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Exodus 20:15

Do not steal: Be Generous

Love in Action
Not thankful
MATTHEW 6:31-32-33
31 Do not worry then, saying, What will we
eat? or What will we drink? or What we will
wear for clothing?
32 For the pagans run after all these things,
and your heavenly Father knows that you
need them.
33 But seek first his kingdom and his
righteousness, and all these things will be
given as well.
Do not steal:

Be Generous
Why Money?
a. Pray 371x
b. Believe - 272x
c.Love -714x
d. Give- 2,162x
e. Money, possessions 2,350 x
f. Parables of Jesus almost 50%
Matthew 6:31 -32 -33
Luke 16:31
Acts 20:35
Luke 6:38
John 3:16
Generous: Grace
Generous- Mercy
Provervs bs: 3:9-10
1 Corintians 16: 1-2
Malache 3:6-10
2 Corintians 8:1-8


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