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Resource section Photocopiable worksheets Teacher's instructions oc. Photocopiable worksheets Module 1 Lesson 1 Now and never! 102 Lesson 2. A weekend trp... cone 108 Lesson 3 Circular story 104 Lesson 4 What's the question? 105 Module 2 Lesson 5 Life changes. nnn 106 Lesson 6 Feelings nen WOT Lesson 7 I've already done it... 108 Lesson 8 Tenses game nnn 109 Module 3 Lesson 9 It'sa bad idea. 110 Lesson 10 Guess the sentence. M1 Lesson 11. Our future nn MD Lesson 12 Connect FOUP on ossennnnnnennnnne 113, Module 4 Lesson 13 You talk lke that panne 14 Lesson 14 Tea quiz... . wn 115 Lesson 15 An accident... 16 Lesson 16 What's my word: - coe WT 92 oe ines 102 Module 5 Lesson 17 One, two three... 118 Lesson 18 Find out! 119 Lesson 19 wish... 120 Lesson 20 Sentence auction - 121 Module 6 Lesson 21 Gossip 122 Lesson 22 Ask me a question... 123 Lesson 23 Things they told me to do... 124 Lesson 24 Test your memory o-oo 125 Module 7 Lesson 25 Answer the questions... 126 Lesson 26 Call my bluff... oes VOT Lesson 27 A story of two crimes... 128 Lesson 28 Do you remember? 129 Module 1 Lesson 1 Now and never! Preparation: Copy one worksheet per pair of students and cut into A and B To use: After Activity 4c Instructions + Divide the class into pairs. Givea* copy of Worksheet A to Student A and Worksheet B to Student 8 in each pair. They should not look at each other's worksheets, . + Students read the actions in Activity 1 and take turns to mime them for their partner to guess. When guessing, the students should use the present continuous ‘to describe the actions, as they are ‘happening’ at the moment. Set a time limit of five minutes. . + Students then look at Activity 2 and use the prompts to make questions about the actions in Activity 1 in the present simple, eg. What kind of chocolate do you usually eat? For a less confident class, write the first question from both Student As + and Student B's cards on the board as examples. Set a time limit of five minutes and make sure the questions are correct. + Tohelp students answer How often ...? questions, revise adverbs and expressions of frequency, e.g. once/twicelthree times a day/ week/monthiyear, every day, not very often, never. With a weaker class, write them on the board. + Students take turns to ask each other the questions in Activity 2 and note down their partner's answers. + Put students in different pairs to report their partner's answersto + each other, e.g. Roman usually eats milk chocolate, Module 1 Lesson 2 A weekend trip Instru Resource Pack Teacher's not Reading text and interview Organization: Individual and Whole-class work ime: 20 minutes Preparation: Copy one worksheet per student To use: After Activity 7 ns, Find out what students know about London and Rome, if they have ever been there and what their experience was like. e each student a copy of the worksheet. Ask students to imagine that they have each won ‘a weekend trip to London or Rome. Students read the texts and decide where they want to go. Explain any vocabulary they find difficutt. Students answer the questions about their chosen trip, making choices based on the information in the text. They must write one type of accommodation, but they can choose more than one activity and kind of food. Set a time limit of eight minutes. ‘Students mingle and ask the ‘questions from Activity 1 to ‘their classmates in order to find someone with the same plans as ‘their own. Encourage students to answer, using the same structures as they hear in the questions, e.g. I'm spending my weekend ..., 'm going to eat ... Ifa classmate gives a different answer than their own to the first or second question, they should stop interviewing them and approach another student. The task is completed if ‘they find someone who shares at least one activity and one kind of food with them. Fast finishers find more students with the same plans. Module 1 Lesson 3 Circular story Instru ‘Type of activity: Story Organization: Group work Time: 20 minutes Preparation: Copy one worksheet per student To use: After Activity 6 ns Divide students into groups of four. They should sit in a circle, Give each student a copy of the worksheet. Explain that they are going to write group stories and for each part of the story they have to answer one or two Questions. They should use the past simple or the past continuous depending on the questions and con what they want to say. Students individually begin a story by answering the questions in Part 1. Write an example answer to the first question on the board, e.g. It was Sunday. The sun was shining. Encourage students to make the answers as funny as possible, Set a time limit of two minutes. Then students fold the first part along the line so that the next person cannot see what they have written, They pass the sheet to the student on their left and answer ‘the question in the second part of ‘he sheet they have just received. ‘When the time limit is up, students repeat the procedure as with the first part. They should tel the person they are passing the paper ‘0 if the character in the story isa man or a woman. ‘Students continue the activity, each time informing their classmate of the character's gender, until they have answered the last question, Then they unfold the sheets and read their story to their group members. Each group chooses the best story and reads it to the whole clas. Module 1 Lesson 4 What's the question? ‘Type of a Cards to Prompt questions Organization: Whole-class work Time: 15 minutes Preparation: Copy one worksheet per ten students and cut into ten pieces To use: After Activity 2b Instructions + Give one piece of paper with a ‘question and a corresponding answer to each student. If there are more than ten students in the class, some students wil have the same questions and answers + Students read the question and ‘the answer. Then they fold the piece of paper in the middle and hold itso that the question is facing them and their classmates can see the answer. + Students mingle, read each other's answers and try to guess ‘the questions. Point out that the questions ask about the information underlined in the answers. When a student guesses tone classmate's question, they should work with a different classmate. If they cannot guess the question, their classmate should give them clues, e.g. the first word of the question. + Seta time limit of 15 minutes. Find out which questions were the most difficult to guess. Variation + Give a copy of the whole page toa strong, confident student. Divide the class into two teams. ‘The student reads out the answers one by one. The first team to call out the correct question gets one point. To avoid noise, appoint team captains to call out the teams! answers, Module 2 Lesson 5 Life changes Type of activity: Picture prompts to make sentences Organization: Pair work Time: 15 Preparation: Copy one worksheet per pair of students and cut into A and B To use: After Activity 4 inutes Instructions + Divide students into pairs. Give a copy of Worksheet A to Student Aand Worksheet B to Student 8. Students should not show each other their worksheets. + Explain that students are going to look at pictures illustrating Robinson's life now and in the past. Some information is missing and they have to find it out by listening to each other. + Students tell each other what they know about Robinson's life, using used to and the present simple. They should listen carefully and complete the blank squares with pictures or words as they prefer. ‘When they have finished, they compare their worksheets. Variation + Students try to guess the missing information first based on the knowledge that Robinson's life used to be very different. They can write sentences or draw pictures. Then they tell each other their guesses, e.g. think he used to eat seafoodil think he has got a wife and a child now. They correct each other's guesses, e.g. No, he has got five children! Finally, they show each other their worksheets. Resource Pack Teacher's notes Module 2 Lesson 6 Feelings Organization: Whole-class work Time: 15 minutes Preparation: Copy one worksheet per eight students and cut into cards To use: After Activity 6 Instructions + Give a role card to each student: Ask them to read the adjective in capital letters and imagine ‘that they are feeling this way because of something that has just happened. Ask them to write What has just happened on the first line, e.g 've just seen a UFO. They should use the present perfect. Then give them three minutes to add a few details in the past simple. They can make up funny or unusual stories if they want to. Next they fold their card along the dotted line. + Students mingle, holding their cards with adjectives facing their classmates. They speak to one classmate at a time and find out why he or she is feeling a certain way. Then they ask one or two questions about the details of the situation. Remind students to use the present perfect and the past simple. You can act out ‘an example dialogue with a confident student and write it on the board as a model, e.g ‘A: Why are you excited? I've just seen a UFO. Where did you see it? I saw it over the hill Behind my house, What did it look tke? It looked like a big silver + Seta time limit of 10 minutes for the activity eRe ee Module 2 Lesson 7 I've already done it ‘Type of activity: Card game Organization: Pair work Time: 15 minutes Preparation: Copy one worksheet per pair of students and cut into two sets of cards To use: After Activity 4b Instructions *+ Divide students into pairs. Place the two sets of cards face down in front of each pair. Remember to mix the cards within their sets before you give them to students. + Student A picks a question card and Student B a yet or already card. Student A reads the question to Student B. Student B has to give a logical answer in the present perfect, using the word ‘on their card: yet or already. Point ‘out that they should use their own ideas. Write up an example: Student A: Do you want a sandwich? Student B (has already): No, I've already eaten lunch. or Student B (has yet): Yes, haven't eaten lunch yet. + Ifthe answer is logical and grammatically correct, Student B scores a point. If necessary, you decide if the answer is correct. ‘Then students change roles. Students continue taking turns at ‘asking questions until there are no cards left. The winner is the person with the most points at the end. Module 2 Lesson 8 Tenses game ‘Type of activity: Word prompts to make sentences Time: 20 minutes Preparation: Copy one worksheet and cut into cards To use: After Activity 4 Instructions + Briefly review the tenses and structures the class studied in Modules 1 and 2: the present simple, the present continuous, ‘going to, the past simple, the past continuous, used to and the present perfect. Elicit when we tse them and which words go. with them, e.g. time expressions and adverbs. For each tense structure you can give the class a personal example, e.g. | go to the gym twice a week and ask volunteers to make a personal statement then write the name of the tense structure on the board, eg. the present simple. + Divide the class into four teams. Write simple sentence prompts on the board, e.g. fdrinkimilk: Show one of the cards to the teams. Teams write a sentence (affirmative, negative or a question), using the prompts and the wordiphrase from the ‘ard, They can add extra words if ‘they want or need to. With some words/phrases different tenses can be used as long as the sentence is logical and grammatically correct. Set a time limit of one minute. + Teams read out their sentences. If their sentence is correct, they get ‘one point. If itis incorrect, eli ‘from the class what is wrong with it and how it should be corrected. + Continue the procedure with all or some of the remaining cards. Change the sentence prompts after three or four cards. Resource Pack Teacher's Module 3 Lesson 9 It’s a bad idea ‘Type of activity: Role play Organization: Pair work Time: 10-20 minutes, Preparation: Copy one worksheet per eight students and cut into cai To use: After Activity 6 Instructions + Divide the class into pairs and am each pair the cards for one role play, e.g. cards 1A and 18 to one pair, cards 2A and 28 to another pair, etc. In each pair, one stu takes card A and the other card + Students read their roles, They think of reasons why a given choice is a goodibad idea and write them down on a piece of Paper using the first conditional, 4. If you stay with your aunt. ‘you will be bored. Allow five minutes for preparation. + Students act out their role play, trying to convince each other theirs is a better idea. They sh use the first conditional sente: they have written down. Reming them to listen and respond to each other's suggestions and ideas. On the board, write some phrases they can use, e.g. / don’ think it's a good idea because...: Yes, but what about...? Set 2 ti limit of five minutes. + If there is time, ask pairs to ‘exchange their cards with a pair that had a different role play and repeat the procedure. Extension + Pairs write down one of their dialogues and practise acting it out. Next they act out the role play in front of the whole class. Students can vote for the best performance. f Module 3 Lesson 10 Guess the sentence ‘Type of activity: Guessing Organization: Group work Time: 15 minutes Preparation: Copy one worksheet per class and cut into sets of cards: A and 8. Each team needs six sheets of blank paper To use: After Activity 6 instructions Divide the class into two teams: ‘and B. Give each team their set ‘of cards, They cannot show their ‘cards to the other team, Each team places their cards individually at the top of six sheets of paper. Team members then write at least three endings below each sentence on the corresponding sheet, using would. Set a time limit of ten minutes. The sentence endings must be logical and grammatically correct. ‘When the time is up, teams collect the cards and give the sheets of paper with sentence endings to ‘the other team. Teams have five minutes to guess the sentence beginnings on the basis of the endings. Check the answers. Teams get one point for each correct guess. The ‘team with the most points wins Variation With a strong class, stick one card on each student's forehead or back with tape. They should not be able to see their cards, Students mingle and read each other's sentence beginnings silently. Then they finish the sentences aloud. They can only make one ending per sentence. Students try to guess their own sentence beginning on the basis of the endings given, Module 3 Lesson 11 Our future ‘Type of activity: Discussion Organization: individual and air work. Time: 20 minutes Preparation: Copy one worksheet per student To use: After Activity 6 Instructions + Give each student a copy of the worksheet. Explain that they are going to read a series of predictions about the future, about 100 years from now. Students’ task is to complete the Predictions with will, may, might or won't depending on their own vision of the future. As they are writing, they should think of the reasons behind their answers, Explain any words students do not understand. Set a time limit of seven minutes for the activity. + Divide the class into pairs. Students take turns to read ‘their predictions to each other and explain their answers, e.g, People may live on other planets if natural disasters destroy the Earth. They should count how many of their predictions are the same. Find out which pair has the ‘most similar vision of the future. + Individually, students complete Activity 3 by writing their own predictions. In the same pairs as in Activity 2, they listen to each other's predictions and say if they agree with them. Resource Pack Teacher’s notes Module 3 Lesson 12 | Connect four Type of activity: Board game Time: 15 minutes Preparation worksheet per pair of students | To use: After Word search Instructions + Divide the class into pairs and give each pair a copy of the worksheet. Each student should use a different coloured pen or pencil + Explain that students are going to play a game in which they will revise vocabulary categories from Modules 1-3. One student in each pair begins by saying a word in any category. The words should be nouns apart from the two adjective categories, If the word is correct, the student writes it in | the bottom square of the column of that category, + The other student continues the procedure with the same or a different category, but their word ‘must start with the last letter of the word their classmate wrote. You can copy the grid onto the | board and write few words as an example, using different colours for Student A and B, | e.g. in the first column massive (Student A), in the third excited \ (Student 8), in the fifth dise i (Student A), in the second cows i (Student 8). i + Students play the game, building Up words from the bottom of the grid. They cannot write anything if the word they say Is not a noun! adjective, does not belong in ‘one of the categories or does not start with the final letter of the previous word. + The winner is the first student to make a line of four of their own words, horizontally, vertically or diagonally, Module 4 Lesson 13 You talk like that Organization: Pair work Time: 15 minutes Preparation: Copy one worksheet per pair of students and cut.into A and B To use: After Activity 6 Instructions + Divide students into pairs. Give a copy of Worksheet A to Student Aand Worksheet B to Student B. They should not look at each other's worksheets + Students have to complete the crossword with adverbs of manner. Student A has the down words and Student & has ‘the across words. Students take turns to ask about and explain the words. On the board writ prompts for students to use, e.g. You look likeltalk likeleat liket walk like this when .... You can also give specific examples to Students A and B to help them with the task, e.g. 1 down - You walk like this when you are tired. They must give definitions, but they can illustrate these with mime. They should not say the actual words or use Lt. + When they have finished, students compare their worksheets to check the answers. Answer key Se] aTel Tr} GEEEERE ® Module 4 Lesson 14 Tea quiz Type of activity: Quiz Organization: Class work Time: 15 minutes Preparation: Make half as many copies of the worksheet as there are students in class and cut into AandB To use: After Acti Instructions le the class into two groups ‘of equal size: Team A and Team B. Give each student in Team A. a copy of Worksheet A and each student in Team B Worksheet B. + Explain that students are going to learn interesting facts about tea, Pre-teach any words students may not know. Students’ task is to complete the gaps with the present passive of the verbs in brackets, Point out that some of the information is false and refer students to the key at the bottom of their worksheets. + Seta time limit of five minutes. Students compare their sentences with other team members. Make sure each team’s sentences are correct. + Teams take turns to read out facts on their worksheets. The other ‘team has to guess if a given fact is true or false. Teams have 20 seconds to discuss and agree on ‘the answer. They get one point for each correct answer. The team with the most points wins the quiz. Variation + With a strong class, this quiz can be played in pairs instead of teams. Resource Pack Teacher's notes Module 4 Lesson 15 An accident Type of activity: Memory game Organization: Pair work Time: 20 minutes Preparation: Copy one worksheet per pair of students To use: After My English file Instructions + Divide the class into pairs. Give ‘each pair a copy of the worksheet and ask them to fold the sheet in half so that they only see Activity 1. Pairs study the picture of the accident and discuss on the basis of the clues what they think happened. Set a time limit of five minutes. + Ask students to turn the folded worksheet over so that they can now see only Activity 2. Pairs complete the sentences with the words in the box. They should make true sentences about the picture from memory. Set a time limit of ten minutes. + Check the answers with the class and elicit from students what happened. (Answer: A dog ran across the road causing the accident.) Answer key 1 Someone 2 dosed everywhere No one ‘questioned someone Everyone nothing injured something damaged 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 " 2 13 somewhere Module 4 Lesson 16 What’s my word? ‘Type of activity: Definitions game Organization: Group work Time: 20 minutes Preparation: Copy one ‘worksheet per five students and cut into cards To use: After Charades Instructions + Divide the class into groups of five, Place a set of cards face down in front of each group. + Within their groups, students take ‘turns to pick a word and define it for their classmates to guess. You ‘can write the following phrases on ‘the board to use as a model: It’! They're used for, Its/They're made of... Its!They're a type of sn It something you do when . You feel ike this when... Its how you + Ifa student does not know the word on the card, they put the card back and pick another one to define. The first person to guess the word receives the card to keep. The winner is the student with the most cards atthe end of ‘the game. Students can play the game until they have used all the cards or you can set a time limit Extension + Each group can make another set of cards, using other words from Modules 1-4. When they have finished, they exchange their set with another group and play a second round of the game. Module 5 Lesson 17 One, two, three ‘Type of activity: Board game Organization: Group work Time: 20 minutes Preparation: Copy one worksheet per three students and have a dice! coin for each group To use: After Activity 6 Instructions + Divide the class into groups of three. Give each group a copy of ‘the worksheet and a dice/coin. One student in each group should keep score. + Students place their counters, e.g. badges, on the START square. Next, they take turns to roll a dice/fip a coin and move their counter along ‘the number of squares indicated by the dice. If they use a coin, they move one square for head and ‘two for tals. ‘+ When a player lands on a square with a beginning of a sent they have 30 seconds to finish it, using the past perfect. They get ‘one point for each correct ending. They can make up to three endings per sentence provided they can finish in the alloted time. The endings have to be logical and grammatically correct, e.g. When | got to school today, the teacher had already started the lessonil noticed I had forgotten ‘my homework! somebody had taken my chair. + When a player lands on Miss a turn or 1/213 extra points, they miss a turn or get extra points respectively. The first player to reach the FINISH square gets five extra points and ends the game. The winner is the student with the most points, Resource Pack Teacher‘s notes Module 5 Lesson 18 Find out! ‘Type of activity: Survey Organization: Group work Time: 15 minutes Preparation: Copy one worksheet per twelve students and cut into cards To use: After Activity 4 Instructions + Give each student a card. if you have more than twelve students in class, give some students identical cards. + Explain that students have to find out the information on their card. In order to do that, they have to form a question to ask to their classmates. Give students two minutes to write their question and monitor the activity, making sure the questions are correct. + Students get up and mingle, interviewing their classmates with their questions and noting down how many students answer yes. Encourage students to add any ‘extra information to explain their answer, e.g. | couldn't hang out with my friends last weekend ‘because | went to the mountains with my parents. + When students have finished, ask them to report the results of their survey to the whole class. They can add any interesting explan: they remember. Module 5 Lesson 19 | wish . ‘Type of activity: Picture prompts to make sentences Organization: Group work Time: 15 minutes Preparation: Copy the ‘worksheet four times To use: After Activity 6 Instructions + Divide the class into four groups and give each group one worksheet. Students look at the pictures. Explain that these show people who are unhappy with their present situation and want it to be different. Groups should {guess what these people's wishes are and write as many sentences as possible, using / wish and the past simple. Set a time limit of ten minutes. + Ask one group to read out their sentences for the first picture. Other groups tick the sentences that are the same on their list and then they read any different sentences to the other groups. Groups get one point for each correct sentence and one point for each sentence no other group had, + Continue the procedure with pictures 2-4, each time getting a different group to begin by reading out their whole list. + The winner is the group with the most points at the end. Variation + Make one copy of the worksheet per group of four and cut into four cards. Each student takes one picture and writes as many wishes for the person in the picture as possible. Set a time limit of four utes. Next, students fold their cards in the middle and take ‘turns to show just the picture for their group members to guess the wishes they wrote, After two minutes, they reveal the wishes that have not been guessed. Module 5 Lesson 20 Sentence auction correction game Organization: Group work Time: 20 minutes Preparation: Copy one ‘worksheet per four students To use: After Activity 4 Instructions * Divide the class into groups of four. Give a copy of the worksheet to each group. Explain that some of the sentences on the worksheet are grammatically correct and some are incorrect. They all refer to the grammar points studied in ‘Modules 1-5. The spelling of all the words is correct. + Tell each group that they have 1,200. Give groups ten minutes to discuss and identify whether the sentences are right or wrong, and then bet on their decision. Each bet must be between €10 and €200. They have to use all of their money. + When the time is up, read out the first sentence and listen to all the ‘groups' decisions and bets. Then reveal if the sentence is correct or not. Ifa group's decision was right, they double the amount of money they bet; if not, they lose it. They should note the results in the last column, with a minus for loss, and a plus for gain. If the sentence was incorrect, ask the whole class to find the mistake and correct it. + The winner is the group the ‘most money at the end of the game. Answer key 1 10 2 incorrect (tidy) correct correct correct incorrect (If | won) incorrect (are found) correct incorrect (| used to watch) correct correct incorrect (Ive already decorated) incorrect (could) Resource Pack Teacher's n Module 6 Lesson 21 Gossip ‘Type of activi game Organization: Whole-class and group work Time: 15 minutes Preparation: Copy one worksheet per fourteen students and cut into cards To use: After Activity 8 ¢ Conversation Instructions ‘Ask students to imagine that they are going to have a new English teacher for the rest of the term. Explain that the teacher is a man and each student knows some gossip about him, which they should share with their classmates. Give each student a card. If you have more than 14 students in class, do the activity in two groups. If you have a smaller class, give some students twa cards. Students mingle and exchange the information from their cards with their classmates. They should listen carefully and remember as much gossip as they can. They should not add any extra information. On the board write the following phrases: Really? No way! You're joking! | can’t believe it! for students to use in reaction to the gossip they hear. Set a time limit of 10 minutes for the activity Students return to their seats and in groups of three write what gossip they have found out from their classmates. They should use reported speech, e.g. Marcus told ime that the teacher had lived in Japan for five years. Find out if any group has been able to recall all 14 pieces of gossip. Module 6 Module 6 Module 6 Lesson 22 Lesson 23 Lesson 24 Ask mea Things they told | Test your question me to do memory | Type of activity: Questionnaire _Type of activity: Reporting ‘Type of activity: Memory Organization: Class work commands and requests game Time: 20 minutes Organization: Individual and Organization: Pair work Preparation: Copy one pair work Time: 15 minutes worksheet per student Time: 20 minutes Preparation: Copy one To use: After Activity 3 Preparation: Copy one worksheet per pair of worksheet per student students : To use: After Activity 7 To use: After Who said what? Instructions + Ask students to sit in a circle Give each student acopy of the Instructions Instructions worksheet. They should write * Give a copy of the worksheet to * Divide students into pairs. Give their name in the space provided. each student, Ask them to think each pair a copy of the worksheet. + Students pass their own about the things different people and ask them to fold itso ehar ‘questionnaire to the person told them or asked them to do they can only see Activity 1, ‘on their left and then on the in the six situations. For each + Students look at the scene in the worksheet they have received situation they should write at picture and match the sentences they complete one question least two commands or requests to the speakers. Allow three they want to ask the classmate in the imperative. Students should minutes for the acti ane check whose name is at the top of the add who asked or told them to the answers with the whole class. worksheet, Beside the question do these things. Ask students to + In pairs, students study the they should write their name in write legibly. Seta time limit of picture for two minetes ned the Who asks? column. ‘ten minutes. ‘try to memorise what each * Students pass the worksheet fo «Divide the clas into pairs and person says. Then they turn the the person on their left again ask them to exchange their worksheet over so that they see and complete the next question worksheets. They should read only Activity 2. Students try to on the worksheet they have through the sentences and think recall what everybody in Activity received. Each time they complete how to report them, Then in 1 said and complete the reported a question that has not been different pairs, students report speech sentences. Set a time limit completed by anyone else yet. the things the classmate whose of five minutes and ask students Students continue the procedure worksheet they have was asked/ to look at Activity 1 to check Until there are no gapped told to do, e.g. Adam's mother their answers. Elicit the reported questions let. told him to brush his teeth, sentences from different pairs + The questionnaires are returned Entoniae seen to their owners, who read and tell ‘Answer key through the questions and think «Stadt report any unusual or about their answers, Next they funny commands or requests to ee ire te oS ten eeoe te eee 2 Becca said her food was terrible. \ 3 Steve told Paul he could find ‘them what question they asked, ; Some plastic forks over there using reported speech, eg, You tome past forks over thes asked me if | liked dogs, and give 4 Daphne said she had lost her a true answer (Yes, | do). mobile phone. 5 Rob told Grant he looked funny. 6 Emma asked Daphne to help her. 7 Mark told Becca not to eat the food. 8 Grant told Rob his aunt gave him the sunglasses for his birthday. 7 Module 7 Lesson 25 Answer the questions ‘Type of activity: Board game Organization: Group work Time: 15 minutes Preparation: Copy one worksheet per four students and have a dice/coin for each group To use: After Activity 3 Instructions * Divide the class into groups of four. Give each ‘group a copy of the worksheet and a dice/coin. + Students place their counters, e.g. badges, on the START square. Next they take turns to roll a dice/flip a coin and move their counter along the number of squares indicated by the dice. If they use a coin, they move one square for heads and two for tails + When a player lands on a square with a question, they must complete it, using a gerund or an infinitive of the verb in brackets. Then they ask ‘the question to another team member who must answer it truthfully in a full sentence. Players miss a turn if they ask or answer a question incorrectly. + The winner is the first player to reach the FINISH square. Answer key 1 doing 2 playing 3 doing 4 tomeet 5 todo 6 listening 7 todo 8 to speak 9 tolive 10 doing 11 togo 12 doing 13 doing 14 tohave 15 eating 16 watching 17 tovisit 18 watching 19 doing 20 todo Resource Pack Teacher's notes Module 7 Lesson 26 Call my bluff ‘Type of activity: Definitions game Organization: Group work Time: 20 minutes Preparation: Copy one worksheet and cut ito A and B To use: After Activity 4 Instructions + Divide the class into two teams: A and 8. Give each team their respective worksheets. They should not show their worksheet to the other team. Explain that each team has four English words they do not know, their true definitions, which are underlined, and one false definition for each word. + Each team has to write two more false definitions for each word. They should use who or which. Set 2a time limit of 12 minutes. Monitor the act and make sure the definitions are grammatically correct. Teach the teams the correct pronunciation of the new words. + When the time is up, Team A reads their first word and the four definitions. Then Team 8 has 20 seconds to decide which definition is correct: a, cord, If they guess correctly, they get two points. If not, they have 10 seconds to try again. If they guess correctly, they get one point. If they do not guess correctly, they get no points. Keep score on ‘the board, Then it is Team B's turn to read their first word and its definitions. + The team with the most points at the end of the game wins. Variation + With a strong class, you can do the activity in pairs. Module 7 Lesson 27 A story of two crimes Type of a Information gap Organization: Pair work Time: 20 minutes Preparation: Copy one worksheet per pair and cut into A and B To use: After Activity 7 Instructions + Divide students into pairs and give a copy of Worksheet A to Student A and Worksheet 8 to Student B. They should not show each other their worksheets + Explain that students are going to read a story about two crimes, but the story is incomplete. They should put the words in order to make ‘questions to find out the missing information. Set 2 time limit and monitor the activity. Check that the questions are correct. + Explain that different parts ofthe text are missing Con their worksheets, Students take turns to ask each other their questions: Student A asks question 1; Student 8 asks question 2 and so on. They listen to each other and give the answers. Students should write the answers to complete the text. + Ask students what they think about the story. Questions 11 Who was an owner of an Italian restaurant? 2 Who worked for Andy? 3. How long did Justin Miles work for Andy? 4 What crashed into Justin’s car? 5 What was broken? 6 What did he lose? 7 What did he buy him? 8 What went off at the restaurant? 9. Who did the security officer catch? 10 Who was it? 11. What did he pull out of Justin’s mouth? 12 Where did Justin go? Module 7 Lesson 28 Do you remember? ‘Type of activity: Board game Organization: Pair work Time: 15 minutes Preparation: Copy one worksheet per pair of students To use: After Geography quiz Instructions + Divide the class into pairs. Give each pair a copy of the worksheet and ask each person to find a different coloured pen. Explain that Student A. should travel horizontally along the board and Student 8, vertically. Each student can choose which of the cells on the edge of the board they want to start from, + When students do the task or answer the question on a cell, they win the cell and mark it with their pen. Students try to make a line of adjacent cells, ‘to connect the opposite sides of the board. They ‘can also aim to block their classmate’s line. The lines do not have to be straight, they can bend around the cells taken by their classmate, but there cannot be any breaks. The winner is the first pperson to connect the two sides of the board, Lesson 1 Now and never! o 1 Mime the actions for Student B. a 1 You'te eating chocolate. wD, =~ ws 2 You're watering plants. 3. You're buying jeans. 4 You're travelling on a train. ii 5 You're singing. e 2 Complete the questions about the actions your partner is miming. 1 How often/you/___? 2. Where/people/play Jin you town? 3) What kind of Jyoulsrink? 4 What kind of /youlotten read? How often/you/do the 1 Mime the actions for Student A. = RY GQ- 1. You‘te riding a bike. f= walked into - the kitchen | = When I got | Ie she noticed... was late) to school for school She didn't have her mobile phone because reacher cam Hy hi into the When I came peice classroom back from holiday I wallet because found out When I He wos came home § arrested ce { ys because .. school j i) classroom was empty because .. He was happy because 118 This page is taken from Hot Spot 4 Teacher's Book Its photocopiable and may be used within Published by -ducation. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limitec Lesson 18 Find out! Find out how many students could saysome | | _Find out how many students could read when English words when they were five years old they were five years ol. | Question: | Question: a 2 Yes: Yes: Find out how many students had to go Find out how many students had to look after shopping last weekend. ‘a younger brother or sister last week. _ Question: Question: | Yes: Find out how many students had to prepare their own breakfast this morning. Question: Find out how many students had to go to bed by 10 o'clock last night. Question: Ye Yes: PMH Gt how many students could count toten {Find out how many students could use a i | when they were three years old | computer when they were five years old | Question: | Question: i i 2) 2 | Yes: Les: I Find out how many students had to go to the Find out how many students had to tidy their | doctor last month. bedroom last weekend. i Question: Question: i i ? 2 ‘Yes: ‘Yes: ‘This page is taken from Hot Spot 4 Teachers Book. It's hotocopiable and may be used within the ass 119 Published by Macmillan Education. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010. Lesson 19 | wish... Lesson 20 Sentence auction ENN Yesterday | had to tidied my bedroom. Loss (-)/ Cc old cag pane I wish I had long hair. We might have eco-friendly cars in the future, The policeman was looking suspiciously at the woman. If 'd win a lot of money, I'd buy a castle. Truffles is found under the ground. When Sharon opened the fridge, she noticed someone had eaten her yoghurt. use to watch cartoons on TV when | was a child. You won't understand this computer program unless you read the manual. I'm meeting my best friend today after lunch. I'm ready because I've decorated the room yet. es es ae ee ss | wish I can speak Spanish. TOTAL: This page is taken from Hot Spot 4 Teacher's Book. It's photocopiable and may be used within the cass, 121 Published by Macmillan Education. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010. Lesson 21 Gossip The teacher is 30 years old. The teacher's brother is a footballer. The teacher can dance hip hop. The teacher's sister is a famous Hollywood actress. The teacher comes from England. five years. The teacher is learning karate } at the moment. 122 ‘This page is taken from Hot Spot 4 Teacher's Book. It is photocopiable and may be used within the class, Published by Macmilan Education. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010. The teacher lived in Japan for The teacher is going to move The teacher has never been to The teacher has had a pet snake for five years. The teacher went to school with David Beckham. The teacher drives a Mercedes. The teacher had a car accident in January. The teacher writes a blog. to Brazil next year. our country before. . Module 6 Lesson 22 Ask me a question QUESTIONS FOR Do you like What are you going to Where were you How long have you What time did you How often do you What did you Have you ever ‘This page is taken from Hot Spot 4 Teachers Book. tis photocopiable and may be used within the class. 123 Published by Macmillan Education. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010. Lesson 23 Things they told me to de 1 What did people tell you or ask you to do in these situations? Write at least two things for each situation and write who asked or told you to do them, e.g. ‘Brush your teeth’~ my mum. When | was a very small child On my first day of school . In my first English lesson When | first went to a restaurant ... When | first stayed at home alone When | first travelled on the bus alone ... 2 Exchange your worksheet with a classmate. Report what people asked or told him/her to do. 124 This page i taken from Hot Spot 4 Teacher's Book. Is photocopiable and may be used within the clos, Published by Macmillan Education. Copyright @ Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010. Lesson 24 Test your memory Look at the picture. What are these people saying? Match sentences 1-8 to the correct speakers. Try to remember what each person says. 7 2 3 4 Where are the forks? My food is terrible. You can find some plastic ve lost my forks over th mobile phone, 5 6 a 8 You look funny. Can you help Don't eat the Mi tue the me, please! food. sunglasses for my birthday. awe for m & fold 1 et Paul asked Steve 5 Fy Rob told Grant 2 if Becca said 6 Emma asked Daphne 3 & Steve told Paul 7 B Mark told Becca 4 MR Pope ssi 8 Z es Grant told Rob Published by Macmillan Education. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010. Lesson 25 Answer the questions © 14. Whot type 1 49, ‘job do you hope (have) in the future? ‘This page is taken from Hot Spot 4 Teacher's Book. Its photacoplable and may be used within thea pags Published by Macmillan Education. Copyright © Macrnillan Publishers Limited Lesson 26 Call my bluff © A toddler is a baby who has just learnt to wall dA toddler is an insect which lives in the forest 2_ A carpenter] a A carpenter is a person who repairs cars, b Acarpenter is son who makes objects from c a a b A chisel is a metal tool which we use for cutting wi stone, e a A chisel is an object which we use to open bottles guess which ones are true? 1 Aflea a A flea is asmall insect which lives on animals and bites them € Afleaiisa thin metal object which we use to make clothes d 2 A caretaker a Acaretaker is a person who looks after a buildin: b © A caretaker is a kind of fruit which grows in Africa. d a b ce S-up isa f exercise which you do to get ” a ‘press-up is a person who draws pictures for magazines and newspapers. This page is taken from Hot Spot 4 Teachers Sank Published by Macmillan Education. ex Lesson 27 A story of two crimes oe 1 of an Italian restaurant/who/an owner/was 3 did/Andy/how/long/work for/Justin Miles 7 buy/what/he/him/did 9 the security officer/did/catch/who 5 whai/broken/was 11 did/pull out of/what/Justin’s mouth/he : was an owner of an Italian res- taurant in New York. Justin Miles worked for Andy for?_____years as a chef. In May 2008, ‘when Justin was driving to work, a bus crashed into his car. His © was broken and he lost all his teeth. His boss decided to pay for Justin's false teeth. He also bought him a new” , but Justin was unhappy. One night the alarm at the restaurant went off. A security officer caught 2) the * . It was Justin! He had taken $10,000 from the safe. Andy was very angry. He didn’t phone the police, but he took Justin's car back and pulled the " Justin’s mouth. Justin went to the police station and reported a robbery. The police arrested Andy for robbery and Justin for burglary. Now they are locked in the same cell. out of 2 worked/who/Andy/for 8 went off/whal/at the restaurant 4 Justin's car/crashed into/what 10 who/it/was 6 lose/what/did/he 12 go/did/where/Justin Andy Corelli was an owner of an Italian restaurant in New York. ? worked for Andy for ten years as a chef. In May 2008, when Justin was driving to work, a : crashed into his car. His left eg was broken and he lost ® His boss decided to pay for Justin's false teeth. He also bought him a new car, but Justin was unhappy. One night the * at the restaurant went off. A security officer caught the burglar. It was ™ He had taken $10,000 from the safe. Andy was very angry. He didn’t phone the police, but he took Justin’s car back and pulled the false teeth out of Justin's mouth. Justin went to the and reported a robbery. The police arrested Andy for robbery and Justin for burglary. Now they are locked in the same cell. 128 This page is taken from Hot Spot 4 Teachers Book. Is photocopiable and may be used within the clas Published by Macmillan Education. Copyright © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2010. ? Lesson 28 Do you remember 129 shepiaysah ‘op 03 aney h, ROA pip eum, y “13m Jo ann sita S| (| yoogayou snok "sueaq 20203 ty Sunaouios “hued Aepyyig ' = “ eye sou ka) 7 anoy aWeH, ) ) : = BAY ois e com 5 ¢ () 124M ZAR o1 Pasnesn 3upP | (S) :piom 3>210> ‘Sem J@nup BU, au BPD ay, “apisAnuno> uy ur sbuiyy any auiey Of 31 op nok Pinom yeym, fee ueow ystym Ga § wo ern Somsube NS . ‘ayatduio> “paunfur = uonuanut Bujop a ‘qunoney snoh a sem/sem U0 ON g anoge spuo>as spiom 4321103 i 02 405 41eL “yseyyeaug ua}e2o rs BUR 2/41 é quaneynupey se § rosnes9a op nof saio\> ay i AiBuny sem 1 - qnoge spuoras :piom 3aU0> sewuine 02 405 HEL Q pannel aun ul Suop Aofua i nok sBui, § A i) aay aweY { i 2 = ‘This page i taken from Hot Spot 4 Teachers Book. ts photocopiabe and may be used within the css ‘AepIIou uo 06 o1/PyjoB quem | uyamsue 3321109 au aud Activity Book answer key Module 1 Lesson 1 © Vocabulary & grammar 2 Saira plays badminton at the weekend. 3 Raj uses the library at the weekend. 4. Trev does karate at the weekend. @ Grammar 2 No, Raj doesn’t do karate. He uses the library. 3 No, Trish doesn’t use the library. She goes shopping. 4 No, Cole doesn’t go swimming. He does his homework. © Grammar 2 ‘mdoing ‘m listening Are you doing ‘m not doing ‘m watching ‘meating ‘re fighting © Vocabulary 2 Library 3 Cinema 4 Post office 5 Village @ Grammar 1. What'sidoingiisicrying. B isn't crying! 's laughing 2 AAre you tidying. 8 ‘m noti'm writing 3 ADoesido. B doesigets up 4 walkiplay © Vocabulary 2d massive 3g ancient 4e brilliant 5a lovely 6c great 7b huge @ Reading and vocabulary 4 tiny 2 huge 3 ancient 4 massive 5 brilliant © Reading and writing 2 He's sitting on his bed. 3. He' listening to the Kaiser Chiefs (on his MP3 Player). 4 He usually does his homework 5 Because today is his birthday. 6 Yes, hes. @ writing Students’ own answers Lesson 2 @ Vocabulary clear the table spend the day lay football go swimming do your homework wear goggles @ Grammar 1 isn'tito 2'm 3 are 4 goinglam © Reading and grammar 2 3 4 5 6 ‘re going to play ‘m going to go are going to watch ‘m going to read ‘m going to phone © Grammar b What lesson is Saira having at half past ten? Where is Saira meeting Trish and her mum? When are they taking the train to London? Where are they going at two o'clock? When are they taking the train home? What are they doing at half past six? © Grammar Saira is meeting Trish and ‘her mum at the train station. They're going to the cinema at two o'clock. € They're taking the train home at five o’clock. ‘ Saira is seeing the dentist, at nine o'clock. 2 They're having dinner at Trish’s house at half past six. Saira is having a violin lesson at half past ten. © Reading and writing 2 3 4 He's getting up at five ‘clock. He's going to have cereal, toast, eggs and bacon. He's going to wear his favourite jeans. The taxi is coming at half past six. They're going to stay ina hotel They're taking the train. They're coming home next weekend. @ writing Students’ own answers. sramsue umo apn 5upum © ‘s6op J0 pases aq 01 pasn ay § useop ay ON 'ajqeia6an ayey 03 pasn ayy € ‘suoose> y>ieM a3 pasn ay Z 6unum pue Buipeay stamsue uno uapms unum pue sewurer Ip ay ‘94 es6op 40 paie>s aq 01 asn nau PIS “2.UpIp ays ‘on e510 ‘os 1391}02 03 2SN YSUL PIG ¥ ‘pip ay ‘a4 ésey Buoy aney 03 2sn AHL Pid € “Lupip ays ‘on esuooyse> yptem 01 SN YSUL Pid Z 6unum pue sewer shed nay ypiem (3 pasn sinoqyBiau ayp ‘S24 9 “shejd uaAUy 02 pasn Aad ‘SOAS Ays 2q 02 280 2,upIp AauL ON “ys As9n 24 03 p9sn Hes ‘S94 sewues6 pue Buipeay ppose2s.2q 03 posn fey 9 fi3 01 pasn ees § 2q 03 pasn ys anayjaq on pasn 20) € ‘Aeyd 03 pasn Kuuor Aueinqeson pue seues5 anaut 01 pasn quanu) 03 pasn 2g 02 asn 3,upIp. 9 89 03 asn nok pia § 2q 03 pasn y op pasn € yen 02 a8n a,UPIP 7 sewer fey eues sun 2109 fuuar % Aaeinqeson @ § uossa] zajnpow sem 985 3,UpIP, buyBuys sem pamoyop pauado payjem Buyua3sy sem Buyutys sera Ame nonaa sual se241 uowujwpeg Aejd 3501 @ aneH Avesqyy 24p 25) aac ‘woos siy Ap 07 Bulob 530r ‘ye1es auoyd 03 ByjO6 5,207 ‘SLL3e ‘98409 10) Ax195 Bunaaul 520f Z ms Ayano e016 ueng fu wuaoue ‘26ny Ame non opykeya Bunun syBupeas st yrempes Aueip Buruiea] ‘sramsue Umo sjuapms snesiBulheyd arom § 295 ,UpIpjUeypseay payers sBupyje) axamyBuryjem aim ¢ yoos/awer/Bulop sem jeyBupeanjasem | sewuresD “sramsue ume squapnis Sunum vapids e mes ays ‘punou6 ays uo 3 masy ays “wean 201 104) Buea aan haus ‘wear 221 auios 1y6nog fou € “Aejdp|09 ‘pueq aynones yay inoge Gurye a10% fous 2 unum pue Buipesy 22s 3.upIp panem peuado 400] .upIp pequiyp pemoyjos poyjent aye 3upIP 6urpeas pue sewwiei5 youer e Sunes sem 4 -ajdde tue Bunea 3,usem ‘oy cajdde ue Bune sugges oun sem “weqzooy Burkey sen 2H sruuar Buejd 1,usem ay ‘on esiuua) Burkeyd fey sem ‘Burien a1am Kays “Bupuep juuasam Aaup ‘oN a1aNt $282 Om ‘youmpues 6unum © e Burges seas Bop ay ‘Bujy6ne) 19 pue Gupuep sem ysit as ude aram 2j05 pue naH, ie “Bululys sem uns aut ue 42 6upeay © puejuyew Aue 2 ona Aaeinge20n © uossa] Lesson 6 © Vocabulary 29 3a 4h 5b be # 8 excited angry upset relieved tired pleased full © Vocabulary 2 3 4 5 pleased 6 relieved angry 7 full worried 8 tired upset © Grammar 2 3 4 f « © Grammar 2 Has Raj just eaten an ice cream? No, Trish has just eaten an ice cream, Have Trev and Cole just fallen off their bikes? No, Raj has just fallen off his bike. Has Jenny just played tennis? No, Cole and Trev have just played tennis. Has Trish just bought a new dress? No, Jenny has just bought a new dress. © Grammar aunun saw seen wrote — written spoke spoken broke broken © Reading and grammar 9 6e did you get got has just started have just lost happened was taking disappeared @ Writing Students’ own answers @® Lesson7 @ Vocabulary 2 cake banner sandwiches presents toys balloons candles @ Vocabulary sandwiches presents banner candles balloons carpet toys rammar and reading G 2 3 4 5 6 © Grammar and writing Have you made Yes, Ihave Have you eaten Yes, Ihave Have you put away No, not yet Have you put away No, not yet Seavausw 1 © Grammar 2 has already blown up 3 has already bought 4 hasn't wrapped it yet 5 haven't put away the toys yet 6 have already vacuumed 7 has already cleaned 8 has already opened 9 hasn't come home yet 10 has already called © Reading and writing 2 Yes, he has. 3 No, she hasn't. 4 Joanna's mum has cleaned the windows. 5 SheiKate opened themiher cards this morning. 6 shelkate has ale home four times, @ Grammar and writing 2. He hasn't bought a present for Kate yet. 3 He hasn't tidied his room yet. 4 He has already cleaned his ‘Mum's car. 5 He hasn't sent an email to Joanna yet. 6 He hasn't made a chocolate cake yet. 7 He has already practised the violin, 8 He has already walked the dog. © Writing Students’ own answers. Lesson 8 © Reading school + smal school | + 12 students in class home + farm after play basketball school | help mum language | Thai ___{life in the UK school | large school + 30 students in class home small flat Jafter + play computer school | games + meet friends in | park Tanguage |» English * Thai @ Reading and writing 2 He used to play basketball with his friends or he used to help his mum on the farm. 3 He plays on the computer at hhome or he meets his friends in the park. 4. There were 12 students in his class in Thailand. 5 There are 30 students in his class in the UK. 6 He was scared because he didn’t understand English © Writing Students’ own answers. Module 3 ning diary Lesson9 Lesson 10 Tim didn’t use to eat © Vocabulary © Vocabulary vegetables. 2 click 2 flatscreen TV [used to be scared of dogs. 3 mouse 3 mobile phone My brother didn’tuse tocy@ ——@ manual 4 itt ae 5 font 5 MP3player 6 crashes 6 video camera tired 7 games console angry @ Vocabulary and reading 8 swimming pool pleased a_mouseiclick/clickicrash upset b fone © Grammar _ ¢ template 2 video camera 3 lift did you go © Grammar 4 mobile phone baie 2 won't have 5 MP3player ‘sjust come ” ai ni Did he ike nee 7 Mot sreen 0 4 ‘twalk loved pi come 8 games console learnt 6 will be ‘ve just learnt © Reading and grammar Jimandioe haventmace Grammar lea their beds yet. 1 will answer I’ve already tidied my room. 2 will golunless © Grammar Daniel hasn't finished his 3 wilf dancelasks 2 ‘dbuy homework yet. 4 will gett ee 5 won't sleepimakes 9 6 leave/will be pe woWant est 7 Unlessiwill be 5 wouldn't be 8 makesis © Reading and grammar © Grammar 2a sf 2 If you go to bed late, you'll ad 6c get up late tomorrow. ae 3 Ifyou get up late, you won't have time for breakfast. uy 4 Ifyou don’t eat breakfast, 2 he ‘you won't work hard at 3 sailed Schoo! 4 ved 5 Ifyou don't work hard at 5 swam School, the teacher will be angry @ Grammar 6 If the teacher is angry, you'll eae be upset. 3 wrote, would become 44 became, would design @ Reading and writing 5 designed, would look 3 fhe gets up late, he won't have time for breakfast. pee 4 if he doesn’t get up late 2 Jenny would swim in the sea tomorrow, he'll have time for ae breakfost. ay 5 IFhe doesn't work hard at school, the teacher will be angry. A 6 Ifhe does work hard at school, the teacher won't be angry. 3 If Trish built a recording ‘studio, she'd write a hit song, IfJenny had a boat, she'd sail to Hawaii 5 Students’ own answers @ writing Students’ own answers. @ writing Students’ own answers. ®

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