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Supporting Australian Mathematics Project

A guide for teachers Years 11 and 12

Calculus: Module 17

Motion in a straight line




Motion in a straight line A guide for teachers (Years 1112)

Principal author: Dr Michael Evans AMSI
Peter Brown, University of NSW
Associate Professor David Hunt, University of NSW
Dr Daniel Mathews, Monash University
Editor: Dr Jane Pitkethly, La Trobe University
Illustrations and web design: Catherine Tan, Michael Shaw
Full bibliographic details are available from Education Services Australia.
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2013 Education Services Australia Ltd, except where indicated otherwise. You may
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This publication is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education,
Employment and Workplace Relations.
Supporting Australian Mathematics Project
Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute
Building 161
The University of Melbourne
VIC 3010

Assumed knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Position, displacement and distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Constant velocity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Constant acceleration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Average velocity and average speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Differential calculus and motion in a straight line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Integral calculus and motion in a straight line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Links forward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Simple harmonic motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Vector calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

History and applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Kinematics before Newton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Sir Isaac Newton (16421727) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Kinematics after Newton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Answers to exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Motion in a
straight line

Assumed knowledge
The content of the modules:

Introduction to differential calculus

Applications of differentiation

I do not define time, space, place, and motion, as being well known to all.
Only I must observe, that the common people conceive those quantities under no other notions but from the relation they bear to sensible objects. And
thence arise certain prejudices, for the removing of which it will be convenient to distinguish them into absolute and relative, true and apparent,
mathematical and common.
Isaac Newton (16421727)

Mathematics is now applied to all branches of science, engineering, commerce and the
social sciences. But traditionally, mathematics was applied to the study of science, and
principally to physics. The study of physics depends on mathematical methods and
models, particularly calculus and differential equations.
From the 17th century onwards, mathematics developed in two directions: pure and
applied. One of the first areas of applied mathematics to be studied in the 17th century
was motion in a straight line, often referred to as the kinematics of a particle moving in
a straight line.

A guide for teachers Years 11 and 12


Sir Isaac Newton first developed both the differential and integral calculus in the 1660s,
then shortly afterwards turned his attention to kinematics. In his 1671 work Treatise on
methods, Newton listed the two central problems of calculus as:

Given the length of the space continuously (that is, at every time), to find the speed of
the motion at any time proposed. (In other words, find the speed of a particle given
the position.)

Given the speed of motion continuously, to find the length of the space described at
any time proposed. (In other words, find the position given the speed.)
These problems were the motivation for Newtons work on calculus.
In this module, we deal with the quantities: position, displacement, distance, velocity,
speed, acceleration and time. We establish mathematical models for the motion of a
particle in a straight line. Initially, we deal with the special case of constant acceleration.
The study of motion in a straight line should be included in any introductory course in
calculus. It serves both as a context for understanding the basic concepts of calculus and
as an important application of calculus.

Portrait of Isaac Newton when undertaking a B.A. at Trinity College, 1677. Engraved
by Burnet Reading (1749/501838) from a head painted by Sir Peter Lely (16181680),
published 1799. Source: University of Cambridge, Institute of Astronomy Library.


Motion in a straight line

Position, displacement and distance
In this module, we are only talking about motion in a straight line. For a horizontal line,
there are only two directions to consider: right and left. For a vertical line, the two directions are up and down. We choose a point O on the line, which we call the reference point
or origin. For convenience, we will measure distance in metres and time in seconds.

The line is coordinatised and referenced from a point O, the origin. For a horizontal line,
the convention is that positions to the right of O are positive, and positions to the left are
For example:

4 m


The position of the particle at B is 3 m.

The position of the particle at A is 4 m.
The position of a particle is often thought of as a function of time, and we write x(t ) for
the position of the particle at time t .

The displacement of a particle moving in a straight line is the change in its position. If
the particle moves from the position x(t 1 ) to the position x(t 2 ), then its displacement is
x(t 2 ) x(t 1 ) over the time interval [t 1 , t 2 ]. In particular, the position of a particle is its
displacement from the origin.
For example:

4 m


If a particle moves from O to B , its displacement is 3 m.

If a particle moves from O to A, its displacement is 4 m.
If a particle moves from A to B , its displacement is 7 m.
If a particle moves from B to A, its displacement is 7 m.

A guide for teachers Years 11 and 12


Position and displacement are vector quantities, that is, they have both magnitude and
direction. In this module, we are dealing with vectors in one dimension. The sign of the
quantity (positive or negative) indicates its direction. The absolute value of the quantity
is its magnitude.

The distance is the actual distance travelled. Distances are always positive or zero.
For example, given the following diagram, if a particle moves from A to B and then to O,
the displacement of the particle is 4 m, but the distance travelled is 10 m.

4 m


A particle moves along a straight line so that its position at time t seconds is x(t ) metres,
relative to the origin. Assume that x(0) = 0, x(3) = 2 and x(6) = 5, and that the particle
only changes direction when t = 3. Find the distance travelled by the particle from time
t = 0 to time t = 6.

The distance travelled is 2 + 7 = 9 metres.

The position of a particle moving in a straight line is a vector which represents a
point P on the line in relation to the origin O. The position of a particle is often
thought of as a function of time, and we write x(t ) for the position of the particle
at time t .

The displacement of a particle moving in a straight line is a vector defined as the

change in its position. If the particle moves from the position x(t 1 ) to the position
x(t 2 ), its displacement is x(t 2 ) x(t 1 ) for the time interval [t 1 , t 2 ].

The distance travelled by a particle is the actual distance travelled.


Motion in a straight line

Constant velocity
The rate of change of the position of a particle with respect to time is called the velocity
of the particle. Velocity is a vector quantity, with magnitude and direction. The speed of
a particle is the magnitude of its velocity.
Students have learnt in earlier years that, for motion at a constant speed,
Speed =

Distance travelled
Time taken

Similarly, for motion at a constant velocity, we have

Velocity =

Time taken

For example, consider a particle which starts at the origin O, moves to a point B at a
constant velocity, and then moves to a point A at a different constant velocity, as shown
in the following diagram.


x(6) = 4


x(0) = 0

x(2) = 3

The particle moves from O to B in two seconds. During this time, it has a constant
velocity of


= 1.5 metres per second.

The particle moves from B to A in four seconds. During this time, it has a constant
velocity of 47 = 1.75 metres per second.
In this module, we abbreviate metres per second as m/s. The alternative abbreviation
ms1 is also very common.

If a particle is moving with a constant velocity of 10 m/s, then its displacement over
5 seconds is 50 metres.

If a particle is moving with a constant velocity of 10 m/s, then its displacement over
5 seconds is 50 metres. The distance travelled is 50 metres.
If a particle is moving with constant velocity, it does not change direction. If the particle
is moving to the right, it has positive velocity, and if the particle is moving to the left, it
has negative velocity. In general, if a particle is moving at a constant velocity (rate), then
its constant velocity v is determined by the formula

x(t 2 ) x(t 1 )
t2 t1

where x(t i ) is the position at time t i .

A guide for teachers Years 11 and 12


A particle is moving in a straight line with constant velocity, and its position at time
t seconds is x(t ) metres. If x(1) = 6 and x(5) = 12, find the velocity of the particle.

The velocity is
x(5) x(1) 12 6
= m/s.

There are two important graphical representations for constant velocity. The first is the
graph of velocity against time. The second is the graph of position against time.

Velocitytime graphs
The following diagram shows the velocitytime graph for a particle moving at 5 m/s for
4 seconds. The constant velocity is plotted against time. Naturally, it gives a line segment
parallel to the t -axis. The gradient of this line is zero.

v m/s



t seconds


Motion in a straight line

The region between the line segment and the t -axis is shaded in the following diagram.
This region is a rectangle of area 5 4 = 20, which is the product of the velocity and the
time taken. So this area represents the displacement. The area between the line segment
and the t -axis is the displacement of the particle from t = 0 to t = 4.

v m/s



t seconds

If the particle has a constant velocity of 5 m/s for 4 seconds, as shown in the following
diagram, then the region lies below the t -axis and represents a displacement of 20 m.
The region has a signed area of 20. The notion of signed area is introduced in the module Integration.

v m/s

t seconds


v = 5

Finding the displacement of a particle from the velocitytime graph using integration
will be discussed in a later section of this module.

A guide for teachers Years 11 and 12


Positiontime graphs
We can also plot a graph of position against time. In this case, it is the gradient of the
graph that is of interest.

Positive velocity
Assume that a particle moves with constant velocity from point A to point B , as shown in
the following diagram. At time t = 1, the position of the particle is 3 m to the right of O,
that is, x(1) = 3. At time t = 4, its position is 9 m to the right of O, that is, x(4) = 9.

x(1) = 3

x(4) = 9

The displacement (change of position) of the particle is 6 metres over the time interval
[1, 4]. The duration of the motion is 3 seconds. Therefore the constant velocity is 2 m/s.
The positiontime graph for this motion is as follows.

x (t) m

t seconds

The gradient of this line is

x(4) x(1) 9 3 6
= = 2.
41 3
Since this is the displacement divided by the time taken, the gradient of the line is equal
to the velocity. It is always the case that, for a particle moving with constant velocity, the
gradient of the positiontime graph gives the velocity of the particle.


Motion in a straight line

Negative velocity
Assume that a particle moves with constant velocity from A to B , as in the following
diagram. At time t = 1, the position of the particle is 3 m to the right of O, that is, x(1) = 3.
At time t = 4, its position is 3 m to the left of O, that is, x(4) = 3.

x(4) = 3

x(1) = 3

The displacement is 6 metres over 3 seconds. Therefore the constant velocity is 2 m/s.
The gradient of the positiontime graph, shown below, is
x(4) x(1) 3 3 6
= 2.

x (t) m

t seconds


Throughout this module, we often use the gradient of a positiontime graph to determine velocity, and use the area under a velocitytime graph to determine displacement.
These are both important ideas, which will be further developed using calculus.

A particle moves in a straight line with constant velocity so that, at time t seconds, the
position of the particle is x(t ) metres, with respect to the origin O. Assume that x(2) = 3
and x(5) = 6.

1 Find the displacement over the time interval [2, 5].

2 Find the constant velocity.

A guide for teachers Years 11 and 12


1 The displacement is x(5) x(2) = 6 (3) = 9 m.
2 The velocity is

x(5) x(2) 9
= = 3 m/s.

A particle moves in a straight line with constant velocity so that, at time t seconds, the
position of the particle is x(t ) metres, with respect to the origin O. Assume that x(2) = 6
and x(5) = 5.

1 Find the displacement over the time interval [2, 5].

2 Find the constant velocity.

1 The displacement is x(5) x(2) = 5 6 = 11 m.
2 The velocity is

x(5) x(2) 11
= 3 32 m/s.

Exercise 1
a A particle is moving with a constant velocity of 4 m/s. Sketch the positiontime graph
of the particle for t [0, 4], if x(0) = 3.

b A particle is moving with a constant velocity of 4 m/s. Sketch the positiontime

graph of the particle for t [0, 4], if x(0) = 3.

Constant acceleration
We are all familiar with the fact that a car speeds up when we put our foot down on the
accelerator. The rate of change of the velocity of a particle with respect to time is called
its acceleration. If the velocity of the particle changes at a constant rate, then this rate is
called the constant acceleration.
Since we are using metres and seconds as our basic units, we will measure acceleration
in metres per second per second. This will be abbreviated as m/s2 . It is also commonly
abbreviated as ms2 .


Motion in a straight line

For example, if the velocity of a particle moving in a straight line changes uniformly (at a
constant rate of change) from 2 m/s to 5 m/s over one second, then its constant acceleration is 3 m/s2 .

Let t be the time in seconds from the beginning of the motion of a particle. If the particle
has a velocity of 4 m/s initially (at t = 0) and has a constant acceleration of 2 m/s2 , find
the velocity of the particle:

1 when t = 1
2 when t = 2
3 after t seconds.
Draw the velocitytime graph for the motion.

1 When t = 1, the velocity of the particle is 4 + 2 = 6 m/s.
2 When t = 2, the velocity of the particle is 4 + 2 2 = 8 m/s.
3 After t seconds, the velocity of the particle is 4 + 2t m/s.

v (t) m/s

v (t) = 4 + 2t


t seconds

Decreasing velocity
If the velocity of a particle moving in a straight line changes uniformly (at a constant rate
of change) from 5 m/s to 2 m/s over one second, its constant acceleration is 3 m/s2 .

A guide for teachers Years 11 and 12


If a particle has an initial velocity of 6 m/s and a constant acceleration of 2 m/s2 , then:

when t = 1, the velocity of the particle is 4 m/s

when t = 2, the velocity of the particle is 2 m/s
when t = 3, the velocity of the particle is 0 m/s
when t = 4, the velocity of the particle is 2 m/s
when t = 10, the velocity of the particle is 14 m/s.
In general, the velocity of the particle is 6 2t m/s after t seconds. The velocitytime
graph for this motion is shown below; it is the graph of v(t ) = 6 2t .

v(t) m/s

v(t) = 6 2t


t seconds

Over the first three seconds, the particles speed is decreasing (the particle is slowing
down). At three seconds, the particle is momentarily at rest. After three seconds, the
velocity is still decreasing, but the speed is increasing (the particle is going faster and

If we assume that the rate of change of velocity (acceleration) is a constant, then the
constant acceleration is given by
Acceleration =

Change in velocity
Change in time

More precisely, the constant acceleration a is given by the formula


v(t 2 ) v(t 1 )
t2 t1

where v(t i ) is the velocity at time t i . Since velocity is a vector, so is acceleration.


Motion in a straight line

A particle is moving in a straight line with constant acceleration of 1.5 m/s2 . Initially its
velocity is 4.5 m/s. Find the velocity of the particle:

1 after 1 second
2 after 3 seconds
3 after t seconds.

1 After 1 second, the velocity is 4.5 + 1.5 = 6 m/s.
2 After 3 seconds, the velocity is 4.5 + 3 1.5 = 9 m/s.
3 After t seconds, the velocity is 4.5 + 1.5t m/s.

m/s, and applies its brakes to stop. The acceleration
is 10 m/s2 . How long does it take for the car to stop?
A car is travelling at 100 km/h =

After one second, the cars velocity is
v(t ) =

10 m/s. After t seconds, its velocity is

10t m/s.

The car stops when v(t ) = 0. Solving this equation gives

10t = 0


The car takes approximately 2.8 seconds to stop.

(In exercise 6, we will find out how far the car travels during this time.)

A guide for teachers Years 11 and 12


The constant-acceleration formulas for motion in a straight line

Throughout this section, we have been considering motion in a straight line with constant acceleration. This situation is very common; for example, a body moving under the
influence of gravity travels with a constant acceleration.
There are five frequently used formulas for motion in a straight line with constant acceleration. The formulas are given in terms of the initial velocity u, the final velocity v,
the displacement (position) x, the acceleration a and the time elapsed t . Of course, they
require consistent systems of units to be used.
It is assumed that the motion begins when t = 0, and that the initial position is taken as
the origin, that is, x(0) = 0.

The five equations of motion

1 v = u + at
2 x=

(u + v)t

3 x = ut + 21 at 2
4 v 2 = u 2 + 2ax
5 x = v t 21 at 2
Note. Each of the five equations involve four of the five variables u, v, x, a, t . If the values
of three of the variables are known, then the remaining values can be found by using two
of the equations.

Deriving the constant-acceleration formulas

The first equation of motion
Since the acceleration is constant, we have a =
motion, v = u + at .

v u
. This gives the first equation of

The second equation of motion

The second equation,

(u + v)t

says that displacement is obtained by multiplying the average of the initial and final velocities by the time elapsed during the motion. More simply:
Displacement = Average velocity Time taken.


Motion in a straight line

We can derive this equation using the fact that the displacement is equal to the signed
area under the velocitytime graph.




For the velocitytime graph on the left, the region under the graph is a trapezium. The
displacement x is equal to the area of the trapezium, which is 12 (u + v)t . So the second
equation of motion holds in this case.
For the graph on the right, the displacement can be found by considering the two triangles between the graph and the t -axis. One of the triangles has positive signed area and
the other has negative signed area.
Finding the displacement of a particle from the velocitytime graph using integration
will be discussed in a later section of this module.

The third equation of motion

Substituting for v from the first equation into the second equation gives

(u + v)t

(u + u + at )t

2ut + at 2

= ut + at 2 ,
which is the third equation. Thus x is a quadratic in t , and hence the graph of x against t
is a parabola.

A guide for teachers Years 11 and 12


The fourth equation of motion

From the first equation, we have t =

v u
. Substituting this into the second equation

(u + v)t

(u + v)(v u)

v 2 u2

Rearranging to make v 2 the subject produces the fourth equation: v 2 = u 2 + 2ax.

The fifth equation of motion

From the first equation, we have u = v at . Using the second equation, we obtain

(u + v)t

(v at + v)t

2v t at 2

= v t at 2 ,
which is the fifth equation.

Exercise 2
Derive the third and fifth equations of motion from a velocitytime graph. (For simplicity,
you may assume that both u and v are positive.)


Motion in a straight line

Vertical motion
Motion due to gravity is a good context in which to demonstrate the use of the constantacceleration formulas. As discussed earlier, our two directions in vertical motion are up
and down, and a decision has to be made as to which of the two directions is positive.
Acceleration due to gravity is a constant, with magnitude denoted by g . In the following
example, we take the upwards direction to be positive and take g = 10 m/s2 .

A stone is launched vertically upwards from ground level with the initial velocity 30 m/s.
Assume that the acceleration is 10 m/s2 .

1 Find the time taken for the stone to return to the ground again.
2 Find the maximum height reached by the stone.
3 Find the velocity with which it hits the ground.
4 Sketch the positiontime graph and the velocitytime graph for the motion.
5 Find the distance covered by the stone from the launch to when it returns to earth.

In this example, we have u = 30 and a = 10, with up as the positive direction.

1 Using the third equation of motion, x = ut + 21 at 2 , we have x = 30t 5t 2 . To find the

time taken to return to the ground, we substitute x = 0 to obtain
0 = 30t 5t 2
0 = 5t (6 t ).
Therefore t = 0 or t = 6. Thus the time taken to return to the ground is 6 seconds.

2 We can find the maximum height using the fourth equation of motion, v 2 = u 2 +2ax.
When the stone reaches the highest point, v = 0. So we have
0 = 900 20x
x = 45.
Hence, the maximum height reached by the stone is 45 metres.

3 The stone hits the ground when t = 6. Using the first equation of motion,
v = 30 10 6 = 30 m/s.

A guide for teachers Years 11 and 12


4 From the third equation of motion, we have x(t ) = 30t 5t 2 .

x(t) m
x(t) = 30t 5t2


t seconds

The first equation of motion gives v(t ) = 30 10t .

v(t) m/s
v(t) = 30 10t

t seconds


Motion in a straight line

5 The maximum height reached by the stone is 45 m, and so the stone travels a distance
of 90 m.

Another way to find the maximum height is by using the positiontime graph. The
graph of x(t ) is a parabola with t -intercepts 0 and 6. Hence, the maximum value of
x(t ) occurs when t = 3. It follows that the maximum height reached by the stone is
x(3) = 30 3 5 32 = 45 metres.

Looking at the velocitytime graph, we can see that the triangle above the t -axis has
a signed area of 45 and the triangle below the t -axis has a signed area of 45. Thus,
when the stone has returned to ground level, it has travelled 90 m but its displacement is zero.
In the previous example, we took 10 m/s2 as the approximate acceleration due to gravity. A more accurate value is 9.8 m/s2 . Use this value in the following exercise.

Exercise 3
A man dives from a springboard where his centre of gravity is initially 12 metres above
the water, and his initial velocity is 4.9 m/s upwards. Regard the diver as a particle at his
centre of gravity, and assume that the divers motion is vertical.

a Find the divers velocity after t seconds (up to when he hits the water).
b Find the divers height above the water after t seconds (up to when he hits the water).
c Find the maximum height of the diver above the water.
d Find the time taken for the diver to reach the water.
e Sketch the velocitytime graph for this motion (up to when he hits the water).
f Sketch the positiontime graph for this motion (up to when he hits the water).

Exercise 4
A body projected upwards from the top of a tower reaches the ground in t 1 seconds. If
projected downwards with the same speed, it reaches the ground in t 2 seconds. Prove
that, if simply let drop, it would reach the ground in t 1 t 2 seconds.

Exercise 5
A particle is dropped from a tower of height h. At the same time, a particle is projected
upwards with a velocity from the bottom the tower. They meet when the particle dropped
from the top has travelled a distance of . Show that the velocities when
r they meet are
ng h
in the ratio 2 : 2 n, and that the initial velocity of the second particle is

A guide for teachers Years 11 and 12


Further use of the equations of motion

A car accelerates uniformly (constant acceleration) from 0 m/s to 30 m/s in 12 seconds,
and continues to accelerate at the same rate. Find

1 the acceleration
2 the time it will take for the car to increase its velocity from 30 m/s to 80 m/s
3 the distance the car travels in the first 30 seconds of motion.

1 Use the first equation of motion, v = u + at . Substituting u = 0, v = 30 and t = 12
gives 30 = 12a. Hence, the acceleration is a =


m/s2 .

2 Use the first equation of motion again, with u = 30 and v = 80:

80 = 30 + t .
Thus t = 20 seconds.

3 Use the third equation of motion, x = ut + 12 at 2 . Substitute u = 0, a = 52 and t = 30:


1 5
302 = 1125 metres.
2 2

The car travels 1125 metres in the first 30 seconds of motion.

Exercise 6
m/s. It brakes and slows down with an acceleration
of 10 m/s2 . How far, to the nearest metre, does it go before it stops?
A car is travelling at 100 km/h =

Exercise 7
A car accelerates from 0 km/h to 100 km/h in 10 seconds, and continues for 40 seconds
at 100 km/h. The driver then brakes strongly to stop in 38 metres.

a Convert 100 km/h to m/s.

b Find the constant acceleration of the car for the first 10 seconds in m/s2 .
c Find the total distance travelled by the car in metres.
d Find the acceleration for the braking phase in m/s2 .
e How long does it take the car to stop from when the brakes are first applied?
f Sketch a velocitytime graph for the motion of the car.


Motion in a straight line

Average velocity and average speed

Before turning our attention to problems involving non-constant acceleration and using
calculus, we consider the concept of average velocity. We will look at examples involving
motion with constant acceleration.

Average velocity
We return to the example of the stone being launched vertically upwards from ground
level with an initial velocity of 30 m/s. The acceleration is taken as 10 m/s2 . We found
that the stones velocity is 0 m/s after three seconds, when it is at a height of 45 metres.
The average velocity for the first three seconds of motion is
x(3) x(0) 45
= 15 m/s.
This can be illustrated on the positiontime graph by the chord from the origin to the
point (3, 45). The gradient of this chord is 15.

x(t) m
(3, 45)


x(t) = 30t 5t2


t seconds

After a further second, the height (position) of the stone is 40 m. That is, x(4) = 40. The
average velocity for the first four seconds is
x(4) x(0) 40
= 10 m/s.
This can be illustrated by the chord from the origin to the point (4, 40). This chord has
gradient 10.

A guide for teachers Years 11 and 12


x(t) m
(4, 40)


x(t) = 30t 5t2


t seconds

The average velocity from the time the stone reaches its highest point to when the total
time elapsed is 5 seconds is
x(5) x(3) 25 45
= 10 m/s.

x(t) m

(3, 45)

x(t) = 30t 5t2


(5, 25)


t seconds


Motion in a straight line

The average velocity from the time the stone is launched to the time it returns to ground
level is
x(6) x(0)
= 0 m/s.
In general, we can write
Average velocity =

x(t 2 ) x(t 1 )
t2 t1

where x(t i ) is the position of the particle at time t i .

Average speed
The average speed is the distance travelled divided by the time taken:
Average speed =

Distance travelled
Time taken

Returning to the example of the stone launched upwards with initial velocity 30 m/s:
= 15 m/s
the average speed for the first four seconds is
= 12.5 m/s
the average speed from the time the stone reaches its highest point to when the total
time elapsed is 5 seconds is
= 10 m/s
the average speed from the time the stone is launched to the time it returns to ground
level is
= 15 m/s.

the average speed for the first three seconds is

Differential calculus and motion in a straight line

If I drive 180 kilometres in two hours, then my average velocity is 90 kilometres per hour.
However, my instantaneous velocity during the journey is displayed on the speedometer,
and my velocity may range from 0 km/h to 110 km/h, if the latter is the speed limit.
Neither my velocity nor my acceleration will be constant.
Just as an average velocity corresponds to the gradient of a chord on the positiontime
graph, so an instantaneous velocity corresponds to the gradient of a tangent. We know
that, if the motion is described by a nicely behaved position function x(t ), then the function for the instantaneous velocity can be found as the derivative of x(t ) with respect to
time. This is discussed in the module Introduction to differential calculus.

A guide for teachers Years 11 and 12


Similarly, if the velocity of the particle is described by a nicely behaved function v(t ), the
function for the instantaneous acceleration can be found as the derivative of v(t ) with
respect to time.
For motion in a straight line with constant acceleration, we have seen that the displacement of the particle can be determined from a velocitytime graph by finding the signed
area between the graph and the t -axis. This leads us to a more general approach.
Integration is the inverse process of differentiation. Therefore, if the velocity function is
known, the position function can be found by integration. Similarly, if the acceleration
function is known, the velocity function can be found.

Instantaneous velocity and speed

From now on in this module, the words velocity and speed alone will mean instantaneous velocity and speed.
The instantaneous velocity v(t ) of a particle is the derivative of the position with respect
to time. That is,
v(t ) =


), or simply as x.
From here on, the dot is used to
This derivative is often written as x(t
denote the derivative with respect to t . This is Newtons notation.

The position function of a particle is x(t ) = 30t 5t 2 .
1 Find the velocity function x(t

2 Find the velocity when t = 2.

3 Find the velocity when t = 4.
4 When is the particle stationary?

) = 30 10t .
1 If x(t ) = 30t 5t 2 , then x(t
= 30 10 2 = 10.
2 x(2)
= 30 10 4 = 10.
3 x(4)
) = 0 implies 30 10t = 0, and so t = 3. The particle is stationary when t = 3.
4 x(t


Motion in a straight line

The position function of a particle is x(t ) = 4 sin(2t ).
1 Find the velocity function x(t

2 Find the velocity when t = 0.

3 Find the velocity when t = 41 .
4 Find the velocity when t = 12 .
5 Find the velocity when t = 1.

) = 8 cos(2t ).
1 If x(t ) = 4 sin(2t ), then x(t
= 8.
2 x(0)
14 ) = 8 cos 2 = 0.
3 x(
12 ) = 8 cos = 8.
4 x(
= 8 cos 2 = 8.
5 x(1)
= 0.
This is the origin of the term stationary point introduced in the module Applications of
A particle moving in a straight line is stationary when its velocity is zero, that is,

When a stone is thrown into the air with a velocity of 30 m/s, the motion of the stone
can be modelled by the position function x(t ) = 30t 5t 2 . The velocity function for this
) = 30 10t . The velocity is zero when t = 3. This occurs when the stone is
motion is x(t
at its maximum height.
The speed of a particle is the absolute value of its velocity. For example, if a particle is
moving with a velocity of 5 m/s, then its speed is |5| = 5 m/s.

A particle whose velocity is changing is said to be accelerating. Acceleration is defined to
be the rate of change of velocity. So the acceleration a(t ) is the derivative of the velocity
with respect to time:
a(t ) =

= v(t

The velocity is itself the derivative of the position, and so the acceleration is the second
derivative of the displacement:
a(t ) =

d 2x
= x(t

A guide for teachers Years 11 and 12


A large stone is falling through a layer of mud. At time t seconds, the depth of the stone

in metres below the surface is given by x(t ) = 20(1 e 2 ).

1 Find x(t
2 Find x(t

3 Find the position, velocity and acceleration when t = 1.

4 What happens to the position, velocity and acceleration as t ?

We take downwards to be the positive direction.

) = 10e 2 .
1 x(t

) = 5e 2 .
2 x(t

= 10e 2 , x(1)
= 5e 2 .
3 x(1) = 20(1 e 2 ), x(1)
The direction of the velocity is down, as it has a positive sign, and the direction of the
acceleration is up, as it has a negative sign. The velocity and the acceleration are in
opposite directions, so the particle is slowing down.
) 0 and x(t
) 0.
4 As t , we have x(t ) 20, x(t

Exercise 8
A particle moves in a straight line so that its position x(t ) metres at time t seconds, relative to a fixed position O, is given by x(t ) = t (t 4)2 . Find

a the velocity at time t

b the values of t when the particle is instantaneously at rest
c the acceleration after four seconds.

Integral calculus and motion in a straight line

We can move from the acceleration function to the velocity function and from the velocity function to the position function through integration. Integrating a function always
introduces an arbitrary constant. Hence, one or more boundary conditions are required
to determine the motion completely.


Motion in a straight line

A particle moves in a straight line. It is initially at rest at the origin. The acceleration of
) = 13 cos 3t .
the particle is given by x(t

1 Find the velocity at time t .

2 Find the position at time t .
3 Sketch the positiontime graph for t [0, 2].

) = 31 cos 3t and integrating once, we obtain
1 Starting from x(t

sin 3t + c 1 .

= 0, we have c 1 = 0. Hence,
Since x(0)

sin 3t .

2 Integrating again gives

x(t ) =

cos 3t + c 2 .

Since x(0) = 0, we have c 2 =

x(t ) =

27 .


cos 3t + .

x (t)
x(t) = 1 cos3t +






) = 9x(t ) + 13 . Motion that satisfies a differential equation of this form

Note. We have x(t
is called simple harmonic motion. The particle oscillates along a straight line between 0

27 .

The centre of the oscillation is at x =

27 .

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It is often convenient to use calculus to solve problems of motion in a straight line, particularly when the boundary conditions vary. In addition, calculus is often used when
we are considering the motion of two or more particles with different starting times and
initial positions.

Two particles A and B are moving to the right along a straight line. For particle A, we
have x A (t ) = 12 , with boundary conditions x A (0) =


have xB (t ) = 23 , with boundary conditions x B (1) =

and xB (1) = 56 .


and x A (0) = 12 . For particle B , we

1 Find when and where the two particles have the same position.
2 Sketch the positiontime graphs for A and B on the one set of axes.

1 Particle A. Starting from x A (t ) =


and integrating once, we obtain x A (t ) = 21 t + c 1 .

Since x A (0) = 12 , we have c 1 = 12 , and so

x A (t ) = t + .
Integrating again gives
x A (t ) = t 2 + t + c 2 .
Since x A (0) = 14 , we have c 2 = 14 . Hence,
x A (t ) =

1 2
t + 2t + 1 .

Particle B . Integrating xB (t ) = 32 , we obtain xB (t ) = 23 t + c 3 . Since xB (1) = 65 , we have

c3 =


and so
xB (t ) =

4t + 1 .

Integrating again:
x B (t ) =

1 2
2t + t + c 4 .

Since x B (1) = 21 , we have c 4 = 0 and so

x B (t ) =

1 2
2t + t .


Motion in a straight line

Particles meet. The particles meet when x A (t ) = x B (t ):


1 2
t + 2t + 1 = 2t 2 + t

t 2 4t 3 = 0
t = 2 7.
Since t 0, the particles meet when t = 2 + 7. Substituting in x B (t ) = 61 (2t 2 + t ), we
p 1
x B (2 + 7) = 2(2 + 7)2 + (2 + 7) = 8 + 3 7 .

The particles meet at 2 + 7, 12 (8 + 3 7) .



2 + 7, 8 + 32 7


Exercise 9
Two particles A and B are moving in a straight line. The positions of the particles, with
respect to an origin, are given by x A (t ) = 12 t 2 t + 3 and x B (t ) = 14 t 2 + t + 1 at time t 0.

a Prove that A and B do not collide.

b How close do A and B get to one another?
c During which intervals of time are they moving in opposite directions?

A guide for teachers Years 11 and 12


Revisiting the constant-acceleration formulas

We can use calculus to derive the five equations of motion from the section Constant
) = a, where a is a constant, and that x(0) = 0 and x(0)
= u. Integrating
We assume that x(t
) = a with respect to t for the first time gives
) = at + c 1 .
v(t ) = x(t
= u, we have c 1 = u. Hence, we obtain the first equation of motion:
Since v(0) = x(0)
v(t ) = u + at .
Integrating again gives
x(t ) = ut + at 2 + c 2 .
Since x(0) = 0, we have c 2 = 0. This yields the third equation of motion:
x(t ) = ut + at 2 .
The other equations of motion can easily be derived from these two using only algebra.

Using definite integrals to find displacement and change in velocity

The displacement (that is, the change in position) over some time interval can be found
directly using a definite integral of the velocity.
If we are given the velocity v(t ) as a function of time, then from t = t 1 to t = t 2 , the
displacement is given by

Displacement =


v(t ) d t .

) as a function of time, then from t = t 1 to t = t 2 , the

If we are given the acceleration x(t
change in velocity is given by

Change in velocity =



A particle is moving with constant acceleration of 5 m/s2 . When t = 0, the velocity of the
particle is 4 m/s. Find the displacement of the particle from t = 4 to t = 8.


Motion in a straight line

The velocity is given by v(t ) = 4 + 5t . Thus, the displacement of the particle from t = 4 to
t = 8 is


5t 2 8
= 136 m.
(4 + 5t ) d t = 4t +
2 4

Exercise 10
A particle is moving with velocity v(t ) = cos(2t ) at time t . Find the displacement of the
particle from

a t = 0 to t = 14
b t = 14 to t = 1
c t = 34 to t = 45 .

Links forward
Simple harmonic motion
Simple harmonic motion is a form of motion in a straight line. It is discussed in the
module The calculus of trigonometric functions.

Vector calculus
The ideas which have been introduced in this module can be extended to motion in two
and three dimensions. We can illustrate this with the example of the projectile motion of
a particle in a plane.

Projectile motion
We choose two orthogonal unit vectors i and j. The convention is to take i horizontal and
pointing to the right, and to take j vertical and pointing up. We can describe projectile
motion in the plane of i and j. The underlying idea is that, in two-dimensional space, you
can describe any vector as a sum of scalar multiples of i and j.

A guide for teachers Years 11 and 12


In the following, we consider the motion of a particle which is projected at an angle to

the horizontal with an initial speed of u m/s. The initial velocity vector is
u = u cos i + u sin j.

P(x(t), y(t))

u = u cos i + u sin j

u cos i

u sin j

Denote the position vector of the particle at time t , with respect to an origin O, by
r(t ) = x(t ) i + y(t ) j.
Here x(t ) is a function of t describing the position of the particle in the i-direction, and
y(t ) is a function of t describing the position of the particle in the j-direction. Assume
the particle starts its motion from the origin.

P(x(t), y(t))

r(t) = x(t)i + y(t)j


Motion in a straight line

The velocity vector of the particle at time t is given by

) i + y(t
) j.
r(t ) = x(t
) is the velocity of the particle in the i-direction, and y(t
) the velocity of the
Here x(t
particle in the j-direction.
The acceleration vector of the particle at time t is given by
) i + y(t
) j.
r(t ) = x(t
We start off as we did for motion in a straight line. Since the acceleration is due to gravity,
we have
r(t ) = g j.
Integrating once gives
r(t ) = g t j + c1 ,
where c1 is a vector constant. We are assuming that the initial velocity vector r(0) is equal
to u = u cos i + u sin j, and hence
r(t ) = u cos i + (u sin g t ) j.
Integrating again with respect to t gives

r(t ) = ut cos i + ut sin g t 2 j + c2 ,

where c2 is a vector constant. Since we are assuming that the particle starts at the origin,
we have r(0) = 0 and so c2 = 0. Hence,

r(t ) = ut cos i + ut sin g t 2 j.

Since y(t ) can be written as a quadratic function of x(t ), the path of the projectile is a
These ideas can easily be extended to three dimensions.
Vector calculus was developed by J. Willard Gibbs and Oliver Heaviside near the end of
the 19th century, and most of the standard notation and terminology was established by
Gibbs and Edwin Bidwell Wilson in their 1901 book Vector analysis. This book is now
available free online at

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History and applications

Kinematics before Newton
There is no surviving evidence that Archimedes, or the other truly great Greek mathematicians Euclid and Apollonius, studied kinematics. But so much of Archimedes work
has been lost that it is hard to know.
The representation of quantities by lengths and areas has a long history. In the 14th
century, Nicholas Oresme represented time and velocity by lengths. He invented a type
of coordinate geometry before Descartes.
The need for mathematical descriptions of velocity contributed to the development of
the concept of the derivative. In the 14th century, scholastic philosophers at Merton
College, Oxford, studied motion with constant acceleration and deduced what is now
known as the Merton rule:
An object with constant acceleration travels the same distance as it would
have if it had constant velocity equal to the average of its initial and final
This rule corresponds to the second equation of motion from the section Constant acceleration.
In the 17th century, Galileo Galilei (15641642) and others discovered that, in a void, all
falling objects have the same constant acceleration, and so their motion may be determined by using the Merton rule. Galileo may well best be remembered for his battle with
the Catholic Church over his support for Copernicus heliocentric model of the solar system, but perhaps he deserves to be remembered as the founder of modern physics. As
early as 1604, Galileo discovered that falling bodies are uniformly accelerated. He then
worked out a number of mathematical consequences of this fact, some of which could
be confirmed by experiment. His work was held back by primitive equipment for example, there were no stop watches available. Part of his work concerned projectiles, and
he was aware that their paths are parabolic.


Motion in a straight line

Sir Isaac Newton (16421727)

Newton was a central figure in the scientific revolution, and arguably the greatest mathematician and greatest physicist of all time. On one occasion, he claimed with false modesty: If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. Certainly, he
studied the work of Galileo, Copernicus, Kepler, Fermat and Descartes, among others.
He began his serious study of calculus in the mid 1660s, partly at his family home in Wolsthorpe when he was forced to leave Cambridge because of the great plague of 1665. He
instigated a study of fluxions of a given fluent. The fluxion is the derivative of a function,
which Newton called the fluent. He began his study by finding power-series representations of many functions. For example,
t 2 t 4 t 6 5t 8
1+ t2 = 1+ +

+ ,
8 16 128

for 1 < t < 1.

To obtain the fluxion, all he had to do was to differentiate the power series term-by-term.
Newton, however, was much more interested in curves than in functions.

(x(t), y(t))
f(x,y) = 0

He always thought of t as time, although in modern language, t is a parameter. Thus we

may think of motion in a straight line, x(t ), as the principal subject of Newtons calculus.
It is this context that motivated Newton to study both differential and integral calculus.
Newton listed two central problems in his Treatise on methods:

Given the length of the space continuously (that is, at every time), to find the speed
of the motion at any time proposed.

Given the speed of motion continuously, to find the length of the space described at
any time proposed.
In modern terms, these problems are:
d x(t )
Given v(t ), find x(t ) = v(t ) d t .

Given x(t ), find v(t ) =

A guide for teachers Years 11 and 12


As noted earlier, Newtons independent variable is always t . As an example of his ideas,

Newton took a curve f (x, y) = 0 with x = x(t ) and y = y(t ), and invented a procedure
equivalent to what is today written as
f dx f d y
= 0.
x d t y d t
He also wrote down a simplified table of integrals which did not include logarithmic,
exponential or trigonometric functions.
By the 1670s, Newton had started work on kinematics, and clarified the ideas of position
(displacement), velocity and acceleration, using calculus to relate them. He also introduced the concepts of force, momentum, energy and power. In 1687, he published the
most important mathematical book to appear up to that time. It is known as Principia,
but its full title is Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica (Mathematical principles of natural philosophy). This book includes Newtons famous three laws of motion,
which he took as axioms:

1 Every body perseveres in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by forces impressed. (This
is the law of conservation of momentum.)

2 A change in motion is proportional to the motive force impressed and takes place
along the straight line in which that force is impressed. (This is the law F = ma or,
expressed as a vector equation, F = ma.)

3 To any action there is always an equal and opposite reaction.

From these three laws, Newton derived Keplers second law: the area swept out is proportional to time. He then effectively stated his universal law of gravitation,

Gm 1 m 2

and derived Keplers first and third laws. Keplers laws were actually conjectures based
on astronomical observations. Newtons genius was to derive them from his axioms.

Kinematics after Newton

It can be argued that, for nearly two hundred years, all of the developments in kinematics
and astronomy were simply applications of Newtons ideas. This all changed in 1905,
when Einstein published his special theory of relativity.


Motion in a straight line

Answers to exercises
Exercise 1

x(t) m



t seconds

x(t) m


(4, 13)

t seconds

A guide for teachers Years 11 and 12


Exercise 2
From the first equation of motion, the velocitytime graph is given by v = u + at . We
assume u and v are positive.

v(t) m/s


t seconds

The displacement is equal to the area of the region under the velocitytime graph, which
is a trapezium. So x = 21 (u + u + at )t = ut + 12 at 2 . This is the third equation of motion. If
we substitute u = v at into the third equation, we obtain the fifth equation.

Exercise 3
a v = 4.9 9.8t m/s.
b x = 4.9t 4.9t 2 + 12 metres. (This is the position of the diver taking the origin to be
the point on the water vertically below the divers initial position.)

c Maximum height is reached when the velocity is zero. From the fourth equation of
motion, we have
v 2 = 4.92 19.6d ,
where d is the displacement (that is, the position of the diver relative to the initial
position). If v = 0, then

= 1.225 metres.

Hence, the maximum height above the water is 13.225 metres.

d The diver reaches the water when x = 0. This gives 4.9t 4.9t 2 +12 = 0, and therefore




Motion in a straight line

v(t) m/s

t seconds

v(t) = 4.9 9.8t

( 7 , 16.1)


x(t) m
( 2 , 13.225)


x(t) = 4.9t 4.9t2 + 12


t seconds

Exercise 4
Let h be the height of the tower. We measure positions from the base of the tower, taking
the upwards direction as positive.
For the particle that initially goes up, we have x up = ut 12 g t 2 + h, and so
0 = ut 1 g (t 1 )2 + h,


where t 1 is the time taken to reach the ground. For the particle that initially goes down,
we have x down = ut 21 g t 2 + h, and so
0 = ut 2 g (t 2 )2 + h,


where t 2 is the time taken to reach the ground.

A guide for teachers Years 11 and 12


We eliminate h by subtracting equation 2 from equation 1, and solve for u:


t1 t2 .

Substituting in equation 1 and solving for h gives


t1 t2 .

For the particle dropped from the tower, we have x drop = 21 g t 2 + h. So

0 = g t 2 + h,
where t is the time taken for the dropped particle to reach the ground. Substituting for h
and solving for t gives t = t 1 t 2 .

Exercise 5
The two particles meet when 21 g t 2 + h = ut 12 g t 2 . Thus, the particles meet when
h = ut .


When the dropped particle has travelled a distance of

, we have

= g t 2.

Substitute for t from equation 1:

g h 2
2 u

Now solve for u:

ng h


The ratio of the velocities is

g t : u g t .
Substituting from equation 1 and simplifying, this ratio is
g h : g h u2.
Now, substituting from equation 2 and simplifying, the ratio is
2 : 2 n.


Motion in a straight line

Exercise 6
39 metres.

Exercise 7
a 100 km/h = 250
9 m/s.
b The acceleration is


m/s2 .

c The car travels 1288 metres.

d The car goes from 100 km/h to 0 km/h in 38 m. Thus

250 2

a =


+ 2a 38

m/s2 .


v(t) m/s

(10, 250 )

(50, 250 )







t seconds

Exercise 8
) = (t 4)(3t 4).
a x(t
) = 0, so t = 4 or t = 43 .
b The particle is instantaneously at rest when x(t
) = 6t 16, and so x(4)
= 8. The particle has an acceleration of 8 m/s2 .
c We have x(t

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Exercise 9
a If x A (t ) = x B (t ), then 3t 2 8t +8 = 0. The discriminant of 3t 2 8t +8 is 32 < 0. Thus
there are no solutions, and the particles do not collide.

b The closest distance is 23 .

c Over the time interval [0, 1), particle A is moving to the left and particle B to the right.
Over (2, ), particle A is moving to the right and particle B to the left.

Exercise 10



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12

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