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On behalf of the SOZA Steering Committee (SC), I wish to advise you all on the
1. SOZA Constitution
The draft amended SOZA constitution is ready for your perusal and comments.
Comments should be sent to me via text on telephone number 321-888-7197 or by email
at and should be received by Saturday, October 8, 2016.
There are a lot of progressive ideas in the draft amended constitution which with
implementation and strong support from all SOZA members and sympathizers, should aid
in alleviating some of the recent problems SOZA has encountered and also lead to a
Society we all deserve, serving interests of all Zambians and friends of Zambians in the
Below are some of the salient features of the draft amended SOZA constitution:
a) Revamped mission statement and objectives.
b) To ensure diversity and broad country-wide representation, there shall only be one
nominee for the President, Vice President, Secretary General, and Treasurer
positions from local chapters/associations from regions as delineated by the
Bureau of Economic Analysis.
c) Office terms of 2 years, with possibility of another 2 years upon reelection and
maintains no third-terms.
d) Vote of No Confidence proceedings for individual office bearers as well as the
entire Executive Committee for any conduct, writings or utterances considered to
bring the name of the Society into disrepute.
e) Emphasis on SOZAs non-denominational, non-governmental and non-partisan
stance and prohibition of office bearers taking up political positions.
f) Well-articulated Code of Ethics for office bearers and members.
2. SOZA Elections
a) As earlier advised, elections for new SOZA office bearers under the ambits of the
new constitution is schedule for 2 pm on Saturday October 22, 2016 at PVS
Center, 745 Beaver Ruin Rd., Lilburn, GA 30047. The elections will precede the
Association of Zambians in Atlanta (AZA) evening gala dinner dance in
celebration of Zambias 52nd independence anniversary. This is a momentous
occasion to usher in the re-birth of SOZA and will be graced by the attendance of
high ranking dignitaries from the Zambian Embassy in Washington, DC. Please
advise members of your communities of this occasion and encourage them to
travel to Atlanta for the SOZA elections and AZA gala dinner dance.

b) All those seeking to stand for any of the available seven (7) positions, should get
well versed with the new constitution guidelines on elections and should forward
their nominations to me. They can also commence campaigning in their
regions/communities and well as with other regions.
c) To cater for SOZA members who wont be able to travel to Atlanta, alternate
voting arrangements via phone text and/or online are being made. Full details on
these will be advised in due course. Please also advise on the best ways of
reaching as many people as possible in your communities so that no one is
The SC greatly appreciates the support of all SOZA members and sympathizers to fully
execute the stated mandates. Its intent and goals are not to supplant would-be office
aspirants, but to come up with a platform to build the SOZA we all deserve.
Samson Maswau
SC Communication Liaison Officer

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