Lab 2

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ME 331 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

Viscosity Measurement Using a Stormer Viscometer


Determine the dynamic viscosity of a given fluid.


Solve Problem 1.87, 1.88 [1].

1. Munson, B. R., Okiishi, T. H., Huebsch, W. W. and A. P. Rothmayer, 2012,
Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 7th ed., John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Equipment: Stormer viscometer containing a stationary outer cylinder and a rotating,
concentric inner cylinder (see Fig. 1); stop watch; drive weights for the viscometer; two
different liquids (castor oil and motor oil).

Figure 1. Schematic of Stormer viscometer

Theory: Problem 1.87 (a) [1] and Problem 1.88 [1] identifies the theory and the apparatus.
Experimental Procedure:
1. Ensure the gap between the inner and outer cylinders is filled with one of the two fluids
to be tested (it should be already filled, before the experiment is conducted).
2. Predetermine a drop distance (d) and mark the distance on the cord with a pen.
3. Select an appropriate drive weight (of mass m). Consider, a drive weight that is very light
will take a long time to reach a steady state angular velocity. Conversely an excessively
large drive weight will displace fluid between the cylinders. Observe a couple trials to
find an appropriate starting weight.
4. Attach it to the end of the cord that wraps around the drum to which the inner cylinder is
fastened. Release the mass to allow the inner cylinder to start rotating. Measure the
amount of time, t, that it the mass to fall a distance, d.
5. Record the weight and time. Repeat the measurements using various drive weights.
6. Repeat the entire procedure for the other fluid to be tested.
1. Determine the geometric constant, K, for device A, and find the viscosity of the castor oil
based on the analysis of problem 1.88 [1]. Compare your calculated value of viscosity
with the value given in Appendix B [1].
2. Given the viscosity of 30 weight motor oil, determine the experimental geometry
constant K of device B as a function of W, and . Use a similar method to that of
problem 1.88 [1]. Compare that experimental K with the value of K computed using the
geometry of the device.
3. Be sure to use the viscometer dimensions provided in the handout and include an error
and an uncertainty analysis.
Note: For each of the two fluids tested, convert the mass, m, of the drive weight to its weight,
W = mg, where g is the acceleration due to gravity. Also, the angular velocity of the inner
cylinder, = V/R.
In your report, remember to analyze the error and the error propagation. Provide error bars on at
least one point for each plot. Weigh the masses on a scale, using the uncertainty in measurement
for that device. Time is accurate to one tenth of a second (stopwatch). Assume that information
you are given is accurately reported (i.e. if you are given a diameter of 2.75 inches you will
assume 2.75 .005 inches). For device A, plot the Torque vs. and for device B plot, W vs. .
Generate a best fit curve through the data. Every group must write a laboratory report for this
experiment. The report should be similar to the example in Chapter 1.9 [2]. Here are some
questions you should answer in your report:
1. What are some of the factors that introduce errors into your data?
2. What could be done to obtain more accurate data?
3. Could this viscometer be used for water? How would you design a viscometer to test
ME 331 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory


4. Are the fluids tested in the experiment Newtonian fluids, why or why not?
You will need the following additional information to complete the laboratory analysis.
Table 1. Viscometer dimensions
Viscometer device

Diameter, drive wheel (dw )



Height of drum (l)



Diameter of drum (di)



Diameter of container (do)



Note: Use about 200 ml of fluid in the viscometer. Use the same volume of fluid for each test.
Record the temperature of the room. It will be the temperature of the fluid.
Note on Problem 1.87 (a): With constant angular velocity, the torque produced by the viscous
shear stress on the cylinder is equal to the torque produced by the weight and the appropriate
moment arm.

ME 331 Fluid Mechanics Laboratory


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