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COURSE NAME: Communication Networks

QUESTION BANK - NOTE: Some Questions Are Repeated, Hence, the Huge No. Of Qns.

Question 1

There are two main types of Transmission Media used in sending and receiving
information. Mention and explain these two main transmission media.
5 Marks


Discuss the following types of transmission media. State two applications in each case.
Optic Fiber
5 Marks
Microwave Transmission Medium
5 Marks
Satellite Transmission Medium
5 Marks

Question 2

Give detailed explanations to the following terms as used in the ISDN Protocol
BRI vs PRI. Support your explanations with appropriate
5 Marks


With the aid of a block diagram, describe the Model of Communications

Network. Explain the functions of each block in your diagram.

5 Marks

Question 3

Identify and discuss the difference between Circuit Switching and Packet Switching,
provide illustrations
5 Marks


Discuss the following terminologies as used in Telecommunications Engineering:



ii) Echo

5 Marks
5 Marks

Question 4

Name and outline any two applications of the Frame Relay Technology


State, and hence, comment on the main advantages and disadvantages of the
Frame Relay Network

5 Marks
5 Marks

Question 5

What will you say Routing in Communications Network is all about? Hence,
outline the Routing Principles and identify the routing types employed in
communications Networks.
10 Marks



What is the purpose of signaling in communications networks?

Describe a typical SS # 7 Architecture, show
appropriate illustration. 10 Marks



Write Short Notes on the following aspects of the B-ISDN technology:


Broadband Interactive Services

5 Marks


Broadband Distributive Services

5 Marks

Outline the architecture of switching hierarchy; hence, identify the factors that
influenced the design of the Central Exchange/Office in the PSTN. Support your
description with a relevant illustration.
10 Marks

Question 7

The N-ISDN offers very attractive and competitive services to meet the
high-tech complex customer demands. Diagrammatically, identify,
and hence explain each of these N-ISDN Services.


Design a typical ATM network and explain the functions of each device
in your design.

10 Marks

Question 8


i) Examine the motivating factors behind the development of ATM technology 5 Marks
Outline any three areas that the ATM was developed to support?
5 Marks
Discuss the notable advantages and disadvantages of the ATM technology 5 Marks


i) How will you explain the term QoS as applied in ATM systems?
ii) Discuss the origin and characteristics of the following transmission parameters
that affect the QoS in ATM networks: Network Congestion & Cell Delay

5 Marks
10 Marks

a) Write short Notes on the following telecommunication techniques, grounding your Notes with
suitable diagrams (2.5 Marks Each).
i) Modulation,
ii) Multiplexing,
iii) Modem,
b) What are the driving factors behind the development of B-ISDN Technology
deployed in Communication Networks?

(10 Marks)

c) Discuss the following Transmission media as applied in communications networks.

Support your notes with appropriate illustrations
(5 Marks Each)
i) Fibre Optic Cable
ii) Submarine Cable
iii) Microwave Transmission Link
iv) Satellite Transmission Link


The term PSTN refers to what? Design, label and describe a PSTN of your own choice (10

Discuss the characteristics of the following transmission parameters that affect the QoS delivered
by communication networks (2.5 Marks Each):
i) Propagation Delay
ii) Attenuation,
iii) Echo
iv) Distortion

a) How will you explain the term SS# 7; hence discuss its importance and functions
in the field of Communication Networks?

10 Marks

Outline the following ISDN Interfaces deployed in communication networks,

Provide typical illustrations and data rates
(5 Marks Each)

i) BRI Interface
ii) PRI interface
iii) ISDN Services.


Compare the performance of Analogue Systems with that of Digital Systems, laying emphasis on
their merits and demerits. From your comparison, would you say that, Digital Systems are always
better than Analogue Systems, and why? Provide relevant illustrations to ground your assertion.
10 Marks

b) What features motivated the development of the ATM Technology? (5 Marks)

i) Name and describe any Three ATM Devices.
ii) Outline the Advantages and Disadvantages of the ATM Technology.
iii) Identify and discuss any 3 Applications of the ATM Technology
iv) Explain the terms Network Congestion and Congestion Control as used in communication
networks. (5 Marks Each)




Discuss the two main types of Transmission medium deployed in Communication Networks.
Anchor your discussion with befitting illustrations. State and explain any two Advantages,
Disadvantages and Applications for each type. 10 MARKS


With the aid of diagrams, where appropriate, determine the difference between Circuit Switching
& Packet Switching in terms of: Design, Performance, Advantages & Disadvantages. 10


In communication networks, the term Routing refers to what? Hence, identify and explain any
two types of Routing technique deployed in any PSTN of your choice. 10 MARKS

QN. 14
a) How will you explain the term Transmission Media as used in communication networks?
Describe the kinds of transmission medium employed in communication networks; give one
application of each medium. Support your answers with convincing illustrations.(10 Marks)
b) State and elaborate the Payload Bandwidth (in Kbit/s) and Line Rate (in Kbit/s) of
SONET/SDH systems deployed in following B-ISDN systems: - STS-1, STS-3, STS-12; and
STM-0, STM-1, STM-4 respectively.(10 Marks)
c) What is an ATM switch? Discuss the factors that motivated the development and introduction of
the ATM switching technology. Design an ATM network of your choice by using ATM Devices
and Interfaces; and hence, describe your design and explain how it functions.(10 Marks)

Qn. 15
a) What do you understand by the terms Circuit Switching and Packet Switching as
employed in communication networks? With the aid of sketches, demonstrate the
difference between Circuit Switching and Packet Switching. State the advantages of
Packet Switching over Circuit Switching. (5 Marks)
b) What will you say the term Signalling refers to; and hence, discuss the various
signalling systems and their uses in communication networks, including Signalling
System #7.
(5 Marks)
a) Write short notes on the following communication network terms: Switching Hierarchy
and Central Exchange/Office. Show relevant illustrations to enrich your notes. (5 Marks)
b) Discuss the term PSTN as applied in communications networks; provide a suitable
illustration to anchor your discussion. (5 Marks)
a) Describe the following ISDN terminologies: BRI, PRI, N-ISDN, B-ISDN, state the types
of Channel used and their corresponding bite rates. (5Marks)
b) Give accounts on the following ISDN Services: Bearer Services, Teleservices &
Supplementary Services(5 Marks)
Qn. 18
a) Briefly describe the term FRAD as used in Frame Relay switching systems; and thus,
draw, label and describe a typical Frame Relay Network. (5 Marks)
b) Design an X.25 network of your choice and outline how your design works. (5 Marks)
a) Outline the basic requirements for implementing B-ISDN Architecture. Name and
explain any TWO Applications of B-ISDN. (5 Marks)
b) In your opinion, the term PDH refers to what? Thus, differentiate between PDH
technology and Synchronous technologies (i.e., SONET & SDH technologies). (5
a) What is an ATM Cell? With the aid of diagram, describe the basic format of an ATM Cell.
(5 Marks)

b) In your view, the term QoS refers to what, as applied in ATM switches; and hence,
what is the significance of QoS in ATM switches? Name and discuss TWO key ATM
QoS Parameters. (5 Marks)
a) Describe the term PSTN, what is its importance in communication networks? Provide a
simplified illustration to enhance your description. (10 Marks)
b) Define the term QoS as applied in ATM switches; name and discuss Any 2 QoS Parameters.
What is the significance of QoS in ATM switches? Design, label and describe an ATM network of
your choice employing ATM Devices & Interfaces (10 Marks)
c) Discuss the term Transmission Media; thus, name and describe the kinds of transmission
medium employed in communication networks; state one application of each medium. Provide
relevant diagrams to solidify your discussion. (10 Marks)
a) In Communication Networks, the terms Circuit Switching and Packet Switching refer to
what? Identify and discuss the difference between them (i.e., if any). Use convincing diagrams to
support your position. (5 Marks)
b) How will you explain the term Signalling, as employed in Communication Networks; hence,
discuss the various types of Signalling. What are its functions in Communication Networks? (5
a) Define the term ISDN and explain its importance in communication networks; thus, outline the
following ISND terminologies and state their respective bit rates: BRI, PRI, and the ISDN
Channels (5 Marks)
b) Design a typical ISDN architecture of your choice, label and outline all the ISDN devices and
interfaces you will be deploying in your design. (5 Marks)
a) Explain the following terms as employed in B-ISDN systems: Payload, SONET, SDH, STS,
STM. (5 Marks)
b) Outline the following ISDN Services: Bearer Services, Teleservices & Supplementary Services
(5 Marks)
a) Explain the term Switching Hierarchy, what is its importance in the PSTN. Support your
explanation with a befitting diagram (5 Marks)
b) What would you say a Central Exchange/Office Switching System is all about? What is the
need for it in the PSTN? Provide interesting but relevant illustration to enhance your
submission. (5 Marks)

a) What is an ATM Cell? With the aid of a labelled diagram, describe the basic format of an ATM
Cell. (5 Marks)
b) Outline the basic requirements for implementing B-ISDN Architecture. Name and explain any
TWO Applications of B-ISDN. (5 Marks)
Qn. 27
a) How will you explain the following terminologies as applied in Communication Networks?
Node, Circuit, Channel, Link & Transceiver. (10 Marks)
b) Design a Communication Network of your choice; label and describe your design. Explain how
your design can be used to make a telephone call. (15 Marks)
Qn. 28
a) What do you understand by the following terms as used in Communication Networks? Telephony,
Local Loops & Echo. Provide suitable Illustrations to illuminate your understanding (10 Marks)
b) Explain the term Switching Hierarchy, what is its importance in the PSTN. Support your
explanation with a befitting diagram (5 Marks)
c) What would you say a Central Exchange/Office Switching System is all about? What is the need
for it in the PSTN? Provide interesting but relevant illustration(s) to enhance your discussion. (10
a) In Communication Networks, the terms Circuit Switching and Packet Switching refer to what
respectively? Do you see any difference between them and why? Use convincing diagrams to
back your submission. (20 Marks)
b) Define and outline the functions of the term Signalling as employed in Comm Networks
(5 Marks)
Qn. 30
a) Define and explain the term ISDN, and hence, discuss the following terms: BRI, PRI, N-ISDN,
B-ISDN and Channel Types - with their bite rates. (5Marks)
b) Design a typical but attractive ISDN of your choice, show and describe all ISDN devices and
interfaces you will apply in your design. (10 Marks)
c) Give accounts on the following ISDN Services: Bearer Services, Teleservices & Supplementary
Services (10 Marks)
Qn. 31
a) How do comprehend by the following terms as applied in Communication Networks? Switching,
Local Loops & Echo. Show applicable diagrams to amplifier your comprehension. (10 Marks)
b) Design a conceptual Communication Network of your choice; label and describe your design.
Demonstrate clearly how your design can be utilized to establish a telephone call. (15 Marks)

Qn. 32
a) Discuss the following term s as employed in Communication Networks? Circuit, Node, Route,
Channel & Transceiver. (10 Marks)
b) How will you explain the phrase Central Exchange/Office Switching System? In your opinion,
what is its importance in the PSTN? Show appropriate illustration(s) to augment your
explanation. (10 Marks)
c) Describe the term PSTN, what is its significance in communication networks? Provide a
simplified illustration to enhance your description. (5 Marks)

a) Circuit Switching and Packet Switching are two switching terms frequently used in
Communication Networks. In your judgment, what do these two terms refer to respectively? Do
you really realize any dissimilarity between them, and why? Use persuading sketches to support
your judgment. (20 Marks)
b) How do you understand the term Signalling, and hence, what are its functions in
Communication Networks? (5 Marks)
Qn. 34
a) Define and explain the term ISDN, and thus, outline the following terminologies: BRI, PRI, NISDN, B-ISDN and ISDN Channels (With bite rates). (5 Marks)
b) Design a typical ISDN of your choice, label and outline all the ISDN devices and interfaces you
will be deploying in your heart trick design. (10 Marks)
c) Discuss the following ISDN Services: the Bearer Services, the Teleservices & the Supplementary
Services. (10 Marks)

QN. 35
a) In Communication Networks, the term Transmission Media refers to what? Discuss the
various transmission media employed in telecommunications systems; and hence, give one
application of each medium. Provide suitable illustrations to augment your discussion. (10
b) Outline the following terminologies deployed in B-ISDN: SONET/SDH Networks. State
their Payload Bandwidth (Kbit/s) and Line Rate (Kbit/s) for STS1 to STS 12; and for STM0
to STM4 respectively. (10 Marks)
c) What are the motivating factors behind the development and introduction of the ATM
switching technology into the PSTN? Using ATM Devices and Interfaces, design an ATM
network of your choice, describe your network and show how it will function. (10 Marks)

Qn. 36
a) In Communication Networks, the terms Circuit Switching and Packet Switching
respectively refer to what? Outline the two main types of Packet Switching. What are the
advantages of Packet Switching over Circuit Switching (5 Marks)
b) Discuss the term Signalling System #7; show its importance and functions in the
PSTN. (5 Marks)

a) What would you say a Central Exchange/Office Switching System is all about? Outline
its significance in the PSTN. Provide interesting but relevant illustration(s) to enhance
your discussion. (5 Marks)
b) What is an X.25 Switch? State the limitations of X.25 Networks, and hence design an
X.25 Network of your choice and explain how it will work. (5 Marks)
a) Define and explain the term ISDN, and hence, discuss the following ISDN terms: BRI,
PRI, N-ISDN, B-ISDN and Channel Types state their corresponding bite rates.
b) Give accounts on the following ISDN Services: Bearer Services, Teleservices &
Supplementary Services (5 Marks)
Qn. 39
a) The Frame Relay technology, what is all about? Briefly describe the term FRAD as
used in Frame Relay switching systems; and thus, draw, label and describe a typical
Frame Relay Network. (5 Marks)
b) How will you differentiate between guided and unguided transmission media? Support
your submission with applicable diagrams. (5 Marks)
a) What are the requirements for implementing B-ISDN Architecture? Identify and discuss
any TWO Applications of B-ISDN. (5 Marks)
b) In B-ISDN, the term PDH Technology refers to what? Identify and describe the
difference between PDH technology and Synchronous technologies (i.e., SONET & SDH
technologies). (5 Marks)

a) With the aid of a diagram, describe how ATM Interfaces can be used to design an ATM
network (5 Marks)
b) Define and explain the term QoS as accepted by the Telecommunications Engineering
Community. What is its importance in ATM networks? Mention and comment on the two
critical ATM QoS Parameters. (5 Marks)
c) How will you explain the term Transmission Media as used in communication
networks? Describe the kinds of transmission medium employed in communication
networks; give one application of each medium. Support your answers with convincing
illustrations.(10 Marks)

Qn 42
a) State and elaborate the Payload Bandwidth (in Kbit/s) and Line Rate (in Kbit/s) of
SONET/SDH systems deployed in following B-ISDN systems: - STS-1, STS-3, STS-12;
and STM-0, STM-1, STM-4 respectively.(10 Marks)
b) What is an ATM switch? Discuss the factors that motivated the development and
introduction of the ATM switching technology. Design an ATM network of your choice
by using ATM Devices and Interfaces; and hence, describe your design and explain how
it functions.(10 Marks)
Qn. 43
a) What do you understand by the terms Circuit Switching and Packet Switching as
employed in communication networks? With the aid of sketches, demonstrate the
difference between Circuit Switching and Packet Switching. State the advantages of
Packet Switching over Circuit Switching. (5 Marks)
b) What will you say the term Signalling refers to; and hence, discuss the various
signalling systems and their uses in communication networks, including Signalling
System #7. (5 Marks)
Qn. 44
a) Write short notes on the following communication network terms: Switching Hierarchy
and Central Exchange/Office. Show relevant illustrations to enrich your notes. (5 Marks)
b) Discuss the term PSTN as applied in communications networks; provide a suitable
illustration to anchor your discussion. (5 Marks)


a) Describe the following ISDN terminologies: BRI, PRI, N-ISDN, B-ISDN, state the types
of Channel used and their corresponding bite rates. (5Marks)
b) Give accounts on the following ISDN Services: Bearer Services, Teleservices &
Supplementary Services(5 Marks)

a) Outline the basic requirements for implementing B-ISDN Architecture. Name and
explain any TWO Applications of B-ISDN. (5 Marks)
b) In your opinion, the term PDH refers to what? Thus, differentiate between PDH
technology and Synchronous technologies (i.e., SONET & SDH technologies). (5

a) What is an ATM Cell? With the aid of diagram, describe the basic format of an ATM Cell.
(5 Marks)
b) In your view, the term QoS refers to what, as applied in ATM switches; and hence,
what is the significance of QoS in ATM switches? Name and discuss TWO key ATM
QoS Parameters. (5 Marks)
Question 48

There are two main types of Transmission Medium used in sending and receiving
information. Mention and explain these two main transmission media.
5 Marks


Discuss the following types of transmission medium. State two applications in each case.

Optic Fibre
Microwave Transmission Medium
Satellite Transmission Medium

5 Marks
5 Marks
5 Marks

Question 49

Give detailed explanations to the following terms as used in the ISDN Protocol
BRI vs PRI. Support your explanations with appropriate
5 Marks


With the aid of a block diagram, describe the Model of Communications

Network. Explain the functions of each block in your diagram.

5 Marks

Question 50

Identify and discuss the difference between Circuit Switching and Packet Switching,
provide illustrations
5 Marks


Discuss the following terminologies as used in Telecommunications Engineering:

i) The PSTN
ii) Echo

10 Marks

Question 51

Name and outline any two applications of the Frame Relay Technology

5 Marks


State, and hence, comment on the main advantages and disadvantages of the
Frame Relay Network

5 Marks

Question 52

What will you say Routing in Communications Network is all about? Hence,
outline the Routing Principles and identify the routing types employed in
communications Networks.
10 Marks



What is the purpose of signaling in communications networks?

Describe a typical SS # 7 Architecture, show
appropriate illustration. 10 Marks




Write Short Notes on the following aspects of the B-ISDN technology:


Broadband Interactive Services

5 Marks


Broadband Distributive Services

5 Marks

Outline the architecture of switching hierarchy; hence, identify the factors that
influenced the design of the Central Exchange/Office in the PSTN. Support your
description with a relevant illustration.
10 Marks


Question 54

The N-ISDN offers very attractive and competitive services to meet the
high-tech complex customer demands. Diagrammatically, identify,
and hence explain each of these N-ISDN Services.


Design a typical ATM network and explain the functions of each device
in your design.

10 Marks

Question 55

i)Examine the motivating factors behind the development of ATM technology 5 Marks
ii)Outline any three areas that the ATM was developed to support?
5 Marks
iii)Discuss the notable advantages and disadvantages of the ATM technology. 5 Marks

b) i) How will you explain the term QoS as applied in ATM systems?
5 Marks
ii) Discuss the origin and characteristics of the following transmission parameters that affect
the QoS in ATM networks: Network Congestion and Cell Delay.
10 Marks


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