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In English, there should be an agreement between the subject and the verb in a sentence.
All verbs must agree with their subjects in person and number.
When we construct sentences our goal is to effectively communicate to our audience. Having structural errors such as
subject-verb agreement in our writing may prevent our audience from understanding our ideas.
Traditionally speaking, there are eight parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions,
conjunctions, and interjections.
We should be able to identify all of these words in any sentence.

Identifying Subjects and Verbs:

Identify Verbs
Verbs are words that will make sense if they are inserted in one of these blanks.
I __________.

You __________ .

He __________.

It __________.

Only verbs make sense after personal references: I, you, he, she, it, we, they; other words don't. Study the following
examples of verbs and other parts of speech.

Other Parts of Speech

I see

He walks

I with

He book

You feel

It is

You carefully

It desk

Sometimes, you may find two or more words in your sentence that can be verbs because they fit in the blanks
above. For example,
The lost document was part of the legacy.
In this case, both lost and was fit in the blanks above. To figure out which one of the two is the verb, change the verb
tense of the sentence, and see which word changes; the one that changes is the verb of the sentence.


The lost document was part of the legacy.

The lost document is part of the legacy.

To change "The lost document was part of the legacy" to the present tense, I must write "The lost document is part of
the legacy." Since lost stays the same but was changes to is, I know that was is the verb in the original sentence.

Identify Subjects
In order to distinguish the subject of your sentence, ask "Who?" or "What?" in front of the verb. The following
examples illustrate this strategy.

Question for the subject


The theory stated by the German

astronauts amazed the government.

What amazed the government?

The theory stated by the German


The acid spilled in the laboratory caused

a delay in the investigation.

What caused

The assistant manager at the store filed

a lawsuit against the company for age

Who filed a lawsuit against the

company for age discrimination?




The acid spilled in the laboratory

The assistant manager

Remember that sometimes the subject comes after the verb, but it still will answer "Who?" or "What?"
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Rules of Agreement Pertaining to:

1. Agreement of Number
Subjects and verbs must AGREE with one another in number (singular or plural). Thus, if a subject is singular, its
verb must also be singular; if a subject is plural, its verb must also be plural.
In the present tense, nouns and verbs form plurals in opposite ways: nouns ADD an s to the singular form; verbs
REMOVE the s from the singular form.
The dog chases the cat.
The dogs chase the cat.
These agreement rules do not apply to verbs used in the simple past tense without any helping verbs.
The girl spoke to me.
The girls spoke to me.
The agreement rules do, however, apply to the following helping verbs when they are used with a main verb:
is-are, was-were, has-have, does-do.
Single helping verb
The girl has spoken to me.
The girls have spoken to me.
First helping verb in pair of helping verbs:
The girl has been speaking to me.
The girls have been speaking to me.
They do NOT apply to any other helping verbs called Modals, such as can, could, shall, should, may, might, will,
would, must.
The girl could speak to me.
The girls could speak to me.
Verbs in the present tense for third-person, singular subjects (he, she, it and anything those words can stand for) have
s-endings. Other verbs do not add s-endings.
He loves and she loves and they love_ and . . . .

2. Agreement of Quantity
Fractional expressions such as half of, a part of, a percentage of, a majority of are sometimes singular and sometimes
plural, depending on the meaning. The same applies to the words all, any, more, most, a lot of and some, when they act
as subjects.
Sums and products of mathematical processes are expressed as singular and require singular verbs. The expression
"more than one" (oddly enough) takes a singular verb: "More than one student has tried this."
Some of the voters are still angry.
A large percentage of the older population is voting against her.
Two-fifths of the troops were lost in the battle.

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Two-fifths of the vineyard was destroyed by fire.

Forty percent of the students are in favour of changing the policy.
Forty percent of the student body is in favour of changing the policy.
Two and two is four.
Four times four divided by two is eight.

3. Collective Nouns
Collective nouns are names for a group of individuals or a number of animals, places, things, objects, concepts or ideas,
for example:









These nouns which name groups can be either singular or plural depending upon their meaning in individual
sentences. Because they can describe either the individuals in the group (more than one plural), or the group as a
single entity (one only singular), these nouns pose special problems.
If we refer to the group as a whole and, therefore, as a single unit, we consider the noun singular. In this case, we
use a singular verb.
The club is meeting today.
If, on the other hand, we are actually referring to the individuals within the group, then we consider the
noun plural. In this case, we use a plural verb.
The couple are separating this week.
When used in the plural form, group nouns mean MORE THAN ONE GROUP. Thus, it uses a plural verb.
The clubs are having a meeting today.
Thus, there are three important subject verb agreement rules to remember when a group noun is used as the subject:
I. Group nouns can be considered as a single unit, and, thus, take a singular verb.
II. Group nouns can be considered as individual members within a single unit and, thus, take a plural verb.
III. Group nouns can be given plural forms to mean two or more units and, thus, take a plural verb.

4. Compound Subjects
A compound subject is one which consists of more than one noun. (This includes pronouns, noun phrases, and noun
When the subject of a sentence is made up of two or more elements, it's called a compound subject.
The individual elements in a compound subject are joined by words like and and or (called coordinate conjunctions)
or pairings like either/or and neither/nor (called correlative conjunctions).

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Examples of Compound Subjects

Here are some examples of compound subjects:
A clean driving licence, sales experience and team spirit are essential.
A fool and his money are easily parted.
The pigeon and the falcon fell from view.
My wife and I cannot attend unfortunately.
Neither the British Army nor the Metropolitan Police had any suitable vehicles.
Is a Compound Subject Singular or Plural?
When and is used to join the elements in a compound subject, the compound subject is treated as plural. For example:
Mark and Craig are flying on Saturday.
However, when using terms like in conjunction with, as well as, and alongside, the compound subject might not
necessarily be plural. For example:
Mark as well as Craig is flying on Saturday.

5. Pronouns
The difficulty is that some indefinite pronouns sound plural when they are really singular.
As subjects, the following indefinite pronouns take singular verbs.




no one


Each sees its value.

Everybody likes to own a house.
Nobody knows the price.
The following indefinite pronouns take plural verbs.





Both are going back to their country.

A few are available in stock.
Several see the notice.
A third group of indefinite pronouns takes either a singular or plural verb depending on the pronouns meaning in
the sentence.





Some of the debt has been paid off.

Some of the debts have been paid off.
The difference is seen due to the noun they qualify (debt/debts) in each of the examples.

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6. Modifiers
Sometimes modifiers will get between a subject and its verb, but these modifiers must not confuse the agreement
between the subject and its verb.
The mayor, who has been convicted along with his four brothers on four counts of various crimes but who also seems, like
a cat, to have several political lives, is finally going to jail.
A modifier may be placed between the subject and verb.
Prepositional phrase as modifier
The boy (at the door) is my brother.
The car (with many riders) was speeding around the curve.
We may mistakenly label riders instead of the car as the subject as it is nearer to the verb.

So, remember to locate the true subject of the sentence before choosing a verb.
Who/that/which clauses as modifiers
The boy (who topped the class) received the prize.
The movie (that we saw) is an old one.
Watch out for these types of clauses and identify the true subject.
here is here are / there is there are as modifiers
These constructions look for the subject AFTER the verb and choose a singular (is) or a plural (are) verb to agree with
the subject.
There is a book on the table.
Here are few books.
question words as modifiers
Here, identify the subject and then choose the verb that agrees with it (singular or plural).
What is the problem?
Where are the caves?
How has the package reached so early?
When have these friends taken to enmity?

7. Subject Verb Separation

In the sentence below, the accompanying phrase his grandmother and his parents only provides extra information
and does not alter the grammatical relationship between the subject child and the verb is.
The child, together with his grandmother and his parents, is going to the beach.
Frank, accompanied by his students, (were / was) at the studio.
To simplify the task of comparing the newly-identified subject and its governing verb, we'll next erase the crossed-out
clause. We're left with the following:
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Frank was at the studio.


8. Or/either.... or/neither.... nor (Rule of Nearness)

Treat either and neither as singular. For example:
Either is acceptable.
Neither of the boys is trying.
Two singular nouns connected by or or nor take a singular verb.
Neither Charles nor Benjamin was present there.
Neither he nor his dad is good at driving.
The rule of nearness/ the proximity rule:
When a subject is made up of two elements joined by or or nor, the noun nearest the verb governs it. For example:
Shortbread or cake is on offer.
Chocolates or cake is on offer.
When one of the nouns connected by or or nor is plural, the verb must be plural, and the plural subject must be
placed next to the verb.
Neither Peter nor his parents were aware of this. (More natural than Neither his parents nor Peter was aware of this.)
When the subjects connected by or or nor are of different persons, the verb agrees with the noun that comes
closer to it.
Neither you nor he is responsible for this. (Here the verb is agrees with the third person pronoun he.)
Either he or you are to clean up the mess. (Here the verb are agrees with the second person pronoun you.)
Either you or John has to pay for the drinks.

Directions for Q1 to Q30: Each Sentence below contains a Choice for Correct Subject-Verb Agreement. Choose the
correct form.
1. Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school.
2. Either my mother or my father (is, are) coming to the meeting.
3. The dog or the cats (is, are) outside.
4. Either my shoes or your coat (is, are) always on the floor.
5. George and Tamara (doesn't, don't) want to see that movie.

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6. Benito (doesn't, don't) know the answer.

7. One of my sisters (is, are) going on a trip to France.
8. The man with all the birds (live, lives) on my street.
9. The movie, including all the previews, (take, takes) about two hours to watch.
10. The players, as well as the captain, (want, wants) to win.
11. Either answer (is, are) acceptable.
12. Every one of those books (is, are) fiction.
13. Nobody (know, knows) the trouble I've seen.
14. (Is, Are) the news on at five or six?
15. Mathematics (is, are) John's favorite subject, while Civics (is, are) Andrea's favorite subject.
16. Eight dollars (is, are) the price of a movie these days.
17. (Is, Are) the tweezers in this drawer?
18. Your pants (is, are) at the cleaner's.
19. There (was, were) fifteen candies in that bag. Now there (is, are) only one left!
20. The committee (debates, debate) these questions carefully.
21. The committee (leads, lead) very different lives in private.
22. The Prime Minister, together with his wife, (greets, greet) the press cordially.
23. All of the CDs, even the scratched one, (is, are) in this case.
24. At the Green Park, grizzly bears (doesnt, dont) have names; they have numbers.
25. In the meeting between human and bear, a wild-card factor (throws, throw) all calculations and studies to the wind.
26. Neither of the unions (has/have) studied the working conditions yet.
27. Behind an experimental fenced yard protecting campers in Glacier National Park, six visitors (has /have) been
fatally mauled by grizzlies in the past 19 years.
28. Meandering downriver toward a deer, three bear cubs (come/comes) within 15 yards of it.
29. To the bears, almost anything (is/ are) food except rocks.
30. Everyone who bought stocks last year (has/have) hoped to see an increase in their value.
Directions for Q31 to Q40: Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of Verb. Choose the answers from the options
given in the brackets.
31. One of my friends gone to France. (has / have)
32. Each of the boys given a present. (was / were)
33. Neither of the contestants able to win a decisive victory. (was / were)

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34. Oil and water not mix. (do / does)

35. He and I at Oxford together. (was / were)
36. Slow and steady the race. (win / wins)
37. Neither Peter nor James any right to the property. (has / have)
38. No prize or medal given to the boy, though he stood first in the examination. (was / were)
39. Either Mary or Alice responsible for this. (is / are)
40. Neither the Minister nor his colleagues given any explanation for this. (have / has)
Directions for Q41 to Q85: Choose the Best Option.
41. Beyond the mountains (is/are) a fertile valley.
42. Here (come/comes) the family now.
43. The class (is/are) turning in their registration forms today.
44. Several of the sheep (is/are) sick.
45. Twenty minutes (is/are) the amount of time it takes me to get home from work.
46. Nobody in the class (has/have) the answer.
47. One of my friends (believe/believes) in E.S.P.
48. The man with the roses (look/looks) like your brother.
49. Neither of the men (is/are) here yet.
50. Each of the girls (observe/observes) all the regulations.
51. Each of the men (were/was) given ten minutes to speak to the president of the company.
52. Beyond the river (is/are) a dress store and a shoe store.
53. Here (is/are) your notebook and dictionary.
54. Neither of the corporations (has/have) received the necessary state charter yet.
55. My entire supply of checks (was/were) missing.
56. Physics (is/are) taken by many students to complete their science requirement.
57. A natural monopoly (is/are) public utilities.
58. Neither of the unions (has/have) studied the working conditions yet.
59. Sitting in the chair by the file cabinets (is/are) the secretary.
60. The data (was/were) published by the company.
61. The cost of goods (vary/varies) greatly in the different states.
62. Where (is/are) one of the letters from Brown and Company?

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63. Neither of the salesmen (wants/want) to help me.

64. One of the trademarks (has/have) not been registered yet.
65. Five percent of the profits (is/are) to be distributed to the stockholders.
66. Food tests taken on Friday (confirm/confirms) my original diagnosis.
67. Neither the employers nor the union (desire/desires) a strike vote.
68. Neither the size nor the color of the envelopes (are/is) correct.
69. Each of the loans (has/have) been recalled by the bank.
70. The news of the economic decline (has/have) been upsetting.
71. Everyone who bought stocks last year (has/have) hoped to see an increase in their value.
72. The Hindustan Times (is/are) sold widely.
73. Neither the rain nor the dropping temperatures (suggest/suggests) good weather over the weekend.
74. One of the children who (play/plays) soccer so very well is sitting on the sidelines.
75. The team (have/has) turned in their uniforms for the season.
76. Most of this soccer equipment (belong, belongs) to the township.
77. The delivery of milk (arrive, arrives) each morning at six o'clock.
78. Peanut butter and jelly (is, are) my favorite lunch.
79. Several pieces of lawn furniture (need, needs) to be replaced.
80. Drama Club (meet, meets) on Tuesdays and Thursdays at three o'clock.
81. Aylin and her sister (go, goes) shopping every weekend.
82. A lot of the people (are, were) injured.
83. Some of the girls in our school (is, are) over 18.
84. The weather in some African countries (is, are) boiling hot in August.
85. The number of causalities (is, are) increasing.
Directions for Q86 to Q95: Which of phrases given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold to
make them grammatically correct?
86. Hopes that the European Central Bank will reach a deal to help Spain and Italy borrow at cheaper rates has
nudged financial markets higher.
(a) Spain and Italy borrow at cheaper rates has nudged financial markets higher
(b) Spain and Italy borrow at cheaper rates have nudged financial markets to higher levels
(c) Spain and Italy borrow at cheaper rates has nudged financial markets to higher levels
(d) Spain and Italy borrow at cheaper rates nudged financial markets to higher levels
(e) Spain and Italy borrow at cheaper rates nudged financial markets higher

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87. A seemingly insatiable demand for luxury apartments in New York, created in large part by wealthy Europeans,
have caused land prices to soar and made affordable housing projects nearly impossible in Manhattan.
(a) created in large part by wealthy Europeans, have caused land prices to soar and made
(b) has been created in large part by wealthy European, caused land prices to soar, and made
(c) the creation of which is in large part due to wealthy Europeans, have caused land prices to soar and made
(d) created in large part by wealthy Europeans, has caused land prices to soar, making
(e) in large part created by wealthy Europeans, causing land prices to soar and making
88. The results of the company's cost-cutting measures are evident in its profits, which increased five percent
during the first three months of this year after it fell over the last two years.
(a) which increased five percent during the first three months of this year after it fell
(b) which had increased five percent during the first three months of this year after it had fallen
(c) which have increased five percent during the first three months of this year after falling
(d) with a five percent increase during the first three months of this year after falling
(e) with a five percent increase during the first three months of this year after having fallen
89. The three friends, Max included, was supposed to meet for dinner later that night.
(a) was supposed to meet

(b) was supposed to have met

(c) were suppose to be meeting

(d) were supposed to meet

(e) they were supposed to be meeting

90. The number of students chosen for the prestigious medical internship have more than doubled in the past
fifteen years.
(a) have more than doubled

(b) have been more than doubling

(c) has more than doubled

(d) has been more than doubling

(e) has doubled even more

91. Following intense debate, the faculty has approved the measure to increase class size by 15% over the next four
(a) the faculty has approved the measure to increase
(b) the faculty has approved the measure and increased
(c) the faculty have approved the measure to increase
(d) the faculty have given their approval to the measure to increase
(e) the faculty, having approved the measure to increase
92. Some members of the tribe has been protesting the recent passage of hunting laws applying to indigenous
(a) members of the tribe has been protesting
(b) members of the tribe have been protesting
(c) tribe members has been protesting
(d) tribe members will have been protesting
(e) members of the tribe, having protested

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93. Next to me on the bench sits two older women.

(a) on the bench sits two older women
(b) on the bench sit two older women
(c) two older women sitting on the bench
(d) sit on the bench two older women
(e) two older women sits on the bench
94. We dont yet know whom it will be, but eventually either my brother or I are going to take over the family
(a) either my brother or I are going to take over the family business
(b) either my brother nor I are going to take over the family business
(c) either my brother or I will be going to take over the family business
(d) either my brother or I taking over the family business
(e) either my brother or I am going to take over the family business
95. A number of colorful glass vases were displayed in the store window.
(a) were displayed in the store window
(b) was displaying in the store window
(c) was displayed in the store window
(d) displayed in the store window
(e) was being displayed in the store window
Directions for Q96 to Q100: Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of Verb. Choose the answers from the options
given in the brackets.
96. The International Club, as well as the Choral Society and the Rowing Club, ________ to submit a new constitution.
(a) need

(b) needs

97. Not only the students but also their instructor ________ been called to the principal's office.
(a) have

(b) has

98. To an outsider, the economics of this country s to be in disarray.

(a) seem

(b) seems

99. Each and every student and instructor in this building ________ for a new facility by next year.
(a) hope

(b) hopes

100. Carlos is the only one of those students who ________ lived up to the potential described in the yearbook.
(a) has

(b) have

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