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Writing a Lab Script

Title :This is the name of the lab

Theory: A brief introduction (back ground information), a paragraph long of
the topic to be investigated.
Apparatus: A list of all apparatus and reagents used
Method: Always written in past tense. Best written in a step by step format
Results: As far as possible, a table must be used. Tables must have an
appropriate heading. Table showing results is not considered appropriate.
Each column of the table must have a heading and units if applicable. Table
must be bordered by 4 lines and neatly constructed.
Discussion/Data Analysis: This is where you interpret the data and discuss
your results. Here one may address questions like "why did something
unexpected happen?"; "what would happen if the reaction were carried out at
higher pH?"; "why did the expected results not materialize?" It also contains
any calculations. This is also where you would discuss any mistakes you
might have made while conducting the investigation. You may wish to
describe ways the study might have been improved. If a graph is to be
drawn, it must include the following: Title, appropriate scales, accurate
plotting of points, drawing best straight line and labeling of axes.
Sources of Errors/Precautions/Limitations
Labs are always to follow this format except for planning and design labs. Labs are
to be communicating in a logical way using correct grammar.

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