerit Comes Suixite. Ubi cum
jam eent adunati, ingula pro temporis exigentia perfecerunt;

In primis

primo veperis domum (quam capitularem aiunt) introgreos, qui Supred

mi vices ohtinebat, cazteros ita e aatus, ui nimirum illuc acceisfts cau-l

him ee, quo ri_tu perimplercnt omnia, quae ad ejus ipius olemnitatis
decus atque honorem attinerent.

Catteris annuentibus deventum huc e,"

ul: quod inprimis erat faciendum, eret, Equitcm videlicet recens electum

their Aent with the greate Joy, extolling with all due Encomiums, his No-s
hility joined with an extraordinary Vertue and perfect? Fidelitty. Letters were

therefore wrote to him, expreing that exceeding Bounty of the King towards
him, and the hene-volent Sentiments of the whole Society, and that he hould he

ready to take Pteon of his Stall at Wyndeor at the Time required, viz. on
the thirteenth Day of May next following.
It was alt ordained, as was alj fore-appointed in the aforeaid Chapter,

that the annual Fea in Honour of St. George hould he kept with the uial
Ceremonies the ame Day of May following at Windehr, and that the mo
nohle Marquer of 'i Exeter hould he the Sovereigns Deputy, having for his'

Collegues, the Earl of Rutland, the Lord Adiniral, and Sir Nicholas
Carew, with the Earl of Combetland, who was then
of all to
he introduced there into his Stall.

At which Time there were indeed at

'Windor the aid Marques, and the others that were hefore aignedfor the
doing of all Things as uual, only the Earl of Sutrx upplied the Earl of Rut

lands AhjZ-nce, he heing ick.

Where when they were met together, they per;

l/Zpers every
they had
as the
required. asMore
it is' epecially
called, thewhen
at the De
puty poke thus to the re, That the Cauji: of their coming thither was for the

due and full Performance of every Thing that concerned the Glory and Honour

of that Solemnityz The re agreeing, they were come thither to do what was
d Partition made at St. Georgs Fea [among the caue he was yke, therle of Suexupp/ied his rome',
Hem/ds] of the Money given h] the Lord Henry
Courtney Marquis of Exeter, the IGngs Lieutenant,

therle of Comberland now cle-fled, the Lord Admiral

'Treatrer of the Ki s How/hond, and Sir Nycholas

and of the Reward to the Oce of Arms for then/tall:

Carew Maer of ilie Kings hore- E. 9. penes' me.

tion of Henry Er/e of Comberland ---The Lord

Dugd. 1 Vol. Bar. p- 34.; is mitaken where he writes'

Depute had his Aiants therle of Rutland, and hy- that his Etection was in 24 H- VUL





Actattb Anno nicemo tion-o H E

R I C I Octa-vi.


uc uis inignibus illico redimircnt. Initio tibix Subligar e appoitum,

mox depohta tog u tunicam acccpit ordinariam, 8: intra Suxie Co
8: Dominum
Gartero crabeanl
e ac;I uibtlque
edem, aduo
uerat introducendus: Ubi e edetn tog celebriter indutus, 8: prxle

gente Scrib juramento obvinctus.

ilnpleti unt, Peractazue divina.
P- 175

Po hxc vepertini cantus olennitcr

Subequente mane inrer prcces matu

tinas 8: olenne ihcri cium, eandeln domum reingre unt, nec aliud

eectum dederunt, quam quod po meridiem ibidem omnia nirent.

Veperis 'autem inequentibus mulcis hinc inde rebus mutuo ermone co
agitatis, convenum) e ex omni parte, quod jam exornatus Comes 85

anno uperiore delectus Eques, uam uterque ummam conferrent, quem

admodusn 8: alii prius, ad lbricam Eccleizr illius ux.

Comes certe

triginta libras, quarum ex tredecim olidos ac (luatuor denarios ame re

annis Eques
imi ixer,
8: (lllngulis
uarto denique
anno decem
libras induobus
e qua
tuor Po annis quinque Marcas.

Sed ac quod ad rem ectabat maxime decretum e, ut 6: ante rpius,

ed tenuicer, Regiam Majeatem izrio conulendztm: quo reliqua umma.

use fuerat in cotum Eccleiaicx fabricx olvcnda, citta ulteriorem cau

Etionem omnino olveretur.

more eecialb' to be done, viz. to grace the new eleiifed Knight with his Enjigns.

In the

Place the Garter was put about his Leg, then putting o his Gown,

he too/e his ordinary Underhabtt, and between the Earl of Suex. and Lord

Admiral, the Qicers going before, ervery one in their Order, Garter carrying
the Mantell, he was led to the stall, to which he was to be introduced, where
he was honourably clothed with the [aid Robe, and was wom, the Regi er
r reading the Oath to him. After this the Evening Song and divine Ser

'vice were blemnly performed.

The next Morning between Mattens and

high Ma they went again into the aid Houi', determining nothing ele,

than that they would nih eroery Thing there in the Aftemoon.

But at the

, next Ve/ers, after alternate Debates about many Things on all Sides, It was
agreed by all Parties, That the Earl who was then honoured with the Engns,

and the Knight who was choen the former Tkar, hould both contrihute their
Sums, as others had done before, towards the Fahrich of the Church, the Earl in
deed thirty Pounds, of which he hould Pa x Pounds thirteen Shillings and
four Pence before he went away, and b li ewt for the two next Tears, and
in the fourth Tiear ten Pounds in full Payment; but the Knight ne Marks
each of the four following Thars.
But alh, what was mo to the Purpoh, it was ordained, as it had been
often before, though lightly, That the King hould be eriouj contlted, how

re inof without
the Sumany
to further
be paid for
ni/hing the Fabricle of the Church,- hould,

.-- .-..


Acta uh Anno viccmo nono H E

I-C I Oiiavi.


i Ejudem Anni Mene Augufi quinto die Menis, is qui Dominicus erat,
dum Supremus Wmdeori fuit in arce ua, ecum ibide1n habens clarimi
Ordinis hoce ptazclatos Equites, Marchionem pifzm Comitem SuZ-xite,
Comitem Rutlandia, Comitem Comherlandite, 8: Dominum Proditorem
N,,,,,,,,,,, Ca-'
roo, factum e colloquium in conclavi Regio, quo denitum e inibi

Concilium ineundum, pro utrogando jam Equite in locum Domini Darcy,

ui proditionis ac lazae Majeatis reus actus peractus etat, alteram vero

edem tum etiam vacantem oportunime perlato Principi reervandam.
Qii vego przentes aderant, in hanc formam
Nlltaijcliic;x Exonia,

Com. Derhye,
Dom. Beanchamp, Dom. Gul. Poet,
Com. Huntyngdouia, Dom. Delawaire, Dom. Tho. Chqn),

Com. Wygornia.
Com. Sal/Exit',



Dgrn. Job. Rae/l.

Marchion. Dorett, Dom. Beauchamp, Dom. Gul. Podet,

Com. Derhye,
Dom. Cramtre/l, Dom. Joan. Rajed,
Com. Huntyngdonia. Dom. Delaware. Dom. Joan. Wa/lop.

Marchion. Dortt, Dom. Beauchamp, Dom. Gul. Podet,

Com. Rtttlandia,

Com. Hantyagdonia, Dom. Crumwell, Dom. Anth.Brotvne,

Com. Derlzya.

Dom. Delamare.v Dom. Joan. Ruell.

Com. Derhya,
Dom. Delatvare, Dom. Anth. Brotvne,
Com. Comherlandie, Marchion. Dorett, Dom. Crummell, Dom. Gul. Pollet,

Corn. l/Vigornia.

Dom. Beauehamp. Dom. Joan. Rufell.


TZ-ar on
the Cale,
fth ofhaving
the Sovereign
. wasTheatame
in his
of the mo nohle Order, the Marque/l' of Exeter, Earl of Suex, Earl of
Rutland, Earl of Combetland, and Sir Nicholas CareW, a ChaPFCr 'weir
held in the King's Cloit, in which it was determined, That a Chapter hould he
there held for choo/ing a Knight in Stead of the Lord Datcy, who had but?
accud and conviified of High Treajbn, hut that the other stall
ful? '724-3

for did
the after
Princethisthey then [haty-thy
i . htzted
' for.



Lord Beauchatnpir Will.

The E Derby,
\ Roller,
Mdf-"s fEFtez
EHuntyngdohLord Delaware, 'Sir-Tho. Che' ny,
Leaf Worceer. Lord Scatutdnwell- Sir JPihP RW Qu

The Mar . Doret,

Earl of Suex,

E. o Derby,

Lord Beauchampir William Poklqt'

Lord Crumvyell, Sir ohn laymen,

EofHuntyngdon-Lord Delawarel Sir. ohn


The Marqne/Is Doret, Lord Beauehampir William Pellet, _

Earl of Rutland,'

Emfl-IuntyngdomLord Crumwell, Sir Anthony Browne,

E. of Derby.

Lord Delaware. Sir John Ruell.

The Earl of Derby, Lord Delaware, Sir Anthony Browne,

Earl of Comberland,

Marques Doret,Lord Crumwell, 'Sir Williamrollet, A

E. of Worceet. LordBeauehamp-Sir John Ruell. s_

P- 276

Anno victmo nono H E NKR I c I Octavi.


Com. Derby-e,
Dom. Nich. Caroo,

Dom. Crumwell, Dom. Tho. Cheyny,

Com. Huntingdonia, Dom. Beauchamp, Dom. Job. Ruh/l,

Com. /Vygornia.

Dom. Cobham.

Dom. Anth. Broivne.

Turn Supremus allatam ad e nominationis hujus formam brevi per
ccturrens, adjunxit videri ibi proc cxteris eo tempore deligendum Domi
num' Thomam Crumwell primarium ibi Secretarium, &e. Sigilli ( uod ecre
tum appellant) Cuodem. Id quod cazteri laztis vultibus, ac humani
mis reponis exceperunt, virum e meritis, quoad valebant, collaudantes.

Illico tum acceritus ille procidit ante Supremum, immenis ipius Ma

jeati, quit potetat uaviloquenti (poterat autem appoitima) gratias
agens, ut qui elE: tantillum argue, ut ipi: omnino judicabat, immeren

tem tanto tamque plendido i nata fuit honore:

toti quoque So

cietati tum prazlhnti, qui nunc il um ui participem odalitii feciet, 8: ad

clariimi decus Ordinis ram libenter aciviibt.

Qlibus cum pro meri

tis repondere non pozt, at velle ac conari nolle deinere, cum erviendo

tum modis quibus poterat aliis omnibus. Gratanter autem a Supremo

Georgiano fuit inignitus, caetera a ct
po die
de more collarique

I/iceimo quidem ixto ejuipius Menis die, qui 8: Dominicus, con;


P. 2773

The E. of Derby,
Lord Crumwell, Sir Tho. Cheyny,
Sir Nicholas Carew,
E. ofHuntyngtomLord Beauchampir John Ruell,
E. o] Worceer. Lord Cobham,

Sir Anthony Browne.

Then this Form of Nomination being brought to him, the Sovereign running

it hail over added, That he thought t at that Time to chooE before the re
Sir ' T omas Crumwell his Principal Secretary, and Keeper of the Privy Seal;
which the re with joyful Looles, and obliging Anwers agreed to, extolling

him for his Merits, as much as they were able.

He being then called imme

diatel fell down before the Sovereign, giving with all the Eloouence he was

Maeh of (and certainly he was Maer of the jule) innite Thanhs to his

Majely, for vouchang o great and glorious an Honour to him, who was it
inconderable a Peron, and (in his own Opinion) o undeerving, and to all
of the Society then preent, who had now made him one of their Companions,
and b readily admitted him to the Honour of the mot' noble Order; and nce
he could not mahe them a Return anwerable to their Merits, yet he would ne

ver leave o dering and endeavouring it, as well by rving them as by all
other Means in his' Power. But being leindly ordered by the Sovereign toand up,
he had the Garter and the Collar of George put on him, being to do the re on

a Day to be afterwards appointed as uual.

On the twenty ixth of the ame Month being Sunday, there were con
e His afpiring to the Order ofthe Garter was thought a Dipenation with that Article will be ound prece
an inexcuab/e T/'anity- Bum. I Vol. of' Reformation dent to this Election. s Hi/lor is we known, and
p- 276- And indeed though he had been a Souldier, how this Vicegerent in eccleiaicalA airs was attainted
yet the Lownjs of his Extraction was according to the I in Parliament for Here] as well as 'reaon

Statute: a D' quahcation, and poibly no Inance of


t jlctajuh Anno viceyimonono H E N Ri


vencrunc ad eundem Dominum' inia caellurrl in hoitio Decani cuban-i
tem, Idem Marchio Exonienis, cui Regia poteas, in id commiia fair,
se Sulhxlee Comes ac Rutlandia cum Domino Admiraldo 84: Domino Ni
cholao Caroo. (lui uis ad plenum habiribus' induti, praecedentibus Scrihd',
Gartero, 8: Hoiario cum carteris Armorum ociavlibus, Capitularem do-'
mum ingrei unt, uo (luique ex ordine. Ubi lectis per Scribam literis

Commionariis, quibus tuum Rex inclytimus animum expregqua-q

tenus hunc Dominum uis voluerit inignibus exornari, Garterus, ut a De.
putato juus erat, eundem acceriit. Inrroeuntem vero Suexie ac Rut
landia Comires exceperunt, 8: ad Marchionem Deputatum deduxerunt, qui

commiionis eo tempore facta: ententiam eidem aperuit.

Mox idem'

ipe toga exutus tunicam ordinariam induir cum caputio, icque per eol
dem Comites cum univeris Ocialibus, Gartero rrabeam deportante, de
ductus e ad edem in Choro uam. Atque ibi trabea, quae ierat ape
portata protinus indutus, legente Scriha juramento e ordinario obriv

ctus. Po hazc ad Marchionem revekus torquem pecuiiarem Ordinis re

cepil: ab eodem. Inde cum olito honore, ut ordo expocebat, incedebanc
in chorum ad olenne icricium, quod loci Decanus e executus. Cum
ue erer oblatio, Deputato Comes Suxice quod erat pro Rege oeren.

dum exhibuit. Exacto acriicio itum e ad Decani domum, ubi cuba.

bar electus, ubi olenne erat epulum apparatum, se hilariter ac jocunde,
tranactum, omnibus abunde alutacis ac donatis.

vened at the aid Lords Lodgings within the Cale at the Deanery, the izid

Marquei of Exeter, whom the King deputedfor that Purpoi, and the Earls
of Suex and Rutland, with the Lord Admiral and Sir Nicholas Carew,
who heing dreZ-d in their full Hahits, the Regier, Garter and Uher, with
the other ocers of Arms going hefore them, went into the Chapter-houi',

every one in their Order z where the Regier having 'read the Commiion, wherein
the mo renowned King declared his Mind how he would have that Lord enign
ed with his Badges, Garter as ordered hy the Deputy, called him, and as he
entered the Earls of Suiex and Rutland received him, and led him to the
Marques the Deputy, who told him the Purport of the Commion given at
that Time. Then putting o his Gown, he put on his ordinary Hahit and Hood,

and thus hy thezid Earls with all the ocers, Garrer carrying the Mantell,
he was led to his Stall in the Chair, and there he had preently the zme put
on him, which had heen b hrought, and the Regier reading it, _he took
the uual Oath. After this returning to the Maroues he received from him

theidi/linguihing Collar of the Order. Then with the uual ceremony, accord
ing to Order, they went into the Choir to High Maji, which the Dean of the
Place celehrated z and when the Ohlation was made, the Earl of Suex gave

the Deputy what was to he oered for the King.

Mas heing over theyl

went to the Deans Hou, where the eleited Knight lodged, where a magniji
cent Entertaimnent was prepared, and carried on to the End with Mirth and

. Pleajizntne, every Body heing treated with abundant Civilities and Prents.


Alla ub 'Anno vicenio nono H- E N R I


I Octavi.

Ejulidem Anni Menis Oiiobris, circitei horam quartam diei l tertii de

cinii, qui 8: Edoardo Divo lacer erat, oluta e gratioiima Regina 70

anna partu illo dicillimo, quem duos totos, plus ihinus, ante dies tegcr
time pcrtulerat.

Qlo felicime, Deo przeante, prodiit in hanclu

cem, inclytimus Princcps Edoardus, cujus nativitas, pam Anglorunti

. pote,
Regno, longe
atque exultationcnt
dici aut quod
Et nii vel hoc
P. 178.

puerperio non ita multos po g dies mater obiiet, ea laetitia prxter alia?
ua: unt upiam in pari vel non longe dihm-ili caulit prius exotrtae, nod
dubium quin ubcrrima (quod &coeperad utique permaniet, atque in

Sed hzec una infoelicitas, occepti gaudii plenitudinem ita ex

inanivit, out elevavit potius, ut quique dubitaret, an ortu prolis abunde

(quod revera oportuit) gaudere deberet, an Matris obitu Here.-


vis fane haud mediocriter arcit, izu lntitix caulam, ive mceroris atten
das: Mater in coelo gaudeat, 8: uatur optatis, proles in teria trium

phetz atque annos impleat xtatis 17 .


In theame Tear thef thirteenth Day of October, being St; Edwarcis Day,
about four a-Cloch, the mo gracious Queen Jane was freed ain her very hard

Labour, which he had bore with exceeding Painfor about two' whole Days be

fore; when, by God's Aance, the mo renowned Prince Edward came into
the World.

Whoe Birth cauid all over the Kingdom of England, far greater

Joy and Ii-anort, than can be told or exprefd; and

a Damp had not,

by the Mother's dying a few 3 Days aer in that Child-bed, been put upon' that

Joy, it would, above all others which ever aroZ on the lihe or not much dif
ferent Occaion, have doubtles (as it begun it) continued the mo abundant
as well as immoveable.

But this one Misfortune h alley/ed the Fulne' of the

Joy conceived, or rather annihilated it, That one might doubt, whether (as
we were indeed bound) we ought to rejoice more for the Birth of the
Child, or mourn for the Death of the Mother. Either of them indeed aZ-Hed

in an uncommon Degree, whether you conider the Occaion of Jo or Sad


May the Mother rejoice in Heaven, and enjoy her De/ires t ere! May

the Son triumph on Earth, and ll up the Tears of Li- b .

f 'Iis range the contemporary Writershould dier born. But we find from the Chrtning of the Prince,
o much in the Day o the Birth of this Prince, wherein that [he was living on the Monday following, the Letter
this Regier is with everal other Authors miaken, of the Phy/i/ians publihed by Mr- Hearne was wrote

r he was horn without Doubt, as 'tis enired in the Heralds Oce, a on the xii tzoctahe Fz/l o] Snwilfrid,
" the Vi il of St. Edwnriich was on tie Fryday in the
'* Tear of our Lord 1527, the Dominical Letter G. in
'3 the 29 Tear of the Reign of Hem-VIll." All thee
various Methods of Computations correpond with each

upon a Wedne. which though it hath not the Addition

of the Da) of the Month, proves her to be [it/Zfyg lon
er than that learned Ili/Iorian imagined.
u- Col
lections ofAntony Antony Sin-ago' of the Ordinance
in Mu- Ahmol. n- 86', p- 33 a Plate the Birth of
this Prince on 12 nfOct. and i e Death of his Afa
other and as that Cereruonial informs as, he was not ther on them; of Oct. between fand xi at Night. 'The
chri/hened till the Monday next following, when (it is Cerernonial of her Funeral in th' Heralds OCcLhath a
there aid) he was after the Rites of Baptirn " borne farther Addition that her Death was onWedneday 12
'5 to the King, and to the Queene, and had the Ble of the Cloch at Night, 12 Days after the Princc-'s Birth.
'F ing of Almighty God and his Fathers and Mothers. M 6- p- 1
upp- 119- E- 14. penes me- p. 28.
. 14' invOf. Arm-p. 135. E- lO penes me p- 26. &
h Here is no Entry of the Tranactions in the zoth
. xi. p. 4 <o.
Thar, though it appears from the Partition of Feet
g The Writers are no more agreed on the Day of this among the Heralds, that there was a_ Fea of this Or
'Queen's Death, their various Accounts ma] be een in der held at Windor on 26 Day of May, and from
the Margin of Burn: 2 vol. Refor. p. 1. who in his B. 3. penes me p. 32,\that th? Dulse of Norfolk tra:

Tree' aith that [he died the Day after this Prince was then Lieutenant at Windor. &r. Aldrydge on 18'


Acta ub Anno tricemo prime H- E N R I C IJ Octavi.

Serenimi Regis Henrici Oavii

1 k,

41 i A

Anno trice/imo prime, Menis aurem Aprilis die vice/imo tertio, Richetnoun
dia cum Regia Majeate, nobiliimi equeris Ordinis Divo Georgio nun-i

cupati Equites Prtelentes ii uerunt Arundellia, videlicet, Exia, Sz-xiz,

Rutlandia, Oxonia so Southamptonia Comites, inter quos cum 'ecundis fc_
ivze diei veperis, concilium ibidem eet initum po alia prout res po

cebat 8: excellentimzr Majeati complacuit hine inde mutuis (Edulo er;

monibus agitata, Itum eillico ad denominationem Equitum in ledilia
qux tum vacabant aumendorum, CUJUS hic orma: ubcquitur.
Prineipesh '
Com. Worcettir,
Dom. Ruje,

Dom; Tho. Charity,

Com. Sottthamptonia, Corn. Hartfordie,

Dom. Cobham, Dom. Anth. Browne,
Com. Huntyngdooia. De Walden, Cane. Dom. Gul. Kyngiion;

Man-chion. Dor-tt, D. Walden, Canc.Dom. Anth. Bronme,

Com. Oxonordie,

Com. Ratlandia,

Com. Sretvitbnria,
Com. Hartfordia.

Dom. Rujeli,
Dorm Tho. Cheney,
Dom. St. John. Dom. Gal. Kyngton;

Marchion. DorZ-tt,

D. Walden, Canc.Dom. Tho. Che-ney,


Dom. St. John. Dom. Gut, Ky, yew;

P, g;

Com. Hartfordiei

Dom; Rujrll.

Dom. Anth. Briton. ,


In the thirty r TZ-ar of the mtyi erene King Henry the Eighth, the'

twenty third of April, There were preent at Rychemound vtith the King,

thel- Knights of the 'no/i nohle Order of St. George, viz. the Earls of Arun-

del, Eex, Suex, Rutland, Oxford and Southampton; Among whom

when at the econd Viers vof the Fea Day a Chapter was there held," after'
other Things dehated, as the Matter required, and his mo excellent Majey

was plead, thoroughly on all Sides hy speeches, They proceededraightway to

the namin of Knights to he placed in the Stalls then vacantz the Form-where-

of here fo lows.


The Et of
Worceer, Lord Britons;
Earl of Southampton,
. Earl of Oxford, A

Earl of Rutland,


Sirct Tho.

Et of Hartford, Lord Cobharn, Sir nnthxBrowne,

EtofHuntingdontLt-Walden; chantsttv will. 'Kyngiont

Sir Anthony
Tho. Cheyny,
The ExtfshrewisburyzLord
MerDorec, L. Walden,
E." of Hartford; Lord St. John. Sir Will; Kyngioim

The Mary. Doret', L. Walden, ChLirL-Sir Tho. Cheyny,

E.ofShrewisbury,Lord St; John, Sir Will. Kyngion,
E. of Hartford: Lord Ruellt

Sir Anth; Browne.


July in this 29 Tear, being nonsinated to the Bi oprith tered after the end of the 29th Tear of Hen. VlII
o Carlie, this Ormon might he occr/ione by that

t' Here and in everal of thefollowing Entries of this

eant; for upon lnjpection of this Boo -, it appears, Ki 's Titlenttrne Wordsareerzyed oat with a Penhntje
that the Entry of the next Tear is Wrote with a ver) or nmiceaohich it ma) hegteeje nere supreme Huiad of
difrent Inh, and that the Initial Letters are painted "n
a different Manner from the former Part of thit Book.

the Church, which Rateret were doubtles made in Pay

uance of a Decree in I O 2 Ph.
M; recited in Ah.

And the Variation in the Style during the Remainder p. 194, but in the nd, th: Word; in tum remain
2 this Reign is ver) obvious.

Mr. Ahm.

ath oberved that in the Regir- Chamthe

198, Jtndejatedz

and al- _


ct himno Anno 'tricemo primo H E N R I C I coast

4' a
comes Sujexia,

Com. Eexia,


Com. Shrlewishuria,

Dom. Maltrevers, Dom. Tho. Chenty,

Com. Darhey,

Dom. Ruell,

Dom. l/Vid, Kyngilon,

Com. Hertfordia.

Dom. St. John.

Dom. Anth. Brown.

Marchion, Dori-it,

Doth. Hayngs, Dom. I/Vi/I. lsyngilon,

Com. Shrewishuria; D. l/Valden, Cane-Dom. An', Vynkejeld,

Com. Hartordia.
Dom. Ruel.
Dom. Tho. Cheney.

Com. Shrewishuri-e, Doth; se. join,- Dom. Will. Kyngi/lon,

Com. Arandedia,

Com. Darhey,

Dom. Ruell,

Com. Hartfordia.

Dom. Made-ore, Dom. AntJ/Vynkefeld.

Dom. Tho. Cheyney,

Poridie ub lblenne pro Dems acriicium iterato ibidem concilio

Supremus ex conenu ingulorum qui przeentes erant Commilitonum
hos prazclaros Equites in (tides qux turn yacabant cenuit admittendos Do

minum, inquam, k Joannem Ru-ll, Dominum Thomam Cheyney, ac Domi


num ltllielmam Kingion.

Decretum e inuper ibidem Divi' Georgii Tu

telaris ui celebritatem annuam decimo oiiavo die Maii equentis; qua: 6:

ante Penthecolen proxima Dominica lit, Wyndejhri celebrandam, ubi Piers

nobilis Arundellia Comes Regias vices adminiraret, ibi ad caztera nego

The E. ofShewisbury,Lord Maltrevers, Sir Tho. Cheyney,
E. of Derby,
Lord Ruell,
Sir Will. Kyngion,
The Earl of Suex,
E. of Hertford. Lord St. John. _ Sit-Anthony Browne.
Earl of Eex,

The Marques Doret, Lord Hayngs, Sir Will. Kyngeon,

E. ofSrewisbury, L. Walden, Chamsir Anth. Wynkeld,

E. of Hartford. Lord Ruell.

Earl of Arundel,

Sir Tho. Cheyney.

. The E. of Srewisbury,Lord St. John, Sir Will. Kyngeon,

Lord Ruell,
Sir Tho. Cheyney,
E. of Derbfy,
E. of Hart ord. Lord Wyndeote. Sir Anth. Wynkfeld.

The next Day at High Mas for the Deceaizd, the Chapter heing there re-i
umed, the Sovereign -h Conent of all 'the KnightsContpanions then preent,
was of Opinion That t ee nohle Knights hould he admitted to the Stalls then

vacant, namely, Lord i ohn Ruell, Sir Thomas Cheyney, and Sir William
Kyngeon. It was ah determined there, That the annual Fea of their Pa
tron St. George hould he kept at Windeidr the eighteenth Day of May fol
lowing, heing the Sunday next hefore Whitunday; where the mo nohle Earl
of Arundel hould he the Kings Deputy, having atciated with him for other
l In the Account of the Lord Windor Maer of
the wardrobe from Mich. "O H. 8. to Mich. following,
in Oc- Garden Per hlvarrantum apud Wenn.
1 Ill? 31 H. 8. pro liberata Garterii pro Domino
Rne , Thorna Cheynye Mil. Theaurario hopitii
Domini Regis, et llirno IGnge/lon Contrarotula
tore ejudem hopitii.

We have the (erernonial of their Inallations, which

will he put in the Appendix n. xiii.
This Lord Ruell aer Earl of Bedford in hu Will
det/ries to his Son his Collar and Rohes of the Garter

Dugd. 2 Vol. Bar. p. 378. He had been kntghted by

the Earl of Surrey Lord hi h Admit-al at Morlaix in
little Bretagne 1 H. 8. alLf. 99, 103.

Sir Thomas heyny is buried in Minier Church

Pso liiii virg. Velvet Crimin pro iii Togis pro in the Ile o Shepey, where is his Eigies in armour
liberata ejudem Garterii pretii le virg. xvi s. with the Ro es of the Garter which 'nay he conulted in
xliii l- iiii s.

Dugd. 2 Vol. Bar. p. 290.

Pro x virg. ar- pro Iinur. part. earundem pec.

The Will of Sir William Kyngion 'my he con
ad v s. l s.
.- uited in Libr. Alenger. qu. 31. 'Tisrange that Ful
Pro xx virg- arnet alb. pro Iinur. earundem let hould doubt whether he was a Campanian of this
ad vs. iiii do vI. vis. viii d.
Order. Worthies in Glouc. p. 368.


Actauh Anno tricemoecundo H F. N R l C I Octarzti.


tia copulatos habens Eexiee 6: Rutlandia Comites, quibus inter alia pra:

ertim erat injunctum, ut Equites ante delectos in edes I/Vtndetri uas cu

rarent introducendos, ad Dominum vero Rullum, quia tum minus ade

tat,- miifr unt a Celitudine Regia Iiteraz, quibus admoneretur, ut ad

ee quamptimum adventaret. Eodem decimo oiiano Maii, Comites ante
dicti Windeoram advolarunt, ubi (quod primitus erat agendum) prxfatos
Equites uis de more edibus curabant aignandos, quo olenniter exacto
Pi- 280.

Concilium inibi celebrabant; in quo denitum e, pecunix contribu

tce hlutionem Regia? Majeatis voluntati relinquendam.

Qlam eandem

uper hiic re quoque cenuerunt conillendamz uo ane modo Mill

arum pro deunctis Equitibus executio oret adimglenda, vel in quem
uum pccunia veteri decreto deignata converteretur, Be ante omnia pror

us inignia Equitum laeze Majeatis condemnatorum tollenda, eradenda,

convellenda, atque abolenda deinceps eent.

Illurimi Regis Henrici hujils nominis Oa-"oi Re is Anglia, Be Frana

cite, Domini Hibernize, clarimi Ordinis ab inigni ubligacillo nominati _
anno tricetno ecundo 8:
Aprilis die rviceimo tertio, qui &e. Di-vo Georgio olennis erat, there praeen-i

tes apud Regium I/Vemona/ierii palatium cum ipamet Regia Majeate,

Northfolcite pariter ac Southfolcia: Duces, Arundelliee, I/Vemerlandize, Rut
landite, Comberlandize, Southamptoniee, 8: Exiee Comites-, Vicecomes Lye,

Domini Ferreys, Sandys, ac Ruell, 8: Dominus Thomas Cheyney cum Do


Matters the Earls of Ecx and Rutland, who among other Things had it par
ticularly in Charge, to talee Care for the introducing of the Knights before choen
into their Stalls at Windeor. But Letters were ent to Lord Ruel, becaue?
he was not there, bythe King, wherein he was ummoned to come immediately to

him. The jitid eighteenth Day of May, the aforeaid Knights came to Windeor,
where, (it being to be
done) they did tahe Care to agn the aforeaid Knights
their Stalls as utal z which being done with Solemnizy, they held a Chapter
there, in which it was determined, That the Payment of the Money contri

huted, hould he left to the King's Pleaure : Which they thought hould be con

tlted alb upon this Subje, how MaIZ-s for the dead Knights hould be per
formed, or to what Ue' the Mone agned by an old Statute [to that Pur
poe] hould be applied, and alo w ether all the Enigns of Knights condemn'd
for High Theabn, hould om thence forward be taleen away, eraed, loluchd

down and abolijhed.

In the thirty econd Thar of the mz illurious King Henry the Eighth of
the Name King of En land and France, Lord of Ireland, [Sovereign] of the
mo noble Order of t e Garter, and twenty third of April, being alo St.

Georgds Day, there were at the Royal Palace at Weminer with the King,
the Dulzes of Northfolk and Suolk, the Earls of Arundel, Wemerland,
Rutland, Comberland, Southampton, and Eex, Vicount Liie, Lords

Ferreys, Sandys, and Ruell, with Sir Thomas Cheyny and Sir William



Actaztb Anno tricemoecundo H E N R I C I Octavt.


mino Gulielmo Kyngelon, ad eam ejudem Divi celebritatem debito more

peragendam, ut quotannis aolet. (Do die ub alteras ipius veleras
loco congtuo 8: non inueto ab eodem Suptemo cum cattetis ejudem
eidem Majeati ubaentibtls, initum e concilium; in quo
po prasfationem de hiis rcbus, quae tunc agitanda: fiorent, habitam, cum
primis e decretum, eorum Commilitonum edes quae tum vacua: actx

unt redimplendas, vice quorum po nomenclatutam ex more a

Ctam, cenoria Majeate cum reliquotum aenu annominati unt 8: ad
mii Dominus 1 Awdley Dominus l/Vetlderis, 8: Dominus m Anthonius
Browne, nimirum ipa nominatio quam ubecuta e electio ptardicta,
procelt in hunc modumz

P. 281.

Principem Anglia,
Dom Gul. Kyngon, Ducem Clevite,

Dom. Tho. Cheyney,

Dom. l/Valden,


Dom. Anth. Browne,

Dom. Delaware, Dom. Anth. VZyn eld,

Ducem Baviera.

Dom. Cobham.

Principem Anglia,

Dom. l/Valden, Dom. Anth. Browne,

Dom. Delaware, Dom. Job. Walloppe,
Dom. Cobham. Dom. Anth. Wyngld.

Ducem Baviera,
Ducetn Clevia.

D. Egid. Stranguy .


Kyngeon for keeping the Fea of the Saint in a due Manner as is uZ-d an

On which Day at the hcond Vipers a Chapter was held hy the


and the other Knights of the Order aing under him in a

proper and not unacculomed Place.

In which after a Preface in Relation to

uch Matters, as were then to he dehated, It was determined in the


to ll up their Companions Stalls which were then vacant: In whoe Stead

after a Set of Names given in as uual, Lord I Audley of Walden, and

Sir m Anthony Browne were named and admitted by his Mtyeys Autho
rity with the Aent of the Re.

Now the Nomination it elf, which the afbre

find Eleon followed, proceeded after this Manner;




The Pr. of England, Lord Walden, Sir Anth. Browne,

Sir Will. Kyngon,
D. of Cleves,
Lord Delaware, Sir Anth. Wyngeld,

Duke of Bavaria. Lord Cobham. Sir Giles Strangwyh.


Sir Tho. Cheyney,

The Pr. of England, Lord Walden,

D. of Bavatia,
D. of Cleves.

Sir Anth. Browne,

Lord Delaware, Sir John Walloppe,

Lord Cobham. Sir Anth. Wyngfeld.

l The Office of chance/later of England is no Bar could not dicover 2 Vol. Ear: p. 382, neither could
to an Admton into this Order: Sir Thomas Beauford Fullcr nd out the Place of his Birth. Worthies
afterwards Duke of Exeter was of this Order probably P' 327

before he was promoted to this Oce: Richard Ncvil

m A large Account of him may be een in Dugd.

Earl of Warvvick had been chance/lour, and was af- 2 Vol. Bar. p. 396, He was not completely forty Tears
temards 'lected Campanian of this Order: Sir Thomas old at this 'Time of his Eleblion, being born at Calais
Hoo had been chance/lour of France from I to 28 where his Father was Lteutenant on 29 June lsoo.
H. 6- Du Chene Hil. des Chanceliers; an during Collect. Turpyn intcr MSS. [ihilpoti in O. Arm.
this 'Time was elected into this Order, ee above p. 131, n- 17. p. 65. 'The Cae about his Office of Standard
but thee were Perons famous for their military Acts. bearerts reported by Dyer, and his Will ma] be connlttd
But this Peroneems to have been bred up entirely in in libr. Cranmcr Coode qn. x.
the Studie! of the Gorhn, whoe Extraction Dugdalc


Acta uh Anne tricemoZ-cundo H E N R I C I Octavi.

Principem Anglia,
Ducem Clevia,

Dom. Ruell,

Dom. l/Valden,

Dom Anth. Browne,

Dom. Cobham,
Dom. Delaware.

Dom. Anth. l/Vyngfeld,

D. bgtiduStrangny/h.


Ducem Ba-uiera.

Principem Anglia,
Ducem Baviera.

Dom. l/Valden,
Dom. Anth. Browne,
Dom. Delamare, Dom. Joan. Wnlloppe,
Dom. lllaltravernDom. Anth. l/lfyngfelda

Principem Anglia,

Dom. l/Valden,

Marchion. Dori-it,
Com. l/Vorce/ler.

Dom. Maltravers, Dom. Franti Bryan,

Dom. Cobham. Dom. Job l/Valloppe.

Principem Anglia,

Dom. Walden,
D. Seynt John,

Dom. Anth. Browne,

Dom. Anth. l/lngfzld,

Dom. Delaware.

Dom. Tho. Hennage.

Ducem Clevia,

Dom. Sandys,

Dom. Perreys,

Vicecomes Ltle,

Ducem Cleviie,
Ducem Baviera.

Dom. Anth. Browne,

Principem Anglia,
Com. Exia,

Ducem Clevia,

Dom. Anth. Browne,

Dom. l/Valden,
Dom. Delamai e, Dom. Anth. l/Vyngfeld,

Ducem Baviera.

Dom. Cobham.

Principem Anglia,

Dom. l/Valdett,
Dom. Delaivare,

Com. Southamptonia, Ducem Clevia,

Ducem Baviera.

Principem Anglia,
Com. Comberlandia, Ducem Clevie,
Ducem Baviera.

De Egld. Strangnyh.

Dom. Anth. Browne,

Dom. Anth. l/Vyzzgfezd, P. 182.
D. Egtid. Strangtvyh.

Dom. Cobham.

Dom. l/Valden,
Dom. Anth. Brown,
Dom. Delatrare, Dom. Hanci: Bryan,

Dom. Seynt John. Dom. Anth. l/Vryngfeld.


The Pr. of England, Lord Walden, Sir Anth. Browne,

D. of Cleves, Lord Cobham, Sir Anth. Wyngeld,
D. of Bavaria. Lord Delaware. Sir Giles Strangwyh.

Lord Ruell,

The Pr. of England, Lord Walden, Sir Anth. Browne,

_ Cleves,
Lord Delaware, Sir John Walloppe,
D. of

Lord Sandys,

D.of Bavaria.

Lord MaltraversuSir Anthwyngeld.

The Pr. of England, Lord Walden,

Lord Ferreys,

Sir Anth. Browne,

Margue Doret, Lord Maltrevers, Sir Francis Bryan,

E. of Worceer. Lord Cobham.

The Pr. of England, Lord Walden,

I/tconnt Lye,

D. of Cleves,
D. of Bavaria.

Lord St. John,

Sir Anth. Browne,

Sir Anth. Wyngfeld,

Lord Delaware. Sir Tho. Hennage.

The Pr. of England, Lord Walden, Sir Anth. Browne,

D. of Cleves,
Lord Delaware, Sir Anth. Wyngfeld,
D. of Bavaria. Lord Cobham. SirGiles Strangwyhz

Earl of Eex,

Earl ofSouthampton,

The Pr. of England, Lord Walden, Sir Anth. Browne,

D. of Cleves,
Lord Delaware, Sir Anth. Wyngfeld,
D. of Bavaria. Lord Cobham. Sir Giles Strangwyh.

The Pr. of England, Lord Walden,

E. of Comberland,

Sir John Walloppe.

D. of Cleves, .
D. of Bavaria.

Sir Anth. Browne,

Lord Delaware, Sir Francis Bryan,

Lord St. John.

Sir Anth. Wyngfeld._



Actauh Anno tricemo ecundo H E N R I C I Octavi. '

Principem, Anglia, Dom. Walden,
Com. Rutlaadia,

_ Ducem Baviera.

Dom. Aath. Bromne,

Dom. Sqnt
John, Dom.
V/al/op ,
D. Egid.

Principem Anglia, Dom. l/Valden, Dom. Anth. Browne,

Com. l/Ve/lmarlandie, Ducem Clevia,
Dom. Seynt John, Dom. Anth. l/lfyng/eld,

Com. Arundellia,

Dux Suoleia,

Ducem Baviera.

Dom. Mountaigle, D. Egid. Strangwyh,

Principem Anglia,
Ducem Clevia,

Dom. Delarvare, Dom. Anth. Brown,

D. Dacres North, Dom. Anth. l/lyngfeld,

Ducem Baviera.

Dom. Seynt John. Dom. Franct Bryan.

Principem Anglia,

Dom. Walden, Dom. Anth. Browne,

Dom. Wentmorth, Dom. Anth. l/Vyngfeld,
Dom. Windeire. Dom. Joan. l/Val/oppe.

Ducem Clevia,
Ducem Baviera.

Dux Northfolcia,

Principem Anglia,

Dom. Walden,

Ducem Cle-via,
Ducem Baviera.

Dom. Delaware, Dom. Anth. l/Vyngfeld,

Dom. Cohham.

Dom. Anth. Brown,

Dom. Joan. l/Val/oppe.

Subibat inde mentio celebritatis illius W/mdeori uo tempore repetendae

cum epulo quotannis ut auevit exhibendo, unde atutum ibidem e

Maii equentis die nono, illud ipum perimpleri deberi Per Comherlandia
P. 283

Comitem, Regiam ibi vicem adminiraturum, adjunctis Vicecomite Lyle,

8c Domino Zlhoma Cheyney : Sed quia tam Comes ille quam Vicecomes ad
ee non poterant ato die cauis quae probata: unt advocantibus, loco
Comitis illius, alter Comes Southamptonia videlicet 8: Vicecomitis Domil

Earl qf Rutland,

The Pr. of England, Lord Walden, Sir Anthony Browne,

Duke of Cleves, Lord St. john, Sir John Wallopp,
D. of Bavaria. Lord Mountaigleusi' Giles Strangwyh.

Earl of Wemerland,

The Pr. of England, Lord Walden, Sir Anth. Browne,

Duke o/ Cleves, Lord St. john, Sir Anth. Wyngeld,
D. of Bavaria. Lord M0untaigle.Si'GilesStrangwyh.

Earl of Arundel,

The Pr. of England, Lord Delaware, Sir Anth. Browne,

D. of Cleves,
L. Dacres North,Sir Anth. Wyngeld,
D. if Bavaria. Lord St. john. sir Francis Bryan.
The Pr. of England, Lord Walden,

Duke of Suolk,

Sir Anth. Browne,

Duke of Cleves, LordWentw0rth,Sir Anth. Wyngeld,

D. of Bavaria.

L. Wyndeore.

Sir John Walloppe. *

The P. of England, Lord Walden, Sir Anth. Browne,

Duke of Northolk,
Duke of Cleves, Lord Delaware, Sir Anth. Wyngeldi?
D. of Bavaria. Lord Cobham. Sir John Walloppe.

Then came on the Mention of the Fea to he conantly oherved at Wyndeor

in its Time, with the Entertainment to he made every Year as uual, whereupon

it was ordered, That it hould on the ninth of May following he kept hy the
Earl of Comberland, who was to he the Kings Deputy, having Vicount
Lye and Sir Thomas Cheyney joined with him: But, hecaue as well the

Earl as the Vihount could not he pree-nt at the Day appointed, for Reaons
that were approved of, Iiylead of that Earl, another Earl, viz. of South

r ictach Anne tricetno ecnndo

C-I Octani.

nus Ferreys emi unt; Qlibus po alia Factu incccria demandatum
e, ut imprins Equites praznotninatos ac clcctos in uas de more zdcs

Cum dies ,, prxicutus appeteret, adfiuere prxagiiati Nobiles ad dicm'

8: locum uti oportebat, quae debebant blenniter excquentes ram vcc-

ris in vigili-St, qualm fco equenre.

Sub ccundas autem vecras conve-v

nerunt in locum conciliis addictum 8c dedicatuma Ubi moveri ccepcum

e quid de Prodicorum nominibus ecctum ircr, cilicct an caetcris all
cripca rcmanerent, an ex meriro delenda orent, de quit re coaenum
c conulendurn ante Supremum, 8: .ex ejus entcntia quidvis inde Facti-


Nam probe videbanc hinc illorum merits. pocerc, ut qui lazc

Majeatis ac proditionis rei lerant invenci, 85 peracti ac proindc ab in-'

ignibus ram acri Ordinis Omnino dcjecti 8: dcecrati, iHorum prorius
acta cum nominibus abolcrentur atque cxtinguerentur, ilinc libros turpid

ter habituros, de quibus eradercntur. Proptcrea quae conulca c Mad

jeas medium inner utrumque tenens cenuit, ut ubi ubi talium facta
cum nominibus terint cxprca, foris in margine criberetur a, vah 1 Pros


Paulo mox inde urrepit addubitatio, quiham ordo ervaretur in de

functorum hujtls commilicii uragiis ordinandis ac procqucndis; exc

ampton, and inead of the Vtconnt the Lord Ferreys were ent: Who had it,
hedes other Things neceary to he done, gi-'oen them in Charge, that they hould
in the
Place iniall as nital the forenamed and elehTed Knights.
When the Day " appointed came on, the nohle Per/bns hefore aigned for it,
appeared at the Day and Place as they ought,
executing their Qfces as
well at Vepers on the Erve, as on the Fea following it; And at the econd
Vipers they met together in the Place appointed, and appropriated to the Chap;v

ters, where they hegan to advie, what they hould do ahout the Names of
Traytors, viz. Whether they hould continue wrote down with the re, or he
hlotted out as they de-rwedz as to which Point they agreed together,
confult the Sovereign, 'That omething might he done thereon according to his '
Determination. For they well izw on one Hand that their Demerits required,
flhat thoe who are accned, and con-ziihied of High Treabn', and da/y degrav

ded and dirveed of the Badges of t acred an Order, hould have their Affi
ons as well at Names aholihed and extinguihed; and on the other, that the
Book: out of which they hould he eraZd, would looh ugly; and therefore his
Majely was con/hired, who keeping a Medium hetween thee two, aeudgd
that where-ver the Aions and Names of uch Perons were expre/Id, there'

hould he 0 wrote in the Margin, Oh! Traytor.

A little after there aroe a Douht, as to what Order hould he ohZ-rrzied in the
Snrages for the deceazd Knights, whether the oldfuneral Rites with Maes or
n Partition hv the Heralds of the Fee for St. Geor
ge's Pea/i at Windor 9 May, Sir William Fitz
williams Lord Admiral Lientenaat.

o Ilence inhme Place: of thit Book the Wzrd Traj

ditor is placed over 'he Names aume Companiont.


Sacri m



Actauh Anno tricemoecundo H E N R I CI Octawi.

quix ne veteris cum mis eu (acriciis lugubribus uti jam olim, an alio
rim procederent.

Qui cle re P acuit Suprema Majeas' 'vice/imo guarto

univeris aliis
tum przeentibus,
hare umma
maneret, a SupreP. 284.


mo videlicer viii I. vi s. viii d. a Rege externo vil. xiii s. iiiid. aPrin

ling/litea Vicccomite
vl. xvi s. viiid,
xli s. aviii
d. aBarone
xxxiii s. iiiiiiiI. d,xval)
s, Equitc
a CO.

aurato xvi s. viii d. 8: quod Scriha Ordinis Be Decanus lI/indeorien/is,


vel eorum alter immediate po cognituin vol auditum, 8: ab auditu il

lico igniicatum &e. certo denunciatum cujuvise Commiiitonibus obi

tum eandem recipiat, 8: receptam in opera pia diribuat, qualia unt

publicarum viarum redintegratio atque emendatio, vere pauperum adju

tatio, cum czcteris hujucemodi, prout Supremus adjudicabit, Be de tempore in tempus agnabit. Quam fane pecuniarum ummam ic recipi


8: (iio
vere in
Be Scriba,
ad [minus
eorum alter

jeati numerabit, numerato declarans, quemadmodum eandem erogarit,

vero debite poulatum quiiuam iporum Equitum dependere (ctubteF

fugeric, hanc mulctam ipie ubibit, quod umma' perolvendm tertiam


Sacri/icesfor the Dead hould go on as formerly, or in any other Manner. As to

which Point the Soroereign P ordained on the z4th of May following, together
with all the other Knights Companions then preent, That thefollowing Sum hould

continue for erver to he paid viz. by the Sovereign 8 l. 6 s. 8 d, hyaforeign

King6l. 15 s. 4d, hy a Prince of Wales 5 l. 16 s. 8 d. hya Duhej I.

hyaMargueji z I. 15 s. hyanEarl 50 s, by a Vicount 41 s 8d, hy a
Baron z z s. 4 d. hy a Knight Bachelor 1 6 s. 8 d, and that the Regier of
the Order, and the Dean of Windebr, or one of them hall, immediately af
ter the lenowing or hearing, and after that having girt/en immediate Notice and
certain Account of the Death of any one of the Knights Companions, receive the
ame, and then dirihttte it to pious Ues, uch as are the repairing and mend
ing of the high V/ays, Relief of the real Poor; with others of the ame hind .

as the Sovereign hall adjudge and direil from lime to Time.

V/hich Sum *of

Money o to he receiroed, and real] received in its-Time, the Dean and Regi

er, or one of them at lea hal once every Year in Chapter

give Ac
compt for to the King, declaring how he hath heowed the ame z and any
of the Knights hall decline paying this Sum duly demanded of him, he hall he
ned to add another third Part of the Sum to he paid, and t from Year to lear as
p 'This Decree is inerted in the l9tlJ Artiele of the
Englih Statutes printed by Mr. Ahm. in blaei Let-

" of a Chri/ien Man 1537. p- no, 123, of Purga

" rot), which Book was ajrernrardsbctt forth in 4to. by

ter: in his Appendix, and there aid to he made by " H. 8- with additions and then ntituled a neceary
the Sovereign in the Chapter held at Wehn. on the
2 d of Apr. It may not he amzt to inert a Note
tritich Mr. Ahmole hath urotein the Margin of be

5' Doctrine and Erudition for any Chriian ILIan &c.

V And this practice continued during Ed. 6. as ap
** peart from a Book called a Dtjence of Prie/i: Mar

printed Hiory, which remains in the Muepm in a riaze iabilxhed by the Imperiall Laws If 'Je realm

" ofTngland again/i a Civilian naming himelf Tho.

t' Nottrithandin this Order for changin Maes " Marten dedicated to King Philip and Qu. Mary
" into Money, the


rayers for Soals departe both by [ ** in his pr. 5.

'wite Perons
a: aljo b the clergy
in Mats
and of Mr.
Ahmhis Hi.
was oontinuedyet/erd
beyond that
in in1 Ed.
Vi. p- 6 29, mentions the Mas

i' time as appear: from the Book iled the Initution



Acta uh Anno trine/into eunde H E N R I C I Octavi.


alteram adjiciet, s: ic de anno in annum quamdiu ub hc nota perdu

mbit. Qldd i Decanus ac Scriha, vel alter corum in hujumodi ratioci

mo prxando defecerit, vel ambo, vel' ipik atlteln in quo culpa depre
henditur, nomine pmnzr decem libms exolvet, imili modo diribuendas.
Anno erenimi Regis Henriei Ofiarvi

triee/imo wundo, Menis vero Januarii die none, Hamp

'tonia una cum Majcate Regia aderant Ordinis auguiiimi (cui Divus
Georgiu: Patronus praecitur) Equites illures, nimirum Dux Subleia,
Comites Southamptonice, Suexia, 8: Rutlandize, Dominus Waldenix, Do
minus Rujl] 8: Dominus 'lhqmas Cheyney, ubi ex Regix Majeatis pra
cripto Concilium initum e, de ubrogando Equite quopiam inigni in
unum aliquem locorum quae tum quidem vacabant, icque ad conue

ram Equitum nomenclatilram animis alacribus itum e, prouc lucide

hzrc equens indicat orma,

Dom. The. Chemy,

Dom. Rue/l,

Com. Hartfordia,

Dom. Cobham,

Dom. Job. Gawge,

Com. Shrewisharia,

Dom St. John,

Dom. Anth. V/ynkld,

Marchion. Dartt.

Dom. Delarvare. Dom. Ede. Bajntan.

Com. Hartfordia,
Com. Shrewishuria,
Com. l/Vwcelria.

Dom. Cobham, Dom. Joh. Gawge,

Dom. Windear, Dom. Anth. Wjnlefeld, P. 285
Dom. Matrevers. D. Egid. Strangwihe.


long as he hall lie under thix Imputation.


the Dean and Regier, or

one of them hall he 'decient in making uch Accompt, either hath of them, or
at lea he upon whom the Fault is found, hall h] l/Va] of Pmalzy Pa), zm
Pound: to he dirihuted in like Manner.

In the thirty econd Tear of the mc rene King Henry the Eighth, on
the ninth of January there were with the King at Hampton, the illurious

Knight; of the mq/i augu Order (orver which St. George preides as Patran)
viz. The Duke of Suolk, the Earl: of Southampton, Suex, and Rudand,
Lord Walden, Lord Ruell, and Sir Thomas Cheyney, where hy the King:

Direion a Chapter was held for uhlituting ome nohle Knight into one of t e
Stalls, which were then vacant, and b they went cheer-full] to the uual/Et
ting down the Name: of Knights, as the jbllawing Form plainly hews. '

The E. of Hartford,

Sir Tho. Cheyny,


Lord Cobham, Sir John Gawge,

E-of Shrewisbury,L0rd St. John, Sir Anth. Wynkfeld,

Marq. Doret.
Lord Delaware. Sir Edw. Baynton.
The E. of Hartord, Lord Cobham,

Lord Ruel] ,


Sir John Gawge,

E. of Worceer. Lord Windeor,
Matrevers. Sir
Sir Giles




i 420


Juno triciiimo nundo H E N R I C I Octaoi.

Marchion. Dorett, Dom. Matrewers, Dom. Job. Gawge,

Dom. Walden,

Com. Shretvisburize, Dom. l/Vindehr, Dom. Anth. HjinL-ld,

Corn. Hartfordia. 'Dom. St. John. Dom. Job. Dudley.
_X_ ._

Marchionem DorhtnDom. Cobham,

Dom. Job. Gawge,

Dom. Windeir, Dom. Anth. Wynhfeld,
Dom. Seynt John. D. Egid. strangtryly.

Com. Rutlandia,

Com. Shremishzeria,
Com. Hartfordia.
Com. Shrervishuria,

Dom. Matrewers, Dom./li'th. Wynlfeld,

con), Sgexiz,

Com. Hartfordiee,

Dom. Sejnt fohmDom. Job. Gawge,

Dom. Cohham. D. Egid. Strangnyfh.

Com. Womria.

Com. Shretvishuria,
Com. Southamptoni-e, Com. Hartfordia,
Com. Worcejlria.

Dux Southfolci-e,

Dom. Delaware, Dom. Job. George,

Dom. Cobham,
Dom. Am. l/Vynhefeld, i
Dom. l/Vindeo/e. D. Egid. Strangmyh.

Com. Shremishurie, Dom. Cobham,

Dom. Ant. PVynbfeld, t

Com. Worceria,


' Dom.
Dom. l/Vindeor.

Po praeclaram hanc Equitum Nomenclaturam, allatae ad Majeatcir:

Regiam Scedula, in qua Equitum nomina, (qui prxdicto Ioco idonci

cenebantur) ordine decripta erant, quam cum diligenter petlegiet dam

voce teafa e, 9 Hartfordize Comitem Prx czrteris eo quidem tempore (ut

res poulabat) ibi videri ad id honoris aumendum. Qlod 8: verbis

8: vultibus certiimis animi indicibus cazteri hujus Ordinis Commilito

Lord Walden,

The Mar nes Doret, Lord Matrevers, Sir John Gawge,

E.of hrewisbury,Lord Wyndeore, Sir Anth. Wynkeld,

E. of Hattford. Lord St. John.

The Marq. Doret,

The Earl of Rutland,

Lord Cobham,

Sir John Dudley.


sir John Gawge,

EofshrewisburygLord Wyndeor, Sir Anth. Wynkeld,

E. of Hertford. Lord St. John. Sir Gil. Strangwihe.
The E.ofShrewisbury,Lord Matrevers, Sir Anth. Wynkeld,

1 But at' spex,

E. of Hartford, Lord St. John,

Sir John Gawge,

E. of Worceer. Lord Cobham.

Sir Gil. Sttangwihe.

The Eo/Shrewisburyhard Dclaware, Sir John Gawge,



Earl of Hartford, Lord Cobham,

Sir Anth. Wynkeld',

E. of Worceeri Lord Wyndeor. Sir GiL Strangwih.

The E.ofS.hrewisbury,Lord Cobham,

Dulee of Suolk,

E. of Worceer, Lord Powys,

Sir Anth. Wynkeld,

Sir John Gawge,

E. of Hertford. Lord Wyndeor. Sir GiLStrangwih.

'After the naming of this noble Set of Knights, the Schedule, wherein the
Names if the Knights (who were thought t for the aforetid Place) were
wrote down in Order, was brought to the King, who when he look'd it care

fully outer, declared with a high Voice, That the Earl of 9 I-Iertford did (at
that Time as the Matter required) em- to him proper to he admitted to that

Honour preferably' to the Re, which all the re of the Knights pre/Ient, did
g Sir Edward Seymour tdter Duhe of Someret.


cta uh Anno trice/imo tertioH E N R I

I Octaoi.

ncs, quotquot adcrant, ibi ad modum placuic ingenue fa unt.


cxtcris in tedcs vacuus ubituendis in aliud tcmpus prorogatum c.

Aderat tanden] tcmpus illud expectattlm, ut plures intcgerrima: famx

Equitcs in cllas illas_vacuas ubrogarentur, ' tres enim vacabant; Anno

P. 286.;

igitut Rcgis potcntihmi Henrici Oa-zzi.

tricemo tertio, die vero Mcnis Aprilis rvtcemo

tertio (qui quidem dies Divo Georgio lccr C) ad ecundas ejus dici Vei
pcras in Regio We/imonaerii Palatio, una cum Majeatc Regia convene.

runt, Dux Northfttlctte, Comites Sonthamptonize, Suxiee, 8c Rutlandite,

Dominus V/izldeny, Dominus Rull, Dominus Thomax Che-yney, 8: Domi

nus Anthonius Browne; Ubi mox agi cocptum c de Equitibus aliquot
in cdilia vacantia ubitucndis. Itut continuo, umma cum revcrentia, ad

(ohtam Equitumhomcnciatutam co ordine, qui in hac ccrnitut pagclla,




Com. shrewd-bury,
Dom. Anth. Browne, Com. V/orceria,
Com. Snrrty.


Dom. Cohharn, Dom. Joh. Gamge,

Dom. Mette-exert, Dom. Ant. V/jn/elde,
Dom. Patre.
Dom. Gul. Sydng.


hath by their Words and Looles (the

Interpreters of the Mind) plainly
declare was exceeding pleang to them; The thituting of the re in the roa
cant Stall was Put o to another Time.
At length the expeed Time came, That many Knight: of the mo perfe

Charaiier were to he uhituted into thoe roacant Stallr, 'for three were roacant;
In the thirty third Year therefore of the mo/i potent King Henry the Eighth,
and twenty third of April, (being St. Gcorgcis Day) at the econd Vejer: of
that Day, in the Royal Palace at Weminer there were ajIZ-mhled with the
King, the Duke of Northfolk, the Earls of Southamton, Suex, and Rut

land, Lord Walden, Lord Rucll, Sir Thomas Cheyncy and Sir Anthony
Browne, where they hegan to talee in Hand the ithiituting of bme Knight:
inthe rvacant Sfdll. The] proceeded immediately with the highe/i Kerzterence

to the uual naming of Knights in the Method which it to he en in this'





The Eofshrewisburyhord Cobham, Sir John Gawge,

E. of Worceer, Lord Matrcvers, Sir Antnwynkfeld,
Sir Anth. Browne,
E. of Surrey.

Lord Part.

Sir Will. Sydney.


r The
to heLord
by the
of mentioned

of' Scots
4z The
o 'gNorFolk

Stall de/'gned
fr Pr. Edw.
o Suolk.
Earl o Arundel

and Sir William Kyngion ; but according to the

5 Earl o Hurry

StriEi/tct of the Statute-r, there ma: another Stall alo

void, to nhith Prince Edward was deigned, who therefore it named in the third of the PrinoeU Side in we-

6 Earl of Southamptot) Earl of Weimcrland.

7 Earl of Suex
Earl of Hertford.
8 Earl of Rutland
Earl o] Cumberland

ral Lis. See MS. inter Cod. Norf. in O/f. Arm.

n. 47. It ma) not he Amt: to give a Seheme o the

9 Lord Walden
' Atthur Vieonnt Lie
10 Conahle of France Admiral o France.

SM/L, a: they ood at Windor after the Ina lation

II Lord Ferrers

of thee three new elected companions.

12 Sir Thomas Cheyny Sir Anthony Broxvn.

13 Sir John Gage'

x The Sovereign

The Emperonr.

2' The French King

King of the Romans.


Lord R


Sir Anthony Wjngfelds



- * 42 a

Actaah Anne tricemo tertio H E N R I C I Octavi.


Com. Surrey,
Dom. Tho." Chtyney,

Dom. Rue/l,

P. 287.

Dom. Edoar. Bajnton,

Com. l/Vorceria.

Dom. Parr.

D. Egid. Strangwyh.

Com. Shretvisburyy,
Com. Surrey,
Com. l/Vorceria.

Dom. Windehre, Dom. Job. Gawge,

Dom. Delatrare, Dom. Ant. Hfynkfelde,
Dom. Parr.
D. Egid. Strangnyh.

Marchion. Doret,

Dom. Matravers, Dom. Job. Gawge,

Com. Surrey,
Com. Shrerrisbur),

Dom. Sejnt John, Dom. Ant. VQn/efelde,

Dom. Parr.
Dom. Job. Dudley.

Marchion. Dori-it,

Dom. Matrevers, Dom. Joh. Gange,

Com. Rutlandia,

Com. Surrey,

Dom. Seynt John, Dom. An', Vlynlefelde,

Com. Shrerrishury.

Dom. Parr.

D. Egid. Strdguyfb.

Dom. Parr,

Dom. Job. Gawge,

' Com. Surrey,

Com. Suhxil,

Com. Shrervisbury,
Com. Darbja.

Dom. Seynt John, Dom. Ant. HZyn/efezlde,

Dom. Windeor. Dom. Job. Dlldlej.

Com. Shrewisbury,

Dom. Cobham,

Com. Southamptonia, Com. Surrey,


Dom. Job. Gawge,

Dom. l/Valden,


Dom. Cobham,

Com. Shrervisbury, ' D. Seynt John,

Dom. Ant. l/l/Zynkelde,

Dom. l/Vindeor, Dom. Job. Gawge,

Com. l/Vorcelria.

Dom. Parr.

D. Egid. Strangwth.

Com. Surrey,

Dom. Cobham,

Dom. Ant. mhfelde,

Com. Shrewisbury,

Dom. Winderr. Dom. Job. Gawge,

Com. Derby-e.

Dom. Parr.

Dux Northfolcia,

Dom. Job. Dudley.


The E. of Surrey,
Sir Tho. Cheyney,

Lord Cobham,

Sir John Gawge,

E.o Shrewisbury,Lord St. John,

Sir Edw. Baynton,

E. of Worceer. Lord Parr.

SirGiles Strangwyh.

Lord Ruell,

The E.ofShrewisbury,L. Wyndeore, Sir John Gawge,

Earl of Surrey, Lord Delaware, Sir Anth. Wyngeld,
E. of Worceer. Lord Parr.
sirGiles Strangwyh.

Lord Walden,

The Marques Doret, Lord Man-avers, Sir John Gawge,

Earl of Surrey, Lord St. John, Sir Anth. Wyngeld,
E.ofShrewisbury.Lord Parr.

Sir John Dudley.

The Margue Doret, Lord Matrevers, Sir John Gawge,

The Earl of Rutland,

Earl of Surrey, Lord St. John,

E ofShrewisburyLord Parr.
The Earl of Surrey, Lord Parr,

-Earl of Suex,

E ofShrewisbury,Lord St. John,

Earl of Derby.

Earl of Surre ,

Sir John Gawge,

Sir Anth. Wyngfeld,

Lord Wyndeor. Sir John Dudley.

The Enfshrewisburyyllord Cobham,

Earl ofSouthampton,

Sir Anth. Wyngeld,

Sir Giles Strangwyh.

Sir Anth. Wyngfeld,

Lord Wyndeor, Sir John Gawge,

E. of Worce er. Lord Parr.

SirGiles Strangwyh.

The Earl of Surrey, Lord Cobham, Sir Anth. Wyngeld,

Duke of Northolk,
E.ofShrewisbury,Lord Wyndeor, Sir John Gawge,

Earl of Derby.

Lord Parr._

Sir John Dudley.



Acta lah Anno triccymo tertio H E N Rll C I-Octavi.

Poeaquam ad e allatam Scedulam, in qua hzec continebatur nomen
clatura, oculis perluraet Majeas Regia, mox communi prazentium

Equitum Comitem
conenii, in
hos tres
' Joannem
8: elegit,
',, Anthonium Vynkfe/de. Po haec decretum e, ut olennitas illa Georgiana

die vigetuoecundo Menis Maii proxime equentis l/I/tndeori celebraretur;

8: ut Sui-xia Comes Regiam vicem illic upplerec, adjunctis ibi-Comite
Rutlandia 6: Domino Tho. Cheyney, quibus hoc oneris impoitum e,

ut A" Equites przenominatos in uas edes (ut mos e) introducerent. (Liar

quidem omnia (e quae conveniebat diligenti) facta unt.

After the King had upon its heing hrought to him look'd over the Schedule,
wherein ratus contained this Set of Names, he immediately with the common

Aint of the Knights preent, choi- the/i three to he Companions of the mo

illurious Order, viz. The Earl of Surrey, Sir t John Gaivge, and Sir " An

thony WynkFelde.

After which it was determined, That the Fee of St.

George hould he kept at Wyndeor on the twenty econd of May nextfol

lowing, and that the Earl of Suex hould he the King's Deputy there, having

for his Atciates the Earl of Rutland and Sir Thomas Cheyney, who had
the Charge given them of inlalling (as uisal) the forenamed x Knights, all
which was done with proper Diligence.

f The hard Fate gf this learned and valiant Sir ver whether this Earl e] Surrey was hred u in the
Family ofany
, butfamous
knows for
utor was
Henry Howard [file Earl o Surrey, as heing the Hadrian
a Plzron

eldt Son of the then Duke o Norolkis wellknown.

His Piflure drawn in 1546, is incrihed that. 29.
This 'no/i illurious Houe of Howard continued
jor a long Time, tho ancient Method of educating their
Sons in the Families of ome eminent Bihops ,- _/ee Dr.

Poetry, Philoophy, Phyick and Hiory, and 'tis evi

dent how well his Pupil improved. This Junius wrote
a Letter to Srephen Gardmer, dering a Pen/ionfrom
Philip and Mary wherein are thee Words, V Exactum

Fidde's Collellions of the Life of cardinal Woley " Fuit mihi eprennium olim in hoc regno non poe
Append. The Earl of Arundel] in 1620, in his Inru " nitendo tum fructu, quum apud Nortlkia Ducis,
ctions to his younger Son William [after Vieount " qui nuper nis concet, lium Comitem Sur
' Staotd] when he placed him with Dr. Harnet then *' reiurn honeo pro illius o ibus iipendio anuuo
Bilhop of Norwich, aith that was the Method o] a (quod quinquaginta Ange atos primer necearia
Breeding, which the Yhuths of his Houe for uperior " vita! numerabat) mercrem. Quem ummas pei,
to him were accuomed unto, and mentions that Earls '4 maximteq; expectationis juvenem quum celera
own Grandfather and his Brother. hisgood Uncle, as he ** torum et conjurarorum liominum libido ne
iles him of Northampron to he ho/h bred as Pages V caua, et ne lege fortunis omnibus prius exu
with Bihops. It may he uppoed that they learned the " tum capite mulct-iet C/Fc." Epi/l. p- i2. There is
Rudiments of Grammar from ome Tutor or Chaplain an Epi/ile from him to this Earl p. 89.

in the Houeholds of the/t- Bijhops, under their ln

t He made his Will 23 Febr. 1355, wherein he di

res his and

to hlew
ell his
Collzr0 ofthat
pehlion, or we nd 'his Earl of Northampton veryi Gurter,
that his
Or o er the
early ma ing a coniderable Figure in the Univerity of
Cambridge. Leland treating upon the Palate of preented to the Colle e of Windos, t at a Chantry he
l-ambeth writes, that the[ame was growing old, u Ecce erected for him in e Firle, Oc. Lib Kitchin qu. 9.

'* praro e Johannes oridunus, 8e ablero enio in Cur. Praar- in nhich Church he was huried, ee his
a omni, orem ac juventutcm, renovato 8c aucto fu neral Certic. Vinc- n. 93. p. 36' in O - Arm.
" operi magnice reddit. Hic ego juvenis lu Where there is a Alonument erected oflaper and Mar
" dio eloquentiae et bonarum literarum con hle with his I? lgies in Armour, wit) the En/igns of
" agtans , Thomam Hovertum Princi-pis lce-_ the Order, an on a Bras this Incription ** Hic jacet
" Johannes G-zgte prmclari Ordinis Gasrerii Miles
" norum lium latine lotgai induria, ua Dotui a
quondam Conabulariuslurris London, Cancel
" maxima. perdocui. Cygn. ent." Thought is Family
Ducarus Lanca/lria, Dominus Camerarius
might at that Time have an Houe in Lambeth, he
caue everal of them were buried in that Church, from *' Hopirii Reginz Maria ac unus de Psivato Con
the Tear isol to iszs, yet Lelands Words are very " cilio ejudem Reginte, et Philippt uxor eius, Qui
improper, unles the tmpl' that he tau ht his Pupil the '4 obierunt Anno Dom. MDLVl Quorum anima
Latin Tongue in tte Pa uce o Arch thop Morton ; u bus ropitietur Deus."

u e made his Will iz Aug. 1552, proved 16 Apr.

this Thomas Son of the Du e o] Norfolk, and at
length Duke
hein aged 66 at his Death in 1553. Lib. Tah.qu. 9.
x The three here named, as alo the Earl of Hcrts
1 s? was only 14 Pars o d at the Time of the Death
o; His Arehhijhop 1502. The Collector cannot dice ford- Vinc MS. in O. Arm. n. 417.



Afiaoh Anno tricemo quinto H E N R I C I Octani.


P. 288

Jam Regni Henrici OFfa-vi Anglia, Franciee, s: 7 Hiherniie Regis invicti;

imi, dei dccnoris

trigeimns quartus incipiebatur annus; dies vcro Menis Aprilis vigeimus

tertias, cum apud Grenewichia Regiam, in ipo die qui Divo Georgio i
cer e, (ub veperas habitum e Concilium, in quo cum Majeate Re
gia prazlientes erant Comites Southamptonia, SuZ-xia, se Hertfordize, Domi
nus Ferres, Dominus Ruell, Dominus Thomas Cheyney, Dominus Antho

nius Bro-ume 8; Dominus Joannes Gage, 8: Dominus Anthonins Wyngefelde.

Po prolixam 8: gravem- conultationem, cum Regi ipi, tum cazteris

qui aderant optimum videbatur z ut in aliud tempus protelaretur Equitum

inignium inignis electio.

Elpulum illud Georgianum, apud Windeoram

(ent-to Maii, ea qua decet ce ebritate perageretur, Southantptontie Comes

Regiam vicem uppleret.

Dominus Rn-ll se Dominus Anthonius Browne,

ad omnia quae huie negotio impcndebant, totis viribus aerent.

Anno Regni Henrici Oiiavi, Anglia, Francia 8: Hihernia: Regis, dei
deenlioris, 8: in terra
trigeimo quinto, die vero Menis Aprilis vigeimo tertio, in die Sancti Georgii,

ad Regium Wemonaerii Palatium, (in quo Majeas Regia tum quidem

morabatur) ub lecundas ejus diei veperas, Dux NOTI/Jfolciee, Comes
Hertfordize, Dominus l/Vizldens, Dominus Ruell, Dominus Thomas Cheyngv,

Now hegan the thirty ourth TZ-ar of the Reign of Henry the Eighth, the
mo invincible

of England, France, and 1 Ireland, Defender of the Faith,

hat it was the twenty third of Aprii, when at the Palace of Grenewich,
on St. Georgds Day, at Veers a Chapter was held, wherein were preent
with the King, the Earls of Sourhampton, Suex, and Hertord, Lord Fer
rers, Lord Ruell, Sir Thomas Cheyney, Sir Anthony Browne, Sir John

Gage and Sir Anthony Wyngefelde. After a long and grave Dehate, the
King and all preent thoughtt, to de-r the honourable Elefiion of nohle Knights
to an other Time; That the Feet/i of St. George hould he leept at Wyndeor
on the L ixth of May with all due Solemnity, That the Earl of Southam

ton hould he the Kings Deputy, that the Lord Ruiell and Sir Anthony
Browne hould a him to the utmo of their Ahility in all Things relating

to that Aair.
In the thirty fth Tear

Henry the Eighth, King of England, France

and Ireland, Defender of the Faith and upon Earth

and on the twenty third of Aprii, on St. Georgds Day, at the Rgtal Pit- w
lace at Weminer, where the King then ahode, at the icond Vepers of
the Da , the Duke of Northolk, Earl of Hcrtord, Lord Waiden, Lord
*' Rue , Sir Thomas Cheney, Sir Anthony Browne, Sir John Gage and
y The Tit/e of King of lteland was granted by All
of Parliament there, in the eceedin Tear, wherein

Proclamatian her: IW 'ZW PWPQl' m" o" 23 Jam-"U

zH. 8, but a M. in 'he Handwriring o] th' then

iiit recited as one Motive was a t e inhabitants of Zzarter King of Arms places it on 19 JUDB i" wi! T?"
a th, hight, would m," gladly obq you, Mgng; by E. 9. pcncs me p. 89 la. afterwards an Act paed here
" tlMt Namqhaving ha beretoore a oolt/h Opinion

Seat. s H. 8- - 3-

*' tlM' the Btjhop of Rome hould e Km of 'be

z artuion among 'be Her-aid: of tle Ft' for 'he
5' ame-i' Seat. 33 H. s. e. i. Stow p. 583, anb 'he Fu of St. Georga 'he ai May.


-> --'_*_"

'Acrid/ilk Anno tricemo quit-into H E

RI-Cl Octaui. i

425. 4

Dominus Anthonius Browne, Dominus Jtohannes Gage ac Dominus Antho

nius V/yngefelde, omncs Subligaris inigniis ornati, ad Regem ipum con
volarunt. Po pauca ultro cicroque habita, proceum e ad praeclaram
illam Equitum nomcnclaturam, quae quidem eo ordine, quem ubcrip
tum intueri licet peragebatur.



Com. Shrewhuria,
Dom.' Anl. I/Vjrdeldelom. PVorceri-e,
Vicecom. Ltle.

Dom. Seynt John, Dom. Joan. I/Vadop,

Dom. Delaware, Dom. Gul. Sydney,
Dom. Matre-oers. Dom. Gul. Patre.

Com. Shrervburia,

Dom. Saint John, Dom. Joan. Wa/Iop,

Dom. Job. Gage,

Com. Comberlandia, Dom. tW-ztrevers, Dom. Gul. Sydney,

P- 289]
Vicecom. Ljle.
Dom. Delaware. Dom. Anth. seljnger.

Com. Shrewburie,
Dom. Anth. Brown, Com. Worce/Iria,

Dom. Tho. Charity,

Dominus Rue,

Dom. Saint J0hn,D0m. Joan. l/l/'al/op,

Dom. Delarvare, Dom. Gul. bydng, .

Vicecom. Lyle.

Dom. Patre.

Dom. Tho. l/Vharton.

Man-chion. Dorcet,

Dom. Saynt JohmDom. Joan. Wallop,

Com. Shretrburia,

Dom. Matretz/ers, Dom. Anth. Selynger,

Vicecom. Ljle.

Dom. Cobham.

Dom. Tho. Wreey.

Marchion. Doreet,

Dom. Saint Johnpom. Job. I/Vallop,

Com. Shrewhuria,

Dom. Matre-oers, D. Egid. Strang mates,

Vicecom. Lyle.

Dom. Delaware. Dom. Gul. Sjdney.


Sir Anthony Wyngefeld, all honoured with the Badges of the Garter retrted

to the King.

a w Things canrvaed to and o, they proceed to na

nting a nohle Set of Knights, which was done in the Order which you may
ie drawn up underneath.

Sir Anth. Wyngfeld,

Sir 'John Gage,

'Sir AntlLBrownc,

Barons, i

The E. ofShrewsbury, Lord St. John,

The E.ofShrewisbury,Lord St. John,

Sir John Waiiop,

E. of Comberl.

Lord Matrevers, Sir Will. Sydney,

Vttoant Lylc.

Lord Delaware. Sir Anth. Selynger.

The E.ofShrewisbury,Lord St. John, Sir John Wallop,

E. of Worceer, Lord Dclaware, Sir Win. Sydney,
Vicoant Lyzle. Lord Patre.
Sir Tho. Wharton.
Sir John Wallop,

Enfshrewisburyord Macrevers, Sir Anth. Sellynger,

Vitoant Lyzle. Lord Cobham.

Lord Ruell,

Sir John Wallop,

E. of Worceer, Lord Delaware, Sir Will. Sydney,

Vitount Lie.
Lord Matrevers. Sir Will. Patre.

The Marqu. Doret, Lord St. John,

Sir Tho. Cheyny,


Sir Tho. Wreley.

The Marg. Doret, Lord St. John, Sir John Wallop,

E.o] Shrewisbury,Lord Matrevers, Sir Gil. Strangwaies,
Vtoant Lyzle. Lord Deiaware. Sir Will. Sydncy.




Actatth Anno tricgimo quinto H E N R I CI Octaoi.



Marchion. Dortet,

Dom. Saint fohnpom. foh. PVa/Iop,

Dom. Valdent,

Vicecom. Lje.

Dom. IlIatre-zxers, Dom. Tho. I/l/'re/lz),

Dom. Patre.
Doma Tho. Dame.

Marchion. Doreet,

Dom. hatrevers, Dom. Job. Wallap,

Com. Hertfordi-e,

Com. Shrewshurie,

Dom. Delaware, Dom. Tho. Vrtegv,

Vicecom, Lyle.

Dom. Patre.

Marchion. Doreet,
Com. Shrewsharia,

Vicecom. Ly/Ie, Dom. Joh. l/Val/op,

Dom. St. John, Dom. Tho. V/'re/Iq,

Com. Darhie.

Dom. Patre.

Dux Northfoleia,

Dom, Frm Brm

Dom. Frantii Brjan.

Ex nominatis eligebantur a Vicecomes Lye, Dominus l- Saint John

6: Dominus 5 Parre : Epulum illud Georgianum apud Mdeltram (luotan
nis celebrari olitum, die ixto Menis Maii indicitur. Hertfordite Comes
Regis vicem upplere, Dominus Anthoniu: Browne & Dominus Johantzes

Gage, illi aiiere jubentur.

Poea vero nimirum, 4 evige/imo Z-ptimo die Menis Aprili: (mis in

id ipum a Rege literis Commionariis) Dominus Part-e in zdem uam

Lord Walden,

The Marqae: Doret, Lord St. John, Sir John Wallop,

E.0fShrewisbury,Lord Matrevers, Sir Tho. Wreley,
Vijtottnt Lyzle. Lord Parte.
Sir Thomas Darcic.
The Marqaes Doret, Lord Matrevets, Sir John Walop,

The E. of Hcrtord,

E.ofShrewisbury,Lard Delaware, Sir Tho. Wreley,

Vtconnt Lyzle. Lord Parte.

Sir Francis Bryan.

The Marguet Doret, I/itoant Lyzle, Sir John Wallop,

Eofshrewisburyord St. John, Sir Tho. Wreley,
The D. of Northolk,
E. of Derby.
Lord Patre.
Sir Francis Bryan.

Out of the Peron: named the 4 Vteount Lyzle, Lord St. "John and Lord
c Patre were chole z the Fea of St. George ued to he ept ero

at Windcor, was appointed on the ixth Day of May.


The Earl o Herc

ord was appointed to repreent the King, and Sir Anthony Brown, and Sir
John Gage ordered to ai him.
But afterwards, viz. on the 4 twenty eventh Day of April, (the King
ending his Commiion for that Purpoji) the Lord Parte was introduced to his


a ohn Sutton or Dudlcy Vteount Lilc then Duke Elizabeth

him a new
thereon he created
me: reeletiled
alo to
t it Order,
and and
orthumberland, afterward: attainttd and he
Plate remain: in the 7th Stall on the Printed' Side, hear


h William Pawlet Lord St. John of Bain , crea ing

Date 3 June 1559,
heing the Time of hit econd
ted Marqne: of Wincheicr ioganuary 3
.V[, In/lallation.
bit Plate remain: in the fifth

tall on the Sove

d 'The Reaon of expediting the In/Iallation of the

reign? Side, inerihed Guillaume Mars/tri: de Win Lord Parte i: here exprefed. In the Partition Book
cheler 5 May 35 H- Vlll, whence it appear: this of the Heraldt 'lit entred. Partition made the 28 of
Plate wax not et up at the Time of hit Inallation, Apr. anno H. Vlll 35 at the Ina/lation of the Lord
Patre at Windeor, and alo Partition made at
which hath been oberved in everal otherr.
c William Pai- Lord Pa: of Kcndall, afterward:

Windeor of the Fee of therle of Hertord the [Gngt

Earlof Eex and Marqtte: of Northampton, whoe Lientenant, and of th' T/"teonnt Lilie, and Lord bt,
Filler Henry the Ylll married on the 1_2 July follow- ] him, which two latter were inalled on F May. Vinc.

ing. He teat conz/'Zled of high 'Iream tn 1 Mar. and

de radedjrom this Order, hntton reored in Blood by
A of Parliament though not to hit Honours. Queen

S. m O. Arm. n. 417. that t: on He Eve d the




Abia ub Anno tricemo ouinto H E N R I

I Octaroii

apud Windeiram ub veperas introductus c; ad id munCriS Obcllndllm

ex Regis Mandato aderantuHertfordia Comes Regis vicem gerehs, 86 Do;

minus Anthonius Brown, 8: Dominus Anthonius l/Vymgefttldcs iui ad omnia

aientes. Aderant denique Ociarii omnes, qui ad id muncris obeun

dum adec olebant. Unuquique uo munere gnaviter decenterque Furr
ctus ch Mans 'Po pcractum funebte acrum, in Septentrionales Anglia
ncs prazdictus Dominus Parre maxima cum feinatione tendebat.

Pridie natalis Domini ejudem anni apud Regiam Hamptonite ub Ve

peras una cum Majeate Regia prmentes erant Ordinis auguimi (qui

a Subligari nomen trahit) Equites illures, Dux Northfolcize, Comes

Surrey, Dominus Ruell, Vicecomes Lye, Dominus St. John, Comes

Lxiee, Dominus Anthonius Brown, Dominus Johannes Gage, 8: Domi

nus Anthoniu: Wyngeelde: Mox ad Equitum inignium nomenclaturam

ex Regis mandato hunc in modum proceum e.

Marchionem Doret, Dom. Delarvare, Dom. Job. Wallop;
Dom. AN. Vyngeeldom. Derbtct-e,
Com. Shrewsbury.

Dom, Job. Gage,

Dom. Mette-vers, Dom. Gul. Sydney,

D. Parte de HortonDom. Tho. Wriothele .

Com. Shrewshury,

Dom. Delamare, Dom. Job; "o/lap,"

Com. Worceriee,

Dom. Matter/ers, Dom. Gul. Sydney,

Com. Comberlandia. D. Parte de HorLD. Egid. Strangrryhe.


Stall at Wyndeor at Yepers -, There were preent for the doing ofv that Oce
by the King's Command, the Earl of Hertord his Deputy, and Sir Anthony'
Browne, and Sir Anthony Wingede, his Aants in eroeiy Thing. In
ne all the Oicers were there that ued to attend for the executing of that
Duty, every Body doing their' Part with Diligence and Decency; In the Morni

ing after the Concluon of the funeral Mas, the aforeaid Lord Patre haened
with great Expedition into the Northern Borders of England.
On Chrimas Eve the lime Tiar, at Hampton Court at Vepers,


were preent with the King thei' illurious Knights of the molt augu Order of
the Garter, the Duhe of Northolk, Earl of Surrey, Lord Rucll, I/icount
Lie, Lord St. John, Earl of Eex, Sir Anthony Browne, Sir John Gage,

and Sir Anthony Wingefelde. Preently after they proceeded to the No

mination of renowned Knights, puruant to the Kings Mandate after this'

Princes, _



The Marq. Dotet, Lord Delaware, Sir John Waliop',

Earl of Derby, Lord Matrevers, Sir Will. Sydney,
Sir Anth. Wynkfeld,
E. of ShrewsburyL. Patre of Hort. Sir Tho. Wriotheeye'
The E. of Shrewsbury, Lord Delaware, Sir John Wallop,

Sir John Gage,

E. of Worceer, Lord Matrevers, Sir \Wil1t Sydney,

E. of Comberl. L. Parte of Hort. Sir Gil. Strangwihgz'

Actauhnrzvdnno tricmo qyuinto H E NR I C I Octaoi.

Com. Shremhury,

Dom. Anth. Brown, Com. Wane/trix,

Matchion. Dorcet.

Cam . Ext',


Marchion. Dorcet,
Com. Derhjte.

Dom. Delaware, Dom. Joh. "Ye/lap,

D, Patre de Hort. Dom. Gul. Sjdne),
Dom. Matrevers. Dom. Tho. What-ton.
Dom. Delaware, Dom. Joh. I/Vadop,
Dom. Cohham,

Dom. Tho. Semer,

Dom. Mette-vers. Dom. Hen. K/tiz/ett.


Dam .San t 'Tohn,

Marchion. Dorcet,
Com. Darlya.

Marchion. Doreet,

Dom. Matre-z/ers, Dom. Joh. Wah/ay,

v'lcecomes LJe,

Com. Derhyee,

Dom. Delaware, Dom. Tho. derne',

D. Parre de Hort. Dom. Franei/J Bryen. -

Do i . R ll
m "Je ,

Marchion. Doroet,
Com. Darhite,

Dom. Delaware, Dom. Joh. Whdop,

Com. Sarra,

Dux Northfolttiz,

Dom. Delaware,

Dom. Joh. Wallop,

Dom. Matre-uers, Dom. Gul. bjydne),

D. Patre de Hort. Dom. Tho. Wriothele

Dom. Cohhant,

D. Egid. Strangnjhe.

Dom. Gul. Sjdney.

Marchion. Doreet,
Com. Shrewshnr),

Dom. Cobham,

Com. Darhje.

D. Parte de Hort. Dom. Tho. Semer.

Com. Shrewshtery,

Dom. Delaware, Dom. Job. Va/lop,

Dom. Cobham, Dom. Frane. Bryzn,

Com. Darhia.

D. Parte de HorLDom. Tho. Setner.

Dom. Mette-exert, Dom. Joh. Wallop,

Dom. Frane. Brjan,


Sir Anth. Browne,

The E. of Shrcwsbur y,Lord Delaware, Sir John Wallop,

E. of Worceer, L. Patre of Hot-t. Sir Will. S ydncy,
Marqne Doret. Lord Ivjatrevers. Sir Tho. Wharton.

Earl of Eex,

The Mar ue/i Doret, Lord Delaware, Sir John Waliop,

E. tfshrewsbury, Lord Cobham, Sir Thomas Semer,
Ear if Derby. Lord Matrevers. Sir Henry Knivet.

Lord St. John,

The Marqne: Doret, Lord Delaware, Sir John Waliop,

E. ofShrewsbury,Lord Matravers, Sir Will. Sydney,

Earl of Derby. L. Patre of Hort. Sir Tho. Wriothcy.

Vonnt Lyc,

The Margne J' Doret, Lord Mart-avers, Sir John Wallop,

Derby, Lord Delaware, Sir Thomas Semer,

E. if Worceer. L. Patre of Hort. Sir Francis Bryan.

The Margae/i Doret, 'Lord Delaware, Sir John Wallop,

Lord Ruell,

Earl of Derby, Lord Cobham, SirGiles Strangwyh,

E. ofShrewsburylord Matrevcrs. Sir Will. Sydney.

Earl if Surrcy,

The Me' my? Doret, Lord Matrevers, Sir John Wallop,

E. o Shrewsbury,Lord 'Cobham, Sir Francis Bryan,
Earl ef Derby. L. Parte of Hornsir Thomas Semer.

Da/ee of Northolk,

The Marqnejr Doret, Lord Delaware,. Sir John Wallop,

E. ofShrewsbury, Lord Cobham, Sir Francis Bryan,
Earl of Derby. L. Parte afHort. Sir Thomas Scmer.

Acta ub n4nno triceimoieuto


I' C Oliavi. i

42 9,
Allata (ex more) ad Regem Scedula, in qua non minus nominantium
quam nominatorum nomina ordine decripta erant, Dominus ' Joharntes
'Vitl/op in uptadicti Ordinis globum pulcherrimum non mediocri om

nium Equitum prarisntium gaudio aciciturr

Anno Regni Henrici Oavi Anglia, Francize, 8.: Hyberniie Regis victo- P- illi?


trige/imo ixto, die

vero Aprilis vigeimo tertio, apud Grenewichia: Regiam hii Equites inignes
Ordinis auguiimi, qui a Subligari nomen trahit, ul) horam a meri
die tertiam in unum convenerunt, cilicet, Dux Sublcie, Comites Sur-'rey 8;

Eixiie, Dominus Rtell, 8: Dominus St. John, Dominus Thomas Cheyney,

Dominus Anthonius Brown, Dominus Joh. Gage, Be Dominus Anthonius


Ab hora tertia uque ad extam expectatus e Regis' adven

tus, dilatuiq; vepertinus cultus.

Sed rquoniam Rex ipe per ardua qua:L

dam Regni negotia, quibus tum impe iebatur, commode adee non po

terat : 1 SubIci-e Ducem (durante tantumod-o fei inantis tempore) per

litteras commiionarias,

uum locum tenentem conituit.

inceptis veperis, 8: ad nem uque ea

in 'ua uilque remeavit.


ua decuit celebritate perductis,

Poero die ad oram a meridie quartam cum

jam vePpertini cults tempus aderat, ad uitatam Equitum nomenclatu

in hunc modum proceum
e :
r _
The Schedule wherein the Names, as well of the Perons running, 'as named,

were wrote down in order, being brought as uual to the King, Sir e John
Wallop was made a Member of the mo glorious Society of the Order ttfore-1
aid, to the no mall Joy of all the Knights preent.

In the thirty ixth TZ-ar of the Reign of Henry the Eighth, the


&orious King of England, France, and Ireland, on the twenty third of April,
at the Palace of Grenewich, thee renowned Knights of the mo noble Order

of the Garter, ambled together at three a-Clock in the Afternoon, viz. The
Duke of Suolk, Earls of Surrey and Eex, Lord Ruell, and Lord St. John,

Sir Thomas Cheyney, Sir Anthony Browne, Sir John Gage, and Sir An
thony Wingeild. From Three a-Clock till Six, the Kings coming was ex'
pehiled and Vepers put of But becauh the King could not be preent him/elf
with an convenience, by Reaon of bme weighty Aairs of the Kin dom,
with w ich he was then hindred, he by Commiion appointed the Duke ojgsu

folk his Deputy (only during the Time of the preent Fea) In ne I/epters
being begun, and brought to an End with all due Solemnity, every one re
turned Home. The next Day at four a-Clock in the Afternoon, when the
Time of Vepers was come, they proceeded to the uual naming of Knights aL
ter this Manner:
e Computus Andt. DomlVtntlrore Cuiodis magn
Garderob. a Felo Mich. as H. 8- ro uno anno.
Per Warrantumx xiii Febr, pro Ffoh. illa/lap Mil.
Pro xviii virg- Velvet Crimn pro libetata Gar

julibet uln. v s.

He was Captain of the Cale of Calis, and Mar

hal of the Town, Lieutenant of the Ca/ile and (ounty

of Guines tristre he died in July 5 E. 6, anl ivat

.ri in O. Arm. . 109.
terii pro una toga, uno Caputio, 8e un. Tipet pre there buried.
f A Cap) of this Deputation is preerved W, N. in
tii le virg x s. ix d.
Pro it virg- arinet alb. pro Iimira ejudem to Ol Arm. p. 3.
32, caputii, 8.: tipet ad contin. un. uln. ptetii cu

zeh Anno 'tricmoexto H E N R I C I Offa-at',





Marchion. Dori-t,
Dom. Am. I/Vjngezfieldom. Arandell,
Com. Shrewiebury.


Dom. Delaware, Dom.' l/Vill. Sjdne),

Dom. Cobham, Dom. Anth. Selenger,
D. Parre de Hort. D. Egid. Strangwais.
i Dom. Delmure, Dom. I/Vill. Sjdxq,

Ma rchion. Doret,
Dom. Job. Gage,

Com. Shremixbur),

Dom. Cobham,

Com; Arundelia.

D. Parre de Hurt. D. Egid. Strangnmis.

Dom. Anth. Selenger,

Com. Shrewisbary,

Dom. Wbdrtan,

Dom. mit. Helde),

D. Parre de Hurt. Dom. Anth. Selenger,

Dom. Amh. Brazwze, Com. Arundelie,

Marchion. Doret.

Dom. Delamare. D. Egid. Strangnmit.

Merchion. Dor/Zr,

Dom. Vriotbe/Iey, Dom. Will. Sjdney,

Dom. Tho' cbqnq,


D. Patre de Hare. Dom. Am/l. Seljnger,

Com. Arundelict.

Dom. Stanon.

Man-chion. Dar/et,

Dom. Delaware, DomJ/Vill. Sjdxq,

Com. Arundelia,

Dom. Coll/ram,

Com. Shrewishury.

Dom. WentWart/i. D. Egid. Sir-nag mad.

Com. Shrewirhaq,

Dom. Cohhm, Dom. Ant. Selenger,

D. Pan-e de Hort. D. Egid. Strangmds,

Dom. sayn John,

Dom. Rae,

Com. Atlldelil,
Com. Derby.

Dom. Edw. Bag/step.

Dom. Edw. Bayzton,

Dom. W/urton. Dom. Will. bjyd/zej.


The Marqae: Doret, Lord Delawarc, Sir Will. Sydney,

Sir Anth. Wyngfeld,

Sir John Gagc,

E. of Arundel', Lard Cobham, Sir Anth. Selenger,

EofShrewisburynL. Parre of Hort. SirGiles Strahgwais.

The Mrquec Doret, Lard Delaware, Sir Will. Sydney,

E. ofShrewisbury ,Lard Cobham, Sir Antho. Selengcr,
E. 'f Arundell. L. Patre of Hort. Sir Giles Strangwais.
The Epfshrewisbury ,Lord Wharton, Sir Will. Sydney,

Sir Anth. Brownc,

E. of Arundell, L. Parte of Hort. Sir Antho. Selenger.

Marque Doret. Lord Delaware. Sir Gilcs Strangwais

The Marqnei Doret, Lord Wriothey, Sir Will. Syelney,

Sir Tho. Cheyny,

E.ofShrewisbury,L. Patre of Hornsir Anth. Selenger,

E. of Arundell. Lard Stourton.

Sir Edw. Baynton.

The Marqae: Doret, Lord Delaware, Sir Will. Sydncy,

Lord St. John,

E. of Arundel', Lord Cobham,

Sir Edw. Baynton,

Egcshrewisburylord Wentworthir Gilcs Strangwais.

Lord Rue,

The Eqfshrewisburyhard Cobham, Sir Anth. Selepgcr,

E. of Arundell, L. Patre of Hort. Sir Giles Strangwais,
Earl of Derby. Lord Wharton. Sir Will. Sydncy.

Acta /uh Anno triceimoexto H

RIC I Oiiavi. i)

Marchion. Dori-t,

Dom. Deum-re', Dom. Tho; Seamoure,

Com. Arundelliie,

Dom. Cohham,

Com. Shrezvishurj.

D. Patre de Hort. Dom. Anth. Selenger,

Marchion. Doret,

D Parre de Hort. Dom; Ttho. Seymoure,

Com. Surrey,

Com. Arundel/ia,
Com. Shrenvishury.

Dom. l/Vharton, Dom. Hent lnyvet,

D. Gre] de WiltorhDom. Franci/i Bryan.

Corn. Arundellia,
Com. Darhya,

Dom. Cohharn, DomJlnth. Selynger,

D. Parre de Hort. Dom. Will. Sjdney,

Com. Shretvishuty.

Dom. What-ton. D. Egid. Strangwais.

Dom. Eexia,

Dux Suolcia,

Dom. Hen. Knyvet,

Suhlcia Dux locum tenens rcdactam in lcripta hanc Nomenclaturam

Majeati Regia: examinandam tradidit. Quam quidem lazta ionre ul
cipiens, in poerum diem reervabat.

Ubidies poerus illuxerat (per

acto prius olenniter lugubri illo acricio, quod pro defunctis Equitibus

'quotannis eo.die habetur) prazdicti ordinis Equites ad Regis alloquium

admi humiliteralutant, omniaque lazta illi (erio precantur. Rex ipiz,
'(ut e omnium longe humaniimus) olio inidens Regali Calutanres bed
ctnigne realutat, pectatamque illorum diligentiam collaudans, gratias agens

quod tam renue (ipo abente) uo quique munerc permctus eet.

Mox nominum deprompta cedula przeclari Ordinis globum inlieren

dos Comitem 3 Arundellia 8: Dominum Anthonium b Selenger deignat,

-' Eexia
The Marq. Doret,"

Earl oj Eex,

ofArundel, Lord
E. ojiShrewsuryL.
of Hort. Sir
Sir Henry
Anth. Selenger.

The Marqt Dor-et,

Earl of Surrey,

Lord Delaware, Sir Tho. Seamoure,

L. Patre of HomSir Tho. Seymoure,

- Earl of-Arundel, Lord Wharton,

Sir Henry Knyver,

E. ofshtevgsburzhL. Grey ofWiltomSir Francis Bryan.

The Earl of Arundel, Lord Cobham,
Duke of Suolk,

Sir Anth. Selynger,

Earl of Derby, L. Parte of Hortcsir Will. Sydney,

E. of Shrewsburyiord Wharton. Sir Giles Strangwais.

The Duhe of Suolk heing Deputy, delivered this Set of Names in Writing
to the King, who receiving it with a pleaing Countenance, hept it till the next

Day. W/hen the next Day came, (the blemn Mai which is every Ykar on that
Day celehrated for the Deceaed Knights, heing
over) the aoreaid Knights
if the Order heing admitted to the Kings speech, humhly alute him, and wih him
all Happinei. The King himelf, (as he is more gracious than all others) itting

on his Royal Throne, returns the salutation to them in an ohliging Manner, and
commending their remarhahle Diligence, exprezs his Achnowledgments hr their

having every one i) well dicharged their Parts in his Ahence. Then draw
ing out the Schedule of Names, he pitches on the Earl of 3 Arundel and Sir
Anthony b Selenger to he made companions of the nohle Order, and coniitutes
g Henry Firz. Allen Earl. of Arundel. Comput- .

Andrz Dom. Windqore Cuodis magn. Garderob.

Pro xviii virg. velvet Crimiin pretiilc virg. x s.

pro toga.

Per Warrantum 27 Apr. anno 36 pro Comite

ltem pro alia toga.

Arundell 8: Domino Anihonio St; Leger Milire De-

Pro xx virg. ariet alb- pro li-nuris diarum to?

putato Regis zHihernia jam electis in conortium de garum. ca puc. 8: tipet congxvi ulngpretii uln. v r.
Qrdine Regis de Garter.
b [lit Will in libro Chena) qu. 25.
I e

Po 394;


Actaub Anno triccmo ptimo H E N R I

I Octaoi.

"Exiaq, Comitem pro 'tempore fizi Georgiani apud Windeoram xviii die
Maii celebrandi locum tenentem conituit, Dominum Job. Gage 65 Do
minum Anthoniutn I/Vingefe/de aentes ordinat: Qlihus hoc oneris im

ponit, uc hos duos Equices praznominatos, necnon ac Dominum Johan

nem I/Veilop' pridie Natalis Domini apud Hamptonia curiam electum in edes
iIlis congruas introducerent. Qize quidem omnia tanta. diiigentia cta.
hut, ut vix potuerc majori.
Trige/imo jZ-ptimo Anno Regni Regis Henrici Offa-m' Anglia, Francia 8;

, Hihernia dei defenoris

die vero Aprilis evigemo tertio, ad ejus diei veperas prxentihus unacum
Regia apud
quod vulgato
Sancti Jacohi
pellaitui-v proxime
8: Sublcia
Comicctibus Surray, Ejexia, Hertfordite, 8: Arundelia, necnon 8: Domino
Rujell, Vicecomize' Lyle, Domino St. John, Domino Anth. Brown, Do

mino 'jiohanne Gage', 8: Domino Antho. Wyngfelde habita e Equitum in

ignium eligendorum nomenclatura, ut dilucide in hac ubjecta oculie

grma intueri lioec.



Marchion. Doreet,
Dom. Anth. Wytgfeldom.
Com. Shrewishur),


Dom. /Vriothe/ley, Dom. V/i. Sjdnej,

de Hort. D.

the Earl of 'i Eex his Deputy, for the lime of the Fea of St. George

to he hept at Wyndeor the 1 8th Day of May, ordains Sir ohn Gage and
Sir Anthony Wyngezld Aiants : To whom he game in C arge, that thy
hould introduce the two Knights aforeaid, and alb Sir John Walop who had
heen eleed on Chtimas Eroe at Hampton Court, into the Stalls proper for
them, all which was done with ich Diligence that greater couldcarce he nd;

In the thirty eventh Tear of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, ing
of England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, and on the twenty

third of April, at the I/efpers of that Da , there being preent with the IGng
at the Mannour called St. James's, near t

Palace of Weminer, the Duke:

of Northfolk and Suolk, the Earls of Surrey, Eex, Hertfotd, and

Arundel, and ali the Lord Ruell, Vicount Liie, Lord St. John, Sir An

thony Browne, Sir John Gage and Sir Anthony Wyngclde, a Nomination
was made of eminent Knights to he choe as may he clearly een in this Form
here repreented.

Sir Anth. Wyngfeld,



The Marq. Doret, Lord Wriochey, Sir Will. Sydney,

Enfshrcwisburyhord Cobham, Sir Francis Bryan,
'Earl of Darby. L. Parte of HOt. Sir Giles Strangwais.

i 'fat-tition by the Haald: at the

ofSt. George Erle of Eex the KlngsLieutet-ant, mld of 'be Erl' of
'the xtxtb Day of May, of the Ft: of the Lord Parte Arronddl, Sir Anth. St. lages, and Sir Jowallop.


Acta uh Anno trieettcttoptimo


Dom. Job. Gage,

Marchion. Dori-t,

Dom. H/riotheey, Dom,

Dom. hrane.
l4*"'ill. Sjdnay,

Com. Shretvirharye,

D. Parte de hort.

Com. Darhie.

Dom. Delatrare.

Dom; Tho. Arandell.

Dom. Delantare,

Domi n'ilt. smit),

Com. Shrenvshary,
Dom. Anth. Browne, Marchion. Doret,
Com. Darhjat

Dom. sayn' John,

D. Patre de Horr; D. Egid. Strangmais,

Dom. Pojnjages. Dom.' Frant. Brjan.

Marchion. Dori-t,

Dom. Delamar,

Com. Shretvthttr),

Dom. l/Vriothele), Dom. V/ill. bjdna),

Com. Hantington.

Dom. Poy/zynget',

Dom. Frant. Brian,

D. Egid; Strangteatit;

Dom. PV' tiothe/le),

Nlarchion. Doret,
Vicecom; Ljle,

Dom. Raed,

Dom. Tho. Sejmer,

Com. shrews/tary,

D. Will. Hatvard, Com. Tho. Arundell,

Corn; Hantyngton.

Dom. Delatvar.

Marchion. Dor/Ztt,

Dom. Pojnjnget, D. Egid. Strangntair,v

Dom. Cohham, Dom. Franet. Brian;
Dom. l/Vriotheley; Dom. Tho. Set/ter:

Com. Shrewthury,
Com. Darhie.

Com. Huntington.

Dom. Wriothtylej, Dom. Will. Page',

Dom, Pqynjngea Dom. Tho. Semer;
Dom. Will. Herherla'
Dom. Par

Mtirchion. Doriet,

Dom. l/l/'riothe/lej, Dom. Hen. Knj-vet,

Com. Shrewshar),
Com. Httntingtonz

Dom. Pbjjng. Dom. The. sente-r.

Marchion. Doret,
Com. Arnndellia,

Com. Herord,

Dom: Hen. Kuet;

Com. Shretvjthrtrja,

Dom. ohham,

Dom. Tho. Darq,

The Marque? Doret, Lord Wriothelly, Sir Williisydney,

Sir John Gage,

'Sir Anth. Browne,

E.ofShrewisbu'ry,La Parte 0fHort. Sir Francis Bryan,

Earl of Darby. Lord Delaware. Sir Tho. Arundel.
The Ehfshrewlsburyiord Delawarc, Sir Will. Sydney,
Marqae: Doret, L. Parte of Hort. Sir Giles Strangwais,
Earl of Derby. Lord Poynyngs. Sir Edw. Bryan.
The Marqmc Doret, Lord Delaware, Sir Francis Brian,

Lord St. John,

E. of'Shrcwsbury,Lord Wriothey, Sir Will. Sydney,

' E.ofHuntington.Lord Poynyngs. Sir Giles-Strangwais.

I/'teonnt Lye,

The Mar tie/I' Doret, Lorelwriothelly, Sir Tho. Seymer,_

E. o Shrewsbury,L.- W. Haward, Sir Tho. Arundell,

E. of HuntingtomLot-d Delaware. Sir Henry Knyvee;

Lord Ruell,

The Margaeh Doret, Lord Poyny ngs; Sir Giles Strangwais;

E. of Shrcwsbnry,Lord Cobham, Sir Francis Brian,
_ Earl tf Derby; Lord Wriothefly. Sir Tho. Semer.
Lord Wridtheiy, Sir' Will. ' Peget,
E.o Shrewsbury,Lord Poynyngs; Sir Tho. Semer,
Sir William Herbert;
E. of HuntingtomLord Part

The Mar . Doret,

The E. of Arundel,

Lord Wriothey, Sir Henry Knyvet,

E. of ShreWsbury,Lord Cobham, Sir Thomas Darcy,

The Marq. Doret,

Earl of Hertford,

E. of HuntingtomLord Poynyngs. Sir TLdtms Semert


P. wi.


Actaub Anno trice/imoeptimo H E N R I C I Octaroi.

Coma Eixia,

Com. Surrey,

Dux Subltia,

P. 296.

Dux Northfolcia,

Corn. Huntingtou.

Dom. l/Vriothe/Iey, Dom. Tho. Semer,

D. Par de Horton,Dom. Will. Herbert,
Dom. Poynynget. Dom. Franc. Brian.

Marchion. Dori-t,

Dom. l/lriothezey, Dom. Franc. Brim,

Com. Shretvisbur),
Com. _Darhia.

Dom. Delamare.

Marchion. Dort,

Dom. I/Vriothe/lez), Dom. Tho. Semer,

Corn. Shrewisbuiy,

Dom. Delantare, Dom. Tho. Dart),

Com. Huntington.

Dom. Poynynges. Dom. Franti. Briaa.

Man-chion. Doret,
Com. Shrewisbury,
Corn. Darhia.

Dom. Wriothelej, Dom. Tho. Senior,

Marchion. Dorit,
Com. Shrewsbury,

Dom. Poynynges, Dom. Tho. Senior,

Dom. Delaware,

Dom. Her', Kn/et.

Dom. Franci Brian,

Dom. Poynynges. Dom. Hen. Kmet.

Perlecta a Rege hc nomenclatura, Comes i Shrewsbuty, 8: Dominus

lmiotbey/ey supremus Anglia Cancellarius in prxclarum illud Equitum

contubernium, (quod a Subligari nomen habet) eligunturz lolcnne illud'

convivium quod quotannis apud Wyndeoram, habetur m decimo ptitno die

Menis Maii celebrandum indicitur.

Arundellia Comes locum tenens con

imitur, Dominus Johannes Gage 8: Dominus 'Anthonius ll/ingfelde prazn

dicti Ordinis Commilitones ad omnia qux huic negotio impendebant,

locum tenenti toto Conamine aere jubenturz Qix quidem ubi tem

The Marques Doret, Lord Wriothey, Sir Thomas Semer,

Earl of Eex,

E. o] ShreWsbury,L. Par of Hort0n,Sir Will. Herbert,

E. of HuntingtomLord Poynyngs. Sir Francis Btian.

The Mar mt Doret, Lord Wriothey, Sir Francis Brian,
Earl of Surrey,

E.o Shrewsburyord Poynyngs, Sir Thomas Semer,

Earl of Derby.

Lord Delawar.

Sir Henry Knyvet.

The Margu. Doret, Lord Wriothey, Sir Thomas Semer,

E.ofShrewsbury,Lord Delawar, Sir Tho. Darcy,
The Duke of Suolk,
E. of HuntingtomLord Poynyngs. Sir Francis Brian.
Lord Wriothelly, Sir Thomas Semer,

The Marq. Doret,

Duke of Northolk,

E. oj Shrewsbury,Lord Delawar, Sir Francis Brian,

Earl of Derby. Lord Poynyngs. Sir Henry Knyvet.

The King hart/ing read orver this Sett o Names, the Earl of i Shrewsbury,
and Lord lwriotheley High Chancellor of England, were choi into the
noble College of the Knights of the Garter, The tletnn Fea which is lzept
ervery Tear at Windor, was appointed to be leept on the '" eventcenth Day
of May, The Earl of Arundel conituted Deputy, Sir John Gage and Sir
Anthony Wingelde Companions of the itid Order, ordered to al the
Deputy with all their Ability in eroery Thing relating to that Aair, All
I: Francis Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury, nhoe Plate
remain: in the fourth Stall of the Prince: Side incrihed

the Garter, and to Sir William Herbert his Garrers

and Georges. DuZd. 2 Vol. Bat', p. 38;
m Partition
r e Heralds made at Windeour the
(are remain: in the et' hth Stall on the Sooe- l xoii/h Day of ay 38 H- 8, of the ee of ther/e of
reign? Side '16incrihcd
May37SeiFtneur homas Wriotheiey Arrundcll the IGng: Mijeies Lieutenant, and of


therle of Shrewsbury and the Lord Chanceller.

. 8. Who in hit Will dared

no July 4 E. 6, devies to the King his rich Collar of


jlctatth Anno triceyimoioctavo


i 435___


pus prxcriptum aderat non minori cum diligentia quam' imperatd erant

Qioniam trigemo tiEZa-tto Anno Rcgni Henrici Oiifarvi Anglia, Hancite;

3: Hihernite Regis victorioiimi, dci decnoris',
dies ille Paraceves, quo Dominus noer Jeus

Chrius pro generis humani itlutc Cruci axus e, die " 'vice/imo tertio
Menis Aprilis contingebat, qui quidem dies Divo etiam Georgio Eiccr eei

olct; Ceremonize illa', qua: in Dei honorem ac Sancti Georgii memo

riam habcri olitae unt, in Menis Maii diem tertium prorogantur.


priores igitur cjus diei veieras Rege apud Grenewichiam agente, praeenti;
bus Domino Rzell, Domino St. John, Domino' Tho', Cheyney, Domino
Anthonio Brown, Domino Johanne Gage, Domino Anthonio Wingefe-lde,
Domino Anthonio Seiyntleger, Be Domino Wiyotheley nobilimi Ordinis
Garterii Equitibus, quoniam Rcx ipe olenniis acris commodc adcc non P. 297;

potcratz Dominum RuE-ll ccreti Sigilli Regii Cuodem (ut per literas a
Majcate Regia in id datas dilucidius apparet) locum uum tenentem con
ituit: Sub poeriores cjus dici veperas ad auetam Equitum inignium'

nomenclaturam in hunc modum procedebant.


which, when the appointed Time came, was done with as much Exanes
as was enjoined.
Foractmuch as in the thirty eighth Iiar of the Reign of Henry the Eighth,

the mot' roihiforious King of En land, France and Irciand, Deender of the

Faith, the Day of our Lord egts Chrits Crucixion fhr the Sal-vation ofMan

kind, happened on the " twenty third of April, which was al/h St. George?
Day, the Ceremonies which were wont to he ued in Honour of 'God and Me

mory of St. George, were put o to the third of May.

At the


therefore of that Day, the King heing at Grcenwich and ha-"zjirtg with him
Lord Rucll, Lord St. John, Sir Thomas Cheyney, Sir Anthony Brown,
Sir John Gage, Sir Anthony Wingeld, Sir Anthony Saintlcger, and Lord

Wriothey Knights of the mo nohle Order of the Garter, hecauie the King
himizl) could not conveniently he preZ-nt at the acred Solemnities, he appointed
the Lord Ruzll Keeper of the Priroy Seal (as appears more fully hy the King's

Letters to that Purpoh) his Deputy.

At the latter Vhpers of that Day, they

proceeded to the uital giroing in the Names of eminent Knights after thic
n In the Partition Booh o] the Heraldi 'tis entred lemnity war kept on Low Sunday after Eaicr Day:
St. George's Day falling on Good-Fryday, the So-

(which then was upon 3 May)


iffa ub Anno triccjim0 Offa-va H E

R I CI Octacii


Marchion. Dort;


Dom. Seintlegerz

Dom. Cobham,

Dom. Gul. Pagett,

Com. (Jomberlandidz D. Far de HortomDom. Tho. Sejmer,

Com. Suexic.

Dom. When-ton.

Dom. Will. Herbertz

Marchion. Daret,

Dom. Delanure, Dom. Franci Bryan,

Com. V/orctjria,

Dom. Cobham,

Com. Sucxtic.

D.= Grey de WiltorhDom. n'ill. Sjdrzgy.

Marchion. Dorr,

Dom. Delmare, Dom. V/'i/l. Sjdney,

Dom. Am. Vihgfeld, Com. Duct-e,

Dom. Tho. Semer,

D. Par de HortorgD. Egid. Strangwaes,

Coma Comberlandit. Dom. Vent/wde. Dom. Franczl Bryahs

Marchioncm Dort, Dom. Delanmre, Dom. n'ill. Sjdmy,

Dom. Job. Gage,

Com. Huntjngton, D. Pa' de H0rt0n,D. Egid. Strangnues,

Com. Comberlwdit. D. Grey de /VlltorhDom. Fram/i Brim.

Man-chion. Dori-t,

Dom. Delarvure, Dom. Will. Sidm),

Dom.-Anth. Brown,

Com. Darbje,
Com. Comberlandic.

Dom. I/V/Jarton, D. Egid. Strangnmes,

D. Pa' de Horton-Dom. Prarzc. Brim.

Marchion. Dori-t,

Dom. starton,

P. 298.

Dom. Tho. C/ieymj, Com. Derbiz,

Com. Suexi-e.

Dom. 1460. Sidmj,

Dom. Cobham, Dom. Ric. Page,

Dom. Delmvare. D. Egid. Strangnmt.


The Marq. Doret,

Lord Wriothcy,

Lord Cobham, Sir William Paget,

Lord Wharton. Sir William Herbcrt.

The Marzmi Dorct, Lord Deiawar, Sir Francis Bryan,

E. of Worceer, Lord Cobham, Sir Thomas Semer,
Earl of Suex. L. Grey of Wilt. Sir Will. Sydncy.
The Marquei DorctLord Delawar,

Sir Anth. Wingfeld,


E. of' Comberl. L. Par of Horton,sir Thomas Seymer,

Earl of Suex.
Lard Saintleger,


Sir Will. Sydncy,

Earl of Derby, L. Par qf Horton,Sir Giles Strangwai',

E. of Combcrl. Lard Wentworth-Sir Francis Bryan

Sir John Gage,

Tbe Margue: Doret, Lord Delawav, Sir Win. Sydney,

E.ofHuntyngton,L. Par of Horton,Sir Giles Strangwais,
E. qf Cumberl. L.Grcy ofwiltonsir Francis Brian.
Margues Dorct,

Sir Anth. Brown,

Earl of Derby,

Lord Delawar,

Sir Will. Sydncy,

Lord Wharton,

Sir Giles Strangwais,

E. qf Cumberl. L. Par of Hort. Sir Francis Brian.

sir Tho. Cheyney,

The Marq. Doret, Lord Sturton, Sir Will. Sidney,

Earl of Derby, Lord Cobham, sir Rich. Page, _
E. of Suex.
Lord Delawar. Sir Gilcs Strangwais.

h- __.- _



Acta uh Anno triceimo octa-oo H E N R I C I Octatzti.

Marchion. Doret,

D. Par de Horton,Dom. Will. Sydne),

Dom. Saint John,

Com. Darbie,
Dom. Delatvar,
Com. Contherlandie. Dom. Fih-arten.

D. Egid. Strangwaies,
Dom. Franei Btyan.

Dominus Ruell,

Marchion. Dott, D Par de Horton,D. Egid. Strangwaies,

Com. Darbia,
Dom. Colrham, Dom. Tho. semer,
Com. Comherlandia. Dom. Delantar. Dom. Will. Sydney.

Hanc Nomenclaturam nulla ubitcuta chelectio.

Convivium illud

magnicum (quod Divi Georgii appellatur) apud Id-"indeorarn Menis Ju

nii die 0 xto obcrvandum indicitur. Dominus Rull iocum tenens ibi
dcm conituitur, Dominus Thomas Cheyney, Dominus Anthoniur Wingfelde,

6: Dominus Anthonim Seintleger illi acre jubentur. (Late quidem non

minori cum diligcntia quam imperata crant pcrimplcbantur P.
The Marque/s' Doret, L. Par of HortornSir will. Sidney,
Lord St. John,

E. of Derby,
Lord Delawar, SirGilcs Strangwaies,
E. of Comberl. Lord_ Wharton. Sir Francis Brian.
The Marques Doret, L. Par of Horton, Sir Giles Strangwais,

Lord Ruell,

Earl of Derby, Lord Cobham,

Earl of Cornberl. Lord Delawar.

No Eleon followed this Nomination.

Sir Thomas Semer,

Sir Will. Sidney.

The magnicent Fea of St. George

is xed to he hept at Windeor on the a ixth Day of Juno; Lord Ruell i:

appointed Lieutenant there, Sir Thomas Cheyney, Str Anthony Wingeld and
Sir Anthony Seyptlegcr are ordered to a/i him; 'which Things rivere accord
ingly done 'with no les Diligence than they were enjoined P.
o Partition hy the fferaldt 38 H. 8, made at Win. St. George within the Caie o] Windor onto-ming
deour Caielljor St. George? Fen/Z hept by the Lord to the clear yearly Value of ti- hundred Poundt, for
Ruei] Lord Pryvey Sea/le ay/ied by Sir Thomas which two Prie/Zt were to be found to ay MA/l and to
Cheyney, Sit Anthony \Vingfe]d and Sir Anthony keep fourolemtt Obttt &e. What wax done Jereupon by

St. Leger Knight:

of the mo nohle Ordre of the Garb hit Executort may bejeen in Ah m. p. 172.
Hence we may explain the Word: of' Roe and Stow,
ter the vith Day of June.
p Hcn- Vlll ordaint hy hit Will, that hit Body inerted above in p. 169, touching the Body ofH. V]
hould be buried in the guire of the college oj for if it had been removed from hence Hen. Vlli
Windour Mtdtray between He State [the Sovcreignk would not doubt/eft have ordered the Freifion of a more
Stall] and the hi h Alter, and that an honourable umptuout Tomlre for him in thit Chappel, and indeed
Tomhe which was t en well onwarde hould be et with it appear: from the Wz/I of Hen. VII, that though he

afair Grate about it [nhich hewe-ver wat never done] had obtained the Popek Bullfor the Removal of his
that a convenient Altar hould he prepared for dayly
Malet to be fix'd while the World hould endure, and
direct: that the Tomh; of Hcn- VI and EdwJV
hould he 'tude more prince-ly, and then order: a settle
ment to be made of Land upon the free Chappel of

Body, yet it wat never put in Execution; for pealei

of the Abbey of Wcminer, he aith 5' that we y

a the Grace of God propoe right hortly to tranlate
" into the ame the bodie and reHquet o] our Uncle of
4' blit-d ntentorie King Henry VL"




Actarzb Anno primo E D WA R D I Sexti.


N N O I) prima Serenimi Regis Edwdli hujus nominis Sextz'

P. 299.

Anglia, Francize, 8: Hibernite




N the I) r 4 Year of the mo erene King Edward the Sixth of the

Name of England, France, and Ireland

a Several Alteration: were made in t/m Order du
It eems as if this learned Author doth no:
ring 'bit Reign, and at length 4 new Bad of Statute: write as an Hiorian olely in reciting the Opi

warfmmed, ubereef Dr. Burnet 2V0l. Rerm. p. ws, nion then newly in Vogue, that St. Gear e had no
other Exience than in the legendary Fi ions, but
" On the zgd of April the former Year, being favours that Sentiment himelf, at lea he hath gi

give: this uctinct Nnrrativt.

" St. Georgis Day, a Pro oition was made to con

ven no Strictures upon it, though he might have

" ider the Order and "tstsrtes, ince there was been
fore the
of hisbywriting,
Books publihed
that the Memory
" thought to be a great deal of Superition in
'i them: and the Story upon which the Order of this Saint hath been oberved in the Church
*' was founded, concernin St. Georgek hting without any interruption from the Age of Con
** with the Dragon, looke like a Legend ormed anrine. See above p. 214. The lntroduction to his
" in the darker Ages, to upport the Humour of Narrative, im lies that he eeemed this Paragraph
** Chivalry, that was then very high in the World
And as the Story had no great Credibility in it
*' elf, o it was delivered by no antient Author,

touching the Change in this Order, as an Incident.

only, and not directly neceary to his Hiory,
which can be the only Excue for his Omiion of

ome Particulars, that could not ecape his Know

" nor was it found that there had been any uch
" Saint: there being among ancient Vr/riters none
" mentioned of that Name, but George of Alexan

ledge when he had read the Acts of the Privy

*' Marques o' Nartbampton, and the Earls of

Earl of Warnick was Lieutenant, who in all Proba-ct

Council. To upply therefore his Defects and

'< dria, the Arian Bihop, that was put in when ate the whole Facts together. Before the Coro
" Arbanevr was banihedt Upon this Motion nation this Kin held a Chapter, and not only
St. Gearctfreld
e's Day
'* in the former Year, the Duke of Someret, the kept
was likewie
at Windot
on 22 but

Wilt/hire, and warm'd, were appointed to review

the Statutes of the Order. So this Year the bility olemnized it with the uual Ceremonies,
Order was changed and the Earl of We
'nor/And and Sir AndrZW Dudley, who were nowi for 'tis expresly remembred that the Hatchments of
the French Kin were then oered according to Cu

" to be inalled, were the r that were received om.

" according to the new Model, (which the Reader


Edw' A

" will nd in the Collection, as it was

333., NSJ " tranlated into Latin out of the En

And the ileralds have alo entred their Di

vidend of Fees for both thee Feas. This Hio

rian indeed p. 14 informs us, that Hem) 8. having

left a Legacy to this Church of Wlndor for Maes

' glib, by the King himelf, written and Obits, upon this the lodges being conulted
" all with his own Hand, and it is the third Pa

touching ettlin

Lands for that Purpoe, agreed

" per in his Bournal) the Preamble of it ets forth the ame mu e paed by Letters Parents; But
a the noble eign ofthe Order, to animate great this Buines (as he aith) minired an Occaion
*' Men to gallant Actions, and to aociate them of enquiring into the Ue and Lawfulnes of Soule
" into a Fraternity, for their better Encourage Maes and Obits, which came to be among the
*' ment and Aitance; but ays, it had been r Things that were reformed, The Time hereof,

a much corrupted by Superition, therefore the

*' Statutes of it were hereafter to be thee
" It was no more to be called the Order of St
" George, nor was he to be eeemed the Patron

which is omitted by him, will be dicovered from

the Date of thee Letters Parents on 7 Oct. in the
r Year. A/bm. Hi. p. 172. Now on 20 Apr.

following ( 2 E. 6.) there is this Entr in the Acts

" of it; but it was to be called the Order of of the Privy Council " Order taken or abolihing

" the Garter. the Knights of' this Order were to K and chaunging of certein Rits in th'order of the
'4 wear the blew Ribond or Garter as formerly; ' Garter as appeareth by doble of the letters ent
u but at the Collar, inead of a George, there was <* to the Knights of th'order beinge abent." Thee
" to_ be. on one Side the Jewel, a Knight car new lnjunctions were about Procelions, Reverence
" rytng a Book upon a sword's Point, on the to the King's Majey only, the Oerings, Go. and

Sxvord to be written Protectio, on the Book

Verlmm Dei; on the revere, a Shield. on which
hould be written Frder; to expres their Reo
lution both with oenive and defenve Wea
pons to maintain the Word of God. For the
re of the Statutes I hall refer the Reader to the

may be conulted in A/bm. Hi.

. 473, who re

marks that from this Time the O ervance of the

Felival at Wind/or was dicontinued. and the Par

tition Books of the Hcralds are ilent, as to any

Fee received for any Fcival at Windhr after the

r Year of this Reign, though there are annual

f: Paper] mentioned. But this was repealed by Entries of their Fees for St. Georgs Day. This
t' Queen Mary, and o the old Rules took place
e: again, and do o ill. This Deign eems to

Regiler of the Garter informs us, that Com

mittees of the Companions were appointed in 3 _4

u have been chiey intended, that none but thoe 8: s Ed. 6, to revie the Statutes. and though *t's

a of the Reformed Religion might be capable of true that there was a Latin Draught or Scheme of
a it, _nce the adhering to, and anding for the Statutes, trancribed by this King in rssr, yet
a Scriptures, was then taken to be the diinguih that Draught never received any sanction. and
' ing character between the Papis and the Re therefore our Hiorian in ome Meaure mileads
__f formers.
us, when he abractcd Part of it, and referred us

Acta [oh Anno primo E D WA R D I Sexti.


Die vero Menlis Fehruarii deeimo eptimo poll; meridiem apud Arcem Lon
dinenem, in quit Majeas Regia tum quidem morabaturz t Concilium

e habitum, runc ibidem przeentibus cum ua Celitudine inclyto ac no

bili Edwardo Someret ejudem Majeatis Avunculo, Be ua: Regalis Per
ons: Gubernatore, ac Domino Protectore omnium Regnorum, Domi

niorum, 8: Subjectoruln ejus, Marchione de Northampton, Comitibus

Shrewishury, Arandell, Warrroieh, 6: Southampton; 8: Dominis Rtll, Saint

John, ac Ferreis; Equitibuque Chin-ney,- Browne, Gage, 8: Wmglde. Qxi

quidem nobiliimi hujus Ordinis Commilitones ad certas edes tum


and on the izventeenth of February in the Afternoon at the Tb-tver of Lon

don, (in rwhioh the King then ahode) a 5 Chapter was held, there heing then pre
ent with his Highner, the renorumed and nohle Edward Someriet Uncle to his
Majqly, and Gower-nour of his Peron, and Lord ProteEfor of all his King
doms, Dominions, and Suhjes, the Marquei of Northampton, the Earls of
Shrewsbury, Atundel, Warwick and Southampton, and the Lords Ruell,
Saint john, and Ferreis, and the Knights Cheyney, Browne, Gage and

Wingfylde, rwho heing Knights companions of this mo nohle Order did to

the Stalls then roacant
to the Remainder, printed by him as the Statutes erted in the App. n. xiv by Way of Hiory only:

approved by this King ; for even that very Article For thoe Statutes were on 27 Sept. following under
abrid ed by him, which inead of' a George dr the Reign of Queen Mary, not only abrngated, but:
recte a Jewel, having on one Side aKnight car ordered to be expunged out OF this Regier, which
trying a Book upon a Swords Point, on the Sword

was aecordingly executed and this Book is very

to be written Protectio, on the Book Vrhnm Dei, on imperfect in everal other Tranactions of' this
the Revere a Shield, on which hould be written Reign, owing to another Decree made on sting.
Pides, was upon maturer conideration omitted r 65' 2 Ph- 55 M " that an acts recorded in it repug
In this King's Journal p. so Apr. 24, it is inerted 44 nant and diagreeable either with the antient
" That the Or er of the Garter was wholly altered 3 and received Statutes of this Order, or ele with
a as ap eateth by the new Statutes. There were a the Laws oF the realme hould be taken out."
'i elected Sir Andrew Dndley and the Earl of We/l And it plainly appears by lnpection, that this
*' merland." But though the Year is not marked

Regier was new bound ,' when it is pro

this mu be in 1532 the ixth Year, 'when thee

Knights were choen, and in Truth the Collector
hath a very fair Exemplar of Statutes illuminated
on Parchment, dared at r on this 24 Apr.
through which Words a Stroke is drawn with a
Pen, and inead thereof in the Margin the follow

bable other Inruments beides thee new Sta

tutes were taken out, beides ome Paragra hs

which are obliterated in that Manner, as t at

they are totally illegible.

h This Prince was not admitted in his Father's Life

ing ones, Windeoria 28 Sept. are entred with this Time to 'ahe Poron of the stall, which had heen
for himon
Hen. 8 dyingfollowing
on the
Kings own Hand, with everal other Alterations kept
28th vaeant
of January,
xth ofiFehruary
made in the like Manner, and this Exemplar varies
from the former Draught made in list, not only bfig Sunday, Edrv. 6 was hnighted by his Uncle the
in a more correct Style. as to' the atinity, but Proteor, who had Commiion 'ender the great Seal to
in everal Particulars of' the ubject Matter; and eonerr that Hononr on him.

though it is probable thee two Knights might

be inlallcd according to the Directions oF this
e When the Rites of the Fnneralaf Hen. 8 were
Draught, yet there is in his Majey's Paper Oce Performed, after Dinner ** the Knights of the Garter
the Draught oF a larger Deign thus ub-cribed ** ajembled rogether into the IGngUt Chamber, where

Rndimenta nnt hat' Ordinis, quo' potins co/liguntur i' the [Gng attired in Ornaments of that Ordezjate;
qnam cornponnntnr.

Gul. Czecilius Ord. Gart. Can

a ar of right he /hould,'highe/l, and with joined oiees

eellarius 19 Dee. 1532, 6 Ed. 6. And in Truth the " choe the Marquis Doret, the Earl of Derby and
Statutes were not perfected, till the 17 of March " others into the Fellow/hip of that Order-

G. 5. pe

nes me p- 105- Mills de Nobilit- Polit. O' Civ.

tity under the Seal of the Order, which are in- p. rot.

in the 7th Year, when they received their Autho



Actauh Anno primo. E D WA R D I Sexti.


. . ':'r," '

Milrchion. Doret,

Com. Soathampton, - 'Comt- Darhia,


v - --

P. zoo;

Dom. Joh-lilge,

D-Datresde NorthDom. Will. Herhert,

D.S_emer de SadlgnDom. Tho. Arandill.

Marchion. Doret',

D.SemerdeSadle],D0m. non. Sydnaj,

Dom. Delawar,

Dom. Wentxvorth. Dom. Tho. Dart-je.


Will. Paget,
Delantar, Dom. l/Vill.

Com. Comherlandi-e. D.Datre.tdeA7orth.DOm. Will. Sjdnq.

Marchion. Doret,

i Marcliion. Doret,
Dom. Ferrers,
p '

Dom. Delantar,

Dom. Will. Paget,

D.Se'ner de sadlehlDom. Will. Herhert,

Com. Hantyngton.

Dom. I/Vi/l. Pag eta

Corn. Hantjngton.

Dom. Anth. Brown, Corn. Darhia,

Dom. Delaware, Dom. Anth. Deanje,

Com. Suexia.

Dom./int. W] ngf1 ld t Com. Darhia,


Dom. Cohham.

Dom. Anth. Deztnje.

D.Semer de SadleL-Dom, ItViIJ. Paget,

Com. Darhie,
D.Daeres deNorthDom. Will. Herhert,
Com. Hantyngton. v D. Grey de ViltomDom. Frane. Brian.

. Marchion. Doret, p D.Se'nerde Sadley,Dom.- Will; Paget,

Dom. Thoi Cheyney, Com. Darhie,
Dom. Riche,
Dom. Will. Herhert, i

Com. Hantyngton.

D.Daeres de North Dom. PVi/l. Sydney.







The Marqnefs Doret, Lord Delawar, Sir Anth. Dennie,

The E. of Southamton, Earl of Darby, L,Dacr. of N0rth,Sir William Herbert,
E. of Suex.
L. Semer of Sudl. Sir Tho. Arundel.
__ 'The Marqaes Doret, L. Semer of SudLSir Will. Sydney,
Sir Anth. Wingyld,
Earl of Darby, Lord Delawar, Sir Will. Paget,
E. qfl-luntyngtomLord Wentworthusir Thomas Darcye.

The Marqaes Doret, L. Semer of Sudl.Sir William Paget,

Sir John Gage,

Earl of Derby,

Lord Delawar,

The Marquei Doret, Lord Delawar,

Sir Anth. Brownc, -

' Earl of Darby,

The Marq. Doret,

Sir William Paget,

L. Semer of' SudlSir William Herbert, '*

EaHuntyngtomLord Cobham,

Lord Ferrers,

Sir William Herbert,

Bizof Comberl. L.Dacr. o] North.Sir Will. Sydney.

sir Anth. Dennye.

L. Semer ofSudl. Sir William Paget,

Earl of Darby, L.Dacr.of North,Sir William Herbcrt,

E. ofl-luntyngtomL. Grey of Wilt. Sir Francis Brian.

The Marqnes Doret, L. Semer of SudLSir William Paget,

Sir Tho. Cheyney,

Earl of Darby, Lord Riche,

Sir William Herbert,
E.ofHuntyngton.L.Dacr. ofNorthuSir Will. Sydney.

. Actatb Anno 'prime E D WA R DI Sexti.

Dom. Sayit John,

_ , -.

. -


Marchion. Doret,

D.SemerdeSudle_1,D0m. Will. Sydney,

Com. Darbia,

D. Daeres deNorthDom. l/Vill. Herberde,

-Comejomberlandi-e. - Dom. Delawar,

-Dom. Wills Paget.

_ .Ma}Chioh_ Dew, Dszaerdcsaazenom. Will. Paget,

'Com.' Wartrici,

' Com. Darhie,

Dom. Delawar,

Com. Huntyugton.
- - .:. 3

Dom. Ednt. hVotton,

D. Grey de l/ViltoneDom. Job; Abriges.

Marchionem Dott, D.Semer de SudlggDom. Will. Page',

D0m_; R-u/e/z,
- " ' "

Com. Darhia,
Dom. Delawar,
Com. (.'0mberletndia. Dom. Cobham.

Dom. i/Vi. Sydney,

Dom; Will. Herberde.

let Marchion. Doret, D. Semer de sadly; Dom. Will. Paget.


(The Marq. Doret,'-- ' L.Seymer,ofSudl.Siri Will; Sydney,

. Long stjohn,

- _ . -Eett of Derbyr:.L-.-Dacr.iofNOrthSir Will. Herberd,

_ '
of Comberl, [Lord Delawar. Sir William Page:
P. ThelMarque/i Doret, Lseymer ofSudLSir WilliamPaget,
Earl of 'Wair-wick,


Lord Delaware, 'Sir Edw. Wotton,

E.*ofHuntyngton.L. Grey of Wilt. Sir John [Bruges_[

Lord Ruell,

The Marq. Doret,

L. SeymerofSudLSir. William Paget,
Earl of' Derby, Lord Delaware, .Sir Will. Sydney,
E. of Comberl. Lord Cobham. Sir Will. Herbert.

d Marguis Doret,

L: 'Seymer of _Sud_ley-,Sir William Paget.

- '



d Thee are the la lV-rds in the Bottom of the Duke of Norfolk had been removed from thie Order
back Side of a Leafe, and the following Page recites by Edw. Vl, who hein attainted in the End of the
the Eleoflions in the third TPar emred in Ei1glih,o Reigm of Hen. Vlll, Jis Degradation was' without
that without all Doubt a Leae hail) been taken out Doubt in this r Chapter held after it. Now Oueen
from this Place, which contained the Re/idue of the Mary not only reored him, but commanded a/Twri
Tranaons in this
Year, and the Eva/i in the tingt and Records that mentioned his Remove] to he
econd TT-ar, and the Colle-ctor uppoe: this Mutilation

cancel/ed out o] this Regiier, and Probably the eaie

m: in Puruance of a Decree, for ire hallnd by an Method of doing it was practiced, which 'night be
Inrument pub/i zed by Mr. Ahm- p. 622, that the taking out the entire Leafe.
'The Colleilor hath in his Cuody an antient copy which thou I, zrqmin, me Degrddlu-qn .,bi: Duke, i"
continue: the Scrutin), 'he Names of the Campnlxonxltlcn:chaff: and teirJna/fattonsion zbetwenty econd of *

May, which follows.

Corn Arundctell, i

Com. Salopiie,

Dux Somerett,
i '

* _


-* v

. Dom. Dtlatvare,

Dom. Ed. Wotton,

Com. Combertand.

Dom- Grey de Wiiton.

Dom. Jalap, Abr-Lges.

Com. Darbig,

Dom. Seymer
de North,
Dacres de

Gul. Heriherr,

Dorett, 'A

Domy Sturton.
eymer de Sud ,

Dom; Gul- Wotwn.
Pd m, \*

Gray de Wilton,
* - v
Dom. Seyrner de sadly,

Dom. Job.
Dom..Gul. Page-it, " i'

Com. Huntingdon.
_ Marchion. Dortt,

Marchio Northamptonuecom. Derbia,

Com. Huntingdan.

_ Dom. Delaware, '

Dom. Par de Horton.

Dom. Anth. Denny,

Dom. Gul. blerhm.

Po v[bratdidtam nominationem ic factam ipa [quibus inter alia meitim uit injunctum ut Equi
uprema majeas cum concnu horum Nobilium
elegit in haue clarimam ocietatem Marchionem
Dorett, Comitem Dcrbie, Dominum Seymer de
.S'ud.'ey, 8: Dominum Guliclmum Pagett : Decretum

res ante electos in edes uas winde-ort' introduce

rent, uti cum honore debito factum e.
All the Particulars here mentioned are confirmed by

e inuPcr ibidem Divi Georgii celebritatem xxii other Authorities. In the Book: of the wardrobe is a
die Maii equentis Wtndeori celebrandam ubi prz-

warrant 6 March. 1 E. 6. pro Willimo Page: militc

nobilis Comes WzruiciRegias vices adminiraret, Gatterii, pro xviii virg. velvet purplevro um
bi ad caetera negotia Wtentes habens Dominum

toga, capurio, 8: Ti per pro liberaturaGarterii

Johannem Gage 8: Dominum Anthonium Winkeld l pro x virg. arinet al . pro linura,v and' alo awar



haduh nnoeeundo E D WA R D I Sextz',

P. 301.

' At Grenewyche
Elebn of Knightes of the mo honorahle Order of the Gartier, the xxiji
Day of Aprile in the Thirde Tere of the Reigne (f our Sorveraigne Lorde

Kinge Edwatde-the VIth, Kinge of Englond, Ftaunce, and Ireland, Defen

der of the Faith &c.



TherlezzjHuntingdonhe Lord Cobham, Sir H. Seymour,

Sir Will. Paget,

Therle of Rutlande, TheL. Grey dWiltomSir Ant. Dennyc,

Therle of Bathe.

The Lard Wentworthir Wil. Hetbert.

Therle of Suex,
The L. Wenthworth,Sir H. Seymour,
Sir Anth. Wingfeld, Therle of HuntingdohT/ze Lord Cobham, Sir Will. Sydney,
Therle of Rutlande. The Lord Grey. _
Sir Franc. Bryau.

Sir John Gage,

The Lard St. john,

Therle ofComberlandhe Lord Laware,

Therleof HuntingdohThe Lord Dacrys ,
Therle of Rutlande. The Lord Grey.

Sir Ed. Wotton.

Therle ofHuntingdohThe L. Dacr. of NorthSirWillfHerbert,

Therle of Suex,
The Lord Cobham, Sir Will. Sydney,
Therle of Bathe.
The Lord Scrope.
S. John St. John.
Therle of Worceter, The Lard Dacres,

The Lord Ruell,

SirWill. Herbert,

Sir Will. Sydney,

Sir H. Seymour,

Therle of Rutland, The Lord Cobham, Sir Will. Herbert,

Therle ofHuntingdohThe Lord Laware. S. John A Bruges:

Therle of Comberlandhe Lord Laware, Sir H. Seymour,

Therle of Arondell, Therle of Suex,
The L. Grey 0fWilton,SirWill. Herbert,
Therle of HllntingdOn-The L. Wentworth; Sir Ed. Wotton.
Therle o Rutland,

The Lord Dacres,

Sit-Will. Herbert;

Therle ofshrewisburyherlea Huntingdonhe Lard Cobham, SirNioStanhopp,

Therle of Suex.
The Lord Graye.
Sir EdW.Wott0n.
Therle of Rutland,

The Lord Cobham, Sir Will. Herbert,

The Marq. NorthampTherle ofHuntingdonhe Lord Dacres,

Therle of Suex.

Sir Ant. Dennye,

The Lard Sheylde. Sir Mic. Stanhop.

ram on 8 Apr. I E- 6, pro Henrico Marchione EdmVI, and the French Kings Hatchments were
Doret, Erlwardo Comite de Darbye 8: Domino sky taken downe and oered at the ame tyme in man
mor de Steel/e) ociis Garterii. The Hem/de divide ner as followeth
their Feesar the Pea/I held at Windelbr on 22 oj May

The Earle ofllzrmihe then lieutenant aied with

'there the Earl 0 Warwiclt ma: Liemenane, and for Sir John Gage and Sir Anthony Wingfield and the

the lnalwiom t m ofthh Marquc t Earl, Lord, and Four Knights newly enalled t/iz.
Knight, and in P. to in this Co clerk Cuad) p. 12
i: thefollowing Narmiit/e.

The Marqucs of Doret

The Earl of' Darhy

Anno Ibgni Regi: Edwardi exti prime.
The Lord S mar of Sudley
Sir William agett
At the Fea OF St. George ke te at Vl/Tndor the
23 day of' Maje, hould have ene oered the
Fir the Banner was ored by the Lord Marques
Hatchments of the late noble King Hem) Vlll, Doret and the Earl of Darhy.
but there was founde a lyke

reident for King

Then the Swootde by the Lord Sudle) and Sit

Hen- Vl, who lye both butye in the College of John Gexge.
Plbrldor, _and for becaue the funetals of the ayde
The Helme and Crea by Sir Anthony 'Vyngeld
noble Kmgs were done in the ayd College of and Sir William Pagett.
Vl/ymlar and theyr Hatchments oered at theyr
Touehingthe Ha/chmentt of Hen. Vlll. See Ahm.
Intyrements that is to aye, the Banner the Swoo rd, Hz. p. 629.
helme, and Crea with the Mantells, which Hatch
ments PF the ayde noble Kings remayne yet in the
e Several Oremoniet were altered
a Deeree dared
Sovemgnes place for his Sonne the noble Kinge 20 Apt. 3 E. 6, puhlz/hed ln Ahm- Hi. p.473.Th7_


Acta uh Anno' tertio E D WA R D I Sexti.

Therle ofI-Iuntingdonhe Lord Cobham,


SirWill. Herbert,
Sir John Bruges,

The D. of Someret, Therle o/Comberlandhe Lord Graye,

Therle of Rutland. The Lord Dacre.

Sir Tho. Wyott.

man Ekd ZfTherle of Huntingdon,

The Lord Cobham.

Aljh it was agreed at the Chapiter holden the Da and IL-re afore reherZ-d, P- 302-4

h the Kinger Majeie and other Compaignionr of t e nohle Ordre, that from
enseforth e-very Stall uppon 3 St. George; E-ven hall have a Scoohen of the
Armer of them, cwhiche he ahent, as 'well as tho/i: rwhieh he preznt at their
Coet and Chargiet.

Item that Knightes elehhed from hensforth may he in/Ialled h] Commi ton
fwitheont Fea/l,
they le.
Item it 'was agreed, that the Lord St. John Lord great Maer, Therle of

Atondell Lord Chamherlqn, and Sir William Pagett Comptroller hallper

a e o<ver the Book: of the Statute: of the Gartier




h] thod-vii- of the Duke of Someret Lord Pra.

tector, and other: Campaignionr of this nohle Ordre 71.
f Mernorandum on Wudentdaye the which was the Mayer the Lorde Talhatt
Erll of Shrexrthe e
xxiiii daye of Apryll, and the third yeare of the the Lord John Ru e beinge Lorde privie Scale, it
Sovereigne inLord
the ixthofatthe
at Grenewiehe
Cloet John Gage Sir An: Jonye l/Vtngefeld beingVye Cham

berlcyne Sir ll/tlliam P ett being Comptrouler of

was elect and choen Knyghts of the Garter thes the Kings all ches being nights of the aid Order,
Noblemen as followeth, that is to aye, George with divers other Noblemen, where was elect and
Lord Ha/Zingr Etll of Huntington, the which was choen Knyghtes OF the aid Order that is to aye
called forth of the aid Chapter dore and kepte in George Lorde Hainget and Erll of Huntlngton, the
the Cloet aoreaide bye Garter Kin e of Armes, Lor e Coham, but at the ayde preent tyme, he
and then cometh Forthe two of the lords of the was at Callit ther beinge Debitee of' the aid towne
aid Order, and ther receyved his Garter the which the which had of Huntington was called for at the
was put about his left Let g in the place accoiom Cloett Doore by Garter Kinge of Armes, and
ed, and ther was alo at t at ame tyme electe and Comyn e tbrthe of the aide Cloett Thetll of
choen Knight of the aide Order the Lorde Shremr urye with another Nobleman of the aid

Order receyved hym betwene them and o led

But at the ame preent tyme he was not pre hym into the aide Cloett their knelinge befor
Rznt For he was ent to Bullen ther to be a Capteyne: the Kinges Maieie receyved his Othe geven to
at this preent tyme was at the aide Order with hym by the Regeer and after the Othe o re
the Kings Majeie thee Noblemen as hereafter ceyved then a Nobleman one of the Garter kne

followeth, that is to aye

ltem the and
Thomut Se
mer beingetheDuke of'
Apar bein
Marquis of' Northampton,
therll of rundell
Lord Chamberleyne the

led downe and put the Garter about his lete

Legg, in the place accolomed with uch wordes
as is teheared in the Chapters of the ayde Or

der beFore wtyten. Hi pener me p. 91.

Lorde Sent John Great Maiier the Lorde Tallhott

g The annual Fl-at at Windor being dieontinued,
Erll of Shrewrherye the Lorde John Ruell beinge thi: Deeree relatcr to scutcheons to he et up where
Lorde privie Scale Sir John Gage Sir Anthony ll/irrge the Sovereign hould chance to celebrate it in lJlJ' other
jelde beinge Vye Chamberleyn Sir lV/liam Page-te Palaeet. See Alhm. Hi. p- 488, and in the Mnutet
of the Privy council 22 Apr. rssz, there i: a War
beinge Comptrowler o the Queens Howhoulde
Memorandum on Wedenjday next after Saynte r-tnt entrcd to pay Garter for the Seutehean: et up by
George: Daye being the xxiiii daye of' Apryll in him at the Fezr of thir Order, held at Greenwich in
the iiiyeare of the Reigne of the Kinge our So the fourth and fth Teart, which -Paymentt were con

veraigne Lorde Edward the ixte at his Place at tinuedfor everal Reignt.
the Cloett,
a Chap
ter o i eh
of thehisGarter

h There ma: another Deeree made in 'hit Chapter

Grace thes Noblemen followinge, that is to aye fbr the Exeruption of the Oeert ofArm: from all
the Lord Thomas Seymer beinge Duke of' So 'Taxet P. 10 penes me p. 40. It i: alo entred in a
'neret andProtectour of Egyland the Lord Wylh-arn MS given to the Her-Melt by Mr. Hare Riebnond
A ar heinge Mar uis of 0 rtharnpton, Theil] of p- 194 h. 4' In a Chapter of the Garter at Greeni
cing Lorde Chamberle vne the T with 23 Apr- 3 Ed. 6, it was condecended and
lord Sent John
beinge Lot Great '5 agreed by the aid noble Knights of th'order,



Acta nh Anno tertio E D WA R D I Sexti.

At the Palace of Wemyniler.
Elehhion of Knightes of the mo honorahle Ordre of the Gartier the r

Day of December in the Thirde Tere of the Reign of our So-vereigne Lord
King Edwarde the Sixt by the Grace of God, Kinge of Englond, Fraunce,

and Irland, Defender of the Faith, and in Earth 'upt-eme hedd ofthe Churche
"MM-wasv- v

of England and alo of Irland.

Therle of Rutland, The Lord Ltrware, SirWill. Herbert,
Sir William Paget, Therle of Wemcrl. The L. Grey of Wilt. Sir H. Seymour,
The Lord Riche.
Sir Tho. Darcy.
Therle of Suex.

Therle of
The Lord Laware,
Sir Anth. Seyntlegerherle
of Wemerl.

Sir Will. 'Herbert,

The Lord Wentw0rth,.s'ir Ed. Wotron,

Therle of Rutland.

The Lord Gra ye.

SirTho. Arundell.

Therle of Wemerl. The Lord Laware, SirWiU. Herbert,

Sir Anth. Wingeld, Therle of Suex,
The L. Wentworth, Sir Ed. Wotton,
Therle of Comberl.

Sir John Gage,

The Lord Ferreys,

The Lord St. John,

The Lord Ruell,

Sir Will. Sydney.

SirWilL Herbert,
Therle ofComberl. The Lord Laware,
Therle of Rutlande, The Lord Graye,
Sir An th. Darcye,
John Abr uges.
Therle of Bathe.
The L. Wentworth.
Therle of Wemerl. The Lord Riche,
Sir Ed. _Wotton,
Therle of Comberl. The Lord Wharton, SirWill. Herbert,
The Lord Laware.

Sir And. Dudley.

That-le of Wemerl. The Lord Laware,

Sit-Will. Herbert,

Therle of Suex.

P' 303'

The Lord Graye.

Therle of Comberl.

The Lord Graye,

Thee-le of Suex.

The L. Wentworth. Sir John Bruges.

Sir Tho. Darcye,

Therle of Wemerl. The Lord Laware,

Therle of Comberl. The Lord Dacres,

Sir-And. Dudicy,

Therle of Rutlande. The Lord Riche.

Sir Ed. Wotton.

Therle of Wemerl. The Lord Laware,

SirWill. Herbert,

Sir Will. Herbert,

Therle of Arondell, Therle of Comberl. The Lord Clynton,

The Lord Graye.
Therle of Bathe.

Sir Ed. Wotton.

Therle of Wemerl. The Lord Dacres,

The Lord La ware,
Therle ofShrewesburyThe-rle of Suex,

SirWill. Herbert,


Sir Ed. Wotton,

Therle of Rutlande. The L. Wentworth. Sir Tho. Arondel.

a that from thenceforth For the Stablyhcments of '4 which the aid Ocers of Armes according to

** the old priviledges of' the oce of Armes That " ther mo bownden dutys are bownde to pra e
'* al] thbcers of Arms as Kings Heralds and Pur *' for the properous Eate of the Kyn s Maje y
" uivants hould according to their r iniitu " Rd, V] Sovereyn of the Order, and or all the
" tion and Priviledge be frank and free from pay-

'* Knyghts of the ame Order forevermore." This

'* ing any tackes, taylaiges, impoitions, ubedys, Exernption pajjed under thegreat Seal on the fourth of
" benevolencys, as more playnlyerc aperyth by

July. and 'nay be conulted in Rymer Vol. xv. p. 187.

" the Kings Majeies graunte under his gret eale

i Thee Words ecaped the Diligence of the Commi
a OF grene wax which is a perpetuyte, geven unto lionert appointed by QZeen Mary for expunging eve
-',* the aid ocers of Armes ymmediatly; For the l ral Thing: out of this egi/ter.


Actahh Anno quarto E D WA R D I Sexti.

Therle ofComberlandfhe Lord Dacres,
The Marques Dorett, Therle' of Wemerl. The Lord Laware,


Sir Ed. Wotton,

SirWill. Herbert,

The Erle t Suex. The Lord WentwortlLSir And. Dudley.

Therle of Wemerl, The Lorde Lawarc,

The Marq. Northamplhe Erle of Rutlande, The Lord Dacres,

Therle of Sucx,

SirWiU. Herbertz

Sir Tho. Darcyel

The L. Wentworth. Sir Ralf Sadlcr.

The Lord Lawarez

He" Elctctzg Sir William Herbert.

The xiiith Day of the aforejizid Moneth and Tere Yherle of Huntingdon,
the Lord Laware, the Lord Cobham, and Sir William Herbert, were i' in

alled at Windelore hie eeciall Cominon direed frame the Kinges Meyeie
to the Erle of Derbie Lieutenant, and Sir Anthonye Wingclde and Sir An

thonye Seyntleger Aentes, deputed and anthorized for theaid In/iallation.

The Othe ofi Knightes inalled at this preent receyved of the Regia'
er by the Conent of the Lord Lieutenant, and other Knightes All

OU heing chon to he one of the honorahle Companje of the Order of

the Gartier hall promie and were, hy the holje Ewangelies, h] you

hodely touched, to he faithfull and true to the Kinges Majeie; and to oher-ve
and hepe all the poyntes of the Statutes of the zid Ordre, and enerye Artic/e
in theym conteyned, (the hine heinge I agreeahle and not repugnant to the Kinges
highnes, other godly Froceedinges) as farre as unto you helongethe, and apper
teigneth, as God helpeyou, and theijZ- holie Emangelies.
Anno Regni Regis Edoardi Sexti Quarta.
P. 304.:
At a Chaptre holden at Grenewiche on St. '" Georgdis Daye at Ervenonge,
heing the xxiiid day of Aprille, and Iihewi: the next Day hy the Soroeraigne of the
nohle Ordre of the Gztrter, thanpreent withe the Sorveraigne the Duke ofSomeret,

the Marques DorEtt, the Margues ofNorthampton, Therle of Bedord, TherIe

of Wiltihere, the Lord Pagett, Sir Thomas Chenye, Sir John Gage, Sir

Anthony Wingde and Sir Anthony Scyntleger.

At theie jZzid Chaptres

there was none Eleon, hecaue noe rorne was rvoide, hut of the late Frenche

King, whiche is kept for a great Eate.

At whiche aid Chapiters it was

agreed, that the hohe of the Statutes hould he reforinedz whereupon the King's
Majeie delivered one Bohe, wherein were contejned certayn Statutes unto the
hoole Companje aho-veaid, by the ame to he correHed and reformed, as they

thought he, untill the next Chaptre : the Regier then heing ahjhnt hy Reajbn
of extreme Sichnes.

le The Heralds have entred their Partition of the

enjoined (origponrient to thee Statutes.

Faes for the Inallation of this Earl, thee nto Lorrit,

m King dward in his Journal p. 12 hath this
and two Knights at Windor on 3 Decemb- The Entry Apr. 23. Monieur Trimoville and the Vidarn
of Chaetrcs and Monieur Henaudye came to Court,
Earlqo Derby heing Ueutenaiot.

his Explanation was added with Relation to the

Refornsation which Oath was to he taken 'till new Sta

and aw the Order of the Gartcr, and the Knights

with their Sovereign receive the communion.

tutes nere xed, h) whkh one _of another 'It-nour was

X x x x x_




Acta sh Anno quinto E D WA R D I Sexti.

Anno Regni Regis Edouardi Scxti Qcteinta.

At a Chaptre holden at Grencwiche in the King; Meyies Prervie Chemhre

on Seynte Gcorgies Etven before Noonc, heing the xxiith Daie of Aprilc, where

was preent with his Majzie 'Iherle of Warwickc, Tlherle of Bcdord, Therle
of Willtzihcre, the Lord Pa ctt, the Lord Cobham, Sir John Gaigc, Sir

Anthony Wingfeld, r Wil iam Hcrberd, which aid chapiter was only for

the rema-"vinge of the Conablc of Fraunce? Stall, to the Stall where the
late Erle of Soudlanpton was. placed, which is deceaed.
Att a Chapiter holden at Grcncwiche on Seynt Georgics Day heing the xxijjz

Day of Aprile hr-zvre Ewenange tyme, hy the Saweraigne of the nohle Ordre of
the Garter, than being preent with his Majeie the Duhe of Somerezt, th,
Marques Northampron, the Erle of Warwickc, the Erle of Arondcll, the


Erle of Bcdord, the Erle of Wiltihcre, the Lord Pagctt, the Lord Cob


ham, Sir John Gagc, Sir Anthony Wingcld, Sir William Hcrbcrd, it was
decreed that Election of Knightes hould he that Eqjenonge tyme in the Chappell,
andh it was, which don the Regi er preented the ame unto the Kings Ma

jelie, inform hereafter enewinge.

The French longe,
Sir Will. Herbert,


P. 305.'



The Lord Admirall, Sir John Gatcs, -

Therle of Worceter, The L. Chamberleymsir And. DudIeY,

Therle of Ruttland.

The Lard Lylc.

The French Kjnge,

The L. Darcy ofCheosir John Gates,

Sir Anth. Wingcld, Therle of Wcmerl. The Lord Clinton,

Therle of Suex.

Sir Tho. Darcye.

Sir Ed. Wolton,

The L. Gray of Wilt. Sir Will. Sydney.

The French King, _ The L. Darcie ofChcosir John Gates,

Sir John Gage,

Therle of Rutland, The Lord Clynton, Sir John Abruges,

Therle of Worccter. The L.Grey qfWiltorLSir Arch. Darcie.

The French King,

The Lord Admirall,

Sir John Gates,

The Lord Cobham, Therle of Rutland, The L. Darcy ofChec. Sir Ed. Wolron,
Therle of Wemerl. The Lordwrlloughbysir Tho. Wiatt.

The Lard Pagetc,

The French King,

The Lord Clinton,

Therle of Rutland,

The L.Darcy afChecuSir John Gates,

Therle of Wcmcrl. The Lord Riche.

Sir H. Seymer,
Sir Hugh Paulett.

The French lGnge, The Lord Clinton, s. John sc. John,

Therle of Wiltehire, Therle of Wemerl. The L. Chamberleynir John Bruges,
Therle of Comberl. The Lard Dakers.
Sir Hugh Paulctc.
Therle qf Bedford,

The French King, The Lord Clinton, Sir Hen. Seytner,

Therle of Wemerl. The L. Darcie ofChec.S. John St. John,
Therle of Rutland. The L. Dakr. ofNorrhSir Hugh Paulctt.

The French long, The Lord Clinton,

SirEdw. Wolton,

Died? if Arondc, Therle of Wemerl. The L. Darcyofchecnfir John Gates,

Thetle ofCombcrl, The Lord Dakcrs.
Sir And. Dudlcy.


Acta ub Anno quinto E D WA R D I Sexti.



The French King,

The Lord Clinton,

Sir John Gatcs,

Therle of Warwick, Therle of Wemerl. The L. Darcy of Cheosir Ed. Wolton,

Therle of Rutland. The Lord Dakars. Sir And. Dudleys
The French King,-

The Lord Clinton,

Sir John Gates,

The Marq. NorthampT/aerle of Wemerl: The L. Darcy ofCheoSir And. Dudley,

Therle o] Rutland.

The Lord Dakers.

Sir Tho. Wiat.

The French King,

The Lord Clinton,

Sir John Gates,

Dulte of Somerett, Therle of Wemerl. The L. Darcy ofCheoSir And. Dudley,

Therle of Rutland. The L. Gray ofwiltonnsir John Abruges.
And ithe next Da] following at the Chaptre there holden hehre the communion
Tjtme, the Regiler preented theaid Eleon unto the Kinges Majdlie, and there
upon his Highnei named the " French Kinge, and the Lord Clynton, heinge
Lord Admirall to he Knights of that nohle Ordre of the Garter and immediately

after the George and Garter was deliqtered unto the Ztid Lord Admirall.

Item it was agreed, hy the Kings Metdlie, and other companions of the P. 306.'
nohle Ordre, that the Dulee of Someret, the Margues Northampton, Therle

of Warwick, Therle of Arondell, Therle of Bedord, and Therle of Wil

tihere hall perue o-ver the Statutes ---_.

Item the Money recejtoed alredie, and hereafter to he recfetyszted after the

departure of Knightes of th'0rdre to he emploied, to the Relet and Soeour of

poor People, where mot' nede is, in the Towne of Windeore and other TOWJ',
Villages, and Plates, at and by the dieretion of the Deane of that Colledge,
n IGng Edward in his Journal p. 25, Apr. 23. thee Words, " Et Statuts de noire dit Ordre, 8:

The French IGng and-the Lord Clinron ehoen into *' au prendre on erment, s'il luy plaie de le
the Order of the Garter, and appointed that the Duke U fayte elon les Articles conteneus en livre des
of Someret, the Marquis of Northampton, the Earl *'" mectre
les uells
ont accouome
de recepvans
jurer a: prole
of Wilthire, and the Earl of Warwick hould per

ue and amend the Order. He hath thee farther En

'5 dict ordre.

t i aini full, que la forme du die

tries on this Aair Apr. go. The Lord Marquis of " erment ne luy oir agreable, Vous donnons
Northampton appointed to go with the Order and a Rouvoir 8.: mandemem: e ecial do depener no
further Commion of Treaty, and that in Po hat/


re 84: bon frere au nom e nous, & de tout le

ing joined with him in Commi ton, the Bihop of Elyz V Ordre de faire preer 8e recevoir les dictes er
Str Phili Hobbey, Go. 2

y there was appointed " mens, ou partie d'iceulx telle que appartiendra,

a Vous contentans ou nom de nous 8e de lordrc

This was while the
ter, and Bray, Burgavenny, and divers other Gentle Alteration o the Statutes, andettling the Form _of an
men to the Number of thirty in ad. May 4 appointed Oath was under Con/ideration. The Ritual of this In
that hould be but four Men to wait on euery Earl, "oeiture is in bibl. Cotr. Julius C. 9. &e.
to go wit my Lord Mar uis, the Earls of Rutland)

Worceer, and Ormo

, the Lords Lie, Fitzwa. u de la im le foy 8: parolle."

that went with my Lord Marquis of Northampton,

In the Introdutflion p. 89, there is an Error in the
three on ever) Lord, two on ever) Kni ht or Gentle Nuwerals, where 30 Juno is miprinted for no June,
man. ar. My Lord Marquis of Nort ampton had and the Rcfrrence to this Black-Book is alo miaken
to deliver
the Order &e.
17. mitb
My intead of Vinc. M. in O- Arm. n. 417, where are
of Northampron
came June
to Nants
thee words, his Hatchmentsat up in the econd Stall
the Commiioners &e. 19. He came to Chaieau Bri on the Soot-reigns Side, 20 Juno 1551, JE. 6, but
was not inalled becaue of the Sweating Stctchnes then

an Go. 20 The French King was inzte/ied with the

Order of' the Garter in his Bedchanther, where he in England. This was on the ver) Da) that this [Gng
gave a chain to the Garter worth 2001. and his Govtn was tum/led at Chateau Brian, there was a warrant
drqed with Aglets worth 251. The Bi/hop of Ely to Sir Ral Sadler Maer of the lV-trdrohe, dated x'
ma ing an Oratton and the Cardinal of Lorrain mal May in this fifth Year, to deliver 3 Tards of Cloth of
Gold Ty/jue, and 16 Tards of blew Vl-oet for the Ban
in him anwer.
gI/te Commiion to this Ildarquirand to the Bt/htp ner, the Mantle: o the Helmet, and the Lining o the
of Ely to preent the Collar, M-lnllt', Garter, and ame' or the Ina tiong 'hit King. B. 29 p. 42 In

other Enigns of the Order is copied into W- N. in O. Vite l. F. v. in bibl. otton 'tis aid 24 Aug. 5
Arm. p. I 15, where are everal other Inruments re E. 6. at Windore was [lalbd the Frenche Kyng.
lating t' this Matter, one of them hath a claue in



i 443

and uh Anno quinto E D WA R 1) I Sexti.

he tahjng the 'Adrvice and counzi/e of hine hong/I Men, 'which hall harpe he
Kno-"weledge, rwhere nto/i Indigencie and Po-"vertie reigneth. Whereunto the
Kings Highnes P/eanre and Commaundment is, that hehall tahe pecial]Regarde.
Item the xxviith Da] of June at Afternoone in the Tere aforeaid, the
Kinge's jl/Ia/eiie held a Chaptre in his prervie Chamhre at Grcnewiche, then heing

preent rveith his Highnes, Therle of Warwick, Therle of Shrowesbury, Therle

of Bedford, Ther/e of Wiltchcrc, Sir Thomas Cheync, the Lord Pagec,

the Lord Cobham, Sir Anthony Wingfcld and Sir William Hcrbert, 'where
it rwas decreed, that the Lord Clynton hould he inaI/ed at Wjndc-hre eke

xxixth Day of the ame Moneth, and Therle of Dcrbye to he the Lieutenant, and
Therle of Hontington and the Lord Paget to hee Aants unto him, and b the
ame Ina/Iation "was then and there accoinphihed honorahlj', as apperteyneth.
Alo at the ame Chaptre, it was agreed that the French Kinge at the Ia

EIeZYion heing choen Knight of the nohle Ordre hould he ina/[ed at XVinde.

(bre hy his Deputie or Profhor with all convenient Spede, after his Ariysz/a/l
and Repaire to the Kings Majkiie requiring the hine. And that an honarezh/e
and decent Rai hall he Ieept in the Calell there at the aid InaI/ation.

The xxviiith Day of September in the vth re of the Reigne of the IGngs
Meyeie, his Highnes held a chapiter at Hzunpton-Courtc, then and there
being Preemi the Marques Dori-i, the Maraaes of Notthampton, 'Therle o
warwickc, Therle of Wiltehere, and Sir William] Herbert Knightes of the

nohle Ordre, rwhere was elected the Lord Darcye of Chiche, and hy epecial]
the ixth
Day Lord
of Octobcr,
h] ina/Ied
the LordatMaraues
and the
the after

which Commion hereafter enerziveth.

DWARDE the Vlth, hy the Grace of God, Kinge of England,
Fraunce, and Irland, Deender of the Faith
So-verazgne of the noh/e

Ordre of the Garter, To onr right traie and right rziielhe/o-'oed Coen and
Conniii/[onr the Maranes Dorette, Lorde l/Varden of all our Marches fore

anemp Scottland, and to our right truie and right Qve/he/owed Coantzi/[or the
Lord Cobham, Knightes of the izid nohIe Ordre greetinge. Foranzoche as
'we ruiitlz other our Brethern and Companions of theaid Ordre a/emhlea' at a

holden at our Honor of Hampton-Court the xxviiith Day of Sap
tember la pat', ha-ve elefied and choen our right truhe and right rweIhe-v
Iorved CouneiiI/or the Lord Darcy of Chichc our Chamher/ejrn to he Knight and
Compatyan of the aid nohIe Ordre, We will and h] Vertue of thies Preentx

auhforiie you not on? to accept and admitt him into the aid Ordre, and re
ceyzie his Othe, an 0 enal/e hym, hat aZ/o further to doe therin as to 'the
Uiige of the aid noh/e Ordre it appertejneth: And theE our Letters hall he
your tgjlicient Dicharge in this Beha/e. Te-rven under our Signet at our Honor

of Hampton Courte, the viith of October the vth Tere of our Reigne.
E. Somcrett, J. Bedord, J. Gatc, W. Cccylle, J. Maon, R. Bowes. Cli.
a Atnrdingl) he n'ot en/in/Ied, See Appendix n. xv



Modm oh-viam eandi Regia,- Majeiati, in primis adt/entihus eh Statu Regia :

i y

ive quando ah illuri aligua, memoratuque digna rviiiioria redit, ad Collegiiim ttum Windehri.


R I M O Scabellum (ut decet) ornatuln, conituetur in loco, inter

Templum 8: primam Caelli portam medio. Qro Cuos 8: Ca

nonici cum caetcris miniris uo quiq; ordine, uper-pelliciis Be I-Iabitibus
aliis, uti res eagitat, induti, cruce, quam habent, optima precedente,
cum ceroferariis duohus 8: totident thuribulariis convenient, 8: eodem


Hic 4 notatut' Kitu: ch- Modus ex conitetttdine oher-"oandus a Collegio liherze

Capelhe Regia: San Georgii infra (a/irtem Reginm de \Vyndeor in pro

cedendo ohroiam Superior-i Ordinis Garterii in primis adroentihus ejas illuc in
Statu io Regia, jEu in reditn to po/i aliquod wiorioem, ardnum, aut
honorieum faum Regium inolitum, en extraneum, aut raro vium.

JI/odui procedendi ohroiam Regi in Proceonihus fiendis.

N primis poita formula aut cabello convenienter ornato, in loco

I conueto, medio videlicet inter Capellam Collegii 8: Portam cari

exteriorem convenire debent Cuos 8: Canonici cum omnibus ac in
gulis Miniris Collegii, inguli ordinibus uis ac habitibus 6: Capis induti,

dignioribus precedentibus juxta otdinem itorum Stallorum, precedence

eos ctuce hone cum Ccroerariis, Be duobus thuribulariis, Regitario

The Manner of meeting the Sovereign in his r Approaches in his Royal
State to his College of Wmdor, or When he returns from ome fa
mous and memorable Victory.
I R S T a Form decently adorned, hall he placed in the Middle between
F the Chapell and the
Gate of the Cale, where the Warden and

Canon: with the other Mtni/iers, etvery one in his Order heing in Copes and other
Hahits as the Occaion requires, hall meet, the be Cros which they ha-'oe heing
carried before them with two Taper-hearen, and two Cenler-hearers, who
a Mr. Ahm- in his Hi. p. 277, atqitaints its that having in hit Oiody an antient Cap) nrote about the
the Manner and Order of cenin tra: contained in i Reign of H. 6, or Ed. 4, thought proper to add it here,

the Regirum Chartaceum f. 9 . and preents us that the Method Dr. Aldiydge took in turning it into
with his own Tranlation, hat doth not inform us Whether

his own Stile 'night he more evident.

the Original was in French or Latin. The Editor

YY Y y Y


convenienri ordine juxra uas in choro cdes diributo, in Regis adven

tum ibi conienr.

Eodcm Scriba Ordinis, Regxs Trabeam adducer, 8:

ad induendum porriger.

Qui jam indutus a Cuode eu Deeana ac Ca;

nonico mate ac digniratc proximo, ans thuricabitur, 6: ocrllata Crucc

chorum ac Commilitones uos Trabeis itcm uis ornatos cquetur ad altar:
ummum, ubi rurum appoito Scabello genucctetur, uque dum nia
tur reponorium a choro dccanrandum, Be Vocc Praeccnroris agnan

dum, videlicer, H 0 N o R VI R T U s, aut aliud imile, ecundum exigen

tiam rei geaz, cum Orarione non minus congrua.

Deinde venerabilem

vere: Ctucis Dominica: p0rtiunculan1, 8: verum (anctin Martyris Geor

gii Corculum ocularus, ad edern uam ie rccipier: ubi commorabirur,
doncc Commilitoncs ordine quique uo imilitcr oerentcs ad edes quo
que uas ordinc redierint, 8: duoaduque Palmus pro deunctis cum
conueris orationibus abolvatur a choro. Po id inguli de edibus uis

Ordinis portanre mantellum Regium ibi per iputn porrigendum, quo

Rex ibidcm indutus, ando per Cuodcm 8: digniorem po ipum per- _

onam Collcgii, Rex thuricari debet quingue vicihus, deindc oculata

crucc de manu Cuodis predi aut alterius Prielati dignioris tune praentis
proceionalitcr inducctur in capcllam, praecedcntibus Regcm immediate
Commilitonibus Ordinis ordinatim preeenribus tunc ibidcm induti 8:
manrellis uis, uq; dum Rex pervencrit ad Scabellun] coram Alrare prin
cipale ad hoc ornarum, ibidem genuectendo uq; ad complctionem re

fponf per Chorum decantandi in adventu ejus per agnarioncm Praecen

toris ur H _o N o R VI RTUS, aur aliud imilc juxta congruenciam rei
gezr cum orationc convcnienri. Deindc, oculat vcnerabili particula

Crucis Dominiczr 8: corde Sancti Georgii, ocrat.

Et tunc diverrac i: ad

Stallum uum, cxpectando ibidcm quouque dicti Milires Ordinis obrule

rint ordinatim, 8: reponantur inguli in Scallis uis, 8: quouil; dictum

lerit D 15 P R o 1= U N D I s a Canonicis cum orationibus conueris.


having dipoed themzlver in convenient Order, according to the Diribution

of their Stalls in the Chair, hall ay there till the Kings coming. The Regi
er of the Order hall hring thither the King's' Mantle, and hall deliver it to
he put on the King, in which he heing rohed, and anding, hall he cenjZ-d h)
the l/Varden, or Dean, and Canon next to him in Age and Dignity, and having

leied the Cros, he hall follow the Companions rohed likewie in their Mantles
into the Chair to the high Altar, where he hall kneel at a Form to he placed,
until the Reone hall he ung h] the Chair, and to he aigned hy the Chanter, to
quit, H 0 N 0 R VI R T U s, or ome other like Reone uitable to the Occa
ion, with a proper Prayer, and then having kied the venerahle little Piece of

the true Cros of our Lord, and the true Heart of the mot' holy Martyr St.
George, he hall hetake himelf to his Stall, where he hall ay till the Com
panions ever)- one in his Order having likewie oered, hall return to their Stalls

til/I), and till the Pzlm for the deceazd, with the uual Prayers hall he ended
by the Chair, after this, all of them going out of their Stalls, hall according







exeuirres more Virorum Eccleiaicorum humiliter inclinando, Altaris i

cramenro deferent, ur (emper etiam alias in receu.

Tum per chorum

ghbzi przecedent, ad domum conulrorianu, i terciarum hora, reel alia fue

rir, in qua cclebramium it Conciliuln.

Supremus aurem emper eos or

dine equetur. Sin alias eum contingat abee, imiliter ab eo deputatus,

poremus incedet. Mox conitenis equis Supremum illinc czrteri pra:
ibunt, ad locum per Statute. ignatum. Si vero Celebritas inet, quot

annis obervanda: pulatis a prandio campanis quoties ex More conve

nerir, milihus indumentis 8: eodem inceu redibunt ad Veperas, 8: re- P- 3033.
liquas poridie ac perendie Ceremonias. Hymnus autem Diva: Virginis

Maria dum canitur in Veperis, 8: po Evangelii Iectionem olennibus

lcircum Aram prius impletis, Przelatus Ordinis vel qui geret vices ejus, 8;


inde exeanc inguii de Stallis uis per gradu: chori humiliando (e quiiibec
ad Altare more Virorum Eccleiaicorum qualibet vice qua ic recedunt.
Haec communiter in privatis accebus Regiis juxta rei exigentiam ober
vari debent per medium Chori procedentes ui ad locum capituli pro ca
pitulo celebrando hora Terciarum, Superior Ordinis poremo icut in
omni proceiione eos inequente, 8: conequenrer in ejus abentia id idem
faciente ejus Deputato, quibus peractis acenis equis uis procedant more
olito inducentes Superiorem. in locum per Starutum limiratum.

Hac oherwandahnt in Vigilia G- olennitate i Sanfii Gcorgiijpeeia/iter.

Et po prandium pulatis interim campanis vicibus neceariis eodem
ordine redeant ad primas veperas fieivius ceiebrandas induri Liherata Or

dinis anni pracedentis qua nltra noem illam nti non olehant; Veruntamen in
gnia Ordinis Garteri Liherata pradie rvidelicet Garteria ad ornamenta capel/a

collegii antediii rejerroari hlehat ah antigno. Inuper dum Pars M A G

N I F I C AT canratur a Choro, peractis oiempniis circa altare principale

per Prmlatum Ordinis eu per gerenrcm pro tempore vices uas 8: per

to the Manner of Eccle/ictiichx humhly howing [pay] Deferertce to the Saera

ment of the Altar, ar al) alway: at other Time: of their going out [of their

Stallr] Then the] hall proceed through the Choir two [and two] to the Chapter
it he the Hour of Tierce or any other Hour, in which a Chapter i:
to he held, Bat the Sovereign hall always follow them, [heing the la in [the

Proeeion] and

he hould happen to he ahent [the Perm] to he depnted h]

him hall go la, and preently after [the Companionr] having nzonnted their
Hori: hall preceed the Sovereign to the Place appointed hj the Statutes.
But when the Fea approache: which i: to he yearly kept, after Dinner the
Belly heing rang, ar i; cuomary as often a: thir A-mhl] ir held [the Com
paniom] heing rohed in the lihe Vementr, and proceeding in the ame Method,

hall return to the [

Visiers, and to the remaining (lerenzonier of the next

Day and the following one.

But while the Hymn of the Bled Virgin [the

Magnicat] it' nging in the I/eerr, and after the reading the Gopel, the So
lemnities ahout the Altar heing r performed, the Prelate of the Order, or his




Decanus aut alius ad id potiime deligendus, decendcntes cum mini

ris aliis ad Supremi edem, ibi thuriicabunt cum quina vice.

alias abit iple, icient idipum ejus deputato.


Pomodum thuri

cato Ponricc qui celebrat, Decanus 8: Scriba Ordinis inde dccenden

ces, eorum, alter dextera, alter vero inira parte, conocios pari modo
uemquc vice, Po
ita nimirum,
ut qui
rent, inimtllibunt,
etiam trina
ciatum, reliquia: dum deferenda: unt, vidclicet Cor Divi Georgii per Dja
conum, 8: digiti per Subdiaconum, udariis ac tegumentis decenter invo
lutae: qux mox a Supremo, 8; dcinceps a Commilitonibus, ut Ordo re
quirit, revcrentcr oculauntur. Cuos item se Scriba ipo eodem nqodo,
quo thuricatio praeceiit, Pacis oculum Supremo 8: Conociis adducenr.
Finitis his omnibus, a miili i quid occurreret de quo it conultandum,

- domus ad id ubiri poterit.

Deinde redeundum e ordine quo Prius ad


Cuodem (eu aliquem alium Prxlatum cu peronam upcriorem ablente

Cuode ad hoc limitatum ab eidem thuriicari debet Superior, eu in ejus
abentia ejus Deputacus quinque vicibus.

Deinde thuricato Pontice

ocium exe uente per dictum Dominum Cuodem s: Regirarium Or

dmis Per co em (epatatim vidclicct per Cuodem a parte dextra 8: Re

girarium a parte inira precedentibus cos Cerofczriis eodem modo (Zrpa

ratim ad Prxdictas pattes thuriicentur omnes 8: inguli Conocii Ordinis
Przdjctj, ita videlicet Tuod illi qui imul oerre tenentur juxta Statuta,
imul thuricentur, qui ibet trina vice; Et eodem modo et po Evan
gelium in die so in ecundis vcperis, it immediate po Evangelium deerri
debent duae Reliquix Sancti Georgii videlicet cor ejus 8: Digiti per Diaco
num 8: Subdiaconum involutat Sudariis convenicntibus ad hoc a Supe
riore eu ejus Dcputato 8: deinde eparatim a Commilitonibus tunc prae
cntibus reverenter oculandaz, 8: conimilis modus obervandus e in de

ferendo paxillam pacis Superiori per Cuodcm, 8: deinde ad utramq; par

[cm Chori per Cuodem 8: Regirarium Ordinis modo quo de thuri

I/icegerent and the Dean, or ome other to he chon mo epecial] for it,
coming down with other Mini/iers to the Sovereign's Stall, hall t ere cene
him ve Times, then the Bi/hop who oiciates heing cened, the Dean and Re

gier of the Order decending Iihe-'toie, hall eparate] , one on the Right, the
other on the left Side [of the Chappel] hall cene the Companions in Iihe Man
ner each of them three Times, t as tho who hall oir together, ought to he
cened together. After the Gopel is read, thee two Relic/es are to he hrought,
to wit, the Heart of St. George h] a Deacon, and his Fingers hy a Suh-dea
con decentl wrapped up in Napkins and Coverings, which hall he reverently
hid h] t e Sovereign, and then h] the Companions as the Order requires. But
the l/Varden and the Regi/ier hall bring to the Sovereign and Companions, the Kijl

of Peace [the Pax to he letd] in the

before performed.

ame A/anner as the Cening was

All which heing ni/hed, and Ma done,

any Thing

hould occurr, of which it hall he necezr] to condt, the Chapter-houe m?



locum deignatuln in Staturis.


Ubi pranum uerit, 8: a prandio nis

oportune requicvcrinr, jam ad ccundas vepcras ub Forma uc ante dcbita

rcvcrhri, i prxtcrea conultatione cgcat, pro negotiis quae intcrim cmcr
irrunt expedicndis, conulrationcm illam iterabunt, juxta morcm ab in

victimo Rage Henrico quinto in porem Obervation: u ignanrer

oenum, anno Regni ui nono: ubi tum rmiiimc quoq; atuit, hanc

formam pcrpctuo dcinccps obcrvandam.

Et prcctcrea conhtuic/ omnia

quae per Dccanum hic adtniniranda notantur, in ipius abhltia per Scri

bam Ordinis imili modo upplcnda.

In privatis ecian] Regum acccbus, ubi id vium ucrit, imilia quz

dam prxanda unt. In omni aurem Divi Georgii olcmnirate Cercmonie:

atq; adminirationes choralcs cum pari diligcntia um: obcrvandar.
A bulariis Conhciis Ordinis prius notatum e, quibus omnibus pcractis 8:

nit Miilz i quid oportunum occurrerit acicndum pro quo mcrico con
ulendum foret cum ordinis Commiliconibus adirc potcrint locum capi

tuli 8: deinde redire dcbcnt ad locum dcputatutn in Staruris in orma qua

prius accczrunt. Et ub orma qua Po prandium acccuri unt ad (E
cundas vepcras inrraturi ut prius locum capiruli pro quibuhbet negoriis

intcrim cmergentibus expcdicndis juxta honciunum morcm ab invictil1

imo Principe Henrico Winto Regc Anglia in ultimo actu uo ibidcm ob
zrvatum Anno Rcgni ui nono, ubi pro rmo atuit hanc formam uum
pro perpctuo
in conimilibus
Et upcr hoc
hanc or8:
in Kalindario
rcdiigi proobervari.
pcrpctuo mcmoralc;
Ita atuit
quod omnia
ngula per Cuodcm in hiis minirandzz in ipius abizntia Rcgirarius
Ordinis upplcrc tcncatur.

he entred. And then the Return to the Place deigned in the Statutes ought
to he in the Order as hefhre. After Dinner, and when [the Companions] have
repohd themelves, heing now returning to the Z-cond I/ejpers in the'

Form due as aforejizid,

there is an] Thing wants Conultation fbr any Bui
nes that had aroe in the mean Time to he dipatched, they hall again enter the

Chapter, according to the Cuom remarhahly hewn hy the mo invincihle King

Henry the V in his la Ohrvation [ of this Feival ] in the ninth Year of his
Reign, where he thenmo rmly enacted, that this Form hould from thenceforth

he perpetually oherved.

And farther conituted that all Things which are here

pected to he performed hy the Dean, hould in his Ahttce, he in lihe Manner

itpplied hy the Regier of the Order.

In all private Approaches of the Kings, when they _/hall pleae, all the lihe
[Ceremonies] are to he performed. But in ever] Solemnitj' of St. George the/E
Ceremonies and Adminrations in the Chair are to he oher-ved with lihe Di





p, 309.

Inrufiiones, en potius informationes a Regia Majelate, <vel a quihus ei voi/um

fuerit, contradenda Legatis, i-ve Oratorzhus ad Caearem, Regem externum,

Princzpem, Ducem, Marchionem, Comitem, aut altogui Maximatem hujuce

Illu/lriimi Ordinis Candidatum, emittendis : auando Suhlzigar inigne, cum ha

hitti inuper ordinario reddent eidem.

Rincipio commendationcs appoitas cum Supremi Literis, quali cum

honoricentia ieri oporter, exhibebunt. Mox 'ubi locus erit, 8:
rcultas oeretur, qui uerit eorum idoneus, Be ad id antea deignatus,

orationem habebit, brevem quidem ed 8: copioe, graviter, ac erudire

digeam, in qui non olum Ordinis illurimi, 8: Regis in eo Supra
mi laudes, animi deiderium 8: benevolentiam in hoc facto memorabit:
ed ejus etiam, ad quem mittuntur virtutes atque acta memoratu di na.

Nec ilcndum omnino, i qui foran antc Progenitores ejus ad ejulgem

Ordinis dignitatem alnirarint, 8: cum honore ac gratia functi fuerint;

undc mens illius, quamquan] de le atis appetens 8: bene cupida, tanto

magis excitari debeat, ut idem aequatur, 8: eodem honore condecore

tur. Inde ubdendum, quod cum Supremus hazc 8: imilia fecum ani
mo reputarit, 8: cum Commilitonibus uis abunde perpenderit, periia
um eis, ut ipum ante alios nominarent, GC przeeligerent, uti non mi
nus inde decus ipe umeret, quam pteclaris uis factis, ac virtutibus ad


Proferenda denique unt inignia, qux per ingentem amorem

Be ani

Inructions or rather Inormations to be delivered by the Kings Majey,

or by uch as hall pleae him to the Legats or Embaadors, to be (ent
to the Emperor,

Foreign King, Prince, Duke, Marquis, Count or

any other great Eate eleed into this Order, when they hall render to
him the nohle Garter together With the ordinary Habit.
Ir the] hall preent their Credentials with the Soroereigris Letters with
that Honour that ought to he done, Then when Time and opportunity

oers, he of them that is mo it, and was pitched upon hefore for that Pur
poh, hall make a Speech in fhw Words hut full, grarve, and learned, wherein
he hall not only rememher the Praies of this my? illirious Order, and of

the King the Sovereign thereof, his hearty Aeon and good Will [ hewn] in
this Aon [of Eleion] hut al) the Vertues and memorahle Fahis of [the
Prince] to whom they are ent.

Neither ought it to he pa o<ver in silence,

if hy Chance an] of his Anceorls had formerly attained to the Diguity of this
Order, and died poied of it with Honour and Reputation, h as thereh] his

Heart, though of it

uciently eager and dcirous, ma] he h much the

more exeited to ohtain and he graced with the ame Honour. Then it hall he
farther added, that the Sovereign having well weighed the and the lil-e Things
in his Mind, and fully advied with his companions, they were periaded to
' nommate him, and choe him heore all others, whence he might not only tahe

Honour to himelf, hut ajhrihe it to his famous Aons and Vertues.

Laly I


\\k* *-*







,___. ___,,

_ _,_




ac animi ingularc delyclerium a supreme mia pronunciabit, uti eiilem

honoretur, ut cui tam bene atque onoricc quam Princilpi cuivis altcri
cuperet, 8: idcirco qualiacuuq; forent zrqui bonijue con u lerc, 8: grate.
haberc rogitarct, 8: ut in ui mcmoriam atque Or inis uti vellct.
Ubi peroratum fucrit, Commiionem uam ei, ad quem mittuntur,

tradent, quae ubindc legi ac pronunciari dcbet. Tunc Oratorum qui

Eccleiaicus lerit, juxta vim Statutorum, ad ua: vinciri debct, jura- P- 3103
mentum cxpocat, quod ac in ormam debitam iphc prccabit. Forma vero
alibi in loco ubcqtlinlr.


Juramcnto ic accepte, i quis Oratorum hujus Ordinis extitcrit, aut

alioqui nobilimus eorum, modo quo poterit honorabiliore, tybia: illius
prxlure ubligaculum inducct, intcrim Eccleiaico, vel i deit, alio

magis ad_ id idoneo dicente.

Ad laudem atque honorem omnipotentis Dci, intemeratae Matris cjus,

8: Sancti Georgii Martyris cinge tybiam tuam hoc inigni Subligaculo, cir
cumcrens in honorem tui, Be in ignum, ac memoriam illurimi Or

dinis, nuquam oblivioni daturus, aut omiurus, quod co moneris, ut

valeas, inquam, 8: vclis in juo bello, quod olum inibis, arc rmi
ter, agerc fortitcr, Be lcliciter omnino vincere.

Idem indc nobilis purpuream Togam illum induct eo dicen-te, qui


the Enigns are to he hrought forth, which he hall declare were ent hy the
Sovereign out of the great Lorve and ingular Aeon of his Heart, that he
might he honoured with them, as heing a Prince to whom he wihed as 'well
and honorahly as to any other whate-ver, and therefore entreats him leindly to
accept them in good Part, and ue them in Rememhrance of him and his Order.

The Speech heing ended, they hall deliver their Commiion to him to whom
they are ent, which ought to he read aloud, one of the Emhaadors heing an
Eccleaich, hall earnely require the Oath according to the Tenour of the

Statutes which he ought'to ohZ-r-zze, which he hall talee in due Form, which
follows hereafter in its proper Place.
The Oath heing thus taken,
either of the Emhaidors he [a Campanian]
of this Order, otherwie? the mo nohle of them, hall tie ahout his Leg the

mo noble Garter in the mo honourahle Manner, the Eccleitzlich, or if no

uch one [in the Emhay] another mo t for this Purpoe aying.
To the Laud and Honour of Almighty God, his immaculate Mother and
St. George the Martyr, tie your Leg with this nohle Garter, wearing it for
your Honour, 'and in Tolzen and Rememhrance of this mzji nohle Order, newer

forgetting or omitting, that thereby you he admonihed, and he enahled and

willing in all
Wizr, which youhall engage in, toandrm] , aEZ rvaliatztly
and happily to conauer throughly.

Then the izme Nohleman hall put on him the Purple surcoat, another as
hefore izying.



Capito veem hanc Purpuream ad incrementum honoris, 8: in ignacu
ium Ordinis accepti, qua munitus non vereberis pro de Chrii, liber

tate Eccleize, 'pro jure 8.: oppreorum argue indigcntium necearia rui
tione, anguinem eciam fundere, nedum ortiter ac renue dimicare.


Po hzrc nobilis Orator trabcam aut clamidem ex oro, cazlicive co

loris adducet, ut eandem induatur, eodcm qui prius ita pronunciante.

Accipe Ciamidem hanc cxlici coloris, in ignum clariimi hujus Or- '
dinis, e: in augmentum etiam honoris tui, rubro clypeo Dominica: Cru

cis, uti cernis, inignicam, ut cujus Virtute empcr ac vigore protectus,

per hoes tutus abeas, eos ubique uperare valeas, se pro clarimis de

nique meritis po egregiam hanc hujus Temporis Miliciam, ad xterna,

verequc triumphalia gaudia pertingas.
P. 311.

Vir Georgii
nobilis proterens,
Torquem in
cum imagine
ejus, quanto
poterit cum
honore ac reverenti, uperinducet, eo qui prius ia hazc dicente.
Torquem hunc in collo deferes, ad augmentum honoris, 8: in ignum

quo ue clariimi Ordinis a te ucepci, cum imagine anctimi Martyris

ac C rii militis Georgiiz cujus przeidio uultus, mundi hujus tam pro:
pera quam advcra ic pertranieas, ut animx pariter ac corporis hoibus
hic renue devictis, non temporarix modo militia: glorix, led 8: pe
rennis victorizr palmam deniq; recipere valeas. Amen.
- Per

Tahe this Purple Vement to the Encreae of your Honour, and in Tohen of
the Order received, wherewith you being defended, you may not be afraid not
only to ght valiantly and renuouly, but alo to hed your Blood for the

Faith of Chri, the Liberty of the Church, for the right and necezry Defence
of the oppre/ed and needy.
After thee Things the noble Embaador hall bring the Mantle of Velvet or
of heavenly Colour, that he may he inveed with it, the ame as above thus

-. Take this Mantle of heavenly Colour in Tohen of this mo honourable Or

der, and to the Encreae alo of your Honour, and mar/zed as you ee with a

red Scutcheon of the Lords Cro, by whoe Vertue and Strength ou being al
ways defended, may pas ee through your Enemies, and be enabled to over

come them every where, and at the la for your mo honorable Merit: you
may after this temporal Warfare reach the eternal and truly triumphant Joys.
Laly: the Nohleman producing the proper Collar of the Order, with the
Image of the mo blezd Martyr George, hall put it about his Nech with
the Zeate Honour and Reverence that he can, the ame as heforeaying thee
I/Vor s.

Wear this Collar about thy Nech to the Encreae of [thy] Honour, and in
Tohen alo of the mo honourable Order received by you, with the Image of

the mo holy Martyr and Souldier of Chri George, by whoe Aid you being
upported you may o pa over as well the Properities as Adverties of this
World, that [the] Enemies of [thy] Soul and Body alo being antly van
qui/bed, thou may not receive the Praze of temporary l/Varfare only, but laly

the Palm of eternal Viory.




Perimilis orma norates etiam inigniendi, vel ut alioqrli Supremo

videbitur, ee porerit.

Juramentum. Imperatorum, aut Regum Externorum ad hunc clarinzum

Ordinem eligendorum.

OS N. umma Dei benignitate, ac gratia Caar emper Au uus, auc

Rex N. promittimus in verbo Regio, &t. dem damus Ell) honore

nori, (acrolanctis Evangeliis per nos impreenriarum ractis, quod de

licer ac vere pro viribus obervabimus atuta clarimi Ordinis Miliraris
in Anglia Divo Georgio nuncupati, qui 8: de prarnobili arq; inigni Sub

ligaculo nomen accepit; idque de arriculo in arriculum, prout eriarim

in libello ad nos mio continentur, (altem quarenus obervari pount ac

- debent, 8c dummodo contrarii non fuerint aur deroganres hiis, in quos

jam ame nomen dedimus, ac juravimus, Be condicionibus aliis, de quibus

prxconventum e, emper alvis.

Juramentum per Procuratorem.

GO N. Eques, Be Procurator ereniimi atque invictilni Prin

cipis ac Domini mei Domini N. Caaris (emper Augui, vel Re
gis N. nominati, atque electi ad inignem atque honorandan] ocietatem

Ordinis a praenobili Subligaculo nuncupari, vice ac nomine praedicti

Domini mei, veraci animo ac ide, promicro, Be juro, eundem illuri

The like Form may he oh/erved in inveing Perms of our own Country, or
otherwie as hall jZ-em [t] to the Sovereign.
The Oath of Emperors, or Foreign Kings to be elected into this
mo honourahle Order.

WE N. hy the greate Benignity and Grace of God always Augu/i, or

King N. do promie hy [our] Royal Word, and give [our] Faith

upon our Honour, the mo holy Goiels hy us now touched, that faithfully and

truly we will to the utmo of our Power oherve the Statutes of the mo ho
nourable military Order in England dedicated to St. George; which hath its
Name from the mol nohle and famous Garter, and that from Article to Ar
ticle as they are ranged in a Book ent to us, at lea t far as they can and'
ought to he oherved, and o that they he not contrary or derogatoty to tho:
[orders] to which we have formerly given our Name and worn, all other
Conditions, wherein any Agreement hath heire heen made, heing alwaysived.
The Oath by a Proctor.

N. Knight and Proctor of the mo jZ-rene and invincihle Prince and my

Maer the Lord N. Emperor always Augu, or of King N. nominated and
eleed to the famous and honourahle Society of the Order denominated from

the mo nohle Garter, in the Behalf and Name of my aid Maer, and with
true Heart and Faith, I promie and wear that the aid illu/lrious [thy Maer]

P. 312.'


mum bene at deliter adimpleturum, 8: ervaturum omnia 8: ingula
Statuta, ordinationes, at decreta Ordinis iliius, juxta vim, formam, atq;

eectum ad ipiim quoquo modo pertinentia, alvis conditionibus inter

eum 8: Ordinis Supremum preeacceptis.

Juramentum Principis.

G O N. Princeps Guallite, Dux Cornuhize, Be Comes Ceria, primo

z genitus excellentiiimi atque invictimi Dei gratia Regis Anglia,

& Francia, 'Domini Hihernia, 8: hujus Ordinis merito Supremi, jam no
minatus atque electus ad eundem Ordinem venerandum, promitto & do

dem, quod vere ac idelitcr pro viribus obizrvabo cuncta Ordinis illius
Statuta, (SC Statutorum Articulos, quatenus ullo modo me contingent,
juxta vim, ormam, atque ecctum eorundem, nec non coiiegii, in quo

is Ordo fundatur, jura tuebor.

Juramentum aliorum Equitum.
GO N. nominattls atque electus unus Egregiorum Equitum iHu-*

rimi Ordinis hujus Militaris, promitto, 6: per acroancta Evan- '

geiia Dei, quae range, hic maniee juro, quod omnia Ordinis iius
Statuta, atq; articulos in hiis contentos, quatenus ad me fectabunt, in

violabiliter obervabo, necnon Coliegii Cmctiima: Virginis 8: Divi Mar


hall fulll and leeep all and ingular the Statutes, Ordinances, and the Decrees
of this Order, according to the Import, Form, and Ee, in any Manner ap
pertaining to him, aving the Conditions hetween hini and the Sovereign hefore

The Oath of the Prince.

N. Prince of Wales, Duke of Comwali, and Earl of Cheer, the r

born of the mo excellent and invincihle hy the Grace of God King of
England and France, Lord of Ireland, and
Sovereign of this Order,
heing now nominated and eleed to this venerabie Order, do promie and give
my Faith, that truly and faithfully to the utmz of my power, I will ohrve
all the Statutes of this Order, and the Articles of the Statutes, as far as they
touch me in any Manner, according to the Import, Form, and Eeii of the
ame, and alo that I will maintain the Rights of the College, in which this
Order is founded.

The Oath of other Knights.

N. choen and named to he one of the honourah/e company of the Order (ye
the Garter, promie and wear hy the holy Evangelis 19' me hodily touched,
Truly and faithful' to ohhrve and leeep all the Points of the Statutes of the aid
Otjder, and ever Article in them contained, asfar as to me helongeth and apper
taineth, and al the Liherties and Francht-s helonging of Right to this College




tyris Georgii, in 'quo prarnobilis ordo undatus e, pro virili liberates ac

jura propugnabo.

Juramentum cuvis horum per Procuratorem.

GO N. Eques ac Procurator inclyti Principis, Archiducis, Ducis,

Marchionis, Comitis, Vicecomitis, Baronis, Domini, vel (ut mi

nimum) Equitis aurati N. ad przeclarillimam Ordinis Divi Georgii ocie

tatem jam nuper nominati atq; electi, vice ac nomine ipius Domini mei,

veraci animo integraq, de promitto, 6: juro, prxEitum Dominum meum

Statuta hujus Ordinis, 8: ingulos iporum articulos bene 8: delitcr ob

iervaturum ac perimpleturum, juxta vim, formam, atq; eectum eorun

dem, (Ziltem quatenus Supremi dipenhtio moderabitur 65 declarabit.

P. 313.'

Qctiotauot initper Ordirtis iius Oiciales erunt, in Ingrtii primo praahunt

iiumodi jusjnrandzzm, dedeliter exercendo, ad quod vocantur, oicio.
Juratnentttm Przelati, e?" Cance/[arii Ordinis, good Scriha eidem exhihehit,
in praentia Supremi, aut ah eo deputati.
Urabis, quod icubi fueris ucienter prxrmonitus, iplEmet Conciliis

celebrandis intereris. (Luod nullo duccris aectu, iivore, vel odio, ed

ncc timore, quo minus in rebus omnibus, quas tibi Supremus injunget,

quod vere habet, ynceriter enarres.

Qlod quoties prxens aderis, no



of the my! holy Virgin and the Martyr St. George, I hall defend to my

The Oath of any of them by a Proctor.

I N. Knight and Prohiior of the renowned Prince, Archduhe, Duke, Mar
gues, Earl, Vihount, Baron, Lord, or at lea Knight N. now of late _

nominated and eleiied to the mcl famous Sociezy of the Order of St. George,
on the Behalf and in the Name of my izid Maer, with a true Heart and
intire Faith do promie and wear, that my aid Maer hall well and faithfully
oherve and perform the Statutes of this Order, and all the Articles of them
according to the Import, Form, and Eeii of them, at lea as far as' the Dijl
penation of the Sovereign hall moderate and declare.

Moreover how many hever hall be Ocers of this Order, hall at

their r Entry take the following Oath Faithfully to execute that
Oce, to which they are called.
The Oath of the Prelate and Chancellour of the Order, which the RF
gier in the Preence of the Sovereign or his Deputy iall give them.
OU hall wear, that when or wherever you hall he admonihed, you
your hlf will he preent-in the Chapters, Thatyou will he led hy no Af
iiiion, Favour, or Hatred, and not even hy Fear, wherehy you hall notin
cerely make a Report in all Things which the Sovereign hall injoin you accord



minationcs Equitum crcandorum vcraciter cxcipics, 8: cxcepta Suprcmo '


_ _

cum ad
voccris, i8:quid
a ccrctis
bene delis
nec ulla peruics,
dum audias.
Qiodque Etvabis, 8: ucntabrs honores hujus Ordmis, atq; omnium
qui in eo unt', 8: i datum fuerit, ut pos, pro viribus augn1entabjs_
Si vero quid excogitatum, aut intcntatum contra acrit, i qua reh.

potucris aut intclligere, pro viribus obabis, 8: rcvclatum ubi opor
teat) C veigio Curabis, ut uppetla: quantocius fcrantur, ej-c,

Pegmile juramentum Decani, auando admittitur, (fy Scriha erit, gua

rum id alter exhihehit alteri, n alter ahfuerit,
eo ungetur munere.

Caduceator Regius

Juratnentum Gartcri pracipai Regir Armorum, Scriha id coram Suprema

bcitaue praentihur exhihente.

JUurabis, quod obedics Suprcmo imptimis, dcindc caztcris hujus emi

ncntilmi Ordinis Equitibus 85 ocia m co gcrcntibus, in hiis prat

ertim rcbus, quae ad tc pcctabunt, nec rationi pugnabunt.


ing to Truth. That as often ar you hall he preent, you hall truly tahe the
Nominations [the Scrutiny] of Knights to he created, and the lime to preent
to the Sovereign.

Thu hall lihewiZ-wear that when you hall he called to Chapter, and heing
in the Secret: there, you hall he honcly faithful and icret, and not dicloe

any Things, you hall hear any Thing to he kept icretlyr.

That you will lzeep and epport the Honours of this Order, and of all who
are in it, and that you will augment [them] to the utmo that you can, if it

bc in your Power.


any Thing hould he thought or deigned to the contrary, hy what

ever Means you hall he ahle tocome to the Knowledge or to underand it, you
hall with/fand it to the utmo, and hall immediately tahe Care to reveal it,
where it ought, that Relief may he ohtained as hort as may he.
The like Oath hall be of the Dean, when he is admitted, and of the

Regier, which each hall give to the other, but if either hould

be abcnt the Royal Hcrald hall cxccutc that Oce.

The Oath of Garter Principal King of Arms, the Rc icr giving it
before the Sovereign and Companions prelgnt.
OU hall wear, that you will ohey the Sovereign fir/i of all, and then
the other Knights of thir mo eminent Order and thoE: hearing Oyfcer
therein, epecially in thoe Things which helong to you, and are not contrary to





Et uoniam ad Concilium admius tanquam a izcretis eris, jurabis,

quod delis ac taciturnus eris, nihil illinc eutiens.
itidem, liuerit,
'uod i Supremo
quis Equitum
luce ubtractus
illico curabis,
8: mox

omnia dei tua: curxque credita, 8: qucecunque mandata atq,
internuntia bene ac deliter exequeris Be perimplebis.

Jurabis item, quod diligenter inquires de prazclaris ac nobilibus actis

uniucujuque Equitis hujus inigniiimi Ordinis, 8: intellecta Scribrc vera

citer expones, ut ipe dectibens non minori diligentia reponat dignatq;
memoriae commendet.
Denique jurabis in umma, quod ocium tuum deliter exercebis in

omnibus, quzr tua intercrunt, icut 8: tu Dei, 8: ancti hujus Evangelii

perabis auxilium.
Eauitum in ides eas Introduio.

EN R I CUS Dei gratia, Rex Anglia, ac Prancia invictimus, Fi

dei Deenor, Dominus Hihernite, so Ordinis Divi Georgii a praz-
nobili Subligaculo nuncupati Supremus, Cognatis noris N. prazdilectis
S. D. P. Qloniam nos vobicum ac aliis nori illuriimi Ordinis Col

legis, _Die Menis N. anni Regni nori N. in palacio eu Domo nora P. 315.'
N. congregatis, prarclarum virum N. in Socium ac Commilitonem ejul
And hecaue you heing admitted into the Chapter, will he, as it were,

made privy to the Secrets thereof, you hall wear, that you will he faithful
and lent, hlahhing nothing out of that Place.
Thu hall al/h wear, that
any one of the Knights of this mo illurious
Order hall depart from this Life, you hall caue it to he gnied immediately
to the Sovereign, and preently after to the other irwiming Knights',

That you hall well and truly execute and fuhill all Things committed toyour
Trui and Care, and all Commands and Mezges.

Thu hall alo f-wear, that you will diligently enquire of the mofamous and
nohle As of every Knight of this mo noble Order, and hall truly report them
to the Regier, that he decribing them, may with no le Diligence wite them,
andet them forth to perpetual Memory.
And laly upon the whole you hall wear, that you will faithfully execute
your Ozce, in all Things that concern you, as you hope for the Aid of God
and this holy Gopel. '

The introduction o the Knights into their Stalls.

E N RY hy the Grace of God King of England, and France, Defen

der of the Faith, Lord of Ireland, and Sovereign of the Order of
George Whereas
To our mo
we withthe
of our
mid? Couns

Order, on the ---- Day of the Month N. in the Tear of our Reign N. aemhled _
in our Palate or Houe N. have eleFfed tle mo renowned N. to he a Fellow





dem Ordinis clcgimus; idco volumus 8: per prxcntes literas ea vos au

thoritate donamus, ut eundcm N. prxacccpto juramcnto, non. olum in
Ordinem 'illum admittcre, atq; in cdem uam introducere, fied 8: cxtcra
quae pectant ad Statuta cum conuetudinibus laude dignis plene Facerc va

leatis, 8: hat norx Litcra: vobis in cfi re ucient, Windeori vel N. die
Menis N. Anno regni nori N. ub Sigillo Ordinis.
Introduo per Procuratorem.

EN RI C U S Dei gratia invictimus Rex Anglia, ac Franciie, dci

decnor, Dominus Hihcmize, 8: Ordinis Divi Georgii Suprcmus

iclibus ac prxdilectis Cognatis noris N. S. D. P. Qloniam intclligi
mus, quod illurimus atque potcntiimus Princcps N. vel Dominus,

aut vir inclytus N. quem nupcr in Socium nori Ordinis clegimus, non
poit ipi: commodc advenire, ut in Collcgio noro de more in Edem
uam introducatur, 8: alias ibi ccrcmonias rite perimplcat, juxta quod
ex Statutis ipis obligatur, 8: ob id virum benc nobilem 8: honorandum

N. miit, ut izdcm nominc uo podeat, juramcntum prnet, cazteraq;

perciat, quae Statuta requirunt.
Nos idco nobicum ia reputantes,
volumus ac virtutc prateiltium cam vobis authoritatem addimus, ut hunc
Procuratorcm cjus ac Dcputatum non olum admittere, iid 8: caztera qua
que faccre valcatis, quze ad Statuta conuetudineq; laudabiles atctiirzere vi

e untur.

and companion of the Zzid Order, we will therefore, and hy thei- Preents


Letters give you uch Authority, that you ma he empowered, not only to ad
mitt him into this Order, and to introduce int into his Stall, his Oath heing

r taken, hut fully to do all other Things which helong to the Statutes with
the laudahle Cuioms, and theZ our Letters hall heucient [Authority] toyou

for this Ptnpoi. At Windlor or N. the Day of the Month N. in the TZar of
our Reign N. Under the Seal of our Order.
The Introduction by a Proctor.



E N RY hy the Grace of God the mcyl invincible King of England,

and France, Defender of the Faith, Lord of Ireland, and Sovereign

of the Order of St. George, to ourfaithful and mo helo-ved Couins N. Greeting.

I/Vhereas we underand that the mo illu/lrious and mo potent Prince N. or Lord,
or renowned Peron N. whom we lately eleiiied a Fellow of our Order, cannot
himelf: conveniently came b as to he introduced into his Stall in our College ac
cording to Culome, and rightly to perform the other Ceremonies there as he is

ohliged hy the very Statutes, and therefore hath for that Purpoi- ent N. a

Peron very much nohle and honourable, that he hould tahe Poon of his Stall
in his Name, hould tahe the Oath, and perform the other Things that the Statutes

require. I/Ve therefore conidering thee Things, will and hy Virtue of thee Preents,
gwe you uch Authorizy, that you may he empowered not only to admit this his
- PTOHOT and Deputy, hut to do all other Things, which hall he ound neceary
according to the Statutesi and laudahle
' i Ctloms. And thei Letters hallfde

1-W'\__ _





_ ,___I






Et he liker-a: norae vos tuebuntur, Sub Sigillo nori ordinis

N. die Menis N. anno rcgni nori N.

Turn Procurator ilie, quibus 8c qualibus agnabitur lociandus, cerce P. 316.)

aliquibus hujus Ordinis Wtndeorutn venict, ubi quo loco maxime conve
niet, hopicabitur: inuevic autcm in domo Decani. Equites trabeis in
duti cum venerint ad domum-conultoriam, ibi Procuratorcm rogabunt
ut coniat foris, ubi ubi libebit interim, donec ipi Procurationem cjus
audicntes, vim iliius intellexerint. Foea Garterus Rcx Armorum tra

beam Ordini propriam erens brachiis apporrabit, quam Equites ambo in

hoio domus, quoniam eo non intrabit, uper dexterum Procuratoris hui

merum, juxta tcnorem Scatutorum ponentes, adducent medium inter (e ad.

edem Domini ui, ubi jusjurandum debitum vice iliius ac nomine przr

Inde conituent eum in cdem ede, ad ibidem pera cnda divina

e continuo recipientes in edes ibi proprias.

Cum mia: ocus ad ob

lationem VOCCt, Procurator primus oeret, mox Equites aociantes, or

dinc qui ue uo.

Miia nita oli Equites Divo Georgio oerent, Procu

ratore indoco interim ui Domini remanente. Deinde veimcnra ordi

naria juxta domus conultoriae januam exuente, Procuratorcm commita

buntur ad hopitium cjus, ubi Procurator ille pro prandio atum Do
mini ui referet, olus lavabit, primus ac olus in meni edebir, oli er

vietur, aliis rantum ni mena: illius coaidentibus. Alias, ut honor 8:


fend you.

Under the Seal of our Order N. Day of the Month N. in the Tear

of our Reign N.

Then this Proflorhall come to Windor accompaniedwith thoe anduch ashall

be appointed, whereof certainly bme hall be of this Order, where he hall lodge
in a Place which is mo convenient, which was accuomed to he in the Houe

of the Dean.

The Knights robed in their Mantles when they come to the Chap

ter-houe, hall deire the Proctor to ay without Doors wherever it hallpleae

him in the mean Time, till they hearing his [Letters of] Proxy hall un
dermd the Force thereof, Then Garter King of Arms hall bring the Mantle
proper to the Order upon his Arms, which the two Knights putting upon the
right Shoulder of the Proor in the Door of the [Chapter] houe, becaue he

hall not enter therein, they hall bring him along in the middle between them
to the Stall of his Maer, where in his Stead and Name he hall talee the

bounden Oath.

Then they hall place him in the ame Stall there to cele

brate divine Services, betahing themelves immediately to their own Stalls.

When that Part of the Ma calls for the oering [to be made] the

Proor hall

oer, then' the Knights a/iciated each in his Order.


Mas being ended, the Knights only hall oer to St. George, the Proctctor in

the mean Time continuing in the Stall of his Maer.

Thenputting o the uhal

Vements near the Door of the Chapter-houe, they hall accompany the Prohifor
to his Lodging, where this Proor at Dinner hall repreent the State of his

Maer, hall wah alone, andit

be to him alone, the others

and alone at the Table, and the Service hall

itting together at the End of his Table.




dignitas cagitabit, mul edebunt, ibunt, 8: i vium uerit, venationi,

ludis, ac jocis aliis ecomponent, donec oluta celebritate, Londinum, unde

venerant, eum reduxerint.
Modus deponendi iu detrudendi ah hoc Ordine.


Rincipio Garterus Rex Armorum ans in medio Choro uper edili


eu Scabello, ut it prceizntibus editior, aante hoiario (eu virgi

fero Ordinis, publicabit crimen illius indi Proditoris N. 8: cum tanti
Ordinis decote, demerito hoc uo, privandum ee pronuncietz Caducia

torum unus aut viatotum ad id deignatus, dejiciet vexillum ejus, 8; car

P- 317- tera

uo prius ordine propenfa unt, qux mox in ram abjecti ac eedi

agilomunculi contemptum atque ignominiam contemptim e Choro

removcbuntur, 8: qua: pars ad id aptior e per ores occidentalcs duo



rum pedibus extrudetur. i Promulgatio jam amovendi jiu deponendi Equitis, qui commeruit, ah hoc
inigni Ordine.

Cient omnes, quod N. nuper Eques ac Socius illurimi Ordinis

Divi Georgii ab inigni Subligacu o nominati, actus 8: peractus e

reus deteandi illius atque abominandi criminis lxze Majeatis, ut qui

in excellentimi Regis nori, atque Ordinis hujus meritiime jam Su

wz, according as Honour and Dignity [of the Maer] hall require, they hall
t and go together, and
it he perceived proper, may prepare themelves for .
Hunting, Playr, or other Diver/ions, till the Solemnity- heing ended, they hring
him hack to London, from whence they came.

The Manner of depoing or degrading From this Order.

Fb Garter King of Arms anding in the Middle of the Choir upon a Seat
or Form, that he may he higher than others preent, the U/her or Rod
carer of the Order anding hy, hall puhlih the Crime of the fale Traitor N.
and when he pronounces that he ought for this his Demerit to he deprivedfrom
the Honour of this Order, one of the Heralds or Putevants appointed for that

Purpoe hall ing down his Banner, and the re [of his Atchievements] in the
Order they were

hung up, which hall preently he removed from the

Choir in Contempt and lgnominy of uch an ahje and treacherous Peron;

and that Part [of them] which is mo proper hall he kicked through the Well:
Doors hy the Feet of two Perons.
The Proclamation of a Knight to be removed or depocd from this
Order for his Demerits.

Now all Perons, that N. late Knight and Fellow of the mo illurious
Order of St. Geor e denominated from the renowned Garter, accued
and convihifed of that dete ahle and ahominahle Crime of high Treaon, as heing
found to have heen a traiterous Conpirator of the Death and Ruin of our


apeiiaizv Dlcia s. ~ ' ct tra

premi perniciem 8: ruinam Machinator inidiousinventus e, contra
omne jus, omne ocium uum, 8: idcm, quam dcderat;

Unde COlTl

meruit ab hoc illuri nunc Ordine deturbari, Be ab hire plendida ocictate

penitus extrudi, nec enim tolerari pbterit, ut homo perdus intcr ram

delcs, magnanimos, at actis prazclaros Equites ultra remaneat aut ut

illius ini nia horum ulterius inignibus iutcrcurrant. Qlarc Rex jui
mus 8: upremus Ordinis, ocietatis accito prazitoq; conilio, vult atq;
edicit, ut illa ejus deturpati hominis qux non meretur, inignia dcponan

tur, atque aufcrantur, ut ipiz ab Ordine removeatur, nec amplius inter

eos E uites ullo modo numeretur, quatenus omnes abhinc alii vel hoc

exemrilo przecavcant, ut in Supremum peccent, vel imilem oenam,

aut irotanl proditionis incurrant.
Regis Iitere tutelares pro Toga orea, ouam Regis Lihtratam vocant

ENRICUS Dei gratia, Rex Anglia, Be Francia, Dominus Hiher-

nice, deenlor dci, 8: Supremus Ordinis Divi Georgii, deli ac
bene dilecto nobis a coniliis Domino N. magni veiarii nori Cuodi


Ubi nos cum aliis ejudem Ordinis elegirnus berie delem ac p. 3133 _

prxdilcctum Coniliarium norum N. inocietatem hanc noram praclariiniam: Nos ideo volumus 8: prxcipimus, ut huic tabellioni virgas
octo ubrubri ori de more tradas, cum tanto albi erici, quanto vei-i

mentum inde conciendum infulciri poterit pro liberat (quam vocant)

mo excellent King, and mo worthily now Sovereign of this Order, again
all Right, and all his Duty and Allegiance that he gave. Wherehy he hath
now deZ-rved to he turned out from this renowned Order, and to he altogether
thru out of this plendid Society, neither ought it to he tolerated that uch a

traitorous Pefijon hould longer remain among ich Knights, faithful. magnani

mous', and o the highe/i Renown fbr their Aiiions, or that his Enigns hould
longer he placed among theirs. Wherefore the mq/l
King and Mvereign of
this Order having called for, and received the Advice of the Souety, wills

and charges hy Proclamation, that thee the En/igns of uch a poituted Man,
which [En/igns] he doth not deerve, hould he taken down and carryed a-wezyahat
he may he renzo-'ztedfrom the Order, and he in no Manner further numhred among

thei- Knights, that all others henceirth may heware hy this Example not to oZ-nd
again/i the Sovereign, or to incurr the like oence, or Mark of Tream.

The Sovcreigis Warrant For the carlet Colour surcoat, which they
call the King's Livery.

ENRY hy the Grdce of God, King of England and France, Lord

of Ireland, Defender of the Faith, and Sovereign of the Order of
St. George, to our faithful and well heloved Counzillour N. Keeper of our
I/l/Zzrdrohe greeting. l/Vhere we with others of our Order have choen our
faithful] and he beloved Counaillor N. into this mo renowned Society, we
therefore will and command, that to the Bearer hereof, ye deliver according

to Cuom eight Yards of reddih Crimon, with t much of white Silk as

C c c c c' t




ua, quando in edem uam introducendus lWzindehrum adveniet, mcnEz
ac die conitutis, quemadmodum 8: Equites ante oiebant haberczx Ez
hat norze litera: tibi tuteiares erunt cmper inpoerum. N. Sub Sigiiio

noro mene ac_ die.

In vigilia cclebritatis, amictu eu liverata (quam vocant) Ordinis anni

uperioris ad veeras' induentur, qui ultra noctem iHam uti non ole

bant, (Ztd hujuccmodi Ordinis inignia atq; ornamenta in uum Coiiegii

olebant azrvari.

* Forma Iiterarum quae remittuntur a celehrantihur.

Overint univeri per prxentes iiteras nos Priorem 8: Conventum

0rdinis_ rzitrum N. lnandato ac muncre praeclaro illurimi Do

mininori Regis Henrici Oawi, nori omniumqz Chrii pauperum be
neactoris prazcipui quadringentas miiZ-is, quinque cereis in Exequiis 8:

mia aiiis olemniore honoriice accenis, pro anima pix memories mag
nici Domini N. nuper dcuncticelebrae. Sigiilum norum commune.

Rex invictimus Henricus Oamus Anno regni iii izxto decimo atuit, ut

juxta quod per Statutorum articulos ante declaramt, atq; expianarat, Equi
tes omnes, prout in Choro edes habebailt, ic 86 incederent, arent, atq;

quill line that Vement, for (as tie-called) his Liver), 'when he hall come to

Windhr .to he introduced into his Stall on the Month and Day appointed, a:
the Knight: heretofore ued to harve : And thee our Letter: hall for e-'oer hereu
after defend you. N. Under our Sea] the Da] and Tear.
In the Eeue of the Feiwal [the Companions] hall he rohed in the Hahit or
Li-very (athey call it) of the Order of the former Tear at the V-ers, which

the] are not accuomed to uh after that Ahight, hut thoe Engrzr and Orna
ments of the Order ued to he helot for the Ue of the College,
The Form of the Letters which are tranmitted from thoe that celebrate
[Maes for the deceaed Companions]
NOW all Perbn: h] theei prent Letters that we the Prior and Con
q/ent of the Freres N. have celehrated at the Command and ingular

Rcward of our mzi illuriou: Lord our King Henry the Eighth, a principal
Benefahior to m, and all the Poor of Chr, ner hundred Ma/[Z-s, ne Torche:
heen honourahl] lighted in the Exeauie: and Mai, for the Soul of the magncent
Lord N. lately deceahd of pious elder/tary.
Our Common Seal.

The my) inrvincih/e King Henry the Eighth, in the xteenth Tear of hie
Reign decreed, that according a: he had hefore declared and explained the Ar
tiole: of the Statatex, all the Knights, a: the] hall haw their Stalls in the

Chair, b the] hould go [in Proceiomz] and, andit at the Tahle, and not ac
cording to the Honour of their Birth: or [Et/es] of their Efctf, unler per






Acta nh Anno exto E D WA R DI Sexti.



in meniz ederent, 8: non ex natalium aut ui ats honore: nii Fortaie,

Supremus juxta generis ui nobilitatem, quos cligi vellet, qui ni uzr
menx coaiderent, aut aliud quiddam obiter cxhibcrcnc.

Anno Chriianimi Regis Henrici Oaroi decitno tertio, die fEo Puri

P. 319"I

cationis Mariana clarilimus ille ritulus acceptus e, ut prmponderatis

meritisdei defe-nir appelletur, neq; ibi oli, ed ucceoribus item uis
Anglia Regibus perpes eer.

a Aprilis xxiii annoque exto ereniimi Re is Edward;" Sexti Dei gratia, P. zzo:
Anglia, Francite, &t. Hihernite Regis, Fidei de enoris -- e- - -

Electio Equitum claritni Ordinis Garterii V/etnona/Ierii ad hunc mof

dum inituta uic.



Com. Wemerlandia, Dom. Dehers,

Dom. Ant. Sejntlegzgcom. Rutlandia,


Com. I/arviei.

Dom. IIor/eje,

Dom. And. Dndlzy,

Dom. Job. Gates,

Dom. V/'tilJoug/thiezD0m. Gul. Sydne),


haps the Sovereign hould chue iwhoni _he hould according to theNhhility of
their Race, who houldit with him at the End of his" Tahle, or hould on Oc-_
ca ton exhihit any other [Service] to him.
In the thirteenth Year of the mo whri/Iian King Henry _the Eighth, on the

Fea of the Puriication of [the Virgin] Mary, that mt renowned Title was'
accepted, that upon Merits of greater Ver/ne he hould he called Defender of
the Faith, which was not to he only to himelf, hut entire likewie to his Suc
ceors Kings of England.

The zzd of 4 April in the ixth Tear of the mz jZ-reite King Edward the
Sixth hy the Grace of God, King of England, France, and Ireland, Defender
of the Faith -- -- - -'

The Eleon of Knights of the mo nohle Order of the Garter was. made at
. Weminer after this. Manner,


The E. of Werneri. Lord Dakers, '

Sir Anth. Seyntleger,


.i i

Sir And. Dudley,

Earl of Rutland, Lord Morley, Sir John Gates,

E. of Warwick. * Lordwilloughbynsir Will. Sydney;


'The Minutes
of theAPrivy
6 E. H/Zival.
6, acontain
this' Entry.
jient xi
by Feb.
the Privy
The Memorial of the Remat/al of the' Lord Pa et
council to Garter Her-mld of Arms, to rt-lzaayre to from 'bit Order, wat probably tahcn out of this

Mr. Secretary Cecyl] to give him In/Zructiont for a gi/Zer 11) Queen Mary, who reored him to it on 27
Commiion ar tahing down the [ate Dulce of Somer-

Sept. in her r gnat, with an honourable character.

etU firms. It t: to he rernetnbred that Cecylll was at IGng Edward in hit Journal p- so. tall-et Notite nfthis
Ilii! 'Time chance/lour alo of this Order.
In the At? of Parliament 5 69" 6 E. 6, e.3, there

it a Reerz-atton [or the Obervation of S:.


Degradation on 22 A. for the Reaons there 'nen

tioned 5 ee hered A
. Hi/i. p. 285. Camdcn

m Stow's Annalte
Eliz. ad A. D. 1563, and


i i' Actauh Anno exto E D WA R D I iSexti.

Com. Wemtrlandia, D. Dacres horealis,Dom. And. Died/ay,
t Com. I/nvi;
Dom. Wz/loughhyaDom.
/Veutworth. Dom. JollGul. Gates,

. h. WWgde

D An!

Corn. I/Vemerlandia, Doth. Morleye, Dom. Joh. Gates,

Com. mgomjct,
D. Dacres
Dom. Joh.

DOm . C9hh m',

i D. Dan) de Chiche, 7 Com. l/Vemerlandia,

Dom. Wenttvorth, Dom. And. Dudlq,
Dom. Vl/illoughhyrezDom. And. Dttdley,


Dom. Wharton.

Dom. Edxv. (Jrojrz-s,

Com. Varvici,

Dom. Dacres,

Dom. Joh. Gates,

Com. Cumazzdjz,
Wemerlandia, Dom.
Dom. Whartou.


Com.- Pemhrochia,

Com. Oxonu.

Com. I/ar-viei,
Com. lltgornia,

D. Dacres Boreal. Dom. Job. Gates,

Dom. Morleye,
Dom. And. Dudley, '

Com. Cumherlandia. Dom. VVharton.

Dom. Jac. Croftes.

Com. Varvici,

Dom. Joh. Gates,

Dom. Dura,

a P. 321; Marchio Vl/'intonieus,C0m. Cumherlaadia, Dom. Morley,

Com. Bathouii.

Dom. Joh. St. John,

Dom. Vidoughhy. Dom. Andr. Dudlqy.

'Com. l/Vtzmerlandie, Dom. Dacres',

Comes Bedfordize,

Dom. Andr.
Gul. Sidney.

Dom. And. Dudlej,

Com. Vamici,

Dom. l/Vharton,

Dom. Joh. Gates,

Com. Cumherlandia.

Dom. lllorley.

Dom. Jdcoh. Croftes.


Sir Anth. Wingfcld,

The E. of Wemerl. L.Dacr. ofN0rth,Sir Andt. Dudley,

E. of Rutland,
Lord Willoughbyiri John
_ Gates,

E. of Warwick. L. Wentworth. Sir Will. Sydney.

The E. of Wemerl. Lord Morley,

Sir John Gates,

E. of Warwick, L.Daer. ofN orth,Sir James Crotes,

Lord Cobham,

E. of Worceer. Lord Wharton. . Sir John Seyntleger.

The E. of Wcmei-L Lord Wentworthir And. Dudley,

L. Darcy of Chiche,

E. of Warwick, L. Willoughby, Sir And. Dudley,


E. of Oxford. . Lard Wharton. Sir Edward Croes,

Lord Clynton,v

The E.
E. of
of Warwick,
Wemerl. Lord
Lord Dacres,

E. of Comberl.

Sir John
And. Dudley,

Lord Wharton. ' Qir Will. Sydney.

The E. of Warwick, L. DacnofNortlLSir John Gates,

The E. of Pembroche,

E.o;" Worceer, Lord Morley,


E. ofCumberl.

The E. of Warwick, Lord Daeres,

The Mtr. of Winchc.
E. of Cumberl. Lord Morley,

E. of Bath.

The Earl of Bcdfod,

Sir Andt. Dudley,

Lord Wharton. Sir James Crofts.

Sir John Gates,
Sir John Scynt John,

L. Willoughby. Sir Andt. Dudlcy.

The E. of Wcmerl. Lord Dacres,

Sir Andt. Dudley,

E. of Warwick, Lord Wharton,

Sir John Gates,

E. of Cpmberl.

Sir James Croftes.

Lord Morley.



Acta uh Anno exto E D WA R D I. Sexti.


Com. Vigomire,

Comes Darhit,

Com. Rutlandi-e,

Dom. Morley,
Dom. Joh. Gates,
Dom. I/Voteghh), Dom. And. Died/e),

Com. Varnviei.

D. Dacres, Bore-al. Dom. Gul. Sidmy.

Com. V/'emerlindti-z, Dom. Dttcrer,

Dom. And. Dudle),

Com. Varwici,
Dom. Morlqy,
Corn. Cumherlandia. Dom. Sotvche.

Comes Salopil,

Dom. Job. Gates,

Dom. Gul. Sidney.

Com. Wej/lmerlundi-e, D. Dan-es BorealiaDom. Job. Garter,

Dux Narthumhrie,

Com. Igarnice,

Dom. Sowche,

Corn: Cumherlendi-e.

Dom. I/Vioughhyebom. Gul. Sidney.

Dom. And. Died/gy,

Com. I/Vtzmerlandic, D. Dacre: BorealigDom. Job. Gxzter,

MarchioNorthampton-Com. Vigaie,
Dom. Sozvche,
Dom. Andr. Dudleyj
Com. I/armiei.

Dom. Braje.

Dom. Hen. Sidney.

D. Dacres BorealigDom. Here. Sidney,

Dom. Sawche,
Dom. Job,
And. Sejntlonze,
Corn. Wejmerlahdziz. Dom.Vl-7illoughhje.Dom.

Com. Varnziei,
Dux Stlti,

Com. I' V/Ewzerlavzdice,

Ex hiis Electi unt

Dom. A-ndrear Dud/eji.

The E. of Darby,

The E. of Worceer, Lord Morley, Sir John Gates,

E. of Rutland, L. Willoughby, Sir Andr. Dudley,
E. of Warwick. L-. Dacr. ojNorthSir Will. Sidney.

E. of Shrewsbury,

The E. of Wemerl. Lord Dacres,

E. of Warwick, Lord Morley,
E. qf Cumberl. Lord Sowche.

Sir Andr. Du-dley,

Sir John Gares, A
Sir William Sidneyi

The E. of Wemerl, L. Dacr. ofNorth,Sir John Gatcs,

The D. of Northumb. E. of Worceer, Lord Sowche, Sir Andr. Dudley,
E. of Cumberl. L. Willoughbie. Sir Will. Sidney.
The E. of Wemerl. L.Dacr. ofNorth,Sir John Gates,
Mary. qf Northa. 'ph
E. of Worceer, Lord Sowche, Sir Andt. Dudley;
E. of Warwick. Lard Braye.
Sir Henry Sidney.
The D. qf Suolk,

The E. of Warwick, L.Dacr.0fNorth,Sir Henry Sidney,

E. of Cumberl. Lord Sowche, Sir Andr. Dudley,
E. of Wemerl. L. Willoughbye. Sir John Seyntlowe."




flhe Earl of b Wemerland,

Out of thee were Eled

Sir Andrew Dudley.

b In 'he Minute: of th' Privy council 10 May 1552 in oundrey parte: and behalf, we with the com
ai nions of the noble Ordre of the Garter aem
thick Garter ent to the Erle of Weimerland with bleg
at Election
this preent
xctvithin holden
this ourthepalaic
the Ordre of the Garter. 'The Lmer: ignij' in thee
Electiom, and 'be ending Garter IGng of] rmr to ellected and choen you amongee other to be

a Warrzmt i; entred to pay 20 I. to Sir Gilbert De

'be former, and 'be Black Rod then named Provo one of the Compaigxliorxs of the aid Ordre as
to the later are in W-N. in O. Arm. p. 2b. 311.
your aidc Meritcs congdingly require, wherefore
at your convenientaceee and repare unto our
By the Kinge.
Preens you hall receive uch Things as to the
RYght truye and right welbeloved Coyn and aid Ordre apperteyneth, yeven under our Signet
ouncellour, we great you u/elhaertcynynge of our Ordre at our aide Palleys of Wemin ter
you that in conyderation as 'well of your ap the lae of Apprell in the yxe ycre of our Reigne.
proved truthe and fydelytie, as alo OF your cou To our Right Truy and right ml
ragious and valient Acts of Knighthode with
m and QnnceIlQ/cri 'be'
Other your probable mexytes experyently knowne

Dd d d d d

.*----',__ -- -__


Acta uh Anno' exto ED WA R D I Sexti.

. .

unnto our preence you hall relieve uche thingd

3, th, King

as to the aid Ordre apperteyneth: yevcn under

out Signet at our aid palace of Wet. the la:

Right truiy ahd right welbeloved Couyn and daye of Apryll the yxte yere of our reignc.
Councellor wee greate you well, acertyinge
you that- in conideration as well of your ap- To our tru) and ryght welbelaved coun
proved delitie at all tymes in our Service, as

ceIlor_Sir Andrewe Dudley Knigbtand

allo for the noblenes of your howe, the honnour

we doubt not but you will with vertue and acty-

Caput-eyne of our Totrne and Caeli of

[ uiies] and 'ne of the gentillman

vitie concerve and encree: we with the com-

of our We) chamber.

paignions of the noble Ordre of the Garter a

embled at Election holden the xxiiii of Apry/llae

pae within our palleys of Weminer have ellect

By the IGng.

cd and choen you amongh others to be one of TRuy and ryght welbeloved we great you well,

the Compaignions of the aid Ordre as your aid

aerteyning you that in conideration as well

merytea condingly require: wherefbre we have of your approved delitie in the ervice of us and

ent by our truiy and welbeloved Servaunt Sir

GilbertDethihe Knight garter oure princypall King
o Armes unto you our aid Ordre of the Garter,
the ame to ue as to this our ellection of you

our Realme nt all tymes hewn, as alo for then

cree of honnour and vertue in you through out
ervice we with the compaignions 0 the
noble Ordre oi'I the Garter aembled at Ellection

apperteyneth: yeven under our Si et of our Or- holden the xxiiiith of April la pa within our
dre at our mannour of gret-mit

the viiith of Palace of Wtm. have ellected and choen you

Iliac the Sixte yere of our Reigne.

among others to be one of the Compaignion;

of the aid Ordre, as your aid merytes accord


To our righte trnye and right ire/beloved

Couen and Canace/lortbereqf Weimcr-


land Knight of o'er Ordre.

By the King.

ingly requere wherefore we have by our truy

and right wclbeloved counellour Sir Philctpe Hoblq
Knight Provoe of our Ordre ent to you out
aid Ordre of the Garter, the ame to ue as to thin
our ellection of you apperteyneth: yeven under
ignet oF our Ordre at our mannuor of Grenenicbe

RYght truye and welbeloved we great you well, the viiitb day of Me) the vith yere of our reigne.
aerteyninge you that in conideration as well

of your approved truthe and ydelitie, as allo of To our mu' and awe/helmed Sir Andt-awe
your contagion: and vallient Acts of Knyghthood
Dudley Knight o our Ordre one of

with other your probable rnerytes experiently

the Gentlemen o our Prive) Chamber

knowne 'm ounderye parte: and behalc we with

the compai nions ot the noble Ordre of the
garter aem led at ellcction holden the xxiiii of
this preent moneth within this our pallcce of

and Capitayne of our Town: and Card

of [Guines]

We . have ellected and choen you amongee

Thee new 'lected Knight: are in Vinc. M. in O.

Arm. n. 41 aid to he enalled on the 30 Juno fol

other to be one of the eompaigniono the aid lowin , But

Ordre, as your aid: meryres condi nely requicr: 16 ec.
wherefore at your convmicnt acce e and repare


itell. F. v. in laibl1 Cotton aith on




INSTRUCTIONS geven hy the

Kinges highnes to Sir Gylbert Tal
bot, and to Thahhot of Glaonburye
his Amhaidours, conteyninge the

Glaonhurye hall in good and reverent

Manner, requyre him to make his Corpo
rall Othe for the inviolable Obervaunce
< of the ame, lyke as bye the tenure of the
aide Eatuts Every Kni ht of that Order
is bownde to do in form ollowinge.

forme and manner how they hall ue

themelves in the delyverance of that

nohle Order of the GARTER, and

GO Guido Ubaldus Dei Gratia Dux

Urbinatis honoricentiimi atque ap
prohatimi Ordinis G A R T n R I 1 Miles w'

thornaments thereto helonginge to the coxufrater Electus, Juro ad bac- Sancta Dei

Duke of Urbyne, which Inruons

Lvangelia per me Corporaliter tacta, quod om

nia Eingulu Statuta, legestf Ordinationes ip

weas devyed hy Door Thomas iue dignimi Ordinis hene,jincere, U inviola

Ricthal] Sea-retard to the Kinge, and hiliter ohizrvaho, Ira me Deus adjuoet 59' hac

Sancta Dei Evangelia.

Regeer of the aide nohle Order of

the Garter, and he afterward was

hyhopp of Dureine.
E. MS. penes D. Ed. Dering Bat-ouer.

N D after due Recommendacions

and preentacions of the Kinges

Which Othe geven, Sir Gylhert Talbot

hall deliver the Garter to h m, and caue
the ame in goodand honora le Manner to
be put abowt his Legge. The aide Abbott
of Glaonhurye, aymge audablye thes
Wordes followinge.
Ad laudem 85' honorem Smmni atque omni

Lettes, fe the aide Abbot Of potentis Dei, intemerata Virgin? Cd Ma.

Glaoaihzirye hall make a brefe tri; ua Maria? ac glorioitni il/Iartiriz-Gcolz.

not onlye
thleaclhghh: herein
of the he
of thetouche
Gar Zii hujus Ordinis Patronz circumcingo ti
iam tuam hoc Garterio, ut os in zo Bello
ter, and of the Kinges Highnes as Sove rmiter Stare, O: fortiter zncere, znigizirm
reigne of the Same, but alo declare the Ordinis O' Augmentum tui honoris.
Great Vertues and Notable Deades of the
aideDuke, and how his Progemtors and
'Which thinge o don, the hide Sir Gyl?
Auncetors have been accepted therellnto, hcrt hall deliver unto the aide Duke the

and to theyr Greate honor have ued the Gowne of urple Couler, and caue hym
ame with the deyrous Mynde, that the to apparrel hymelf with the ame, the
ayde Duke is of, to be honored thene- aid Abbot of Glaionburye ayinge thes
withal, for the which Conideraclons and wordes followinge at the Domge on of the
Caues the Kinges Highnes by tlfaent of ame;

the companions of that Order have been

Accipe Veem hunc pterpuream qua mpef
the rather moved and enduced to Name
and Elect him thereunto, Trum e vere Munitus non verearisprode Chrz z,Lzhertate
lje that his Greate Noblenee, Wlt ' other Ecclee E' oppreorum tumone ortrter dimi

his valiant Actes and inguler Vertues con care, Of Sanguzuem' eundere, in SiguumOrdz1 A
ydered, he hall not onlye greatlye ho nis C-F Augmentum tui honoris.
nor the aide Order, but alo take Greate

honor by the ame, hewinge fynallye that

the Kinges Highnes for the inguler Zeale,
Love, and Aection which h1s Grace bea
reth unto hym, hath ent hym them Or
naments belongin e to the ayd Order, and
with as good and artye Mynde Wyllctl]
hyme to be honored therew1th,_ as anye
other Prince lyvinge, deyrmg hiym there
fore thankfullye to accept the _ame, and_
to ue and weare it 'in a Memonall of lus
Grace and of the aide notable and annoy

And then followinge, the ayd Sir Gyli

hert hall caue the ayde Duke 'to do up?
pon hym the Mantle of blew Velvett gar;
nyhed with the Scute and Croe of Saint

George, and the' aid Abbott of GIaonhu-i'

rye ayingethes wordes.

Accipe Clamidem Caleis Coioris Clipeo _Cru-_

cis Chrti injizgnitartgcujue Virtute atqz 'Uzgo/'e

emperprotectzie hoesuperare 69' pro Ciari;

my tuzs Meritis Gaudia tandem Caleia pro;

mercri zialeas, in ilgnum Ordinis O' Augmeu-i
ant Order.
And after the Propoition o ayde, they tum tui honoris.

hall preent the 'r Commy on unto the

And-when the aide Duke hall be o'
ayde Duke, an caue the ame openlye
to be read, and o followinge thabbot of apperryled with thornaments aforeaid-e,"





the aide Sir Gylhert hall put the Image '* Entred the qwere, and ode before their
of SE-inte George aboxvt his Necke, the U allys, till the souverain had ored and
aide Abbott aying thes wordes.
'* Retorned to his Stallg then every
'* knyght ored accordyng to his, as by
Imaginetn glorioiiimi Martiris Georgii hu " the Statute is ordeyned, and Entred
jus Ordinis Patroni in Collo tun deferes, cu " their Stallys, Whiche was a long cere
jus fultns pra/idio hujus Mundiprojtcra Cj K monye, or ever they had all oed, by'
advera ic pertraneas nt hoi us Corporis LG caue of the gret nomber of the knyghts
89' Auima deviis, non modo tenzporalts nai

that ther was preent, whiche was xix

Iitia gloriam, fedperhennis Victoria palmam

accipere Ialeas, in-Signutn Ordinis, (F aug
nlentnm tui Honorjis


in nombre, be ds the ouverain, whos

names followyt e, that is to aye.

The souverain.

N U M B. Il.

The Duc of Bokingh. Edward Staord.


The Duc of North Thomas Howard.

'Hic Rue o
Chazlps Bragdon.

M. 17. in Oc. Arm.

. George kept by 0!" SM'
The Fet of_ Saint

e ar
or et, Jomas
*. of
of'q tus

verain Lord King Henry the eighth, the Duc of Nar Howard.

the xi yere of his mo nohle Reygne the

Therll of Northmuherland, Henry Alger

xxix day
Maye at his Lael Of "m" Pent
Therll of Shrewshty, George Talbot.
Wy nd eore.
Therll of Lex, Henry Bourjhier.
N the xxvii Day of Maye beyng
Therll of Keut, Richard Grey.
" fryday, the aid xi yere, the King
Therll of Wilteshire, Henry &aord.
Removed from Richemont towards his
Therll of Worceer, Charles Beauford So
Cael of Wyndebre, and apkpointed that nterezt.
abowt oon of the clock at a ter none the
The Lord Bergartertny, George Neti IIe.
ame frydayzthat all noble men and oder
The Lord La Warre, Thomas We/Z
wiche hulde wayt apon his grace, hulde
The Lord Dudeley, Edward Sutton.
be Redy betwen Richenzont and Honow,

The Lord Darcy, Thomas Darcy.

to attente upon hym, and ln Conlyde

On the morow after came Therll of A

ration of carcyte and raitneie of rzindell, Thomas Fitz Alan.

Logings, awell as mavoydyng and ex

u chuyng of the coru t ayre, every nohle

Sir Thomas Lovell.

Sir Edward Ponyngs.

** man was taxed an Rated to a certain

Sir Henry Marny.

" nombre of hores, that is to aye, Every'

" Duc at lx hores, a marquis at L hot-es,
" Every Earl at xl hores, Every Baron
at xxx hores, Every Knight of the Gar.
tier bachelor at xx hores, and no odir
Knyght or noble man to have above xvl
** hores, with their carria es and all-, and
the King thus Right nob y accompaigned Rode to Cblhrolee, and at the ligne of

Sir William Sand s.

u The Oring tloon, the souverain, all
the foreaid Knyghts of thordre, With
the prelat and oder Ociers of thordre,
as the Regiiir, king of armes, and hny
er of thordre called the Black Rodd,
borne by Sir 'William Corn ton according
to his Oce of huier, a l thoe Rode
before the kyng from the college on to


** the Katherine Wele the king toke hIS " the quadrant of the Cael, and o con

" courer, and his Hencheman Richely '*' veyed his highnee to his loginge, and
appareilled folowed, and alo the Kings
, hore of aat led, Gartier king of Armes
ware his cote of Annes, the Lord Ric.
For bihopp of Wincheer and prelat of
khordre, with many oder great aats

** o for that nyght beyng ryd-ay any Per

a ons at their pleaeurs departyd to their
a Logings.
" On the Saturday at None at dyner
" tyme began the Fc, whereas they were

avetheirattendance aponhishighnee: a honnorably erved accordin

The qwene and the ladies and their

a compaignies ode in the elde at the
a townes end beyds the high way to'5 wards Wyitdeore, to ee the kings noble


to their

Aats, and Degrees, accor ing as Io

uche a gret and high fe: it apperteyn
eth, and at three of the Clockc at after
none, all the Knvghts of thordre, the

<< compaignie paeby, and thenthe qwene a Ociers of the ame, and many oder

U Rode to the fery next way to the caell, a noble men made their aemble in the
'* the king Rode by the slow, and oo to a Chamber ofAat, called the Kin dy,
" Eton Colle e, where all they of the col- * nyng Chamber, except the pre at of
V lege ode a ong in maner of proceion, '* thordre, whiche by caue he had not his
8 Receyving his

ace after their cuume, *' habit went the next waye to the Cha

't and at the cae gate the myneets of a pitre hows: After that the King was
" the Coll e havyng Rich copys recey- V come forthe of his ecret Chamber, all
V ved the ing with proceon, and the a odre proceeded in ordre before him, tlll
a king and the kn rghts of thordre at the u they came to the court of the quadrant,

if churche dore to e their Mantells, and *' where the King, the knyghts of tchordlze
to e

______r.___.>.-- A



" toke their hores, and alo thocers of a thordre, and thociers of the ame, all
** the ame, except the aid prelat: the *" Ryding Retourued in goode Ordre to
"* knyghts of thordre did ryde according ** the quadrant, the prelat habit was a
a to their Stallys, and not after their A' ** mantell of carlet furred with myniver,
" ats, and at the myddill dore alighted, ** having the Armes of faint George with
'* and o roceded with owt the qwore on " in a Gartier upon his Shulder, The
a to the apitre hows, wher at the dore V king o ed in his chamber of Aat, and
. " the prelat of thordre did to the Souue "* at the ings bords ende fat the three
'i rain his dew Reuerence, whiche went ** Duks, and the marquis Dorfet, and all
*'* before the aid Souuerain, and ode at ** the Reidew of the Knyghts of thordre
*' the Right corner of the vezrlments borde ** at in the ame chamber at two bordys,
'* according to his Rome: T e Souueram ** all along the oon yde, and after ooper.
a at 'the myds of the north ende, havyng '* taried till the Voyde was brought in,
" his pal and cuysyons and Cha-ire as lt ** and the voyde doon, the king departed
** ap erteynethz the kngghts of the kings " from thens, the knyghts takyng their
u y e on the Right y e hande, and the " leve every of them went to their Lo
a Odir of the princes yde on lefte yde, " gings for that nyght, and thus ended that
" the Regiter and kin of Armes of thor '* Saturday beyng the xxviii day of May.
** And on the morrow beyng Sunday
" dre Rode at the bor s Ende, the huser,
xxix day of the aid monethe Maje,
" of thordre Sir William Compton kept the
mornyng about viii of the clocke,
" dore within, forthe whiche doon and or
" dered, the Souuerain began his Chapitrez a the souverain, Knyghts, and Ociers
"* and ther by the adv ce of the Knyghts ** of thordre, all beyng on- horsbacke
'* of thordre, and of t e whole corn ang " Rode-downe to the college to here Ma
" nie determyned to make a genera Re q' t ns, and lighted at the owthe dore of
u formation of all ambyguyetes and doubts u t re Churche, and directly proceeded to
'* concernyn certain articles of the old " their Stally s, with owt goyng to the Cha
a atuts ofgie aid Ordre, and to make -* pitre hows, and at Te Demn and Bene
" and adjoyne unto them certain oder '** dictm the king was ened with the Pre
*' new ordonances and atuts, wiche his '-'* latis, and the Kn rghts were ened as
a grace trued huld be to the welthe, ** before is aid: he Mzttyns doon the
'* prot, honour, and augmentatton of 5' king, Knyghts of thordre, and many
*' the aid Ordre : _ whereupon all the ** oder, went to the deanys place to breke
"' Knights of the aid ordre with dew Re ** fa, and after that doon went to the
'* verence beought his Highnee to Re " Capitre hows, wher the king efteonga
'* forme all uche points and articles of " Ratyfyed the pardon granted unto them
" the aid eatuts, as his Grace huld ** all, and willed a note to be made therof
** thinke at his pleaur convenyent, and " of all caues concernyng thordre, Go.
'* therapon unto the hole chapitre gave " wiche doon retourned to the quere, and
*" their advie and ailent un-to : that doon "i after entred their Stallys, tyll the pro
u all ther being preent with dew Reve " ceion was Redv, Whiche procellion was
. "a rence and knelyng beought his grace as ** ordered, as of old tyme accuumed, and
** ouverain, that if any of theym had "' the pore Knyghts went next before the
a offended in breking any ordonance con a Ociers of Armes on the yde of the
*' cern ng the aid ordre, that his Ma ee V m rniers, that the prelate of thordre
a wol Remytte hit, and to gevet em U wiche did bear aint George's hart under
*' a general ardon of all things, as towch a the Canopie honourable aied, and
" ing the aid Ordre doon before that U iiii torches born by iiii noble men at
U preent tyme; whiche his Grace lo a the corners went next before the Sou
,"- vingly and benyngly graunted unto " verain, aying that was his Rome and
u them, to their et Rejoying. The Cha '-* place, thocers of the Ordre went be
a pitre fyn 'he , the Souverain and all " fore the Canape, and the Knyghts of
'-' the Knyg ts of thordre went unto their *' thordre before them. And before the
U Stallys: and a littill before the kings ** Knyghts the Ocers of Armes, and be
'* Stalle ther was et an aultre,_and be '* fore them on e ther yde of the qwere,
** twene hit and the Kings Stalle was the' " as is before ai ,went the pore Knyghts:
*' kings Sworde in the Right hand, the " and the qwene and the ladies at this
of Armes and the huysier of " tyme went nat a proceionz wiche
"' king
a thordre. The Lord Richard Fox prelat ** nyhed the Souuerain, and the knyghts
'* of thordre, wiche did the devyne er '-' Retorned to their Stallys ageyn,
" v rce, fat above beyds the high Aultre, *' and then began the Mae, and after
4 a hed by the Abbot of TonrhyII, wiche V the gopel the king was cened- bothe
"' bothe prelats in ponticalihns at 'nagnii c' by the gopeler Thabbot of tourhil] and
" cat ened 'fur the aultre before t e *' thabbot of 'nedeitham epioler, and af
" king, and after the king, and two of " ter oon of them the aid prelats went
U the Chanons ened the Kny hts ae " on the oon yde, and the oder on the
" cording to the Statuts as accui umed-, " oder de, and cened the knyghts, at
o ing tyme the Knyghts ored
"if the
The evenof *'** the
the Knyghts
according to the- Statuts aftir their
r Stallys :



Stallys: the Mae almo fynyhed at " and the Knyghts aloo, anding all a

" the Agnus, the king and the Kiiyghts " long, and the myddill of the hall Voyd
" of thordre had holy brede, and holy a ed of the people, andater that he trom
'* Water : And aftir Ryding in lyke Or V pets blowyng, the mynyrells playyng,
" dre as before, Retouriied to the quadrant, a gretly accompaigned with joye, and

a and aftir the king had paued a littill a Gods bleing, Retourned to his Cham
" while in his Chamber, his grace went a ber : Wher he taryed unto the evenong
a to d ner In to the hall, and there keipt ** tyme, wiche was after iiii of the clocke
" his oial aat; non itting at his bor e, *' a mo v.
" but oonly the Lord Ric. I-ox bilhopp of
" Winchere and prelat of thordre, wiche
'Tis to be regretted, that we have not
" at on the Right hand of the kin , and the Continuance of this Ceremonial wrote
" nere to the bordys kinde: and all the by the ame Hand, whereby we have lo
a ordir knyghts of thordre, C-Fc. as Duks, his Narrative of the manner of oberving
a Go. according to their Stallys att all a the Vepers on St. Georgs Day, and the
a Rew on the oon de of the northe part Method of the Male of Requiem on the

" of the Hall, an none att the ayd next Morning, there is indeed a Mar inal
" bords of the Northe yde, but oonly the Note axed to this Book, that *' T em
" Knyghts of thordre, for ther was but " peror Maxiniiliatt was dead this Wynter
" as oon borde, for all were joyned toge


dre in oon and on the owthe yde of

the hall at the Lord stewards borde at
certain frenche gentilmen be tng hoai
gers of France, accompaigne with Erlls
and lordys, and none at that borde un
der the Aate of a Lord. And at the
middle borde on the aid owthe yde

a afore, whoe hatchments were at this

a fea oered, and that Charles King of

a Spain, Lord Dacres of the North, Lord
a Montegle, and Sir Ryce ap Thomas were

" the Companions then abent, which with

a the empty stall completed the Number.
At this plendid Grand Fea, the So
veraign accompanied with twent Com
" at the Dean of W ndeore doctor Veyzy panions aboveznamed made a Dec aration
'* Regilger, Thabbotts ofTour or Interpretation of ome Statutes of this
That doctor Vty


V Mem.
was both Dcan and Rrgillci'
of thordre, and as Detin be
gan the Che pell borde, or
cllys he huld have ittin
with thoccrs of thordre.

a hill and of Medenbam, and Order, of which there is a Copy remain

" the qwere or chapell, and ing in the Cuody of the Chamberlains of
" at the wee ende of the the Exchequer.

a ame borde wiche was all

aare as to
u the Ewyre joined
at thetogedre
oder Ociers
" thordre,as Regi. Gartier king of Armes,
'* and the huyier of thordre then beyng

Statutes of the G A R T E K.

'* Sll' William Compton, havyng thoce

'* called the blac Rodde, whoe Rome was

N the Honour of God, our Bled La

'* the mo part of the dyner tyme, except

ham Edward, The Duc of Notolke Tho


mas, The Duc ofSuollee Charles, The Mar

quis Dorzt Thomas, And our Right truy
and Welbeloved Couyns Th'Erle of' Sin-ry
Th0inas,th'Erll of Arimdell Thomas,th'Erll

dy Sainte Marie Vyrgine Imaculate,

a kept for him, accompanied with the Le and the Gloryous Martir Saincte George
** gatis brodir, and iiii odir hone ran Patroi] o this Noble Realme of England,
'* gers, and bencthe the aid rangers for and of Saint Edward King and Confellbur,
V the 2 d. mee att dyvers Knyghts, and to the Exaltation of the faythe of Holy
" next to them att thoce of Armes, Churche, and Exercytation of Vertuz and
*' and then certain Odir entilmon lled ood Maners, alo for the Ry ht yngu
a in;1 the borde unto theC apell or qwerez let Love that we have and gore to the
a T e Reidew of the Oder ocers at in Noble Order and Eate of Chevalrye and
" the Chape] at dyvers bords, for in old Knyghthood of the Whiche by Ardent
* t me the aid chapel was a parcelle of Aection We Deyre the Honour and
a t e hall. The Ociers of thordre had Au entation: Therefore We Henry the
a ponys of ne gold, and the ervyce that fyght" b the Grace of God King of Eng
u was erved at the aid e was very l lond an of Fraimce, and Lord of Irland,
*' umptueue, and many ubtiltes; and b the Advis and Aent of the Reverend
" umwhat before the ii core, the qwene Fiider in God the Byslhop of l/yncheer,
'* and the ladies came to the galory at the prelat of the aid Noble Ordre
a hall end, wiche was Right honnorably
" repayred for her grace, for to ee the
V onnorable erv ces and ceremonyes of and of our Right Dere and Right entirely
'* the aid e: T e Trompetts blew for Welbelovetl Coufins, The Duc of Bucking
at uche tyme as oder mynrells of
England and of S ayne did playe. The
Kin s ille, and argeie was proclaym
ed a ter the ii. core, as acuumedz the
Dyner fynyhed, the iirnal) was drawen
by Stepbeit marihall of the Hall: then
the prelat accompayned with the m nyres of the Church ayd graces,wic e
doon, The King was erved of his voyde,

ofhlorthumherland Henry, tlfErll of Shrewys

bury George, th'Erll of F/ex Henr , th*Erl_l

of Kent Richard, th'Erll Of Wih er Henry,

th'Erll of Worceer Charles z And of our

Right Truy and Welbeloved, The Lord









the Lord Lawarre or place, when any Aamble chall be of

Thomas, the Lord Dudeley Edward, the the aid Knyghtes, to doo any Act apper
Lord Darcy Thomas, Sir 'hovnas Lovell, teynyng to the aid Ordre.
Sir Edward Ponyngs, dir Henry Marny, and
Sir 'William Sandis, Knyghtes and Com
paignons of the aid Or re, and th'Oy oever they hee, beyng in ilace at their
cers Ordynaires of the ame then beyng Libertie, hall in the Vigille of the Day
reent with Us in laine Chapitre, Hol of Saint George, that is to ay the xxii
den within our Ca ell Royal] at Wynde Day of April were their Hole Habit of
fore the nix Day of May, the x1_Yere of the aid Ordre, that is to aye Gownes,
our Reigne, Makethe Interpretatlon and Mantellis, Chapperons, and Coliers, from
declaration of the Articles of the aid Ea the Houre of the fure Evenonge untill
the ii Evenonge bee Doon, and uing all
tutes in Manetand forme as Enuythe
uche Oder Cerymonnyes as of Old tyme
l-Zxcept that in tyme of
I. Fur it is Accorded, that the Kyng
Long Voyage, or Oder
his Heyres and Succeours Kings of Eng
then it hall uce
lond hall for ever be Soverayns of the
aid Noble Order, and Amyable Com to Were oonly the Garter, Mantell, and
paignie of Saint George Named the Garter, the Imai e of Saincte George Depending
to whom hys Heyres and Succeours hall at a Litc l Cheyne of Golde, or Lae of
Apparteygne the Declaration, Solucyon, Sylke, at the Pleair of the aid Knyght
Determynation, Interpretation, and Dy or Compaignon of the aid Ordre.
s. Item, That every Yere on the Even
penatyon of all Caues concernyng any
Sainct George, that is to aye the xxii
thynge of Doubte conteyned in the Sta
of A rill, ther chall be an Aemble
tutz of the aid Ordre. _
ai Knyghtes of Sainct George above
2. Item, It is Accordid, that non hall
within the aid Caell of llyndei
be Choen Compaignon of the aid Ordre,
withoute that He be a Gentilman of bre, of uche as hall he within the Lande
Bloode, and Knyght withoute Reproche: or Withoute, that ma conveniently
A Gentilman of Bloode Is here Declared Come, wher they chall have the Service
iii Decentes of Noblee, that is to a e of Sainct George. Alo they chall Were
of Name and Armes bothe of Fader y e, theyr Habit Duryn the aid Service, be
andModer ydeAnd as touching aKnyght yng ordinatl in their Stalls, and every
to be noted of or with Reproche, by Caue of them hall have his Banner, Swerde
that their by many We Declaire iii Pointz with Helme and Cree over his Stall,
Oonly of Reproche in Maner as foloweth. whiche Duryng his Lyf chall Remayne
Fur , That if any Knyght, as God in the Chapell ther', in the Signiauncc
forby , be Convainqued or Attainct of and Honeur of Hym that the ame Bereth
Here e, or of Errour ayen the Fayth in Deence of Holy Church, as the Ordre
Catho icque, or had for that ured any of Knyghthood Requireth: but in Cas that
the Fe of Saint George chall Come with
Payne or Punycion Publique.
Item, Yf any Knyght had been Attaint in xv. Dayes next after the Fe-of Teer,
or upon any fyhe Day, be it then Proroz
ed. or Convaynqued of Highe Treaon.
Item, Y any Knyght Departe or Flee ged at the leair of the souverain; o that
away from Bataill or Jorney, beyng with the Day 0 the aid Felt of Sainct George
his Soverain Lord, l'11S Lyeutenaunt, or be not Ailigned nor Ordeyned the xxiv.
Otherwye, where Banners, Staundars or xxv. xxvi. nor the la Day of A rid, nor
ay, by_
Pennons had ben Diplayd, and that they upon the iiii ur Days of
have proceeded to the Fighteing, He or caue of the Impediment and Letyng of
They that o Depparteth to be Adjuged a the Dyvyn Servyce Ordeyned by Holy
Knyght or Knyghtes with Reproche, and Churche for the Dowble Feis of Sainctes
Pbelippe, Jacob, and of the Inveni
not oonly to bee Elect, but f He or Marc,
tion of the Holy Croie of our Lord Jheu
They Comytt an r uche Reproc able Cas,
beyng of th'Or er, to bee Depreved and Cri, nor on non uche Day as chall
Bnrgaueixny George,

Digraded of the aid Ordre.

3. Item, It is Accorded that the Kny htes

above Named' hall Were theyr Mante leys
and Garter: Orde ned in the aid Place,
when they hall e preentz in the aid
Caell, that ys to wytte, at all Tymes
when they hall Entre into the aid Cha
pel,whiche Name of Chapel is Underand
the aid Colle
the Qwere
and of
nyghtes are et up, and nat the Other
arties of the Churche of the aid College.
Alo they hall Were their Mantelles at
all tymes, when they hall Entre into the
Chapitre Hows, ther or at any Oder tyme

Hap e the Fees of the Acencyon and.

Pent eco, or ony oder olempnel Fee

Ordeyned by Hol Churche, wherof the
fur or iide Even onge by uche Preroga
tions myght be Lett.
s. Item, That all the Knyghtes and
Felawes of the aid Ordre chall be Yerely
at the Caell of Wyndeore aforeaid, upon
the Even of the Fe of Sainct George, At

the Houre of Three of the Clocke at After

none, ther to Holde theyr Chapitre, Apon

the Paynes folowing, on lee that he

Have a Lawull and Rayonnable Excue

to the souverain acceptable, or Ells par
doned by the Souxgerain of their abelK-'C




by pecial Letters of Excue, wherin their that he hath Lycence of the souverain, or

Names and Caues of Abence hall be his Deputee before his Departyng. And
Vritlin, ent, and Directed to his Depu when it happeneth, that b
yCaue of the
tee of the aid Felt.

Voidaunces of any of the Felawys there

Fiir, It is Accorded that y they bee an y Bauners, Swerdys, Helmes, and
Come nat at the Howre ailigned, their Tymbres, wiche owght to be Orid, that
Penaunce chall be that.they chall nat then before the Oring of the Mone the
Entre within the Chapitre Hows, but aid Hachementz to be Ofh-ed, fur the
onde at Dore, Nor they chall have no Banner by ii of the Felawys uche as the
Voix in any thing, that chall be Doon souverain, or his Deputee chall Name,
within the Chapitre at that tyme, and y and after that the Swerde by Oder ii 5 and
he Come not to Evenonge afore the be in lickewye their Helme and Tymbre by
ynyng, He chall not Entre within his Oder ii. of thiOrdre Aignede by the aid
stall, but chall onde bynethe afore the Souverain or his Deputeez at wiche Mae
Stalls ther as the Coruirs andith duryng of Requiem ther chall noo Knyght be
all the aid Evenonge, and like penance Cened, nor have an Pax. And y any
chall they have,that come not by tymes to Compaignon of the (hid Ordre fortune the
High Mae, and to the iidc Evenong, and Yere precedent to Decee, that than eve
y' any Come not to the aid Fee with r Knyght at the aid Mae of Requiem
oute He have Excue as before is Rehered, chall Ore a Tapir poiz Armoyed with a
his Payne chall be that he hall not Come Lyteil Scochin of the Armes of the De
within his Stall duryng the Fee, but hall funct. And y ther be Deceed any Moo
onde bynethe, as aid is, during the r than oon, that then for every oon a Sco
Evenonge, and he hall Goo on proceilion chin of his Armes and a Grot to be xed
byfore the iii Croes and holde Hym by nere to the Light on the aid Tapir.
nethe, as aid is, to the Oring be Doon,
9. Item, It is Accorded, that ever
and chall be the la that chall Ol-ler, and Knyght of the aid Compaigny cha l
this Doon he chall Come aore the Sou Leve aMantell within the aid Colle e
verain Stall, or his Deputie, and Aske for all Soudain Com rn s for to Hol e,
Pardon, and the Souverain or his Deputye Kepe, and Oberve a l iiche Ordonnaun
chall Commande Hym to go to his Stall ces, Preceptes, and Commaundemens, as
to the re Eate. And yf he Come not may be Advyed in Chapitre by the aid
to the next Fee, withoute he have Con souverain z whiche souverain by the aid
venable Excus, he chall no more Come Aient and Accorde may at any tyme
in his stall unto the Tyme he have Orid or place at hys pleair Caue and Som
to Sainct George Chapell afluell, Price of mone a Chapitre, to bee Hold and Ke t
xx Marks, and from thens O rth his Payne for all uche Caues, as may pleae t e
hall Dowbill to the Tyme that he be Re- aid Soverain to Move Concernyng the
aid Ordre.
7. Item, It is Accorded that the Knyghtes
10. Item, It is Accorded, that f any
of Sainct George chall go too the Oitring Kny ht of the aid Compagnie is ounden
open y and Apparently withoute Gartier,

at the Hi h Mae, every oon of theim

with his elowe of th'Oppoite of H m
ortllynatly, as they be ett in their sta ls-,
an yf it Happenythe oo that an of
thaym be not thenne there, his Fe owe
wiche is a th'Opp0ite of hym chall goo
by hym el Alone to the Oring, and
that t e Soverain or his Deputee chall goo
behynde all the Com aignie, whan that
any Proceion chall e made within the
foreaid Chapell to the Chapitre, or Ells
wher in any odir place when they chall
rocedde toward any Election at any
liligh Fee or Solempne Act, at all Tymes
when it chall pleae the Soverain to Com
mande them to Were their habit.

that then Immed atly without any De

la e atir the Cha enge to Hym be made

c all paye to th'Ocier, that fur fynd

vith H mwithowt hisgartier, Half a Mark

of Sy ver, wiche is iiii Unc. of the 'Wight

of Troye. The Ociers that ma Cha

lenge the aid Forfacteur _are oon y the

Ociers of th'order, as the Prelat, Chann
celer, Dean of the College, Regireur and 1
King of Armes. Except that in uche
tyme that the Knyght ys Armyd or Boted
and Spored, that then the aid Knyghj:
chall be Bounde to Were a Littill Blew
Lace, or Threde of Blew Sylke, over his
Le Harneys or Bote, at his Plealir, in Sig

8. Item, It is Accordid, that on the nexte ni aunce and tokin of the aid Gartier.
Morow after the Fe of Sainct George, Provyded that noo Knyght of the aid Or

before the Dep art rng; of the aid Com dre Entre into any Chapitre without Garti
paignye, that t e 'hid Knyghtes in Blacke er, upon the Payne of the aid Forfeictour.
Gownes at the Cha iter Hous Doore chall
ii. Item, It is Accorded, that y any
take their Mantel es, and Entre the Cha of the aid Company Hapneth to Come
pitre, and after to Heree Mae of Requi
nyght the Caell, that he chall goo Inne,
em, wiche chall be olempnely Song for y he goodly may for the Honneur of the
the Sowlys of the Felawys, that been De Place, and y he be not Lette by ue
ceed, and o all odir Cryen Peple, and Caue,
and that He take hvs Mante l, or .
that all the Compaignye be there without

that he Entre 'into the aid Chapell, o that

Somm of them be Lette Reonably, or Ells He
Entre not thereinne withowt that he

Have his Mantell apon Hym, and the
Chanons that chall be there chall Come
to Hym for to Mete Hym, And to bringe
Hym into the aid Chapelle Devoutly.
And r it be at the Mae tyme he chall
Aby e for to Here the aid Mae in the
Worhip of God and Seynt George. And

cle of thee Statutes, that on the Morning

after the Fea the Knights hould have
black Gowns under their Mantles at the
Mae of Requiem, to be ung for the Souls
of the deceaed companions, and of all

Chriians. Whereas by the ubequent

Declaration made in the i4th Year thee

y it be at After Nonne, He chall Entre Knights were permitted the Liberty of

m the Maner aboveaid, and a De profan wearing uch Gowns at this Solemnity as
dis of 'the Canons chall be aid for all they p eaed, under their Mantles. He
Cryen Sowles, and chall Ore there. uppoes this black Colour might be order
And y any of the aid Felawys doo ed, as Mourning for the Companions de
Ryde nere to the aid Caell, or Tho ceaed, ince we nd by the Ceremonial
rough the Towne, and Wyll not Ore as inerted under 3 Her', VII, that at the
it is Accorded, that upon his obedience then Mae for the deceaed, ome of the
for every tyme that he chall o faille, he Knights were in Gowns of black Cloth,
chall goo Half a Myle from the aid Cha othersinGowns of Velvet, eeabove, p. 22 .
pell unto the ame on his foote, And geve and the Practice of other Military Orders
a Grote to the Oring, wiche Diaunee correponded in this Point, Olivzer de 1.:
of Nyght Comyng to the aid Caell is Marcbe, p. 263, decribes the Fea of the
Declared for the Half Myle V c. paes Golden fleece kept at Gand in 1447, '* Les
" (Tievalierr- vertz Je robes (if long;
oonly, and noo More.
12. Item, It is Ordeyned, xiii. Chanons u mantenx noirs, 69' cbacmi le Colier de
Seculiers, viii. petit Chanons, xiii. Vi a Pordre an col, O: le: quatre Ociers fnrent
caires, wiche all chall be Preis at their a veinde nzejine, menterezit a cbeval en
Entree and Incomyng, or within the *' Pordre acconluvze, 59' alerent a Pglii:
Yere followyng, xiii. poore Knyghtes, al " ouyr oepres des morts, 896. " which was

oo xiii Clerkys and xiii. Choriers, for

to ng and pray for the properous Eat
of t e souverain, and of all the Kny htes
of th'Ordre Levyng, and for the Sow es of
all the Knyg tes o the a1d Ordre, whiche
are Departe , and all Cryen Sowles.
12. Item, It is Accorded, that ther chall
be iiii. Ociers Apparteygnyng to the
aid Ordre, that is to aye Prelat, Chaun
celer, Regirer and Kyng of Annes, whos
Charges perticularly hereafter chall be
Declared, as by the Booke of the Ordon

naunces for them made more playnly

d on:
th Itgrlz),
A ere.
It is Accorded, that as one
as the Deth of Ony of the Compaigny
is knowen, the souverain chall Caue to

be aid for Hym that is Dede, a Thowand

Mais, A Kyng Straunger viii c. Maiis, the
Prince vii c. Maes, Every Ducvi c. Malis

according to the 27th Article of the Sta

tutes of that Order. But there is a parti
cularity in the 34th Statute of the' Order
of snMicbael, by which all the Companions
are obliged to proceed to the Church to hear
Vigills for the deceaed, and on the next
Day to the Mae for them, a En leurr man
" teaux de drap noir Sangles, CO' cbapperons
" de meme, excepte icelluy du Souverain, qui

u jera [Pecarlate brtme onoree. " It would

be too tedious in this place to give a Di
ertation upon the everal Methods of
Mourning in this Kingdom, and the Co
lours which were worn upon thee Occai
ons, that the have been Ruiet, Blue,
White as wel as Black, or to dilate up
on the Rules in dierent times, how far a
Peron of a u erior or an inferior Degree
to the deceazd was permitted publickly
to ue uch Mourning at or after the So

Every Marquis iiii c. and fyfty_ Mailis, lemnity of the Funeral; which latter
every Erll iiic. Mas, Every Vicounte diquiition would be foreign in the Cae
ii c. and fyfty Mais, Every Baron and of the Knights of this Order, who in that
Banneret ii e. Maiis, and every Bacheler repect are all companions. But ince
a Hundred Mais. And y they do it there is no Exception for the Soveraign in
not within a Quarter of a Yere after the thee Statutes, (as in thoe of St. Mzcbael,

Decee chall be unto Hym Certyed by whereof the Knights of our Order, at this
Lettres ent by the Souverain as Accu time, could not be ignorant) it ina not
umed, that thenne He chall Dowble the be unreaonable to uppoe it was t e In
Quarter of the Hole. And y he be Half tention of this Statute that the Sovereign
a Yere behvnde, than he to Dowble the himelf hould be alo habited in Black,

Mais, as is aid, and oo from tyme to

for probably Purple was not always the

t me unto the Yeres Ende.

Colour, as 'tis now eeemed of the Royal

Mourning in this Kingdom. In a Book
of the Duty of Court ocers, wrote about:

And y he

o not within the Yere, than he to Dow

ble the Yeres.

the Reign of Hen. VII, it is entred, That

on All-Saints and AH-Souls Da s the King

mu be habited in Blue, an the Lords,
Knights, and Equires to be in Black at
H E Editor thinks it\ not amis to the Placebo ** And after Mae he may'
I add a Note in this Place towards the a change h m into anoder ad colour what
Explaining thelnjunetion in the SthArti- a hyt ple yth hym, and to do all day
f: what






" what hyt chall plee hym, and he chall for the Feival of St. George in his 34th
*' not go thus for none etat but alenly Year, the Time of the great Peilence.
" for his aders terment, or his moders Ajb. Hi. p. 212, and he mourned in Black
" or the Quene, and another Ceremonial for the Death of the King of Bobemia ain

" adds, that at the Evenong on that day at Qry, if Credit may be given to Vil
" at the Dige the blew Sword is to be lam, a contemporary writer, quoted by
" carried before the King, who is to be Burns Hi. p. 36. Richard II, upon the
" under a blcwe Canopy. ' At the Tran Burial of. the Body of his elder Brother
from Burdeanx, had rovided for
lation of the Body of Richard Duke of removed
f, ** Unam gown. long.
unum Capu
Tark, in 16 Edw. IV, that King met his himel

Father's Corps, Veu dhlgnc abit de bien, O'

on Cbapparon en deuH foul-re de mennver.


cium de panno nigro long fact t? furrur.

cum. Min. pur. U purl. cum Ijrmyns pry

In the Reign of Edw. VI, 18 Oct. Isso, ** Rage contra zpulturam Edwardi fratrzs
* ipjins Regis lango tempore elapjb defuncti in
the Lords of the Council for their Opinion, " artibus Aquitanize in Ecclejfa Catbedrali
whether he hould wear Mourning for his a lzurdegal, faciendam in Ecclea fratrum
Mother," who was Grandmother to the " de Langile xxvii die Junii Anno xiii.
King himelf, it is recited in tbe Minuits ** Lib. Coton in O Garder. p. 136. *' Exit.
of the Privy-Council, ** At all tymes here PcII. P. xi. E. 4. pro 14. virgis de damarke
" tofore in peronages of uch Eate, as coloris nigri ro jhctura nnius Robat prlo per
a the aid Duke is of, being alo in uch jona Regis,
pro dimidio Virgo: de Veal-net
*' place of ervice and attendance about coloris nigri pro roba pradicta 1185. 411.
a the perone of a Kinge of this realme, Several other Inances might be added,
a as well the Kin e our late Soveraigne but the Cuom in France may be like
<*a Lorde,
as other
his Proge
n tors wie here conidered, becaue of this Reer
were often
to diiyene
vation of Scarlet to their Soveraign in the
withall, and to pluck o the blac ap aforementioned Statutes of St. Mzcbael.
a parill from uche moorners backs, where
It hath been a Practice for ometime
in a good conideration might move there, and it is the preent Doctrine, that
a them, that in a Kings preence, being their Kings are not to mourn in Black,
" the herte and lief of his Commonwelthe and their latter Writers inform us, that be
it might with moo reaon he borne and caue the Chancellour of that Kingdom
'* allowed, that private Men hulde re wears Satin Violett, which is the Livery'
" erve their private orroives to their of that Crown, he mu not therefore be m
** own houes, and not to dimme the glad Black in any Time of Mourning. If this
a ome preence of their Prince with uch be certain, it may owe its Ori in to the
a dolefu l tokens. " But the Reaon of this Reaon upon which the aforeai Deciion
Rule to prevent giving any Impreions quoted from Pa on is grounded, and not to
of Sorrow to the Sovereign ubied not in the Nature of is Habit: Thee Statutes
the preent Cae touching Mourning for of the Order of St. Micbael were made by
the deceaed Kni hts, becaue divine O Lewis XI. who being Daupbin, as Man re
ces were actual y performing for them let, vol. 3. p. 87. treating of his Fat er's
according to the Injunctions of the Order, Funeral aith, was in Black during that
in which the King himelf was obliged in Service, a Et le ervicefhit tout incontinent
Peron to oer, o that the wearing the u le Danpbin, que je nommeray deformed:
Colour of black in 'this Solemnity could " le Roy, lors je vejlit de pourpre, qui e a
not give him any Notions, which would " la Couume de Fmunce :pour ceto comme
not otherwie have aroe in his Mind of a le Roy e mort on l: le plurmcbaine
** 'uejf de pourpre, 85 e nomme ay, carle
coure at the Celebrating that Service.
It is no Singularity that a Peron " Royaume 'fejamais ans Roy : " In ano
may in ome rivate Circumances ue ther Place, Vol. 2. Chap. 1. He aith, That
Mourning, an yet be forced to lay it Charles VII at the Funeral of his Father
aide in Publick, and that even with Re was according to the Ordonnance of his
ard to his Profeion only, for thus it was Council r habited in Black, a Et le
when the Protector made Application to

etermined in 147 3, that a Preident of " Iendemain a la Me: ilfut trcn d'nne roblzc
Parliament mighat on common Days 'wear de vermeil: Thee are poitive Proofs that

Blacks for his

dy, and yet at the Time the Kin s of France wore Black at the Fu- '

of Pleadings he mu be in Red, and the nerals o their Predeceiors, though if taken

in a rict Heraldick Conruction, it may

be doubted whether they come up fully to
this Concluion, that they wore this Co
lour as they were Soveraigns, becaue ac
cording to the Syem of that Science, it
they be an their Proceon from the Tower eems that the King though really dead, is
on the ay before their Coronations, o thereby however preumed to be living
the Collector believes they frequently till the Proclamation of his Death be made
wore Black for their Mournm .
at his Funeral, for till that Time the Ser
The Royal Founder, and al the Com vices in the Houehold continue to be per
panions had urcoats of Black provided formed in the ame Manner as while he
other _Robes proper for that Place, Papon.
1. 4._ tit. 6. 13. is. But the preent Enqui
ry is touchin the Colour of the Mourn
ing Habits o our Kings. And as they
were formerly clothed in White when


s livin , which
his Ocers

at the Grave, which diolves it, and upon

the next Proclamation, Le Roy le vive, the
Succeor being then eeemed King in

veed himelf in Pur le. Thus at the

Funeral of Ferdinand t e Catholick King


And bee it knowen, that the Lords hall

itt at the table as they bee in honour, and
not as they itt in their Stalls in the
Church, and the Gentleman Husher hall
urely regard, and ee, that the Kings
Chamber be rewed, and hanged, and pre
pared, and ever place thereof made
cleane, and hone again the Kinge hall

celebrated at Bels 14 March i; i6,Pri_nce

was of
in Arms
and after Toion
d'or King
hagd pronounced
the come from Evynongz and on St. George:

Eve, and daie when the King is in his

Stile of the deceaed, he proclaimed I/'ive Chamber, for to goe to Evynong, then
donne Johanna 69' DonCarlos, Cae. Rays
Catbolicqs, Go. and carryin the Banner that
had been oered toKing barles, approach
ing aid to him, a Oe ce cbaperon O: mau
u teaufimee, car il ne ed pas a Roy franc
a que le plus avant porter. Tbeatre funee
a par Adr. de Meerbeck 1622, p. 53. It
was not thought improper to add thee
brief Obervations to explain in ome De
gree the Notion of the preent Age, that
Purple is the Mourning of the Crown,
whereas it eems to be no more than that
the Prince then ap ears in his proper an
tient Re al Habit, or 'tis well known that
the uua Royal Robe _was either of Pur
ple or Scarlet in this Kingdom.

hall the Gentleman Uher deliver the

Sword unto an Earle to beare, if there bee

any there preent that is not of the Gar-ter,

the which hall beare it before the Kinge
into the Chap ell,for there the Kinge hall
be in his Stal z and when he is come thi
ther, the Earle hall not deliver the Sword
to a Gentleman Uher, as he doth in their
Seaone, But the Earle hall and before

the Kings Stall, and hold the Sword in his

hand, the point upward all the ervice
tyme, And att all other tymes from that
He takes it, untill that the King be come

into his Chamber after evyntong, and

then he hall deliver the Sword unto the.
Gentleman Husher, which hall take it

unto a Groome of the Kings Chamber, to

beare it afely unto the Wardrobe of the
W. ' O
.A mar. ofp. the
80, Earl
Go. of
Arun Robes, from whence it was fetched, and
deliver it in like manner, as is aforeaid,

del by Direction of Sir Wiiam le Neve Andthe Deane of the Kinds Chappell hall.
beare the Trayne of the Kings Mantle that.
daie, and the Lord Chamberlayn hall
helpe, ai, ayde, and upport him, Go.
And o' it was, that the Twenty fowerth
Efore Sainte Gearge's Eve, fowre or day of Aprill, and in the Eigth yeare of
ve daies, the Gentleman Usher hall King Henry the Eigtb, the aid Kinge was

enquire and have knowled e of the Lord at his Mannour of Greenwicbrand the Lord
Chamberlyn, whither it
all pleae_the Chamberlyn, and alo the Vice Chame
King to keepe the olemne Fea of Sainte berlyn were both abent, And aKnight
George in that place, that where he is, or which was Deputy to the Vice Chamber
to remoove into any other of his Mannors layne, and not a Knight of the Garter tooke
or Cales, And if it pleae him to keepe uppon him to doe the ervice, and the du
it att that place, that hee is in att preent, tie of the Lord Chamberlyn in u porting
Then on Sainte George's Eve, the Gentle or aiing the Deane in bearing the Kings
man Uher hall command a Yeoman Hus tra ne to Evynon , and on the morowe
her to warne a yeoman of the Warderobe in ike manner he id ai it, and all the
of the bedd, to hange the kings Chambers while in going in Proceon, as in all o
with rich tappete, a rich Cloth _of Eate ther times of the daye, And it hath not
with Cohione, Carpette, and a rich word, been eene before that daie, that any man
and hall alo give warning to the Groome under the degree of an Earle, or Knight
Porter to bringe greene Ruhes, to rewe of the Garter hould touch, upport, beare,
the Kin s Chamber with, and the Grome .or ai the Kings Trayiie that daie, and
Porter all alo bringe into the Kings yet he was uered for that daie, which
Chamber Treles, Formes, Bords, and was contrary to the old Uage and Order,
Stooles, and all other Stue, that belonge and his name was called Sir John Pechy,
for his roome and Oce, as for uch a daie and if Saint Georges Eve hall fortune to
belonge, for on Saint George: Eve and fall on fain daie, then the Lord Cham
daie behoveth more treles, more boards, berlyn hall now the Kings pleaure whi
Formes and Stooles then doth in another ther he will have pice and wine in his
daye, for all the Lords and Knights, that dyiiin Chamber.
bee of the Garter hall itt on Saint Geor es
An if it hall leae the Kin to have
Eve, and daie att their upper' at nig t, uch Spice, and
ine, then t e Lord
and at their d nner on Ste Gcorges daie, all Chamberlyn hall ihewe it to the Gentle
by the one ide of the table, or boorde, man Husher, then the Gentleman Hus
and at the other de of the table hall her hall command a Yeoman Husher to
and the Carver, the Cupbearer, and the give warning to the Ocers, and in epe

ciall to the Serjeant of the Confectionarzr,




and to the Clerke of the Spiceiy, to have pice plates- hall and behind him, and
and to bee ready with ome pice plates in a Room, untill that the Gentleman

lled with Comts, and bugar, and ugar Husher, the mo Nobleman there being

plate, and one of the dpice plates hall be preent to take the Towell to uncover,
and to take Aaye, and when the King
Alo the aid Yeoman hall give warn hath eaten of the pice,and dronken, Then
ing to the Serjeant of the Cellar to bee tlieis Nobleman that hath erved the Kings
read with Ypocras, and wine to a voide hall cover the Cup and pyce plate, and
fort eKinge, and to be ready with all hall putt the Towell about the yce

uch plates, as hall be requiite for that plate, as is aforeaid, and hall alo l and
time, and when the Ocers bee in this ill, untill the Knights of the Gaer be
manner warned, then hall the Gentleman alo erved with Comts and Y ocras, And
Husher command a Yeoman Husher to the Henemen, the Sewers oft e Chamber
warne the Yeomen to be ready with tor hall doe that ervice to and give them
ches, when they hall be commanded by Ypocras, and wyne. And this aforeaid
the Gentleman Husher to waite upon rh_e Nobleman hall make their Obeyimce in
Kin e, and to brin e in his Voyde, if due manner unto the Kinge, and hall
nee e bee that daie ight be don, and the then reort unto the Cupboard, and there
Gentleman Husher hall ee the Chamber the Kings Covered pyce plate, his Cup
to bee voided of all mens ervants of all bearer, and all the other that beareth
Strangers, and that none be there, but the pyce plate hall and on a Rowe, before .
Kings servants, gentlemen, and hall ee the Cupboard, one of them behinde ano
alo that all the Yeomen that beareth Tor ther, as they did at their r coming into
ches be et in ood Order, and in a Rowe the Cupboard, and in this manner hall
on both ides o the Chamber, and to ee they and ill, untill all the Cu pes and
alo that a Gentleman Husher keepe the Bowles bee brought unto the Cupboard af
Chamber doore, while the King is preent. ter all the ervice done.
Then hall a Gentleman Husher da tly
And all they to make their Obeyance
wayter give warning to all the Lords 0 unto the King, and then the Gentleman
blemen, and Gentlemen to ive their At Husher hall go before with his Bowles
tendance at the Voyde, and the Gentle on his handes, The Kin s Cupp and Spice
man Husher hall warne an Earle, Baron, Plate hall come next a ter him, and then
a Lorde, or a Lords Sonn att the lea to hall all the other pyce plates come after
tt the pice plate for the Kinge, and the in a Rowe, in Order as they were at tbe be
towell knitt about it, as the manner is, ginninge put forth by the aid Gentleman
and the Kings Cup bearer to ett the Cup, Husher, and after them hall come the
and the Knight to bear all the other pyce Sellar and there deliver their pyce plates,
plate, and when they hall come into the and other ue for their dichar e.
Chamber, where the King is, if the Kin e
And if it be the Kin s p eaure on
lis to paue, they hall reort unto the Sainte George: Eve to itt a road at supper,
Cupboard, and the Voyde hall be then hall the Gentleman Husher com
brou ht from the Cellar to the Cupboard mand a Yeoman Huher to warne all O
in t e Kings Chamber by a Gentleman cers to make ready for the Kings supper.
Husher in the manner the r and prin
And alo the Gentlemen Husher hall
cipal Spices of plate, that is for the King command the Yeoman Husher to ett up
hall goe, and the Cupbearer for the King the Kings Board, and alo the Gentleman
hall go even with him, that beareth the Husher hall ee that the Board in pre
pice plate, and the Serjeant at Annes ence be ett in length after his dicretion,
hall goe an they ued to go with the Kings as he hall ee to be neceary for the
ervice to his Board with water, and after number of Knights, that hall be there pre
them hall come all the other pyce plates, ent att that tyme, and hall ee that the
one after another, and after the p rce Formes and Stools be et accordin lie,And
lates hall come the Serjeant of the Cel the boards hall be covered, and alts and
ar, the Yeoman for the mouth, and alo trenchers hall be ett at every mee, And
the Groomes of the Cellar with Ypocras, this hall be don and readye prepared ere
Wine, Ale, and alo with plate that hall and again the tyme, that the Kinge hall
be neceary for the aid Voyde, and the come from his evenong into his Cham
Gentleman Husher hall goe before the ber on Sainte George: Ev n, And bee it
r pice plate, bearing ceartaine Bowles knowen that there iitteth ,ut two Kni hts
m his hands, and thus the Gentleman of the Garter at one Mele, and there _ al
Usher hall conduct them in good Order be a little diinction or paue or a little
unto the aforeaid Cu board in the Kings pace betwixt every Mee and other.
Aiote, And all the Knights hall t
d ning Chamber, an there hall the Gen
t eman Usher put down the Bowles that on one ide of the Board, and none of
he_ beareth, and the Sergeant of the Cellar them hall it again each other, and the
with all that Oce hall put down the Gentleman Huher hall appoint a general
karverr, iCupboard, and a everal Sewer

Bowles, the Win , and the Kings covered

CUP, b1_1t hee _hal hold the Kings pice for every Mee of Knights of the Qarter,

Plat ill m his hands, and all the other for that Sainte George; Lve, and daie, and



every Mee hall be erved with wafers a Yeoman Husher, and as many Yeoman

and Ypocras, And they ought to_have a and Groomes as he hall ee

voyde after their Supper, but this Yeare ceary and requiite for uch a
the Kin_ s pleaure was contrarie, and o fea and the gentleman Usher
they ha no Voyder, and if the Kinge itt Uher to warne a Yeoman of

to be ne
buiines or
a Yeoman.

the War

not abroad on Sainte Georges Eve, then derobe of the Bedde, and alo the Groome

hall the Board in preence bee et as afore

aid, and ready ere the Kinge hall come
from Evynong into his Chamber, and
every other thinge as aforeaid, Go.
Saint Georges Daie.

Porter, to have all uch thin s ready to

bee brought forth, what beongs unto
their Roomes, and Oces, att the Com

mandement and callinge of the aforeaid

Gentleman Husher for the Solempnity of
uch a Fea.
And if it pleae not the Kin eto bee
att the olemne fea of Sainte George in

And on Saint George; Daie in the above

aid yeare, the Kinge dynned abroad in his owne peron at Windhr, then it hall
his Chamber, and att at the Boords ende bee determined in their aforeaid Cha ter,
the Duke of Arorfolke at that time Trea who hall be the Kings Lieutenant o the
orer of Lhgland and Knight of the Gar olemne Fea, and what Kni hts of the
ter, the Duke of Suolke att that time Garter, and howe man hall e appoint
Marhall of fngland, the old Marques ed to bee thereat, an to accompany the
Dor ett, and alo the Archbihop of Ar aforeaid Lieftenant; and the aforeaid
'na ano in Irelaml, and becaue that the Gentleman Husher hall prepare, and
aid Archbilhop aid the ervice that daie, make lodgings for the Kin s Lieftenante,
and alo for all the other nights of the
hee was ett to itt with them.
And the Erle of Snrrey then being Ad Garter, that hall be preent there: And
mirall of England begann to itt at the att that time the Lord Steward hall com
Board in preence and within att the mand one of the chiefClerks of the Houe
Earle of Sbremlzury, then being Steward of hold to be Steward of that Fea for that
the Kings houe, the Lord of Bergeveizny, time only, and hee to take with him as
and Sir Thomas Lovrd att at another many Ocersof the Houehold, as he
Mee; and theis Bords were et_up co hall think necelartv, and requiite for the
vered, and made ready by the Sight of Service of uche a olemne Fea, and alo
the Gentleman Usher, and Salts and Tren

to prepare, and make ready all uch thin s,

chers fett on the Board, as they ought-to as maie bee thought neceary, and Po
be, a ain and before the Kinge coming nourable for uch a Fea, not with nig
gardhip, and carcit r, nor yet with prodi
fromliis Chappcll.
And on St. George: Daie, after that the gality and wa, ut in uch a meane
Kinge hath d ned, and when the Deane waie, as it maie bee eene and knowen to
of the Chape l hall ee the tyme conveni bee mo to the Kin s honour, to the
ent, he hall come into the Kings Cham Solempnity of that ca, and alo the
ber, and hall deire the Lord Chamber Knights Harbingers, the Gentleman Hus
' lyn to give the. King warning to come to her hall prepare and ee that lodging
hear evenong, then the word, and all hall bee made for their Servants, and allo
other things prepared, and made ready by for all other that hall repaire there for
the Gentleman Husher, Then the King in the buines of this olemne Fea, Go.
oing to his Chappell nall paue in his
On thedfriday which was the Seavon and
loett, or in omorother ecret and con twentitb aie of the Moneth of Maye, in
venient place, and hall call the Knights the Eleaventb teare of the Raigne of the
'of the Garter with him to a Chapter, as Kinge Henry the Eigtb, and in the Year of
to that Order belon eth, and then and our Lord God One thouand ve Hundred
there the Kings plea ure hall be knowen xixti, in the daie and yeare aforeaid,
by the advice and conent of that Chapter, King Henry t e Eight in his own Peron
what daie the olemne ea of Sainte dyned att his annor of Ricbmont, and of
George hall bee kept att Wind/or, and his Dukes, Lordes, Knights, Equiers, and
whither the Kin e will be there himelfe Gentlemen a great Number; and when
or no, for the o emne fea of St. George Dynner was don, and every man had pre
mu be yearlye kept at II/iizdbur as it pared, and made him ready, the Kinge
hath been alwaies accuomed.
acended his Hore to ride to W ndore,
And if it pleae the Kinge to bee at and there to holde and keepe a olemne
Windore in his own peron, att the olemne fea to the Honnour of God, and Sainte
fea of Sainte George, then the Lord Cham

George, and of the Noble Order of the Gar

berlyn hall give warning to- the Lord ter, And att that time there was ureent
Steward veteene days other more before on Horeback, and readie to ri e and

the fea, to make proviion and to prepare waite on the Kinge fowercore Bachelour
before the aid Fea, and the Lord Cham Knights, and alo a great number of
berlyn hall command one of the Gentle Equiers, and Gentlemen, and alo theis
men Uhers dayl wayters to be at Wind Lords were at that time preent, and rea
onr fower daies before the fea, and the dy to waite on the Kinge, viz. Lord Staf

aid Gentleman Uher hall take with him ford Sonn and Heire apparent to the Dukg




of Buckingame, the Earle of Ilcmorland, Clerke of the Checke of the Gard, and af
the Earle of Oxford, the Earle of Devon ter him roade all the Servants of all the
ire, the Lord Montagite, Lord Herbert, Lords, Knights, Equires, and gentlemen.
Lord Fitzwater, Lord William Howard, Lord

And in this manner and Order they

Richard Gray Dorett, Lord Leonard Gray roade through the towne of Colebroke, and .
of Dort, Lord Haing, Lord Maltravers, Windour, untill they came into the Cale

Lord Paweis, and the Lord Grey of Wilton, of Windour, and onto the dore of the
and theis Lords were not of the Garter; South de of the Church, where all the
Therewere alo at that ti1ne preent and aforeaid Lords, Knights, Equiers, and
readye to ride with the Kinge the Num Gentlemen not being of the Order of the
ber of twenty Knights of the Noble Or Garter roade by and from the aid Church
der of the Garter, whoe Names hall be Dore to make roome, and place for the
reheared after in the Booke, and in this Kni hts of the Noble Order of the Garter
Order they rode into the Towne of Colc to a ight in about the aid Church dore.
And alo the aid Knights of the Garter
Fir' rode Equiers, and Gentlemen, kept Room and pare for the King att the
three and three, ide by ide, then the aid dore to light att, and all the Knights
Bachelour Knights roade two by two, of the Garter had their Mantles without
ide by ide, then 'roade the Kings Chap Hoods brought unto them b the Verger
in hortt Priely
of of the aid Church, and de ivered unto
and blacke
ppetes ofsownes
their owne et-vants, and all the Knights
about their necke, an after them roade on did on their Mantles without the Church
oodly Courers gorgeoulie beett, the a dore, and theKinge alighted and put on
Foreaide Lords not being of the Noble his Mantle in the Church porch, for it did
Order of the Garter, then Meen ers and raine at the aid - - - - - - the Dore, where
Heralds of Armes in their Coats o Armes, the black roade was brought to the King
then Roade the Bihops, and after them by one Sir William Compton knight, which
roade the Prelate of the Garter, and next hath yearly Fee for bearing of it before
after him roade the Knights of the Noble the Kinge in times Convenient, and it
Order of the Garter, two by two, as they hall be borne on the left hand, and a lit
were in degree, and the Dukes roade la, tle before the Kings Sword, &Ya. And the
and next before the Sword, and after the aforeaid Knights of the Garter went two
Dukes roade Garter, which is Chief Kinge by two before the King in their Mantles,
of Heralds, and by him the Kings Al and after the Knights, the black Rodde,
moner, then roade the l.ord Mountague, and the word omewhat after the Rodd,
which bare the Kings Sword in his hande and then the King came, the Lord Cham
att that time, then roade the Kinge on a berlyn beare the Kings trayne of his Man
goodly Courer richly trapped and beett, tle, which was alo at that time Knight
and fower footmen two of each de of the of the Garter, and in this manner and
Kinge, and followinge the King was nyne order the entred into the Church att the I-Ienemen, each after other on goodly aid out dore, and o paed into the
lofty great Courers of Na-ples, of Calloper, Chancell, and had their Entry into the
and of poile richly appointed and appa Quire att the We dore of the ame, and
relled, both Henemen and Hores, and the Kni hts of the Garter ood in the Bo
next after the Henemen roade the Maer dye of t e Qnire, half by the one ide of
of the Hore on a goodly Courer leading the Quire, and halfe by the other, every'
the Kings pare Hore in his hand, and the man again his own Stall, and when the
Maer of the Henemen hould have ac King and every Knight of the Garter had
compained him, but at that time both pawed a little, then the Kings Heralde,
roomes were in one mans hand, whoe tlie Black Rodde, and the Sword going be
fore the Kinge went by the midde of the
name was Sir Harrie Gilford.
And next after him roade Sir Robert Quier unto the highe grice before the
Wingeild Knight, att that time Deputy High Aulter, where the Gentleman Hus
to Sir Harrie Marney Captaine of the her, and two yeomen Hushers were rea
Kings Gard, the which Sir Harrie Marney dy with two Carpets, that is to aye one
att that time was one of the Knights of carpet to bee pread on the ground,and an
the Garter, therefore att that time he other Carpet to be pread upon that Car
rode before the Kin e, among the Knights pet for the Kinge, and a Cohion to bee
of the Garter,whic att other tyme hould ca b the Gentleman Husher upon the
ride behind the King, and next before the highe Car )Ct for the Kinge to kneele
upon, whil that hee aith his prayers of
aid Gard, as their Captain, 8970.
And next after Sir Robert Wingild devotion and oers.
And after that the King was rien, and
roade three Hundred likely Peronages
well beeene yeomen of the Gard, and in after his obeyance done to the Sacrament,
rich Coates of Scarlet, ett with Spangles and his face turned from the Aultar, the
of Silver and guilt, and they roade in Gentleman Husher takes up the Cohion,
Plumpe, and not in Braye, and next after and the Yeoman Husher takes away the
the Gard roade one that was called Law up er Carpet that was pread for the Kinge,
rence Egieild, which att that time was an the Kinge went into his Stall, Iand
t ere

there ood Booted, and purred, and in of ever


Knight for his labour to keepe

his Habit; Then the Duke Of Buckingame them,

c. And at the aide dore, the
r turned his face towards the Hi h black Rodd departed from the Kin , and
Aultar, and did his due obeyance to t e the acended their hores, and roa etwo
Sacrament, and after turned his face to an two before the King into the Cale,
the Kinge, and made his Courte almo and att the Hall Dore in the Cale, they
to the ground, And then two eralds of all alighted and went two Arme in Anne
Armes, their Coates of Armes on their and
into his
o the
to his
of reat
and in
Baclrs, went before him untill the came
where the Carpet was pread be ore the preence, and there after their Duties and
Hi h Aultar, Then the Heralds departed, reverence to the Kin in convenable man
and oode one at every ende of the Car ner don, every man ad his leave to de
pett, and then the aid Duke went_on part to take his Lodging, which was pre
their aid Carpett, and there kneeled with pared and appointed to them, and to eve
out a Cohion, and oered alone, for_ his ry of them by the Gentleman Husher,
fellow was not there preent at that time, and by the Herhergers. And be it knowen
and after that he had oered, and done that ever Channon of the Colledge had
his Duty before the High Aultar,_ then one Knig t of the Garter lodged in his
the aid Heralds goin before him till he houe, which was the Number of Eleven
' came before his own 'tall, where the aid Canons, And beides this the Prelate of
Heralds departed from him, Then the the Garter, and alo one of the Knights of

Duke r turned his face to the high the Garter was lodged at the Deanes Houe,
becaue his Roome was larger then any
ed to the Kinge, and made his obeiance of the Chanonsz And o the number of
to him, And after went into his owne Knights with the Prelate that was lodged
Stall: Then all the other Knights of the within the Colled e of II/'indeore was thir
Garter, they that their fellowes were pre teen, and the re idewe of the Knights of
ent, went two and two, And thoe that the Garter were lodged in the Cale.
their fellowes were abent went alone,
On Satterday then next enuinge, which
And this with due Reverence to God, _and was the Eight and twentieth daie of Maye
to the King made, oered, and went into in the Yeare aforeaid, att the time of
their Stalls every Knight having before, evenong all the aforeaid Lords, Batche
lors, Knights,
the Noblemen,
Knights of and
one Herald of Armes, as is aforeaid of Gentlemen,
Altar, and after his dutie o don, hee 'turn

the Duke of Buckingham, And that Knight

whoe fellow was not preent had two He Noble Order of the Garter att that time
beingireent in the Court were reorted,
ralds going before him, We.
and ood in the Kings Chamber of Pre
ence, within the Cale of Win-Univ- in
Regular, 550.
their Habits, Mantles, and Hoods on their
Bee it knowen, that when all the right Shoulders, and Collers of Garter:
Knights of the Garter bee together, and about their necks, and o tarried for the
in reence, they hall goe two by two to Kinge, till his pleaure was to come to
getl-ier in Proceyon, and oering, and Evenong, And when the Kinge was. rea
in other places of the Church in doing dy in his like habit, Mantle, Hood, and
their Service to God, But if a Knight be Coller of Garter-s, and come into his Cham
abent, then hall his felowe being preent ber of preence, where the Lords, Knights,
offer alone, and go in proceyon alone, Equiers, and Noblemen, and Gentlemen
and hall not couple or Aociate himelf were tarrying, Then the Gentleman
with another, but with his owne fellowe. Uher had rovided a Rich word to bee
And when that every, and all the aid ready, whic was att that time delivered
Knights of the Garter ad don their dutie to the Earle Staord Sonn and Heire ap
to God, and the Kinge, and had alo oer
arent to the Duke of Buckiagame to beare
ed, and on into their Stalls, then the Ca
fore the Kinge, And after the delive
nons ans miniers of the Quyre began rance of the aid sword, All the aid Lords,
and aide De rofundis for the Sowles of Bachelour Knights, Noblemen, Equiers,
the Knights o the Garter trepaed, and and Gentlemen, and alo the Knights of
for all Chriian Sowles, and after de pro the Noble Order of the Garter went two
fimdis ended, all the Knights of the Gar and two through the reat Chamber before
ter decended from their Stalls into the the Kinge unto the oore, where a little
Bodie of the Quire, and when it was the beides was ready hores for the Knights
Kin s pleaure, all the Knights made their of the Garter, which acended to horeback,
obeiance r to God, after to the Kinge, where alo was the Maer of the Kings
and then went out of the Chauncell tho hore ready with a hore for the Kin
rough the North Dore of the Chancell, and ready trapped in Silke and gold, C-Fc. Al o
o went out of the Church at the North the Yeoman of the Hore was there read ,
Dore of the Church, where they and holding another Hore richly beett or
every of them put o their Mantles, the Earle to ride on, that beare the sword,
which was delivered unto the Verger and when all the aforeaid were on horeof the Church, which hath a pleaure backe, Then the aforeaid Lords, Knights,







Noblemen, Equiers and Gentlemen went

[Here is a large Space left Blank]

forth before on oot two and two together

And then the Prelate of the Garter,
Arme in Arme, And after the Knights of
the Garter roade before the Kinge two whoe name was Richard For, att that time
and two together in their Habits, Mantles, Bihop of Wincbeler, began the Evenong,
I-loods, typetts, and Collers of Gar-ters, that Night, And had a Cha 7re ett for
And the Kinge roade in like Habitt, Man him nigh unto and a little eneath the
tle, Hood, typett, and Coller after his High Aulter ende, and the Quire fur
ni ed, as well with the Kings Chappell,
And bee it knowen, that none did ride as with the Miniers and Chanons of the
that daie, but onely the Earle that bare aid Colledge on e in anweringe, and
the word, and the Knights of the Garter alo in indging t e Palmody unto Mag
nicat, An then the foreaid Prelat of the
before the Kinge,
The Maer of the Hore went Afoot by Garter, The Abbott of Tawer-HZH in Lan
the Kings ide, and fower Knights of the don went in Copes and Myters unto the
Body went alo on foote, that is to aie High Aulter, and there kneeled, And in
on every ide the_Kings hore, And alo humbling them and killing the Earth,
the Henemen came after their Maer, And when they roe u p they tooke the
and alo followed the Kinge on foot to Cene in their hands, and) Cened after this
the Church two and two together in good manner as followeth, That is to aie r
- the Prelate of the Garter was on the ri ht
And in this Manner and Order, the hand of the Abbott, and both ood be ore
went on foot, and roade to the Cale en e the middle of the High Aulter, and theire
of the Church of the Colled e, and there faces directly to the pixe Cened the Sacra
the Knights of the Garter ighted from ment every of them three Cenngs, and
their hores, alwaies reerving place and then anding in the ame place, but one
kee in roome for the Kinge, and for the ly a little movinge or turninge their faces
Ear e t at beared the Kinges word to each from other, then one to the one ende
alight without diurbance or lett, and of the Altar, and the other to the other
from thence went before the Kinge into ende of the Altar, every of them o and
the Church at the North Ea l)ore of the ing cenjed three Cenings, Then they de
Church ende, where the Black Rodd came parted, the one to the one Ende of the
to receive the Kinge, and went alo before Aulter, and that other to the other ende of
the Kinge, and was borne on the left hand the Aulter, and there ever of them Cened
of the Sworde, and a little beforg the three Cenjings, And the Pre at went beyond
Sword, and att their entring into the the one ende of the Aulter, and Cened
Church, the Kinge and all the Knights of Sainte Edward, and the Abbott went beyond
the Garter went into a houe, which was the other ende of the Aulter, and Cened
att the right hand, after the be entered Saint Georges, every of them with 5 Cen
into the Church doore, and their they ings, Then they turned their faces to the '

held their Chapter, as to the Noble Order endes of the Aulter, and Cened the Cor
of the Garter belongeth to doe, And their ners of the Altars, every of them with
Chapter ended, and don for that time, the three Ccnfngs, and they delivered the Cen

aforeaid Knights of the Garter, and the

Kinge came out of the Chapter houe into
the Church, and the Kinge had borne be
fore him the black Rodde, and the word,
And all the aforeaid Lordes, Knights,
Noblemen, Equiers, and Gentlemen went
before the Kinge from the Chapter houe

doore along the North Ile of the Chancell,

and entered into the Quire att the We

ors to t e quereors to beare, which at

hand was ready to receive them, and to
beare it with them: And after that the Pre
late and Abbott had Cened theAulter, they
went unto the Kings Stall, And there after
their due Reverence made they Ceged the
Kinge, every of them with Nyne enngs,
And after their obeiance du}y made and
don, the returned unto the aid Prelatts
Seate, w ere the aid Abbot Cened the
aforeaid Prelat with Seaven Cenng:
Then the Rectors took the Cenors, a
delivered them unto two of the elde

doore of the Chancell, And all the afore

aid Knights of the Garter ood in the
Bodie o the Quire again their owne
Stalls,] half by the one ide of the Quire,
and alf lliy the other, untill the tyme, Chanons of the Quire, the which tooke
that the inge was acended into the them, and went the one of them by the
Quire, and ett in his Ro all Stall, That one ide of the Quire, and the other by
don two or any of the mo Noble Knights, the other ide of the Quire, and went to

and greate of Eate, after the Ancienty the Knights Stalls of the Garter, and with
of their Stalls, r turning their faces to due reverence Cened every Knight with
the High Aulter, making their obeiance, ve Cenings, And after this aforeaid in
and doing r their dutie to God, and due manner ended and don, the aid Sen
after_turning to the Kinge their faces, and ors delivered the Cenors unto the Qui
making their obeiance to him, they a reers, 'and then they went to their proper
ended the Quire and entered to itt into Roomes againe, And when and after all
their Stalls, and there ood and att in the Service of the Church was ended, that
forme following.
onght to be aid, and don for that niggl.




Then all the foreaid Lords, Kni hts,

Noblemen and Gentlemen, The b ack
Rodd, and the Sword went all before the

The r Coure to Snpper.

And at the r Coure, the King was

Kinge out att the North Dore of the

Chancell, and the North ea dore of the erved with Eleaven Dihes and after that

Church, whereat the black Rodd departed, Prelat of the Garter had ziid Grace, hee
And then the Kinge, The Earl that bore departed the Chamber, for hee upped that
the Sword, and the Knights of the Garter night with the Duke of Buckingamc, the
in their habits, and Mantles, as is afore Duke of Norfolk, the Duke of Sicolk,
aid, leaped on their Hores, and rode be and the Lord Marques Dart-lett wahed
fore the Kin e, two and two together, and and att at the Kings Boar ende that
the Lords, nights, Noblemen, and Gen night, and were erved with nyne dihes
tlemen in like manner, two and two on att the r Coure.
foote, and thus both on Horeback, and
The Earle of Snrrey began the Boorde in
on foote, as they came to the Church in preence, the Earle of Arundell wahed
uch like manner they went, and roade with him, and att bothe at the r
before _the kinge into the Cale of ind mee, the Earle of Nortbumberland and
fore, and when they Entered the inner the Earle of Sbrmsbury wahed, and att
ward of the Cale, Then Trumpets, Cla at the econd Mee at the Board in pre
tions, Hakbuhes, Shalmes, and other ence, the Earle of Iiex, and the Earle of
lowde inruments of muicke blew uch Kent wahed, and att att the third mee,
Songs and Balletts of Muicke, that all the The Earle of Wilt/hire and the Earl of
Cale raunge of the ound of their in Worceer wahed, and att together at the
ruments, And at the Hall dore, the fowerth mee, the Lord of Bergevenny and
kin e 'and all the Knights of the Garter the Lord De Ia Ware wahed and att toged
alighted from their hores, And all the ther att the fth Mee, the Baon of
aforeaid Lords, Knights, Equiers, Noble Dudley and the Lord Darcy wahed and
men, and gentlemen, and alo the Knights att at the ixth Mee, And then Sir Tho
of the Garter went before the Kinge into n'as Lonell, and Sir Edward Poynings
his Chamber of Eate, viz. where the wahed together and att and be an the
Cloth of eate han eth, under which the Boord at the Chambers ende att t e viith
Kings board was ett and covered, and Mee, Sir Henry Marney and Sir William
Salt and trenchers thereupon, And on the Sand: wahed and att at the viiith Mee,
left hand of the King, and alo att the And every Mee was honorably erved
Chamber end, was et the Lords Boarde with nyne dihes of meate att the r

in preence, and alo covered with Salts Coure.

and trenchers ett on the Board at every

Mee, And thus was don ere and before
the King came into theChamber, And o it

Second Coure.

And the Kin e was erved with ve

ought to bee, And when that upper time
was come, the Kinge alo came into his teene Dihes, an the Lords at the Kings
Chamber of preence, the Kin s pleaure Boords ende was erved with thirteene
knowen, then water was broug t, and the Dihes at the econd Coure, and ever

Duke of Bnckingame bare the Towell, the Mee att the Boord in preence were al o
Lord Marquei the Water, the Duke of erved with xiii Dihes: Note, And the

Norfolk gave the aay of the water, and Kin s Boord was erved with Salts of ne
- the Duke of Siolk uncovered the Water, Gol , and precious Stone, and S oons,
and held the Baon under the Kings hands, Cupps, Dihes o fyne Gold, and 0 none
while he waheth, and after the Kin had other; And all the Salts on the Borde in

wahed the Prelat of the Garter e an

grace, and the Kings Almoner, and ot er
the Kings Chaplyn did helpe him, Then
the Kinge in his Habitt of Garter att att
his upper in his rich and Royal] Chaire,

preence were alo fyne gold, And all

other plate, that they were erved with
was ilver and guilt.


under his Cloth of Eate, where the Lord

Att the Boorde in preence, there ate

Chamberlyn, and Sir Henry Marney, Via.
Cbamberlyn putt the] Cloth of Eate into the Knights of the Garter att a Mee, and
his taper, and two Gentlemen Uhers they itt all by the one ide of the Board,
kneeling, one att the one ende of the and none itteth by the other ide of the
Board, and the other att the other ende of Boord, And every Mee had a everal
the Board, hall putt it cloe to the Kinge, Salt, a everal Baon, and Ewar, and a
as it ought to bee. Sir David Oven was everal Sewer, And the Kings pleaure
Carver, and Carved to the Kinge, Frances was that night to bee erved but with two
Bryan was Cu bearer, and beare the Kinges Coures, that though the Ocers of the
Cupp, Sir E ward Nevi was Sewar, and Kitchen had prepared for three Coures
ewed to the Kinge, and the Kinge was of Couous Dihes, But the leaure of a
honorably erved, for none under the King may putt by, or utt a 1de the pre
degree of a Kinght bare a Dih that night paration, and purpo e of ocers, iltlnd
to the Kings Board.
W en


when the Kinge had upped and wahed, Lords, Knights, Equiers, Noblemen, and
and grace aid and don, the kinge incon- gentlemen, and alo the Knights of the

tinent had a Voide brought him, and to Garter were aembled in their habits,
all the Knights of the Gartcr in forme fol Mantles, Hoods and Collers of the Garter
about their necks, and were all preent in
theKings Chamber of Eate by Seaven of
A Voide.

the Clocke in the Morning, to give their

attendance uppon the Kings coming to

Fir the Gentleman Husher hath Mattyns-, At which coming of the kin
warned the Spicery to be read _ with the Gentleman Husher had there a ri
pice plates for the kinge, the ihope, word all ready, and delivered it to the
_ and for the Knights of the Garter,and hath aforeaid Lord Staord, onn and heire ap
warned the Kings Seller, and Sewars of parent to the Duke of Buckingame, to beare
the Chamber for the Bihop alo, and it before the King to the Church: And
alo the Equiers, which mu give atten that then all the Lords, Knights, Equiers,
alo the
dance att that tyme.
- Knights
the Gentlemen,
Garter wentandbefore
the i

He hath alo given warning to the Ser

geant of the 'Cellar to have readie the Kin ,f9'c. unto the Cale Greene, and there
Kings Cuppe, and the Bihopps, and o the inge, the Sword Bearer, and alo the
thers, and to have alo ready Ypocras Knights of the Gar-ter and no more, and
and wine-, Then the Gentleman Husher tooke their hores and ib went and roade in
tooke with him an Equier for the Body like goodly Order before the kinge to the
to beare the Kings Cuppe to the Cup Church to Mattyns the aid Sunday, as
board, and a Sewar to beare the Kings they went to Evening the Satterday be
pice plate, and Knightsand Gentlemen fore, and lighted at the aforeaid Ea
to beare the other pice plates, and him doore of the Church, and entered the
elf tooke a Pyle of Bowles, and went Church att the North Ea doore, and
before the Cupp borne on the right hand, went alo downe by the North lle of the
And a little before the Kings pice late, Chancell, and o to the We Doore of the
And all the other pice plates, one rne Quire, where they entered into the Quire,
after another, And after the Spye plates And the Knights of the Garter ood in
come the Serjeants of the Cellar, bearin the Body of the Quire, halfe b the one
ide, and halfe b the other ii e of the
the Kings pott of Ypocras in his han
and after him the other Ocers of the Quire, and again their owne Stalls, And
Cellar, bearinge with them potts of wine in this Order they ood ill, untill that
neceary >r that voide, And in this the kinge had aended the Quire, and'
manner and Order they come to the Cup was ett in his Royal] Stall, and that the
board in the Kings Chamber: provided Chamberlyn had ordered the Kings Co
alwaies that there may bee convenient hions, and the trayne of his Mantle, as
lights, viz. two lights with the Voyde, and it ought to bee, and alo the blacke Rodd
two lights With the Kings Cupp, then the with the kinge att his enteringe into the
Church, and was borne a little before the
Lord Chamberlyn cominge to the Cu
board of the King, with him three of tie Steward, and on the left hand of the
reate Eates there, being delivering to Sword, untill that the Kin e was ett in
t e eate eate the Towell, to the e his Stall, And then two oft e Knights att

con Eate the pyce plate, and to the once, viz. one of the one de the Quire,
third Eate the Kings Cupp, and when and the other on tother de of the Quire,
they come to the Kinge, the Chamberlyn whoe Stalls of Ancientye bee next unto

takes o the Covering of the pyce platt, the Kings Stalle, made their obeyance,
and giveth the Aa to him that beareth
it; and when the inge hath don, then
the Knights and Sewars to beare forth the
pyce p ate to the Lords and Knights of
t e Noble Order of the Garter, and to

r to God, turning their faces to the

High Aulter, And After returning them
towards the Kinge, made their Courtees
to ether, and after aended the Quire,

to reort to the Cupboard againe, and

and in the Order as they came in, And
the Gentleman Uher with the Pyle of
Bowles t_o bringe them forth of the Cham
ber in like Order, as they came into the
Chamber, and eeth that the lights that

two knights, that were next to them in

itting in the Quire, made like obeyance
to God, and to the Kinge, and after went
into the Stalls, as the r two Knights
did, And in this manner every two
Knights of the Garter did their obeiance

goeth with the Voide bee odde.

before the

an went into their Stalls, the one on the

none other, And alo the bottles of wine, one de of the Quire, and that on the
After all this don and ended every man other de of the Quire, And then other

went into their Stalls, And

when all t e Knights were in this manner

Explicit, Saturday quoth John Wogan ett
the Garter
in their
Quire in
de Ballion niann propria.
like manner ordered as is afore written,

U n unday, which was the twenty anwered him, and o unge the_Mattyns
Mnt daie of May, all the aforeaid untill Te Deum laudamns, att which tyilrlie

the aid Prelate of the Garter, and the the Garter ood in Ponticalibu: next bc
Abbott of the Tower-hid in London Cenzd hinde the Croes, and his Go eller ood

r the High Aulter, Saint Edward, and on his right hand, and the Epi ler on his
Saint George in like manner as is afore left hand, And then as well the Chanons
written the Saterdayc at Evenonge, Then of the Colledge,_as their Miniers of the
the r Cened the Kinge, and next after the aid Colledge, as the Deane of the Kings
ai Prelate was Cened, and that the Chappell, as other Miniers _of the ame
Knights of the Gartcr itting in their Chappell putt on their Copes the which
Stalls, and at the cominge of the Paline were to the Number of threebore Coapes,
Bsnedius the aid Prelate and Abbott Lft Then the three Croes were borne forth att
oones Cenced the High Altar, Sainte Ld the North Doore of the Quire, the Pre
ward, Sainte George, and the Kinge, and late and his Miniers followed next, then
then the aid Prelate went unto his Seate the Miniers of the aid College of 'Find
att the Altars ende, And there the afore our, and of the aid Quire, And then the
aid Abbott Cenced him, And then two _of Gray Amiis, and then the Copes, and
the elde Chanons Cenced the Knights in after them went the Heralds of Armes,
and then the Almes Knights, And iii their
their Stalls, as is before written.
And after the Mattynes was don_ and Habbits of Scarlet, then the Knights of
ended, All the aforeaide Lords, Knights, the Noble Order of the Garter, then next
Noblemen, and Gentlemen, And alo the was borne the black Rodd a little before,
Knights of the Garter, -the Black Rodd, And on the left hand of him that beareth

and the Sword went before the Kinge out the Sword, and then the Kinge, the Deane
of the Quire att the North doore of the of his Chapxell to beare the trayne of his
Quire, and in good Order, All went unto Mantle, an the Lord Chamberlyn to up
the Church doore, where the black Rodd

ort the aid trayne, Serjeants at Armes

departed, And all the Knights of the Gar

ter, and alo the Kinge went into the
Deanes houe of the Colledge, and alo
Deane of the Kings Cha pell att that
time, where the Kinge an the Knights
of the Garter brake their faes ecretly,
And after breakfa the aid Lords, and
Knights, Noblemen, and Gentlemen re

eepes not their Roomes in the procey

on, for the Gard be ett to and by both
the ides of the Church, and to keepe the
roome, And after the King hall come,
Lords, Knights, that bee not of the noble
Order of the Gar-ter, Noblemen, and Gen
tlemen, as in the next ide heer you male'

ee the platt of their going, &is.

turned before the King into the Church

in like good Order, as is before written,
and at the ame doore of the Churche and
Chancell, as they went out they entered
the Quire againe z And there the Knights
of the Garter by the one ide, and by the
other ide of the Quyre again their owne
Stalls as is aforeaid, untill the Kin e had

[Zl-Ieaie alo is a Space left in this Tran


And then the aforeaid three Croes

were borne out of the Chancell att the
North doore of the Quire, and went about

the Chancell into the South Ile of the

entered, into his Stall, And after t at the Church, and o don by all the South Side

King was ett in his Royal Stall, Then of the Church, and upp againe by the
every two Knights of the Gar-ter made North ide of the Church, and entered the
their due reverence to God, and to the Quire at the We ende of the Chancel,

Kinge, as is aforeaid at Matt)'ns,_and the blacke Rodde and the Sword borne
after went into their Stalls; And when both before the Kinge, and the aforeaid

all the Knights were ett in their Stalls, as

they ought to bee, and after that Holye
water was made, the Kings Chapell joyn
ed with the College Aperge me Domine, att
which time the Prelat of the Garter ca
Holy water uppon the Kinge with due

Prelat of the Garter going in Pontiffcalius,

the Abbott of Tower-hill in London which
was Go eller went in a Tunicle m tered an his Baggle in his hand, And the
Abbot of Medmadaine, which was Epiler
went in a Tunicle, his Baggle in his
reverence, and after went into his Seate hand, but hee had no Myter on his head.
att the Aulters ende, Then two of the The Prelate of the Garter had two Chap
elde Chanons of the Colledge taking with lyns, which were Doctors to waite on
every of them a Quireer to beare Holy him, which went in Surplices, and alo
Water went, the one by the one ide, and Grey Amiis, but in no Coapes, and one
the other by the other ide of the Quire, of the aid Doctors went by and a little
and did ca Holy water u pon theKnights before the aid Prelats Baggle, as*well in
of the Garter i1i their Sta s, and after that proceyon as in other times, Go.

the Holy water was ca upon Knights of

the Garter, as upon other Noblemen, then
was brought forth by two of the Quiriers before the midde of the High Aulter
two Potts of Holy Water and Spriggs of
yopp in their hands, Then was brought
three Croes, and pauin alo before the

And when the had there compaed

the Church, and t e Holy water, and the
aid three Croes, come againe, and and
ing before the High Aulter, And after
that the ervice was onge and don, that
belonged to the ayd proceyon, and alo
the Prelat of the Garter, and his Mini
their place att the ende of
High _A1tar, And the a oreaid Prelate of ers gon into



aid Prelate of the Garter gave the King
his Bczzedictiovr, the which had, the King
roe, and before the pzixe and the Aulter
he did his dutie, and made his obeyance
in mo reverent manner, That don the
aforeaid Kings of Heralds went before the
ance r to God, and after to the Kinge, Kin e conducting him to his Stall, the
and they ett in likewie in their Stalls, Lor Chamberlyn bearing his trayxie, and

the Aultar, which was prepared' onely for

them, And after that the Bearer of the
Coapes had put o the Coapes, And after
that the King was ett in his Royall Stall,
and after that the Knights of the Noble
Order of the Garter had made their obei

Then the Quire joyned with the Kings the aid Duke following them, untill he

Chappell, as is aforeaid, began the Oce came to his owne Place in anding," And
of the Male, which was the daie of Saint when theKing was et in his Royall Stall,
George, And then the aid Prelate of the the Lord Chamber] rn made his Obeiance,
Garter Bihop of Wincbeer, The Abbott and after went to and in his owne lace,

of Tower-Hid in London, being of duty or again his own Stall in the Bo ie of

Go)eller for the time of that olemne fea the Quire, as the other Knights of the
onely" And alo the Abbot of [Medma
daire claymes of like dutie to bee Epi
oler att that Fea, were ever aid to
Mae, and at the tyme convenient the
aid Prelate began Conteor, and both the
Abbotts, the one anding on the one de

Gar-ter did, And after that the King was

returned from the Aultar, the Gentleman

Husher tooke up the Cohion, and co

manded the Yeoman-Husher to take away
the Carpett, that was layde at the Kings

oering, and left the lower Carpet lie

of the Prelate, and that other on the other ill for the Knights of the Garter to
ide, did Anwer and helpe the aid Pre kneele upon, while they oered, and in

Iate to Mae, and o proceeded unto the this manner they offered, r the Duke
Epile, and Gopel, which ended, And of Buckinganze oered alone, for his fellow
alo the Aultar Cened in due manner, was not preent there that daie, Then the
Then the aid two Abbots with their My Lord Marques Doret, and the Earle of

ters on their heads went unto the Kinge,'and

after the Cenivtg they did their Duties to
the Kinge, and then returned to the Altar
againe, and that then two of the Seniors

Arundell made there reverence, and oer

ed together-, the Duke of Norfolk and the
Earl of 'Narzbnmberland oered together,
The Earle of Sbrewsbur-y and the Duke of
of the Quire tooke the Cen ors, and went Suolke oered together, The Earle of
the one to the one de of t e Quyre, and Ebx and the Earle of Wilt/hire oered to
- the other to the other ide of the Quire, gether, The Earle of Sun) oered alone,
' and Cenccd the Knights of the Garter in The Earle of Iorcecr and the Earle of
their Stalls, every of them with ve Cen Kent oered together, the Lord Burgevem:
ings in like manner as they did at Mat oered alone, Baron Dudley and the Lord
tyns the ame daie, And when time was Darc oered together, Sir Tbomar Love
convenient, the aforeaid Knight of the and 'it Edward Poymingr oered together,
the Lord De la "am oered alone, Sir Hen
Garter decended from their Stalls, and ry
Monte) and Sir l/'zilliam Samlr oered
went into the Quire, and there ood in

the Body of the Qu re, halfe by the one

ide, and half by the other ende of the
Quyre, And then alo the Kin e decend
ed from his Stall Royall, an the Lord
Chamberlyn beare the Trayne of the
Kings Mantle, And two Kings of Heralds
went before the Kin e to conduct him to
the High Altar, Am at the Gryte next
'unto the High Altar was a Gentleman
Husher read with a rich Cohion of


Every Kni ht whoe fellow is abent at
that daie hal go in proceyon, and make
his obeiance, and oer and doe all other

things in the Church during the time of

ervice alone, and hall not couple him
with any other, but onely with' his owne

Cloth of Gol , and two Yeomen Hushers fellowe,

with two Carpets to be pread for that

And alo every Knight hall have to
dare only, viz. for the Knights of the Gar goe before him an Herald of Annes to
ter, and the other Carpett for the Kinge, conduct him from that he goeth from his
and that the Gentleman Husher comand Stall to oer,untill hee come againe before
the Yeoman Hushers to pread the Car his Stall, where every Knight hall make
pett, where they were commanded, and his obeiance, and then to itt in his Stall,
uppomthat Carpett they ca the other car where they hall be untill the Mae bee
pet for the Kin e, and when the Gentle ended, and after Mae the Quire ang To
man Husher awe his tyme, -hee tooke Deum laudamus, the which ended, all the
the Aaye of the Cohion, and layed it Kni hts of the Gar-ter went out of their
on the uppermo Carpett, on which the Stal s, and ood in Order in the Bodie
King kneeled, while that he kied the of the Quire, halfe by the one ide, and
Patent of the Chalis, and the Duke of halfe b r the other de of the Quire, And
Buckingame kneeled on the Kings right after al Divine ervice was don, that
_ band, and kied the Oerings, and deli ought to bee 'aid att that time of the
vered it unto the right hand, which oer Daye, the Lords, Knights, Eqmers, No
ed it, And after the oering don, the blemen and Gentlemen, And alo the

Knights of the Garter, the black Rodrle, of vii Stagcs furnihed with Potts, Bowles,
andialo was borne, and went out of the Layers, Cupps, Taors, and other uch of

Quire att the North doore, and out of the

Church att the North Ea doore, where
the black Rodd departed from the Kinge,
when he went out of the Church doore,
And when the Kinge, and the Lord that

ne Gold, and that was appointed to erve

the Kings board onely; And beneath
that Cupboard was another board, and
that was alo covered, but thereon was

neither Salt, nor 'rencher, and a little

bare the Sword, and the Knights of the pace beneath the Boords ende in preence,
Garter were on Horeback in their Man where the Knights of the Garter att was
tles, Habits, Hoods, Collers of the Garter, another Cupboard of eaven Sta es re

then they went and Roade into the Cale pleatly furnihed with Baons o fyne
in like manner and order as is before Gold for the Kinge, And alo with other
poken in coming to the Church, And Baons, and ware guilt to erve the
when that the King entered the inner Knights of the Garter, and other Noble
Ward of the Cale, The Trum ets, Ta men that att in the Hall to ivah in.
And when the Kings pleaure was to
lzors, Drumms, and other uc Lowde
Inruments of Muickc blewe of uch wah, the Duke of Buclcingaizic boare the
heigth, that the Cale range thereof, In Towell, the Lord Marques Doret boare
omuch that the Harmony was heard the Kings water, the Duke of Norfolk
'through the Town, and far aboute the ave the Aay of the Water, and the .
Towne, and when the Knights of the _ uke of Sujfollc uncovered the Water, and
Garter had liohted from their Hores, all helde the Baon under the Kings hands,
went before he Kin in due Order tho ,while he wahed, and after that the Kinge
rough his great Cham er into his Chamber had wahed, the aforeaid Prelate of the
of Eate, and their tarried and pawed for Garter began Grace, the Deane of the
a pace, And when the kings pleaure Kings Chappell, with the Chanons of the
was knowen, all the aforeaid Lords, Ba

aid Colledge, the ivhich did weare on

chelors, Knights, Equiers, Noblemen, and

Gentlemen, And alo the Knights of the
Garter went before the Kin e into the
Hall, which was richly han e with fyne

them Mantles with the Cros of Sainte

George embroydered on their Mantles upon
their Shoulder, and the Garter embroy
dered about the aid Croe, did help him
to ay Grace, and after that Grace was
aid, it pleaed the King to ttt to his din
ner, and the Lord Chamberlyn on the
left hand, with the Vice Chamberlyn on
the right ide putt the King in Regall
Chayre under his rich Cloth of Eate, and
under the Cyle aforeaid, And did put

Arras, and a State of rich

loth of Gold,

and above the Cloth of Eate was hanged

a Cile of rich Clothe of Tiue, which
retched of length of the C rle over all
the breadthe of the Hall, and the breadth

of the Cile came over the Board, and

over the ie greece or drece of the Hall
before the Boards ende, and the Kings alo the table Cloth in the Kings lapp,
'boord was covered that daie with a Cloth and two gentlemen Hushers, one att eve
of as fyne diaper as could be made, and ry ide, putt o the Boord upported them
the Armes of England, the Portcudis, the with the aid Cloth, And then Sir Edward
Roe, the Pomgranet, with many other Nevid erved to the Kin e, and came into

thin s of Pleaure was woven in the aid the Hall with his Towel about him, And
Clot , the Salt was fyne gold Cowched thirteen Bachelor Knights in gownes of
with a Pearle, and pretious Stones "to a velvet, and great poiant Chaynes of
rich valewe, and price, the Spoons were fyne gold about their necks beare every

alo of ne gold, Three carving Knives of them a Dih of Gold to erve the King
for the Carver, and one for the King to of his r Coure, A Lord beare the Kings
cut his meate on his trencher, The Hafts pottage, and the Hencemen beare the

of all the Knives were of fyne gold, Kings awce, And the Serjeants of Armes
the Cover-payne was of fyne Cambrick went before the Sewar with their Maces
Raynes, or pleaaunce, and Sir David Oweiz in their hands, And when the aid Sewar
the Chiefe Carver of England karved that came into the midde of the Hall he made

daye to the King, Francis Bryaizchiefe

Cupbearer to the kinge beare the Cupp
that daie, And Sir Edward Nevill brother
to the Lord of Burgevevie did ewe that
daie, And at the Kings Bords ende at the

the r Courtee, and over the Kings

Cu board the made the econd obeiance,

and) there be ore the Boord kneeling they

took the Aay, and o in this while they
ett the meate uppon the Boorde, Alo the

Prelat of the Garter, and at the right hand Trumpetts blewe, whil that the Kinge

of the Kings Boord ende in the Hall was wahed, And whil that the King was
the Boord in preence, att which Boord erving.
ett none ave only the Knights of the
Garter, And att every Mee was a Salt
of ne Gold, and two Stocks of Trenchers,
and was put on the Boord before the Kinge
That the Kings Board was erved that
came into the Hall, And att the left hand daie of Salt, Spoones, and Cupps all of
of the Kin s Boords ende, and a good fyne golde, learle, and Stones of wonde
pace beneat the Lords was a Cupboard rous great price and valew.


And three Bachelor Knights erved the

And on the other ide of the Hall, at the

Prelat of the Garter that daie of water, left hand of the Kinge as he att' att his
that is to aie, one to beare the Towell, dynner, and alo beneath the Kings Cup
that other to beare the baon under his board, there the Hoages of Frannce ac

hands, and the third to uncover the Water, companied with Lords of England were
and to hold the Baon under his hands, erved with Salts of fyne Gold et with
And when the Prelat had wahed in Ba Pearle and Stone, and beneath them' att
ons of gold, then hee made his Obeiance the econd Boord was ett the Deane and
to the King, and ett at the Kings Boords Chanons of the Colledge of Windcnr,
ende on the right hand of the Kin e, and which did alo weare Mantles Croed, and
near unto the Boord in preence, t en his Gartered as is before aid, except the Go
Carver and Cupbearer were ready there, ieller and the Epiler, and by them at
and the aid Prelate was alo erved with t e Board att the Almes Knights in their
fyne none
gold aay
and was
alo and
hee Mantles of Scarlett Croed, and Gartered
as the Colledge was as is aforeaid.
one of the Kings Sewars came into the
And beneath at the third Board att
I-Iall with his Towell about him, but no Garter chiefe Kingof Heralds, and be an


Serjeants att Armes came before him, and the Boord, and again him att Sir illi
did his like obeyance to the Kin e, as am Knight which beare the black Rodd be
Sir Edward Nevill did, And erve the fore the Kinge in the Church, Then att
Prelate kneelinge, becaue of the Kings all the other Ocers of Armes, and thus
reence itting at the Boord, and was was the whole Hall fully furnihed, and
erved at the r Coure with nyne was erved in plate all of ilver and guilt,
Dihes, beides Pottage, and after that the And all the Hall was erved at Nyne
Prelate of the Garter was ett and ewed. Dihes att the r Coure, And none did
Then the Duke of Buckingame, and the ervice in Carving,, bearing of Cupps,
Duke of Norfolk wahed together, and and Sewing, under the degree of a Gen
then the Duke of Buckingame began the tleman, but the Yeoman of the Kings
Boord in preence, the Duke of Snolke Gard.
and the Lord Marquis Doret wahed, and
Explicit, the r Coure, quoth
ett at the econd mee, the Earle of Sur

I/ogazz John.

rey and the Earle of Arimdell wahed and

att att the third Mee, The Earl of Nor

And when time was, the Sergeans at

tbiimberland and the Earle of Sbrewsbirry Armes, with all other that were appointed
ett att
the Earleand
of Iiex
and the
the fowerth
Earle ofmele,
Kent to do ervice were readie to give their
attendance, Sir Edward NeniIl that was
wahed together and et at the fth Mee, Sewar, with other Knights went to the
The Earle of Withire and the Earle of Dreiour, his Towell about him, and when

Warceer wahed and ett at the vith the Aayes were taken, and the dihes de
Mee, the Lord of Burgevene and the livered, then the aid Serjeans at Armes
Lord De la Ware wahed and et at the Went forth, ome before and ome on eve

viith Mee, The Baron Dndley and the

Lord Darcy wahed and ett at the eighth
Mee, Sir Tbornai Lovel and Sir Edward
Poynings wahed and att at the Nynth
Mee, Sir Henry Marny and Sir William
Sand: wahed and att at the xth Mee,
Karver,Cupbearer, and Sewars, that erved
them were Equiers, and Yeomen of the

Kings Gard, beare the Dihes to the Board,

And they were erved att every Meie att
.the r Coure with nyne Dihes, And all
the Knights of the Garter wahed two
and two together, and are but two at a
Mee, And a diinction betwixt every
Mee, and other, and the wahed in
uilt Baons, and Ewars, nd at every
ee was a Salt of fyne Gold, and every
Knight had his guilt Cupp, and drancke
of his Cu p alone, And all their Board
was erve through of Dihes, Saucers, and

ry ide of the Sewar to make roome, that *

no-man houlde diurbe, nor lett the Kings
ervice, Thus the Sewar went, and ve

teene Bachelour Kni hts in gownes of Da

mask, having good ie Chaynes of ne
Gold about their necks, boare dihes for
the Kinge, and followed the aid Sewar,
And after the King's ervice followed the
aid Surveyor for the Kin e, And the
Trumpetts blewe all the w ile that the
King was erving, And when the aid
Sewar was come in forme aforeaid into
the midde of the Hall, he made his r
obeyahce, and when they came and were

againe the lowe part of the Kings Cup

board, their they made their econd obei
ance omewhat lower then the r was,

And then the Ser cant at Armes ood

ill, untill the lal Dih of that Coure
was ett upon the Boord, which - - -7- then

other necearyes, all of ilver, and none all the Serjeants made their obeiance and

att att the Boords in preence, but onely

the Kni hts of the Garter, and every
Mee ha a everal Cupbearer, and Sewar,
and Groome to avoide their Dihes, 'and
they to attend uppon none other Mee,

departed for that tyme, And from thence

the Sewar, and the Service went forth, and
were come before the Boord, where they
made their third obeiance, which was to
the ground, and then they kneeled before

but onely uppon that Mee they hee ap


the Boord, and o tooke the Aay, And

t us



thus they erved the Kinge of his econd his third Coure with the aforeaid ttventy
Coure with the aforeaide xv dihes,

three dihes, and the Trumpetts ceaed

And after that the Kinge was erved, not their blowing all the while the Kinge

then one George Cofyn, one of the Sewers was a erving, we. Noate, The Steward,
for the Kings Boords ende came _from
the Dreour with xiii Bachelour Knights,
which beare dihes of Gold in their hands,
and followed their Sewar with due reve
rence to the Kinge, as is aforeaid, until]
they came unto the Kings Boords ende,
where they kneeled, becaue of the Kings
preence, and o knelyng erved the aid
Prelate of the Garter of the aforeaid xiii
Dihes, And he was erved Covered, but
none aaye Was taken, becaue the Kinge

Comptroller, Ser cant att Armes, and the

Surveyour, and a other ood at the lower

gryce or deyce of the hault place, where
on the Kin e att, inomuch that none
came on the ault place before the Boorde,

but only the Sewar, and thoe that fol

lowed him in bearing dihes to erve the

King, Go.

And after that every man had been ho

norablie erved, and had alo taken his

ucient Viand and repa, and alo had

was there preent. Noate, That no Man pawed as good manner requlreth, then
under the De ree of a Knight bare a I-)ih

the Sewars by good and deliberate advie

to the Kings oard.

Then was the Knights of the Garter
erved, and neither covered, nor any allay
taken, what though there were ome Dukes
that att att the Boord in preence, for if
the Dukes hould have been erved with
Covers, then all the Boord hould have

ment avoided and tooke up

the meate

from the Boords, t-iz. r tiiey avoided

from the Heralds of Arms, and the Kings
of the ame, And next the Deane of the
Chap ells Boord was taken upp, And then
the rencb Hoages Boord was taken upp,
and when that every Mee was in their

been erved Covered, therefore the Dukes due and deliberate manner avoided, and

had no Eate that daie, but after the Or the meat taken from o the Boord, then
der of the Garter, and not after the Eate the aforeaid Sewars erved to every Mee
of a Duke, And every Mee was erved wafers in fyne Napkyns of diaper, and
they were alo erved with Ypocras of di
att this Coure with xiii Dihes.
Then the Hoa es of France were er vere Colours, viz. white, redd Clarett
ved, and alo without covers, and they and erved in little Bowles.
were erved at that Coure with nyne _ And then in likewie was the Boord
Dihes, And o every Mee that att in in preence taken upp and avoided, and
the Hall erved with nyne dihes, Noate, erved with like wafers and Ypocras as is
That no man under the degree of aGentle aforeaid, and after that every man had
man beare a Dih to erve in the Hall that taken his pleaure thereof, the Napkyns
and Cu ps taken from the Boord, then the
Ex lit-it the econd Courequoth Sewar pread the Towell on the Borde on
Palm Wogan.
the left hand of the Kin e, for every two
Mees had a everal Ba on and an Ewer,
When the Kings Sewer awe his tyme, and after that they. had all wahed, and
he went to the dreour to erve the Kinge the Towell drawen, r aroe the Heralds
of his third Coure, and with him went of Arms, and the Kin s of the ame, and
the Serjeant at Armes, and Kni hts to went into the midde of the Hall, ir
beare dihes, the Surveyour an other the Kings of Armes, and followin them
uch, Go; And when the aid Sewar was all the other Ocers of Armes, an there
erved att the dreour, as hee oulght to bee, before the King all they together made
with Sayes taking then afore aid Serge their obeiance, and then they went to
ants att Armes, and hee went before the and by the ame Boords ende where
Service, And xiii Bachelour Knights in they att att dynner, one by another in
gownes ofSattyn,having gorgeous Chaynes a rowe, as they were in degree in goodlie
of fyue gold about their Necks, every Order, next after them aroe the Almes
Kni ht bearing a Dih of Gold betwixt Kni hts, which did their Obeiance in the
his ands, followin the Sewar to erve mid eft of the Hall, And o did in like
the Kinge of the t ird Coure, And the manner the Deane of theColledge, and the
Surve our followed the Coure, as his roome Chanons of the ame their obeiance in
is to oe, and the Steward and Corn troller the mide of the Hall, and after went to
of the Houehold going before t e Ser and in a like rowe by the Boord ide,
geants, And when they came to the midde where they had att att dynner, Then a

of the Hall, they made their r obei

roe the Hoa es of Frarmcezand alo went

ance as they had done in etting the into the mid e of the Hall, and their
Coures before, and aga ne the lower art made their obeiance in due manner, And
of the Kings Cupboar , they made t eir then went to and before where they had
econd obeiance omewhat lower than att att d rnner by the Boords ide in like
their r was, And at their cominge be rowe, an order as the Heralds of Armes
fore the Boord they made the third obei had don before.
ance, and then kneeled, and by kneelyn
Then the Sewar reade a Towell on.
they tooke the Aay, And thus in mo the Cloth att the ot er ide of the Hall
reverend manner they erved the King att uppon. and thorough the Boord in pre



'ence, And everr fower Knights which

manner, and kneeled before the Boord, and

att att a evera Meie had a lem - - Baon and Ewer brought unto them by
the Yeoman Hushers o the Kings Cham
ber, And the r Baon was putt downe

tr oke upp the knives and Salt, and did

his due reverence to the Kinge, as hee
ought to doe, and o departed to the

thorough the Board, and o all the Knights

of the Garter wahed all together, and att
one tyme, Then ymediately after they
had wahed the Cloth and Towell was taken
awaie, the aid Knights of the Garter' roe
altogether at the lower gryce of the hault
lace, two and two anding together, one

ervice in bearing the Surnape Towell, and

Water _to the Kinge, to wah his hands
after his dynner, And when time was, all
went to the Ewry Boord together and there
Then the Ser cant of the Ewry, and
the Yeoman of t e ame by coinandernent
of the Marhall of the Hall tooke the
Aay of the Survayour, which was well
folded and Eleighted, And put it o
pleighted an folded uppon the Sewars
Arms from the Shoulders unto the bow
ing of his Armes, the aid Sewar holding

before the Dukes of Euckingaie and Nor
Then one of the Marhalls of the Hall
folk, and then all the other Baons were called or named John Stepbin: gave warn
putt downe together, and att one tyme, ing to all the Lords, Knights, and other
as hortly as it could bee att every Mce Noblemen, that att that time hould doe

hinde another, as nigh as conveniently

the could, and with good Order might,

an o altogether and at cnce made their

Obeiance to the Kin e. their Knees touch
i-ng the ground, An after went to tand

in a Rowe, and in oodly Order by and

before the Board, where they had ett att his Arms abroad, and the Towell was alo
folded, And after the Aay thereof taken,
After all this was don, the Sewar tooke it was ett alo by the aid Serjeant on the
upp and avoided the Prelate of the Garters Sewars right Shoulder, and alone or uppon
Mee, and erved the aid Prelate with the Surnapige, then the Serjeant of the
wafers and Ypocras of divere Colours, Ewery pro ered the Baon covered with
as is aforeaid.
the C11pp of the Aiay to the Lord Mar
And after that with due reverence the quis Doret, which uncovered the Water,
Kings Sewar with good deliberation avoid and looked on it to bee faultles, and gave
ed the meat that was before erved to the the Aiay of the Water to 'the aid Ser
Kings mee, and when the Boord was geant, and then covered the Baon againe,
clean, then the aid Sewar brought fruite, and putt the Cupp of Aaye alaft upon
and alo Wafers to the Kinge.
the propper Baon, and then the Marquis
Then the Prelats Sewar voided the Wa tooke the aid Baons into his owne hands,
fers fromhim, and made the Board as and then the aid Marhall commanded
cleane as his Oce and Roome belongeth, the aid Sereant to deliver a Towell to a
and had made Courtey,and departed from Knight, an a Covered Baon _to another
the Boord, and the Cupbearer had taken Knight, of which was none alaye taken,
npp the Cupp from the Board, and had for becaue the King was preent, which
don his dutie, and had alo departed from water was to erve the Prelate of the
the Board, And the Carver had wiped and Garter, Then xii Serjeants of Armes, halfe
ett his knives and Salt, and all the things by the one ide, and halfe by the other
that belon ed for him to doe, Then the ide, and omewhat before the Marhall,
Carver an the Panter both together made Then the aid Marhall with one other of
their Obeiance to the Kinge, and o de his fellows, his Aiants with Rodds in
parted from the Board, &o.
their hands, going a little before the aid
And the aforeaid Prelat at till at the Sewer, And the Survayour, the Marques
Board, And when the King had taken his coming after the Sewar, and the Survayour
pleaure of \Vafers and Ypocras, then his hearing the Baons with the Kings water
'Sewar with due reverence took upp the betwixt his hands, untill they in this
Wafers,and avoided the Board of all things Order came to the third part of the Hall,
that ought to be avoided by the Sewar, Then they all together made Courtey to
that don with due Reverence due to the the Kinge, And in the midde: of the
Kinge, the Sewar withdrew him from the Hall they made their econd obeilance,
Boord -, After which the Cupbearer tooke and lower than they did the r Courtey,
upp the cupp, and made his due obei And from thence alo they went to the
ance, and brought the Cup to the Cup foot of the gryce, and their made their
board, where the Serjeant of the Cellar Obeiance lower then the other two, This
received it of him, and hee o dicharged don where the aid John Stepbin: Mar
for that time z Then after that the Carver hall, and the Marquis with the Kings

had wyped his knives, and put the Salt water tood ill, and the Duke of Sual:

Senar y the Knives, where itought to

aied the Marques with

the Water,

beF, hee made his like obeiance to the Then the Marhall of the Hall aiant
Kmge, and went from the Boord to the with one other of his fellows, and ixe
Ewer, and there dicharged him of his Serjeants of Armes went, and the Sewar
Napkyn and Towell, then the Serjeant of that beare the Survayour betwixt the aid
the Pantry tame to the _Boord in goodly Marhalls to the Kings Boords ende,hand
W ere

Where the Prelate att and their all made Duke of Buckingame kneeling gave the
their obeyance to the Kinge, And that Alay of the water, the Duke of ZVOroI/e
Marhall, that was att the left hand when uncovered the Baon, and

ut it on the

the Steward kneeled att the Boords ende, Boord before the Kinge, an betwixt the
and putting both his hands on the Corners two Eates in the towell, and all in the
of the Boorde, tooke the Towell from his Hall kneeled while the Kin e wahed,

Shoulder, and putt it on the urnaps, And and whil that the Kinge wipe his hands,
this donne both the aforeaid Marhalls the Knights that beareth the towell and
Aiants kneeling on either de, the water for the Prelate hall give him water,
Sewar tooke both the Corners of the o that hee hall have wahed and wiped,

Towell, and the edge of the urnap, and and his towell and Baon voided before
drew it over the Sewars hands, and alonge the Kinge hath fully wiped his hands,
uppon the Boord an Elle or more, this And when that the Kin e hath w rpid
don the three kneeled ill, and the afore

his hands, the aid Marl alls Ai ants

aid Je n Stepbinr Marhall aiidin at the hall ra 'ne the Kings towell to 'lie planc
Gryce with the aid Marquis an Duke uppon tie nrnape, Then the Almoner
aiant made his obeyance, and went to with the Marihalls Aia-nts hall roll u
the Boords ende, where the aid Sewar the bigger ende of the Surnap e, an
and Marhall kneeled, and their hee made Towell to the midde of the Boor , Then
his obeiance to the Kin e, and tooke the Almoner with the Aiants of the
the Aa of his Rodd, and then faned Sergeant of the Ewry hall avoide and
it into't e Surnapp, and rolled it o, that beare awaiethe aid bigger uriiapp, and
it was not eene, and this don he drew; towell unto the reredeice, where the wa

the urnape, and towell till he came before ter paweth, Then all the together hall
the Kinge, where hee made his Obeylaiice make their obeiance, am after hall de
to the ground, and drewe it forth to the art and goe to the Ewery Boord, and o to
Boords ende, and two Ells beyond the

ee dicharged, And after that all this

Boords ende, for making of his Warpes

foldes, and States,t9*c. where another Mar aforeaid avoided, the aid Marhall that
drewe the urnappe hall drawe out the
hall was ready there to ai him att all treaaunce of the Board, that the King
tymes, Then the aid Marhal att his maie at his pleaure come forth, and heare
coming before thy, King there made_his Grace after his dinner, the which the aid

obeiance, and o paed by to the right Prelate of the Gar-ter hall beginne to aye
hand of the Kin e, where he tooke the Grace, and the Deane and Chanons of the

aaye of his Rodd, and faned it in the Colledge hall help him to aie grace to
towell, and o made a fold or warpe in the the ende, and when that the Kinge hath

' towell, and that from the King ward, and

then there anding made his obeiance,
Then hee paed by the King t_o his left
hand, doing his due obeiance in paage,

talked and paued a while, and in and

ing on his feete in the Hall, then his

pleaure knowen, The aforeaid Lordes,

Knights, Noblemen, and Gentlemen, and
And with like reverence, as is afore alo the Knifghts of the Garter in due or
written, hee made another warpe or fold der went be ore the King, two and two
in the towel on the left de as hee had together into the Kings great Chamber,
don before on the right hand, And alo and 'o paed thorough into the Chamber of
from the King ward, And after all this Prednce, where the Cloth of Eate han don, and due obeiance made, the aid eth, And there all the aforeaid LordZ,
Marhall hall come before the Kinge, and Knights, Noblemen, and Gentlemen tarri
directly before him killing the ende of ed and pawed.
his Rodd, and faninge it in the edge of
And then and there the gentleman Hus
the Towell, make the Eate, the which her gave every man warninge to bee
Eate is thus to putt upp the ide of the ready to waite on the King to Evenong.
towell that is next to the Marhall, and att three of the Clocke, and when the
fold it toward the Kin e, and then the appointed houre was come, all the afore
aid Marhall hall mae his obeyance, aid Lords, Knights, Noblemen and gen
and then hall depart from before the tlemen, and alo the Knights of the Gar
Kinge unto the Boords ende, where hee ter in their Habits, Mantles, hoods, and
r begann to drawe the urnap, And Collers of the Garter about their Necks re
there turning his face to the Kinge, hee orted into the aid Chamber, and were
hall make his obeiance, and without ready tarrying for the Kinge, and alo
aa e taken of his Rodd betwixt the the Gentleman Husher having their pre
Pre ate and the Boords ende, hee hall ent the rich word taryinge the Kings
make one fold or warpe in the towell, pleaure, when hee li to come to Even
and that hall be made fr_om the Boords ong, &o. And when the Kings pleaure
ende and towards the Kinge, And after was, and he coming in his like Habit,
all this don, the aid Marhall hall make Mantle, 'Hood, and rich Coller of the Gar
his obeiance to the Kinge, and o goe ter into his aforeaid Chamber of Preence,
from the Boord, And all the other Mar And after that the Gentleman Husher
ilialls in likewie, and hall caue the had delivered vthe aid word unto the

water to goe to the Boord, where the Earle of Staord to beare, Then all the

qr -< w-n"

E D 1M}

'l 'w.


aforeaid Lords, Knights, Noblemen, and Cupbearer, and Sewar, with other Bache
Gentlemen, And alo the Knights of the

lour Knights, and went to the Sellar, and

Garter went before the Kinge, and tho

rough his great Chamber without the Hall
doore, where the Maer of the Hore was
ready with the Kin s Hore, And that

there received certaine Bowles or


the Cnpbearer after the Aay ta en to

him receaved the Kings Cup , the Sewar
received a Covered tpice plate for the
then the Kin c, the ord that beare the Kinge, which went on the left hand of the
word, and all the Knights of the Gar-ter Kings Cupbearer, and a knowledge behind
leapt on horeback, And every man in him, and x other pice plates uncovered,
like manner and order, as they went and and borne by Bachelour Knights, going
roade unto the Church to the r Even each after other, the Serjeant of the sellar
on on Satterday, and alo to the Mattyns with other of that Oce came each after
in emorning of the elfe ame Sunday, other, following the la pice plate with
o did the goe and ride to the Church to Ypocras and wine, for to erve the Kinge,
his Even ong, and did alo alight att the and the Knights of the Garter att that
Eae ende of the Church, and entered in Voide, And when the Gentleman Husher
to the Church att the North ca doore of had ett all theis aforeaid every man in
the Church, where the black Rodd was his Order, and as they hould goe, then
alo ready, and went before the kin e the aid gentleman Husher having in his
downe by the North art of the Chance 1, hands the aforeaid Bowles went before
them att
all, Armes
having bearing
with him
and every Kni ht o the Gartcr ood in ants
the midde of t e Quire, and a ain their
alls, halfe by the one ide an halfe by their hands, and two of them going a
the other de of the Quyre, in good Or knowledge before him, and other two of
der, and o ood untill theKing had taken them came a little after him, And in this
his Roiall Stall, and was therein ett by manner of Order they came with the
his Lord Chamberlyn att his eae and I/oyde into the Chamber, where the Kinge,
pleaure, Then evePr two Knights in due and all the Knights of the Garter' were
manner as is afore aid, r doing their preent; And went to thecupboard, where
dutie to God, and then to the Kinge, they they pawed, and when tyme was, the
of i
andCuthe sSewers
the hts
aended into the Quire to their Stalls, as Chamber
they ought to bee, then the foreaid Pre
late of the Gar-ter olemnly began Even the Garter, and a ter that the A a was
fong, And in like manner as the did at taken, and the Kinge erved with ue re
the r
in olemn
nging point
an Cenng,
in Evenon
every' otgher
to the verence, and had taken leaure of pyce
and Ypocras, And after t at his cupp and
mo honour and reverence, that could be nyce plate was covered againe, 'then the
don, they ended this la Evenong on Knights of the Garter were erved with
Sunday m ht.
pyces and Ypocras, And after that the
And azer that Evenong, and Palms Voyde was done, and the Gentleman Hus
ended, the aforeaid Lords, Kni hts, No her, Cupbearer, Sewar, with the other
blemen, and alo the Knights o the Gar pice lates, and Cuipgs avoided the Cham
ter, the blacke Rodd, and the Sword _ oing ber, t e Kinge pau e a while in talking
before the Kinge de arted out of the han with his Lords, and Knights, and after
cell att the North ore of the Quyre and departed to take his re that night.
And that then the Gentleman Usher
out of the Church att the North Ea dore,
where the black Rodd departed, Then was gave warning to the Lords, Knights, No
the Maer of the Kings Hores ready, and letnen, and Gentlemen, and alo to the'
when the King, the Earle that beare the Knights of their Garter to give their atten
Sword, and the Knights of the Garter were dance u on the Kinge at Vlll of the Clocke
aended on Horeback,then they went and in the orninge to the Church, and there
rodde into the Cale in like Order as they to heare Mae for the Sowle of Maximi
did in going from Mae, And att. the lian late Emperour of Rome, Brother of
into theand
of the
Ca es Eut
the l'lrurnpets
in that Order, And for all the Sowles of all the
Knights of the Gar-ter dead and trepaed. . . :-_ ,'_ '
ruments of Muicke blewe, to the Ho
nou' and olempnity of the Fea, and att
the Hall doore after that the King, the
and the

And on Marcia), which was the goth

Knights of the Garter were decended

from their Hores, they went before the
Kin into the Chamber of Eate, where
the oord was covered, Salt and trenehers
on the _Kings Boord, and alo on other
Boords m preence, and in like and in a
goodlie manner, as it was at the r Sup
per on Satterday night.
And after that Su per _was don, a Gen-

daie of Maie, in the xith yeare of the

Lord that beare the Sword,

Raigtte of King Henry the vmth, All the

aforeaid Lords, Knights, Noblemen and

Gentlemen, and alo the Knights of the

Garter were in the Kings Chamber of Pre
ence att the Howre appointed, that was

8 of the Clocke in the morning in their

Habits, and Mantles to

ive their atten

dance u pon the Kinge, w en his pleaure

tleman Husher too e with him the Kings hould. e to goe to the Church to heare

Eolrokis aTPEjvDIX
the Mae of Requiem, And the Gentleman Quire, Note, That there was no Heare in,

Uher had provided again the Kings the Quyre, nor in any other place of
coming a word with a blew cabbard, the Church.- Noate, After the (ba/ing all
the Croe, Pomell, and Chepe of blacke, donne, The Duke of Buckiugame, the Duke

which that daie was to bee of that co

lour in remors of morning, And when the
Kinge was ready in his like Habit, and
Mantle, and come abroad into his Cham
ber of preence, and had pawed there a
certaine pace, The Gentleman Husher by
the Advice
of word
the Lord
the aid
to the
Earle of Wie

of Norfolk came from their Stalls into the

Body of the Quyre, and made their obey

ance r to God,turning their faces towards

the high Altar, and then turning their fa

ces towards the Kinggand made their obey
ance, And then t ey went to the place,
where the Emperours Banner was putt and

ood, the Duke of Buckingame beinge on

merland to beare, which beare it before the right hand tooke up i the Banner be

the Kinge to Church, And the Lords, twixt them joyntly, an helde the ende
Knights, Noblemen, and Gentlemen, and of the Banner stae in their hands, And
alo the Knights of the Garter went before the Banner hanging on and over their

the Kinge thorou h the great Chamber, Shoulders and Backe, And in this manner
and unto the Hall oore, where theKinge, went therewith unto the highe Gryce
the Earle th'at beare the Sword, and the before the High Alter, two Kings of He
Knights of the Garter leapt on their Hor ralds going before them, where a. Gentle
es, and they in like manner that daie man Husher had commanded the afore- r
'went and roade to the Church in Order as aid Yeoman to pread on the aid Gryce
they had don the Sunday, but no trumpet a Carpett for the aid Dukes to kneele
or-other inruments of Muick was heard, upon, and to oer, And that then the
And the' lighted from their hores att the Deane of Wiudzur which aid the Mae
ZEa en e of the Church, and went all turned from the Aultar, having the Pa
aoot before the King into the Church, att tent of the Challis betwixt his hands, and
the North Ea dore where the black both the Dukes kneeling, and holding the
Rodd mett with the Kin , and went be aid Banner afe between them, kied
fore the Kinge, as hee ha don the Souday, the Pattent, and oered the aid Banner,
And o the King and all the Knights of which the Epiler of that received from
the Garter went thorough the North Ile, them, and putt it to and on the round,
and entered the Quyre att the we doore att the Altars ende, A11d then t e aid
of the Chancell, And the Knights of the Dukes roe from their knees, and made
Garter ood in the Body of the Qu re their obeyance, and went downe the Bo
'again their owne Stalls in goodly or er, dy of the Quyre, the aid Herald of Armes
as is aforeaid, till the Kinge was ett in going before them, untill both the Dukes
his Royal Stall, Then the aforeaid Knights came to their anding places in the Body
'of the Noble Order of the Garter made of the Quyre, and before their Stalls,
their obeiance, and two and two, and where both the Dukes jointly made their
ome other whoe fellowes were abent, due reverence to the Kinge, and went into
made their Obeiance by themelves, as is their Stalls.
The Duke of Suolke, and the Lord
before written, and after aended into
Marques Doret came both out of their
their Stalls.
And then the Kinge of Heralds at that Stalls and made their Obeiance to God,
time called Garter and had before taken and to the Kinge, as the other had done,
downe the Banner, the Sword, the Helme, and then went unto the Em erours word,
the Cre of the Noble Maximilian of late the Duke on the right han of the Mar

ques tooke it upp Jointly, and beare the

Pommell and Croie forward, the word'
naked, and on their houlder the point,
and in this manner beare it betwixt them
and two Heralds going before them, And
when they come before the High Aulter,
and in like manner kneeled and 'oered
Quire began to nge the Oce of the the aid word in like manner as the
'Mae of Requiem extenta, And Deane of other, and in like manner the Epieler
'the aid Colledge aid the Mae of Requi received it from them, and putt it to'
em for the owle of the aid Emperour, and att the Aulters ende, and by the
and all the Sowles of the Knights of the Banner, and the point u ward, And
Garter before that time departed the then the aid Duke and arques roe
World and dead, and after the Epile and on their feete, and humbled themelves to
gopell unge, and after the Altar Cenrd, the Sacrament, and after went into the
the Gopeller and Epieler, which were Body of the Quire,and there did r their

Emperour, and alo Knight of the Garter,

'and then deceaed, And had put all this
before named on the ground before his
Stall of the Quyre, right a ain the place
that it ood u p by the ife of the aid
Emperour, An when that every Knight
was in his Stall quietly ett, then the

both miniers of the aid Colledge CenjZ-d Reverenee to God, and there dutie, they
the Knights of the Garter in their Stalls, entered to their Stalls, and the- Earl of
as is aforeaid, viz. one of the Chanons Surrey and the Earle ofAruudell came from

danced the one de of the Quire, and the their Stalls, And after their due Obeiance
other Chanon Ccuced the other ide of the made, the Earl of Surrey on the right


hand, and went and tooke his Hclmct and had no fellowe there, and oered, and
and his Cre, And two Heralds went be- after that he had oered hee made his

fore the aid Earles to the Gryce of the (ibeiance to the Sacrament, and came
High Aulter, and in like manner kneeled downe thorough the Body of the Quyre,

and oered the aid healme and Crea, And when hee came to his place right a
And the Epieler tooke it from them, and gain his Stall, _hee made his due reve
putt -it att the Altars ende with and by rence to the Kinge,

the aid Banner and Surodz And after

their Dutie to God and the Kinge, they
ood in the Bodye of the Quire, and again theirStalls, And then all the Knights

and went into his

owne Stall, and there ood at his eae

And next the Lord Marques Doret, and
the Earle of Armidcll came from their
Stalls together, and then made their obei

of the Garter came from their Stalls, and ance to God, and then to the Kinge, And

after their dutie and reverence in due thenthetwol-Ieralds of Armesgoing before

manner made and don to God and the them in like manner to the Aulter, and

Kinge, every Knight ood in the Body oered, and after their Oering with due
of the Quire again his Stall in good Or- Reverence don to the Sacrament and to
der, and on both tides of the Quire, as is the Kingethey entered their Stalls, and
before written, then the Kinge came out att at their eae, Then the Duke of No -

of his Ro 'all Stall, and went in the folk and the Earle of Nortbumberland with
midde o the Quyre, and fower Heralds two Heralds going before them made
ofArmes oing before him, and the black their oheiance together, and oered toge
Rodd, and the Sword borne before him, ther, Eft. And in likewie all the Knights

the Gentleman Husher oing by the Lord

Chamberlyn bearyn tie Kings trayne,
And the
But 'ingame going
by and

of the Garter offered as is before written,

and the Heralds of Armes going before
two Knights
And ifwhen
ottiered oered
alone together,

deliver the Kings oeringe, and thus the

Kinge went upp to the High Aulter, where
a Gentleman Husher was ready with a
Cohion of blewe Velvet, and two eomen Hushers with a Carpet of like b ewe
which att
the commandment
the Gentleman
was pread upon

* lt hould.
hee hall have but one * Knight be
going before him: After the Of
ering don the King and all the Knights
att in their Stalls, The aid Deane aid
Mae to the Ende, And after the Mae
aid Deoft0this
for Order
the Sowles
of the

the other Carpett that the Lords had

kneeled upon when they oered the Ban
iier, and the Gentleman Husher tooke
the Aa re of the Cohion, and putt it on
the hie Car ett, ivhereuppon the Kinge
kneeled whil he oered, Then the Gen
tlemen Huher tooke the Aaye of the

and trepaled, And for all Chriians fowles

on whome Jeus have mere Amen.
After all the ervice en ed and don, all
the aforeaid Lords, Barons, Knights, No
blemen and Gentlemen, And alo the
Kni hts of the Garter, the Black Rod

the ords that beare the Sword went be

Kings Oeringe and tooke it to the Duke fore the Kinge out of the Qnire dore att
of Bnckivrgaone, which kneeled at the right
hand of the Kinge, and tooke eftoones the
Aaye of the Oeringe, and with due
reverence delivered it to the Kings hands,
And then the Duke aroe, and then the
Kinge oered, And after that the Deane
had bleed the King with the Pattent of
the Cliallis, the Kinge aroe and did obeiince to the Aulter, And the Lord Chamberlyn tooke his trayne, and the Kinge
went into his Stall, And when the King
had paed the aforeaid Gryce, the Gen-

the North de of the Quire and alii out

of Church att the North Ea doore, where

the Kinge and all the Knights of the Gar

ter putt o their Hoods, Mantles, and Ha
bitts, anddelivered them to the Vergei:
of the aid Church to laye upp and to
keepe them, and alo the Black Rodd was
delivered to keepe, Then the Kinge, the
Lord that beare the Sword with all the
Knights of theGarter, leapt to horebacke,
and in like manner and Order as they
came to the Church the elfe ame daie in

tleman Husher ooke up the Cohion, and the ame manner and Order they rode
the Yeoman Hushers tooke upp the Car- into the Cale againe, and there was no
ett that the Kinge kneeled uppon, And Trumpets, nor any other lowde inru

et the other Carpett lie ill for the other ments of Muiicke that daie blowen, And
Knights of the Garter to oer uppon, And att the Hall doore the Kin e, the
after that the Kinge had oered and re- that beare the Sword, and al o the Kni hts
turned again thorough the Quit-e and - -- - of the Garter alighted from their hores,
betwixt the Knights of the Garter, and and went a foot before the Kinge, and af.

into his Royal] Stall and there at at'his ter their leave had and asked, they deparz
all in
the Gar- ed
and roade
of the
ter went to
for this
_ _Fir the Duke of Buckingame turning Sainte George was then don and ended.

his face to the High Altar made his Obei-

And the Kinge aboade att I/"indjbur ill

ance, and after turned his face to the till after the Fea of Penteco, the which
lKinge and made Courte , And two He- fell that yeare the tivelfth daie of June
'ralds of Arms went be ore him to the Iitera Dominicalir B.
'HighAuloer, and hee followed them alone,
N U M 3.

NUM B. Ill.

S r R Y P E ' s Eccleiaical Memo

rials, Vol. I. Pag. 42..
MSS. Job. D. Epi, EIy. Anno Dom. 1523.


him ome Increae and Furtherance of

Honour and Reputation: And foramuch
as the Ancient and Noble Order of the
Garter, which of old Time hath been
founded and eablihed within this Realm;

with many lawdable, vertnous, and ho

nourable Conitntions, in the Honour of
Almighty God, our Lady St. Mary, and
the Bleed Martyr St. George, hath been,

Nructions geven by' the Kings High and is c_onferr'd by the Sovereign and
' Rig
' ht Truy Counellors,
companions o_f the ame, to many great
nes, to his
the Lord Morley, Sir II/i/Iimzi Hny Knight, Emperors, Kings and Princes, and alo
of to Noble, Active and Valiant Perons',
and Maer Edward Lee, Archdeacon
Colcbeer and Almoner to his Highnes; whereby hath enued unto them, great'
Touching uch Order, Form and Manner, Increae and Exaltation of Honour and
as the with the Principal King of Arius, Glory:_The_ King's Highnes could not,
name Garter, hall oberve, in preent ne can ima ine or devie a thing of higher
ing and delivering of the Gartzer, and Ha or reater imation, wherewith at this
bit of that noble Order, with the other. pr_e ent Time, his Grace might honour his
Ornaments thereunto belonging, unto his eid good Couin, and Nephew, than with
deere Couln and Nephew Don Fernando, the aid Order.
Archduke of Auria, Earl of Tirol, Go.

And for that Caue, by the Common

Conent, Concord and Agreement of the

Henry R.

aid companions, his Grace, in a Chapi

Fir, After mo Cordial and eectual Recommendations, with Preentation
of the Kings's Letter unto the aid Arch
duke, the aid Maer Edward Lee, _for

tre of the aid Noble Order, lately oele

brate and holden, hath elected,choen, ad
mitted, and taken the aid Archduke, to
be oon of the Companions of the ame:
And hath at this Time depeched towards
and in the name of his Collegys and him him, his aid Counillors, not only to Vi- .
elf, hall make a Convenient Oration, t and Salute him on his Graces Behalf,
in as compentlious Maner as he can devie. but alo to preent and deliver unto him
Wherein, after Lauds given unto the aid all uch Habit and Ornaments as belong
noble Order of the Garyr, and Mention unto the aid Order-, and further to ripe,
of the manifold excellent Vertues, and inform and inruct him in the Speciali
Merit: of the Kings Hi hnes, being Head ties and Particularities of all uch goodly
and Sovereign of the ame, _he hall ay, and notable Ordinances, Proviions and
that the Kings Grace having in Continual Statutes, as be to be oberved by the Coma
and freh Remembrance the auncient A panions of the ame; According to aBook,
mities, Intelligences and Confederations containing the verray true Copy and Te
of long time, formerly rooted and ea nor of the aid Ordinances. And Albeit
blihed betwene the Houe of England, thisUage andCuom is,after uch Electi
and the Houe of Spaine, AiL/fria, and Bur on pa, r, to intimate and notify the
goyn: 'Whereof the Archduke is lineally ame unto the Prince, or other Peron
decended z and remembring alo, that by Elect, for Knowledge of his Mind and
ondrie Ways the fa Conjunction be Pleaure, whether he-can be content to
twene the ame Houes, is of late Days receive and accept it or not: Tet neverthe
more and more increaed, and augmented les, forafmucb a: both from the Emperor,

with indiioluble Knots of Love, as well as from the Lady Margaret, and otbeririz,
been many bath
by Proximity of Blood, Aance and Al the
the bath
aid Aricbdnke
liance, contracted on either Side; as alo
by mo neceary Bonds, Treaties and and is derons to be accompanied, aociate
and taken into the aid Noble Order: His
Conventions pa, in that Behalf: _
conidering furthermore, the virtuous, Highnes therefore without other I ntima, Princel , and Honourable Qialities, where tion preceding hath frankly, liberally, and
with A mi hty God hath endued theaid lovin ly ent unto him at oon Time, as
Archduke, argely reported to_the King's well nowledge of the aid Election, as
I-Iighnes b man, ways to his gJreat Re alo the Habits and Ornaments aforeaid.
nowne, an the ings ingular oy and Truing undoubtedl , that like as this
Election hath procee ed of intyre, perfect
Hath of long Time udied and devied, and ingular love, Favour, and pecial


Aection, which the Kin 'sI-Iighnes, and

all the aid companions, have and do bear
to the aid Archduke; o he will thank
fully receive, admit, and accept the ame.
Wherein, or any other Thing, the King's
may do to his Honour, Surety or
to his
and unto
Ne Grace
but aid
alo deare
and give
Exaltation his Highnes wol be alivajvs

how or by what means, his Grace mi ht,

not only hew ome manife Demoni ra
tion of Gratuity and Kindnes, in Com
probation of the great Love, ingular and
tender Aectiomwhich his Highnes bear.






Dctzroals AP~P~E'NDj'X.


ready and jo ous as may be deviled: Oferin unto im, that if in this Realm,
or ot er the King's Dominions, there be
Thin which may be to the Contentation
and P eaure of the aid Duke, the Kings
Hi hnes being advertied thereof, hall
an woll ee the ame his Pleaure, to be
furnihed with lad and ood Hert. _
And in the atter En

O Purple Colour, cauing him to apparel

himelf Wlth the ame; the aid Maer
Lee aying thee words following, at the
doing of the ame. Accipe/'eem bane pur
pnfeairz : (And emper mumtus non vere-an:
pro fide tnitioite,
(JNZ/II, Libertate
Ecclea, 65'
fortitet' dimicare,

gmnem eairdere, in j/jnum Ordini: t? ang

of his Oration, mentum tni I-ionoris.

Followingly, the aid Lord Marley hall

the aid Maer Lee hall largely and am
the aid Archduke to do unto him
'plr extend the teat Lawd, Praie and
of blew velvet, with the Scute
E imation, whic the aid Duke doth at
tain, in that he, like a good Catholick, of the Cros of St. George, environed with
and vertuous Prince, doth with all Eect a Garter, the aid Maer Lee aying thee
impugn the deteable, dampnable Hereies clypeo
of Freer [Hartiit Luther: Saying, that no
thing can be more joyous, or acce table que Vigare, emper proteus boer uperare,
to the King's Highnes, who as wel with O' pmclarzjimit wis 'neritir gandia tandenz
his Sword, as with 'his Pen, &e. as before. celeia promererz' valeas, in jfgnum Ordinir,
Then the Kings Inructions proceeded a Et), augmentum tm' Honoris.
And when the aid Duke hall be ib ap
ter this manner. That upon a Time con

venient, being agned, either at the ame parelled, the aid Lord Morley iall put
open Audience, or Apart, the King's aid
Ambaadors hall perceive to tand with
the Pleaure of the aid Duke, for due So

the Image of St. George about his Neck:

the Paid Maer Lee aying thee words:

bujus Ordinzir
Bitrent', Martyris
in colilo Georgii
nto de

lempnities to be oberved, and he r

made privy to the Tenor, as well of the feras. Cnjnr fultirs prejidio bnu wind?
Oath, as of the Statutes of the aid Order, rojerdfs' adverfa e pertranai, at hai
s corporis
amme devis,
non madevicto
as to Reaon
doth appertain,
there hall pgraiis
in hisitInveiture,
the ceremonies
ll Perbennis
herereafter following.

Fir they hall preent their Commii

on, cauing the ame to be o enly redd:
And that don, the aid Ma er Edward

Lee, hall exhibit unto him the Copy o

the Othe, appertaining to the Compani
ons of the aid Order, requiring him, after
the ame een and perued, to make his
Corporal Othe, for the inviolable Ober
vance of all uch Ordinances and Statutes
as appertain unto the ame; like as by
the Tenor of the Statutes, every Compa

rze palmmu Ieczpere vale-as, zn jgnnm Ordi

nis 59, Augmentmn tuz' Honoris.

And after Solempnities done and per

formed, the King's aid Ambaadorgamon
other Devices with the aid Duke, hal ,
on the King's Behal give unto him
Lawds and Thanks for his good Confor
mit , in ending his Conent and Com
mit ion for the 'treaty with the Veuetians:
which aier long Tracts of Time, thanked
be God, is now comen to Good, perfect and
nal Eect. whereby undoubtedly, hall

nion of that Order is ued to do; in form enue grete Advantage and Ferdele to the

common Aiirs of the Emperor, the Kings

Grace, and other their Friends, Conede

G O Fernandus Dei, Gratia Arcbidux rates and Allies. Prayin him from Time
Anrie, Comes Tirblz', i? Honoricen to Time to incline, herlten, and lean to

timi, atque approbatimi Ordinis Garterii uch Things as may be to the Benet o
Miles, 59' Confrater Electias, Jitro ad bee the eid common Caues, and to the Miti
Sancta Dei Evangelia, er me corporaliter gation of the inatiable Pride and Obid
tacta, Land omnia O' ngnla Statute, Leges nacy of the French King. By whoe means
O' Ordinationes ipus dignzmas, bene, ince the Contentious Dicords and Warres be
re U inviolabilzter obervabo. Ita m' Deus raied and continued in Chriendom. So
as by his good Aance, and joynin
adjuvct O' bate fancta Dei Evangelia.
eectually, as is aforeaid, the aid Frenci
Th'Othe taken, the Lord Morle hall King may be the rather enfored,and com
deliver the Gd' unto him, an caue pelled to know himelf, and to come to
the ame in good and honourable Manner, uch reaonable and honourable Conditi
to be put about his Legg: the aid Maer ons of Peace, as may be to the Pleaure of
Lee aying thee words, Ad laudem U Ho God, the reaonable Satisfaction of other
morcm fumm' ac Omnipoteittis Dei, intente Princes grieved, and the Quiet of all the
rata Virginis, O' Matris ire Marie, ac glo States o Chris Church and Religion.
Finally, the Kings eid Ambaadors
riojfmi Martyris Georgii bujur Ordinis
Patroni, circumcingo tibiam tnam boc Gar hall omit no good and kind Demonrati
terioz at paes in juo belle miter ate, on, which they can make in conrmati
ac fortiter vincere, in Signum Ordinir, O' on of the incere Love which the King's
Grace berith to the aidArchduke. And
Augmentum tni bonarir,

That done, the aid Lord Morley hall in all their Commnnications and l)evices,
deliver unto the aid Archduke, the Gown o to ue themel, that he may perceive

'f-I _.


xxix '

what good Favour, Mind, and Aection the Copy of the Nvarrant remains in H 5._

the King's Grace beareth unto him. So p. 28. in O Arm,

as by their good Dexterity andwidom,
good Love, Integrity and Amity, now

Henry by the grace o God Kyng o

much more neceary to be advanced a yngland, Go. and Sovereign o the noble
mong Princes, may the more perfectly Ordre o the gartirr, To our ryght truy
and auredly be encreaed between them and welbelovyd the Lord o' Bnrgeveny,
both. And their aid Aairs and Buines and the Lord Ferrys Knyghts and Compa
pedily don, and honorably executed, they nyons o the ayd noble Ordre grctyng,
hall, at a Time convenient, take their Foramuche as we underand that the
and o the
_ ryght h re and myghty and noble prince
Cardinal ubjoined his
our goo nepueu Dan Fernando by the
own Letter to the aid Ambaadors, be grace of God prince and Enfante of Hy
ing ill the great Director of all State jayner, Archduke o Airrnche, Duc of
Burgoyne, and Lieutenant General] o
the Empyre, who was hertoer elect to be
To my lot-irg Friends, the Lord Morley, oone o the companyons of the ayd no
Maer Edward Lee the King's Alnzoncr, ble Ordre, cannot convenient] repayre
Sir Vlliam Hue Knight, and Maler peronally into thys our Rea me to be
Garter [ing at Anner.

inallyd in the colleg at the chyrche o

that Ordre, and to perform other ceremo
nyes, Whereunto by the Statutes of the

Right well Belovcd, this hall be oon

ly to Advertie, That Albeit in the King's ayd Ordre he is bounden, and for that
Commiion made unto you for Preent caue he hath ent a ryght noble and ho
ment of the Order of the Garter, unto norable peronnage George de Galiryn Lord
Dan Frrnando, and his Inveiture with and baron o Gomynr ucyently Aucto
the ame, there is no pecial Mention rized, as hys Proctor to be inallyd in his
made, in what Articles ye hall now di name, to receyve his othe, and to per
pene with the aid Archdnke: Y_et ne form all other uche thyngs for hym, that
ertheles, by a general Claue in the to the atutes and ordynances o the
l fit-er End in the aid Commillion, yee ayd Ordre ys requiit and apperteynyng,
be amply authorized to do as much_in we theror in conyderation o the pre
all Things that may Concern that Mattier, myles woll and yeve unto yow lycence,
as though the Kings Grace were preent full power, and Auctorite, not only to
himelf: By Authority of which general accept and admit the aid Georg as Proetour
words, the Kings pleaure is, that if there and depute for our aid nepueu Don Fer
hall be reaonable Exception made by the nando, &je. but alo do therein, as' to the
eid Don Fernando, at any of the Articles Statuts and laudable Uages o the ayd
and Statutes of the aid Order, bicaue noble Ordre it aierteyneth, and thes our =
he percae may think the ame to _be ome letters hall be your ucient warant and
what rait; yee hall, by our Dicretion, dicharge in thys behallz yeven under
inoder, and qualifr, an dipene with the Seale o our Gartier the xth day o
the ame, as by your Widomes hall be July the XV] yere oour Reyne.
And accordingly He was inalled on
thought convenient. Foreeeing always,
that the Principal and material Points of the I7th of that Month by his roxy in
the Order be not admitted, or forborn. And the econd Stall of the Princes Si e. Vinc.
the emblable may 'e, Maer Almoner, MS. n. 417. in O Arm.
and Sir "William Hu e, do with the Duke

of Ferrare, in cae ye, being advertied

that he wol receive the ame Order, hall
precede and pas unto him for that Pur


poe. And, fare Yee hertily well.

Elnorand. The Yeare of our Lorde' .

lVLCCCCxxvi, of our Souveraigne

Lorde Kinge Henry the Eighth the
xviii, of Sainte George Daye, the which
was the lae Daye of Apry at Grene
Your Loving Friend,
iriclie in the cloett the Kinge ther ke
T. Car' Eboi-i
pin e a Chapter of the mo Noble
Ort er of the Garter with his Grace be
The Commiiion for delivery of the inge thes Noblemen being Knyghtes of
Eniigns of this Order to him bears Dare the aide Order as hereafter followeth,
17 Artgnl this Year, Aim. App. n. Lxiii. that is to aye Thomas Duke of lVorfollcc
His certicate of the Acceptance thereof, Treaorer of England, Charles Duke of
Ibid. n. Cxv. which he received on the walke Marhall of England, the _Lorde
Day of the Conception of our Lady, Vinc, arques Dorjett, the Lorde Markis of
MS. in O Arm. p. 179, that is 8th Dec. Exeter, George Erll of Shreirshurye Lord.
His Oath in A/im. App. n. cxlii. His In Steward of the Kinges honerable How
allation was on July following, for which houlde, Therl of Wemoreland, Therl of

At Hiimpton Court, the

2-6th Day of Angul.

._-_____.-_.. -

_ __- -"_.-'-'-.-.-




Therll of the
Vycounte IFIitZ-IFater,
Roch was the Lorde Mozmgoy, at the ame
tyme the aid Il/'yllyazn Fitz-I/yyazn was
forthe, the Vycounte Lyle, the Lord
Bnrgaye, and at the aide Chapter was
Elect and Choen thee Noblemen follow
inge to be Knyghtes of the aide Other,
that is to aye my Lorde Mongo) Cham
berleyne to the Queene, Sir Willyam Fit:

Treaourer of the Kinges Noble Hows

Then was Caled into the aide chapiter
Sir Hem-ye Gylforde, and o brought to the
Kinges Preence, and ther was Elect Knight
of the aide Order, and alo receyved the
Wiiam Treaourer of the Kinges Hour Garter in all uche manner and Order
hould, Sir Henrye Gylforth Controuler of as isafore Wrytten, at the ame tyme the
the aide Noble Howhold in this Order ayde Sir Heare-ye Gylford bein Comtrow
ler of the Kynges Noble How ould.
Item, When the Kinge and the Lordes Here after followeth the Order, and the
of the aide Noble Order had a Certeyn
Mamzer of the Stallation of the aide
communication in the aid Chapter howe,
Knyghtes at the Cale at Wynor within
then uras Sir Thomar Wrythesly Knight alia:
the Coledge.
Garter principall Kinge of' Arrnes Com
manded r to Call for the Lorde Moun

Memorana', The yeare of owr Lord God

gay, the Which was Com to the Chapter

Dore, Whereas he was receyved by two
Noblemen of the aide Orther, and o led
to the
Kin gbetwixt
s preence,
Wheras he

MCCCCCxxVi, and owr Sovereigne Lorde

Kinge Hemje the Eight, the vr daye of
of Seynt
m the Cale
by George
the Right
Noble and mightie Lorde therll of Arim
aide two Noblemen that ledeh m, and de then beinge Lefetenant and debit for
alo they knelinge with hym, T en Gar the Kinges Grace at the aide Feae, at.
ter Kinge of Armes of the aide Noble the ame tyme weare Inaled Knightes of
Order preenteth to the Kin es Grace the the Noble Order of the Garter thes No
Garter, the Which Garter t e Kynge re blemen followmge, that is to aye, the
ceyveth, deliveringe it to one of the No Lorde Mantjoy Chamberleyn to the
blemen of the ayde Order, the Which Queenes Grace, Sir I/'yiam Fitz-liiaq,
Nobleman receyveth the aide Garter of treaonrer of the Kinges Noble Hows
his Grace, turnynge hym to the aide houlde, Sir Henry Gylford Comtrouler of
Knyght unelecte, Sayinge thes Wordes as the aide Noble howshoulde, in this Order
hereafter followeth.
and Manner followinge.
So the Daye above Wryten the which
Item, After he had taken this othe of was Saterdaye, about three of the kloclte
all uche Articles of the aide Noble Or at After None, therll of ArnmIeB ther be
der to hym rehered, then the aide Noble inge Leetenaunte, and debit for the
man preented the Garter to him in thes Kin es Grace, with other Certeyne Lordes
Wordes, Sayinge, Sir, the Kin e our So and 'ny htes of the aide Order of the
veraigne Lorde Soveraigne of t is Noble Garter, omythr dinge from the Caell
Order of the Garter with the amyable downe to the C0 ledge to Evenonge in.
Companye of the aide Noble Order re theyr Abetts of the Order of the Gar-ter,
ceyveth you to their Frende Brother alightin e at the nere Dore of the Colled e
and Fellow, and in to en and Knowledge toward t e Cale, and o painge into the
therof preent and Gyve to yow this Gar Chapter howe, the aid Lordes o beinge
tcr, the Which God
ve yow Grace yt within the Dore was urd and kept by'
to receyve and bare rom hence forwarde the Uher that bearet the blacke Rod
to his praye and pleaure, and to the Ex andinge without the aide Chapter
altation and honour of the aide Order Doore.
Then after the Lordes had a Certeyn
and of your elfe, and then the ayde No
bleman did qarter this Garter about the Communication in the aide Chapter
aide Knyghtes left legge in the place howe, then Cometh Sir Thomas l/'ithery
accoomed. In this Manner and Order Knight alias Garter Kinge of Armes of
he receyved ther Garter, and alo Electid the aide Order to the Doore of the iride
Chapter howe Calinge for the Lorde
Knyght of the aide Order.
A ter all thes Serimonies don, that the Mutmjaye, and o the Lorde Cometh to
ayd Lorde Mongoy, receyved the Garter the Doore, Whereas he was receyved of ii
in this Order and Manner afore Wryten, Noble menn of the ild Order,and o ledin
Then Sir Thomas Wriothzley Kni ht alias betwene them to the preence of the Kinge
Garter Kinge of Armes o the ai e Order Debite and Leeetennaunte, the Which
Come to the Doore of the aide Chapter was at that Tyme ther] of Arundcll, and
houe, and then Caled for Sir William Fit-r. ther the Commyron redd, and the Arti<
Williams, and o at the Doore he was re kles of the 'aid Order to hym declared

ceyved, and brought to theTinges pre

then and ther was putt on hym his Gowne.

ence and receyved the Garter, and ther with the howde, allb in uch lyke Manner
was Electe Knyght of the laide Noble Or and Order was receyved in the. aide
der, in all uche Manner and Order as Chapter Sir l/yyazrz .F'z'1z-I/'il1iamr, i? the

ame Order received his Gowne and his
hoode. Then was Cald or Sir Heyry Gyl
forthe, the which was rece ved in uche
Order in the Cha ter, an in the aide
Order receyved is Gowne and his

Knyght hath done his Reverence, as is

Item, The Lordes beinge within the

Chapter Cometh forthe Garter Kynge of
Arines of the aide Order, bringinge forth
the iii Mantles of the thre unametted
Kny hts, deliveringe them the thre Har
roulties of Armes the Which held them
ill, till the Commynge furth of the aide
Knightes, then When the Kinges debite
was Corn forthe of the aide Cha ter howe,

them withowt the Deaskis right before

theyr Stales, then after all thee Serimo

all the Lordes and Knyghtes o the aide

Order goinge before hym after the Aate
of theyr Stallations, and the Knyghtes
unametted goin e before the Other Lordes
and Knyghtes o the aide Order, theWhich
Knightes wear ledd Every one of them
betwen two' Knightes of the aide Order,
the r goin e in theyr Gownes and Hoodes,
an the arrouldes of Armes bearinge
theyr Mantles before them, in this Order
pailinge downe into the lzodye of the
Chyrch, and ther Entringe into the
Quyre by the Kinges Stall, and o Everye
Knyght at his Entringe, r makinge
his Reverence to the Sacrament of the
Aulter, and then tourneth hym to the
Kinges Stall, ther makinge his reverence,
and o Everye Kn ght pamge up to his

above Wryten, and ett in his owne Stale,

then Every Knyght in uch l ke Manner

and Order o to ue h el.
All this tyme that t e Serimonies be a

doinge, andeth ill thee Knightes unz

amytted betwene the Knightes that led
nies don, then was one of the Knights un
amytted, the which was the Lorde Mou
gay led u into the Deasltis betwene the

aide two nightes that led hym and ther

andin e betwene the two Knyghtes right


is Stale, the Ocers andinge

without the Deaskis right befor them,

howldinge their Mantells, 'o in uche
Order andinge then Cometh the Regi
er of the aide Order, and ther gave
the aide Knight his Othe, reytinge to
hym all uche Articles as ther appertened,
Sir Thomas Wrytbeey Knight alzas Gar-ter

Kinge of Armes owldin e the Booke,

Carlel Harroulde of Armes owldinge his

Mantle Right before hym withowt the


Item, Then when the ai de Knighte had

taken his Othe,then the Harrould ofArmes

delyverid theMantle unto the two Knightes
that led him, they takinge the aid Man'
tle betwene them, and put it on hym.
After this don they 'take and lede the
Knight betwene them up to his owne

owne Stale, and t er Standin e without Stale, and o betwen them they ett h m

the Deskis, Even ageyn t eir Stales. therin, and o he hath his Stallation, t en
Alo o andinge the unamytted Kny hts they ay inge to h in God geve hym greate .
befor theyr owne Stales betwen the aide honor on e to ontinue to the pleaure
Knyghtes that ledd them, the Harrouldes of Almyg tie God, and the honor of this'
of_ Armes howlding theyr Mantels before Noble Or er, and thus the Lorde Moimgoy
them, in this Manner and Order Stand was ated Knight of the Noble Order of
in e til uche tyme, as the Kynges Debite the Garter, then bein e Lorde Chamber
had7 made his Reverence, and taken his leyne to the Queenes race.
So in all uch Manner and Order, as the
So in this Manner and Order the aide Lorde Motmgoye was inaled Sir Iyyam
Knyghtes o andinge till uche tyme, as Feitz lyllyam brought up into the Deaskis,
the Kinges Debite had mad his Reverence ther hauynge his Othe, and after was In.
to the Sacrament of the Alter and after aled in uche Order as afore is Wrytten,
to the Kinges Stall, and o paiiinge to his Ricbmounte Harrowlde of Armes bearinge
owne Stale, and ther ett then. And ther his Mantle.

be any Knight hauyinge a fellow, that is

to ay an other Knyght, the Which is
Item, Then was Sir Henrye Gylfartb
even Staled ageyn him, then they to do brought up into the Deaskis betwene the
theyr Reverence bothe togither, re two Knightes that ledd hym, and ther re
to the Sacrament, and after to the Kin es ceyvinge his Othe, and after Inaled in
Stalle,and o to pae to theyr owne Stal es, all uche Order and Manner as afore is

and when they ar within the Deaskes Wryten, Lancaer Harrowlde of Armea
then to make a Reverence to the Kinges hoivldinge his Mantell.
Stalle, and then to ett them in their
Stalles, but Ever the moe auncient mu
Item, As hne as the Kni hts had taken
be re ett.
theyr Stallations in uche rder andMan

ner as is above Wrytten, then the Kin es

Item, If ther be any Knyghtes havinge Leefetennaunte Cometh furth to his Sta e,
no fellow, that is to a e even Stalled a and o painge forthe of the Queyre Dore
geyne him, then he all do his Reve by the Kinges Stale, o Goinge to the
rence alone, that is to aye r to the Chapter howe with all the other Lordes
Sacrament, and after to the Kinges Stale, and Knights of the aide Order goinge be

and o to pae to his owne Stale, and no fore hym, and the aid Kni hts unainzvtted
other Knyghtes to' remeve, till the aide goinge befor all the other nightes ot;_t_l(i1e

al e

_It+:7)IT~o~1ect1s ATT-ENDIX
aide Order, led betwene the two Knightes Order of the Garter weare declared and
that brought them to theyr Stallation, the redd unto his Grace, and then he receyhis Lysll
Othe preented
on the ame.
Then theI
Ocers of Armes goinge before them, in vinge
to his Grace
this Order pailinge to the aide Chapter
howe, and ther after a Certeyne Commu Garter with uch wordes, And all uche
nycation the Lorde Leee Tenaunte dit Serimonies uinge as here afore is Wrytten,
put the Collers of the aide Order abowte and o puttinge the Garter aboute his
lefte ledge in tayinge to his Grace uche
the Knightes Neckes.
After the Lorde Leefe Tenaunte had Wordes as afore is Wrytten.
put the Collers abowt the aide Knightes
Neckes, then the Lorde Leefe Tennaunde Here after followeth the Order and Manner
Cometh forthc to the aide Chapter with
of the Stallacyon of the aide Frenche
all the Lordes and Knights of the aide
Kinge by a Debytt.
Order goinge before the aide Lorde De
Menzorand. The yeare of onr Lorde
bitie in uch Order as perteyneth to the

aunoyantes of theyr Stales, the ocers God, a M.VC.XIVil, and ofOur Sovereigne
of Armes Goinge before them, o in
this Order and Manner pange into the
Quyre to Evenonge, Entringe into the
Quyre at the Dore by the Kinges Stale,
and o Everye one to pae upp and ande
without the Deaskis before theyr owne
Stales till uch tyme as the Kinges De
bitie hath done his Reverence as afore is
Wrytten, and alo ett in his Stale, then
Everye Knight to do his Reverence in
uche Order as above is Wrytten, and o
to take theyr Stales.
They thus ettinge in their Stalles herin
the Evenon e, and all uche devyne Ser
vye therto elonginge, the Service don,

Lorde Kinge Henry the Eight the xir

yeare, the Xxvi daye of January: at Iyn- '
for, within the Cale in the Colledge
next the Kynges Stale of the Kinges Side
was aled Knyght of the Noble Order of
Sainte George named the Garter Frazlrys
the French Kinge by a debitte, Whole

Name was Caled

Adryan Teryline
de Mounlh.
Poei laferte,the
was Debytre and procurour at the aide

Stallation in this Order and Manner as

hereafter followeth.
Item, The yeare and daye above Wrytten
was appoynted to be at the (Saide Stallati
on, thee Noblemen whoe Names here
the Lorde Debite, with the Lordes and after followeth they weare Knightes of
Knightes ofthe Order departeth owt of the the aide Noble Order that is to aye the
Quyre by the Kinges Stale, and o Goeth Markis of Exeyter, therll of Rutlad, the '
V counte
L Iye, the
V rcounte
Lorde Saivrdcs,
Sir Wzyam
to theyr hore rydinge up to the Cale, th)er
theyr Mantels bein e ill on them, and o
to Vleare them il on them, till uch the Which Noblemenn weare all in lyke
tyme as the upper and alo the Voyde be Authorytie in the aide Commyion for at
don. And all the tyme the Servyce is in that tyme there was appoynted no Debite
Sayinge, the Uher of the Order, the nor Leef 'ennaunt for the Kinge. So
Which bearith the black Rodd hall and was the ayde Mounh. Adryan Iercylbze
and holde it before the Kinges Stale, and lodgheed in the Denes howe within the
not before the Debitie, and in this Order Colledge, and the other Lordis in the
the aide Khi htes above Wryten wear Cale. So When all thes Lordes wear
Electe and Sta ed of the mo Noble Order ina redynes, they aembledin the Colb
ledge, and o came to the Chapter howe,
of the Garter.
and ther havinge a Certeyn Communica
tion, then was Caled for Mouh. Adryan

Tbrcyline Debrte for the renche Kinge,

and o receye at the Cha ter Doore by
two Noble men of the ai e Order of the
Emorand. The yeare of our Lord Garter, that is to aye the Markis of La
M.VC.nvii, and of the Reigne of citenand therl of Rntland, and bern e ledd
the Kinge Owr Soveraign Lorde Kinge in betwen them to the aide hapter
Henrye the Eight the xix on Sainte Mar howe there havyng a Certeyn Communi
zins daye, the Which was the xi of No cation Declaringe to hym Certeyn Arti
nemher, Frauncir the French Kinge was cles of the aide Order.
Item, then was Caled for the 'Lorde
Elect and amytted Knight of the Garter,
and in Parry: rece ved the aide Garter Veyer Erll of Oxforth, Who was receyved
by a right honora le Inbaett ent by at the Doure by Sir, Arthur Plantagenet,
the Kinge Owr Sovereigne Lorde, whoe Vycounte LycIl, and Sir Thomas Bnllen, Vi
Name here followeth, That is to aye counte Rocheforde, and o led in betwen

Szr Arthur Plantagenct, Vicounte Liell, them into the aide Chapterhoure, ther

Slr tNycholas Cia/'ne Maier of the Hore, havinge ut on him his Gowne, and his
Maler Doctor Talyer Maier of the Hoode he onginge to the Abyt of the aide
Roules, a Right Noble Clarke. Sir Tha- Order.
was Wrytbeey Knight aliar Garter Kinge

Item, After thee Serimonzres don, the

of Armes 0_f th: aide Order, and after all aide Noble Menn Corn forthe of the

uch Statuns of the Articles of the aide Chapter howe, and _pallinge into the





Quyre in this Manner followinge. Ifir Souveraigne of the aide Order hath ored,
Cometh forthe therll of Oxfortbe havinge
on hym his Gownde that belongith to the
Abyt of the aide Order, and the hoode
Lyinge on his Shoulder, and his Mantle
borne before him by a Harraulde of Armes,
the Which Erll was led betwene two No
ble Men of the aide Order, that is the
Vycounte LyeII, and the Vicounte Roch

forde, o after h m Cometh Mounh. 4drz

an Tcrryline De ytie for the French Kinge,
ledd betwene the Markis of Exeyter and
therll of Rattland, bearinge the French:
Kyn es Mantle in his Armes, the Her
raul es of Armes goinge befor them, and
behynde them Cometh the other Lordes
of the aide Order, and o in this Order
and Manner patlinge downe the Bodye of
the Churche Entring into the Quyre at
the Doore by the Kynges Stale, and ther
doing theyr Reverance re to the Sacra
ment, and after to the-Kinges Stale, then

yf he be ther, or ele his Debetie, and if

the aide Souveraign, nor his Debetie be
not there, theyr beinge in the Commy
on_ all in lyke Authoritie, as was ene at
this aide Stallation of the Frencbe Kinge
then Eve-tye Eche One to oer in Order,
as above is Wrytten.
Item, _Yf the Kinge be preent the
'Which is Soveraigne of the aid Noble
Order, then hall the blacke Rodd be borne
before his Grace, and o to and Ri lit
before his Stale in his preence, and if is
Grace be not there, but his Debetie for
h m, then the aide Usher hall beare the
b acke Rodd before his Debetie, but When
the aid Debetie is in the Quyre, and ett
in his owne Stale, then the aide Usherv

hall ande Even before the Kinges Stale

howldinge the aide blacke Rodd, an
not before the Debetie, but When the

Debetie goeth to the Ori e, then the

went Every Knight and Stode before his Usher hall beare the Rod before him.
owne Stale without the Deskis, ther they So as fone as the French-r Kinge was Stalled
o andinge, then was the frencbe Kinges by _his Debetie, as is afore wrytten,
I)ebetie led up into the Deskis betwene rei lit after the aide Stallation was the
the two Noblemenn that led hym, and o Lorte ----- Vcre Erll of Oxfortb ln
andinge betwen them before the _Frenche ftaled in this Order and Manner folow
Kinges Stale, howldinge ill on his Arme inge the aide Erll andinge without the
the aide Mantle of the French Kin es, Deaske right before his Stale, betwene
And o the two Noblemen att the e the aide two Noblemen that led him, the
bytie in the Stale in the Frencbe Kinges aide two Lordes led hym up into the
Name, and o he ttinge_yll in the l)easkis right before his owne Stale, and
ale, howldynge y l the aide Mantle oln o ther andinge betwen them, then Cod
his Anne.
' meth the Re eer and geveth to the ayde
Item, In this Manner and Order et Erll his Ot e, Garter Kinge of Armes
tinge hearinge the devyne Servys till the houlding the Booke, a Harroulde of Armes
me ofWent
theyr and
the aide
o e,ed,then
the houldinge his Mantle right before hym.
Item, as one as the aide Erll had taken
Othe, then the Herrauldes of Armes
Mantle Styll on his Arme, the Herrauldes
to the two Lordes that led hym
of Armes Goingle before hym And o
that When he ad ored, made his Re his Mantle, the which they put on hym,
verence to the Sacrament, and o nge and then they led hym up into his Stale,
therin, ayinge,
downe to his Stale, and ther at is En and ther they ett h
God, myche
our Ladjibye
e, anto the
Georgeo his
tringe,making his Reverence to the Kin es "" yow
Stale, and o pange into his own Sta e,
the Mantle yll on his Arme, and then 'f Grace, and to the honor of this Noble
the other Knights ored accordin e to a Order, and our Owne. " And after
their Stalles two togyther yf ther eare thys they did end for his Coller, and. o
any aled one right ageyn the other, put it about the Erlls Necke, and thus he

or els he ored alone, and When they was aled Knight of the Order of Saints
had ored they makinge theyr Reverance George Named the Garter. _ Item, After the aide Stallation, at the
Stale, and o ainge to the r Stalesz And Oringe tyme of the Mae, all the de
ever the mo e Auncyent nalled to ett vyne bervys don, then the aide Lordes
re, and f ther be anye, the Which painge owt of the quyer by the Kinges
hath no Fel ow Even Staled ageyn hym, Stale, and o at the Chapter Doore do>

to the Sacrament, and after to the Kinges

then he hall oer alone, and' When he

hath ored and made his Reverence to the

Sacrament, and after to the Kinges Stale,
then o to pae to his Stale, alo no other
Knight to our till uche tyme as the
ayde Knight that oers be in his place

nge of their abyttes, and o Went to

ynner into the Denys howe,

and * alb ther ugped, and in "g_*c*}{'

the Morenynge

eard Mae,


and at the ayde howe brake theyr fa,

and o toke theyr Journe to London.

Item, The aide Amba tour ther' beinge
and Stale and Sett, and o likewie Everye
for the Frencbe Kinge, gave to
Knight to ue hym at the Oinge.
ofArmes ther at that tyme,
Item, A lyttle before the Oringe, Doinge Servye for their Droytes touch
the and
owt of
be inge the Stallation of the Frenche Kinge
fore their owne Stales to and till the his lVIaiJ lx Crounes of the Sonni


The Marquis Doret,

Memorand. It is to be Noted Wherefore
Therlls oArnndell, of Welnzerland, of
the aid Erll of Oxforth receyved his Col
ler of the Order of the Garter, and had Shlrtvsbry, Of Eexa Of Ruad
The Vicont Rocbefort, the Vicont Li/Ie.
it put abowt his Neck by the aide two
The Lords of Bergavenny, of Ferrers, of.
Noble Men that led hym in his Stale,

wher as one as they had aled hym, the Dndley, of Darcy, of Sandys.
aide Lordes houlde have Com forthe

of' theyr Stales, and have brought h m

Sir Henry Gnldeord Baneret.

Themperour, the French King, the

ageyne to the Chapter howe, and t er King of Boheme and of Hungary, nltra

have even to hym the Coller, and ther Mare.

he to ave receyved hit, the Caue was

this, ther was for the Kinge neyther De

the eight,
by thegfGrace
of gouii/lerai-'f
God king
the Faith,
and Lor

betie nor Leeftenante, but the Lordes

of England, and o France, de en or o

ther beinge were all in one Comyyon,

and all in lyke Auctoretie, and that was

of the Right Noble rdre of the Gartier,

the Caue that he rece ved the Coller of

the aide Order in the tale.

To our Right tra/ly and Right Entierly

welbeloved con the Marqnys of Exceer,
oon of the knyghts and coznpazgizoat: of our

aid right noble' Ordre Greeting.

N U M 13.- Vl.

Foramoche as we for great and ur ent

caues may not be preent at the Fea of
the glorieue martir Saint george atron of

M. 17. in Of. Arm. p; 3011.

the ame ri ht noble Ordre, to

e holden

'A*a me" Rtgis. H. octavi souverain, Go.

olempnie and kept within our cael of

Windeore, the xvii daye of Maye next co
H E Fe of Saint George kept at mynge, We therfor by thes preents,
Windeore the xvii day of Maye._The yow
ap inte
be our lieutenant
at and
the aiciea,
Kings lieutenant the Lord Marquis of
yeving you full power and authoryte to r
The vicont Fitzwaterl
doo and accomplihe every thing at the
Therll of Oxinford, l Preent at
ame, wyche to our lieutenant ther in
uche cae belongith and hath ben accu
The Lord Montjoye, I the Fe.
Sir WiH. Fitz I/iiam;
umed, willin and Comanding by the
herof, al and every the Knyghts
' ll thewere
dew of and
the pardrgned
kn hts of tenor
and compai nons, and alo thociers of
aide Or re, to be unto yow in execu
their abens by the souverain, by his our
this our Auctorite obbeying and at
Lettres ent unto his aid lieutenant, whoe ten ing
as hall apperteyne. Yeven un
names folowith,
der the Seale of our gartier at our manor
The Ducks of Richemont, of Norfolk, of Richemont, the xxiiii Day ofApr-il, the
tiventy yeare of our Reigne.
of Snolk.

The A" xxo R. H. OFfa-vi.


KW W"H'=wg-L*-\z-n.znw-

Thempour Charles Ha elbnrg.

i. The souverain.
2. The Frenche King Francois. The King of Hung. an BoILFerdjilapeIL-nrg,
3. TheDuc of Richemont,Hen. The Duc of Norfolke, Thomar Han-ard.
4. The Marquis Exce. Henry The Marquis Dorlet, T/Jomar Grey.


s. Therll ofShrewsbnry, George Therll

The Duc
of Suollce,


6 . Therll of Lex, Henr


7. Therll of Wemerl.


8. The Vic. Fitzwater, Robert

9. Therll of' Rutland, Thomas
Io. The lord Dudely, Edward
11. Therll of Oxenfords, John
12. The Lord Montjoye, Vill.
13. Sir Will. Fitz-Wi. trczorer.

ano The Vicount Lylc, Arthur Plantageozet.

The Lord Bergavaney, George Nevyle.

The Lord Ferrers, Water De-oereux.
The Lord Dare), Thomas Darcy.
The Vicounte Rochefort, Thomas Boleyn.
The Lord Sandys, William Sandys.
Sir Henry Guldeford, controller baneret.

Du tre' Noble bault 59' puiant Seignenr Ie Marqnir D'excere, conte de Devonhyre,

Seignenr de Okahampton, 89' de Plymton, lieutenant 59' depnte de la Fee de Saint George, Chevalier de Ia trenohle Ordre, Therll of Oxinford as hie Aate gave the King's
lieutenant his oring.



,_.,'-_.- _'.q"'__"_



was appointed to be kept the eight day of

NUM is. VII.

M. 17. in of Arm. p. 32,

maye then enuyng, acccompaigned with

therll of Rutland, the Lord Sandys, lord
Chamberlain, Sir William Pin-William.

the the
Were aidThat
were of
H E King ke t the Day of aint aint george, aloo the ur low mae in
T george at his cai all of II/indejbr, then the inornyng ongen by the lord George
falling on the Saturday in the yeer weke, Grey of dorett, the oder Maes of the
wherfor the ervice was of the fe of daye of the wiche lord John Longlaizd Bi
yecr, and nat of aint george. The king hopp of Lyncoln ange the iiid Mae, the
and the Knights of thordre herde the di iiii ow mae was of Recordare, and was
vyne ervice in the Chape] above in _the appointed that the high Mae doon the
quadrant and nat in the college. The wiche Mae of Requiem ihoul begyn.
chapel] was hanged Richely on both yds,
The viii day of may the fe was kept
a Riche Clothe of aate, and a hault pace
at Wyndeore A" xxii R. H. act.
of a fote high for the king, with a viii
A" xxii R. H. act.

Ynch ep ofrvi Ynches therto, bcyds a

Preent: The Duc of Suolk Charles the
littill Banke in brede xiii ynches, and in
high of xiii ynches, to kneleappon, his
grace accompaigned with thexiii Kny hts
_ The lord Montjoy, the lord Sandys;
of thordre, havyn cochins of t e1r Sir
WiIIyam Fitz-Ilylliam preent.
armes over their he ds, Go. whos names

The Duc of Richemont, Henry Fitz-Roy.

The Duc of Nor olk, Thomas Harow-de.


The Marquis o Exce. Henry Courteney.

The Duc of Suolk, Charles Brandon.
Therll of Arnndell, William Fitz-Alan.

Therll of Suex, Robert Ratcly

The Lord Bergazzeny, George Nevyll.

Therll of Ruteland, Thomas Manerr.

Therll of Oxenford, John Ver.
The Lord Monjoye, 'William Blonnt.

The l ord Sandys, II/il/iazn Sandys.

Sir 'William Fitz-ll/i/Iiaan.

Sir Henry Guldeford.

Emorand. The yeare of our Lorde

M.VC.xxxi. and of the Kinge our
Soverai n Lords Reigne xxxiii. the vi.
daye o Maye was Leeftenaunte and debi
tie for the Kinge our Sovereigne Lorde
Henrye the viii. at Wynfor for the Feae
of Sainte George, Lorde Robert Fitz. Water
Erll of Sne-x, at the which tym was In
aled Knight of that Noble Order of the
Garter Henrye Lorde Peerye Erll of Nor
thnmherland, and in this Order and Man
ner followinge.

The Kingwent nat to the Chapitre be

fore the r evenonge, but Immediatly
to his Stall: The Bihopp of London lord
Item, The daye abovewryten at ii of
' Cutherd tunall elect of Dnreme did the the klok Afternone, the aid Erll of Suox
dyvyne ervice, and at magnicat he and beinge Debetie for the Kinges Grace at
the Dean fur Cened the Aultre, and the aide Fea, with other Lordes and

after the King, bothe the high aultre and

the aultre wiche was made before the King
were Richel garnyhed with Imags an
odir garny ements of gold and lver,
'and gilt, Go. after the Evenonge the
King Retorned to his, Go. his grace and
the Kny hts of thordre wer erved of the

at at the kings bords Ende, and the Re

iidew at all along at ii tables, all on the

Knightes of the aide Order, Cometh ry

dinge forthe of the Cale to the Colledge
to Enonge in the rre Abytts of the Order
of the Garter, an Lyghtinge at the nere
Doore of the Colledge towarde the Cale,
and o pamge into the Chapter howe,
the aide Lordes o beinge within, the
Doore was kept b the Usher that bear
eth the blacke ro d, then after the aide
Lordes had a Certeyn Coinmynycation in
the Chapter howe then Cometh forthe
Sir Thomas Wrytheley alias Garter Kinge
of Armes, Caling for the Lorde Henrye
Pere Erll of Northumberland, and the aid
Erll Cometh to the Dore of the Chapter,
Whereas he was receyed betwene two No
blemen of the aide Order, that is to ay
the Vycount Lyell, and the Lorde Sandes,

oon yde, as accuumed, and before Even

and o led betwen them to the preence of

voyde, gie. and on the morn, at ix of the

Clock to be at matins, wiche doon above

the ordonary the king ordeyned in the

honnour of aint george a Right noble
proceion wher at was xxxv copys of
Riche Clothe of gold, after the proceilion
the king went Irnediatly to his Stall and
high mae, and ored as accuitumed, that
doon dinner and iiii of the grete aats

ong the King went to his Cloet to the the Kinges Debetie, the which at that
Chapitre, and appointed the Duc of Suolk tyme was therll of Srex, as is afore 'Wry
to be his lieutenant at the Fe, wiche ten, and o ther befor hym the Commyocp

* re ,




. red, and the Articles of the aide Order to hym all uch Articles as ther apperteyned,
Sir Thomas Ilrrytbez/Iey- alias Garter howl
ented to hym his Gowne, and the hoode dinge the Booke, The harrauldes of' Armes
hym red and declared, then ther n'as pre

of the Abytt of the Garter, and o put

on hym in theaide Chapter howe, then
the Lordes beinge thus in a redines,_C0
meth forthe Garter Kinge of Armes brin in e forthe the aide Mantle of the ai e
Erl unamytted, deliveringe it to a Har
rauld of Armes, the which helde yll the
aide Mantle, Lyinge overthuart bothe
his Armes till the Comynge forthe of the

Item, When the aide Erll of Sux the

Kin Debetie was Com forthe, and the
Lor es and Kn rghtes with hym of the
ayde Order, T en went all the Lordes
and Knights before the l)ebetie, according

to theSitales,
'r Eates
of aide
the Anneyantnes
and the
Erll unamytted
went before them all, led betwene the
'Vycounte Lyle and the Lorde Sandii, ha
v rn e on hym his Gowne, and the hoode

eAb tt of the Garter, and his Man

tle borne efore h in by a Herraulde of

Armes, all the other Lordes and Knights
of the Order havyn e on them bothe
Gownes, Mantles, an Hoodes of the aide
Ab tt, and the Ocers of Armes oinge
be ore them, all in this Order an Man
ner pam e forthe Downe to the Bodye of
the Chnrc e, and ii Entrin e into the

howldinge the Mantle before hym and

inge without the Deaskis.
Item, When the aide Erll had this
Order in takinge his Othe, then the Har
ralds of Armes deliverid the Mantle to
the_aide ii Knights that led hym, they
takinge the aid Mantle betwene them,
and did putt it uppon hym; After this
don they toke and led the aide Erll be
betwene them to his own Stale, and o
betwene them they et hym therin they
layinge to hym, a God gyve to hym great
" honor longe to Continew to the pleaure
" of Almi htie God, and to the honor of
** this Nob e Order and to thencreae of
" his honor or Worhip, as perteyneth to
V the perona e to have." And thus in this
Order the ai Lorde Henrye Pcrye Erll of
Nortbumberland was aled Knight of the
Garter that tyme beinge warden of the
E and medy l Mart-be: over agayn Scot
land, and his roper Name is Henrye Lorde
Algernom ot erw e caled Lorde Percye
gie vi. Erll of ortbumberlaud of that

N U M B. IX.

Doore by the Kinges Stale, answhen they

'Rreare within the (luyre, they r ma
kin e the r Reverence to the Sacrament

M. 17. in O Arm.

of t e An ter, and then they torned them

Anno xxiiiio Regis H. actavi.

to the Kinges Stale, and o ther made theyr

Reverence, and o palinge Every Knight
to his own Stale, and ther andinge with
out the Deaskis, even before theyr own
Stales til the Kynges Debetie had made
his Reverence to, and o takinge his Stale,
alo o andinge the aide nnamytted
Knyglit right before his owne Stale betwene the aide two Knightes that led
hym' his Mantle beinge held before

H E niiiith yer of our Souverayn

lord Henry the viiith, hys highnee
kept the daye of Saint George at his ina
nor of Grcamjcb, not withanding then
the parliament kepte at his palice at We.
and his grace was accompanied with the
Knyghts of the order, whoe names enu
eth: The Duc of Norfolk, the Duc of Suf
folk, the Marques Of Excere, the Erle of

hym by a harraulde of_Armes, and thus Arundcll, the Erle of Oxenford, the Erle
tanding in this Order till the Leefe-Ten of Nortbiimberland, the Erle of Rntlani,
nant for the Kin e had made his Reve the Erle of I/iltehire, the Erle of Snex,

rence and taken

is Stale, then Every the Viconte Lyjle, the Lord Bergavcnny,

the Lord Montjoye, the Lord Sandyi, sir Wyl

Knight made his Reverence as afore is

"Wryten, and o toke theyr Stalles accord
ing to their Auncyantes.
All this t e that thes Serimonies wear

adoinge ' e yll the aide Knight un

amytted before his owne ale betwene
the two Knights that led hym without
the nether Deaskis, and o all thes Seri

monies don, then was Therl] unamytted

led up into the Deaskis betwen thetwo
Knights that led hym, and there Ptandinge
ri ht before his own Stale, the ocers
ofgArmes andinge without the Deaskes
right before his Stale howldinge his Man

lyam Fitz-Wylliam. The Kyiig went to iio

Chapitre, but only on Saynt Georgs Daye,
becaue there was no Llection: how be
yt, that the roume of Edward Lord Dryde
ley was at that tyme voyde. The Lords
and Knights wer erved, as hath ben afore
accuumed. And on the Daye of Saint
George ther ate at the Kings bords end at

Dyner, the Duc of Norfolk the Duc of

Suolke, the Marques of Excrre, and the

Lord Steeen Gardener B hop of Wyn

cbere, prelat of the Or er, wiiche Dyd
the Divine ervice,

whiche Prelat the

tell before hym overthart his Armes, o ame daye at afternone made his Othe in
in this Order andinge Cometh the Re the Chapitre houe to the Sonverayn, &t.
eer of the Order, and Geveth to hym the Knyghts of the Order ther ttyng
his Othe reytinge and declaringe to in preence, notwithanding theyr bords

xxxvii t ken up, yet ate they yll, upon their diatly following they went all together
fbrmes, untill the lordys at the Kyngs and mszzde their Obecience to the Souvei
bords ende wer taken up, and then imme rain, c.

Knight: Anno xxiiii. xi Day of May.

.__.' .___; .__ Thempour, .
The King of Romaym,
The Frenche King,
The Duc of Richemont, _._- .____ The Duc of Nor olk,
The Marquis of Exceer, _- -- The Duc of Sn olk,
Therll of Shrembary, -- --._. Therll of Arunde,
The souverain,

Therll of Eex,


Therll of Nortbamberlaizd,

The Vicont Lyle,

Therll of Suex .._- __.. .___. The Lord Bergavenny,
The Lord Ferreri,
Therll of Ruteland ---._- .-

Therll of Welmerland --- -

The Lord Darcy,

Therll of Oxinford -- .-- -

Therll of Wiltehlre;

The Lord Montjoye --- ._- ___.

The Lord Sandyr,

Sir William Pin-William, .._- _._._ Sir Henry Guldeforda

An, xxiiii. R. H. octav.

Dyner and grace, as at oder the Dyvyne

Service, and as of old tyme hathe been

The Fe the xii day of Maye, Son-day accuumed In avoyding the dipleaours

after Afcencion-Jay.


Therll of Arundell lieutenant;

Preent : The Therll of Ruteland, the
'VicontlLy/le, the Lord Montjoye, Sir Wil


Lettres de POrdre de la Jarretiere envoye

a Meire Anne de Montmorency grand
Maire de France, par Henry viii. Roy'
The Names of the Knightsof th'ordre that
were excued by the Kings Lettrer.

liam Fitz-llilliam.

Our Ri ht tru

and Ri ht Intierly

ENRY par la Grace Je Dieu Roy

zPAngleterre, Go. Deenear de la

welbelove coins t e Duc o Richemont,
_ the Duc of Alorollc, the Duc of Saolk. Foy, eigneur dlrlande, CG)J Souverain did
Our Right Truy and Intierly beloved tres noble Ordre de St. George nonzme la
artiere. A tour 'ceux qni ces prentes Let
Coin the Marquis of excejlre. p
Our Right Truy and Right Welbe tres verront on o"ront. falut. Comnie nos tres
loved coyns Therlls of Oxinford, of Nor chers t? trei-aimez couns Anne de Mont
thnmberland, of Wmerland, of Shrewibery, niorency Chevalier, Seigneiar t? Baron du
of Eex, of Wilte/iire, and of Sucx.

dzt lien, Comte de Beaumont, grand Maire

Our Right truy and Welbeloved the 55 Marechal de France, 59, Philippe Cha
Darcy, and bot igneur de Brion, Comte de Neutl
blanche 59' grand Admiral de France, pour
Our Truy and Right Welbeloved ler gmndes merites de Ieurs vertus 87 no
bleer, dont la renommee fa amplement epan
Sir Henry Guldeford our counellours.

Lords Bergavenny,


an Confreres
moii tPOctObre
dernierEvil ab
par nous
Du trer Noble, Hanlt, 59' pniant Seignezir
le conte cPArundell, Seigizeur de Maltra dndit noble Ordre en nore wille de Calais
vers GF de Clunne, lieutenant Je la Fee aizmblez Et), convennz, ozent ele choifz. 59'
de Saint George, (hevalier de la trenoble eluz Chevalierr t? compagnons iicelziy ordre
Ordre de la Jarretier.

de S. George en certain; lieux vacans. lVous

nonlani ladzte election brtir on entier e-et
Go' perfection, 69' nour conans es ame, di
cretion, 59' diligence de nos feanlx C-F bien
Sirea Jehan
pour nous
nolre tre-cier t? tre-aime frere, con/in,
compere, 59' perpetual allze 'le Roy tres (hrei
en, 89' Thomas Benault Lcuyer unde non
Royi carmes, ler avonr ordonnez, commii 59'

At thisChapitre holden atWyndezre the

xiith Day of Maye, the niiii yere of the
King, it was ordeyned by therll ofArumleH
then beyng the Kings lieutenant, with
the Aent and advys of the knrghts of
thordre there beyng preent, wi ith and
ordeyneth, that the Chanons of the Col
led e of Saint George beyng preent at the
Fe huld have their Mantellys according deputez, ordonnons, commettons Cj depart/int
to the Statuts of thordre, and to gyve their par ces preentei nos Anlhaadezirr, procu
attendance the Day of the Fe as ivell at fears, CO' nleagers pcciaulx, O), lear don



non: alctorite, 65 nzandement pecial' dL-nlx

tran orter par devers nofditr conins, C-F
t? donner
ma, aide-r,
e; autres

George Named the Garter, the 'Which

Coller was of fyne Gowlde Conteyninge
keed all

tontcs antre chozs faire, exercer, (Gfexpe

of gowlde, with a George hanginge ther

at all Wa 'inge Ilii Ownes and di, the
'Which Coller was delyverid to the aide
Norrey Kinge 'of Armes by Endenture
by the Duke of lVorol/te.

die' qui _eront requics U neccaires en cee

partie, avccqnes routes le: ceremonies denbz
th' dcconnmez 'en tel cas, jelon la forme
is' catutz dudit, tres-izol/le Ordre de
'S. George appelle la jartiere En temaing

Item, the aide Lorde IlJIIyam 'When he

anon: fazt mettre le an du dit Ordre. Came to Born' Ice, ther he remayned re
Donne a Uvemonier lc vii. Jonr tAP poynge himelfe and his Trayne, and o
vril Pan de Grace ZVLDXXXIII. Go) de no he ent Alorroy Kinge of Armes unto the
Kinge of Scottes, and to his Councell and
ire regne le xxiv.
the Returninge of the. aide None), hew
de ce anx preents: ignes; de norc 'nain nous

inge the Minde of the aide Kinge, and

Lettres de Meire Anne de Montmorency his Counells, the aide Lorde II/yllyam
grand Maire de France, Chevalier de Entred Scotland the Sondaye, the which
l'ordre de la Jarretiere.
was the xiiii daye of Febrnarye, Wheras
he xvas receyved at the LngIij/ie Pale by
A mon couin Monieur de BaiIIy de John Honing. Vyewarden of Scottland,
'1roycs, Coneiller 8c Maire tVHoel and with hym iti C. Hore or neyre up
ordinaire du Roy, Sc on Ambaadeur pon, and o accom aned the ace of x
myles the aide En ator, an then de
vers le Roy cPAngIeterre.
parted from hym; o then ther recey
Man canin, itivant nn nzemoire que Cla ved hym the Lorde Ognlbe and dyvers
rencienx me laiz quand il partit der Gentlemen with hym to the Number of
nierenxent de cre Court, fur ce qne Mon iiii C. Hore, and o Convayed hym to
enr PAdmiral- 89' may avant a faire a cce Dnnbar.
cerymonie 1gin' o doitfairc cnviron le xii. May
Wheras he laye all Night in a Pryes
a Vvinde or, pour la olempnite de la fee howe, and on the Morne ollowinge the
MoZienr faint George, comme Chevalicr de aide Ambaitor aed forthe from Dimi
For "e dudit Saint. Penvoye pour ma part le bar to Edingbroztg , Wheras met with hym
de Courtenay,
ansc v Myles without the aide Town the By
le dzit
mcmoire O), pr-eimt
charge portenr
de atisfaire
an content' dicelity, aini' qnil 'vour dira. Vons hopp of Aberdin treaourer of Scottland,
Mr. Ogntre Knight Controuler of Scotland,
priant mon conin lny donner tant cn Pexccu with many other Lordes and Gentlemen,
tion de cre charge, que antres choe: qni In) with Mr. Adam Attorborne one of the
feront hatning pour ice-Ile, tonte la at-'enr Kinges Councell, with the Number of
69' aide que pourrcz. Cc qneje fnititr qne iiii C. Hore, and o Convayed and En- ne oouldrez jlzi/Iir de flzire, puis que ce companed hym to Edinlzrong, and ther
choe qui me touche. Et pource qnil 'vour Lodged in Therll of Ildorrays houe, and
dira de mes nonvecs, je no 'vour en ecripray A ther Laye the tyme of his Abydinge in
antrenzent. Seulement priray norc Seignenr 'Scotland, Wheras he was banketid divers
mon con/In, qifil vour dojnt ce que deirez. Tymes, after that he had the preence of
the Kinge with the Queene, and with the
De Aubigny le XXX. jonr cPAuril.
Bysho of Aberdin as ompteouly don
as for t e Tyme requyred as Ever I have
Vore bon couin Monmorency.
een, for it was in Lentin Seaon, and alo

he dyned with the Kinge at his Table iii


NUM B. Xl.
Item, The Sondaye the Yhich was the
Emorandnm, The yeare of Our xxi daye of Februarye, an the yeare of
M Lorde God M.VC.xxxiiii, and of Our Lorde God MA/Catxxiiii, and the
tie Reigne of the Kinge Owr overaigne Reigne of the Kin e owr Sovereigne lorde
Lorde Henrye the Eighth the xxvi. depart

ed forthe of London the Lorde Wyllyam

Hair-ord to the Kinge of Scotte: as Enbaii
tor from the Kinge owr Sovereigne Lorde,
the 'Which daye of his departin e was

Henrye the Eight tie xxvi yeare, rcceyved

the Kinge of Scotts th'order of the Garter,

and the yeare of the Reigne of the aide

Kinge of Scotes at that tyme xxvii. in this
Order and Manner foloilvinge.

the xii da re of Jannarye, and wit hym

Item, The aide Lorde llryyam havinge

went by t e Kinges commandment Tho
mas Hawley alias Norre Kinge of Armes Wareninge that he hulde Ccm to the
of the North partes t? this Realme of Kinge the aide Sondaye above Wrytten,
England, the which b re with hym the and ther to declare his Credance, and o
Gowne, Hopde, Mantle, Coller and Gar preent to the Kinge the Order of the
ter, the Abiliments of thorder of Sainte Gdrter, Wheruppon the aide Lcrde Wyl.



Eozroctziazs APPENDIX'
Iyam appoynted hym therefore, and o
agayne the aide Daye the Kinge had
ent for the Noble mayne of his Realme,
that is to aye Erlls, Beshoppes, Lordes,
Baons, Knyghtes and Gentlemen to at
tend of his Grace at the receyvinge of the
aide Noble Order, Whoe Names hereafter
followeth, that is to aye,

red hoe Sumpteouie appereled the Son

daye above wrytten at it of the klock in
lnorenynge was my Lorde Wydyam ent
for to Com to the Kinges preence in
uche Manner as herafter foloweth.
Item, Ther Came to incompanye hym

to the Kinge the Beshopp of Aberdyne

Treaourer of Scotland, the Lorde Meyne
The Byshopp of Glacoa the Chaner, the Queenes husband, Maer Adam Otter
Imrne one of the Councell with the Kinge,
whoe Name was James Dnmbar.
The Byshopp of Hdnberditge treaourer Maer Okylere Controuler of Scotland,
of Scotland, called Wydyam Steward.
with manye other Kni_hts and Gentle
The Byshopp of Dunktd caled George men, and o rydinge be ore h m, Garter
Kinge of Armes otherwye Ca ed Thomas
of Cregbton.
The Byshopp of Roe caled James the Vale and Norrey Kinge of Armes other
Caled 'Thomas Hawley, and Lyon Kinge of
He .
The Byshopp of Dumblen Janzer Cbcfam. Armes, to the aide Kin e of Scottes ry
The Bvsltoppl of Galoway, Deaue of the dinge betwene Garter an Norrey, and o
Everye Man in Order accordinge to his
Kinges Chappe
Aate or Degree, o Rydinge through
the hye Streete of Edinborugh from his
lodggin e to the Abbey of Holy roode
The Abott of Arbrothe David Beyton.
Houe, t er at the Kings Place at the Por
The Abott of Holy Roud How: Robert ters Gate, the aide Lorde Wydyam was re
ceyved with dyvers Noblemen, and o
A .
The Abott cf Kynloofe Robert Ryde.
Convayed to the Chappell Wher the Kinge
The Abbott of Holytvod Canzrihe.
was preent.
The Abbott of Canskynner Elyander

Item, The Kinges Grace thus andingc

M le.

zhe Abbott of Gelom Gan-ter Velomim.

The Erlls.

Therll of ArgyeIl Maier of the Hows

in his Chappel beyde his travye in

companed with all thes Lordes S iritual
and Temporall, was brought to is pre
ence the Lorde Wydyam b the Lordes
afore reheared, the Kinge andinge in a

wold, that is to aye with hus the Lorde Gowne of Purple Velvet furred with
Therll of Mary-aye Levetennant of Scot
Therll of Honttlaye Caled Gordonn.
Therll of Aneu Named Hamylton.
Therll of Rothous caled Lynjaye.
Therll of Athel Stuard.
Therll of Marchall.
Therll of Caells Named Canyde.
Therll of Montero? Graye.
Therll- of Craorth Lynhye.
Therll of Gluntearrte Coningbam.

blacke budge, the Which Gowne his Grace

give awaye as hereafter followeth.

Thus in this Manner the Lorde Wydyam
came to the Kinge doinge his Reverence
as apperteyneth to the State of uche a
Prince, the Kinges Grace then toke hym

by the hand with a good merrye and lo

vinge Countenance, ayinge, That he was
Right Welcom, Demaundrnge of the Wel

fare of the Kinge Owr Sovereigne Lorde,

and after that his Grace toke by the hand
all the Gentlemen that Came with hym,
then the aide Lorde 'Fydyam declarynge
to his Grace the' pleaure of the Kinge our
The Lorde Slemynge Chamberleyn of Sovereigne Lorde, and alo preentin e to
Scotland, and Lorde Chamberleyne of the hym thorder of the Garter, the Whi his

Kinges Chamber.

Grace receyved with a .very Good and

The Lorde Hotvme warden of the E Pryncelye Countenance.


The Lorde Askyn, the Lord Reven, the

Item, After Certeyne Articles of the
Lorde Cryghton, the Lorde Evindal, the aide Order of the Garter red to theK nge
then Norraye Kinge of' Armes *re ente
Lorde Sym 111.
The Lor e Maxwed Warden of the Wea the Garter to the Kin esGrace, t e Lorde
Mart-bis, and thes Canter to the Kinge.
Wydyam receyvin e t e aide Garter, the
The Lorde Lynaye of Byrryr.
Kynge ettinge fgrthe his left legg, the
The Lorde ofMeyrz the Queens husband. Lord Wylyam puttinge the Garter abowt
Sir Jantes Hamylton, with many other it in the place accoomed, then lcnelinge
Lordes and Kinghtes.
downe the Kinge of Armes ayinge Cer
teyne wordes in hewinge to the Kinge'

Item, Thes Noblemen ther gevinge theyr Grace the Si nication of the aide Garter,
attendance 'of the Kinge at his place in and What the Wearinge therof betokenid,
Edinbroztghc by the Abbey of Howlej in as hall be hereafter declared.


- Item, Then the aide Norraye Kynge of Morraye did et agayne the Lorde I/"
Armes preented the Gowne of the Garter Iyam with other.

to the Kinge, the Whiche the aide Lorde

II' >I1yam receyved, then the Lorde 'Slemynge
beinge Lorde Chamberleyne went to_the
Kin e and toke of his Gowne delivennge
the Faide Gowne to the Kin e of Armes
for his Fee; and then the ai e Lorde Wyl
lyam with the Lorde Chamberleyne put
the aide Gowne of the Garter on the
Kynge; then the aide Kynge of Armcs
ltnehn' e downe declaringe to the Kinges
Grace t e signication of' the Wearinge
of the aide Gowne, then was brought
forthe to the Kinge by the aide Norrcy
Kynge of Armes the Mantle and the
hoode, and Ereented to the Kyng, the
Which the

orde Wylyam rCCCIVCd, and

Alo all the Gentlemen and other Ser

vants of the Lorde Wydyam dyned in the

Courte, and alo Garter and Arorrey Kinge

of Armes dyned at the Lord Chamberlens
Borde, Wheras was ryght oumpteous
Item, At the re Coure to the Kynges
Table was lx D hes, the econd Coure *
was lii D rhes, t e third Coure was xliii

Dyhes, erved all with Lordes, Knyghtes

and Gentlemen, all right well umpte
ouye appareled, as in velvet, Satten and
Item, The Carver to the Kinge that day

the Lorde Chamberleyne to yther did put was - - - - - - - and the Sewar was - -- --.
it on his Grace, then the O 'cer of Armes and the Cuppe bearer was - - - - . . - did knele downe, and then declarin e the

signication therof then the aide Zhrray Memorand. Here followeth the Artirks of
the Statutes of the Garter, the Which the
'preented the Coller of the Garter: to the
Kynge of Scotts toke, and wasrorne rmto,
Kynge, the Which the Lorde Wyyam re
ceyved, and put hit abowt the Kyngs
and the re of theaide Statuts did rqfjz/c',
and ma: not worne to them as herea ter
Necke, the Lorde Chamberleyne of the
Kinge of Scotland Alyinge himJ then foowetbe
' the Ocer of Armes kne m e owne,
hewinge the signication of the ame to
Jmnes Kynge of Scotland promitteth
his Grace.
and auryth by the aythe and Word of a
Kyng, that we hall full and keepe at
Item, When the Kynge had receyved owr powre poyntments and Ordenaunces
this Noble Order of the Garter, in the of the right Noble Order of Sainte George
preence of all the Nobles aforerecyted, named the Garter, as hereafter followeth,
then his Grace went into his Travye, then conte
ned iStatuts
and declared
in deliverid,
the Booke the
the aide
to hus
the Byshopzze longe hye Mae reveed
in onticali m, the Byshopp of -- - - - Which Articles We promitt now ageyne
Piler, the Byshopp of - - - - - Go eEer to houlde, kepe and Enterteyne. So God
veed in - --- Pontlzlcalibus, the aide Us help. In the Wytnes of the premie:

Mae olemnyoul

onge 'by the Kings We have Caued owr Seale to be put to thes

Chappell all the aide Mae Whyll the

Kinge knelinge within the aide Travye,
and the Queene his Mother knelinge with
in her Travye on the other Syde of the
Cha pell on the lefte hand, and all the
Ma e Whyle ode the Lord Wyyam a
little bye hym, and omewhat wyde of
the Kynges Travye Garter and Norraye
Kynge of Armes andinge by the aide
Lord W Hyam, Wearinge on the K nge
our Ma ers kotes of Armes, Lyon

Preents Syned with owr hand at owr

towne of Edynbrough the xxi daye of Fe
Izruarye the Yere of 'Owr Lord' God a
M.VC.rxxiiii yeares, and of (Jwr Reigne
the xxii yeare.
The Kyn es Grace acceptith and Con
enteth tot e Articles of thorder of the

Garter, Fir to the Second Article ma

kinge mention, That none hall be Choen

Companyon of the aide Order without

inge he be a Gentleman of Name, Armes and

of Annes of Scotland' Wearinge on them Blood,and Kny ht,and to all other poynt:
the Kynge theyr Maiers kotes of Armes, Conteyned in t is aide Article.
andin eon the left hand of thaulter with
Secondlye, Ageyn the third Article
hym, t e re of the Harrauldes of Scot
the Kinges Grace conents and promyeth
Iarid beinge before the Queenes Travye.
Every yeare uppon Sainte Georgis daye,

Item, All the Mae tyme the Kynge

Wearinge on hym the aide Robes of the
Garter, the Which he did Receyve at that
tyme, and in this Manner and Order the
aide Kinge of Scotte: with a Joyfull
manner and Pr ncel e Countenance re
ceyved the ai Nob e Order of the Gar

ter, then after Mae was don, the K rnge

went forthe of the Chappell to his C am
ber and o to Dynner, Wheras dyned with
hym the Lorde Wyyam, and Therll of

or om other olem daye, in the yeare, of

his greate Seill bey in the honor of the
Abytt of Sainte George, that is of the Abitt
of the aide Order, or a parte therof, Lyke
as the Coller or the Garter.

his Grace promyeth and

Conentith to the xxi Articles, makinge

mention that after the aatutid Order his

Grace hall end one uyciant Procurator
or Attorney, after the Coom or forme of

tharticle to be Inaled, and fullled
the aide Article in all poyntes as other
Kynges Knyghtes of the aide Order hath
don before and ar accuomed to doe.
Fowerthlye, his Grace promyeth and
Conenteth to oberve and kepe the xxxiii
Articles a eyn the Renewinge of the
'booke of 'tatutes after his Grace Deceae
within the tyme expermytted to Conforme
to the aide Article in all oyntes, and
the aide Comyaries dipen ed in all the
re of the aide Articles Contayned in the
aforeayde booke of the aide Statuts.



all alo
the Knights
Com auions
ter, and
of a Procehjn
made in
h] Chap

to the Altar, which is by the Text ofthee

Annals acribed expresly to the xxvith
year, whereof the Collector thought it not
improper to give a uccinct Deription.

HE Compiler of this Regier hath

inerted thee Fi ures as the real
Appearances that the

nights Compani

ons hould have made in the Chapter Houe

and Chape] of Windbr, in cae they had
been all there actually preent, wherein
'tls evidently a Suppoition only- for in
xxvith Year the Sovereign himelf was

Memorand. At the departinge of the abent, as thee ame Annals inform us:
Ambailitor from the Kynge of Scottes, the But this Libert or Fiction may be eaily
'Which then toke his Leave of his Grace in ardoned, if t is Compiler was crupu
his Place at Edinhorough was the lae da e ouy exact, as he ought to have been, in
of Fehruarye, Where his Grace toke t e the minute Particulars, ince in his Text

aide Ambaator by the hand makinge he refers to thee Draughts as Views of the
his Recommendacons to the Kinges Grace plendid Appearances of this Order, and
his Uncle, then afterward toke all the if any Thing was left to the Humour or
Gentlemen by the hand, and o takin e Fancy of the Painter, Poerity may be
their Leave, and after then Went and to e led into Errors.
theyr Leave of the Queene.
This Repreentation conis of two
Draughts or Parts, the r Figure repre
Memorand. The Kinge rewarded to ents a Chapter of this Order, in which
the Lorde W Hyam a Gowne of klothe of the Sovereign itts in his Chair of State
Goulde raecg and lyned with Crymon with an arched 'Crown on his Head, hold
Satten, and a Cl. Sterlinge in Crounes.
ing the Scepter in his Right Hand, and in
his Left the Mound urmounted with th'
' Item, Garter Kynge of Armes a Gowne Croe, He is habited in a Scarlet Surcoat
of Purple Velvett lyned with blacke bo with round Sleeves in the Form of a Sur
che, and a C. Crounes of the Sunn.
plicc having over it the Mantle of the
Order lined with Ermin, enigned with
Item, To Norraye Kinge of Armes a St. George's Croe encompaed with the
Gowne of blache Satten lyned with blacke Garter upon his Right Shoulder, and about
hud e all the Sleves tyed with aghetts of his Neck, or rather his Shoulders, the Col
Gou de to the Number of xxiiii, and a lar of the Order with the Image of Saint
C. Crounes of the Sunne.
George pendant thereto. On the Soverei ns
Left Hand are re reentedthirteenKnig ts
The Stallacyon of the Kinge of Scottes, Companions all andin , and on his Right
twelve, which twenty ve are in the ame
James the veth of his Name.
Scarlet Surcoats teaching down to the
The yeare ofour LOPdZGOd a M.V.C.xxxv. Small of their Legs, and over them the

and of the aide Kinges Reigne the xxvii, Mantles of the Order with the like Col
the xiiii da e of Augu was Inaled in lars and Georges; Two of them on his

Wiuozir Ca le in the Stale next to the Right Hand have arched Crowns upon
French Kinges .Stale by a Procurator whos their Heads, Scepters in their Right Hands,
Name was the Lorde jfohn Askin a right and Mounds in their Left-, On his Left
Nohleman, the Which did Content and is one in the ame manner, and another
paye the Dewties to the Colledge and to with an unarched Crown upon his Head,
having the Mound in his Right, and Scep

(a) Eyerye.

ter in his Left Hand. Six of the other

Companions have red Cape 1 in at
upon their Heads, one hat a lac Cap

doubled or lined with red, the Reidue of

the Number with black Caps, ave only

There is a beautiful limniilg in Colours placed one on the Right Hand, who is pictured
in thee Annals in the Introduction to the uncovered.
Reign of HCILVIII, repreenting that King


(a) Mr. Maer in his Collection: in Bibl. Colleg. Jeu Oxford oherver. That the Lard Howard had
Inructions to thank the King of Scnts jbr falcon:

and 'o preent him with a Suite of Apparel


and the Order a' the Garter. into which th: Empehor, the French King, and the King of the, Roman;
had been alrea j received, and for an interview between them. And that an the lat of February 1534,
the Krng of _Sc_otts by a Lette' return: him Thank: for theis Preents, and for the Garter ent him, and
the Lord Yham Howard returned toward: England on March 4. 1534, bringing with him t' LCU"

from the Brjhap of Abcrdeen to Cromivcll, at large commending his ildom in his Managemenr of this



The other Draught repreents a Proce
on made in the C a el to the Altar: le
low the Stepps of' t e Altar on each Slde
there and thirteen Eccleaicks with
their Tonures, having over their Sur

plices rich Co es, and each holdi

nials mention three Croes born on thee

occaions) then the Knights proceed in

the following Manner, having all of them
their Tabarts, with their Armorial Bear
ings ca over their Mantles.

a Book

Fir three Companions in brea,

open as thoug the were nging yNotes. Sir William Etz-I/'illianz having on his
The Procellion pa es on between them to Left Sir Wylllyam Sandys, who hath his
'he Altar, and is beg/tlm by three Perons Wives Arms in an Inecutcheon, and on
in brea, he in the iddle being habited his Right the Admiral of France. Thee
in a Gold Surplice bears a Croe, and on three Juniors without doubt went therefore
each Side of him hath two Perons clothed together, that the Sovereign might ac
in black havin red Stockings, who eem cording to the Rule proceed ingle at la.
"tobe Ver ers, caue their' carry Maces, Eighteen other companions go two and
(though t e Statutes and everal Ceremo two in brea in this Method.
The Earl of Wilthizv,

The Earl of Oxford,

Lord Dan),


Lord Ferrers,
Lords Aburgauenny,
having on
Vicount Lile,
their Right <
Earl of Nortbnmberland, 'Hands

Earl of Rutland,
Earl of igex,
Earl of emerland,
Earl of Ecx,
Earl of Sbrewsbnry,
Marquis of Exeter,

Earl of Arundel,

Duke of Snolk,
Duke of Norfolk,

Then come in brea three Ocers of

the Order, Garter Principal King of Arms
habited in the Sovereigifs Tabart, having
on his Right Hand the Regier in an Albe
or 'White Surplice, with the Tonure on

Duke of Ricbmond.

with the Scheme publihed by Mr. Ajlm.

P- 324-

The Sovereign 1n Chapter, and the Pro

ceion, and ome of the companions in
Chapter are reprecnted with the Cros of

his Head, and on his Left the Gentleman St. George, encircled with the Garter on
Uher in a Gown of Murra Colour with the Right Side of their Mantles; this (if

aCape, havin a double C ain hanging

over his Shou] ers with the Black Rod in
his Right Hand. 'Tis omewhat range
that the Prelate and Chancellour are omit
ted out of this Draught. The Ki
Scotland in his Tabart of Arms, wit a
Crown unarched on his Head, having on
his Right Hand Ferdinand King of the

Canons of II/'indtznr ought to wear the

Croe on their Right Arms, which is con
trary to all the antient Pourtraictures re
maining on their Tombs in the Cha ll of


Windor and in other places, thoug) this

it be an) Error, runs throughout the

Draughts in this Book, and when this
Compiler tranlated the fth Article of
the Statutes intofLatin, p. 42. that the

Then the King of France with the Em ame writer had before inerted a ecree
peror on his right Hand, thee three later made by Edw. IV, -that the Corn anions
with Arched Crowns, and in their Taberts ' hould wear the Image of the Ble ed Vir
gin on the Right Shoulder, p. 48. where
of Arms.
A Perbn bareheaded carryi the sword' as 'tis carce conceivable the Cros of
of State (the Emblem of Roya and Mili St. George, and this Image of the Virgin
Power) holding the I-lilt of it with were both to be worn on the ame Shoul
a double
hang-= der. The wardrobe Account, in I H. Vl,
ing about hishavin
Shou ders,
in aGowng
places the Garter on the Left Shoulders
ofRnet Colour with aCape to it, and withx of the Mantles of the Earle of Longnevie,
and of the Enzperor, ee above, . 120.
red Stockings.
Then the Sovereign alone with the which Poition is cononant to t e pre
Crown, Scepter, Mound, Collar and George, ent Method. Mr. Ahmole, p. 234, hath
as he was repreented in the Chapter, given a Sculpture of the Habits of the
without any Tabert of his Arms.
Ocers of this Order, vzhere the Prelate
After this Decription, it may not be? and Chauncellour have this Crce on the
impr r to take Notice of ome Particu-j Right of their Mantles, and the Conitu
1_ars w ieh at this Diance of Time are tions of the Order direct that Method, ee

not eaily to be explaiifd. It hould be above, p. 344. in the French. All the Com.
oberved, that the King of Scotland in this
Limning is placed next after the King of
the Romans in this 26th Year, though the
Decree for that Purpoe is in this ame
Regier inerted as made afterwards in
the ucceeding Year, when indeed there
were everal Alterations and Removalls
in the Stalls: But the placing of thee

Knights in this Figure doth not agree

panions in this Proccion, excepting the

Soverain, have over their Mantles o this
Order (which trail on the Ground) a Ta

bart of their own repective Arms and

Quarterings in their proper Metals and
Colours, which Surcoats are cloed at the

Necks, and reach dorvn to the Calves of

their Legs.

The Editor doth not recollect any Ritu
al, which mentions the Ap earance of the
Companions in any Aemb y of this Or
der thus inveed in Tabarts, there is in
deed a Plate in Mr. A/lnn. p. 642, which
exhibits the Founders of this Order, ha
vingunder their Mantles Tabarts or Sur
coats of their Arms, which Figures were

doubtles reduced by him into Miniature

from the Paintings drawn by Order of
Sir W211. Bruges the r Garter as Modells
to the Limner to de iict them in the Glae
Windows of the C apel erected by him
in Stamford, which Original Paintin s this
Collector now hath, where each night
is indeed thus repreented eparately on
a large Half Sheet with great Skill accord
ing to the Progres of the Art of Limning
in that Age: But it may be doubted whe
ther thee were ju Repreentations of the
Cuoms of the Times either of the Foun


31 Hen. VIII, after reading the Bill of the

Attainder of the Marquis of J-'xon 'tis En
tred, 'i Immcdiate pa cujus bille lectionem,
a DonjinurCromwellVicegercns Domini Re

Z: gzs rnnritualibus palam olendit qmrndam

tunicam ex allio cerico confectam, inven

a tam lper Dominum Admiranm inter Lin

u teamzna Comitia Sarum, in cujns parte are'
" terior: exiebant ola Anno Anglia, viz.
a Tres leaner, circimdata erto ex duobus
" oribus Anglia: vocatis Pazms 59' Mari
" gold: confect. - -- - In parte vero o cri
'4 are fuere ingnia illa, quilzui 'roper Zrbees
" in Aquilonari parte Anglia in Commotions

4 ua utebantur.
There is another Particularity in this
Draught, which is,

That x of thee

Knights in the Proceion, the two For

rei ners Montmoremy and Neivblancb, the
Vi count Li/e,the Erls of I/emerland and

Rntlanl, and the Duke of Ricbmoitd have

der to which the relate, or of Henry VI, redd Capps, while all the others have black

when thee were rawn. It is left to the

Readei-'s ]udgement whether the surcoats
of Arms under the Mantles were not ra
ther placed to diinguih the Perons,
than to hew the real Habit worn then by
thee Knights in the Solemnities of this
Order, becaue the Sovereigns in thee
Ages gave annually to the Knights a
Kirtle, under Robe, or Habit arniied
with a coniderable Number o Gar-ters,

ones: And unles this Variety in thee

Colours be owing to the Humour of the
Painter, it may not be eay to ive any
tolerable Conjecture for this Diinctiont

For though there be x Companions thus

covered with redd Caps in the Chapter
Houe in this Limning, yet no Argument
can thence be drawn, that it was not the

Caprice of the Painter, who would have

been uilty of a great Aburdit in View,

proportioned to the dierent Qualities of if he ad not equalled the Number in both

the Com anions, which Robe was to be laces, as indeed he hath been in repre
worn un er the Mantle of this Order. Now enting one of the Companions in the
. this Kirtle would not have been een in Chapter with a black Cap doubled or
cae a Surcoat of Arms hould be put over lined with red, which is not expreed in
it, and conequently the Diinction of the the Cap of anky one in the Proceion, and
Degrees or Titles of the companions, though one o the Companions is gured
which was dei ned to be hewn by the b him uncovered in the Cba ter-bou, yet
Diinction in t Number of the Garter: all of them have Caps in t is Procellion.
would remain undicovered. The preent The Englih Knights, who have red Caps
Enquiry is not, whether 'in the Reigns of in this Proceon, do bear the Arms of
the Founder, of Hen. VI, or even under the Crown with Abatements, or quarter
Hen. VIII, it was not cuomary to ue the Arms of the Crown with Dierences;
uch Surcoats of Arms as are delineated in but this Diinction could not be the Rea
thee Egies, but whether thee Surcoats on of this red Colour in their Caps be
were ever worn in the Proceons of this caue then the Duke of Norfolk, and
Order by the Knights, who had particular the Marquis of Exeter, who bear alo the
Habits appointed them by the Statutes, Arms of the Crown with Brizures, would
wherein t ere is no Intimation of any have been entituled to the ame Privilege.
Tabart. But if it had been the antient The MS. of Worceer as quoted by Canini.
Practice to wear uch Tabarts 'in the Cere Rent. p. as; reports, that in 1369 Caps
monies of this Order, it would not be un of everal Colours began to be ued in this
reaonable to believe, that Uage might Kingdom, epecially red ones with coly
have been continued in this 26th Year of Lynings.
Hen. VIII, though the Cuom of wearin
Then a ain, as to the three ocers of
uch Surcoats on common occaions ha the Order ere exhibited, the Conituti
grown obolete before that Time, for anti ons ettled in the i4th Year had appropri
ent Uages are often retained 'in Solemni ated Habits to them to be worn in thee
ties after they are dicontinued in com Solemnities, whoe Form is exhibited by
mon Practice, thus the Oerings of Hatch Mr. Ahm. p. 234. in Sculpture, yet they
ments are oberved to this Day in this are not thus robed in this Dran lit, for
Order, though thee have been diconti the Re ier here hath only an Ecc eiai
nued, or rarely performed at Funeralsz cal Ve ment, and Garter the Tabart ole
and indeed after this 26th of H. VIII, the ly, 'and which is farther obervable, this
Time here referred to, Tabarts of Arms latter Ocer was by thee Conitutions
eem to have been ued in War, for in the laid under the Obligation of bearing his

Journal of the Houe of Lords, on 12 May white Rod or Scepter at the Fea of Saint

* Xliv
George, When 'ever the Sovereign was pre- Inance out of Reverence to the crowned
Heads, who interpoe between him, and
ent, which is alo here omitted.

. Mr. A/im. p. si; eems to imply, that the Sword of State.

this Poition of Garter in the Middle be
tween the Regier and Black Rod, gave

him the_ Precedency above the Regier,

and 'tis the preent Notion amon thee
NU M B. Xlll.
Ocers, that the Middle is the uperior
Place. I-n this ame Figure we have two Precedents of Creations, L. 1.' p. 19. in
other Repreentations wherein- three Per
Oc. Arm.
ons o in Brea: The r is of the
See alo W. N. in Oc. Arm. p. 920.
'Cros carer, who is placed in the_Mid
dle, and doubtles preceeds the Virgers,
T the enelacyonne of Sir Foin:
but the Collector dares not adventure to de
Ran' ell, Lord Ruell, and Sir Tbonzas
termine whether Sir William Pin-William,
who is likewie o placed, was thereby Cbene tre orar of the kinges honourable
deigned to be exhibited in a Stall higher howhould lorde Wardeizne of the v. portes,
than the Admiral of France, for it might and Sir I/iI/yam kyrigonne controwler of
then be the Notion that the Right Hand the kynges honorable howe, which was
mi ht be the prior Place when three in Wzndare the 17 day of May Anno 1539,
wa ked together. But if this Poition of and the: xxxi of the kinges raygne Henry
Garter in the Middle hould be thought the viiith of that name, and the eae
to give him the Precedency above the as then by the noble earl] of Arunde
Regier, who was an Ocer in the Order Preydente, and with him to beare him
uperior to him, it may be accounted for company the Earl] of Rowttland, re

in the preent Circumance, for Garter is

here repreented in the Coat of Arms of
the Crown, that is he wears the ame
Coat, in which the Soveraign himelf
would have been inveed, in cae he had
been habited in a Tabert as the other Com
panions are. Now there was a Decree
made by 'bomas Duke of Clarence at the
Sie e of Caen, u Qne tout: le; ays que le

ay cbevancbera, on yra a pied, on a che

oal, oit a Pegliye, on en armee, on aultre
ment anx cbantps, en nies, ou aultres li
u enx Gjpldces, ou Fon doit tenir Gfgarder

" bonneur, le principal Roy dtrmes on be

" ranlt preents ortantz le: Arms: du Roy

thee iii earles namyd d d on theyre

robis of the Order, as wel the owrcott
and Mantill, and howd, and colower, and
this dwonne they went into the Chapter
howe, and after the re beyng theare a
prety whill, they id end out Maer
gartir, and bade hyme to cawlle the Lord
Rowel to com to the Chapter dore, which
dyd o, and there came owt to mete with
the fordayd lord Roin-ed the Earl] of
Rowtland, and imbrayd him with loving
wordes and wellcomyed hym to that fra
thernythy with uche other goodly words,
and leadyd him into the cha ter howe,
wheras the Earll of Ex imbra yd him in
like maner, and lik wordes, and this they

" fe tiendront
yront en avant droit de
"V porter-r
irant la igneronne
du Roy,
de celluy
qui went to the Chapter, were as the prey
ejce devant
lay.on" MS.
in Mu:
dente atte, and to hym they did their
'A/z. n. 764. And to the like Purpoe there dew reveraunce, and o this after other
was a Decree in France, made Afterwards Certayne Serymonies done ,

the two

by Artbur Duke of Bretagne the Conable Earllells deliverid the Knight his ercewt
in 1477. MS. Anderfon in Bibl. Coll. Re and whode, whiche he toke with greatt re
gine Oxon. and therefore Bruges the r veraunce, and garter had his gownqwhich
Garter in his Petition to Hen. V for the was of black velvett lynyd with blacke
Declaration of the Rights of the Oce, Satten, which gowne s his fee, and when
*' Item pleaz a vore baultee souverain this yon knight ha on his ercewt, and
" Seigneur O' de vore Grace attribuer an his wh d, thes ii earles leydd hym be
" Roy zParmes des Anglois enemble avecqnes twixt them out of the Chapter, and Maer
" tonte Pocc d'armes veitz de: tunicles 59: garter bare this yonge knights robes afore
" cottes (Purmes des Princes Scigneurs, CD' de them on his Armes, and the regyer of
*' la cbevallerie pnient aller en 'va/Ire noble the utheryd, and all the harouldes afore
a preence, devant an plus Pre: de Pejee, GF them, and this they went unto the quere
a comme il a ee de memoire accouume pour dore,and at their commyng by the kynges
" Ponnenr O' noblee der Cottes iarnzcs. 9. Stall, every one of them made a low reve
" penes me, . 143." It would be too raunce to the bleayd bodye of God, and
great a Digrel ion here to hew this Uage another to the kyn es Stall, and this done
of the Principal King of Arms in foreign they preyd to t e Stall of the yonge
Parts, tho' hence it appears there was u knight, and the yonger of the Earlles
cient Foundation for the Decree relating went afore into the Stall, and Garter
to this placing Gar-ter in the Conituti came on the other ydde of the Stall, and
ons made in this 14th Year, though Gar bare yll the mantle on his armis, thee
ter doth not here proceed next before the 3 lordes bevng within the Stall the reycr
Sword of Srate in the Manner directed by od in the low all where all the priies do
them, which was altered in the preent ynge, and had a portowr and the knightes

w, .'



ought, and 2 Earlles dyd iveare him ther and poynted the howze to be redy the
uch artikelle, as the manerer is to be done next day for to go to matenes, as the coe
amongye theme, and this donne the Rome ys in their robbes; and o they dyd


earlle of Ruttland toke of the Lord Ro comm in order into the quiere, and after
wells Shewlder hys whod of the other, and their devout donne, every of them went
layd yt downe uppon the bordde before unto his eall, and harde maile, and ayd
the Stall, and toke the Mantell from Ma mattenes, and this done, they went to
Rer Garter, and the ii _Ear_lles dyd yt on the Recbeerers howe to breakefae, and
the Lord Rowell, and in likewye they frome
breakefae to the chapter howe,
toke hrme his whodd, and this donne and o to the quiet afterward, and bie rng
when he had on his whoddinpon his there the (anones and ries made t em
heade, the ii Earlles-vrithe their hands a red to go with proe yonne, when pro
bout his Shoulderes, they atte hime downe an
e dyone
was donne,hi mae,
the preydent
as the
in" his aull withe many goodly wordds,
and reverently he anwerid them agayne ner is for the kyng, and the Earl] of, exe
with much umylitie, and thanked them bore the preydents oerynge for the
for the greatt paine they toke with him, ame, and after this done, his trayne was
and when all this Serymonys weare donne, let downe, and the car tt and the Co-*
they came downn a aine,and inlike order yonne taken aw , t e foreaid Earll
and maner they lea ed him into the Cha - of Arundell oer d or himelf, and did hid
ter howe againe, and bein ther he ha d dewty unto Go , and to aynt gear-go, and
his kollowre of the orders elyverid unto at his comynge into the fyre poynt of
him, and when this was donne they at the eales, he made his bcyaunce to the
downe in their orders, and bade maer k nYeS place, and o went into his owne
gartir to caull for Tbonzas Cbene, and_t0 eiial under his baner of armis, and atte
caue hime to come unto the dore, which or elle odde, after which t rrne the Earll
was done, and he was reevid at the Chap of exe oeryd, and in lyke maner his
ter howe dore by the forayd Earlle of dewty done, went unto his eall, and he
Risttland, aud by the Earll of Ex as beyng in his etell, the Earll of rutlmul
fore they did unto the Lord Rosnzell in went to oerynge, and in lyke manner
all pyntes, and in like manner to S_ir Wzl the lorde Rowell, thenthe ii knights
liam Kingone, and all this Serimonis done to eder as afore ys ayd, the auncyent
they came all to evenonge, and the O be ore the other, or on the ry hte hande :
cers of Armis befor them in Order,_and the All this done-mae and all, t ey rode up
yongye knight before, and o till they to dyner to the caell, and ther theyr
came unto the preydent; before the' pre were erved as the maner is, and this
ydent went Maer garter and the rece done they came downe and went unto the
er, and a gentyllmane Usher, which chapter, and frome 'the cha ter_ to even
had the black rode, this they reyd unto onge, and o to-uper, an after upper
uiere dore, and ther eve
night dyd ther was andynge, and had a voyder of
t eyr deu reverence unto od, and after coumfets and ipecries. A Monday to
to the kynges Stall, and this done the chapter in their mantell botyed and
the Predent went unto his eall, and poryd, and to the mae of regniem, and
beyng in his eall, the ellder Earll made at oyrynge tyme the baner of George,
his reverence, and went to his ealle, after Talbatt Earl of Sbrowsbnry -was oyryd
the other Earll made his reveraunce and by the Earll of eixe and the earl] of Rut
went to his Stall, after this manner every IanIl, the worde the Lord Romell, and.
on of the Othere acordynge to their in his hellme and creae by Sir Thomas Cbeyni

ellayone, and this don they hard even and Sir 'William Kingonne, and in like'
onge, and came to upper on horebacke
unto the caell, wher their supper was
red , and they atte all at wonne borde,
an when uper was donne they watched
on fotte andynge the preydent alone with

manere was the baner, hellme and creae

of Sir Tbomar Bolleyne Earl] of Will/hire,
and this donne the reydent dyd oer for -.

the kynge, and a ter for hymellfe, and

o every of the reae, as above wrighteane,

iii reverences, and the ii Earlles afterward, and this was donne, they oerid to aynt
and the 3 new knights together, and this Gcorg, and hard a do profundys, and there'
done they had comynicacyon together, they took their leave the on of the other.

-r-r - --*=




1 .

A! the feae in WlndOWIC cet/fell the l7 day Of Maye,

the xxxz' Jvere of

'the raigne of hinge henry the viii.

Fire the Souverainge, .._-; ;__.' The Emperour,
The Frenche Kinge, _._- ____. The Kyng of [the Romans),
The Skottes kyng , ..- __- .._.... The Duke of Soacke,
The Duke Of Noifoulhe, ..--- ._.._ A place voyde,
A place voydd, __.- ._. .._._ The Earll of Arunde,
The earlle of Ex, _-- .__.. .__. The Earll of Wenzztrland,
The earll of Suix, _._- ..._.-._._. The Earlle of Ruttland,
The Earlle of Comberlanl,
The earle of Oxford, --- ---The earll of Southamton, _--- gge Loild Cromwell,
The conable ofFramtce, -- -

The Lord Ferys, ___- _-- -The Lord Sandys, --- --- Sir Thomas Channye, -- --

Vi ecom
e ,
Thee AdmerauIlPbf

The Lord RoeH,

Sir Vyllyanze Kynonne.

in owr owne and foreyne countryes much

commendid, that he bu ly labored to tleface and utterly to de roye o grete an
NU M B. XlV.
encouragement and occaion of vertue,and
thls he did o much the rather, when he
Edward the yxtc by the grace of God kyng awe o many valiant men yrred with
of England, fraunce, and behinde, de' deyer of this honor to the atteyning of'
jiender of the faithe, and in earthe of the
perytte and abolute vertue wheru pon
Church of Englande, and alo [re and, o farre furth he wente ubtylly blyn yng
the supreme hedd, To all that hall ee thejh mens eyes u on hope of pre e, that at
Premtes Greting.
length he lled and ue the very
atutes and ordynaunces of this felawU R mo noble aunceours kings of hip and order with many obcure, uper
Englande, udyeng gretly and ong icious and repugnante opinions, We ther
conidering w1th themelves what devoute fore to defeate this o grete malyce of
reverence towardes God, what natural love that ubtill ennemy have ben gretly mo
to theire country, what lovyng aection ved by the auncyentnes, majeie, and
to theire ubjects they ow ht to bere, very odlynes of this order, o that we
They one fownde that not ing was ey thoug t a lowr udy, labor and diligence
ther fytter or more agreable w1th theire to be well beowed ll) reducyng the ame
oce than to advaunce to high honor and to his originall eate and priyn fun
gloPre, good, godly, valyant well couraged, dacion.
wy e, and noble men, and to brede and
Wherfore at a olempne convocation at
rnacynteyne a certeyne amytie, fellowhip, owr Chapter holden at owr palaice of
an mutuall agrement in all hone things Wemir/er the xviith of Marche in the
among all men, but epecially among yere of the lorde after the computacion of
'_*, _ ,_ .4 z_u :. au- _ _ u

equals, for they jud ed honor, as urely

the church of Englande rssz, and in the

it is, the reguards o vertue and concorde, eventh yere of owr Reigne, where the
the fundacion and enlarger of comen moe parte of the Knights of the ame
weales, when they had wrely we d order were preente with us, It was enacted
thee things, they thought it e to ma e and decreed by us with thaent of thoe
a certeyne felowhipp, and as it were a knights of thorder, whoe names be ub
Colled e of thoe that had very well and cribed in thende hero, that the Articles
hone y borne themelves at home in within wrytten hall be trewly oberved
tyme of peace, and had tryed themelves as the Statutes of this Order.
valyant and wye abrode in martial feates,
wherfore they devied that uch men in a
Thorder of the Garter, Caput Primum. '
token of concorde and unyte hulde weare
Fire of all be hit decreed, that this or
about their le gs a certeyne garter, wher
by they hulde declare to all men, that der from hensorth hall be cauled the or
for their country and Gods caue they der of the Gaer, and nat of aynte George,
lee the honor which is dew to God the
wolde be redy valiauntly and manull
to pend not only their goods but al o Creator of all things mighte eme to be
themelves and their l ves, and for that geven to any creature.
caue they have raule this felawhipp
Alo there halbe of the ame order xxv
the Order of the Garter. But that olde worthy Knightes beyds the Soverayne,
erpente Sathan a contynual adverarye being all gentillmen borne and urithoute
to mankynde had. o rete envye herat, Reproclte.
for that he eipled it to he of all men bothe





Chauncelor or his deputie a boke of the

Statutes of th'order gned with the Sove

The Sauverayne, Cap. ii.

raynes hande, which after the deth of the

The Kyng of England, his heyers and

ucceors Kyngs halbe Soverayne of this
Order as he hath ever ben heretofore, To
whome alo the declaracion, Inter retaci
on, denition, and as the matteri all re
quyre, the correction of the Statutes hall
allweys belong, havyn

therto the con

ente of yx of the Or er at the leae.

Whenoever the Soveraigne hall under
fcande, that one of the Knightes of thorder
is ded, and wolde have another apoynted
in his place, he hall ende by his Lettres
to the ree of the knightes of thorder be
ing in the Realme, or to o many _of them
as to his Majeie hall eme expedient, be
ing nat under the number of yx at the
leae, Commaundyng them to attend upon
his highnes at uche place and tyme as
he hall apponte for the Election._

The Soverayne hall have this pryve

le e, that he may dipence with Ceremonys
be onging to this Order, and as caue re
quyreth gyve lycens to omytte the ame.
The Knightes of Thorder, Cap. iii.

None halbe admitted into this felaw

hip, eitcepte he be a gentilman Of blnd of

the fathers yde from three dicents and

beryng armes, and halbe alo of thorder
ofKnighthood before his election,withoute
dew Reproche of all manner of iamefull
actes and deades.
Whenoever a Rome or moo halbe
voyde, and the Knightes of thorder eyther
all or at lee yx of them beyds the So
verayne, havyng on theire accouumed
Robes, halbe aemblyd with the ove
rayne, every one of them hall wryte the
Names of Nyne worthy peronags, fyre
of prynces, that is to aye of Emperors,
Kings, Archidukes, Dukes, Marquyes or
Erlcs, and thre of Vicounts, Barons or

aid Knighte mue be reored to Garter

king of Armes,
After this he hall within a Moneth'

after this election have in a redynes the

mantell, kyrtle, hod and coller, with
thaccouumed apparel] of thorder, and at

the tyme appoynted by the Soverayne

hall repayre to Il/yndejbr, with two other
Knightes of the Order havyng commyllion'
from the Soverayne and the re of tho
cers of the Order that ma



and there in the cha ell ta rng is Othe

halbe inalled, an have t abytt put on
in maner and forme as hath been accou
umed, and there his hachements being
et up by Garter, he halbe then accompt
ed and reputed for a perfeyte knight of '
this order, nevertheles for that it may
often chaune that ume halbe choen to
this order, being either abent owt of the
Realme, or otherwie employed in the
ervice of the kyngs Majeie, or els o
be deteyned in yknes as the cannot con
venyently within a Monet s pace after
the election repayre eyther to the preence
of the Soverayne to receve the order, or
to Wyndor to be inalled, in that cae
the election being made in Chapter, and
knowledge geven b the Soveraynes Let
ters to the knight c oen of his election
and thorder of the garter being ente to
the aide knight by one of the aide
knightes of the aide order, or b Garter
kyng of Armes, the aide knig thalbe
accompted and taken as a knight of this

order to all maner of porpoes, as though

he had ben preente at the election, and

had ben actually inalled and arayed with

thabyte, allthough he hulde chaune to
dye before any enallement, or to be

lenger abent after his election thanone

moneth, provided nevertheles that aone

as he may convenyently repa re to the

Lords, and three of Bannerets Kni htes overayne, he hall ofer hym elf redy to

or Knightes commenly cauled bac eler procede at the pleaure of the Soverayne

Knightes, which being o wrytten and to his enallement, in uch orte as is

preented to the Sovera ne accordyngh to
thaccoumed maner,
is Majeie i all
choe owt of them whome he thinketh
moe worthy of the lace voyde, and if
he or they which hal be choen halbe
"there preente, two Knightes of thorder
hall leade h m or them into the place
where the overayne is, the one after
thother accordyng to their Honors and
lace, and his highnes hall pute aboute
liis neck a Coller, or lyttell cheyne or lace
havyng a Maye golden Image of a armed
knight yttyng on horeback compaed
with a garter of golde hangyng therat, in

which Garter hal be this entence con

teyned, Honyoit, quy, mal pena, which

is the connylaunce of thor er. And that

don two other companyons of thorder hall
faen or tye the garter aboute his left
legg, To whome hal be delyvered by the

above lymyted for them,which hall with

in one Moneth after their election be in
alled, and hall there be inalled as if he

might within the Moneth convenyently

have repayted to Iyndeor. And if ne
vertheles it halbe lefull for the overeyn
to dipence at his pleaure with any uch

knight o choen to this Order being ab

ente touchyng any parte or ceremony of
the enallyng, foreyng that he be choen
accordyng to the maner precribed, and
that he have the order ente to hym from
the overayne, and that his hatchements
be ete up in dew place by Garter.
When Garter hall ete up at Winder
the hatchements of any knight of this or
der newly choen into the place of any
deceaed owt of this lyf Without condem
nacion of any cryme he hall before the
ettyng up of the new hachements take





downe inorder; and that reverentl

the and ellt pence. B a Duke Ten Powndes,

banner, worde, helm
and cre e of By a arquys Eig t pownds iyx hillin
hym that lae decea ed, in whoe place and eight pence, by an Erle yx powns:

the new doth uccede, and hall in the thirtene hillings and i iiid. by a vicounte
chapell preente the ame one after ano fyve ownds xvis. Viiid. by a baron fyve
ther to the deane, or in his abence to the ownc s, by a knighte Thre pownds yx
ubdeane, or other of the principal] canon
illings and eight pence.
there with thee words, The: were the
hachements of a knight of this noble Order The Sumes of mony folowitg rtreiuth as be
fydes thother halbe le-uyed of the Re of
who deceaed his lyfe itch a day.
Addyn therto t is entence, Bleed be
when oever any knight of thorderi
the dead that dye in the lorde, which don,
the cleane, or he to whome thee _hatche

ments halbe preented hall enter m wry_

ting the ame to be entryd by the Regi
er, and then hall Garter et up the new
Alo every knight of the aide order
within yx moneths after he is apoynted
bythe Soverayne to his Stall at Wyndeor,
hall caue a plate m convenyent propor
tion of ume kynde of metall, havyng
therin his Armes graven to be et up in
his proper Stall.

Of the kyng of England eight pownds

yx hillings and eight pence, of a foreyn
kyng yx pownds thirtene ihillings and
fower pence, of the prynce of Wales, or
any heyer aparante to any other kyng
fyve pownds yxtene hillings and eight
pence; of a Duke fyve pownds, of a
Marquys Thre pownds fyftene hillings,
of a Erle tie hillings, of a vicounte
forty one hilling and eight pence, of a
baron Thirtie thre hillin s iiird. of a ba

Every Whiton-e-ven yerely, Garter the cheler knight yxtene Shillings and eight
Let the aid Sumes of Money be ga;

principal kyng of' Armes hall caue cut

chions ofthe Armes of every knight as well
preente as abent to be paynted with Metal
and cowler, and ete up in the proper eates
at uch place, where as the Kyn Ma
jeie hall kepe or celebrate the fe e that
yere at the coe of the Soverayne.
Yf any Duke, Marquys, Erle, vicount,
baron, banneret, or bacheler knight being
of this order huld chaune to d e, he that

thered and beowed, upon the pore, and

for repa ring of hye wa es.


oney that ha be dew aforeaid

by Strangers elected to this Order, the

kyn as Soverayne of this Order hall dis

bour e, and the Rees of the Sumes of
mony that hal be dew by the knightes of

this Order, beyng no rangers, every of

uccedith hymof what eate dbver he be the aide knightes hall paye for them

hall have onely that Stall which his pre elves, And if any of them refueo to do,
decelor before had, nether hall he change then the Recuant hall paye over and be;
it withoute peciall appoynctment of the yds the umme payable by hym a thirde
Soverayne, unles he be an Emperor or parte of the ame ume as a enaltie and

the 1ldtoiall,
rynce of
of the, or
have alor payne for brekyng of this or er.
weys the Stalles accordyng to the State The OTHE of a Knight of Thorder.
next unto the Soverayne.
, Every one of the companyons of this Or
N. named and choen knight of this
der Ihall have always remaynyng at Vinde
moie noble order of the Garter, doo
or colledge in a redynes a Mantell for the
and fwear, that Iwill defend and man
order to be ever Redy for uch buynes as
the dignities, carljks, lawes, and Domy
dyvers t es chaunyth aboute thorder.
the le ng of Englande Sooerayne of .
No night of this Order hall departe niqmOrder, t at I will et fnrthe Gods glory;
the Sovera nes Domynion without leve th"
and honor, and throughly oberve o much al'
re had o the Soverayne.
No Kni ht of thorder hall come into hall lye in me the Statutes of this order, and
coune-ll o this Order, or go abrode openly fynally defend and mante ne to my over the
without his garter, excepte it bewhen he liberties of the ame, w erof I ta e God to

rydeth boted, and as often as he hall mys

herof he hal be blame worthy, and being

admonyhed he hall paye unto the my


strange Knights of the Order, Cap. iiii. '

nyers of the Church of 17yndeor a


When an foreyn prynce halbe choen

into this or er, the overayne hall end to

Snmes 0 Money payable by the knights of hym one of the kni htes of the aide or-.
der, and Garter the iyng of Armes with
thar er at the tyme of their Eleon.
Statutes igned with the overayns hand
By the kyng of Englande forty marks, and ealed with the Scale of the ame or
a foryne kyng Twenty pounds, by der, who after thende of comen prayers
Prynce of Wales or heyr aparante to uyd in that country, hall put upon the
owr kyng Thirtene poundes yx shillings Perons elected into this company the




accouumed Robes and aparell of thorder,
that is to aye the Mantel, kyrtell, and
the hood alo aboute his neck, they hall
ut a coller of golde wrought with Roes
havyng thorder of the garter hangyng
therunto, and aboute his leg they hall tye
the Garter.
' No foreyn prynce elected into this or
der halbe bonnde to gyve any Othe, or to
perorme the other ceremonys of the order
unles they will themelves, nor yet to
leave during their lyves the wearyng of
the Image of aynte George which they
r receved but as it hall pleae them.

e The OTHE of a Strainger Choen

into the Order.

N. do promye 'and fiveare, That Ihall

newly obm-e in all poyntes, from ar

ticle to article the Statutes of the Noble or

der of knight/had in Englande cauled the
Order of the Garter, at is conteyned particu
larly in a boke of the ame order geven to me,

o that nothing he therin ecied contrary to

uch things as I have heretofore ivorne unto.
The deprivation of a Knight of
Thorder, Cap. v.

The Name of a knight of thorder con

demned of treon being entred into the

Regier boke of thorder hall afterwards

have this note in the margent over again
the place where the name hall be wrytten
Vah traitor,
name nevertherlesremayni
un puttheowte.
The puhli/iiitg of a knighte degraded -om

thorder, to be pronounced by Garter kyng

of Armes in thee Word: following.
lie it knowen to all men, that N. late a
knight and companyon of the noble order

of the Garter 1S accued and atteynted of

treaon, wherfore he hath deerved to be
removedand put from the aide order and

fellawhip, wherefore the kyngs moe

excellent Majey overayn of this order
cauling chapter of the companyons of the
ame, hath willed and comaunded that
thee unworthy Armes of that traitorous
peron halbe throwne downe and defaced
as a manyfe argument to depryve hym
of this order, that by his enample all
men herafter may beware to comytte like
Of the Fea and Ceremonyes.

The Feae of this order hall yerely' be

'Whooever hall be convicted of an celebrate and kepte on Whiton-even, II/ hit

capital ofence, or hall be knowen cowar - anday, and Whitoiz-monday, except it

ly to have turned their face from their halbe the kyngs Majey's pleaure by
ennemys in battell, or hall be potted reaon of yknes or umme other grete
with any Capitall Cr me though they caue to defcrre the ame untill ome other
ecape the paynes of eath, or have ben tyme, which thing hall allweys be re
receved into this company for lack of ferred to the k ngs Majeies order.
Yt is alo or ered, That all the knights
knowledge of their ock and lynage ac
of the aide order hal be at Whitfoiztyde, at
i and halbe afterwarde dewly proved no the place where the kyn s Majey hall
entillman hall be removed and expelled then be, exce te they lha l have his Ma
jeics lycen e to be then abente, and
rom this order and felawhipp.
Be it further ordered,

that when a there wearyng the Robes of the order hall

Knight of this order is degraded, the uher

alias provo of this Order and felawhipp
by thapoynctment and commaundyment of
the Soverayne hall r of all aree the

geve their attendaunce duryng the aide

fea as they have hitherto don.
. Furthermore at this tyme of the fea
the companyons of thorder hal be reent

knight convict with his black Rodde, and with the Soveraigne at morning an even

afterwards he with the kyng of Armes ing prayers, and as many of them as may
aocyate with hym or one of them, being prepare themelves hall receve the coin
thereto auctoryed by the kyng, hall take munyon of the body and blud of Chrie.
Afterwards, if caue hall o requyre,
awaye from hym the Collar and garter of
the order, provyded allweys that no uch they hall o together into the cha ter to
ree be executed or donne upon any of conulte o uch matters as doth be ong to

the aide compan or fellowhip, without the order.

Alo the knightes of thorder be rn
re the ame e conulted upon at a
chapter holden in the preence of the o there preente with the Soverayne hal
verayne, and there concluded with the ytte at dyner and upper in their Robes,
al upon one yde of the Table, takyng
number of yx at the leae of thorder.
Furthermore, After that Garter the every man his place in uch order as they."
kyng of Armes hath declared openly his be enalled at Wyndeor.
ofence,being treaon or herey at Windcor,
Alo the Reideiv of the felowes of the
accordyng to the accouumed maner one aide order that hall nat be preente at
of the herauldes of Armes hall throw the feae hall celebrate the ame at the
downe his hatchements hanging over his ame tyme, and after lyke orte and faci
eate there, and contemptuoully pornc on, With reverence and comlynes in their
them with his fete (as he may) owt of the own howes, wearing on their Robes of

chapell, by which facte he halbe taken their Order all the tyme of their fea ex
ever afterwardes for aPeron degraded and cept in cae of ycknes.
quyte depryved of this order.


__._.._a _-_ _

Tbappan of thorder, Cap. Vii.
Be it ordered, That the apparel] of
thorder which the knights of thorder hall
weare at the fees, and other apoynted
aemblies of thorder halbe uch as fo

ame tyme in the Chapter howe hall de

clare and rehere as well the noble acts as
the hamefull deades (if any chaunce to
be) of the companyons and felawes of
thorder, to thentent the Regier of the
loweth, that is to ay a yde kyrtell of order may according to thauncyent cu
cr rmeymamantell of blew pourple, with ome recorde and regier them in the
a hood, a coller alo, or a cheyne of golde, Cronyclesof thorder.
Furthermore the Chauncelor at the
and a garter-to be t 'de about the left legg.
of the election of knightes into
The Coller hall weye xxx ownces of
hall exhibite to the Soverayne
troye weight, or ther abouts, and be made
Reverence as hall becom hym,
by pecs or lynks of gold coupled together
of thoe that be in election
lyke the fa cion of garters with Roes Red,
afore by the Regier.
as hath ben of late accouumed,
At thende of the coller or chayne, or a
The Sea! and Signet of Tborder.
mall lace of lk black, which hall be
ume tymes ued inede of the cheyne,
The Chauncelor hall alo kepe the
hall hang the connyaunce of thorder,
ete eall and ignet of thorder, wherwith
that is a may golden Image of a armed e hall alo eale the atutes and decrees
kni ht yttyng on horeback with a draw of thorder, Comyilions, comaundyments,
en [Zvorde in h1s right hand, all compaed graunts, certicates, and all other inru
with the gar-ter.
ments perteyning to thorder uuon the
The Garter hall have this entence Soverayns commaundement, an if he
wrytten wrought or embrodered on the chaunce to departe from the Soverayne
owt yde aboute it in frencb with golden the pace of Lx myles of knowen purpoe,
mal yofpthorder,
In theHow
Re eoit
of thquy
let he hall delyver the aide Seales to the
overayne, or to any other apoynted by
the olde facion both of the makyn and the Soverayne.
wearing of the ame be kept and ob erved.
The prynte of the Seale and ygnett
Be it alo ordered, that the armes of halbe in this orte, the Armes of Englande
thorder hall ill be as heretofore they and Fraunce to ether with tharms of
have ben, that is a Redd Croe geules thorder halbe t erein raven, with this
paynted in a ilver felde or cuchion.
entence about it, any oit guy mal
The Hachements alo hall be uch as
they have been heretofore, that is to ay a
The Chauncelors
rment which he
banner, an healmet, a Cree, the orna hall weare at the cele racion of the feae,
ment of the helmyte which is cauled the and at all other olem ne alemblies of the
mantell, and the worde.
Companions of the aide order halbe a

de gowne, with eves made of blew

The Myneers of Than-ler, Cap. viii.
lZten, and for a token that he is an Ocer
Foramuch as that it is ve mete that of thorder, he hall weare about his neck,
um Myniers of honor hul e erve this hang
m? er
a lace
or cheyne,
Croe of
the tllor
a Red
Roe in aa white
o honourable an Order, it is ordered, That
fower halbe appoynted for the ame ur golde, all corn ailed with a garland of red:
poe, that is to wete the chaunceler r, and white R_0 es.

the Regier econd, the uher or provo

Fynally the aide Chauncelor hall have

thirde, and the kyng of Arms fourth, beyds his ee belonging to his oce an
which hall be cauled Garter, whoe oces howe at Wyndeore, with alowance of

.be herafter particulerly declared.

meate and drynke after the olde cuome.

The Cbazmcelor, Cap. ix.

Foramuch as thoce of the Chaunceler
is an honourable Oce, and of ver grete
charge, It is ordered that to the a nym
'racion therof ume man of good ehrna
cion beyn a knight and a gentillman
borne,anda o of good experience and lern
yng halbe choen and apoynted therto.
It halbe the oce of the Chauncelor
upon the Soveraynes commaundyment to
omen and geve warnyng of the Chapter to
be ke t by the Soverayne and Company
ons o the aide order, and there to pro

The Regier, Cap. x.

Yf he that occu ieth the oce of the
Re ier be an ecc eiaicall peron, he
ha be then either a doctor of d vynity,
or of the Cvvill lawe, but if he e a tem

porall man he hall then be a knighte and

a gentleman of blud, of experience alo,
and lernvng- commendable.
His oce halbe to be preent at all
aemblies of the companyons of thorder,
and at every election to wryte the names

of uch perons 'as are named in election,

and when he hath o donne, if the Chaun

pound and put furth all uch maters as are celor be abent, to delyver up the ame
there to be conulted of -, he hall alo be with dew reverence to his overayne or his
preent yerely at the fee of thorder if he lieutenaunt.

be nat ick or otherwye employed in the

ervice O_f the kyngs Majey, and at the

In thabence of the Regier, the deane,

or the mo auncyent Canon or prebenda




rye of Windebr Colledge hall uplie his longyn to thorder, he hall kepe the utter
d_ore w ere o ever the overayne or his
The Regier hall wry te the daye wher lieutenant hall celebrate yerely the Fea

place in that poynt for the tyme.

in any knight is made of this order, and of the order, the Usher or prove hall
the tyme of his dethe.

carye there before hym a Black Rodde, or

.Alo what atutes are in force, and els in his neceary abens ome other a
what repealed.
pointed by the Prove being a mete man for
Moreover he hall cronycle and put in the pooe, and allowed by the Soverayne.

the martial feates and valiante _ He

allexecute his auncyent authoritie

acts o

the Soverayne and knightes of in digratyng knightes from this order in

thorder with ered rte and memory, which uch orte as is declared in the Chapter of
by his owne Indu rye, or by informacion depryvation.
of the chauncelor or kyng of Arms he hath
For the execution whereof he hall re
ceve of every one that halbe o depryved
For which purpoe he hall prepare two vl. accordyng to thaccouumed maner.
grete bokes or Regiers, Thone wherof But if he lhalladmonyhe any of thorder
allweys remavning in the Caell of W n by the overayns commaundyment and
deor, there to be kept of uch as hall uc fellows of ume maller faute by hym com
ceed in the aide oce, halbe cauled the mytted, he hall then clayme of the par
with other
hym in
re ynes tye o admynihed but xx r.
thea Regier
' The plrove hall weare a lyke
in the Cowrte to be hewed the overayne
when he hall call for it, hal be cauled
the Re ier of the Cowrte.
Furt ermore, the Re ier hall yerely


as the C aunceler and Regier doo, ut he

hall weare about his neck hangin at a
lace a Red Roe and a white of gol lyke
the Re ier, bevds his yerely fee he hall

at Wbitontyde, in the egynnyng of the have a owe at Wyndqor, and meate and
Counell or Chapter, before the overayne drynke in lyke orte as the Regier.
or his lieutenante, and other kni htes of
The Kyng of Armes, Cap. xii.
thorder there preent, rehere al things
Garter the Kyng of Armes halbe for
doniie the vere pa belongyng to thorder,
noted faithfully yhym, to thentent that if thonor of thorder a gentillman of bludd,
any thing be therin wrytten amys or untrewly, the amemight be revoked andamended.
He hall allways ue the Cownell and
advve of the Chauncelor in the Wryting

as the Re of the Ocers are, and of a well

knowen name and reputacion, the ame
Garterbearin gQArmeS hymelf, and being
borne within ealme halbe hed, and chef
and Rcgiring of all things perteyning to _ herauld of all ocers of Armes within the


The Regier and deane of WJnJeor

aide Realme.
His oce halbe to take the Names,

hall have the collection and gatheryng lsurnames, and connyaunces of every
of all uch Sumes of money as are apoynt- knight choe'n into this order, and to caue
ed by thee Statutes to be payde by the the boke wherin the ame halbe wrytten
knightes of thorder, and hall beow the to be del vered to his ucceors.
ame upon the pore, u on mendyng of The aide Garter hall make diligent
high wayes, and ulpon ot er like charita enquirie and erche for the noble and va
ble deades, whic the overayne hall liaunt actes of the Soverai ne and compa
think mete: Of the receipt and beowing nyons of thorder, and hall thereof make
of which umes of' mony they hall make trew re orte to the Chauncelor and Regi
accompte ones yerely to the Soverayne, er to thentent they may be put in wri
wherein if they do faile, they hall forfeyte tyng by the aid Regier as aforeaide.
He hall eyther conveye by himelf; or
11. to be employed in uch orte as the
irocure to be conveyed, all uch letters as
other money hal be.

, The Regiers gowne halbe like the do belong to the thorder, and alo hall
Chauncelors, and hall weare about his ignifye to the overayne chauncelor or
neck, han yn by a lace a Red Roe, and Regier of thorder the death of every

knight, that there may be a oynted a new

a white o go d one within the other.
He hall alo have a houe in the Cael election at the Soveraynes p eaure.
Furthermore, he hall do, or caue to be
'of 'l/"indor, and meat and drynk in uch
orte as hath ben heretofore ued, and alo don, whatoever the overayne or Chaun
he hall have his accoumed fee, and of celor in the overaynes name hall com
every knight choen into this companye at maunde him in things partayningto thorder.
the tyme of his enallyng xxx s.
Alo the aide Garter, or his Deputie
hall mynier the Othe to all Ocers of
'The U[her or Pre-va, Cap. xi.
Armes, for the which' he hall receve thac
The Uher or rove halbe alo a gen couumed Fees.
tillman borne ans beare Armes, who if he
The aide Garter hall have of' the So
be no knight at the tyme of his entrye vera ne his yerel r fee accouumed.
into thoce, he hall then be made knight
A o he hall Clayme and have as often
whenoever the overayne and the reidew as any Duke, Marquis, Earle, Vicount,

of the knights of this order mete to gether baron or knighte are made knightes of
in cowne to conulte of any matter be
this '

this order thu permo garment that they
o elected ihalfweare upon them.
He hall weare thapparell that he hath
ben accouumed to weare, and hall have
meate and drynk and howe at IIZ-ndejor,
as in tymes pa hath ben the ue.
Thoce of all mynilei-s joyntly.

The Concluon.

Tharticles before wrytten in this boke

halbe taken for the monuments, tatutes
and latves of this order, and all other

which are contrar to the ame halbe abo

lyhed and repea ed.
Be it remembred, that at the Chapter

in the begynnyng of this booke,

The mynyers that hall wayte on the mentioned
were preent with the Soveraigne theie

overayne and knightes at the feae of the

order and other meatyngs touchyng the knightes of thorder folowiiig,
ame hall kepe this order in their goyng. Duke of Suollce,
M. of Northampton,
Fir of all the prove and the kyng of .
of Arandell,
Armes hall go together next before the Erle of Derby,
Soverayne, and o then before them the Marq. of Wyncheer, Earle of
of Idenhroke,
Chauncelor and the Regier.
Vicounte Heref.
L. Clynton Admiral,
When the knightes of thorder hall ytte Sir
Thomas Cheyny
L. Darcy of Chichee.
in their Stalles in the quyer at I/yndeor, Lord Cohham,
Sir Andrew Dndley.
the aide ocers of thorder hall ytte on
Sir W. Cccyll, Cancell.

two formes et overthwart in the ame ilace,

upon the one wherof hall ytte theC aun

celor and the Regier, and on the other the

Mynyers, Zsir Philip Hohy Usher,

Sir Gilhert Dethik Garter.

prove,and Garter the k ng of Armes.

The aide m niers ichar 'ng theire

oces well ha l always be un er the ro From a C0 y on Parchment in my Cnody
tection of the Soverayne, that is, t ey

eaatally emhelli/hed.

hall be kepte and defendid b him from

all Injuries and wrong that albe ofred


them, and hall have all theire caues of

ewtes determyned by the overayne,with

out vexacion in any other courtes.

N Fryday the xth of Octoher, v

Sir Thomas Darcue, Lord Darcue of

And hall have and enjoye all auncyent Chiche inalled at Windor, as followeth,
liberties and preeminences heretofore a Knyg t of the Garrer, F rite, in the
pertayning to every of their oces.
morninge betymes the ei Lorde, the
Every one of the aide mvniers before Lord Marques Dorett, and the lorde Coll
' they be choe into oce hall weare, they ham, ridde from Hampton-Conrt, where

hall diligent]
their oce, an

in all things dicharge that tyme the Kinge laye, unto Wyndor,
the maner of their othe and there in the Deanes howe they hadde

halbe uch as foloweth.

a Chamber, where they hifted themelves,

the Lord Marquis and the Lord Cohjham
The comen OT HE to be mynired did there on theyre Robes, videlicet, theyre
Garter, the rre Kyrtle gyrdle to them,
- to the Miniers.
then theyre antle of Purple Velvet, and
HOU halte re ive-m', 'That thou uppon that theyre Hood laid on theire
halt obey the overayne in all things,
and after hym the knightes of this moe nohle
order, epecially in tho/i: things which hall
apertcyne to thee, and agree with thy oce.
Thou halte jiveare, That when thou arte
called to Chapter, and jhalte he made pryvie
to jeu-ers there, thou halt kepe counel, and

halt not utter nor dicloe that which than'

ialt there here in connizll.
Thou /ialte weare, That thou halte de
fend and manteyize the dignitee of this order,
and all the companyons of the lime, and if

Ri ht Shulder, the on parte turned undre,

and the Labell put undre theyre Gyrdle,

and over all the Coller of thorder, And
now being ready, they proceeded from

thence to the Cloet in the myner,

where they toke in the aid lord Cham
berlayne, and put on his Robes, and o

ledde hym betweene them to the quere,

the Kinge at Armes goinge before them,
and Afore his Stalle, they gave hym his
Othe, and then plaiced hym in his Stalle,

and then went everye of them to his owne

any thing halhe attempteed again the ame, Stall, and there tarried the ervice, and the
thouhalte to thy power with/land and ree it. oering, oered to the Pore mens box, and

Fynally thou halte ive-ne, 'That thou then ervice beinge don, they proceeded
halte execnte, dicharge, and faithfully doo ad in Ordre, untill they came unto the aid

thzngs that hall aperteyne or lelong to thyne Deanes houe into their Chamber, and
oce, Withoute any maner aection, favor, there havynge hyfted themelves went

hate or feare of any man.

to dynner, and after toke the re hores,
This Othe the Regier hall mynier to the and hunted in the parke, and t en return
Chanceler, pro-va, and Garter, and the ed back agayne to the Courte to bedde.
Chauncelor Iikewye to the Rcgier.

E. io. penes me', its b.


l lll

EzLApp. dcnotes EDITORIS APPENDIX, andPr. the PRE FACE.
Aeley and Acheley Sir John 3171, 1753'
176, 177, 179, 181, 183, 183, 186, 188,

19 , 194., 19; 19


Berdeen Bihop of Ed. App. 41.


L 444,
a Ld446.
Sir John

200, 202, 20 ,

2o7, 208, 210: 2172', 216, 220, 221.

tzczilfL2 71' Ld A

Abygdon Alzrbot or,'.
of 104. PP.42. Atkinon
to 'aro

m, 39

Admiral Lard 4o3, 405, 406, 409.

Attorborne Ed. App. 38.

Albany Duke of_Pr. 13.
Albert of Bavar1a 56, 60, 121.

Audeley or Audly Lord 104, 127, 128,

13o, 132, 133, 141, 142,1143, 150, 187,
188, 189, 190, 193, 194, 196, 198, 199,

Albemarl 56.


Albrg Lord 13o, 131.

Pr. s.

Averence Earl of 146. Pr.4.

Aldndge 393, 411, 449Auranches 131, 135, 137, 14o, 142, 144;
Alemaln King'
the Em
eror of 32.147, 157, 188. Auria,
147. Duke of 119, 122, 212, 217, 218,
ernons Lor
Ap . 36.236.
Duke of
Alva 1 31.
Amford Sir Laur. 197.
Anen Earl of Ed. App. 39.'
Andevere 155.

220 , 242,246 , 2 s; , 26 5 , 266.' Pr. 1 4'


BAbynton 93.
Baket 240.

Arbrothe Abbot of Ed. App. 39.

Ban or Biho of 149.

Arian Geo.Biho of Alexandria 438.

Bar olf Lor

Annaano Arch ihop of Ed. App. u.

Armenia King a 52.

124, 125, 147.

Barr Duke of 278.

Arragon King o

119, 12o, 121, 122; 123,"

123, 141, 142, 144, 146, Bar Sir Thomas 69.

147, 148, 151, 153, 156. 161, 163, 165, Barker Pr. 24.

270, 272, 273, 274. Pr. 3, 13.

Arguill Earl of Ed. App. 39.'
Arreneis 143. v. Surien.
Arthur Prince 234.

Barnes Lord 278.

Barnee Lord 226, 229, 237, 238, 270,"
276, 283, 287, 288, 290, 358, 370, 381,

Arundel Earl of no, 111, 112, 113, 116, Baet Lord 56.


167, 183, 186, 189, 192, 193, Bathe Earl of 442, 444.
198, 2oo,2o3,2os, 209, 210, Bath Bi/zop of 93, 104, los, 106, 108,
226, 227, 229, 230, 231, 232,
238, 243, 246, 248, 250, 252, Bathop 117.

264, 269, 270, 272, 273, 279, 280, 281, Bavana Duke of 414, 41;, 416.
282, 292, 368, 369, 370, 373, 376, 378, Bayton and Baynton Szr Edward 4I9, 422,

379, 381. 383. 384. 386. 388. 389. 39o,

392,395. 396. 397. 411. 412. 413. 416, Beauchamp Lord 137. 146. 147. 148,
423, 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 439. 441,
150. 152. 153.154. 156. 159. 161. 162,

442. 444. 446. EJ- APP- 2. 4. 9. 15,

18. 20. 25. 26. 30. 34. 36. 37. 42. 44,

52. Pr. Io, 11.

Arundell Sir Thomas ct433, 440, 444-

Ahmole Pr- 3. 4Askyn Lord Ed. App. 39. 41'

163. 165.' 171. 177. 182. 183. 186. 189.

193. 194. 197. 206. 207. 403.. 404.
407, 408. Pr. 6.
Beauchamp 49, 51, 121, 126, 127, 128,

129. 130. 131. 132.133.134. 135. 136.

140. 141. 14 145. 167. 179. 180Beau


1 ND E"
Beaurnont and Beaumond Count 148. 150. Brandon Sir Thomas 244' 253' 274 257
152. 153. 155. 156. 159. 161. 162.163.
264, 271.

165. 168, 174. 389. 390. 391. 392- lid Bretagne Dutcbes of 97. Pr. 12.

APP- 37

Br1ta1n and Britany Duke of 91, 187, 188

Beaumont 93, 121, 123, 124, 126, 128,

131, 133,134, 136, 137, 140,141, 149,

Beauford Duke of Exeter 414.
Beaufort Bihap of Wincheer 92.

190, 194, 199, 196, 198, 211, 212, 226,

228. Ed./1pp.44. Pr. 13.

Browne Sir Anthony 223, 391, 394, 399,

399. 400. 403. 404. 407. 408. 411. 412.

415. 416. 421. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428.

Beaufort 117.
Beaupe 227.

429. 4353. 432. 437. 436. 439. 440

Brownc Szr Mathew 390.

Bedford Duk? of 99, 69, 66, 68, 71, 73, Broc8>ke Lord 231, 232, 239, 243, 244,

76. 78. 80. 83, 84. 85. 88. 89, 91. 92,

2 7.
93, 99, 101, 102, 109, 107, 110, 112, Bromwyck Duke of 141, 142,'144, 146,
113, 119, 116,164, 169,170, 183, 224,

Bedord Earl of 91, 94, 449, 446, 448.
Bedford 448.
Belknap Sir Edward 284.

147. 148,151, 153,154. 156. 161. 163.

164. Pr. 4. _
Bruges Sir John 441, 442.

Bruges Sir William Ed. App. 43.

Bryan Sir Francis 419, 416, 426, 428,

Benault Ed. App. 37.

431. 434. 436. 440. 442- Ed. App- 15,
Berry Pr. 13.
Bereners and Berners Lord 16 3, 164, 163, Buckyngam Earl of 90, 203.
167, 171, 173, 179, 178, 179, 181, 183, Buckingham Duke of 121, 124,'131, 132,"

126. 188, 189. 368. 369. 374. 375. 380.

133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 14.,

3 7
Berkley Sir Maurice 188, 276, 278, 284,

142. 145. 147. 148. 150. 151. 153. 154,

287, 288, 290, 291, 398, 399, 360.

187, 188, 190, 192. 193, 197, 198, 201,

Bergavenny 'vide Burgavenny Lord Geo.

Nevyll LdApp. 2, 4, 9, 11, 19.

Berwolby 91.
Bever 120.

205. 209. 210. 215. 221. 237. 243. 246.

248. 249. 251. 253. 264, 268. 270. 271.
274, 278, 283, 289. Ed. App. 13, 19,
16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 29, 26.
Bullen Ed. App. 32. Pr. 10, 11.
Burgavennyeznd Burganye Lord 93, 193;

Bzout 6/61), 71, 527, 371.P

t Bi1421.,
0 ofPr.4.

195. 157. 159.161. 162. 164. 168. 174.

r. 10.

237. 238. 272. 273. 274. 275. 278. 279.

Boheme the King of Ed. App. 34.

281, 283, 289, 287, 288, 398, 399, 36',

Boithvaile Lord 226, 229.

Bokingham Duke of Ed. App. 2, 4.

Boleyne Sir Thomas 287, 288, 290, 291,

352. 359. 360. 361. 367. 369. 370. 371.

37 -

364. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 373. 374.

375, 377. 378. 379. 381. 383. 384. 388.

392, 393. 395. 396. 447- Ed-APP- 18.

19.- 20. 29. 30. 34. 37

Burgundy and Burgoine Duke of 63, 82;

Bolingbroke 99.
Bonevile Lord 127, 132, 133, 143, 190,
166 168, 171 174.
Botillgr 131.

86, 89, 111, 184., 197, 198, 200, 204.,

205. 207. 237. 238. 254. 255.- Pr- 5.

, 13.

Burneville Lord 71, 72.

Bour evenny Lord 'vide Burgavenny'

Bur herh Sir Bartholemew 49.
Bouc er and Bourgchier Lord 69, 66, 69, Bur et 107.

70, 79. 85. 88, 90. 92. 93. 95.99. 102. Bu hch132, 133, 141, 142, 143, 199.
104. 106. 110.128. 145. 146. 147, 149. Bur e 91.
150. 151. 152. 154. 157. 159. 160. 162. Burnel Lord 67, 79, 79.
163 164, 171, 172.

Pr. 3. v. Burghch. Burnet 438.

Buel 91.
Bourgh Sir Thomas 190, 193, 194, 199, Buskehall 91,
196, 198, 206, 211, 212, 217, 218, 220, Butler Earl of Wilthire 153.'
221, 223, 226, 233, 238.
Butler James 361.
Bouhon Pr. 22, 28.
Butler Pr. 24.
Bouches 169.
Butler Sir Ralp 169.

Bourgh Lord 228, 229.

Bour h Sir John 218.

Butreley Sir Andrew 72.

Bowes er


Boyne 107.
Boyy Lord 389.
Brabazenly Lard 389.

labre Duke of 234.

Brabant Duke of 89,

Bradenburg Marquis of 234.

Cameux Lord 69, 70, 75Z 79

Cameran Duke of Pr. 14.

Camoys 93.
BraY Sir Reginald 35. 239. 242. 243. 244. Canterbury
2 47
106, 131, 226, 227, 254. 255. 26'
Bray Lord 347.
Canslicynner Abbot of Ed. An. 39.
Bray Lady 227.
Brandon Sir Charles 27 9.

Pr. 14.

Canterbury Cardinal of 211.



Captal de Buche 49.

Carew Baron 1 32.

198, 206, 211, 212, 217, 218.

Coyn Ed. App. 20, 21.
Cole 37.

Carew Calis Sir Richard 283.

Colebroke 11 1.


Carew and Caroo Sir Nicholas 38o, 381, Comberland Earl of vide Cumberland.
382. 386. 387. 389. 390. 391. 394. 395. Compton Sir William 291, 360, 362, 363,
365, 366, 368, 381. Ld. App. 2, 3, 4,
399. 400. 401,.402. 403. 405. 407. 408.

cardinal 117.
Carlel Harould Ed. App. 31,

Carlie 104, 105.

Carnill 63, 64.
Came Sir Nicholas Ed. App. 32.
Carbonet 93.

Conimbro Duke of vid. Quinbrey.

Conance Connte Marhal 1 17.
Conatrtine 37.
Conyers Lord 287.
Coniers Sir John _220, 221.

Conable Sir Marm. 270, 278.

Conable Sir Robert 381.
Caells Earl of Ed. App. 39.
Caile and Caeel King of 191, 218, 22o, Coventry Bzhop of 104.
252. 226.'
248, 250, 254, 255, 256, 261, 263, 268. Coope
Cooton 247,
Sir Roger
Pr. 13, 14.

Cailione Sir Balthaar- 25 7.

Cornewall Sir John 66, 71, 73, 79, 81,

Cavendih 84, 112.

Cecill the King of 197.
Cecylle 448. Ed. App. 52.

Cornewall 95, 102, 105, IO7, 110.

Charles the Emperor 383.

Courtney Lord Henry 405.

84, 85. 88, 91. 92. 93, 99. 101.

Courteys Pr. 9.

Courtney Lady Anne 392.

Courtney Sir Philip 133.
Courtney Sir Hu_ h 49.
Courtney Sir W1 iam 381, 386, 387, 394,"
Chabot Count de Newblance 391. Ed. App. Couc Duke of Bedord 55.
Cra ord 142.
37. Pr. 12.

Charles the Great of France 21.

Chamberleyn the Lord 446. Ed. App. 15.
Chamberlame Sir William 171, 175, 176,
17 , 179, 181. Pr. 12.
Charton Lord Powis 75.
Chandos Sir John 49.

Craorth Earl of Ed. App. 39.

Pr. 4.

Cheney Sir Tho. 380, 381, 382, 386, 387, Croft Sir Richard 227, 238.

389. 390 391. 394. 399. 400. 403. 404, Cromwell 84, 93, 104, 106, 131, 143.

407. 408. 41 I. 412. 413. 414. 416, 419, Cr-udmwelg Lord 403, 404, 407, 408. Ed.
421. 422.423. 4244 425. 429. 430. 435, Crurlrlii/vell
. 4 .Sir Thomas 391, 408.

436. 439. 440. 445. 448. Ed. App- 44,

45, 46._52
Cheyne Sir John 223, 224., 233.
Cheyne Cotard Pr. 28.
Chevereux Duke of 391.
Cheeceer Bihop of 256.
Cheernan 264.
Chicheer Bibop of 263.
Ciceer Bi/bop of 105.

Cryghton Lord Ed. App. 39.

Cumberland Earl of 374, 375, 382, 386,
390. 391. 394. 399. 400. 403. 404. 403.

407. 413. 415. 416. 421. 425. 427. 436.

420. 442. 444. 445. 446- Bd-App. 30.

Curon 159.
Curteys 210, 234.

Clarenee Duke of 59, 62, 65, 66, 70, 75,


78, 87, 164, 171, 172, 175, 176, 177,

180, 181, 182, 185, 186, 187, 189, 192,

194, 196, 197, 198, 200, 2o4, 205, 207, D'Abrydgcourt Sir Sanchet 50.
Dacres Lord of the South 199, 287,
212, 215. EdApp. 44.

Clarence Dntchefs of 87, 93.

Clarens Lady Margaret 227.

288. 375. 381. 382. 386. 390

Dacres Lord of the North 198, 218, 278,

284. 285. 374. 381. 416. 440. 442. 444.

Cleves Duke of 414, 415, 416.

Clerk 210.

445, 446. Ed. A p. 4. o. Dakars.

Lord o Su ex 190, 191, 176.
Cleux Sir Heretongs 74, 75, 79, 80, 85,
89, 91, 92, 95, 100, 102, 103, 106, Dacres Lord homas 292
108, 109, 110, 113, I16, 118, 124, 126, Dacres Lord 188.
Dacres Lord of Gilleland 190.
127, 128, 129.
Cliord 60, 74, 75, 81, 82, 85, 86, 89, Dacianus 38.

1 o.
Clux Pr. 11.
Clyord Lord 233, 365, 368, 370, 371.
Clyord Sir Henry 359.
Clyford 127, 130, 133, 141, 166.

Dadynton 51.
Dakars Lord 194, 195, 196, 207, 212;

218, 367. 368. 373. 376. 378. 395. 399.

400, 446.

Dalton 63, 64.

Clynton Lord 444, 446, 448. Ed. App. 52. Dalmade 130.
Cobham Lord 220, 394, 399, 400, 408, Dam 210. "

411. 415. 416. 419. 420. 421. 422. 425. Danet Pr. 8.
428. 430. 433. 436. 442. 448- Ed. Darcy Lord 270, 272, 273, 277, 21718279,
App. 52.Lord 188, 191, 193, 194, 196, i

281. 383. 384. 392. 407. 446.

2' 13', 18' 20' 34, 37, 42-

d- App.

Pr. IO.




'Darcie Lord of 'the Chec 446, 448. Ed. Doret Lady Marq. 197.
Douglas Earl 171, 176, 177, 178, 180,
APP- 52- - -- .

Darcy Szr Thomas 433. 434. 440. 445.


181, 182. 186, 189. 190, 191. 195.

196, 198, 200. 2o3, 204, 206, 208. 209.
21o, 212, 218, 221.

Darcie Sir Arthur. 446.

DarcY Sir Anthony 444.

Drury 98.

Darrell Sir Edward 381.

Dudley and Dudeley Lord 127, 130, 16 3,

DlArpyngton 73.
Durpyngham 89, 92, 95, too, 102, 103.

165. 167. 171.173.178. 179.181.182,

Daubeny xzmi Dawbney Lord 226, 227,

198, 199. 2oo, 202, 204. 210. 212, 216,

229, 230; 232, 239, 243, 245, 248, 251,

_ 253, 264.

183, 186,188, 190, 192,195, 196, 197,

219. 221. 230. 231. 237. 239. 270, 272

279. 281. 358. 360. 363. 366. 384. 389.

Pr. 19.

392- Ed- APF- 2. 5. 15, 18. 20. 34,

D'Audeley Sir James 49.

Dauphin 83.

36. Pr. 5.
Dudley Lard 397.
Dawlton Pr. 24.
Debenham 93.
Dudley Sir John 420. 422.
Delaware Lord 226, 376, 387, 394, 399, Dudley' Sir Andrew 438. 444. 446.
400. 403. 404. 407. 414. 415. 416. 420.
An', 52.


422. 425. 426. 427. 428. 430. 434. 436. Duno1s Lord of Pr. 13.
440. Ed./IN. 15, 18, 20.

Pr. 11.

Denmark King of 67' 71' 73' 74, 81' 85,

DunkellBiha of 39.

Dumblen Bihgp of Ed. dpp. 39.

87, 91: 92, 95', loo' lcl' 103' 106' los, Duras Lord 167. 171, 176, 178. 181, 182.

109, 112, 116, 118,121, 123,125, 135,

183.186.189. 190.191. 194. 196. 197.

137. 13.9,145. 147. 148. 151. 153. 156.

198, 199.

Pr. 6.

160.162.164. 171. 173. 242. 246. 249. Durham Bzhop of 86, 93, 104, 211. Ed.
25', 254, 265, 268, 276, 278, 288, 291.
App. 1.
Dymock Sir Robert 359, 362, 363. 365.
Pr. 11.
Denham Lord 195, 198, 2o6, 212, 224,
380. 381, 382.

225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 232. 234.

235. 235. 239
Dennie Sir Anthony 440, 442.
Depden 129, 207, 208, 211.
Derby Earl of 55, 226, 227, 229, 230,


Ggecomb Sir Richard 231, 232.Eggecomb Sir John 288.

234, 238, 241, 242, 246, 248, 249, 270, Eggecomb Sir Peter 284.
272, 273, 276, 178, 283, 284, 287, 2 8, Eggerton Sir Ralph 275.

362. 363. 365. 366. 368. 370. 371. 381. E llfeild Ed. App. 12.
408, 412, 422, 426, 427, 428, 43_o, 431,

E Y Bi/blgp 0f 93. 104. 105. 106. 108.


r. 8.

N%4MN%rB%M04H-Li Elys 111.

Em Sir Henry 50.

, 52. Pr. 10, 18, 19.

Derham 51.

Emperour 71. 73. 85. 91. 92. 95. 100.'

Derby Adam Pr. 31.

Dechaloners Lord of Chaenois. 392.

1o1,1o3, 113,116, 118. 248, 25o, 358.

Ed. App. 42. 46. Pr. 14.

Dethick Sir Gilbert Eaictpp. 52. Pr. 23, Erpingham Sir Thomas 60, 66. 70, 73;

79. 80. 84. 85. 89. 90- v- Drpynghalll

Devnnhire Earl of 93, 127, 128, 130, E ernon Duke of 391. 246.248.249. E ex Earl of 146, 172, 175. 176. 177,"
250, 251, 252, 254, 264, 270, 271, 278,

178,18o,181, 182,186, 187. 188, 191,

284. 287. 288. 290. 291. 292. 358. 359.

361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366- Ed.

206. 209, 210, 221, 226. 238, 243l 245,

App', 12._.

246, 248, 249, 250, 252, 265. 269, 270,

Devereux Lord Ferrers 224.

Deye Ic7.
Dieu 240'

Dodely Lord 2" , 227.

Dokara Lord 257..
Donne Sir John 188, 190, 196, 199, 207.

193. 195. 196. 197. 198. 200. 203. 204.

272. 279. 287. 289. 292. 358. 359. 361.
362. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 379. 381.
383. 3845 392. 395. 3975 403. 404. 411,
412. 413. 4175 427. 428. 429. 431' 432.


Ld. App. 2. 4. 15, 18, 20, 34,

37. 42. 44. 45, 46- Pr- 11

Evendal Lord Ed. App. 39.

Donefrivill 101.
Doret Marqzces of 123. 125. 132. 133, Exeter Duke of 74, 80, 84, 85, 88, 90.'
134. 147. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198.

92. 93. 95. 100. 123. 125. 126. 127.

131. 134. 136. 141. 142. 143. 147.

235. 242. 243. 244. 248. 251. 253. 265.
272. 273. 274. 276. 279. 231. 232. 233. Exeter Marques of 288, 372. 374. 379.
380. 383. 384. 386. 388. 389. 390.
284. 285. 289. 290. 358. 361. 362. 363.

2oo, 203, 204. 206. 209. 211. 221. 224,

364. 365. 366. 367. 370. 372. 374. 379.

392. 393. 395. 403. 404. 405. 407. 4091

384. 386. 388. 407. 411. 412. 415. 419.

Ed- App- 29. 32. 33. 34. 36. 37. 42.

4201422. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 431.


432. 433. 434. 436. 439. 440. 445. 448 Exeter Earl of 66, 70, 170.
Ed./lip. 2. 4. II, 15. 18, 19, 20, 22, Ezeter Bihap of 104, 105. 138, 226. 227.
25, 26, 29, 34, 52.

Pr. 6, 11.

F Faconz

lv II
Foxe 233.

Foxe Sir Richard Bi/hop of Wincheer EJ.

App. 2,_ 3. 14.

FAconberg 121, 123, 124, 126, 147, France King of 380, 381, 382, 383, 389,

421- EJ-APP- 34, 3 .42 44. 46. P-I .

Pr. 24.

France the Can/fable o 421', Rd. Am; 46.

France the Admiral of 421. Ed. App. 42,

Faie lowe Pr. 24.

Faloe 96, IOO, 101, 102, 106, 108,


Frene Pr. 22.

186, 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, 136, 137, Frederick Emperor 161, 176. Pr. 14.

112, 113, 116,118,12o,121, 123, 124,

138,141, 143. 145,147,148.152, 134. Froiart Pr. 16, 17.

156, 139, 161,162,164,168, 169, 170, Fylongley 158.
171, 173. Pr.4, s, 11, 21.
Fytzroy ord 370, 371.
Fanhopelu, 115, 118, 119, 12o, 121, Fytzhugh Lord 218, 220, 276.
123, 127, 147.
Farnee Pr. 14.
Farriby so.
Farrowe 166.
Fawcunbridge Lord 137, 137, 14o, 146,

Age Sir John 386. 387, 390. 427.'

429. 430, 432. 434. 435. 436, 439.

440. 4422 444, 445, 446
Galoway Bzhop of Ed. App. 39.
Fellowe Pr.' 24.
Galacia Count of 278.
vFelbrigae 66, 70, 73, 79. 81, 84, 85, 88, Gardener Bihop of Wincheer Edudpp. 36.'
152. 154,155,159,161, 163. 165. 172.

99' lot, 1022 1062 1082 Gardiner 423.

110, 112, 113, I16,118, 12o, 121, 122, Gates Sir John 446, 448.

90, 92' 93'

Fenys Sir Roger 127, 128, 130, 133.
Fenys Sir james '27, 128.

Gaunt John of 56.

Gawge Sir John 419, 420, 421, 422, 423,"

424. 425. 426

FerdinandKing of Naples 171.

Gelows Abbot of Ed. App. 39.

Ferdinand King of Bohemia 383.
George the Cappadocian 38.
Ferdinand Dan 287, 288, 29o, 291, 292. Gilord Sir Henry vide Goulord.
Glacow Bihop of 237. Ed. App. 39.
l-Id. Ap .arqneir
9, 27, of
42. Pr. 14.
Glaonborough Abbot of 104, los, 244.
Ferrara Duke of 196, 198, 206, 2o8, 209,
EaLApp. I.
221, 242. 244, 245, 243, 250, 252, 284, Glencarne Earl of Ed. App. 39.
EzLApp. 29.

Glouceer Duke of 55. 59, 70, 73, 78.'

80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92,

Ferrers and Ferrys Lord 183, 19o, 192,

IOJ, 1o7,.1o8, 109, 112, 113, 115, 117,

_ 194, 195, 197, 198, 200, 2o2, 204, 2o7,

97, 99, 1o1, 1o2, 119, 12o, 121, 123,

i2)87,8 292, 358, 359, 360.


209, 21o, 211, 212, 219, 221, 273, 274,

125. 131. 133, 144. 147. 157,169, 172.

276, 278, 283, 284, 287, 290, 291, 292,

181, 182, 183, 186, 187, 189, 19o, 192,

196, 197, 198, 2o1, 203, 204, 206, 209,

358, 359. 361. 362. 364. 366, 370. 371.

373. 374. 375. 376. 384. 392. 415. 421.

424., 439, 440. 444. 413. 417. Ed- APP

29. 3-4, 37, 42. 46Fettiplas 136.


Pr. 11.

Fitz-Alan Earl of Arundell 91.

210, 220, 221.

Glouceer Dutcbef: 84, 120.
Glouceei' Earl of 66, 104..
Godfrey 21.

Goldwell 168.

Fitzhugh Lord 66, 70, 73, 74, 79, 81, Goulford and Guylorth Sir Henry 284,
84, 87'



291. 292,358, 359. 360, 362,363, 365.

96' 97'

Fitzwater Vicoxmt 373, 374, 376, 377, ,, 366, 368. 369. 370. 371. 374. 375. 376.

278. 379. 383. 384- Ed-APP- 30, 34

Fitzrvater Lord 231, 232, 272, 278, 283,

377. 378. 379. 382. 383. 384. 387, 391,

392. 397. Ed- App- 12, 30, 31, 34.

284. 288, 290. 291. 292. 358. 359. 360, Goulford Szr Edw. 362, 381. es Guilford.
362. 363. 365. 366, 367. 368. 369. 370. Gower 168, 240.
Gower Pr. 19.
37', 375, 447
Gray Sir John 49, 117, 119, 12o, 521,
Fitzwarin 51, 166.
Fitzwarrexi Lord 292, 360, 363, 368, 381.


_ _

Gray 93.

-.Fitz Wiliam Sir William 359, 362, 363, Grace 107.

366. 368. 369. 370. 371. 374. 375. 376, Grey Lord Leonard 381.

377. 378. 379. 382. 383. 384. 386. 387, Grey Sir Leonard 362.

388, 389, 391, 392, 3942 395, 397, 398, Grey Lord of Wilton 4 1, 436, 440, 442,

399, 4o1, 402, 403, 417.

31- 32, 34, 36, 37, 42, 44

Flanders Earl of 214.

Ed. App. 30,

444. 446. Ed- A P- 2

Grey Richard Lord oret Ed. App. 12.
Grey Thomas Marque s of Doret 292.

Foix Lord 127, 128.

Grey Richard Earl a Kent 247, 292.

Grey Lord 66, 128, 143, 194, 19; 196,
199, 206, 218, 226, 229, 232.
A 22.

Foix Duke of Pr. 12.

Grey Sir Richard 212.

Flower Pr. 24.

Fogge Sir John 182.






Grey Dame Katharine 227.

Holland Sir John 1 27.

Grey 60. 65. 66- 67. 69. 71. 75. 79. 93

Greyook Lord 194.

Holland Sir Otes 50.

Holdhall Sir William 170.

Greyock Sir Da. 273, 276.

Honing Ed. App. 38.

Hontington Earl of vide Huntingtoni

Gueldres Duke of 56.
Gnilord and Guldeford Sir Richard 232, Hontlaye Earl of Ed. App. 39.
236, 237, 238, 242, 245, 246, 247, 248, Hoo Lord 121, 140, 147, 158.
249, 251, 254, 37. ee Goulford.
Hoo Sir Thomas 123, 130, I31, 135, 137,'

145. 360. 414

Gygeles Paulus 257.,

Houey Lord 229.

HowardsLord 185, 197,-198. Ed. Ayp.

12. 3 . 41
Howard Tho. Earl of Surrey 292.
Howme Lord Ed. App. 39.
Hallale Sir Gilbett 170.
Halwyne and Galwyn Baron of Gomyns Huddlelenon Sir John 207, 212.
Hull 143, 15o, 151, 153, 155, 158. Pr.
292. Ed. App. 29.
Adrian 42 3.

Hamm ngS1o7.
Ham ton
Pr. ir
18:Iames Ed. APP. 39 .

4 5-


Huriiers Lord 389.

Hungary King of 2o6, 212, 270, 273, 274,"
Harecourt Sir Robert 171, 176, 178, 18o,
276, 278, 283, 284, 288, 290, 291, 358,

360. 362. 363. 366

181, 183, 185.

Hartford Earl of 411, 412, 419, 42o, 421, Huntingdon Earl of 66, 70, 74, 81, 84,'

424. 426. 427. 432. 433. >

85. 89. 90. 92. 95. 100. 101. 102. 105.

Harnet Dr. Bihop of Norwich 423.

io8, 1o9, 111, 112, 115, 117, 119, 120,

Haryngton Sir James 196, 198.

121. 170. 218. 386. 387. 399. 400. 403.

Harynton Sir Thomas 11o, 112, 113, 116,

404, 4o7, 408, 411.

118, 120, 121, 141, 142, 143, 150, 166, Huiitington Earl of 433, 434, 436, 440,
442, 448. Ed. App. 52. Pr. 3.
167, 206.

Harynton Sir William 67, 71, 74, 81, 84, Hungerford Lord Anthony 441.
86, 88, 91, 92, 96, ioo, 1o1, 103, 1o6, Hungerford Sir Walter 238.

108. Pr.3
Harmibalt Lord 389.

Hungerford Sir Robert 128, 133.'

Harlinge Sir Robert 173.

Hungerord 73, 79, 81, 84, 85, 88, 90;

Hungerford Sir Edward. 150.

Harvy Pr. 24.

Haings Lard 60, 144, 145, 146, 148, 152,

92. 97. 99. 102. I04. 107. 1071 109.

112, 115, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 125,
141, 142, 147, 150.

127, .1_36, 137, 140,

154. 156. 158,171.175.176. 178. 180.
182. 186. 187.189. 192.193.194. 195. Huy Sir ohn 368.

197. 198. 199. 203. 204. 207. 209. 210. Huy Sir

illiam Ed. App. 27, 29.

220) 2327 2375 238' 27', 276' 284' 2877

290, 291. 359. 362. 365. 368. 370. 371.

274, 375, 381, 412, 443.
Pr_. 22.

Ed. App. 12.

Arnyngham Sir Robert 365.'

Jarnyngham Sir Richard 290, 358;

Hayngs Sir Ralph 191, 195, 198, 201,
362. 363. 365. 366
Ha n s Dame Anne 197.
Ipre 51.
Hau er inge Bihop of Ed. App. 39.

Hauey Lord 227.'

Hawley Ed. A p. 38, 39.
Haward Lord V. 43 3.

Pr. 24.

EntEarl of 57. 87. 177. 195. 196; 5


237. 238. 249. 251. 253. 264.269.

270. 279. 285. 289. 290. 291. 292. 358.

Herbert Lord William 165, 171, 175, 176,

178. 180. 181. 183. 185. 244. 246. 248.

4, 15, 18, 20. Pr. 11, 19

Kendale Earl of 128, 135, 137, 139, 145,

251, 253, 255, 264, 265, 270, 271, 272,

147. 148. 152. 154. 156.158. 160. 162.

Hennage Sir Thomas 415.

Henington Sir John 72.
Henlowe 107.

274, 287, 360. Ed. App. 12. Pin 14.

Herbert Sir William 433, 434, 436, 440,

442. 444. 445. 446. 448

Herbert Sir Henry 130.

Sir Walter
Hereford Viicozmt

359. 361. 362. 363. 364 Ed-APP- 2.

164, 167, 171, 176, 177, 179, 181. Pr.

King 227.
Kiriel Sir Thomas 127, 150, 166, 168;
171, 172, 174.
Knight Sir William Ed. App. 20.

'Here Tanke 84, 112, 120, 121, 123, 147.

Knyvet Sir Henry 431, 433, 434.;

Hobby Sir Philip Bihop of Ely 447. Ed. Kn et Sir Thomas 272, 273, 428.
App. 52.
Ky dare Earl of 237, 238, 244, 246, 249;

Holland Duke of 64, 66.

Holland Dutcbefs of 90.

251. 254. 265. 368. 371. 374. 375.

Kynlooe Abbot of Ed. App. 39.

Holland Earl o Kent 58.

Holland Sir T omas 49.

Kyngon sir William 381, 382, 386, 387,

390. 394. 399. 400. 404, 411, 412, 413,

Holy Rood-Houe Abbvtf EJ. App. 39.

421- Fd- APP- 44. 45. 46.

L Lacy

__-_ _

_ ___<-J

l [X

Mantua Sir
o 284 , 374

Maners Sir George 274.

Marhall Earl 74. 75, 81, 84, 85, 88, 91]

Acy 227.

L Langevile Earl of vide Longueville.

Lancaer Duke 0 49, 51, 55, 56
Lancaer L'arl 0 214.
Langport 1 70.
Latymer Lord 226, 229, 270, 272, 386,


Ed: Apg. 39,

Marhal Szr \V11l1am 15 3, 155.

Marqucs tbe Lord Ed. App. 15.

394. 399. 400

Launon 51.

La Wart Lord 104," 127, 130, 218, 229,

Marre Earl of 57,

Marney Lord 283, 360.
Marney' Sir Henry 270, 272, 273, 274,"
275, 276, 277, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284,

286, 287, 288, 290, 292, 358. Ed. App

5, 15, 18, 20.

237. 238. 273. 274. 279. 280. 281. 282.
283. 289. 358. 360. 363. 367. 374. 379. Maro Pr. 24.
378. 380. 381. 382. 386. 389. 390. 391. Marche Earl o 166.
Mamee Lor 277.
442, 444. Ld. Ap. 2, 5.

Lee A. D. of Colche er Ed. App. 27, 28, Mar eh Sir John 278.
Mar eley 55.
Marreis 50, 51.
Le h 237.
Maon 448.
Lecve Sir William Ed. App. 9.
Mauby 107.
Licl Vicount Ed. App. 32.
Maur1ce 57.
Lincoln Earl of 217, 218, 22o, 223.

Mautravers Lord 93, 187, 188, 192, 193,

Linwood Pr. 6.

Lincoln Bihap of 104, 1o5, 211, 226,.


196, 197, 198, 199, 2oo, 203, 205,

209, 210, 211.118, 22o,'221, 225, 270,

278, 292. ee Maltravers.

Maxwell Lard Ed. App. 39.
Longueville Earl of 120, 121, 123, 125, Maximilian En1per0ur241, 265. Ed. App.
24, 25. Pr. 9, 13.
135. l37. 139: 145' 147. I48. 151. 154.
156, 158, 160. 162, 163, 171, 173. Medemenam Abbot of 253, 377. Ed./hap.
Ed. Agp. 42. Pr. 12.
I , 18.
Me emenam 149, 153, 155, 157, 161,
Longevi e Lady 227.
1631 1659 1759 177' 184' 2012 805.
Lon land Bihop of Lincoln Ed. App. 35.

Loherin 51.
Lombard Pr. 24.

Lon on Bibop of 84, 104, 105, 106, 211.

Lovell Lord 127, 128, 13o, 132, 133, 141,
142, 150, 212, 218, 220, 221, 224, 231,
283. Pr. 11.
Lovell sir Thomas 238. 242, 245, 246,


Medicis 276.
Mein Lord Ed. App. 39.
Menee 104.

Milan tbe Duke of 141, 171, 176, 179.'

247. 248. 251. 293. 264. 270. 271. 272.

181. 2120. 338. 359. 360. 362. 363.

276, 278. 28o,_28I, 282, 283, 284., 286,


r. 5.

287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 358. 360. Milan Duke of bzs Daughter Lucla 58.
367, 371.

Ed./hap. 2, 5, 11, 15, 18, Mohun Lord 49.

Moleyns 1 31.


Lovency 55.
Love n 60.

Momorancie Count de Beaumonte 391.'

Lun arfe Bihop of 211.

Luther Martin Ed. App. 28.
Lychfeld Bihop of 105.
Lyel Lord 217, 218.
Lygh 1 39.

Pr. 12.
Montjoy' Lord 185, 188, 189, 191, 192,

Montmorency Ed. App. 37, 38, 42, 43.'

Lyle Lord 150, 232, 362, 365, 366, 375,

416' 447

Lynaye; Lord Ed. App. 39.

Lye 74901-7837 3- 374. 376. 379. 381.

277. 287. 288. 290. 291. 399. 362. 363.

369. 366. 368. 369. 370. 374. 375. 376.

377. 378. 379. 382. 383. 384. 386. 387.

3628. 389. 390. 394. 397- EJ- AFP- 34.

3 . 37
Montegle Lord 279, 280, 281, 282, 363,"
416. Ed. App. 4.

382. 384. 386. 388. 389. 390. 392. 413. Montacute Marque s 197.
415. 421. 425. 426,

427. 428. 432. 433, Montacute Earl o Salisbury 85.

446- Fd-A 11- 34. 36. 37. 42. 43. 46.

Montgryon Lor 181, 184, 185.

Lytton Szr Ro ert 236.

Mongo)r Lord Ed. A? . 30, 31.

Lyzle Sir William 67.

Monteroe Earl of L . App. 39.

Mongomery Sir John 127, 130.

Lyzle sir John 49.

Montferrant Pr. 22, 23.

' M

Mongomery Sir Thomas 187, 190, 193,

194. 19s.196.198. 199. 200. 203. 204. '

207, 209. 210, 212, 220, 221, 233,

235. Pr. 6.
Maltravers Lard 412, 415, 419,
42o, 421. 422, 425, 426, 427, 428. Ed. More 63, 107.
Mortan Earl 120, 121.
App. 12. fee Mautravcrs.
Morley Lord 226, 229, 380, 381, 382.
Manny 51.

Alpartens Lord 227, 229.

Manny Sir Henry Ed. App. 2, 12.

Ed. App. 27, 28, 29.







Mortimer Lord 49, 93.

Morray Earl of LcLApp. 38, 39, 40.
Morteyne 115, 116. 118.

Mountague Lord 167, 171, 175, 176, 177,

Dar Sir Robert 141.

Ogard Sir Andrew 127, 128, 130,'

178,185, 187, 284, 287, 288, 291, 366,

368. 370. 371. 374. 375. 380. 381. 382. 137' 133, lso'
386. 387. 389. 390. 391. 394. 399. 400. O ulbe Ed. App- 38
Ed. App. 12.

lere Ed. Af . 39.

Mounh Adrian Tercyline Ed. App. 32, Oo dale Sir Wi Ham 132, 167.

Motlntague Sir Thomas 99.

Mounte Sir John 389.
Moundford 141.

Mounhil 120.
Moubray Duke of Norfolk 91, 117, 185.
Murray Pr. 8, 18.

Ormound Lord 238, 385, 387, 396, 445,

Ormond James tbe 15. Son 93.
Ormond 360.
Orleans Duke o Pr. 13.
Orevant Lor 56.

Otterburne Fd. App. 39.

Owen Sir Da. 227, 232, 239, 270, 278,
288. EiApp. 19.

Oxford and Oxenford Earl of 93, 105, 127,'

128, 13o,132, 142, 143, 144, 150, 166,

224.227. 229. 230 232. 243. 246 2 8

Afant 227.
Naples King of 176, 179.18o, 181.
_182,184,189, 192, 200, 203, 205, 207,

27', 37,
46. Pr.
Ell' 10.



Oxford Earl of 269, 270, 272, 273, 275,

208, 220.

290. 358. 359. 360. 362. 363. 365. 366.

370. 371. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 388.

Navarre King of 274.

Nele Lord Loring] 49.

Nevill Sir 'dward Ed. App, 15, 19, 20.

Ed. App.
389 411:
390 39?
397. 12.
393 , 99.4 o I '40-2,
Neville Earl 51, 93, 120, 122, 166, 185,
Oxinforde Earl of 223, 226, 227.
Nevil Richard Earl of Warwick 414.


Nevil George Lord Abergavcnny 292.

Newblance Count 389. 39o, 391, 392. Ed.

Age Sir Richard 436.

App. 43.
Newport 156.

Paget the Lard 445, 446 448.

Norfolk Duke of 50, 56, 91, 93, 95, 1oo, Paget Sir Will. 433, 436, 440', 442.

101, 1c2, 104, 105, 107, 109, 111, 127, Parma Duke of Pr. 14, 15.

128. 130. 132.*133.141. 142. 143. 145, Parr Lord 421, 422, 425, 426, 427, 428,'
146, 147, 148, 152, 156, 159, 161, 162,

164.166. 171. 172. 173. 189.192.194,

430; 433. 434. 436. 441

Parr Szr Wrllram 187, 188, 189, 192, 193,'

196, 198, 203, 217, 220, 221, 224, 234.

198, 200, 203, 204, 209, 21o, 219, 221,

233. 246. 243. 231. 274. 277. 276.

425. _

281, 285, 287, 288, 289, 29c, 292, 358, Pan-e szr John 187, 190, 191, 194, 196,
197, 210.
361. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372.

373. 374. 379. 380. 384. 388. 389. 390. Parr Sir Thomas 276. 278
391. 393. 394. 398. 400.410. 413.416. Par 166.
421, 422, 423, 424, 426, 427, 428, Paon 227.

432. 434. 441

Ed. App. 2, 4, 11, 18, Paon Sir Thomas 362.

19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 29, 34, 36, 37, Paon Sir Wi1liam362.
38, 42, 43, 46, Pr. 11.
Norfolk John the Duke's Son 93.
Norfolk 'be Earl of 198.
Norwic Bil/m of 84, 104, 131, 211.
Norman Wa ter 50.
Nore Sir William 196.

Pache 153.

Peveley Sir Walter 50.

Paulet i_r Hufh 446, 447.

Paulet ir Wi liani 387, 39o, 394, 399,

- 400, 403, 404, 407.
Pechye Sir John 284. 287, 288. EzLApp. 9.

Northumberland 104, 117, 133, 143, 166, Peerye Earl bf Northuinberland Ed. App.
18o, 181, 183, 187, 190, 191, 201, 2o4,
35-.26 .

Pembroke Earl of 164., 165, 171, 173, 173,

209, 210. 218,221, 232.

Northumberland Duke of Ed. App. 52.

185, 190, 194,195, 196, 198. Ed./442, 52.

Northumberlarrd _Ea'rl of 243, 252. 254. Pcmbroke Marcbione of 361.

264. 269. 271. 2 2, 273. 279.

359. 361. 362. 34. 365. 366.
381. 382. 386. 387. 388. 393.
398. 400. 401.402- xEd-App18, 20, 26, 36. 37, 42. _


292. 358. Penycoke 112, 110. 122.

372.. 380. Percy Lord 375, 388. Pr. 12, 19.
394. 397. Peyche Sir Thomas 273, 278.
2. 4. 15. Philipe Sir William 65, 66, 71, 72, 74,

81, 84. 85. 88. 91. 92. 95. 99. 101.

Northumberland Henry the Ear-r: Son 93.

102, 106. 108, 109, 112, 115, 118, 119.

Northampton Earl of 423. 4 38, 441, 442, Picworth 60.
Picara darquel- of 369, 370.
445. 446. 448

Northampton Marques of Ed. App. 52.

Nottingham Earl of 232, 371, 373.

Plantagenet Sir Arthur 291, 359, 360.

Ed. A p. 32.


Pole de a Duke of Suolk 185.






. lxi


Poland King of 140, 141, 142, 144. 146. Romans the King of 67, 231, 232, 234,
147. 148.151.153,156-161. 163. 165. Rome
of 4124. 7 ,46. P,
r 9_
171, 176, 179,



Ponyng 104. 109.



Roos Lord 93, 104, 119, 118, 130, 190,'


n ngs air Edw. Ed./IN. 2. IeePoynyngs

287. 288. 290. 291,358, 359. 36'0,362.

363. 365. 366. 368. 369

Pooe Sir Richard 227, 237, 238, 240, Roos Sir Robert 128,. 133.
Roell I-J/Zrd Zjde Ruell,
241. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247, 248
Popeham rir John 132, 133.
Roe Bi op 0 Ed. App. 39.
Portugal King of 67, 71, 73, 81, 89, 88, Rothforde vide Rochford 166.

91. 92,
95. 100. 101. 103, 106, 108.

Rothous Earl of Ed. App. 39. Pr. 10,

Routhzizllle 299.
Sir John Ed. App. 44, 49.

v124, 129. 130,132,136, 138, 140,144, Row e

146,147.148. 151. 153. 155. 160. 162. Rowtland Earl of vide Rutland.
164. 171,173,176,178, 180,181, 183. Rupert
Rulell 97.

382, 411, 412, 413, . 419,'

188,189,197, 198, 200, 209. 207, 208,

* 211, 212, 217, 218, 220, 221. 231, 234.

419. 421. 422. 424. 425.427. 428. 429.

430. 432. 433. 435. 436. 439. 441. 442.

236. 237. 238, 271. 272, 273, 274, 278,
443, 444. Ld. App. 44, 46. ee RowelL'
288. 290. 291. 292. 370. 371. 374. 395.
Ruell Szr_ John 390, 403, 404, 407, 408.
399. 400. Pr. 11.

Rutland Lvrl 0f 369. 373. 374. 375. 376,

Portugal Prince of 90.

Powes and Powys Lord 67, 71, 79, 79,



211. 231, 232. 233. 389, 390. 391. 394.

390. 392. 395. 397. 398. 399. 400, 402,

399,7400, 420.

403. 404. 405. 407. 409. 411. 413. 416.

419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 442. 444. 446
Ld- APP- 30. 32. 33. 34. 36. 37. 42.

Ed./IN. 12.

Poynyngs Lord 279. 283. 284. 433. 434

Poynyngs Sir Edward 232, 239, 241, 243,

244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 252.

264, 270, 271, 272, 274, 286.

43. 44. 45. 46

Ed. App. Rutlande Lord 166, 168.

Ruthall Sir Tho. Bihop of Durham 272.

2. 9, 19, 18, 20.


Pykermg 166.

Rutheyn 166.
Rychmomld 167.
Rymer Pr. 9. *
Rye ap Thomas Sir 237, 238, 247, 248,
249, 291,

Uinbery Duke of 90, 101. 102, 103,





, 2 2


6 .

9. 39

106, 108, 109, 112, 116, 118, 121, Ryvers

ord 141, 142, 146, 147, 192,
194, 199, 197. 199,161, 162, 164, 167,

122, 123,124,139, 137, 140, 142, 144,

147, 164. Pr. 3, 4.

171, 173,176, 178,180,181, 182, 183,

185. 189.192. 197. 198. 200. 203. 204.


206, 209, 220.

Pr. 4.

Ryvers Counter of 227.

RAdcly Sir Richard 219, 220, 221,

224. ee Ratclye.
Radyn ton 96.
Ratcly e 96,1o2,103, 109, 107, r10, 111,
I12,119,118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 170.

Raynsford Sir Laurence 207, 212, 220. '

Acheverell Sir Richard 287, 291, 399,

360. 362. 365. 370. 374. 381. 386.

387. 390

Rempon 141. 142, 143, 169.

Renaud 79.

Sadler Sir Ralf 447.

Saint Leger Sir Anthony 439, 444.

Reven Lord Ed. App. 39.

Salisbury Earl of 49, 91, 66, 74, 81, 84,

Reus Pr. 24.

Richmond Duke of 369, 371, 373, 384,

389. 393. 394. 395. 398. 400. Ed. App.

31. 37, 42, 43.

Pr.10, 12.

Riche Lord 440, 444, 446.

Ricthall Ed. App. 1.

85. 89. 91. 92. 95. 99. 102,-103, 119,

120, 121,123, 124, 126, 129, 130, 136.
137, 140, 146, 147, 149,-190, 192, 193,
194, 199, 197, 199, 161, 162,_ 164, 166,

168, 171. 173. 174.

Salisbury Ed. App. 43.


Salisbury Bi/'op of 131, 163, 169, 197,

Rider 107.
Rize Sir Grith 284.
200. 201. 209, 210. Pr. 8.
Robertacke and Robert 69,66. 69, 70, 73, Salteshe 91.
74. 75.79. 80. 81.84. 85. 86. 87. 89. Sandford Pr. 8.
91, 92. 99, 99, 101, 102, 106, 108, 109, Sandys Lord 382, 384," 386, 388, 389,

112. 120. 121. 123. 129, 139, 137, 140,

391. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 413. 415.

144, 149. 146. 147. Pr. 4.


Ed./fig. 32, 34, 36, 37, 46.


Rochford Vicount 260, 373, 374, 379, Sandys Sir Wi ram 239, 271, 274, 277,

376. 379. 381. 383. 384. 387. 389. 394.

395. 399. 400. Ld-APP- 30, 32. 33. 34

278, 284, 289, 292, 367.

EdApp. 2,

5. 15. 18. 20, 42

Rochker Bihap of 104, 109, 108, 211. Sauvage Sir John 221, 237, 234, 239.
Pr. 10.
7 Saxilby 234, 236.
Rolleon 84, 112, 117, 1_20, 122.
Say Lord 133.


I 'N D E X.

Saynt Pye Lord 26 3.

Spencer 158, 159.

Saymondes 143.

St. John Lord 365, 411, 412, 415,'416,

Scales Lord 90, 91, 92, 96, 100, 101,

1o3, 159, 161,162,164, 168, 174, 183,

419. 420. 422.429.426. 427. 428. 429.

430. 432. 439.436. 439. 441. 442. 443.

106, 108, no, 112, 113, 116, 118, 120,

444. _
121, 123, 125, 126,127, 129, 13o, 135, St. John Szr John 442, 446.
136, 138, 141, 146, 147, 148, 152, 154, St.
Geor eEzLA
St. AmbEOIi-"e
38. m,. 1 7 , 18.
156. Pr. 3.
Schotesbrook Sir Robert 127, 132, 141, t. Le er ord 43!

St. Pagl Count of 5,2,4Z,6.'43 -

142, 143, 150, 167.

Schiveller Lord 225.

St. Edward Ed. App. 17.
Staord Earl of 49, 51, 102, 103, 104,
Scintomer 360.
Scotland King of 228, 394, 395, 396, 421.
106, 108, 110,1r2,114, 115, 117, 119,
120, 121, 123, 170, 185, 251, 253, 264,
Ed./I p. 41, 42. 46.
265. EcLApp. 11, 13, 16, 23.
Scrope ord 93, 105. 171, 176, 177, 178,

Scrope Mr. 227.

Stafkord Sir Hu h 67, 9.

Staord Henry ar] of (Filthire 292, 358.
Staord Sir Henry 247, 248, 249.
Staord Countei of 67.

Sellynger Sir Thomas 206, 212.

Stanley Lord 158, 159, 160, 162, 163,

180,18r, 183, 186, 189, 192, 197, 198,

200, 204, 205, 209, 210, 218, 220, 221,

223, 234, 442.

Pr. 6, 7, 21.

Sellyn er Sir Anthony 425, 430.

Semer ord 440.
Semer Sir Tho. 428, 431, 43 3, 434, 436.


Seymour Sir Hent)r 442, 444, 446.

Seynt Leger Sir George 361.
Seynt ohn Mr. 227.
Seyntu and 150.
Shetfylde Lord 44 2.

165, 19o, 193, 194, 195, 196, 198, 211;

212, 217, 218, 22o, 221, 246. Pr. 7.

S1anley Edward Lard Montegle 292.

Stanley Sir Edward 270, 273, 276.
Stanley Sir William 188, 190, 206, 212,
2r9, 232, 235.
Stanley 127, 132, 143, 187.

Stanhopp Sir Nicholas 442.

Stapelton Sir Miles 49, 51.
Steward James King of Scotland 87, 150.

Sheyne 93.
Shirley 240.

Sholden 210.
Stephens 155.
Srewsbury Earl of 123, 125, 126, 127, Stephins Ed. App. 22, 23.
129. 130. 1333137. 140. 143. 144. 143. Stourton Lord 166,' 187, 190, 193, 195,x
146, 147, 148, 151, 152,154, 156, 158,
430. 436. 441.
159, 160,162, 164,168, 174, 223, 224, Stowe Pr. 8.
226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 238, Strange Lord 318, 241, 243, 244, 246.
242, 245, 248, 249, 250, 252, 254., 264 Strawesburgh 55.
265. 269' 371. 272' 273. 279. 381. 2831 Strype Ed. Apjz. 27.
284. 287. 290. 291. 292. 398. 399. 361. Strangwich an Strangwaies Sir Giles 389,

362. 369. 366. 370. 374. 378. 379. 384.

390. 399. 400. 414. 419. 416. 419. 420.

397. 411. 412. 419. 420. 421. 422. 426.

422, 425, 427, 428, 430, 436.

427. 428. 430. 432. 434. 439. 441. 442. Strozzi Pr. 13.
444, 448. Ld. App. 2, 4, 11, 15, 18, Stuward 127.
- \

30: 29 34. 37- 42 49. Pr-4'

Slcr] Kiig of 198. ,


Sudeley Lord 121, 123, 124, 126," 127, 139. 136.

Sigi mond Emperor of Alemam 40, 64,

143, 144, 149. 147, 149, 151, 152, 153,

81, 88, 106, 108, 109, 119, 122, 125,

154, 155,157, 139. 160. 162. I63,17r,

136. 138.140. 142. 149. 146. 149. 192.

176. 179. 180. 183.186. 188
154, 155, 156, 165, 213. Pr. 4, 5.
Suolk Duke 0f91.187. 189.19$.197. 193
_ simondhn si,- Rich. [i e. Fitz Simon] 49.

2o1, 2o3, 205, 206, 209. 210, 217, 220,

Skalez Pr. 5.
lsleord 51,

221, 225, 226, 227, 229, 230, 276, 278,

279, 28r, 283, 284, 285, 287, 288, 290,

Slemynge Lord Ed. App. 39, 40.

358, 361, 362, 364, 365, 366, 368, 369,

Smert 139.

370. 374, 376. 379..380. 383. 384. 386.

someretDulwnf 371. 373.438. 441.443.

388,390, 391. 394. 399. 396. 397. 413.

447. 446- Pr- 23Someret 87, 122, r23, 125, 126,

416, 419, 420. 421. 429, 431. 432. 434

Ed. App. 2, 4, 11, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22,


139.137.140. 141. 143. 149. 147. 148.

29. 29. 34. 36. 37. 42. 46. 92- Pr- 4

150, 152, 153, 156, 157, 161, 165, 166.

Suolk and Southfolk Earl of 51, 74, 77,

Someret Charles Earl of Worer 292.

81, 84, 85, 89, 92, 99, 100, 103, 105,

Someret Sir Char. 227, 238, 239,242, 244.

Someret Earl of 448.
Sorachevers Duke of 283, 284.

106, 108, no, 112, 113, 115, 117, 119,

120, 121, 122, 124, 126, 127, 129, 130,
131, 132, 133, 134. 135, 136,139, 142,

Southampton Earl of 376, 411, 413, 415,

144, r47, 177, 192, 226, 229, 238. Pr. 3.
416,419,420,421, 422, 424, 439, 440, Suolk Counter of 113, 120.

3 446- Ifd- App. 46.

Sullv 51.
Souzthwell Pr. 27.'
Suklyng 107.
Spam Knrg of 195, 196, 198, 206, 207, SurrY Earl _of 217, 218, 220, 221, 224,

- 218. 231. 232-

224. 241. 243. 249. 248. 291. 293. 299.




lx lll

264. 269. 27c.272. 273. 276. 278. 279. Vear Sir Thomas 283, 291.
281. 283. 254. 285. 290. 291. 361. 364. Vear .S"ir John 362, 363, 366, 369, 371,
374. 375. 382
365. 366. 421. 422. 423. 427. 428. 429.
. 431. 432. 434- hd-App- 2. 4. 11. 15. Veer Robert 93.
Vendome Duke of 389.
18, 20, 25. Pr.19.
Surreyne Sir Francis 134, 135, 136, 137, Verney Sir Henry 270, 273.
Veyey Ed. App. 4.
139, 140, 142, 147. See Arreneis.

Suex Earl
392. 395.
405. 406.
421. 422.

of 366, 385, 386, 387,

396. 397. 398. 399. 403.
407. 409. 411. 412. 419.
423. 424. 436. 440. 442.


445 446- Ed- App-35. 36 37.42.46

Veyer Earl of Oxford Ed. App. 32.

Uete 91.

Vharpisfeld 11.

Vieu Duke of 121, 125, 137. 139, 145,

147, lga "I, 1739 156' 169. 162.

Umfryvxlle 67, 71, 74,- 81, 84, 86l 89,

Sutton,Lord Dudeley 16, 292:
Sydney (fir William 421, 425, 428, 430.
91, 92. 96. 98. 100. 103. 106. 108.

436. 440. 442. 444. 446

Sydney bzr John 427.
Sydnor 366, 393.

Symondesbourn 51.

Sympill Lord Ed. App. 39.

110. 112.113. 116, 117. 118, 119.

Urbin Duke of 197, 198.' 203, 209, 220,

244. 246. 249, 251. 254. 257. 258. 265.

270,'273. Ed. App. 1. Pr. 20.
Urbin Count 187, 188, 190, 191, 192,
200, 208.

Pr. 6, 10.


Albot Lord 66, 90, 91, 92, 93, 100,

102. 103, 106, 108, 110, 111, 112,
113, 116, 120, 121, 170, 365. Pr. 3.

Talbot Lord Talbot? Son 93.

Akefeld 71.

Wales Prince of 44, 45', 46, 49,

48.216, 258, 262, 263.i

Talbot Sir Gilbert 230, 232, 239, 242, Walden Lord Cbuucellaur 411, 412, 414,

244. 246. 248. 249. 251. 254. 257. 265.

2 9, 283, 283. Edudpp. 1.
Talboth Lord 67, 95, 99, 118, 197.

415. 41_6, 419. 420. 421. 422. 424. 426.

Wallop Szr John 407, 414. 41 s, 425, 426.,

42 . 428. 429. 432. Ed-APP- 37

Talboth Sir Henry 199.

Talyer Ed. App. 32.
Taylor 382.

Wal mgham Pr. 19.

Tendale 139.

Themprour Ed. App. 34, 37.

Waley 133.
Valon Je sartoq 213.

Thorpe Walter 220.

Wale Sir Th0r11asJ49.


of 104,
Wale 51.

Thunall Sir Richard 195', 196, 217, 218, wall 395.

220. 221.233.234. 235
Warcoape Pr. 24.
10 'vide
War71,8c 62,
la War.
Thynne 169, 197. Pr. 7.
66, 70, 73',
Tiptoft Earl of Worer 84, 102. 104,

79. 81. 84. 85. 88. 90. 92. '95. 99.

136, 171, 187.

Tirol Earl of Ed. App. 27, 28.

Towyrhil Abbot of 149. 153. 155, 137,
161, 163, 167, 173, 177, 184, 205', 252.

253. 377- EJ-rzpf- 14. 17. 18

Tourhill Abbot of . App. 2.
Towcots Sir Roger 188, 190.
Trave Pr. 22.
Trimoville 447.
Trollope 166.
Tudenham 138.

101.102,10s,10__6, 108. 109, 112,*114.

1157118. 121, 122, 127, 128, 130.1's0,.

166, 168. 171, 172, 174,176, 178, 180,

182. 184. 185. 214. 438. 441. 442. 446. 1

Warwick Counte: of 110, 113.
Waxcombe 56.
Wa ne 107.

We ls Vifcouut 124. 234.

Well: Lord127, 158,159, 160. 162, 165,"

Tunall Bihnp Ed. App. 39.

Tyrell Sir James 217, 218, 220.

167, 171, 173, 174. 206. 212, 231.

Wenlook Lord 166, 168. 171, 172, 178,

180, 182. 183. 188.
Wenlock Sir John 171, 174. 175.

Wenceaus 52, 57.

Aillant Her-old Pr. 31.

Vampage Sir William 227.

Wentworth Lord 416, 430, 436, 440.

442. 444. 445

Wentworth Szr Hengy 2

Van Clux Pr. 3.
Wentworth Sir Phil? 14 5, 146.
Vanhope 112.
Vaux Sir Nicholas 270, 272, 273, 274. Wemerland Earlo 63. 70 74 81 84'
276. 278, 283, 284, 287. 288, 290, 291,
86. 88. 91. 92. 93. 96. 195. 199.,291:

192. 258. 359. 360

Vaue Sir Nlcholas 237, 238.
Vaynode 133.
Ubaldi Frederick 1 91.
Ubalde Guy 244.
Vear Lord 273.

292. 359. 360. 362. 363. 365. 366. 368.

369. 370. 377. 373. 374. 375. 376. 378,
382' 445.
Ld. App.
12, 25, 29,

34. 37. 42. 43. 46

Weermerland Counte: of 93.

'D i E X.

We Lord De la War 292.

Wresley Sir Thomas 425. 426.

We Sii Thomas 362, 366.

Wriotheley Lord 430, 434, 436.

We Dr. 255.

Wriotheey Sir Thomas 240, 257, 395,

Weminer Abbot of 104, 105.


'Wharton Lard 430, 436, 444._








'Wharton Sir Thomas 425, 428.

Wriotheey Charles Pr. 24.

'Wiat Sir.Thomas-=446.
"Wideville Lord 225.
Widville 183, vide Wodvill. , _Wi1]0ughby Lord 66, 70, 74, 81, 84, 85,
' 86, 89, 91, 92, 96,'oo,102,1o4, 106.
108, 110, 112, "5,118,1'9, 120,12',
123, 125,126,127,'29,'36, 137,14o,
, 146,'.14)7,149,151, 288, 29o, 291, 368,

Wrixworth 139.

Wuley Thomas 272.

Wyliams Sir John 249.

Wylhire Ear] 0f(vide' Staord) 143, 150,

,157.163.165,171,173,174.188. 191.

192. 223. 233. 249. 272. 273. 279. 289.

290, 291, 360. 385,-388. 392. 395. 397.

Wylloughby Sir Henry 362.
Wyloghby Lord Pr. 3.
Willoughby Sir Henry 270; 365
_Wilthire Earl of 538, 445, 448. EJ. App. Wyndeour Lord 386, . 387, 390, 394.,


4' 5,

11' 20'

2. 4, 15, 18. 20. 36, 37. 42. 45- Pr- 11

_Wincheer Bijhop of 51, 75, 84, 87, 104.,


112, I'4, '20. l49,1')">',lS7, '585 177. Wyndeour Sir Andrew 362, 365, 368,

184,197, 20', 210, 211, 226, 228, 253,

30. 371- 3 4,3 ', 80 81 82
254 255, 26', 263, 377. Ed. App. 18. 'Wyilkeld L0r7d g? 4315., 3 - 7 3
Wind our Deane of Ed. App. 25. '
Wynkfeld Sir Robert 363, 380, 381, 382,
Win eild Sir Robert Ed. App. 1 2.
386. 387. 390, 394. 399.. 400. Bel-App
'Wire ere William Pr. 21.
1 2.

Wirteay Sir Hugh [Wrotey] 49.

'Wodvill Lord 226, 227, 229, 230, 231.

'Wode Bihop of 210. Pr. 8.

Wodock 51.
'Wo an EJnr-IPP. 16, 20, 21.
'Wo ey Cardznal 35, 214 272 292 38 .
'Wolles Lord 93.

'Wyngfeld Sir Richard 287, 290, 29', 292,

3387 36O* 361' 3632 3649 366, 367

Wyngeld Sir Anthony 412, 414, 415',

416., 4-l 91 410' 42111 422' 4237 424-2 125,

427. 429. 430. 432. 434. 436, 439. 440.

442.445, 446. 448

Wyncheer [Marques of Edmfpp. 52.
lwoodyvle Sir Edward 206, 211, 212, 23', Wyncheer Bijhop of Id. App. 4. Pr. 8.
Wyot Sir Thomas 443.


Woodvile Sir
130, 175.
133. 176. Wyot
107. 17/2-84-1. " i
177, 178, 18o,18', 183, 276, 278, 279,

283. 285, 287, 288, 290. 291. 358. 359.

361. 364. 366, 374. 375. 378. 380. 381.
386. 387. 390. 391. 394. 399. 400. 403.
404. 407. 408, 41 l. 415. 419. 420. 421.

422. 425. 427. 428. 436,442, 446. Ed



Ork Duke of 55. 56. 93, 111. us,
no, '21. 123. 1"25.-132,133,134',
'36, 137.-140,_146. 147. 14-8,1'S', 15-4.

.2, 4, 15, 18, 20.

156, 159, 16,', 162., 164. '7',"-73, 174.,

er Biho of 84, 104.

184. 193. 194.'195. 1'96,1.97,1.98.20o',

203, 204, 209, 210, 220, 22', 224, 227,

,_Wotton Sir dward 44', 442, 444, 445,
236. 237, 240. Pr. 6, 7, 8, 9.
York Bihop of 93, 104, 1c6, 108, 112,
Wren Dr. Bijhop of Ely 41.
Wrenne 155.

13', 211, 226.


- -


INctCE this Indcx was printed, the Editor, upon


reading the 'litle of a Manucript in the Cata

_ i logue of that inrvaluahle Neaure of Antiquities


departed in the MuZ-um of Mr. Thoresby o

Leeds, l'was induced to think, there might he
jhme Notices contained in it relating to the Rc

i 'fT.i .T-6_Z*- l;._ _

ception of the Garter hy the Duke of Urbin,

. ' 'which
Letter game
to thehim
to of
it, himelf

that in Cah there rwere any Paages of that

Nature, he would he pleaed at his Leiure to
iznpart Extras of them, whereupon he heing

read)- to communicate, as he hath heen careful to make Colleons, he and what

appears credihle from the Indu/fry and Life of one Man redent in t e Country,
1was plcazd out of his ingular Humaniy' in the mo ohliging Manner im
nn-zdirtt-tl)1 to tranmit the Original, 'which is hcautifully rwritten: on Parchment,

with Pcrmzzon that the whole might he made Puhlich z to whom therefore the
Reader is to make his Aolenowledgements of Than/es for the agreeahle Entertain

ment, that this Epile penned with great Elcgunce and full of prightly Turn:
will abrd him. This Inrument is a corrohorating Enidence to prove what hath
heen inerted in p. 2. 57 note h, and will he of Ser-'vice to any Peron, cwho

hall undertake to write the Lirves of the Campanian: of this Order. Indeed
it is nnerwhut range, that Bembus in his Life of that Duke, and Odaxius in
his funeral Oration hould hath he lent in the Article concerning his Eleon

into this mq/l nohle Fraternitjr.



J-H- 17-7M'

Balt. Calilioni Epi/Iola

Balcafar Cailionus Charus ad Sacratzj/Ymum B R_ 1 T A N N 1 IE Regem

.H E N R I CU M [Vn] de Guido-Ubaldo Montcteltrio Urbini Duct.

ELLEM, acratime R_ex,_ut erga uos azque cleinentiimus, ac juti
quod olim ad te cribend1 m1h1 mue, ommbulqvius e Pater in puero
jucundinnum erat argumen- revlxie. Adlrurabantur hommes in eo,
tum, nunc non omnmo eet cum cateras virtutes, tum jucundixmam

amarilnum, aut faltem nullam dolcris Sc mieriae trieln aerret memoriam;

Malorum enim recentiirm acerbam recordationem exulceratus horret animus, ac

ons Majeatem, uam mtuentes amabant,

8: grata guadam orm1d1_ne venerabanturz
talem ignnr vivebat Yltam, qualem qui
imazugne dus
hominibus gratiimus 3:

formidat; ed cum ita me tempus, Sc o- 7 carihmus eet. Annum agens extum

cium meum, durXqz calamitates admone- 'decimum 1110rem_ duxit ex illuri Gon

ant, parendum ee ceneo. Prodent et1am_ Izaga fannha Elzabet Francjcz' zMantz/a
fortae turgidum animum, qu1 nunc gravi , Marcluoms ororem, cujus exnnia Virtute,
mazrore conectus upet, hujumodi narra-zlnonbus, 8c pene divina pulchritudine
tionibusvexare,8cquodammodo perfricarezzmaritus ab omnibus aelicihmus Sc bea
11t cilicet acerbillimum 'cordis dolorem tiilimus habebatur: eadem faelicilima ac
iterato vulnere aucius evomat 8c profun beatihma, quae talem eet Virum ortita.
dat: Et quamvis tanta: minae fragorem in Verum, quze mortahum e conditio, tot
Britmznianz uq, 81 ad aures tuas penetrae lbona, qua- nos diuturna Sc Pene perpetua
non dubitemz Qualem tamen quantamqz perabamus, ors inimica labefactare coe

in Guidualda Ducis norimorte jacturam pit: Podagram enim incurrit anno aetatis
fecerimus, Ipe deinde, quam intrepide, uae xxi. 3: quamvis palam id non eet,
< uam conanter, quam ancte diem clau nec ipe faterettlr, tamen aliquantulum
ilerit extremum. multos veratium foran impeditus, necio quo pacto pedibus labo
latuerit. (Huzedam igitur percribere con rare videbatnr: Verum non ob id ludo
itui, quae icet admnabilia nullam tamen pilce, cujus erat cientimus, abinebat,
nobis admirationem attulere. biquidam eqluixtabat praeterea quotidie, arma gea
anctilni motes, integritas, des, magna zbat, hais concurrebat; attbhzec omnia
nimitas. totus deniqzanteacta vita tenor adeo fortiter, adeo cienter ut ad ingula.
probatiilimus, laudatimum etiam -nem, natus videretnr. Neminiq, dubium erat,
nec trine dillimilem pollicebantur. No qnin upra omnes norae zetatis Principes
ri omnes Lrazterea norant jamdudum, militari diciplina. corporis robore, agili
qualem in 1pis incunabulis indolem z tate, atqz equitandi peritia tunc temporis
lleret. Nuquamgratius erat pectacu
prae e _tulerit 3 _ eamque indies magis
ac mag1s auxerit, _qual1s in puenua, "um, quam _illum_ armatum equo cata
qualis 11] adoleccntla extiterit, in illa phractoedentem inpicere, cum haam,
enim aetate,
ua ueri militari
nucibus incumbens
indulgent, cum enem tractaret, cum onipedemolo
ac di cipllinm
inultantcm inconcuus i7e laxis habe
brevi tantum profecit. ut non modo inter nis, modo impelleret, mo o compeceret,
zquales 8: pueros, ed inter viros natu modo in girum ecteret, ac veluti alter
grandiores prodigii haberetur, 8: cumu Pollux corrigeretz pectabant omnes, 8;
pra zetatem aperet, non audebantommes 'admirabantur dulcem oris ferociam, totum
merito conceptaz pei Parem exuum ex 'deniqz corpus adeo concinne compotum,
pectare: videbaturque, necio quo Pacto, ut quicquid ageret. ipum emper deceret.
imminere periculum, ne ingemum pra: Statura procerus fuit, colore Candido, ore
cox, 8; pene divinum nunquam ad fru non admodnm pleno ed forma eximia, a:
gem perveniret, aut in ipa oridiori reta per omnes zetates venuiima -, negligens
te e medio tollereturz itaqz vere nimium tamen omnis lenocinii, Fc circa mundi
vaticinati unt. Patrem enim annum a ciam 85 decentiam tantum curious, glau-z
gens decimum amiitzPatrem illum, in cis oculis, capillis anreis primum, mox.
quam, Federicum, quem merito magnum ubavis, iidem planis. nec multis, te
ob animi magnitudinezn s: maxima gea reti collo, latis humeris, toroo pectore,
appellaverim, cujus przeclara facinora to caigato ventre, plenis femoribus, tibiis.
tum orbem complerunt. Sed viri hujus autcm decenter exilibus, timoris preeterea
laudes ali_um expocunt locum. Bene ge penitus expers, atque animi invictiliimils,
tarum emm rerum monumenta extant, 8c adeo ut illi nonnunquam vicio datum t,
tot virtutes fama, perinde ac debuit, il

luris ubequuta e. Haec igitur intem

quod in pugna potius militis, quam im

peratoris ocio fungerettzr. Nunquam

peiya mors eorum animos percut, qui terga dare, nunquam Ccdere; nunquam pe
Patns aupiciis Narum ad ara tolli poe de1n referrc 1rius e, cum epius inter e"
condebant. Verum continuo bona pes clavcrtlm acervos ob ui ipims vitam un
convaluit, quae prius aliquantulum re

diqzglomeratis hoibus Circumeptus (li

frxxerat: Apparuit enim ubito puer in lnicaverit. occnmbere tamen inter tot ar
gemo, prudenua, liberalitate conpicuus, ma 8: inimicas acies renue manum con

De Guido - Ubaldo Urbini Duce.


ferens non potuit, ut cilicet diris dolo- modo uorum, ed totius Italia lztitii 8:
_rum cruciatibtls vitam reervaret. Infe jucunditate, quanta dignus ee videbatur.

lix cnim egritudo magis ac magis in dies

ingruebat, nec multo Po evenit, ut )_e
nit_ns [dedibue captus Poclagram, quam 1u
ammi magmtudme dnnmulaverat, celare
nequierit. Sed gravecente dolore omnia

Occurrebant redeunti puerorum examina

ramos olivarum tenentium, Canebant au
picatilmum regis adventumz occurrebant
tremulo gradu longeevi enes pra- laetitii
lachrymantcs, Viri, fcemince, matres cum
in pcjus labebantur, vilqz unt morbus, infantibus, turba: acervatim cujucunque
Sc advera fortuna oedus inire, vireque exus, cujucunque zetatis, ipa videbantur
uas omnes expel-iri velle, ut tot virtutes, axa exultare, 8c quodammodo geirei De
8: leculi nori prmcipuunl decus uno ictu inde aulo pocxcidnbaldzrs regno reitu
proernerentz luctatiq; diutius incaum, tus ei , ummus Pontiex creatur Julius
nihil unqnam de dignitate, nihil de ani Secundus, qui hominis prudentiam cog
mi magnitndine tot conatibus auferre va noceims, atqz animi magnitudinem, renn
luerunt. Peritit enim ad omnes. incur entem 8: pene invitum, licet etiam tom
us vera virtus, nec unquam uccubuit in corpore impeditum S. R. E. [anctae Roman-e
fracti robur animiz nam (ut cetera omit Eccleiaz] exercitus imperatorem ele it.
tam advcrh: ortis vulnera) Valentinns ille Quippe qui apiezntizi 8c_ mentis_ con 1 io
ad omnium bonorum pernitiem natus, cum magls, quam V] corpons egregia perpe
e tantum Guidubaldo debere cognoceret, trari facmora non ignorabat. Hinc ipe
quantum nunquam beneactis rependere ociuln uum umma cum laude ad ex
valeret, dira regnandi cupidine, 8c cele

tremum uq; exercnit. Interea quam clara

rnm uorum imulis adjutus, cogitarecaz modo

ua: omnium
de lle, rmiterit,
pem impleve
pit, quo modo illi regnum, vitam, 8c fama:
plendidiimum decus adimeret, eqz 11 rit, longum eet referre. Non praetermit
lum tuto proditurum conus e, opina tam tamen praeclarum illud magnanimi
. tus fore ut Gnidubaldus nunquam illius tatis exemplum, Cum enim Valentinu:
inidias Sc fraudcs timerct, de quo e tan in Ponticis manus deveniiet, multi -,de
topere benemerirum non ignoraret: cum eo pcenas injuriis, quas ipe quamp uri
igitur maximis al; eo Valentinm aectus mis intulerat, debitas u1nere'contende
eet beneciis, majoraq; etiam indies ea rent, Guidubaldzls, cum in poteatem uam
gitaret, haberetque, cum prope jam_i_n redegiet, upplicemqz ante pedes habererz

germani loco, Gnidubaldxls rece erat, m1l1 oblitus quo ardore animi, qu vi, quibus
ab eo celei
aulo ante
litus inquam
uoq; omnes honoricentime ucipie
bat, nihil deniqz praeterlnittebat, quod ad uo infeum avideq; inhiantem vix egreq;
verse columen amicitice pertinere videre evaerat, non modo injurias non ultus e,
tur; Haec omnia impius ille humanarum, ed eum incolumem humaniter dimiiet,
divinarumq; rerum profanator contempitz ut eidem a Pontice ignoceretur, enixe
clamq; Guidubaldum nil tale upicanmn operam dedit, eecitqz. Plura dicerem, ed
adortus, regno expulir, fretus potentiimi vereor ne animus tuus nimium illius de
GaIlm-mn regis amicitia, qui tunc cu1n iderio accendatur, quem nobis impia fata,
magna manu faucibus Italia imminebat. immaturaq; mors ubripuere, omncmq; re
ac monitisSexti
Ita cuperandi pem pmciderez laetarer igitur,
i mens exuberanti dolore repleta laetitiae
tibus, pecuniisqz juvabat, ho pitio illum,

Ziu res ita compoitze eentmeminem ex tot tantillum admitterer, id cilicet, quod'
amicis Guidubaldzi: auxiliatorem habnir, olim ummopere cupiebam, non eveme:
przterquam Ienetox, qui illi pecunias, ho Bene enim cet, quod tu nunquam illum
pitiumqz cxhilduere, benignum mehercule coram aut alloquutus es, aut vidii : Seg

& tutum; Venetiis igitur commoratus ali nius enim nec tam rmiter animos pe
quandiu, al) illo emper Senatu in ummo 'netrant, quae nobis per alios referuntur,
honore habitus e. Interea Urbinates cie 'quam quae oculis 8: auribus noris ub
teriq; dura Takutini ditione premebantur, jecta ipimet percipimus. Quam incredi
in eique Valmztini odium, 8c Guidubaldi bili amore igitur pmzentem proequutus
amor mqua lance librari poterant. Et quam ees, uavi oris gratii, dulci colloquio, Sc'
Vis jugnm detrectare non tuto poe vide ornatimis moribus, quibus devinciri po
retnr : Valentinns' enim tunc temporis Do teras, exactam rerum omnium peritiam,"
minus rernm, Piccnum, Umbriam, Fland quam admirari-, St' abntem C-F pene ig
winnz, Entiliamq; ene totam occupaveratz notum adeo dilexii, nt illum raclarmo
ab eo tamen pa am defecerunt, multos Garterii ordine tuo decorare ignatu: ix;
arces omnes ui
aaqurunt, De quo quantum ip: tibi je Jebere arbi
aierentes munitiimam
traretur, nec ego, me alius quiquam verbis

litterive referre atis pozt: rerum bac

tirrus oppreilit, 8: quos ub imperio poe ego recte nom', memorictq; ad/mc teneo, qua

regi quemq; cuodirez Iterum eos Valen

tenere non condebat, funditus delere co


cmzqz dikedenti 'nibi identidem dixerit, cum

Interea Alexander VI mortem ab eo Orator ad te pracierer, nt pro in

obiit, atimqz Valentinus regnum Sc male numeris erga e Izevzejlzctix atias agere',
partas divitins amiir, GnidnI/aldzrs vero favdzgijzordiotis olemnziter tucirem; Cum

contra jus znniias recuperavit, tanta non vero me tam humaniter, tam honorice
a tua

Balt. Cahllonl Epz/iola

__._.__ ..__

. a tu Majeate uceptum intellexiet,

dignitate ac muneribus au-ckum, non PO'
tcrat quiu om_n_1bus umma bilarrtate, &
gaudio meas lnce de rebus luteras oen

Dialngis delectabatnr plurimum.


hare mirabili quociam 8: pene incredibiii

Deorum munere na memoria contiuelat

ut raro libros in manibus umeret, ed

ipe ecum tacltus mente cuncta relege
tamii in Italian; cognoviiet ? tanta_ell_lm bar, Mirumque in eo Videbatur tami ac
akctus e laetitia, ut non dcitenr ite tam acr_1s ingeniiyis mcmorize conjuncta,
ratis tabellariis eagitare, ut magms m raro enim conveniuntz ante omnes um
neribus, quibus maxime poem, ad _e mo excoluit udio, prazciuumqz habuit
derer. Quid cum reditum meum ex Bl

contenderem : Angebatur ennn deydeno, Aenopbantem, quem &r. ipe Sirenem atti

cupiebatq; percrurari ngula; Itaqz po

cum_appellabat, dulcemqz illius eloquii

quam accei, Sc quicqmd vnieram audic

ramve, retuli, tuaque cum immenae 8c
pene incredibiles vi1:t_utes,_tum quanti e
faceres, enarraviz Du bom! quam lzetus,
quam ibimet dns imills ee vius ez
Regis amicitiam adeptusz _quem 11le_ ad
ccmmunem hominum utilitatem caelitus
decendie opinabatur, itaqz in_dies_eadem
epius audire ex etebat: tum ilcubx nego

uavitatem non minus imitatus c quam

dilexeritz ita ut a nobis merito ,8c ipe

iren altera dici potuerit: Quotiecunqz
emm degravioribus ac magnis ncgociis
coram pnmatibus ermonem haberet mer
lito quodam lepore, ac auvitate 'verbal
delmibar, copiole, acuteq; ratiocinabatur Res oculis ubjiciebat nulla aectatione an;

moroitate, nec verbis longe repetiris 'ed

ciorum curis ac aboribus defeius requie quemadmodum eras Orpben: 8c iixa ban
cere volebat, in hos ermones e tanqxlam tu traxie dicitur, ita ipe quadam di
in amoaniilimum conferebat eceum. A cendi venere, innataqz facilitate audien
miii igitur, acratiime Rex, virum ex tium animos demulcebat, quocunque vc
Confiratribus tuis tanto, ac tam praclaro
luiet, impellebar, ectebatqz eadem ver

ctztui m-Ila ex parte dimulandum, quem ii borum gratia in domeicis rebus narran
aliquando vidies, atq; homini paulum dlS uus e, prrvatlm facetiimus dicteriis
oonuevies, doleres profecto plus nimio. totus caturiens, comis ac acilis: non ta

Magni imprimis conlii, magnzeq; pru men ut quiquam, erioaut joco unquam ab
demiaavir fuit, olus ex ommbus, quos eo, vel adhuc puero, fatuum, aut inane ver

unquam viderim, ad omnia quibucunq; bum audieritz ed emper eriam, ut opinor,

animum intendiet,

natusz Nam,

ut matris in utero ervavlt illud, quod prcpon'

omittam belli peritiam, magnanimitatem,

olertiam in rebus omnibus, dexteritatem
que; liberalia udia ab aetate prilni cu
pide cmper ac dili enter cxercuinutramq;
linguam pari u io mliciter excoluit;
ed Grazcarum litteraruln prazcipuo tene

grea' vacant, dulci ac proprio oris ono pro

nunciavit: Aliquando tamen traulinnm

patiebaftrr raeerti-m in litera p. quam e

pius dici i quodam conatu proferre vi

Hiorim talem aecntus e no

titiam, ut prope dem excedar, (Luicquid

batur amorc, ejuqz lingua tam exactam enim Latiuis, Grave litterarum monu
adeptus erat cognitionem, ut non minus, meptis traditum _, viderat, ac memo
quam patriam m promptu haberet. Cu ria continebat, Urbes, quas quiqtze rux
ravit voces propriis accentibus, ac api iet, aut diruiiet, regezz; republicas. uc
rationibus graecanico more proerre. In res,
'oratc .
quo dnces,
quiqz philoophos,
temipore orniet,
adolecentiz ardua: lectionis fuie tradi
tur; Extremo autem tempore non atis ictores inuper, culptores, ritus, lages
multum, ed elici ac inexhauo memoria: Facra, mores, 8: hzc omnia non gracoruni
theauro juvabatur: Qu omnes homines, modo, Latinorumqz, verum etiam Hebfaa
mea quidem ententia, uperavit. Quic rum .- rerum omnium deniq; eriem ita re
quid enim emel aut iterum audiviet, cenebar, ut annales ab origine mundi c
adeo tenaciter percipiebat, nt non modo lus ipe cripie vidercturz Nec minus re
enum, ed ac verborum eriem, ipo quo centioris hioriee Cognitionem habuit: or
erant ordine cripta memoriter continuo thodoxa: dei norze, primitivze Eccleize
referret. Poetas ummatim attigit-7 Vir grace, latinazqz ritus, initlioneqz omnes
ilium tamen Homerumq; familiarihmos cieldat exacte, Ponticum, Patriarcharum
ue ordinem ab initio, quae quique gcl
dicendi gurasicientiam,
lepores, variamqz
eis rerum-omnmm
iet in vita, qnibus oblectatrls lticf.
tem, abundantiam, divinamq; ingenii vim Gottornm prazterea, andnlonmz, aliorumq
inpiciebat, exacteq; ernocebat ac admi in Italiam incuriones, direptiones, bella:
rabatur, atqz adeo far iciter omnia memo obidiones, duces ad amuim enarrabat,
riae mandaverat, ut quodcunquc ex ips Imperatores Conantinnpolitani quando ma
carmen audiret, catera ipe ubequeretur xime nruient, Qui Reges GaHia, Ger
ad atietatem uque audientium: Poetas maniaz, Hijania, Pannanizzqz/e .- multa im

alios non plnrimi faciebat. Ciceronis ora

tionibus maxime oblectatus

primis de acratimis Britamzia regibtys,

e, Lnm. de dignitate inulze, de hominum anti

Corn. Taciti, Qyimz Curtii Hioria, Pli quixma nobilitate dierebat: Sed praeci
mii etiam quamplurimum; in gra-cis De pue de inclyti vera familii, quae quam
mobeni: orationibus, Arztidis, Cbrioomi, vis tot (nt ita dicam) emideos habuerit,
Epiolrs 'magni Lia/Ilii, Plutarcbi etiam multo-e armis invictiimos, multos etiam,
cnptis, ed morahbus prmertim, Lycian' 'lqul vine mtegritate inter anctos reerri

De Guido-Ubaldo Urbini Duce.


meruerint, tamen a te uno ita illurata orriniurri 'Iieritiam adepturn ee: Preertirri
e, ut quemadmodunr olis lumen dera cum maximis emper, 8: bello,-'8c pace oc
obumbrat, c przcipua virtus tua cla cupatus fuerit negociis.. Eodem enim an
riilrmos reges alios minus claros reddi 11_o quo patrem amiit puer, Zc pene infans,
derit, 8c pene luce contexerit. Hac ille idem copus przfuit, quibus ipe Federi
omnia impromxtu obviaq; habebat. Nec cur pater proFerdinando Rege Ncapolitano,
tacendum ee uxerim, quam admirabi Jaamte Galeatio Sfortia Duce Medialaneyf,
-]em &pene incredibilem conographize Flonntinijiz, tunc confoederatis contra e
cognitionem adeptus eetz in cceteris enim netos prceerat, tamdiuq, provinciam hanc
alios, mhoc autem e ipum upcravit: uinuit, quamditr ip in faedere per-man
Nam ut omittam, 'quam accurate, quam erunt.

Deinde ab Innocentio Octavo Pont,

diligenter omnia iiiverit quzecunque Ptbo \'Maximo- contraFerdinaudnm Regem ipen

lemans, 3: Strabo, creteriq, omnes litteris dia 'meruit zPaulo po cum Carolur GaHa
mandarunt, montes, maria, se umina, re rnm-Rex in Italidm trajiceret regnum Nea
gioncs, urbes, atq, alia cognitu digniora, olitanmn invaurus, ab Alex. VI. Ponr,
ax. 8: Alpbono rege, Ferdinandoq, mino
minutiiima quaeqzadeo erequtus e, nt
locorurn intervalla, oppi orum nomina, di ri in exercitus iinperatorem invocatus e,
ruta templa, adicia, fontes, rivos, 8c .pe atqz in efi expeditione, non minus renue,
ne vePres virgultaq, cire curaverit : Na quam-apienter, 8: militis, ac imperatoris
vrgatrones praeterea, copulos, portus, lit munus exercuit. Florentinnruht prazterca
tora, omnia haec ille enarrabat, ac or totius exercit-ris imperator contra Pianos
bem totum dextra conclirum contineret, multas umma cum gloria pugnas pugna

inpiceretq; Inuper quid reirkii Turcarnm

im erator poiideret, 'Quot ur s, quot op
i a, quot vicos, quibus nominibus loca
zc antiquitus appellarentur, Sc quibus
nunc immutaverint, Itidem de Szdtano,

Maumetanarumq, omnium origine, falaq;

"relligione, Quis illis bellandi. mos, qui
ritus, arma, vees, equorum, ped-itumqz
ordo ,-, turn ii qua inter eos raeclara gea
cxtitieut, aut dicta, pra.- ia, victorize,

vit, Pizq, in Flor-'entinorzrm ditionem pe- ne fredegit; Snburbia enim cepit, ibique
'carametatua hnem,qnamdiu ipe auit,
intra portas continuit. Rurus Alcxandn'
Vl -8c Alediolanenjirzm
Terdiwandi minoris,
Marjbs, Precrrtinor, Vezinoq; omnes, qui ab
Aragonum 'de defecerant, Gnllorunzqz par
tes equebantur, repreit, Ferdinandrq, regi
cum Urzi;
Pont. Mak.
Romam Ccntinuo
accicttum cum

omnia norat, Perzrmn, Ar-bumq, mores

in pace, 8c in bello, Que -fertilis regio,

quae mmus, quibus mer-cibus quzqz abun
det, 8c quibus commutare conueverit.
Sed quid ngula perequi udeamz mul

bellum indixi-et, excrtini prrreci z Ille

autem ed expeditione Urrornm res a Teo
labcfactavit, adeo contrivit nt pene fun
ditus deleverit. His actis Peruzris ipe 'bel
to enim dicilius e illius laudum exi lum intulit, cumq, jam ad rictoriam ten'
tum, quam initium reperire. Ego autem deret Alex. Pont. monitis permotus ab in

vel ob hoc me apientilm-um, 8: um cepto deitit, hbneiillmasq; pacis condi

mi dignum laude exiimarem, i quzinta tiones accepit. Eodem teihpore Iremtorum
ipe fuerit laude dignus, quantumq, cee ipendiis contra Florentine: duruh dicil
teris omnibus apientia preeiterit, ver limumq, bellum 'geiln Haec quicunq; au
bis tantum referre poem. Verum ne diet, nonne opinabitur hominem qui tot
quis rerum magnitudine ermotus, me res magnas in vita egerit, nihil aliud agere
minus vera foran referre ar itretur, teor potuiie .> Adde Valentinianas perturbatio
acros cineres, anctiilimoq, manes illos, qui nes,exilium, 8: tot advere fortune vul
mihi em rnumen erunt, me non modo nera. Adde atrocirmaln incurabilemque
nihil fal i, nihil perperam, quod norim, agritudinem. Miraberis proccto tantarn
dixie, Verumetiam multa conulto ub litterarum udiis operah impendie ho
ticuie, ut procul a me omnem mendacii minern, qui etiam foris rot Praeclara gee
upitionem amoverem: Prmertim cum rit facinoraz Idq; tam bren temporis cur
ipe ab omni ambitione adeo fuerit alienus, riculo: Cum enim decet non ultra tri
ut non modo me ciret, non oentaverit, geimum 8: extum attigerat annum. Hu
ed penitus di imulaverit, Percunctabatur juqz extremi temporis parva admodum ra
enim libenter, 8: quae ipe ciret; Raro tio habenda e. Nam adeo dira morbi vis
autem de his ermonem habebat, prater invaluerat, ut raro e lecto urgeret, ac cum
quam inter notos, 8c familiares, nec id nii maxime valeret, ellz veheretur, lectica
lacetus. Quicunqz igitur medullitus eum etiam aliquando- haec autem bona valetudo,
norit, me tanquam aridum jejunumqz ni cum diutius' e et, per menem durabat.
mis in dicendo damnabit. Mirabuntur or FDeinde agmine facto dolores acerbillimi ho
tae alii, parvamq; nobis dem habebunt, minem ag rediebantur tanti vi, tantoq, t'u
nec id injuria
Ego enim
illi rore, ut emper mors immineret. Rurus
nec-, unquam
pauam face-re videbantur, ut eet unde
ram, vix mihi ipi, quae viderem. audi alimenta reumerent; ltaque alternaum
remq, credenda cenebam. Cui enim non eum quies tanquam minira doloribus la
mirum videri poterit, hominern gubernan cerandum propinabat, vi oremq, u gere
di regni curis impeditum, tot functum bat, nt cilicet ' auctus enibus do orum
honorrbus, tam brevi patio tantam rerum atrocitate magis premeretur. Quos ille ta


Bulk; Cailioni Epz/Ioia _. ~ ,


lx X
men tant animi conantia ferre conueve

Paatim itaqz deciens, caepit rarum ac

'rat ut raro in tam duris cruciatibus geml

dic-ilem habere ermonem, ed quiecenti

tum ederet: Sed natura ipa dolori uccum

bens humores permicebar, orruptoq; ad
olnachum demittebat : Hlc aqm oluto
alvo fcL-ris ubequebatur. Ha-c nlle cum
animadvertilet, mgritudinemq; uam 60
iudicii acumine, quo qmcquxd ageljet, per:

cum Commovebatur
ad Eliabet cariziram
uxorem repiceret z Illa enizn ahdue nr-ctu

dieq; aeus, non poterat non aliquando

lachrymis oculos uultdere, ed tamen ani-
mfmagnitudine 8: prudentia. qua nora:
iiiciebat, exacte Cognoceretz QUIPPC qul eetatls muljeresomnes non modo a-quavit,
medicince 8c cientilmus erat. mortem verum enam uperavlt; introrils etum2
lam adventare identidem aeverabat, ne_c uppimebat, Sc quibus maxime poterat

id animo perturbato, ed mtreplde, 1_en1: verhs coignationes illius avertere temPtaJ

terque, ermone tranqullloz
vu_1tu hllan.
Atq; ego quxdem lllum llhl! ahud exop
taie Contendenm, pmernm ' poquam
Francifcum. Mariam urbis Preectum, iblq;
ex orore nepotem, quem lpe, qula prole
careret, in lium adoptaverat, haaredem

bar: Se

cuncti jam vania pe detltuu

mortem illam. nobis infazliciiglnam, Duci'

vero noro optabllem expectare cuepim us -'
me enim ubrepere videbatur, ne ihnicti -.

lmam aniram moleaaceret. Itaque

teruo Idus Aprzles, cumipe jam ememam

inituit: Noverat enim e cum multa ad po adventare horam cognoceret. ut ungeretur

Pulorum commoditatem, tum hoc przecl ue de more 'anctz Matris Eccleze, rcgavit;
eregie, magnamq; e ab ommbug lau em 1dq-, dnm erpt, nos omnes Fracio Ma-'T
m: ho, qul h femper aidens, nullumi i
unpoerum habxturuln, quod c1]_1cet_ uc
ceorem bi delegiet, qm mgemo, hbera pietatis ociuln praetermittebat; commen
litate, atqz anim1 magnitudigme. maxzmam davzr, Qumdam muper de c1ementi.i,3
de e pem polliceretur, patnqz mdxuum juitiiq-7 erga populos mandavit : Qurmo-i

do e omnxbtls gratum, amabilemq; exhi

prceclaris qeis apud omnes comprobarurus

ect: Interea cum indies deterxus eha

beret: Hortatuqz e, ut honores majori

beret', Urbino diredere conituit, _ Itaqne bus p_artcs Cum dignitate tuerettlr. AdForum Sempronii Kal. Frb. e contuht z Ea monu1t prreterea, ut Eli/hbet uxorem uam,
enim urbs s: coi temperie, 8c Ioci amoeni quam bi matrem indulgentilnmzzm reg-i
tate levamen aliquod zgrituditli allatura mqz Gubernatrufem prudentimam, t'ea-'
videlatur, Evenitque
non multo
po mento relmquebat, quh maxime poet
rcfectus, ut
nobis eva
pietate, proeqtteretur, illam audiret, con
deudi pcm pmiterit 5 Quod eni_m maxi -ilia crederet, poremo in omnibus pare
me cupiebamus, id Sc aciliter mxeri cre ret, eq; illi _linm prteberet obequentii

debamusz Verum non diutius vana pede

lui umus. Nam atiln omnia in pejus
ruete cceperunt, enimqz morbus invale

mum. Mox m 'illam (ut emper aderat)

oculos conjiciens, quai abitnrus ultimo di?

greu, mandara

cens vires carpere, Nos omnes gravi dolore

nens, emet thoo ad eternam quietemi
percul atqz animo fracti nil jam nii trie
meditabamur, lachrymiq; Sc moerore con compomt mtrepulez nec multo po ne'

fecti dura fata azgro animo verabalntls. Ille ullo oculorum, aut oris motu, perturbatio
autem cum jam decientibus viribus Insta neve, hora noctis quinta extremum bala
Iem agnoceretlan uoretn, ultro acerdotem vit halitum, adeo placide, ut qui aderant
vccarx juit, Sc e more delicta, qua o-"nes, an adhnc viveret, imerti eent.
erant, ianctitme faus, res omnes uas re Hic vita: nis anctiimae, hic laborum'
ligioiime, nec minus aplenmter compo praeclariimi Ducis exitus, norotum vero
uit, eQ animi conantizi, ei orntudlne, Xc malorum, 8: mlertaz durum initium: Sub

prudentia, ut quamvxs corpus dur prora

ito enim tantas in lachrymas, gemitus,

tum aegritudiue jam deceret, mens_tamen ejulatuq; proruptum ei', ut domus tota ab
animuqz nihil de _ve_ra vxrtute, n1h1_l de imo everti videretur, immiq; hoibus

ingenii acumine, chvmoq; v1 ore amlie amma erroq; lares vaari, Eliabet viri
viderentur. Nos autem, ut a eo morns corpus amplexa, quo gemitum vocemqne
opinionem aliquantulum amoveremus, pe edere conaretur, collapa e, animoqz re
mulat hee omnia deteabamur, qua licta diutius nobis penitus mortem obiie
properata nimis atq-, mtempelva : Ille ve upicionem attulit. Nec dererunt, qui*
ro ad nos converus, graves attollens ocu utriuqz funus pariter procuranduln Cene
los; Quid, inquit, mihi exoptatililnum bo rent; Medici tandcm odoribus, multiq;
: 1113.
num invidetis? Nonne quicquid me ab artibus ugientem revocavere animam
Quid mihi,
hc dolorum con erie atrociiima liberave autem imul ac loqui potuit. '
rit, id optimum ztealnini, necee e? Et inquit, inviam have reddidiis vitam?

cum rurus paulum conticuiet, ad me At eodem tumulo, quo dimidium mei con- '
converus Yirgilii carmina hzec pene ubci tegipoteram. Nec mihi mors dominum
meum, quae ola poe videbatur. ademiet .> *
ncnsz dum hanc, dixit, vivo_vitam,'
nec jam
Me circum limus 'tige-, C-J' deormis bar-mule Omnes enim pme dolore exanimatxz nbiq;
(.'0cyti, tardaq; Palm znanzabzlis nnda
AIIigat, U novzesfStyx 'nterfrz cobemzt.
diram mortis ecicm adee cernebamus,
ubul; gemuus, tlbxque lachrymarum u




De Guido-Ubaldo 'Urbini Duce. _

sed cum jam atis debacchati pau-i necoem nec auderem enarrare; ipi Pa-_
mma I

lulum quieviemus, deuncti corpus Url/i tum,

8c qu1 feretro
exuberantibus lachrymis,
con '
zlitum uulimus: ed quis icciisoculis tril
tillimae illius noctis meminie qiucat, ama iebant, la ideiq; velut-obriguiljz vide
bantur. Vu gus autem attonittlmzixiano
rillimam recordatioxiem quis non horreat .> agi furore, c nobis tenebroi, "Sc me ole
Comitabamur feretrum funereis acibus dies iere. . Celebratum. ePc deinde exto
agros relucentibus,
audie nonas Maid: prteclarunrfunus, ac magnum
vicinisi montibus,
frequentilmo hominum conventu in tem
occurrebant catervatim agrefeys incolm hor plo 'urbis majori, cujus pavimentum, &
rionis lamentationibus, occurrebant olu quicquid cerni poterar, nigriserat cou
tis crinibus mulieres ejulantes, pueri pa tectum ragulis, parietes facibus omnes
m, virgineq; entes, ipaa nocturnaz aves, agrabant, acpene incendio abumi yide
necio quid moaum Sc olito triius, con bantur. In medio cenotaphium extruxe
queri videbantur. Auditae canes per tene rant cereis ardentibus referctiimtlm, titu
bras ululare dirum omen referebant, yde lis incriptum, axa circum vexilla atqz
rum acies obtua apparebat, omnia deniq; arma, quae ipe geerar. Infra autenvle
mortis, omnia horroris pleua ekant: Cum ctus erst Garterii paio fdtllf; quod cum
autem propius Urbizrzlm adventavimus, por

Pgoadyl/EZFX connen/um viderem, atque.

volvrrem die; i/Iim imaginem, qzw pri

tis erupere omnes: lbi dun gemitus, ibi ranimo
mnm acrzis inigwibus deroratm Dux invii:
iterum repetitar fundmittlr laclirymz', tum

mulieres mgentem tcllunt ciamorem pal mtl: 'and loZtiti-i iIIn-J indnerat, adeo com
mis Pectoral tundeutes,_ eigcitum vulgus,
'attomtulnqz mixtim xronuit, h1s comitatl
ociis, Palatqium ingrelli in Conclavi cor
pus cuodiendum curavimus: Mane autem

motus um, nt nec Iacbritnas uberiores, ma

altos gemitzts cnntinere potuerim; Heu quam

dirllmilis pompa, quam brevis illa jucur.

diras quam nos pene perpetuam peraba

palam in medio domus Gartcrn mjtgnzbzzs mus! O duram mortalium conditionem '.,

ornatnnfcollocavimus: llui tum cives om populus

O vanas indies
pes ! Quempaulo
ctauctum gloriaba
nes mutata vee, mulieres cum infanti
bus lachrymantes pectattlm adveniebant, ltur, nunc extinctum luget, nunc trii fu
ingemicebant? mulgi_ fata deteabantur, neris honore condecorar. Aderat Francie
se pce uperis conviciabantur: Nos ergo cus Maria lius, Urbini Dux. atque almae
te, prantinime PrmceEs, tot labori urbis praefectus, ube uebatur Federiczcs
bus, tot periculis, tot no rorum cmdibus B-ego/'zrx nepos Archiepicopus Sxlernitanur;
ab exilio revocatum, al) impiorum mani qui ummi Ponticis perona-n gercbar.
bus tutati umus, ut cilicet in ipzi ori Czteri deinde Conanguinei, fimiliareqz'
diori aetate extiuctus, uobis acerbum vul omnes; Principum przeterea Italorum om
nus2 tuiqz amantillimum relinqueres dei niunlzRerumpublicarum, Cardiualium ora-.
denum? At cum parcntem tuum amii tores, qui veneram, ut funeribus inter
mus, norum, totiuq; Italia prcedium, eenr, meoq; ularentur. Mieri deindez
decuqz, decennem te ubulimusl educavi cives provincialefqgomnes itaqz ordidati,
mus, 8c pene inu noro fovimus, ut glo ui aderant okvoluto capite, lugubri vee
riam majoribus tuis partam augeres, nobis umum verrebant. I u exequiis acra ege
vero praeantillilnis virtutibus tuis non runt Epicopi quamplures, tum acerdotes
zzine dignitate vitam prazares incolumem) pene innumerabiles, qui ebilibus modu
'at pes omnes noras impia ata radicitus lis concinebant. Deunctum laudavitLu
ngulari habuerit.
ubecuere. Haec malorum nororum o quem
a tenerilsvirnrmceptorem
lamina, raptus es atrocimis gioloribus,
qui te viventem adhuc nobis ubnpuerant ? Hzrc fuere, acraziiime Rex, qua- inclito

Hoc meruit tua in omnes 'incredibilis illa Duci noro pro tot benemeritis rependere
clcmentia ? l-Ioc meruit inviolabilis jui potuimus, hiis mcei ociis, his upremis
tia, liberalitas immeua ? tox virtutcs pre abeuntem honoribus proecuti umus; At
clarimas, tot auiml egreglas dotes atra lachrymis, mmrorcque illius indelebilem
mors abulit, te nobis fata tantum oen memoriam azternunn celebrabimus. His

dere, ut gravem jacturam cognocentes do itaq; peractis convertere omnes animum ad

lorum Cumulum augcremus: Haec atq; hiis
milia tlentes gemitu, ingultibuqz verba
permicebazlt. Interea acerdotes circun
fu moeis vocibus de more Deo immor
tali upplices fundebant preces, funereaa
collucebaut faces, ignibus thura cremaban
tur-, talibus ociis totam egimus diem:

Eliabet, quae tam gravi percula vulnere,

immaniq; olzruta ruiua, viri mortem, nec

minus mierabilem vitam ilaln, ineihauo

lachrymarum fonte ubertim deeto, nec

ullum conolationis admittit genus, ed

mmis vocibus gemitilq; amarimo, non
modo animos hominum frangit, labeactat
Adeo u-t nullum temporis momentum ne que. ed 8: axa duris querelis commovere
lachrymis abierit. Hora autem noCtis fere videtur. Ipc Francibzts Maria ilius o
extr] corpus e palatio in aedem Divi Berar ciosz pietate atq; aiiduis precibus animi
dim', quam ipe Dux extruxerat, delatum dolores atrocillimos temptat lenire, ed
e, ibiqz humatum. Qui autem Llanctus, quoties illam olamini, aut lachrymis amo
qui gemitus pompam 'proecuti11n_t, quae vere conatur, illa- ipi vchemenriores ux
redeuntium voces, queus, lamentatioueqz miencordia mover lachrymas; Nll. niiki


' 'r

tri e




cti-ie loquitubr auditve, 0b'c_ru_it gures con- .__umqz eqvidetlsr: Eliahet igituedgzen
,,-]atid-n,,"do1orq., qu1 magls mdxesfrude- da megls, guam v1v_e_-ntem_am1mus,_ cum

'at 8: Temper novos pcremneqz moepxt ftotl8c_ tantasiprgantlimas v1rt1_1t_es m e

eius. iMirumqz rofecto e, fantusjlllue _acer_11mus_ dolol: zadeo ppprevent, 1ut__ 11113

oculis Luther 'un' e fgciht. Ijlzec lgltut

i-nors, infnelix nobisi' unb ictu Ylrum prop?
divinum', uxoremq; eripu-ie vxdettlr, quae
oza ran viro' digrza reperta' t : ;Na_m ad:

_nob1S fr_u1 ppnlxceat. Bolllteltlyhaleltlttfllze

tetljerl caroere, (jalamltoqz dolortsmvns
cuhs, evplaYlt. ,-Angu1as,_1ab_cre_s, ad quos
natus ee, vtdeatur, eggtt : Quod ola

mirabilisilla rudenna -, matronalls dlg: Fortuna hpmzpes sltt aplenq; autumant) beg-

nitas; 'pudicii 'Tmi

anctllimiq, motes, tot tos, ruruq; mfm' XCCS, redderet: Unusjzxc
eet, quemmerito
Prreterea divine ie' pene incrediblles am inum

mivirtutes, s: quantas nunquam fortae

_[ _, _ _ '_
temporibus nons' in alii fzmina upen Ta tot 1 1bus contudent, tot mpdya agxerst,
vieiidas przkitere, tnrpent, ac do1o_r1 acer- ut
_ nec' minimum
. A momentum
U _ _
bimo validiorcs adjecie vires vldentur. m ursfrine molela unquam' traoezgertt :
* Quhs illa tamen, ut inrmas, debileq; ni Verisrn mfracta vlrtus dicilesxzicjit Pu 4
this accuat, increpatq-v quod cilieet bi has, aperrinias dicultates uyeljavit z _
, vitam auerre neqtteant. Eam 1g1tur, po- umq; ad omnes
_ _ incurus tuuzmo
i 3

quatn alitet nequ1t_

_ rinvicto
' abrumpere, 'lcetbidi- ed
Vit pratidio,
adeo utanimi
jii-ictltaq; ordiditmis _'obita Fannis,
Yultum humana g, mierias ontemnens, mcrito vi

v. znam, mortiqz imilltmam agere cotit:



nctigro contecta pallxo, qua oreytuq; con- tam

_ _ aelicidlmyam,
_ p mortemqz hab-uiicte
_ _

fccta, humi prcrata, moerore, lachrytniqz tur. lQuoci i pus bosziqz dii edeys' noltab
tabecens," 8: pene conim ta inedti m te:
nebris d it, clauqz fene ris invium o:
lis arcet" umenZ Nullam prorus atro cu
biculo lucem admittit, extremo tantum

am mortalitatemex
etexngtn; eum
oli amq;

inter uperos 'rettu1ere. Nos jvcro azdudis

_ r
vcluti bonam _ illi bra'_

angulo ardens apparet parva admoqxxtr tamque feelicxtatem jhv/identes, dedqpio

candela, cujus lumcn, 8: obtulm callglno

tcrguemur arparidimo.


The Margin of the gr Leaf of this Manncriptis emheIli-'ed with Foliagesin lively Co
lours, and adorned wit three Shields, or Coats of Arms; On the inmo Side, GTnles a Lia'
rampant Argent, in the dexter Chief a Cale with two Tc-wers, the Part open, which Cale
to Cailioni
of theitrrronnds
Writer of
Lpile, ofand
the of
of this
Shield iuesthea Collar,
it, from
Letter' S. S. endir with two PortcullisU Or, having at the Bcttom a Roe Gules the midele

of it Argent, whic Roe appears to he growing on its Stalle, and in al! Probahility this Collar
'night be Part of the Dignity, which this lriter intimates, was conferred upon him by Henry
VI l. In the middle of the outer Margin are depicted the Arms cf this Duke of Urbin con;
ing of three shields in Pale, In the
parted per Fej/e the Coat of Montefeltle, and
under it that of Urbin -, in the econd the Arms or Enigns of the Gonfalotlier to the Pope -,

and in the third the Arms o Urbin at the Top and Nlnnteeltre underneath. In the
'niddle of the lowe Margin un er an 'marched Crown are drawn the Arms of England and
France Quarta-ly, upported on the Right by a Greyhonnd Argent collar? Gules, 'and on the

left by the red Dragon, whence it may he conjectnred this Limning was haily done in Italy,
ince Henry Vll plaredFrance before England, and bore thee Say-porter: in the diizrent


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