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Drawback of Global

Globalization is a process of international integration arising from the

interchange of world views, products ideas and other aspects of
culture.(Smith, M. K. and Doyle M.2002) However, Global brands was a
significant part of the globalization and already deeper into our life. We can
see the global brands everywhere not only we need it, but also because it
effected a lot of aspects in nowadays. For instance, the global brands
influence the economy of the world and offer more opportunities in aspect of
the employment. There have some brands were defined to the global brands
like the Disney, Reebok, Nike, McDonalds and the Starbucks. (Klein, N 2000)
There are some advantages of the global brands. One of the benefits was
that it can be the guarantee of quality products. For instance, If you come a
strange place to study or travel, and you might not know local brand enough.
Therefore, you do not comprehend the quality of products as well. But you
know the Global brands due to globalization. And it helps a lot in your daily

Student name: Tingwei Deng

Student number:201065521
Personal tutor: Catherine Wilson
Course: Writing

life. Even if you want to bought some goods that you dont known the foreign
name. But you dont need to worry about that you will purchase the wrong
For example, you would like to bought a cup of drink in foreign country, but
you dont know the taste if you like. If you bought the drink in Starbucks, youll
do not need to worry about this. Because the Starbucks was a global brand
(Klein, N 2000) and its same taste in all stores. At that time, you can feel the
benefit of the global brands. In addition, it can help you to select the high
quality goods more efficient from a variety of commodities. Global brand also
mean it was multinational corporations which worth to trust. Cause it already
got many countries accepted and you will fell reassured to choose it.
Another advantage of the global brands was that it can create more jobs for
people. When some Global brand came into a country, the companies will
employment may staff in order to survive. It also brings some new technique
which can create more jobs. Because under the effect of it, someone might
got inspired by it and set more companies and will need more labors again. At
that time, many people have opportunities to employment. So the cycle about
global brands can let more people get jobs.
Moreover, global brand can bring growth and prosperity to local place.
Therefore, the City officials around the world are spending a lot to attract
world-class talent (Freni. S ,2015). For instance, the amazon got a good
achievement. And many talents are glad to work in amazon, they can make
the commerce more thriving. Thats the global brands company effect. So the
global brand can boost the local economic development.
However, it also has the drawbacks, like with the high prices for customers.
Global brads were created by international companies. Because multinational
corporations need to transport goods form original company, and they need to
employee many labors to distribution. This process takes a lot fees. Moreover,
they need to pay high tax as well. So these global brands need to sale the
high prices to get the equal. In addition, different area has different
consumption levels, and they need earn the profits. Therefore, the price will
higher than original retailing. For instance, in our own county to bought the
local global brands will cheaper than in the foreign country. It was not a good
thing for customers. Cause the same thing but different prices.

In addition, the global brands might lose traditional culture. A variety brands
cause lot of problems like the culture will be effect by it. For instance, KFC,
McDonalds and some similar global brands become more and more popular
in many countries. At the same time let some people ate the unhealthy food.
Maybe it will cause the obesity and some disease. Not only in developing
countries, but also will occur in developed counties. In addition, many children
like the fast food rather than traditional food in china. It became a popular
thing to eat these international brands foods. However, brands represent
different culture of different counties. Exchange the idea was a good thing to
learn some news. But owing to this own country culture will be effect and
maybe will be lost. That wont be benefit for a country.
Finally, the global brands bring us many inconvenience. As for some local
companies, it increases many competitions. In other words, the global
company will influence the development of some early-stage companies. It
blocked economic developments. For example, if you want to open a new
company. You not only need the fund to support the company operation, but
also need the support of the loyal customers. Because your company is new,
its hard to competition with mature international company. The lack of
experience and the number of talent people all the reasons. Although global
brands will promote the economic development. Meanwhile it will prevent new
business development and cause the economy instability.
All the things have two slides that benefit and drawbacks. As far as Im
concerned, we cannot stop globalization. Although global brands bring us too
many disadvantages. But we can adapt it and make it better for us. Maybe
one day we can reduce some effects that global brand caused and find
solution of some problems. But now we just can find a balance to deal with it.
Reproduced from the encyclopedia of informal education []
Smith, M. K. and Doyle M.(2002) Globalization the encyclopedia of informal
Klein, N (2000) The Tyranny of the brands New Statesman 24th January
2000 p.25-28
Freni, S. 2015. How local brands can boost a citys growth.[Online].[Accessed
28 August 2016]. Available from:

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