Rahul Kalva Hyderabad - Secunderabad 10.00 Yrs

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Contact No: +91-9550652525



9+ years of professional experience in Build & Release engineering.

Worked in automation tasks for configuration management and made a massive impact in CA
Technologies and in Oracle.
Good experience in Core Java development, Installer development and maintenance.
Security Vulnerability identification and resolution done for Enterprise products with on premises
and cloud based.
EC council CEH Certified Ethical Hacker (V8) certified and writing my ECSA (EC-Council
Security Analyst) and LPT (Licensed Penetration tester)
Managed a team of 4 members both technically and managerially.

Oracle India Private Limited(ATG)
CA Technologies
EBix Inc(Formerly Planetsoft Pvt. Ltd.)
Yodlee Infotech Private Limited
Sun Microsystems Private Limited

Senior Software Engineer
Software Engineer
Software Engineer
Software Engineer

Oct 2013 Till Date
Aug 2011 Oct 2013
Jan 2010 Aug 2011
June 2008 Jan 2010
June 2007 Dec 2007

Operating System
Build Technology
Web Technologies
Security Tools
Project Management
Installer Tools
SCM Suite
Continuous Integration Systems
Application Servers
Web Servers
Database Technologies
Other tools

Windows, Unix, Mac

Java, Hibernate, Shell, Batch, Perl, Powershell, Python, Ruby
ANT, Maven, Chef, Docker, Xcode
IBM App Scan, HP Fortify Scan, WebScarab, Metasploit, Burp
Proxy tool, HP Web Inspect
InstallAnywhere 2013, InstallShield and InstallAware
Perforce, GIT, Code Collaborator, IBM RTC and SVN
Hudson, Jenkins, Nexus, Atlassian Bamboo and Atlassian
IBM Websphere, Oracle Web Logic, Apache Tomcat, JBoss
Microsoft IIS and Apache HTTP
Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle
GWT, Teamtrack, Artifactory, Nexus, Bugzilla 2.0, Eclipse IDE,
Microsoft Visual Studio,Rundeck, Fisheye, LDAP,Xcode


Got three Above and Beyond Awards for excellent performance in Config Management in CA.
Security Vulnerability Identification award in CA Technologies.
Honored as Best Release Engineer for the major product delivery in Yodlee.
Event Manager in yearly events at CA Technologies, Yodlee and Planetsoft
Innovation at work award from CA Technologies.


B.E (Hons.) Computer science (BITS-PILANI, GOA Campus 2008) with CGPA 7.45/10.

Product: Oracle E-Commerce (ATG & Endeca)- [Oct 2013 to Till Date]
With: Oracle India Private Limited
Role: Build and Release Engineer and Security Engineer
Summary: The Oracle E-Commerce can provide a dynamic new website for E-commerce purpose within
minutes. Here we take care of Builds, Security, Installer and Project Management using JIRA.
Responsibilities: The major responsibility in here comes with Configuration Management for ECommerce product, handling all Nightly, CI, Patches and Hotfixes builds, working on Fortify and
WebInspect for security vulnerabilities, Installer creation and development (we use InstallAnywhere and
InstallShield) and automation of internal tasks using perl, ruby and shell scripting.
Tools Used: Perforce, Bamboo (CI), JIRA, HP Fortify Scan, InstallAnywhere, IntallShield, Jenkins
and Hudson.
Team: CA Securability [Aug 2012 to Oct 2013]
With: Computer Associates (CA Technologies)
Role: Application Security Engineer ( Software Engineer )
Summary: To do Automated/Manual Penetration Testing, SCA(source code analysis), ARA
(Architectural Risk Analysis) and secure coding help to all the products of CA.
Responsibilities: As a application security engineer, our core responsibility is to do Automated
penetration testing through IBM App Scan and HP Web Inspect, manual penetration testing using proxy
tools to find the security vulnerabilities for any given application of CA. The identified security
vulnerabilities are discussed with development teams to get it fixed and also solution with understanding
of the problem is provided to them. Apart from PT, we used to to source code analysis for all the products
of CA by using HP Fortify Scan. Other important responsibility is we do a Architectural Risk Analysis for
the products in CA.
Tools Used: IBM App Scan, HP Fortify Scan, HP Web Inspect, WebScarab, Burp, Metasploit
Product: Application Performance Management (APM ) [Aug 2011 to Aug 2012]
With: Computer Associates (CA Technologies)
Role: Build and Release Engineer and Security Lead
Summary: The APM product (Monitoring tool) suite consists of 26 different components of which 25 are
developed using java/Windows and 1 in Shell/Unix environment. The development team is spread across
the globe including cities in USA, UK, China and India. I am responsible for setting up & trouble
shooting the builds for all the service pack (one for every quarter) and major releases builds.
Responsibilities: As a build engineer I had the complete responsibility of setting up the major releases
builds for both QA and DEV environments, checking out the branching strategy with our team mates and
dev teams, setting the permissions to the users for the checkins using perforce, taking care of all config

management task like user management, Teamtrack management, Perforce management and code
collaborator. Apart from this, I used to take care of all securability vulnarabilities for APM (was a security
lead). Used to run both Fortify Scan (Source Code Analyzer) and App Scan (Dynamic analyzer) for APM
and analyze the output report details with DEV teams. Also, I have developed the full structure and
stabilized the code coverage of APM which is one of the major product in CA.
Tools Used: Perforce, Code Collaborator, Artifactory, IBM RTC, IBM App Scan, HP Fortify Scan,
HP Quality Center, Teamtrack, Teamcity, SVN, Maven and ANT build tools.
Framework: Planet Interactive Core Framework 2.0(PICF2.0) [Jan 2010 to Aug 2011]
With: Ebix Inc (Formerly Planetsoft Inc) Insurance Domain
Role: Build and Release Engineer and Software Developer
Summary: PICF2.0 is the core framework at Planetsoft, which helps in rapid application development. It
has lot of components to help rapid development of products and projects. This framework is redesigned
and re-implemented with new technologies with added features. It has key components like
Questionnaire, Dashboards, Communication templates, Form Templates, Business Term Engine, Notes,
User management, Role management, Authorizations, Attribute sets. It has key services like data access
service, basic infrastructure for building the Hibernate session factory, Spring initialization, Process
support/rule engine initialization. This framework includes UI framework with which applications can be
developed faster and with less java code written on the ui front.
Responsibilities: As I was responsible for developing the components using the above PICF framework
and was the lead and only build and release management engineer. Used to take care of all the daily
builds and structure them. Integrating the present build system with Continuous integration systems
Jenkins and work to developed and support the product with Artifactory repo management system.
Tools Used: SVN, Artifactory, Maven Build tool, Eclipse IDE, Java 1.6, GWT, MSSQL, Tomcat,
Weblogic, Websphere
Product: Yodlee Moneycenter - [June 2008 to Jan 2010]
With: Yodlee Infotech Private Limited Banking Domain
Role: Build and Release Engineer and Software Developer
Summary: Yodlee Money Center offers customer a suite of online banking solutions that gives them
greater control over their finances through a single, secure source website. Yodlee Moneycenter includes
Billpay, offers the online bill pay features that keep customers coming back and leverage the unique
ability to interchange revenue by offering bill pay via credit or debit card. Personal finance helps for
customers financial management from viewing balances to managing budgets and investment
performance. Funds Transfer delivers to inter bank funds transfer capabilities customer demand with a
solution that speeds and reduce risk.
Responsibilities: I was the major lead taking care of Build and release management for Moneycenter
product. Takes care of all the major releases, config management and user management. Also, worked for
some time as a developer for developing some of the internal tools for Platform team.
Tools Used: Perforce, CTIER, Bugzilla 2.0, Eclipse, ANT

Project: Codex - [June 2007 Dec 2007]

With: Sun Microsystems Private Limited (Now as ORACLE)
Role: Developer and Release support Engineer
Summary : The objective of this project codex is to create a tool for ISV team to manage process. The
tool will be one end-end solution for Process-Project building of all the activities of ISV. The focus of
the project is to mainly track the day by day transactions of ISV team. This tool provides all the
managers/members a clear view of what is happening in the team.
Responsibilities: Involved in developing the application using core java. Also used to take care of all the
deployments for this product in multiple environments. Used to take care of building the product and
giving the trainings on this product to other team managers.
Tools Used: NetBeans IDE, Glass Fish Application server, Tomcat, Bugzilla, SVN

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