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The red telephone box

The red telephone box, a telephone kiosk for a public telephone designed by Sir Giles
Gilbert Scott, was a familiar sight on the streets of the United Kingdom, Malta, Bermuda
and Gibraltar.
Despite a reduction in their numbers in recent years, the traditional British red telephone
kiosk can still be seen in many places throughout the UK, and in current or former British
colonies around the world. The colour red was chosen to make them easy to spot.
The red phone box is often seen as a British cultural icon throughout the world. Although
production of the traditional boxes ended with the advent of the KX series in 1985, many
still stand in Britain.

The AEC Routemaster is a double-decker bus designed by London Transport and built by
the Associated Equipment Company (AEC) and Park Royal Vehicles. The first prototype
was completed in September 1954 and the last one was delivered in 1968.
The first Routemasters entered service with London Transport in February 1956 and the last
were withdrawn from regular service in December 2005, although one heritage route is still
operated by Routemasters in central London. The first London bus route to be operated by
the Routemaster was route 2, on 8 February 1956.

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