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Catalina Cuadra

Franco Tavonatti
Michela Angelini
Fernanda Fuentes
Handball roller

Handball roller is a fascinating game played throughout five continents

by over 180 countries and 19 million people all ages, worldwide. First
introduced as an outdoor sport during the 1939 Summer Olympics
program, handball roller has since been an indoor sport in the Summer
Olympics program since 1972.


What is Handball roller?

Handball roller is a competitive team sport which is similar to Handball,
but with some differences. Players have to have balance, because they
use roller skates, so is always exciting to watch. Also, the handball
point goal is special, because it has three hanging targets that equals
to different points.

The game
Who can play the game?
Handball roller is a team sport for two squads of 7 players (six field
players and a goalkeeper). For competition handball roller two referees
are also necessary.

What do you need to play?

Regular indoor handball roller court (see picture):
The court measures 20 meters by 40 meters with wooden or PVC
flooring. The court is larger than a basketball court.
The goal area line, or 6-meter line, is the most important line. No one
except the goalie is allowed to stand in the goal area. The goal opening
is 2 meters by 3 meters. Players may jump into the area if the ball is
released before landing in the area.
The ball:
Team handball roller is played with a 32-panel leather ball. For women,
the ball is 54 to 56 centimeters and 325 to 400 grams. For men, it is 58
to 60 centimeters and 425 to 475 grams.

Players need adequate sports clothing for handball roller. Shorts, shirts
and roller skates are required. They need to be the same colour. The
goalkeeper must wear a different colour shirt from teammates and
opponents. No jewellery is allowed.

Duration of the game:

A handball roller game is played 2x20 minutes, but this can vary
according to the needs of the diverse age categories.
For players 18 years and over, the game consists of 2, 30-minute
halves with 10-minute half-time. For tournament and youth games 2,
15-minute or 2, 20- minute halves. The game ends in a tie unless the
game demands a winner. Overtime consists of 2, 5-minute periods.

Playing the Ball
A player is allowed . . .
-To run with the ball for 3 slips
-To hold the ball for 3 seconds

A player is NOT allowed . . .

-To endanger an opponent with the ball.
-To pull, hit or punch the ball out of the hands of an opponent.
-To contact the ball below the knee.
Defending the Opponent: A player is allowed to use the torso of the
body to obstruct an opponent with or without the ball.

- It can be used two types of roller skates, inline skates or normal roller
skates. But most of players prefer to use inline skates.
- You need to remember to wear a helmet.

The handball roller gate:

Its a special gate. It has hanging targets that have different numbers
written on each of them, and this numbers have points, so you have to
shot the ball to the targets.

Progressive Punishments:

Progressive Punishments: Pertain to fouls that require more

punishment than just a free-throw. "Actions" directed mainly at the
opponent (such as reaching around, holding, pushing, hitting, tripping
and jumping into an opponent) are to be punished progressively.

Warnings (yellow card): The referee gives only one warning to a player
for rule violations and a total of three to a team. The suspended
player's team plays short for 2 minutes.

Disqualification and Exclusion (red card): A disqualification is the

equivalent of three, 2-minute suspensions. A disqualified player must
leave court and bench, but the team can replace player after the 2minute suspension expires.


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